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culture pals

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Culture Pals:insomnia is killing me edition

Talk to qts from around the world, practice your bants, chill with the lads, love cute girls, get recipe ideas from Bhutan and get obsessed by international cuties.


OP pastebin:

Old thread: → >>70671553
you are alone
why make a new thread if it's not auto saging yet?
I wish Indonesians would stop messaging me.
I've had an influx of Thais lately. Most of them aren't remotely attractive. What gives? They are hot on TV (the ones without dicks)
havent slept in 3days and thought autosage was at 300 posts
>3 days
If this is exclusively because of IP you're a moron
Who else sick of girls not asking questions back to keep the conversation going? They just love talking about themselves and I hate having to ask them questions over and over again, while not being asked anything back.
I am paranoid about having my pictures online. Can I do this Interpals things without it or with a fake one?
you definitely can, sounds like a plan.

Only if you'll message other people that don't have pictures posted.

But yeah, fakes do work
But don't they usually ask for more pics? What about when we are having video conversations? Are they dumb enough not to notice that I am different?
absolutely this. thinking of just being overly lewd to get easy nudes and weed out all the stacys
Yeah, I use a stolen pic and video them only when it is a bit darkish, not a single girl noticed it, you should be fine.
i replaced a guy who works night shift in my job and for osme retarded reason i never could sleep during the day
I'm going bowling with a girl in 3 hours.
Just use real pics you autist. It's not like the CIA is hunting you like you're Jason fucking Bourne or something. Literally nobody cares except the qt's you're talking to.
have fun! Remember to buy her a drink and make fun of her leaving the sides up

She's 18, so she can't drink here
why are you dating children?
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Well, we are just hanging out I guess. She's not going to be my girlfriend
Why do some girls respond my messages without visiting my profile?

Is it it possible that they are visiting but I'm just not able to see for some reason?
magic obvs
lads I think it's really happening me going there.. we're not joking anymore, we talk like its going to happen but I think it's too soon to start talking details since we weren't having these conversations 2 days ago.
>tfw a qt from sweden tells me about all the liberal cuckshit there

I didn't know the memes were so real desu
2 days is nothing, tell us in a month
I've had 3 identical messages from "german" spammers with practically identical names today reeeee
I had the same, was going to block Germany but I got a really nice message from a German today too.
This girl is not as attractive as I thought..

>Tfw the first woman I ever got lewd with was a German ten years old

meant to say ten years older than me.
i feel the same desu but im afraid it'll die down, but if it does it was never meant to be right?..

She's just bigger than I thought
she is big girl
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>skype with with a qt
>guys voice in background
>"it's my boyfriend)))"

reeee dropped

>asked a girl if her tits were real, because i was tipsy yesterday night and her tits are truly one of a kind
>she just responded "yes, they're real"

what do i do now lads
"Prove it"
"prove it"
say you need a better proof than that
you fucking beta
This, then post results here

post results pls
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wen with "I believe I'm gonna need a better proof than that", seen and no response

also, I think I just got contacted by one of the Bogdanoffs himself
we're going to need a quick rundown of that
I feel sorry for these people from 3rd world countries that actually want to have a nice conversation and know about the world, I talked to a guy from uganda once he was pretty cool actually.
so how is he living among all those niggers down there?
made me feel bad 2bh, he's a nice guy, I even asked him for a quick rundown and he gave me a rundown for his past few days
What are basic/simple ways to get your profile more visibility?
Besides the script. Like I've noticed whenever I add a photo, or change my profile picture (Idk which one), I get a lot more random views. Shit like that is what I'm looking for.
i'm totally new to culture pals
do you have any advice for me ?
be asian
>tfw no kurdish gf
if people message you it will also "boost "you
2 or 3 decent pics of you, simple but funny profile, you're french so you must be bonus views, any troubles post here, have fun

Find QTs
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>wealthy culture pals gf I acquired a couple of years ago wants to get married because she is shitting bricks over Trump cracking down on immigration
>have nothing to lose because I'm a loser
>fucking /int/ and Trump gave me the dream
>my face when

Where is she from?
lucker dog reeeee

may luck be on your side
Haha who's this freak?

That would be me
Never message me again you damn communist
bump, dont die during the night

Any update with your slav?
anyone talked with /jetaime-lancoli?
i dont know why but i bet its one of you
cp shall die

No... :(
Alright who is this?

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How do you tell if a girl is talking with other men? How can you tell if she's lying to you, or hiding her proclivities from you?

I don't want to waste my money meeting with a girl who is flirting with or meeting other guys.

You could casually ask her one day while talking on Skype "so who else are you talking to on IP? Anyone cool?"
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I've already met her twice, and she rarely uses IP anymore. I'm concerned she thinks she can get away with it if she assumes I'll continue spending money on her while she piggybacks off me during my next trip to Europe.

I don't remember, what country is your QT from?

But, I dunno man. If you're not talking about dudes on IP, then I guess you're just going to have to trust her

She's from Russia.

I'm traveling to Europe this spring, and she's paying for a plane ticket to join me - she presumes I'm paying for the hotels, meals, and everything else. The money's not the main issue - it's wasting my time if she's talking with other men.

The only option I have is telling her to not waste my time meeting me if she's seeing other men. Fuggg.

Well, if you being Canadian, maybe she'll be loyal. I don't mean this in a negative sense. But she might sort of view you as a way out of Russia or something. The Green Card meme. But, that could mean she's loyal

*with you being
I havent, maybe i should go dick her down though. Honestly, she seems too good to be true, i'd be weary too unless i got her on skype
ded thrd
I'm pretty sure she's a fake to be honest.

She has a VK, ive seen her post on the VK threads. So unless its something like someone made a fake of her on interpals from her VK account which is linked to the interpals group there, or just someone made a fake VK(which i guess is possible to)im gonna say she is real.

Also from what I talked to her super full of her self though. Randomly was messaging me about how ugly I was one day and was asking why people steal pictures of like me and pretend to be me if im so ugly. Anyway good looking girl, but hella fake and full of herself from the short conversation I had with her. She blocks me on and off and views my profile for awhile so eventually I just blocked her. I assume one of those shes a nerd and good looking so people are nice to her all the time for no reason.
actually now I want to message her and give her shit now that im seeing her again lol
I'm pretty sure I messaged her once. She never responded. She viewed my profile once too but I don't think she blocked me.
ya I tried to talk to her cuz I she liked games and to be honest I thought it was one of you guys scripting because she kept viewing my profile over and over. But I saw the games so i was like why not may as well try. But then she just talked shit to me the whole time. While.. continuing to view my profile over and over so eventually I just blocked her. Funny though cuz she of course has the profile about how kind she is *rolls eyes*

Anyway I dont recall her VK, but good luck dudes
I tried to talk to her because she liked games and didn't seem like one of those "gamer gurlz" who just make you cringe, you probably know exactly the type I mean. But I probably dodged a bullet by having her not respond.
serbbro come back

just what I said earlier in the thread

read her mind :>

wonder why?
you tell me
What to do when there are no good recent pictures of you?
Take some good new pictures.
If you don't have anyone to take them for you, go to some tourist spot and ask someone to take a picture of yourself.
god why are there suddenly so many koreaboos signing up
i thought this site had gotten better regarding that, i was wrong.
Tips for good photos:
Hold phone above you and on the side of your face that shadow is most on
>tfw you got a message from a bi gril but you're not bi nor lesbian

link profile NOW
Her profile or mine? Either way no. Unless you're the 'strong with a lot of testosterone' Lithuanian, then you probably know me. Lmao
nah, the other guy left because he couldn't deal with his insecurities, I haven't posted my profile in the thread or contacted someone from the thread yet
>tfw never had real conversation with girls in real life since elementary school.
>tfw a qt talks to me constantly on interpal
i-I think I love her already.
He was a nice dude tbqh.

Also post profile NOW
he was indeed

i ran qtcrawler pretty extensively today and yesterday, so you probably have me on your visitors list anyway
do you not narrow it down to just girls?
I thought she was a gril by her earlier comments

doesn't matter anyway, since either qtcrawler is bugged or it's broken for me, since whether I filter it to girls only or not, I still get tons of "Hey, thanks for visiting my profile" messages from Bogdanoff look-alikes or 50 year olds from Uganda
who was that one belarus chick that sent nudes to everyone? i forgot her name dammit
i wanna have virgin white gf from argentina
Just assume all qts talk to others guys than just you. In 99% of the cases this is true
me too
So that's not just an American/Canadian thing?
She is
do you want to tell her he says hi or should I?


I started a new thread on /soc/ with her username and picture. 10 minutes later I got this big text from her saying "OH MY GOD YOU POSTED ME ON 4CHAN??? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I WAS FALLIG IN LOVE WITH u BABYYY"

I had literally only been talking to her for like 15minutes. Only reason I posted her shit on /soc/ was because she sent me the same nudes as everyone else.
>tfw just noticed my qt has nothing in her hand in her profile pics
Someone had to take those pictures. Someone who is taller than her. Someone in her house. Fuck everything.
did any qt message you first? I don't think it ever happened to me in 3 months
maybe her mum or something?
or her black boyfriend

Sometimes it happens to me
I want DJ Serb back.. ;__;

who wants to see her naked?
Every fucking time I get a new message on this site it's the fucking german spammer reeeeeeee
I would like to

Yes please.

What did you conquer her with? The American Chad?

Yeah that shit pisses me off

who's account is this
that would be me
No I didn't. I just saw her page now. But some anon used a fake german account. And she pretty much fell for it. I repeat, I didn't do this one. I am honest lol.

fucking pierre stop getting my hopes up with new messages

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Guys, manycam is shitting on me. I can't catfish qt's anymore. It says that the video I am using is invalid. Is this the end? :/
can't find any answers on the net either.
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>Still can't find any Thicc asians on this website.
How do I increase profile views? I've only had 3 or 4 in the last month.
>change profile, status, pictures regularly
>stay online often
>view and message others
Or just put an interesting picture and be from a country that immigrants like, so you're halfway there?
>Set language: "Learning Thai"
>Watch the desperate Thai girls flock in.
Come on now, nobody deserves to sink that low.

Yeah, there is no reason to do that. During SEA Power Hour the average person gets enough views anyways
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>she doesnt live under a rock

She said she's looking for QTs
Why are Brazilian girls fascinated with Americans?

I think I get messaged more by Brazilian girls than SEAsians
h8 u
>be me
>chatting with favourite qt who is totally fond of me
>wants to watch korean movie with me and talk about it afterwards
>agree, it can't be that bad and she's not really a huge koreaboo
>sit through 1 hour korean series episode (퐁당퐁당 LOVE episode 1 for the interested)
>ask her what she thought of it
"I stopped watching because it was boring"
>tfw I actually didn't mind watching it

pic related
don't know her profile anymore, but she's korean

nooo :(
>tfw nobody cares about canada other than american bern victims
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How to meet qt milfs?

Slavs like Canadians
You sure about that? All the Slavs I see are raging koreaboos.

There was this Canuck about a year or 2 ago who was a regular here. He met this Belarusian girl who was a complete and total Canadaboo. He posted a picture of her room.. she had a huge Canadian Flag as her bed comforter, Maple Leafs all over her room, and a huge Flag on her wall.

They exist
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how do i use the script? it says to use python 2.7 but when i run it, it gives an error and tells me to use a newer version of it.
no dont use that anymore, use chrome, download the userscript tampermonkey, and install this userscript https://github.com/DccrsD/QtCrawler
>she has two watermelons in her chest
wtf why is so hard to get nudes from dutch sluts? i had though they would be easy like french and nordic girls but they aren't that easy.
greasemonkey works?
not that i know of, i remember it always being tampermonkey being recommended to use.
What the fuck? A couple years ago I had a pretty qt Russian girl message me and she wanted to move to Canada, but the conversation pretty much went nowhere.

To be honest, I don't like canadaboos anyway. They have massive fucking misconceptions about this country, usually are in love with weedman, and they don't believe you when you try to redpill them about this country despite you being the one who's fucking lived here for almost 23 years, been in every province except Quebec and Manitoba, and has never traveled outside the country
alright, ty
Dutch girls look like british slags and act stuck up like Swedish coalburners
don't bother
Post profile
Albanian qt just messaged me. Anyone have experience with them?
they're cray, watch urself bruh. Dont cross her or her family will slaughter you

>They have massive fucking misconceptions about this country

What is it they believe?

I mean, I'd at least talk to her if one message me and if he was cute
it wasn't that too difficult to get nudes from french girls and norwegian also finnish girls but dutch girls are clever bitches:\
according to my experience, russians do believe that canada is literal opposite russia.
They think we're all swede level cucks basically. They don't seem to understand that less than half of us actually voted for weedman.
Honestly, it kind of is. Russia's president is super conservative and hates gays and immigrants, Canada's prime minister is super liberal and loves gays and immigrants.


I'm assuming you're talking about this Trudeau?

That's the guy. I alternate between calling him weedman and current year man.
any ruskies here? what does "cимпaтичный)" mean
somthing like nice or cute
t. russian noob
>indonesian girls

How can a race of people be so fucking ugly? I don't understand.
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thanks scuba steve
yes, they do believe that. they really think your cunt is the mecca of hipsters. and most koreaboo eurpean girls on ip do believe we south korean boys are the tender and sweet cute princes. what a cuck.

Is it true he won because of the women vote?
There's a few attractive ones,but yeah Indonesians are pretty shit tier usually.
nice numbers man, and thanks for the help
He won because all the people who would have voted for the other left wing party voted Liberal to keep the Conservatives out of government.
Do you like it here with all those migrants and drug addicts?
her old username was /Mne_Bez_Sahara
I live in a smaller city so I don't have to deal with as many immigrants. The few that are here seem to mostly keep to their own community and don't cause problems and some ethnic groups have actually integrated surprisingly well. We do have a serious drug problem here though, but definitely nowhere near the level of Vancouver.
what are you up to lads? any good stories or anything?

also, what do i write to qts that visit my profile, comment on my pic/wall but don't message me, like wtf
message that you liked her comment idk, make a joke about she viewing you but not messaging.
Hang in there, brother.
Also I really don't understand how come hard drugs are legal there?
At a hackathon boy, shitposting on the side
Hard drugs aren't legal here, seems like every day I hear about the local police department seizing a bunch of heroin, meth or fentanyl. Even weed isn't legal yet, although in practice the cops usually turn a blind eye to weed.
Uncultured no-pals here, do any of you actually learn any languages or is it just a way of meeting people and qts?
Which hour is SEA power hour, around 1PM GMT?
So It's not true that police supply Vancouver's Downtown Eastside with drugs, so junkies don't act too violent?
you can find people to practice languages, put it on your profile
I came to the realisation today that I'm a pretty lonely guy. Living away from my friends and not having any meaningful interactions on a day-to-day basis at the moment is starting to do my nut a bit.

Is interpals actually something worth pursuing? Like wondering whether there's a constant sexual undertone to the platform like omegle or similar. Truthfully I'm more looking to talk and get to know people than get their noods or cyber etc. Is it just a bunch of shitskin/EE girls passport-fishing or middle class girls too?

wew apologies for the awful reddit/r9k tier blogpost, i'll stop there
nah its okay man, plenty of us don't just fish for nudes 24/7 and actually look for meaningful conversations

and yes, i can confirm it's actually a good platform to find people to talk with, I've been on interpals for like barely 10 days, and already have a group of people I talk to everyday. There's no sexual undertone, atleast I don't think so. Although it's not hard to find girls willing to do things

Hmm well. It's about 10PM EST. So, 3am your time (0300 Zulu). I think that's right..
>talking to new Italian qt (still with actual qt, just want to practice language)
>scroll through photos
>Vini of all people has written "I would desu"

Now I'm convinced it's either a fake or Vini is just a madman

maybe vini was doing no fap at the time :>
thanks lad, you put up pictures and put a bit of effort into your profile i'm guessing? signing up now.

3 pictures (nothing special, few selfies with good lightning) and barely any bio, like two sentences saying I'm looking for people that are fun to talk to. You can fill it out fully if you want, it's just a personal preference
How are slovaks?
Post profile when done and we can help you improve it
I think I've found myself a husbando, now I'm tired from ip. Gotta lay low or do some mad stuff with my page.
shaln't be doing that, but thanks
post profile then, most of us are bound to have viewed you at some point anyway
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come on lads
i know you're browsing this
She's a right laugh, the tankiest tankie
Free Russian QT

you're alright mate
Different Bong, I'm assuming it's really weird to not use photos, right?
yeah, I don't think people with no photos have a chance at all

just put some up, doesn't matter if you look bad, it's just nice talking to people when you know how they look like
Ok thanks, my issue was that I have no means of taking photos and there are no existing ones lel
I've never posted nudes, I'm not insane. If It's that what are you implying here.
don't you have a smartphone or a webcam?
>write "/cp/" on the forehead
someone come up with the other 2

just profile, we already got tones of nudes
Yeah both are a bit broken tho
no means on taking photos in <current year>?
other bong here struggling with the same dilemma. think i need a shave..
too late amis I already told him to:
1. drink all the alcohol in his house
2. chop off a toe or a finger
3. mail it to an ex.

May have jumped the gun
/cp/ on forehead has to become some sort of tradition
jesus what kind of man speaks like this >>70806556
Is 3 pictures actually necessary? I'm a shut in so I only have like one semi decent picture.
Nope, do not want to get shitposted. If I wasn't using my real pics, then yeah.
i mean it's not some strict rule , I put 3 pics myself but you can do more or less, 1 pic will do for a start
I mean if I can get the chopping off of toes to be a /cp/ thing I'll be pretty pleased with meself
>what kind of man speaks like this
A French one, ie no man at all
just tell me, are you sasha or paradise?
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i just want more qts to my collection
it's a dude
I sort of want another Euro QT...

That date I went on or whatever it was with the American girl yesterday just made me realize how boring they really are..
I don't know those hoes
bowling? Pilotbro?
Yeah I was just wondering if having only one pic was maybe turning girls off of messaging me. Because I get around 30 views a day but almost no messages that aren't the german sex party spammer.

Yes that would be me
haha, if you've found your husbando surely no harm no foul tho
it may, your profile could also be the problem

I get like 1 message per 20 views, not sure if it's good or not, but yeah like i said my profile is basically 2 sentences
The most interesting girls I've ever met irl have been immigrants or at the very least the children of fairly recent immigrants. Except when they randomly turn into radical feminists like this one Belgian girl I used to spend a lot of time with.
not any euros on tinder? Probably need a holiday. Go to France I would
ah ok, how long have you been on cp then?
My profile is basically just "I don't know what to say about myself. Message me to find out more." I know that's probably bad, but I honestly don't know what to say about myself and when I try it usually turns super depressive.

I would see Europeans on Tinder here (Au Pairs) but Tinder is garbage and I practically never matched any, if I did, they wouldn't reply. I deleted Tinder because it sucked

I am going to be taking a trip this year at some point. Haven't decided where. Kinda debating between France, Germany, or the Czech Republic. Even thought about Spain, but I don't exactly know what I'd do there
A few months, but after a day or two I left. Now I'm back, and leaving again.
>totally innocent question

sounds a bit.. passive man. change it up to something like the lithuanians.
why's that?

it is tho, threads have been slow, perhaps for the better since all thhe cringy kids are on discord
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i agree, it's not a bad thing to be a bit insecure, but don't beat yourself up with the first sentence already

here's mine, it's literally my whole profile, and it's been working fine
>talk to married woman
>her husband finds out
>messages me begging me to stop
>I say I won't unless she asks me to
>continue talking with her, show her screenshots of my conversation with the husband
>she finds it hot as fuck

I'm starting to feel pretty bad, honestly. Either this is just some fucked up rolepay for them (which is entirely possible), or this is the saddest relationship I've ever seen.

I'd suck your dick. Nohomo
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My fucking sides

I'm not sure what girl was that since I commented this on two or three Italian girls recently, but she's defo not me, I swear on me mum
Changed mine to something similar to your profile. Not a word for word copy of course, but basically saying the same thing. If that doesn't help, I guess I'm just ugly then.
Is there QTs on HelloTalk?
I'll message you her profile o meu amigo
fug, did you somehow find me from those two lines or just remembered the profile? oh well, got nothing to hide now i guess
You can search profiles by what people write on their profiles.

Go to "interests" search tab and type in "Highly interested in other countries' culture" and you'll find yourself
Boring and I don't do more than 2-3 conversations.
Let us r8 you?
damn, didn't know that, guess that'll teach me a lesson
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What the fuck
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qt haha
>Let us r8 you?
I'm not going to post pictures of myself, I don't want to get flooded with 4chan autists.
Are you Ada?
>6 visitors in 2 minutes

i want /cp/ out of my profile
just for those who haven't seen yet
nah i'm sure you'll be ok. int is unironically a board of peace
>having a neckbeard, yet still somehow appearing to be a normie

you can piss off jack

He's one of us..
lmao not a neckbeard mate, I prefer the term "glorious mane"
this >>70776963 is Clayton, you can tell because of the tumblr ranting
whats your profile I feel like I need to talk about something
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Made an account. Wtf do I post as my status? Does it matter?
Oh, he's weird
status is the most irrelevant part of the profile, just post a meme
does your username start with an a?
Every time I see a qt who might be interesting I completely freeze when it comes to actually trying to talk to her. What's the point if your message will probably go unread?

I have never posted a status
same, never will, it's facebook tier trash feature
you're not losing anything so why not try
pls respond >>70809333
Because it's discouraging as fuck to have to go through the effort of coming up with something interesting and unique only to have it sit there and never be read because you just happened to get buried under a hundred turks and she never bothered to scroll down that far.

"You have 3 million <insert local currency> to spend over the course of 1 year. You must spend it all during that time or it disappears. What would you do with it?"


"You have 1 free First Class ticket roundtrip to anywhere in the world, where would you go, and what would you do there?"
whos ranting you guys brought her up

oh ya what did I supposedly do now? Lemme guess another girl who I didn't flirt with so im weird

are you the russian girl who kept viewing my profile over and over again and then when I talked to you, you told me how much you hate me?
I'll never message you, u weirdo :^)
I think clayton is the only guy here whom when i find out a girl i know is talking to, i condone it and tell her hes a nice guy

thanks whoever you are
is there no search by city option?

There is a type in search where you can
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I just messaged this really cute Czech QT... I hope she replies...
nah you're a bit of a cunt
yeah the wife is an e-whore but willingly planter les cornes to some unfortunate guy is still a pretty douchy thing to do

who knows, you could end up having an unfaithful wife in the future, it's not a nice situation.
just had a realisation that i never had a successful or a productive conversation when I'm the first one to message

feels shitty 2bh
post memes
and this is why i never first message
yeah i don't message first either nowadays, although once in a while i see an absolute 10/10 and just have to give it a try
same here, the problem is that if you're the first one to write then it's up to you to keep the conversation going, come up with new conversation topics, try not to bore her, etc. and it's a fucking pain in the ass.

if you're the one that receives the first messages, you just need to reply.
also it's reassuring to know that you were good enough for her to send a first message, unless it's a thai who sends the same shit to every white guy
wait what the fuck, is interpals upside down world?
yeah i agree, i don't think it's the keeping the conversation going thing, it's just a bit of an ego stroke and helps the conversation flow naturally much better
Also knowing you wont get buried under a hundred turks spamming the same shit to every 4/10 or hotter is pretty reassuring.
well thats the sorta hypocrisy almost of interpals if you will isnt it? Girls say they dont want to give out their skype, facebook, whatsapp whatever until they get to know you.

But honestly most girls are just the same as guys there. Unless you flirt with them and get them off the site fast, they will not talk to you. Most people will not just be cool with being friends unless there is at least some sexual tension.
they all are
>tfw successfully make friends with a qt
>tfw now it's too awkward to ask for her nudes since it would most likely destroy our friendship
I thought getting along with qts is the way to go but I guess I was wrong.
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>set up script
>it always fetches 0 users
where did I fuck up?
when you decided to script
I guess that's why my conversations never go anywhere. I'm far from being the most attractive guy in the world and I don't flirt because I don't know how and it always feels awkward as fuck and super forced when I try.
Just stop them if you feel like they are getting too close. Or if you feel like youre getting too close it's time to switch gears.
Well, I want to script but also message people personally also. But this script doesn't fetch anyone and not sure why. Anyone got it to work?
script doesnt work if you try to view more than 50 people at once, that's assuming you're using qtcrawler
well im telling you dude ive been on this site for geez who knows how long now when ever you guys first took my pictures. Most girls that I tried to be friends with have not lasted there. As a matter of fact the past few months ive even experimented with the site to say, and tried to be more flirty randomly and the ratio of girls that have gone crazy on me has like.. DRASTICALLY cut down.

Its kinda like real life though. Think about it, how many girlfriends do you have that you can hang out that have never wanted to fuck and you have stayed friends for years? Just the way it is, most people wont be friends unless they think something eventually will from it.
That sounds like a plan. I feel like I would feel bad about it though. I should have just mindlessly kept asking for nudes.
... wat
we were just referencing your weird writing style chill out, you are seriously paranoic
just use qtcrawler, the script is broken
idk man most of my closest friends are girls and I have no intention of sleeping with any of them. Maybe you're just too American
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Who's man is this?
was using the python script, will try qtcrawler, thanks lads
Alright, how the fuck do I do this shit without being weird then? I take rejection way too fucking personally and it's getting annoying and why I'm almost 23 years old and still a kissless virgin.
i already commented on why I write how I write. As for the other post of mine you quoted. Well I dont live in other countries but I can tell you I talk to 100s and 100s of girls all the time. Online, in real life doesnt matter. Sure I do have lots of gfs that are just friends to me, but the fact is a lot of them I find out later on like me, theres already the idea that in life we only have 5 or so real friends at any one given point of time. And when their is opposite sex involved it becomes even harder...

just gotta try dude. Message as many people as you can cuz you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. Honestly im a perfect example of why you shouldnt be nice on this site, look how many people hate me here, even some of you guys here. If you are looking to make real friends on the site, you have to realize you are gonna have to make a big effort and realize even after that good chance it might go badly.

As for kissing why havnt you kissed someone in real life?
>As for kissing why havnt you kissed someone in real life?
I'm a neet shutin at the moment. And even when I wasn't a neet, every single girl I've tried to make any sort of romantic advance on shut me down immediately.
>but the fact is a lot of them I find out later on like me, theres already the idea that in life we only have 5 or so real friends at any one given point of time. And when their is opposite sex involved it becomes even harder...
oh my Goooooood you're so arrogant it physically hurts. Plus, 5 friends at once is a load of bollocks mate. Apparently you can have anywhere up to 150 before it gets complicated so you want to pull your finger out really

>as for kissing why havnt you kissed someone in real life?

Ive only ever fooled around with girls twice in my life. Both were bad experiences. The kissing was really awkward and uncomfortable. Same with the sex, it was just as bad. I don't consider it that I've had my "first kiss". I've always heard it's suppose to be a great experience. Mine wasn't. So I don't count it
Im guessing the reason people on the site hate you is due to all the fake profiles that were around at some point

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