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/mmgo/ Make México Great for Once - "OXXO" Edition

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Thread dedicated for the (attempted) discussion of Mexican politics, meme creation and the pursuit of happiness

>English preferred as Lingua Franca unless it greatly interfieres with the posible interpretation of what you want to say

Last Threads

Main theme (Because that's what we always end up talking about): Separatism
Mehico Grande
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Méjico, Wooo
I'm >>107744274
and i just made it over the boarder, what's the next step in our master plan bring white women back to our homeland?
>You are me

>If you have a white woman
Put some funny powder in her fajitas, tick her in a piñata and come back

>If you have a woman that is not white
Have as manny children with her as beanerly possible in order to destroy gringoland

>If you have no women
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>Not Fede The Great Edition
Wtf OP
is he drinking a whole 2 liter of soda?

Ya nos decidimos por quien vamos a votar en el 18?
El ultimo meme que oi fue que al Canaya.

I just now received news about Ruby's birthday, I am not good at keeping up with thrends
I would vote for the one that does the least amount of damage, I am in that very sensible period in my life where I need to make a lot of decisions about my future
>(And it's called male pregnancy)
Is what you drink before shooting school m8
what do you think about this dirty mexicans? an illegal did better than you in your own country.

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Might as well trow a loaded question
>What are you doing to improve yourself and what are you planning to do?

>Went from being the silent guy in class to the know-it all that teachers love
>Stared reading again after a long period of excuses
>Ended up a relationship that was not going to work (or at least that's what I tell myself at night)
>Decided to go running/walking every weekend for five hours (that's were all my city pictures come from)
>I am planning on going to some martial art clases (Whoever knows a good place in Guadalajara please tell me)
>I am about to start practicing my dusted violin to annoy my roomies and feel like I am that annemic girl from "Your Lie In April"
can you teach me spanish
legit question why don't you mexicans just take online work writing essays and shit for american students taking spanish in high school and college?? instead of bitching about trump
That has been going on for years. The net migration numbers have been reversed and more Mexicans have been coming back than going in, you cunts are just fucking ignorant desu.
Free trade CREATES third world countries. "Yeah, let's specialize in low value-added industries because comparative advantage and never mind that every industrialized country in the history the world practiced protectionism for it's infant industries!" So I think Trump will make Mexico great in the long run, though it might be a bit rough.
>So I think Trump will make Mexico great in the long run
Only if NAFTA is abolished.
>Pronouns (Accusative)
Yo (I)
Tú (You) [the "ú" is important, or else it will mean "your"]
Él (He) [the "é" is important, or else it will be the masculine version of "the"]
Ella (she)
Ellos (them)
Ustedes (You in plural; Y'all, if you will)
Nosotros (Us)
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Dejad de ser una republica
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Placing my warderino
>Only if NAFTA is abolished

People need jobs and a market in which to sell their products
I am trying Maxi, I sewar
ya van a ser las nueve mocoso cagado vayase a dormir
Opinions on the shit that happened in Monterrey? normies want even MORE gun control in place now
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Yes we should ban guns
That's how you keep them away from people
Me explican por que somos sub humanos? (Creo que seria valido decir; "por preguntas como esa")
Goddamn libcucks and soccer moms. And where are all the males that need to restore normalcy? Oh yeah wagecucking in an eng firm.

Probably fake but godspeed. The roastie I used to like is there so go ahead aspie
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>Not white (Like Europa)
>Lack a specific set of moral and behaviour rules (Like Some asian countries)
>Lack a driving force to make us do anything (Unlike the arab nations)
>The roastie I used to like
What happened, anon? She got BRAYANED?
Gotta love regio hypocrisy though

>happening at the firecracker markets
>'lol stupid chilangos haha
>autist kills fattie and shitskin teacher
>Pls don't share the pics :'(
She gets rammed by Chads' cock yes

Worst thing is, I used to be a mentor for one of them kek
Ouch, seing students fall is the second worst thing to see happen, after the same happening to your children

I'm not a teacher. I meant a mentor as in personal counselor lol
Now i truly see
>hurf durf sweeping generalizations
u r smert
A student can still be that. The formal teacher-student relationship in schools is actually kind of weaker than in other places since it may feel a bit forced

But whatever, i am not here to tell you that you should feel bad
Speaking from experience nothing more

I understand where you're coming from. I don't feel bad for any sort of ironical mishap. Rather because I could have done better in the past but I didn't.
>wife in the US getting plowed by Jamarcus every day
>he spends all his time here doing shit like this

Still voting for him, though.
Fuck Zavala.
what's your opinion on oaxaca?

my friend is making me go next summer. will i die? what's it like? what to do? where to go?
Yes, Mr. Fu M. Korer, now that you have seeing the truth you must go out in the streets and chant

>my friend is making me go next summer.

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Til someone try to stop me with his chairo ideas
Oaxaca is pretty gud if you like smaller attractions and are not an easy-to-mug idiot
Although, there are a lot of europeans (tourists) there so he might be safer
Just stay in the more touristic areas and you should be safe
>that pic

Mexico on very easy mode
So... federal elections are relatively soon and there is the threat of AMLO looming over our heads... It is evident that he holds most influence over the hordes
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Stop there cucks
Truly the hero we need
Genocide is our second-to-last resort
We are a mixture of shitskins and the descendants of most corrupt inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula (muh spanish genes). Who do we exterminate?
>All poor people from the South
>All violent people from the North
>All lazy people from the coasts
>All black people from B.C.
>All liberals from the DF
>Anyone who watches Novelas
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Because pic
A rather challenging task. But I wonder, if genocide is our second-to-last resort, what IS our last resort?
Wasn't he the one who betrayed Padrés and put him in jail? I remember hearing he did just for the sake of the Party, unlike PRI, that they hide their politicians.
Better than all the alternatives desu
>He fell for the Oaxaca is good mem...
It is if you want to visit.
Build the wall and we will probably help you
mexico has a treasure trove of natural resources, a large unemployed work force, and a free trade agreement with the largest importer in the world...
why can't you get your shit together?

A wall would actually be welcome, tho
What's up AMLO?
is he good and can he win?
>mexico has a treasure trove of natural resources
And lack the means to either exploit or refine them
>a large unemployed work force
"Quien es pobre es pobre porque quiere"
>and a free trade agreement with the largest importer in the world
Not for long :^)
>why can't you get your shit together?
Lack of organisation and compromise. The people who are doing well want nothing to happen because Mexico always changes for the worst, the poor want change but are stupid af
He can't
He should not
He will not win
He can win. It is evident that a lot of people support him because he is loud, aggressive and leftist. Like Trump, but without sexual abuse.
But he is rather volatile and does not do well when he does not get his way. He might even try to turn us into a leftist regime.
he'll make mexico grande again

He is a manchild
Are there actual America/trump support groups in mexico? Anyone who might make a difference?
>Lack of organisation and compromise
that just means you need a strong leader that can handle people getting upset while they fix shit
I'm willing to have a strong lasting relationship with Mexico if they prove their commitment by complying with the wall.
The first thing they need to do is get rid of all the crime/corruption in their government. Then they need to create a transparent political and economic climate that's suitable for foreign investment in development.
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Speaking of separatism, this is your country's greatest general's fucking leg. We separated that shit from him and we keep it in a 2nd rate Midwestern museum. Fuck Mexico. Have fun buying our wall and spray painting your side of it.
Somewhat mixed opinions. But is he actually intelligent or just grandiose?
>He might even try to turn us into a leftist regime
Not gonna happen, reelections are a taboo that nobody wants to touch. Not even chairos will support him if he wants to do that.

Nah, you won't help us for shit. If you really wanted to help us, you need to legalize drugs and stop giving weapons to our narcos.
No, that would be racist
(says the population that a few years ago was enjoying a chocolate bread named "Negrito")
I should add a lack of faith. AMLO has a lot of supporters but they are the lowest denominator, the kind that would sell their vote and then protest government corruption on the next day.
You would need to be charismatic to some people and the right kind of people, then subjugate the rest of the population (they are used of it, they will stop winning in a few monts)

A benevolent dictatorship or an enlighten nepotism would be the only way of Making Mexico Great for Once
>Santa Anna
>Greatest general
A prosthetic for that coward.
Greatest general? Pfff.
Zaragoza, Killer of French ftw
there are. nafta, for once, completely shattered entire sectors of mexico's economy, particularly agriculture, so many people have been vocal about wanting to change the terms or even scrap the agreement altogether long before trump announced his candidacy.
>you need to legalize drugs and stop giving weapons to our narcos.
The weapons I get, but I'm not about to legalize drugs.
>But is he actually intelligent or just grandiose
>is he actually intelligent or just
>he actually intelligent or
>actually intelligent
No, he really isn't. and does not know how to loose. He is a populist who does not know what he is doing
>your country's greatest general's fucking leg
There were better generals
But do you have the Sam opinion of Trump?

You are the dissaprover of the group so I have to take that into account.
>But do you have the Same opinion of Trump
He actually has a strategy; bring ack the jobs and keep non-americans fom getting them


Trump tells you to go and work, AMLO tells you that he hill give you gibs and cause trouble to Trump (should I start explaining why pissing off your neighbour is a bad idea?)

That is why I want the most boring and harmless candidate to win, I want stability, not making the gibsmedats happy for a week or two before they realise they things are not going to change
It's simple, if there is demand, there is a market, in this case a black market.

>country's greatest general
Top kek. Morelos, Mariano Matamoros, Mariano Escobedo, Diaz, Manuel Mondragón, Álvaro Obregón, all of them better were better better generals and leaders than that fucking traitor.
And I am still forgetting a lot more.
Alright good stuff.

I don't like gibs. Not ever. But he.does want to break up corrupt mega money, doesn't he?

Any alternatives?

Thanks for answering my questions.
>But he does want to break up corrupt mega money
He used to work for corrupt mega money by gibing corrupt mega money to other people to cause disturbs in other candidate's rallies to make them look bad
>Any alternatives?
a) Colective harakiri
b) Voting For the right (like this country always has)
c) For an alternative to develop in less than two years (extremely unlikely)
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I know you don't believe me, but I think guns would really help Mexico a lot.
All of the shit skinned indios.
The gun law reform pushed by a senator is stalling.

No news about it recently but still not cancelled.
It really would
>mfw your distant family used to have totally legal guns an thus your 10yo ass knew how much a kalashnikov weighted
>Worst thing is, I used to be a mentor for one of them kek

Stop creeping on your alumni, pedo.
>Kill 99% of México

But I'm ok with that. When do we start?
So whos the big boss now since your hero El Chapo is off the throne?
One of our agents already failed in Monterrey

The son of a bitch ran out of ammo
I have a quick and easy solution. Remove all spics.
Cartel Jalisco nueva generación (what a fucking stupid name) is gaining a lot of ground
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His friend looks like my ex from high school. We used to go behind our school buildings to do naughty things like rubbing each other's bulges with our bare feet.

Sex tape when?
What is your actual plan on making Mexico great?
I am trying to work on making Ecuador great myself, I pay druggies to beat up and kill other druggies. I think at least 100 useless drug trash died because of me.
Fuck, if the government isn't doing anything, you have to take the problem on by yourself.
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Make 15yo boyos legal.

Fede needed love from a sugar papi.
14 years old girls and boys are already legal here
Before I come out in public to tell them what to do I feel that I have the responsibility to turn myself into a worthy person.

Being great means that you are more than a one trick pony. If you are clever enough you can learn a lot from anything, even if they have no connection. Setting goals and accomplishing them is one of the things Mexicans lack, thus I want to develop that trait to myself.

>I pay druggies to beat up and kill other druggies
When is this going to be televised, you could make millions

Who would win?
>The one that hasn't had any drugs and is desperate for some
>The one who just got drudged and feels invisible
I'm up for him

He, unlike PRD, isn't a full blown PC libertarian
And don't get me started on PAN, literally jewish controlled opposition
>He gets elected
What happens then?
I live in Guayaquil, it's a great city if only all the fucking drugies and homeless filth would get nuked. I understand that the country isn't the greatest economically wise, but drugaddicts are the worst. Sure it is illegal and I could get into great trouble, but I'm trying to not get caught, it's a good thing nobody trusts a drugaddict anyways. I am already seeing the differences from when I started around 8 months ago, the downtown has slowly less and less druggies running around begging/annoying people.

I am trying to get into local politics, but it's difficult and I must first make my business bigger so I have more money to spend.

Good luck on making Mexico great, it's a difficult battle but I do believe Latin America has an opportunity to slowly develop into first world countries.
Hajemos Mexico grande otra vej
Yes, first lesson: chúpame la reata, maricón
Natsoc lite
His ties to communism are a meme
You have no idea what National socialism is, right?
The NSDAP had a plan, he just knows what to say to get the scum behind him without actually knowing the consequences his actions would have
If we succeed people will tell stories about you, organisations wth your name will held "bum fights" for charity and Ecuador will actually manage to tax every country that uses the equatorial orbit for it's satelites
>Mexico is now Venezuela 2.0: Electric Boogaloo on steroids
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And we lived happily ever after
I have my doubts about him, but I'm not against him like your typical /pol/ user here.
To be fair I have more problems with his party. MORENA is full of the trash of PRD, PT and some PRI fags, so they are pure cancer. The irony is that without AMLO, that party would disappear in no more than one year.
We should meme Pedro Ferriz
I do
But please do enlighten me, as it seems you know exactly what his plans are

Did you fall for the "he's a clueless dictator" meme?
/pol/ might not be your ideal place if so
Isn't he a PAN shill? Might as well vote for the real thing.
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probably the "intellectual" most redpilled of mexico
>he's a clueless dictator
It is very difficult for someone stupid to be were he is, He as a candidate, the persona he shows is very stupid and clueless, he as a person is a fairly smart but hypocritical pejelagarto. It does not matter however, his following is made up of people who are unable to see behind the game of politics and see him as some sort of saviour.

Mexico will not be saved from the top-down, only from the bottom-up.

But, again, even like that it does not matter. The PRI controls the senate and will do whatever is in their power to stop him and his reforms.

In the next intermediate elections the opposition will win, as the people will despise AMLO for not fulfilling his promises (as everyone thinks that the president holds absolute power)

The senate is obligated by law to work, so some reforms may pass. AMLO is most likely to try and pass his most attractive and naive reforms, but without the supporting framework they will all fail.

Whatever his plans are; he will fail, our political system is made so it is imposible for one person to change the fundamental way that our country works.
why you keep on doing this threads?

no van a ganar nada con estas mamadas
Good luck

Yall need to get rid of gangs, corrupt police, corrupt politicians, etc... but I donno how cause they gonna kill you as soon as you try. Doesn't help that the cartels all work for the banks and the CIA
I won't argue that, you even nailed down everything

However, you do seem to realize in order for people to push a real change, real chaos must be brought to the streets

IF trump ever gets to shift the power of globalists in the usa, CIA backed drug destabilization will soon collapse, alonside the mexican oligarchy

Despite we are living through a unique opportunity for real change, many here oppose this and rather embrace the status quo
Changes are coming, so why contain it
>IF trump ever gets to shift the power of globalists in the usa, CIA backed drug destabilization will soon collapse, alonside the mexican oligarchy

I do not think that that will happen, there is always a very dramatic shift between being candidate and holding office. It is not unreasonable to think that Trump may go down as Vicente Fox región 1; Talks a lot, has very good ideas and a killed attitude, but once he sees what actually happens inside the white house he will see himself trapped.

That's the problem with modern politics, the best thing to do is to stay out for your sanity's sake. I prefer to start things from the outside, compete with the official government with my smaller community until we grow enough to be able to take power while enjoying a lot of support. A once harmless charity and intelectual group suddenly becomes a socio-political powerhouse.

But for that to happen I need stability. The year ahead will shape my the rest of my life, I do not want them and my opportunity to bring real change ruined by some populist's power-high.
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In two decades just wait, a true /pol/ack nation
Large amounts of Amerindian, Nigger, Moor and (((Sephardic))) blood in our gene pool.
Not if I do it first, with helicopters and all
I can't understand that. Damn shame, and I took four years of Spanish too.
>Changes are coming, so why contain it
If we want real changes we need to remove all the politicians in power and never allow them to come back.
If not, you will have a situation like the Obamacare in the US. Democrats pushed for it so hard, and when we were going to see the real changes, it was just the time that Republicans were going to remove it.
Same shit here. If AMLO wins, he will probably remove the "Reforma Enegética", but after his mandate, I'm sure the next party will try to push for it again.
>who betrayed Padrés
he didnt betray him, he allowed the law to work, he's based in that manner

meanwhile PRI is hiding that fat fuck Duarte
So you do have something to lose out of it

Don't get me wrong, you know your shit and i wish you well, but that's not what we need right now
I won't try to change your mind as you won't do either, only time will tell who was in the wrong
"Un Mal se saca de raíz"

"Una casa debe de tener cimientos fuertes"

But what if the root of our problems is our history and culture?
We would need to chance the great majority in a fundamental and spiritual level
>implying being natsoc is bad
Go fuck yourself crypto-Jew.
La estás leyendo, puto, como en el baño cuando cagas, y la neta, como quien dice, "Puto el que lo lea", ¿no?
I explicitly stated otherwise, my negro

Fucking #rekt
First of all, it was the French who took his leg off.
Second, Santa Anna isn't our best General.
>American Education
Damn, my nigger heritage is showing.
>without knowing
Why does nobody on /pol/ ever mentions Molotov/Ribbentrop? I stand for national socialism but you can't justify all of the actions of the NSDAP
>he didnt betray him
I didn't mean "betray" as a bad thing, but I had heard that he talked with him and offered some legal protection if he was allowed to be prosecuted. Then, Padrés accepted, but at the very end Anaya said "lol, jk, you are alone here" and then Padrés was fucked.
Molotov/Ribbentop was a delay, they always intended in invading the (((Soviet Union)))
"OXXO edition"
stopped reading right there
El Chapo was only the boss of the Cartel of Sinaloa, there are other cartels.
POST PICS? I like to see my menu before ordering food.
I wonder if the school shooting was a false flag to prevent the bill from passing.
Hmm, and what about Nazis actively helping commies kill (((Trotsky))) in Coyoacán? It's not entirely bad, neither it is morally correct, amarite?
Killing one of (((them))) is always a good thing, even if it means allying with unsavory allies.
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>Security video of the kid clearly shooting 4 twats to death and then offing himself.
>Photos of the corpses with perfect FULLHD wounds and blood spilling all over.
>False flag
Come the fuck on
>Colegio AMERICANO del Noreste
*unleashes katana*

Yes, it is a deeply egotistical reason. I am jealous, revengeful and have had a superiority complex since I was a child, I am not special, everyone has their problems, but most will deny and hide them, rejecting the way God created them (See? I just mentioned God as a way to justify my vices, how more pretentious can you get?), I am pretty sure that instead of rejecting them one should learn how to use them. I have discovered that I will go to very great lengths just to be able to say "I was right"; this involves carefully choosing what I say and think (because I can't change reality in a fundamental level, no matter what I do), carefully planning what I will do and to try to succeed.

I might be wrong for me to act out of necessity instead of the goodness of my heart when it comes to such big projects, but at the end of the day there are manny equations that can get you the same number, it does not matter that much how you do things as long as you do them.

That and I do believe that he is going to fail and make manny miserable, Mexicans are strange because they do not seem to learn with suffering. Suffering that does not make you grow is useless and enrages me. I would prefer to sacrifice people in exchange of time and make it right the first time than to sacrifice even more people in exchange for a moment of happiness for them followed by a bigger misery.

*Hides katana*
Nah, it's not like they were going to pass it, anyway. Also the majority of the people were against it, so that bill was DOA since the beginning.
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Do you think drug decriminalization/legalization in the US would help Mexico by defunding cartel?
>Believing (((Televisa)))

This is as crazy as flat-earthers or "Boston bombing was a hoax" fags
I have no problem in breaking a promise to someone that you have no loyalty to.

And respecting that treaty would have being treason against themselves

War is war, it does not matter how civilised you try to dress it up
*Teleports behind you*
Not bad kiddo, not bad at all
I can see where you come from
You're ok in my book regardless

*Mysteriously dissapears*
>being this blue-pilled.
Go get informed
But Televisa didn't show the video or the pics of the shooting.
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Jesus christ i leave /pol/ for a day to wagecuck and i am greeted with this shit.
Every day we go deeper

I want to believe.
That would weaken them for some time, but it is foolish to think that they would leave their lifestyle that easily.

If the U.S. were to legalise drugs they would need to immediately supply the market themselves so the Cartels' demand of drugs would very rapidly fall. Their gun supply lines would need to be cut at the same time if not before. Then we would need a coordinated strike against them before they are able to restructure and move to another market.

>Cut their gun supply, make them spend some money on finding new supply lines
>Suddenly deny them access to the American drug market
>Now they not only have no secure access to guns, but their main source of income will be compromised
>They will try to move to some other market (extortion, oil, kidnapping et cetera) before securing their access to guns since money is what makes them run
>That's when you attack them
If you want to fix Mexico you have to limit the amount of telenovelas they play on TV and there is no way around that.

This things are responsable for at the very least half of Mexico's misfortune.

Novelas and shows of the like have been a true cancer in the nation
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el chicANO
A machete?
We take him to the pyramid of the Sun
We take his heart out
Cut his head
Let it roll down the stairs
Have an indio kid to hear his skin for seven days
We make pozole with the rest

I was thinking about a chainsaw.

Imagining a AMLO rally being interrupted by the sudden roar of a chainsaw and then an autist running towards him screaming makes my sides explore our orbit
Only the elites should keep owning guns.

I own a gun so I don't give a shit about other people. If indios make a ruckus you kill them.
Alguien me puede explicar que esta pasando con Mexico y que pasara?
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La misma mierda que pasa cada 2 meses.

Lo más preocupante es que hemos estado "viviendo" de los gringos por ya varios años gracías al TLC, pero Trump quiere traer de vuelta esos trabajos de manufactura y si sucede, podría cargarnos la chingada de una vez por todas.

El sector de subcontratacion es masivo en México, si se van todas las maquilas y empresas foraneas millones quedaran desempleados, sumale que van a deportar a tanto pinche ilegal y que se nos está acabando el petroleo y llegan elecciones.
Se va a poner feo

Lo mejor que podría pasar es que suceda una 2da revolución que mate al menos 50% de la población.

O que Trump sea JFKeado y haya guerra civil en gringo landia. Al menos podríamos seguir siendo lacras por un poco más
>y haya guerra civil en gringo landia
Nah, even when they brag about their weapons, they are the biggest pussies there. They won't revolt.

And we need the system to break to rebuild once again. That's the only option to escape the shitty vicious circle we have now.
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