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Paintball thread

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What's the best paintball gun for under $200? I was thinking of getting the GOG eNMEy but the Spyder Fenix is another option
No thanks I have real guns.
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>best paintball gun under 200
invert mini? duh?
Also this is kind of the wrong forum. Go to pbnation.
Get a GoG, spyder is trash.
Or what this guy said; get a mini.
Might even be able to find a used older Ego for around that price.
buy used and get a much better marker. You can find ego9s for like 250 nowadays.
Get out
They're great, but I can't find them for less than $200 and I'm on a tight budget
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tippman 98 custom is basically the ar15 of paintball guns, many mods, durable reliable and ergonomic, should be less then 200$ nowadays.

it appears to me that the new 98 custom comes with some sort of rail on it, the old ones didn't so that could be a plus.

pic related is a straight out of the box basic one, but there are so many mods u can get for it.
you're going to end up paying a lot more for something that has less function. If you can't afford a nice marker maybe you should wait.
Nothing like getting a sweet new gat only to realize it's an over rated piece of shit...
If you're just playing recball get a 40$ tippmann98 and put like 50 bucks into it.
No double trigger, no color kit bullshit; you want a barrel and a good air tank. And one of those adapters so you can use a normal cocker threaded barrel.
>cant find a mini under 200
anon please
Please for the love of christ, stop telling him to buy brand new. A tippmann will out last the majority of players life spans. A used tippmann is like 25-50 bucks.

also i hope you're all saging.
Oh, and don't buy a shitty CO2 tank. At the very least get a 48/3000 compressed air tank.
Thanks, best advice I've seen so far. Just wanted to get a decent speedball gun but it looks like I'm going to just go with a Tipmann 98
Yeah, I was planning on getting compressed air since CO2 is so variable and expensive
why would anyone sage this, paintball is completely /k/ related, especially seeing as airshit /k/ related, what's with the double standard?
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holy shit look at this tippman, not really sure if any of that stuff is really necessary but it still a cool.
yeah no, neither of them are /k/ related.
literally every part of that is a gimmick. Do not get anything like that. scope? lol. bipod? lol. 20inch barrel? lol.
Look around on your local craigslist for a used 98 or 98c. All you will need is a decent barrel.

also, if you're planning on staying in the sport, don't get a 45/3000 or anything 3k for that matter, spend your money on something worth it like a 45/4500 or 68/4500.
Tippman A5.
Full side view.
>this window will close in 3 seconds
>stock and a red dot
I'm seriously hoping you dont play with that useless shit on your marker.
You have to arc your shots 80% of the time anyway so the scope is useless.
But hey at least you have a remote line so the tank has to go somewhere else like the small of your back! Which is super fun for diving and sliding and not getting smashed in the spine with a large piece of metal! right!?

OP just get a 98custom. Put an autococker thread adapter on and buy literally any barrel that isnt a stock 98 barrel.

Oh god we didn't even talk about this yet but a mask is a THOUSAND times more important than what you're shooting. What good is it if you cant see what you're trying to aim at.
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>Implying I play speedball like a douche
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But the FN 303 co2 riot gun. I heard they sell them as paintball guns in the US.

... that's not even what im talking about anon. Having that shit on your gun is totally useless. the tank and asa are already angled to give you a proper wield.
I played for almost 13 years and stopped just last year. I have played everything from castle conquest to living legends to psp. Having that shit on your gun is a sign that you should be playing airsoft. And before you go off, i dont mean that as an insult.
>15 round magazine vs 200 round hoppers
but I guess some pump faggots going to start talking about how he killed fiddy men with only two shots.
Piss off. Just because you don't like it that way doesn't mean it doesn't work fine for me.

This is the board you are looking for, so fuck off.
if that 'works fine' for you, imagine how much better you'd be with an actual usefully functional marker :^)
Face it dude, that stock is useless, your mask probably bounces off of it half the time, and the red dot is pretty much pointless past 25ft.
Good thing it has cyclone feed right? thank god you're wasting air on powering that, right?
Fuckin' I bet you're one of those full camo wearing dudes that shows up to the same field every weekend to play against first timers and rentals. What an asshole. Go to airsoft.
That's the thing anon, it literally doesn't work. It does nothing for your performance and is only there for aesthetic.
Also I'm not the same anon saying this.

And yeah, you need to spend some decent dosh on a mask if you want to be able to see. I'd recommend an Empire E-Flex or V-Force Grillz or profilers.
Like I said, I bet your marker is facing the ground half the time. You don't play paintball, you play dressup.
Proflex's or grillz.
>Twats: the posts
lol ok
Have fun wearing your full ghillie with 15 pounds of useless shit hanging off your marker.
>won't even get an elimination in a game because goggles are too fogged to see
Dude. You ARE one of those middle aged dudes that goes to the same field every weekend to play rentals and kids. You get dominated by anyone else for the sheer fact that you think that fundamentals and ability aren't a factor.
Actual players dance circles around ghillie suited asshats and retard pump players.
Get it through your skull, some people know what they're doing more than you. Skill is a huge factor in this game and hindering basic abilities like sliding and even snap shooting would make you an idiot.
I worked at a pb field throughout highschool
Shit was cash
Almost all of the regulars were vets, a lot of them were nam vets
Also OP get a tippman, 98's are good, I really like my x7 tho, cyclone wastes some air but not a huge drop
I play woodsball and my red dot helps in cqb but I use flip sights any other time
I play woodsball and just use basic multicams, jackass. The setup on my marker lets me shoot like an M4 like I have practice with. Sliding is speedball garbage. The dot sight is superior for snap shooting, and provides a great vertical reference line.

>ITT: Speedballers pissy about woodsball player stuff
At least I'm not running an AK replica marker, everything I have is on there because it works for me, not for looks.
>sliding is garbage
how do you fill a co2 and air tank. What is the average hydrodate.
>i really like my x7 with flip up sights and red dot
this is why i dont believe you.
>flip up sights
>up sights
anyone who has played a single game of paintball knows you dont aim with the sights you aim with the barrel and stream of paint. Fuck sake.
>Speedball elitist detected
I never plan on sliding, but I usually will if I'm about to get my ass lit up
>just found out my local field might not open up next year
Nah, I play on a scenario team actually.
>mfw sponsored by Planet Eclipse anyway
It works for snap shooting
Use a scale for filling co2
This thread is not related to /k/

It needs to go to >>>/asp,/
you literally are the cancer of the sport. that old guy in the back chain smoking cigarettes only to live for half a minute and bitch about how other people are shooting to fast.
>marker set up like an m4
>sliding is garbage
>dot sight is superior for snap shooting
jesus christ man, you didn't have to go into maximum over troll.
I've been playing for years and years dude. The things you are talking about are things that players in their first few months assume.

Wait if you're serious though, how the fuck does a paintball gun with a top loading hopper 'let you shoot like an m4'
If you wanted that why didnt you just play airsoft where everyone acts like this lol
lol. You seriously must play against rentals if you've been getting away with that setup, never having to slide of probably even dodge paint.
>sights/reddot for snap shooting
No. Just no anon.
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its worked for as long as I've played
>hurr wearing camo in the woods is bad
>mad that someone does things a different way than you like to
>Calling someone else cancer
Any other scenario players on here besides me >>839482? I wonder if I've ever met any of you faggots at a game before.
Why do you people always argue so much? Can you not respect each other. You act like niggers act in real life but on the internet.
so I want to mount a thing to my bow that allows it to shoot paintballs.. clearly not for speedball. I usually use the bow to hunt but want to use it year round, not just in season. I feel like it'd be miserably impractical in a game, but still seems cool. Thoughts?
>renter on other team runs up to barrier next to me
>point gun at him
>takes off his mask to see down field

what's the most amount of times you've heard a ref tell a group to stop taking off their masks?
Do it, don't let the dickbag "pros" tell you you can't do something just for fun.
It might seem like fun but it will probably end up annoying you
true, but I agree with >>839494 that getting btfo by tryhards would be fun. I know how to use my bow, but the skillsets of hunting and gameplay probably aren't the same. Deer don't shoot back after all
not* be fun. Fuck.
There's actually a company that makes a bow/paintball hybrid thing, but I can't remember the name of it right now. Maybe look into that?
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Airow Gun.
sounds fun but im not sure that would shoot at a legal speed.
It's just simple fact, more of you will be sticking out.
it's just that most of the people who wear camo dont need it. Your 'different way' gets you killed. You are cancer for suggesting someone go full milsim in paintball instead of going to airsoft.
I play free agent in north east, just got done at capital combat zone, might go down to oklahoma d-day but mostly play castle conquests with blues crew. So kind of east coast only.

I had to wrestle a huge black dude once because he kept lifting his mask to see out from under it. It got to the point where I was standing directly behind him and watched him do it and whispered 'are you fucking kidding me' into his ear. Needless to say he was angry that I called him out and even angrier when I had to call the game because of his refusal to comply. Tossed the gun at me after grappling for a second and I ran like a girl lol. He finally came to apologies and ask to keep playing just in time for the police to arrive.
Are you fucking kidding me? The first two things I see on /k/ today is a fucking airsoft thread and a paintball thread. You fuckers have your own board, and your toys aren't weapons, go away.
>You are cancer for suggesting someone go full milsim in paintball instead of going to airsoft.
Except I never said that, shithead. I wear what works and my marker works for me, asshole.
>sounds fun but im not sure that would shoot at a legal speed.
#50-28" generates sub-300fps.
Yep that's what I was talking about. The barrel assembly can mount to my bow.

It'd depend on my draw weight, like >>839502 said. I'd be good with a 55#
Sorry for our one paint thread anon. Maybe among the 20 gear/camo threads you could let this one stay. After all "our" board has become /wrestle/.
and probably gets you killed 7/10 times.
>Being this salty about how others play
>using silly gimick shit and promoting it
probably the same guy that buys a 400 dollar fishing bag to put his 99cent lures in too.
but anon everytime I've played paintball that isnt how it works at all, people always know where the other is, paintball isnt a game of stealth. It can help but as soon as you start shooting or break a branch someones going to hear you and shoot back
I just wear a tshirt and jeans. Works out well.
My team is in the Southeast, pretty much only venturing as far north as Indiana to play events.

Do you happen to know any of the guys that play on Pub Crawling? They're a scenario team in the northeast that comes down to Tennessee to play a scenario or two each year at one of my favorite fields.
ahhh I think i've seen them here at a few conquests. They're big drinkers obviously and that's usually not too welcome at most fields. for obvious reasons. Not very good players either. Blues crew shows them up every year if i remember right.
Yeah, I think the heavy drinking part has a little bit to do with not playing very well.
They usually show up hungover Saturday morning, then drink all night and don't even take the field Sunday morning whenever they come down here.
OP this is actually for /toy/

Airsoft too
>thicker, loose fabric
>people who can't stealth innawoods claiming patterns are useless
Paintball is in no way /k/ related
>paintball markers don't function like real guns
>controls aren't the same as real guns other than having a trigger (which normally isn't the same as a trigger on a real gun)
>shit range
>ridiculously inaccurate to the extent were an old musket is significantly more accurate, yet full auto fire is looked down on for some reason
>ammo somehow manages to cost about what .22lr used to cost
>get looked down on for using your regular gear
>posters in this thread are actually criticizing others for using sights on their paintball markers
>so completely fucked that tactics don't even translate over much
You might as well go on about how football is /k/ related.
>controls aren't the same as real guns other than having a trigger (which normally isn't the same as a trigger on a real gun)
Current A5s and X7s actually use an HK-style safety/selector, and the basic trigger group is mechanical.

And having a super gucci marker doesn't make you a better player. When I was in the Army my det went to Dragon Mans and, using cheap or rental markers, curb stomped a bunch of players using Angel markers.
>>posters in this thread are actually criticizing others for using sights on their paintball markers
That's probably due to paintball guns having a max effective range of 30 yards.
OP, what is your play style? Do you play woodsball or speedball? If its woods, like a lot of others said, get a 98 Custom. You'll never regret it. I still have mine, it's one of the first markers I owned. The Invert Mini is great too. Other than that your best bet would be an older marker, DM4 or EGO.

PS- if you prefer playing woodsball, add whatever high speed shit you want. Be it a red dot or multicam. It's your money and if it adds to your fun, go for it.

Can't wait to play again next year after my surgery.


Man the Airow, seems like it would be a lot of fun to use.

You were being an ass in this thread. Having said that, I did CastleConquest once and it was a blast.

Paintball might not be a game of stealth, strictly speaking, however it plays a HUGE part in the game, speed or woods.

Agreed and having a low end marker could sharpen your skills. In the end it's all about the skill you as a player bring to the field.

Any of these boards are a better fit for you toy gun faggots
>thread got moved here from /k/
Nice one, douchefag.
Well it needs to get moved again then to /toy/ or /out/

The faggot mod needs to do his job if he wants to get his monetary recompense
>Implying your fake sport is the only thing allowed on ASP
this thread got 70 replies on /k/ but died when moved here

come on anons, any cool stories?
>being THIS new
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