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JoJo Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 596
Thread images: 187

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Guys, what if Mikitaka is neither an alien nor a Stand user, but an Ultimate Life Form? Wouldn't that make sense?
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Gappy makes me happy
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Yummy Shinobu Quality.webm
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Quality Asian butt!
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Josuke is cutest JoJo
This is a fact
>tfw loved Paul McCartney since I was a boy
>listened to C-Moon long before I learned of JoJo

It just now clicked how the lyric "It would be L-7 and I'd never get to heaven if I fill my head with glue" relates to Pucci's character. Why is Araki such a genius?

Also, how does the name Whitesnake relate to Pucci and his goals? Is it because he's going again, on his own (without DIO)?
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Russian valantine best valantine.
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>they already fiddled with Great Days, making a great OP even better

Based DP
Has anyone uploaded the new sub
Still got that stupid open mouth

And no, it's not just the shading
I keep forgetting that the characters in Part 4 are Asian.
It's on gogoanime
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That's his top lip, super retard
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Russian auero.png
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russian jojo is one of the weridest thing i have ever read. it does shit like editing part 5 so it looks like it take place in russia
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What is that Stand? (It doesn't look the same as RHCP and it looks awfully similar to Gold Experience)
That's Surface. It wasn't there in the original OP.
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op3 ending fixed.jpg
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One last thing that got edited.
It's Surface. I don't know why the fuck its there since Hazamada wants nothing to do with the Part 4 crew, but I guess it would look weird if Hermit Purple was there instead.
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xth for new reaction images
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But I refuse
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Is that Highway Star near Tonio?
Well, he is in the OP since he tags along for Rohan's adventure before fucking vanishing. He's not really evil, so they could consider him and Ally I guess. Hopefully Fungami and Mikatake join eventually
read the thread you humongous retard
Should have just been Killer Queen or even Cinderella if they really wanted to go for a minor character Stand.
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I must marry all the Jomoms
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russki auero takes place in saints petersburg by the way.
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rohans laugh was so cute in this
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Joushuu makes me happy.
Mikitaka isn't even confirmed to be a Stand User, so Highway Star replacing Surface would make the most sense.
Do Russians not like Italy or what?
Did Narancia fart?
no. its just better this way not a joke narancia drinks vodka and thats why fugo stabs him.
Any stitches yet?
No that's just Russian
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this is one of the scenes I've been waiting for ever since they announced the 2012 anime (and obviously I was praying parts 1 and 2 succeeded enough to allow them to continue)

I can just imagine it now with the music blaring, the colours shifting, the fucking close up on the gobsmacked baby, it's gonna be amazing
>"great days is shit" posters AND "highway star will have QUALITY" posters BTFO in one episode

today was a good day
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That is fucking cool and weird as hell. The idea of any of any commercial version of JoJo localizing itself in this way is such a foreign concept to me that it's hilarious.

I also like how they tried to "subtitle" the sound effects
>yfw this amazing event inspired that baby to sport a pomp when he grows up
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Yeah but why didn´t he just fix the phone ?
I can't find the updated version of Great Days on YouTube yet. Is anybody on that?
are there any other changes?
So Araki could put in a gag.
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Why Josuke is so fucking jew?
No it's not, it's a complete unbroken line underneath

let the voice of love take you higher, anon
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I feel dumb for not reading through the whole thing first now, but holy shit why is Tsurugi so top tier

>tosses an origami car using PMK like 20-30 pages earlier and you think nothing of it
>dick dude meets Jobin and now Yasuho and Tsurugi are in deep shit
>the origami car was apparently seeking out and touching Doobie Wah's user to trigger PMK's effects
>user gets smashed by Jobin
>"Paper Moon King. I made the bus look like my dad."

Holy fucking shit.
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Crunchy what the fuck

Like, what even
I see they cleaned up a lot of the QUALITY too
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That's a weird pic of Giorno
Isn't he supposed to say something like his exact replica of the room from pretty women that cost that much got destroyed?
What's wrong with that? You can literally hear him saying "Pretty Woman" in English.
I haven't seen that movie, but didn't he say that he had something from Pretty Woman in his house that got destroyed in the fire?
Giorno has worse hair than Josuke

He can never be as cute as he could be


It's just completely wrong
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So will it be a QUALITY episode next week?
Stand bullshit explains why SKA won the cup a couple years back
Rotenberg has KC so he saw that Salak would get suspended so took koskinen instead
Fucking gottem.

The French dub of the early 2000s ova did a little like this where they made the characters be the full french sterotype of their country. Polnareff is far less dick heady and much more racist.
But that was a long time ago.
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Yes. pucci is white and wether is black.
>that watermark
Better than nothing, I guess.
I honestly can't tell the difference.
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Shinobu rule 34 when?
I really miss Kamiya being Rohan's voice actor, his ''daga kotowaru'' sounds so much cooler.
That's not exactly wrong. While their races aren't outright stated, Weather's mother was married to a black man.
The QUALITY is gone. That's the difference.
>dissing donut hair
I'l make you eat those words
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>Hevunsu dowa
I could try. Whaddya want?
They're both black. Remember the KKK incident?
Really? I thought the new VA did a good job with the line, he captured the whole "just got all of my life sucked out of me" vibe much better than Kamiya.
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Focus on that big, fat ass of hers
Wrong quote
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Wow, that's a real fucking creative translation there Crunchy

Why do people pay for this garbage?
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I so can't wait for this haircut to appear in the OP
I feel like Kamiya is a better Rohan overall, but the new guy isn't bad. Really confuses me why they couldn't just recast all of the VAs from the games considering they also pretty much all did TV commercials as well.
Kira and Killer Queen looks awesome in the OP
Make it anal too you fucker PLEASE
is it only me or does Rohan and Yukako posing end too fast in op?
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Man, really loved today's episode, not much QUALITY shots, some pretty nice pacing and animation, and a even better version of Great Days.
I hope its zebra hair
water melon head its stupid
David have a weird sense for JoJo VAs where they find guys more perfect than the already-perfect game VAs. The new Rohan VA sounds a lot rougher than Kamiya, who basically just sounded like a sexy Japanese man.
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Well besides the fact that I think Kamiya's voice fits him better and that the new VA sounds a bit too high pitched, the latter's ''I refuse'' doesn't fit the sudden smug face he has as much as when Kamiya does it.

He's still a good VA but I really miss Kamiya.
Good lord.
It's one thing to paraphrase the lines, but it's another thing to completly mangle the meaning.

Somestuffs when?
It's not exactly perfect but it's still miles better than fucking CR.
(but then it's not like it's hard to do that)

Don't listen to that fucker. He lies.
It's directly translated from english scans, no changes.
Даун, что ты за хуйню несёшь?
>what de fug :D
>find guys more perfect
But they kept voice actors like Jotaro's, fatty's and Okuyasu's.
Kamiya's Rohan just sounded like Kamiya's other characters.
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Then they were too perfect. Seriously, Jotaro's VA is really fucking underrated. I don't there's been a Jotaro as good as him.
>implying Oku's voice isn't already perfect
I saw somestuffs version of the watch scene and it was waaay way worse than cr, like some how they made it shittier
no matter the role, I will always hear him as araragi
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He's not screaming and whining like a lunatic 90% of the time like Araragi.
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He also got very touchy with Yasuho. Based trap is the best character of JJL
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hey guys gifman here. will edit jojo into anything.
Those faggots who want coolio paradise as op/ed for part 5 or as bgm.

>There will never be an OP as good as Bloody Stream ever again

This one actually makes sense but it doesn't look good.
>Thinking this isn't retarded
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doggo spin.gif
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Something with this
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Instead we get utterly irredeemable shit like Great Days.
>Gangsta's Paradise
>Nigger rap
>those tinny synth trumpets
It's pretty shit desu CNBT did everything Bloody Stream did but better.
These edits would be better if they actually fucking made sense and weren't just certain parts of a character's designs photoshopped onto a gif that has nothing to do with JoJo.
Don't use such a soft brush; it looks shit.
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nice watch some-stuffs.jpg
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did that allready
fuck off Great Days is based.
>Fat man gets his stand activate after getting pumped full of bullets.
>Real life fat man he's based on died getting shot

Araki did this on purpose.
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But there is and it's called Great Days, friend.
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good idea.
give me a good idea anon im starving.
based off of an unflushed turd
why the fuck that man is wearing mista's hat instead of rohan's?
This. Great Days is second after Bloody Stream for me.
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>Woman in the pencil skirt is the same as the panel.
>But then the hat guy.
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Dumping stitches
Great Days is honestly one of the worst openings David has ever put out.
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Nice meme!
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Did anyone do a comparison on the changes of Great Days yet?
That´s because they kept his voice from games.

Seriously, ASB was the best thing that ever came out alongside mango. Good artstyle, best VA there could ever be for each single character, everything.

And then David came with their Davidshills defending Josuke. And even if was ever ok with Josuke change, Kira VA change is unforgivable. You don´t fucking change a perfection, you don´t change Koyama.
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"That sounded way cooler in my head"
>inb4 someone photoshops the hat guy into DMQ Kira
Can we all agree that

>Elite tier
Bloody Stream
>Top tier
Sono Chi no Sadame, Stand Proud, Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
>Good tier
End of The World, Chase, Great Days
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Smug Gapster.png
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Anything for you, anon-chan.
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Well i already asked for this a week ago.
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it was made on a thread where all the posts had a 4 in them. someone requested it and i did it
Josuke 4 or Joseph
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Or you could try making something out of this. Highway star could work, i guess. Born this way could too.
>Great Days and Kioku that low
Fuck no
>Elite Tier
Bloody Stream, Great Days
>Top tier
Sono Chi no Sadame, Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town, Chase, End of The World
>Good tier
Stand Proud
All joking aside, whatever is happening in the gif would make a cool stand ability.
what characters?do you want any dialogue?
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We did, infact we got one even better
they are called sono chi no kioku and great days, now fuck off reddit
>changing the OP after only a week
The absolute madmen!

Did they actually intend for this to be the opening but ran out of time and used last week's as a placeholder?
>sono chi no kioku

>Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town above End of the World and Great Days
>Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town in the same level as Sono Chi no Sadame
>Stand Proud being as good as Sono Chi no Sadame
>Bloody Stream that high
>Great Days that low

No, it's all wrong.
Great Days belongs in Stand Proud's tier
>can't even link right
The lighting during the Superfly part in the OP is switched now. Guess they really are planning on reversing the OP.
Edit this but with Green, Green Grass of Home, Goo Goo Doll or Little Feet.
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her ass isnt even that big
average at best
Seems like it. But I don't mind. Araki changes his mind all the time.
Well i guess Tonpetty and Jonathan would fit really well, but i kinda don´t like part 1. Does anybody have any idea what could it be edited into ?
Great Day fags need to get out of this thread right now
Sure it is sound-wise, but the visuals are god-tier and you know it
I recomend getting euthanized
Maybe if you're deaf and blind, Great Days is one of the best OPs we've gotten.
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>great days
So you can talk to yourself?
You should probably go to a doctor because your tongue isn't working you tasteless faggot
what do you even mean

It's established he has the ability to make everything look the same, and that his origami adopts the behaviors of whatever he shapes it into. He turns it into a car and gets it to touch the dude, and the dude starts seeing everything around him as Jobin.
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This one came out bad but I thought I'd post it anyways.
Then go on.
If you have no taste whatsoever, that'd be close to true.
SCnS > Bloody Stream > Great Days > SCnK > Stand Proud > CNBT > Chase

Caveats: CNBT had terrible visuals but a God-tier song. SCnK had God-tier visuals but a sub-par song.
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Josuke is so cute in the anime
You don't need to repeat your shit opinion over and over again man.
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do haato coming back to room to see damo torturing the family
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>Ultimate Life Form
>Hates loud sounds

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Have people been complaining about how the footprints were animated yet?
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Yeah sure
>The song at 2:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu3EFqhrHu8
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How can a guy be such a qt ?
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What a fucking waifu
Better names crunchy could have giving Highway star
> Highway mars
> Highway sun
> Highway Marsbar
> Highway son
> Milkway star
I got pumped when Highway Star's theme played.

The OSTs just get better and better with each part.
>Highway to the danger zone
araki is a fucking hack
No, because they looked fine
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Hol Horse in Part 4.png
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I hope this doesn't turn into a new animeonly meme, I-I don't want them getting more manga memes and catching up.
Hatano is better for angry Josuke, sure, but Yuki Ono gives an alluring, sexual aspect to Josuke's character with how breathy he sounds. Hatano's voice doesn't suit how he looks in the anime either.
>Street Star
Josuke is an asshole.

The anime only made it more noticeable.
fuck rohan
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>Sausage and milkybars
Did you have a gallery with all the stitches?
I suspect so, since a lot of the shots they removed were edits of shots from the show (Kosaku turning around and at least a few of the generic stand punching shots)
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Can they finish highway star by next episode, or is this going to be 2 more?

Or 1 and a half more?
Is restating it supposed to make it sound less retarded?
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best friends laughing.webm
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>with the music blaring
I anxiously await the sound webm with Highway Star mixed in.
The rest of HS will be in the next episode which is fine - they can easily do the rest of it in one episode
What the fuck is wrong with her right arm?
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Perfect taste, anon. I never thought I'd find another.
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>Stand Proud below End of the World
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She's got the Caesar disease.
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>Implying he will like to
Mediocre taste.
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sad clock horse.png
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I am here now
Stand Proud's fucking great but SnCK's visuals are elder God-tier plus it had that DIO's World variation man, it's impossible to put it below SP.
>end of the world
>above anything
>all three previous OP singers teaming up for a hype explosion
>sub-par song
Why are you so sad?
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Hatano is way too angry for Josuke. He puts up a voice that works for delinquent characters. But Josuke is an old-fashioned momma's boy who just dresses like a delinquent because his childhood hero did it and he wants to look cool.

Yuki covers most aspects of his character, both as a gentle dork and a fighter. Hatano is good but Yuki is much better as Josuke, especially given how Josuke looks in the anime
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What is the fucking extent of heaven's doors powers?

Could rohan just write on himself "I am omipotent" and it would just happen?
What will he sell to me ?
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He's the best looking JoJo so far in the anime, I hope the anime ends with us seeing him with his hair down or something.
He can't write on himself. He also needs to be in range of whoever he's writing on
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made in smuh.png
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Why doesn't Rohan just use Heavens Door to make Josukes mom have sex with him
But he gives Koichi the ability to speak italian fluently in the beginning of part 5
Like Koichi magically learning italian or flying 20 feet forward?
>He can't write on himself
He did in one of the spin-offs.
Why are you so smug?
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I want to hug Josuke
Honestly, Highway Star is pretty shit
>someone needs to enter a house in the middle of nowhere for it to work
>moves at the leisurely pace of 60km
What the fuck

Could he just write on Koichi "I have the ability to write on other people's face, and I will write on Rohan's face "rohan is omnipotnet""
no he needs to be in range to write on them, after that they can go wherever
I meant range as in he needs to be close to write on them, not for what he writes to take effect
This is somewhat of a gripe I have with JoJo in general. We see people use stands for all kinds of stuff, but never sex or even ecchi.
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horse is art.png
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An invincible stand with infinite range that never stops? Sure, if you know about it you can easily avoid it, but once you activate it, all you can do is find the user
I doubt he's be able to give his powers away.
Doesn't he just need to get your scent? And the room this is just a sub ability he has to get people to go near him? That's what I took from it
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doing that now.
So how does Fungami know what Kira looks like now?
Deep Purple is a shit band
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Jonathan looked so huggable in the anime. They vastly improved his look and made him a cute bara god.
>Josuke is an old-fashioned momma's boy

Was he implying here that he isn't good with girls?
He's like a shenlong where he can't ask anything more powerful than himself

So he can make people learn and do stuff like move away at this speed but he could go "make it so everyone starts turning into snail people" and it actually physically happen
Put Josuke's head on the guy running
Could a Stand like Star Platinum actually beat up Highway Star? Before it even reaches Jotaro and sucks out his power.
jesus christ the guy from deep purple sang this
>Write "I am able to give my powers away" on self
>reposting from previous thread

So, looking through it frame by frame, they cleaned up a LOT of Great Days' OP

A lot of redraws, new animation, saturation and overlay changes, etc. Do you think this is a response to the backlash of how lazy it originally was, or did they release the first version with the intent to clean it up all along? A week doesn't seem like enough time to respond to complaints and make big changes like that.
duh,just like most bands referenced in jojo
tarkus,dire straits,king crimson,green day,queen,limp bizkit etc.
What's the definition of a "momma's boy"? He just has a close friend-like relationship with his mother.
Limp Bizkit is far above all the other garbage you listed.
Please add shit hair.
He wouldn't have backtracked to the room if all he needed to do was sniff Josuke's stinky ass.
>A week doesn't seem like enough time to respond to complaints and make big changes like that.
It absolutely isn't. They almost definitely weren't finished and use the previous version as a placeholder. Any complaints of the animation are a direct result of that.
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I think he looks strange at times, like with Josuke's QUALITY moments where he goes super wide-eyed, but they're not as cute in comparison. I think it's the lines.
Green Day is good tho
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Yuyas VA sounds cool
He sounds like Akira's evil twin
Yeah , also Pink Floyd, Metallica, Jimi Hendrix, weather report, outkast,
He doesn't, his secondary power is the power of personalized bait.
spoiler that shit, anon, you're scaring me
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Probably not since girls are all shown to be all over him due to good ol Joestar sex genes.
But he says himself that he's not interested in dating and that he is a "romance" type of guy (which actually makes a lot of sense for his character since he's a bastard child born from a fling Joseph had with a Japanese woman and I feel like he wouldn't want to do to other women what Joseph did to his mom).
Jotaro was handsome as fuck in the Part 3 OPs, but looked kinda weird in the anime itself.
But Rohan doesn't know either

It makes no sense for Rohan to see Kosaku-Kira

And they didn't know about Kira liking hands, and if they did they'd probably figure out he doesn't cut them off but uses KQ
Do you have any link to some kind of compilation of what you did until now ?
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Maybe him looking like Kosaku was just for effect?
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Well, he's quite independent for a guy his age so long as Tomoko doesn't find out about his gains, but stand users who try to target his mother or family tend to be the only Morioh stand users who don't get any redemption. Angelo, Teru and that autist with the book all try to go after Tomoko and suffer dearly for it, it almost makes you shed a tear for the lack of doyjaans with her.
Did they completely give up on the ED? They're not adding anyone new to it.
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Those are not QUALITY moments they do it intentionally. Certainly better than what Johnathan had to suffer through when had he aired.
It's the art style and the quality moments in Phantom Blood. I think. Jonathan definitely looked weird in the manga most of the time but that's early Araki art style
I still consider Jonathan really handsome though.
Prove to me Hurricane Matthew isn't a Stand.
Is Highway Star a ripoof of "It Follows"
see >>148249790
>Motorcycle is barrelling along at probably a good 40mph
>There's a shitty scrolling background, and absolutely no animated wind blowing Okuyasu's clothes around or anything.
>Perfectly static pose of a completely stable motorcycle going over uneven dirt and grass while a person stands on top of it.

I swear to god, if Highway Star 2 doesn't go all out on the feeling of speed and danger of tearing ass around Morioh on a motorcycle, I will fly to Japan, and cover every inch of David Productions' studio space in lukewarm diarrhea.
I'll put everything on imgur under one account soon.
I hated them. They looked awful.
>manga released in the 90s
>ripping off a movie released in 2014
>autist with the book
I read part 4 less than a year ago and I have absolutely no memory of this character. Who?
「Rock you like a Hurricane」

didn't reimi tell them about missing hands?

or am I making this shit up?
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Sad clock-horse has arrived
why are there no part 6 and foward characters in JoJo mugen besides emporio?
I mean,they even appear in the loading screen
This episode didn't really have much BUDGET to it, and even then it still animated Rohan with moving hair and all that jazz when he was on the motorcycle.
He could be talking about the villain from the Part 4 spinoff novel, though I'm not sure.
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Anon, we got this several threads ago
Mikitaka is an ayy lmao, the meteorite was sent by a space meanies on war with Mikitaka's planet (for make an stands user army), Mikitaka reported Earth like safe and new ayy lmaos come (elf-ears, like Jolyne's lawyer). Also, Diavolo is Darth Vader born from meteorite bacteria.
In part 5 we get to know that Arrow Stands have alien origins. Mikitaka is probably a weird mix of both.
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I think a rumor was going around here once that Araki didn't give Josuke a girlfriend because the SJ editors didn't like grills, which is why Gappy has Yasuho now, but the fucker would have been too moe if he got one. Think about him having his first time with a Yasuho.
He looks fine to me
No, it's based on Speed 2: Cruise Control.
What exactly is the green baby from part 6? Dio reborn from his bone? It's not explictly explained anywhere if I remember correctly.
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It's Hillary's Stand. She's using it to kill all the Trump voters in Florida.

Only Za Warru can save us
Josuke getting a girlfriend would make Tumblr very upset - gotta keep those JosukeXOkuyasu ships going
I think it's just the artstyle where all the characters look weird and have right-angles drawn on their cheeks for no reason and don't look like real people.
also the people from the speedwagon foundation in part 6
>Implying Araki doesn't have Tohth Requiem to see into the far future
animefags that don't read the manga
that's the answer to any "why doesn't anyone care about Part 5 onwards?" questions.
>implying fujos aren't fapping over JosukexRohan
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>next week the best chase scene of the entire JoJo will be animated
>Build Wall
>Not The Wall, as in the Pink Floyd album

You had one job...
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It's Araki writing the death throes of a universe and not giving a shit anymore.

Araki was clearly done with part 6 long before it ended, so he just went completely bonkers with it.

Don't think about, don't try to understand it, it's just a fucking mess. It's fun though.
i liked the tarot namesakes better, even if they had no relevance to the actual Stand themselves
Josuke x Okuyasu is the superior pairing anyway
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Tumblr like Okuyasu, Pixiv likes Rohan. Both like making Josuke into a replica of his father when he's already characterized as a dorky virgin.

Did Josuke sew zippers into a tanktop because sometimes he needs to vent his extreme nipple heat? Why does Araki draw the clothes he draws?
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Thats just Part 3 artstyle in general
The characters have to many lines and shading
>tarot namesakes
But that's so boring and done to death.
It's a creature made by the sacrifice of the chosen ones in Pucci groovy ritual. It incarnates DIO will or whatever it's needed to attain heaven,
stands, devil fruits, or hatsus?
>Tower of Gray
>A super fast flying bug
>A tower of gray metal

There is no way this wasn't on purpose.
I still don't know what the right-angles are supposed to be, though. I've never seen someone with facial structure like that.
What if Araki gets tired of Jojo in general and Part 10 has a time traveling Stand bring back Funny Valentine, who uses D4C to bring Pucci into the SBR universe, who subsequently uses a modified version of the Heaven recipe along with D4C to summon Heaven Ascended Dio?
So basically Giorno has two dads
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Late Part 3 shits hard on early Part 3 though. One of the worst of Araki's art styles bar early Part 4

It's like he forgets how to draw every time he starts a new Part
Then I'll quit reading JoJo, because that sounds vomit inducing.
Devil Fruits will make it easier for you to drown.
It's the creature Pucci needs to attain heaven made by DIO's bone, his crazy ass ritual and the sacrifice of 30-something chosen ones. It's just a tool to get to heaven.
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Donut makes good jojo videos, but Jesus is he a sperg.
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>tfw they reference the motorcycle accident
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HorseDoc is here as well
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It's a mutant abomination born from Jonathan's body with just enough of his consciousness left so that it likes Jolyne and recognizes it's own birthmark, but corrupted by DIO's vampire evil and consciousness (hence why Pucci could fuse with it).
I still remember the comments on his Killer Queen video where he started telling random people to go kill themselves.

Also, he has a strange fascination with Yukako.
>Thinking that the vocalist defines a song
>they show great curiosity and all have had only one woman in their whole life
>one woman in their whole life
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Superior for bara art, but full on doujins tend to be low in quality. Rohan doyjaans aren't as explicit, while Jotaro doujins are a waste of time and creativity.

The nip zips are a wasted opportunity in doujins, they're rarely played with.
I remember that too, he even disabled the comments when his "superior" opinions did not win.
It's the most prominent outward part of your cheekbones (under your eye), going down toward the chin. It's meant to show facial definition but it doesn't really work very well at all, since the lines are too thick and stand out.
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Better luck next time mate
>mfw they fixed the opening
i wonder what the original creator thinks of this.
He looks through fashion magazines and trends based on the type of character.
I remember when he posted a "character analysis" of Avdol with an insane interpretation of the character that was posted here by an anon (and I don't think that anon was here since it seemed like a joke post) and when I called him out on it he flipped out and called me a retard.

He is a Mr.Enter-tier autist, his JoJo videos are not even that good.
They even fixed Killer Queen.
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The Dr. Movie was strong during Mikitaka's mom scene.
Nobody in that image makes any fucking sense.
I respect your opinion, but I find him a Mr-Enter tier who makes good music videos but nothing else.

watching one of his Prison School analysis are fucking torture
How come Josuke is called a "delinquent" when he's one of the most sweet-natured characters in the series? The most villainous thing he ever does is use a discarded lotto ticket and lies about his name. He doesn't pick fights or insult people, he's respectful and friendly to strangers, and he plays "I scared you by placing a loaded gun to your head" with his granddad.

Josuke is like an anti-delinquent.
Is that supposed to be awakened kira? His hair are kind of different
Pathetic american weeb trash
True but the point is how much Donut is fucking maniac when it comes to different opinions
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I'd be proud of i were him
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Just like little black boys are called thugs just because of the way they dress.

>TFW you realize Josuke is a Dindu
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>3rd panel
>They both explode into sponges
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he is making mista now.
Mr. President are you ok?
He looks like one and fucks people up for dissing his shitty hair
well yes, although I like to think he is more jojo than dio, and the 3 other sons from stone ocean are more dio than jojo
Is it true that Jorge Joestar made Dio Jesus?
>implying this didn't get you hype
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What's happening in this image?
2tall. Where is Bruno?
Can't wait to see how Jolyne turns out
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Sad pistols?
i think not

>they will tweak the OP again, showing awakened kira in all of his appearances in the OP

calling it
Josuke getting made.
Josuke is the boss of this gym
no, that's just kosaku, for some reason they made his hair look really weird in the anime
He literally just tried to scam Rohan
I was hoping it would translate closer to Invincible Trio's "Lemme beat up whoever did this to you. Is he hiding in here?" but I was still sufficiently hyped.
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how do I change resolutions in MUGEN?

>those colours
At the end of Jorge Joestar, Ultimate Dio gets shrekt by Kars who just steals The World Ultimate and destroys it, so Dio resorts to using Jonathan's Stand, The Passion (which looks exactly like Jesus) and, as a severed head, starts to destroy the universe or whatever and then a bunch of really confusing shit happens.
The book ends with Jonathan's head, which was kept in formol by Erina all this time, fusing with Dio's original body and becoming the Holy Corpse (SBR Jesus).
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nice work my dude
Jesus, why didn't they just word it the same as in the manga scans? It's not hard and still fits.

Yeah he was basically like how Kubo and Kishimoto were writing their Final Arcs.
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There should be an ini if I remember 8 years ago
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Kosaku in general had really weird, almost villain hair. If anything it makes more sense in the anime
KQ looks great now
The best translation would be "That's a nice you've got there. Too bad you won't be able to tell the time when I break it. And by "it", I mean your face."
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bruno was out since 2014
>fucks people up for dissing his hair
>tries to scam rohan
>uses the lotto ticket
>fucks up some dude's business deal and a guy proposing in highway star
>puts 2 people in eternal torture and screws up another guy's face permanently
>fucks up toyohiro instead of just putting a criminal in the tower like toyohiro told him to
>tries to outright kill akira with the rubber tire trick
>makes a bunch of people hate him for stipid shit
>maintains a passive aggressive relation with a lot of people in Morioh, like Yukako, Hazamada, Tamami, Tonio, or Rohan
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is this the most overrated fight in the entirety of jojo?
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>tfw a liger is faster than Highway Star.

The fuck.
Yes. I don't know why people like it so much.
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Why is Joseph the best waifu?
Pretty much. This and probably White Album.

It's not even that the fights are bad, there's just so many better ones from the same parts.
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I still want a character that's basically a stand hunter

A governmental Non-stand-user agent specialized into arresting and researching stand users and researching them with some evil purpose.
think about it for a moment
>True Man's World
>Uses Mandom like a pussy by rewinding time when he is about to lose.

True Man's World my ass.
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>mfw people don't wash their hands
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I thought the Ringo Roadagain was a cool fight and showed off the badass side of Gyro
Name 3 fights in Vento Aureo better than White Album.
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this is fantastic
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>arcadefag stole Those sprites and told us he made them
he is even more of a scumbag than i thought.
>There's a spooky skeleton inside Rohan
He never said he made them though, he just showed them off.
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NGNL did it better honestly. (at least more hype)
Beach Boy and Grateful Dead.
Green Day and that bullshit going on in the helicopter.
Metallica vs Doppio.
Green Day and Oasis, Grateful Dead and Beach Boy, King Crimson vs Metallica.

Try harder next time.
>It showed off the badass side of the radical cowboy who, up to that point, was gliding through the race on cool points and good looks, who seemed to have infinite wisdom to depart to the drooling idiot cripple protagonist.

i didn't think so, for me his hair was just green with black on the edges
Greatful Dead
>Overrated = bad
I hate this meme
Is this the best looking moment in all of Jojo anime? The absolute madmen.
What the fuck even was the "True Man's World"? It's most likely my fault for speedreading or whatever, but I've never understood Ringo or that whole fight in general. He's just never been a memorable character for me, and I've always preferred the Scary Monsters and High Voltage fights.
True Man's World is amazing and it's the moment SBR gets good
So why did Jonathan, Joseph and Holly all have vine-like stands but Dio and Jotaro had time-stopping punch ghosts?
i didnt say that its bad.People just act like its the best fight in part 7
>The best animated episode of DiU is going to be the one where they eat spaghetti.
I'm disappointed, yet not surprised.
Because as much as we love him, Araki is not a good writer.
It's not the absolute best but it was damn good, I don't get the mentality of this place that just because a lot of people like it = it's shit.
Because DIO was a fucking retard and linked himself with the Joestar bloodline by taking Jonathan's body. The whole reason Jotaro got SP is because of the link DIO himself established with them.
No, it's the moment Gyro becomes a real man
Who's to say that Holly didn't have a ripped Stand that can just do weird shit with vines?
do gordon ramsay + stand.
*The whole reason Jotaro got SP and not a vine stand
I was under the impression it was to go out in a manly, noble manner.

Which doesn't make sense because Ringo's use of his powers goes against that.
>no overdrive

What are you fucking gay
Arcadefag is the best fag
I always amused whenever I see a gay Josuke ship, because yeah, a gay teenage boy couple in 1999 Japan would TOTALLY work out fine
So did Koichi appeared in this episode?
again,i didnt say that its bad.there are far better fights that dont get as much love from the fans
Why did he want to go out in that way, though? Because he shot that rapist in the face when he was ten?

I really want someone to tell me that I'm completely wrong, because I genuinely have no idea why everyone loves Ringo.
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>Episode is called "Highway Star part 1"
>only like the last 6 minutes of it are Highway Star content
Agreed there, Civil War is fucking underrated as hell.
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Part 7 as a whole is over rated as fuck. It's probably the part with the most problems overall right after Phantom Blood, but everyone ignores literally all of them.

The character development is great, but I feel like it doesn't make up for the poor pacing, the awkward action segments, the long boring flashbacks, and the shit villain.

>inb4 Valentine is the best villain
He's garbage through most of the part. He's essentially Shadow DIO with literally none of the personality. The closest thing Valentine has to personality before he gets buff is shotgunning a beer.

Even when he becomes the character that everybody praises him for (which is in like the last five chapters of SBR) he pretty much does it on his final breath. I feel like it was supposed to wow me, but it wasn't very convincing to have a very obvious bad guy whisper "No. I'm actually the good guy. What have you done?" as he dies. There was no foreshadowing to it or anything that makes you go "Wow, it was all leading up to this moment". It's completely random and unwarranted and if you think that's good writing then SBR is probably your first real story that wasn't Shonen manga or Dr. Seuss.
I don't think it matters who exactly has what kind of Stand in JoJo, you just get what Araki feels good for you. Like Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne have punch ghosts

In my personal opinion, Star Platinum is pretty much the complete antithesis to The World. Star is designed similarly to Kenshiro, like Jonathan was, and has spirals and lines all over his body like the Ripple. Araki stated it was supposed to resemble a Guardian Spirit for Jotaro. Considering Part 3 is the end of the original trilogy for JoJo and Star Platinum was the first Stand design along with The World, it's meant to mirror the origin of the series the most

As for the vine Stands, Araki was probably lazy with Holly and just based hers off Hermit Purple
I just read a theory that the true power of dio's will isn't time stopping, but power leeching.

The World, The Passion and Scary Monsters were all stands that copied abilities already present, and we have no explanation for why Dio's existence made Holly and Josuke's stands parasitic, but if he was stealing their stands it might explain it. It's also based on his parisitism of the joestar family line, which explains why he got stronger when he drank Joesph's blood
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did anybody else notice rohan's headband randomly switching colors on the bus
Koichi doesn't come back until Enigma.
Overrated literally means "not as good as everyone says".
>sin título
you have to go back
dont try to make sense of colors in jojo. just don't
Wrong, re read Highway Star
The way everyone throws it around here that word's used as an actual criticism for parts or fights, it's pretty stupid.

Those animations look stiff as fuck.

As much as I want the game to be good, I also want it to look good, sadly it looks just like another Jojo Mugen.

Also why are the characters so huge on the screen, Mista's special HUD elements are also huge.
>They keep using Koichi's theme for stuff that's not Koichi
Yeah I watched it too, and the problem with some-stuff is that they just try to hard to make the translation ghetto or whatever the fuck they are trying to go for.
Now anon, I agree with you in that those who want trash anti-music for Vento Aureo deserve nothing short of infinite death, but you are quite unclassy about it. Not to mention, you talk about "nigger rap", as if a distinction because of race would even matter in the unholy flaming pile of shit attempting to be a genre that is rap.
I also hate how weird the focus on the race is, since it shifts from that to the corpse parts constantly until Gyro dies and Johnny stops giving a shit.
Fucking try it, cuck. I'm Puerto Rican, which means

Get mad, trumpweenie
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It's related to the core ideas of SBR and Gyro's quest.

Basically, True Man's World is a personal philosophy Ringo has that correlates to the idea that a true man needs to be willing to gamble his life in a fight and face death without regrets, and that battles are what separates boys from men. Gyro is a character who joins the race because he wants to prove a point (by running away from the problem) that he can grow strong without having to obey his father's amoral mentality. Through Ringo, Araki inserts a "real" Western duelist into the story to show the poser, Gyro, that the life of a Western hero is much harsher that what he assumed.

Ringo himself states that he wants to reach True Man's World and that's why he keeps challenging the people who come near to his house to battles, and why he himself struggles over the course of the fight (first when he has trouble shooting Gaucho, and then when he keeps rewinding time when both he and Gyro are wounded) to come out on top of Gyro. His death is the way he "enters" the True Man's World, and Gyro's victory over Ringo is when he starts to think about his philosophy, and this is something that would follow him all the way to the finale.
>Ahaha, guys, is my hyperbolization good yet? Ahaha :^)

Highway Star ark start at 10:30, with Josuke meeting Mikitaka's mother.
The Wall

Can build anything out of nowhere
Fighting spirit is literally the power of the Stand. If you lack the offensive drive, you can't get one. See: Koichi and Mario the Janitor

Of course, later Araki kind of drops that because it significantly hinders potential for Stand users
I just realized. In part 1 Dio had the ability to freeze things. When he got his stand, it became the ability to freeze time
It can build up anyting and make it as a barrier to keep the user and it's allies protected

Yet you didn't care about SC using Avdol's theme ALL THE TIME, especially in setting shots.
While this is probably pasta, I can't help but agree with this. All Valentine does all part pre-D4C is just sit in a dark room and have funsies with Lucy, then he shows up and suddenly we have to get a morally ambiguous character and main villain despite there being zero indication that's what the part's themes were.

You look at part 1-6, and you see that every single main villain and stand has a very thematic relationship with the story, core themes, and jojo of the part (maybe bar Kars). Valentine feels like a mess who's only redeeming quality is that he may or may not be doing the right thing, which is all irrelevant anyway because we see him do fucked up shit like rape a barely teenage girl or kill random people. Add that onto how fucking long and full of dumb asspulls the D4C fight was and how utterly atrocious High Voltage was and I think we should all agree 7 has the worst ending in the series.
what?dio doesnt freeze the time.its jonathan's stand doing it
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>tfw they played the theme I associated with Polnareff during Jotaro's time stop in the SC finale
>Utterly atrocious High Voltage was
Lost me there buddy
It's also Gyro's first kill, isn't it
>a true man needs to be willing to gamble his life in a fight and face death without regrets

>"LMAO JK I didn't die I rewound time so I'm safe"

Yeah, Ringo's a real put-it-all-on-the-line son of a bitch.
I guess that makes sense, but didn't Gyro's growth pretty much come from Johnny telling him that he needed to hunger for victory in order to beat Diego and win? Ringo then comes along, and just pushes Johnny's point further.
God fucking bless you anon.
I'm glad he did. We would have never got Foo Fighters otherwise.

Then again, I'm not a marine biologist and for all I know, plankton may really have fighting spirit.
Okay. How did you find High Voltage anything other than dumb fanservice that served no real meaning?

Gyro was an executioner for years before SBR. He's killed plenty.
Oh my RUBBER nen
Uh, why is Hayato spying on his mom undressing
Because he's a weird little creep.
It was insanely hype because I genuinely didn't see it coming, just because it didn't have an ultra-deep meaning doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining and memorable as hell. Plus it had some great scenes, like Johhny's dad showing up and Lucy finishing off Dio. If you're a thematic-freak, Johnny letting go of Dio at the end and choosing not to care about the race anymore was a pretty nice way to round everything off with his development. What was that phrase again? "The journey's more important than the destination" or something?
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gud shit man
He was always a kidder.
Did he though? Didn't he run away when he was done training
I guess because animals that lack sentience don't really have much thoughts outside of survival, so it would be easier for them to develop Stands than empathetic and simple humans. But I don't know how feral plankton are or if sentience would allow them to talk over characters like Iggy and Pet Shop

Also gaining a Stand can invoke mental growth, like how much stronger Koichi became. Maybe Holly being able to control her Stand made her a tougher person
I see what you did there.
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this is the pic I vividly remember from part 4.

it's happenin'
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Ok, could someone explain to me how the FUCK did Jotaro get away from the road-roller that was INCHES from crushing him into a pulp?

Even if he DID stop time at DIO's nine second mark, you can clearly see the fucking road roller touch land. So what the fuck? Did he create a dimension of stopped time INSIDE DIO's world of stopped time? It literally makes no sense.
>While this is probably pasta
It isn't. I wrote it all out myself. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who feels this way.
He pissed him off.
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This shot will be a still frame that gets panned across, like every other thing that should have been cool animation in part 4.
I wish Rohan was inside of his house when it burned down.

send help
you should've been the one to burn down with it
Gyro's growth is gradual, Johnny is the one who brings that up and thus, kickstart Gyro's development as he reveals to not be the "invincible quirky cowboy" he appeared to be, but Ringo is the punctuation. Gyro keeps thinking about him for the rest of SBR.

You missed the point of Ringo if you think this is a problem with the writing.
Ringo is a character who makes himself appear to be the cliche Western duelist who isn't afraid of death, but he's clearly afraid of dying, not that invincible and uses that philosophy as a coping mechanism for his traumatic experience (his delusion becomes his strength, hence why he goes from barely being able to shoot straight to being able to land a shot perfectly right).
Ringo is a hypocrite, his death is the moment where he ceases to be a hypocrite because he actually did follow through with his promise of dying if defeated.

That is pasta, the guy posted the same thing back when hating SBR was the week's trend.

>All Valentine does all part pre-D4C is just sit in a dark room and have funsies with Lucy, then he shows up and suddenly we have to get a morally ambiguous character and main villain despite there being zero indication that's what the part's themes were.
You completely misinterpret Valentine if you don't see the point of Fat Valentine or High Voltage.
its because jotaro didnt believe in gravity,road roller was pointless

memes aside,did anyone else burst out laughing when they saw dio coming down straight with a fucking road roller?It made the dio's world for me
It's not like he hasn't seen his mother naked before.
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>4 4 4 4
>4 4 4 4
>4 4 4 4
>4 4 4 4
>entertaining and memorable as hell
I guess that's one way to see it. 'Stupid and unneeded' is another.

For the record, I liked Heavy Weather.

>great scenes
Johnny's dad could have been included without some last minute final boss that came out of nowhere.

>johnny letting go of dio
The fuck did that happen? He never cared about the race to begin with, he just needed to beat Dio or it would be curtains to a lot of people, including him.

I get that HV was supposed to tie up Diego and Johnny's relationship. I do think it was executed in a really bad way.
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Erase yourself
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I want to fuck Iggy
>point of fat valentine or high voltage
I don't think I saw either. Would you mind explaining them to me?
She does have a fat ass.
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Yeah, by the time you find out who won the race, you don't care anymore. In fact, Johnny and Gyro's attitudes almost shift to make it seem like they're leisurely strolling rather than racing. Every five or so chapters you'll get a single like where they realize they're still in a race.
So today's episode was extremely good. I'm still going to take LSD tomorrow, but I wanted to ask you guys: What should I do while tripping? I know it sounds silly, but I'm thinking of imagining I have a Stand, what is your opinion?
>Ringo is a hypocrite, his death is the moment where he ceases to be a hypocrite because he actually did follow through with his promise of dying if defeated.
That makes much more sense. I don't know why that idea completely slipped my mind, but I genuinely like that fight a lot more, now.
>Also, how does the name Whitesnake relate to Pucci and his goals? Is it because he's going again, on his own (without DIO)?

It doesn't. It's from the band.
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>No liking JotaroxJosuke
What are you sayin'?
I've been seen many dj and fanarts focused un his nip zips and his glorious bara tits
Also [sopiler]bottom Josuke>top Josuke[/spoiler]
>Jojo is only about poses

Every time I hear someone say this, I get triggered.

I think you should try to stop being a burden on everybody around you.
>Stupid and unneeded
To each their own, I got a huge kick out of it and I adored it. For the record I loved Heavy Weather too.

>Johnny's dad
Fair point, but it still felt really effective to me. One of the few moments in the series that gave me genuine feels.

>He never cared about the race to begin with.
But he did, the whole reason he entered the race was to go from being a nobody to being a somebody, he wanted to win for the fame to regain what he'd lost. In the end of SBR he learns through Gyro that that's not what he needed at all, I thought it reflected on him pretty nicely.
>Hamon healing
>Hamon healing
>CD Healing
>GE Healing
>Kinky SF sex
>Spin healing
>Just "takes' your sickness with his stand
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>you can clearly see the fucking road roller touch land

Well, yeah and Jotaro is not under it anymore.

>So what the fuck? Did he create a dimension of stopped time INSIDE DIO's world of stopped time?

Yes, this is exactly what happened. We can assume that DIO's time stop ended as soon as he landed with it actually but fuck it, so I'm assuming that Jotaro stopped it too, overlapping it and while DIO was taunting on the top of steamroller he wasted his precious seconds in Jotaro's World.

>It literally makes no sense.

How so? You have some sort of research that claims that two punch ghosts time stopping power can't overlap?
I'm still waiting on an answer

I... don't see what's different.
I'm just trying to see what it's like, I'm genuinely not the sort of >lmao drugz r cool XD guy

Also it could lead to some very interesting JoJo shit.
>Just "takes' your sickness with his stand
Can Soft & Wet do that?

Actually, come to think of it, I don't even know what the limit to its Plunder ability is.
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So this little murderous crazy cunt has killed how many people since Stardust Crusaders?

They didn't even beat him so bad his Stand just stopped working. Ate a little shit. Who hasn't as a kid? Now he is free to slaughter innocents without any kind of consequence. No natural law enforcement could ever trace it back to him and the way he kills makes it impossible to prosecute. Most people would be laughed out of the court room.
But HOW did he get out?

Even if he stopped time, he doesn't have super speed, the road roller still had momentum from DIO's blows and it still touched land while time was stopped.
It has to be something physical, and it has to touch the thing it wants to plunder without popping. So he can't just take someone's heart until one of his bubble travels down the person's body and somehow gets to their heart.
>That is pasta
It literally is not. Not every opinion you don't agree with is pasta.

Not even Araki knows how S&W works exactly, so far it's like Gold Experience in the sense that it does whatever the plot demands.
I always assumed Jotaro stopped time right as DIO delivered the final blow and used Star platinum (Who we all know moves fast as shit) to quickly pull him from under there. Then, while DIO monologues and lets his time stop run out, Jotaro stops time again, and goes behind him to be all cool and shit.
People go missing in the desert all the time, break his neck and say a dingo ate him.
>It has to be something physical
But sight, sound and friction isn't physical.
Poor pacing ? It's been the easiest part to devour for me. I'd say the pacing was fucking great.
What it suffers from in my opinion is a lack of development for promising side characters, like part 2.
check >>148248072
What they should have done. Instead they let a mass murdering rampaging psychopath go free without any means of containing him.
>no footprints
are you for real
>Valentine feels like a mess who's only redeeming quality is that he may or may not be doing the right thing, which is all irrelevant anyway because we see him do fucked up shit like rape a barely teenage girl or kill random people.

Valentine was never meant to be morally ambiguous. He's a character who has grey undertones because of his heroic delusions and how he embodies stereotypes associated with American heroes.

Valentine was introduced to us as a greedy fat gremlin shotgunning beer cans and scheming agaisnt the "heroes". He never really stops being the greedy fat gremlin, he just gets fit, becomes pretty, and manages to convince nearly everyone that he is a just, heroic man, and we learn that he genuinely sees himself as a American hero.

The contrast between we seeing Valentine as the greedy fat gremlin, Valentine who kills his men just because he doesn't want to deal with them and attempts to rape Lucy, and the Valentine who spares Stephen because of honor, the Valentine who makes some actually pretty thoughtful speeches about justice and the whole napkin thing, and the Valentine who strikes us as sympathetic. These things are essentially for the character.

You seem to think that Valentine being a fat rapist is something that works agaisnt his character and he doesn't have interesting and understandable motives. That's just not true for Valentine. His monstrosity goes hand-in-hand with his heroic qualities. It's the contrast that builds the character. That someone so vile, so twisted and evil, capable of doing such awful things and justifying such misery, is capable of genuinely believing himself to be an American hero and is capable of convincing everyone (even the readers) that he is a good person.

Valentine has interesting and understandable motives and embodies ideals associated with Western heroes. And he is a monster who murders his own soldiers and tries to rape a 14 year old girl. These things are not mutually exclusive.
Fuck off

>Elite Tier
Sono Chi No Sadame, Stand Proud, CNBT,EOTW,Bloody Stream,GUREATO Days
>Top Tier
>I pretend to like everything equally so I look better than everyone else
fuck i forgot the track for the spin.
>Ate a little shit. Who hasn't as a kid?

Are you really this fucking stupid? Eyes, sound waves, and friction are all physical properties.
>not physical

but yeah, sight makes no sense
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>That baby grows up to become Shizuka Joestars ' brojo.
Yeah, you probably shouldn't take drugs, friend.
He took Joshu's eyes, not his sight.
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SP is really fast and it's his time, we had seen on many occasions how SP helped Jotaro do impossible jump, what stopped him from just swooping him from under it, don't act like steamroller is a size of a fucking plane, I assume he got out with this dust and shit. By the way, timing is extremely accurate here last DIO's time stop lasted only 9 seconds and here it is as you can see, it's over, now it's Jotaro's World and the fact that DIO didn't even notice it supports the theory that they can overlap.

To this day I still don't understand how Leaky eyed Luka died.
The poor pacing I'm speaking of is more towards the middle when he switches to monthly for the first time. The beginning was pretty good and the ending was a bit better, but not perfect. It just felt like he hadn't got a hang of the monthly release quite yet since fights were still three to five chapters long despite chapters being four times longer than they used to be. It makes things feel like they drag on fucking forever.

This is incredibly evident in the flashbacks I mentioned. The flashbacks in JoJolion were great; they told a separate engaging story while also giving you history on the main characters. SBR just listed off a character's important moments in their history for 40~ pages. It was as dry at reading an encyclopedia. It's at its worst when it goes into a flashback for a character you literally just met and honestly could not care less about, like Wekapipo. It was an incredibly poor attempt at fleshing out characters.

On top of that, just a quick side note, action sequences were weird. It looked like Araki was trying to fill in space for all 40 pages by extending certain quick actions like flying backwards to being articulated in five panels, but it was actually pretty disorienting because it gave the appearance of slow motion even if it wasn't a particularly crucial moment.
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Yeah, it's just this one time though, mate. You gotta try it once to know right? I mean honestly do you believe Araki was 100% sober when writing Jojo?
Gappy doesn't worry about it and neither should you. He can't "take away" an illness or he wouldn't be in the whole Holly mess. He just uses Soft & Wet to kick ass when he doesn't feel like doing it himself.

He literally punched the roller road, anon.
>How so? You have some sort of research that claims that two punch ghosts time stopping power can't overlap?

Fucking gold
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>Not Yoshikage Kawajiri Jr.
The damage reflected and crushed his fucking skull
>How so? You have some sort of research that claims that two punch ghosts time stopping power can't overlap?
Yes, I'm one of Araki's understudies and ask him dumb questions all the time, most of the time he says "me forgor" and we all have a good laugh.
Yeah. But how or why? Golden experience creates life. Why was damage reflected? Why did it reflect to the back of his head. The frog was a suitcase. Why would hitting it do that.?
Gotta try jumping off a high building. Gotta try it once to know, right?

C'mon mang, you're better than this. Is this what Gyro would want?
Gold Experience's powers are retarded. They just did whatever Araki wanted them to do.
Okay, first off, I'd just like to ask how Valentine fits into part 7. Part 7 is all about journey, finding oneself, seeking the truth (literally seeking God), etc. Valentine doesn't fit into this at all, unless you make some rather broad comparisons. Contrast this to Diavolo, who works as the antithesis of part 5's themes, or Pucci, who effectively builds 6's themes single handedly, etc etc. Also, King Crimson and Whitesnake/CMoon/MiH are perfect abilities to fit into the themes of both Diavolo and Pucci, same with Kira, Dio, and maybe to some extent Kars, though 2 is a mess I'm not going to talk about. Araki may do things to be cool, but he still picks abilities and traits carefully - D4C is a very cool ability, very nice looking stand, but has nothing to do with Valentine's character or part 7.

Second off, and actually getting to your post, I understand that the contrast of Fatentine and Buffentine is what builds the character. However, I'm not really understanding how me thinking he's just a super jingo and boring is wrong - all that means is that the character doesn't realize that some of the things they do are wrong, or don't care, but it doesn't change the overarching rather boring goal. Now going back to what I said first, I excuse a villain like Diavolo for having a very boring goal because he's more of a theme and concept than a character. Valentine, who is almost purely character oriented, comes off as weak in both departments.
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Post your huge taste collages, I need a template to make mine
The only person who knows how to fight his stand is dead.

Think about it.
It's just aspect of his power. Damage to living things he created will reflect on the attacker, seems pretty straight forward to me. Like Superfly but on everything.
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Early on Gold Experience had the ability to reflect damage done to the life that Giorno created

Realizing this was too OP, especially when Giorno became the local medic, Araki slowly retconned this ability after Gold Experience went from 'creating frogs and trees and shit' into 'I can make new body parts and reanimate Bruno's body'

But that's not his father because he is Pucci's brother and was swapped at the hospital, idiot.

Pucci is also not supposed to be black, he's just coloured brown.
...then he GER'd the ending.



Post this on the next thread so I may reply properly.

Also, don't use boring as a anctual criticism. It's a word used by children or people with poor comprehension skills to justify why they couldn't appreciate something in layman terms.

Holy shit why is Vento aureo easily the worse part?
I fucking know that. I was just saying that technically Weather could potentially be related to a black person.
It's still shit
why not watch them back to back. It's really obvious.
They removed the re-used QUALITY scenes of Kira turning to face the camera and the main punchghosts punching with original animations of Kira facing the light with Killer Queen and the punchghosts posing into position for the final shot of the opening. QUALITY potatofaces were cleaned up in general.
The worst part is either part 1, 2 or 4.
>Okay, first off, I'd just like to ask how Valentine fits into part 7.

He fits because he's the villain.

Amazing how you go on how he doesn't fit to defend Diavolo. Jesus christ it's a korean manga who cares
Every JoJo has an inconsistent Stand ability, apart from Gappy and Jolyne.
Nah, it's 5, 6 or 7.
Aren't Jotaro's and Josuke's the most consistent ones ? To me Gold Experience and Stone Free have been the least consistent (in a rather good way overall). Tusk doesn't really qualify as such since it evolved.


Not even close.


Yeah, you two can just fuck off if think 4 or 7 are worse than 5. 6 also has problems and I suppose 1 is weaker but I like 3 and 2 just fine. 8 is good so far
Nah, it's 3 or 8.
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>Who hasn't as a kid?

What isn't consistent about Stone Free? It's one of the better defined stands. I agree about Jotaro and Josuke though, but they have "random time-stop asspull" and if you think too hard about Crazy diamond's ability it doesn't make sense but ok.
Jotaro had Star Finger, and Crazy Diamond was weird with what it could and couldn't heal, and what happened to the objects he healed.

How is he not? S&W's abilities are weird, but they're not inconsistent.
>Darker background for Josuke\Okuyasu\Yukako\Koichi
>More animations before the gyaaan
>Removed reused animations for Kira\CD\The Hand\Echoes for new animation for new animation for the stands before the end
Well, I (>>148254496) was just shitposting, I think that guy did too.
>Jotaro had Star Finger

Isn't that him just using the power, speed and precision of his stand on his finger? Whatever.

>Crazy Diamond was weird with what it could and couldn't heal, and what happened to the objects he healed.

What? He could heal anything that wasn't him. What is weird is what is "restored", could he reduce glass to sand for example or something? So it's poorly defined if you think too hard about it. Better think it's just a heal for others since he barely uses it on objects anyway.


Well, I guess, but we don't know his limits, what he can really do. I fear some asspull later but so far it's okay.


So fucking nothing perceivable to the eye? Why are people praising this?
Freeway Star

What a surprise, jojo threads full of shitposters!
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Fuck it I'm replying to you here

>Part 7 is all about journey, finding oneself, seeking the truth (literally seeking God), etc. Valentine doesn't fit into this.
First, that's far from all that Part 7 has going for it.
Do I really have to explain why a delusional religious patriot villain, in a part that's focused on how the characters deal with the concept of faith, patriotism and their own issues, works ?
Do I really have to explain to you why a part that bases itself off the incorporation of Western ideals and themes (and the criticism of said things), having a villain that acts as if he was the hero in a Henry Fonda movie and believes wholeheartedly in his patriotic ideals even when he does awful things, is perfectly fitting ?
Do I really have to spoonfeed everything about Valentine as a character because you couldn't be bothered to think about him yourself and instead just wrote him off as "boring" ?

>D4C is cool but it doesn't fit Valentine
>missing the whole point of how Valentine came to realize how fortune and luck work in the world
>missing the point of D4C feeds into Valentine's ego
>a Stand that is literally covered in crosses doesn't fit a character who obsesses over Jesus Christ

Anon, you really didn't even try at all.
>So fucking nothing perceivable to the eye?
They're major changes.
You're just blind.

Sure they are.
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>someone needs to enter a house in the middle of nowhere for it to work

you are correct
I don't really think Stone Free was inconsistent but Jolyne used it in pretty creative ways, like Josuke did, which can make it appear that way.
Jolyne's is "she's made of strings she can control" and Josuke's is "he can restore stuff to their original/previous state" and then Araki does a lot of creative and weird shit with them. That's just how JoJo is and that's why Crazy Diamond and Stone Free are some of the absolute best stands we've seen.
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>Do you think this is a response to the backlash of how lazy it originally was, or did they release the first version with the intent to clean it up all along?
The ED was also different in the first episode. It was probably intentional.
yes and I would argue that the only outstanding fight in the entirety of SBR is Diego vs.Valentine

and maybe Scary Monsters, but that's because I fucking love monster/animal transformation shit (no I'm not a furry)
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Post yours and similar ones.
They just weren't finished so they threw some shit in to make the deadline and then fixed it for this week. It literally doesn't matter since it all gets fixed for the blu-ray release anyway. Anyone who complains about quality in airing anime is fucking retarded, seeing how the TV broadcast is just an advertisement for the blu-rays and other merch.
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