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Dear 4chan users! I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 288
Thread images: 151

Dear 4chan users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove 4chan.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!
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"This is a real threat"

Oh yeah what are you going to do, whine about it on tumblr?
every last one of you feminists just need a good dicking. then you'll quit your whining.
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

Obvious bait.
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nice b8 OP i r8 8/8
You are mentally ill and you know it, deep inside your retarded mind.
I respect people with mental issues, but I won't allow that your sickness affect other families, and if you keep insisting, you wil either be all anihilated, or in prison.
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Just another one of them attention whores I guess
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Admiral Akbar would be proud of you, 'son'...
penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis
There's not enough diversity in that picture. Go fuck yourself you racist xenophobic piece of shit.
I guess you are faggotkin too?
>Low quality bait
>Poor quality joke

People still falling for it.
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images (1).jpg
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eat this bitch
nice b8 faget
new generation of 4chan ruled by newfags and edge lords
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>falling for the "falling for the bait" bait
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how far down this rabbit hole will we go?
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Here OP. Go back here; >>>/lgbt/
how far will "how far will it go" bait
I have a bic dig

you read that wrong xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Have fun building a worldview that yours and you feel good by, I think everyone needs this. But accept that its probably yours alone.
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first one remind me to taylor alaska lmao
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Weak b8 m8
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This is well drawn, too bad it's underatale
How far will "how far will "how far will it go" bait"?
Fuck off and go whine somewhere else, there's only 2 genders, veganism is not a valid diet, you need fucking protein and shit, tumblr is a blogging website that went to shit.
welcome new friend
Dear tumblrina/tumblrino/tumblrfag,

on the physical sec, you may be a man or a woman, if you have penis or vagina respectively. You may be unlucky and have some kind of malady/ailment that would make something in the middle, but science has measurements and can clarify things for you.

You may feel attracted to people of the opposite sex (heterosexua), the same sex (homosexual), or any given sex (bisexual). Once again, if you present some kind of hermaphroditism, this can be trick, but remember that in the end science can determine your sex as female or male according to medical criteria, and thus you can use the correct term to describe your preference w.r.t. this.

If you really feel that your gender identity varies and you are somekind of creature trapped in human form, then you need professinal help. Unfortunately for me I have lived with family members with serious mental health issues, and I've seen how scary can be dealing with mental health professionals for the patient. But remember that these people just want to help you, and they can help you achieve a much happier life in the mid to long term.

Your dietary habits should not make you proud. In fact you should try to life a life of fullfilment where you feel proud of the thing you achieve (eating is a biological function). Remember that vegan diets tend to be lacking in proteins and other nutrients (check your testosterone if you are male, vegan diets and soy products are known to drop testosterone levels, and this generally weakens men and keep them from growing/keeping muscle tissue).

Thanks for your worries about hate speech. Intelligent people can deal with horrid themes comedically and talk mature issues because they have a sense of humor and can differentiate between discourse levels (its not the same speaking in a locker room, a lecture hall, a bar, etc...). Also note that many thinks considered racist/sexist by tumblr users are what adults call "facts".

Deplorably yours
Do you know what happened the last time tumblr threatened to close down 4chan?
Tumblr got trolled into submission.
I'm a bisexual guy of mixed descent and I'd rather spend time here having people call me a faggot than spend any time on tumblr being emotionally fellated by other people of the lgbtq+ community.
If you'd spend about 5 minutes browsing the catalog of /b/, you'd see that every sexuality and kink out there is represented and essentially accepted. The difference is that people here don't expect to be coddled about their preferences. There is an actual exchange of opinions going on here, while on tumblr people set up echo chambers to validate their own biases.
How do you expect problems to be solved, if all sides of the issue aren't allowed to be voiced?
It's b8 you fucking mongoloid
Your clothes and hairstyle dont change your gender faggot. God i hate people who dont grow out of 9th grader syndrome.
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you're all fucking morons
thanks but I had pasta for lunch
Mods, plz close this shit
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I am not even genderfluid im actually genitalfluid !!
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>People like this are actually on here
>people like this actually think they are at home here
ITT: shitposting and stale pasta from OP
Double faggot right back at you friend.
With all of the trap/gay threads here, you're surprised people like me are here?
At least I get to voice my opinion without fearing becoming a social outcast here, you can't say that of tumblr.
I'm at home here because this place endorses free speech, I don't have to self censor here, I just have to live with the potential of people disagreeing with me.
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grenn birde.jpg
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you're gonna have to try harder OP. You weren't weighing and triggered enough.
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Fuck outta here
Fake and gay.
Holy fuck I haven't seen this meme in something that feels like fucking years.
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i think you are in the wrong thread buddy
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Nah after this thread, I'm still just another anon. I've been here for years and so far nothing has compelled me to leave.
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Trap threads are cancer and not welcomed here. Go suck a dick and gtfo of here
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>people like you
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Gender vs Mental Illness.jpg
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This is either bait, or you are mentally ill (pic related).


Good rebuttal.
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I don't attend trap threads, they are not really pertinent to my interests. I was using them as an example of gay/bifags being here.
Also you go suck a dick and gtfo.
I don't really drink though, I'm more of a stoner.
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my anus quivered at the baid.
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that's pretty much what 4chan is

autism overload
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She looks like a fucked up boxxy?
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wow incredible
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The shit, is that Ashley?
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gr8 b8
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I love you too anon.
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Observes internally
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resp OP for b8, r8 8/8
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This Thread
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My NUDE photos here http://webcam4.ga
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Obvious bait is obvious.
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mfw low quality bait
mfw faggots still fall for it
mfw /b/ was never good
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lol bc threatening 4chan has always been successful in the past
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download (1).jpg
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tfw when op thinks his shitty bait would work
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2 genders, faggot
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Bad b8 m8
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Dude just leave like fucking really what dois going to happen oh everyone desides to stop being them selves. I mean ffs you a problely a troll anyway. Just leave just go 4chan and especialy this board is danger for tumblr users. Lel this is ur warning u fucking hippy tumfag. hey thats a good idea tumfag or tumbfag or what ever
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The quality of bait is gone. So sad. Nevar forget.
The new cancer. LoL
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steve og buscemi.jpg
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cool story man
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About as real and valid as unicorns.
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is this an edit or something? its extremely poorly written and formatted and is obnoxious to read
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gj sir, it's been a long time
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fuck outta here
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Shoulda said "we will circle a change.org petition to shit you down." Instead of "we will protest"
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Gonna take a break from this shit. So many Christmas faggots. Jesus Christ
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Almost took the bait. Almost but not quite.
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I r8 8/8: Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, 4chan our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8.
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Im pretty sure the hook was shopped on an already existing piece of fanart

then again that would be a good shoop
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>male and female are also labelled attention seeking
this one gave me a good ol kek
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This faggot took the time to sit down and think about it. Isn't that precious
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is that chloe from life is strange?

I like
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It's not hatred, it's rejection of mental illness. Figure it out already.
It only took me about 2 minutes. I'm happy you appreciate it though.
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Hi, genderfluid Tumblr user. I'm a demi-genderfluid cis male. This means I'm genderfluid on the inside, but identify as male anyway because I don't actually care enough to bother with dresses and pronouns and shit.

If that picture is your own work, I respect your means of gender expression, but please don't try to pass it off as universal or equate gender expression with gender identity. That's the kind of sentiment that stands in the way of genderqueer acceptance. You can go around wearing flamboyant clothing and throwing your pronouns in people's faces, but our cisnormative culture isn't ready to accept someone who does stuff like that, so we need to make sure they understand that's not really the core of what genderqueerism is about. They need to understand genderqueer labels are just a way of quantifying how you feel and being able to explain it in a succinct and dignified manner WHEN NECESSARY, and not necessarily a "respect me I'm special and weird" card to go around throwing in people's faces constantly.
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>Islamic apologist
when the bait is nice m8
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Goddamn, I hope your are real!
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Do you have autism? Does everyone in this thread have autism? Why are you all acting like OP isn't boring cirklejerk bait? Am I falling for some advanced 4D-bait? What is this autism?
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>Am I falling for some advanced 4D-bait?
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Genderfluid, non-binary, even trans are all total fucking nonsense.

Scienceis simple: if you have a Y chromosome, regardless of how many X chromosomes you have (or don't have), you are genetically male. If you lack Y chromosomes, you are genetically female. Period. End of story.

And if you "identify" as something other than what you are genetically, then you have a mental illness. Your brain's chemistry is not in tune with your genetics.
Well said, faggot.
I'm about as real as everyone else is here, being anonymous makes me a bit more bold in voicing my opinion, but not by much.

These threads are great, when one alt-rightie pretends to be something else and makes things up that trigger all the precious snowflakes of the alt-right. Today the flakiest snowflakes in the world are the alt-right.

You need to sit back and enjoy the show, one day these people, people who can't quite tell the difference between reality and fantasy, will have to get jobs and work with the people that they used to pretend oppressed them on the internet.

It's like waiting for fake news to come home to roost.
Thanks faggot.
>And if you "identify" as something other than what you are genetically, then you have a mental illness. Your brain's chemistry is not in tune with your genetics.
Yes, and?
Just because an identity arises from a brain chemistry imbalance does not automatically illegitimize it. The vast majority of genderqueer people are already aware they feel the way they do because of neurochemical imbalance. Rather than seeking to repress their feelings, which would make them even more imbalanced, they wholeheartedly accept them, as is the healthy thing to do when you have feelings.

Respect my mental illness
Geez, this has to be the most obvious bait I’ve ever seen here (inb4 newfag) and you guys are still going all in…
I get that reference
I do I do anon

Maybe sometime you'll post that sweet little bi hieney of yours.

Sharpie in the pooper
This is /b/, people here will discuss anything.
As flattering as that is, I'm not really into exhibitionism.
fuck you
lumping veganism together with tumblr ideology, you're a fucking idiot aren't you.
Your post just gives off the most condescending stench on this thread, whilst posting something about veganism that you know won't get an intellectually honest fact checking, but I'm here for that.

>dietary habits
Veganism is a philosophy, the diet is a result of that.

>you should life a life of fullfilment where you feel proud of the thing you achieve

Achieving basic logical consistency and showing empathy & compassion to animals is something to be proud of these days. Why get mad when someone hurts a dog when you pay for animals on the same level as a dog to be slaughtered every day, unnecessarily?

>Remember that vegan diets tend to be lacking in proteins and other nutrients
wrong, the vegan diet doesn't lack in anything but B12, which can either be supplemented through pills, or found in vegan milks, meats, orange juices, etc.

>check your testosterone if you are male, vegan diets and soy products blabla
yeah no, soy products contain SOY estrogen, not mammalian estrogen, which is found in COW MILK.

An animal based diet contributes to lower testosterone levels AND erectile dysfunction.
>Just because an identity arises from a brain chemistry imbalance does not automatically illegitimize it.

That's actually exactly what it does. Any self delusion which is the direct result of mental.illness must be treated, and corrected, not embraced and coddled. If you "identify" as a fish, society is not required to surgically give you gills and let you live in an aquarium. If you "identify" as a different ethnicity than you are genetically, you don't get to dye your skin and claim your chosen ethnicity.

We must respect that you HAVE a mental illness. We must not, and should never, respect the illness itself nor it's results. You need treatment, not appeasement.
Gender is binary. Everything else is a social construct.
>yeah no, soy products contain SOY estrogen, not mammalian estrogen, which is found in COW MILK.

It doesn't matter the source of the estrogen you dipshit faggot, do you know how many esteogen supplements out there are plant based?

Fucking moron.
>An animal based diet contributes to lower testosterone levels AND erectile dysfunction.
yeah but what if you want to become morbidly obese and physically weak with a dick that doesn't work

like what if that's how you sexually identify, as a weak, tiny dicked fatty, and you want to change your body to fit that identity

(ps this is a real thing, look up feederism)
>Veganism is a philosophy
Is that why you queers can never shut up about it?

Fuck off my /b/
Why doesn't this actually happen
Idk but its hilarious
You cannot stop sucking it?
Because not even tumblrinas fully believe the insane nonsense they preach.

>if you wouldn't have the balls to do this, what makes you think Ethel and all 330lbs of Xer would?
It's not a delusion, though. It's a dysmorphic disorder, not a delusional disorder. There's nothing unhealthy about the feelings, nor about the imbalance that causes them. What's unhealthy is trying to pretend you don't have them. That's why it's called gender dysphoria, not gender delusion. I agree, treatment would be a solution, but so is self acceptance, and you need to accept that most afflicted people prefer the latter as substantially less invasive.
This bait is too good to pass up
Sorry, I should have been more clear in my response, providing sources and such.

Soy products contain PHYTO-ESTROGEN
which is different from MAMMALIAN ESTROGEN. It does not have an affect on the human estrogen hormone structure.




Imagine a plant that provided a source of mammalian estrogen, that would be absolutely absurd as far as evolutionary benefits go.

Please go learn nutrition before you trip over your own logical inconsistencies.
It's hard to be quiet about industries brainwashing the masses from a young age to participate in psychopathic consumption of sentient animal flesh and excretions.

It's beyond fucked up and the way people will defend fucking over animals, their own health, and the planet for taste pleasure is disgusting. These same people claim to love animals whilst paying for their holocaust in millions.
So your benevolent philosophy suggests we commit genocide on most domesticated species?
Because they sure as fuck won't survive in the wilds on their own.
Based vegan anon, I'm conflicted, can you provide advice?

On one hand, I support veganism as a philosophy. I believe it's healthy and morally right.

On the other hand, I sexually identify as a fatty. I want to make myself weak, impotent, and very obese, because that's the only way I can feel comfortable in my own skin.

Here's my problem: I recognize this entails acting in a way contrary to what's right. But if I don't do it, I'll feel like I'm living a lie.

wat do
Its always a good day to start you, go get a smoke
These look like unknown from Pokémon
The transition from consuming animal products to consuming plant based products won't happen overnight, or over the course of a year.

The progress of which animal agriculture changes (less demand), will slow and lessen the breeding of those animals, and eventually we'll be down to a small enough number to decide upon.

The current situation is
breeding -----> holocausting
So slow genocide, then?
By your logic not living at all is better than living a short time. And holocausting is a pretty strong word for what happens to animals at farms and slaughterhouses. They're well fed and killed off with minimal suffering (stress gives the meat a bad taste). It is much better than what animals do to each other in a wild habitat.
Gender is based on the sex you were born with... you are only "gender fluid" if you were born a hermaphrodite and nothing was cut off...

Deal with it, you don't get to choose your gender... grow the fuck up
the fuck is this?
genderfluid is for closet faggots that want all the bonuses and no responsibility
How's it going mister contrarian?

Have you taken your daily oxygen tablets, because breathing is enjoyed by too many people?

Contrarianism is degenerate.
>It's hard to be quiet about industries brainwashing the masses from a young age to participate in psychopathic consumption of sentient animal flesh and excretions.

Yea, because humans were totally vegan until the early 1900's when "muh evil corborashuns" decided to make man-kind an accessory to cow and chicken murder right?

You know that euphoric feeling you get when you smell a burger king? How your mouth salivates whenever you see bacon? That ain't brainwashing boy, that's thousands of years of human evolution you're fighting hoss.

And if you're concerned about the treatment and conditions of the animals we slaughter for food, we can either solve hunger by mass-producing consumable meat, or just let the hangry die off so that chickens cows and pigs can be happy.
Current situation: breeding animals to exploit and kill them, this happens in the millions, holocausting.

Ideal transitioning: the demand for animal products is less, less animals are artificially bred, eventually down to a reasonable number of animals, which are not unnecessarily slaughtered.

Right now it is a FAST genocide, in millions, do you have preference for this? Is it not unacceptable?
Would you be okay with people raising their own animals to eat?
One of my dreams is having my own fields for veggies and animals. Preferably close to a big expanse of woods so I can go there for wild spices.
>Yea, because humans were totally vegan until the early 1900's when "muh evil corborashuns" decided to make man-kind an accessory to cow and chicken murder right?

Big corporations such as milk have brainwashed American society to believe milk is good for you, when it's really not, calcium is good for you, and is not exclusive to milk. Which contains IGF-1, promoting cancer cell growth. This doesn't stop here either.

>You know that euphoric feeling you get when you smell a burger king? How your mouth salivates whenever you see bacon? That ain't brainwashing boy, that's thousands of years of human evolution you're fighting hoss.

It's the smell of spices and preparation using plant based products, all covering animal products.

You don't salivate when you see a squirrel climbing trees, if I cut up a horse in front of you you would not salivate or even be able to eat it without vomiting and/or me preparing it first. This is something that carnivores and omnivores do.

>or just let the hangry die off so that chickens cows and pigs can be happy.
Starving populations could be saved from death with the millions of pounds of food and gallons of water that we give to chickens cows and pigs.
This whole thread is trolls trolling trolls who are trolling other trolls
And the occurrence of cancer & heart disease wasn't so rampant until "muh evil corborashuns" spread propaganda about "le healthy bregfast is becon and eggs"

which both promote heart disease and cancer growth.
>You don't salivate when you see a squirrel climbing trees, if I cut up a horse in front of you you would not salivate or even be able to eat it without vomiting and/or me preparing it first

Speak for yourself faggot, don't tell me what I find appetizing.
You know, if you watch forks over knives backwards, satan tells you to eat your fellow humans.
Beef tartare and sushi is disagreeing with you anon. I happen to find both of those things delicious.
>You don't salivate when you see a squirrel climbing trees, if I cut up a horse in front of you you would not salivate or even be able to eat it without vomiting and/or me preparing it first. This is something that carnivores and omnivores do.
It's almost as if humans have been preparing meat for a long time and fire wasn't invented his century.
Put a hungry toddler human in front of a baby chicken and some grapes, rinse and repeat as long as you want. You wanted biological facts, these tell you who you.
So you've watched "fed up" enough to memorize and dogmatize. Good for you.
You need to review the definition of genocide, pal. No one intends to exterminate animals, apart from vegans.
We bred the types of domestic animals like cows or pigs. Without humans they would not exist, and if you fuckers have your way we'll lose these species for good, because no one will want a pet cow or chicken. Humans need meat just like other omnivore species, and now we found a way to obtain it without needing to hunt.
Don't get ALL of your opinions from Netflix documentaries
Is this an edit or something? It's extremely poorly written and formatted,and is obnoxious to read.
Put a toddler human on the edge of a cliff and it will kill itself. You can do the same.
It's almost as if humans aren't meant to eat animals, and they have to be masked with plant based ingredients to be eaten.

Do you salivate when you see a t-shirt? I can prepare it so that it tastes semi decent and ready for human consumption as-well.
>humans are brainwashed to eat meat
>says my vegan friends, books, and blogs
Sounds like you don't like the taste of meat.
The people who do like the taste of meat would enjoy it with salt and pepper, without any vegetables in the mix. I just happen to eat vegetables with my meat because I like vegetables as well.
meant by who? God? Physics?
We're not even meant to anything. We just happened to like living and by eating animals we could continue living. So we adapted to eat animals.

>Do you salivate when you see a t-shirt? I can prepare it so that it tastes semi decent and ready for human consumption as-well.
Yeah? And I can hack the NSA.
Make me a well tasting, consumable t-shirt that won't give me stomach cramps and I'll eat that shit. I'm too poor to choose anyway.
Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. - Oxford Dictionary

You see how you use a different word now? You are now using the word "exterminate". Nobody, not even vegans, intend to exterminate animals. Vegans want to eliminate the holocausting of animals, when that is over, make a logical decision of what to do with the remaining populations.

They existed without humans, we have artificially bred them to a point of inability to survive on their own, but does that justify holocausting them? If yes, does that justify holocausting dogs and cats too? Would you be upset if I killed a dog and prepared it for dinner? Would you be upset if I did that every week for years?
we're not biologically meant to eat animals, it's science. We ate what we could and now we have a choice, we aren't primitive and we do a lot different from that time to sustain a healthier and more rational life. Did primitive humans adapt brushing their teeth? No. Is it healthier and better supportive of longevity? yes.
>we're not biologically meant to eat animals, it's science.
meant by who? Did mother nature decreed it when she was working on Biology division?
What do you know about science?

Men are more well suited for an omnivorous diet than a herbivorous diet, much less a vegan diet. Now THAT is in accordance to science.
hey man idgaf what your gender is as long as you are attractive and have a vagina mouth and ass, im down to fool around. what the fuck is the circle because id bang that right after the female
Carnivores and Omnivores can enjoy meat without salt or pepper, because they have biological adaptations that allow them to indulge in a very distinct taste. We can't taste that distinct taste, this is why we have to put plant based ingredients such as pepper, which has it's origins in PLANTS.
Have you ever read about the "evolution" of the toothbrush?
It started out with a sort of wood that got thready when you chewed it and had antiseptic properties.
The ancient egyptians made toothpaste out of horse hooves and different herbs. Since we can actually digest meat, we're at least partially "made" to eat it, just not in the amounts we do today. Also your whole raw argument is flawed, we have to cook a lot of vegetables in order to get to their nutrients easier as well.
>Men are more well suited for an omnivorous diet than a herbivorous diet, much less a vegan diet. Now THAT is in accordance to science.

Provide your scientific source please.
your arguments are full of holes.

>You don't salivate when you see a squirrel climbing trees, if I cut up a horse in front of you you would not salivate or even be able to eat it without vomiting and/or me preparing it first. This is something that carnivores and omnivores do.

first of all, humans are omnivores
second, i wonder what any normal person living before industrial (or even during for most) would say. i'd bet they'd be salivating over a horse steak or a grilled squirrel.
third, people today are way too pampered and world is way too scary. nobody used to bat an eye before when you had to kill your own food.

>It's the smell of spices and preparation using plant based products, all covering animal products.

maybe if all you eat are burgers. good meat actually has a natural flavour.

>Starving populations could be saved from death with the millions of pounds of food and gallons of water that we give to chickens cows and pigs.

so you want to feed masses with corn, soya and water so you can feel morally superior and sleep well at night? i'd reconsider your fascist ideals if i were you fam
Well if it is a nice leg of mutton, I can eat it only with salt to enhance its natural flavor. I love the taste of mutton meat and fat.
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