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Now that the dust has settled, who was right?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 1001
Thread images: 211

Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
wow this is fucking stupid you can educate yourslef while having a good body.

Half a hour of exercize a day does it
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>He doesn't bench press with his unabridged set of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
No weaknesses
Having high levels of testosterone makes u actually stupid.

good luck also needing a shiton of blood in your muscles and leting your brain without supply

people is stupid
me irl
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I bet you're a leftist you fucking cuck
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This is the most apt thread /fitlit/ could have and well deserving of a sticky.
Why is this pinned?
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Mods = Gods
merging boards is a top tier shitposting strategy

I hope /pol/ merges with /lgbt/ and /b/ merges with /s4s/
Welcome /lit/ bros, you are about to get /fit/ as fuck
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me on the right
>mfw I study philosophy and read every day, and workout 5 times a week
how to be poor
New board ayyyyy
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I just read Lolita and it sucked eggs. What next?
Literally me.
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Stop right there
I'm becoming a high school teacher. I'm going to teach philosophy, psychology and religion.
/mlpol/ is down lmfaoooo
I hope this is some kind of sick twisted joke
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>j-just read bro
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Don't be a tard, get the gainz got your brainz.

This is literally the most retarded thing I've read this week, cuckfaggot. Perhaps if you were literate you could read a book on human biology.
/pol/ merged with /mlp/
>implying there is anything wrong with wanting to do that
Is this even an achievable natty?
Palefire? Nabokov was literarilly autismo and felt he could write better than anyone because synasthesia.

If you want true talent, Joyce. Try Dubliners.
>human biology
do you even foucault bro?

I also recommend you Test Junkie, by Paul B. Preciado

fuck men sister fuck them
/fit/ x /lit/ is my boardTP

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>/lit/ brainlets

/fit/ should have merged with /sci/

>do you even foucault bro?

Well, if foucault could into human biology perhaps he would have refrained from having unprotected buttsex with men and thus lived longer.
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/fit/izen here, this board was literally made for me

>pic related
/pol/ and /mlp/ obviously belong together because both need to get contained. Sadly only /mlp/ is in rule 15. /pol/ really needs to get included to that.
I go for a run and come back to this bullshit.

>not doing both
>not having unprotected buttsex with men

such life doesn't deserve to be lived
K-keep me posted. On all the combined boards.
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what are they?
i only know fitlit and mlpol
Does he use stimulants?
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stop reading books
Does Japanese moot have the balls to combine the legendary /b/ with another board? Pls let it be /lgbt/
/c/ and /an/.
/ck/ and /co/.
/fa/ and /p/.
>posts on /fitlit/
>can't read a thread
really makes you think
My books
> 2 evola
> 1 ernst junger
> 4 buchanan
> 2 dostoevsky
I've only finished Crime and punishment.

I hate reading. My mom is a librarian. But she never actually reads books for adults.
comics and cooking
fashion and photography
Who you calling brainlet you DYEL fag?
If anything /lit/ should have merged with /hm/...oh wait
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How old ar'ya, sonny?
litshits brain cannot function

its LITerally masturbartion, nothing more
What other boards got merged?
i saw /cock/
If you'd read philosophy, you'd know that was a good thing.
Those are not good books. For starters I can't see any pinecone. You don't have any Greeks, and I don't see any strategically placed Rand. Speaking of which, where's the Marx? Where's the Stirner? Where's the Legend of the Ten Elemental Masters?

I'm sorry man, you're not gonna make it.
>/fit/ sticky above /lit/ sticky

you have your answer right there
This. Dyel brainlets and manlets btfo.
it's /co/ & /ck/
for obvious reasons
/co/ and /ck/ merged to /cock/
/c/ and /an/ are now /can/
/fa/ and /p/ are combined to /fap/
/m/ and /o/ are /mo/
/fit and /lit/ are /fitlit/
/mlp/ and /pol/ are /mlpol/
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>My Little Politics
>>/fit/ sticky at the one position where nobody reads
That's just thematically appropriate
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I've read your threads.

None of you guys even lift.
>implying this isn't what life is about
Read your Marx bro or you'll be a brainlet4lyf.
well it is clear that u belong to /fit/
Do you even lit, brah?
I hope fitlit and fap stay forever.
Let's be real, most of the people on /fitlit/ are from /fit/
/fit/ is a dead board.
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>tfw to intelegent too read books.
How ironic that /lit/ uses a variation of a /fit/ meme to call people dumb. really warms the neurons.
This more accurate?
Exercise affects your whole body, which means your brain too.
Your brain wont work optimally if you dont exercise.
Exercise also deals with a lot of mental issues like dementia, anxiety, ADHD, depression.

And the brain works like a muscle, it only becomes better at what you do. Reading doesnt make you better at connecting ideas or problem solving.

The optimal way is to do something for your body and something that requires intellect. But if you have to chose one then exercise will give the most benefit.
Reminds me of my own bookshelf before I started browsing /lit/. Don't take our meme recommendations too seriously. If you have an open mind and know how to separate the bantz from serious discussion this board can be a real game changer.
Then why are the smartest people not /fit/?
Where's "I don't browse either, I'm here because none of my boards got memed?"
how do I got gains at library?
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>Reading doesnt make you better at connecting ideas
Nigga, have you ever actually read a book?
for maximum fallout go to my little politics
>library guy is top heavy
>has extremely bad neck pain due to costantly keeping his huge balanced
>gym guy works his entire body
>body is not imbalanced and has better mental health due to the amount of mental prowless it takes to continue working out and improving yourself
>also has better problem solving skills compared to library guy just learning facts and figures from library books
>also has overall better health due to healthy eating and taxing his body the increases immunity vs being sedentary like library guy
Libraryfags BTFO.
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>weeb reaction image
>what did he mean by this
Oh that's just sad.
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>4chan in real life vs 4chan on the internet
>I'm going to read and comprehend difficult things so I can read and comprehend even more difficult things
sum1 post the socrates image
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>tfw can't read
Actually you need to go back to Ieddit
What? /a/, /f/, /his/, and /jp/ were left alone. What's wrong with having some fun here?
Same bro.
they're happening one at a time, just wait
>being right wing
>allowing the capitalist class to extra the surplus value of your labour
>calling others cucks

>he says from his computer on the internet
I've gotta admit, though, /mo/ seems to be the best, so far. I think both of those boards are underrated.
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>he doesn't do curls with Harvard's Five Foot Bookshelf
>believing in classes
>being a socialist
>not killing yourself
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someone should label one reddit and one 4chan and post it on some easy to bait board.
It doesn't even matter who will be which site. It's going to cause butthurt both ways
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>implying big guy isn't suffering from symptoms you'd expect from obesity
>implying big guy isn't using steroids
>implying big guy can reach his feet
>implying big guy won't die first

It would be extremely painful for you to be big guy tbqhwy.
>being left wing
>allowing the inefficient bureocratic class to decide how much your labor is worth instead of the enterprise forces of market competition contrary to all empirical and historical evidence
>calling other cucks
I swear to fucking god, I jumped like 3 times

I didn't have my glasses on and my house has lots of spiders so when I seen this, I freaked
I'm actually kinda glad this board merger happened

I slacked off and haven't exercised in ages
>implying I don't own my own business

You wouldn't have anyone to mooch off of if right wing people didn't labor
>implying the library guy can scratch the top of his head
>tfw no /fag/
There's nothing wrong with domming qt Chinese children.
top tier opinions m8
You literally have no idea what socialism is.

Have you ever heard of left-wing market socialism? No? I didn't think so.

>There isn't a rentier class who do no productive work and derive wealth solely from capital
>Capitalism is a meritocracy and absolutely fine

The world is not just.
knowledgable and smart are 2 different things. If people who read all the time are so smart then why is science pushed by a few gifted people(compared to the ocean of scientists)?
I also own my own business. I still acknowledge the contradictions inherent in capitalism and the suffering they cause.
That's a good start! Now we have to deal with the whole "state taking your produce through taxes" business.

I hope you're not taking anyone else's produce, though. They might not like that.
True, but both are ultimately inferior compared with being a good person.

Read Montaigne.
Those people I posted are smart.
What's /lit/'s equivalent of /nofap/?
Well, I can tell from which board you come.
anyone can recommend some good book about lifting?
is that you, kaspar?
How do you know the smartest people arent fit? did you screen the entire population for smart people?
You could find someone whos smarter than einstein who did powerlifting or became and athlete. But they will never be known for their brains when their job doesnt involve inventing, calculating or solving issues withing biology, physics or other brances of science.

There could be people who are smarter than einstein pursuing a future with physical activity.
Hey at the end of the day at least we aren't >>>/mlpol/

damn it
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Prolly something like /bookonlytime/ or /nowatch/.
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Everyone arguing about physical fitness vs intelligence should look up the history of Cambridge's mathematical tripos. It was expected that any student would be involved in regular sport in order to build their physical and mental endurance.
>tfw took the tripos
>tfw doing rowing
>tfw got a first
>tfw didn't read any literature so still feel like a brainlet
>Confirming that you really do, in fact, need to go back
really activates my almonds...
Can someone recommend an exercise about reading?
Starting Lit + RABAD
>mfw I study philosophy
started laughing right there
fit is always right
Onus is on you to prove they are the smartest people actually. Without evidence, it's a meaningless postulate.

What dust? What the fuck is going on here? I hope they don't do the same thing with /out/ and /diy/. How am I supposed to talk about IJ and feel superior?

What the fuck, guys?
>He doesn't do Encyclopædia Britannica squats
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What is going on?
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This should be the last reply.
What a gay
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Migrating to /fit/ I can't take pony pol anymore
It's funny because /lit/ doesn't have these memes so you can tell who all the brainlets are because they replied to this.

Not me, obviously.
delet this
>actually not a classcuck

good job anon


/fit/ poetry time
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fuck you
I've just realized, thanks to the merge, /fit/ now has spoilers.
>reading fiction makes you intelligent

end this stupid meme


>I want to comprehend difficult things
you sound like a fag
desu it's not his fault Hegel was an obfuscating fuck. Sometimes the difficult things are worth reading.
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adding the obvious
he skipped leg day, he has all the fat there, he only worked out the upper part
chink + white = horrible happa
...well yeah...
>the difficult things are worth reading
>I want to do intellectual work
FFS /lit/ is full of dumb people

/fit/ is a more good board
/fit/ btfo by /lit/
Someone add /r9k/ with the unused parts now.
>Reading books
>When movies exist
LMAOing at your lives
God damn
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you can be an intellectual and fit, in fact its the best way to be. dont just do one
A fellow webbslinger
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fuck off
This. /lit/ fags need everything spelt out for them, and don't even have the INTEGLIGNENCE to understand subtle messages in movies.
why did I laugh so hard

We are inteligenter than them desu
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like this senpai?
Essentially the Übermensch
At the library
I'm actually a /fit/izen...

I read a lot but I don't really look at /lit/, never really 'got' the board culture.
>>12069 >>12187 >>12246 >>12335 >>12340 >>12354 >>12392 >>12405 >>12483 >>12563 >>12581 >>12665 >>12699 >>12723 >>12772 >>12837 >>12981 >>13054 >>13086 >>13090 >>13116 >>13139 >>13140 >>13173

serious question:
Why do so many people always reply?
it's the chan equivalent to email chains.
It's a cancer on /pol/ (which is understandable, there is a lot of shitposting), but why would /sp or /lit/ reply?

It's shit, unfunny, and shits up the thread
In some rare exceptions it's a funny/creative one, but still why do tens of people reply?
wtf, am I suddenly surrounded by 14yos?
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best merge
t. brainlet
>never really 'got' the board culture
You're a commie so I don't believe you.
Because /fit/ is, as I said, made up of memeing brainlets.
>need everything spelt out for them, and don't even have the INTEGLIGNENCE to understand subtle messages in movies.
You are so wrong and so far from the truth it is not even worth trying to explain to you the value of reading literature.
t. wants his mother to die in sleep tonight
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In my experience, smarter people are also more physically fit

I know some dumb gymjocks and some genuis gymjocks, but I know no genius fatties
It's basically just a bunch of 18-22 year olds that are in their "I know everything" phase and claim to read good books. Lots of autistic philosophical ramblings as well.
now save it and wait at least a week before posting it
At the the library
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here you go
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Spend more time at the library, brainlet.
niggers, if you say it's funny and I just don't get it, I get that

but why do you reply? it's funny? do you actually laugh when you get "caught"?
I want to know what goes through your fucking head, that's all What am I missisng?

you do know you don't have to reply, right?
>I'm going to read children books about magic wands and unicorns and then use those books as my basis for political thought.
t. brainlet
go back to reading your childrens books fag, it's 2017, movies are superior in every single way.
>In my experience, smarter people are also more physically fit
In my experience, you can make no such generalization. I know smart people who are unfit, and ones who are fit.
Samuel Johnson

I heard Orson Welles got pretty huge in the end too.
Fitness is more about diet than exercise. I'm actually stronger than I was at 18 and I never lift. I Just eat foods that make you high test
>me on the right
I'd probably get fairly tired of it then. I like Marxism as a lens to view the world through but only because I have absolutely no idea what is happening in the world despite having various careers and starting my own business.

At least with exercise and lifting you just see what types of periodisation and training work for you and keep doing it until it stops working. It's a nice constant in a sea of modern societal bullshit.
The people in my STEM class were always fit. The only one's who weren't dropped except this one thicc girl with fat butt cheeks
/fit/ and /lit/ should be bros, as boards centred around normal adult activities
Technically true but realistically speaking you need both.
Try it man. It's actually interesting. Although I am one of said 18 year old edgelords (check out my new ideology coming out soon!)
actually laughed a bit
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>Because /fit/ is, as I said, made up of memeing brainlets.
Yeah I don't like these two boards mixing.
It is obviously best to be have a strong healthy body while also being mentally fit and well educated
but /fit/ is so full of retards whose brains have already been fried from whatever pills they bought online that discussion with them can never be fruitful.
That a /lit/izen would want to gain a better physique to not simply have the best glutes in the gym
but to achieve becoming a greater man overall, well rounded in the sense of being an Übermensch, while still following teachings of philosophers, writers and such and trying to challenge their own minds, is very different than the drive and set goals /fit/ users have.
me on the right desu
fuck off
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I was

natty test + science around natty test + healthy/volkish habits = natural aryan archetype.
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this is the stupidest idea fucking ever it doesnt even make fucking sense. if anything /fit/ and /ck/ should be put together. and /o/ and /n/ should go together. and /fa/ and /an/.

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Nah, /ck/ was destined to be merged with /co/ because you know, /cock/
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Some of the best historians I know are middling age and portly.
The best archaeologists are all fit however, though never /fit/. pic related.
Down to circumstance more than anything, sitting in an archive is not as physical as slaving over a trench.
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>it's 2017, movies are superior in every single way
if you are happy being a dull and uninterested in actually exploring new ideas and do enjoy the shit they throw at you through a tv screen, ok.
Enjoy binge watching the hundreds of 'high quality' tv shows that morons like you actually believe to be incredibly deep and therefor have this pathetic infatuaton with them only because your standards have been set so low from the crap you had to see for years in movies and still today.
99% of cinema is crap and is always boring and the little that is good is always stolen from literature and no matter how acurate or great still fails to convey hundreds of feelings, thoughts and emotions not just the characters conveyed and felt but you did while pondering about the book.
>he doesn't improve himself both in mind and body
I bet you don't even /sig/
>talking about movies and not talking about any Jews
/fit/ and sci even have more in common than you might realize. Them science nutritions on all sorts of things biology. Its a pretty big field too. And then the science also links back to cooking a little bit. Though not much.
>niggers who don't get the memes
Are you legitimately retarded? There are milions of absolute trash books as well, don't think that reading them somehow makes you superior, just because they are books.

The good movies are better than good books, because they stimulate more senses. You hear beautiful music, you see amazing shots and still you are presented with a good story and/or ideas.
have to do it, cant live in the streets.

This. Healthy mind lives in a healty body, which lives in a healty environment. Focusing on one one, helps the other, and vice versa. Eat well, get big, read books.
Okay, /lit/ brothers

Convince me to read, and I'll convince you to lift
>implying I want advice from someone who does not read.
what's the point of being tough when you're retarded?
This has to be the worst april fools joke ever. There's no question that after this we'll still have crossposter shitposters from /fit/ who will ruin this board. Thanks hiro, you dumb fucking gook cunt. These zipperheads can't do anything right.
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tfw fitlit but no job
It's Fun.
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We have already created pony nazis. /pol/ is a strong ideology.
>le epic Christian apologist BTFOing atheists
>le Jewish literary critic with an embarrassing obsessing with Freud
>le autistic Brit known primarily for a dictionary and writing a small blurb on Shakespeare
>muh social contract
He said SMART people
>le epic greentext DESTROYS these titanic figures (of intelligence)
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Friendly reminder that "I work out in the library" meme almost always means "I read fiction and philosophy(aka glorified fiction, philosophy is not a science, get over it) books so I must be smart hurr, reading Harry Potter(there is also no differece between reading Harry Potter and War and Peace) makes me deep durr.

Now, there are exceptions, but overall "reading fiction makes me smart" meme is dominant in the society, so it's better to be ripped than having read Harry Potter books.
Or you could study science instead of that nonsense. Actually learn how the world works instead of being angsty over your emotional state.
go back to /mlp/
>implying any of them will stick around
Why would they talk about """literature""" when they could post memes about fat people instead?
weakling mad
how the fuck did she drop that one and not the other one
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based Thucydides

Pic Related Abides.
you're describing women, there are no women among Greeks
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Does /lit/ like high-test grills?
check the straws
After today we're going to see an influx of threads about high-test literature and manlet authors. Just you wait and see. Hiro has irreparably ruined this board.
>he doesn't know about the greeks
Cmon son
No we like shy booktubers.
Do people actually think that they are intelligent because they read books though?
Do people actually think that they're attractive because they go to the gym though?
Shit, she's a librarian working overnight. Hope she'll be ok.
Look at the straw in both images.
Do people actually think?
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>are milions of absolute trash books as well
ofc and they should be burned just like 99% of film
>The good movies are better than good books, because they stimulate more senses.
Have you never read a good book? If you find a book that speaks to you so perfectly you will have so many more thoughts and feel many more emotions than the best movie can possibly cause you to have.
While movies like music can often be stimulating reading a book for hours and days has so many characters you don't simply 'get attached to' but explore and practically witness their shifts.
Themes and sympolism that often times only after finishing the book leave you in awe of the excelence in the authors intent of including this in his work are too often left unexplored in film or their relevence not brought out because of how limited film is in describing inportance but showing it over and over again.
Also feelings that you have failed to understand yourself can be perfectly conveyed through the authors words and will be more resonating than any frame or any emotional face in sequence or not.
>a good story and/or ideas
Yeah sure some movies have great story lines and sometimes an indepth plot but there is no plot or story that could not more clearly and vividly be explained and told than when written in a book. Picture and sound is limited.

I have a feelig you just have never found a book yet that profoundly spoke to you in a way that you learned you to appreciate literature.
You know like 95% of kids in Highschool who are only forced to read a book and even if they ended up not hating it, still just didn't get why you would waste 'free time' reading it when there is a film of the exact same story compressed in 120 minutes and takes less effort.
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This is the comfiest board. Wish we could keep it.
i do not take kindly to being memed
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You can't answer a question with a question.
What's your answer?
>greeks weren't ripped, they were fucking ripped.jpg
>someone will use this to trigger /pol/ someday
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maybe being delusional about the world is more practical
having a big willy > having a big brain >>>>>>>>>>>>>> having big muscles
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The third one looks like a fat lesbian
what happened to carli lmao
I was initially just baiting, this has gotten too serious.
Lol this whole post. I can tell where you came from.
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You have the strength, but if you don't know how to use it to get what you want it's as good as useless.

Also, I lift already.
I think it takes a certain degree of "autism" to experience what you describe as "having a book speak to you".
It's not for everyone.

Also: name me a book that "spoke to you". As in, changed the way you think about certain topics.
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Ok guys, serious question here.

>Mon-Fri job from 8 am to 4 pm
>Almost no free time during work
>40 min subway travel
>Get home at 5
>Going to sleep at 11 pm top
>Weekends and some free time are spent with gf

So I have basically 6 hours of free time and probably weekends. What should I spend my time on, reading, working-out, or both in a tight schedule?
its because lit needs to teach fit how to read whilst fit needs to teach lit to lift
I wanna fucking beat the fuckin shit out of you.
dump gf
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try me
/fitlit-scihisck/ is the best combination.

>It's not for everyone.
more exact imo than
>autism" to experience what you describe as "having a book speak to you
Why not today? Since they're dealing with the /mlp/ /pol/ merge, they're probably already platinum mad, so this can be the straw to break the camel's back.
fuck you
You got to read books you like dude. It's okay to hate Dostoevsky.
I'll look that up. Can you elaborate on what changed in specific though? Can you actually nail it down?

>more accurate than "autism"
I quoted autism in order to illustrate what I mean - generally the term is used that way across all boards.
GUYS!!! You need to listen to me! We must stop this merger at all costs!! Do have any idea what the mods and g00t have done??

Thousands of betas will now go out and get fit!
They'll post their gains and their IQ on Facebook!
QT girls will start dating them, it will spread!
the Library and Barnes & Nobles will become the new hot dating spots!
Mass hysteria as guys with money and fast cars go out style for women!
Time magazine has a nerdly muscular manlet as the cover photo with the title "The Neo American Male"
The "Nerds" movies will be banned because they are considered offensive!!!

We have to stop this now!!!!
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Gf not taken into account?
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Why isn't it healthy life?
At the library.
Start lifting heavy books
Get a three-shifts job
>house-work trip is 80 minutes
>abandoning any and all hope of social life because most of the time i work on weekends
>never stuck in traffic because shifts don't start or end during those shitty times
>loadsamoney because working during holidays + night shifts
>night and early morning shifts means free early to mid evening
>evening shift means sleeping as much as you want in the morning
fuck you
There's a reason this board is called /fitlit/ rather than /litfit/

Being a hermit, book reading aspie, is degenerate. Though, a million points clearer than being a gamer. So well done on that.

Get out side and get some sunshine on your skin you nerds.
pls b safe
for those of us who read things other than childrens books. literature, specifically fiction in this case allows us to think about new ideas and expand our creativity. and just because philosophy is not a science does not make it worthless. philosophy is our attempt to explain ourselves and our way of thinking and there is value in discussing such things
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>5 times a week
doing cardio isn't working out.
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I'm going to lift heavy things so I can look good while fucking your girl*
the greek dream
Never too safe

fuck you
are you a marine? do i really need to read this shit to get corporal?
Had a two shifts job (morning and evening) that actually kind of worked for excercise routines but ended up too tired to get the hang of any books.
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Now the guy would be considered a total autist of course.
>almost 50
>mental problems
>thinks he is a wolf
It does explore the mind of different people often which I enjoyed a lot.
Also while his character is strange and often pathetic there is a big part that I would like to not just see myself in but often do (not trying to be pseud here).
To have him explore for a chapter about his dwellings in the town with minimal detail to surroundings but focus on his inner thoughts and feelings was great and then the shift to going on for pages about different people in society and how they conform, do not conform, how their lives are petty or soulless, ...
I really love his prose. His neverending sentences threw me a bit off early on but they eally show his train of thought at times.


I don't know if you perhaps know at least a little german but this paragraph during the prologue is what really made me realize I am going to love this book. During the fuckin prologue...
Steppenwolf was the first Hermann Hesse book I ever read.
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all 4 of them are fit by todays standards
>>allowing the inefficient bureocratic class to decide how much your labor is worth instead of the enterprise forces of market competition contrary to all empirical and historical evidence

top fucking kek just listen to yourself, boot licker. you think the wealthy give a fuck about wage slaves like you and I?
Here's your (You)
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Everyone who reply to the "your mom dies if" posts should be given a ban for a week or so
Lol look at this fag. Bet he exercises at the gym.
Let me rephrase: I hit the gym five times a week, and I additionally do some light cardio in the form walking or bicycling from place A to place B.
>There's a reason this board is called /fitlit/ rather than /litfit/
There isn't.

>implying getting outside is gonna make anon stop being a degenerate
Stop shilling your retarded moronic superfluous lifestyle you fucking brainlet faggot. No one likes or apreciates what you do.
Damn, Amy really looks like THAT?!
>include me in the screencap desu senpai
MODS do something

I remember this. Did she ever come back or was she that disgusted by /lit/?
>the Legend of the Ten Elemental Masters
I like you.
Purity in body and mind
Do this again and I'll come to Pandy and fucking murder you
Meh, I just can't really relate to the ideas and train of thought, really.
I mean, what he says makes sense, morals are not timeless, obviously, etc.

I could even go as far as relating the thought of being "stuck between two generations" to current times - maybe with the ongoing social media hype where everyone is extremely interconnected?
But meh, it's a stretch and I know that if I read the book I would have to perform this stretch on everything I read and experience.
And in the end I just end up with thoughts that I am already having. Just no answer or relief to them.

For a book to "speak" to me I would need a character or a train of thought that really resembles mine.
But someone that thinks like me doesn't write books and someone that doesn't think like me doesn't write books of people that think like me.
>Not reading Infinite Jest in between sets
Get on my level
>studying something useless so that u can teach something useless to other people
my bro did philosophy undergrad and is now doing business shit at an ivy-league. It can work. People respect classic degrees, actually.
Good memes.
this is me
Not cool, dude.
<this is now the sticky

How are we supposed to yell at people to read the sticky now?
>mfw I study philosophy

Tell me more about how a study of people's opinion makes you an intellectual.
At the library
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WHERE AM I god their philosophy
Yeah of course. Everyone most likely has a different book.
Also this is just from the prologue that describes a dialogue with the author so it shows more into the mind rather than show his prose which is differnt from this.

> maybe with the ongoing social media hype where everyone is extremely interconnected?
This seems more of simply scratching the surface to me rather than diving into the more distinct issues such people find at these times of change
>And in the end I just end up with thoughts that I am already having. Just no answer or relief to them.
I'm certain the thousands of thinkers in this world have come up with therories and thoughts you haven't possibly come up with yet. Or maybe they just don't interest you as much which could also be.
>But someone that thinks like me doesn't write books and someone that doesn't think like me doesn't write books of people that think like me.
I bet you would be surprised there is a 'soul mate' type author out there for you. Just gotta find him.
props for serious response after dude just baiting

She hasn't uploaded anything since eventhough her video has 4,200 views
fuck u
>this much reddit
>teach ... psychology
even if it is jsut three or two kids each year. They are absolutely gonna love your class and you if you are good at it.
t. butthurt /pol/fag
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what the fuck anon

Why is everything about her so disgusting. You can tell she just plops around walking like a fat cow
Read on the subway.
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You still can't base liberalism on reality.
>this is what the nu-working class really believes
Have fun with your STEM(tm)bux!
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Why do people respond to "your mother will die" posts?
I literally do not get it.

You barely work faggot. Have some discpline and get up early to workout or just do it when you get off at 5 like everyone else.

"Barely have time". That's called being an adult you retard.
See? You're just proving the point of that pic.
That trolling works?
You can't base conservatism on reality.

You can't base anything on reality.

You wouldn't know, because you haven't read shit.
Lift on the subway.
really makes you think.
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>Tfw to smart to browse /lit/ or /fit/
Fuck it
I prefer redditposters invading to stormfrontposters invading
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fug no!
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>refuge board if mods don't revert
Reading and lifting are two of my biggest hobbies.

More like "I'm going to lift heavy things until the sight of my own reflection makes me erect".
well i guess we know what board you are from
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Holy fuck.
It's just words on a page vs images+sound on a screen. There isn't a better one, it's just two different things you can experience. If you want to cut yourself off from a major source of human art by ignoring one or the other, go ahead, but don't pretend you've found the secret that society just doesn't understand that books or movies respectively aren't good.
Equality is a lie.
Freeing individual meant freeing from the idea of structure.
The revolution never stopped, it will continue to free you next from your gender, then body, then sanity.

And you will be left masturbating with fake dick to drawn cartoon and cry why don't you have meaning in life.

At least my political idealogy has will to life and perpetuate itself and loads of historical examples. Tradition survived thousands of years for a reason.
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Not quite

Where is the OUT OF MY WAY MANLETS edit?
>Equality is a lie.
How the fuck can ideals be a lie.
>Freeing individual meant freeing from the idea of structure.
The individual cannot be free. Structure is a lie.
>The revolution never stopped, it will continue to free you next from your gender, then body, then sanity.
This is, sadly, not the case. But it should be.

>at least my car has fuel in it. Never mind I'm driving it off a cliff

And tradition is a lie.
now whenever someone asks how many sips per day we tell them to read bookchin

how is this not a good thing
What other boards got combined for april fools? Too lazy to flip through every single one but it looks like a lot were left out.
Sam here.

I guess it just goes to show you the general level of retardation on all of 4chan.

Just when you thought you're posting with somewhat more mature people on a slower, higher quality board you get the reminder that 4chan is almost exclusively teenagers.
what is 1st of April
ahhh fucking nigger
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on it
/co/ and /ck >>>/cock/
/fa/ and /p/ >>>/fap/
/mlp/ and /pol/ >>>/mlpol/
/c/ and /an/ >>>/can/
/m/ and /o/ >>>/mo/
don't remember any other. it happened to only very few boards all in all. could have been better.
comeon bro
This board ain't big enough for the two of us.
This desu
There's a chart out there showing the stats on how different majors score on the LSAT and the GRE. Highest average scores belong to Physics majors, followed by Philosophy and Economics. The underage retards on this website seem to think that these disciplines are all just classics appreciation only useful to teach a first year undergrad course, and not intense logic development that has way more applications to real world problems than your autist engineering math that pajeet can do for 15 dollars an hour
>Lolita sucked eggs

You are worthless.
Fucking hell LOGICtards are worse than STEMfags.
Thanks bruh.

I agree. If I didn't frequent one of these boards (/fit/) I wouldn't have noticed it at all even with the dumb announcement post.

It's a funny joke that didn't go far enough.
/can/ - Animals/Cute
/mlpol/ - My Little Politics
/fap/ - Fashion & Photography
/cock/ - Comics & Cartoons & Cooking
/mo/ - Mecha & Auto
Underrated post
/mlpol/ is hilarious.
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Your on a japanese image board infidel :^)
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Does /fit/ have obnoxious footfags who constantly spam their fetish in unrelated threads?

I do that on /lit/.
>How the fuck can ideals be a lie.
The whole point of ideals is to move towards them. Else they're just masturbation.
Liberals began moving towards equality ever since Enlightenment.
Marxism and communism are just branches of materialistic hyper egalitarianism and really are on liberal spectrum.
How's liberal project doing today? Why do you think unironic natsocs exist?

>The individual cannot be free. Structure is a lie.
Individual is a meme.
No person can survive without assistance from outside, be it their family or the government.

>And tradition is a lie.
Tradition is amalgamation of societal norms, taboos, ethics that exists to allow people don't think too much about things that already work. There is a physical and biological reason, why you didn't fuck everybody you want. You see inventing society with every new generation is hard work.

And liberals also have tradition. Except it's shit and I prefer the pre-liberal tradition.
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>cute and anime works
>fa and photography works
>fit and lit is great
>mecha and auto is good-natured satire
>co is tumblr so nobody minds

they're deliberately fucking with /pol/
what's better than those
>submission to allah
fuck off ISIS faggot go blow up yourself in a desert
>r9k didnt get combined

all of my keks
>The whole point of ideals is to move towards them

"All people share humanity and therefore should be equal"

It can be wrong, sure, but it's not a fucking lie.

>Marxism and communism are just branches of materialistic hyper egalitarianism and really are on liberal spectrum.

Individual is a meme, because in reality you are the entire universe. Read Stirner.

Tradition, as a concept, has survived thousands of years? Sure. So has the idea of defying tradition.

Who cares about liberals lmao
Egoists ;)
fuck this
>no /r9k/ with /soc/
Dammit gookmoot, you had one job
/an/ is animals & nature, not anime
and co and ck don't really fit, but make for a great shortname
pol and mlp both are containment boards. and half the pony spam is probably not even from mlp regulars. i'd imagine a lot of non/pol/ folks and /pol/ trolls just spam it for fun
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>tfw to inteligent to workout
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fit meetup.jpg
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>implying I want advice from a fucking dork
/3/ and /fitlit/ merger when?
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>tfw too intelgient to read
Why would that make /pol/ mad?
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I do this. I go to the gym, which takes 2 hours including showering and eating, then I have 4 hours at the library to read ~100 pages a day.
>2 hours including showering and eating
Do you eat between sets?
>I waste my and everyone else's time
fuck off, also only skill you need on the field is good memory
> can be wrong, sure, but it's not a fucking lie.
Fucking semantics. This is the kind of shit that ruins any discussion.

Equality as a meme began for butthurt middle class to fight Aristocrats who had all of the privileges and wealth. Because Aristocrats deserved their privileges by the right of birth. In some cases laws could apply differently to them.

We can argue that alot of those Aristocrats didin't deserve their privileges, but that's not the argument liberals put forth.

The further the science works on genetics, we find that traditional view, which has accumulated intuitively over milleniums shows that people are very different and a lot of it is inherited.
This vindicates the idea of hereditary Aristocracy and classes. They shouldn't be static, because specific genetics of individual can deteriorate over time, but Aristocracy actually makes sense.

> in reality you are the entire universe
> Solipsism.

I believe that reality exists besides me.

>Tradition, as a concept
We're not doing more of these word games.
A specific European Christian tradition is at least 1000 years old. It appears that it adopted a lot of local traditions and some of it (including egalitarianism) could go back to actual Aryans. I really have to finish pic related.

Defying tradition is an idea at most 300 years old. Nobody besides liberals ever thought about changing society itself.
You have to go back, loser.
I wouldn't say I'm an intellectual. The more I study, the less it feels I know about stuff.
Jokes on you, the balancing of that jead would cuck up your spine. And ya still gotta know how to eat well for gains, as well as gym/body knowledge. Also you can beat up the lit losers.

Fit wins, as its possible to be smart and stronk, while lit just slobs around in the library basement
This is exactly why I said equality isn't a lie. Your bullshit "well SCIENCE says BLACKS have LOW IQ" has no bearing on the idea that black people share humanity and are therefore equal.

It doesn't matter what you believe faggot, reality can only exist through you (for you).

The specific European Christian tradition doesn't exist. You're inventing something because it makes you feel nice and comfy, but it's too diffuse and it changes too much over that period.
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/pol/ friendly version
Jump off a cliff boys.
get lynched nignog
haha so funny
ooga booga indeed d'quenshius'first
/fitlit/ was a mistake.
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Ironically /polgbt/ is already a thing though, look it up.

>Arnold Schwarzenegger
Successful actor and politician
>Ronnie Coleman
Has a degree in accounting
Aerospace engineer
>The DYEL guy
Successful small business owner

People can be strong and smart at the same time. That comic was made by somebody who was buttmad that a guy who takes care of his body is fucking a girl who friendzoned him.
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Slavery was a mistake. Mostly because we didn't castrate you lot entirely.
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/fitlit/ > /lit/
>I am you, but stronger.
Keep redefining equality.
>Black people exist as hominids and can somewhat communicate in my language.

Their existence grants them no privileges.
The definition of equality has no practical meaning. I don't care that blacks exist. Good for them. Now get the fuck out from my town. Because I also exist and I have this gun.

>more solipsism

I will come and punch you in the face. Let's see if this will cure you from relativism.

>Christianity doesn't exist
So all those churches just happened?
Regional and time variations don't matter, because they are linked. A Christian from 200 and 1000 years ago wouldn't agree with each other, but they are a continuation of one another.
You see time passes and cultures and people change. It's natural.
But the mere fact that they are connected makes Christianity a thing. Not to mention tradition, the same founding text. etc.
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>Keep redefining equality.
This is the several-hundred year-old definition you autist.

I also don't agree with it. But I don't agree with it on grounds of theory, not what amounts to fee-fees.

You don't know what either of these words mean, do you? Read Stirner.

>he thinks the Church has anything resembling tradition
I'm late and it only says deleted file :c
it's one of those 'reply or ur mother dies tonight' posts.
Nah, the actual lifting takes about 90 minutes which leaves me 30 minutes to eat and shower. I just group it all together in my mind because it's neither reading or working.
>unironically telling anyone to read Stirner
no, man, you just don't do this on /lit/
Good thing this is /fitlit/ then.
>board name is not /lift/

You had one job
fuck me
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You did it.
>This is the several-hundred year-old definition you autist.
>Appeal to tradition
Wew lad. Can you not think for yourself?

I can still shoot Blacks that I don't like, because I and they share the same existence, but not the same weaponry.

>Read Stirner
If he is about the idea that I reflect reality through my senses, then it's boring. And if he says that's the only thing that is real, then I can still punch you in the face and it will hurt.

>Modern Catholic Church
Hell no.
They should be burned.
But you see, I can read about how things used to be and I can see that it had it's problems, but they were not as bad as current liberal problems.

So I'll just choose that tradition, mmmkay?
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I unironically love fitlit. Trips for this to be permanent?
>Appeal to tradition
See, that might be relevant if I were in any way defending it, which I'm not. Are you even reading my posts? I understand if you're still getting used to the whole idea.

>I can still shoot Blacks that I don't like, because I and they share the same existence, but not the same weaponry.

>If he is about the idea that I reflect reality through my senses
He's about the idea that reality only exists insofar as you sense and think about it, therefore it is a part of you, therefore it is your "property" (it's a pun).
>I can still punch you in the face and it will hurt.
Can you? Will it?

>I can read about how things used to be
Not tradition.
>lol things were better then
Yeah haha I loved the Wars of Religion really comfy desu
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nobody on /pol/ actually acknowledges it though.
Also 88.
>equality means "human" not "equal"

>he talks about shit he doesn't understand

Got a masters in medicine and philosophy, good luck with your engineering studies you literal beta
Then why do you give me a definition of equality you are not willing to defend?

Glad you agree with the racewar. Now I only have to convince you to gas the kikes.

>Sense and think
See the think part makes me interested. I might have a look there.

>Can you, Will it?
If you give me your address we can find out. I love experiments.

>Reading about stuff is not learning about it, at the very least how the author tried to intend it.

I can't convince you, that books describe at least part of reality. I'm going for a Saturday walk with my wife instead.

>30 Years war.
I'm fine with war. They happen. What I'm not fine is utter destruction of my people.
That I can prevent.
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> 2017
> working out a library

Not a bad idea. Wouldn't go there to study with grandpa and the niggers afterall.
jason blaha on the right
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Str levels /fitlit/?
1, I think my only stat is 38 range
When the divorce of these two boards happens on the 2nd, who gets to keep the threads? I won't let no dyel book nerd take my memes from me, no matter how many good times we've shared
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Are /fit/ and /lit/ going to remain friends after the merge is over? I dont want my /lit/ friends to leave mang ;_; will you guys promise to stop by once in awhile once its all said and done?
It's part of not taking 4chan seriously. Sure, you can improve a forum or imageboard by collectively making an effort to keep posts in high quality. The downside is that inevitably your community will turn into a bunch of no fun allowed, tryhard autists like plebbit.

Basically, we are enduring and sometimes even encouraging low quality posts and bait like that because it is in line with the nature of 4chan. Disallowing 'stupidity' leads to disallowing edginess, which soon leads to disallowing non-conforming opinions. That is a big flaw in most other communities and the reason most of us keep coming back to this place instead. As long as you are willing to wade through some shit, you can actually have fun and interesting discussions here.

/lit/ is board for delusional faggots

Good point. The day 4chan has features like "serious replies only for this thread" , its all downhill from there.
If you waste your time on post timer and captcha solve just to reply to one of those posts you're an idiot.
There's plenty of OC and vaguely creative "dumb" posts you could nurture instead of filling thread full of zero content spam.

how'd you do that ? Not even new fag i swear
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>It's part of not taking 4chan seriously
This entire thread is not taking 4chan seriously. Did you miss the OP image?
For example >>11287 is humerus and not at all serious.
The "mother will die" post is not funny not creative and adds literally nothing to the thread.
Stop hiding behind muh culture to defend retardation.
ctrl+s newfag
>not even new fag i swear
sure thing buddy :^)
>[Hegel dialectics intensifies]
What´s the protein of /lit/ ? What´s cut and bulk of /lit/ ?
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some anons just never post on boards that use spoilers, I guess
I've only recently found out that /tg/ has pdf
>If you give me your address we can find out.
holy shit dude are you tough in real life
>implying 4chan ins't a waste of time anyway
>implying desu spam, ebin trolling, frogposting or any other 4chan staple add anything to a thread
you have to go back

yeah, I only post on /fit/ and go to /gif/ to [spolier]flick the bean[/spoiler]
Those were all cancer.
almost had it friendo :)
that was the joke, my le may may
>being a delusional weak lefty

Look we know life sucks, but the west is the best for a reason faggot. Capitalism.

Well being white doesn't hurt either.
>Then why do you give me a definition of equality you are not willing to defend?
Because I don't agree with equality at all. I'm just giving you the classical liberal definition, i.e. the most commonly accepted one.

Accepting you can do something doesn't mean you agree with it. Obviously you can go and shoot niggers.

>I might have a look there.
Read "The Ego and Its Own". If the my property/creative nothing part is all you're interested in, start reading from part three (the bits before are just BTFOing atheism, liberalism, and socialism -- of course in the way of things, Stirner has become a socialist icon).

>If you give me your address we can find out. I love experiments.
Oh no now you've scared me.

Learning something is not tradition. Tradition needs an unbroken line, and obviously if I read Gilgamesh and then take up brick-laying there's been a few too many gaps in between to call it a "tradition".

>I'm fine with the destruction of people
>I'm just not fine with the destruction of The People
I take it back, you should definitely read the first two parts of Stirner.
ctrl + s (after clicking the textbox so you don't save it you poor fool)
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>a fucking wagecuck
Kek , kid on the right looks like karl pilkington
>true appreciation of philosophy
>achievable natty
>right and wrong don't matter!
>just go learn how rocks work!

yeah man, sure is useful to know where the stars are in the sky. Totally helping my fellow man there.
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and it's exactly because of edgy, pretentious faggots like yourself that, although i'm mostly in favour of the merger, i have second thoughts
Every board has pedofags
That's not what he's talking about. It can't be, because no one wouldn't notice /tg/'s PDF it's funny because of 40k and also there are loads of lolifags.
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Just benched 225 for 6 today, bois.
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>hasn't read the Greeks
>not positioning her hand to be holding the top of the bottom cup and the bottom of the top cup
what was this madwoman even thinking?
Post books. Inb4 25 SS copies.
Why isn't it called /lift/?
> that first sip...
yeah this is pretty fucking primitive and constrained thinking, in assuming that no one can contribute to multiple attributes of their personality and not be so black-and-white. also that strength and intelligence are the only contributing factors to a person's welfare and humanity
You can portray yourself as smart in front of yourself and there's no objective way to prove you wrong.
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damn son yahweh trips confirms opportunity missed
Do you want to destory public media? You are combining not water and fire, but fire and a tornado.

Shit don't mix.
oh shit

Me neither.

t. Guy who responds to those threads.
What was the pic?
>garbage account
Nevermind, another your mom post.
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>half hour of exercise will make you fit
>but he spells like a retard
this is a toughy
>muh class
That's not what whataboutism means. It's also funny how a leftie is mentioning whataboutism. Do yourself a favour and just wiki it right now to understand the irony.
Not an argument.
Do you even read?
>worth reading

literally get the fuck out retard
Jokes on you, my mom doesn't go to libraries, so she can't possibly die in her sleep in a library.
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lmao some people actually believes this
>being a external locus based weak collectivist cuck
No, s4s is a whole different league of shitposting, they are better separate so more boards don't get tainted
>I hate reading. My mom is a librarian. But she never actually reads books for adults.
this meme sucks, i feel for you
Polish comics were truly ahead of their time.
>what is anarchism
This must be bait.
>implying that Industrialism/Capitalism and Communism/Socialism aren't two sides of the same coin
>implying that either would mitigate the rising social atomization of the individual and destruction of the family as the foundational unit of society
>implying that you aren't just another con in someone else's machine regardless of which ideology you "choose"
>choosing I Can't Believe It's Not Butter or bread lines without butter over helping grandma make butter for your family and loved ones

You niggers aren't the same, but neither of you are right.
No one here speaks mongol.
the text ruins it but this is funny
But that would make sense other than the broscience advice.
/r9k/ should've merged with /k/
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The free market bitch.
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meanwhile, in bizarro /fitlit/...
I agree.

>he doesn't actually know that even einstein, fat lazy bastard that he was, made a point of walking everyday to exercise his body and let his mind wander while he worked
>he doesn't actually know that edward witten, considered the top string theorist today, is an avid cyclist who bikes to work as much as possible
>he doesn't actually know that stephen hawking was a varsity sports chad
>he doesn't actually know that nikola tesla walked 10 miles a day
>he still thinks /fit/ and /lit/ are mutually exclusive
>he will live in this empty, pathetic reality of his own making because it validates the intelligence he only thinks he has
i'm a librarian and I lift too, my time to shine !
>helping grandma make butter for your family and loved ones
>Everyone lives like farmer in Communist utopia
Is this the strongest board?
What would a leftwing market anarchist society do to Wal-Mart?
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>a henry rollins quote
you're beyond saving desu
/fitlit/ is superior 4chan board. Highest collective IQ and strength
There are exceptions to every accurate generalization. As a rule I trust no middling academic who is rail thin or obese.
>Highest collective IQ
You said yourself you have free time. What is the issue?
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>tfw 4chan is a collective mega-brain
start with the greeks kid
You are clearly lowering our merit. Consider leaving.
good doggo
Science is philosophy.
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i'm not sure if this has been posted yet
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>Literatura Pany
Teaching Philosophy isn't that bad. At my school, they taught us about Matrix and the redpill for half a year. Was the shit.
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>Not posting the original
/fa/ && /p/= /fap/
Allow each worker to take home the money they make.
THERE we go.
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Am i being mired, or am i being observed?
your being delusional
Both. But only for the glory of God.
Philosophy is for degenerate lanklets and poetry is for manlets.
how do I into /lit/ ?
all I own are some books about fascism, cultural marxism and identity in the XXI century

I want to improve my general culture and become an educated person.
I also own a business so some recommendations for it would be nice(restaurant)
K dyel
if you ever took /lit/ seriously i'm so sorry for you, because you are a sad pseudointellectual brainlet
this post is objectively correct
moby dick
I've been doing it wrong the entire time
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/htead/ and cheers
I second Steppenwolf, just finished it yesterday and it was tremendous.
start with the greeks

not gonna lie im legit triggered

well done
i dont understand why they havent fusionned r9k and soc
>>he doesn't actually know that even einstein, fat lazy bastard that he was, made a point of walking everyday to exercise his body and let his mind wander while he worked
>walking everyday
>he doesn't actually know that edward witten, considered the top string theorist today, is an avid cyclist who bikes to work as much as possible
No he's not an avid cyclist.
>>he doesn't actually know that stephen hawking was a varsity sports chad
He was an autist and decided to try and fit in by being coxswain on rowing team after spending a year alone at university. He's also a hack riding off early work on black holes and being a pathetic cripple everyone pities. Jacob Bekenstein was only grad student and btfo hawking at his own game, which made him butthurt.
>>he doesn't actually know that nikola tesla walked 10 miles a day
Autist and walking isn't /fit/ by any means.

Where all the /fit/ geniuses anon? At best they're cardio fags like Turing.
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How would you even do that you fucking idiot? Make it against the rules to post anything related to politics, or just ban nazi imagery? Doing any of that would lead to a net decrease in the quality of discussion on most boards.
They're fags. They've ignored /a/, /v/, /g/, /r9k/, /mu/, /k/, /tv/, and /sp/.
/r9k/ and /soc/ or /r9k/ and /cgl/ would be good.
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I didn't want to make a thread for this so I'll just ask here.

What's the easiest way to get /fit/? I'm 5'9 and 100lbs. I bike around 4 miles everyday so it's not like I'm in terrible shape, I'm just ridiculously skinny. Also how do I get a cuter butt?

Help a /lit/ friend, /fit/.
Head like a fookin orange
Read the sticky. This is your only warning.
The anxious cry of one who has never read.
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Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreead the sticky
Consider reading the sticky or something but at 100lbs, it's as simple as eating more to get to a healthy weight, obviously some form of strength training alongside would be a good idea.

Google TDEE
>I'm just ridiculously skinny
>I bike around 4 miles everyday
There is your problem. Stop biking or running it's killing your muscles(size). Go start lifting actual weights
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>not fit related
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Brains AND brawn!

Oh I hadn't noticed the sticky. Thank you friends.
Bunch of assholes thinking they're superior because they spends hours each day making their muscles larger. Seriously, fuck you guys.
third post best post
>reads only /pol/ threads and watches anime
>only works out his upper body and looks like several dollar store hams stuffed into a sweater
You didn't belong to /lit/ or /fit/, did you?

when you suck at life just end it
For the butt do some barbell hip thrusts
Kek. Some of the richest people in the world read philosophy as a major
Wew lad
t. Brainlet
>preferring to be fit and dating a coalburner to a weakling and dating a wholesome girl
Wow! What a twisted fucking psychopath xD
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A healthy mind lives in a healthy body!!!!!
>rounded back
Shit form
This is not even true.

Delete this, you pleb
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Being strong of both body and mind leads to strength of soul as well.

Truly we all benefit from /fitlit/
>Same girl sucks the stronger guys dick.
Poor wimp is getting cucked.
Can we make this change permanent? It's fucking great.
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make this a banner
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All those just throwing around the "start with the greeks"...
Here kid.
Now go
Holy fuck
She is still smiling the whole time.

>implying this will make you exercise
Sour grapes
fuck off cardio killing gaine is a meme. and 4 miles on a bike wont be the problem that's not a lot. he just needs to eat more
I'm going to screenshot this entire page.
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i haven't been actually spooked in a while, so thanks for that
greatest bait of all time.
>works a normal 40 hour wagecuck week, doesn't even have to drive
>can't find time to improve himself
not gonna make it, lose the gf for starters she's obviously making you complacent
>Playing internet tough guy

Hit the weights, read a book & get a clue, faggot.
>a hour

Is it possible to achieve this mode, without having to rely on little machines inside your body?
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holy shit

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>'reading books is what makes you smart XDDDD'

>Tfw too smart to base my world views off of anything but books
The picture claims to be from a seasoned 4chan user, but yet they cant handle shitposting and trolling.
I bet you still believe in "logic".

Get back to me when you've lost your faith in science.
>true and false mean nothing! 1+1 = 4! I view the world in a manner that you cannot even comprehend!!!!

How new to the internet are you guys?
Read the sticky, do Stronglifts for a few months while educating yourself on getting /fit/, then move on.
Also for butt do squats and deadlift
is for girls
>not knowing how to greentext
>unironically wanting to be cucked by the government
I'm actually not Marine, I'm in the process of applying to OCC after I graduate from uni this winter though. I just enjoy reading through a lot of these books to keep me mentally motivated.

I seriously doubt you'd need to read any of these books to get promoted to Corporal. Most of the ones I have are from an officers perspective, like Erwin Rommels Attacks for example. In my opinion it's not needed, but it couldn't hurt.
I'd just like to say this is one of my favorite threads
took me awhile to notice top right shop
How would you know you're stronger if you never lift
That is just not how food works at all
Those are all apt questions but the real question he needs to ask himself is WHERE IS THE LEGACY OF TOTALITARIANISM IN A TUNDRA?
You can comprehend it, but otherwise
>this but unironically
whats the point of being smart if youre a pussy?

far more useful in life to be a likeable person than smart

and likeable is essentially a code word for more attractive
Posting for the sake of posting. I just started reading ernst junger and saul alinsky simultaniously. What should i expect?
>Make it against the rules to post anything related to politics
Yes. That exactly.
Man as far as I can tell you guys already intentionally created a shit board
/pol/ stills exists in its original form as well though
You guys inspired me to do some push-ups. Thanks /fit/
>No one likes or apreciates what you do.
Except literally everyone besides you autists
>being the labourer
We only have brappp threads
Which is equally degenerate
>implying spot reducing is real
don't even care if this was a shitty attempt at a joke, I'm mad
What's wrong with Rollins?
I lauged.
hmm maybe bringing /fit/ into /lit/ wasnt as great as i thought
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/fit/ here, opened an amazon order this week, can /lit/ rate my picks?
You done fucked up assuming you are new to /lit/erature.

I'm not sure whether this is the right equivalent, but it's kinda like deciding to do a marathon as a new years resolution.

Do not read The Republic without at least reading the Apology Quartet. Check out https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/pub for more detailed advice.

BNW is below entry-tier. I wouldn't bother with it personally.
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It won't win you any awards, but 1 hr. a week is (barely, but *is*) enough to get toned.

Hell, it takes 3 months of inactivity to start losing muscle mass gains (cardio or fucked diet notwithstanding).
Also remember that you can just pirate books.
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>he needs to sleep
learn to read fast, and workout for less than an hour at first, you can always workout more if it becomes a passion
Push/Pull/Legs, each twice a week, go for compounds over isolation if time is an issue. Never neglegt: Squat, Deadlift, Benchpress, OverheadPress, Pullups, Dips. Don't forget to eat like a motherfucker, 1g/lbs of protein and fill the rest with lots of carbs and ~50-80g of fats.
I've been reading all my life, but for quite some time, during my uni years, I only read technical books and only recently I've started to look for books everyone should read.
I feel like if I was to pirate books I just wouldn't read them, I like to hold the physical object that is the book.
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*when u step on someone elses stringy cum in the shower and it sticks to yo feet*
oh good-
NbbbBrAAAPP my sir
*le sharpens log of shit, puts log of shit in freezer, waits for log of shit to freeze, takes log of shit out of freezer, sharpens log of shit again, freezes log of shit for another 10 mins, takes it out, stabs u in neck with it
Dude funny idea: LE piano wire and glue ur hands to ur head and jump off making it look like u pulled ur head off
"Man dies of winning"

girl on the streets: don’t call me a slut
girl in the sheets (presumably): call me a slut
feminists are the biggest chokesluts. r9k told me.

Babboon Brainframe

(1) facebook newsfeed is full of fake happy stuff - pictures of smiling celebs “life goals” “the squad” “betoota advocate” links, videos that are forced viral, pictures of pop culture and entertainment, fake memes

the future:
pre-drinks of endocrine disruptors
fused with
dew before a big
night of watching korean post-gender twinks play
e-sports for 3 hours in gender
and race neutral

fit lit
Yeah then follow the link I gave you (it really should be our sticky) and remember that Start With The Greeks is just our Starting Strength, with all that that implies.

As for fiction: read what interests you, but is still good. That could be The Greeks (Homer &c.), or Borges, or Shakespeare, or the Russians or whatever. Just whatever you enjoy AND is good.
Who is "moot"?
Need some 1984 bro.
I just want to mention that I've really enjoyed this cultural exchange with you /lit/fags.
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>/pol/ and /mlp/
they get along well

/mlp/ is letting all the blue board repression out and spamming all the pony porn they can fnd and /pol/ is having an autistic meltdown
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But I'm in an unhealthy environment
capitalism can produce good shit, while being a shitty system

Like how Ender's Game was hugely enjoyable even though Card is mormon and afraid of sex
>be gurl
>3 cups of coffee
>stack one on top of another
>woopseedaisy it fell
>better put the other cup on top of the other

legit down's syndrome.
>le capitalism is ebil

Well kinda agree we allow shitskins to breed freely

Can you make a /mlpol/ with the small body, small head and a big arm
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>tfw read a chapter of a book everyday in my car while Im enjoying my morning coffee and tea and charging my phone before I workout.
>he doesn't study science with a perfect philosophical understanding of the scientific method
>he doesn't self-study patrician tier History of Science
I think yukio mishima's book, sun and steel sums this merger up perfectly.
To have a sound body, you must have a sound mind. To have a sound mind, you must have a sound body.
i'll roll for you anon
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pol have won
implying /pol/ can be contained
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Perhaps a lit could help. I forgot the name of this book, where a nerd and dumb jock (i think named Max) become close friends, where the small nerd rides around on the big guys shoulders. I remember the ending, the small nerd dies. Anyone know this book?

actually a good idea since most of /fit/ was about self improvement overall.

/mlp/ and /pol/ will just see the red pilling and nazification of bronies, or a mass exodus of /pol/ users onto /his/, /int/, /new/ and /fit/
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving?
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oh my fucking god
Freak the Mighty
fuck that screenshot's old. about the time when I still enjoyed the game
cuck /lit/.
>I'm content to lie on my deathbed not having known the limits of my body
May as well end it now tbqhwyf
no u nerd
what did he mean by this?
I completely get that, and I've been at the game for ten years, memespouting and shitposting, and interminggling my honest idologies with so much retarded memetic crap that you could barely make out what I meant by wading through years of meme history, to the point that it severely obfuscated my conversations to people who hadn't wasted years here, and thus preserving "chan culture".

it's just that on this one I feel so out of the zeitgeist.
It's a kind of retardedness that SOMEHOW I can't get behind nor comprenhend, and this is a first.
Even ALL instances of "sadfrog" were stuff I didn't care for but I could see as chan culture.

Now I know what people felt when Dolan started.
God, how I miss Dolan threads, when they were original.

but these too >>18107 >>18133
there are more productive ways to be retarded and contribute to the meme pool

mhhh thanks bb, I was too blatant, but it still worked... mh, the delicious mild anger of someone annoyed on the internet

see, that's ^^^ how you shitpost/bait meking voard kulture glow
cuck /lit/. do it.
/g/ here
stronger than /fit/ smarter than /lit/

are you guys like enemies? wtf did they do to your shit boards
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That's it, thank you so much. It has been over 10 years where i'd wonder what the name of that book was

>tfw i grew up being Kevin and now i'm Max

High School was good to me
cuck /lit/ now.
>red pilling and nazification of bronies
/mlp/ is already right wing.
One of their mascots is a Nazi pony named Aryanne.
why would u think ur smarter than /fit/
and u act like most boards arent smarter than lit
Start with the Greeks if you haven't read them already. The Greeks are basically /lit/'s version of SS.
i am retarded
**stronger than /fit/
i work out 1.5-2 hours a day and have 3.8+ gpa in compsci + finance double major.

i dont have any friends though and sometimes I go days at a time without talking.
No problem pal. If I remember it was a bloody good read back in the day
no half the /g/entlemen are /fit/izens too
Is that why he staged a lilliputian putsch and committed sudoku?
Why are you hopping immediately on every fucking meme in existence? Drop The Art of War and How to Win Friends and Influence People in the garbage.

Start with the Greeks. There are good resources located in the /lit/ sticky.
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does working out cannibalize your other hobbies? I'm a aspiring artist and that takes up the majority of my day. How do you find balance?
>Is from /lit/
>Doesn't even read the sticky

Shiggy diggy doo, this board is not for you.
>writes like a 10 year old diabetic southern autist
>says you can have a good body in 30 min a day

Why are you even here?
Most people would say no, but I'm an artist who a few summers ago went from being almost obese to a healthy weight and didn't do anything but work out 3 times a week, played football on sundays and spent my days recovering and watching youtube videos. It really drained my energy to do anything else, including drawing, and although I didn't think it was a bad thing at the time (especially considering the weight loss), now I'm extremely hesitant to get back to it because I know that it drains me so much. It's a lifestyle change, best thing to do would be to try and see if you can balance both.
working out is like 1-2h every other day.
surely you can fit that into your schedule
You have to realize that working out, or working on one's own body, is a former of art.
See martial arts. One doesn't undermine the other, but rather if you allow it you can reap greater benefits combining the two.
Only if you let it
>im always gonna be poor the post
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Something I always wanted to ask /fit/ :

Do you count the weight of the handlebar when you say how much you can lift?
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what is high test and low test?
I hope english isnt youre first language
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Handle bars are on machines, which are not counted.

The 45lb (20kg) bar used to ohp/bench/squat/deadlift is counted
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this new board is sweet
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That reminds me of pic rel
no it's not, sorry
> wow we sure bamboozled this guy

are you fucking kidding me
in any lift the weight counted is always going to be weighing everything
>inb4 autism people tell me to add 1kg of chalk
It was one person anon, but given you have made a blanket statement you must've originated from /pol/
>not removing the square on the bottom left
>cutting arnold
the ultimate form
good thing i'm 300 mg/l

>implying he doesn't lift weights at the library
>implying the small headed man is all muscle and none of that is fat
>implying the small headed man doesn't just have an abnormally small head

I've lifted weights at a library before, it's not that hard
>tfw no /fit/pol/k/his/diy/out/ super board
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Fucking dead
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Keko Kekalini
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Your observing yourself.

It's you being conscious.

That's what we are. Consciousness.

Apologies everyone.
I'm renaming that screenshot in my folder as fitlit.
wow, how special :^)
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Thanks but I consider myself as a really mediocre man.
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What would be a good theme song for /fitlit/?

Include me in the screencap
just need to update the lyrics a bit
No man. I bet you excel at one area most likely none of us can keep up with you.
You are in no means mediocre, buddy!
Now that you mention it, yes. Yes, I excel all of you plebs. I'm the littest, fittest motherfucker in this board and all of you should, no, SHALL bow to me!
Thanks for opening my eyes, anon. As a reward you'll be the first one to receive my blessing.
>/fitlit/ will die in your lifetime
For this reason weights are generally counted in plates in situations where the bar matters. 1pl8 would be bar weight assumed + 1 plate on both sides, with 20kg plates. It should be 60kg. 2pl8 would be 100kg, 3pl8 would be 140kg, so forth.
If it's in an exercise where add-on weight matters, you specify, as in '1pl8 and 10', where 10 is two 5kg mini-plates.
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>where do you study?
What screencap you retard, that's not even a new image
>Implying the picture didn't get resignified but the lately events unfolding around the receptors of said item, thus changing the notions of what was relevant about it along with the significance and the core of said image
It's a new image, you are just not able to see it.
It was funnier in the original thread but now, now it's fucking art
Too easy :^)
I miss Shepard

>Lol look at this fag. Bet he exercises at the gym.

Everyone on this thread being summed up nicely.

I hate how the world is slowly but surely gravitating toward's Sam's inconvenient truth about the hive mind attacking the individual
no we are in the minority it seems and I don't want that.
This post was stickied. Holy fuck
meh close enough
they both look kinda stupid, don't they?
Nice try, but I've got the facts
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>mfw I was monitoring some very productive /lit/ threads and was thinking about them all day
>showing you stopping reading after you finished Harry Potter as a child
Didn't their entire board layout get nuked then a week later they started making autistic theories over how moot was part of a secret cabal?
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hi mom!
me posting on epic thread
>being left wing
>allowing the state to dissolve the worth of your labor
>being condescending towards others
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The library and punch on it!
what were they on, breh?
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>Right wing and capitalist

Terrible combo
>I don't know what socialism is but boy am I not going to let that stop me
Plato was right.

People like you shouldn't have a hand in politics.
gymnasium in ancient greece had scrolls and weights. along with a track field
Wisdom right here.
Ya, well, I can't really get a bigger dick so
Imagine if Highschools had weightrooms...
they do
/sci/ should have merged with /x/
/a/ with /co/
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having HEIGHT FACE and FACE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> big willy
This is true.

t. big dick manlet autist
Weren't Plato and those faggots /fit/ as fuck?
When will you dicklets learn
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>In other words

so they're getting along, what is your problem fitlit?
>when you get so triggered you develop stockholm syndrome
I've giving away the math departments most closely guarded secret telling you this but the answer is amphetamines.

Are you new? We are getting along. This is the most fun I've had on /fit/ ever. If we had flags on this board, yours would have a leaf on it.
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>mlp becomes permanent and the ADL makes Rainbow Dash a hate symbol
Kill yourself, retard.
Shut up, nigger
wew lad
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>This is the most fun I've had on /fit/ ever

54am3, 8r3h. 1'm h4v1n9 7h3 71m3 0f my l1f3!
1188ng/dl reporting in. I have slightly above average IQ according to my psych eval.
include me in the screencap too, I give good head.
That's vaguely nonspecific. Is that the polite way of saying less then a standard deviation above?
IQ is 112
>>I'm content to lie on my deathbed not having known the limits of my mind
May as well end it now tbqhwyf
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>over 900 replies

Holy shit, what did I miss?
Ok, seriously, are Americans actually like this?
Not bad but don't let IQ get to your head because it doesn't mean shit if you don't use it.
Nothing, it's a new sticky, that's all.
It's April fools day sticky you fuckin autistic retard

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/fit/ isn't representative of the classic jock though. /fit/ is mostly autists just like /lit/, only they read less.
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goddamn I love this board
Daily reminder that the founder of socialism Marx was a NEET who lived off rich parents and rich friends, never had a job in his life, was constantly in debt, and also never paid his maid slave a penny making him an exploiter of the working class.
don't get too attached
Never change fit
>never had a job in his life
empirically wronk
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left is a girl who lifts weights and reads, right is a troll who lifts doughnuts and reads haes blogs.

don't usually lurk /pol/ but /mlpol/ is also funny as shit
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>tfw you can't deny it

yeah, I feel like /fit/ is mostly losers who decided to get a grip on life through lifting

literature can also help you like that

/fitlit/ needs to be a thing
Obviously new to reading...New readers read nothing but memes but it's not a bad thing really. Reading /lit/ memes basically means reading the classics, with a few real memes intermingled.
I'm learning so much from you /fit/izens.
I hope this board never goes away, but when it does I'll start visiting /fit/ more often.

Are you me?
I don't understand the meme part
>makes blanket statement about people whom've made blanket statements

>how to win friends and influence people

that garbage should be banned from stores

this fucking shit book was published in the 1930's

it was already dated refurbished garbage when boomers decided to pick it up en masse

I think this little cross pollination event has been good for everybody. I'm sure we'll have more friendly crossboard interaction with each other after this. Hell this might even breathe some new life into /ck/ and it won't just be a morass of fast food threads and shitposting.

/lit/ is funny in the sense that it's probably the only board that prefers the popular over the obscure. So the classics, and their authors have become memes. Soft memes I would say. Hard memes include gravity's rainbow, nick land, etc.
so is infinite jest actually good?
forever /ourguy/
Yes it's really good, though if you're just starting to read I would hold off for a year or two because the vocab is purposefully difficult.
Who was in the wrong here?
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Would it be a good idea to read all the literature nobel prize winners?
Start with Bob Dylan
some of them are considered to be simply wrong choices also
>reading Fo and Dylan instead of watching/listening

lot's of good /lit/ in there though, going through the list and reading the ones that interest you is a good idea
I'm also new to /lit/. Do you have any recommendations on where to start with Dostoevsky's works? I was thinking Crime & Punishment (Pevear & Volokhonsky translation)
P&V get a lot of trash (dunno if fairly) but that's a fine book to start with as long as your fine with the length.
P&V is the subject of controversy. Some see them as good in their own right, and others see them as big Memes.

However, there's no single lauded translator.

I'd suggest quickly reading through Notes from Underground, personally, because it's good and short.
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What are your thoughts on strategy fiction? I guess I'm a fucking weeb but I loved the three novels of Legends of the Galactic Heroes. I heard I would also enjoy War and Peace, and eastern stuff like Suikoden or Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


Meanwhile I'm reading classics from my dad's bookshelf. Doing great so far with Hemingway, 100 years of solitude, Quixote
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>don't browse either board
>visit to see commotion over board merger
>read this thread
>realize how inept I am on all sides
>smaller than manlet size
>not good at any hobby
thanks /fitlit/

start lifting

start reading

stop watching porn
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>tfw /fitlit/ will end soon
Thanks. Any particular translation of Notes from the Underground that you'd recommend?
Don't worry breh - you can always browse both boards! It's what I spend my Friday nights doing
/lit/'s familiar with nick land? Is it because of the NRx memery or what?

t. left 8 years ago for /fit/ and /pol/ and never looked back
I don't masturbate

watch porn and masturbate until you are 18 but then stop
I'm well over 18. Just super low t

start lifting so you can start masturbating but then stop after a couple of years
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just droppin by
Me on the right
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Someone, about this meme, gimme the Q U I C K R U N D O W N

/pol/ is the best board
Iron Pill/volkisch-posting was always satirical, retard
Armstrong would be /fitlit/ as fuck
who actually post on /s4s/? i feel like it's just one or two guys
Der ubermensch has arrived
Fuck off nigger, you can't ban politics from the internet
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kys uncreative niggers.
t. Rebel ''qt girl'' Absurdity
the West has been the best for thousands of years before capitalism appeared you classcuck
Proof that /lit/ is autistic.
Stop watching anime.
My unadulterated nigger

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It was well-written but it wasn't entertaining. Maybe you're just easily amused.
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>mfw the whole april fools merge was a secret test experiment from jewish mods to see how 4chan would react to what is basically shutting down certain independent boards
if I'm at level 6, what do I read to achieve the final stage?
my dubs confirm this to be true.
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I watch maybe one show a season
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you're just new. 07 is still newfag and also /lit/ and /fit/ are both irrelevant to and disconnected from imageboard culture. don't you even remember that period where we doing that weird ironic ultrashitposting troll memes? its all a self aware, satirical reaction to normalfag memes. yeah, its different than what we ever used to have, but it makes perfect sense. multiple levels of irony and all that

also, for a long time those memes of "reply to this post with "X" to receive "Y" " were used as ways to get around sage getting banned but still be able to !sagebomb shit threads and perform basic hygiene. this shit is just a natural (d)evolution, fully expected of the meme and completely natural in the context of a funposting sticky.
fit > lit
now self destruction... *lets out a deep exhale, careful to not let the weed smoke leak beneath the dorm hall door*
Work out while listening to books on tape
the dust never settles
I'll miss you, /fit/

there we go
posting in this historic merger sticky
libraryanon was right
>That scene where he was inspecting her inner thigh after she bumped into something and got a bruise

That whole book was K I N O, you shut your whore mouth.
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cute doggo.gif
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>tfw neither can i
We...We have klinefelters...
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1000 CMON
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this board is still here? when will they put us out of our misery already
serious question:
Why do anons always mass reply?
it's the chan equivalent of mass emailing
It's a cancer on /pol/ (which is understandable, there is a lot of shitposting), but why would /sp or /lit/ reply?

It's shit, unfunny, and shits up the thread
In some rare exceptions it's a funny/creative one, but still why do they reply to tens of people?
wtf, am I suddenly being replied to by 4yos?
like this board also post 1001
you are post 1002, as the OP doesn't get counted in the count - only replies
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thx dude
Thread posts: 1001
Thread images: 211

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