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/srwg/ Super Robot Wars General #773

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Now I want the band who did "Legend of Kaiser" to cover that song.
What's the best DS SRW?
W and L are the ones most regarded as the best.

Endless Frontier is pretty good as well.
SRW L is the most fun.
SRW K is the most broken.
SRW W is the most boring (literally SRW J 2.0).
You can't go wrong with W, L, or EXCEED.
That is one controversial last statement
>SRW W is the most boring
Ladies and gentlemen... this is probably THE SHITTIEST taste you've seen in the last 10 threads.
W is pretty fun and practically J but with more stuff
L is also good, but you may be put off by Rushbird's lack of upgrades
The only thing more broken than K is BLACK RX
L's biggest problem is that it's all kinds of fucked up in terms of pacing. You get K's big fuckeverything units in the 20s. Meanwhile Wing Zero is apparently endgame recruit material and Rushbird doesn't get its best attack until the second to last stage.
>Rushbird doesn't get its best attack until the second to last stage.

Don't forget that chances are you won't hear the theme for the attack more than once per playthrough unless you mess with BGM settings.
I guess they finally got tired of it, considering both UX and BX both drop the final boss theme midway through the fight so you can get all the finisher BGM you want.
W>J>K in terms of gameplay

W>K>J in terms of roster

W>J>>>>K in terms of player character

W>J>K in terms of cool story beats

I'm sorry, it must be rough going through life so wrong.

It was also annoying how often it took characters away and divided the party.

Although I was pleasantly surprised to find EVAs weren't OP, especially late game where mooks can chew through AT fields. In MX they were almost as broken as Zeorymer.
>Meanwhile Wing Zero is apparently endgame recruit material

At least that gave the other EW units a chance to shine, which I enjoyed.
Anyone who calls Golion Voltron needs a bullet to the head

Death to all dubfags
If you can get LittleV to do a metal cover on an original BGM from SRW W, which one would you get him to cover?

Personally, I choose this.
Tallgeese/Monster is quite the combo

Isn't Voltron an adaption and not a dub though anon?
I remember people having a high opinion of J before the translation came out and everyone got to play it. What if W's the same way?



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>Death to all dubfags
>people having a high opinion of J before the translation came out
What change?
>FMP rescue mission has Mic and Heero saving Mamoru and Releena

>Mazinkaiser's rampage is stopped by the timely arrival of Shin Getter

>Orgun uses the Goldion Crusher as a power source for his move in lieu of the sun

>Bonta-kun and all the robot lions

>Blade is rescued from Evil's PSY Voltekka by as ERASE HEAD.

I can't see how having it in English could do anything but make it more based.
Who the FUCK are you????
I-I meant L.

I just had the L reversed.

And kinked a little.

A friend!
I'm guessing what happened is that there's more people that can play it and point out its flaws. Unless the game does everything horribly wrong, the moonreaders will filter out the worse parts for you.

I remember seeing praise for D's story long ago, but I'm going through it right now and good lord the dialogue is so boring.
Don't you fucking reply to me, retard.
>Unless the game does everything horribly wrong, the moonreaders will filter out the worse parts for you.
Unless it's TE, who even if he likes the game will bitch very loudly about every point he doesn't like. I guess it's more objective that way but it's still pretty hilarious to see.
People didn't like a translation that took a few liberties, apparently, from what I gathered.

Let's not forget stuff like Ruri blasting Gekiganger 3 theme to hype the whole team up. (Which is the only theme that any Nadesico unit should have once it's unlocked)
>Although I was pleasantly surprised to find EVAs weren't OP

That's... normal, though?

>F/Final: Winkysoft era, a 4000 defense negation barrier isn't as solid as you might think
>Alpha 1: Shinji becomes solid lategame, but he's never top tier, and Asuka only becomes really good like four stages from the end, and Touji isn't that great, and Rei leaves permanently so screw that. Also still Winky mechanics
>Alpha 3: F-Type is good, but you have to blackhole kills to get it. They're solid, nothing gamebreaking aside from that though. Not by Alpha 3's standards
>MX: Rei leaves permanently again, screw that noise. Asuka and Shinji's combo has great damage potential, but outside of that they're kind of on the lower side until the lategame. (And they're not "nearly as good as Zeorymer", how do you come to THAT conclusion?)
>L: Nothing too absurd, though their combo is the fourth highest damage potential in the game when Shinji uses it I guess.
>Z3: Never played Z3, as far as I know the side characters are eh and Shinji only gets good in the lategame in Z3 after he loses all his ALLs so you need to get him a partner with a really good PLA.
>Rei leaves permanently
Does she?
Tallgeese was fun, I think I took him to end game in my run.
Shinji's best partner in Tengoku is actually Zeus since they just operate on raw single target potential instead of ALL spam.
>I remember seeing praise for D's story long ago, but I'm going through it right now and good lord the dialogue is so boring.
So, did that one guy who harassed the translators do us all a favor all along?
In Alpha 1 and MX, yes. Not sure about Final (pretty sure she doesn't), in Alpha 3 she doesn't, and in L and Z3 she doesn't (though she does get replaced with Robot Rei in Z3-2)

Alpha DC added a bit more to Alpha 1 to make it slightly better as a standalone, one of the things that came with this was her not leaving forever.

Makes sense.
Damn that Crow, I wanted Shun to win.
BUY BLACKWINGS is eternal, you cannot escape or attempt to stop it.
>Xyz garbage

Go tribute or go home.
After Exciton is brought back
Someone must stop it someday Matt.
>After Exciton is brought back
Kamen Rider is gone forever Anon, accept it.
On one hand, yes, on the other hand Super Quantum Mecha Lord Great Magnus.

Most /m/ card in the current metagame, the only things that even come close are IGUNITION and as cool as they are they're barely even a threat to the modern metagame.

Why did they even bother banning him?
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>muh superior Nippon naming
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b-but i like trains
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Never, justice never dies!
>Not being Fusion master race.
No, any translation is better than no translation. Even the Engrish-laden translations of A and the early parts of R over on GameFAQs are better than nothing.
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>Mazinkaiser vs Shin Getter

I need to play this
>>Alpha 3: F-Type is good, but you have to blackhole kills to get it. They're solid, nothing gamebreaking aside from that though. Not by Alpha 3's standards
I seem to recall in terms of raw damage output full synchro EVA-01 can throw out Ideon tier damage. Of course ever getting full synchro is another matter.
>they're barely even a threat to the modern metagame.
YGO meta is a goddamn mess, if you want to play it competitively you have to run the latest shilled Deck, which is D/D/D right now, because all else suck balls compared to the last archetype they come up with.
Just be true to the archetype you like and have fun with that, it's much better and satisfying that way.
Anna, pls
It's gone Anon, accept it.
Tributes are the only Halal summon master race, everything else is Haram.
I won't accept it until Dark Law, Acid, Koga, or Shadow Mist are banned or limited.
I wouldn't say no to a proper translation, but I wouldn't cry over it either.

And don't get me wrong, it's boring but I wouldn't say it's straight up bad aside from some dumb parts. Like most everything surrounding Macross 7: early on, Basara shows up and the crew explains that he sometimes shows up and fucks around with his songs, next intermission he's in your unit list and nobody bats an eye. After that it's been 25 chapters or so of LISTEN TO MY SONG and WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO MY SONG and him being vague as fuck about everything. Maybe if I had actually watched Macross 7 before this I'd be able to fill in the blanks, but the game does a really poor job at making the player care about him.

Also, went with Josh and Ganador, he's pretty much completely irrelevant outside of Ruina related stages and sometimes doesn't even have a single line for multiple stages in a row, so he's barely a protagonist. I also feel like a lot of events are just glanced over like they were nothing (areas completely dominated by Invaders, entire groups being annihilated on a chapter-by-chapter basis, Char's bullshit barely being acknowledged aside from a passing mention) while others (like Zanscare's city massacres with the Adrastea ships) were given comparatively too much focus.

Not that it doesn't have its good parts, mind you. And maybe I'm being too harsh on it for things that other SRW games are also guilty of, anyway.
>latest shilled Deck, which is D/D/D right now
How can you be this wrong?
D/D/D don't even have their good cards in the TCG yet.

>unironically thinking HEROs should get hit
I could understand Dark Law if you're a petdeck fag but Koga is fucking AWFUL.
>run the latest shilled Deck, which is D/D/D right now

Wrong. TCG still lacks a lot of the good cards, not including the upcoming Structure Deck.

The shilled ones are Kozmo in TCG and Perfomage and Pals in OCG. Fucking Ariadne.
>Most /m/ card in the current metagame, the only things that even come close are IGUNITION and as cool as they are they're barely even a threat to the modern metagame.
Magnus isn't a threat to the metagame because the deck is inconsistent as fuck (unless you run clownblade), just about every card in the archetype is either shit or has a retarded clause that kills it, and the Green Mech is a fucking generic r4 out to its own fucking boss monster.
Also Utopia ZA LIGHTNING kills it dead.
>Just be true to the archetype you like and have fun with that

That's how it should be, I've been using Red-Eyes decks for years and I have fun with it.
>Not that it doesn't have its good parts, mind you. And maybe I'm being too harsh on it for things that other SRW games are also guilty of, anyway.

That seems to sum it up, really. I'd still take a translation if it hadn't been cancelled on us, and looking like the F/Final translation from the same people is going that way, too. Not to mention the eternally-stalled Alpha translation.

If I had to pick one SRW to be translated next, and be the only one we saw even hinted at translation for another decade or so, I'd probably pick W or one of the 3DS games.
How's Raid Raptor now? They have so many options to what they can Rank-Up into, I just don't know how to ratio the cards. Even if I always go for the not-Gundam X Rank 8.
>How's Raid Raptor now?
Still shit.
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>Not that it doesn't have its good parts, mind you. And maybe I'm being too harsh on it for things that other SRW games are also guilty of, anyway.
After all the bitching at Z3, I think you're safe on that.

Oh, definitely. I've been trying Dinomist recently, not because of meta (they're really not the best around) but because damn, they're like pure childhood love in design.
>if you want to play it competitively you have to run the latest shilled Deck, which is D/D/D right now
>Ever competitive
Glad to see you are talking out of your ass anon
Honestly, would people have complained about the Z3 games as much if they were just a standalone 2 parter?
Other than Gargantia/EVOL/animation/etc complaints, probably not.
A lot of the complaints about Z3 boil down to the fact that it's an INCREDIBLY underwhelming and mediocre end to a series started by one of the best SRW games.
They would have complained about a large portion of the series having no plot or being inexplicably post plot.
No, since it wouldn't also have to deal with all the expectations of being the final entry in a series. Would also mean that they wouldn't need to try and get out of the hole they wrote themselves into. Leaving it up to Tengoku to explain everything is just dumb.
Aside from AGE, what other Gundam series had decent Mars focus. Preferably a completed one.
Mattman has it right actually >>13531761
For a standalone, Z3 has only a few canons that are important for the plot. It's an underwhelming game whether it's the end of the Z series or taken on its own merits.
Well, there's IB-

>Preferably a completed one


F90, then.
What happened with the translation for J?
Off the top of my email head there's a handful of lines that were pretty obviously inserted because someone thought they were funny, not because it was a good translation. Mostly from Tenia. But out of 40 something stages that's a pretty minor issue.

Besides that I guess the translation is a bit dry?
Autocorrect go home, you're drunk
Pretty much what this guy said, there's some statement and phrasing that clearly were embellishments and the like in attempts to give things personality, rather than a straight and try translation of Japanese to English.

I'm no translator myself so I don't know exactly how much of it there is, but it's still a coherent translation, and I stand by my statement that it's always better than no translation at all.
Omnimon is a better name than Omegamon
Omegamon is a better name because it's the end of everything.

It isn't the end of your virginity.
No need to be mean to him anon.
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Zeong is so cute.
It's like he's trying to spook you.
It makes sense not only from the theme point of view. Normally, when a big fuckoff enemy appears, it's theme plays, but when the heroes start winning (the second half of the fight) it's their theme that's playing. It's only logical to do this.
D was mostly praised for it's general plot and events, it had a lot of good concepts which could've been fleshed out even more which no other SRW has really to re-used well.

NOBODY ever praised the writing it was even common fact in the old days of the fandom D's writing was fucking boring as hell, far more flat than either R or A.
You that one Monarchfag? Because if so, then my nigga
Not like it's the only SRW that did this fight.
>there's some statement and phrasing that clearly were embellishments and the like in attempts to give things personality, rather than a straight and try translation of Japanese to English

I think I prefer this to the alternative.
Every digimon that has "mon" in it's name has a shit name.
>tfw translator's notes in SRW
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Children card games is truly better on Atreem.
>In one timeline, Mist was actually a dinosaur
I'm certain replacing Mist with a live tyrannosaur could only improve K.
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That's not impossible

>The Steel Dragons encounter dimension fuckery
>Alternate universe equivalents of the mechs are introduced
>All piloted by dinosaurs

I'm not ready for this and I never will be.
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Ryoma would be overjoyed
Welcome to the Justice Spittoon.
How much of an Ally of Justice are you?
Where can i read all of the translated 4komas?
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Matt, you said 2>4>3>1 for stage order.
but I don't get the Sazabi that way
But in F/Final Shinji and Rei have a 9999 MAP so that's something at least.
needs more Abe
Do yourself a favor and watch Yugioh subbed. The original and still the best children card game anime. Hot blood, hype, toku and mecha abound. Battle Spirits is good too I admit.
Everything from the first series to 5D's is great, barring some filler here and then. Skipped Zexal so can't comment, haven't started Arc V yet either.
Anyone who like /m/ should love Yugioh.
Just think of the future

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Linebarrels and Metal Wolf Chaos in the same game when?
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Endless Frontier EXCEED
You see, GX writers did most of the script while doing what you may know as "drugs"

This leads to sick scenarios such as space saurus, a deck that gives you heart problems, a madman pro-duelist screaming about the ultimate D non-stop, an old man getting HUGE thanks to card games, and certain other hilarities.
For a second there I thought you were talking about Symphogear GX
Seems normal to me
don't see why they'd need to be on drugs to think up stuff like that
>Not wanting to have Abe Lincoln with his Nanomachine swarm as your ace pilot

because the first thing that comes to mind when I think of card games is a buff uchuujin flying to space alongside the dinosaur spirt of a teenage in order to stop a giant satellite laser that's being held back by the spirit of a witch who got inside the satellite's network somehow

I mean, yeah, it is the first thing that comes to mind, but that's GX's fault.
Just don't see why it would be exciting and I say this as an American myself
Sounds par for the course to me
This right O'Barry bot is pretty weird
Leave it alone, it's had a hard life
Had to take on Bambi and shit
>Just don't see why it would be exciting and I say this as an American myself

Probably because you're fat and ugly and also have a small penis.
Well, it would definitely be a nice hook to introduce the Dino Getter from the manga.
5D's went pretty goddamn retarded towards the end
Specifically just about everything involving ZONE
>2 attacks
Thanks Z3
>insert shitty western fanfic writers wanting to replace him with Abe piloting A.B.E. from S.T.E.A.M.
Are you talking about Barbiel? Because the thing with bosses is that once they have the will for it, they'll use only their strongest attack or their mapw. In most cases, anyway. As far as I can tell, the Ruina bosses in 2nd OGs will only ever use their mapws on the enemy phase. So giving a boss a couple attacks and maybe a mapw means they don't have to animate something the boss' AI will never bother doing.
You like making lots of incorrect assumptions don't you
Depends on how their AI is setup
Like in Alpha Gaiden, Sanger only has two attacks but he'll go for hitting people who are too far away to counterattack with his 1-9 Drill Boost Knuckles even if he has enough will for his Zankantou. Most bosses do that, which means guys like Daitarn without any really long range counterattack options end up being huge punching bags.
You sayin' I'm wrong?
traveling must be fun here
oh god jupiter's getting closer
Put your money where your fat mouth is, anon.
Prove it.
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Here you go
>no Uranus and Neptune

No respect, they get no respect.
Jesus Christ Sanae.
And I didn't think things could possibly get any cooler.
It's a great theme. She keeps it on her finisher when she joins your team (she's pretty useful, too). Sadly, though, she doesn't keep her theme from the first game.
Two Earths will never not be retarded.
>I didn't think things could possibly get any cooler.
Then you're in for a fun ride next stage.
Only when it's done in the last game of a series.

Two earths or even Three earths can be fine if they're spaced out over several games.

I mean Z1 had multiple earths, it just hodge podged them as one with a bomb.

The issue isn't having multiple earths. The issue is proper utilization. Multiple earths can easily facilitate series that are difficult to work together because of their settings. Z3.2 fucked up because Green Earth was entirely pointless for the most part and was just used as a vehicle for Gargantia.
I'm just waiting for them to use Mars Daybreak as an excuse to put Gargantia in when the Earth isn't flooded
but then Gargantia wouldn't be on Earth, it'd be on Mars
They've made nearly all of VOTOMS take place on Earth
They've had two Japans

I don't get why you people are still going "But they can't have X and Y together because they'd have to change things!" still.
>two Japans
>two Earths

Two Jupiters when?
Not to mention they've had GunXSword on Earth when it explicitly takes place in Space Australia
Some habits never go away, even after years have passed. Like forgetting that GodSigma doesn't have Accel or Boost.
GunXSword took place on Planet Zi, where Zoids Genesis and Overman King Gainer took place.
Well, it took place in actual Australia this time.
What's the difference?
well, does Space Australia have box jellyfish and kangaroos?
No, but it has Carmen99.
It's a rather dangerous place.

Oh they do, they sure as hell do.
>Earth was entirely pointless for the most part and was just used as a vehicle for Gargantia.

And as a cop-out for Diebuster's planet bullet.
Huh? Either way Nono stops them from using the Earth as a weapon.
Hours late (I had to go to bed then I was busy all day) but seriously Matt, you're wrong.


Episode 18: "Dornkirk tells them how he came to become the man they know today, then places them in a dungeon." <- The Newton reveal. It's not explicit, but it's the only place Dornkirk's past is really talked about.

Episode 24: "Hitomi is now home on Earth, but time seems to have rewound by a day. " <- THIS is where Hitomi gets the lecture on Newton (and isn't even paying attention, I'm not sure if anyone in the show ever figured out who the hell Dornkirk was on Earth)

Go rewatch the episodes if you have to.
are we still discussing how stupid GX is
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This is fucking awesome.
But really how can they make a bunch if girls wearing silly hats so fucking awesome?
Seriously how does Japan do it?
>But really how can they make a bunch of girls wearing silly hats so fucking awesome?

They can't. Go back to /jp/.
I think it's time to let go.
What's F91's theme in Impact, anyway?
Kimi wo Mitsumete ~ The Time I'm Seeing You

I really wish it was in more games.
kimi wo mitsumete ~ The Time I'm Seeing You
What does the Kimi wo Mitsumete translate to, anyway?
That would require F91 to be in more games the last games it has been in even worth giving a shit about were Lost Heroes 2, SRW1 Remake and @2. So yeah.
"You, gazing/staring" or something along the lines of that
Alright, thank you for the assistance.
"Staring at You", or perhaps better sounding, "Watching You".
Except for the fact that'd be completely wrong, sure.
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It's time
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And, with that, I believe that's all the music in Compact.
I'll be uploading it after I finish the game to make sure that's everything.
For what?
>boots up Scramble Commander

this is... different. When can I upgrade my people?
Um, no?

君を見つめて IS "Gazing/Staring at you" or "Watching you"
Either the final countdown...or L-Gaim.

You decide!
1st or 2nd? I think it's after Stage 3.
Lay off the google translate, dude.
I am on stage 4 of the first game

if I was playing #2 I would mention Scramble Commander 2
I asked because most people just skip the first one completely.
Oi...you wanna do it like this, eh? Alright.

君 you
を indicates direct object
見つめる to look at something, intently, without averting one's gaze (http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/212554/meaning/m0u/)

How about YOU lay off the google translate and go learn some basic japanese before saying anything to others?
anything to keep this thread alive
Dude, we're not even half as dead as we could be. Why won't you accept this peace and quiet? Do I need to shove some GN particles down your throat?
I have trascended oommon sense
>EVA is in Scramble Commander 1

I hope they don't have that bullshit mechanic
You better believe they do.
>You better believe they do.


too bad. forced deploys and all that
oh boy

and I seem to have unlocked some sort of selection menu
You got further than I did. I did a few stages, went all Jenga-cat "FUCK THIS SHIT" and played something else.
Wow, fuck that. Personality? In my robot video game?
Sell your fanfic /srwg/.
I think I found out how these menus work:
option 1 - active units
option 2 - they do some side thing but can get damaged
option 3 - swap out
option 4 - upgrade (causes unit to be unable to fight)
option 5 - repair (causes unit to be unable to fight)
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would help if I had pic
Long story short.
MC gets a miniature Dunbine Robot Buddy whom he has misadventures with
If the game crashes at any point, do you mind telling us for future reference?

So far the only issue is below 30FPS when the action gets heavy. Like Getter and Dancouga vs a Zaku 2 and Zeta era Char in a red Zaku
59.99, take it or leave it.
Well there are two routes.
A male one and a female one.
The Male MC is a teacher that's a bitter cunt.
The FeMC is a student at the IS Academy and she's an ice queen.
Also here is the cast list:
Mazinkaiser SKL
New Getter
Infinite Stratos
Tetsujin 28 2004
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083
Char's Counter Attack
Victory Gundam
Aura Battler Dunbine
The Legend of Korra
Giant Gorg
Rinne no Lagrange
If you're interested I can dump the plot synopsis of the first stage for the male MC
Pastebin it.
That's for the best.
>that cast list

It's the antithesis of a good cast.
which is why I said "pass" the cast list looks so random and unappealing
聖戦士ダンバイン New Story of Aura Battler Dunbine
獣装機攻ダンクーガ ノヴァ
真マジンガー 衝撃!a編
ゾーン オブ エンダーズ 2173 テスタメント
ANUBIS ZONE OF THE ENDERS アヌビス ゾーン オブ エンダーズ
MC is M.Bison.
Well I tried to create the SRW equivalent of FE 404 and I think I succeeded.
>Well I tried to create the SRW equivalent of FE 404 and I think I succeeded.

so it's "bad on purpose"?
The boxer or the dictator?
>that formatting

You're going out of your way to make me want to fucking gouge my eyes out.
The MC has iron determination and steeled strength.
He's also part of a resistance and is looking for his missing sister.

His final upgrades are bird-shaped orbital bombardment units.
Depends if you pick the American Route or the Japanese Route.

Either way, the game will end with Bison Bucks.
But is it really bad?
I need to know if I succeeded or if I need to go back to the drawing board
So basically, its a story dealing with the interaction between Mars/Earth. Featuring some Jupiter dicks.
Chargeman Ken teams up with Groizer X, Govarian , and Astroganga to take on an evil fighting force the likes of which the never has seen before.

Fans of more popular shows.
MC is a sleazy car salesman who learns the true meaning of love in this charming Summer blockbuster.
Aura Battler Dunbine
Tekkaman Blade
Vision of Escaflowne
Heavy Metal L-Gaim
Getter Robo Armageddon/Shin Vs Neo Getter
Wings of Rean
Gundam 00 (S1/S2) + : Movie
Dai Guard
Mazinkaiser SKL + Manga
Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Gravion + Gravion Zwei
Shin Mazinger ZERO
New Story of Aura Battler Dunbine
Gear Fighter Dendoh
King of Braves GaoGaiGar + Final (?)*
Detonator Orgun
Gun X Sword(?)*

Plot is rather simple.
MC is civilian girl from an Earth that's been exploring outer space, and occasionally has had villains such as Dr. Hell, and terrorists(such as 00 villains) who's suddenly transported to a world of fantasy, where she eventually gathers half of the cast (ie, Dunbine, L-Gaim, SKL, GXS(?)).
Eventually, all the fantasy world issues are resolved, and the girl returns to her home, which is now being fucking TRASHED by all sorts of invasions, such as Invaders, Radam, ELS, Zeravire, Galfa, Evoluders, and even Heterodynes. And despite their best efforts, other internal problems and general chaos have prevented the Earth's forces from doing any more than simply defending themselves, and they will eventually lose. However, with MC and the friends from the other world, they begin to turn things around by providing backup; ie, stalling for time for the super big guys who were designed to fight off to fight off the threats to improve and for some to even evolve (Shin Getter, Blaster Blade, Shin Mazinger).

I'd like to improve this, as I tried to tie them somewhat close together.
Make the MC a football player from Tennessee and you may be onto something.
Maybe it's just my selective memory but is it just me or does Giant Gorg basically show up really often ever since BX did it when it was almost non-existent before in "dream cast list"?

Tetsujin 2004 also seems to be one that's showing up a lot recently - for some reason we're still taking the Giant Robo Yokoyama Ban (TM) into account but T28 seems to have had a modern exemption.
Super Robot Wars effect.
When a series gets into a SRW people start paying it more attention.

I can say I watched Gorg because of it. That one guy kept posting those .webms of Gorg and it got me interested.

So if you have some mecha anime that's not really popular just make some webms of good looking scenes and you'll usually get people to watch
Although if you were going to use Tetsujin 2004 it would work a lot better with other stuff that's relatively low tech.
Actually what would a Super Low-Tech Wars cast list look like?
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Someone was probably reading too many generals at once.
Something that I forgot to mention, the post plot series here is Dunbine TV.
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>So if you have some mecha anime that's not really popular just make some webms of good looking scenes and you'll usually get people to watch
I think I only have like 2 minutes worth of WebM footage
I remember there being posts on that before.

Muv Luv Alt (pre Susano-O)
Mobile Suit Gundam
Proto Getter
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Aoi Umi No Tristia

It's one of those "OVAs created as a Game Tie-in" Anime though so don't expect coherent storytelling - and only the 2nd episode really has good action scenes.
Adding on to that
Gundam 0080
Code Geass maybe
Mazinger Z
Giant Robo
Fuck this is actually really hard
/m/, which original track from SRW W do you think should get an epic rock cover?
>they've had GunXSword on Earth

No they didn't.
One of the things you can do with low tech - and it's what I did with FIRST - is to have a whole fuckton of alien robots like Dangaioh or technically Heroman thereabouts.
Josh is the weaker of the two protagonists by far. His personality is so barebones that OGs 2 had to imply that the Sympathia system literally drains a normal person's personality out. No that it makes him interesting at all.

Rim is quite a bit better, but I doubt she'd save the plot for you.
(also if you do Code Geass in a low tech SRW, have it done with Dougram)


Shit I forgot about Dougram.
Also is Geass low tech?
It's been so long since I watched it.
S1 Geass is pretty low tech.
S2 has a terrible power progression to sell toys, but it's not TOO high.

Gorg could still probably take the strongest Knightmare frames through strength of armor and sheer force.
First season is.
R2 goes kinda off the rails near the end, though.
Is there a character that could possibly even TOUCH Gorg? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Angry Gorg. I'm not talking about Angry Gorg with Yuu in danger either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Angry Gorg piloted by Russell Bagman with Yuu in danger. I'm also not talking about fully upgraded Angry Gorg piloted by Russell Bagman with Yuu in danger and the +Armor Full Upgrade Bonus, 400 Defense, and 200 will.
Fuck I'm too tired to finish this shitty pasta.
Someone else can do it better.
Patrick's escape pod would just eject into Gorg's face.
>shitty pasta
Undercooked or overcooked? ...I never said I was funny.
What's the best emulator to play Compact 3 on? OSWAN?

(Comments on Compact 3's lack of quality goes here but whatever)
Wonderswan's what I used, it works well enough.
... is there a Wonderswan emulator literally just named "Wonderswan" or have you been hitting the Mushroom Samba, Matt?
I use Oswan. It has ten frame speeds and a fast-forward button. No fullscreen, though.
Dai-Guard. Have them be buddies with SV2
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What's going on?
you can apply bonus upgrade points to a pilot of your choosing
Well it's going on Folka
Apologies, it's been a very long string of days.
This must be the happiest Kamille portrait ever
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All this NG Knight Lamune & 40 plot is making me really want to watch the show to know what the hell is going on. Too bad the show has no subs from what I heard.
It's dubbed in Spanish.
Well if you stack all points into Folka's melee stat (not Stong Arm/the proto-infight skill) then you will be able to kill every single endgame enemy with a single hit and this is without spirits.
Well I guess that's something.
>Infinite Stratos
>The Legend of Korra
Get out.
Well it has like 14 episodes worth of subs actually...

...out of like 40 or so total
So basically it's still a lost cause.
I blame Da Cider and his untranslatable shitty puns
I thought Medarots was a lost cause and now it has 18 episodes subbed.

Don't give up.
Well that is true, so yeah I'll keep hope. Just a little though.
I'm hoping the first 26 episodes of Duel Masters get subs, since I the dub mangled a ton of things up.
OG3 when?
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I didn't take a screenshot of his stats but he goes up 5 more levels when he turns on Neo Granzon

Anyways that was quite the ride. Good game.
Wait, Shoe is a psychic?
Not in OG, neither are Viletta or Ingram for some reason. Yet Ing and the Barshem clones will likely be.
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>Yet Ing is, and the Barshem clones will likely be.
Sorry, that was worded poorly

All I get for NG+ is a measly 2 million? Really? I don't think you can even FUB more than one unit that's worth a shit with that much.
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Can Masaki beat Shu in fistfight?
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His fists would get lost mid-swing
A FUB is pointless.
>2 HP bars
>8 EN bars
>4 Evade or Armor bars
>As much limit as you need to not get capped
>Maxed weapons

Is all what you need.
Still, even maxing out EN on Mazinkaiser or Shin Getter costs like 300k total. Nevermind Armor, HP, Mobility, and about 650k on weapons.
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Well, I should've said more like 150k, but at any rate the price curve on upgrades in @G is pretty nuts for every stat besides Limit. 2 mil ain't much. Especially if it doesn't stack another 2 mil if I beat the game again.
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Like seriously, even for a higher end like a SUMO, just EN, Mobility, a few bars of Limit, and max weapons costs like 800k total.

I'll add that to my collection
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higher end grunt*
I should get some sleep
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You've been holding out on me old man
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I've just been busy.

Busy trying to figure out why everyone in Alpha Gaiden is so into cold feet.

What's the appeal?
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You know how those crazy foot fetishists can get
Oh, and I dunno how many of you were actually in those last two Alpha Gaiden threads to see that argument I had with that anon about Tronium Engines, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't full of shit too. That guy was really blatantly wrong on a lot of points but I was just going off of memory since I was busy posting.

There's enough complete bullshit about these games floating around, we definitely don't need people spewing any more of it, especially not for the games that are actually fucking translated.
Do you have a TL;DR for that guys arguments?
It starts here with what I think was him claiming a Tronium Engine going kaboom happened before, and I can only assume he was talking about the Berserk/Vanishing Trooper incident. I got a bit irritated since he kept insisting on some blatantly wrong stuff and "inferring" things that were never stated in the games.

I was doing my best to not say anything stupid myself but I just wanted to double check since I've been wrong about stuff before.

Hopefully this link work since the thread already died. Just follow the reply chain from there, the argument dies off shortly into the second thread.
This was like the first SRW game to try implementing a NG+ feature, so got to cut them a bit of slack.

Those are some really arbitrary numbers - 2 bars of HP Upgrade, wha...?
Doesn't the third bar in most SRWs cost most more than the first two together?
Was the coffee hot?
You definitely, DEFINITELY need more mobility or armor and HP upgrades on you units than that, or else you might as well be playing a no upgrade run, or praying to the RNG gods. Even with the V2 at the upgrades I had it at, enemies in a leadership aura could still pull a relatvely worrying chance to hit on him without Focus, especially since any attack that connected would be a kill.
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I've had several moments of under 10 hp but this is the first time it was 1.

Why is this allowed?
fuck you i do what i want
You sure told me 18 hours later.
Fuck off back to srw-g
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Goddammit Kira.
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I think Factorsman is going to stay as my top ace for all of the game.
Kira wasn't that much of a pussy on Atreem.
And SEED wasn't so fucking dull on Atreem too.
I mean even Dunbine isn't as dull as SEED
Wait for Banpreios
Atreem Kira was a cool guy who no one could beat, he was also best friends with Mist and Vaan.
wait for Ideon
Why didn't anyone tell me that playing Alpha 3 with all four Protagonists was so fun
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Man, I'm sad that "Windsurfing Dunbine" or whatever this is supposed to be didn't get into BX.
Probably this has been asked countless times but since I didn't see anything on the op I am going to risk asking it.

I never played a SRW games and want to try one of the English ones, which would better serve me as a starting point, OG or Alpha Gaiden?

Taking into account from the Alpha Gaiden shows I only watched the Gundams, Mazinger and Macross.
OG, it's also easier than Alpha Gaiden
The best starting point is SRW 1 and you already watched all series for it except Getter and you should read the Getter Manga instead of watching the Toei anime anyway.

For Alpha Gaiden you should have at least watched Gundam X, Turn A Gundam and Xabungle the other series are not that important.

For OG1+OG2 (GBA versions) which are crossovers of characters of other SRWs you should first have played SRW 2, SRW 3, SRW 4 (or F+FF), Shin SRW, SRW Alpha (1, Gaiden and 2), SRW Compact 2 (all three parts) and SRW A to get the refrences.
I don't think difficulty is going to be an issue, I played this sort of tactical strategy games before, unless SRW has something special that I am unaware of.

>he best starting point is SRW 1
Will take it into account

>For Alpha Gaiden you should have at least watched Gundam X, Turn A Gundam and Xabungle
I did watch the first two, still haven't gotten around Xabungle
>For OG1+OG2 ..........
Welp, I thought it was a standalone series.
OG barely ever does any of the source plots straight anyway. The most you'll get if you play say @1 before OG1 is that you'll get to go, aha so this is what they changed.
Start with the OG games, they're a good introduction to the series.
OG 1 and 2 are perfectly stand-alone.
I guess OG might be the best start then. Out of curiosity, how do they connect with the OG Inspector anime?
OG Inspector is the anime version of OG2.
Ok thanks.
What's the point in starting out with 1? It's so different from the rest of the series that it doesn't exactly provide any sort of decent "grounding point" to take any of the other games.
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>not having your favourite unit as top ace
How do you crazy fanfic posters even come up with a timeline?
I honestly don't even care about a timeline at all, Alpha 1 style unless they are issues with births or similar paradoxes.
Yeah, I think i'm just going to skip out on writing up a timeline and let the crossover go to work.
Any reason why Alpha 3's bad ending, which you can get if you make a choice post-Scenario 56, is only available from your 2nd run onwards?
Well the problem with starting with OG is that it is one of the most complex SRWs with stuff like
>Equipable weapons
>Individual weapon upgrades
>PP to buy individual pilot skills
>Pilot switching being actually important
>A very large cast of OG characters
>The choice of a "canon" and boring route or a fun and "noncanon" route

that can overwhelm newcomers a lot.
Let shit run its course. If there's a bunch of "2,000 years ago/ 12,000 years ago/ 20,000 years ago" you an just muddle those up.
This is my plan

>12,000 years ago
Gunbuster (Part of Diebuster's backstory)
Dunbine TV

>Colonists that people forgot

>Ancient race squad
Shin Mazinger

>Mysterious Energy
Shin vs Neo

SD Gundam
Dunbine OVA

Tobikage can slot in somewhere.
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>FF Record Keeper has a half-price deal (11 draws for 25 mithril instead of 50) in the gacha on Black Friday
>Every 5* item is going to be a Soul Break Relic
I wish X-O would do something similar.
X-O's still new.

Normally these "GREAT BARGAINS" come later in the life of a Mobage.
So that you don't get it on a first run?

It'd be pretty shitty to get BAD END on the first run.
You can get Z1's bad end on a first run though.

Which is nice when you're replaying a game, lost your save file and just want to get an NG+ save ASAP and you don't have a DexDrive.
Reminds me of Disgaea.
Or maybe they figured it was an easy out for people who were sick of Ex-Hard's tedium.
You really have to try to get Z's though. Meanwhile @3's just takes answering one question wrong.
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Heavyarms is here to fuck your shit up.
"Come at me, I've infinite stock footage now."
So instead of boring yourself to sleep defending the Black Hole bomb you can become a hero.
It looks like he has a crotch cannon.
*Insert that one Gif from I think 008 MS Team*
Can't unsee.
It's not that hard in Z, really. Either you screw up gathering ending points or choose to live in Paradigm City.

Either one'll put you in under 6 ending points, leading towards crummy choices in 59 which'll only allow you to have either the sad or bad endings.
Some of those ending points are fairly-easy to get. You'd still have to fuck it up on purpose.
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Were the Barshem clones psychic in Alpha? I don't think Cobray was, but it's been a long time.
Viletta was in Alpha 1 and Gaiden, if that counts.
I think the point was that they were all supposed to be, part of Cobray's development was he was considered defective was because he didn't inherit the Psychodriver powers.

Balmar just figured you could clone a powerful psychodriver over and over again for a whole army of them.
He's full of shit about a Tronium Engine exploding, he for sure confused that with Vanishing Trooper. (Vanishing Trooper wasn't even as bad in @ as OG, Shu had enough pull to empty the base besides Rai, Irm, and Kirk. OG Shu couldn't do that so a ton of people died)

You are wrong about the Zuvorg sending a broken Black Hole Engine in OG, though. That's Euzeth's thing in Alpha. In OG the Earthlings get plans for a BHE from the Zuvorg and different plans from Meteor 3. For unknown reasons Shu went with the Balmerian BHE and the Zuvorg got mad and sabotaged it. It's unknown if the Zuvorg BHE was flawed or if the Balmerian one was flawed before the Zuvorg got ahold of it. Vanishing Trooper still happening in the SM universe suggests the Zuvorg BHE was flawed, there's no real proof.

I'm not actually sure what either of your arguments are regarding the R-2 and the R-Guns Tronium Engines.
>In OG the Earthlings get plans for a BHE from the Zuvorg and different plans from Meteor 3. For unknown reasons Shu went with the Balmerian BHE and the Zuvorg got mad and sabotaged it. It's unknown if the Zuvorg BHE was flawed or if the Balmerian one was flawed before the Zuvorg got ahold of it. Vanishing Trooper still happening in the SM universe suggests the Zuvorg BHE was flawed, there's no real proof.

there were two plans for the BHE? I thought Earth got the plans for one from the Zuvorg, which were flawed on purpose.
The anon was saying that the R-Gun's engine is just as unstable as the R-2's, with no actual evidence supporting that. And insisting that they couldn't take apart the R-2's engine to build a more stable one like the R-Gun's for some reason, even though it's been shown you can pop Tronium in or out of the engines super easily in both Alpha and OG.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what it was too. Meteor 3 is how they got Tronium, and stuff like Tesla Drives, but I'm pretty sure the Black Hole Engine plans were from Zuvorg. Doesn't Shu explain everything about what happened in that one stage in 2ndOG? Chen translated it on his youtube page, I'll have to go watch that again to see.
I thought that in OG the Zuvorg gave Earth the BHE and Shu discovered it was sabotaged on purpose then he fixed it and basicly made another one for the granzon and then sabotaged it again because... I don't know how to word this but bad things would happen if they found out the Earthlings had fixed the BHE.
Yeah, Wendolo talks about it when you go to fight him in OG2. The line is something like "We gave you the plans for the Black Hole Engine...but then you went with the stupid one you got from Meteor-3." The weird trap plan is all Alpha Euzeth, no idea if he tried it in OG too.

Oh, okay.

Well, the mech dictionary in OGS does say that the R-Gun has a more unstable engine than the R-2 and can output higher power, but that's never borne out in the game at all so I always dismissed it as bad writing.

It's never actually said anywhere if they did anything to the R-2's engine in OG2, I think? They reinforced the joints so the SRX would have an easier time combining. If you go by gameplay the R-2's engine is still unstable enough that only Rai can use it because it's still pilot-locked, but only Kyosuke's supposed to be able to pilot the Alt and that's not pilot-locked so clearly that's an unreliable indicator.

Though I'd say being able to pop Tronium in and out of the engine doesn't mean it's stable when the Tronium is in there. Tronium is just the power source, engine stability is presumably down to the design of the reactor.
>Though I'd say being able to pop Tronium in and out of the engine doesn't mean it's stable when the Tronium is in there. Tronium is just the power source, engine stability is presumably down to the design of the reactor.
You misunderstood what I was saying I think. SRW mentioned that they didnt seem to do anything to the R-2's engine even when they were improving the SRX, but the other guy was saying that they COULDN'T do anything to the R-2's engine because they only had so much Tronium. Even though it's been show that it's apparently not that hard to pull Tronium out of an engine, so if they really wanted to they could've potentially built a better engine. Like what the Huckebein Mk III has.

That's interesting about the OGs dictionary, if it actually says that then it definitely contradicts how the story actually handles it.
>Doesn't Shu explain everything about what happened in that one stage in 2ndOG? Chen translated it on his youtube page, I'll have to go watch that again to see.

Maybe? I haven't gotten to 2ndOG yet, but there were definitely two plans for Black Hole Engines in GBA OG2. It's possible they retconned it in OGS; I wasn't really trying to read what Wendolo was saying there.
Oh, okay, I did misunderstand. It's still possible they couldn't build a better engine for the R-2 without redesigning the rest of the mech, which would be difficult when they have to take the combination mechanism into account. A kind of "well, it's hard to fix and it works well enough when Rai is piloting it, so concentrate on designing the AR-2 instead", but that's a lot of speculation. All we know is that they apparently didn't upgrade the R-2's engine for whatever reason.

The complete contradiction of the actual games is why I mostly ignore the dictionary. Banpresto's made weird typos in secondary material before (the Valsion weighs how much?), so I can pretty easily believe they meant that the R-2 was more unstable than the R-Gun because that actually makes sense with the rest of the story. But again, speculation.
>Yeah, Wendolo talks about it when you go to fight him in OG2.

I checked and Wendolo says "You were trying to use the Balmar technology from Meteor 3 instead of the Black Hole Engine we supplied you with, right?" so the BHE is Zuvorg in OG.
Forgot to add that he says nothing about a Balmar BHE.
Could you post the rest of that conversation? I think he mentions why the Zuvorg sabotaged the BHE too.
IIRC, he says something along the lines of "I wasn't on that case personally, but I do know what the people on the case did to it."

But yeah, Wendolo admits the Zuvorg were more or less responsible for the events that led to Rai gaining an aching steel artificial arm.
>Could you post the rest of that conversation?
I'm using this video. https://youtu.be/pUSR6axcTs8?list=PLFFA61B502B40D1F3
Wasn't it supposed to be a test to see if Earth was ready for the BHE tech?
Or rather, as a way to see if they were a threat or not.
In 2nd OG Shu says it was bait to see if the Earthlings were valuable enough to exploit.
According to Wendolo, Zuvorg staged the Vanishing Trooper incident
He also says we made the Grazon to prove we were valuable enough cause if we weren't we would be mistreated by our conquerers.
I forgot how long this video is but I'm rewatching it now to see if it says anything important related to all of this

New Thread
Okay, so here's the conversation:

Wendolo: Just like we did in the Huckebein Incident before. (referring to discouraging Earthlings from using dangerous technology)
Rai: What...?!
Ring: You staged that accident?!
Wendolo: Well, I wasn't on that case, but...
Wendolo: You were trying to use the Balmar technology from Meteor 3 instead of the Black Hole engine we supplied you with, right?
Ring: ...!
Wendolo: You were punished for ignoring the treaty with my government and pursuing their technology.
Wendolo: It might have happened anyway, though.

That makes it sound like the technology Earth was pursuing was the Balmerian Black Hole engine, since they're all just talking about the Vanishing Trooper accident. And at the end Wendolo says it might have happened anyway, which is probably an Alpha reference. No one mentions Tronium at all.
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