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2016 /mlp/ Secret Santa - Sex Toy Exchange Program and Greedy

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 522
Thread images: 168

Maligayang pasko, mga mangangantot ng kabayo!

Welcome to the /mlp/ Secret Santa (and Latecomer's Santa for the Chronologically Impaired) thread! Come and tell Ol' Saint Nicholas your wishes and dreams and join us in spreading holiday cheer to all of our fellow Anons!

We are nearing peak cheer as more and more cards and presents are shipped and received daily, and nearer comes Hearth's Warming, so I sincerely hope you're all as hyped as I am for the opportunity to get drunk and get (and send people) stuff!

Please hold posting present unboxings until Christmas day so as not to be a massive fag who spoils. Feel free to talk about holiday plans while preparing, sending, and getting your cards and presents! Note to our Latecomer's friends. I'm fairly sure we'll still be getting cards and presents until just before Hearts and Hooves Day.

Remember to talk to you Santee's to either mock their choice in waifus and horsebandos, or just to troll them for being incredible idiots. (Looking at you Jake!) Or just be generally pleasant and not derail and ruin the threads. Okay?

Oh, and please try to keep Santa Pone and me updated about present status, nobody likes Grinches and ingrates. I should know.

Comments and concerns can either go to Santa Pone here:[email protected] or to me, Snowfall Frost here: [email protected]
All complaints may be referred to the Department of Complaints up my seat.

That's all, folks, and I'm going back to my mojitos and Irish hot chocolates.

Old bread here:
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what the fuck, you were filipino all along?
Gas all glimmerfags
Opo, Filipino po ako, boss. Totoo ang chismis tungkol sa atin, di ba?
Yes, I was a Filipino all this time. The rumors about Filipinos being always late is true, after all.
Putang-ina ito! Yes! Kill all the Gilmfags!

Captcha: tea.
I think Google knows I'm drunk and wants me to sober up.
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huh. I thought they all left.

Unless you were that guy I met at bronycon.
Nope, never been to bronycon. I'm not THAT autistic, man.
I may not hide the fact that I watch the show, but I don't necessarily call attention to the fact that I am a fan.
there's also the tagalog version of MLP every Saturday at 7 AM.

No one wakes up that early anymore.
Oh! The dub is actually watchable, as expected from Filipino voice actors. I just find the way GMA airs their cartoons and animes to be really disrespectful. I mean, the cut shit up to the point of really compromising the plot for the sake of commercials and squeezing in as many shows as possible. Only the weekend morning slot remains relatively safe from such bastardization. Cartoon Network PH used to carry it too, for a short while, but they quickly dropped it for some inexplicable reason. Here's to hoping HERO TV picks it up.
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>inb4 Toonami picks it up
FUCK, YES PL... no, wait. My local cable TV operator doesn't carry TOONAMI. Never mind.
I'm just hoping SOME channel picks it up before my niece grows up
My brother thanks me for downloading the first five seasons. Now to start downloading season six...
yeah./..make sure he's blissfully unaware of the spinoffs and the comics.
He found out about the fandom through Youtube. He knows about some of the horrible products of the fandom like SMILE HD and Rainbow Factory, the pasta, not the song.
He found out about them when he was eight. He is 10 now.
I am a bad brother.
My nephew is 8. He gets pissed when his little sister watches the pony show on my laptop as it robs him of time to play Spider-Man on it.

Out of all the days I brought my laptop to their homes, he ended up watching every episode with his sister. Literally tsundere about it afterwards.

>I-It's not like I wanted to watch it or anything b-but I need to know what happens after the chinese dragon thing turned the ponies into opposite them
I remember one of the mothers of my old first grade summer class some two years ago. During lunch, since it's about an hour long break, I'd watch the show on my laptop, and them being kids and MLP being a cartoon, they wanted to watch, too. Eventually, lunch breaks became chances to 'reward' them time to watch MLP with me.

Then the mother of this really sweet, really shy boy gets upset with me because I'm turning his son 'gay', that he became shy because I let them watch a 'girl's cartoon', when he's already a pretty fucking shy kid since he was in Kinder according to the parents of his classmates due to bullying.

A show that teaches morals such as friendship, love, and tolerance, being 'gay' and 'bad'.

Okay then.
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So thia came in the mail today...

>Love Ghirardelli chocolates, hate every flavor you gave me.

Not to sound ungrateful, just bad luck. Ill find a home for them.
I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems, but bad chocolate ain't one.
ill eat it if you dont want to
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And this card has the cutest drawing of Flutters. Thanks Jordan!!!
Should've told her that she's saying that little girls are weaker than boys.

Eitherway I don't blame her. Lots of puritan religious types and conservatives here.
Snowfall, why you gotta live in the Phillipines damnit? I hate shipping
>Peppermint and Spice
Well at least you got eggnog.
chances are it will get lost in customs
I had no choice in the matter. I couldn't choose my parents before birth. I would've preferred never being born at all, but you know, whatever.

Oh, ho. I had a lot of fun arguing with her and citing various academic studies supporting my arguments. I may have gotten fired for that, but fuck it, ignorance that severe needs to be challenged!
Not anymore, it won't. However, it will still take WEEKS before you get it after going through customs. Even after DU30.
What was your job?
Right now? I'm a high school teacher.
Don't tell me that, I paid for super ultra deluxe warpspeed 3day intl shipping
Neat. That explains why you're up so late this time around.

Let me guess, Araling Panlipunan
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and you have no power over here
Wait. What.
It'll probably get here in four days, then. A week, tops.

Close. Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health. But I finished BA English.

Fun thing about express international shipping, they generally work. Relatives from overseas have proven this to be true.
Is it true you get paid less for "more than minor" subjects compared to others like home-eco and history?
Just dropped off my cards. I know I'm cutting it close but I think they will be delivered before Christmas.
No, not really. I think that's only a thing for private schools. I'm a dog of the government.
As compared to me, still waiting for my printer to be fixed before I print and ship my cards. Yeah.
Setting a great example as leader of the latecomers there, huh Snowfall?
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god I wish it would snow here. I can't feel the christmas feels anymore outside of the internet.
he's leader to teenage children, he can be a leader to us manchildren.
S-shut up! Between spraining my arm, breaking my phones, and my printer giving up on me, it's already an achievement that my presents have already been shipped. I just need to print the cards before I can ship them cause getting a 'professional' to print them for me is going to be expensive. Shipping the presents already broke my ass, printing the cards at a print shop will make sure I have nothing but boiled rice water and foraged wild greens to eat until January 15.

Fuck you?
>he isn't willing to make sacrifices for secret santa
Wtf I hate Snowfall now
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Hmm I wonder how the other boards are doing with their secret santas.

/toy/'s doing great.
I like /toy/, but at the same time I can't stand them at all

I just don't get the appeal
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Just think of it as richfags who can never be satisfied.
You make me mad and disappointed at the same time. Congratulations.

Also, I already brought the stamps and all the shit. needed. I just literally need to fucking print the cards.

Here's the price cost: it will literally cost me a dollar per card if I go to a print shop, as compared to just 6 cents print at home. If I went print shop, there's some 30 cards, so that's 30 dollars, already. Add to that 30 cents per card, so 39 dollars so far. That doesn't seem like too much money, but that's already 1946.62 Pesos. That's a significant amount of money here for someone who comes from a lower middle class economic bracket, you assholes.

Also, I'll ship out the cards already later today, so shut up, please.
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>not bankrupting yourself over a secret santa
>TFW I am a massive ass who's already ready to ship a week ago, just literally living up to the name of the LATECOMER'S SANTA.
Expect your cards to come in January, faggots.
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>Out for delivery
everytime I see that pic I think of papercuts through the dick/cunt.
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Mayor Mare looks way to fucking happy.

Please, by all means take the words of a drunken, sleep deprived asshole seriously while I laugh and drink some more at the slightest ire raised against my words.
She's a bureaucrat, might be her fetish.
Her fetish is someone else doing her paperwork for her.
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>Y-Yeah just sign those documents...slowly~
Now, please carefully fill up form Equestrian Form R1-05 so that we can get to know each other better. Take your sweet, sweet time filling it up. T-that's it.
I should probably go sleep now before I get any more retarded.
good morning you insomiac.
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Finally home from Switzerland. I send out my last cards and received three cards. Also a box where I don´t know where it is. Proberly in my warehouse.
So lets see was inside.
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Woo! All done!

Just gotta wrap it up, take it down to the post office tomorrow morning.
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What pone could it be?
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Neat. Thanks for Top Cunt pone.
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My card made it! np swiss anon! Merry Christmas
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And the next card
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>that nazi coin

you're the german anon, right ?
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Thank you, for that card.
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And the backside of that card with candy ass princess.
Damn right.
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Knew it, i'm your secret santa, I can't wait for you to see the box
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Thanks Cardslut, for that awesome stuff. That mlp pin even has two stars already.
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That seal is so nice. Would be even better if it was real wax. Should I open it now or wait till christmas?
Did he send you gold?
Go ahead and open it! It's your card :)
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Found some interesting facts while googling the name on the gold bar. Degussa was the company that produced Zyklon B for the Nazis. Nowadays they sell various gold and silver trinkets. That includes small 100g gold bars, which can be yours for the low, low price of 3,500 euros.
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Glad im not the only person who was bored enough to go look it up
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Help help help I haven't sent my card yet or even made my card yet because I'm an idiot and procrastinated WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I MAKE
Nah. Just put it on the card to keep it open while it took the pic.
>Go to store, buy 24 pack of crayons and steal an envelope
>Get piece of office paper and cut it to where it fits in the envelope after folding it
>Print out something christmasy and glue it on the front
>Go to Derpibooru and look up card guys favorite pone + christmas
>Crudely trace the most fitting picture in crayon on first inner page
>Add some memes on the other inner page
>Optional: Add a message or more memes on the back page
>Ship card

It's not hard
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Thanks so much for the card and the inconvenient Trixie pic anon! I hope your xmas is full of pone!
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immediatly after all this i found out about a Disney Japan show called Fireball and wish i would have put a Drossel figure on my wishlist
maybe i'll sign up for /toy/ as well next year
I freehand copy, but yeah basically this
Technically I freehand copied my cards too, it's just practically the same thing as tracing. Both are equally unimpressive and have the same basis behind them.
>tfw sent out cards in time
>tfw no one has posted them yet
I wonder if they're just too bad for 4chin.


buy her up.
Both cards I sent out have been noticed
First guy who recieved his was a collosal wanker
Second guy was based as fuck and loved his page of drunk doodles
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Thanks for the card and the fun drawing, anon! I hope your hearthswarming is full of fun and boops!
D Ryan from Massachusetts reporting in.


Thank you so much ; u ;

I am not sure I have achieved maximum Ponk yet.
sweet, i'll get it after i get some car repairs done
J.W in McKinney, your stuff is on the way! I'd recommend opening it Christmas Eve for full effect, nothing in there that would melt/go bad, hope you like it!
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You weren't supposed to open the presents until Christmas you fucking goofus.

Glad you like it.
an INCONVENIENTLY LARGE amount of packing peanuts.
Thanks Anon, and I hope yours is full of warm fuzzy feelings and the appropriate amount of pastel ponies!
A.B. from Alabama. Just got my box!
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Thanks to my niggas Nick and Jess for bringing the holiday cheer after a stressful day. Thanks for the art, warm words, and candy.
I would have waited but I didn't want to. Plus lately I've been dealing with a lot of shit and needed a smile and happy thought. This is going to be the last Christmas I'll have with my dad. Feelsbadman.
I think I'm getting grinched.
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hnnng those ponks.
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Thanks for the cute flutter card, anon! I hope you have an amazing xmas!
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aw hell no

>tfw i did go to PHBronyCon twice
I swear I happen to pass by
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Thank you so much for the sweet Mane-iac card and cute foliage embrace (Treehugger) ornament! Very creative! Very cool! I hope your xmas is full of pone and boops!
Tignan niyo mga bata, isang special child! Look, kids! A retard!
which reminds me. I haven't received cardslut's card yet. I think you got yours, Snowfall and you live in the province. Maybe I could use a tracking number.

sooooo i guess my card will arrive on January?
filipino tiimmmeee
nah jk take your time. Sanay na akong pinapaasa
yep, like this. But not freehand cuz I cant draw or even trace shit.
Damn, that's cute
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Yo Keith! Thanks for the box! Should it be opened yet or should I wait till Christmas?
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Yo Norfolk Louis!

Prezzie's done, latecomer's cookies done, will be in the mail tomorrow!
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>Anon still hasn't shipped package

I'm going to get fucking meme'd on this Christmas
Paul from Arizona, I got the last of your stuff today. Planning to package it up and ship it tomorrow, so it arrives by Friday (the 23rd).
Your welcome! I'm glad you liked it!
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I'm thankful for the gifts and all anon, but a package from you would have been nice... This was just sent from Amazon, and nothing else. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I got something... Just a little disappointed I didn't actually get something from you. No pony stickers, no card. Oh well, it was still nice of you to buy me something. Thanks!
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They look great, thanks anon!
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i dont know whats in it but i'm hyp as fuck.
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after dinner though
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I got the first out of my 5 cards today! ^^
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Thanks for the awesome card Anon! This is my first year doing the 4chan pony secret santa pony thing. I was expecting something I couldn't put under the tree. I almost feel bad for the cards I sent out...almost.
Stop complaining.
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Fuck off, someone went out of their way to get you pony stuff and you're here bitching and complaining.
Yay! 1 out of 2 cards. The insides are filled with terrible memes. Also dyslexic handwriting.
>gets autistic pone figurines
>acts like a literal autist himself
Seems about right for a twifig
Nigga all I said is that I wish it was from him
I love mine! How come you won't be doing it next year?
To be fair I would be disappointed too. They fulfilled the basic requirement of getting a gift worth $20-25 but there's no personalized card or note or any of those little touches that make it Christmas-y and fun.
Mostly stress but if I join the cards next year I'll probably do cards + mini gift packages like the other anons who chose to send their cards in mailers. I had no planning or idea what to do this year. I was freaking out not knowing what to do.
I wouldn't have cared if he sent me a rusty spoon in a shoebox, at least it was from him.
Why do you care so much about it being in fucking wrapping paper that will be destroyed in two seconds anyway? Just appreciate the gesture and move on.
Noting this for next year anon. Going to make an extra rusty spoon using drain cleaner.
Check tracking. Have any of them arrived yet? I ask because so far I haven't gotten any word from my santa or my giftees.
It's not about the wrapping paper. It's about actually receiving a present from the person you asked it for. I just wanted something from the anon himself. I never even said anything about wrapping paper.
Get out of here Salad Fingers we're on to you.
Joke trips on that post aside, I just had one of the cards I sent posted in this thread. They just took longer to get to their destinations for whatever reason. Just one more is left and that's the one I sent off to cardslut.
Forgot to ask. Did the dosh arrive with it? Was gonna get a steam code but then thought, damn this guy might not use steam.
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I have no idea what you're talking about.
I think you did a fine job, anon! Nothing to stress about.
Giveaway prizes (except the Rarity plush winner because the office was closed and you can't send international using the kiosk) and several cards have gone out! Checking my inbox in just a bit.
Also yes the dosh was there but the card was more than enough :)
Thank you so much.
Snowfall Frost and Santa Pone aside, how many of you are stressed about this event at the moment?
You're very welcome. Have a great Christmas hopefully.
Me because I haven't heard any updates from my santa.
I'd be very stressed if it weren't for MailAnon calling me out a few threads back saying they'd be late with my gift. I don't mind if it's late but at least I know I'm not getting grinched.
>My Santa was a guy I knew this entire time
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I love this shit
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da autismos is great
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>who likes ponk
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I fucking love these stickers Anon, i'm afraid to even use them on anything man

>that applejack is a ditto
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Oh snap, gifts finally starting to roll in!

Love the card, but it seems you have made a mistake. You have awarded fluttershy best Pegasus, when she is, clearly, worst.
>haven't gotten card sluts card yet
Perhaps you weren't on my list? What's your initials? I'll see if I sent one out to ya :)
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And of course theres a fucking koala on the card...

"Oh man, those Aussies and their koalas. I bet they love those cute fuzzy bastards."

Fuck you, and fuck those stupid, shit eating, diseases, combustible, retards.

Luckily there are some superior pegasi inside this card to make up for it
I kinda wanna join in but I feel like it's a little late. Plus I've only been lurking the board for a few months.
The stuff you guys are getting look pretty neat. Bronies are so creative
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>You have awarded fluttershy best Pegasus, when she is, clearly, worst.
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>Bronies are so creative
Everything about this post is terrible
Did the postman spill the glitter?
I'm sending out my cards tomorrow but other than that no. Yesterday I got an email from Santa saying my person is gonna be a little late, which means I won't get grinched. So I'm p good
Okay I'll just go fuck myself then.
Thanks guys.
You're welcome, and happy hearths' warming!
Is this the sabotage we keep hearing about? Random newfags pretending to be 'bronies' asking to join?
Well, for the most part.
we're not creative, just lonely and/or bored and horny if you go by some of these cards
If you want to exchange cards, feel free to ask people in the threads to set things up for y'all. But if it's presents that you want, I'm afraid you'll just have to catch us again next December. Or July, if that ever becomes a thing. Don't even think about it, Hero of the Secret Santa, and Champion of the Latecomer's. No. I beg you, please don't!
it isn't even possible to backstage by now. Even if more than a handful of people were grinched we have multiple anons on stand by to ensure people get gifts.
whats your email? I'll send you a card and a small gift
>Or July, if that ever becomes a thing
no. absolutely not you will ruin the magic of this event by making it happen more than once a year.

>Hero of the Secret Santa, and Champion of the Latecomer's
If you're not a random troll email Santa. They might have people looking to send more cards.
There are a few select deserving of this title.
Do not. Please do not. Card, sure. Presents, I strongly urge you not to.
Hey, I'm Snowfall, the coordinator of the Latecomer's.
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Those those look so good. Where did you get those from?

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My mom wanted to know what I got. Luckily I was able to just slip away without showing her anything.
I definitely do not have the money or the creativity for two secret Santas in one year.
You don't deserve it if you give it to yourself.
well, I got them in the card. but if the person who sent said card wants to say thats up to him. I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. For now they go on display,
>Do not. Please do not. Card, sure. Presents, I strongly urge you not to.
What the hell, man? Why do you have such strong feelings about how other people spend their time and money?
C.V. from the Philippines.
>Or July, if that ever becomes a thing.

I think he's just worried about the person offering to send a gift sending to a potential troll/beggar. His intentions are good. But really it's up to that anon if they want to do it or not.

Your post sounds suspicious and insincere because of the wording but if you are being genuine I do have a person or two looking to send another card, so you can email me at any time.

Your Rararara is being shipped tomorrow morning!
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No one cares that you used a couple hundred GPU cycles to generate a trip. Sure it's neat, but no one really cares how many tripcodes you have. Get over yourself.
I sent mine direct from vendor to my target just because of not wanting to get caught up or delayed making something nice.

It's a good thing too because within 2 days of ordering we lost so many fucking employees I started working 14 hour days, and have been since around Thanksgiving. I still haven't been able to mail cards. Kms.
D Ryan MA here again.

Also thanks to the card bro who sent me this cute Sunset Shimmer ornament. I didn't take a picture before work. Sorry senpai.
I wasn't talking about me, if anything, I am not worthy of those titles at all. Ask Santa, they'll validate that I'm a crap person. I was talking about people like Cardslut, a certain Anon who spent a thousand bucks on all of us, the heroes of the exchange that spent the equivalent of my entire college student tuition debt in shipping and purchasing expenses, and Santa Pone, to name a few.
Exactly what you said about suspect wordings and crap timing. Besides, I think I already know who's answering to the call (again), and I'm just concerned that he'll be taken advantage of.
It's amusing, shut up.
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>Ask Santa, they'll validate that I'm a crap person
Yep you were on my list. Odd that it hasn't made it to you yet. I hope it gets there soon!
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>mfw someone calls me a hero of exchange
...and if it's not there by Christmas then I'll gladly make you another card. I hope it gets there in time though.
If an anon has taken to begging on an autistic Mongolian horse archer board for some Christmas cheer then I think he deserves some no matter what

plus I do check with you and santa for the obvious double dippers
It's your call, man. But again, THE HERO OF THE MOTHERFUCKING EXCHANGE.
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Thanks m8! I'll definitely open it the night before then. I'm fucking excited! Also why ups? Not cool dude. Usps is where its at!
No updates from my Santa since a few threads ago. Fear the stress of finals killed him and he is lying under a stack of notes and textbooks. Feeling a bit stressed, but not very.

I got my card and my present and they were both pretty neat. The gift and card I sent both made it to their destinations and the gift guy posted pics of the box and still wrapped gifts and I figure that means they'll be here for the unboxing thread. No word from the card recipient, which is a bummer, but whatever.

All the stuff I might have stressed out for is over. I'm back down to normal levels of existential dread and despair.
Want to include some cash for my anon, is sending foreign currency too inconvenient?
Not really, just make sure it's discrete as hell. There be asshole postmen and customsmen.
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>Santa just shipped gift
>It'll be here soon
I sent you an email Snowfall, please reply ASAP
I thought it would be funny to send it through FedEx but then I realized I would have to deal with FedEx so I scrapped that idea
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Wew, thanks lad! I'm hyped!
F.L of Austria you're not getting grinched
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No tracking number yet and I haven't seen my name mentioned once. I guess there's always next year.
So I may have missed it in previous threads, but James in Vegas and Jeremiah, have you gotten your cards from Will yet?
I've mentioned your name several times Amadeus AB... you better not be one of these anons saying they haven't seen their names...

Since I'm sending it tomorrow all I can say is I hope you like LEWD because LEWD you are getting!
Don't worry anon, people are on standby for this exact situation!
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I'm not stressed at all, all my shit has shipped and acording to tracking info every has their stuff. Thats enough for me.
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Me because my santee's gift was marked delivered a couple days ago and he hasn't posted anything about it, nor have I even heard from him since assignments went out

I hope that one shitposter a few threads ago wasn't serious about making fake signups.
I feel like pinko pae ready to explode, waiting for my anons to get showered with poni

Swear on me mum, your gift is shipping soon. Finished part 1 today, doing part 2 tomorrow, adding extra stuff Wednesday and shipping it out.
It's down to the wire, but you are getting things
My secret santa said he's shipping out my gift soon and maybe he has a bit of a problem on the shipping fee. Snowfall has yet to send me my card and I'll have to check where CardSlut's card went.

In any case I'm not stressed cuz at least I heard from these people and I'm sure I'm not getting grinched.
Casper R from Denmark, your present is going to be late, but you aren't getting grinched.
Which Jeremiah? Jeremiah S or Jeremiah M?
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I made a thing...
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Yes, I did post it in one of the threads, but it died shortly after.

so again, Thank you so much, It really brightened my day
I'm stressing whether my santee will like what I get them and it's fucking eating at me
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Hehe I wish I could say I was clever enough to had made the gift intending that connection...
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>send cards long time ago
>no one post anything
>send priority package yesterday
>not even leave town to this day
>christmas are scary
Thanks anon, looking forward to it!
No worries if it comes in a little after Christmas so don't stress too much. Also if there's gonna be any lewd of any sorts in there tell me now so I avoid opening the package in front of my family.
there will be the most depraved filth in your box
Fuck yea
No lewd that I planned, but now I'm second guessing not finding some to throw in
Alrighty. No worries. Thanks for letting me know.
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Yo Norfolk Louis, again!

It's sent! Look out for a bright orange shoe-box coming your way in the next couple of days!
good I keep my cards opening till christmas. it seems I will not get my package in time so at least I will have fun of opening them.
My package is delivered and my Santa's is sitting a few feet from me. Stress free, broski.
Will you fuck?
now that's something I'd give to my little nephews.
Jeremiah S
kulit nila eh.
kek, good one.
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Anyone else in the chink package haven't arriving yet boat?

I feel like I should give my santee a steam card to hold em over cause I don't think this is going to arrive before Friday.
You're welcome Anon! My mother thought it was a best idea to use the paper for my art stuff
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Hype intensifies.
I'm sure the rest of what's going in the box is stuff you couldn't... Unless you wanted to be THAT uncle...

Chink stuff is heap and they give zero fucks about lewd or copyright, but yeah, you're direct ordering a custom or semi custom product from a shady af factory overseas. It isn't going to be quick.
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Stephanie P
Zach I
Trevor C
Nick C

Cards and extras are on the way
If this is for DB in OKC the delivery date will be a bit off, I bought the stamp on the 17th and mailed it yesterday.
TFW looking at all the pictures, matching which ones are of the same house based on paint and lighting and stuff, and imagining personalities for each santa based on the various bits of detritus laying around in the backgrounds of their pics.

pretty autistic, but I'm enjoy ing myself.
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Funny I was worrying about it this morning and when I got home tonight, I saw the package arrived.
The chocolate has melted but I'll let it freeze and eat it tomorrow. Thanks Cardslut!
Hey I'm glad it made it to you safe! Have a great xmas!
Just let them know if you're worried. It's understandable that things will be arriving late especially from so far away.
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It's not a terrible idea - although be aware that unscrupulous individuals will be looking for cards that carry cash and get-and-use gift cards this time of year.
As my card appeared semi-open when I got it, I suspect a postal worker may have peeked to see if something was in there. I hope he/she enjoyed viewing pic related
You could always contact him/her about arranging to buy things off of an online store (or credit an account they might have somewhere online, so they can purchase items for themselves) as an alternative.
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Also I really appreciated the card. I'll always remember to boop and snuggle the fillies. huehue
very much so. I live outside the states so I expect that it will take a longer than expected time to get here, and I haven't heard from my santa or giftee's at all yet.
I would hope no one is stressed. It's just presents, chill. It's supposed to make you feel good.
Its not. Dont worry anon.
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Zach of In, your package has arrived!
I would post pics, but I was a sissy who requested no ponies on the outside of it it is just a plain brown paper envelope.

So far, the item inside has resisted my attempts to divine what it is (hopefully the object inside does not object to being excessively felt-up). Your cunning bubble-wrap shield is successfully defeating all my attempts so far.
So when is the opening, the 24th or 25th? Not sure if we are doing an 'Eve one or keeping them to Hearth's Warming Day.
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>Gee uncle, why does little sis get TWO PURPLE WIENERS?
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The hype is real!
And yes I'm posting on mobile. I'm at work so I have to. Don't hate me senpai!
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I think you'll like it senpai
Wow that got there fast
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I legit can't wait senpai
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>tfw your irl friend who signed up for this when you forgot to do it and now you're making his cards for him
I hope you read this, faggot. You know who you are.
Sign your name on them too! Don't let that lazy fag take all the credit.
I know, I figured another day or two. But oh well. Then again ups has a warehouse distribution center in Mckinney so they probably got it and threw it on a truck today. Hence how I got it so fast.
Those stickers are from Redbubble. It's a good site to look for commercialized art in any form of media.
Get hype Chakalyn
Links? Because that Chrissy one is too cute to pass up
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Alright found my package again, that anon send me with this awesome drawings on it.
Sadly its a little bit messed up.
I presume if the thread's still up it'll go into the 25th. I HOPE so anyway, because I don't wanna open my gift early, plus I'm going to be busy with my senpai on Christmas Eve
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And the back. Can´t wait to open it an Christmas.
Cash is a high risk thing to send in the post, especially during holidays when people handling your mail will know that there are a lot of gifts floating around.
I'm planning to open my gift (if I get it in time!) on Christmas day. I hope the anon I sent a gift to does the same.

I secured a 10 character trip that's all mine. Finally.
Damn...artfags man.
Kinda, heard nothing yet from my Santa, and also worried my santee won't like his thingy.
Jordan fron Texas and Cardslut, I mailed out your cards today. Hopefully they get there before Christmas.

I cant wait for you to see my drawings. Im no drawfag, but I think I did ok.

Finally! I thought I was getting grinched again this year! Thank you so much!
Awesome ! You got it ! Too bad the package is a bit damaged...at least the cute RD is still alright. I'm glad you liked the drawings, they got very popular on twitter so you have a popular box now
Dude. I still need to finish half the gifts, wrap the presents, bake cookies, package everything up, decorate the box, and ship it, all before the UPS pickup time which is in 3 hours.
I called you out several weeks ago in a list of names. People were salty I was a namefag
I will definitely keep those drawings. Maybe I frame them and hang them in my workshop.
If you're Drew G , then go ahead and open the box when you get it. I wrapped the stuff inside, so there's no worries about waiting.
Hey Stephanie P.! Just wanted to let you know that I finally got around to sending the last of your presents via the mail, I thought sending it by having it sent to me then to you would work better but it really didn't, still look for a 7' by 7' by 13' brown box with lots of brown tape over it for your last gift!

Hopefully that 2 day priority mail thing will get to you in time. Hope you have a merry christmas!

Also protip prepare for lewd, LEWWWWWWWWWWD
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To the Anons who got my candy dongs. Did any of you actually eat them? Were they any good?
I should get your gift out sometime this week.... I'll express that shit and get holiday delivery if I have to. I'm just waiting for customs to release your main gift.
Anyone heard from Kiwifag? I'm worried he died
>worried about a namefag
Who cares?
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Geez this thing is big! And you said to not open till Christmas eve right?
Either I wasn't sure if it was a package or a card, or I simply overlooked it. Either way, I'm happy as fuck now.
Don't bankrupt yourself on shipping man. I ended up buying myself my own personal gift even if I don't get yours in time.

For everyone else, I'll be doing a trips giveaway on Christmas day. I've got quite a few trips to giveaway. Each unique. I know most people don't care about them but a cool vanity one every so often is pretty neat.
Yep, Christmas Eve, also careful with the addresses in pics
>mfw down to the wire and have to send my anon's gift tomorrow for it to make it in time.

I...I can do it! If I have to make it express I will!
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I'm a bad Santa and I opened a box early. Luckily anons from Oklahoma are smart and they wrapped everything up all nice so I would resist temptation until Christmas. Thank you guys! I'm very excited and I hope everything reaches you in time for the holiday!
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Jeremiah S here, I don't think I've got it yet.
Heh, I got that same purple wrapping paper from toysrus too.
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I'm so excited! Are you the same Santa who already sent me things though? Y-you didn't have to do so much! I really appreciate it anon. I promise I will take loads of pictures and sing your praises in the unboxing thread. I'm curious about those oddly specific box dimensions though and how much lewd I should be prepared for.
>get box from santa
>get a box from cardsloot
>get an envelope of goodies from a card anon
Is anyone else vibrating from anticipation staring at their box
Absolutely. It doesn't help that my Santa sent me stuff way early so I've had this massive box tempting me for half the month.
just a few days
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Thank you so much cardslut! Made my morning here. It's a shame the candy didn't make it though
Hey does anyone know how to check international priority packages on the Italian post website?
>mfw I misread 'fun tats'
Wew boy.

Also for anyone worried about being grinched:
My plan is to send out notice emails to anyone who hasn't shipped by Christmas, then wait until a week after New Years for them to get their act together. After that time they will be considered grinches (unless they are keeping in contact with me and I know they will be sending a gift along) and someone from the list of generous anons will be contacted to get you a happy replacement package. So please do not panic. I'm also still getting tracking every day from people running a little late so if you haven't heard from me/your Santa yet please don't fret!
Yes, it is the fluttershy poster sender with big boxes that bring all the boys to the yard!

I mention the size as I had to manually measure out the box to send it so I was just thinking if you see that package you'll be in for a surprise.

AS for lewds, prepare for your ponut to be glazed over quite well. There are some other cool and snappy features in there as well, but all together its a good hundred spent I'd think!
Drink a bottle of wine and eat spaghetti while on the site and it will work
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Paul from Arizona, your stuff is on its way! It should arrive by Friday.
Looks great! I want those snickerdoodles.
They turned out really well! I used this recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/soft-snickerdoodle-cookies-97496

worked for me when I sent international certified mail there recently.
These look awesome. What's your twitter or dA?
I would die for those gifts
Post Office said that it'll be here today, but waiting for the notification is fucking killing me!
AE from MO, just shipped your shit because I am scum.

Should be there on the 23rd, but it's not gaurenteed. Worst case is it will be there Monday.

Eddie M
Nick C
Pierce M
Kyle P

Be on the lookout for small usps priority boxes right before Christmas!
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Thank goodness. I don't think i would have the willpower to resist opening them early
>TFW people are still asking to get into the /Latecomer's Santa/ to exchange presents.
Damn it, people!
Who? I wanna send more gifts
Damn it, Saxton Hale. Are you sure?
Email me their details
I ate them and they were decent, I enjoyed them. At the very least they didn't taste like cough syrup
Weren't they salty?
>tfw your santee hasn't been in any of these threads and isn't going to open their gift in the opening thread
Thanks famalam. Tracking said it was supposed to be here on tuesday, but it has not arrived yet. If its not here by friday ill be concerned.
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Being a lazy bum and picking up my Santa's present tomorrow. I AM SO HYPE.
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You'd better watch out ~
You may as well cry ~
Just give in and pout ~
I'm telling you why!

'Cause for some of you, he's comin' to town!

now reposted with less artificing
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I already got the tracking info from my Santa.
Its too late so go away you.
Just opened door for courier when leaving home. And he had package for me. Hype. Now I want to get to home fast.
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But I also love my Trixi that I got from my secret santi.
Thank you so much for the gift!

>TFW still haven't seen your santee post.
I'm wondering if Soccoro M. is the Anon that said he would be going to Mexico in a few days a few threads back.
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Bonus pic with my Plushi Pye.
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Just get this baby. I didn't open yet, but after touching it I'm 99% sure what it is. And it's not beer.
imalou.deviantart.com or my twitter is chihuahuamalou
If it's not beer, then it must be cum!
As long its Rarity marevagcum...
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Card me kek and goddamn Andy you make damned good baked goods
Looking forward to being able to open this, unboxing thread pls come soon
I gotta wait a few hours to answer the poll cause mine is out for delivery.
Though I think I am getting grinched out of one of my three cards.
Only got mine from Cardslut and the one from the guy who made the ones with a hole in the front and "Guess that Pony".
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Keith! Thanks a bunch for the flutter ornament and the little squishy ponies! Also thank you for the snacks! I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful holiday, friendo!
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>presses recieved
>now doubly pressured not to open it
W-whens the unboxing thread?
Or open presents now, take pics and post in the unboxing thread in a few days.
Sounds like it'll probably start on Christmas eve (which is only 3 days away!)
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>can't wait 3 days
>Get Amazon box off porch and open it up, thinking it's my recent order
>It's actually my gift from Santa

Um, well I'll post pics later at the unboxing. Meantime, thank you for the gift!
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Realising like an hour later I just ate those without a second thought
Inb4 /k/ Protein additives

Yay, it arrived on time! Merry Christmas dude!
This poll just makes me want to cry
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I'm getting grinched but that's okay. I had fun making things for my santee.
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Noah F!

I having false hopes that your gift will be here on time.. I was wondering if you would like a gift from steam or amazon too keep you cozy until your gift makes it too me. Plz respond fast.
this desu, so nice to see the santee's reaction when the box gets there
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Same, got grinched last year too but still worth it
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To the German anon who sent this. It arrived safe and sound. Unfortunately my gf went home for the holidays so she will have to open it when she gets back. In the mean time I took the food you packed out. Those cookies smell amazing! Thank you so much for the gifts, from both of us. Merry Christmas anons.
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It arrived safe and sound, UK anon. Thank you! I will be forced to open it the 23rd, as I'm leaving civilization for Christmas Eve.
My Santa said he'd probably be late but I haven't heard from him in several weeks.
Thats nice to hear that it arrived safe
Is that supposed to be tracy?
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The box.jpg
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Devin I just got your gift.
Hard as fuck to wait to open it.
What the fuck christmas ornament is that. fluttershy mould but with ponk's eyes and tramp stamp wow gj hasbro
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It has arrived. Maximum excitement.
My Santa said he was going to send it out, but he was unable to because he lacked to time to get to the post office. I haven't gotten a tracking number nor heard from him since a few threads ago.
If you've had a pulse within the last 24 hours I don't see why not. Name a time and place brochacho.
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Nah, Euro knockoff pony merch. Nicknamed "Worry Drops"

She makes everything great.
>that feel your santa didn't take time to poneup your package
>that feel when you didn't pone up the package you sent because you joined late and ran out of time and just had to get it out the door but you're already planning for next years memes because this was too much fun
I know this feel
At least you got a package from your Santa, some people here just got stuff sent directly from Amazon.
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>5 days since my package was marked delivered
>Santee hasn't posted that he got it yet
At least you get stuff from Amazon at all you ungrateful fuck.
I'm planning not only memes. We have whole year for preparation my friend.

To be true I wanted to do something like this, because I wasn't sure if stuff get to me and then to the anon.
>package sent to my dorm room
>dorms are closed until Jan 16.
>no word
Fingers crossed it's there when I get back.
Did you maka a rarity brush in ps?
Nope. I thought this is well know trick since its so simple.
I know but...that's the first time i'm entering this secret santa, why does people just enter and do nothing ? That's just not fair
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>get a cross dressing Trixiefag as santee
>has never posted in these threads as of yet
>probably won't get to see his delighted reaction when he opens his gift.
It is Trixie's Equestria Girls skirt, a Trixie plush, and a Trixie ornament
Santa Pone should reveal the name of every grinch so we can have a nice revenge
I'll make sure he posts
That trixie trap has posted in previous threads when he was called out. He posted a selfie of himself.
Maybe it's supposed to be a reference to MMC?
I never said I only got stuff from Amazon, nor did I say getting stuff from Amazon is bad. This anon was talking about how his package didn't have stickers on it, and I said it could be worse. Jeez Anon, who pissed in your cereal?
I was grinched last year and would have loved to get any sort of package so to see autists complaining about not having stickers covering their gifts is making me cringe.
Thats gay man. Did you at least get your present this year?
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Get ready for s'getti, because your package is on the way
he's most likely been black out drunk for the past four days, with a fluttershy horse cock between his legs.
he's a troubled fellow. I worry about him some times.
Haven't received tracking info but my santa said he's shipping my gift soon.
I wouldn't worry about him too much, that's a traps natural habitat
Awww shit son!

My body is ready for the s'getti
My Santa still seemed to be getting stuff since Santa Pone asked me more questions on their behalf.
No package today either. If its not delivered tomorrow, im afraid the driver may have died.

>Lots of snow in Wisconsin
>Amateur drivers afraid to drive in snow.
>Amateur Mail carrier tried driving in snow and slid off the road.
Thank you for the keychain Santa Pone!

Its a lot bigger than I was expecting.
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ANON YOU'RE HERE! I was getting a little worried there for a moment. Sorry for not responding earlier, I had work and last minute christmas shopping for my family. I don't think amazon will be able to ship on time, but if you're interested in steam, I can send santapone my steam ID.
Ironically enough, I thought my own gift wouldn't arrive to my giftee in time, so I ended up panicking and sending them stuff through amazon and ebay.

>Shipping from hong kong
Ok, now I'm really curious.
If Card Slut gave out like 100 cards why didn't he receive 100 too?
I felt it would be greedy if I were to expect 100 cards in return. I wanted to send hearthswarming cheer to those 103 people and give THEM something to look forward to. So I left the number of cards I was to receive up to Santa Pone. I could have gotten 0 cards and would have been more than happy to have (hopefully) brightened you all's holiday.
He didn't post the card from me, at least if he got it. I wonder if he even got it.
I sent out three cards and received none in return.
What was on the front of the card? I'll repost if I've gotten it :)
Because then he'd have to take a picture of himself naked and covered in autistic pony Christmas cards, and no one wants that.
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You're welcome!

He didn't necessarily want 100 back, but I made sure to assign plenty of anons to send him cards. I figured if someone signed up to only exchange 1 card I would give them a unique anon besides Cardslut so they could have his goodies as a nice surprise bonus. If someone was exchanging several cards I made sure they had CardSlut on their list. I also figured anyone not assigned to him could still send him a thank you card or something back if they felt so inclined since his address is included on his envelopes. He's also getting a gift from me this year so there's lots of cheer heading his way.

I sent out 7 as myself (not Santa) and I got back 3 so far. It is what it is. I just hope they all arrived and made my anons smile.
>20/12/2016 Delivery attempted - premises closed

well fuck. I hope my santee knows where to collect it, because I don't.
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Santa Pone!

Just recieved the giveaway gift. Thank you so much! I love the cute Luna card and little Lyra.
D'awwww those are both cute
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Who still hasn't gotten their package from santa yet? I'm curious on who else may or may not be getting their package after Christmas
I haven't
The trixie trap is an attention whore. From all the threads I've seen, he only comes in to post pics of himself and leave. He'll probably pose for you in the thread
Good, more wank material
>Implying that's not what we want
I'm saying that he's going to come and give us pics no matter what
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What are his details? I want to send him a giant horsedick and see him post photos of how much he appreciates it
See the survey: >>29102296
Looks like about 20-25% have nothing yet.
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I have him for a card and I'm making a poem with his favorite pones. I haven't sent it though yet because I am literally the worst and haven't sent cards out yet. He seems like a nice guy from what I can tell!
Don't be too hard on yourself, I wasn't able to send my card too but I did manage to send my packet on time
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AM of Düsseldorf will be getting his package soon enough, it just departed Frankfurt. I'm friends with the person sending a package to SP in Seattle, and he hasn't actually sent yours because he's a lazy faggot. Don't worry though, I'll make sure he sends it before Christmas or I will literally punch him in the dick. Sorry for those of you getting your package/cards after Christmas. I've always considered everything up to New Years Day was a part of Christmas anyways
Who Is worried that the number of grinched anons is swiftly outweighing the number of anons willing to buy gifts for grinched anons.
>SP in Seattle
Oh shit, that's me

>Don't worry though, I'll make sure he sends it before Christmas or I will literally punch him in the dick.
Thanks anon, you're the best!
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No problem friendo
Perhaps people who haven't sent out their package yet should email Santa Pone with an estimation of when they think they'll get it out?
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I just wanna apologize for the autistic comments I made about getting these two from Amazon. I was just being silly and jealous, and I'm very happy to have these little two figures sitting on my desk as a reminder of the generosity of you faggots. Thank you very much, random Anon, and I wish you a very Happy Hearthswarming.
>twifag having an autistic tantrum
Wouldn't be Christmas without it
If you think that was autistic tantrum you haven't been here very long
ATTN: Will from Butte, Montana

Jeremiah here, it doesn't snow in the Philippines you silly pony. However, I did thoroughly enjoy your 3D card. I'll post pics soon enough. Thank you!
I got a buncha cards that I haven't taken pictures of. I'll post them in a few hours after today's mail arrives.
Are you the guy from Brazil?
Alright, which of you glorious faggots sent me a Roseluck in the post?
Cute fluttershy on the outside with ear muffs.
Cutie fluttershy on the back with heart eyes and a collar. Says "I love you" in poorly written dyslexic hand writing.
Inside is filled with memes. I didn't take pictures of my cards that's why I"m curious if they looked okay.
Not me, but I'm about to head to the post office and send something else along your way....
I'm getting spoiled
You get what you deserve! (Quite literally, but it sounds so good I had to use this phrase...)
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haha I love this card anon! Its super cute!
That card is way too cute
You wouldn't happen to live in Christchurch would you? If so, your card will be sent today because I'm a faggot who forgets things.
That would be me.
I panicked and didn't know if my card would arrive on time.
post pics you faggot
Super quick question: What are your perceptions on the word 'face' and the social concept of it?
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Here's a card I got from an Austrian anon. Thank you so much!! I love everything you've sent. The wafer looks yummy! Yes our province is pretty poor and back watered.
I'm glad you like it, sorry about the stains though. In an attempt to make it less wrinkly I pressed it between two books and some of the colors got absorbed by the glue. I almost threw it away.

Also nice cutting board. Are you a plush maker?

I have no Idea what you're talking about. Are you drunk again? If so cheers.
Drunk. And pissed.
Also, for a lack of a more accurate way of describing it, face is the image you show to yourself, to society, and to the people around you. It's the identity you show others, and the 'person' the people around you experience. Face is how you see yourself and how you want everyone else to see you.
This made me chuckle.
Why pissed?
As for the face thing, I go the route of 'no shame'. I have no problem telling people I'm a horsefucker or that I drink way more than a healthy person should and if people don't like me then I probably wouldn't want to hang around them anyways. Hell I even got a sweet Celly toy after sperging out one drunk night. I understand that this isn't an option for some people but I think I'd be a lot less happy if I were hiding myself all the time.
Having a strong disagreement with my sibling that ended up in me punching them twice (albeit more for show than any actual pain) with how crappy they've been treating me since they've been home for the holidays. Apparently, being their older brother has nothing do do with respect, or at least, some deference with their words and actions. Nigga's been showing me disrespect since they got home for the holidays. And my mother is on their side, saying that I gotta 'earn' their respect if I wanna be respected. I don't know It's just the rage perhaps, or what caused the fact that I nearly tried to kiss the pavement when I 'accidentally' got off from the buss too soon before going to the post office.
That sucks man, family should respect each other regardless. Did they pick up a shitty attitude when they were away from home? Or are they just punk kids?
It's complicated. Let's just say there is a reason why I have self-esteem issues and am more than well acquainted with various ways of killing yourself. Daddy issues. Sibling trouble only got this bad recently.
Normally I'd agree with you but he did send out a billion cards so at least his mental illness is being useful.

Goddam fags and their trap memes.
S-SHUT UP! Trixietrap-chan i-is beautifl and u shud respk dem!
Trixie trap didn't send out a billion cards
>tfw no qt3.14 trap bf

no wait, there's plenty in the PH
Oh look, it made it safely to you! That's great! I wish you a merry christmas up here where the beavers live.
I know that feel. I know you said you weren't autistic enough to go to bronycon but maybe going to a con or a meetup would be beneficial not that I'd know but I plan on going to one this year. Family can be shit sometimes but they'll always be there. If you can get away from all the shit in your life and take of your 'face' for a moment you might get the relief you probably need.
Sorry for the /adv/ tier post but I hate to hear people contemplating suicide unless it's just a ruse in which case go nuts :^)
Not from where I'm standing. Nobody is effete enough to be trap-worthy, and those who are have boipussy. Emphasis on the BOI. But there are some lean, not too masculine farming men who can give a good poundi...

Maybe this year, I'll actually go.
You should. I doubt we'd be at the same convention but if we are please say hi.

And don't let your boi pussy dreams be dreams!
or masculine farming men dreams, whatever
The farmers are not a fantasy. But I'm no pedo. I'd never tap into that.
Ooh I get you. Where I live boi is always slang for girly looking men.
Boi as both effeminate men, and, well, underage effeminate men.
Snowfall Frost confirmed for faggot. Then again, he is OP, so...
4u, bby, i will b.
Captcha: captiva kreuzt
Sounds like a finishing sex move.
How could you not love those drunk doodle you sent me :p

Thats my card, glad to see it arrived ok.

I recognise that box anywhere. Glad to see it arrived safe and sound Norwegian Anon. (Were there enough ponies on the box? Is there such a thing as too many pones? The only bit i left blank was the bottom.)
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I got another card today from Germany. What wanders await me?
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Its a card with horses on and chocolate made with 100% mare juice. Thanks Michael S of Germany, made me smile and Happy Hearths Warming to you!
Need help with the german or can you translate it yourself?
If you know what it translates to then please do. Google translate struggles with hand written text.
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I'm not going to be around to post Christmas Day or the following few days, so I wanted to just go ahead and say Merry Christmas to all of you, Happy Hearthswarming to your waifu, and I hope you have a very joyful day. You deserve it.

To my Santee, I unfortunately won't get go see you open what I sent, but I do want to say I sincerely hope you love it.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
"Inselaffe" literally means "Island Ape". It's derogatory for people who live in the UK.

"Mit deutschem Gruß" = "With german Greeting".
This needs no further explanation...

"Gott strafe England" ("God punish England") is a slight pun on "Gott schütze England" (God protect England).
holy fuck i'm jelly, i want a daki nigga
What would a card from 4chan be without derogatory comments :p? This just makes it even better! Thanks for the translation anon
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Just got my second package. Love it! My waifu is awesome
Hey senpai. Thank you for >>29108988

I absolutely loved it!
That's cute. Also sick pajamas.
Thank you! My sis gave them to me when she grew out of them.
Nothing better than lounging around in your plaid pjs with your pones.
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>Packages come in today
>Get ready to bust it open
>Santa wrote "dont open until Xmas on a sheet of poni wrapping paper
>underneath that he wrote it again
You got me, R. V
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Yes I live in Quake City

I will soon. I am on a packed bus right now.

Is excite
Looks like the start of a good time to me
Also, forgive me R.V. for I have opened my gift
I'll be out Christmas day and night and maybe for a day or so ;_;

That being said, thanks for the gifts!
Chakalyn I just got your package in the mail!

I'll be opening it on Christmas but it arrived safely! Thank you!
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You're welcome Anon!
I wanted to get you her cape and hat too but I lost my job and couldn't spend as much on ya as I wanted to.
Post them nigga
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Holy shit Cookie anon, you went all out on baking cookies. I'm opening the other package you sent me on Christmas, but thanks a ton for this!
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Ah hell yeah.

cookie anon got me hooked up now

but as a baker i know exactly what my teeth are going to look like after these.

CAPTCHA: Gold star
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What con are we talking about here?
Might change my mind about 2016 being my last year to go on a con
Come to Babscon my dude
totally my dude. I can't wait.
If we ask nicely can we get a pic of you trying it on?
The anons came out really cute
Sure, if that's what you want. You've been warned though. One moment
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Ohhhh jeesus sempai.
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I haven't shaved my legs in a while and honestly can't be bothered to do it now. So here ya go. It's a bit tight but I like them that way
Looks nice. Hope it serves you well in your future Trixie cosplaying.
I only wish I could wear it around. But alas, I'm happy I got it. And with my now 4th Trixie plush I have all the friends I need
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Yo Costi A!

Finally got around to putting your package together. Heading to the post office now to drop it off. Expect a tracking number soon. I know it's a little late but I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

Prepare for lewd in the package
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Also Chakalyn and Trevor of latecomers, prepare for cards
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Johan D.
Sorry for making you wait so long! Your package WILL make it to you by Christmas I promise! I'm finishing up the last Berry-tastic part and then I'll send it express as soon as I can get to the post office.
Yo, Latecomer's. Don't forget to send me your Santee's tracking, okay?
I have no idea which con yet.
Hey Anon from the UK, I just got your card. The perfect amount of thought and minimum effort! I love it! Thank you!
>mfw I still haven't sent out my Santee's gift

I know you're scared, but there's no need to worry. If push comes to shove ill drive there myself and give it to you by hand.
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I love your card, btw!
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forgot pic
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Salright anon, glad to hear finals didn't finish you off.
My body is ready
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Thank you for the cute card! I hope you have a wonderful xmas full of pone and boops!
The only con I can afford to go to is bronycan so I doubt I'd see any of you there.

Looks great. Pjs are still sweet.
Man the anticipation grows! That's an excellent and cute draw too! Thank you so much Santa!
I'll be there, handing out 4cc buttons and probably other fun stuff
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Who's your Santee?
d..did any of the anons who got my cards put on their tattoos
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Anyone else expecting to be grinched, but they're okay with that?
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Dude, have faith. Your anon is just late. You ain't getting grinched.
We have 498 posts already. New thread when?
Fucking double trips!
When this one falls off the board we don't need a new one every single time we hit 500 how new are you fags
I will make one for just before Christmas Day my time and try to plan some other surprises
I'm getting grinched but I'm kind of sad about it. Although seeing Anon like my card cheered me up a bit. I'm hoping my santee will like his gift.
Who are you? Are you a Latecomer? Im'ma send you a card if you email me. Also, how are you sure that you're getting grinched?
If this one dies today, I'll make a new thread, too. But let's all agree to abandon the next thread once Christmas time comes.
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>Package delivered
>that anon can get sexts
>tfw you cant even get sexs
why live?
>>tfw you cant even get sexs
Not my problem, guy. But might I suggest putting yourself out there and actually interacting in people?
Or Craigslist. Craigslist works too.
I'm Thomas S. I'm not a latecomer but I signed up at the very last minute. I've never seen my name mentioned and I haven't gotten a tracking number.
You can't hide from me, Snowfall.
Talk to Santa Pone, you signed up with them, right? Ask about your Santa's status. Also, again, send me an email about how I can send you a card. It'll probably take until after the new year, but hey, at least you get a card.
Are you a wizard?
I meant you.
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Wooo I got cards! Thanks you fags, your the best an Anon could ask for
Personally I would like to see that my gift was received. If you don't like it then by all means go back to whatever lonely thread you came from.
turn some lights on bro
W-where can I find your email?
Check the OP, silly willy!
It's your fault for writing too much!!I'm an idiot.
I won't judge you,I was off my rockers drunk when I wrote that.
I sent you an email. Don't know what to send Santa Pone though. I figure she has enough trouble without me whining about not having a tracking number.
Just ask if your Santa has already sent the tracking for your present, to make sure you're not getting grinched. If they still haven't even updated Santa by Christmas day, I'll send you a card on the 27th. Deal?

Captcha: calle slow
Is this a sign that the next thread will be slow?
Why dont you make a new thread and find out
Hasty Bakers Hot Bread
2016 /mlp/ Secret Santa Thread - Scorn of the Sexless on Sexts Edition
Thread posts: 522
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