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Culture Pals - /cp/

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Thread replies: 313
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Culture Pals: Italian cuties edition

Talk to QTs from around the Italian peninsula, practice your risotto cooking skils, make delicious polenta, get recipe ideas from Italian cuties and shitpost on their pictures saying you would deploy the D desu.


OP pastebin:

Old thread: → >>70748408
First for being universally hated by women all around the world :(
Post profile or kys
Seriously, why would I want a bunch of 4chan autists to know who I am?
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Rate my profile famalams
so we can order 100 pizzas to your house
not the best i've seen captain

this is actually pretty known, there is lots of ideas about this. It has nothing to do with being arrogant. The idea if 5 real friends, the rest of your friends at that time are more so just acquaintances. I mean thats like dude when I was traveling I met thousands of people from games, and modeling. Tons and tons of people I will say are my friend, but the idea is are they really my friend all of them at one moment of time?

My first kiss and my first time having sex were awful. And even after that ive had times where sex is not good and kissing is bad. I think its better to think about as interactions between people as a vibe. If the vibe is bad the sex is not good, if the vibe is bad kissing is bad. This is why I dont have sex with random girls, because if im not attracted to them I dont like faking it. Can I assume there was something that made you or them uncomfortable? A good way to help with sex imo is if the girl sees you as dominate to say you can literally tell her to show you what to do. You dont need any technique you dont need to practice, because she shows you what to do, and you have created a environment to make the vibe automatically. If you think about it, people have wet dreams with no touching right? Its the thought man. People on interpals are cybering with out touching each other. Its the thought. As a matter of fact id assume most people are nerds here, so you SHOULD be able to talk a good game. You can get a person off just by talking to them. Youve all probably read some hentai game that was hot, you can say stuff like that in real life to girls, with no touching and you are good to go.
Then stop crying how ugly and pathetic you are.
Like we're gonna find out where you live or something, jeez.
and your mirror pic with the fab hair is the only one thats decent desu
appreciating the OP
My bar is low enough for what I'm expecting anyone here to say so fuck it, you win.
you've been a member for 7 months and your profile is empty + no comments?

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Well im as ugly as it gets

The problem is being able to get girls you don't actually want, and not being able to get girls you ACTUALLY want
Wow, I've seen you before.
Well I have more than 5 friends here in Spain I see at least once a week, and I still manage to keep in touch, most every day, with my closest friends from school, uni etc back home, as well as a couple of qts, who I'd count among my friends, and I'm fairly certain they don't all want to sleep with me. Now I'm either a miracle man, insanely unattractive (and so are all my friends), or somewhere you've got this a wee bit wrong
More than seven months actually. I deleted my account a while back and then remade it. I've actually used this stupid site for 3 years.
What can i add btw? Im not planning to take anything off of it.
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>use qtcrawler
>first time using it, view a few Southeast asian countries on accident
>12 views in the past 10 mins all from Thailand, Philippines, etc

holy shit the memes are REAL
I never get views or messages from these countries thank fuck.
fill out your profile tho, whenever i see a woman with a profile as barebones as you i would never message her.
Well first off dont say you're ugly, do you find it attractive in women when they put themselves down? and what argie said, reggaeton is shit
change your photo
a picture where you're attractive
>favorite music

well that happens to everyone I think. I guess the question would be are you setting yourself up to potentially get the girls you want?
To be honest, this is the best I could come up with. I don't have any cool pictures and it's a hell of a lot better than the ugly selfies I had before.
You're not ugly. Why are still a virgin?
Anyway Ukrainian\Russian or Brazilian green card sluts might help you with that. And fill your profile with something, and by "something" I mean "not depressing".
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Well, ideally I'd want an European girl. But, I'm American, so it's a pretty difficult thing to do
Use pictures with colours.
Pick a better angle.
Try slightly from above and a bit less from the side.
Why not some pics outside too?
>You're not ugly. Why are still a virgin?
I may look like a normie, but I'm actually autistic as fuck and don't even remotely know how to flirt.

And yeah, I'm trying to figure out something to put in my profile. Hard when you're pretty depressed irl due to being a neet shutin though.
you can do better though. what the frog says is correct.
>I may look like a normie, but I'm actually autistic as fuck and don't even remotely know how to flirt.
no offence at all, but that's kind of the vibe i got from the photo i think. need to try and engage a bit more, smile etc? plenty of girls are slightly autistic too, or are used to / open to it in men, it aint the end of the world.
>Why not some pics outside too?
I don't have pictures of me outside and I'm not planning on going outside in the Canadian winter just to get pictures. I'll try to get something with colour though when I have a chance though, my eyes are pretty much the only thing I've ever had a girl compliment me on irl and you can't see those in a shitty black and white picture.
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>accidentally click on the "reset QT list" button

Welp, time to never use qtcrawler ever again. Not that it me much good. Sometimes I would visit 100 profiles and get 30views and a few messages, sometimes see 500 and get less than 10 views.
well then you are on interpals, find a lot of girls you are attracted to, message them all , pray that some or at least one of them goes well then go and meet them right?
>you're pretty depressed
Aren't we all here?

Also, let's continue to post memes
Books you read that you liked or a topic on the news you can rant about?
A pic in the middle of the snow, some pine trees on the back, arms raised with a snowball or throwing one towards the camera and smiling?
Why not simply a close-up of one of your eyes?
>it aint the end of the world.
sincerely mean that btw wasn't just b yourselfing, you look quite qt from what i can tell
Everyone looks pretty acoustic in this site tbqh
what, you prefer electric?
Pretty acoustic?
I know, just hard for me to make myself look happy. When I try to smile for pictures it always feels extremely forced and I just delete the result because I just think I look like a retard every time.

>least one of them goes well then go and meet them.

I did that.. and well, as gay as it sounds, it broke my heart. So yeah.
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You guys only browse /int/ am i rite?
no, /v/, /tv/, /int/, /fit/. But seeing as you were from honduras i just assumed you fucked up
you actually met them? And it broke your heart? How?
just like i did now with your country, fucking guatemala
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I don't have the energy to tell the whole story again. But more or less. Met QT from IP, hung out as friends at first. After first trip there we started to like each other. Sort of fell for each other. After a few months I booked a flight to go back. Things started to change, she met a new guy. Still went to visit her because I paid money. Spent time with a girl i deeply liked, but couldn't do anything about it.

your personal top ten countries for qts?
leave our girls alone you fucking autists
>tfw my qt keeps talking about how much she wants a new PC
I-is she trying to me get me buy her a new PC or am I reading into too much? Could my qt be a manipulative bitch?
Oh man, you've made me cry ;_; What a whore, I hope her bf is a dick.

What's her count btw?
Yes she is.
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È lui o non è lui?
You look like a cool guy Erik :3
I'll never trust women again ;_;

That was a summarized version. Honestly, she didn't do anything wrong. There is more to the story. Basically, when things were the best with us. She wanted to be with me so bad I think it was causing her stress, especially that ontop of Uni. The whole LDR aspect didn't help. So, she as said to me that she didn't think be best for us to keep going, because she didn't think she could do a LDR. So the flirting and shit started to fade right around the time I had purchased tickets. She didn't do any of this to harm me. Honestly she is a good person. We still talk every once in a while as friends
are south american girls even worth talking to? I feel like they're on par with people from africa
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thanks babe
so you didnt do anything the first trip even though you fell for her?? She got a boyfriend, but you still flew to see her.. and she still hung out with you the whole time? Ummm.... Sounds like you could have done something. Do you think people care if they have bfs or gfs unless its like super serious..Sounds like you could have probably done something still.
Reminder to not get too emotionally attached. Not too quickly at least.
Also to not send money or even to buy expensive stuff to someone you didn't even meet and that could outright block you when she got what she wanted.
See how it goes, meet once or twice, and then you could reconsider it, but it's not a good idea to pick someone who's expecting you to pay for her.
What is LDR?
T-thanks. Should I meet qts before asking for their nudes too?
long distance relationship

nice quints, ivan

Ugh, I hate typing all this shit out everytime. But, the first time we met was just platonic. I had already bought tickets to her country for vacation before we even first messaged on IP. She agreed to show me and my friend around if we visited her city. We became really close from that. And got closer once I got back home. Then shit changed. But when I visited her the 2nd time, we hung out for 3 days. And I'm not selfish enough to try to get a girl to cheat on her bf.
I wish i had more than one age to message all these qts tbqh

Restrictions famalam

How old are you?
qtcrawler is a godsend
213 views today and 16 women messaged me first
underage b&
It's actually completely impossible for me to relate to any of these girls. I'm not interested in Korean shit, I'm not interested in their pleb tastes in music, I'm not interested in their basic bitch "hobbies." I thought foreign girls were supposed to be better than American girls but it's really starting to seem like a lot of them are just as bad.
It's difficult to find someone in the opposite sex that you actually share the same interests with 2bqh. It takes time
t .le special snowflake
This is pretty true

I'm not even meaning it in this way. Like if a girl says her main hobby is working out, I'm going to have trouble relating because I've never set foot in a gym. If a girl likes all the generic American pop music, I'm going to have trouble relating because I don't know who any of those people are because I'm a fag who only listens to metal.
the user base is big enough to have people from most backgrounds,i have had here conversations about austistic shit i couldnt dream of in real life
jst dont lose your calm
dead thread
this is the worst time
too late for muricans ,too early for yuros
only eople who are forced to stay awake or early birds are online
exactly, but there are usually americans around, depending on their timezone. And NEETs without a sleep schedule
You don't say, it's 7:14 in most of Europe
>not waking up at 7 everyday
Well it's 6:16 where I am so
yes, post profil
dontt lie
I am not lying, sweetie.
talk to me in fb qtpoo
ok,pls no spook
Holy shit, how did /int/ become this pathetic.
you are pathetic
Serbian clay
Your mum's pathetic
How do I compete with people who can actually socialize? Did I fall for meme that people message you here first?
find some one as autistic as youi,it work wonders
Alright guys, I'm gonna shed a light on this issue.
Do not hesitate to write first because she won't! Girls don't come first on the streets, they don't approach you at bars and ect, it's some kind of cultural or soc shit. Even if you're stalking her for a few days (which is even worse, she'll think you're a creep) she will not gonna send you anything (except if it's a Thai tranny or something... you got the idea).
Why are you so scared of writing simple "hi" to a grilll? Yes, some girls may ignore you, thinking of themselves as some hardcore shit, but seriously who cares?
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needy girls message first
good morning lads

another day, another hunt for qts
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why did she have to tell you reeee
So which country has the hottest girls? Scandinavia is a meme half of them are man faced, plenty of these ''blondes'' are fucking dyed.
You're retarded but that's expected from a shitskin.
For unifags, do you use city you're from or city where you're studying (assuming they're different)
It really doesn't make a difference but I use the city I'm from
No, u
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Being honest makes all qts ignore me sooner or later,

Should just pretend I love them etc, even though I never even met them, so they keep lusting for my dong
Is it autistic or good to use a pic with me surrounded by stacks of books? I want /lit/ qts and figured it gives a conversation point, which I heard is better than just a face pic, since there's not much to talk about there.
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How are german girls like? Wanna fug a nazi bitch and break her neck.
if it's a cool pic do it. Try to figure out if it's appealing as a thumbnail too
You should also add a face pic in your profile though
There are many weirdos on interpals so i wouldn't worry too much about seeming autistic
Most are liberal cuckqueens but I found a hot naziqt before, although she already had a russian bf ;_;

>Italian QT edition

Best Thread
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>one shot at life
>being polish

literally THE least desirable type of men to the point even our women prefer foreigners Ahmed or Mokebe Mobembe can go abroad and will be swarmed by cock hungry bitches wanting to get culturally enriched but me? No one would fucking want a Pole, even Russians are more desirable. I could pretend I'm Russian but I don't know cyrilic meme alphabet.
easter european men are less desirable desu, no girl ever has a fetish for them
For those of you who don't know what to say in an initial message. This is proven to give you good odds.

"Nicole, if YOU had a 1 round trip airline ticket on First Class, to go annnyywheree in the world, where would you go! What would you do? :D"

I just used that on the cutest of Czech QTs. I was not confident she would respond because she was so cute. But... she replied with this

>wow, very interesting question, nice change if almost everyone is - hi how are you :D I think i would go to somewhere far, to enjoy this trip :D some island, where is no many people :) What about you?

Rate my acc lads
Don't you have a girlfriend already?
It's a fake account and I dumped her
goofy nice picture > shit one still
don't you have any (even slightly older) photos which your mum or some other girls have said is a cute photo or something if you can't judge?
either way, needs better angle/lighting so people can actually see your face.

>After first trip there we started to like each other
did you smash her at least? internet relationships will always be trumped by real life im afraid
>message someone male or female
>doesn't reply or view profile
>rinse and repeat
Maybe this isn't such a fantastic way of speaking to people desu. I even said I was from Germany just because people like Germs more than Bongs but nothing

Do this >>70830145
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>Hi, Anon. How are u. My intimate photos, videos and my WhatsApp, Skype username on this site http://julia-photo.moy.su Write me on Skype or WhatsApp, handsome
He's not even a passable ladyboy 2bh
Ecuador, Italy, Belarus, Trinidad depending on your taste (hottest latinas, hottest western Europeans, hottest Slavs, hottest black girls)
Is Hawaiibro still around?
Poland, please don't be sad. Wanna be friends? I will listen to everything you say.
just as something other than 'how are you' and they'll appreciate it

how are you using it lad? what settings? i read other people saying it doesn't work yesterday
t. newfriend
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I laughed too hard
have you ever taken your time to explore what ghana's internet content has to offer? you'd be pretty surprised at the variety and quality of their content.
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hm well that question didn't quite work
thanks anyway.
it did work, she revealed her koreabooism, now drop her
on the contrary, now you know she's a koreaboo and you can block her immediatly
any interesting happenings today lads?

I'm talking with a nice French QT right now about careers
Any of you guys use Line to talk to these sl00ts?
Is it good?
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hm really makes you think
it's an effective method after all
I'm disappointed. Couldn't find any qt Irish lads.
my gran was irish, does that count

Who is that QT
best of luck my man
really, not even one?

been talking talking to this ukrainian for the past few days not even flirting or anything, the conversation just flows naturally. It's such a nice feeling when you know you 'clicked' with someone

would be perfectly fine with having her as a platonic kind of friend, gotta hope she's on the same level
my sister

post more..
I'm a grill, sorry.
post your sister and i'll do so.

I don't have a sister
im a qt irish (english) lad
are you that autistic that you need 'tricks' to get noticed as a grill?
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why dont girls wear skirts anymore?
>why dont girls wear skirts anymore?
I used to know a girl irl who literally only ever wore skirts and dresses. Was qt as fuck. But then she randomly went radical feminist and we stopped being friends.
I mean most of these threads are guys spazzing out about their autistic anxieties and only a smaller part is where people actually talk about their success or perceived success.
Guys some chick from hong kong added me on skype and it turns out she's obsessed with pepe. My sides.

Post profile.
no grills allowed here ree
this is lad-only zone
Any of you ever see a QT so fucking cute on IP that it literally makes your heart skip by hoping she will continue the conversation?
yeah, i usually don't message first but whenever i see one that is so stunningly beautiful i just bite the bullet and hope for the best

This Czech is so fucking cute. We've each exchanged 2 messages, she seems like she seemed interesting enough to hold a convo. She's offline and hasn't read the last message I sent her yet. I hope she replies!
yes and i've been talking to her for 10 months
good luck man, charm her with your burger accent

Yeah we'll see. I just started talking with a French QT today too. We've exchanged a lot of messages. I might ask if she wants to talk on WhatsApp later.

***Also, another tip***

From my experience, the girls that are the easiest to have conversations with are girls who've been on IP for less than 1 month. They are new enough they probably haven't already had deep conversations with guys online. And the spamming from Roaches and Africans is minimal by comparison to someone who's been online for a year.

All the girls that I've maintained friendships with over the past year on IP had been brand new to IP when I messaged them
no chance, sorry. just bantz init
Haven't had this feeling since my Ukrainian QT from almost 3 years ago.
still remember the one that got away, ill delete her pics one day.. h-haha


this was true a year ago, now I just get the feeling everyone new is a catfish
tfw I still feel like that every time my qt sends me something :3

Wait were you the Canuck with the Canadaboo?


Not everyone new is a catfish. You just have to be careful. If you see a profile of a girl, who's 24 years old, and their username is FirstLast name. She's fake

I bet you do. Has she sent you an Italian flag?
>Wait were you the Canuck with the Canadaboo?
No. I'm the one who likes kebab girls.

So what's the story behind your Ukrainian?
>now I just get the feeling everyone new is a catfish
For real

>girl is from germany, probably a spammer
>looks too attractive to be on interpals, probably a catfish
>claims to be a gamer girl or do some other thing that's primarily a guy thing, probably a catfish
>message qt Ukrainian girl because I thought she had a nice haircut
>lame ass compliment in first message actually works for once
>end up talking on ip for a few weeks
>add each other on facebook
>eventually come to an agreement that we both like each other, but understand that we can never be more than friends because of the distance
>end up talking on skype after a few weeks of talking on facebook
>is awkward as fuck because her accent was extremely thick and I couldn't understand a word she was saying
>never talk on skype again
>slowly stop talking to each other on facebook until she just decides to stop responding to me one day

That sucks man, I know the feel
>"send weird shit"
>"female hyenas have a fake penis"
well she delivered
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G-guise... what do?

LMAO what.

>female hyenas have a fake penis

What did she mean by this

1. She's a fake
2. She's a culture Pal's fake
3. She's real

Say hi
>girl that is everything you've ever wanted with a tailored profile just for you
>joined 3 days ago
It checks out i read it in a manga
I started the convo and she looks real tbqh
Is she talking about this normie meme?
twitter dot com forwardslash pakalupapito
Why are Hungarian qts so perfect lads?
lads, i've finally gotten the fake german spammer message everyone is constantly complaining about

this calls for a celebration
I hope not lmoa.
redpill me on qtcrawler and shit
quick rundown: google qtcrawler and follow the first link, it tells you everything you need to know
don't use it
it saves your username and password and sends it to the guy who made qtcrawler
I wonder why some people get it more than others. I haven't gotten it once today but I've been getting it at least 5 times a day for the past week.
no, that would be cool though, I have a little Asturian flag that I've put up, along with a christmas tree, in my classroom (because I have them and don't know where else to put them) and an Italian flag would be a nice little substitute
I'm 100% sure it's a fake profile and it's probably the Interpol trying to get you to admit that you're hiding cocaine at home and your connections with the Maras.
i thought people were having troubles with it from a thread yesterday? configed as per github still works?

I get it almost everyday.. :(

You should have your QT use it as a blanket one night and send it to you so it has her scent!
bit creepy desu. Every time we've met up she's stolen one of my jumpers so she's definitely into the whole scent thing tbf
>so she's definitely into the whole scent thing tbf
literally everyone is, there are two types of people in this world, those who sniff panties and those who pretend they don't
I have never sniffed anyone's undies ya weirdie
it works fine, the only little bug i noticed is it doesn't scan more than 1k people at once, so just filter by age periods
y-yeah me neither haha
(spoiler: even your qt loves the smell of her pussy)

Not really. I'm not saying her vagina juices or anything. Just her natural sent, like one of her shirts or something
pussy smell is just concentrated girl smell with a hint of wee though
is nice, i like

definetely request crusty panties imo
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>oh fuck

Daily reminder that turk qts are the BEST qts

>that status
>that whole fucking profile
The french poorfag pasta is the same as the richfag one
Can I get a black gf on interpals?
If yes, explain in detail please.
>wanting black gf

Why am I not surprised?

She messaged me the other day. She doesn't know about 4chan. She literally said she learned about Memes, Senpai, and Waifus from google...
Get this gf

>last online 20 days ago
shell never come back
Trinidadian qts amis

That shit is all over facebook. Memes are normie now.
I'm trying this line. Sent it out to three girls so far and have no replies yet but I just have to give them time because unlike me these girls probably have lives.
They always come back.

I talked with her a while ago and she was nice but sort of retarded and boring.

One day she asked me, "Do you like the band called Nickelbuck?" and I thought she was just memeing with that spelling but it was 100% serious, lel.

Let us know!

It worked on both a French and Czech QT just this morning!
>most girls have blocked a bunch of countries like Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan, Syria
>Dropped the same Czech girl twice
Oh well
>Memes are normie now.
there's memes, and then there's memes tho

>tfw blocked most of asia
You trying to set me up with a retarded and boring girl?
What a dick move man.
I'm looking for an intelligent girl.
Turkey too, they are really annoying if you're white.
You mean East Asia? The only profile views I get are from East Asians and occasionally a West European or two, I personally couldn't block Asia
Oh yeah of course Turkey, that might be the most blocked actually
ive seen mai waifu on youtube/facebook comments
im gunning for european or latina qts tho. fuck that noise.
so many people online on sunday evenings
Trinidad looks good indeed.

Has anyone ever had any success with this interpals thing?
Or does it stay with meming?
I went back and read through conversations with some of my old qts. It's depressing how far downhill everything has gone. I had my Ukrainian qt from 2014 who actually had a personality and seemed super excited to talk to me in every message, and everything after her is complete shit.
what went wrong with her?
met me lass here and we go on holiday with each other/ visit each other once every other month or so
So this girl messaged me, and there are so many comments pointing out her fucked up eyes
see >>70837700
Happy for you familia.
Why doesn't one of you move?
im sorry, I hope the good memories stood with you

I thought you were nortism
What does the casanova filter do?
Assuming that is a regular here, no.

I've been talking to this French QT all day on IP. She sends big paragraphs, and we've been having a good conversation. So I said "hey! So what do you think.. would you like to talk on WhatsApp? You're fun to talk to, and I think it'd be fun to get to know each other better :D" she replied with

>you know... we could get to know each other better here too ;)
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Why the fuck does Interpals do this? I get email alerts about getting messages and then I go to check my inbox and nothing. No messages and not even a page view but it says I got a message from that person. It's done that about the last 10 times over the last few weeks. I haven't gotten a single real message, just non existant ones like pic related and then lot's of "I like virtual sex" and other fake shit.

Fuck this shitty website.
Maybe she had bad encounters on Whatsapp in the past.

In a few days you should tell her Interpals is not working and say you should use Whatsapp because it is easier.

If she still has no interest, consider finding someone else.
its because it was a spam account that messaged you then it was nuked
uni for both of us, once we graduate we plan on it. She's coming to spend summer with me in the UK tho
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reeeeeeeeeeeee dropped

Yeah that's possible. She seems to like talking to me. She sends big messages. And used smiles a lot
>blocks name in conversation body
>leaves it at end
Whatever, free koreaboo nudes for whoever still has a korean fake here.
Fucking European girls, I get like a 5% response rate from em
haven't gotten a new message in like 6 hours, starting to feel nervous lads
/lads/ it's over, fuck her and fuck interpals
she just doesn't feel comfortable taking it off interpals atm. whatsapp uses phone numbers, too, so it's pretty understandable, not sure how this is so cryptic to you guys
I've never messaged a girl further west in Europe than the Czech Republic. Not worth it desu.
also change that photo ;)

What happened... :(
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I've gotten a lot of girls on Whatsapp in the past
Do you lads use real profiles with pics and all?

Try Telegram, it's username based so they don;t have to give their phone #.
you know all that story about she saying she cares and likes me wants fall asleep with me blabla, today I start getting lewd (she always evaded so today I really pushed), bitch wont even send me a pic of her underwear. tell her I dont understand why doesnt want by all the stuff she told me and wont ask again, she says she understood my intentions and wants to stop talking, goes offline :>
meanwhile I know she's sent lewds pics to other guys.
wasted 1 week and a half on this bitch ffs
ye but this girl is obviously wary of it. was just explaining why that might be. >>70848520 I would actually avoid pushing the conversation off platform right now for a couple of days personally
>asked someone what pets they have
>"I have 1 dog, 3 cats, 3 chickens and a roof. do you have pets?"

I love my pet roof
if she sends lewd pics to other dudes but not you, you are the one who fucked up. 1.5 weeks is nothing anyway
just one guy*

I guess I have part fault in it, but they way she talked to me she seemed the purest girl alive.

I have kik, but I'd prefer Whatsapp. I'll just wait a bit longer


I understand

>1.5 weeks
>asking for Lewds

Dude come on.... thats nothing. You're highly over-reacting. Because she won't send you lewds (when you haven't even met IRL) doesn't mean anything.

How do you know for sure she's sent lewds to other guys on IP?
I wrote it wrong, we've been talking "seriously" since 1.5 weeks, in total we started talking some time after new years. if we're talking about time to ask for nudes I would even say I took to long.
>girl blocks me a month ago
>still visits my profile
For wgat purpose
why do people even bother messaging others when they don't have any pictures

I wouldn't have asked for lewds until after meeting IRL desu. If she sends them on her own accord, then fine. But I wouldn't have asked until then
search everywhere but asia 18-22 y/o and that's it

which one of you is this
that would be me :)
tfw anzu types are my guilty pleasure, even debated with myself for like a second to message her
I had a Ukrainian girl get mad at me because I didn't start the conversation with "hi how are you." What the fuck?

Lmao tell us more
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tfw im talking to this really fun latvian girl atm, its just so rare that you find people you share your humour with these days. god bless
glad you're having fun mate, enjoy because 90% on IP is humourless
she suggested we had our honeymoon at auschwitz, i think i'll marry her...

And you're right, most of them are so fucking boring.
Basically used the "if you could go anywhere in the world for free where would you go?" line and she responded with "why are you asking this?" so I said it's more interesting than saying hi. Her response was "No, it isn't. This is the rule of decorum."

Female autism ladies and gentlemen.
Wait a minute, is she a naziboo?
hah no i really doubt it, just a really dark sense of humour i imagine
Oh, there's actually a really hot latvian girl who's a naziboo that people in the discord have talked to before. She might be living in Germany now though, and I think speaks Russian.
Wasn't she found out to be a fake?
oh yes thats definitely not this one. I dont want a girl whos legitimately crazy
Just came in here to tell you guys you can get women on here super easy if you're arent autistic or ugly. Took me about a week to find a grill I clicked with and got lewd with her. Still talking to her after 3 years. Never give up.

Does anyone ever meet irl? Or do you do this for noods and stuff?

Lmao, she's retarded
i got baited by the easy nudes meme, now i'm having like serious and productive discussions with qts everyday without even a hint of flirting

what have i become
That Norwegian who likes black girls still here?

Many Culture Pals spent Christmas and New Years with their QTs
You sure that's not a wildebeest?
>Does anyone ever meet irl?
Some do
>Or do you do this for noods and stuff?
I mostly just message people because nobody I know irl messages me (and when they do the conversations don't really go anywhere)
Whatever it is, I think it's female
That's actually how I started. Befriending them without actively trying to get nudes is the best way to go about it. The nudes are transitory, but the connection and friendship (or relationship) is what makes it all worth it.
thanks for the motivational words burger


msf is that you
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