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Pixelcanvas - Read the notices edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 572
Thread images: 111

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Spriting guide:

>NMM-DB fight, starting primarily with Daybreaker http://pixelcanvas.io/@-647,1491
>CMC banner http://pixelcanvas.io/@-974,1254 >>30502870
>Colgate http://pixelcanvas.io/@127,1210
>Building and defending our 307px height border http://pixelcanvas.io/@-84,313 >>30510376
>Several small projects
>These >>30492641 the EQG will be relocated to http://pixelcanvas.io/@-1437,1407 the rest are undecided
>Hispachan portrait http://pixelcanvas.io/@-1015,1085 >>30510341 Background should be blue.
>Background cleaning

Two thirds of people wanted a different picture for our third mural. Post some mural worthy images and discuss which ones you like best. Additionally, Brazil wants to make a gift for us. But they aren't sure what we would like to have or where is free to put it, we should discuss.

Previous thread >>30495886
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colgate template.png
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I want to a Derpy Hooves.
We have enough of that retarded pony
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bright mac and butter grid.png
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i want this somewhere
Fuck you you niggerfaggot. I hope you die.
We should build Nightmare Moon after finishing Daybraker, then start with lazers from both their horns at the same time and make them meet in the middle. It would look awesome on timelapses.
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We should focus on this as a priority, it was much further along last night and then void voided it. I asked the void to help us repair/maintain it.
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New Canvas.png
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Updated template of flutters
better than the shitty OC
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why is the cool down 1 minute again? fffffffffffff
opps. beat me to it. That one has the cutie mark anyway.
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pixel_canvas spike.png
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We need Spike somewhere.
at least you can place pixels
third row project
Left of southern Rarity
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Where did your bots go?
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I'd say just flip it and put it to the right
then he and rarity will be looking at each other
also where did his neck go, I remember there being a neck, is this the old version?
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Proposed Spike Placement 2.png
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I think it'd be better if we flipped Spike and put him on the right side of southern Rarity.
We shouldn't be starting him right now we already have a lot of other projects going.
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>tells us to defend
>doesn't give a position.
>White pixels here and there
You seem to be in a panic over nothing, we've cleaned up worse shit than this. This is pretty wide in its scope, though, what's up with that?
Not him, but why not defend >>30511910? Like fifty pixels were erased last night and rogue void expanded two lines beyond that.
the brazil banner is under heavy attack
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Here's why.

>Brazil attacks the Mexicans
>Mexicans attack us
What did they mean by this?
sdlg seems to be butthurt that we like brazil
The weird thing is that not usually on at this time, is it the holidays over there?
Do you really like them though?
Or do you just claim so in order to not get buttfucked by a bunch of Brazilians?

>No answer is an answer.
we had some pretty nice conversations here with some brazilians, i think they are pretty swell guys
how could we not like them
they fucked up commies
they helped us defend
we've even built them tribute and they built us one back
I fucking love Brazil. They're the only flag faction that makes art, they're extremely loyal and trustworthy. And I helped them take back their flag and would do so a thousand times over.
Yes. Although I think it is a dick move from them to build another huge flag and erasing yours but there is nothing we can do about it
Why the fuck are you attacking us?
>loyal and trustworthy
This. We couldn't trust SDLG because they wound up attacking us anyway, even if we attempted the NAP while the mods just sat back and said 'lol, we can't control them'.

They make some pretty neat shit, too, just look at the brazilian styled eiffel tower sitting on the former commie flag.
Personally I just about hate Brazil because they put their miniature flags everywhere and on top of existing work.
Fucking rude.
You understand the concept of rogues right? They've all but stopped doing that and whenever they do do it to an ally they're very quick to erase it when called.

There was a Brazil flag in the void a few days ago being defended that the void couldn't get rid of and they set out a call across all their groups to help erase it.
I think they've been more reserved about that lately, though, the only shit I've noticed them putting miniflags over recently is the commie flag.
welp, time to clean aryannes sweet pink pussy once again
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Can't we be just friendly to every faction on canvas except commies without turning others against us? We like Brazil for their sense of humor and griefing ancom flag, same reason we like SDLG. We built banner for Brazil and pacman pone for SDLG, though we're not interfering in their business between them and any other factions. We just want to build pone, that's all. It's 55chan all over again.
Celestia on Brazil baner has pony pox
I like SDLG too but if they don't like our shit with Brazil that's their problem, the same way it was 55chan's that we're friends with Brazil.

I'm not French, and I don't side with any factions on the canvas. Well, apart from yours ofc.

I was just genuinely curious.
What was the deal there anyway? Between 55chan and the Brazilians.
The only ones doing that now in our territory are the commies.
Daybreaker looks fucking awesome. Its a pure joy to work on this project. Aryanne butt was my favourite so far but this will be our masterpiece
The way the Brazilians told me it, 55chan is like their version of /r9k/ moreso than their version of 4chan. 55chan even bans discussion that the rest of Brazil might like to prevent them visiting their chan.
Brazil main fb group are against the mini flags. Look at their cover.
I was hoping to work on it after the second row of portraits was done, but it seems the rest of us couldn't wait, so it is what it is. And I agree. Looking real good so far.

Day 3/???

I agree with anon here >>30511898
Where after DB is done, we build NMM, then build the beams.
Looks like someone has start working on NMM. I hope it's lined up right.
whoops, seems like I already build one of NMMs legs
I don't speak whatever language that is, and I'm not part of anyone's Facebook page.
I rarely visit Facebook.
>I hope it's lined up right.
I double and triple checked before I started that it is
I would say that a mini-flag with a red line over it is pretty universal..
Somewhat, yes.
But for all I can tell since I can't read the text it could be someone or some group so doesn't like Brazil.
DB leg is missing some yellow...
That reminds me, I need to dig up that ponyta template and finish her.
It's sad that her original creator left. She is best pone pone.
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pony template.jpg
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this is what he was using
OK. Anything further than 10 pixels tends to fuck with my eyes. I have to have templates open in gimp to make sure my count is right. I can't imagine not fucking up at that distance. Glad someone else is doing it.
There's been only two factions I've seen be decent to us. /vp/ for working with us on art projects, and Koreus for moving their banner so that it wouldn't get in the way of our Celestia/Luna mural.

The rest of the factions can go hang as far as I'm concerned.
That's the one.
its not really hard, i just used this thing to see where the NMM pixels should be and then went from there http://pixelcanvas.io/@-1310,1354
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These were made a few threads ago.
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They're perfectly lined up with each other since they were all made from the same image, just cropped at various parts.
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They don't have every part of the template though, just enough to help you orient it on the canvas. If you want the whole thing you need to use the OP image.
people probably should look at this before start filling with the wrong pixels...
Every time I open pixelcanvas, I spend 20-30 seconds, just staring at her butt. This is some kind of black magic.
you mean, wasting 30 seconds not placing pixels ??!!
this is runescape all over again
no xp waste
people really like to do it wrong
Aryannes butt gave me a boner a couple of times actually
I like this idea, however I'd also love to build the Stalin Spike somewhere.
Brazil doesn't broadcast what they do loudly, but a lot of the time in their discord they're talking about helping the void or helping /mlp/ or making gifts for them/us. They've defended our projects from attackers when they themselves should have been busy fending off attacks on their own things. I actually have to be careful about what I ask them to help with so that I don't call attention away.

They've even helped defend Koreus from miniflags and jeuxvideos when I asked them to although they're still a little uncomfortable with Koreus being French.
>Retarded pony better than oc
Keep telling yourself that
We need this.
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void helping us.png
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>I asked the void to help us repair/maintain it.
cute progress has been going pretty fast too
Some of these would be more accurately described as a coalition of factions. /b/ recruited extensively for the void with the express intention of griefing /mlp/.
Rework it into a banner.
The last thread /b/ had about pixelcanvas that I saw was just after we'd gotten a NAP with the void and our OP message had something about it still.

Someone in /b/ suggested attacking /mlp/ and they told them not to because we were allies.
The point is that you cannot just condemn 4chan.
Progress report, guys!
Here me working on Minuette/Colgate.
Doing the void border
Drawing the outlines of Minuette.
307 px wall, it's an uphill battle but progress is good
I took me like 10 hours, but I recently finished Minuette's eye
There are white pixels appearing on every pony art!
CMC banner is done. Now I'll take a break and move to Nightmare Moon
Cleaning around Daybreaker
Ok fine, but only if you post best poni in return.

Working diligently on Daybreaker. Can't be arsed to defend. I'm a builder here, not a repair servitor.
And nice work, btw.
Oh, I see finally people join me with building NMM
As soon as I finish with Minuette, I'm going to help right there.
How did you know that's who I was thinking? Are you a wizard?
There's no other best poni. ^;)
Damn right.
It's me, with three devices, I'll help you for an hour or two before hitting the bed. I think edgy moon horse needs more love, especially if we're gonna do this >>30511898
Also, I hope some more anons will join us.
I forget what it's called, but this should be an under portrait banner.
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That's supposed to be Ponyville coat of arms, isn't it?
even though I can perfectly understand it I wish people would leave aryannes pussy alone
If you are the one building it, stop
Aryanne pussy = Aryanne modded
I am actually the one who keeps removing the pink pixels, that is why I said I wish they would leave it alone
One of the timelapse fags here, this guy >>30511898 knows what's up. It think it has potential to look interesting.
Could I get a timelapse of this? http://pixelcanvas.io/@635,-494
I was just heading off to bed, maybe tomorrow.
Alright, thanks Anon.
What's the pony discord channel?
Some frenchies are deleting Colgate's mane under their shitty flag between 56,1162 and 73,1188.
Assistence required here.
Let's paint the flag purple wherever the background is.
france is cancer
Does somebody has the "THICK CREAMY POTIONS" border template?
I want to make it right side of Minuette.
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mlp plans.png
2MB, 3500x2000px
I have this which has it, sort of.
I saw that too, not so many threads ago. But the image was too blurry.
I'm currently searching through the archives. Wish me luck.
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Thank you SO MUCH, anon!
Take a cute best pony as return.
Do we have a banner for Minuette yet? I think a french Aquafresh banner would be appropriate.
Yes, we do have a Colgate banner.
Check the template here: >>30513389
I'll treasure it.
I should update imgur one of these days. Could use it.
Oh well. Maybe an Aquafresh border then?
It could be... Make a template and share it here.
Perhaps we can make that one to the right, and the "THICK CREAMY POTIONS" to the left.
So last thread someone asked us to relocate their discord link that the CMC banner covered. And now they're building it between the Hispachan portrait and Cadence. But they aren't even affiliated with pixelcanvas, it's just a regular /mlp/ discord that hasn't helped us on any of our projects using our area to advertise themselves. The Clovers and Cirnos have discord links in their art and it probably brings in extra members who want to help them. While I'm not a fan of the /mlp/ pixelcanvas discord, I think that that space should go to them so that they might be able to attract new people to help with our projects. It certainly shouldn't be going to some random /mlp/ discord anyway.
why? we don't make gifts for groups we have nothing to do with

the french came into these threads threatening us, and they've raided koreus multiple times as well as tried to expand north onto cheerilee, why should we do anything for them?
I can't even understand why do we need a random /mlp/ Discord channel, when we can discuss anything pony related here.
We don't. But moreso, if someone is browsing pixelcanvas and they want to know where our art is from and how to help us so they join there, then what? No one is going to be able to help. At least the actual /mlp/ pixelcanvas discord has our templates, knows our plans, and helps us build things.
Because of people who are literally unable to make friends over anything else. They'll make these channels with ponies as the lure and then start talking about other things entirely.
w8, there is a /mlp/ pixelcanvas discord? i though most of people here don't believed in discord
I'd rather put in boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/30511861 and change the thread number with each new thread than label the discord as our official meeting grounds
The beauty of having it be the discord link is we don't have to advertise we're from 4chan or get obnoxious faggots coming here though. They weed out the problem people for us.
or maybe just the imgur link with our templates
There is one, but they're not in charge here.
Oh, the herokuapp might be a better choice then. It even has the coordinates for our projects. But I don't know that they'd want to keep building alone, part of the appeal is the community.
What about these threads? OPs always post our templates and plans, and we have people posting here 24/7.
And it's pretty obvious where they can find us...
Do you really want to advertise these threads on the canvas? Think about the sort of people the canvas attracts.
Maybe making a pastebin with the compilation of our archived threads ATM.
We already advertise who we are and where we're from, they just have to look at the banners.
Well, it's not like commies/frenchies/spergs/hues/voidfags/ancaps/banters don't know already we are here...
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For those who missed it last thread, we decided on the coloration for our gryphon happy merchant.
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Here is the current updated version with a grid overlay. If you have any recommendations for edits please let me know
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mlp advertisements.png
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Tell me if or how we want to advertise the threads and I'll make a template for it to go with these two.
4chan.org/mlp is the best way to do this without matinence.
NMM vs DB template?
OP and
OP: >>30511861
And these ones for exact location:
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1MB, 2400x2682px
Come join me on the nightmare moon, anon.
Working on DB's tail
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mlp advertisements.png
955B, 134x36px
What do you all think of doing this? Possibly with a pony hanging out above the link for the template site.
That actually doesn't look that bad. Good job anon
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mlp advertisements.png
949B, 134x36px
Moved the heart left a tiny bit, I think it looks better.

Thanks. Any idea for a mini project we haven't made yet to put on top of it?
Graveyard of Fallen Factions + Apple/Pear tree?
Well we could put it in the graveyard if we like, I was thinking of putting something about the size of the heart to the righthand side that's pony related.
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who is erasing the rainbows? that's not a thing that needs to be erased
The white void (???).
france needs to take a clue from brazil and stop building miniflags everywhere
Repairing BotAJ... Again.
Nationalist flagfags are the cancer of PixelCanvas.
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advertisements template.png
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Well we can always add something in later if we like, better to get started sooner so those who want to find us can. Anyone have a place in mind?
The graveyard sounds like a good idea. What's the apple/pear tree?
an unfinished project
The graveyard is here >>30513389, on the "Other" section.
And the last Apple/Pear tree is here >>30464168
I swear I'll start working on that tree eventually.
>place a bunch of pixels
>refresh page because stuck
all my placed pixels are fucking gone

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Hey since you're free think you should help us on DB's tail. We're making nice progress.
he did, your internet connection fucked up
I was just working on the shading by her mouth.

Motherfuck. I feel like taking a nap now.

The problem seems to fix itself when I close the tab and the cookie self destructs. Fucking piss me off.
if anyone has a good idea on a place to put this, I don't mind starting it, it's pretty simple solo work
I'll take a look location wise. The template server is probably good to get out to the people who don't follow the thread.
I was the anon who sprited that in the first place.
Let's see what you can do... :P
Eventually, I promise. I've been so busy spriting other things, I want a break.
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Here's a few places I found that could work. I was trying to find somewhere prominent, that doesn't get in the way of future projects. But also didn't have much non-pony related work near it.
Turn all the white to pink because I want it to be pink
I'm liking it placed next to the /mlp/ coat of arms.

No make it blue.
The Discord logo won't show up if it's blue.
/mlp/ 4CC option looks nice.
good enough for me, I'll start making the link to herokuapp, beginning with .com to make it line up perfectly
you thanks

Me too.
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pixel_canvas_big brazil_7_13.png
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Man I almost feel bad for SDLG
Time to move again?
I think they gave up and accepted their position as Brazil's bitch.
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when are we making a gift for the void
Tail's coming along nicely.
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OBEY, or go to the moon.png
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>"Anon, build me this on my honour!"
>"It's an order! NOW!"
build it on top of the carcass of the last one http://pixelcanvas.io/@-559,990
http://pixelcanvas.io/@-862,862 there's something currently being built here, which gets in the way of both our links and an eventual mural

we could draw an arrow or write some coordinates and move it over to 55tan, but I'd need help to build something quick enough to get their attention
That'll get in the way of our third mural, don't build it there.
What is it? The blond girl?
Cuz' it looks like it's abandoned.
no, just an outline right now, making an arrow inside
I thought that was abandoned, hunh.
>370 users online on the canvas
Holy shit the canvas is lonely now. How long till Arkeros pulls the plug?
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what the fuck happened that caused the player number to drop this low?
was it the hues like all the time?
It's 5:00 UTC, guys. And it's a labourable day. Everyone's sleeping in the US, Europe and Latin America. That's normal, don't panic.
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Yes Brazilians ruin everything
It's not normal at all compared to even 2 weeks ago, much less longer before.
No it isn't. Those numbers don't happen until 5am.
>"Those numbers don't happen until 5am."
>"It's 5:00 UTC, guys"
>"5:00 UTC"
On the east coast. It used to be at least a thousand right now.
I imagine the increase in cooldown. When it was decreased, numbers shot back up.
This is part of it, the cooldown is extremely unfriendly to individuals looking to make some pixel art, it's even more disheartening when large factions just steamroll it because they have numbers.
The weird thing is that my regional center is LatAm (@2000,-1000), the literal opposite of /mlp/ workspace; but I've never had more than 1:05 of cooldown on /mlp/ workspace.

Perhaps, it has more to do with a lack of long-term plans, and a real sense of purpose and unity. The only thing that fuels other factions is the desire of destroy their main rivals and/or getting their flags bigger; but that never fills them.
This should be a banner.
What's everyone up to?
Building NMM
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Your time is up.jpg
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Flame tail, filling in yellow. Listening to some comfy youtube vids unrelated to mlp and thinking about getting a slice of cake. There's better things I could be doing at 2:30 AM but whatever
DB wings
Post music. And what kind of cake?
Drawing the long lines connecting db tail
I would also like to know the music and cake. Currently eating a chocolate with peanut butter frosting cake my wife made shit is so good
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Aesthetic knife.jpg
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Idfk man. It's got a fluffy chocolate top, almost like a mousse but more solid than that. Underneath that are graham crackers with vanilla cream filling in alternating layers. I'm not a fucking baker so I don't know cake terminology but my grandma taught me how to make it a while back
Minuette's mane.
Somebody's willing to help here?
Fuck you guys I want cake.
Kill yourself.
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o template.png
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template for anyone who wants to fix it
you do know we helped /o/ out already once, right?
Nobody cares
Did we move these two already?
haven't moved any of it yet

but if you want to help me out someone is griefing /o/ here and I'm trying to fix it http://pixelcanvas.io/@569,1247
Why would I want to help /o/ or someone shilling their website
Didn't we move these cars on top of Aryanne portrait?
yes, but we didn't move the rest of their stuff for them, so they rebuilt over there so they could have room to grow without getting in our way

probably for the same reason we helped move them in the first place? the same reason we helped /vp/? or /bant/?
dunno about you but I'm not helping a shill
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>not helping our friend
>Our friend

your friend.
This. It's a fellow 4chan board, they came to us and were nice.
>still trying to fuck /o/
What's your purpose?
How does /o/ even have enemies? Aren't they a faction with like 5 people?
I don't see any pixelcanvas thread on /o/, are they even alive?
Pretty sure it's a banned topic so they organize in discord. I wrote /mlp/ in the girl's hair so that they'd get the idea to contact us if they want/need help.
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Somebody last thread requested this.
It could probably be improved it with some AA, and I'm not too fond of the pokemon tail.
it's wonderful, I love the blue hair version more
I kind of like the pokemon tail, think it's nice to diversify our pixel art
It's really good, I'm not a fan of the red color though. I think it'd look better changed to black.
That's NMM territory though, Luna can't be Luna without some sort of dark blue-ish color
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Luna Black.png
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I slightly prefer the red, but black works too, I think.
What about dark blue then maybe? It might look good.
I get that no color on pixelcanvas truly matches how Luna looks, but surely the dark blue is closer than purple for her body?
>less than 300 users
is pixelcanvas dying?
hot fuck it looks even better now
Same guy here, looking back on the pic you were inspired from, the color choice makes sense. However, I still think you should switch to more traditional, luna-like colors. If I were to guess, I'd think that the Anon that requested it cared more about the pose and style of the luna rather than the color-palette.
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Thank you spritefriend. I personally think the top left one looks the best
Top left is great. I'm curious to see what her hair would look like with either medium or dark purple instead, but I don't think it would improve it any more than it already is.
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It's still morning in europe
it's a holiday in france today so they might not be on, and they're probably a significant chunk of the early morning userbase
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Luna 17.png
92KB, 800x429px
I wasn't gonna make any more, but then I remembered I'm unbelievably bored, so I made it anyway.
It turned out surprisingly okay.
I personally like the gray redish version from here >>30516554 the most
Can you compile all the ones you did and make a strawpoll?
those are amazing

some of them are clearly better than others, why not only pick the best of the best?
Thanks for indulging me. Definitely a tossup between top left in >>30516582 or one of these two.
Nah, making strawpolls ain't my business - I just vote on them.
But since compiling them into one image requires nothing more than Paint, anybody can do it.
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the lunas.png
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If two or three pass through this roughly equal we can have a second poll, but this way everyone's favorites are obvious.
325 users : bots are killing pixelcanvas.io
No. Time is, and the dev is. People getting bored with high cooldown times, or the game itself, are leaving. The dev should be lowering cooldowns to compensate and trying to draw new crowds in.
>something that's been here since the beginning
>killing pixelcanvas
maybe I'm way off base here but I feel like people are just getting bored
What about /mlp/ to leave this canevas and find a new creative goal to reach?
Even though we've gotten considerably smaller than where we used to be we're one of the only factions that hasn't lost steam. We're in this for the long haul.

I'd also be really sad if we left, Pixelcanvas has taught me a lot about spriting and I think done the same for others, as well as with programming. We've built up a pretty substantial community out of it too.
which one of you fags wasted your vote on choosing only one luna, and of all the options there chose f?
I'm in, we need a fresh start!
Going to bed now, bumping this >>30514260 if anyone wants to help. http://pixelcanvas.io/@-825,849
I voted for 6 options, but know that B is my favorite

Fuck off, if you make an interesting thread I'll join it, but I still love these sprites
This, B is the best, failing that C and then E.
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Guys. Why is one of the /o/ cars I helped move a fucking mushroom?
The void and French attacked the brazilian flag because Brazilians trolled French with pro-ISIS messages and laughed about the 07/14/2016 Nice attack (86 dead, 450 wounded).
I'm french and i joke regularly about terrorists attacks in France, and it's really fun
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So much for giving up and working thier new big stupid flag. They do realize now the brazilians are gonna tag them back endlessly now?
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If I may humbly ask for a few donations of your pixels over here http://pixelcanvas.io/@-759,1138 to fix up my car.
I'm mainly getting the frame back in order but could use some help filling out the grey and blue.

The timer on the site was changed today.
It previously showed the number of open websocket connections in the last 30 minutes.
Now it's showing number of different IPs that placed a pixel in the last 5 minutes.

>As a rule of thumb, it should now count 50% less users than before, with same activity
I suppose that's a more accurate way of showing activity.
>you are using an old version
>refresh to continue
>undoes 10 minutes of work
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71KB, 927x800px
Looks like the commies are back.
Portraits getting spots on them and the windmill blew off and that faggot who hates our cars is back whiting the twingo.
hey commie cucks how about growing some sack and go attack brazil who wrecked you in the first place instead of some pony pictures you giant faggots?
Mods likely removed the windmill.
nope commies are attacking right now
If this is the commies, this is the most pathetic attack to date.
Report in, team. What are you doing?
its a typical commie griefing attack + focus on aryanne banner
oh yeah can someone help me with the /vp/ gift and/or glimmer (snout is fucked)
i was happily building NMM but now i defend against the commie cucks
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allright I'm calling it.

AJ is getting hit pretty hard right now
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It's possible the commies cried to the mods before hitting us and could have even waited to strike us after a mod. More likely though they just blitzed the windmill as one group then spread out attacking the other portraits randomly. Did anyone catch when we lost the windmill?
donut fluttershy

calm your tits. there's barely anything happening atm.
I sure as hell didn't, but the fact it was just filled in with pink while nothing else was touched is usually what the mods do, also there was a french miniflag on the chrysalis portrait earlier, so it might not even be communists.
>french miniflag on the chrysalis portrait earlier, so it might not even be communists.
falseflag, commies try this all the time they also did it with brazil flags
Filling in the outlined parts of Nightmare Moon with solid colour. By the way, I finally got a phone capable of running PixelCanvas, but I'm not sure how to block ads on Android. Any help?
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Twingoe, so many.jpg
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Continueing repairs on the cars above ayranne.
>The communists use their own supposed allies as bait
I'd like to say this doesn't make sense and that they wouldn't do that, but I'd only be 50% right.
what? france is not allied with the commies and brazil hates them with a passion
The commies say they are, but that might just be larping.
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2MB, 1300x902px
What exactly does this france faction hail from? Like is it a facebook group or some other social media outlet?
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What even is the captcha anymore?
You can skip if you want to, but I just select an area of the rug, since it is the cat's.
kek looks like france found out brazil favorite fetish. Also anyone find it funny the brazil+mlp portait is untouched while the Vladomin C one got defaced?
I selected all the squares and it went through, I don't think the AI handling the captcha system even cares if the selection is right or wrong anymore.
Is this one of ours or am I just confusing this for another character with gray skin and blond eyes/hair?
What about making this into a 'double' mural?
I'd either really like this or hate this pixilated.
It might have worked if we put it in the middle, otherwise it messes up the symmetry.
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2KB, 100x100px
This is the most recent Spike.
That was the first one.
The red outline on Peewee is only there so he can stand out from the background, and the red outline goes over the parts of him that are actually red so that should be removed should you change his background.
Make it 15 portrait sizes.
Let's see it pixelated to double mural size and color-corrected before making any judgements. This almost exclusively depends on how nice it would look
Ah, I'm not a spritefag. I just found that image whilst searching desparately for a Derpy wallpaper I have long since lost but would like to have agin.
a forum on the website jeuxvideos .com it's "blabla 18-25"
Also it's north west. pardon my stupidity.
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Can you please understand why we have no place left anymore? Please understand that siding with brasil when they destroy are artwork everytime?
We like pac man pone but can not like brasil okay?
[far off huehuehue in the distance]
We aren't helping them, and whether we like them or hate them those hues are still kicking your guys' asses. So why does it matter?
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It is not our fault that you have beef with each other.
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>Please understand that siding with brasil when they destroy are artwork everytime?
Because you guys have never, ever done anything of the sort, oh no, not at all.
/mlp/ has not taken either side. Destroying each other for the right to put up a flag or a tag just seems silly.
We don't 'side' with Brazil, we're not helping them and they're not helping us. We made them a banner because they've been nice to us, same reason why we built pacman pone for you. We're not taking sides in business between you, all we do is build pictures of ponies and keep away from politics on the canvas.
I really hate to cut out characters like that. Damn. Maybe it's not such a good choice unless we can overcome our symmetry autism.
Needs a lot of work, but maybe it could look decent. How about we move princesses mural to put this one in the center? Maybe we could make it full size and not cut anypony out.
Also, how did you make it so fast?
Alright Anon, I respect your desire for a mural to be front and center, but That's more than 20,000 pixels you're talking about moving
scratch that, I did the math and it's closer to 33,000 pixels. If we do that it would go on record for the most pointless waste of pixels since the attempted turkey flag
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>Also, how did you make it so fast?
Custom preset
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penultimate luna.png
203KB, 1300x444px
So last night/early this morning we voted to narrow down the results on the best Luna. >>30516689

These are the ones that were liked the most, so let's vote for which we should (eventually) make. http://www.strawpoll.me/13434893
B all the way
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I picked the first one. The second one looks too much like crude pixel art from a NES game I can't quite put my finger on. SMB2? Castlevania? I'm not sure but the first option looks better in my opinion.
I know that feeling. Fuck B and C look so good. I really like A too but I wish the colors were reversed on her hair.
anyone want to help me work on this? just about got the bottom link done
I think B has better definition than A, and better color than C.
Finishing Minuette.
What would you guys do if the Brazilians/Turks/frenchies decide to use your area for a big flag?
Do you have some sort of deal to stop them doing that?
Just finished moving the left one, right above Scruffy which was also built by me. I'm not moving the second one, since it's unfinished and abandoned and therefore not worthy saving. If anyone thinks otherwise feel free to move it yourself.
It's called "non agression pact" or NAP.
We don't build over them, they don't build over us. And that's it.
You should try it some day...
>Do you have some sort of deal to stop them doing that?
Brazil is friendly with us and if anything, they'd help defend our area from the other two instead of building a flag over us.

For the others, if they tried we'd push them off somewhere else. They're strong, but we're no pushovers either.
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60KB, 500x700px
>Mobile doesn't actively update like the browser so you need to constantly refresh the page
>Forget to refresh and waste a spot
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cry me a river.jpg
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Voted for I. I think it's closer to the original picture that was posted.
Most seems to be voted for the most luna like wich was never the intent of the original picture.
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accurate or not, the majority decided that the edit looked nicer
Though I do think F looked the nicest >>30516689 , sadly few agreed with me
That's sad.
I'm the one who posted it and I'm sad to see it turned into just another generic luna.
Please do not build then.
There are plenty of other normal luna pics available rather than bastardizing this one.
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233KB, 360x640px
I fucked up so badly on NM wings goddamn it. It's luckely nothing major and can be easily fixed but I still feel like such an idiot. Don't drink and pixel.
Why didn't you post the original pic to compare and contrast our options? I and J look closest to the original pic if you want that.
I did. Just now.
This Is the first I've been here since about the middle of the last thread.
Pleas keep in mind that not everyone can spend all day on the internets, or mlp, or the canvas.
I have life and a job and other things I do every day.

I really prefer I as it most closely resemble the original.

It will take close to forever with my limited time here, possibly a month or more but I'll build I myself.
I get that the red is highlights from red light, I just don't think it works well in sprited format without a sunset or something behind her to make it clear why she's red. It's not always what looks most similar, but what looks best.
Then please just build a normal, non sunset luna based on a different picture.
I'll do sunset luna alone because that's what I want.
>Please do not build then.
>There are plenty of other normal luna pics available rather than bastardizing this one.
sometimes people have different tastes, the red just doesn't work that well because there's too much difference between the reds and purple in pixelcanvas

just because you don't like it the way it is now doesn't mean we don't, and someone worked hard to make it
fucking portraits getting random white pixels
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180KB, 1503x489px
Wtf just happened? I was working on DB's left wing and in a matter of minutes my today's progress was replaced with white pixels and now I have the error 403 "You are using a proxy". Pic related shows how it was (the second image is an edit of the first cause I didn't have a screenshot for it). Also I'm sure that my others pixels fixing the portraits were replaced with white too.
Complain in the official discord
>I have life
That's really sad, man. I'm sorry.

Nonetheless, I respect your decision.
And it's not a big deal; it's a 66x80 image, with 50% of it being a white background: you can build that alone in 4-5 days (asuming a cooldown below 1:15, and 6 hours of pixelling per day).

Good luck.
While I do appreciate the work and effort, it's not what I wanted.
Just drop it and I'll build her alone.
6 hours of pixeling!
Cut that down to maybe an hour, spread out over several hours as I get a few free minutes.
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Do not erase.jpg
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Please do not erase my pixel art
But other people do want it like that, the red doesn't look good with the available colors.
You made that stewie?
We can relocate it if you want to, just give us a template
isn't it abandoned? if it's not we can help relocate it out of our way for you, there wasn't many places this project could go because it's so big, it had to cover something
I bet you are not even the original creator. There was no activity for weeks on this piece.
oh look another lame commie cuck attack
Please don't do anything, I swear I won't invade you space, just let me clean and "kind of" finish it
we can help you move it a few pixels over to the right, we don't want to go over other people's works, it's just there wasn't enough blank space to make this >>30511861 without going over something

at this point it's easier to help you relocate a tiny bit
I'm fine, please don't erase it further more, just leave me clean it and rebuild it with no interference with your red and white horse
Are we just doing NM and DB as is or are we giving them a background after they're complete?
That'd be a hell of work!
Just Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker and the lazurs. Nothing else.
perhaps for later projects
imagine like a space themed background, that'd be super awesome
I'm placing pixels while also clicking golden cookies on cookie clicker and afking woodcutting in runescape
this is the life
RS3, or the official private server for nostalfags called "OSRS"?
I do like rs3 more, but I'm on osrs right now just so I could stalk daddy dovy
you don't get it
the moment you lost your position as alpha group, you became a minor trash
if you want /mlp/ to listen to you, become a powerful group once again
File: New Canvas.png (278KB, 904x615px) Image search: [Google]
New Canvas.png
278KB, 904x615px
looks weird
perhaps I don't have your vision
hey guys we should build the space part
it's way too big to be even remotely plausible
looks like shit
It would be about the size of that huge br flag
You mean the incomplete Stewie that hasn't been maintained, and has acquired random dots all over it in the past month?
>yfw whoever outlined Lilligant is off by one pixel
Hey, man. So I'm the one who made those Luna-sprites, and I agree with some of your points here. The purple and red version is probably the most unique one. That different look is part of why I made it in the first place.
Now, I do think that A, B and C are turned out nicely as well, but they are -as you said - a little bit generic.
I don't know if a background for it would be wanted, or whether it would even fit the tone, but if you want me to try I'll make an attempt. Perhaps it might suade some of the others. I dunno.
The problem with that is that if we make a rectangular background it might clip with some of the portraits
Not to mention we'd have to keep it repaired.
Alright which one of you faggots made stewie cry?
you want some help to delete that stewie?
Commie, pls leave.
If the creator posts a template, then maybe we could move it or something. But all we have is a larping faggot.
>"if you want /mlp/ to listen to you, become a powerful group"
>looks at Koreus, 55chan, /vp/ and /o/
we also didn't sell out to france when they were in power, we still were really open about missing brazil- and likewise when sdlg faded into irrelevancy we've been vocal about missing them
He's a tough, strong baby. He'll get over it.
Your lies made baby Stewie cry.
Heads up for anyone working on Minuette, Someone is messing with a few pixels.
I'm working on her mane, dark blue pixels.
What's up?
That Romanian? flag on DB's horn looks like it's trying to cover her horn. I think we need to delet this.
That's her wing, not her horn.
But yeah.
Did we contact them?
We can just move it over a tiny bit. It's not complicated
Do we even know who they are? They're still covering that wing tip currently.
right now?
No more toothbrush
The French believed we have an aggressive expansion : "cring Stewie" and "romanian flag", past creations that we are annexing, could illustrate the misunderstanding.
Commie, pls go.
I got yellow, lemme smash.
Alas, poor wing tip! It's been clipped.
okay, i managed to fix the flag
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I'm guessing that guy is too busy having a life to reply in a timely manner, so I went ahead and made a background anyway.
Cue 'there was an attempt' memes. At least the red makes sense now.
Going to bed, night folks.
Looks like we are gonna have to move that shitty flag
When exactly? DB is coming along well, especially her tail.
I honest to God believe that it's our resident datboi fag "fixing" "artworks" that we go over that are clearly abandoned as some sort of retribution or something.

This is something that happens with every single one of our works. We start to go over extremely obviously abandoned works, and then all of a sudden VERY CONVENIENTLY it begins to be repaired.

I don't believe these to be accidents.
It's the commies, and your rage only makes them laugh. Ignore, and carry on.
Oh god that would make so much sense.
Hey I told I didn't care about that stupid unicycle frog. You're thinking of that other fag who refuses to tell us what we even built over and any help to make it up. Also I thought it was one of us who made stewie cry for fun when I brought it up and didn't think it'd get this out of hand. Fuck this I'm taking a bath.
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pixelcanvas.io (-1010,1095).png
56KB, 1440x789px
Thanks to the anons who helped me in this.
Lo que sea por un hermano follaburras hispanohablante. ^;)
>"Anon, this is not a joke! Where is my poster?"
>"Don't prove my patience, Anon..."
So are we gonna do anything about the flag clipping Db's wing?
Bulldoze it. There are plenty of Romanian flags about. Some of them were former French flags that they converted.
Someone keeps repairing it
Our commie pest that uses these threads to find out where will be.
Right wing done! With the exception of that clipped wing.
We don't bulldoze things. Let's just move it, they'll stop defending it if we do.
>We don't bulldoze things.
Tell that to sad Stewie
he just suffered a traumatic accident in which half his head burned of, the flag is flame proof though
>Rebuilding such an autistic looking flag
Seriously, it looks like a Lego brick.
Nice repeating digits
It was a long abandoned flag until someone announced that it was there. Suddenly, it is repaired, and defended.

They could announce that pixel canvas is going to close down at midnight today, and the commies would be there up until that time tearing things down.
Daybreaker is turning out really good glad I got to help create her with you guys.
>tfw some asshole started NMM while I was slaving away on DB so I never got the pleasure of placing those first pixels

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123KB, 1500x1322px
Right wing is NEVER done, my friend.
275 people on pixel canvas. Slow night
Someone posted yesterday that they changed how the online users is calculated, now it only shows people who've placed a pixel recently, not just people with it open.
That's really depressing, honestly. Arkeros should advertise the site more. I liked it much more when the number being the thousands at all times was the norm. It feels like a abandoned town now with us remnants just doing...stuff.
We're still here anon. We will continue to build pone for quite a while I'm sure
Read >>30522320
I don't care, man. I don't like these low numbers. They trouble me.
I agree, he definitely should advertise it more.
This too, the old way was a lot more reassuring even if it was less accurate. I want to know how many people still care about this site, not how many people placed a pixel then and there.
Do you think Lauren will ever notice us again?
I swear to God, I'll say this again, she better fucking see this shit when we're done with most of it.

I will not have our work squandered unnoticed
I dunno Anon. I'm one of the guys who migrated here from another group, so that's not something that's ever bothered me. I'll help you build the dedication sign when the time comes though.
I think turning that green flag above everything into the Lauren Faust banner is going to be the cherry on top of everything
It certainly will. The DB-NMM battle is our Magnum Opus, but that dedication shall be our Magnum Opus Secundus.

It should be made worthy of building. I don't think ALL pink is the way to go. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
I think all pink is boring, but I started some pink hearts in the lower left corner.
Yeah same here wish we could incorporate some kind of landscape from equestria in the background
Maybe using her OC somewhere?
The equestria banner would be good.
What about surrounding it in the coat of arms for Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Canterlot, Crystal Kingdom and the others?
Oh, that's an idea.
I like that idea
Nice. Drunken idea has paid off.

Now if only somebody could post them. I only vaguely remember them from the Equestria games episodes.
Crystal Kingdom was Lauren's idea?
We better be carefull with this. We don't want to fail on Lauren sempai.
I don't think so, but that's not the point. Half our shit wasn't Lauren's idea DB v. NMM.

What matters is the thought that we loved what she conceptualized and brought to inception.
Yeah whatever we do it's gotta look amazing
>lauren sees our discord invite
>joins it to talk to us
>none of us are in it because we all hate discord
File: Brazil.png (18KB, 417x500px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 417x500px
Hello /mlp/,
I am brazilian, sent here to represent a brazilian pixel canvas group. We have people from /mlp/ in our group who have improved relations there, so we thought of sending one here to make it better.
Do you want some help in your projects? I'm open for questions.
But then again, I hope she doesn't get upset by some of our banners. Does she have a (relatively) thick skin?
File: Queen_chrysalis_by_90sigma.png (165KB, 800x1000px) Image search: [Google]
165KB, 800x1000px
Our true queen is very under represented.
She has visited mlp once already. That was a huge shit storm. So maybe?
Yeah, what was up with building directly over SDLG? Was it simply convenient with your flag rivalry with France and Turkey, or is it a bad relations with SDLG themselves?
>I'm open for questions.
which is your favorite pony?
Yea could you and some of your boys take care of that Romanian flag @-810,1541?

Just avoid the wing, senpai.
It's almost 5am there... Why are you awake?
Also, Lula da Silva is innocent.
that's beautiful, I'm down on making either one of those
Seconded, would look even better with some pink and purple clouds instead of the black though. It shouldn't be quite that dark yet.
Leave that to the lifefag, he deserves it.
Instead, why not build some of these? >>30518452
I'm not sure actually, there are too many of us, and we are somewhat decentralized. It's important to remind that the brazilian imperial flag is a project led by another faction, Império. But I think it can be very possible it's just for the competition with France and Turkey, I never heard of a war with SDLG though, but they are kind of small, so it's possible the majority didn't even care.
Correct. There has been zero activity on Stewie for the past 2+ weeks at least. We've got a prankster out and about, shitposting for his own amusement.
Ah, ok. Thank you very much for this post. We now at least have an answer for SDLG.

It's so sad. SDLG used to be king, but as the adage goes, no king lives forever, eh?
DB's tail is now halfway complete, now I can finally turn in for the night.
Asked them and will help myself too.
I'm a person of the night.
I'm surprised someone here knows about Lula. I actually think he's innocent too.
'preciate it Brazilanon!
I confess I'm not a huge fan of mlp, but I like rainbow dash. Maybe too mainstream, but yeah.
you can reply to more than one post at a time, it might be easier for you
The no background version has been started here.
what is your favorite pone song? I really like Apples to the Core. so catcy
Actually when I said I'm not a huge mlp friend I meant that I only sympathize with it, I never watched an episode. But like some songs, they are very good, even for someone that doesn't like mlp. Of the ones I remember, I like 20 percent cooler a lot. I like Ken Ashcorp.
Thanks, I will keep that in mind ~

Gonna sleep guys, won't answer anymore today. Bye ^^
Well we did it that damn flags gone
Curiously, just today I was checking the last Ken Ashcorp song "Blue".
I really like Ken too. I've even transcripted some music sheets of his songs (you can find them on Songsterr).
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427KB, 598x854px
Excellent work with that Romanian flag.
Seriously it was just me and another anon for awhile thought it was gonna take forever even with me having 2 pixels each minute.
Thanks for the help with the flag.
Looks like all that's left with daybreaker is the tail. Good job guys
danks to the guy helping me up by teh horn. Want to hit the heigh soon.
File: Screenshot_20170715-013313.png (107KB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
107KB, 1080x1920px
Gotta finish this part as well
That's where the magic ejaculation clashing will start at. We need to finish DB fully before we work on it.
Only from the horn. Left and under from it is the remainder of her other wing.
You're welcome ^^
for the lazorz we must wait DB and NMM to be finished
I was thinking about that, but I don't know what everyone's thoughts would be on to have us complete them both before starting on either side's lazorz.

Personally, I think it'd be neat if we started at both NMM's and DB's horn lazorz at the same time so we could meet at the middle.
>Personally, I think it'd be neat if we started at both NMM's and DB's horn lazorz at the same time so we could meet at the middle.

Seeing how close we are to finishing Daybreaker, I've joined others working on Nightmare Moon so we can make this happen.
Well, we've held back so far. I have faith in our collective autism
Daybreaker is under attack
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Nice work, you started a war...
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I witnessed this 4 minutes long attack, about 100 pixels of damage!!!!
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Someone will be plenty mad when the laser beams finally fire.
>Portraits are under attack
Are we doing something about this?
how many are there anyway, seems like a coordinated attack
welp, back to defending
Just like the old days. Thanks for the heads-up.
I wouldn't say there's many, just that we slacked off. It's also the communists, they always go for the Aryanne banner.
>Site numbers just jumped by 20 as an attack on the portraits resumed
Interesting. This looks like a bot attack.
I'm not sure it is, some of the pixel placement matches up with past attacks, like pinkies forehead.
so who's attacking us
Scratch that, some of the damage being done is identical to the previous damage, does someone want to inform arkeros that there's a wide scale griefing bot operating?
it's the botting spanish mexican lgbt+ french skeleton communists and they're angry for dat boi
you forgot romanian stewie
pfff all the recent attacks look like childs play compared to the raids in the past
hey guys wouldnt it be funny if nightmare moon was off by one pixel
Remember to check https://mlp-pixelcanvas.herokuapp.com/
for the more hidden damage
no, it would be a nightmare
no not really
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Can't wake up.jpg
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Don't joke about that.
I was the one who placed the first pixel and started building her, i double and triple checked before i started
everything is alright
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I want to build something here, is this space already taken?
Do you mean you want to buldoze 10 recent creations? It does not look fine to me :-/
All of our mares and fillies are back to 100% integrity. Back to building new horses.
Yeah it is
>a few shitty flags appear
>started a war
Dont you think you're being a little dramatic?
Whatever's going on, the number of attacks has increased in the past few hours. Not calling it yet, but something tells me a large faction is starting to grow bored and lash out
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I'm not going to delete everything, probably just the cat thingy and the fairy tail symbol which I could relocate after I finish
I think we should contact Romanians
>the cat thingy
Dont you touch gatomon
Yo should move it first
why? because they build over our thing
Relocate first, we don't destroy pixel art
We can just build them another shitty flag not that they dont already have a few
Sorry, we don't negotiate with terrorists. We have enough flags on our property
We destroyed their flag first. Where could we contact 'em?
That thing hadnt been maintained in weeks all the sudden now its being worked on? Fuck that
Just build a new romanian flag near the old one and then make a arrow pointing to it, or write the coordinates
Unless you're planning to help me relocate, I'll do it last, I'm just a single person, I don't have the power to do that all by myself
I'm sorry, we destroyed a flag? Didn't even notice. Must have been too small.

If they really care about their flag and not about destroying our art then they can build their own damn flag somewhere else
The kind of behavior that leads to problem with factions. See >>30523582 that's the way we progress
what are you planning on building?
if it's horse related I'll help I suppose
Knock yourself out. Ive got better shit to do.
Ze_daddu is still active, they erased my test pixels. Relocate too?
That kind of behavior leads to problems with dead factions. Whoever is doing this doesn't actually care about the flag, or else they would have kept the flag maintained before all this
See :
I believe that was a classical example of a false flag. The flag itself was 17x17 and had been abandoned for a while, by the way. A single person could remake it in a few hours.
Okay? Is that supposed to mean something? Im looking at db now and shes fine
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>false flag
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New Canvas.png
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here's the template for what should be moved
I'm curious : what is the red thing?
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I want to build this, someone posted it some time ago, but I wasn't sure if you guys wanted to help me
the red thing is Fairy Tail's logo
New thread when?
When Romanian are under our will kek
We already built an SDLG pony.
Commies false flagging.
I'm impressed, you guys are very nice, caring about that little romanian flag that probably was done long time ago, and that was on your territory. And the fact that you're serious on not destroying art. I'm happy that we are friends on this, idk about allies, but friends is great for me.
Are SDLG your enemies?
not really, but they are known to attack us from time to time
wouldn't call them good allies
We don't like to step on toes we just want to build pone
Yeah, I don't like current SDLG pone, that's why I'm building a different version
Was it you the ones who did the brazilian pony? Or was it 55chan?
Yeah, I'm happy for that. Brazilians almost talk only about war.
We did the Brazilian pony
Someone should pixelate something along the lines of >>30522494 and give it to Brazil. Also, the Brazil lettering. They've shown that they can coordinate for art in their area.
Please leave them where they are and build somewhere else, anon. Aggressively pushing our borders by bulldozing existing art is not cool. There is a ton of active art here, find another location.
Maybe we could anonymously attack the active arts and then take over the place?
too blatant
Or, we could not be dicks and leave them alone.
Please make a new thread already, someone.
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No, >>30523809 is right, I checked koreus' website, those two banners (and probably the art too) belong to Koreus, Koreus is our ally, I decided to relocate under EESTI's flag, where no visible or tangible art exists.
great spot, go for it
Relocate far away from their Koreus family
Relocate far away from the European Center
Look find to me. When it's done, just erase it to make space for a new MLP's creation.
Edgy but efficient
That's a much better spot even without art troubles, since that's approximately where an old SDLG banner was
The Royal Battle is in the herokuapp now.

Unfortunately the app is not really designed to show images that large, so things are a bit primitive. I'll see if I can improve that.
new thread
nice, but i only see luna on there right now
nevermind i am retarded
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