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>MOM check it out: :^) ;^o :^D |8^) >MOM they are doin

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 30

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>MOM check it out: :^) ;^o :^D |8^)
>MOM they are doing the caret thing again! Moooom!!!
>No I'm not getting a job!
Carat spotter edition.

Old: >>56752683

>New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
https://www.whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
http://pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed) (embed)

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time
Ok I'll address you as the chinkmaster
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TTG games section
will be waiting
anon I need the requirements to TTG in english, not sure how accurate google translate is

>First, the level of restrictions for the Extreme User and above (registered longer than 20 weeks, greater than 4000 GB download and share greater than 6 users) as well as more than a lifetime VIP membership;
>Second, the need to apply consistent email and id needs and site use "aspect" "Dr. Peng", which may lead to user ip beating nationwide network prudent application;
>Third, released a lot of resources, good seeding time, the high level of priority to send, as determined by the administrator.
do people pirate linux games

if so where

rarbg is meh
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This thread is meant to anger the caret nazi.
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>this thread
Another up:

Why are normies so bad at encoding? Unless the source is pristine progressive or 2:3 pulldown, they're hopeless. Fully half of PTP's top 10 concerts are the wrong frame rate.

>Iron Maiden: Rock in Rio
Hmm... is Rio PAL or NTSC land?
>In Brazil, PAL is used in conjunction with the 525 line, 59.94 field/s system M, using (very nearly) the NTSC colour subcarrier frequency. Exact colour subcarrier frequency of PAL-M is 3.575611 MHz. Almost all other countries using system M use NTSC.

What the fuck, that doesn't help.
PAL DVD's dead and not on rutracker, so hopefully this was filmed NTSC.
bcg and ggn
>nice try 312cuck
The requirements are really fucked btw.

>一、等級限制為Extreme User及其以上(註冊時間大於 20 周,下載量大於 4000 GB且分享率大於 6 的用戶)以及 终身VIP会员以上 ;

>Must be of user class "Extreme User" or above. Additional requirements: registration time of 20 weeks, downloaded 4 TB, ratio above 6, OR life time VIP.


You must use your m-team username and email when registering.


Anyone that has uploaded vast amounts of resources, have excellent seeding time or belonging to an upper user class will be treated preferentially as decided by the staff.

The above rules becomes active from the 51st post in this thread.

Additional requirements:
>本站达到 【下載量大於 4000 GB】
4TB download.
If you bought VIP you must have lifetime VIP.
During the invitation period you must lower your paranoia settings.

Request template:





>非固定ip使用者可不写此项 , 使用地区(不知道的请百度关键字ip 查自己的ip地区)
If you do not have a dynamic IP you do not need to specify
Your location:
Any special circumstances

4tb download + EU class = 28TB upload
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>4tb download + EU class = 28TB upload
hahaha fucking chinks, they take elitism to a whole new level
Also freeleech doesn't apply to seedboxes, and they get auto detected. I regret not just buffering 30tb when you could just auto DL with feral.
not bad, I just need to download every source and wait like 4 months more
Last quarter I lost HDT account due to quarter and not doing 15gb.
Before I was logged in and couldn't DL shit, so now can't even log in.
Can I eventually get it back? I don't really care now but probably in Dec I'd like to recover it
Pink Floyd - P.U.L.S.E. Live At Earl's Court London (1994) [480p50 x264 AC3][kuchikirukia].mkv

It's no secret I post here, so you can stop with the 312c crap.

Do most /ptg/ users live with their mom?

I live with my gf.
That was a quote, moron.
Hey lads, can you recommend me something to watch for tonight?

All these trackers i have but i still dont know what to fucking watch.. anything goes anime/tv shows/movies/gay porn

what will you guys watch tonight? btw pls respons
>Also freeleech doesn't apply to seedboxes
Same on Hdbits.org :^). Pretty good rule tbhonest
>Also freeleech doesn't apply to seedboxes


every private tracker should have this rule

im sick of seedboxcucks stealing my upload
>All these trackers i have but i still dont know what to fucking watch..

Sounds like you have no life. Go outside you piece of shit.
>stealing my upload
jej, maybe if you wouldn't upload shit you would get more upload
why you have to be mean :(
why you have to remined me that im a failure, not cool dude
your post doesnt make any sense

if i upload shit why does every seedbox autosnatch it then?
don't flatter yourself m8 :^)
Huh, referrals are removed from 4chan. 312c is powerless here.
Can i get in trouble if i block every seedbox IP range?
I got this nice list of every seedbox IP range and imported it into Transmission.
So when i upload i only seed to normal users.
if you like shit speeds
Train to Busan

South Park
AHS Season 6e01/2
Mr robot
What can I do on bib if my overdrive library doesn't have any requests?
no, i only enable the blocklist when i upload a new torrent
undetected cheating tool for sale
first 10 to post their PTP user name get it for free via pM
>MOM he posted the ratio cheat thing again! Moooom!!!
sure why not, my name is 312c on PTP, PM me

hit me up @ greenday1987
Signal (2016).
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>accounts on OT and TtN
>tfw /setforlife/

[email protected]

[PPPD-488] My Girlfriend's Older Sister Led Me To Temptation With Her Big Tits
Contact me

[email protected]
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This pepe is the fucking best. Just a pure expression of laughing AT someone. Nice.
I'm not in TTN you autist, the fucking faggot admin disabled me and I'm not getting it reenabled.
Glad you enjoy it, save it my friend.
Then why did you "TTN set for life"
That wasn't me you fucking retard. Do you understand how 4chan works?
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose
So then don't fucking reply to me faggot? My insult to him for using TtN had nothing to do with you, perhaps you were butthurt because I made fun of him for using such a shitty tracker? In any case, get fucked.
No, I simply criticized >>56763643 because it was a jpg instead of png.
There he is, the man of the day. :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Watch a shitskin shit on AB staff here:

blossom is a faggot - the post
I got banned and still don't know why ;_;
I seeded, had a great ratio & never posted in the forums.

Were you /pure/?
really, faggot? >>56763994
ofc, sent an application and got accepted.
oh it's that sperg from earlier
Really really
Why don't you join their IRC and ask
Why do people get so upset when someone insults their religion. It's so fucking stupid. What a little whinny bitch.

Pajett BTFO
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>discussing religion or politics on the internet
>shocked when shitstorm follows

Fucking new people I swear
Because religious nuts base their entire world around their religion and they don't want to have their beliefs challenged.
>new people
>being this new
not just the internet, but a private tracker dedicated to anime
how autistic do you have to be
"My advice is, use the tracker for its anime, don't use it for the forums."
wow congratulate this man, it only took him this long to realize that
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/ptg/ Assembleeeeeeeee!

If only he had read the installgentoo wiki article on private trackers he'd know you should never fucking discuss anything that could possibly spiral into a political discussion in the forums.
>he didn't see the other two posts about this
because you upload shit
"Singularitarianism and you!"
is the thread on ab
What is the best tracker for JAV porn?
Already lost your invite ability anyways
Post got deleted :(
That was teamblackfox?
>not using the best smiley :^)
No, some butthurt Indian weeb
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t. Alberto
you again
The private tracker community needs to be purely Aryan. If you seed to anyone other than majority white countries you are a cuckold and need to go back to /r/trackers
Whatever makes your willy hard :^)
Gods work
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Didn't know roaches knew how to torrent :P
Probably a cheat client
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god i hate that fucking pretentious cunt so much
he's probably not even allowed to look at the forums now
did anyone save this?
What did he do?
he just posted like 8 mins ago. i swear ab plays favorites.

call people names and act like a pretentious cunt as usual
Cached on Google
>looking at tracker forums
the kek is on you
>he just posted like 8 mins ago
holy shit this guy
>get banned on a tracker for shitting up forums
>cry on reddit about it
>delete post and suck up to mods
>get unbanned
>straight back to the forums
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AB rant.png
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I miss aldy deleting my posts, but wow. He is really feeling the Bern.
>I stayed out of that, until one user made fun of my religion
I don't think the pillow he cums into every night counts as a real god
>posting privileges removed on AB
>take my punishment like a man
>TBF gets disabled
>cries on reddit
>mods unban him
>gets to make autistic walls of text forever because he's one of the staff's pets
AB really is shit now. I miss aldy.
My sides are leaving orbit
What's a good private tracker for general normie shit?
>Such as one guy accusing bollywood of "poowashing"

Oh god thats funny. But seriously people who take online comments seriously are fucking retarded, nevermind online comments on a fucking tracker forum

>i could care less
I hope he dies tonight
your moms basement
He's literally the only one who explains himself cohesively on the forums.
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>tfw you miss kickass torrents
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where's the new AotW tho
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If you're going to implement a "light" theme on your website, at least do it correctly. Changing black colors to white colors in the CSS rarely ever cuts it.
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Sooo, no more untouched Amazon WEB Rips?
>Give your dreams a chance! Get in the game!
>redirects to donation page
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Remember, goyim, it's not a donation, it's "lottery"!
>post yfw IPt is hosting an illegal black market lottery
yep, seems like they fixed the leak..fug
wait is that actually a link to a lottery
i was just making a dumb joke
fucking hell ipt
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This is what it links to
>ipt has been open for 9 years
holy fug
I wonder at what point in time everything went wrong
What do you mean "went wrong"? The site has been about profit from day 1.
how are itunes web-dls downloadable for offline use, while amazon webrips are not, is it that amazon use drm and itunes don't or is something completely different
>is it that amazon use drm and itunes don't
amazon encrypts the stream..those itune things are usually bought and the de-drm'd with a program
Can't you just record the Amazon stream with some screen recording software or something
>Can't you just record the Amazon stream with some screen recording software or something
Yeah, if you want a really shitty "WEB-dl"
>using the smiley with a carat nose
quality would be shit
That wouldn't be a webdl
I've been on a few private trackers for a few months now, and I'm shocked as to why people actually want to be on these garbage sites.

Sure, there's a lot of content, but the people running these sites are complete retards. They act as if they know anything about video/audio and talk like elitist morons, yet allow redundant uploads, 1080p encodes of upscales, completely incomprehensible subtitles, and actually think that remasters such as Criterion are automatically good.

Outside of that, there's retarded "features", such as "exclusives", upload as a currency, and "muh golden popcorn" that the users actually care about for god knows what reason.

Of course, this is all ignoring the fact that these people actually feel special for being in these trackers.
Then I guess kiss your Amazon WEB-DL goodbye
that's how they used to make them, but the untouched 'webrips' after the exploit was found had a great quality/size ratio and they were the best choice until a blue ray was upped.
>That wouldn't be a webdl
Which is why I put it in quotes...
So why didn't you just call it by the proper name, webrip
They're still coming in on Hdbits..but i guess it's just backlog of all the stuff they've downloaded as long as it worked
>So why didn't you just call it by the proper name, webrip
Cause the guy I was responded to was calling is a webdl
So let's see you make something better
>these are his reasons why AB sucks
how about the fact that the site is cluttered with terrible releases and the fact that BBT and Nyaa are both better trackers
It still works. However new releases are being rolled with new encryption
>how about the fact that the site is cluttered with terrible releases
this is true but

>and the fact that BBT and Nyaa are both better trackers
>ny "0 seeders" aa
lmao no content and lmao no seeds
>Why would you want this?
>Sure there is a lot of content but...

Answered your own question mate. Only autists care about anything but the content
Can BlackFox's slights ever be forgiven?
That's my reason for using them, but I find it hard to believe that the vast majority of users need any of the content that isn't available on public trackers.
For example, the snatches for foreign movies are always around 1-10 on PTp, and the only time they aren't are when morons are downloading them because they're freeleech, only to never watch them.
Sure, right after sonicx
What he do
>feel superior because I'm part of an elite dicksucking squad of an autitistic moderator of some chilean flyfishing forum
why do you guys do this?
TheBlackFox, is that you? Or perhaps 312c?
t. TheBlackFox
its teamblackfox
is this the start of a spicy new meem?
Too stupid to pass the WhatCD interview? :^)
What is this meme?
Unspeakable slights
what crawling? wat?
why does mad4potter look like such a fuckin queer
Who? I remember him on /vg/'s GTA general.
>obsessed with sonic
>'griefs' in minecraft
>is dumb as shit
i feel bad for the guy

hangs around in ggn irc
posted selfies on ab
is a massive faggot
>posted selfies on ab
Please for the love of kek i must see this
you really don't want to
Yes I do
you only had to listen to me
bumdriller on the loose!
He looks 15
Cute! :3
Kill yourselves, fags.
Yeah, your point?
/our guy/ 312c called him out on leddit which made him delete all google indexed info on his account name he uses for everything
Yo /ptg/, could you look to see if Adele: Live at The Royal Albert Hall is upped in PAL BD anywhere?
hahahaha hoooooooooooooly fuck
there's an encode on hdbits
Frame rate?
HDBits know how to encode interlaced? 50/60fps?
t. spaghetti
>not knowing that the best encoders are internals on HDbits
Does HDbits have 1080p rips in the 20 > x > 10 GB range
fuck off
Encodes, whatever you wanna call em
If you're looking for encodes by size, then HDbits is not the tracker for you, fucking pleb.
>then HDbits is not the tracker for you
How so?
does this mean the encoders on HDBits don't know how to encode? is that what you're telling me?
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Seriously Nigger.jpg
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>not having a TtN account

you fucking plebs
yes anon, if it pleases you, that's what i'm telling you :^)
So, "No."
Fuck off Alastor, your slights will never EVER be forgotten
>le expert encoder
>people uploading hdtv rips of the simpsons to ahd when the blu rays are out
Never mind, HDBits is "HD" only.
>season 4
Yes, your point?
well, seeing as the whole point of encoding is to compress the file, if they're really not doing that, then what are they doing?
>hurr durr
noice shitposting m8
How ironic :^)
indeed, shallow and pedantic :^)

Are you done yet?
yes, you?
Yes, I am finished replying to you. Fare the well young maiden.
*sighs loudly and mockingly*

So anyone seen any good films lately?

Hi, teamblackfox :^)
do you use your U320 drives to torrent things on irix?
Putting it in a more playable format without losing quality
TIL HDBits uses a revolutionary encoding process, codec, and file container.

Brb, posting this on /r/trackers
>using the smiley with a carat nose
I will not be forgetting this slight, ever.

You know I have eyes all over the internet.
Listen, buddy, you’ve been pissing me off all night. I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m getting sick of your shit. So enough talk. Let’s do this. Let’s go outside and settle this like emotionally stunted men. Forget the bouncers. Forget our friends. It’s just gonna be you, me, and our fragile egos that render us incapable of dealing with conflict in a socially responsible manner.
>not just reporting him
What if I told you women also browse 4chan...
great cataloging system, but they dow down to takedown requests, and even take down stuff before they even get a complaint. idiot admins often refuse superior versions for autistic reasons like "the one we have is good enough", "this release is not by someone we're familiar with even though it's really good" or "we can't have too many versions". when they fuck up and then "patch" via attachments that you have to download separately is great too. they generally don't accept remuxes even though a huge number of releases can benefit from them, a group that is "established" or whatever has to remux it first and make a whole separate release.

no fucking seeders. hit and run central, they don't even try to keep torrents alive by updating the trackers. there has been stuff on there I really wanted that I was only able to get by finding every other listing of the torrent with zero seeders on dead sites, adding all the possible trackers I could, and finding 2 people still seeding it.
post feet woman D:<
So I bumped my PM to the AHD recruiter and still no response. Should I just give up?
Fuck off you chauvinistic prick
If after a week of bumping and still no response, then yes.
> using 'le ridiculous sekret klub wannabe-mobster torrent chain to feel like you have balls over someone while committing petty acts of piracy :^)
you got /marked/ my little nigga
Are you stalking me?
by the time it replies you'll be in PTP and won't need AHD
google yourself in the archive
lmao who would want to stalk a sonicfag
>thinking everyone who posts under my handle was me
>thinking I'm actually a sonicfag

You two need to step your detective skills
>searching is now googling
fucking millenials
go buy some SnapShades
ggn's tracker having problems or is it just me?
Have you tried checking their forums?
kys senpai
their forums are dead
Added to my fap folder
I mean, if a tracker doesn't want me cause I browse 4chan that's their loss. I'm literally seeding terabytes worth of content atm and have never broken the rules.

And I wasn't aware that AHD even participated in /marking/
Bazey was banned for posting a screenshot of her stats on 4chan
>And I wasn't aware that AHD even participated in /marking/
lel nigga you don't know what you're talking about, if anything they took it to a whole new level .
The only tracker staff to rival 312cuck's autism is Yur1 someone who's known to have denied AHD invites to dozens of people from here cause he managed to mark them in some way or another on AB.
maybe because he's gay?
Ooh, this DVD is going to be fun.

Senpai noticed me!
Can I get a /marked/ custom title?
Have you got some general settings for your music dvd encodes? I have a few ISOs I wouldn't mind running through handbrake, I don't know shit though.
I'm doing interlaced lives, which is an entirely different thing than a movie DVD. I don't use or know Handbrake, either. I could probably figure it out for my use, but I wouldn't know how to guide you through it for an unknown source.
It's a meme you dip
Torrenting is a meme
mad4potter, how ya been man!

This >>56768201
does not reflect my thoughts

I'm a little winded, did six miles uphill.

Not that you would care.
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Does emp have a good selection of incest porn?

It's so hard to find real stuff, or at least stuff that believably looks like it could be real.
>another faggy ass electronic aotw
Remind me never to touch PAL again. How do Europeans put up with this? 24fps blended into 25i? I don't even.
Anyone here use Stream2Chromecast??

Trying to get files to play but it gets stuck on the process of sending the file to the chromecast, which is weird because I thought it was supposed to just stream it
Is there anywhere that has a ScienceHD invite thread?
see a therapist
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go away.jpg
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>Is there anywhere that has a ScienceHD invite thread?
ScienceHD is closed, and they don't want you anyway faggot.
I'm already in, I was just testing you :^)
You aren't mad4potter.
Why can't I be mad 4 potter?
Because I say so.
There's no such thing as real incest porn
>tfw you will never be qt twink with boipussy
>disregarding it just because it says 'electronic'
it's like, glitchy modal jazz
>Tfw on IPT, Waffles, TvT, MTV

Who /setforlife/ here
maybe i should stop doing that because literally the only tag they ever use is electronic
last weeks was 'electronic' but filled with violins and double bass
there are some keyboards/background synths in these last two albums, but not much more than that
did you think they were like, idol synthpop or something
>waffles IPT
haha :^)
Why not What?
>did you think they were like, idol synthpop or something
Yeah, pretty much.
synthpop is a subgenre of post-punk you fucking faggot not just pop music with synths in it
It's all weeb trash anyways
stupid WCD admins IP banned my country. Fuck them
You can still join via offical recruitment
They don't country ban dumbass
hi curry
>not TtN

This slight will never be forgotten.
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>tfw this isn't on wcd
then upload it :^)
GTFO Tedy. Stop shilling your shit.
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>mfw i'm going to watchlist cavan on EMP/PBAY
These are both private trackers.
Easiest way to get in?

ggn has open applications right now
>These are both private trackers
No shit. What thread do you think you're in?
What the fuck is his problem?

back to >>>/reddit/
That's a perfectly reasonable response to a stupid question
unless you're talking about getting off on age difference, "real" incest porn is pointless. the whole reason you get off on it, the knowledge that it's incest, cannot be established without the kind of backstory or character development that you get in hentai. watching some random people fuck with "incest" in the file name does nothing.
More like what the fuck is the OP's problem. Asks for a tracker, then doesn't understand the answer when he is told a tracker.
He doesn't have to act like such a douche bag all the time.
There's nothing wrong with being mean to retards
>asking questions and admitting ignorance makes you a retard
I guess you're also a retard then.
Being a douchebag on reddit makes you look cool and adds two inches to your e cock
So you're the reddit poster 312c shit on huh

Were you hoping that /ptg/'s general dislike of 312c would get us to rally behind you?
How many inches does being staff at PTP add
>So you're the reddit poster 312c shit on huh
No, you are wrong again lol. You're 0 for 2 man, not looking great for ya.
2 inches in girth
I don't like what you're implying anon
this slight will never be forgotten
NEW thread

I'm not even sure anymore, anon.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Nah, BBT is slow and very limited in content. Specially music.
Thread posts: 315
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