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C considered harmful.

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Thread replies: 350
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I hate C and think it should be 99% banned. Fight me /g/.
Fight you?
You're 100% correct
We shouldn't allow software to be written in a virus prone language like C.
i love c and i think it should be banned too
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You better shut up or else
don't you fucking do it
don't you fucking dare
Rust faggots need to be banned from the internet
OP here. Rust is garbage. Just use C++.
He's not gonna do it
You can ban C all you want. It doesn't respect your boundaries.
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Not gonna lie, former C programmer here. This is fucking hilarious watching C segfault and crash. But in all seriousness we can't let these buffers get more overflows.
No programming language, no matter how vulnerable of programs it is capable of producing, should ever be banned. Keep government regulations out of programming entirely!
Who said the government had to be involved? Fucking paranoid Americans.
underrated post

Let me ask you something... you want to "ban" programming in C. Okay. What happens when someone decides to program in C anyways despite your ban? What punishment should be given to them? What group should enforce said punishment? What should happen if programmers, by and large, decide to ignore your ban due to an inability to enforce it?

There is no association of telling programmers what they can and can't do. You can say programming in C is now banned, but that would be meaningless, because I can still type in this:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
char tinybuf[4];
gets(tinybuf); /* I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts */
return 0;

And now what? What are you going to do about it?
>And now what? What are you going to do about it?
Calling the cops enjoy your jail time and b&
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Holy shit you are fucking retarded. It's as simple as saying, "No C in the repo, please." Companies can ban C easily.
>implying anyone is going to start rewriting kernels and libraries in Rust, D, or C++.
>implying anyone has an issue writing safe C except brainlets
McFucking kill yourself.
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>writing safe C
No such thing, the only way to write safely in ANY language is to type your shit in something like Coq and then export it to your target language.
t. professional C and OCaml shill
Github should forbid C projects and kick out the disrespectful Linux kernel developers that just milk their infra and contribute nothing back.
>retarded libertarian tripfag thinks "banned" means the Programming Gestapo kicking down your door and snatching your keyboard away
This is why nobody takes you seriously. You can only think in absolute, childish, paranoid fantasy.

Any reasonable person would interpret "banned" to be a standards body that says "Want to contract with us? Then no C allowed."
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>only brainlets write vulns in C
why does Linus accept commits from brainlets, then?
>what is frama-c
>what is compcert
>something like
Also CompCert merely certifies the output is conforming to the sources (provided in bug in their frontend but at this point that's a very reasonable supposition). Don't try to fight me bro I spend my day getting shilled at INRIA
fuck off, we have this thread every day
1st amendment. Blow it out your ass.

That's not really a ban, that's just a company policy. And many companies already don't use C because their projects have no use for what C has to offer.

>standards body
>for programming
>that people actually give a fuck about
Excuse me while I laugh.
Underate and/or mentally handicapped spotted.
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>implying anyone is going to start rewriting kernels and libraries in Rust, D, or C++
They should rewrite Linux in Python.
Ban C
delete all C books
fire C programmers
Is there any logical reason why you would fucking say that post is underrated? Has anybody expressed any kind of dissatisfaction or criticism at all against it? Are you delusional? Are you reading replies that are nonexistant? Maybe you come from communities with voting systems, but there is literally no way that you could know what other people think of that post you just replied to here. Maybe it's psychological. Maybe it's your own post you're replying to, like a 12 year old fucktard liking his own facebook posts thinking his swelling autism is going unnoticed. Maybe your self esteem depends on you tricking yourself into thinking someone out there thinks your post is worth something. Or maybe you are just a retard, the worst kind of retard, the one who thinks he's smart, the one who thinks he's the only one to have gotten the joke, to have understood the post. Well, guess what, faggot, that post is by no definition underrated so why don't you do the world a favour and go check out what the bottom of your toilet smells like?
It's simple. All C programs has to be rewritten in other safer languages. After gradually porting them to better and safer language we extarminate all C programs and books.
Sorry, my mom's husband taught me not to beat up retards.
I bet you think companies should also have COC.
Are you rust programmer?
I bet you think programs should have security vulnerability.
Are you a C todder?
git was made in C
Alright, I'll bite.

Why do you think C is harmful and should be banned? It's a powerful tool, and like any tool it can be misused. Banning tools just because they can be misused is retarded.
Ban everything except Intel x86 assembly. No abstractions allowed.
Because C is the source of all 0days in recend days
Wordpress and PHP cause far more harm daily than all of the C buffer overflows combined.
>C is source
So, like a moron that you are you are blaming tools what about, actually making programmers accountable for their fuck ups?
0 days are caused by bad design, which is a vulnerability in *all* programming languages.
You might as well ban typos.
>0 days are caused by bad design
C doesn't provide 1 safety features to prevent vulnerability
Nonprogrammer here, been reading "Learn C on The Mac" while on the toilet for a few years. Have to say C as a language looks pretty sharp to me.
Found your problem. Go maintain a C program and you will know
>1 safety features
Go home, Pajeet.
Not an argument
>while on the toilet for a few years
You certainly have problems if you couldn't shit for a few years
Safety "features" are always result in restricting freedom.

If you want safety, go write all your programs in ADA. A couple days of writing code with your hands tied behind your back will show you what it means to pay the price of restricting freedom in the name of 'safety'.

It's like cutting up the rope you want to use to hold something, to prevent you from accidentally hanging yourself. See >>59458571
>Safety "features" are always result in restricting freedom.
If you want occasional freedom, wrap them up with an unsafe block, no worries there
>If you want safety, go write all your programs in ADA. A couple days of writing code with your hands tied behind your back will show you what it means to pay the price of restricting freedom in the name of 'safety'.
Programming in C feels just like that. C lacks a lot of features that I shouldn't have to worry about in the current decade. I don't hate ADA.
>It's like cutting up the rope you want to use to hold something, to prevent you from accidentally hanging yourself.
Wrong analogy
I agree with you
What's wrong with tripfags faggot?
>If you want occasional freedom, wrap them up with an unsafe block, no worries there

I've got a better idea; don't write shitty unsafe code in the first place. The language always does what it's supposed to. It's YOUR responsibility as a programmer to use it in such a way that you don't shoot yourself in the foot.

>Programming in C feels just like that.
C is free. If you wanted to do inline assembly, cast a void* to char* to unsigned*, you very well could. If there is a hack that allows you to save computational time and memory, then by C you should be allowed to do it. But saying you should ban C just because it *allows* you to, is ridiculous. Ban the programmer who doesn't know what hes' doing instead.

>Wrong analogy
In exactly what way? You're proposing on banning a tool because it can be misused. Shall we go on to ban all cars next, because they could be used as massive, speeding bullets? This "ban unsafe things" logic can be taken to the ridiculous extreme.
They are retards in general
what if I want to write code to 4bit C4004 that is not compatible with the "safety" features that modern "safe" language provide?
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We should ban all Hammers and instead use dildos on a stick.
>I've got a better idea; don't write shitty unsafe code in the first place.
Agreed. Safety should not be occasional
>The language always does what it's supposed to.
Not with undefined or unspecified behaviors, no.
>cast a void* to char* to unsigned*,
Doesn't look like very safe there
> But saying you should ban C just because it *allows* you to, is ridiculous.
We should ban guns without safety locks to civilians too
I would ban a loose hammer
>C lacks a lot of features that I shouldn't have to worry about in the current decade.

Like what, exactly?
Like strings
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C has strings dump fuck.
String manipulation is super fucking easy in C, what are you talking about
string str = "Oh no"; //<- does not compile
so, when ASM then becomes only way to write MCU code, will you start spouting how unsafe ASM is?
Doesn't compile on java either, does that mean java doesn't have strings?
>String manipulation is super fucking easy in C
Write a program that takes any number of strings, joins them and prints out the memory address of the joined strings in C
you got 5 minutes
fight you? you already lost kek
String s1 = new String("hello");
String s2 = "hello";
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>/g/ is presented a quantifiable problem that can be addressed with quantifiable results through practical measures
>/g/ responds with generalized moralizing among other non-arguments and offers vague admonishments in place of a solution

sasuga /g/. They don't call this board brainlet central for no reason

Imagine if you ancrap retards were in charge of other things:

>research has shown that Pintos are exploding!
>umm, jeez maybe drive better?? Your car can't explode if you don't crash in the first place!
char *str = "your dump fuck";
Point was that

string str = "text";
Doesn't compile on either in Java or C.
>I added new code

Oh, so adding code is allowed?
excuse me?
>Agreed. Safety should not be occasional

It should not be iron-clad either. If a programmer wants to revolutionize the way things work with an unsafe optimization, they should be allowed to do so. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root, which leads me to address the next thing...

>Not with undefined or unspecified behaviors, no.

The thing about C gives you enough power as a programmer to implement undefined behavior is exactly what makes it so powerful in the first place. And as Uncle Ben once said; with great power comes great responsibility.

>We should ban guns without safety locks to civilians too
And then we have armed, well-trained civilians dying because they had to turn off the safety mechanism while an armed robber was shooting at them.

>I would ban a loose hammer
That's also a bad analogy; a loose hammer doesn't do it's job. C as a programming language always does its job properly and malfunction of it is caused by YOU the programmer. There's no blaming tools allowed on mathematical and abstract trinkets here. They are not like hammers - they don't wear and tear or grow old.
yeah youre right I love the government especially MKULTRA
they just werx yknow?
void niggers(char** strings, int stringcount)
int i;
int len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < stringcount; i++)
len += strlen(strings[i]);

char* joined = (char*)malloc((sizeof(char)*len)+1);
strcpy(joined, strings[0]);

for (i = 1; i < stringcount; i++)
strcat(joined, strings[i]);

printf("%p\n", (void*)&joined);
>It should not be iron-clad either. If a programmer wants to revolutionize the way things work with an unsafe optimization,
Nothing prevents anyone from using unsafe blocks anon. However a C program itself is within unsafe block by default
> while an armed robber was shooting at them.
There are police just for that and armed robbery is not a daily occurence
> a loose hammer doesn't do it's job
It does if you poorly bind it together with tapes and careful enough, sounds likce C, doesn't it?

That's so much "easier" than
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args){
String final_string;
foreach(arg; args){
how to build latest gtk3 app statically on win?
should i git and compile every dependency into .a or .lib? is it possible?
>He took 10 minutes to join a string
Truly, authentic C experience
>bounds-checking is a Hoover-era FBI program that sought to subvert radical leftist activity
It's like 3am

>If everything is hidden behind libraries somebody else wrote, then that means it's better!
func main() {
println!("Where my Rustaceans at?");
>Java is easier
who cares?
>>If everything is hidden behind libraries some retarded potato pajeet wrote, then that means it's better!
Are you saying you didn't use libraries in that function?
Really made me think
Also I could just as easily have written

char poopynappy[1024*stringcount];
strcpy(poopynappy, strings[0]);
for(i = 0; i < stringcount; i++)
strcat(poopynappy, strings[i]);

if I didn't want to care about memory usage
That's not even a whole program
>Nothing prevents anyone from using unsafe blocks anon. However a C program itself is within unsafe block by default

There is nothing wrong with that. Put safe blocks around your code explicitly. C is not a tool for writing "safe" code to begin with; it is close to the metal and assumes that the people work with it care more about performance than safety. That is what it was made for. If you want safety at the expense of performance, use another language like Java or Ada.

>There are police just for that
You are either very naive or very dishonest. We both know that it (1) takes time for police to get to the crime scene and when seconds count, it simply doesn't compare to instant access to a gun, and (2) When guns are involved in domestic violence police are the ones to clean up the mess, not prevent innocent deaths (which is what unhindered access to guns are intended for in the first place).
>and armed robbery is not a daily occurence
Neither is access to guns. But arguing that they should be restricted for that simple fact is ridiculous. It's only appropriate that tools that should be used very rarely should be reserved for very rare occurrences, such as domestic robberies.

>It does if you poorly bind it together with tapes and careful enough, sounds like C, doesn't it?

Sounds like a problem with you. C would be the tapes and wood. Or are you going to propose we should ban those, too?
Let me rephrase that:

The way you wrote it, the string is being created, then new memory is allocated, the original string is copied over, then the new addition is added it.
You are creating and destroying strings every single time you concat onto it, which is hugely wasteful.
String manipulation is trash in any language, but it's not magically difficult in C.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(char** argv, int argc)
int i;
int len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < stringcount; i++)
len += strlen(strings[i]);

char* joined = (char*)malloc((sizeof(char)*len)+1);
strcpy(joined, strings[0]);

for (i = 1; i < stringcount; i++)
strcat(joined, strings[i]);

printf("%p\n", (void*)&joined);
return 0;

There you go, dingus
>calling people C todders

That's not even funny you fucking retard.


Shills plz leave.
>not compiled into raw assembly
fn join(strs: Vec<&str>) -> String {
let mut concat = String::new();
for str in &strs {
>Two header file calls
That's not what people call rephrasing anon. However, linking arrays for simple task such as that should not be a concern in the current decade. IF I cared about that theoratical performance gain I could have done the exact same thing in my code. The difference is I can actually choose not to while you can't
>header file calls

Shows how little you know.
>The difference is I can actually choose not to while you can't
Sure I can.
I literally just wrote the code for it, and now I have the function for it.

But why use Linux if clang is banned? Am I supposed to rewrite my toolchain in python?
You don't have to come to this thread if you don't like it. Calling everyone who doesn't like C is not a solution of your problem
I have no reason to bother with that language
You can't really add tons of other functionality that C misses just like that
Why is your "toolchain" compiler dependent? Are you that standards averse?
Why are you not shitting up /dpt/?
That's where I'll go next.
>You can't really add tons of other functionality that C misses just like that
That also was never my argument. My argument is that string manipulation is not difficult in C.
And your argument failed miserably
typedef string char *;

Do you typedef chars from ints too?
>You took more lines to do it, therefore it's worse
I can write FizzBuzz in Perl in fewer characters than either C or C++, that doesn't make it a compelling argument to use Perl in favor of them.
Besides that, what I wrote is more performant. So, what, exactly, is your counter argument?
It can't be efficiency, since we already know it's incredibly wasteful in operations and memory.
It can't be line count, since that's not a relevant indication of anything
So where's the problem?

Because it's what I know. If you take gcc out of desktop Linux you destroy 99% of its functionality for most of its core users. Ban C for Microsoft. Leave my OS alone or make user-friendly DEs illegal so script kiddies will migrate back to Windows.
Java does not have the performance of C. Plus, there are no pointers in Java.

Well, there are, but they're nowhere as powerful. See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/pointer.html

Let rust mature a little bit more
Being able to be verbose and short when needed

>Java does not have the performance of C.
ASM is kinda faster and more minimal than C
I hate this "powerful" buzzword though
The kernel is never going to not be C.

I think C is just fine. Ultimately, people should be thinking that way. Ultimately, they should be thinking in binary encoded instructions on a fucking CPU. But variety is the spice of life. C, Rust, Golang, Haskell. Play with them! Have fun! Learn something!
>ASM is kinda faster and more minimal than C
>I hate this "powerful" buzzword though

I'll use C# as a placeholder for Java, since the two are pretty similar, and I'll use C++ as a placeholder for C, for this analogy.

Try making a game in C++ / DirectX and then try doing the same game in XNA implemented using C#. Make a scene with a single model and write some code that determines, when the user clicked the mouse, if an object was intersected and if so which point on the object was intersected. In C++ this is trivial. You have direct access to the Vertex Buffer you can simply offset into it, cast it to a pointer, and you're done. In XNA using C#, there is no good way to do this. The recommended way, which is pretty freaking awful (although admittedly very simple), is to write an fairly simple extension to the build system that augments the model with easily accessible vertex information. But here's the thing: The model already contains all the vertex information in the vertex buffer. Doing this approach at a *minimum* doubles the amount of storage required for a model's vertex information. You're storing the exact same information twice.
>ASM is kinda faster and more minimal than C

C compiler is better than any human
>8 lines is verbose

char foo = 'a';
char *bar = &foo;

now what? is it a string?
>Try making a game in C++ / DirectX
That's not C. Don't think they are the same language either.

So you are saying "So, like a moron that you are you are blaming tools what about, actually making programmers accountable for their fuck ups?" from >>59458602

It only builds up, anon
You don't want retards and dumbass blackhat hackers (see retards) with access to pointers. FFs, why do you think memory safe languages were invented in the first place?
>powerful buzzword


the kiddies don't always understand the why of things. They still think the world is a good place full of good people.
C# is Microsoft's answer to Java, for fuck's sake. you are one Corporate shill arguing against another.
>It only builds up, anon
So does sloppy memory management.
Pick your poison.
>ASM is kinda faster and more minimal than C
Says someone who has, clearly, never written useful programs in either language.
You are still in this thread? Calling people shills won't stop anyone from posting
Again, I have the choice not to be verbose within a scope
In this age, C is not really useful outside drivers and microkontrollers
the compiler doesn't change bugs programmed in, but it'll compile into a faster binary than one written in asm by a human
micro controllers*
>In this age, C is not really useful outside drivers and microkontrollers
Or in any arena where optimized bare-metal algorithms are going to be useful.

C is close-enough to as-good as assembler, unless you need weird-ass binary encoding tricks.
>That's not C. Don't think they are the same language either.

I am using an analogy to show, in terms that I thought you could understand, the distinction in terms of power between C and Java. C is far more powerful, but it's easier to shoot yourself in the foot. Java is far safer, but there is a performance cost and you don't have as much freedom. If you're not going to bother reading opposing view points why are you even here?

>So you are saying "So, like a moron that you are you are blaming tools what about, actually making programmers accountable for their fuck ups?"

No one is blaming the tools here. A human could very well outdo a compiler with ASM code. Most can't and instead use tools (like C) that optimize it for them. That is why they are using C and not ASM.
>You are still in this thread? Calling people shills won't stop anyone from posting
I don't care if you keep posting, but C# vs. Java is a bullshit argument. Microsoft vs. Oracle. Whatever. Nobody who matters cares.
You just don't compare C++ with C, C++ is two decades ahead of C while Java and C# is pretty similar
>C is close-enough to as-good as assembler
For now that is

Also, Nobody who matters can't learn either language well enough to work a corporate job churning out boilerplate bullshit in less than a fucking month.
Not even known C compilers are written in C++ anymore

That makes no sense. C and C++ are two different languages with two different purposes.
>C# vs. Java

It wasn't C# vs Java. It was C++ vs C#
>For now that is


proven idiot



gtfo, go learn some real shit
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your pinto non argument is retarded
there are no car models that have killed no one
>I have the choice not to be verbose within a scope
Well I guess I can't argue against that, but that's also a really silly reason to say C isn't worth using.
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C++ has the purpose of replacing C, in which it succeded 80% I would say. Look how limited the usage of C these days

Did I just make you upset?
That's an overkill, anon
Atleast someone gets the point

>C++ has the purpose of replacing C

What. Where is that stated? Bjarne just started on C++ because he hated using C when he was used to using stuff like simula

And that graph is a bunch of benchmarks. They say nothing of language usage.
>And that graph is a bunch of benchmarks. They say nothing of language usage.
It wasn't directed towars you. However, if you notice carefully, most of the heavy programs in desktops are C++

I wonder if desktop usage is actually the majority of computer usage. By this is mean by processing work, not merely a headcount.
How many software gets released for desktops and tablets these days? I think it's a massive number
It doesn't matter. Saying that C should be banned is ridiculous.
I should've said handheld devices
Why would you cling to unsafe and vulnerablity prone techonology?

Most desktop and tablet applications are enterprise software and most of those are certainly not written in c or c++

Because I like pointers, power, and performance.

Vulnerability isn't bound to a language. There are vulnerabilities in every language.
That complies with OP's suggestion
Not really necessary in almost all tasks. There are also smart pointers in modern languages. My language has the "ref" keyword
Modern hardware
Interestingly enough most of your performance drain comes from your algorithm.
Not having bound checks doesn't help

Hardly, it says nothing of what programs receive the most processing power, merely which ones are immediately visible from end users. A ban on C or change of philosophy among people who use C at present would have little influence on desktops
>Modern hardware

Go read >>59459081 if you want to see why that thinking is flawed, and read it through this time.

Not having the power will always incentivize people to use C instead. It's like mergesort vs bubblesort. No matter how powerful you make your computers, the mathematical nature of certain problems will always favor solutions where you have enough freedom to solve it more effectively. In any case, if you scale the problem large enough, O(n logn) will always outdo O(n^2), no matter how powerful you make your computer.
>t's like mergesort vs bubblesort. No matter how powerful you make your computers, the mathematical nature of certain problems will always favor solutions where you have enough freedom to solve it more effectively.
That's what I said, "Interestingly enough most of your performance drain comes from your algorithm."
Furthermore you are forgetting two important things
1. You can be just as fast and powerful with inline ASM when required
2. You can utilize modern hardwares with concurrent programming. The CPU is way more powerful than it was before. GPU acceleration is also a thing

My point is, with modern and safer languages, safety is a default. You can write C algorithms in almost all languages if you want that performance too, But C just lacks comfy features. Code snippet (un)releted
import std.algorithm;
uint update_points
(in int goals_team1, in int goals_team2, ref int points_team1, ref int points_team2)

assert((goals_team1 > 0) && (goals_team2 > 0));
out (result)
assert((canFind([1,2,0], result)) == true);
uint game_result = uint.max;

if (goals_team1 != goals_team2)
points_team1 += 3*goals_team1;
points_team2 += 3*goals_team2;
game_result = (goals_team1 > goals_team2) ? 1 : 2;
game_result = 0;
points_team1 += 1;
points_team2 += 1;
return game_result;
int points_team1_test1 = 14;
int points_team1_test2 = 1;
int points_team1_test3 = 99;
int points_team2_test1 = 22;
int points_team2_test2 = 19;
int points_team2_test3 = 4;
assert(update_points(4,3,points_team1_test1,points_team2_test1) == 1);
assert(update_points(1,4,points_team1_test2,points_team2_test2) == 2);
assert(update_points(2,2,points_team1_test3,points_team2_test3) == 0);
>You can write C algorithms in almost all languages if you want that performance too

No, you can't get the performance of C in Java, take casting for example; it's static in the former and dynamic in the latter.

>You can utilize modern hardwares with concurrent programming.

C can do concurrent programming. http://gribblelab.org/CBootcamp/A2_Parallel_Programming_in_C.html
Don't go pretending that C isn't useful for concurrent programming, especially in the case of kernels.

C is by its nature closer to the metal, and thus less safe. It was intended this way.
Why do you always bring Java up? I can't say much about it since I don't have much knowledge about it. I think Java has a very solid niche just like C -- android programming. Like it or not, Java is just there and no one is going to write a kernel using Java

>C can do concurrent programming. http://gribblelab.org/CBootcamp/A2_Parallel_Programming_in_C.html
So can other languages
>Java is just there and no one is going to write a kernel using Java

My point exactly. Banning C in favor of using more safe, less performance-oriented languages *such as* Java, in places where performance and power is needed (such as kernels, graphics programming, etc) is ridiculous. C has its uses.
gets is obsolete in C11 and has been marked obsolescent since C99.
>in places where performance and power is needed
I suggest Rust
>gets is obsolete in C11
It was actually removed completely.

Pretty sure nothing gets removed. All newer versions of C are backwards compatible. Sadly.
coding C -> thats a paddlin'
and all performance goes to java tier shit
>Pretty sure nothing gets removed
No, it was actually removed completely. The only reference to it in the standard is in the section where they said they removed it.
>All newer versions of C are backwards compatible. Sadly.
That's not true. C standards are _mostly_ backwards compatible, but not completely.
For example, C99 removed the "implicit int" and "undefined function" (or whatever it was called) features.
C11 removed gets.
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>Writing in C means you get spanked now

Ah well nothing lost there.
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Confused Anime Girl.gif
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>raw pointers

the useful parts of git are written in shell and perl.
4chan runs on C nginx. where is your god now
Any Rust fag here?
Can you write a program that
1. Creates a vector of ints
2. Adds 1 ... n to the vector
3. searches x ∈ [1 ... n] and if found prints ("found")

C/C++ fags are welcome too. I need this for benchmarking purposes

Sure you can. Rust is turing complete.
I know, I just want to benchmark Rust, C, C++ and D that's all.
You can use parallelism if you want
>one does not simply writes in rust
rust is used mostly by C gods to trigger each other on /g/
Can you please make the program? I don't want to be involved in any language wars here, I just want to see a benchmark
The problem with C is that it is too easy to do the wrong thing. If you write your high level code in a safe language and your low level code in asm you will keep as much code as you can in the easy language, typically the safe one. C is shit because its easier to write shit code than good code. I'm not saying unsafe code shouldn't exist, but it should be contained and difficult to write in an effort to reduce places for unexpected behavior to cause low level flaws.
You know what I am? I'm a dog shitposting on /g/. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have /g/ to shitpost in! I just shitpost. Js-monkey has plans. The rusticks have plans. Java fags got plans. Y'know they're schemers. Schemers trying to write their shitty fizzbuzz. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts writing software are. So when I say that you and your benchmarks was nothing personal, you know I'm telling the truth. It's the schemers that put you where you are. You were a schemer, you had plans, you posted in lang war thread expecting from anon to deliver actual code, and, uh, look where that got you.
>Herp a derp I hate C
Tell us what language you main so we have a good laugh, little baby
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Java is still in the same order of magnitude as C concerning speed. It doesn't go wonky until you go to JavaScript, python etc.
Sure, you can be as fast as C if you use half of your computer memory for every program.
I bet you're right
R u s T
u s
s u
T s u Я
is sjw corporate evil shit
Sums up the only argument against Rust
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Tell me of at least ONE relevant program written in Rust.

I bet you can't.
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I'm developing my program in C and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Stay jelly, Rust baby
>I'm developing my program in C
No wonder C programs are indefinitely shit
>Triggered Rust baby
>"Y-Your C programs are shit"
Ahah, nice try Rust peasant.
Enjoy your 0 Rust programs
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that's a strange benis
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C toddlers BTFO
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>undefined behavior in Hello world
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>mfw people search for C to find out why there are 61 undefined behaviors in their program
Wow. Is that the true power of Rust users?
I'm sooo impressed by your two lines hello word.
Call me back when you write more sophisticated softwares.
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>3 lines
>undefined behavior already
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>Call me back when you write more sophisticated softwares.
You mean more sophisticated undefined behaviors
so how do i build all my LGPL dependencies static?
>same number of IP before the usual shitpost than after
Makes you think.
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c is just retarded
I fail to see how this is a bad thing for C.
It behaves like in the following formula:
by computing what's inside the parenthesis first
Then compute exterior operators *
It's gonna take more than that to criticize the way C order operations.
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  4004f6:    55                       push   %rbp
4004f7: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
4004fa: 48 83 ec 10 sub $0x10,%rsp
4004fe: c7 45 fc 03 00 00 00 movl $0x3,-0x4(%rbp)
400505: 83 6d fc 01 subl $0x1,-0x4(%rbp)
400509: 83 6d fc 01 subl $0x1,-0x4(%rbp)
40050d: 8b 4d fc mov -0x4(%rbp),%ecx
400510: 8b 55 fc mov -0x4(%rbp),%edx
400513: 8b 45 fc mov -0x4(%rbp),%eax
400516: 89 c6 mov %eax,%esi
400518: bf b4 05 40 00 mov $0x4005b4,%edi
40051d: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
400522: e8 c9 fe ff ff callq 4003f0 <printf@plt>
400527: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
40052c: c9 leaveq
40052d: c3 retq
40052e: 66 90 xchg %ax,%ax
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>I fail to see how this is a bad thing for C.
1 1 1 GO!!!
>falling for the bait
Also C doesn't order arguments.
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Jesus christ
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>Also C doesn't order arguments.
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Rustled rust fag resorts to samefagging and self responding.
How pathetic can one anon be?
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1 1 1 GO!!!
>manlet C toddler in denial
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>Write program with expected ruskt
>1 1 1 GO!!!
That is defined behaviour of printf
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>That is defined behaviour of printf
Undefined behavior is a behavior of C
are Rust users actually reason why heartbleeding happens in C? By the looks of this thread, it sure looks like it.
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works 4 me :^)
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>Outputs varying on compilers
how awful
Oh boy, never knew it's that bad
do you guys know, what a compiler is, right?
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Yeah, things that produce inconsistent C programs
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C this is another reason why C programs are so unreliable
This Rust fag is so obnoxious.
Definitely casts a bad light on the whole community.
Told you to go back to /b/. What happened? Met your match?
It should be 100% banned. There's no use case for C in 2017. Rust does all the low-end better and without any chance for heartbleed and co, while even python is viable for anything more complicated than that.
Desktop and tablets are a tiny minority of all computing devices.
Ban C and the only existing rust implementation stops working.
c is awful java and rust are best!!!1111
Not sure what you're asking especially with regard to the last point, so assuming you want to go over 1..n and for each integer go over the entire vector with shortcutting, moreover printing "found" whenever the element in the vector matches the int, here's the literal solution:

let v = vec![];
let n = 2345;

for i in 1..n {

for x in 1..n {
for y in v.iter() {
if x == y {

More idiomatic:
let n = 2345;
let v: Vec<i64> = (1..n).collect();

for i in 1..n {
if v.contains(&i) {
It's self-hosting so not even close.
It uses llvm....
llvm is c++ although i guess you could argue that c++ would also be banned if c is banned.
With dumb parallelism:

let n = 5;
let v: Arc<Vec<i64>> = Arc::new((1..n).collect());
let mut handles = vec![];

for i in 1..n {
let v_ref = v.clone();
handles.push(thread::spawn(move ||
if v_ref.contains(&i) {

for h in handles.into_iter() {

let n_cpus = 4;
let n = 14;
let n_per_cpu = (n + n_cpus) / n_cpus;

let v: Arc<Vec<i64>> = Arc::new((1..n).collect());
let mut handles = vec![];

for i in 0..n_cpus {
let v_ref = v.clone();
handles.push(thread::spawn(move ||
for j in (i * n_per_cpu)..((i + 1) * n_per_cpu) {
if j >= n { break; }
if v_ref.contains(&j) {

for h in handles.into_iter() {
By this logic, this post wouldn't exist if ink didn't exist.
It's D you illiterate pajeet. Do you literally only know one programming language?
Banning C because of "saftey" is just as retarded as banning rust because it's "impossible" to learn
It's literally easier to learn than C though, meanwhile C is even less safe than the most pessimists make it out to be.
Don't bother arguing with rust tards.
>t. rustoddler
Your tears are my sustenance. Knowing that you are now deprecated and devoid of value makes me hard.
psychological project at its finest.
rust has no future.
>arguing with a retard

You /g/ people are so innocent
>I'm a JS faggot and I hate C because I can't go further than writing a Hello World.
no thx
So, how's your benchmark going?
>I'm a ctard and I love C because I never program anything beyond fizzbuzz (and there are still 3 exploits in my best fizzbuzz code)
Sorry to be rude, but I'll have to correct you on that one. I only have 2 exploits left since I've patched one yesterday.
I'm not authorized to reveal that information, sorry.
It's OK, I understand. I'm not authorized to reveal how our tracking of your IP is going, either.
*dipshit programmers*
In the world of real engineering, a chartered engineer must sign off on the designs before production can begin. If the bridge collapses, the engineer is personally liable. It is therefore in his interests to
>ensure that only competent people have contributed to the design
>thoroughly inspect the design using a myriad of verification and simulation methods
>make damn fucking sure it isn't going to collapse before he puts his signature to it, because if it does, he's going to be deeply, personally in the shit.

What if there were a similar system in place for software "engineering"? A certified engineer would need to review all the code and either verify its correctness or, if it's a library, check that it's a signed certified release. He would need to use a certified compiler too, on a certified platform. In the case of FOSS projects or other libraries built by unqualified persons, companies could make money by reviewing them, fixing bugs, and selling certified re-releases.

When something fucks up, the engineer who signed off on deepest layer of the stack at the point of failure would be responsible. So for Heartbleed, whoever signed off on OpenSSL would be responsible. If nobody signed off on the release that was used, the engineer who signed off on the whole project without certifying OpenSSL would be responsible. It would be illegal in almost all jurisdictions to offer a software-backed service (i.e. a website) which handles personal information to be made available without certification.

Uncertified code could still be built and released but OSes would display very strong warnings that the software is uncertified and the user is liable for whatever happens.

The practice of shitty software would end overnight. C would not be outlawed but very few engineers would be willing to use it considering the consequences.
Why? You're a nobody and C will be used no matter how much you cry
That shit is already being done in very specific fields and still only programs that AREN'T written in C don't have memory bugs. But hey, keep sucking the Cock.
>>59465085 (Me)
There could be multiple tiers of certification:
* Code which doesn't handle personal information and is not compiled but instead interpreted by a certified host (such as a web frontend running in a certified browser, or a managed code desktop app with no unsafe sections) would not need to be certified. This ensures that entry-level code monkey work is still available and websites can still be rapidly tweaked and updated.
* Code which doesn't handle personal information but which executes native code (a desktop video game, a desktop app written in a compiled language or a managed language with usage of unsafe features) would require a basic level of certification. The liability under this cert would be limited (but still considerable) and it would be reasonably accessible (perhaps a bachelor's plus an additional safety course). The developer wouldn't need to worry about PII but they would still need to make sure their software can't damage hardware and would want to use certified libraries to interpret anything they read from the web; i.e. use a certified libjpeg to decode downloaded JPEGs.
* Network servers which do not handle PII (such as an anonymous forum with no private messaging features etc) would require only the same basic cert.
* Code which handles PII (a web backend which stores any kind of private details, payment processing) would require the full chartered engineer qualification I described above, with unlimited liability and a massive barrier to entry. Only the most dedicated individuals will pursue this.

I've made a few errors/omissions above and it would be more complex in reality but an approach like this would be so much better than what we have now.
>only the most dedicated would be allowed to work on the most boring, thankless garbage
really makes you think.
>system where you need to be able to deploy security fix as soon as possible
>must wait months for the security fixes to be audited
>What if there were a similar system in place for software "engineering"?
What would happen is that nobody would ever dare do sign off on anything, because nobody knows how to do that level of verification, review, and simulation on software.

>In the case of FOSS projects or other libraries built by unqualified persons
Most FOSS projects would be built to much higher standards than corporate software, but then not signed off on because that costs money, thus helping no one.

>When something fucks up, the engineer who signed off on deepest layer of the stack at the point of failure would be responsible.
When something fucks up, you would find that nobody signed off on it because nobody would ever dare to do so, and the company that deployed the software anyway would be responsible. Exactly as they are now.

>It would be illegal in almost all jurisdictions to offer a software-backed service (i.e. a website) which handles personal information to be made available without certification.
And software services would disappear overnight. Because you are not going to sign off on anything larger than fizzbuzz and neither am I, decades of training and experience be damned.

>Uncertified code could still be built and released but OSes would display very strong warnings that the software is uncertified and the user is liable for whatever happens.
And absolutely ALL software would be uncertified, and people would either disable or ignore the dire warnings within two days.

>In the world of real engineering, a chartered engineer must sign off on the designs before production can begin.
If one misinstalled bathroom door handle could bring down a building, nobody would ever sign off on building designs either.
My language can beat up your language!
>really makes you think
If this plan was in place, all high responsibility positions would actually be well paid. There would be less shovelware running the web and more high-quality professional solutions.
>security fixes
This is just one of the details which would need to be figured out. It would definitely be important not to penalise security updates. The first idea that comes to mind would be grace periods- a company could run uncertified builds to provide a web service without being liable for regressions provided all of the following were true:
* The security patches represent the only differences between the running build and the most recent certified build
* The fixes were made by a suitably qualified person
* A full review of the fixes is made as soon as reasonably possible
* A certified fixed build is deployed promptly after the full review
* The total time running uncertified was less than some fixed span
thats edgy
All high responsibility positions would be paid several million dollars per month and still nobody would take them. You're just as retarded as any other cucktard. Really no surprise there.
Why is Rust so ugly?
It's pretty much as pretty is infix languages come bro.
All infix languages are ugly.
I agree.
Most languages are infix and many are prettier than Rust. E.g. Python.
Write the equivalent in python. No amount of confetti and rice will help you make it prettier than the rust version.
What's the alternative to C? Not C++ just C.
You make good counterpoints. I am willing to reconsider the personal liability aspect. What if we kept the education/engineering title requirements the same, and instead of personal liability we only required that evidence be presented after an incident showing that industry best practices were followed and that reasonable care and attention were paid to the security of the design? With significant fines levied at a company which can't do this/did not take reasonable care and attention, as decided by some kind of regulatory panel.
D or Rust.
Isn't D garbage collected?
Optionally, yes.
>rust has no epoll abstraction
>LOL just make a new thread for each file handle
Yes. They're trying to fix this but work has been very slow so far.
>What punishment should be given to them?
prison time.

all computers with C code running in them will be destroyed as well.
The correct solution is to stop calling it software engineering because it cannot live within an engineering framework, period. There should be a better liability model based on damage incurred by software faults, but that should fall on the company and not the individuals, because they should be doing formal proving when applicable. Thus it becomes a simple risk model without suffering any of the caveats from trying to fit the square peg in the round hole.
Coming Soon (tm). If it bothers you that much, bind to C. It's very easy to do in rust. Rust is extremely young. At the same stage in its life, C was literally unusable, by comparison.
this phrase really pisses me off, the word is 'cause.' Do you think you're clever for rhyming? When does anyone use the word 'causation' outside of this phrase?
enjoy your memory leaks
t. sub-0 IQ nigger
>writes unvalid C which is deemed undefined behavior
>knows undefined behavior can yield whatever behavior
>is surprised of implementation-defined results on undefined behavior
>blames programmer's idiocy on the programming language

The only thing I advocate about C is that idiots should be prevented from using it. That would make your beloved Rust a language for programmer babies who can't program without a safety net. The irony is, that would not prevent them from writing either inefficient or non-compliant programs.
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Is literally everyone in this thread batshit retarded?
This is a stupid program written by an idiot.

The behaviour of this program is undefined, just like anyone who has ever used C knows. You can't have

int i = 1;
i = i++;

because it's motherfucking retarded and makes no sense.

It's good to see morons being repelled to shittier languages. Linus is right.
>At the same stage in its life, C was literally unusable, by comparison.
Stop spouting false statements. Rust is 7 year old. C development began in 1969. Unix was ported to C in 1972. In 1975, Unix already was at its 6th edition, it's the basis for the famous Lions' Commentary that exposed the kernel design and its system calls, which are for the most part still present in POSIX. Both C and Unix were already a big thing back in the 70s and taught in universities. Can't really say the same for Rust now, but it shouldn't be Rust main objective after all, since it was supposed to be a replacement for XUL in Firefox, and it's still not the case today, so that doesn't add much credibility to Rust in both academy and industry.
You could google instead of proving you're clinically retarded, you know.
>we only required that evidence be presented after an incident showing that industry best practices were followed
That doesn't work.

If you are only required to show convincingly that you have done your best, rather than being responsible for the actual outcome, people will very quickly learn to do whatever SIGNALS that they are doing their best, rather than what will actually help. Indeed, that is exactly what "industry best practices" already entail -- doing whatever seems impressive on paper, hopefully without costing any money, without giving a single fuck about actual security. AKA, security theater. Surely you recognize this from some daft corporate IT security policies. Engineers might want to take measures that actually work, but corporate policy has no such incentive, and will very effectively refuse to supply any budget for it.

>as decided by some kind of regulatory panel.
What you will get is a checklist of nice-sounding security features (change passwords monthly! have at least two Greek and three Kanji characters in your password!) that are easy to demonstrate and are optimized for easily convincing the regulatory panel that you have done your duty. You'll get security by committee. If you think design by committee was horrible, imagine applying it to security measures.
>replacement for XUL in Firefox
>a language was supposed to be a replacement for an API
This is getting into pointless semantics debate, but I both agree and disagree.

I agree that most of the techniques and ways of working in most fields of what we might call real engineering do not really apply to software engineering, and trying to interpret it to the same standards of reliability as real engineering is pointless.

However, I think the word "engineering" still applies. As I see it, engineering is not a body of techniques; it's a mentality of optimizing for the things you care about, reliability big among them, and throwing whatever scientific and analytical arsenal at it that you can manage. Our toolkit in software engineering lags rather behind that of real engineering, and few of the analytical tools transfer. But the aims, intents, and basic approaches do transfer. I think that in software engineering, those who deserve the title really do try to throw whatever analytical firepower they can get their hands on at the problem of making good, reliable, cheap, secure, etc etc software. I feel that's what the word "engineering" means, in the end; the shared body of techniques common between almost all other forms of engineering is a side effect, not a fundamental part. By that measure, I feel "software engineering" is a real thing, even if it isn't nearly as well-developed yet as the material engineering disciplines.
Lol, thanks for doing my homework.

Later, nerds.
>tfw cucked by /g/ayboi probably not even qt trap
SML because MLKit
And what about a JS to Rust transpiler? It could bring flexibility, performance and safety. As a web developer, I crave for such a tool.
You should compile js to rust and then compile back to js. SAFETY OF RUST AND ALL THE GOOD THINGS OF JS!
That keeps printing found
I get an error in C.

lvalue required as decrement operand
>0.78 seconds

>0.55 seconds

I hate OP and think he should be 99% banned. Fight me, faggot.
I was benchmarking it as well, Rust appears to be faster than C

What happened? hahahaha
It will print it exactly 2344 times. However there are 2 mistakes in the top one: should be let mut v = vec![]; and should be x == *y.
What are you talking about?
1 I want to create a vector 1 ... n
2 for i in vector, if i = 4000, print found
L0rd_S3xXh4xoRz my son, it is time for you to start developing a new program that will be critical to your security and the security of others.
Will you chose beautiful modern language with safety guarantees whose developers built to correct the mistakes of the past
Or will you chose old C and all its quirks that require 30 years of experience in the language to avoid
You used `n` twice to refer to 2 different concepts. This is completely on you.
fn main() {
println!("Hello Rust!");

$ rustc main.rs
$ du -h main
1,9M main

Pls explain?
Rust is statically linked by default. Use prefer-dynamic.
Honest benchmarks:
Fastest: Rust
real 0.15
user 0.03
sys 0.13
fn main(){
let mut v = vec![];

for i in 1..5_000_000 {

for x in v {
if x == 4_000_000 {

Medium: C++
real 0.17
user 0.02
sys 0.14
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>

bool search(int x, const std::vector<int> &ints)
for (auto &i : ints)
if (i == x)
return true;

return false;

int main()
std::vector<int> ints;
const int n = 5000000;

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)

if (search(4000000, ints))

Slowest: D
real 0.27
user 0.26
sys 0.00
import std.stdio;
import std.parallelism;

void main()
int[] arr;
for(int i = 0; i < 5_000_000; i++)
arr ~= i;

foreach(element; arr)
if (element == 4_000_000)

Rust leads, C++ follows and D lags behind
However Considering how ugly C++ is, I'd say Rust and D are more feasible.
Thanks, that's much better.
The C++ solution literally has a separate "search" function that could be inlined to be in style with the others. It would look pretty much just the same in that case. I'm pretty sure the rust one is not correct because I think you need to do v.iter(), or v.into_iter() and *x, not certain though. I wonder if the more idiomatic rust code would be more or less performant.
OH WAIT, something wrong with C++ algorithm I'll change it now
That's a very bad benchmark.
>fucking up so simple code
Holy shis rust fags.
I'm not the one who wrote this, idiot, it's from /dpt/. And I think the C++ update is going to make it even slower
Rust still is faster, and the example is not even idiomatic
post the compiler flag you used nigger or it's irrelevant even though your code is biased which already makes it irrelevant.
g++: g++ -O3 main.cpp
Rust: cargo build --release
D: ldc2 -O3 -noasm -release main.d
It could be either faster or slower if idiomatic, e.g. if the idiomatic way actually features more overhead or can't be optimized as well.

That said, there are at least 3 major flaws with this benchmark:
- Termination is too fast so OS overhead actually is a thing at this level
- Experience is repeated only once. Try 20+ times instead with mean and stdev.
- Compilation flags are not listed.
Always loved rust
Don't take it seriously, I was benchmarking just for myself and see the difference. There are tons of better benchmarking algorithm
Why is C++ so ugly?
In terms of beauty: D > Rust > C++.
But can D do this?
fn main() {
let mut v: Vec<u64> = (1..5_000_000).collect();
if x.contains(&4_000_000) { println!("FOUND"); };
Just noticed that the C++ version is actually more optimized than the other versions (the other versions do not terminate when 4m is found, they go over the rest of the array)
At least make more than one run and provide simple stats, like avg, std, min and max. Otherwise it's pointless.

Moreover, I get very different results with your inital test case on my own setup.
Benchmarks vary on hardware, comparison ration normally doesn't
>if x.contains(&4_000_000)
why do you need &?
The contains expects a reference and rust doesn't implicitly convert a value to a reference, unlike c++.
You could even go lazier:
fn main() {
if (1..5_000_000).any(|n| n == 4_000_000) {
>assuming I was talking about runtimes

With the first test case from >>59467020, 100 runs each.

     real    user    system
avg 0.159 0.150 0.002
std 0.035 0.032 0.004
min 0.110 0.100 0.000
max 0.000 0.190 0.010

     real    user    system
avg 0.424 0.417 0.000
std 0.034 0.034 0.000
min 0.380 0.370 0.000
max 0.000 0.510 0.000

With this script:

Not trying to be a dick, I'm just surprised with your results.
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Did you let cargo optomize the code? see >>59459196
There's a typo, s/max/max1/g on line 24.
Actually no, i used rustc. Never used rust before that, I was just curious. I'll try that.

Alright, here's Rust with optimization;
     real    user    system
avg 0.034 0.024 0.000
std 0.005 0.005 0.000
min 0.030 0.020 0.000
max 0.040 0.030 0.000
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