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Homestuck Update Anticipation Thread

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Thread replies: 681
Thread images: 91

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Bowmanon, I hope you're happy.
this is the worst op yet

I haven't yet but will sometime after I get the sleep this comic and thread had taken from me. Thank you for the recommendation.
you're the worst op yet.
I made the OP and I can't even argue with the trips.
Don't ever try to talk professionalism with me or my wife's son ever again.
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>We'll never get several updates over the span of a single day again
>We'll never get updates at 4 am again
>We'll never mash F5 waiting for an update again
>We'll never have the notifier pop up while you're in the middle of masturbating again
>We'll never get updates after the 13th
oh okay cool
i just dont want to miss your review is all
sleep well
I miss the scattershot updates. It was a pleasant surprise when there was an update, rather than a hyped event.
who cares, ipgd went full fujoshi
MTaHK > Hush > Comfortable Bugs > Ithaca > Commissions
CB is way worse than Ithaca dude
7 days of Davekat shitposting
An eternity of Davekat becoming endgame shitposting
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So Spades is alive and just got swallowed up by the black hole right?
he got his head cut off
yeah but he's alive right
Possible. He's a cyborg to the point that decapitation might not mean instadeath. He is very much decapitated though. Not a good sign.
He can just walk it off.
Eh, I prefer 69423 and Every Time I Look Into Your Eyes to most of the Ithaca tracks.
Two tracks don't make the whole album
>Karkat will never meet (Karkat)
Where the fuck is the update?
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>tfw your not good enough at art or music to collaborate with Andrew Hussie
>tfw it's too late anyway because Homestuck is already finished
Ithaca's more consistent, I suppose, but I felt CB's high points were higher. I love them both, though.
>(Vriska) will never take revenge on Vriska's bullying and makes her pay
wrong file name.
If I did, could I put down Homestuck on my resume?
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For something done and already shcduled, I was expecting updates to hit with the regularity of a clock.

What is going on?
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This update (Specifically the "you know what" reference") got me thinking.

>Heart players aspect is the SOUL, dealing with the fragmentation and unification of the self
>the only player who we know used their aspect to the fullest in this regard, Dirk, used it to maintain "himself", a shared identity, across multiple personas: brain ghost/dreamself/normal self, and to a lesser extent, auto-responder.
>entity composed of at least half a heart player mimics a battle sequence from a game about a person who fights with their soul and retains knowledge of their actions through multiple instances of the game's save states

Was Frisk a Heart player the whole time?
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Now this is my kind of thread. Have a rare bowman.

Please don't single me out though, that makes me worse than a tripfag
you just got overexcited, no one ever said regular updates would be at midnight

heart + time, because saving is time travel
also theyre nonbinary
davepeta IS frisk
Probably, unless your art was in Game Over.
>we know used their aspect to the fullest in this regard, Dirk, used
Not at midnight exactly, but as an european, I expect to go to sleep and find updates when I woke up in the morning.
>also theyre nonbinary
I never said anything to the contrary. I said "person" because it's a self insert.

Does that imply Davepeta's going in for a redo?
>I never said anything to the contrary
didnt mean you did, i was just adding on

>Davepeta's going in for a redo
i doubt hell take the reference that far, but it did make the ut battle more appropriate
they already did. That's how Davesprite came about to begin with
God bless you anon.
Holy shit, I found something Bowman anon doesn't have.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfsrTxUUssw (and the other video?)
I'm afraid I have a lot more videos than that, even private ones.
god damn it
How many, exactly? Are you thinking of a number between 450 and 850?
720, won't you reach in and grab it for me?

enough bowmanposting, I'm becoming the cancer that people feared
He got blown up by an explosion that took out half a planet
he dead, son
he still has the oven, which is an indestructible juju
the oven was not a juju
it was just a regular oven that Biscuits liked to hide in
really roomy, though
it had actual time powers. That's why the bomb that Slick threw in there would go off until it was opened again
So are we all killing ourselves after 4/13? I know I am.
it moves forward at 1 second per second, but things inside are caught in temporal stasis, it's also presumably immortal.
but what about hiveswapped

nah I got to get in contact with my publisher around then
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>tfw Cans was essentially one of the final bosses
Why exactly did Jake have to fight the Felt anyways?
And it has a very high storage capacity
they work for the mobster
the robot ass man
Hussie get the fuck off of 4chan.

I really don't want it too, honestly. Even though Homestuck hasn't been as great to me since Hivestuck ended, I did enjoy the shit out of act 4 and the times we had.

But seriously, let's end this shit already.
you could also ask why exactly did the kids have to also fight spades slick at all
Will Karkat break up with Dave for killing Slick?
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Nope. His name is Robot Ass Man now.
>being this Hotheaded
did he break up with terezi for exiling him?
Him and Terezi were never officially in a relationship. And exiling isn't the same as killing.
That was just Hussie having fun with words. The bomb's timer was set to a couple of hours plus a couple of seconds.
But since you can cram an entire gang of mobsters into that oven, it's clearly not normal.
avas demon
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>LE falls down stairs, glitches and die

trust me I am a seer at my rp sburb team
rose with the lesbian fingering tech
What time is it in clapistan? Shouldn't there have been an update by now?
Who the fuck is bowman, what did he do and why should I care?
He was smart enough not to contribute to this flash
Probably the second most influental HS music team member next to toby. has an extremely autistic fan here and for some reason somebody decided to dedicate the OP to him.

haven't head of anything homestuck related with bowman in a while though. I wouldn't be surprised if he did the epilogue music though
Sburban Jungle, Explore, that voiced album etc.

>smart enough
He stopped contributing by 2013, you held your expectations for nothing.
Probably not another one for at least 10 hours m8.
because there are poolballs on his bedsheets
well work on that flash started in 2013 so there's that
Well, if they hadn't fought him, odds are he would have killed them all. Dersite agents are kind of programmed that way, aren't they.
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>yfw this is supposed to be karkat
The oven has powers (holding a lot of shit in stasis [possibly related to captchalouges?]) but these aren't considered time powers nor is it a juju so the crowbar doesn't affect it.

Also well searching for those pages I found this:
Thoughts on if this will be relevant?
Nobody cares to projecting fanart.
>Thoughts on if this will be relevant?
he used the doll to summon the current felt, but the doll was presumably on slick when he went into the black hole, so it ended up on post scratch earth with gamzee and the crowbar, so who knows, lord english might have it for all we know.
SS already used it
Get 'em on LoMaX, I'll call it in.
>The oven doesn't really have any magical time properties to be negated.
Dude, come on. It's spelled out right there.
The definition of "traveling into the future at a rate of one second per second" is that for every second elapsed outside, one second elapses inside. Anything else would be a magical time property.
The only power that thing has is the magical space property of being bigger inside.
What's with those meaningless titles like Cascade or Collide? What's next, Revalations? Origins?
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Upon alt Callie eating the green sun or whatever, Crowbar pulls Snowman's pin and someone rejuvenates the Kids' Genesis Frog

I dunno
Revelations and origins are not verbs you dummy.
take away the horns and it's just completely lost on me that it's karkat. good art of a character, like humanstuck trolls should be able to convey their other qualities well.

this is just...
Well Collide is about roughly seventeen different villains all crashing the session at once. Seems appropriate to me.
Cascade is about shit spiraling out of control or whatever. Although Descend was about that too, I guess.
I'm just hoping the final animation is called [S] Ascend.
I could probably accurately describe the demographics of this artist.
The oven works exactly the same as everything else from the intermission, and Problem Sleuth for that matter. The rules are whatever is most convenient or funny at any particular moment. It can delay the timer of a bomb one moment and yet be considered not a juju in the next, and it really doesn't matter.
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How do you see this and get that?
>not [S] Retrieve Arms
i mean, the hair is roughly the right shape

but this is clearly fetish art so literally who cares
Did anyone else see his eyebrow and eye as the mouth and the horn as the eye in the thumbnail, resulting in a kind of grotesque fish face?
Hussie never actually put a reference to them in comic did he? Sort of sad really.

I like to think that lower carapacians like WV have an affinity to their stories upon game start, and that's why they're more prone to have an uprising.
>youtube instead of flash
Does anyone here have a download link or torrent for the new album?
Yeah if you're complaining about this stuff you should be complaining about big titty Jades too.
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I more meant the fact that it specifically mentions the doll as potentially being able to bypass LE's time shenanigans. Also, Dies has the doll on him in Collide, which means if the speculation is right its now under Jake's control.

>You set the bomb to go off in a few seconds, when both it and Biscuits are released from it in a few hours.
Dude come on. It's spelled out right there.
Time doesn't advance for things in the oven. This stasis is apparently a mundane effect so the crowbar can't stop it.
Big tits on Jane make sense, given that she's a female. On Karkat they do not.
>Dies has the doll on him in Collide
good catch!

man, now I'm excited again, I thought the felt were pretty much done with.
Maybe I should have said dog dick Jade or Cocknaya then.
its just art of a really fat karkat in lingerie
fat guys have breasts
How big do you think Act 7 will be? I don't think theres any way all the remaining plot points can be solved in the next 40 pages.
notice the lack of a bulge downstairs. this is clearly a tumblrific trans interpretation
couldnt it be a genderbend? i dont think trans guys generally like to wear girly shit
>You set the bomb to go off in a few seconds, when both it and Biscuits are released from it in a few hours.
He set the bomb to go off in a couple of seconds, in a couple of hours. It's Hussie's overly complicated way of saying that he set the timer on the bomb to the timer on the oven plus a few seconds.
Its a rule 63 Karkat. It's like you have never seen reverse Gender arts.
no, get out
just visited the tumblr, and apparently it's an au karkat called 'bubblegum punk'. from the few pages back I went it seems that he inexplicably has tits, and no real mention of gender at all. typical tumblr.
ok. then i guess a better question is why do you give a fuck
No I like him, you get out.
but does your uncle work for hussie?
What's left? One more Homosuck update, wrap up a few character arcs (should be easy, considering how rushed they've been since A6A6 started), Kill LE. Seems doable in 40 pages and a flash.
its not that they think its canon. theyre just in the portion of tumblr that does hate genderbends (and doesnt realize trans headcanons are themself a form of genderbending)
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characters don't have arcs, hussie meta-stated it through dave or something
>unironic davekat canonity/endgame discussion
No, it's not.
Well, yeah, but they kind of do? Rose resents her alcoholic mother, mom dies, Rose becomes an alcoholic, kicks the habit, comes out a better person. Dave thinks of his brother like a hero, loses his brother, meets his brother from an alt universe, finally admits his brother was an asshole, comes to terms with it and forms a healthy brotherly relationship with Dirk.

Maybe arcs is the wrong word.for what I'm thinking of
Someone just ask the artist if this is meant to be a genderbend or not so we can end this dumb debate.
like anyone cares THAT much
>and that makes you a god damn hypocrite
It's Occam Razor's principle: several valid explantion can work, you take the simplest one because it will be the easiest to debunk.

And he clearly look female.
Nah, let it go on. Watching them fight is entertaining.
this pretty much
no it's
>Rose resents her alcoholic mother, everyone else dies, gets absorbed by an alt version of herself, mom dies, Rose becomes an alcoholic, kicks the habit, dies, gets buried, gets dug back up, gets revived, meets another alt version of herself, gets merged with her dead cat, gains enlightenment.
given that you cant talk i guess i shouldnt expect you to read either but im not the only person youve been talking to (and that wasnt me)

>the one giving intend to someone
someone translate this for me
>troll dicks are literally bones
>they are constantly erect
>what is a baculum
... So is that an arc or not?
I coulda swore the baculum is just the support structure for the muscles and such to attach too, not literally inside the penis itself.
I'm more imagining it as their pants being constantly comically tented
no it's a bunch of bullshit that happened for a large number of unrelated reasons
I think it was a joke
>didnt even read the first half of my post
thats not what happened, and you get stupider every time you type another letter
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Sorry, I couldn't tell in-between all the whining.

It's early in the morning, I've been up all night and clearly way too angsty for 6:30.
Fair enough. Still, there are a few characters that still have lessons or morals to learn before the comic ends.
>hairy armpit Jade
Is this a thing Y/N
Someone please confirm and post pics
Aranea said trolls reproduced bisexually, so they canonically have two distinct sexes. The hermaphroditic thing is false.
>thats not what happened
What happened, then?
Unless you are not the one who posted >>81548546
How about you go to /aco/ and request that shit there?
I don't think you even read my post if you thought what you just said was accurate.
I was defending it on account of other fetishizations in the fandom being equally weird and oblique to canon.
There's Grimdark art, fatstuck, fancystuck, steampunk style, bloodswaps, and whatever the hell else. Transuggostuck shouldn't be that big a deal.
Character arc (n)
1. Changes to a characters personality, worldview, or other internal changes as a result of events in the story.

In other words, any character who isn't static from beginning to end of the story undergoes an arc. Whether or not this growth follows a classic/cliche arc such as the "Hero's Journey" is for literary scholars to argue.
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Can Karkat please get some cool shit from Clover?
Crap, meant to link >>81548620
Trolls reproduce by feeding genetic material to the Mother Grub. This genetic material is collected from matesprit and kismesis couples, which can be either gender (since trolls dont really have a concept of gay and straight)
So you're saying they can reproduce hermaphroditic but aren't hermaphrodites because they have separate sexes? Makes a lot of sense.
Would someone please save us from this hell.
All you are doing is sperging over whether this drawing is rule 63 or dumb trans headcanon.
Wake me up inside!
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That quote was actually in the movie, said by Steve Buscemi.

I thought the joke was that Steve Buscemi would never be in a film like that and they'd never have a line like that.

But it happened.

I saw the face of god and he was crying.
Why you fucknig care to fictional characters gender
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The spy kids franchise had a lot of unexpected actors in it. George Clooney, Danny Trejo, Sylvester Stalone, Elijah Wood, the list goes on

Also that Spy Kids takes place in the same universe as the Machete and Grindhouse films.
Okay I'm pretty sure this is all we know from cannon:
Trolls have 2(3?) sexes:
"Male" who lack breasts and have a bone bulge.
"Female" who have breasts (Function unknown. Dirk cut off ARquius before he could explain.) Contents of pants unknown.
Mating between any combination of these two is viable.

They seems to imply either they are both (biologically) hermaphroditic, with the Mother Grub getting involved as a host mother somewhere in there history, or both (biologically) male, with the Mother Grub actually being the female of the species.

Note: two sexes of the same gender isn't unheard of. There is a species of fish with 2 males, a species of (lizard?) with three males, and a species of birds is the process of developing 2 males and two females.
It's kind of strange that the trolls actually do have two genders, considering that they don't seem to have different roles in society generally and reproduction is bisexual. I originally thought it must be due to Doc Scratch/The Condesce's influence but that was debunked when we saw the danscestors.
I finally will be. Feels good man. Although I am disappointed that I won't be around for the new Godzilla.
I got into a huge argument about this before, but it really is strange, especially since their breasts aren't even functional. Gender roles were non-existent before Porrim brought it up and mentioned female Jade Bloods got the brunt end of raising the Mother Grub.
No they werent. The conversation you're refering to is the one where John talks to Terezi about Karkat. It's been easily misinterpreted, but John was refering to Karkat, not Terezi.
Bone Bulges have been exclusively referred to as being owned by male trolls. A female troll has never mentioned having a bulge.

Nooks, on the other hand, are exclusively referred to as being owned by females.

This is ignoring uses like "Bulge biter" or "nook sniffer", where owning the body part in question doesn't apply
I was only listing what I knew 100%. I'm not about to binge through everything after the trolls were introduced searching for whether or not Karkat has one line where he mentions Nepeta's bone bulge
What a whole load of bullshit. It was clearly not Hussie's intention, given how weirded out he was by the art. He also implied that differing sex is an evolutionary remnant on his formspring back in the day. So they kept their differing body parts even if over time their habits changed.
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Shame globes are obviously meant to be balls, so by virtue that common headcanon is crap. Pic related
>Gender discussion
Please stop
Aren't they also used to refer to breasts?
Nah fuck this is fun.
Besides it's not Gender discussion you boob it's Troll DICK-BALL SEX-CRUNCHING debates.

What's more fitting in the spirit of the comic than arguing how Trolls Fuck?
those are rumble sphere, friend
No, that's rumble spheres. If they were breasts Karkat wouldn't have drawn "kiss my shameglobes" on the battle plans, given how he doesn't have boobs.
Okay so explain how female trolls get their genetic material in the bucket but also give the same ingredients for the slurry as males do.
Nah, I think those HTML5 walkaround had another synonym for breasts. Rumble spheres, maybe?
Hermaphroditic means possessing both male and female sex characteristics. By definition. You can't go "Oh well this term means something COMPLETELY different in another world" when trolls and humans use the same language and meaning, and something as scientific as "hermphrodite" wouldn't have the slang excuse.
Why? We stopped discussing Tumblr genders a little while back. Now we're on the cool world-building style of gender discussion.
(Why yes I like /tg/ and sci-fi, how could you tell?)
>And that's evidence for what exactly? The art was a reaction to how fans were weirded out by troll love.
Hussie was weirded out by people coming up with the tentabulge headcanon. That means that it wasn't his intention.
so wheres kurloz
So is Oppa Toby Style the full version of Rex English?
You don't need a phallic organ to release a larger amount of fluid. You might as well ask how women are able to urinate on a toilet.
If we're going by that, then by definition they cannot be Hermaphrodites, some having tits and others not and all.

But I'm saying you cannot conflate definitions as evidence without stripping the minimal of the assumptions. Otherwise you're going
>Hermaphroditic means sex differences
>Trolls have sex differences (Breasts)
>Therefore Trolls are Hermaphrodites
>Thus Trolls have different genitals
You cannot go "OH trolls clearly have sex differences so we can infer and know every other one just by assuming the positive of troll-human similarities."

Even if they are using the term hermaphrodite to refer to utters and milk-makers we cannot just apply casual usage to derive their entire anatomy.
Maybe instead of a uterus they have a gland that releases the material?
Tits are not part of the sexual reproductive system. They aren't genitals.
Alright but the alternative is still absurd to imagine for fictional genitals anyway. We'd have to infer they basically have the same genitals EXCEPT in place of ovular production they have basically testicles in their 'gina and make sperm. It's just a bizarre thought.
My reply stated
>male and female sex characteristics.
Breasts and boobs (to humans) are female sex characteristics.
They seem to be latently available in male species on Alternia if Author and the Humanimals are any indication. They seem pretty plainly hermaphroditic.

For all we know both sexes of Trolls might have Innies. Or they might have bonebulges for spraying out fluids like a nozzle. It's really gross to think about.
you know, if you really want to fap to futa or cuntboys you dont have to write a whole essay defending some shaky reasoning for why theyre canon when theyre most likely not. go forth and be unashamed.
Forgotten like DD and a bunch of other plotlines
Like male fishes do. Everything is inside. Nothing outside, just a hole.

Thou I don't like this idea.
Meant for

Anything's possible, it's not very efficient but evolution isn't groomed for efficiency.
I'm just saying we don't know. It's probably not anything like humans, and even if it is the whole Quadrants = Different Genetic Material thing throws a really head-hurting wrench in trying to make sense of it.
not really. testicles and ovaries develop from the same proto-gonad in the womb, and even in humans you have occasional mutants with internal testicles
"Troll males" as we'd recognize them might have breasts. Author had utters. We might have been lucky enough to see troll females and males exclusively in line with our expectations.
Breast are secondary sexual characteristics. Hermaphrodism only applies to the primary sexual characteristics (gonads).
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It's becoming increasingly obvious all tentabulge tumblrfags haven't read the comic

You had me trying to remember at what point the author was drawn with udders.
Yeah people like the tentabulges headcanon because futa is like 100x more popular than whatever the male equivalent is.
I think ipgd drew davesprite with a bird vagina once, that the only relevant thing I can think of.
Why not? Writing essays and figuring out creepy sex things just makes it hotter.
How are we going to write out fucked up fap-fictions otherwise? Imagine they're just gray humans?

Boring and far less kinky.
>purple hair
Do some trolls have naturally purple hair or did eridan dye his?
Along his first introduction? He poured Equius milk right away.

Absence of evidence fallacy.
Aurthour, anon
>whatever the male equivalent is.
>I think ipgd drew davesprite with a bird vagina once
there's actually a relatively solid cache of davesprite cloaca fics and pics. Come to think of it, I think I wrote one once.

Arthour. Not the Author, Arthour. The Author is Hussie, Arthour is the weird humanimal lusus.
nigger that's a panel straight from the comic, what the fuck are you implying? males don't have breasts
I think the Aranea thing completely debunks it. It's pretty clear what was meant there.

Well didn't John imply he had a cloaca in the actual comic? That's something that would actually have some backing.
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in the flashback to when Karkat ectocloned them all, his grub already had the streak, but at the same time the humans emerged already wearing glasses and diapers
burden of proof
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>didn't John imply he had a cloaca in the actual comic
he more alluded to the possibility that Davesprite had nothing down there, rambling vaguely about ghost butts
I think he just said bird ass.
It's a covering, so an artists depiction in-story and google image out-of story.

what time did that gamzee poster post again in old threads? does he still do that? like was it 3am or something?
What the fuck anon, he could have just photoeditted breasts, he's done it before, he's a fucking expert at it with humanimals.

Is this just a clever troll or a sad massively delusional retard?
I think he said something along the lines of "pooping and laying eggs out of the same ghostly hole" which would be an apt description. I'd have to go back and find the exact wording.
Nevermind, it was actually Dave.

DAVE: he also presumably takes a dump and lays eggs out of the same ghostly hole
please tell me someone else remembers this and it wasn't just some weird fever dream
So Davesprite didn't have a dick? No wonder he was depressed.
>imagine dating Jade but not being able to fuck her
Well if all the people who assume she got more than just Bec's powers are correct...
There are still other ways to pleasure a girl.

Or a dickgirl.
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mfw the screen at the end of [S] Collide went black, knowing full well that Roxy is going to inherit the curse of the handmaid.
Please Mr Hussie, deliver an update soon so we can stop talking about gential headcanons
We don't know if it passes on twice.
quads for true Davepeta genitals
As an option: Condy is just about to resurrect due to her Conditional Mortality.

But that is unlikely: she collapsed way too epic to do it.
She's not going to inherit the fucking curse. Neither is Jane. No one is.
The Handmaiden passed it on to Condy intentionally because that was her last mission and LE intended it that way. You don't get from killing the curse-barer or anything.

Your goose is cooked BKEW.
I hate this fucking captcha what is even going on? Literally 9 of the same image, and clicking them all does nothing. What do you want with me goddamn it?
Implying Calliope isn't going to create the green black hole, causing full classpect inversion and scratching caliborn's session at the same time

implying it won't fucking happen
just wait, jesus will rise again
>What do you want with me goddamn it?
to buy a 4chan pass. it's negative reinforcement. the bad thing stops when you give it money.
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I've been at the old Aspect modelling again. This time, looking at the Framotif menu made something click for me. What if every Aspect is paired with its neighbour here?

Space and Time, and Heart and Mind, are obvious.

Breath and Light have been paired repeatedly in the comic, are both unambiguously Prospit aspects, have associations with Skaia (and just the sky),

Life and Void are paired with the Rings which has got to count for something.

All of this is above all quite simple and straightforward, making few assumptions and not fighting with the comic. Occam's Razor motherfuckers.

So this gives us:
- Blood and Rage as a pair, which fits with Karkat and Gamzee's relationship (and arguably the contrasting religious roles of the Sufferer and GHB), and
- Hope and Doom as a pair, which fits with Eridan and Sollux's rivalry, Erisol's relationship with Jake and the Cherubs as some kind of cross symbol, skulls + wings

Some proposed patterns are in the pic.
>He wants troll sex to be boring humanoid missionary sex

Because that's the most dull, uninteresting and shitty unimaginative thing conceivable for a bizarre alien race that gets off on hate. If if it's imagination were real right now I'd punch it in the face.

But it's probably exactly the sort of thing Hussie would do because Muh Anti-climaxes and all. Anything to flaunt readers expectations.

you're putting way too much thought into this
What is Calliope destroying the Green Sun going to do to help the heroes out? It seems like it would just make GCATavros useless
if you're gonna use that yellow on a white background with it a black outline
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The guy that made that fraymotif menu said he literally just copied the order off the what pumpkin banner.
she's not doing it to help the heroes out.
Yeah I doubt he thought that far ahead. I mean that's great for Fannon and RP/DnD style worldbuilding stuff, but using it for anything to do with theorizing or the actual comic is BKEW-level pretension.

The thing you have to remember most importantly of all, is that the Classpects mean nothing overall. They mean nothing to the story and Sburb because Hussie clearly hasn't thought them out, he just comes out with them when they're most convenient as superpowers and matching pairs of callbacks.

They're like the points on Whose Line.
And Hussie will never reveal them fully because he knows nothing he gives will be as creative and interesting as what we could make up as head-canon.
It will probably do more than just de-power first guardians.
I'm guessing making a black hole, since otherwise most of that cherub exposition will have been completely useless.
We don't know if she's going to destroy the Green Sun. For all we know she might just shrink it or something.
Wasn't there supposed to be an update today? Surely it isn't going to be 11:59 pm, right?
where's the black characters in homestuck?
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Read the comic doofus
It's going to upd8 at the time it did before the flash
The flash was a special occasion
I see it's a different crowd in these threads from the evenings. Forgot I said anything.

Just zoom in.

Are you saying that couldn't be deliberate?

I had a long chat with a bunch of anons a few threads about what BKEW does wrong and why. You should read that, it'll help you distinguish normal theories from unchanging conspiracies.
FUCK I'm going to miss this
What is the purpose of GCATavros
What is he even gonna do
I wonder how long this fanbase will stick around.
Get fucked by Gamzee in the epilogue for more singaylarities
It was just to neutralize jaspers. Read the comic.
Kill Vriska, then himself.
>Read the comic
It was Gcat.
Fuck meant GCAT


YOU read the comic.
Theres a 30s delay between posting another comment, give me a break.
Enough of a delay to see the correction.
She's gray.
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>tfw if Hussie doesn't update in the next hour and twenty minutes a whole day will have passed in your timezone with no update
So John is the weapon that can kill LE right?
Of course. He's a walking glitch.
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Yes but Jade
>let's animate this two minute scene with ten total frames of animation
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>when Vriska sits dangerously close to your bulge
>John is a literal glitch goblin

I can see TZ calling him that.
no, that's SORD
>Gamzee goes through the black hole to raise Caliborn

How fucking old is Gamzee then?
he has aradia's time travel thingies
They why doesn't he escape the fridge?
Use the classic captcha instead.
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Karkat beat fucking Clover
does anyone have the homestuck madara uchiha copypasta
aradia's just a handler of autistic children
Hi, Doze, what's up?
Why doesn't the comic have more Aradia?

Did you watch Collide? They're taking art from pretty much anyone.
Can Karkat solo Mindfang?

No, because Undertale isn't Homestuck
To be fair, the worst guest art was in Vriskagram.
>That Jane
>That Karkat and Dave prancing around
>That sideways view of Terezi and Vriska
nah, the worst guest art was Karkat anime running in Game Over
I don't know man
Chaz's art was pretty lousy
Which is the best [S] and why is it "[S] Vriska: Watch street tough maverick with nothing to lose"?
Fuck you that running was the best part of Game Over
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tfw i got two pieces considered and rejected for album art
The fact that they forgot his sleeves and Hussie didn't correct them still baffles me to this day.
Because it's the closest we'll get to watching Vriska mastur88 on screen.
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>tfw i have
What does [S] stand for in the first place?
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He will also tie her up and bring her to the alternian jail where she belongs.
Tragically beautiful.
>all the dead ghost got vaporized
>including these two
It hurts
Update when?
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Holy shit

We appear to be in some kind of bizarre antimatter universe where things happen and the plot advances again

How long we get to stay here is anyone's guess
One week and it's all over.
what the fuck, why did this get deleted?
I wonder how many layers of irony your post is removed from reality.

Given the comic ends for good in 6 days, not long
We still got 200 replies dumbass
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>they think the funhouse will ever shut down

You're cute
dubsposting is against the rules

a captor grabbing their dicks was the hsg equivalent to posting jerry lewis and the news
It's pretty simple
At that point in time literally none of the characters likely thought it a good idea to ally themselves with any instance of Jack Noir (well, barring Jade's attempt at calming the ring holding carapaces, maybe)
And if he isn't your friend, he sure as fuck is your enemy
but that was literally the meme in homestuck form posted by an official art team member

Man, a year or two ago I'd have agreed but I reckon Hussies tired of Homestuck now and just wants it to end.
>Aradia gets double-dead and Sollux marries Damara
even if hussie himself drew a dick grab and posted it here, it would still be deleted
Well, regular Homestuck is going to end. There's still Hiveswap and Homestuck 2.0.
who cares
Hey fucking homostuck idiots

You know trolls aren't real right?
How did you know unless you're on reddit as well?

>Homestuck 2.0

I wish. Guys probably going to go into a long hibernation after the game gets released and we'll not hear from him for years


Don't tell lies on the internet.
If that's true then how are you here?
>15 hours ago
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>slick sacrificed himself to take Lord English out
>crowbar's pin is in and he's still alive
Is there any room for shitty twists in the story
First sign of trouble and Dirk loses his head. Dude can't keep his head on straight. Throw a curve-ball at him and his head starts spinning.

It would be equally true to say Lord English sacrificed himself to take Slick out.
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last thread the game, player, classpect and land discussion came up really late and that saddens me

Rogue of Breath reporting back in
Land of Keys and Chords

something something taking their Breath away
Though that might be more of a Thief thing to do
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Don't worry, no charge for reposting the TRUTH.
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Yeah some people seems to regard her as a knight
>Sorry couldn't find a decent picture

But this is the same people who give the skeletons dudes trolls horns and stupid god tiers, so who cares
FFX tier ending could still happen
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>What what the fuck is happening

So out of everyone who participated in a fight in this flash

who would you least like to fight, who would you most like to fight
(Calliope) is evil, and doesn't even want to kill LE, she wants to merge with him so that they can become a true, mature cherub who, between (calliope) absorbing the Green Sun (and by extension Gcatvrosprite, 2xRing-ed PM, and Jade), and all LE's powers from ARQuiusprite and Gamzee, will have aaaaaaaall the power, and that's the true final boss.
Is there an RPG I can play to emulate the feeling of playing Sburb?

Since the Homestuck game won't scratch that itch, that's for damn sure.
Least: LE, don't wanna die instantly
Most: The felt, time shenanigans are fun
Redbull me on Overseer Project, /hst/.
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Skyrim with mods
So I don't get why people were complaining about the art not meshing together well in this flash. It did a better job at that than Cascade did.
the felt is fifteen guys, upgraded ti a million fucking guys if eggs and biscuits are both still alive and with their jujus.
also invisible punches from the past and future, the quickest shot in the universe, getting punched out of spacetime and a moderately competent gang subleader.
fourteen guys, sorry
Forgot to not count snowman

And yet some dork in yellow panties was able to handle them.

They're a bunch of idiots, they're not tough.
They do have a guy who is smart. His name is Green DD.
I'm not saying anon couldn't handle them
I'm saying it would be far from a fun time
Yeah, that sounds fun. Still a lot better than 2 murderous dogs with god powers, 2 psycho gangsters, a queen with 12 different powers and a being that can destroy reality itself in less than a second. Plus they'd be almost a puzzle boss, so if you go after the right ones the fight can be easier.
>And yet some dork in yellow panties with super powers was able to handle them.
Crowbar isn't quite DD intelligence.

I'd say the MC and Felt stack up like follows: Scratch > DD > Snowman > Crowbar > LE > SS > Stitch > Clover > Matchsticks > HB > Sawbuck > CD = Cans > Everyone else > Eggs

Yeah, look at all those amazing Hope powers he whipped out to fight them with.
just works
To be fair, we don't really see how he defeated them all.
>Crowbar isn't quite DD intelligence.
Sounds like a weird headcanon to have but okay.

I was just saying that Crowbar is written as if he literally was DD with green skin.
Don't underestimate CD. The little fucker has an impressive player kill count.
He punched the shit out of them.

Being deadly != Being smart.
Meh, I think Inaugural Death of Mr. 7 seems to be written with a tone more similar to Jack's than DD's, personally.
He's pretty much DD but extremely charismatic.
W-why didn't you pair Eggs and Biscuits together? They're my OTP.
>Matchsticks higher than most felt members
I can appreciate that
>The next 40 pages will be AH: Recap ==>
Yep, it was less "crazy" than other style switches were, the jade sections were poorly animated though.
Is there a full release of this comic?
Not really. You get that impression because he was acting as the leader. In terms of mannerisms and all, DD and Crowbar are very similar. The only difference is that DD is classier, but their manner of "speech" and their 0 fucks attitude are pretty much the same.
check paradox space's website
Late PSX was pretty good. And my "late" I mean literally just Mister Seven and Summerteen Romance.
Oh yeah, it basically just felt like a slideshow at times. Still, seeing a return of the Pre-Act 4 style of fight animations was nice.
Does Gamzee count? He was there kinda
I don't want to get suplexed to death
>the jade sections were poorly animated though
She had one really good scene, that one that was drawn in a super anime style.
But in general all the non-sprite scenes of the doggies were bad.
Why not just go for Karkat at that point. He did say anyone who participated in a fight.
The doll works the opposite way of what you are thinking. Look closer at the doll and who is alive in that pic.
In terms of Collide
Roxy > Terezi = Dave > Jake > Rose > Dirk > Karkat > John > Jane > Kanaya > Jade
more importantly, SNOWMAN'S PIN ISN'T IN
No, it works exactly as he thinks. That frame is not a good example of how the doll works.
If Chaz can, anyone canon Anon.
Why does Hussie hate Karkat so much?

I bet Hussie would just ignore Vriska and starts choking him for no reason
What about ARquius?
He was cool
>Jake over Dirk
>Karkat over anyone
What does this chart even represent? It can't be usefulness in combat
john was about the same as rose
As a Karkat fan, I thought his fight to be very satisfying.
Roxy > Terezi = Dave > Jake > Dirk > Karkat > Rose > John > Jane > Kanaya > Jade
Because he didn't lose?
It was funny, it was against a Felt member and it was a small victory for him. It fits Karkat.
He's not supposed to be strong. It's part of why I like the character.
The only reason Karkat wasn't tapdanced on forever is because of Sollux
Clover is strongest Felt.
he's strong

I don't think that theory is right, anon.
The way Clover was defeated is similar to how he DD could hit him with the papers. You don't have to be all that unlucky to be tied up by your crush. Clover enjoyed it.
nah man the STRONGEST felt is very obviously cans
he's at least miniboss tier
I think that the STRONGEST here is your autism, anon.
Karkat was only able to beat Clover because Clover fell in Lucky Charms with him, so it became good luck to be tied up by Karkat.
that was uncalled for
> Clover fell in Lucky Charms with him,
What does it means?
dave is getting cucked
give the healer more credit

everyone would have died if not for her
Did you skip Aranea's exposition dump about Leprechaun romance?
It means Clover is in gnome love with Karkat. Clover is supposed to be a slut.
It means he loves him
As only a gay leprechaun can
Clover is a cumslut
karkat solo'd someone spade slick couldn't take on
You're right.

Nannasprite > Roxy > Terezi = Dave > Jake > Dirk > Karkat > Rose > John > Jane > Kanaya > Jade
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I'm ever so glad you asked! You see, the pro8lem is that whenever the subject of leprechaun romance is broached,
I wonder if Hussie made the Felt gay to fuck with us because we're supposed to be homophobes, but he failed miserably? I wonder if that's why he made Davekat happen instead?
God I love the Felt.
Remember when Aranea was just exposition bitch?
Why did her inner Serket have to come out?
He already survived a universe exploding, I think he can take this
He made them gay because believe it or not, Homestuck shipping didn't begin until the Intermission.
Because all Serkets are awful people deep down
Just like all Makaras are fuckin crazy
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>he's supposed to be a weak cuck and get fucked in the ass by dave as thr grand prize
I remember that real Karkat fans existed.
Serkets are only one who carried their team with their perfect plans and schemes. Just look how perfectly all Vriska ideas worked in Collide.
Those are not real Karkat fans. Those are losers with low self-esteem that projected on him. They saw he was a weak, self-pitying fag and they thought "wow he's just like me!" and they expected him to become the strongest character ever so that they could justify their shitty existence.
Turns out, this was never Karkat's arc. This isn't some kind of new development, it has been true since Act 5.
I just want you all to know

if vriska didn't put it in there heads to fight spade he's probably team up with with the kids against union jack

it is her fault he's dead
>Thought she was gonna be important
>Ended up being sidelined with pointless bullshit throughout the Collide
The ultimate failure for a Serket
> he was a weak, self-pitying fag
Isn't that Tavros?
Karkat helped defeat a 12x prototyped black king

The SBURB browser game I guess. I think it has most of the features by now.
That's most of the trolls to be quite honest
Perfectly normal male troll. Female trolls are aggressive and play "girl games" like FLARPing that get them and others killed.
So did Tavros.
Helped by watching Vriska doing most of the job.
god thanks for reminding me of THIS SHIT
Why would he do that?
No, if you watch the fight you'll see he only fights against the kids because they're trying to steal his prey.
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more importantly, is Undyne partially inspired on The Condesce?
I was there during "Feltshipping"

I believe I still have some FINN X TRACE shit from tumblr saved
why would he focus on killing the guy he's been trying to kill 3+ years and team up with kids like he's done in the past to get what he wants?
He has dibs on english
Fuck no. Undyne is just fish Vriska.
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>three in the morning

If by the Condesce you mean Meenah, sure. Wearing Vriska's clothing.
post it
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karkat role in sgrub was never being the deadliest player, he was able to make everyone work though his neverending shouting
that's karkat strongest ability, his ability to get shit done
>those are losers with low self-esteem that projected on him

You also forgot that most of them are manlets like me.

Also those are real Karkat fans you described.
fish vriska
undying might've been inspired by condy but I dunno
good dogs
best friends
Upd8 when?
undyne isnt based on any characters

she's just a fish girl with chuunibyou
It's stated outright that karkat potentially fucked up their run by being too good at helping everyone work together, since more deaths = more god tiers
Did that Airy Vriska drawfag ever deliver?
But that's not liking the character, that's projecting on the character and expecting him to become great because you can't.
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Jade doesn't know how to dog actually
>that implication of Doc Scatch manipulating Vriska to cripple and bully Tavros and kill Aradia, two potential leaders who are better than Karkat will ever be

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Wait, wasn't Jane with Jake last? How did she end up on Derse?
English please, doc.
>Good leader
>Being able to give a shit about the rest
To be fair, the trolls in general were just too good at the game for their own good, none of them ended up growing in the way the game intended them to.
Basically, Power Gaming fucked up their run.
Undyne wasn't based on anyone else, but the similarities between her and Vriska in design and personality are astonishing. She's just actually a good person with a shitload of Vriska traits not including her being a fucking monster and a complete moron, and those are the real key components of Vriska.
Anon, she gave a shit about the rest when she was alive.
8th grader syndrome
wearing an eyepatch
obsessed with anime
look it up
Uh, no, anon. The power of the oven is to let the ones inside it travel to the future at the rate of 1 second per second.

Also a surprising amount of storage space.

Those 2 things. No stasis at all.
It's basically when a kid thinks that their hot shit.
In Act 5, Karkat wasn't completely incompetent, he just held himself up to unrealistically high standards, which led him to bite off more than he could chew, which led to lots of self-flagellation. It's only in Act 6 that he's been rewritten as "totally useless".
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all according to keikau
Not enough to be a leader. This "Aradia is a better leader" comes from nowhere.
oh no! she caught a cold!
She was warping between worlds so that she could heal the entire party.
Condy probably caught her as she warped onto Derse.
can I get a translators note?
Guess she's gonna have to lay in bed while someone takes care of her then.
Tell that to the people who were disappointed at Karkat shooshpapping Gamzee instead of fighting him.

He has always been like this.
Sure, but it's just kind of odd that we last saw her fighting alongside Jake, then suddenly she's just being strangled by condy.
The shooshpapping was successful, at least for a while.
I'm glad nobody had a nose in Collide
The transition was poor. She was trapped with Jake and the rest in the Felt+Skeleton Army. We see Jake breaking free from the crowd, but Jane's no longer there. She's instead getting BTFO by Condy.

Basically, Hussie didn't give a fuck about Jane so he didn't pay attention to when she changes scenes, even if it makes no sense.
It was like this too when she confronted Condy after the Omegapause.
shooshpapping was the only good decision
no one can take on the clown when he wants to tussle
no one
Even the shittiest parts of Collide weren't that bad. I'm pleased with the art, although I think some of the artists could have put a little more attention to details.
Having Ms Paint wear her old outfit was criminal.
You clearly weren't here when that happened, I see.
>a good leader
bitch where
Oh shit, you're right. Collide has 0 tumbler noses.
unfotunately not

but i woulda said the same thing, cuz i would be more interested in the shipping
I still want a Karkat / (Karkat) conversation.

How will that even go?

>shoohpapping a murderer who killed two of your friends
>he ends up fucking your crush and then murders you
Man, Karkatfags, Nepetafags, Katnepfags and Equiusfags got btfo'd hard.
i dont understand how anyone could have expected karkat to fight gamzee

what was the logic
The whole army thing
He was so good at leading that army was killed for basically nothing.
what happened the instant the army was together
He gathered a fucking army.
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Bravo, Kojima.
inb4 the entirety of act 7 is doc scratch
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>post yfw dad is the one who kills lord english
But Hussie said the end would be good, anon!
and what happened to the army once it was gathered

how did he lead them
I think it was more meant to imply that shit was always moving even if we weren't looking at it. So while we're watching Jade fuck around with PM and Bec Noir the fight with Condy was still ongoing. When we cut back to it we don't pick up where we left off but instead go to what's happening at that point in time.
When was Karkat dating Dirk?
holy shit this makes sense, I mean Frisk can technically time travel on the game and dave can time travel, nepeta has the heart powers and frisk does too. So in the end frisk was a heart/time player, hell proably he got the time powers from chara
inb4 40 pages of Davekat endgame shipping

for 7 days
You should add another >
Just because she can also make cookies on the fly
Plus, genderless.
>frisk is davepeta
>frisk defeats an invincible skeleton who can time travel
>by breaking the game and exploiting a glitch

that undertale reference wasnt a reference

it was foreshadowing
Why the fuck did Karkat refuse to date Nepeta?

No one fucking wants him when he starts self-loathing.
>not Fedorafreak.
Because he liked Terezi.
b/c she lived in a cave
or more accurately

undertale was more of a reference to homestuck than we realized
Because she is a fucking tool
does that also mean that davepeta is fucking evil and wants to destroy the universe and eat this guy's soul?
>Fedorafreak appears out of nowhere in his god tier outfit and lays the ultimate smackdown on LE
That sounds like the funniest way to end the story and I want it to happen
>bowman deleted his end of act 5, 100% and radiation videos

fuck you bowman
Frisk is good, Chara is bad.
>Karkat / (Karkat) conversation
>they finally talk about goddamn Terezi
he didn't
my theory is that davepeta fuses with godtier calliope and gamzee and becomes calmasis to defeat LE, and then becomes the villain
guess who killed the time travelling skeleton monster
Chara (aka the player) had completely taken over at that point.
Aren't we out of prototypes though? Who's left? Tarvosprite?
guys guys what if undertale is in the same universe of homestucks
I want to throw up.

doubt there's enough space left for a twist
Tavros was prototyped with GCAT in the post-retcon.
dont need a sprite, just a juju a heart player
or part of one
then frisk didn't kill the time travelling skeleton
then the reference is actually about chara instead of frisk
>40 panels left

Enjoy your rushed ending for a meme date, Davekat endgame and shitty character arcs.
>Aren't we out of prototypes though
I'm sure there's some spares lying around in the neighboring doomed timelines
Me, I only played genocide, it was fun.
I might do a Pacifist playtrough someday, probably gonna be boring tho.

-Blog post over now
this desu senpai
I will, thankyou
impfuckingplying Intermission 3 isn't a walkaround right before the endgame door
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I hope not. That would be anticlimatic and boring as shit.

I was going to say that Davekat is happening, but Karkat is such a c uck that he would let Jade fuck Dave.
there are 40 panels left before ALL OF ACT 7
then the earth where Mt Ebott was located would had been destroyed long ago during the reckoning, along with Sans, Undyne, Toriel, etc
40 panels

man, those were the days
pacifist run is fun, and more interesting, and a much sweeter story
stop lying, the notifier knows
>Actually using a notifier

Act 7, which will wrap up in a SINGLE DAY.
maybe not, B2 earth is only flooded, they could still live
That's not what the newspost says.
It says there are 40 pages left AND that the whole Act 7 will be posted on 4/13. The phrasing makes clear that A7 is part of those 40 pages, with it probably being a single flash and a couple non-content pages with curtains and shit.
>The phrasing makes clear that A7 is part of those 40 pages
what reading level are you at?
3rd grade? 4th? lower it seems
Filler updates and LE isn't fucking dead yet.
>That should immediately be followed by 7 days of updates (about 40 total pages), ending with an update on 4/13, the 7th anniversary of Homestuck. That update will contain ACT 7 in its entirety

It's 40 pages spread out between this week then whatever amount of pages dumped on 4/13
Nice reading comprehension. It's 6 updates that equate to 40 pages and then all of Act 7 posted on 4/13.
Pacifism run is for people who want le EPIC plot diversity and feels
Genocide run is for people who like video games
>That should immediately be followed by 7 days of updates (about 40 total pages), ending with an update on 4/13, the 7th anniversary of Homestuck. That update will contain ACT 7 in its entirety.

4/6 + 7 days of updates = 4/13

7 days of updates = about 40 total pages

It's super straightforward. But congratulations on your inability to understand basic English and the pride you take on it.
Genocide run is extra content for people who played the game, but the run itself is pretty bad, boring and short. It's literally two fights and a lot of walking around. It feels like a minigame, and it kind of is.
>plot doversity and feels, and the puzzle style interactive fighting
>not a real video game
>killing stuff is what makes a video game
goddamn youre a boring motherfucker
hows cowadooty 18 going?
>He says while being unable to use basic capitalization.
The irony here is fucking hilarious.
post yfw todays upd8 is more shipping
Genocide run is boring as shit, and has only 2 fights
Pacifist is for lore
Genocide if for challenge
Save downloading is for people that don't want to deal with the grindy bullshit
I played the genocide route last and found it incredibly boring compared to the neutral-into-pacifist run. 400% less jokes, tedious grinding, anti-climax bosses all the way up to bonelord, and only then does anything interesting happen with learning about Chara and Flowey freaking out, plus talking to Chara afterwards about if you wanna reboot the universe for another playthrough or not
actual spoiler after Chara reboots the universe after doing a genocide run, you have ruined the pacifist end on that install, because Chara still owns your soul

neutral end has the best final boss fight and pacifist end has a great lore-expanding bonus dungeon
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nah, this is earth B2
>thinking capitalization is necessary in this context
>feeling smug about capitalizing words
christ you're a loser.
Genocide has the two best boss fights in terms of challenge and gameplay, although ASGORE is my favorite boss fight overall due to the atmosphere/music/plot.
I'm just saying bro you're the last person who should be criticizing that guy.
i dont capitalize words by choice
he can't understand english sentences
who's really at fault here
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i like that absurd headcanon
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>I'm Lord English!
i finally read jailbreak last night
i finally get that thats a harpoon in the stump
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maybe I'm just biased towards metafuckery but nothing will top Flowey trapping you in the boss fight by overwriting all your saves mid-battle so you can't escape even by reloading
Dude, no.
>ending with an update on 4/13, the 7th anniversary of Homestuck
>That update will contain ACT 7 in its entirety.
It should not be possible to misunderstand this. All of Act 7 will be posted on 4/13. There will be updates before 4/13. Those updates will therefore not be part of Act 7.
Isn't ignorance by choice as bad if not worst?
At this point you're doing it en porpoise, aren't you.
>Only just now reading Jailbreak yesterday
Get the fuck out.
Anybody have that picture of Eridan sitting at the pool in a speedo getting an embarrassing little boner?
undertale did meta game fuckery really well
>tfw you open the game after it "glitches"
>the window's title is "floweytale"

also nice pic
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fuck off
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It was extra fun playing it on WINE, it made the glitches even more authentic.
Fights and the shipping was about best couple.
Collide is god teir :^)
That's how you spell it bro.
try and post katnep where nep isnt raping kat
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lewd frisk is best and canon frisk

and I really have high hopes that the final Homestuck flash will be filled with juicy metafuckery, after over five years of waiting to see just how glitches will be used to beat LE.
kat is made for rape
im saying you can fuck off for calling "not capitalizing" "ignorance"
im typing on my phone with one finger, im not bothering to capitalize
I can't wait for what metafuckery Hiveswap will have. I bet Hussie's self insert will show up, find your computer's porn folder, and make fun of your shit fetishes.
>Inb4 deleted :^)
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what if you don't have a porn folder?
I wonder why Karkat didn't choose easy mode.
Oh wait, he already did.
7 days of updates (40 pages) that end on 4/13. I fail to see what's so difficult to understand about this.
>Hussie's self insert
All of them?
>no one can stop me from flirting with a plane
i love frisk

if act 7 and/or the final le fight isnt chock full of html glitches and bullshit, ill be upset
You do those two though. Maybe you should go back to middle school.
Are you not aware how capitalization works?
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shut thef fuck up
im not ignorant
im lazy
big difference
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sure I do, when you take advantage of a good investment opportunity, that's a you capitalizing on it
He'll create one on your desktop, with the only picture being that beekeeper one.
But did you not just make a legitimate mistake due to your ignorance of grammar?

>not 'Darjeeling' to me

give up
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Did Dave's bro have knowledge of Sburb? Why did he initiate the Scratch? Did he know Lil Cal was possessed?

Knowing what we know of Dirk, what can be extrapolated about Bro?

So many questions, such a dead and irrelevant character.
Because Dirk is a heart player, a piece of his conscience ends up in all iterations of himself, and since Bro was Dirk...
>Why did he initiate the Scratch?
Because he couldn't beat Jack. He knew then the session was fucked.
Trying to defend your fragile ego in an anonymous board while neither knowing how to read nor how to write, and shrugging it off as "I'm lazy!"? Pathetic.

I bet you tell that yourself every night after thinking about the failure that is your life. "I'm smartest than the rest! I'm just lazy, but I could be GREAT if I wanted to!".

See you in a week here. You'll be crying because "Hussie is a hack", after seeing that Act 7 is just a single flash. You'll blame Hussie for lying, but it's not his fault that you're retarded.
project harder, amigo
>PM beat Jack, Alt Calliope is shown as much colder than LE
>post yfw the male villains are replaced by more competent females
When you said that ignorance need to be capitalized.
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PM isn't evil, though. She's good as can be (for now).
Is Karkat's character arc now finished?
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It's probably funniest if he could hear the doll whispering to him but he mostly ignored it and kept using it for his ventriloquist act and junk.
He... didn't. Stop arguing with him, you're making me look bad by proxy.
It's never explicitly said, but I'm pretty sure all the guardians knew about sburb through Grandpa Harley and possibly 'ultimate self' memory crossing.
Mom and Grandpa did for sure.
We might find more about this in Hiveswap.
>Sollux ancestor was actually on on Condy ship
>They take Snowman pin out

>All villians are now a different gender cause of feminism or something
The "ultimate self" is just a metaphor and not an actual thing in the comic.
No, he has an important part to play in the new universe.
Bro knew when and where Dave's meteor would crash, and even prepared a pair of tiny pointy shades beforehand
no? I just got on the site and there was nothing
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i never said that you moron
reading comprehension, acquire some

in this post >>81555633
im saying that you said that it's "ignorant" not to capitalize things
and i said that's dumb and you can fuck off
Gently fuck off back to /r/homestuck. ipgd is not here.
Not true, Alpha selves seem to carry more information. See Terezi and Davepeta's conversation with Jade.
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Can you remind me which couple was that Nerevar?
Huh. Well that was fun when it lasted then. Good shitposting match let's do it again sometime?
Can we just agree that both are good and if someone doesn't play both ways is a huge fucking faggot and just wasted money?
>not an actual thing in the comic
I'm more inclined to think it is, considering how many instances there are of experiences being shared between different iterations of characters
Davesprite's Rose
Terezi doing the mind thing
and of course Jasprose and Davepeta being conduits for all iterations of their components
plus multiple instances of characters inexplicably guessing exactly how something works, and having an uncanny confidence that their guess is absolutely correct
Mind powers
There's nothing there. And they're definitely not alpha Dave.
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How did Gamzee have the warhammer of Zillyhoo in the rare and highly dangerous 5x SHOWDOWN?
>after over five years of waiting to see just how glitches will be used to beat LE.
If you go in with that mindset, you will be disappointed. I can tell you that right now.
I never knew I wanted this so much in my life
They were telling Jade that her alt-selves still made up apart of her.

Of course it might be all bullshit, but then again maybe not.
But Anon that would be aganist my religion
I know, I know, but it's the one thing I lack the willpower to abandon
The power of bullshit my friend. One of the benefits of being a clown
Well of course different selves from different realities are related. But what Davepeta meant is that, the action of every Jade counts as the shaping/perception of Jade as a character.
fucking do it faggot
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Welcome to the fold. We've been waiting for you.
miracle modus
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Who flipped the frog switch?

This could have been fixed as part of John's retcon shenanigans. Why is Hussie such a hack?
still a chance literally everyone will merge with all their alt selves to become their platonic ideal self
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Would you?
Is the Collide video set up in a way that makes it not appear if you search for it on YT?
I noticed that too, no fucking idea why
I' d fuck her until she was unable to walk.
I found it on YT, via MetroTube
Has to be on your end. For me it's the seventh result when searching for "collide".
I guess someone who hasn't read the whole thing would have no reason to assume it was an actual flash and get spoiled.
who ARADIA here
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>who wants to be first?
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>that Vriska / (Vriska) conversation

Holy fuck. Who was in the wrong here? No, seriously. Who was wrong?
you need to type "homestuck [s] collide official" and that's how you find it, if you just search for homestuck collide or any other term you will find shitty reaction videos and people uploading the songs on their youtube channels something that hussie should've done on the official channel since that always gives a lot of extra views

Strange, I only get reaction videos and music which all have significantly less views.
>just now
I think our Weird Time Shit is getting a bit too weird.
I bet LE got off on that strangulation
Why is Bec Noir still alive, fuck. All she did was cut his arm off and punch him in the face.
(Vriska) for straying too far from the Platonic Vriska, and Meenah, for leading (Vriska) on for so long
New thread when?
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What are their god tiers?

>Blood, Heart and Mind :^)
It's been over 36 hours since the last update
Both in a way. Vriska definitely because she wants to be the hero for selfish reasons, while (Vriska) stopped being one similarly for selfish reasons.

It's just that (Vriska) is way less of a bitch and aware how terrible she used to be.

The other, pre/post-retcon Aradia, hopefully.
Guys I'm scared
Why are all the images broken on MSPA?
>Shipping Karkat/Sollux
PS is definitely diplomacy/blood, ace dick has splinters so also makes sense he's heart, and PI becomes a god of imagination and freedom so probably breath
She probably punched him a lot harder than Jade. If he's still alive then she'll just stab him. There's nothing he can do now
Because you're a fagget
Hussie's puppet knocked over the server array again
Hussie will make the PM/BN ship canon, won't he
Undyne would probably be the only one live because she's fish


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Reminder that Breath had nothing to do with Freedom.

My fine gentleman, I'm afraid I have to inform you that the Aspect known as Breath has no actual relation with Fredoom
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