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2016 /mlp/ Secret Santa Thread - Scorn of the Sexless on Sexts Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 73

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Welcome to the /mlp/ Secret Santa thread. I am Snowfall, and I sure hope all those 'grinchings' are actually just really late present deliveries. Come and join the festivities and name-calling as we spread drunkenness and bad choices to all our fellow Anons!

There are only two more nights to go before Christmas, and clearly you kiddies can't wait. Talk about holiday plans, make fun of people for their waifus and husbandos, and try not to drink and drive as we wait the official KIWIFAG BRAND /mlp/ SECRET SANTA UNBOXING THREAD on Christmas eve/day, Kiwiland Standard Time. For the time being, there are still people making and shipping their cards and presents, please feel free to let your Santee's know what's coming for them.

Comments and concerns to Santa Pone go here: [email protected]; Latecomer's Santa can sent theirs here: [email protected]

That's all folks, and I hope everyone be excellent to each other.

Old bread here:
First for waifu horse pussy
Second for horsebando and gets!
I went to /mlp/ and all I got was this crushing realization that no one will ever love me and I've wasted my life.
Yeah? Well all I got was a lousy t-shirt

I love you anon, what's you're favourite pony? I'll draw you an art when I get home tonight
At least we can be crushed by this realization together. After all, misery loves company.
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Threadly reminder that Duterte is bitching about American and outside influence and we're sending pony shit to and from the Philippines just to make peoples day.

Hell, not only that, were else would I go to send a box of kiddie toys and memes to some random guy in Ohio, for no other reason than to bring Christmas cheer?

This is so stupid, but so goddamn effective. How does it feel to be the most selfless of ambassadors?
Hello hello all, yes I will be kicking off the festivities. I will also be planning on doing so giveaways as well. That just depends on when my pay gets in though. I am planning on getting some Winter Sale games. Some RP for mystery gifting on OCE Server on League of Legends. And also giveaways on TF2.
For the giveaways I am looking at hosting a server on either TF2 or Garry's Mod so we can dick around and have fun.
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I love you anon.
it take you some time
reminder that the ruling class is inherently corrupt slime, and taking up arms against them is the noblest of civic services
>tfw owning an /mlp/ t-shirt
>tfw using it as a cum rag as it was always meant to be.
Jokes aside you are a nice anon. If you tell me your favorite pone I'll draw a shitty ms paint picture. Also my favorite is AJ.
If the UK government is this Great Auntie who is meddlesome, but ultimately just cares for all her nephews and nieces too much, then right now, Granpappy Duterte is this really bad, ass of an uncle who trolls everyone in the family for shits and giggles, and if you take him seriously too much, then you're in for a world of annoyance. But he's good at heart and is always giving us kids toys and free stuff.

>>This is so stupid, but so goddamn effective. How does it feel to be the most selfless of ambassadors?
I am one of those groups that you know don't actually celebrate Christmas. You know what I'm talking about, those guys with huge-ass cathedrals that tends to all look the same, especially in huge towns and whenever they have public events, traffic is always a nightmare?
>muh christmas is fake and gay
Yeah, I haven't given a shit about the particulars, just been enjoying myself helping out spread cheer and happiness to all of the horsefuckers that care to join in. This is literally an answer to how the human race can achieve peace on earth and happy coexistence.
Hey kiwifag! You are loved :)
One apple waifu coming up in a few hours when I get home that speed hors is pretty cute btw
>kiwifag almost dies every year
>double 911s
delet this
Bruh, not now.
>Cum rag.
>not using it like a sock and masturbating WITH it.
Santa, check your inbox.
Love you too no homo

I have two more days until I am safe. I hope to hell that the dub 9/11's don't kill me

I accept all these titles

Check your inbox pls

Hey, you're a fellow horsefucker. So I have some love for you and will drink some cider in your waifus name tonight
Checking now. If I haven't responded to you send me another. I am flooded in "Hey have you heard from my Santa yet?" messages.
Fuck it, I want to get in on the giveaways too.

To the anon who can best answer What they would buy their waifu for Christmas, I'll give you any steam game you want limited to $50

Remember to Leave your steamid in your post as well
>Limited to $50
How am I going to get my Train Simulator DLC?
Well for Applejack I'd probably wind up getting her a brand new tool kit with shiny new tools that range from wrenches, monkey wrenches, flat heads, philips, ductape, nuts and bolts, ductape, saw, band saw, power saw, power screwdriver, laser measurer, ductape, some other odds and ends while having it all be stored inside of either a mobile wheel tool box with three smaller tool boxes for what she'd need on the job.

Since yanno farm work and all that is rough on the tools you've got and damn it all when you need a 8 mm but you can't find nothing but every other damn size in the box except for that 8 mm!

Stardew valley is on sale for 10 bucks if you wanna split the other 40 for other anons
RukinRD for steam
It might be unfair for me to enter, so I won't, but I would get my Horsebando a thick empty journal, a nice quill with various nibs and ink, a severe amount of cuddles, and I would bake something tasty so we could enjoy eating it together while keeping warm with a tall cider.
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A stuffed bunny with a basket in its mouth and in the basket is a 1 year membership to the zoo

Steam id: SimplisticPirate
Who is your horsebando?
For Sweetie Belle, I'd get her tons of chocolates and candies, a lifetime supply of milkshakes in Sugarcube Corner, and a music player so she can listen to her favorite showtunes whenever she wants. Throw in a microphone too so she can do covers of her fave songs.

Also gonna enroll her in the finest voice academy in Equestria so she'll be the best singer when she grows up.

Steam ID: Anal_Geometry
All I want is CS:GO and I'm all set. The rest can go to other anons.

No problem! I hope you liked all of it? How were the cookies?
>lousy t-shirt
>my gift to my santee is a shirt
>package delivered; haven't heard from her
this triggers me
Also this is a general message for everybody: If I haven't responded to you promptly please send me another email. I really am trying not to overlook things but sometimes it happens so do not be afraid to make sure that I see your email! This is in no way a bother for me, it's the whole reason you guys should contact me!

That is a fantastic present.

I doubt any grills here would want to reveal their power levels anon.
D00ts is fine, giving free meds and stuff if he really meant well. I just want him to stop killing his constituents and his fandom is cancer. Looking at you Mocha and Riyoh.

If I've known earlier that you are Snowfall, I could've put more effort on your card you selfless, kind, generous bastard.
I'd give her a hot monkey dick pounding
Anon, she gets that every day. You have to give her something special for Christmas!
Well, I bought a jersey and I would wear that in public if I could get away with it. It's easier as a grill to do that stuff though, nobody cares as much if you like ponies. You still get flack because
>that's a show for toddlers
even though 30 year old woman can like Hello Kitty and Disney without getting teased....
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Tiara, champagne and box of chocolates. Tiara and champagne for little princess evening and chocolates are for her when I'm not around. And for the complete night, I can massage.

steam: zoameldar
That's because MLP has a negative reputation. Disney and Hello Kitty don't so you don't have to be ashamed about liking it.
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>Fuck it, I want to get in on the giveaways too.
Yesss. Let the holiday spirit flow through you! I was the Rocket League guy.

I'd get Dash a first edition copy of "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue", the only book of the series of which she doesn't have a first edition copy.

Duall00, add me anyways for gamez!
Maybe we should make a steam group for /ss/ or something?
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nigga, das easy
a ring to make it official

Black Science Man
the one in Texas

anyone can friend me, i-if they want, too
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Sorry I'm not better at art.
>How am I going to get my Train Simulator DLC?
Well, you choo-choo-choose one of them this time, and them build on your collection.
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For her? i would have gotten her a nice pair of large gold brimmed glasses. So her vision wouldn't be faulty. And i'd get her baby the toy she would have always wanted.

I'd be sitting in my L.L. Bean shorts and a white tee, sipping the permanently perfect peppermint mocha she would have made. And she would be finally back, sitting in her government uniform. Back from making her early night rounds delivering the final packages of hearthswarming, acting as santa for young ponies everywhere.

i imagine the face she'd give me, the round golden glasses once given before but never worn. They would have been given to her by her parents on this day ten years before, but she would not have wanted them, she'd have pushed them away like the bullies whom kept her in her box of discomfort. She would have lost those glasses before. she talked about those glasses more frequently than she talked about her sight.

But all would fade away in that one flash of life powered freedom as for once she'd get to focus on her daughter enjoy her Hearthswarming realer than i could ever imagine.

She would have.

Fallout 4 if you can.
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So I finally got my package!

I actually got it like a week ago, but due to one whole week of finals and a full week and a half of work, I wasn't able to do anything related to having fun. I'm sorry Canadabro

I figure I should open my present now since this is the last time until after new years that I'll have time for myself. Excuse my posts.
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Btw, thx anon! Though I don't know if the janitor at USPS appreciates the glitter bomb as much as I do
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So far so good
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dear god

I luv it
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Inside box
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1st present: Ponk's dead body inside a box
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moar ponk
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Seriously anon, you're gonna make me cry...
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couldn't of waited TWO DAYS, huh?
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more fun
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B-but this is my only free time. After this I won't be free till after New Years. If I could wait I would :'(

Also lood
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y-you too
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Thx bae
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AAAAnd that's it. Thank you so much for the gifts Anon! I love every single one of them. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in a state of unrest for the rest of the year. Thanks Santa Pone for setting all this up.

Sorry for the early barrage of posts.
As autistic as this sounds, I love it
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>maybe we should make a steam group for /ss/ or something?

Great idea anon!

This is what you meant, right?
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Germans did it.
I wouldn't mind, we can buy random Steam gift to each though out the year if we are really nice
Are we really nice anon?
Also if this wins all I really want is Stardew

The rest of the money can go to some equally if not more thoughtful gift giver

Glad it arrived ok.
Happy Hearths Warming.
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This is an awesome hard! Thanks a lot anon!
didnt get a chance to post yesterday due to work.
Gonna be outta town for Christmas, Thanks again to my Santee!
fuck im dumb
Godfucking damn it, UPS.
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Goddamn, I'm dumb.
Noah F!

The steam winter sale is on. Is there something you find interesting for $11.51 to hold you over? (´• ω •`)
I'll get on it as soon as I can.
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A card came today! Thanks Anthony!
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have a very merry Christmas! Thanks for the card and the little fluttershy!
Thank you, Santa! You're awesome! And your horsebando/waifu is awesome, too!
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If I dont receive my package today, do I call USPS?
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Kevin! Your card arrived! With tree pone! Let's see...snow. Snow who?...
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CARLOS! Haha thanks so much! I hope you have a wonderful pony holiday!
Also that Trixie is total cute!
Are people asleep in the Philippines right now? I need to get some important info from my santee
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Well, thankfully they were awake
Question. I sent out cards yesterday with goddies. They were in 6×9 bubble mailers. The lady at the post office asked if there were any cards in there and I said yes. Postage ended up being 5 bucks, though cards I've recoeved have had 2-3 dollar postage. Why does having a card in there matter? Should I have said there wasn't a card in there?
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This is the package that made my mail ladies never look me in the eyes since I got it. I love the picture you drew me! I'll have to get it framed!
>that button
Sweet Jesus Christ I would get something like that if it wouldn't reveal my power level. Is it custom made?
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I'm happy you liked it :D !!! If you want the computer version of that drawing I can send it to you by mail ! You will have to wear proudly this button for now
I drew that button but I was selling thoses buttons in a brony french convention, so custom made but most of french bronies have one (aswell for the /mlp/ group of galacon), I'll give the rest I have for free at bronycon.
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Cardslut's replacement card came in

I really appreciate you sending one again
Derpy in fact did not lose this one. I blame her for the other one though
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Herp pic
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I can't even imagine how many cards you sent that you ran out of envelopes
They're pretty cool m8! Good job.
I'm glad that one made it to you! I hope you like it! Sorry I didn't have anymore activity books or buttons or anything to send with that one. I hope your xmas is merry and full of ponies!
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>package marked delivered an hour ago
>santee hasn't posted about it yet
People work anon.
It's all good. The card is more than enough. Thanks for sending it and have a great Christmas!
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OH BOY! Christmas can't come soon enough!
thank you JF.
Package for my santee was "in delivery" with means he wasn't home or something and he didn't go to the post for her. No present for christmas.
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F from long beach. Once i finish this im gonna send it back to you full of danish candy.
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i dunno i'm more a sweedish fish person myself.
Here's to hoping the anon that received the package from me in the earlier thread opens it up on Christmas like he's supposed to.
I know that feel.
>procrastinated trying to do something too ambitious for my Santa
>just sent his package express
>postal worker was like "...are you sure? You know the price right?"
>y-yes just do it
>mfw I did this last year too

I should have learned but oh well. At least I know it will arrive on time even if I had to pay out the ass for it. I really hope it's all loved and I get to see him unbox it.
Same, my santee's gift was delivered almost a week ago and still nothing from them. Maybe they're just waiting for the unboxing thread to post anything about it.
I received mine a while ago, but I havent posted about. I hope My santa isnt sad about that. I just figured posting about it early would make people who havent gotten theirs yet feel bad.
TD of NC?
We need a drawfag to make art of this beautiful pony. Oh wait, its weed pony
he is sad
Are you guys opening your gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
It looks like a retro muppet and I'm actually digging that.
One on Christmas Eve. The rest on Christmas Day.
I'm opening mine on Christmas Day.
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"Dearest Normy,
May you have plenty of pone and bundled of boops,
With waifus more bright than Unicorn poops.
Receiving more fun than you should be packing,
To soft colored pones -our dicks will be jacking.
With grinchy ol' grins and yellow tooth smiles,
Spreading this cancer for thousands of miles.
Leave it to us at /MLP,
To bring you the best Hearth's Warming Eve.
Happy holidays,
Friendship is Magic,
Merry Christmas,
You dumb little fagit.

I'll admit I cried! Thank you C.T. of DC for the wonderful card and drawing all my waifus!
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Just checked my inbox. If I haven't responded to you please bug me again about whatever it is you need!

Also thanks to whichever one of you fags mentioned me in the /mlp/ awards thread. It makes me happy that you think highly enough of me to nominate and I hope I can keep doing a good enough job with Secret Santa to help all of you have a wonderful winter!

That's fantastic.

Well, as sorry as I am for that, I still stand by not wanting to make other anons feel anxious. I lurk for my name every day so if he is curious or wants to know anything he could always give me a shout out. Needs of the many > the needs of the few. Id feel worse boating about having my package when others are still waiting. its like eating dinner before everyone else has been served.
I'd open Christmas day but I don't have mine in time for Christmas

Mailanon I hope you sent it out as a normal, non express package by now unless ya still workin on it.
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>name is literally Normie
Looks like Nonny to me
Yeah, looks like "Nonny" to me as well.
>Sent package
>Forgot to include stickers and blindbag

Well fuck. I'll probably just send him those seperately on Monday.
Also realized I probably forgot to take the price tag off of something in the box.
Will open on the day, as God intended. Christmas Eve, tomorrow, will be spent trying to act like a not-borderline-autistic adult with my senpai. Fuck family get-togethers stress me out.
I like this one, but no steam ID fella

Also good answer, what game do you want fampai

Lots of good answer here, you both can have a $10 runners up game as well
i'm going to visit my family awkwardly because its expected then convince myself i'm not an alcoholic by mixing the rum with eggnog
Just got my package today, thank you Anthony A! Can't wait to open my package on Christmas and see my gift recipients open theirs!
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Listen here faggot.
Your happiness is your own responsibility. Stop worrying about things that are out of your control and start focusing on getting things you want to do done.

Do things FOR YOU, not for the positive attention of others. Think of something cool you've been wanting to try and start doing it, and with months, maybe years of time, you WILL be happy because you'll start having stuff going on in your life.
But get out of the house. Hanging around a comfy place with everything safe and taken care of eats away your motivation, leading to a sense of no accomplishment when you didnt do anything.
You need
A.) sleep
B.) a routine of stuff/chores/errands/a job to get stuff done and feel accomplished/useful
C.) somebody to talk to, pour your feelings to, ramble to, get opinions from, a REAL physical person though. A coworker works well.
D.) a hobby or hobbies that you can work on over time, put care and money into, and want to do it more. Keeps you setting and meeting goals.

With time, you'll gradually notice you focus more on advancing cool things in your life, doing new stuff and getting cool expiriences more often, instead of being upset over things you dont have.

Dont think about what might happen if you do X, because then you choose the safe way, but how will you ever expirience something new and something cool if you didn't dive into the unknown?
Start saying "fuck it" and DO. Don't think, DO it. You will run into trouble, yes but it's required in learning how to solve problems, which depressed people lack.

That's the secret. Purposely do things that you have no idea how to do in order to learn and figure it out.
Hey Jeremiah s.
Any change on your package?
Welcome to 4chan. It only gets worse the longer you stay however, you can spare us all from having to endure your faggotry AND end your own suffering by hanging yourself over the coming holidays if you'd like to kill two birds with one stone.

Merry Christmas. Enjoy your (you)s.
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>36 hours until Christmas
H Y P E !
I want to own my package RIGHT. NOW.
You mean 10hrs 30 minutes until Christmas?
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I knew that feel, bro.
Flutterfriend of John!!! I wanna open that pizza box really bad! I can't wait!!
Fuck out of here with your bullshit advice.
Oh damn, can't wait! Hope you enjoy all of it!
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He's right, you know.
Planet Coaster!
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Ignore that other Anon, this legitimately made me happy to read (Even though I'm not who you're responding to). Thanks for the advice random anon, you may have made my life a little better.
In a generic one size fits all type of way, sure.
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J.w. from Mckinney here reaching out to my anon who gifted me. I would have loved to have been able to open my gift tomorrow but I work almost all day so I wouldn't have time to open and post pics tomorrow. So I did it tonight. So starting with the box. What do you guys think is in it?
Horse dildo
A plush
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The bottom comes off! It's like this box has a lid on the bottom!
Open it faster anon pls
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Buttom, or top depending on how you look at it, is off! And plenty of bubble wrap for days of fun.
I've already opened it. I'm just torturing you faggots. :^)
Still waiting for UPS, Santa. Tried contacting them, but nobody's answering back.
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Oh my god, it's a dead body!
Cum on it
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This isn't any normal dead body!
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The eye stares right into your soul! Begging for me to love it unconditionally!
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I wanna say thank you so much to my anon for getting this for me. It means a lot to me. I'll love it 5ever!
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>My package is in my city
>My Santee's is an hour away from their city
>Both will probably be delivered tomorrow in time for Christmas

This is both stressful and exciting
Holy tits she's beautiful!
cum on her
That is a dang adorable moonbutt. Give her lots of holiday cuddles!
maybe at a later date. I don't know how to clean cum off of stuff like that yet.
Will do!
Woo! So glad you like her!
Should have thought to print this off and send it with her
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Merry Christmas fags!
T-3:30 until Christmas here.
Having some pay issues and also the server I was planning to host is derping up. So I am going to host the giveaways and such on the 28th my time.

I shall still make a fresh thread the moment it hits midnight and just take notes of who wins giveaways in the thread so I give out things on the 28th
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>Fedex dude runs up real fast and leaves this as he sprints away
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>Theae beautiful things were inside
>Along with the biggest bag of cookies I've seen
>Still eating them
Thanks Santa anon. I dont know if the cookies are homemade but damn theyre delicious
Glad it arrived ok. Happy Hearths Warming!
Giveaways on the 28th? What? More details please.
I was planning of giving away in game items and games. Keys and stuff for TF2 and mystery gifts in LoL. But it seems I'm getting paid late instead of on time because of holidays. I was going to do it tomorrow, because of Christmas. But it will have to be delayed
>lol gifts
What server?
I'm stuck in the containment server that is OCE. Kill me please
you have the longest ranked q on the world man
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Merry Christmas Horsefuckers
I know, and the saltiest players...

Just over an hour to go with me.
>Rarity as Horse Jesus
Fuck my sides
Also what waifu material is that on the left?
The figures. I have no idea who they are
Embernate from the Philippines, I just received your package today.

Can't wait to open it! [Spoiler](6 more hours!)[/spoiler]
there are 3 on the left, but from far left are Remilia Scarlet, Louise, Pachira.
Merry Christmas and I hope you like my gift even if it's not too much sorry.

Also unless you're talking about someone else, I got a notif that your package was delivered about last week.
Haven't got my gift yet so I have nothing to unbox tomorrow. However I'll be on the lookout for my santee's reaction on my gift.
I'm sure it will be great.

My Santee is in Canada, so your Santa is someone else.
The Christmas thread is up.
Happy holidays
We unboxing there now?
Seems so.
Ooooo. Delivery notice in my mail box. Post Office is open until 6pm tonight. This could be a bit of an adventure.
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Rarity 194.png
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hey so an anon in Pasadena, Texas is going to get a card from me soon! I sent it with the faster postal option but it's still going to arrive a little late, the lady said it would get there December 29th-30th. Sorry about that but I still hope you like it!
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Putting a large lump of Neodymium near your willy? Better not get your cock between that and a fridge, then.

You fool, they're probably cum cookies
slow thread is slow
i need to check my mail to make sure theres no last minute things in it
Thread posts: 186
Thread images: 73

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