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/ck/ Rage Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 149
Thread images: 31

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>birthday dinner, turning 21
>plan was to go bar-hopping afterward
>one friend shows up late and brings his little sister
>he orders lobster bisque and stops eating because he's lactose intolerant and didn't know what bisque was
>his sister wasn't over 21, so we couldn't even go bar-hopping
>was also a weekday so everyone just took it as a sign to call it a night early
>27th birthday
>three people said happy birthday to me despite me having a facebook - and two of those were family
>bought donuts for the office because I knew no one was going to buy a cake
>no one says thank you for the donuts
>spend the night alone in my room, staring at the ceiling

It doesn't get better
You should get less shit friends.
>he's lactose intolerant
Fuck it's good to be white
Sounds like a Standard Birthday mate.
Get used to it.
The worst decision would be to let others dictate your birthday plans. They will always result in disappointment and it gives people an excuse to focus on themselves. Idk
You're an adult now, what did you want a magic show and balloon animals?
If you were gonna go bar hopping why would you do it on a weekday night? Why not just hold the shit off till the weekend?
Because his birthday wasn't on the weekend you idiot.
OP arrange something for saturday you pleb.
Shut the fuck up op.

While it's kinda nice when someone makes a big deal out of your birthday. Really once you are an adult, it's just another day. Buy yourself a cake if it's that big a deal.
literally what the guy just said.
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>be me
>be 25
>go to restaurant
>wait staff we fucking stupid
>I had to ASK them for the kids menu
>They thought it was weird
>fucking whores
>I decided I wanted to order off of it to save some money
>Maybe get a coloring book
>Waitress comes up, ask what want
>"I want the kids chicken Alfredo"
>They tell me they might not be able to do that
>It's the kids menu sir
>I rage, autism firing up
>ask for manager
>Manager arrives, demand I get served from it
>He's hesitant, what a fucking cuck
>I ask again, he asks if I have a disposition
>"I hate spending money"
>he agrees, they bring the order
>I eat it
>I eat so much, then lick my friends bowl
>I get the check
>The bitch whore waitress charged me for the drink
>I go to the counter
>Refuse to pay for drink
>Autism at full peak rage
>Manager is there
>calls the cop
>cops arrive
>Make me pay
>fucking pigs
>Order was like 7 bucks
>Pay with a hundred
>don't tip waitress
>go to court to get my money back

I fucking showed them
It isn't uncommon to celebrate small and hold off drinks until the nearest weekend.
>ITT: egocentric millennial expects everyone's life to revolve around him and his special weekday, despite having obligations the next day
I also turned 21 this year, but I wouldn't want to be friends with you and I feel sorry for the people who are
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Nice pasta
This was over the summer. Most of the attendees had also just graduated college and were looking for jobs. At worst people had a part-time.
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You're selfish if you expect their world to revolve around yours.
>21st birthday
>on a weeknight
>have a nice dinner with family, buy my first legal drink, bartender gives me a shot of Gran Marnier
>who the fuck shoots Gran Marnier
>Tuna tartare was fuckin' aces, came with some kinda wasabi-avacado dip
>that weekend go out with friends, get incredibly drunk, flirt with a grill I knew in high school

Shit's not that fuckin' hard, OP. Quit bitching about your friend bringing his little sister to your Monday-night meetup. Go out this weekend if it's that big of a fuckin' deal.
For my 21st birthday I sat in my Bedroom and shitposted on /ck/ whilst drinking.
>Tell wife to put chicken in slow cooker
>Tell her to put rice in near the end
>Get home 3 hours later
>She dumped everything in at once
>Rice is done, chicken is raw
>Chicken is two huge solid breasts
>Almost out of liquid inside
>Should be surprised
>Am not
>Top up liquid
>Have to go through stuff and change it from a chicken and rice meal
>Cook the rice down competely
>Make a chicken and vegetable broth
>Go in shower
>Ask her to dice up the chicken
>Come out of shower
>Two chicken breasts are just cut in half
>Have to dice them up myself
>Somehow my fault

Getting tired of this shit.
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Are you me? Only one of my high school buddies and my ex girlfriend even wished me a happy 21st.
What a load of shit. Things don't just stop having a meaning. People are too busy staring at their iphones and arguing about game of thrones to give a damn about things that matter anymore. Our culture is dead.
that webm

>living a respectable and fulfilling life sux!!1
It's immature to assume that your birthday means anything to anyone else. The only reason kids go to birthday parties is because it gives their parents a place to leave them for a few hours and they usually come back full of cake.

21 is way too old to still be caring about this, I bet you're the type of person who went trick-or-treating in high school
A lifetime of mild amusement is crushing.

Although I do believe a woman's place is in the home.

>24th birthday
>mom, dad, little bro and grandparents visit me with a surprise cake
>after a couple of hours they leave
>friends just wish me happy birthday on facebook
>spend the rest of the night playing the pandora directive

probably the best birthday I've ever had, don't know what the problem is about spending your birthday alone.
How is any of that the men's fault?
Sorry no one cares about you but I always make sure to be excited for my friends birthdays
>make sure to be excited
so you fake it?
Clearly your/his friends have outgrown feeling the same. Maybe you should too

>turning 21 in 3 days
>deactivated facebook because I don't like it when people say meaningless happy birthday's after the notification pops up
>the two friends I have will probably forget like last year
>best thing that will happen is probably skype sex with this engaged girl who wants to fuck when she is in town.
>might decline actual birthday sex from overweight pregnant chick who is a massive slut and has fuck over 150 guys
>father will forget
>mom probably won't
>I live alone though and will probably just drink and order like $50 worth of tajeout food from a french restaurant
>I wish I were never born
>scared I have an STD
Oh fuck off, they AGREED to come out with him you idiot, why even consider yourself someone's friend if you're gonna do that then fuck off. They should enjoy spending time with him if they're really his friends
you're a fucking retard
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I dont want to adult
>best thing that will happen is probably skype sex with this engaged girl who wants to fuck when she is in town.

dude please you should be a fucking hero and out her slutty ways to her fiance and ruin her life.

I can't stand cheaters, but I have nothing against the other party unless they're also cheating.

what are you getting out of this anyway? a cam show you can download a hundred thousand of any day

they agreed to go with him to dinner ON A WEEKNIGHT, most people don't stay out late on a weeknight.

Clearly at least one didn't feel like going bar hopping or he wouldn't have brought the sister. The rest of the group could and probably would have gone to the bars if OP had said "hey guys I want to go to the bar now" instead of brooding silently like I'm going to assume he did

I am single. But I really like her. Her fiance is such a boring cuck. I hate cheaters too mostly until I met this girl. She is very smart and in med school, actually reads and understands classic Russian literature, she is talented in many things and has the slightest, cutest accent.

God I feel like a faggot schoolboy reading what I just wrote but I have never met a woman I have liked more than her. She is 5 years older than me but we have so much in common. Not to mention she is really attractive. I like her company.
She cheated on him she'll cheat on you too

take that advice to heart

Oh I know. I don't want to date her. Her wedding date is set already. I just like thw connection her and I have. I am content with that. Plus her diamond ring makes my dick hard. Hnng
It was not "fuck men" like "men are terrible" it was "fuck men", "have a ton of sex with men"
I still wish my friends a happy birthday, and they do the same, but I don't expect a party any more. I have other priorities, my kids for example. My youngest has her birthday the day before mine, I don't bother with mine anymore because it's not important to me.
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Put yourself in the guy's position

He found this girl that you love, he thinks she loves him back. He thinks he has the same connection with her that you think you have.

Except he doesn't know that she's fucking other people. What if you met her in the same situation he did, you started dating her and wanted to marry that bitch.

What kind of future does he have with her? How long until he finds out? How long until she's tired of you and moves on to the next boy toy?

Wouldn't you want someone to tell you that she's a worthless slut after all? I know I would, and furthermore I know I'd have the fortitude to tell him. Because I would want to know.

I don't really care even. They won't have kids and got a prenup. He does not fuck her enough and never has. I am going to die alone and will never get married. If I were him I would want to know but I don't even care anymore. I want to fuck her.
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It's your life

Still, I hope it happens to you one day.

It won't because I don't trust anyone.
Divorce her
Why the FUCK did you get married?
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I guess that's punishment enough.
Oh fuck off, if he doesn't do it, someone else will and even then, she doesn't even love him, so it's not like doing nothing will save the relationship.
The titanic is sinking, might as well drink all of the good liquor.
You should've fucked his sister as payback for destroying your birthday
Pro-cheater here, most of us are not into monogamy (big fucking surprise), so it literally cannot happen to us. Can't lose if you don't play the game kiddo.

Me too. Cheating on girlfriend or boyfriend?
Neither but the last girl I fucked had a boyfriend.
>things that matter
>my birthday

why the fuck does your birthday matter to anyone manchild
>Massive tits on a petite body
>She was in America
>We had a lot of hobbies overlap

Actually thinking of doing so.
I'd rather end it before I spent THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on a wedding ceremony to kiss a bride who sucked some trucker off literally 20 minutes beforehand.

Why do you choose to actively hurt monogamists? What happened in your life to make you want to cheat?

I have a friend who does it to every girl he meets and his trigger was getting cheated on by a girl he loved in middle school, a literal cycle of hate.

It's fine with me if you don't want to be in a monogamous relationship, but you should at the very least feel bad about fucking up others.

Nice work.
Hahaha holy shit birthdays are integral to culture?
Go to a house show, go to an art installation, stop being a faggot mate.

I don't cheat because I choose to be single but the sex is more exciting and thrilling when the woman I am with is married or engaged. I love the ring.

Autism: The Post
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Ever gotten your ass kicked for it?
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>Great blog response, but just because there was cooking mentioned doesn't mean it's /ck/ related

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I assume the thrill of not getting caught is the general gist of your fetish, just wondering if you'd gotten caught

You deserve it in my opinion
I just don't respect monogamy at all and I don't like the concept of amatonormativity, I don't have a "trigger". I should turn down sex because of a social construct I don't believe in? Should I not have sex with someone who I know a beta is pining for and the love is unrequitted? I'll hurt the beta's feelings there too. What if they have an ex that is still feeling for them? Guess I can't have sex, I might hurt someone's feelings related to romance! Just because someone made a """"""promise"""""" to someone else I have to engage in the agreement too? That's not how that works.
Get mad at the person in the relationship all you want if you give a fuck about monogamy, but unless the third party knows and cares about the person being cheated on, there is no issue

You are such a moralfag

literally saving this board
Why are you on his side? You don't know either of us. My friend is inconsiderate and a dumbass. See: not knowing what bisque was. I didn't brood, I just took it for what it was.
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Not in most instances, I just think that someone's word should be worth that person's reputation.

If you say you aren't going to do something you shouldn't do it, and if you do you shouldn't be trusted.

There is no issue in my mind if you go to a bar, hook up with a woman and fuck her. If she's in a relationship she should be the one to say "whoops better come clean to my y" but women never do. That's why I'm asking men to step up to the plate. bros before hoes

I'm on their side because you sound like an entitled prick.
>he didn't know what a bisque was
jesus christ call the fucking cops we've got a major offense here
Again, you don't know either of us. He was complaining about it as if it were the restaurant's fault. He was crossing his arms and sulking and didn't want to order something else.
Oh you're a misogynist too, fucking hilarious, no wonder you value monogamy so highly, you're too insecure to be with a woman without it.
Also you did not address any of my questions on why monogamy deserves to be respected.
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briefly back to a point I missed
>I didn't brood, I just took it for what it was.
That's not what happened, if you didn't brood you wouldn't have made a "rage" thread on a take out food imageboard.

If your friend was really pouting about his soup you could have taken the rest of the group out to the bar. You said you "took it for what it was" but here you are crying that it didn't go exactly how it was planned.
It's ok anon I didn't go to a bar on my 21st either
He assumed you brooded because you made a thread about it on the cooking section of a Caribbean sand drawing website instead if just talking to your friends about it.
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It's not that I highly value monogamy, you misunderstand.

It's that I really, really dislike dishonesty.
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>Get really passionate about opening my own candy shop
>For many years I dream
>For many years I am afraid to do anything
>One day decide to chase my dream
>Start learning to make confectionary
>Make myself some gummy candy
>Make myself toffee
>Make myself Torrone
>Realise this won't be enough to be a success so try to make some more inventive ideas
>come up with my first candy idea
>call it 'Pumpkin Skittle Brittle'
>It is basically Pumpkin Seed Brittle, with crushed up skittles mixed in and raw pumpkin puree as a 'sauce', served in a small soup bowl, also with 'Pumpkin Butter' (ie pumpkin mashed into butter) piped over the top
>serve it to my parents
>dad tells me 'it tastes like this pumpkin spent halloween getting raped by a zombie'
>don't know what that even means
>feel deflated
>give up trying to make new candy ideas

I've sent 10 job applications to Haribo since, maybe they will hire me
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Success is defined by failure, never give up.
Thanks guys, totally just ruined my excitement for my birthday coming up. I'm having shitty memories of my past one.

>be 18
>turning 19
>thankfully it was not a milestone birthday or I would have been more sad
>bf of almost 2 years doesn't even give me a gift
>lay in room crying for three hours because I'm stuck between wanting nothing for my birthday because I'm a burden to everyone, and wanting to do something fun like go to a fair or something
>mom comes in, sees im crying
>asks me what I want
>ask for a tater tot casserole
>she shittily makes a tater tot casserole, but I'm happy because someone cares
>mom gets a small ice cream cake too
>cries and eats ice cream cake in room

Sorry it's another blog post. My birthday is next week and I just hid it on all of my social media so no one says anything. You fucks ruined it for me.
>bf of almost 2 years doesn't even give me a gift
dump him if you haven't

>lay in room crying for three hours
maybe talk to a therapist about deeper issues
Pumpkin candy could be good, but that didn't sound great anon. Go simple first

This makes me want to fuck you on your boyfriends bed. You ever cheat before?
>dump him
I did a few months after. Well, more like he dumped me.

>talk to a therapist
I have, but now I can't anymore. Can't afford it. It's hard. Thankfully I'm getting on antidepressants coincidentally next week, the day before my birthday.

Thanks for caring. I expected no one to even read that, or just respond calling me egocentric. I don't want to get on my pedastal here, but I feel like "narcisstic" is the new "autistic". It's not bad wanting a little bit of attention for your birthday, I don't think. I'm tired of beating myself up over every time I want someone to treat me well.

Sage for really, really off topic.

It's ok. Food is your friend. Let us become obese together. 5 bacon cheeseburgers with fries and ice cream cakes coming up.
>"tater tot casserole"
>crying while eating ice cream cake

Your boyfriend probably didn't get you a gift because he's planning on breaking up with you for being a disgusting fat beast.
There is literally nothing dishonest about fucking a person in a relationship. Are you retarded son?
I spent my 18th alone in a room because my family moved away and was really depressed. Spent my 21st alone because I had no friends in a new city.

Birthdays are genuinely depressing for me, they remind me that no one really cares about you.
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I would love to attribute the (relatively) recent spike in depression to people like the ones in this thread who don't believe in honesty and personal accountability, but that's probably not true.

On the issue though, I think it's perfectly acceptable to want attention on your birthday. It is not, however, acceptable to force that desire on others.

Yes, everyone wants attention, but you can't make people want to give you attention. If your friends don't want to go out with you they have the right to not go.

obesity is an epidemic, and a disease just like addiction. because it is an addiction.

>There is literally nothing dishonest about fucking a person in a relationship.
I agree, you are not the person at fault for ruining the relationship, but you're certainly a contributing factor.

My point is more that the person you are fucking is dishonest, probably about more things than one.
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I'd put my bork in your cousin's roast beef hole

but only as a favor
>My point is more that the person you are fucking is dishonest, probably about more things than one.
Who fucking cares? What does that have to do with me and why you don't you address my questions about why monogamy should be respected? Fuck man, you've gone from "Monogamy needs to be respected" to "I hate dishonesty" to "W-well they're dishonest j-just so you know".
she's too busy cucking you behind your back to have time for your little bullshit requests.
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>Things don't just stop having a meaning

Your 20's are gonna be rough bro
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> What does that have to do with me
You're sticking your dick in them, they're willing to lie in order to get what they want. You think they wouldn't lie about having an STD?
>inb4 just use protection
I'd rather die and that's one of the reasons I prefer monogamy. I want to stick my dick in them, not stick a condom in them using my dick as a push rod, and in a perfect monogamous system that is exactly what it allows for, a freedom to feel safe from the threat of disease.

I never said that you should respect monogamy, I even said you can fuck people in relationships if you want. They should be the ones to respect their word, if they're not able to be in a relationship like that then they shouldn't get into them in the first place. I feel some contempt for the guys who perpetuate the system, but I can't really say what they are doing is wrong.
>Le condoms are worse than death meme
Never will understand this, they really don't feel that different, the only difference is busting inside, which I agree is awesome. However you started this conversation by saying that I am actively hurting monogamists by doing this, implying there is something inherent I should respect about it to avoid this hurt. (>>7828124).
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I was operating off the assumption that you were the one cheating on your girlfriends, which would be actively hurting monogamists.

If you are in a monogamous relationship I think you should respect monogamous relationships.
>get invited to a camping trip up in the retard mountainy areas of the east coast of murrica (tennessee/NC type shit)
>wake up before everyone else one morning in our lodging and decide to make a simple breakfast
>butter a pan and toss an egg in for sunny side up, gonna put it in between toast and that'll be fine
>bread in the toaster waiting to go
>press down on the toaster lever about 1 minute into the egg, it's about halfway done
>egg finishes, plate it and go to get toast
>wasn't look at the toaster when I pushed the lever down
>sandwiched a giant roach that was sizing my bread up between the bread and the things that hold the bread inside when the lever goes down
>made a roach sandwich
>unplug the toaster and throw it out the kitchen window
>eat egg and only egg

You have a strange definition of "Camping" anon.
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forgot to talk about condoms

I cannot fucking stand condoms, it feels like I'm not even having sex. Every girl I've been in a relationship with preferred sex without a condom (I always start out using them until I trust the girl enough). Specifically I've heard that condoms just don't feel as natural and they end up having very little friction compared to raw dog.

Sex in a monogamous relationship is almost always more intimate and better than my one-night stands.

>camping trip
something doesn't quite add up
>caring about your birthday
i really don't understand why people do that
it just means that you are now one year closer to your death, same as everyday, why would you like that date?

wait what
I didn't know what else to call just shitting around up in the mountains in a lodge type deal and doing bonfires at night.
It's called "staying in a cabin, far from the dangers of the wild"

Very metro of you
They never even mentioned their gender, the rule doesn't apply unless they're using their gender to solicit replies.

lurk moar, learn how the tits system works
The only feminine words were
this could very plausibly be a gay man
>don't like celebrating birthday
>everyone and their cunt mother wishes me a happy birthday
>decide that if people are going to make me miserable they should at least get me some drinks
>everyone is too busy but want to do something on the weekend
>weekend comes around and they ruin the night out by wishing me happy birthday all over again
I think it's more he wants the implication that his close friends care about him in very minimal ways. Wanting something like that isn't abnormal.
his close friends likely do care about him, he's just a big babby and needs constant confirmation. likely female
on my birthday i just want to share a meal with friends/family and have people say "happy birthday"

i think you're just being obnoxious because it probably makes you feel good, or at least less badly about yourself

>i might be a piece of shit but at least i don't enjoy my birthday haha
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>people wish you happy bday
>become indignant
>make them make plans to buy your broke ass a drink
>still indignant

>doing nice things for coworkers who arent important to you in any way

wew lad
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Birthdays are only a big deal if you're in a relationship with that person. Or best friends. Other people, Idgaf.

This year, I gave my partner a wii U, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD + wolf link amiibo, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Bayonetta 2, Bravely Default for the 3ds, and a few other games.

In /ck/ relations, I made him butterbeer cupcakes since he likes butterscotch.

Just find a nice girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/whatever, and you should be solid even if no one else cares.

Have you ever cheated on him?
gays are notorious cheaters
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>TFW no one could embarrass you during your birthday dinner last year because you were in a coma.
Nope. 4 years strong in October.

Bake him a dildo cake
You didn't bang his sister?
He'd probably like a chocolate one. 4chan has changed his tastes a bit or at least helped him realize he's into that. Maybe next year.

Cuckold him

But you werent alone sure they didnt spen the day with you but its always nice to have peoppe care about you that actually sounded pretty nice
>every birthday since I turned 20 (I'm 34 now)
>get blackout drunk alone and usually cry
I asked my parents to stop mentioning it's my birthday because it's just sad to call attention to it
Make your own fun, shithead

that's certainly depressing, but it could be MUCH worse.

trust me. MUCH, MUCH worse.
cottaging i believe its called

man, how did I not get that? tx anon. sometimes I'm retarded.

keep trying dude. i see some potential.
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Sorry to break it to you but that sounds fucking disgusting. Brittle is very sweet by itself, brittle with skittles sounds straight up diabeetus inducing. Pumpkin mashed into butter sounds horrific, not to mention lazy as shit.

I'm not doubting your confectionary making skills, just stop doing weird disgusting shit in an attempt to be "creative". Why not make some actual pumpkin butter and use that in your candy making?
>On the issue though, I think it's perfectly acceptable to want attention on your birthday. It is not, however, acceptable to force that desire on others.
Nigga all human relationships are built on compromise. You have to be a fucking awful human being to let someone call you their friend and then openly not give a shit about things that are important to them (like their birthday) just because you can't be bothered.

Is the concept of putting others' needs above your own, even for one or two hours, that alien to you?
Openly not giving a shit about your friend's birthday usually doesn't entail taking them to dinner.

Everything isn't about the poster, maybe those people had plans the next morning and couldn't give their friend the entire night. Jeez, you seem clingy.
I think to answer this question you would have to understand why were birthdays celebrated in the first place. That's probably too thought intensive for you though.
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>Be me
>Decide to cook some diced turkey breast
>Trip when taking it upstairs and it goes everywhere
>Oh well, the dog can have it
>Go grab a can of tuna and start eating straight from the tin
>Eat about two thirds
>See pic related

Looks silver. Can't tell if it's legit mercury or hopefully some fish scale or summit but I just wanna get my protein in man.

I've only had three cans of tuna in my entire life so I've never seen this before.

I hope I don't die now.
>>Trip when taking it upstairs

And this is why you eat in the damn dining area, not in your room upstairs.
I was watching something in the computer room. I've never tripped while carrying food before.
>I was watching something in the computer room

So? Every meal at the dining table. No exceptions. Were you raised by wolves or something?

>>Can't tell if it's legit mercury

Mercury is a liquid you stupid fuck. Of course it's not mercury. What you're seeing is a bit of fish gristle with some connective tissue and/or skin on it. Ever cut up a fish before? Fish skin, and other parts, are often silvery in appearance.
I booked in a hotel for me and 8 other friends for my upcoming birthday, they don't even know it's my birthday, I just wanted to be far away from my family on my birthday so I don't have to put up with their retarded shit .

Never had a problem with condoms myself. Always felt pretty good to me.
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>Can't tell if it's legit mercury
Even if that was mercury, which it isn't, the greatest danger for mercury poisoning is organomercury compounds, which are not metallic in appearance. People have survived large ingested doses of mercury.
>tfw 20 and have never celebrated a birthday
Thanks mom n dad

I suppose staying home playing vidya ain't all bad, I don't really care about birthdays anymore, but it hurts seeing others have a bunch of friends throw surprise parties and shit for em do it real big and have a great time
You are so fucking stupid. I hope you never breed.

That sounds fucking terrible. Why not learn to make real candy instead of trying to be tasty's retarded cousin
Sounds like the birthday I just had. Except my work always provides some sort of birthday treats for the employees. That is until it was my birthday, no one said anything or brought anything. The next day they gave me a crappy apology card and a balloon

Are you one of my ex gfs?

Enjoy fucking up your brain forever. After you start taking that shit you will never be the same person.
I have the right to literally take a shit on my best friends chest, doesn't mean I'm gonna do it
23, celebrated my 22nd a couple months back.

I invited 4 of my friends out to my favorite pub for a nice evening with a few beers, with the intention of inviting 1 more.

1 was legit busy, another never responded, and the other two never met each other before.

I ended up just calling it off (don't think any of them even noticed) and spent the day alone. My dad took pity on me and made a pineapple pound cake. It was syrupy sweet and awful.

I got blackout drunk instead.

I'm not even sure where to begin on that Webm.
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