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/LesGen/: No Waifu No Laifu Edition

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Thread replies: 431
Thread images: 65

Lesbian General:
Do you like anime? What shows? If not, what western shows do you like, and why is The Legend of Korra one of them?

Old thread:
Of all the yuri characters you could have chosen, you choose the straight incestual bitch.
But yeah, I watch anime even if I didn't really have the time to lately, but this season is pretty meh, so hopefully spring will be better.
I only watched the first season of Korra, need to watch the others. As for western shows, I work in an animation studio so I'm drowning in it, except it's not american shit. Other than that I watch 3d movies when they're not bad. Still need to go see Zootopia.
Is it hard work?

The thing from TLOK that has stayed with me the most, after watching it, was the effectiveness of the score. Jeremy Zuckerman did a fantastic job matching the emotions of the show with the music in a scene.

Also, Korra is a badass who don't need no mens
It depends of the series you're working on, the team and the production. I'm working on something easy right now, even if we must finish an episode pretty fast, but the last series I worked on was hell. Everything was wrong, from the story-boards to the shitty director who didn't even know what he was doing. Oh, and we're paid like shit, but nobody takes this job for the pay.
I'll try to watch Korra s02 this week-end.
you should probably skip the second season desu, it's terrible. the third and fourth are gold though.
They're all at least worth watching. The second season is pretty critical to the overall plot, and has some very interesting lore from the avatar universe.
I'll watch the s02, even if I heard it's pretty bad. I managed to sit through 9 episodes of Glasslip, so 12 or so episodes of bad Korra should be all right compared to this turd.
>9 episodes of glasslip

I'm so sorry for your loss
>I work in an animation studio.

What do you do there? After watching Shirobako, I'm intensely curious about what it's like in real studio! Please share any stories you have no matter how boring you think they are!

>Oh, and we're paid like shit, but nobody takes this job for the pay.
You are living my dream. One day, hopefully I'll be able to say that same statement.
I mainly work on 3D series, since it's 90% of nowadays productions, in the layout team. We're charged to take care of the camera work, framework, backgrounds, props, timing and animation key poses. If the story-board is shit, wich is often the case, we must rectify it so the action makes sense and is fluid. That way, the 3d animators and rendering team won't whine and yell.

I worked in 4 studios, in one of them the environment was awful, the others and the one I'm in right now are okay. Most people are nice, except for a few assholes, like the one who's stopped talking to me when he knew I was a lesbian. Also, there's like 60/70 people in my studio, and yet I'm the only gay one and everybody is so straight no one knows any lesbians.
The series productions are often weirdly managed, and money runs out before the series is finished. I've got plenty of production quotes, but the last one I can tell you is that my team got a champagne bottle one month ago because we finished an episode without any retake. A retake is when the director asks you to modify something on a cut.

I tried to watch Shirobako but it reminded me so much of work I only saw 2 episodes. Really need to watch it, though. And I pretty much look like Misa, with hair slightly shorter, wich is even weird.

Are you studying to become an animator or to work in the animation world?
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Good lord, you're fucking cancer, namefag, even if you try so hard not to be.

I like a few anime movies, but naw i don't really watch actual shows. =/
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>I mainly work on 3D series, since it's 90% of nowadays productions, in the layout team. We're charged to take care of the camera work, framework, backgrounds, props, timing and animation key poses. If the story-board is shit, wich is often the case, we must rectify it so the action makes sense and is fluid. That way, the 3d animators and rendering team won't whine and yell.

God, I wish there were more in-depth documentaries into every step of the process. It sounds really amazing what you're doing.

>I worked in 4 studios, in one of them the environment was awful, the others and the one I'm in right now are okay. Most people are nice, except for a few assholes, like the one who's stopped talking to me when he knew I was a lesbian. Also, there's like 60/70 people in my studio, and yet I'm the only gay one and everybody is so straight no one knows any lesbians.

That's unfortunate. But, I'm glad that you found nicer places to work. I guess that pulls the scales from my eyes a little bit, because I had a really idealized idea of what a studio is like. It seems that a workplace is a workplace no matter what.

>The series productions are often weirdly managed, and money runs out before the series is finished. I've got plenty of production quotes, but the last one I can tell you is that my team got a champagne bottle one month ago because we finished an episode without any retake. A retake is when the director asks you to modify something on a cut.

That's got to be really nerve-racking especially since you're making something that everyone is going to see! Does that pressure that everyone will be looking make it tough to cut corners even if you're crunched on time?
>I tried to watch Shirobako but it reminded me so much of work I only saw 2 episodes. Really need to watch it, though. And I pretty much look like Misa, with hair slightly shorter, wich is even weird.
> And I pretty much look like Misa.
I really enjoyed Shirobako and I can't recommend it enough.

>Are you studying to become an animator or to work in the animation world?

I don't really know yet. I like both options for different reasons. I'm still studying art fundamentals, and I got interested in animation because animator's twitter feeds were full of really legit studies or gestures, I realized that someone who draws a trillion pictures for a living would probably really fucking good and I need to pay attention. I like 3D just as much or more than 2D, but I chose the pencil first simply because I didn't have a computer strong enough to handle it. I hope to pick up that skill as well.

But more interesting than that, I really want to be part of a team that could make the things I love so much and I can't even imagine the feeling of seeing what you helped make on a screen somewhere. That's where Shirobako came in, because I had no idea how animation was actually made, and it opened up a larger glimpse of that world. Honestly I just want to be in any place, working seen or unseen, to make the magic.
Both 3D and 2D have limitless possibility. They essentially just started and already there have been amazing visuals even on an anime budget.
Is it anything like the stuff from Berserk: Golden Age and Kingdom? I kinda hate that
I'm studying it again from the bottom ao I hope it works out this time. I don't really like using computers unless its for compiling or coloring. Markers would be interesting to use, I dunno.
>Do you like anime?
>What shows?
My top 3 are Shinsekai Yori, Mahou Shoujo & Monogatari series.
Layout can be very interesting, but also one of the most boring thing ever if there's no camera work. It really depends of the series, so choosing the project you want to work on is important, since the production can take up to one year.
Most of my coworkers really like to work here, but some don't give a shit and do the bare minimum.
Actually, productions are so often a clusterfuck you don't really pay attention to it. Everyone works so that there won't be any problems but there is and the production refuses to pay more to settle it, we can't do anything. And if they try to pressure us, we don't really care. I do my quotas, and nothing else. The more work we do, the more the production asks us to do, without any wage increase of course. That's for the series production. For the movies it's something else, and there's more pressure for it.
2D animator is a great job, 3D not so much. Most of 3D animators don't know how to draw and only have a good perception of rythm. Other than that, they need to do their quotas so they often do the bare minimum. There's also some who are really bad at animating. Again, I'm talking about series, movies are another league.
I'm drawing when I'm not at work, but actually there's really not that much people who draw in the 3D department. Even in 2D, the ones who work on After Effect don't really draw since they only need to animate puppets.
this is pretty depressing
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>tfw you will never fuck your waifu.
I'm thinking more about Evangelion. Taking only the animation into account, there's no drop between the 3D and 2D parts. With the exception of Wunder and that one angel in 2.0 that survived for about 10 seconds, everything else in the rebuilds has sufficient heaviness to their movement. It only sticks out because the lighting is on 3D objects in a 2D environment is almost always wrong. Once 3D guys learn how to draw and do stylized shading, and someone finds a way to give 3D objects visible lines like 2D things have, you really won't be able to tell the difference in 3D animation of that level.

We already know that CGI can look really good via every Marvel movie ever, so I don't think there are some huge technical hurdles to making it look flat and anime-like. The 3D guys, being the first generation of 3D animators, just don't know how to do it yet.

>Most of 3D animators don't know how to draw
I suspected as much.
It's not really, except of you're working on a shit project and that everything goes wrong. Once you know everything is governed by MONEY, that you work on a nice project and that you have a good team, it's pretty great. You just need to be passionate enough to not care about not having a really good wage or recognition.
Great taste
> some huge technical hurdles to making it look flat and anime-like
Yes, there is. Making 3D looking like 2D is one of the most difficult thing ever, because the outline of the characters or props is really hard to render without fucking it up.
That is so neat! It sounds stressful, but very cool.

Are there times when you catch a rerun of something you worked on and feel smug about how good a job you did on a certain part? Or, by the time you finish, are you so sick of it that you can't even watch the completed version?
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>Do you like anime? What shows? If not, what western shows do you like, and why is The Legend of Korra one of them?

Favorites: Read or Die TV, Tesagure! Bukatsumono, Selector infected Wixoss, MadokaMagica.
>catch a rerun
More like I'm telling myself "I didn't put the camera like that! Fucking animator shitting up cuts", or "what happened with the render? It wasn't like that before."
I almost never watch again what I worked on, except for a few things, or just one or two completed episodes since we can watch them at work when they're finished. But it's actually nice to see your work broadcasted, when the animators didn't shat on it. Because the 3D animator don't know how cameras or frames work, yet they touch it when they want to animate less, or just because they don't pay attention. It's pretty infuriating to see a cut you worked several hours on fucked up by one retard who could have just asked to rectify the camera instead of touching it and ruin the keys and curves.
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You. I like you.
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>Lesbian anime general
>Nobody mentions Pandora
Still no guarantee. I'm still alive. I won't mention the cocktail of stuff I drank and swallowed to keep my blood from coagulating, but with multiple transfusions it took over a week to stop bleeding with coagulants being applied daily.
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Favorite shows: Always Sunny, Futurama, The Office US, Black Mirror, and Peep Show!

Peep Show Season 6 has a same sex female couple, they're a great addition to the show and have a very funny plot. I like that the show neither ignores that they're both girls nor makes it the most important thing about their relationship. Peep Show is excellent and you can mostly jump in at any episode, so if you're curious about Gail and Elena, you can start right at Season 6.
They labor through season 4 started off great middle was weak and the ending was cool
When can I buy my own Kurarin?
Thanks for indulging my curiosity for so long. I have a good rest of the day, anon!
Feeling very cuddle hungry today. So alone.
>tfw low sex drive makes me consider never pursuing love since I'll just ruin the life of whoever dates me
You're welcome.
Nah yo. Think about how many dudes complain that their girlfriends don't want to have sex enough. There are a lot of women with low sex drives, so much so that I wonder what we're even "low" in relation to. I've met a good number of people who fit comfortably on the asexual spectrum, whether or not they identify that way. So basically your low sex drive can bless and enrich the life of whoever dates you because there are a lot of people (like me!) who want a relationship with a lot of touching/sensuality/cuddling but little to no sex and who are compatible with only similar folks- like you!
>tfw kissed and snuggled on the second date and talked for 4 hours face to face under my bed covers

I'm pretty excited!!! Maybe I'll be in a relationship soonish and my streak of being single for a year will be over.
eat sleep break the streak

if my gf didn't want to have sex at least nightly i'd make her fight me
Hopefully. She's a gorgeous girl and actually really engages me in conversation. I'm going to just play it cool and not sperg out that a girl is into me.
>because there are a lot of people (like me!) who want a relationship with a lot of touching/sensuality/cuddling but little to no sex
Me as well!
good luck hopefully you can do it.
>second date
>talked for 4 hours face to face under my bed covers
:') This is keeping me warm on this cold rainy day.
I'm glad!!! I feel a little weird since she's 18 and I'm 22 now, but I guess its not that huge of a gap.
>tfw no 18 year old gf
>tfw no 19 year old gf
>tfw no 20 year old gf
>tfw no 21 year old gf
>tfw no 22 year old gf
>tfw no 23 year old gf
>tfw no 24 year old gf
>tfw no 25 year old gf
Hm, well, you pass the "half your age plus seven" rule and the difference is small enough that you can still be at pretty similar stages in your life. Is she still in high school?
And hell yeah, little tidbits like that make me feel blessed to like girls! Quick emotional intimacy and cuddles- when will heterosexuals ever?
Do you have a third date planned out?
She's out of highschool. We're going to go to a arcade place and play all the little games and hopefully I can win her s astuffed animal!!
>tfw 20 and still in high school
I love being dumb.
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Well, you make me feel better for being nearly 23 and still in community. So thanks for that.
>19 and in hs

thought i was the only one
I'm pretty sure I made poison for dinner last night I feel so bad both because I'm really sick but also because my gf is really sick and she had to work.

We nearly took the leftovers to an elderly woman she lives next to and I'm pretty sure it would have killed her.

Pray for my bum.
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>Do you like anime?
Ye boi
>What shows?
My favorite animes are het shit shitgarbage mainly. Witchblade, Devilman(Lady), Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, Wolf's Rain, Utawarerumono, and Katanagatari. Any yuri anime works as well I've watched the majority.

>Selector infected Wixoss
Taste detected
OHMYGOD that is so cute!

Please transfer to my school so we can me dumb together.

Do you play any sports?

What club are you in?

I'm literally so excited to talk to either of you please respond.
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>Shinsekai Yori
>Monogatari series
Please no.
Any other autistic lesbians on here?
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Maybe? My little bro and uncle are autistic, and my mom seriously thinks I'm just undiagnosed, but she also never went to the trouble to find out.
There's a lot of other stuff I like, but what's wrong with those?
I have assburgers.
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Nothing, just a matter of personal dislike. I stopped watching Monogatari after Hana, that's all I wanted to get to. I can't stand Araragi or Senjougahara, or the fucking loli vampire. Koyomi's sisters are alright.

Also, I have more of a problem with the story itself than the direction or studio, it's just boring cheesy haremshit mixed with supernatural and I have no real interest in that.
Fair enough, but what about Shinsekai Yori?
yep I like, but i havent been watching recently
Since I'm a butthurt yurifag I got extremely assblasted when it went het. The story itself was interesting. Manga's yuri scenes were really hot though.
What, you didn't like when Maria fled with Mamoru even though she loved the MC?
>Goldfinger bar
Shit, I planned to visit this place last time I was in Tokyo but didn't. Now Vice has done it for me.
And then she got pregnant with that fuccboi's child, so no.
They probably forced them to fuck until she got pregnant. Then they killed her just after she gave birth.
Kek, yeah. Shinsekai Yori falls in the "they grow out of homosex in adulthood" nasty trope and that's why I hate it.
wo, i'm still in high school too, though I'll be 18 soon. Next year I'm finishing this shit.
O-oh, I just liked it a lot lot because I enjoyed the commentary on humanity and lengths it goes for survival. If that makes sense. ;_; Though I'm pretty butthurt too.
If she's out of high school then you totally pass the "weird or not" test in my book.
Dear god that sounds cute as FUCK. Perfect second date, perfect third date. You sound awesome and she is so lucky to have you! Good luck with the stuffed animal. :)

Please don't worry, anon! I'm proud of you for being in college and working towards your goal, no matter the pace.
Who /NEET/ here?

>never had a job
>never had a gf
There were better anime on humanity's decline that year, and more homoerotic.

Hikki/NEET mustard race here.
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>Do you like anime?
>What shows?
Too many. Lately I've been into Symphogear, Love Live!, Aikatsu!, rewatched Komugi-chan to watch the new spin-off but it's shit, also rewatching Lain. This season is definitely backlog season, I'm watching like 5 shorts and only one full-length anime (KnP). Spring looks bad too, but Summer looks promising. I'm looking forward to LL Sunshine and Strike Witches 3.
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How is your New Year's resolution coming along, lesgen?
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>hard work can out-do genetics
Who was the dumbfuck that made this image?
I hate anime with a passion. I don't see the point in it. Why not just play ps4?
>Why not just play ps4?
No games. You're better off installing loonix in PS3 and dual play PC/PS3 games.
Where do I find a weeb gf besides weeb conventions, there's only a few ones a year
But....muh destiny. I'm addicted. Plus call of duty. I don't care if I sound like a 12 year old but I love console gaming.
Try looking in your local dumpster.
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Jesus, this shit taste.
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You just gave me cancer.
Shut up you weeaboo trash. You're garbage is no better. At least I don't have a pillow of my video games that I masturbate to unlike you faggots.
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Please leave to your containment board.

The kid is probably spouting the epic "you're" meme, leave him be.
Hmm but I have a gf and you don't.
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If she's like you, no thanks. And I play video games, it's just that I don't have the shittiest taste ever you seem to have.
But I do, and many of them. They just happen to be 2dimensional.
You both have me cancer. This is why filthy Frank exists. Because of you faggots. I'm sure you all love the dumpy pc games that no ones likes.
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I don't even play games besides some rare occasion, /v/tard.
health wise i'm not drinking as much and i'm actually working out a bit so those are good things

i'm still not really doing what i want socially though still kind of a shut in but at least i feel really hot
I didn't really make a resolution, I just sort of endeavored to be more healthy, and I have been for the most part. I did slip up yesterday and made pancakes for myself the family though, but it was worth it.
Woah, I cannot longer keep track of lesgen.

Anyway, I used to like anime a lot when I was younger. Shows like Lain, Slayers, Haibane Renmei, Ghost in the Shell, G.T.O. and, actually, a long list of titles made me fall in love with anime, but nowadays I cannot enjoy this industry anymore. I tried to watch some new shows and fail at it: I feel like the interactions among the characters are completely unrealistic or too cliché.
Even I stopped watching Valkyrie Drive, a yuri show, after three episodes.
I accept recommendations though!

I am still fond of manga because of my tastes (in this case, yuri) and the variety, but anime is a whole different story and I am not sure why.

I should think of some resolutions. Better late than never I guess: I want to exercise again before going to bed and go to the library every day except when I have language school lessons. Lastly, I would like to gather the courage to create a profile on a dating app and, of course, add some photos so I can have (or destroy) a chance.
So far, none of them accomplished. :)
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Japanimation is for nerds. Still watching it as an adult means you should an hero immediately.
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I don't know why, but I love her voice and those similar to it, I'm immediately attracted to people or characters that have it (which was a little weird with cydaea in D3).
Anyone else have weird traits that they love?
Yes. YES. I bought Dragon Age Origins due to Morrigan and, of course, her voice.
Today I watched Carol (late but my country works that way) and I had the same feelings with Cate's voice.
Question. Is it weird not wanting to date your own race and age? I can't date other white people and I can't date younger. I just find it awkward is all. Anyone with similar stories?
What is your preferred race and age?
Hey . you need to stop making threads when we're on page 2. It's wasteful and pointless. Plus it makes finding the newest one more difficult when there's three or four lesgens still in the catalog. Actually, you should probably just make threads with your name in the field entirely, because you're cutting out anyone who filters you from joining the threads at all. That's just underhanded.
PC gaming still has the largest market share. You're butthurt to the point of delusion if you say "no one" likes PC exclusives (e.g. the vast majority of titles.)
Hey Lesgen, have you ever been so lewd as to perform 'rekuhkara' with your senpai?
This is beyond stupid. This is what happens when your educational system is defunct and you demand your entire society to suppress all individual thought.
i cant date anyone
I can't date blacks or Indians, not that I'd even want to though.
has /lesgen/ ever had a really poor experience during a roleplay?

one my gfs mum walked in on me sitting on her daughter with a knife to her throat whispering "beg me not to kill you fucking whore" has been pressuring her not to see many any more and seek domestic abuse help
That's definitely racist. People of the same "race" don't all look the same and certainly don't all act the same, so this is just the dumbest kind of generalization.
Tumblr pls go, kek.
> Don't find dark skin colors attractive
> Racist
> ok
Age I don't mind, but when it comes to race I don't really like anyone that's not white or has pale skin like East Asians.
I'm half black I posted earlier that I'd find it kind of awkward to date other half black girls since it'll mean the person will look like me a lot and I'm not used to it.
And also I'd find dating a younger girl very awkward too.. so I'm the exact same as you anon.
But I mean, thinking about it makes me uncomfortable but maybe in some case it could work I don't know.
I've only ever dated white, and looking at pics I'm not usually attracted to any other race. But I think it's a case by case basis, because I did flirt with a qt Indian girl once.
Also if it makes you feel better, I also don't date White trash. Does this make you happy now?
There are "white" people with darker skin tones than "black" people, you're just being overtly retarded now. And it's also not what you claimed, so you're being a hypocrite on top of that. If you're racist, then own your racism. It's less annoying. If you don't want to be a racist, then reflect on why you're being such a racist. Self-improvement takes self-awareness.

Nice response, faggot. Very logical. Does you credit.

No, stupid, it just makes you look like you think all people from India are trash or something. Christ, you're thick. Why are you so butthurt about this? Don't get so easily offended.
>Why are you so butthurt about this? Don't get so easily offended.
Not all Indians are bad you know. I need someone to make me Tikka Masala when I'm too hungover.
Don't try to reason with namefags, all of them are clinically retarded as proven in the past with birdanon, butterfly and S. Just report and filter.
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>getting this angry because people on 4chan are racist

I think you'd be more comfortable in some other place, shitskin.
Fuck off, stormfag. Your site wars are nothing but a distraction, and your unironic shitflinging is what's new and invasive.
/polmblr/ pls go and stay go.
>it just makes you look like you think all people from India are trash or something.

Personally I like dot.

She seems very nice.

I want her to sit on my face and grind so hard my nose breaks and I drown in my own nose blood and her sweet vaginal juices.
You've talked about this particular thing before, haven't you? Not with [.] (who is aggressively stupid, you have poor taste my friend) but just in general.
Please don't refer to this namefag as "dot", that name is already reserved for dotdotdot who was a real model-tier beauty and unfortunately the thirsty autists here chased her away.

May her memory rest in pieces.
Possibly. It's one of my favorite sex phrases.

Too be fair I read it here a few times so I can't take credit for it or anything.

Oh sorry, how about period?
If you tease her enough, do you earn your red wings?
>implying I don't already have them

But I see your point.
Someday, my girlfriend will be a little less squeamish, and on that day, my true perversion will show itself and I will be a thing that haunts her nightmares. But it will be really, really hot.
Uuuh. You've never met butterfly.
If you were my girlfriend I would buy anything if you ate me out on my period.
Latino and older than 24
You missed me completely.

Good luck though.
Whats your race and age?
So I get two treats on your period? Tempting offer, anon. Shame that you're inevitably an ocean away and all wrong for compatibility.
I paid my first girlfriend 50 dollars an orgasm.

Where do you live?
Do you think people can control their attraction? Do you think that anon can magically start feeling attracted to black/indian people?
How could I deny an answer to doub-trips? Texas, US.
Do you think all black/indian people are identical? It's a senseless, meaningless claim. The only way to get to that conclusion is to divorce yourself from the reality of the situation and blanket out actual billions of people on an inherently flawed premise.
Black and 18.
Thanks muh nigga. Those are exactly my thoughts.
I thought your response was a title of some porn video, kek.
No, those are your opinions. There's no thought behind them at all. Which is why you're just repeating yourself instead of justifying your position; it's why you're defaulting to insults instead of arguments.
Great job keeping up with your health goals! I bet once you feel more confident about your physical appearance, your second resolution of improving your social life will come more easily.

Even the New Years' Resolution God himself would find family pancakes a very acceptable break.

I think aiming to do something every day can be counter productive because every day that you don't is FAILURE. Which feels bad. I would recommend setting your initial goal for exercising and going to the library to be once a week or once every two weeks, because then exerting the effort even once in that time becomes a win.
Take 500 selfies, pick the 4 that raise your self esteem instead of ruin it, and make that profile anon.
A porn video you wouldn't watch. ;-;
Please stay.
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Probably because it has a lot of dicks in it, let's be honest.
Not that anon, but I'd watch it.
How'd you feel about having sex with a half black half white?
I just got here tumblr, so please leave.
But seriously I get you, no hard feelings or nothing.

Most pornos do I guess.

What are some good pornfus?

Sounds great. What kind of date do you want to go on?
>What kind of date do you want to go on?
I don't know really, never thought about going on a date with a girl, I always imagined it like in bar, both drunk or just a one night stand, I'm that kind of romantic person.
Speaking of dates, what's your ideal date lesgen?
I'd like to go to a museum or something, spend the day looking at cool junk, and have lunch somewhere fun like one of those cool cat cafes.
Oh, well I'm not old enough to go to bars or get drunk.

Instead maybe we could go to the park and maybe scissor in my bedroom with the door jammed to keep my parents from walking in on us.
Go to eat to a fine place, watch movies, kiss on a bridge under the stars, make out after we get home and spend the following day in just undies and tshirts.
I'm not old enough to drink either tbqh.

Sounds good enough to me.
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>say dumb awkward shit
>cringe for days afterwards
How do I stop? I barely talk anymore, but it just keeps coming out. That's why I love 4chan. When I say stupid shit, it doesn't stick with me.
Why is it okay to say you are not attracted to any white, blonde or red head, but shit hits the fan if you say the same about an "opressed minority"?

And it's my sexual attraction we're talking about, I'm sure I know it better than you and so far I've never felt sexually attracted to people with dark skin. Some of them are beautiful, of course, but I don't feel sexual attraction to them, period. I can not control that, just like I can't control my homosexuality. Not fucking someone =/= racism. I don't want to date them, but I still treat them with respect.
I was the same before.
Then I forced myself to shut the fuck up more often.
Now even when I want to talk I can't, it's awful sometimes but at least people call me "mysterious" and I think that makes me look hot.
>unironically replying to trolls
What are you drinking tonight Lesgen?
Be honest with me, if a girl tells you she's a kissless handhold less virgin, what age would make you start to think negatively of her?
How old are you?

Have you drank before though?
My tears.
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I try, anon. But then I just end up saying stupid shit whenever I am forced to speak, because I'm so out of practice when it comes to holding a normal conversation. I always get labelled as a weirdo or serial killer.

>tfw you realized you fucked up the moment you open your mouth and that you'll be kicking yourself for days after
If she's >=25yo
Same. Want to share?
I still got 4 years. Ok. Alright. Not gonna cry to sleep tonight.
to be honest, never
Try reframing the situation, maybe?
Instead of immediately believing that you were the one that is socially awkward and you behaved in regrettable ways, imagine that your comment is fine but the people around you reacted in socially awkward and regrettable ways.

For example, I'm sure you've had the experience that someone made a normal comment and you were silent or didn't know what to say in reply, and you felt super shitty for not "stepping up to the plate" in the conversation or whatever. Like the person speaking didn't do anything wrong, you were the one that fucked up, right? So apply that to when you feel like you said something stupid- what you said was acceptable, and its the other people who should be cringing for days afterwards because they didn't react appropriately.

Definitely not! I'm 21 and have no romantic experience with girls but that doesn't make me stupid, emotionally stunted, etc. It's just another statistic about me, unrelated from my quality as a person. Plus it would be super cute to find a girl to share "firsts" with!
I wouldn't at any age. And it's not out of pity, and I cannot truly relate as I'm fairly normie-tier. But I can understand and it's okay Anon.
I'm younger than you and nope.
Would love to try though.
I guess it's for the best if we don't get drunk, I might end up in tears asking myself what's the matter of life while you'd have to explain the cops why you gave alcohol to a high schooler.
Depends... if it's during the day, a museum, walking around town, lunch at a nice quiet place, maybe go to the park have a little picnic. A night date is more like a concert or movie, dinner, maybe go up to a mountain and see the stars, a few drinks at a bar... Also you could try doing something new you've never done before like going to some workshop or something.

What really matters is to fun and keep a good vibe going. Even just chilling at home can be great when the mood is right.
She takes me to a park and we just keep walking and talking. Hours later we realize that not only are we not in a park anywhere, we're lost. So we give up and explore this strange part of the world together for the first time. We end up somewhere in the dead of night where we can swim, and end up skinny dipping. It's the first date. There's a lot of awkwardness, but also a thrill from powering through it, and we kiss with water on our faces and the stars above us. It was only supposed to be a couple hours, and now it's been most of the day.

But that's not a realistic fantasy, so I try not to think about it.
I'm in high school too! What a delightful surprise, are you any clubs, play any sports?

I've never drank before either it smells gross and one time my sister got drunk with some people and she is still not trusted to the fullest extent.
Draw this comic, write this short story, or film this vignette please. This was a good paragraph.
>are you any clubs, play any sports?
Neither, are you?

I tasted alcohol more than once, I don't like the taste either but I'd just like to see what it is like to go out of myself for a moment, sounds like an interesting experience.
I cheer and I'm the president the board game club but clubs are mandatory at our school and a couple periods a month are set aside for them to meet.

I can understand that, I just worry about what other people would think of me or that I might do something pretty bad.
You mean you're a cheerleader?
Yes ma'am.
Well that sounds hot as fuck.
You can do backflips like in TV shows?
I keep getting complimented in this thread and I don't know how to process it. It makes me uncomfortable. Spite I can deal with but what do you do when someone is nice to you and has nothing to gain from it? Not even social standing?
Because a race isn't as uniform as a hair color, you idiot. If you said you're not attracted to dark skin, no one could fault you. If you said you're not attracted to all black people that have ever existed, that's just ludicrous, because the only thing they have in common is social fiat. If you're going to get butthurt then be more intentional with your words. If what you mean is you're not attracted to dark skin then just say that. But you didn't, and now you're hiding away from criticism because you're all offended that someone would dare to point out how you're being a shitter.
>If you said you're not attracted to all black people that have ever existed, that's just ludicrous, because the only thing they have in common is social fiat.
what does it mean to be black?
Gee anon do you have a few thousand dollars and ten months, because if so, there's plenty of qualified people who you can approach to learn the complicated answer to that question. But the short answer is that it doesn't mean anything at all. And that's exactly my point. All the people you would shove into "black" are so different in shape, features, tones, culture, and personality that to say you couldn't be attracted to any of them means that you couldn't be attracted to any human being at all. Unlike redheads, who all have red fucking hair, there is absolutely no feature that unites all black people that you could be uniformly unattracted to. "Black"ness is a social ideal that check off against people, and if they have an arbitrary, highly personal number of these checks off, we call them "black." But even a mouth-breathing shitposter should be able to see that's meaningless.
I sure can, I can do most of the stereotypical cheerleader stuff.
Can you confirm or deny how accurate "But I'm A Cheerleader" is?
Well damn.
I don't know why I have a thing with backflip. Or frontflip whatever.
I always wanted to learn, It's so cool and hot. Especially when girls do it.
That brief moment of crotch focus, probably.
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>not all black people are black
>being this retarded

I forgot to add, I wouldn't date a whigger either, you have to be seriously fucked up in the head to pretend to be a nigger when you are not.
I don't know what that is, sorry.

They are pretty easy to learn if you have some place with a mat and someone to like, help you.

I kind of wish I was better at them, some of the girls can seriously do like 10 in a row easily.
Kek, I'm probably subliminally influenced by it.
Do you actually believe this is a coherent response? That the things you've typed are even internally consistent, let alone addressing the post you quoted?
We should watch that movie together, anon. Just the two of us.
I have none of these.
I wish I had the occasion to learn one day.
>some of the girls can seriously do like 10 in a row easily.
This is sick.
How is it though, doing a back or frontlip?
I guess you have to jump pretty fucking high, can anyone do it?
And do you have to be super fit? Or have muscles?
I googled it and while none of the girls here are openly gay but I have some suspicions about two.

I went to a lot of cheer camps over summers and stuff and there is a lot of girl or girl going on there.

Personally I feel like basketball has the most lesbians in it though.

It feels pretty cool really, kinda floaty but landing is always a bit weird, like the ground is harder than you remembered or closer or something it's a bit jarring.

I don't think you need to be particularly fit or muscly to do one, you just have to go for it which is pretty hard if you don't have someone to spot you or something soft to hit in case you fall.
I really should have joined the cheerleaders. Theater was pretty gay, but I could have stood to get even more.
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Better than that big block of bs you posted. All black people are unique. Well shit, everyone is a special snowflake. Black people can be classified as a group and have features that are unique to them. Are all the same? No, but they do have things in common. Stop pretending that there's no negroid race. The only reason you are so butthurt is because you wasted your time studying some stupid SJW class and nobody irl cares so you come show off here of all places.

A few anons already stated they are not attracted to darker skin, does that mean the hate darker people? No, they just don't want to fuck them. Why should you care? We all like what we like.
Help my gf hasn't replied to me yet on Skype and I can see that she's online and I know that it's probably nothing but I'm having a panic attack and can't do anything except sit there staring at the screen and thinking of all the most horrible things she could think about me
the bodytype i've seen people have when they go for it is sorta wirey thin yet muscular look.

it's easier for people who are light on their feet and lots of leg power to do it. I've never seen a chunky guy or chunky girl do a back or front flip.

You have to be used to doing a lot of leg work, a lot of jumps, etc.
you need a hobby besides your gf.

Is this your first relationship? Plz don't tell me it's long distance...
Okay I see, I guess that's pretty much what I expected.
>but landing is always a bit weird
I think I figured it watching people do frontflip, like when they land they obviously feel kinda awkward even though like it's really impressive from the outside.
Sorry to break it to you, but all black people have dark skin, this is why they are called, y'know, black.

And if black doesn't mean anything at all, then congratulations to Rachel Doleza, she is actually black.
top three sports to be in if you wanna learn how to do cool flips and shit:


parkour has a subgenre called "tricking" which is mainly flips, focusing on how many spins you can pull off in the air.

breakdancing is now referred to as "b-boying" but most people have no fucking idea what b-boying is. It's a term that only dancers enforce.

I highly recommend to get into any of these things while you're still young. It only gets harder when you get older.
lol, i meant five.
Ok, interesting as fuck.
Thanks a lot, I'll seriously think about it.
>It only gets harder when you get older.
You mean to learn or to do it?
I imagine theater being hella gay though.

I dunno maybe everyone school is different.

If you are super keen and not afraid of breaking your neck you could try to teach yourself from like youtube.

I would not recommend though since I don't want a paralyzed gf.
well, your body ages. You're not going to be as flexible, energetic, or as strong beyond your 20's to early 30s.

Plus, a lot of kids who start in any of those sports are very young. So it's gonna be awkward to be the old geezer playing catch up with the kids.

Also i should note, taekwando, wushu, and gymnastics have structured learning environments and teachers "level" you up, as in they put you at a level they think you belong in, and as you gradually get better, the teacher then focuses on teaching you more advance techniques. These are school settings.

In my experience, parkour and breakdancing are much more looser, and how well you do, depends on how much you get along with the community in that sport.

Breakdancers who get better are those who hang out with a strong group of avid b-boyers. They encourage each other, teach each other, and help each other do more advanced moves, and eventually, you could even join dance groups and perform. It's a very hands off approach. "Teachers" are experienced b-boyers who try to help the newbies but those guys are mainly focused on their own group's progression as a dance team.

In parkour, from what I've experienced, there's one or two experienced leaders who lead a whole team of people through a bunch of obstacles. What's nice is that they really try to help the weaker/slower of the team members and push them forward. You'll get stronger, faster, but you wanna really get along with the community.
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I'm so horny it's driving me crazy. I don't want to resort to fucking fatties though. I know they need love too, but I really had some bad experiences with fatties.
How attractive are you? Are you old enough to go to a bar?
I watched some videos not so long ago, it insisted on the jumping part and all, I remember.
I didn't try though, I tried handstanding instead but that shit is hard and my arms are weak as fuck.
>it's gonna be awkward to be the old geezer playing catch up with the kids.
I used to play football when really young, but I stopped, wanted to take it back years after but I knew if I went back to it I couldn't catch up to the other's level. So I spent all my teenage hood >tfw no gf-ing, doing nothing, I hope I won't regret it later.
And you seem to know so much about all these sports, it's like you tried them all, did you?
The depths of autism I encounter here on a daily basis are nearly overwhelming.
>I tried handstanding instead but that shit is hard and my arms are weak as fuck.
lift bitch lift.
if you want upper body strength, hit the gym and start lifting weights. Even small dumbbells are better than nothing. Also don't just do curls, do a little of everything. I recommend pull ups and push ups.

I dabbled in Taekwando, my friend was the one that mainly did it and I sat in and watched classes.

I did gymnastics as a little kid. No idea how someone could get into it as an adult, but holy hell does the sport help you do those stunts.

Wushu I did seriously for a while. It's a martial arts meant for performing. You see kung fu movies where the guy is jumping and kicking and shit? Most likely that's wushu and it's all designed to be showy and making you LOOK badass. (You can't actually defend yourself irl with wushu though, lol)

I've done a couple parkour sessions. It's like a great big jogging session but with more ass whooping and it's your ass that's going to hurt. A lot of balancing on tiny handrails, trying to jump over rough concrete blocks and ripping your hands and pants doing so.

Breakdancing, along with wushu are what I was seriously practicing.
>tfw no tall fit gf to throw you over her shoulder and stroll around like you're her handbag
Well, if you do decide to do anything just be safe and maybe workout some first, I dunno at least stretch.

I feel bad about the paralyzed gf joke, sorry.
You're the only one spouting platitudes here, retard. Name anything unique to "black people" you hopeless newfag. There IS no "negroid race" and we've known that for decades. It was conclusively shown in the Human Genome Project and its offshoots, too. There is no genetic line where one race ends and another begins. You ask a question and you go on a rant because you didn't like the answer? That's laughable. But you probably get laughed at a lot, so that's not anything new.

Why should you care if you get called racist, if you're all about being racist? How is this at all aggravating to you? And it's clearly aggravating because you're trying to shock folks with a retarded image, as if nigger is in the least bit shocking to anyone who's been on 4chan for an hour, let alone a decade. I'm not the one butthurt, friend. I keep trying to drop it, and you wind up with another tired repetition of everything that's already been said, with more and more buzzwords as you get more and more angry at nothing. Kill yourself. You never acclimated to 4chan and you're pure cancer.
What would you like to be called then?
Sorry to break it to you, but there's light skinned "black" people and dark skinned "white" people. And not everyone who has dark skin is black, just like not everyone who has light skin is white. You're so stuck up your own ass you can't actually think through your point to its conclusion. Mercy, mercy me.
You're wasting your time, arguing with some guy from /r9kpol/. They only believe responses in the form of artifact ridden jpegs.
I really don't care
>lift bitch lift
I kekd.
>I recommend pull ups and push ups.
I kinda do already, I got pretty visible abs, I avoided training the arms because I didn't want to end up looking too manly. Now I regret everything.

And holy shit, you did a lot.
>Most likely that's wushu and it's all designed to be showy and making you LOOK badass. (You can't actually defend yourself irl with wushu though, lol)
Sounds awesome. And tragic also.
Yeah, I'm not a prepubescent boy, I'm not going to risk anything like that.
>I feel bad about the paralyzed gf joke, sorry.
Don't. I actually laughed. I promise. much funny/10
Okay, honey pumpkin pookie pie sex kitten.
>Name anything unique to "black people"
Black skin. There.
Good good.

Sometimes I feel like if I say things like that and then don't explicitly say that I didn't mean it it would happen to punish me.
Karma game too strong I guess.
p. good desu
You want me to start dumping a bunch of brown, tan, peach, and yellow skinned "black" people? What about "black" people with sharped noses, wide eyes, thin eyes, square faces, oval faces, high cheek bones, low cheek bones, little fat, lotta fat, full lips, thin lips, brown hair, black hair, red hair, green eyes, blue eyes, black eyes, and all the other shit? You're pulling it out of your ass, anon. Wake up.
>accusing me of being butthurt
>goes on a butthurt rant

I don't care if I get called racist, I am and I have no issues with that. But having preferences is not racist. I wouldn't date someone dark, I don't find it appealing, just like I wouldn't date a dude, does that mean I'm sexist too? What about the fact I don't like fat people, are you going to go on a rant on how I'm fatphobic and hamgalaxies are beautiful?

Also I've been around for almost a decade, newfag. If you get this agitated by racism and that sort of shit you are the one that hasn't been around long.
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>I don't care if I get called racist, I am and I have no issues with that.

Hey, me too! Glad to see another racist around here.
You're my sun, my stars, my moonlit sky. I'd toss your salad if you asked and learn to make your favorite meal.
>are you going to go on a rant on how I'm fatphobic
Shhh, don't give them ideas.
If they are yellow, white, blue, etc, why do you even call them black? My grandfather was a black+indigenous mix, but my mom is white and I'm as white as snow. Just because you have black people in your ancestry it doesn't mean you are black yourself.
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>>sorry to break to you but all black people have dark skin
All I did was say that something was racist. You've been going off for an hour justifying yourself and posting escalations and bait images. Keep it up, lolcow. You're only showing your own emotional instability.

You wouldn't date a dude because they all have something in common: dick. You wouldn't date a fat woman because they all have something in common: obesity. But you say you wouldn't date a black person and you have no reason for it.

By the way, your image was discredited a century ago. Anthropologists have been over that tired chestnut a thousand times.


You should really bother to investigate things folks tell you and consider why they are trying to get you to accept a thing as true. Most of the time it's to get control over you, and the easiest way to do that is with bold lies -- the more emphatically you announce a thing, the more suspect a rational audience should be. You're being enslaved by people scared of competition and eager to gain power. Ask yourself why.

The "evidence" you're providing is not evidence of anything except your own gullibility.

>tfw job requires a decent amount of physical strength
>for some reason they hired me, the tiny scrawny chick
>been making it so far, but now we have to start lifting much heavier things
>really want to weight train so I can not get fired
>recently fucked up my shoulder during roller derby

This is so frustrating. Also, you sound lithe as fuck.
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She still looks black, even with that lighting and photoshop. If you don't consider her to have dark skin then that's on you, nobody would say she's anything but black.
what the hell does this have to do with all black people having dark skin?
I'm just preempting the inevitable tired old debunked garbage from /pol/.
desu she kinda looks like she could pass for cambodian or some kind of polynesian here
but the argument wasn't that all black girls have black features its that all black girls have dark skin and no not all black girls have black features or have dark skin
We wouldn't date black people cause they all have something in common: black skin. Doesn't mean everyone thinks like that, I'm sure some people are attracted to them.
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Really? Looks "east asian" to me.
>high cheekbones
>black hair
>almond eyes
>wide nose
>yellow undertone
>short face
It's all bullshit, anon. None of it's real. It's used to stop you from overthrowing the power structure: divide and conquer.

They don't. The moment anyone posts a light skinned "black" woman, your entire argument falls apart.
>But the short answer is that it doesn't mean anything at all
So... do black lives matter? And is race a social construct?
Sounds like "post racial" bullshit bruh. That's not east asian, that's black. I'm east asian. 99.99% of the time, east asians know what east asians look like. You sound like one of those trannies who don't want to be trannies so they try to co-opt other people's labels and bury their heads in the sand pretending there's no difference between trannies and cis women. Don't co-opt my label.
Her father is south asian
Not the anon you answered to but anyway, some east asians really fucking look black sometimes.
I feel a bit better now. I do not know how my church can take collection all the time and still justify keeping the single ply sandpaper they call toilet paper.
Do the people at your church know that you're gay?
That's not east asian. That's not even south asian. That's hapa.

Then you're blind af. I don't co-opt black labels because I'm not a naive "post racial" moron.
Literally no one here said black people are more violent than white people, we just said we don't want to date them. Way to go.

What the hell is a light skinned black person?
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Are you one of those retards that loves to go off about microaggression and institutionalized racism and all that bs. Because then you can fuck off to tumblr were everything is about race and gender and whatever dumb "ism" is trending.

Even if I'm racist, for some people it's just a matter of preference. Just like some people like blue eyes or tall girls. You are making a big deal out of nothing.

I wouldn't date a dude because this I'm a lesbian. I wouldn't date a fat chick because I spend a lot of time in the gym and eating right so I can look good and can actually aspire to date attractive girls, instead of smelly lardgolems, aside for being healthy and enjoying being hot. And I would date a black person or anyone darker because it doesn't look good to me, I see them and feel no attraction, even the one's that have diluted black genes still have features that are not quite right, same goes for Indians and all those darker people.

If you want to fuck blacks that's on you. And if you want to be PC and believe we are all the same that's your issue. I'm not gonna change my mind.
Hapa is still asian
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Are you one of the retards that can't create a coherent argument from start to finish? Or do you just have colorblindness?

Here's a European, by the way. A white european. And he's darker than the light skinned model posted earlier.
>that nose
He's clearly mixed with sandniggers.
a black person whos skin is lighter than the average black person
Sandniggers are caucasian
How do I tell apart a light skinned black person from a dark skinned white person anyway?
Fuck your label, it's as arbitrary as all other racial distinctions. Not even all asians look like that.
No. hapa is biracial. Asians don't buy into the one drop rule.
But not white Europeans.
Most do, I confessed to it in our teen group when I was coming out and they made me stop going for a while, not to church but some of the parents didn't want me hanging out with their kids and everyone knew why.
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Is lesgen really the place for this? At the end of the day, no matter what our race, we're all ugly dykes with no gfs.
I'm not ugly.
A caucasian mixed with a caucasian isn't a caucasian?
Hapa is an asian mixed with someone from another part of asia
He looks like he has some middle eastern blood in him. He has what is refereed to as olive skin, like many people in Italy or Greece, while still having white features. That other girl has yellowish brown skin and is obviously at least part black.

If he had a sister with the same complexion I might consider dating her, even if that's not my first option, because even if she has a tan she's still white. That other girl might have some Asian in her but has kinky hair, black features and a color that is just weird.
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99% of east asians have beige skin, brown eyes and straight black hair. You're literally retarded right now. Go to the tranny gen where you can talk about how women is an arbitrary label because 1% of people are intersex until you calm down.

Facial structure. In some rare ambiguous cases, their ethnic background and self-identification.
Sounds kinda rough
Be black. White people always get so confused by mixed people, from my experience, but black people can usually get those racial combos right.
Unless they're African. Africans always just think you're from their specific country.
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>tfw at least you tried
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You didn't mention having a gf though
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>99% of east asian have beige skin
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>Hapa is an asian mixed with someone from another part of asia
You sound completely ignorant of asian slangs. Hapa is half asian and usually half white. It can also technically mean half asian and any other race, but usually white. When it's black, they're usually called blasian.

I also really disliked this "asian" label. Asia is huge. The difference between Korea and India is larger than the difference between Britain and France. But due to the eurocentric nature of the west, we're shoved into the same label despite having absolutely nothing in common, while you have drunk white people giving themselves a different label for living a few hundred miles apart and brewing their alcohol a little differently.
It was, I understand why faith and gayness doesn't often go together.

It's much better now, I just go with my parents and no one seems to mind. I just kept doing what I did before and people eventually got over it I think.
So you don't actually have an argument and default to calling me a tranny and propping up a strawman. You're really selling your position, anon.

What's so important about her being "white"? What does that mean, anon? What purpose does it serve you? I honestly don't think you've ever sat down and thought about it, you've just had a series of emotional reactions and as little social exposure as possible.
I'm mixed and this.
It's like they've never seen africans, they can never tell the difference between biracial and black.
I'm glad it worked out for you
people will make up all kinds of shit standards like look at the nose, even though nose shapes show up in every geographic groups on earth, or look at the hair, as if hair isn't simple to change, or just not say anything at all and create a circular argument about race all over again like "you can just tell" or "you're the wrong race." but it's all bullshit. there isn't any difference. you can see that yourself if you look into it at all.

Are you religious?
I grew up in a very strict religion, but things went differently for me.
It's a measurable effect. It's been measured, even. Everything that offends you doesn't belong in the blogosphere, retard. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and either accept that the first thing you heard wasn't the end-all and be-all, or that they're going to have different stances. Your frantic cries for censorship are as empty as your life. If you can say whatever stupid shit you want, someone else can too.
>complaining about censorship

Top fucking kek
Fair enough.

Well, uh what did you do today?
What religion? J dub here.
>So you don't actually have an argument and default to calling me a tranny and propping up a strawman. You're really selling your position, anon.
You don't sound too bright, so I'm going to make it really clear for you.

>Fuck labels
No. I like my racial identity. Just because you don't like yours doesn't mean you get to remove/co-opt mine. Black people aren't asian.

>but sometimes some people don't look like they fit into either race and some people look like a different race
That's not an excuse to remove the labels altogether. There are spoon and forks. Sporks don't make the difference between spoons and forks unnecessary.

>tranny comparison
Trannies don't want to be trannies, so they try to tear down the distinction between males and females by co-opting the intersex narrative. You are doing the same in a racial context.

>last few centuries of colonial expansion by western european countries have left no mark whatsoever on the rest of the world. Also, I don't have a bias.
Had to tutor a couple of people, one in orgo, one in biophysics. Shitposted as usual. You?

Apostolic Pentecostal
I think it's partially because Africans REALLY want to find other people from their country. Any sort of islanders too, to a lesser extent, My old job had a lot of Haitians in housekeeping and other areas like that, and they'd all initially speak to me in only Creole. And I don't look the slightest bit Haitian.
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to people who are confused what is meant when said light skin black people their black people who are lighter than the average black person
My families from haiti and sadly enough i never learned to speak my native language my mom lived in san diego and worked lates so their was no body to speak creole to and she worked super late my grandparents still get on both of us me for not speaking it my mom for not teaching me
You actually want a list of reasons why I would date a black person? Here you go:

>chances are we don't have much in common
>even if they don't act like niggers they likely have friends that do and you'd be stuck hanging with them
>they are loud
>their hair is weird, either puffy cotton candy, burned because they try to use it straight (sometimes they use an olive oil shit for this that smells revolting) or a wig
>their features do nothing for me
>if it were to get serious with them and you wanted kids how do you tell them you want to use white sperm because you don't want to soil your heritage?
>I would be a pariah among everyone I care for
>they usually like shit music and media in general
>there's nothing more beautiful than naked pale skin under the moonlight
>I don't get black culture
>speaking Ebonics is retarded
>I have a thing for blue eyes and redheads

Really I could go on and on... is it that hard to believe different people like different things and that a lot of them prefer things that are familiar and similar to them?
I don't give a shit about your identity politics, lady. Identify with your CULTURE all you want, but race is socially destructive and biologically false, and if it gets to the point where you're saying "99% of the people around me all look the same" when it's blatantly untrue, then there is a moral obligation to confront that. Anything that can be destroyed by the truth, should be.
Your idea of a black person seems to be based on stereotypes from a ghetto.
You could go on and on listing racist caricatures that are statistically invalidated? Because as amusing as that would be to see you shit yourself in this extended tantrum of yours, it doesn't really forward your position much.
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Mostly just laid around not feeling well.

I cleaned my gf's house and then went home and cleaned my room. Bathed and cuddled with all my fuzzy pet babies.
Go work in Orlando. There's a fuckton of Haitians to teach you. That's sucks though. My grandfather was from Barbados, and he knew the local creole there, although he hadn't had anyone to talk to in it for decades, so I never learned it either.
Are you really small, or is that cat really large?
I feel your brah, I'm mixed and my mom used to speak creole but she never taught me. Now it's too late because she forgot everything.
Damn son
I don't really care if you don't dig black girls but you sound like a disgusting person trying to discriminate that hard.
i live in miami Fl now actually me and my mom moved a lot i didn't move here offically till i started 6th grade still never picked it up
Not my first but my first with a girl since I realized I'm a lesbian
Not long distance, she's on vacation for a week
It was all okay (turned out she wasn't online, my phone was just fucking up) and we had a great night talking
I definitely need some hobbies though, I'll work on that
It seems my list was confusing for you so here's a shorter answer more fitting of your intellect:

They don't look appealing to me, at all. I see a black girl and she might as well be a dude. I feel nothing, zero. She could be Beyonce and I still would not be aroused. I have a couple of black friends and I can't see them in a sexual way, even if they are not ghetto at all. Same way when they talk about BDSM in here, it does nothing for me.

I don't know how else to put it so you can get it. They are not attractive IMO. And not all those arguments are invalidated statistically, many are personal. I don't like them, period.
I think we are both normal sized.

He's certainly not our biggest cat though.
>has a couple of black friends
>is still racist
I have no words.
Pretty cute, anway
Miami is where all the Cubans are, obviously. Living in Florida only helped my Spanish, honestly. But maybe there are some Haitian-American meetup groups in your area so someone could teach you, if you really wanted to learn?
I don't hate them, I just don't believe race mixing is right.
That's lots of white people, let's be perfectly honest.
>I don't hate them
>I just think race mixing is soilure of the race
How about brain up?
Btw I'm a soilure of the race and I promote race soilure a lot.
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>I don't give a shit about your identity politics
>identity politics
>"there is no distinction between the races!"
>Implying you're not pushing your own agenda
Fuck off. I'm asian, black people are not. Stop trying to change asians to suit your politics.

>99% of the people around me all look the same
No, you're saying that. I'm saying there are concrete, distinct physical differences between the races. Your bullshit feeds into the invisibility and whitewashing of asians in mainstream media. Go push your agenda somewhere else.

Fyi, emma stone is not asian either, despite what cameron crowe thinks.
but most of the reasons you stated for not dating black girls is more stereotype that dosen't apply to all black girls
>their loud
>they usually like shit media in gen
>even if they don't act like niggers they likely have friends that do
Most of these things aren't personal preference based like looks or whatever most of these are things you persevere of what black people are personality or taste wise
The shit you listed isn't shit that's common. Hell, things like "black people are loud" and the implication that they all speak Ebonics is just crassly untrue. I feel so much pity for you. You've just been abused to get to this point.
Thank you.

I wish I could open a pet store where people just came in and played with my pets but I got to keep them.
Actually where i live their are a more than a fair amount of Hatians in my area
>No, you're saying that.
>99% of east asians have beige skin, brown eyes and straight black hair

>I'm asian, black people are not
Then I present the same challenge to you. What feature does an asian person have that no other race ever presents?

>Your bullshit feeds into the invisibility and whitewashing of asians in mainstream media
Haha! No it doesn't. You're mixing racial identity with culture. That's your problem, and your stupidity to address.
why don't you open a cat cafe? (except with other animals)
That's kinda like having your cake and eating too, but also getting paid to eat it. Dream job, desu
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I used to want to own a petting zoo but I don't think they are profitable.

That is the point.
Why would I want a kid that looks nothing like me?
Why can't I be proud of my heritage and culture and want to preserve it?
Why would I tie myself to a family that I can't relate to?
Why can't I think that white people are more attractive and would be a better match overall?
How is having a mixed kid benefit anyone?
Why would I do that to a child? Expose them to abuse and identity crisis. Sure as hell my family would disown me and would want nothing to do with the spawn.
Why would I want a kid that looks like something I don't find appealing?

If other people want to do it, that's their business. I have my beliefs and they have theirs
>race prevents people from relating to each other

Your beliefs are ridiculous. Particularly being proud of a "culture" and "heritage" that have absolutely no reflection on who you are as a person. You are completely absorbed in identity politics.
I mean this is lesgen after all if hypothitically speaking you would date black girl you can
1.always adopt a white baby
2.Always tell her you want to be inseminated by white male sperm because you want a kid to look more like you and if she wants a kid who looks like her she can be inseminated by black male sperm

That cat is gorgeous btw
>>No, you're saying that.
>>99% of east asians have beige skin, brown eyes and straight black hair
You're the one claiming that races are indistinct from one another. Everyone can see that is not the case, despite how you wish it to be true.

>What feature does an asian person have that no other race ever presents?
That doesn't even make sense. Are you literally this stupid? Do you know statistical average? What feature does a cup have that bowls don't? Does that mean all cups are bowls now? (Also, for your daily fun tranny argument, can you tell me what feature does a woman have that a man doesn't?)

99.999% of the time, black people do not pass for asians in any sensible way. Asians have a distinct look. Blacks have a distinct look. All the races have a distinct look. That's not to say racially ambiguous people do not exist, but for the vast majority of the time, your race is easily identifiable just by looking at you.

> Haha! No it doesn't. You're mixing racial identity with culture. That's your problem, and your stupidity to address.
>There's no distinction between the races!
Do you also believe that racism doesn't exist?
While i agree that anon is an asshole people are more likely to form close relationships with people that share their race
>Always tell her you want to be inseminated by white male sperm because you want a kid to look more like you and if she wants a kid who looks like her she can be inseminated by black male sperm
I actually suggested this to my gf and she started crying. Mostly because she assumed I was going to be "bearing her children".
I'm truly blessed with the best cats.
Do you think it is more likely that this is an immutable trait of humanity, or that it is just the fact that they tend to have similar material conditions? I.e. Do you think it is more difficult for a rich white hedge fund manager to identify with a poor white wal-mart worker, or a rich black hedge fund manager?
You just posted an image with a wide variety in skin tones, face shapes, and build types. You could not have fucked up your point any harder. It's also not a photo of all of Asia, which is the exact point I was making.

>what feature does a cup have that bowls don't
Cups have a greater height than they do width.
>what feature does a woman have that a man doesn't
A testosterone production rate 1/20th of a man.

You keep up this thing about "races are easily identifiable" but what you really mean is "my concepts of race are exclusive." There is no BIOLOGICAL justification for race. Hell, not every society even has the same sets of races. For someone going off about cultural imperialism earlier, you sure are being eurocentric about this entire farce. There is, quite literally, no physical distinction between races. None. It's fiat that we persist in and make judgements by (that's racism) but it's grounded in nothing but tradition and paranoia.
That's justifiable. You're an asshole, anon. Why wouldn't you want a child that looks like BOTH of you. You know, like every breeding couple on the planet?
And what about attraction? I'd be better off marrying a guy so I could be normal if I'm not going to be attracted to my partner anyway.

To relate in a deeper level with someone different you have to see an appeal in what they have to offer and I don't care for that culture. And there's nothing wrong with being proud of your background and culture.
Why does it have to be a white baby for you to transmit your culture to it? Why does a child have to look exactly like you for you to care for it? What about white people makes them a better match overall, in spite of them being from a DIFFERENT CONTINENT, having a DIFFERENT NATIONAL HISTORY, and speaking a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE? What prevents you from relating to them? What features do all white people possess that makes you universally more attracted to them rather than any other made up group of people? Why do you have to be capable of becoming sexually attracted to your child?

This is a crock of shit. You're just throwing out random fears, this isn't based in anything. Do you really think you're making a point here? Is this honestly the best you can piece together?
Why do you think that all black people have the same culture?
While its more common for people to stick with others who share their race class can also be a factor in it as well while its common for a middle class black person to be abel to relate to another middle class black person if a black person was raised mostly in a white enviornment it wouldn't be unusual for them to relate the most with white people
Class is the primary factor, and you've just restated that in your own post.
Oops i didnt realize my bad anon
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"Rarer" doesn't mean "impossible."
Because I don't find them attractive, same reason why straight girls don't date ugly dudes. Also because it would be an outsider, my family would hate it, my friends would not like it, I would not like it if my siblings did it, I already stated that I'm racist and live in a racist environment. You pointed out that it would be different, you even used caps, that kid would not be what I want nor would it look like those around it, everyone would be miserable with that choice. And it's not about being sexually attracted to the kid you weirdo, it's wanting to have a cute kid like any other girl, just like people pick their dogs to be a certain breed because they like it better for whatever reason.

They don't but all the different black cultures I know are not appealing to me in the least.
Usually we hit our peak posters in the summer. But it looks like we have a sudden surge of NEETs or 4chan has officially become normie.
Why do you think that culture is racially specific?
Yeah, idiot. You electing to date a White European over a Black American means they have more differences. And you already said that you would go for the white person. You were asked why, and you dodged that by listing a bunch of unsubstiated faffle that you're scared of. And you're still dodging it.

You're the one that said the baby had to "appeal" to you, by the way. That's on you.
In other news, have y'all checked out Ellen Page's Gaycation show yet? First episodes in Japan, you NEET fucks
Summer population booms is a newfag myth. It's been shown time and again by site data to not be true.
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I've been working with cats via my local humane society for more than a decade now; never seen one.
Meth, not even once
>anon, are you gay?
>... no
Who's still not >>>/out/ here? It's just so much easier to lie.
Different races act in different ways, even if they are from the same country. Not all, but most.

Because I don't find them attractive. It's that simple. Besides being white means being of European decent so some things do overlap, and even if they don't I wouldn't mind learning about their specific culture because I do find European culture appealing.

And I guess I phrased the kid thing in a way that could be misinterpreted, maybe I don't think in kids that way so I though it was clear I meant cute not attractive.
Name some racially specific behaviors
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Who let the SJWs in here?

Anon is racist. What else is new?
If you had brain damage and could not see peoples faces or races, could you still guess what they were by how they act? Or thousands or years of evolution and the different cultures around the world have only changed appearances and no other characteristic whatsoever?

I don't know why it's so hard to accept that people are different. I'm not even saying it in a bad way.
Tbh I don't know why people are upset about you not wanting a mixed kid your not fit to raise one anyway if your only bases for being able to not resent your kid is if you think it's cute enough
Name some racially specific behaviors, you dumb fucking faggot
Anon being racist is new. You clearly don't understand the level of radical leftism and irony that 4chan was about in the first six years.
It's been about half and half, at this point. Closest to old 4chan is probably /leftypol/.
From what I've seen black people are lazy as fuck. They are also quick to anger and loud reactions. Aside from more inclined to violent behavior.

But now you are just gonna call me a stormfag, because "thatz razist". Is that what you wanted for me to be mean so you can feel superior because you are so cultured and accept everyone as equals? Even when there's no evidence to back it up except your SJW circlejerk views.
>there are no lazy white people
>there are no white people with bad tempers
>there are no white people with loud reactions
>there are no violent white people

Name some racially specific behaviors
And about not wanting a mixed kid, if I were to have a child is my biological imperative to want the best genes available. And I don't believe I could find that in someone that's not white. So it's more than just cute. I want to give my hypothetical kid the best shot at life and being a mixed outcast with inferior genetic makeup is not it.
You've seen some really bad things then.
Because being black, this is not what I've seen around me at all.
What are the white genes are are so valuable to you?
And during the slave and reformation times, black people were supposed to be mindlessly hardworking, honest and timid, great with children, as well as obedient and quiet. Interesting that the racist stereotype for black people is whatever is most convenient for the pocket book of the current power.

You can take your stupidity and shove it. I'm glad you're alone, you can't inflict this circle of impenetrable bullshit on anybody else.
Do you honestly think mixed raced people have a worse shot at life than monoraced people ? Just because you and your shitty family wouldn't give a damn dosent mean it's some failure and outcast espically since quite a lot of people find mixed race people attractive
Tumblr sure got fucking mad, kek.

Mixed race people are more healthy and have superior genetic makeup.
Are we being racist? One day we love blacks, next day we hate niggers, one day we like white girls, next day they pasty and uninteresting, one day we like asians, next day they're a meme. It's all just recycled phases.
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Where do you live? I'm not the quoted anon and live in a nice suburb where whites and blacks are basically indistinguishable behavior-wise, but any time I've gone into large American cities you get black people aping out the way /pol/ screams about. I often think I'd be racist as fuck if I lived in a larger city.
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>tfw mixed race

Mixed race people have better access to opportunities in the global economy, and are more likely to achieve high personal wealth in their lives.

Sounds like if you ACTUALLY gave a shit about the health and happiness of your baby, you'd go out of your way to intermingle.
What you're seeing isn't the effect of race, it's the effect of class. When you're overworked and constantly being shit on, you're going to get angry, and that anger is going to permeate your whole community of similar exploitables.
France, in here, we talk the exact same way that racists do about black people, but about arabics/muslims. So yeah, I guess there's always gotta be a culprit for the people's massive hatred.
You want absolutes, there's no absolutes when it comes to people. You are just being a fag because you disagree.

If I saw something different I would not feel this way, but that's what I've seen, with very few exceptions.

Because I'm racist and everyone here is too. I do unironically believe it's better to be white. I don't know why that's so hard to accept.

They were punished if they behaved in any other way. They had no choice.

Were I'm from they do. A girl can't even date a black dude without being considered spoiled goods, even if they don't have kids. At our last school reunion everyone knew about one girl that dated a black guy and talked shit about it all night.
>there are no absolutes when it comes to people
>it's better to be white
Is it better to be you, though? You seem kind of retarded.
Why don't many poor whites act the way blacks (often even middle-class blacks) do?
>interracial relationships
I'm talking about mixed kids the byproduct of most long lasting interracial relationships
That depends on which poor whites you're talking about? Rural poor whites don't because of the low population density.
They do, retard. You want to take a look at arrest records? Disproportionately poor whites. You want to go to the "trailer trash" part of a state and see what they're up to? It's a lot of noise, drugs, and violence.

Middle class blacks act like middle class of their country. You're pulling that one from the air and hoping it will stick.
>If I saw something different I would not feel this way, but that's what I've seen, with very few exceptions.
Nah, you're not that dumb. You're aware of that and that's sufficient for you to not Believe in racism. Don't hide behind the "Been hurt.Snif." excuse.
You're racist because you want to project everything bad inside of you on something external. Being racist is being a dumb enough coward that can't deal with his own shit. They accuse someone else of the most ugly thing they have inside of themselves. My own father was a racist I know exactly how that works.
This is hilarious. You'll even contradict yourself in a single post so you can hold on to this idiotic worldview. In your own words, you're just being a fag because you disagree with the vast majority of the world.
Mostly because of black mainstream entertainment promoting weed money birches and bein an around real gansta since rappers glorify the ghetto life style young people want emulate it.Poor blacks want to because maybe they'll get out of their situation mid class black want to impress their peers with their notion of being "hard"
So just because I think that not all black people are bad I'm in the wrong? Sure some actually behave like decent people, that doesn't mean I would want anything to do with them in a sexual way, which is the argument. I would not fuck one, that doesn't mean I hate them, just that I look down on them.
>I don't hate an entire group of people I just think their inferior than me why can't you understand that I'm different
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>They accuse someone else of the most ugly thing they have inside of themselves
Disproportionally high crime rates and irresponsibly popping out more babies than I can afford?
Yep, exactly, and not highlighting the fact that white people, despite their superiority, did a lot of shit too, it even seems like a white man with power is the most destructive thing on earth.
What stance are you even pretending to have anymore? "I think not all black people are bad" in spite of you saying all black people are ugly and loud and love crime and etc. The most disgusting thing about you is how much of a coward you are. "My shitty neighbors wouldn't like it if I had a black girlfriend even though I'm a huge faggot, bleh" "You guys are being too mean I'm going to change what I'm claiming so I can start over, bleh" "Wah wah wah my culture is so useless and shitty that the only way I could possibly ever protect it is by keeping it secret and cloistered, bleh" Spineless. Fucking hypocrite.

Black mainstream entertainment mostly advocates being close to family and going to church often, you're a faggot.

Held for class, black people in the united states have disproportionately LESS crime. They also have FEWER arrests. Having more convictions for a less crime rate shows racist actions in the system, not some kind of genetic predisposition towards antisocial behavior.
Can we just have a new thread already? I talk about racism all day, and I come to lesgen to whine about not having a gf. I don't want see more shit about racism.
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If I was a kike and I wanted to eat kosher, that would be my business, nobody is forcing others to do it.

I'm racist, I don't care what you believe. I would not engage in that sort of relationship with a black person, if you want to, that's your prerogative.

Why are people so butthurt about this? It sure is Tumblr here today.
>Held for class, black people in the united states have disproportionately LESS crime. They also have FEWER arrests.
Got a source for this that isn't Tumblr?
>I talk about racism all day
tumblrite plz go.
Joke/10 and yeah someone should make a new thread so the war will just continue in that one.
>inb4 thread name being "would you date a black girl" plz
Yes tell the black person who is around other black people almost everyday and often listens to mainstream hip hop what black culture promotes what do I know amirite.
new thread >>5780278
I never said I hated them, just that I don't like how they act or how they look. I know some black people that are ok, but they are a minority, but just because I talk to them doesn't mean I'd date them. Just like you can be a lesbian and not hate dudes, just find them ugly.

And I said many times it's because I don't find they appealing in any way. You think people don't already talk shit about me because of being gay? Being with a colored person would just be an extra.

Get help, dude. Your ass seems to have been blasted.
Muh tumblr boogie man
Whatever mate, I'm just taking all liberal arts electives and since it's black history month, and there's barely any other black girls in my classes, I get dragged into every discussion.
Here's an actual study.
Is that too much legitimate science for you?


Eat shit.

Reminder that these were all white teens from middle class families
Yes, I am perfectly willing to tell anybody that uses their personal viewpoint and gross biases to make general statements that their myopic viewpoint doesn't mean a fucking thing to the issues. Ever. I don't give a shit what you claim your situation is, we're all anonymous, and you're just plain wrong. There's more music released for and consumed in the gospel genre than hiphop, and religious temperament makes up a statistically significant more of a black american's daily life than, say, a white american. The actual, daily, street level mainstream isn't thug worship any-fucking-where. That's outside the mainstream.
I was legitimately asking, but ok. Thanks for the links anyway I guess.
You derailed an entire thread to defend your racist ass because someone posted a neutral sentence saying the stance was racist. And it took half that time just to get you to claim that you were in fact a racist, and you were proud of it -- for you to recant that in your last two posts. You're the only one rectal-ragnaroked in this thread. You're scum. I don't invest emotions in scum. And your'e not scum because you're a racist -- you're scum because you're a hypocrite, a coward, and a gullible failure of a human being. You have no individuality and in my culture (my proud American culture) that makes you worthless. You are less than nothing.
You weren't legitimately asking anything when you sneak in a snipe about a fucking blogging website out of nowhere. Don't put up a front.
I don't know who's worse the sjw or the racist. This was getting way to tumblr anyway
SJW just means literally nothing to you anymore, does it?
Why would I bother putting up a front on an anonymous website? I literally have no face to to save.

I specified "not Tumblr" because those are links I've received not uncommonly in the past during similar discussions and do not consider a primarily teen/young adult blogging website to be a valid unbiased source of information. Curb your mad.
Can you actually provide sources for that statement ? Cause I don't know where you live but that's what I mostly here when I'm walking outside my neighborhood
Gee anon, you sure have anger issues. All I did was say I wouldn't date a black person, which was an opinion shared by more than one anon. But since you are obsessed about race you keep pressing and pressing about why and I tried to explain it, but you didn't agree or could not see my point so you keep insisting and getting angrier. And I just keep replying because I didn't have shit to do elsewhere.

I'm a coward because my racism isn't extreme? Moderate racism is not good enough for you to demonize my position. Am I a hypocrite for having a couple of black friends even if they do know I'm racist and don't care? Am I gullible because my views are different than yours and therefore wrong? I never even said I was American either by the way, I'm from northern Spain. And your opinion of me is irrelevant in an anonymous board were we don't know shit about each other, and you seen to be quick to assume shit that's not true.

Now I'm going to jump over to the other tread and talk like this never happened because it really is irrelevant, just like we all are, just how life is. Enjoy being a bitter piece of shit.
Estas una puta lesbica.
dat Google translate Spanish.
You're a coward because you won't hold your stance true. You're a hypocrite for more than just that, though it doesn't help. You are gullible because your views are justified by overt lies and historical revisionism, and you hold them on behalf of those who would do you harm. When did I say you were American? What does Spain matter? Harsh words don't indicate emotional investment. I can call you an idiot with a flat face and a calm heart. And I have. And I will.

If that's all it takes to be bitter, then you have no standards there, either. It might just be a consistent problem in your life.
Casate tu boca he aprendido este idioma de puta a la escuela
File: Enver_Hoxha_in_1983.jpg (51KB, 526x599px) Image search: [Google]
51KB, 526x599px
>tfw surrounded by revisionists
File: 1455904983538.jpg (91KB, 702x397px) Image search: [Google]
91KB, 702x397px

You didn't learn shit.
Dude, I learned Spanish from a fucking smartphone, and even I can tell you're messing this up.
Fuck you both.
I've been learning spanish for 5 years and I never said I was good at it.
And I'm pretty sure there is no error in that sentence.
nevermind there is an error in that sentence, I'll fuck up my exam this shit is coefficient 5, how even.
There are several errors you dumbfuck. Go learn vocabulary and proper usage of particles. At least the syntax seems ok.
I just said how I feel, if you thing that after twisting my words and asking the same shit over and over so I had to try and find new ways to explain my point I said shit that wasn't clear, well sorry. But I think I said pretty much the same things, you just would not accept them.

I won't change my views and you seem to be set on your ways as well. That's cool. You don't get how I think or my culture. I've seen the PC wasteland America has become and I want no part in that, after all we also have to worry about the hordes of invading shitskins from the East.

And I don't believe for a second you are not pissed. You seem too emotional about the subject and resorted to name calling when I was just trying to explain myself.

You can attack my views all you want, that's the point of having a discussion, but you made it personal by calling me names when you don't even know me or know shit about me. You certainly don't seem enlighten, so your opinion about me is irrelevant and your opinions on other stuff seems rather questionable as well by default.
>muh fee-fees
Who's talking shit now?

Don't you have some march for some ding dun the "dit nothing wrong" to attend or something?
You should have noticed there were four people calling you out that whole time, not one person that somehow was capable of tandem posting and changing writing styles consistently between them. Don't you have some /pol/ shitshow to take images from without checking if they're actually true? You seem to be a burnout on their toxic redpills anyway.

I'm glad no one would think to associate me with a tool like you. Grow up, lady. You have a tragic lack of world perspective.
>implying SJW

You're the one who's crying about literally nothing.
Wow I come back here at the end of the day and this is still the topic of conversation ? I assume hearts and minds have been changed rather than everyone just doubling down on how they felt 15 hours ago.

On a real note though, I hope the black lesbians in the thread are feeling okay. You are all cute and I would hold all your hands.
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