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Monster Musume

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 554
Thread images: 216

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The Gamma function is Mero-morphic.
Only sciencefags would understand this.
Like me.
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>No new snek art
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The paw pads are a nice touch
I actually find Mero really cute and would love to be with her
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They seem to have made her hands a lot smaller.
Carlos teir pun.
I bet they're soft like marshmallows, and sensitive to rubs and massages.
Replying to this.>>143031425
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What a scoop.jpg
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I NEED pictures of the new wasp girl.
Girls with dicks in them.

Are inferior to girls with dicks in them.
girls with dick on them and in them
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Snek a pretty good.
Girls with fingers in them.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
I want to marry this snake.

It's been 3 years. It's it about time Darling accidentally fingered another girl?
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This one is pretty new and recent. Also the picture of beret Miia wearing glasses.
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Newt is cute
Just get Loen to draw some more. Bait him in with huge thighs.
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>Still nobody getting the joke here
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Girls forcibly taking dicks inside of them.
That's just gay rape.
Since nobody gets it...
Take a look at this.
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I love wasp
Ugly boy, but I can understand what Polt sees in him
So this means that Hulk got his super powers from having sex with Mero's radioactive fish cunt?
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Would let her bully me.
God bless arthropods.
Well in a normie's mind.
I want the raws for this so bad
What happened to Rach?
Crab is a man of progress. Any girls older than 2 volumes are promptly dropped and forgotten.
Are these three new girls gonna join the Darling bowl, or are they simply going to try and rape him?

my dick is diamonds
go away
They're gonna rape other men because they don't want their children to be infected with YB's Disease
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More fingers.

Why is fingering such a lewd and romantic act? Is it because of how direct and selfless it is, the way your hand touches a girl's sweet spot?

What is that What is it WHAT IS IT?
I already know who's voice im going to be reading her lines in in my mind.
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I prefer a hands off approach.
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I miss when we had a monstergirl general
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I miss the old days too. One thread a week, things were always fresh, we talked about monstergirls wherever they were from manga, anime, MGE, or other web originals.
To be honest, the /jp/ thread is way to stuck up it's own ass sometimes. So much uptight, self-righteous anger, and so many illogical shitstorms over such inconsequential things.

I visit both threads, here and there. It isn't the same, but at least this place is a bit more calm. Way more calm, even.
Hasn't the /jp/ thread setted down yet, or has autism-jan's reign of terror continued?
I left that places ages ago, those people are mean.
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Post Mero
How so? Could not be worse than this shit here.
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fug u
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Snek Feesh.jpg
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Here's Snek and Mero
then go to /jp/, fagget
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thanks to TF now my Mero folder is bigger
The same janitor is still there, but he hasn't done anything this current /jp/ thread.

>implying the /jp/ thread will ever settle down
They just have 1000 post shitstorms whenever yuri is mentioned, talk constantly about transgender monster"girls", and recycle the same saccharine, moe tripe over and over.

The place has stagnated, and it's sad to see.
What the fuck are you going on about transgender MGs? They'd shit themselves if someone said something like that.
they have very stance on that everything has to be super vanilla, like not even yuri is allowed.
Alps. They can't get enough of posting about them, despite it literally being /d/ material, involving a guy turning into a monstergirl.
Still better than the continuous horse/spooder posting here.

Then again...
>implying anyone will agree
Do they get angry when people bring up the Liliraunes?
I wish there was more Doppel art.
I'm gonna go ahead and tell you a secret about that.
No one really likes alps. They're a dank me-me.
As much as people complain about 24/7 threads, it seems that bc /a/ has smaller posts limits, a shitstorm will actually end, instead of festering in the same long thread.
I HATE Wasps
why does my dick betray me
at least it's related to the manga/anime, not anything out of weird places
They get scared and try to steer the discussion towards threesomes, so it's "safe" in their minds.
It's actually hilarious to see. Any mention of two monstergirls tomorrow, and you can almost actually see them at their keyboards, frantically posting about threeways to try and ward the yuri menace away.

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will etc, etc.
There's a point where even a joke becomes unfunny and obnoxious, and oblivious people will believe it's the norm.
It's your brain telling you to overcome your fears.

By fucking them.
Oops. Meant "together".
When your momma cries and you don't know why, it's hard to bear.
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So how 'bout them monstergirls?

Hi /jp/! Caught you looking.
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2MB, 328x273px
Monstergirls are nice.
>implying both places don't have crossposters
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3MB, 1920x1080px
With no one but Liru, let's steer you somewhere.

happy full moon
Yurifags are cancer incarnated. If anything they're right by trying to keep them out.
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god damn it
I know that they are unrelated but when I read the Sseas version of Lala, the Demoman comes to my mind
>Youngblood meme
Linkara, pls. He has the ^_^ face only some of the time. Most of the time, his face is more like °_° because of all the shenanigans he has to go through daily.
>Yurifags are cancer incarnated
How so? I don't go to /jp/ so I don't know.
Mero loves you
It's a meme.
>How so?
he has a stick up his ass thats why
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Yuri truths.png
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Yeah, first time I went on /u/, I pretty much backed out within the minute. Never did a double-take harder than when I read the phrase "hetshit". I mean, holy shit.
Still, it hasn't ruined yuri for me. Wouldn't want to live in a world where it's the norm, but it's nice every once in a while. Like a steak dinner.
Thats my desktop
I'm not talking about /jp/, but about any thread in /a/ with yurishits.
He's handsome as fuck when he puts on his serious face.
>not posting the edit
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Cute fish

I want Lala to glue me back together
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I love Mero as a friend
help /a/
my brother in law just posted the pic of that 7m snek daki to my profile like I haven't seen it 500 times. what epic snekshit should I reply with?
I only just started on Nisekoi , but SHAFT likes switching between cutesy "grade-schooler draws babby's first manga" to fucking "ultra-handsome shoujo protagonist with bishie sparkles" or "westaboo /c/ face with /a/ eyes" when depicting Raku, especially from Marika's pov . I see a slightly toned-down version of that with "handsome Kurusu".
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miia stare.gif
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he's the perfect husbando
no wonder that Cici and Zombina likes him
"I wish those things came with a built-in cloaca."
>Mero love
>no Cerea mention
Am I in the right thread?
Trollfaec belly dancing snek.
How come there isn't a lot of porn for this
You're not looking.
>What makes me a good Dullahan?
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"In heaven"

with kisses
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Normalfags scared of monster bits.

Also, harder to draw and requires more imagination than just humans.
ah crap
we need a drawfag draw her dressed as demoman
there is
but the good ones can be count with the fingers in both hands
Ecchi series very rarely get the number of doujins other series do. The exception seems to be To Love Ru but 95% of them are NTR.
Did snakeberry ever get translated?
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sniper eye.jpg
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Consider suicide, brony hatfag.
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318KB, 248x250px
>be me
>go with darling to mountain bike
>no legs
>worst trip ever
>see mountain biker fall 10 meters
>mfw best fucking trip ever.
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Read it as Demonman, completely different.
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not even Manako can be saved
I actually don't like the game, I just like the videos and the comics
Even there was a Manako one in which she's writing a fanfic of Sniper (while Doppel is with her)
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Not yet. We're also still waiting on the other one to get scanned.
How deep did it go?
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I gues if we add a bottle of irish whiskey in her hands, the illusion is complete
Such a kissable belly.
Crazy idea, but what would you guys do to make the girls worse?
Probably his hand went in up to the middle of his palm. You can see his tumb there, but definitely he shoved all of his fingers
If she was virgin, no wonder she reacted like that
trips confirm Miia's belly is best belly.
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I'm going to marry Draco!
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Miia's belly is a treasure. I want to blow raspberries on it.
He's already taken by Polt
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Aww damn.
Also someone confirmed their own trips.
Nice try, but he only mentioned his finger
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There's no wasp in the game, so have a bee butt instead.
You wouldn't fuck a bee.
It's hip to fuck bees.
Will we ever get ass physics?
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We have them and they're still not great.
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bees are better
What a pisser
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Also, this cute gargoyle.
Isn't the gargolyes whole shtick that they're fuck ugly?
>can dissolve flesh
Kill it with fire.
Not this qt. She's both strong and cute.
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Cute spooder
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>she has low self esteem because she's fuck ugly by gargolye standards
>2 eyes
Wrong leg-joint kouhai.
*sigh* I thought no one would really care but fine give me like 5 mins...
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Tanuki butt?

It's like I'm watching the twilight zone again.
>and she thinks you're not a shallow bastard for loving her as she is
Haru butt where?
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who makes the best pillow and why is it Cerea?
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When she gets a care scene that features it.
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Here...I even added the eyebrows.
So never ;_;
>tfw they see your monster
>that leaf

Why even go for that pose in the first place if you're going for tease and not explicit
Killing it also releases pheromones that attracts other Giant Hornets to attack it's killer
You'll have to wait a long time since she already got her reskin.

HR Misaki when?
> No balls
Good, more dead Giant Hornets.
Did that drawfag ever do something with her?
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Isn't her tail tip her erogenous zone? Is that the equivalent of swiping your screen with your dick?
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Have a Lala
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Best pillow IRL as well....
>swiping your screen with your dick?
ive done that before
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Is there any other way to browse 4flan?
both hands were occupied.
I do that everyday.
It's an erogenous zone when convenient. It's like your ears, it's only hot when someone touches them during the appropriate mood.
>One thread a week

The entire reason there aren't monstergirl generals anymore is that this isn't true.
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a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.png
156KB, 504x484px
>when Miia sees your solid snake
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How solid we talkin?
She wants it in her mouth
I want to see a HR Kyou or Tito.
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22KB, 415x356px
Nanomachine solid.
>tfw you revolve 'er ass-a-lot


Excellent taste.
We might be getting a SR very soon, depends on if the artist redid her legs so the joint bends differently or not.
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When Polt sees your bone.
She wants it in her mouth
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>when Cerea sees your sword
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3MB, 576x324px
Suu-chan a Besto!!!!!
> When she takes Draco's knotted wyrm
Finally got my rape boat back those little annoying dog shits.
>that short has more properly done continuous animation than all the rest of them combined

Best girl confirmed.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
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Nanomachines, son. They harden in response to physical "trauma" if you get my meaning.

Besides Misaki I'm waiting for HR Kukuru and a better Youko.
Sleepy Suu is adorable.
why arent these loading for me
same for me
>you will never play the fiddle for Cerea
>not your carrot
I wan(t) to have Polt put down!
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3MB, 1775x5678px
Suu deserves to win
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687KB, 186x199px
Holy hell where did you find that?
You wouldn't happen to be a PROXY AI?!
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Talkin' Shit.jpg
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that's her evil twin you're thinking of: Aerotnec.
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Liza confirmed.jpg
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Liza confirmed for SR.
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She really does

Suu is so the best it's insane
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I want to impregnate Lilith.
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>new Mero
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That one is from Pixiv. Miia got a few new pics when TPP released.

I'm happy that Riza is getting the power up she deserves, but an SR means that I'll never get her.
> Manlet
> Torn bicep
> Balding
> Cucked by a winged lizard
> Paralyzed by the waist down
>mero sees your bait
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She's adorable, especially with that voice of hers
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Bestest slut
Winning is only a compromise. Suu deserves everything she wants and a harem for Master that she can play in forever.
Liza is daughteru fetish fuel.



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Papi's favorite game is DOOM 4
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Mushroom. Yes or No?
Mushroom on trouser mushroom action.

Needs more monster, less girl with a silly hat.
I know the rest but where did the torn bicep one come from?
what was the url?
She looks nice and ditzy
I still expect her to have a more mature sounding voice when in a mature form. I don't know why...
If I can remember correctly, back in TTF's early days of /fit/ blogging while Poltposting he said he torn his bicep from lifting bad
Is he really a paraplegic?
His 2D form is, twisted lowered part of his spine in half
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731KB, 1404x3262px
The less people that access it the better more than likely, not that hard to figure it out if you really are interested. Here's a GT version of the page, I expect this is what you probably want anyways.
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3MB, 1674x1141px
I did another color thing.
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36KB, 713x536px
>The less people that access it the better
>also the assumption that we wanted it google transfucked.
whateva, brah. Y'all do y'all. Thanks what you wanted to give, I suppose.
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826KB, 1148x2175px
Could I request something? When you get the opportunity of course.
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27KB, 341x341px
Pretty sure I've seen a colored version of that before.

If no one posts it within 20 hours I'll do it
Yes, the fact that we still have these generals is a tragedy.
I've never seen a colored version of that scene. If it already exists I'd also like to see it.
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101KB, 1248x774px
Spooders need coffee daily
Toldja. Question is who Rushine(Lucinee?) is. Some kind of water/ice girl? Also, I'm 1 ruby away from 50. Save for Liza or try for another main harem spin?
The jaw kills it for me. I wanted to like a wasp girl but I can't.
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Poon Meta Jackoff.png
315KB, 479x643px
Liza. The 2% SR for the other spin is tempting, but I'd rather have a bigger pool of girls to get.
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120KB, 465x338px
Rushine/Lucinee is another snek.
If you really want Liza wait and spend it on the new one. If you just want a SR period or a main cast SR the 2% limited time on is the way to go. You'll have to dig up one ruby quick though since it ends tomorrow at an undisclosed time.


>This particular subspecies of Lamia now has more characters than all sorts of spiderpeople combined

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148KB, 264x217px
>not liking sneks
Who me? Not yet, currently drawing something else.

It's still in my to do list.
Almost cosplay-tier, she has mushroom stumps for feet so she's bad at locomotion.
Easy enough. 18 more Medium/Super will get me that ruby. I started with 47 at login, thought I'd get three from login bonuses, but I think I was on day two of normal, and the Comic Ryuu one didn't give it, I guess? So only got 1, and my last 1 from EX.
Nah, they've probably noticed people trying to access non-existent pages for early news, so they switched it up by adding letters behind.
I'm almost certain it was posted last thread, and Hound might have done it once too.
Right, right. Forgot I already mentioned it was a melusine and speculated on alt.Gina previously.
The issue is if they notice it is still a large enough problem they might start doing something like a hash that will be impossible to guess.
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135KB, 255x255px
Lost my shit
I got it. I thought it was strange the last one had an 'R'
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671KB, 1320x2871px
>I'm almost certain it was posted last thread
It wasn't. You might be thinking of this one.

If the pillow Miia has been colored then I've definitely never seen it.
Liza a cute.

Lizards all a cute.
File: Liza.webm (402KB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
402KB, 960x540px
Liza is indeed cute.
You could do something like DL the page and sources and reupload it as html and images. Access once, share many. That way ppl can read or translate how they want.

That works, forgot that was even an option.
They likely just notice that their images are being leaked onto social sites and such like the chans, leddit, wikia, hatebook, twatter, etc.
Judging by how fast chanlurkers normally work, the images are everywhere I just said... ... ... now.
Sorry, the F for revival should be 後活, which was what I wrote the first time, before rewriting it twice.
Hey we can hope they are retarded and we're the only one that can figure out simple url changes.
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Doppel's Arrival.png
798KB, 1265x1080px
Doppel is the Superior Girl
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154KB, 297x397px

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164KB, 411x347px
Vanilla Oni a best
Has anyone made a webm for the new Medusa Shiana?
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679KB, 960x540px
Made a few days ago.
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No problem, friend.
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Bearded dragon girl is best girl
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Papi wa best dragon.
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So which is best between horsebutts, waspbutts, and spiderbutts?
Some part of me is curious how you managed to get exactly such a picture. Another part doesn't want to know.
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is the answer not obvious?
Can someone explain how I'm supposed to max out Shiana when there's only two copies of her available?
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She's a random drop from the map. You know the girls that you sometimes get after an outing is finished? Shiana can be one of those.

On the outing screen when you're selecting a Shiana map you'll see a number at the bottom next to the Suu tickets. That's how many Shianas can still drop from the outings.
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She randomly drops from boss nodes too if, the higher the difficulty the higher the chance of dropping. There also is a good chance that you need to beat all 5 girls in the boss node for a higher chance of her dropping

The left number circled is the number of drops you have left and the right number is the number of Bucket Suu tickets you can get as a drop.
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Objectively ordered anime only best girl tier list

Anybody who likes something I don't like is wrong
post butts
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The fittest butt.
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This is the original Tanbutt but everyone seems to prefer the angry edit.
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I'm I only person who associates Mero with Princess Clara? They have the same background and problems.
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You mean: Big Plump Snake Rump
I've become so despondent is there any other lamias worth checking out?
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10 - Ris8O4f.jpg
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I want to milk them.

What other girls should I analyze?

Qukul, Ena, Iormu, Fan-Long, Media, Shiana, Lucine.

that was so fucking great
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Those are also great.
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Wow that's alot of cute girls. especially this fairy
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What is she?
A greek Sphinx.
Lizards favorite. Therefore bestests.

Lion Pussy.
Fairies are woefully underrepresented.
where can I download the monmusu game?
You don't. It's a browser game.
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You're not missing anything anyways. Just enjoy the art that gets collected.
Lion Loins.
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Help. I think I'm addicted to this snake
Does miia know snek style kung fu?
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You're not alone

Miia knows the basics of CQC
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Close-Quarters Cuddling?
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Yes. She's very good at it.
I didn't know princess clara was an addicted cuck
I want to be in Miia's warm embrace
You and me both, friend. I want to rest my head against her chest and fall asleep there.
under-rated post
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maybe in the after life
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We'll always have our dreams.

>tfw dreaming of Miia every night
It's a good feeling.
Miia is cute
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Still waiting on the translation. I want to be able to understand the cliche dialogue and the sweet vanilla snex that is happening.

Also waiting for the other one to get scanned.
Comiket Soon.
Vanilla best flavor.
Will this be vanilla also?
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Vanilla is best. Vanilla snex is something really special.

The preview pages seem to suggest this.
There was also what looks like another Miia vanilla doujin that got released at the same time as this one. You can see it in the big pile of doujins that Crab bought when he attended Comiket.
Bumblebee subspecies when?
Maybe if the wasp gets more chapters we'll see honeybee and bumblebee subspecies.

We need some Vanilla Milkshake.
>Size: small
Compared to what? Her own polymorphic biology?
I don't think Suu has seen enough dongs to make that judgement.
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>thick bee girl
Yes please
Chubby, and wearing a fluffy sweater
I have autism.
oppai loli
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Don't you mean vanilla milksnek?

No, I mean the purest kind of love that can only occur between a farmer and his cow.
>sting can kill a man

No. I prefer my fuzzy chubby bumble bee girl.
But the cow's a cheating whore!
Not milking a cow is actually detrimental to their health and can end in damage to the udder and infection.

Getting milked was necessary, not "cheating".
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You could've just said its law to milk the cow
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I somehow think Honey and Quinn will be nice cameos for bee girls in future chapters.
>no bee girl for you to lick honey off of

Why live
No matter what mental mental gymnastics you use, she's a cheating slut.
Keep telling yourself that.
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nth for Lilith, Queen of the Andals and the First Men
Bestest of the bestest
Your memes are stale as fuck, famalam.
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True suffering
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Cathyl is a pure maiden that enjoys spooning and hand holding
I love her from the bottom of my heart!
Still a whore.
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>tfw you'll never wake up with Miia coiled around you and bite marks from the lewd night before

Sorry for not having a better reaction handy.
She gets wet from getting her breasts milked by someone else than her boyfriend. Fucking slut.
She's so perfect.
Where the monster milfs at?
>no bee girl named Honey for you to lick off
Out cvcking your mom.

Nice job man
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messenger of fear in sight
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[spoilers]Oni no Yu/Onis' Hot Spring[/spoiler]
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Is that true.png
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Little girls are SCAAARY!
thank you
>Nobody checking these quads
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Thank you for that Lala.
Have one for yourself.
>being this autistic about repeating digits.

/b/ is that way.

something something futa krogan
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Cute snek
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Touch the Cow!.jpg
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Cant forget milking, cathyl LOVES milkings
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Guys I think I cracked the code!
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Oh shit this might be ligit.
Dude, you legit might be on to something there.
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Draco's butt is a miracle
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I've been rewatching the series and re-reading the manga when it hit me that they look super-similar. Glad I wasn't the only one.
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Whoa I just had the most crazy sense of deja vu. Like im pretty sure this exact same thing happened once before. someone posted >>143051643
then i replied with >>143051743
the exact same image and you replied with that guts image.

Im fucking scared.
I'd like to slip her my human dick and hear her gasp
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......I feel like I've done this before too. Have we broken the Matix/4th dimension?
Why does she sit like that?
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̳̘̳͇̞͎̣͑͒ͩ͆̑͡͡H̯̭̋ͦ͠.̯̟̤͎̪͉̠̪̣̍ͬ̿̽ͫ͊͝.̶̵̭̼̤̻͖̤̾̽̉̉̿̉̉ͩ͟.̡̮̳͖ͣͩͫͦ͑̎̌̀ẽ͋̃͋̇ͬ̆̃҉̷͓͉̤l͗̈͋ͨ͒́͑͗͏̘̝̘̹̬̜p̶̛̟͈̙̖ͥͤͩ̓.̫̱̠̻͉̙̟̇̓͗̈́̚͠ͅ.̷̦̞̗̐̇.̶̧̹̖͍̎́͐̐͝.̦̝̼̹͓͕̒ͯ̽ͧ͗͑͜ ͉͔̩̝̗ͦ̂̍͛͟m̷̷͕̥̼͖̳̉̈́̓̄̑ͭe̹̘͖̺̅ͣ̆͆̆̀̀͜e̡͉̞͇͔͂̾͑̑̒̃͛̇͟
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>Bina-chan & Yuhi
>Undead hunter
Nice finding
You might be onto something
We'll have to wait between 1 to 4 chapters to see what is she
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Maybe her butt hurts
Now I started fantasizing about Japanese Giant Hornet Girl.
From what?
Luckily I read in morrigan aenslands english voice from marvel vs capcom.
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Next chapter is Lala's mum.
>"Where have you been this last month!?"
>"What were you thinking, turning that girl into a zombie?"
>"You father and I have been worried sick"
>"Why haven't you reaped that poor boy yet?"
>"Can't you see he's in constant pain?"
>"You look so thin. Have you been eating well?"
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>First Rachnee
>Now waspgirl
Stop trying to make me fuck bugs crabman
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>Wasp waist
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Would you be able to accomplish snex with all those beady eyes staring at you during?
Nah. I would empty my balls cumming, before I even manage to put it in.
nah man, this is the kind of monster I would cleanse with fire
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If I cut her hair, would it hurt?
>Snek's watching you do it
>Some mocking your technique
>Others rooting you on
>Some even giving pointers like where her weakspots are
>Poor snekgirl is the only one that can hear them
I dunno, I don't see any mouths. They're probably nothing but glorified sensory organs.
wouldn't you turn into stone?
>more lala related things

I know one part of me would.
I fucking hate wasps so it's going to be hard to like her.
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Spoilers from the next chapter
Is this the newest forced meme of these threads?
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typical Argentinean.jpg
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I say kill em all!
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V10 Omake 3.jpg
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That's from the super secret OAV(Omake Animating Video) releasing in Octember.
Monstergirls have at the very least tripled my love for that egyptian theme and blue eye liner on girls.
Goddamn, it's fucking great.
I literally called this with the bloodborne hat. This thing is a hunter monster.
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i'm doing my part.png
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Their drawfags are pretty nice though.
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I like Draco
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How does it feel knowing your favorite girl will never be better than Draco?
Draco is alright, I hope she gets a happy ending with me
Probably similar to how you feel knowing no one gives a half rotten shit about draco.
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fujo books.png
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Bina and Cici gonna start a circle.
Fuck off
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Dont be mad man, not everyone can contend with the Queen of Dragons
She's not a queen.

She's not a dragon.

She's not better than any girl.

She's shit. Face it, accept it, or fuck off.
How gay can you get? Will you be the uke to Draco's seme? Will you let fujoshis watch? >>143055367
>She is the Queen of Queens
>She is of royal dragon blood

>She is better than every girl

>She is the best. Face it, accept it, or else.
That would be sexy as fuck
Maybe for the dubs
If you want to make dracofags into the next public enemy at least use a different verse than the one you used for horsefags, shithead. Or even better, you could just fuck off
It feels pretty good that my waifu isn't on the same level as a transgender freak
Want it or not, probably we will see more of her, but less than the main 6 girls
too thiccc
>being mad enough to start a shitpost campaign because people like a monstergirl in a monstergirl thread
Take a nap and calm down
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What girls would you take with you if you ever found yourself in the aftermath of an apocalyptic event, causing society to crumble like ash, and you needed to survive?

Personally, I'd probably take Suu, Polt, Kii and Papi.
Definitely someone like rachne or someone you can ride if you need to go a long distance
Polt, without a doubt
Suu is a given in a survival situation. She can test water and food to make sure they're safe, purify water, and be best girl. Polt could be a great porter due to her athleticism. I would switch out Kii for Rachne because Rachne can build traps and give us much needed protein. Papi would be great for surveillance and getting an attack from the high ground. Just make sure you get a report out of her before she takes three steps.
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It's father's day
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Do we post Darling or Okayado?
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>ywn wake up to your snake daughter wishing you a happy Father's Day
>ywn have to eat the poorly prepared Breakfast her and Miia cooked for you
>ywn my have a happy snake family

Make it stop.

Oh ho ho ho. Remember, Miia pleases old men for hats.
>draco calls herself a dragon
>is nothing more than a winged lizard
Draco being bullied by dragongirls when?
Fuck he looks young, even by fellow Asian standards. Barely out of high school.
She says she's a dragonewt and that she's only related to dragons.
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>Dracofriend uses my drawings to shit post
She's as much a Dragon as Argentina is white.
Draco's most likely gonna have a happy ending with Polt
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>as Argentina is white.
Do I have some news for you...
Miia slithers seductively about the shrine and pilfers pocket-change from pensioners.
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where's the thick abdomen at?
Well I mean there's not that many winged reptiles around is there?
Dragons comes to mind.
Don't be daft, it's some retard who's mad that people like Draco instead of whatever slut he's into
>it's not Draco fags even when it is

Jeez, you're like the liberal media
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Please don't associate the shitposters in these threads with Retards. It's a gross insult to retarded people everywhere.
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Poor papi. No burb should be bullied for their mental capacity.
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papi suu wee.png
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>Papi and Suu are going to get deported soon to make room for MON at Darling's place

Cruel crab.
No one is getting deported in Mon Musume Happy Fun time. Darling is going to have a sprawling mansion by the time the series has ended.

>The most obvious attempt at rabble-rusing in this current thread
>Not blatant bait
>Not falseflagging
You're not foolin' anybody.
? Why'd you add me there? (first reply) I was going against what the dracofag was saying.
I meant >>143057819
But to be clear, you a shit too.
One horn > 2 horns
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> you a shit too.
Say that to my face IRL not online, see what happens. Bwaka
My horn in between her two horns.
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Lilith is a usurper and an abomination
>stannis got an elder devil homestay
>Guard art
Clearly the Dracofag's willingless to consume shit isn't limited to waifus
Oh baby.
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Stick her on the pyre
Must be hard to be the police chief: you can't be in the public with your waifu and your daughter won't remember you and won't give you a gift for the father's day
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It would be extremely painful
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
Anyone have the Devil species chart?
Atleast Lillith doesn't light up her daughter for some redhead titties
Technically speaking he set her on fire in order to clear the snows.
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It's like tragedy.
But naughty.
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Where the fuck are her abs?
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>It's even the same posing of the hands
Crabman trying to start memes?
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It's just that the position of their hands is cute
Wasn't there one in English?
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Maybe crab forgot?
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Snake daughter.
do you guys still fight over who best girl is?
Elder devil is the best.
We all realized Cerea is the best.
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Doppel doth be the primest wench, for she can transpose herself into any other wench!

>Cthulhu fhtagn
>Is she nary an Elder God?

Any new updates on doppel senpai?
It's like you haven't been on /a/ in years and may have brain damage. Of course we still fight about who best girl is. It's like an Olympic sport here.
She's the only one I think I could stand to be around. The other two would wind up getting hurt in a freak chainsaw accident while I was making salad for dinner.

Why would take the whole harem and Mon. cause why the fuck not? Most of them have unique skills.

Papi for scouting and flying
Rach for riding, scouting, combat, making clothes
Mon are great fighters
Polt, kii and Suu for survival and health
Lala can probably ress you.
Mero for underwater situations

Miia and cerea for emergency food supply
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cerea is shit.jpg
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> Cerea
> best
Horsepussy will always rhymes with heresy. Are you a fucking faggot son?
Thanks, anon.
Melisandre confirmed Elder devil
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best grilled.gif
1MB, 540x320px
>will always rhymes
At least learn to spell before you shitpost.
Spider, Lala and horse tend to the most. You always have to consider they might just be shit posting under the guise of being on though. The lala shit posting has dropped off substantial so I think they went back to horse and spider.
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Wha? Since when are we shitposters? We barely post here.
> lala
> not shitpost
You cunts keep forgetting the past imagedumping that fucking clogged up the thread
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Lalafags are calmed now because of her coloured pages, they help us to confirm that she's the best girl for us
like that's what we were waiting for
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Nah, anon. At least not until MON officially enters Darling's harem, maybe then we have some more development for the Primest Wench.
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The Cyclops chapter was one of the weakest chapters I have ever read.
Did you read the whole post?
It's about image dumping. If you dump images without reasonably thought out text then you are the enemy. Not to me but to some people.
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Oh wow huh we posted images of lala once on an image board sue us.

Get that bee outta your ass. Being angry all the time isnt advised.
>being a show-only pleb
>not reading the books
I've seen this gif referenced but never the actual thing. Can someone post it please?
>>143061653 >>143061374
>>143061861 >>143062476
>>143062872 >>143064126
Soap opera's belong on /tv/.
Nice doppel art right there doppelnon
Will we ever see Doppel ancestor?
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> imagedumping instead of actual discussion
May Lala come for you in your sleep
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>House Stark: Wolf-breed Kobolds
>House Tully: Freshwater Mermaids
>House Arryn: Raptor-breed Harpies
>House Greyjoy: Scyllas
>House Tyrell: Alraune Dryads
>House Lannister: Lion-breed catgirls
>House Targaryen: Dragonewts
>House Baratheon: Faun Girls
>House Martell: Echidna Lamias
>House Bolton: Zombies

Who do you ally with?
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>mention lala fags who used to shit up threads
>lala fags get increasingly nervous

Hmmmm... Really makes you thinks
Snek daughteru that size is too heavy. I will never allow that shit to be on my back. Fucking harmful senpai
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Sarcasm isnt being nervous. frankly I dont know why images trigger you so much I was curious to know why.

You do you mate, I really dont care about you.
Same reason for lack of Polt's thicc forearms?
As much as I'd like to see Doppel's lewd Mom / ancestors, if she even has one, I think Crabman wants to give some attention to the main girls.

We just have to be patient for now, anon and wait for another future MON chapter to happen.
>you know mate, I really don't care about you

Nothing personal, kid.
Lalafags are fucking edgy cunts.
Feel free to learn to read.
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>you will never smile like this man can.
I will have to say that this has been top tier OC over the past few weeks. It will get stale over the next couple if there isn't some variation.
Nah, those are the spiderfags
Side character like her dont really stand out that much doppelnon. We probably get MON chapter after 3-4 chapters of the main girls.
now is time for the main girls
I don't know which one of the main girls will be the protagonist of the next chapter, neither if any of the bad monstergirls left will show up.
TTF and summaryanon didn't said anything if there's a hint at the end of the ch 44
>I dont know why images trigger you

So you're defending image dumping? But I'm sure it's only ok when lalafags do it? Right?
Lala is razor sharp compared to spider.
I will say that I have no problems with image dumping of any sorts. Cereafags, rachneefags, anyone, if you want to post some images of your favorite girl and show your love for her why is that such a bad thing?
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> smiles of exhaustion
I though this was a three chapter Cerea arc with her cutting her teeth as a MONette by dealing with all three dangerous mon musume, with a little help from her aruji-dono of course.
What about futafags and fatffags?
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>implying these threads aren't fucking shit
>implying there's anything of value here

Cry some more. If I want to post images then I'll post images.
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>tfw no cock will ever be large enough to satisfy suu's amorphous pussy

why must she suffer so?
Don't you have jerry-cans of fuel to deliver, anon, instead of posting here?
Dont like their fetishes, if they like them so be it, but id appreciate it when they posted such things in appropriate places, like /d/
maybe, but then again everybody would complain about too much screentime to one of the girls
Because then these threads become literally aids, hitting the image limit and next thing you know it won't be having atleast 1-2 threads a day, it'll be 5 threads a day. And it'll start to get real stale real fast.
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>Side character like her dont really stand out that much
Agree with you on that, anon. They could always appear briefly, when the other girls of the dangerous species comes to threat Darling or the harem girls. Either way we will probably see them helping Darling some chapter soon, anon.
>call lalafags out on their history of shitposting
>suddenly lala fags are in defence of image dumping

I want to see rach have a loli mama
Have some self awareness. If you don't like image dumping in general then you're going to associate the images with what you hate. This ain't /c/. Provide some discussion with your images.
What is there to discuss that hasn't been done to death? It's all gone stale.

If I want to post thighs then I'm going to post them. I'm not going force a discussion about her thighs.
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Our blades are sharp
>What is there to discuss that hasn't been done to death?
yaoi scenarios
I mean if crabman is comfortable with that we should be too.
Image dump all you want, but don't be surprised when people start hating lalafags.
There are infinitely more positions to take from posting a text discussion over posting the same forty pictures every thread.

Bina is sex incarnate
New bread
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Tsk tsk tsk, Anon.

Thats because she doesn't have the best thighs, that'd be Papi.
How do you force a discussion? If you can't think of something that hasn't been done to death you will probably be ignored, but it's not much different from what you're doing now.
Built-in ZR might get old, but I wouldn't count on that happening.
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Retard bird has got very little going for her. Her thigh game is not great.
>How do you force a discussion? If you can't think of something that hasn't been done to death you will probably be ignored, but it's not much different from what you're doing now.
All seven plots have been used as well, but people keep coming up with new stories.
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