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BRAZIL PURGE / Schools now closed!

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IT'S HAPPENING! (thread cont!)




Stop spreading fake news.
Not fake your moron. Whose paying you? And how much?
It ain't fake, my dude. Espírito Santo has gone to shit.
How much is CNN paying you? Are they really that upset cause they didn't break the story first? Or is it because this proves what happens with "refugees" and no immigration policy.

GTFO shill cuck.

There is no "purge", just robberies, which is routine.

Also it's contained to one insignificant state, our equivalent of Wyoming. No one gives a shit.
Thank you for being honest. Don't know why so many shills are being sent to destroy this news piece.
designated robbery states
Dead people lying on the street, MASSIVE car hijacking and robberies, shooting at reporters and people in the streets (watch the videos) and countless assaults all in the past few hours.. shit is going downhill fast
I wouldn't say that... Even the hardcore conditioned residents are crying out for help. Schools have been shut down
why isn't this in the mayne stream meteor?
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How do you cancel schools, stupid fucks, it's called closing, not cancelling.
Let's blame it on the Dominicans for destroying yet another country. First, it's Haiti, then Venezuela, then Spain, then Costa Rica, then Chile, then the United States, now Brazil!!!
So is the reason the MSM is not covering this because they don't want to show a multicultural country blow up?

Like when the British media was banned from mentioning Elton John cheated on his husband, because it was one of the first gay marriages and within a year there was adultery?
That's just a regular day in Brazil.
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What is habbeding? Did the monkeys escape?
What a disgusting breed, I feel the bile welling up in my throat watching these savages

Vile monkeys.
Holy FUCK, there are bodies on the streets indeed!

Damn, this would never happen in a country where the good people are the ones armed.
So this is a look at what the US will be like in a few years under Trump.
Finally an honest Brazilian. Why are your fellow countrymen lying so passionately?
>brazilian education
desu, shit is normal kek
>routine robbery raids

The reason the MSM is not covering is because there is nothing going on.

There is no "purge", only robberies, which happen all the time. Nothing news worthy.

/pol/ is fake news
They're shills. Being paid by some outside organization. Shits not supposed to be covered, and PO has to come in and fuck everyone's agenda up lmaoooo
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>shilling this hard
I live in where it's happening
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So huebros, now that we have our own shills can we meme a neo-con into the presidency?

>é mais fácil contratar um esquadrão armado com armas de ranque militar do que o cidadão médio comprar uma pistoleta pra se defender

me faz pensar
Is this Brazil? Or is this California 2 minutes after every Trump Tweet?
Right I call bullshit on this until I see video proof
They were shooting random people here
Who's purging who though?
Who cares about Brazil. It is the Germany of South America.
> http://www.politicaloutsource.com


He is correct.


You are fucking retarded.
The US will look like that movie "idiocracy" in 50 years or so. Brazil 2.0
wish this happened in the US.

Even libtards would see the true nature of niggers as they chimpout when cops are no longer protecting the libtards.
I tend to distrust OPs written in all caps. As bad as a police strike is I wouldn't call it a purge.
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>just another criminality spike after a police strike in one state

I know you guys WANT happenings but this one isn't a major one.

Schools are always shut down when something happens, be it police going on strike, an advice of harsh weather or whatever.
Depends what city or state you live, and the people who doing the purging are antifas and niggers. Unlike Brazil that the majority of the civilians are unarmed, the people will shoot the antifas and niggers and end the madness very quickly, if they live in a city or a state where they allow you to defend yourself, your family, and your property.
you dont understand.

its a reference to the movie series "Purge"
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Any livestreams of happenings?
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Are we not using the archive anymore.

>not clicking anything anymore

this fucking sucks. I'm sorry this is going on. the purge movie was supposed to get americans to revolt but it makes sense this is happening in south america.

we ought to help


the purge was a psy op to put government as a moral maxim. it implies that without government you'd be a murdering thug (((WHICH IS UNTRUE)))

unless you get a lot of retards who believe in this.

we have some in the usa. but they're easy to distract.

good luck brazil
>I know you guys WANT happenings

I've been waiting since 2012 damnit, where's The Happening already.
Mas é verdade, anão. Eu já tive o desprazer de ter de passar pela situação de usar escolta.
É muito mais fácil contratá-los do que adquirir porte de arma.
nice digits
is it a "HAPPENING" or not?
but it is true there is no purge, i live in Espirito Santo
>>TV Crew filmed the killing of a gas station employee. Shot fired at TV Crew. The story was not aired.
>>Same moment from inside a car where a guy was filming. The shots directed at TV Crew where shot from right behind that car
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>So this is a look at what the US will be like in a few years under Trump.

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.
no, it is just shitskins killing each other over purified water as usual. Nothing to see here.
kys retard
just an other day in south america, senpai
Stop shilling your crappy website
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tomar no cu

No one. /pol/ is fake news.
arm yourself and defend what you love anon
i like hues tho. they make based shitposts.
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We need a brazil goy to narrate the happenings to us.
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NOW you know why the MSM isn't covering it. CNN, FOX, MSNBC all have agendas to push, this shit isn't suppose to reach the level it's reaching, but political outsource basically just said "fuck your agendas" and gave it the reporting it deserved... Now a shit ton of shills are coming out of their caves to try and derail it.
Reminder that OP is just a (you) starved brazilian.
Let this thread die, there's nothing significant going on.
school gets cancelled for a school day

people are saying canceled to give the impression that it will open again

schools closing means they wont open again.

english is hard.

post videos

There are no happenings, OP is a fag and a liar.
Political Outsource is updating nearly a live stream. There twitter account is pretty cool to follow rn
Both links don't work uploading video ?

Good thing democrats don't have guns.
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I too live in Epirito Sante and can also confirm that nothing is happening here and /pol/ shouldn't pay any attention to this Brazillion state(?) and return to our usual operations whatever they may be.
fake and gay
I know and it's nothing like that
If I close it doesn't mean I won't open it again

Perhaps attendance will be cancelled, then it should be written in a different way.

3hard4me man
About 22 deaths in about 3 days which is about a month's worth, spike in criminality following the police strike which has happened several times before, shit is going down there but sadly sensationalist shills got a hold of it.

Watch out for a new Purge movie announcement soon.
Lives in Brazil

>flag says Canada
Hola fellow epiritonian there seems to be a big push to discredit our state (?). I am currently out on the main square and all is fine
>the purge was a psy op to put government as a moral maxim.
>it implies that without government you'd be a murdering thug (((WHICH IS UNTRUE)))
Please show me a society without government that wasn't a bunch of marauders killing people for personal wealth
I don't think it has anything to do with multicultiralism. Hell, all people in the videos are brown, where's the "multi" here?
I guess it's more about anti-gun fags ignoring what would happen in a failed state scenario.
why are you guys shooting around, you're poor
>22 deaths oh vey literally nothing
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Brazilfag here. Wee have over 66k violent deaths a year. We're going in for a record in this one, but this is nothing out of the ordinary. When police go on strike, thugs start shooting each other. I'd say, let them fight and then the cops would go around finishing the rest.


"Brazil swings to the right, setting the stage for a Trumplike leader"

Getter done /pol/.


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Good shit lad. Thanks for the tip.
Problem is, innocent people are dying.
People looting and shooting shit are repeat offenders that never got jailed to begin with because the jails are always fucking full, there are a million reasons why they loot and shoot shit to begin with but the prime reason is drugs, most killings were probably between rival gangs.
Also the cops and that state's politicians should all be fired for being so incompetent.
It's not a chimpout, it's a nation-wide war between two organized criminal factions for the control of drug distribution.

In each state the police sides with one of the factions.

Democrats love this shit. It's Darwinian evolution at it's best.
If they close the border, it won't open again. Capiche?
ah I see. How does law enforcement deal with this or do they turn a blind eye to the matter?
>police being dicks
>schools fucked

Sounds like every other day in Brazil.
>setting the stage for a Trumplike leader

Of course we're doing it. The only ones to blame for that disaster currently happening is our socialist government. We don't want that anymore.
It is not Brazil. It is only Espírito Santo state. It is a police strike. ES state is in "homo homini lupus" stage now.
Stop shilling asshole.
I'm listening to radio all morning and nothing is mentioned about strikes on Es
Venezuela has been purging for awhile and no one noticed.
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starving to death is not purging
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>article immediately starts virtue signalling by calling the guy a hwite male
>written by Nick (((Miroff)))
Fucking skypes every time
People care about Venezuela when it benefits their political view.
Most of them are probably being bribed by drug gangs and it's a lot easier and safer to just fill the prisons with minor criminals like weedlmaos and mostly ignore the rest, it really depends a lot on the state.

I wouldn't mind a police state and harsher laws for a few decades, this impunity mindset has been going on for way too long.
We care about Venezuela, but they chose their leader in Hugo Chavez and the leftists loved him there.
Now they got a dictatorship-like State, same that is probably going to happen here once Luis Inácio Lula da Silva is elected again because of our voting machines are easily messed up with.
christ, sounds like you need a savior.
It's Brazil, what's the problem?

starvation is part of their purge. still tons of people are getting killed.
digits confirms
We need a totalitarian state.

Binge and purge.
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Innocent people always died, bro. But we're safe, since people can't carry guns, right? Right??

>> No one gives a shit

That's why your country is a fucking shit hole
Interesting.. would you like to see it in bigger cities or country wide?
Some fresh loot videos
This guy is partialy right.
People here is subhuman in different aspects, in a sense, they don't care if someone gets killed, it's a tragedy and so forth.
But if a politician steal 2 dollars from public funding - while the people pay taxes enough to sustain 50 families while not being able to sustain their own or build a business, 'free' health care, 'free' housing , 'free' money, 'free' college - they go on a rampage on the street demanding the head of the politician.
The easier job here is to ignore any brazilian altogether, they're not worth it, honestly speaking, their values is much too fucked up by Cultural Marxism and they often don't care about anything that's actually happening, killings, robberies, murders, rapes, they only want attention.
If the United States of America had 66k deaths in a year, it would enter into Martial Law, here it happens and people live their lives as if it wasn't their business.
Detail: Guns are forbbiden by law since 2003~2005 - Under Luís Inácio Lula da Silva - so every murder is considered to be done by 'illegal' guns when not police related and used as an excuse to have even harsher gun-control.
We're doomed.

Okay okay fine. "Brazil is in crisis in the first month of TRUMP PRESIDENCY"
Cant trust you to make the right call with a gun, Pedro. Better give it to this state policeman with no degree and low pay, he is sure to be able to make the right call.
It was a joke, like "we're a danger to ourselves". Citizens having the right to carry guns would be a lot more effective.
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I hope they purge themselves of the map, fucking hue hue scum.
Can you imagine kids going out and making blood angels and bodypart men
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>be brazilian
>get robbed, stabbed and raped
>don't give a shit
Bolsonaro wants people with the right to use assault rifles, not sure if he's a candidate but already got my vote, atleast I can defend my fucking family.
oh anon
>Be Brazilian
>Go to see a weeding
>Get shot
so business as usual
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What we need is a governmental purge, there's no point in throwing money at something if that money isn't used well to begin with.

Here's what I would do:

Purge any leftist propaganda that empowers niggers, this is honestly one of the biggest problems, did you ever see any Brazilian ""cultural"" export that didn't involve niggers or favelas?

Stop jailing useless weed kids and free up space for actual criminals, put them in public service for several months instead.

Less gun control, right now it's almost impossible for a normal citizen to get one.

Solving the drug problem would be more complicated, maybe decriminalizing small quantities of weed and letting people grow their own could be a good start, a Lava-Jato-style purge of drug kingpins could also work, put cops in the favelas.

Better education, right now only uneducated niggers with no future prospects are criminals, graph shows murder rates between people with different schooling levels.

Of course these things would only work if we had an efficient government.
The shooter was pretty nonchalant about it. Got any context?
>so business as usual

No, there are no cops shooting back.


But I was considering Caiado, because he's more prepared as a candidate.
>Lava-Jato-style purge of drug kingpins could also work

Not gonna happen with so many high-profile politicians and army officials neck-deep into it.
You got it wrong, those weed kids vote for commies. You guys need mass executions for any felon.
Not to mention that if the weed kids stay in jail long enough, they become dangerous criminals out of spite and anger.
That post was underrated as fuck
Fuck career politicians, I want an animal in the government to kill the animals we have in the street.
It was a caudillo stuff. Some person of the shooter family was killed years ago due to an order of the shot "colonel". Alagoas state is Brazilian Albania.
Bolsonaro would make a good minister of justice but honestly he's fucked in the head in many other ways, the fucker want to give our space launch base to fucking USA and said we "need to know our place", while slurping kike cock.

Is this really our "nationalistic" candidate?
It also doesn't help that he has been a politician since forever and never did anything of note, to me he's just a parasite who is riding on the current right-wing wave for popularity.
i'm saying this again for your sake, BRAZIL IS LIKE THAT BECAUSE THEY NEVER SENT THEIR SLAVES BACK, THEY ARE ALL MIXED WITH THAT, OTHER COUNTRIES YOU WOULD NEVER SEE A BLACK WALKING AROUND. other south american countries are actively aggressive toward them, they are niggers and the other countries hate them
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He's not wrong, we're not a first world country, we're a third world country even worse than Mexico.
Just do an online comparison and see what I'm talking about, people here have should know how inferior we are in comparison to other nations, our government is abusing it's people by telling them lies of grandeur and taxing us to hell, we need to get rid of all of them.
Atleast Bolsonaro is fucking realistic, we need help, look at America that have 100 million more people and how developed they are and how fucked up we are letting the UN command us in every respect.
We're a sinking ship that will end up just like Venezuela and Cuba if it keeps going this way.
Thank you for Correcting the Huecord
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See for yourself.
What does being nationalistic even mean if the guy say that and when he get into government he sell everything to Chinese or to the UN?
That's a falsehood, he's been preaching the same since way before we started gasping for air and seeing how bullshit the socialists are.
We need to get rid of Cultural Marxism at all costs.

wtf i love mexico now
IRC Argentina didn't send their slaves back, they simply sent the males to die in their wars en masse and women got BLEACHED
Fucking liars... better kill them again!
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BR Duterte when?

Besides...there are a lot of animals around. There would have to be someone bloodthirsty enough to start chopping the heads of the crime kingpins around here. Otherwise the status quo will remain unharmed.
Yeah, it´s called 'monday' around here. News at 11.
B-but they lived in the popular vote!
We're already bordering bankruptcy, there wouldn't be money enough to pay for helicopter fuel.
We need something more pragmatic, killing college teachers would be a good start to stop spreading Cultural Marxism, afterwards having police officers less care for "Human Rights" and actually being able to do their jobs would be refreshing.
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>killing college teachers

Nah, that wouldn't work.

Remember Herzog? They would become martyrs. There's a growing hate towards politicians and that's what should happen to then.

First assassinate the reputation of a corrupt scumbag, then give him the Mussolini massage.
>how to make the population even more retarded in one fell swopp
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>>>helicopter fuel

Even our haitian refugees are leaving to Chile. Sad!
There was growing hate against politicians and people gave us Lula in 2003.
This started so much shit we'll need 50 years to recover.
>Implying college teachers are teaching anything worth learning anyway
Muh racism, muh social justice, marx did nothing wrong, revolution is ok goys, let's redistribute the land and kill all farmers.
Teachers should be the first ones to hang.
So basically, trash talk and kill every living soul in HUE?
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>We're already bordering bankruptcy, there wouldn't be money enough to pay for helicopter fuel.

Holy shit...
but a big spike in criminality after the police refuse to enforce laws is literally what a Purge is?
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...is anything going on?
We have 168 deaths by firearm each day in the country when all police officers are working.
Checked. It´s not a purge, but a feud.
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Criminal faction leaders within the senate, (((human right activists))) etc.

The regular João is fine by me, so no need to chop chop him.
In that case any police strike in history was a purge, the difference is that it's Brazil so people tend to generalize and sensationalize.
Nothing out of the ordinary 2bh
yes, it is literally true that every police strike leads to a purge

sorry your country sucks so hard
Are you implying state has to intervene? What are you, a commie?

Finally the glorious AnCap utopia has appeared.
Espirito Santo is pretty fucking irrelevant desu.
>AnCap utopia
>article specifically states that there are dead bodies lying in the streets
Nice try, commie

>T H I S
>he says that while holding a sign that says "we want more third world niggers"
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The Federal Government send troops after the state asked. The people literally have to pick a ticket on the police station just to have a report filled and the vaccination of yellow fever was suspended in the state.
But everything is fine. Just fake news. RANDOM SPIKE HURR DURR
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The parentheses were implying it was a Jewish trick to make people believe anarchy can be stable
Violence here is War levels on a nation not engaged in any.

>don't mind me good sir, i'm just here for our scheduled robbery. I'll be back on the 10th for the VCR, probably around 3pm
Just wondering, when do we start shooting commies?
It's a new normal here under communists and Cultural Marxism.
>Criminals are not criminals, they are 'members excluded from society and their violence is justified'
People got used to it and that is why most of these retards don't care if it didn't happened to them.

>schools are closed?
>Police refuses to intervene?
>Media refuses to cover the story to keep everything under the rug and to dont spread the chaos?
>People are randomly shooting/killing/pillage?
And there's nothing out of the ordinary?
So your everyday robbery and murdering? Sometimes I feel like Brazil is one of these countries with weapons in their flags.
>85,66% less likely to be murdered
Holy shit
After u

Yeah, more people in prison and less people murdered. Hows does that work?

Are we talking about nation-wide riots or just the nigger infested northeastern states?

No news about anything happening in the south.
They are covering it, just not in a sensationalist way.

Right here in the front page.
How the hell do these shitholes get to this point though?

Like what causes things to get so bad that police just go on strike and let everything turn to anarchy?

[spoiler]I almost wonder how interesting it'd be if it ever occurred in a first world country like the US or Europe.[/spoiler]
It's in ES aka Rio's favelado backyard.

Slavery was a mistake.
>Communists stole all tax money
>Can't pay the police
>Communists have people pushing for human rights for criminals
>Police can't kill them
That's your recipe.
cool country you live in there bruv.
Unfortunately the same will happen here soon

Probably what happens on ours:

> police go on strike
> judge rules as illegal
> they go back
I'm so sick of this
They didn't get a salary readjustment for 7 years and benefit payments are late because the state is fucking broke.
Your problem is cultural, you'll all get tired of fighting against muslims and convert.
And they have a cultural machine stronger than anything else on earth.

We need a wall ASAP.

If these fucking subhumans decide to migrate en mass there's literally nothing we can do.

No that they're not coming more and more every year but still, we have to do something before it's too late.

We have laws where certain public safety professions are not legally allowed to strike. Remember when Reagan fired every air traffic controller and then banned the strikers for life from getting ATC jobs? That's why. He had to send an extremely strong message
>Don't know why so many shills are being sent to destroy this news piece
Really, you don't? It's because (((they))) don't want the world to see how badly communism/socialism will actually fuck up a nation.
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No. This is 100% state of nature. Plus, police death squads, which use these strikes for killing thugs. Pic related: the most famous death squad in Espírito Santo was Scuderie Le Coq
They aren't allowed here either, Justice already declared it illegal but the cops don't fucking care.
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Nobody gives a fuck about Espírito Santo. It's a flyby state.
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Not picking a fight, but what is a sensationalist way? They gave the ex president wife's funeral a 15 minutes coverage and 30 seconds on that the 6 AM news (primeiro jornal?)
One "important" person died against 22 "monkeys"? Is that sensationalism?

>>Mommy, if you not come back i'll kill you and your son. Thats on the article in pic related

It is "normal" on Brazil, but look at the quantity of similar accounts. Old woman begged on her knees for criminal no to kill her.

It only counts when is a pro-Lula sob story?
It is called being a man, Finland.
Not that you would know anything about it.
How does that make any sense?
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>Implying our problem isn't cultural either
This is the graph showing the evolution of murder rate in Brazil in the last 30 years (blue line; the orange one is Rio de Janeiro State). Considering that the ammount of blacks and mulattoes didn't have a significant changing, the obvious conclusion is that we have a HUGE nurture (cof! *culural Marxism* cof!) problem.
I'm not saying they shouldn't cover it (they are), I'm just saying that they aren't covering it in a retarded way like OP's link.

The funeral coverage can go fuck itself too.
Diego, you're lying to me! Why don't you quit fucking wasting my time and come clean? You're just an attention-seeking whore trying to drum up bussiness!
Y'all niggas need fascism

Damn, that's some crazy shit. Kinda bummed it can't happen here though :(
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Another fun graph.

Black homicides vs white homicides.
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Holy shit, the shills are working overtime on /pol/ it seems. Shit is going down here in Espirito Santo and they come to say that "nothing is going on".

Fucking hell, I wish I had a gun and had more people to join me killing these niggers on the streeet, we won't have another chance like this.
But unlike US we don't have statistics about the murders' race, because muh petismo/tucornos,
This graphs are fake, we have less than 10% white, they are counting pardos as white and increasing our murder rates.
Niggers need to die.

Baseball bats can be adequate self defense amigo

Oh right anon, go pick a machete or something, cut a few niggers and post pics here.

> shit is going on

This is the same shit that happens everytime the police goes on strike. Gtfo underage.
Wolf Blitzer, why do you lie so much?


I don't know about you, but I've never seen a single case of an actual blue-eyed pure white man robbing someone.

Even in the south, I would pay you 100 reais to find an actual white in jail for robbery or rape or murder.
I live in the related state and my neighbour killed two robbers trying to invade his home with a fucking barbecue stick then threw their bodies at a huge dumpster nearby with zero fucks given.
What a time to be alive...
thought that was always the case.. kek
Your tax dollars at work, 0.6% of the national budget is for (((communication/PR)))

We need a mortadela pepe
I don't even know where to find those, people don't play baseball here. I have some machetes though, but you can't fight guns with machetes. And besides, I'm on the countryside, shit is calm here for now.
You should naturally take it with a grain of salt but it shows that darker-looking people also commit more crimes, how white the white person actually was doesn't matter.
My graph is about general murders.
Once again: we didn't have a change in our demographics, unlike US. But murder rate increased a lot in the last 35 years. I believe (like Euclides da Cunha believed, read the second part of "Os Sertões") that our main problem is related with nurture rather than nature.


Or Atlantis

Or Japan

Or Antarctica
> 22 deaths in 3 days
> months worth
Child's play, here in Chicago 22 niggers die every 2 hours s
Wait, are there that many people from espirito santo on /pol/?
I thought the place was like acre and rare as fuck.

People trolling.
ain't seen the flick in a minute. Used to be my favorite.
>Espirito Santo

I bet 70% of the country can't find it in a map.
I'm always around. But I think we're few here on /pol/
>Fucking hell, I wish I had a gun and had more people to join me killing these niggers on the streeet, we won't have another chance like this.
You deserve everything that comes to you from the moment you didn't bought a gun already.

The police has the right to strike because they have guns, therefore, rights. You do not have guns, therefore, no right to protest. No guns are like farm animals so it is okay that you suffer.
SP and the South are most of /pol/, since we are basicly racists.

the rest found pol and keeps getting offended we want out of this shit country.


Just because you used to tell a shitty joke, it's not instantly going to be funny.
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Ahh, the often overlooked propaganda budget. Every country's staple in tax consumption.

Yes, but what pisses me off is the hypocrisy.

Racism is literally the most 'shunned' crime in Brasil. BRASIL, a country where 60 thousand people get murdered per year, corruption and drug trafficking is rampant, and some 'I don't see colour' fags keed telling us that 'racism is the worst crime you can commit'.

It's absolute bullshit how hypocritical people are. Remember when that qt 3.14 called the goalkeeper a monkey and suddenly people where trying to burn her house down, threatening to kill her and shit?
Tell me why no one burns the home of Fernandinho Beira-Mar, or the local nigger that killed a hard working man?

Blacks and darker people commit ALL the crimes, that's a fact and there's literally nothing wrong with pointing it out.
Only in this third world monekey-filled shithole being a racist is worse than being a murderer.
I heard 18 gunshots yesterday, and saw three robberies from my balcony.
>went out at 3am to buy cigs, fuck it
>lady at the cashier says they've just been robbed so theres no change
>get cigs and NOPE the fuck out of there, driving on the wrong side of the road
Things are getting more and more intense everynight. The guys who handle the bodies (DML) went into the strike too yesterday, so there are literally bodies all over, just rotting away with no one to pick it up
Pretty cool tbqh
>tfw apocalypse
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Come on, man. I wanted to get one legally, but there are so many barriers that it's almost impossible. But after this I'll find a way to get one illegally.
vv or vitoria?
>Remember when that qt 3.14 called the goalkeeper a monkey and suddenly people where trying to burn her house down

Just a rember that Grêmio is the official /pol/ team
>founded by germans
>did not allow blacks until god knows when
>calls their rivals monkeys
>won in the same year as Trump
Share some of that local chaos with your friend Venezuela.

Don't be stingy.
Neither, I'm from a small city on the countryside. But I work on Vitória on weekdays.
The one thing that really pissed me off. (((THEY))) pay more to tell the citizens that they gonna have houses than to actually build houses (Housing was 0.0% in the last report)

>not printing your own gun
>not arming your personal militia with it
>not using them to kill blacks and harvest organs
It is like you deserve to be a cuck.
Take some pics next time you get ciggys

Think of Brazil like a HUGE Chicago.

There you go.
>Wanting nigger organs transplanted on you
It's like you want to become one.
Man take a picture of your balcony. Come on!

> totally happened

Post pic from balcony then.
You can stick em in an icebox and sell them to the Chinese where they either use it or eat it
I live in vv. The situation here is horribly intense, but I heard vitória is even worse
>tfw got completely bumfuck wasted yesterday
>tfw all colleges cancelled the classes for safety
>tfw party time again in the mist of the Purge
>tfw hosted bbq yesterday so have tons of supplies
>tfw live by myself in a safe building on a high floor
>tfw two balconies to watch shit go down from
This is pretty comfy
This happens every day in St. Louis, Detroit, Chicago... This isn't a fucking happening.
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Just so you know, yesterday Vitoria (capital os ES) had a black pride, wich was named parade of curly hair pride cause... black is raacist (not even kidding), just hours before this shit started to happen

>Designated robbing states
>Simply routine my man
>It's not going to shit
you can't say preto?
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lol did that really happen? Maybe they made the article in anticipation, I can't believe these niggers really did that yesterday in the middle of chaos.
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>shit happened in dead middle of the night
>post photo
Here is one my friend took from his window
Until your apartment gets burned down. With you in it
Preto has always been racist, Negro is (was?) the PC term.
Funny how it's the inverse in burgerland.

Depends on the region.
Dominicans destabilized Brazil.
Wow. Moneys walking down the street.
Saying Preto = Nigger started being racist in 1996.
Before that everyone made nigger jokes and so forth even on TV.
Nope. not refering to people. I know a guy who lost 50 thousand grand for saying it to a costumer

I guess everything going on is a black pride parade....
is there a specific reason for everything happening in brazil now?
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Let's check liveleak shall we?

video number one: from exactly a month ago;
(GORE, be adviced)

Video number two (compilation of different video's)


>b-but nothing is w-w-wrong - t.brasil alphabet agency agent
I am from Spain. I assumed negro was still accepted, but I've always heard preto in Brazilian music and thought it was widely accepted.
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They are inside one of the most expensive buildings in the city, you cuck
Here is how the hospital looks like
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Would you rather be a muslim Arab living in middle east or christian Brazilian?

Both places are miserable in its own way.
Leftists stole all the money from the government, everyone is broke, police can't get paid, shit ensues.
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>someone mentions organ theft
>you first think of putting them inside off you

Why not sell them ?
They're walking down a street you monkey. Inside a building?
>falling for Veja's "pt stole everything" narrative
>forgetting that the whole world is near broke right now because of (((bankers)))
>accepting the new chevron shills as leaders
Ok then
Our crisis was entirely caused by Dilma and her friends you fucktard.
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Never got that right.

You call someone black "preto" and they lose their shit. What the fuck are they? Blue?

We have cities full of niggers. You can't help niggers. When niggers wont help themselves.
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With some population control we could save the country even up to Brasilia (but excluding northern Minas Gerais, of course) there's plenty of whites and good farm land in MS and GO.
Pretty common om Brazil to be honest.

You best pray to the God-Emperor that the US doesn't end up the same.
Just purge blacks and commies. get Germans after it collapses to Make Brazil White Again.
Caterinenses, how are things in your things?

Is it still the best southern state to live? Or is it currently Paraná?
Go fuck yourself, leftist mongrel, I hope you die a horrible death you nigger faggot.
Please tell me you don't consider people like this white(the brown guy in the video)
Fun thing he says he's a refugee.
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2018 will be the year of our messiah for he shall save us from left wing chaos.
>how are things in your things?
Brazilian and border cross here but if I were a filthy Arab I'd probably """"migrate"""" the Sweden or Germany and fuck degenere white chicks
Procede clã? Rx bolsomito pitanguinha Bolomisto 2018
I will never understand the gringos' obsession with shitty favela music.
We have good things, I swear.
so an average day in brazil
>I guess everything going on is a black pride parade...

hahahaha yeah, it's like it haven't ended yet
Boi Serbia and Brazil are both shit now
fortunately, no
Just morons from Riga I'm from Outskirts hate rap with guts (except Russian)
Is HE white though?
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Feels good man. I hate these Gibs.
Will they get purged?
Obviously not, he's dark even for favela standards
Our """"whites"""" are the moorish south europeans.
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>It started with...
Coming to a town near you.

That's because it's politically and socially (((correct))).
Wtf he's not even close to white, why would he be considered white here?
Well, it could eventually end up inside of you. Better not risk it.
Because mongrel countries like Algeria and turkey considers themselves white.
Both countries that had white slaves and mixxed, they are just arabs with a slightly whiter skin.
>implying only Pt is left
>implying Psdb isn't left too
Same shit is happen in a city here called Adana, cops literally skip certain neighborhoods because there's too many shootings and riots
Even your rainbow six siege operator is a nigger and your map is a favela
It's all just one big cartel, the parties pretend to hate each other but in the end they all benefit from fucking us over.

The Republic was a mistake.
>21 posts by this ID
>shilling this hard
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Stop using that term, honestly it makes you look like a underage kid
But we need to meme him into office. We need a Bolsonaro Pepe
its being reported worldwide now
wish there were camera streams like in purge so we could watch favela niggers chimp out
If you read my posts you would realize I'm mostly just shitting on my country.
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We have our very own /weed/man
This fucker was the creator of the MST.
He should be gassed.
>just robberies, which is routine.
with dead people laying in the streets, stores being looted, and cars being shot at as they drive down the street.
This is why Americans will not give up their guns.
We didn't gave up ours, they left a plebiscite for people to vote on it, we choose to keep them, but still they made laws that turned it impossible to buy one legally.
lol, a couple of videos and the people go apeshit wth 'MUH PURGE'.LOOOL, this is why I don't consume news media anymore.

It's funny because the cops that are on strike are CLEARLY doing something ilicit (a judge already stated the strike to be ilegal) and because our constitution says that security is a essential service, these moron cops will be fucked later on.
>then the United States
Not yet bro.
But when/if it does happen here, it will be a big ass IT'S HAPPENING.
And the useless normie majority keeps falling for the 'hurr durr PSDB i far-right' meme. It´s pathetic.
>No respect for authority
Just die already.
Your rage should be turn to fucking socialists.
So HUEs, are we going to meme bolsonaro 2018 or who else?
>Damn, this would never happen in a country where the good people are the ones armed.
At least not near as bad.
>So this is a look at what the US will be like in a few years under Trump.
Only because the leftists won't give up power, and let the next Pres, elected legally, do his job.
someone translate
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Kek wills it
These happenings should happen during his campaign, too bad until 2018 everyone will forget this and vote for Lula or another son of a bitch instead. Fuck this gay country
>Defending useless fucks who literally sit on their asses while niggers loot several cities because boohoo my benefits during the worst recession in decades
I hope you aren't planning to strike on my state, or else I would get you fired.
>Not paying cops
>Wanting them to work
Ok, Dilma, we tire of you already.
I still have some hope left, in 2016 PT and all other leftist parties got fucked pretty hard in the municipal elections.
We only have leftist parties, conservatives don't exist in our country.
Remember who caused that recession?... Fucking nigger.
But that happened because Operação Lava Jato was going on. Unfortunatelly everyone forgets things too fast in Brazil, things have to happen during the election for it to work.
>implying this isn't just a normal monday
They were getting paid, just not the full benefits because the state is fucking broke.
What they are doing is fucking illegal and they know it, they are holding the state hostage.
Just as bad as the niggers.

It is still going on.
This is not being covered by the American MSM.....WHY?
Because it's the 'new normal' around here, I doubt they'll covered since even our MSM will put warm blankets in it.
You guys don't report on far bigger happenings so this isn't a surprise.
PO is retarded clickbait too.
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You know (((why)))
Yeah, last two protest/revolts two cameraman died (with police protection)... No way in hell international jornalists are going to go there without police protection.
Also Espirito Santo is not really a capital, I doubt any of MSM news orgs have a office there
they'll get it covered*
Someone bake the new /hue/ general
>look outside
>all is fine
>look MSM
>all is fine
They're probably just misinformed, there isn't much coverave by big news. If you look for local news you find it, however.
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