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>8 gigs is more than enough >You're a retard if you

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>8 gigs is more than enough
>You're a retard if you need more than 8
>More than 8 gigs is a meme

WELL /g/ HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS. Well the damage is done I'm buying more Ram. Thanks /g/ for being wrong
Looks like you still have plenty of RAM
looks lik less than a gig of RAM is being used
pic not related?
>Not having 128 GB of RAM
LMAO poorfag cuck
3 gigs are being used
and yes pic related

now why would you ever need that much ram that's just unreasonable. I might be a poorfag but at least am not a retarded cuck with a lot of money
What do you have open? With two 500 post threads and a Google Map powered browser application open, Waterfox was only using ~300MB for me.
how? explain Jerome
just the usual 13 tabs open 95% of em are threads
anon 4real tho /g/tards don't know best. desu just add another 8 and you should be just fine. trust me it just werks

My station at work has 16GB of ram of which 14GB is used under normal workload.
I'm not sure what I would do if I only had 8GB of ram.

theres more going on than just those 5 apps. If you closed all those 5 apps, you'd still probably be using around 2GB of RAM. You didn't do your research into how much RAM you'd need.

soz bro, better luck next time
what happens when you hit your ram limit? does your computer just start going really slow? or does it blow up? srs
>he still uses common sense 2010
it just freezes
>still green texts
Whatever, if you actually work with your computer, 5gb/thread or 10gb a core is the minimum amount reasonable people choose
It starts swapping. Contents of RAM that were accessed least recently get dumped to the hard drive and loaded from there if they're required again. On Linux, this is acheived by means of a swap partition, whereas Windows uses a single file for that (pagefile.sys).
I know senpai but when i close those 5 apps i only use about 1.5 gigs tops 2
>Pentium G4560
Starts using your disk

thats what i just said, anon....
wow, it's almost like people need different amounts of RAM for different use cases

why is there this attitude of "my use case is the only use case in existence/my use case is the only one that matters and everyone else is a pleb" on /g/
why are programs using more RAM? the more complicated programs get youd think it would be the processor that would need an upgrade. How 8GB is not enough for some peeps is cray
>Not even 50% usage

I don't see the problem. You said you have like 15 tabs open and Firefox still isn't even using a full GB.

What do you WANT to do that you don't have enough RAM for?

You know your computer will operate just fine even if you use up to like 90% of your RAM, right? And if you're barely scraping 4GB during normal use I don't see how you could run into problems. Most AAA games don't even use 4GB of RAM.

So what's the issue? Or are you just sperging out because your RAM usage is over 25%?
okay your right anon bottom line is i NEED MORE RAM any recommendations the one i have currently is single 8 gig ddr3
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Yea I ignored everyone and shelled out for 32GB. I do video editing and the like and everyone I talked to were swearing 16GB is overkill let alone 32. Whatever. Shit was cheap. $70 per 16GB kit. If you have the money, buy more ram. Who gives a fuck. Serves you right for listening to /g/ in the first place.
>32bit Firefox
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>tfw using 2 out of 16 GB
>tfw seperate SSD for page file

I don't even need it.
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>he fell for the 8GB of RAM meme
explain this. and most "AAA games" do use 4 gigs
There's already several 2016 games that require 8 GB. It's only going to get worse for RAMlets.
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>falling for the 16GB RAM is a meme meme

>I do video editing and the like and everyone I talked to were swearing 16GB is overkill let alone 32.

Whoever told you that has a serious mental deficiency. Congrats on not contracting it.

>pic related
Muh cities : skyline uses 12gb
32gb is bare minimum for /g/

16 is for normies and anything below is absolutely derelict.

source: i am a computer
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I forgot to add pic (related)>>58637550
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is there a 64bit firefox
Do the retards of /g/ not realize programs are made to use the ram you have? Firefox would use less memory if you had less ram. If you buy more ram then you being the autist you are is going to notice that 600 jumping to 800 and panic again.
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Because the people here have superiority complexes that they can only manifest in retarded shit like computer components because they're socially retarded and have accomplished next to nothing.

So they go with the only thing they've ever been remotely competent with, the computer they spend 14 hours a day on.

>Had to open 137 images in Photoshop and The Sim4 and several other programs just to get my RAM usage this high
>OP must be a faggot
yup good old wandows. open one tab of a browser and it hits 4GB
bad plugin support i thought.. or was that a problem ever and im thinking of something else?
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are you mentally ill or just a mouth breathing redidtor
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Why you gotta go tell lies like that?
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because im a paid linux shill
well anon there isn't, now stop dreaming and help me figure out what to do
The amount of botnet contained within this picture demonstrates that you don't belong here
why did you delete your post babe. dont get self conscious
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Why do Windows victims still use 32-bit software regularly?
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thanks. I knew you'd come thru

they have a hard time understanding how to use computers. it breaks my heart
Get over it faggot you're stuck with me. I'll be sure to only use software approved by anime queers whose opinion means nothing :^).

Thanks for listing your favorite boards
3 VMs and a couple browsers

. total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 31G 13G 2.0G 955M 15G 15G
Swap: 31G 0B 31G
>1.7 GHz
If it's not throttling itself, maybe you're computer is just shit.

Also why 1x 8 GB stick and not 2x 4 GB? Not taking advantage of that dual channel, brah.

p.s. install gentoo
Cause some fucktard at Mozilla decided at one point that they're going to stop making 64-bit Firefox builds for Windows.
cause some software don't have 64bit versions (which should be a crime) for example like discord.
>Cause some fucktard at Mozilla decided at one point that they're going to stop making 64-bit Firefox builds for Windows.
lol ouch you got me
Just recompile it for 64-bit.
Oh wait, you can't, because it's proprietary garbage.
And what vastly superior open source alternative do you propose, there, Captain Faggot?
Please don't use the word "alternative"
It subtly implies that proprietary software is acceptable.
Way to dodge the question, Beardo.
If you can't buy the exact same 8 GB stick, just sell it and buy a 2x8 set. Mis-matched RAM usually doesn't work out.
Hes breddy gud, let him continue
There can't be an alternative to proprietary software but if you're looking for something SIMILAR, I suggest the XMPP protocol.
Sure there can.

Photoshop > GIMP
MS Office > Open Office
3DS Max > FreeCAD

And have fun talking to fucking nobody with XMPP since chat programs are only useful if people actually use them, and since linux has no fucking games there's literally no reason for gamers to use some shitty linux chat system.
XMPP is not a "Linux chat system".
Ive had 16 gigs since like 2011, if you still run 8gigs you're probably some kind of impoverished peasant.
would this be a good investment
to /k/ with you :^)

visit /arg/ and ask for Giddy
Go to pcpartpicker.com IMO
Good RAM. Most 1600s are CAS 9. This shit is CAS 8 after you turn it on in BIOS.
I have 3 PCs and 2 laptops with 8 GB. My main PC has 16 GB. Maybe I should just cannibalize one of them so I have another 16 GB system.
what would you get anon senpai
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>has 16gb
>uses pagefile
nice 32bit applications faggot
Windows 10 uses 2gb of ram.
Steam uses .5 gb of ram.
Firefox uses 1 gb of ram I believe while chrome uses more

8gb is enough, what people don't tell you is how much of it will be used before playing games. 12gb of ram should definitely be enough.
As far as I can tell, Windows is designed to use it and some programs will fail without it.
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8 Gigolobytes are more then enough
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Maximum supported RAM by the motherboard. I have that same RAM.
Feels good to have so much compared to having only 4GB of RAM in an older system.
for you
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even if you aren't always using a lot of ram for applications, it nice to have plenty available for cache
my home computer has 16gb of ram, and commonly 15gb is used because chome fucking blows cock at handling ram, going to get 32 or 64gb soon anyway, fucking be done with this ram bullshit.
have 16gb of ram, most games run fine when I have 75% used by background applications

shadow warrior 2 had a 1 minute long frame because it ran out of ram.

the game sees 16gb of memory in my system and decided fuck the fact he only has 4gb free, lets ask for 7gb
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what did he mean by this
>pic related is current
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