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Japan to Crack Down on Anime and Manga Piracy http://torren

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Japan to Crack Down on Anime and Manga Piracy

Nobody cares.
Good luck with that nippon.
They can't do shit, we're on another continent and the amount of effort necessary to actually get the sites taken down would be massive. Definitely not worth the effort considering it doesn't harm the industry
Add to that how said pirate content creates an interest in the west for dakis, figs and shit.

If they did this, western fans would stop buying figures and merchandise.
>A bunch of stream sites that've been pre-selected will go down

Big whoop.
It was piracy that brought anime here in the first place, and it will be piracy that keeps it alive. Japan is fighting a losing battle, just like everyone else.
A crackdown after all of our manga and hentai repositories have already fallen. You're a little late Japan.
What about MangaTraders? Is the archive available finally?
No it's not. Why are you lying anon?
You think they can catch IRC n XDCC users?
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Oh no, we are going to lose our 240p streams!
I want to upload Gin no Saji, but the upload page had some sort of error. DL works just fine though. Did they change it?
They might target big sub groups like horriblesubs
Nice try. I'm not spoonfeeding you though.
>Japan to Crack Down on Anime and Manga Piracy
they've been claiming that for months dipshit
Check your FTP client, perhaps it's doing something wrong.
>sub group
horriblesubs is a bot that rips videos from Crunchyroll. As long as Crunchyroll exists, so will HS.
Is Lucky Star ever going to be uploaded to the new mangatraders or should I just look elsewhere?
Put it in requests, someone might have it.
So basically they'll be around forever?
I already download 99% of my shit via xdcc, so I don't really care.
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Will this effect us in any way?
Are you a faggot?
That should answer your question.
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Yes. you will see threads about this for the next day or two. Everyone will then forget about it.

Then someone will make a thread about it one month late and everyone will call him a faggot.

This is the most likely outcome.
Which bots do you use?
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#nibl and #intel mostly. I'll rarely use #kametsu.

I found out about #news today in an earlier thread so I guess I'll give that a shot.
>According to NHK, a new site will direct fans to legal copies of the 250 affected works at a flat price of a few hundred yen.
Counteraction rising
Thanks anon. I'm trying to find good bots rite now

Yeah we are ready for the punch line
I'm pretty sure that most fansubbers are actually fans of anime
Whoops, those are channels anon.

I could really give a shit about which bot I use. I tend to use five or six at a time if I'm download a single show simply because I haven't figured out a way to do batch downloads yet.

>Check nyaa.se's top downloads
>hundreds of episodes have at least 100k downloads

To be fair that's a fuckload of potential money they're losing.
My bad anon, I meant channels
There's no use with all your gimmicks
Same shit as every year.

With the same result.
Only about 10 people out of that 100k would consider buying anything without downloading anything to see if they liked the show.
Sucks to be them.

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This is what's going to happen
Not really, since most of downloaders wouldn't watch it if they couldn't have it for free.
>Potential money
The potential money from that is zero. Downloading something doesn't mean you're a potential customer. Businesses can't seem to understand though.
Tons of Japanese download anime illegally.
Why are they such hypocrites?
Do they not realize it'll only hurt them in the long run to actually shut these sites down?
No one would buy it. I wouldn't spend the money required to buy a lot of anime that aren't airing. It's ridiculous.
Lurk the fuck more.
Did you read the article? Japanese get 10 years in prison for uploading and 2 years in prison for downloading.
That doesn't stop many.
>potential money they're losing.

Not quite, any "fan" that wanted to "support" the industry already has a CR account or already use legal western mediums, serious supporters already buys the BDs, figs, etc. Directly from Japan. So most of the paying market has already been capitalized.

And publisher are also forgetting that fansubs subs server as free marketing that usually cost a lot of money for the company.
Speaking of supporting the industry, does buying manga published in the US help in any significant way?

I've probably spent over $500 in the past four months buying manga which is probably the only way I'll ever really be able to support the industry.
You wasted your money.
>significant way?

Nope, Only a fraction of the revenue of the sales goes to the mangaka, another fraction goes to the right holder. However it does help if you want more localized crap.

You might also want to consider importing the manga from japan, it can be quite cheap actually.
At least it looks nice.

I prefer physical copies anyways.
It helps support the US publication of more manga. If you like the idea of the general public being able to walk into a bookstore and buy a volume of Knights of Sidonia, then keep at it.
>focus on china
>580 sites
>deleted sites will redirect to an official pay channel

We're more than safe.
Well then don't try to charge me 60 fucking dollars for a 4 episode BD.
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This is why you archive things.
And I'd be willing to bet anything that each and every one of those sites will be replaced by the next day.
only like 7 of those are any good
>4 episode
That's actually a pretty good deal, considering that most DVD/BDs only have two episodes on them.
I would a pirate loli
Is it me you're looking for?
>having taste this bad
I sure hope this council comes up with a viable buiness model to monetize anime in foreign markets and doesn't just resolve to futily attack various piracy methods
Pfffft, the most watched subs here are CR rips anyway. Nothing to worry about
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Why even give them icons if you can't see them?
It's not like anyone would buy that shit overpriced anime. Maybe if Japan made some good anime they wouldn't need to do this.
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2 l8 m8
I could see bakabt caving since they're already too pussy to host licensed anime.
I wouldn't even mind buying anime if it was cheaper and available via digital distribution. As it is, piracy is the vastly superior choice for those of us who aren't millionaires and/or don't have vacant shelves lining the walls.
I buy Nip music in a heartbeat, but not anime. Why? DRM and pricing. Sure, Japanese CDs are stupidly priced, but a good album will last you for the rest of your life. How often do you rewatch something even if it's your favourite series?

Also fuck DRM.

We need the equivalent of Gane Newell for anime. You can say all the shit you want about steam and Gabe but they made playing PC game so damn convenient and cheap.
DVDs and BDs don't have DRM either.

People who don't want BDs already buys figs and the like.
Why don't we convince Lord Gaben to start selling anime on Steam. They already sell a couple movies, so I don't think it'd be that much harder.
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>They already sell a couple movies

/v/ please.
>DVDs and BDs don't have DRM either.
That's bullshit. I can believe DVDs not having DRM, but BDs?

Well sure, but that's something else.
>he approves
>needs avatar
>steam's sister
steemu-san and kemuri-kun
Do you even know what DRM means?
would a steam + anime producer partnership be viable I wonder

you buy a show just like a game and then get access to downloading or streaming of every episode which goes into your anime library

no DRM shit, you just have a bunch of folders in your steam directory where the .mkvs or whatever format. Steam comes with a video player that doesnt lick balls, just ripping off MPC with a good codec pack would be fine, though you can use any player you want. It wouldn't prevent piracy, but it would be a quick and easy way to pay for anime if you wanted to.
Digital Rights Management

Basically restrictions on how you can playback and share the media.
Don't forget the $80 in shipping and handling!
Yes, and when you buy a physical media copy, like say a DVD or a BD, then you can do whatever you want with it. Meaning that it does not have DRM on it.
do you just not pay attention to those FBI WARNING screens before every american movie youve ever seen that says DONT COPY THIS SHIT
No, because the industry cannot into proper quality typesetting and translations. There's a reason why we shit on CR and HS all the time. However, if they somehow managed a partnership with the big fansub sites (Daiz-sama please), I think this would be a good system. Hell, I'd pay for the AOTS, everything else would be pirated of course.
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What, again? This time for sure?
That's not actually true. You can't just pop in a BD and play it back without buying some shitty software.

I'm not really familiar with the ripping process, but I have tried making a few DVD ISOs with a simple dd command only to have it fail because of the DRM on the disc. I know there are ways around it (duh), but that doesn't mean it's suddenly a DRM-free disc.

Do you seriously think I'd paid for some of the shit I watch every season?
I see a major problem with the lack of privacy on platforms like Steam. If it were just a sales platform it would be okay but I dislike how they force the community features upon their users. Not to mention that they're probably as intrusive as facebook when it comes to gathering data on their users.
I hope US and Japan get their shit together in releasing anime titles. I am sick and tired of all this shit talk of support the industry crap.

And on off topic, they need get better with dubbing and create new talent. Eliminate all the bullshit with nepotism and union shit that moslty hurting future talents including money issues
if you read steams license agreement they don't record all that much, none of it is personally identifiable and a lot of it is optional

as for community features, you're welcome to set your profile to completely private, so that no one can view what you've bought or whatever.

I only suggest steam because it seems as though every anime dork has a steam profile, so simply adding onto something that everyone already has is much easier than getting customers to install new software
>As a result, this week the Japanese government will act in order to preserve what it sees as one of its greatest cultural exports.
But only a fraction of it is exported

>to legal copies of the 250 affected works at a flat price of a few hundred yen.
It's fucking nothing.
and you think anyone gives a fuck about it?
>would a steam + anime producer partnership be viable I wonder

That depends. if both all parties involved assume they can make enough of a profit they might do it. However they still need to consider the share of the market CR already has and if enough userbases, CR and steam, overlaps and if they would be willing to spent more and their anime.

>no DRM shit

Not going to happen, steam in itselft is DRM incarnated.

>because the industry cannot into proper quality typesetting and translations.

Irrelevant, people are still willing to pay. CR proves this.

>There's a reason why we shit on CR and HS all the time.

This is even more irrelevant for business wise.

>Daiz-sama please

Now you are being a complete retard, because what we need is another fucking idiot deciding what he thinks is good for us instead of what the consumer actually want.
>physical media copy ...does not have DRM on it

Yeah, nah, you're a moron. There's not a single CD, DVD or BD that doesn't have DRM on it. They're literally built into the standard at this point.

Where your confusion kicks in is that it's laughably easy to bypass/break the DRM they use, making them "effectively" DRM free, if not in actuality.

There's an important difference there.

Bypassing DRM is technically illegal in most 1st world countries now, although nobody really gives a fuck because it is absolutely impossible for the powers that be to enforce said asinine, outdated, industry-purchased laws.

tl;dr you're wrong, but it doesn't really matter
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>Naming and listing by year
The ftp is not MT archive, idiot.
Does anyone not realize how likely it is Batoto will go down? They take down shit all the time who's to say it won't be killed completely by the time this is over?

Or do you guys not mind using DDS and FMD on shitty sites like fox, kiss, panda, etc?
Forgive me, I forgot the majority of people aren't OCDfags like me.
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>There's not a single CD, DVD or BD that doesn't have DRM on it.
Incorrect, the redbook audio standard for CDs is DRM-free. The vast majority of audio CDs (like 99.9%) are on that standard. There was a very brief period were Sony released a few hundred CDs with DRM in it, but it turned out that the software used to rip them literally installed a rootkit on your computer. That scandal blew up in their face and nobody has ever tried something like that again.
Why would you read shit?
I rewatch my favorite series about once a year.
>Does anyone not realize how likely it is Batoto will go down?
I hate these fuckers. I'm going to drink their delicious tears if they really go down.
>none of it is personally identifiable and a lot of it is optional
It becomes relevant where it's combined with other data. Valve is an American company after all, so government agencies can demand them to hand out the data they have on their customers. Accumulation of data is always a security risk.

>as for community features, you're welcome to set your profile to completely private, so that no one can view what you've bought or whatever.
I can still view what games people have been playing, even if their profiles are private.

Also, Valve is being quite mischievous when it comes to baiting people into giving them information, e.g. by handing out bonuses and things like that. These aren't really good business practices.
b-but people on /v/ always said they will buy the game after they pirate and try it if its good

su-surely the people who buy anime would do the same right?
>e.g. by handing out bonuses and things like that.
A fucking badge.
The only people who care about that shit are gigantic faggots that need to feel like their alive by stroking their e-penis on superfluous bullshit like that.
For a while a large percentage of pop and rock CD releases had on-disc DRM. Sometimes it was encoded within the track itself, other times it was full-retard shit like Sony's rootkit.

Yes, things are better now, but then again who the hell buys music on CD anymore?

Still doesn't change the fact that 99% of mass-market DVDs and BDs have DRM on them.
So what? I can listen to my favourite albums at least once a day.

The point is that you get much more bang for your buck buying music as opposed to Film or TV shows.
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>buying anime
The point is that they bait the gullible into handing them information. This is exactly the same shit that Facebook does.
>paying for cartoons

Hah, what am I? Retarded?
>killing anime
Because they take down shit when asked and censor their site in attempts to please the faggots who keep trying to make them a target?

Well I guess we're back to water mark sites.
Of course not you stupid piece of shit.

>>>/v/ is that way.
anime is worth killing
Let it die then, nobody gives a shit. Take your propaganda elsewhere.

This is /a/, not /v/.
>Only a fraction of the revenue of the sales goes to the mangaka, another fraction goes to the right holder
Almost in all cases the author holds the rights.
>For a while a large percentage of pop and rock CD releases had on-disc DRM.
No, it was never a large percentage. I think you mean a large percentage of mainstream stuff on major labels. And even then, that was a really short period.

>then again who the hell buys music on CD anymore?
I do. There's no other reasonable way for me to support bands halfway across the world. (No, I'm not going to buy a fucking T-shirt for every band I like. That's ridiculous.)
Get the hint shithead, the more cancerigenously small the fanbsae the better.
How long until we get a reasonable replacement for mangatraders anyways?
>having a physical copy
>wasted money
It is if he's a faggot with shit taste.
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You're wrong officer. I'm not stealing the meat, I'm pirating it.
Why would you steal meat?
Do people honestly give a fuck about this? Or are you just pretending to be retarded?

Jesus is a pirate. He copied bread and fish.
You call that archiving?
They just don't want westerners watching their cartoons.
It's a /g/ meme.
Probably just set it like that so we could see more of them, anon.
>paying for something you can't even touch
The site is led by SJWs. They have completely arbitrary rules about what is acceptable and what not. They can choke on their bullshit.
And why would you bring shithole memes over here? /a/ has enough maymays so that we don't need other people's
It doesn't even ask for information though. Really it just wants you to foster a sense of community by joining in and partaking of it. Hell you get a fucking point by playing a game and another for changing your avatar. There's only 1 option for personal information and that's the facebook link which anyone would link to an alt-account if they even felt like it since it's optional.

Shut up you hothead.
how will this affect series that aren't legally licensed overseas? Like Pretty Cure or Sunred?

And those with REALLY horrible dubs (and even heavy edits) only with no subs


or show I just ignore this?
Many of them use sites like Bandcamp and Amazon to sell their music directly. These sites often have lossless files available which are just as good as a physical disc.
Why are you assuming I'm the same guy?

Stupid goyim, are you forgetting all the merchandise you bought?
>posting an image without paying license fees to the rightful owner
I hope the FBI will put you in prison, where big dicked niggers will rape you all day.
Nobody cared who I was until I started posting other boards' epic maymays here.
I haven't bought shit, stupid kike.
I wouldn't buy anime because the subs always fucking suck.

Even crs shit is barely passable and that's literally all the do.

Why would I buy shit when I can not only get it for free, but I can also get a better product?
So you care more about who runs it and their personal interests than their achievements and merit towards the community. Are you a journalist?
I've been on /g/ for almost 12 years now and haven't heard of an meat meme before.
>implying you need to care who someone is to redirect them

Thanks Jacob.
>the anime community
Just go back to whatever shithole you came from retard, the anime community is concentrated eye cancer.

I'm guessing /v/
>It doesn't even ask for information though. Really it just wants you to foster a sense of community by joining in and partaking of it.
You really think Valve does this because they want to create a sense of community and they're not interested in your gaming and browsing habits for marketing reasons? You must be really naive then.

Well then, let me introduce you to these high-quality limited edition figurines of your waifu.

Great prices!

Buy them before someone else does!

You have a friend in Japan!

Bandcamp is the only digital download site worth using. I personally prefer having the physical copy, but buying from bandcamp is reasonable. Also, it is common for bands to offer the physical disk on their bandcamp page which I'll happily pay for.

Amazon downloads are garbage and I have no idea why you even thought to bring that up.

In my case though, I will end up just buying the CD anyway. For example, I took a shot in the dark at 3nd and bought some of their stuff off of the bandcamp page. I ended up loving it so much that I decided I wanted the albums on the physical copy.

And obviously, not every band has a bandcamp.

yeah wondering about this as well
>piracy sites AKA streaming
>mostly directed at china
>it's just them sending more C&D letters and they don't even know if those sites will comply
Sure is scare tactics in here.

Silly anon, you're part of the animu community since you watch animu.
Its more common than you think.
I can't just go fly halfway across the world to see a show from a band I like.

Also, not every band is on a major label. Many of them are independent so they would see a significant amount of cash going to them.

I'm a shitposting mangafag.
>merit towards the community
The merit of getting censored?
You will buy our shitty knock-off translation done by a student studying Japanese in his second year and you will like it, you filthy disgusting goyim.

This is how most companies actually think, by the way.
Sure whatever. You didn't file-share it. So you would be a filthy thief.
But theft has nothing to do with file-sharing.

Related or not, Crazy's Manga is shutting down. It's been here since 2007.

>>111223517 check foolz. We have one. So maybe some other anon can take over hosting Crazy's Manga also?
You haven't seen all the piracy threads on /g/ that start with some greentext that says something along the lines of "it's okay for me to steal this meat, I wasn't going to pay for it anyway" with that picture?

Perhaps they're wondering why you would pay for an anime before watching it?
Why would there be piracy threads on a guro board in the first place?

I never understood your kind. Or anime-only fags. Or /jp/. Or VN-only fags (see: /vn/ on /vg/)
So where's this list of sites they plan to fuck with?
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You're a clever man.
>on a guro board
I have bad news for you. It's now a tech support board.
When the fuck is Japan going to stop being completely fucktarded about a seriously untapped market and:

Supply services owned by Japanese companies
Offers (good) translations at a reasonable price
While digital only, is DRM free

I would be happy to pay for more chinese cartoons and comics but I don't want to pay an American middle man for it, just fuck that noise.

Japans can be so technophobic and inept at times it's absolutely baffling.
The unions like the SGU are the ones to fault for shitty dubs and possible barring new talent that are interested in anime

those morons DO know that the reasons people pirate anime are

1. The official dub is horrible quality
2. The videos are of horrible quality (like that offical sub of Futari Wa Precure floating around everywhere like on Funi and Crunchyroll, it looks fucking awful
2. It's too expensive
3. There's numerious amounts of heavy editng to dumb it down because "think of the childeren a bloo bloo bloo"
4. Legal copies are either out of print or rare to find
There are far better methods of doing that than some badge of which ties together shit you do in a normal session. That data would be completely inconclusive as it's the normal routine of a user.

Attention to the forums is what they'd want which is how they knew Greenlight was a failure a few months into its lifetime.
Im aware of madokami, I just dont think its a good long term solution considering how content is uploaded. Also the secret club mentality only works for shit like sadpanda where there are still surface alternatives to reading and downloading. Manga is important to everyone, unless someone steps up and makes something retards can effectively grasp shits going to turn into sour milk Im calling it now.
>We have one.
Not even close.
>see: /vn/ on /vg/
What do you expect of the people who refused to discuss VNs on the VN board?

Aren't their goverments run by incredibly Backwards thinking Old geezers that obstruct progress in favor of "muh traditions" or something?
Urasawa for instance insists that he never wants a digital release for any of his series.
Whoah, brave soldiers are risking their lives to bring me my anime and manga? 10 years is a long time.
>buying ANIME

I can understand manga, but fucking anime? HAHAHA.
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At least BD buyers support the industry. Who are you?
For you.
Artists have this mindset too. They actually think copyright protects them. Just look at doujins that are parodies of popular commercial works. Even though they violate copyright, they will have a warning that copying the doujin is against the law.
>at a reasonable price
Never. Because prices aren't "reasonable" even in Japan.
The prices stems from a business model no longer relevant in most industries, and even though attempts have been made to lower the prices, that only resulted in a loss of revenue for everyone involved.

It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our entertainment.
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As much as I do prefer physical material making that your only policy just won't work.

These industries would see some major bolstering if they just fucking embraced the digital age.

>Never. Because prices aren't "reasonable" even in Japan.
I know, I've imported music and video games before, it's not cheap.

Piracy is always going to be a problem but I don't think enough is being done to develop hassle-free, user friendly distribution methods where everyone can benefit.

It's all these fucking men in suits, isn't it?
>buying manga
Everyone laugh at this peasant.
1. They are aware it's bad. They don't care. In their opinion you don't have a choice (or at least, shouldn't) so you will buy the title and deal with the shitty dub.
2. Again, they don't care. You will buy their product and like it, or you won't buy it and you won't have it. They're certainly not gonna let you have it for free.
3. Actually this is one that's kinda silly, anime prices in Japan are way higher than they are in the US. Dunno about other countries.
4. Gotta be able to reach as much of the market as possible! How else could we poor poor business execs buy another yacht?
5. But what if we plan to do a reprint? That could be a lost sale! Nope, you will either not have it or pay through the nose to someone who owns a "legal" copy (even though those are usually well-made counterfeits.)
The only thing I care about are manga, and I buy those when I got the money.
Never saw an anime where I was thinking that I had to have it. For all I care japan can shoot themselves in the foot with their dumb copyright bullshit for anime.
Nobody cared about giving money to the industry before they sent out the copyright takedowns.
No, like actual movies. That shitty INdie Game movie with phil fish is sold on steam

>not owning your favorite manga

Please kill yourself
>this happened a year ago
>not a single fuck was given
Anon, you are the peasant here.
It's not just about the badge. They can harvest all kinds of data from their users. The badge merely motivates the user to do things, but the badge isn't the only device. People are baited with free games during sales if they fill their wishlists. They have cloudspace automatically activated and don't allow users to manually clear it. They collect data on browsing habits, various statistics on the gaming habits of people and so on.

This is all a rather unhealthy development and I certainly hope the EU will tame Valve in that regard, just like they did with google recently.
>don't export 99% of their shit
>they get mad when a bunch of white guys translate it and give it out for free on the internet

they literally lose next to nothing since the market practically doesn't exist outside of

stupid fucking chinks

If I stopped paying, would anime die?
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One thing I never really got. Is how I could be in Japan and actually record all my anime. And that is perfectly legal.
But as soon as I do it through a computer, it's a crime worth millions in fines.
>buying movies
>buying cartoons
>buying shoes
>buying watches
>buying a golf club
>buying a whore
>buying video games
>buying anything
Japan cant into computers.
They are mostly mad at the chinks though, not white guys.

Well of course you're shitposting when you add anime community to your quote when I only said community.

And to begin with Batoto was part of the manga community, not anime. Nothing you said made any sense it's just a bunch of sperging.
They support the local distribution industry but they barely matter to Japan.

Also, nobody gives a shit.

If you want to be commended for your efforts you should go to some shitty forum. On /a/ we don't care.
Time Shifting was made officially legal in the US; don't know about Japan.
Pretty much this.

Fansubbing began because fans had no way of purchasing copies within the U.S.

Now I suppose it's much easier to import, but fuck mang.
I'm pretty sure that anon was talking about people who import BDs not dumbass who buy Funi crap.
The only reason is because there's no distributors who want to distribute their BD/DVDs to their country.

And sadly, even if we(in my country) can find some BDs/DVDs on amazon (or ebay?) it's ridiculously expensive that you'd be give the fuck up and just download it from torrent.

If only Japan wants to promote their Anime to the distributors, things like picture related won't really matter for Japan.
It would be extremely unethical.

>buying food
>buying internet
>buying electricity

It would be extremely painful
>being alive
the picture related>>111220470

You're a big industry.
Consumption is an empty way to find happiness. Material possessions inevitably lead to sorrow.
For Japan.
Which is way too expensive. He's better off buying some other merchandise than a bunch of plastic containing something which he already has on his HDD.

man my sides just fell apart
>Now I suppose it's much easier to import, but fuck mang.
I honestly wonder if the Japanese have any idea how much westerners are paying to purchase media.

The only thing reasonably priced in Japan is generally printed shit, it's ridiculous.
go away buddha
Make a cheaper way of ordering of ordering from Japan, and promote autism bux for NEETs in all western countries, they might get a lot of business that way.
Well sure, but people who import BDs are supporting the industry which was the point.
Who gives a shit about an oldfag who wouldn't survive 1 year if he submitted a series anonymously and changed his drawing style?
nigga, I would pay the first half series for $50/60 bucks.
See, now you move on to the heart of the matter.

They've already gone on record saying that sales are their little experiments on consumerism and consumer habits. I don't agree with it and tend to curb my spending.

Cloudspace can be deleted but it's a pain in the ass. You can find a tutorial on Google.

Every site and browser you use collects data on you and while I have an issue with it I know there's nothing I can do.

>Do Anything
I was only making the point that lots of people would probably pay for digital releases of his. So the people who would give a shit are all those picking up manga as well. I have no opinion of Urasawa himself.
No one ever said the states was actually about freedom and ownership though. Oh except for guns.
I would if it were possible. Sadly, matter cannot be transmitted through the internet yet.

Since this is pirating we're talking about, it would be a clone loli, right? So no crime has been committed (at least not that anyone would know about)
I'm fairly cynical that Japan realizes the potential of foreign markets that aren't China or Korea. A head executive at Squaresoft was legitimately surprised that Bravely Default was a hit in the U.S. because they thought traditional JRPG's were too unpopular. They get way to caught up in the "East/West" divide.

I've only visited for like a week and was blown away by how expensive everything was. Is printed material like manga or novels cheaper in comparison to everything else?
Japan is cheap as fuck compared to here. Everywhere other than the USA is going to seem really expensive to you. You guys are lucky.
>They've already gone on record saying that sales are their little experiments on consumerism and consumer habits.
The point remains that they're making money (maximising profit) using their customer's data. This is what Facebook does and it should not be tolerated.

>Cloudspace can be deleted but it's a pain in the ass. You can find a tutorial on Google.
I shouldn't have to look it up on google. They should ask me whether I wanted to use it, telling me exactly what they're going to do with the data stored and whether I agree with it and they should allow me to look into the data stored at any point and delete it at any given point. It's my data after all.

>Every site and browser you use collects data on you and while I have an issue with it I know there's nothing I can do.
You can minimise it by using browser plugins and collecting of data has been getting flak lately. Valve on the other hand is always portrayed as the customer's friend, which they aren't.

>Do Anything
You can now contact google to have websites infringing upon your privacy removed from their index. Companies storing data left and right and fucking with their customer's privacy is something that isn't going to fly for that much longer - at least when it comes to European customers.
Yeah, that's one good thing about America. Everybody else pays so much for everything. It's ridiculous.
>muh equality of opportunity
I think it is.
Kids and adults having entire library's of manga
and merchandise.
Here you would have to break the bank just to get to get your favorites.
Some people here payed hundreds for a single figure, for something in japan you would get for maybe 15 bucks
About 600-700 yen for any manga or light novel, keeping in mind that the format for manga in Japan is usually larger than localized manga and always comes with slipcovers too.

Meanwhile albums are anywhere between 3000-3800 yen, games about 7000-8000 yen and a single volume of anime about 4800-7000 yen.

I don't fucking know, man.
>Meanwhile albums are anywhere between 3000-3800 yen
Nah, it's a little more variable than that. More like 2000-4000 yen. If it's a bigger label, it'll cost much more than if it is an independent release.
>games about 7000-8000 yen
fuck man
>Not even close.

Work in progress. The actual promised site by the people who ripped MT at the time is still forthcoming.
nyaa will never down because you can't win against Daiz
>Well, those prices don't sound too bad
>Check conversation rates.

That's astounding for manga volumes. In the US each manga volume costs anywhere from 7.95 to 15.00 (for less pages overall)
Thats like 4 to 5 euro for manga. Damn I am jealous.
Though, that's more home console price.

A 3DS game is more around 4800-5800.
Daiz doesn't own Nyaa.
whats the average salary in japan anyway? 5,000,000- 3,500,000 or something like that right?
I realize that, it's a joke autist.
I don't have autism.
I recommend redoing that math.
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Yes. Remember when we used to be able to torrent music, but then the record companies put a stop to it?
Yeah, that sure worked well for Hollywood.

Also totally counterproductive. I'm sure I can speak for others when I say if it wasn't for piracy I'd have never gotten into anime and never spent a cent on it or related materials.
Is it really that low? Even with their astronomical cost of living?
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>I'm sure I can speak for others when I say if it wasn't for piracy I'd have never gotten into anime and never spent a cent on it or related materials.
You never bought local license ones? How many years have you watched anime?
well the average slary in that states is 38k
so its actually quite nice.

Plus i think it includes the salary of the people living in the little islands and Hokkaido.
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Wait, what the hell? Manga is seriously only 6 dollars over there?

Fucking knew those faggots were jewing the hell out of us.
As I said, printed media in Japan is generally pretty cheap.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's partly why events like Comiket can exist in the first place, it must be relatively inexpensive to get your shit printed too.
Keep in mind that the cost of living in the States is dramatically cheaper.

Where I live, the cost of living is like $9.25 per hour full time.
If only shipping wasn't so ridiculous.
So I'm curious: Has there ever been a huge effort from Japanese companies to address or even acknowledge the popularity of their content outside of their country?

It's always seemed like they've just never paid much attention to it and let their distribution companies handle it for the meager profits they obtain from it.
Use SAL. It's slow as fuck (2-3 weeks), but it'll save you lots of money.

Seriously, shipping from Japan isn't too bad. Buying stuff from places like Australia sucks.
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I would lose interest in watching anime if it was implemented severely. Being a poor fag, I could never afford buying the dvd/bd. Their lose if I get a job to support a day habit in the future after my lost of interest.
In the 90ies, kids TV series were licensed in masses from Japan. In the 00s, US TV stations stopped doing that, and the money dried up. Only pirates are left. The end.
As someone who imports a fair amount of artbooks, the shipping really starts to hurt.

At least they don't get hit with importation tax.
why dont they just divide all their currency by like 1000 or so?
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Too bad Japan, its never going to happen.
They are aware there is some level of popularity in the West, but they don't think it enough to get seriously involved in the market. Which is why companies like Funimation can continue to exist.
So will streaming be affected?
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(Not that anon)
Besides TV airings for some things, there's never been a single anime or manga licensed in my country, so I've never bought anything.
I did, at some point, acquire VHS tapes for certain series from Spain, and a lot of stuff is licensed there nowadays, but I honestly don't feel any sort of drive to "support" a non-local licensing company (which is why I've never gotten anything from CPM, Geneon, Sentai (Fuck FUNi) or the like), not to mention the absurdly high rates for shipping. I recall that the old ADV Gasaraki set would have been almost double the price due to the fees alone (The exchange rates from U$D to my local currency are partly to blame).
I mean, I do love it when companies keep my country in mind: When battle of Gods premiered on Cinemas, I was there despite more-pricey-than-usual ticket, and when Legend of Sanctuary premiers on cinemas later this year (I heard this from the dub director himself) you can be damn sure I'll be there.
But otherwise? No, I don't care.

Besides, I'm terrible when it comes to re watching stuff, even things I like, so paying money for something I'll most likely never touch again or at least not any time soon is not exactly an attractive prospect.
No, CR is legal. And I doubt anything will actually be affected. Piracy can't be controlled.
Idiots, they can do a hell of a lot of damage this time as they have the backing of the government. Until now it's been solo companies and a few lawyers going around sending C&Ds. The manga crackdown of 2010 only had the backing of shueisha, now every studio and company is joining hands with the government.
Whatever is coming will make the disaster of 2010 from which we never recovered from and the fall of megaupload to seem like a walk in the park in comparison.
If I can't watch it on TV, then I have to get it somehow. Japanese people don't have to pay to watch it once, I shouldn't either.
Not CR, I'm talking random streaming sites like gogoanime.com or animeplus.tv.

Of course, I don't stream. I'm just curious.
Literally who cares.
the manga thing is a bit complicated as you can bet the localizer charge extra for license fee and translation.

western comic cost around the same, although we have colored but less colors.
From what hell-hole you are, your poor soul?
How stupid can you possibly be?
Maybe this will teach the scanlation scene a good lesson and make them switch to torrents, since megaupload's death was not enough.
Even if nyaa was targeted and somehow killed the torrents and magnet links are still there, and it would be trivial to replace it.
When they didn't have the backing of the government, you moron?
If anime got any more popular in the west I would be concerned. I can only see it ending in actually enforced bans on loli and an increase in obnoxious weaboo faggots.
>250 works
it's fucking nothing, probably all that licensed shit like code gayass and ttgl that is not even allowed on places like bakabt.
If I can't watch Anime or read Manga for free. Why bother buying stuff related to it?
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People shouldn't pay if they're still living in a poor country. They aren't their market target anyway.
If TPB is still here after all these years, even after arrests have even been made, I don't think governments can really do anything about torrents. There's always a country to host in that doesn't give a shit about it.
>When battle of Gods premiered on Cinemas,
I pirated the shit out of that and regret watching it, since it was a huge ad for upcoming DB crap, what ripoff, I should have been paid for watching it.
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>mfw Japan has literally turned the taxpayer funded police into corporate lapdogs to enforce criminalized copyright infringement and it still won't ever stop
>all this anti-piracy rhetoric only makes me want to pirate more and buy less out of spite
I went to see BoG expecting some humor, action and overall having a good time.
And I did.

When people complain about how disappointing they found the movie, I honestly scratch my head thinking what they were expecting out of DB.
Considering that the vast majority of them are on another continent in a market that the anime industry doesn't give a fuck about, at least 99% of those downloaders wouldn't even have access to whatever it is they're downloading.

>But Crunchyroll
Without the interest that fansubs had created, nobody would have even known about anime outside of a small few that get butchered for local markets elsewhere. Nobody caring about anime = Crunchyroll getting no shekels to legitimately provide content in the first place.
Aniplex has been doing a lot outside of Japan recently.
Controlled piracy benefits the corporates, though. Maybe they're aiming for that. Like, after pirates have outlived their usefulness, they'll be v&.
If I had to buy anime to watch it, being a NEET, I would just find something else to do. Probably something bad, like crime. Good job japan, you're raising the crime rate.
How do you do that?
Piracy will eventually kill art.
Tough luck, niggah. Tough luck. Gunshots at all sides and can't even watch an anime before the bullets get to you.
Good. Fuck art and fuck the millennials who get art degrees.

T-this is bait, right?
No it wont. Idiot.
See >>111224602
Yes and no.

Yes in a sense that people will buy if they liked it. No in a sense that if said person didn't like it or have no money to buy then they won't/can't.
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Why don't see the issue?
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VHS will kill movies.
Me neither!
>not archiving onto a 20TB+ NAS that's full to the brim

Fucking casuals man.
Is this 2006?
Hey, it's not that bad anymore.
I'll always chuckle when I hear someone saying that a city had 200 violent deaths during the year and that's considered high, when there used to be months when we had 5 times that in a capital city and everyone just shrugged their shoulders.
Still no anime or manga, though.
Watch this video if you think pirating is detrimental to artists.
Mass media did that decades ago.
I'm not a hoarder. I only maintain series that I liked enough to rewatch/reread every 6 months without ever getting tired of it. Of those, I hardly have 10GB of it. Anything else it's just cheap thrills, meant to be consumed swiftly and discarded just as fast.
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Don't bring this nigger here. This fucker was the worst enemy of file sharers and completely 180 when it was the public opinion was getting to his ass. Also
Missed the point. Once artists can no longer profit, the only viable jobs will be trades and other jobs that require the person.
>he's a nice college professor, I think i'll pirate him
>this archetype is wonderful, i will pirate him to renovate my house
>he's a good electrician/plumber/auto mechanic, I will pirate him
>she's an excellent accountant, I will pirate her
>this chef is amazing, I'll just pirate his food
Not possible. Vs
>this game/movie/album/painting/anime/tv show/book etc is great, so i'll pirate it
Get it?
This has been said practically since the moment piracy became a thing.
Maybe he learned his lesson. People change, anon.
>Once artists can no longer profit
>implying they can profit now
The vast majority of artists do not actually live solely off of their work.
Artist will get donations for free content. See patreon. Artist will get funded directly by the fans, see kickstarter.
Ducking the issue. As expected of pirates.
Well then piracy has won. Congrats, one can no longer live off of their talent because of entitled Americans like you.
I know how that feel. Hueland here. At least I got mangas, even though publishers sucks and don't maintain stock for more than 4 months.
I, for one, welcome our new Pirate Art movement. Any other arts are old and busted.

What do they do instead, work as waitresses?
I live in 7/1 and that's the average price of a manga. We don't have too much titles available though.
Stop trying to pretend that being an artist was ever profitable. People who create art do it because they want to not for money.
Well yeah. They usually have a day job like that.

I mean do you really think the majority of painters actually sell enough of their art to pay their mortgage, food, etc.?
Dude I am an artist. Patreon and kickstarter and donations are the future of working artist, not fucking copyright shit.
>no longer
Artists never really did. The bigger comic book writers and artists and character creators, with the sole exception of Stan Leetard, barely made a dime out of their creations, while DC and Marvel were profiting big time. Plus, most artists, now and always, never could score big or never cared enough to try it, so they continued with regular jobs, doing their art as an hobby.
Why should artists pursue profits? Are artists businessmen?
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So /a/, how do I go about creating an Archive? I mostly just download modern released, and delete once they get old, keeping only the select few I really like. But I want to start archiving them, getting all the anime possible, sorting them by year and all.

Where do I begin? How should I organize them, and how big of an external hard drive should I get?
Either that or some other shitty job, or they do other freelance work like graphic design and coding.
They make a product. They should be paid for their product. It's that simple.
>I mean do you really think the majority of painters actually sell enough of their art to pay their mortgage, food, etc.?
This is why we need welfare, folks. Not more corporates.
Artist need to eat too m8
That dog is kawaii as fuck
Some are. Anything that can turn a profit will have a jew to make a business out of it.

It just seems you'd barely have any free time doing a day job as a waitress and then doing some art after that.
You're mistaking artist for artisan (craftsmen).
Art is a craft. Faggot.
>Well then piracy has won. Congrats, one can no longer live off of their talent because of entitled Americans like you.
The majority of artists never fully lived off their work. That's the way it's been for fucking centuries. 95% of them worked day jobs, lived in their mum's basement or were shut away in a madhouse where they had plenty of free time. The remaining tiny minority did alright off of sales and patronage, but that's not particularly relevant when discussing the state of artists as a whole. Anyway, a minority of super-popular artists will remain able to survive off their art. Celebrity culture is entrenched enough that the top tiny popular percent will always do okay.
For example, consider painters, especially from about 1850 to 1930. Those fucks' paintings didn't even become valuable in the slightest until years after they were dead. What were they doing while they were alive? Not making any fucking money from their art. It's always been that way, piracy's not going to destroy some sacred self-sufficient "artist" subculture.
Some of the best poets got their food from their friends.
I never advocated for corporations. I'm quite wary of welfare though.

What do you mean? Work 8 hours a day and use your free time to paint or something. I work all the time, but I still find plenty of time to shitpost on 4chan.
Skill-based professions will eventually be replaced entirely by automated systems, but that's irrelevant. People don't initially pirate because they like the content, but because there's a problem with the distribution channels that are (or aren't) available to them. High price, DRM, localization, whatever it may be. CR is a poor distributor because they use awful encoding, poor translations, and don't give a lot of freedom to viewers in how they can stream their content. Publishers and distributors that react appropriately to piracy and don't calculate everything as "lost sales" have the potential to thrive, e.g. >>111228529.

You're a really poor troll, by the way.
You don't do it. That's a stupid or autistic thing to do, which explains why /ga/ like to do it so much. Only keep the things you truly enjoy. That's what gentlemen do.
Well then maybe people should pay me in food!
So are architecture and engineering.
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Might as well just use Nyaa, private trackers, or Usenet anyways.
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What an interesting post.
I would if you live near me. We can watch animu together and c-cuddle if you want

Painting seems like work to me. When would I watch my anime?
That doesn't matter. When some creates a product, in order for someone to get that product, they should have to pay the owner of said product. Period.
If anyone actually read the article, this shit is targeted at Chinks bootlegging their shit more than westerners
They really don't give a shit about us
China is a lot larger of a market for their goods than we are
Just look at how many visual novels get translated into Chinese while we get nothing
We're good
Novody said otherwise.
The way I go about it is I think "would I be devastated or at least significantly put out if, for some reason, I was never able to watch this again if I didn't stash it away somewhere?". Shows that make that cut get a spot in the raid array.
Are you implying shitposting actually requires work?
Some people enjoy painting, anon. It's not a difficult thing to understand.
Too bad. We also get our stuff from the Chinese most of the time.
O-oh my!
If people are willing to reward artist like this... I dont mind!
Disregard that retard you were replying to. He probably never visit nor get involved with any art scene whatsoever.
>Just look at how many visual novels get translated into Chinese while we get nothing

Because learning Japanese while knowing Chinese is super easy.
What? No.
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Most people who pirate anime are literally watching CR rips, so you're wrong.
There's also only 250 "affected works." This is just distributors using scare tactics again with the mask of some government shills.
In an ideal world, someone creates a product, and if that product is good, people pay for it. The people who create the best product or poses the most wanted skills make the most money. Too bad pirates had to ruin this wonderful system of capitalism.
When I know enough japanese to be able to translate, I'm not going to waste all of my time translating for you lazy fucks who don't just learn it yourself.
Art in general is. You spend so much time actually just getting to fucking startline that, when you actually do and it's finally the time to actually have some fun, you already grew tired of it. Talking from experience here.
No, just time. If you're able to dick away your life shitposting every evening after finishing your shitty 9-5 soul-killing job, you're damn well able to pick up a paintbrush or a pen if we weren't all useless sacks of shit
Not really. Only in terms of familiarity kanji. Everything else is very very different
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It's true, but you're talking about economics, not artistic subject.
See >>111229199
Art isn't an walk in the park, son.
Which ultimately means there is something wrong with the way they distribute. It doesn't necessarily have to be the quality of the content they distribute, be it encoding or translation. Price, access, quality? They still force you to watch episodes through their shitty Flash player. It's different for every user and I'm sure there are other reasons.
People need to get on board with the way things are now. You don't sell a product anymore, you sell the rights to third parties who will stream it on the end user's TV for a cheap sub fee. This is the future of all media. People will pay this small fee because it's practically nothing, and it's more convenient for them than torrenting. No waiting.
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You aren't everybody. Some people enjoy painting and do so as a hobby. Just walk into any fucking local art shop and you can see this. Just because you got sick of it doesn't mean that everyone else did. Jesus.
With his accent I'll listen to anything he says.
>a few hundred yen

Per episode, I bet.
see >>111229313
Maybe art, or that specific form of art, just isn't for you. The point is there are obviously people out there who enjoy it enough for its own sake to spend their free time on it. That's been true for about as long as art has existed.
Then get the fuck out of here, scum.
>lalalalalala my fingers are in my ears lalalalala can't hear you lalalala
Get a clue kiddo. The other day I was in NYC driving around aimlessly. I went by Little Italy and I saw this pizza place. I went in, said "how much for a large pepperoni?" Dude said $20. Sweet, I waited, got my pizza, handed him the money. BOOM. Smooth, clean, mutually beneficial transaction. He made my pizza, and he got PAID for it. This is how the world should work. But thieves like you ruin everything.
I never said everyone was like me. I was telling what my experiences were, because people seem to have this perception that art it's easy, at least where I come from.
xdcc batch range or numbers
most of the bots i've tried support this command
xdcc batch 1-3
xdcc batch 4,6,8
Of course, it doesn't necessarily need any publishers or anything. If you can financially support the artists directly, then it's fine. But it doesn't happen most of the time, and nobody tries doing that. Instead, publishers act similarly to Soviet art committees and dictate whatever it is should be done by the artists. Or else it's debt time.
Art can be a product.
Anime is the objectively superior medium.

Manga is nothing but Anime at an early stage of production.
I never said anything about art being easy.
Fair enough, but don't conflate not easy with not enjoyable. The original point was that people are perfectly capable of working a fulltime job and still having time to produce art, which is demonstrably true.
I buy physical copies of everything I really enjoy.

Lucky for me, most anime is shit
I know that and envy those people a lot.
I can't wait for fiat money to crash and burn. Capitalism will crumble at the feet of cryptocurrencies.
Conceptually speaking, artistic product/objects are not the same with economic product. Economical value is accidental to artistic products. Of course it can, but it is treated as an economic product.
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>lalalalalala my fingers are in my ears lalalalala can't hear you lalalala
>Copying media is the same as physically stealing something

If I can't buy that pizza, I won't steal it, but if I can somehow get an exact copy without taking away that man's and making it impossible for him to sell it to those who'd actually pay for it, then why not?

Also, the way you write bother me greatly, for some reason.
IF it's good. IF there's official translations around. IF I have money. IF I'll eventually learn japanese and not worry about translations. Big IFs.
If shit is hard I enjoy it, because I feel awesome after creating that.
Why not? Because the man worked, and he deserves to be paid you entitled little Amerifat.
Good for you. I can't. Frustration has a way to get to me.
The retards that infest this board, everyone.
>We need welfare to ensure that painters, DJs, musicians, animators and directors who contribute nothing to society can still push out trite nonsense.

>inb4 paintings have any value besides kindling
It sounds like you need to branch out more. I felt that way a while ago while I was trying to do something that wasn't very enjoyable, even though it was definitely artistic. I moved around and experimented with different things until I hit on a form of art I could genuinely enjoy spending time on. Give it a shot.
You're jerking off to paintings.
This is a gross simplification of economic transaction. A bad example. You're ignoring currency value, for starter.
>but if I can somehow get an exact copy without taking away that man's
You can already do this, by baking a pizza of your own.

This is basically exactly what piracy is.

What people don't want to acknowledge is that "intellectual property" is literally nothing but the government selling your personal freedoms to the highest bidder.
If I am a retard for believing that people should be paid for their product, then I will gladly be a retard. Only poorfags think otherwise so it's not like your thoughts on this topic matter anyway. Go wait for your next welfare check.
That isn't how welfare works. You determine it from the capabilities and potentials, not making causality from past track records. Society isn't static like that.
Seriously, I don't want to demean anime I enjoy it very much, but to say the producers of some of these shows see it as an ad for the manga and figures and other merchandise is fairly accurate. You think they'd take any free advertising they could get in that case.
Explain to me why my example is an ineffective means of conveying my point.

Yes I would.

I would absolutely pirate a loli.
They do get paid by people who don't want to jump through hoops to get a copy of their product. Which is why the best way to counteract piracy is providing a more convenient and value-added service to your potential customers so that they can easily pay for and obtain your product without resorting to piracy. That's the reason Steam is so successful.
Better cough up 50 cents every time you see a commercial anon, those guys need to eat too.
hey guys don't mind me, I'm just going to pirate this gun from this hard working gunsmith. Does he get to put food on his table? lel, like i give a shit.
No baking a pizza on your own requires other products you need to buy first. If you can COPY it then it means nothing was lost but more was made out of nothing,
But what if you're not the demographic target?
Anime is a great example of this.

I've never watched Princess Knight simply because I don't feel like buying the DVDs, nor from Japan or Nozomi Ent.
So what If someone decides to upload it and I watch it then?
Who's being affected? Who's losing sales?
Not Japan, definitively, and neither Nozimi.
Nobody here was going to pay any money to the anime studios anyway.

All localization companies can go bankrupt for all I care.
Sorry if I will sound like a dick, but I don't see any point of me doing that. I'm only interested in a very small subset of the art spectrum. Everyone else can enjoy all of it if that's what they want and more power to them if they do, but, personally, I'm not interested. If can't enjoy the small subset I'm interested in, I can't any real reason for to participate in the arts' field.
>archiving shitty anime
I would download a gun.
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>implying people don't already to that with 3D printers.
what if it is a pirate loli?
Fuck. Out of images.
That's the thing though, even the TV stations who are missing ad revenue aren't really because most of the people downloading don't live where the show is broadcast, unless you watch live streams of everything which obviously no sane person does.

It seems tough to justify it being a bad thing
Then she deserves it.
Because every person in the world has a $3000 3D printer
>implying you can walk into a gun store and magically replicate a gun for essentially no cost while leaving the original

I can't wait until I turn 30 and get wizard powers, too.
It's unnecessary. Nothing is going to happen.
I bought one for 1800. Never had problems with it.
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>"It is OK to steal as long as you never intended to pay in the first place."
There's so much simplification from your post. You're treating as if every economic transaction doesn't have what is usually called 'market' and any distributing agents. You're treating as if economic relationships solely involve producers and consumers (micro-market). This is terribly insufficient. Another one that I mentioned was you didn't count the value of currencies, which would fuck up the transaction evaluation. Dude said 20$, but what if it's a huge amount for a real 'food' product?

We're only talking about microeconomics here. If it's macro then your example gets worse.
two different things
the same thing
He could just pirate the food.
Oh, you mean that shitty plastic gun. I still doubt people are going to spend 1800 to print a plastic gun when they can get 2-3 perfectly good real ones for the same price
Steal =/= Copy.
>>"It is OK to pirate as long as you never intended to pay in the first place."
The point remains the same
>You're treating as if economic relationships solely involve producers and consumers (micro-market).
And that's the way it was. That is the way it should be. My post conveys this point just fine.
Did you watch Outbreak Company from HS? The typesetting was very good and so were the translations. Whoever did that needs to be hired back. Clearly they don't work at CR anymore with what passes as a release these days.
Piracy is completely illegal no matter what you say.
Yes it is, its ok to watch a copy you never intended to buy anyway.
Edgy kids don't care about the law.
No it's not. You aren't entitled to a product you don't want to pay for.
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>you wouldnt pirate water
So it is ok if i come over and rape your asshole then rob you as long as I dont take your asshole with me when I leave?

What is your street address again?
Yes, yes I would.
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You missed the opportunity to make a good joke
Its ok if you can copy an exact same replica of my asshole and then rape it.
>If only somehow I can replicate the woman of my dreams....
>You aren't entitled to a product you don't want to pay for.
I disagree. My condolences.
Is creating stupid comparisons that completely miss the point the only way you people can argue about piracy?

No, raping me would greatly hurt both physically and psychologically, but if you could somehow create an exact replica of my asshole, which in no way would actually affect me, then yes, rape it to your heart's content.
Petulant, narcissistic little fuck.
What would you do if you saw on the news that Daiz got arrested for hosting Nyaa?
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>mfw this faggot wants you to pay a royalty every time you sing happy birthday
>punishments of up to 10 years in prison for uploaders, knowingly downloading copyright-infringing material became an offense carrying a potential two years in jail
If this isn't fucked up I don't know what is.
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The internet generation everyone. I am glad I will be dead by the time you little fucks start to have influence
Maybe we can go back to using tokyo toshokan then.

Also, good, fuck Daiz.
Get him out with my connections.
>the man worked, and he deserves to be paid

No, work does not automatically equal value. Value is determined by what people are willing to pay. No matter how hard you work, if no one's willing to pay you for it then it's worth jack shit.
Fuck off grandpa. Its time for your happy pills.
So what happens when you kids decide that nothing has any value because you want everything for free?
It's just one retard samefagging with his insults and weak arguments.
>preserve what it sees as one of its greatest cultural exports.
Kek, there are tons of articles about the government trying to stop NEETdom and loli

Jesus Christ what are you 70?

Get the fuck out gramps.
Let's have a fair comparison here

If downloading anime is like copying a gun from a gunsmith without giving him any money in return, paying for a service like CR is like renting plastic replicas of the same gun and hoping that the middlemen don't put too much of that money in their pockets before it reaches the original creator.

We can push the metaphor even further :
The gunsmith also refuses to sell his guns with a translated manual in your country, instead he insists on contracting local distributors who will delay the release of his products to add a billion useless gadgets you'll never use or that make the gun unusable. When you buy one of these, a good chunk of your money is used to finance the design of more useless gadgets for guns.
If you want the original thing you have to import it, but unfortunately only 1 out of 100 guns have a multi-language manual included. And that manual is just a post-it.
Meanwhile the people from the country where the guns are made can go to a shooting range and test them for a very small fee before buying them.
Perfect market will never happen unless all people have equal opportunity in every market they meet, which factually never happen too.

The only ones who think like this are the Austrian schools, who are as deluded as the Marxists they criticized. It can't be falsified by any means whatsoever.
So this has nothing to do with us.
>waaah i dont want to work i want everything for free i deserve it
>why are you entitled to everything you want even though you dont want to pay?
how exactly are you different from welfare bums
Do something about it.
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cute girl in space doing cute thing on a holodeck probably.
But we do pay for physical merch.
>Perfect market will never happen unless all people have equal opportunity in every market they meet, which factually never happen too.
Fucking this. The language barrier alone makes the sort of thing the japs want impossible. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN REASONABLY WATCH THESE SHOWS.
But I work anon, and I create creative content myself. Still, people who dont plan to buy can watch the shit if they want, I dont care.
People who are to poor to buy it can watch it too, and thats okay.
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Honestly the gunsmith can just pirate the components to make the gun and pirate the food they want to eat.

The simple solution is for everyone to become pirates and invest on pirating technology. We can start the golden age of Piracy!

Go protest the government with the rest of the crazy ass old people and get off /a/ faggot.
So what happens when everyone decides that work = value, and everyone demands to be paid for mindless unproductive work like digging and refilling ditches?
>old people
>in charge of understanding new technology
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>Cute convicts doing cute convicts things
Finally a use for this image.
Minori did take one translation group webpage though
Not to mention if you live in a country where no company has ever actually taken up the job of distributing said guns locally, so you have to import them from the country or origin (which you can't use due to the instructions being in a another language) or from some other region when they're actually distributed, but in both cases, importing said gun would cost you just as much as the product itself, due to the exorbitant shipping/handling rates, and the conversion ratings for your home country's currency.
>can start
More like recreate it
>2 years in japanese prison for downloading CARTOONS
Only a decent internet connection and pc have value
/a/ isn't full of entitled spoiled kids though. You don't fit in her you entitled spoiled kid, I do.
Yeah, I'm sure this will be just as effective as all the last times. Any oldfags here remember J.A.I.L.E.D. ?
Answer the other counterpoints to your retarded statements earlier, retard.
That will never happen, but at the rate we're going, the post you're responding to is a very possible future. Since you guys think that for some reason, you are entitled to everything.
>not just pirating a pc
What if the sky suddenly turned green? What if gravity suddenly reversed itself. Best not to ask questions you'll never have answers too. People will always assign value to things, despite the fact that nothing has any intrinsic "value" to it, because it's a hardwired survival trait. The question of how much value something has is probably the most subjective thing you can ask as nothing has the exact same value to any two people. There is nothing inherently wrong with someone who think that nothing has value, the only result of that view is that he will have difficulty living a modern life style.
There's nothing retarded about the truth. You kids are no different from welfare bums and leeches. That is the truth.
I have already pirated parts of my PC, 3D printers are beast.
I hope everyone has learned today that metaphor is not a valid method of argument.
Again, you people need to stop generalizing so much.
If I want clothes, a house or food, I'm gonna have to buy them, there's no other way.
Stealing is not an option because I'd be TAKING AWAY someone else's stuff.

But digital media?
If I don't plan to ever shell out money for something, I can perfectly make a COPY of that for myself without actually taking anything away from the original creator.
He can still sell it to those who'd be willing to pay for it, and nothing would actually be lost for him, since, as I mentioned earlier, I would have never given any money for it.
See >>111229981
Still not answering those statements, old timer.

Well God can take care of us and stuff and develop a new kind of economic system.
Sucks to be you. /a/ from 2034 here. I pirated my life from 2014.
cant we watch ads for like a minute before my animoo plays or somethin...
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Well I'm happy I'm a leech then because it means I don't have to pay $500 to sing some happy birthday.
Shut the fuck up, you illiterate scum.
>If I don't plan to ever shell out money for something, I can perfectly make a COPY of that for myself without actually taking anything away from the original creator.
You shouldn't have it then. You aren't entitled to something you do not want to pay for. If you can't afford it or don't want to pay, well then you shouldn't have it. It's outside of your means. It's a luxury you cannot afford.
Isn't that how Daisuki works?
>Stealing is not an option because I'd be TAKING AWAY someone else's stuff.
Well, to be serious, that's not the issue. The issue is the 'potential' customers, because piracy fuck up their market speculations. Something that they may plan to get in the future. Real production is not the issue.
Who would pay for ads for an audience that has no way to buy their product?
Have fun wasting material on useless shit like a life normalfag.
>have to suffer ads from illegal streams
the worst
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Every time the "stealing from the artists" argument comes up, nobody ever mentions the existing second-hand market for books, art, vidya, whatever.

File sharing is EXACTLY LIKE craigslist, book-off, libraries, etc, except better since the "seller" gets to keep their copy, you get your copy for free, and the cost of actually transferring the bits is amortized across the network. How is that not strictly an improvement?
>That will never happen

Oh, but it does. Unproductive make-work "solutions" happen all the time in lots of poorly planned economies. For example in North Korea, grass is inefficiently cut by hand scissors, and streets are cleaned with hand rags. Pointless make-work that has no real value.

By your logic, we're not allowed to lend or give expensive stuff to poor people now.

/a/ isn't a retirement home.

You can make a copy. Why shouldn't you have it if you can copy it?

Also, poorfags can copy whatever the fuck they want, they are poor at least leave them this joy, you piece of shit.
I don't think I'm entitled to something, but I surely don't feel bad about copying something I was never planning to buy.
That's silly because there's no way of knowing whether a pirate would be customer at any point. Hell if I couldn't pirate stuff there's a shit ton of stuff I would have never bought because I wouldn't have been exposed to it otherwise.
Not pay, more like Thanks for downloading our HQ anime! While we prepare your download, just watch our ads!
I'm just pitchin' ma nigger
Which is why more and more these artists and their owner companies are cracking down on the used market. See video games, movies, e-books, basically all digital forms of media.
I think it's more retarded to pay for something when you can get something for free with the same level of quality. It's the question of morals, not intelligence. Economically speaking, a human would always go for as little work as possible, with as much benefits as possible.
>pirated PCs

If I was in Brazil I would. Black market PCs are all the rage over there.

I'd kill for a 3D printer that could actually read Gerber data or even just cut/pattern a PCB. Affordable ones are many years off.
You don't know how I feel. /a/ is already a province of 4chan country in this time. It's full of retarded normies.
>Not pay, more like Thanks for downloading our HQ anime! While we prepare your download, just watch our ads!
But what does that do for them? They don't get enriched for that at all.
Really? They don't get some of the cut from hosting ads? Damn.
They do since the advertisers have to pay anyway.
That is the complete opposite of the truth. Piracy exposes more people to art than ever before, and creates more potential consumers than any advertising campaign ever could. Musicians in particular have thrived because of it. Piracy grows art exponentially by broadening the sphere of influence and general awareness among the population.
You can find a way to know your customers if you influence the customers in the first place. Hence, there are increasing needs for shills in these days.
>or even just cut/pattern a PCB. Affordable ones are many years off.
There's a project to do that with these free as in freedom 3d printers (rep rap?)
It shouldn't take much longer now.
If only there was a steam sale for anime..
If you want to give your money to a poorfag, go ahead. But you shouldn't have to under any circumstance.
Your copy is the exact same thing. It's the same product that has bee created and sold, yet you think you should have it despite not being able to afford it. Poor people do not get to have fancy shit. If you cannot afford something, you shouldn't get it. Plan and simple. If you don't want to pay $300 for an anime, you don't deserve it. Rich people get shit, poor people don't.
There's simply no guarantee whatsoever that people who pirate things would eventually buy them, I know for a fact that many do, but it's still a small amount of them.
Speaking for myself, there are plenty of things I've never seen simply because they're never been uploaded anywhere, and I simply don't feel like paying for them.
Fuck you and your steam DRM.
Enjoy your rented games faggot.

Jesus christ go back to /pol/ and post your Ron Paul faggotry there. We get it, you're like 90 and you hate poor people.

We don't care.
If they take down himado like everyone's been afraid of, my anime viewing habits will be ver much affected.

Until a replacement site pops up.
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>entertaiment as a mean to escape the shitty reality
yeah fuck off you scum, you are the entitled little shit here

How did I not know about this? Granted, I've only gotten into EE relatively recently.
>[jewpan intensifies]
Are we talking about the original ads from the broadcast? Because they get paid based off of research/guess work on the size of the market. I don't know of any company that already advertises in Japan for these shows that would count foreign viewers as part of their market share. Or if that would even be legal for them to do that. TV and advertising is heavily regulated over there.
>But you shouldn't have to under any circumstance.
So then why should I be forced to give an artist or company my money when I can get a product of equal quality for free?
Why are you so mad?
>you think you should have it despite not being able to afford it.
I don't think I should, but I certainly don't think that me having is actually affecting anyone, either.
>If you cannot afford something, you shouldn't get it. Plan and simple. If you don't want to pay $300 for an anime, you don't deserve it. Rich people get shit, poor people don't.
You can keep prophesying this mentality all you want, but if you can't afford it, trust me, you honestly don't give a shit.
Good for you if you've never been in that position.
>Rich people get shit, poor people don't.
Not If I steal the rich peoples shit.
>Your copy is the exact same thing. It's the same product that has bee created and sold, yet you think you should have it despite not being able to afford it.
This is easy-peasy. I could just modify it a little and claim it as my own. You can't do anything with that.
Or instead, it's 'modified' in my computer/printer. Hence, it's my own, or at least I have some shares on the distribution efforts! This is brilliant.
I know, cute boy. I'm on your side.
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If you fucks actually think the artists get any money from any of this, you're fucking deluded. If it works the same way in Japan as it does in the West, the artists make a cent for every ten bucks the publishers make.

CEO Tanaka just needs a new house. That's all.
Who says they have to use Japanese advertisers, how hard would it to find some American or European companies that would be willing to pay some shekels so that a guarantees 5-10 thousand people see their ads?
>modify it a little and claim it as my own

And that's how patent wars start. Take a look at the recent Samsung/Apple battle.

>You copied our lock screen!
>No, we didn't, Apple-kun, we took it and modified it! It's different.
Nah, fuck you. I'm not entitled to anything but the stuff I worked for, paid for, and earned. You on the other hand think that because you're poor, you have the right to steal, I'm sorry, pirate something outside of your means.
Because he's the creator of the product. This is capitalism. You make a product, people pay for the product. Piracy is theft. The only difference is that you're getting a copy instead of taking an item which can be replaced. The only reason you pay to have your car serviced but don't pay for your anime is because you've created an arbitrary dichotomy between the two. The only difference is the nature of the product. They should be sold the same way however because they're both products. All products should be sold. The fact that one can be copied and the other cannot should not get in the way of fair business.
One of the publishers who care for the artists are the GARO magazine, an avant-garde one. It's made from the scene and for the scene. Guess what? It ded
No one is forcing you to do anything you dumbass. If you dont want to be "forced" to buy a product then you dont get that product.
As long as I keep it low it won't do jack shit to do original creators. (what original creators?)

>muh work

How does it feel being a slave drone to your corporatist masters?
>still not understanding the difference between stealing and copy
If you want to know how to be a jew when it comes to anime, check out peppermint anime. They are a German company and allow you to stream your episodes one buy one. Meaning you can buy every single episode as a single for just 2$! What a deal, right?
You can also buy a 'pass' for 1 cour of a season, so you have to buy 2 passes for Kill La Kill. Did I mention they have like 10 shows like know?
They are actually worse than Crunchy and funimation.

I would say fairly difficult. First the advertiser would have to be ok with the stigma associated with these forms of media, and that some are even more unacceptable than others. And this isn't like a morals thing, its a market audience thing. These American/European companies market toward their own markets so they can't be seen as pandering to something as weird as anime or it will hurt their markets, or if it is an American company lead to lynchings. And then if there is a company that is willing to do it then it will probably be a company that associates itself with the culture of lewdity that people in the west associate anime with. Which prevents any change in that attitude and makes it harder to get by with this hobby socially.

Also where do they air these ads that they aren't paying as much for? During the original broadcast in Japan?
So Sadpanda submissions are all getting the panda patent?
>hurr my life hard so i get everything for free

fucking pathetic
How does it feel to be some neckbeard fat fuck entitled little spoiled shit? Literal leech to society.
>You can't do anything with that.

I was refuting that claim. The matter of scale is irrelevant in this case. At least under MURICA laws slight modifications to a product can still violate a patent due to a close similarity.

In a way, yes. Copyright laws and patent laws are pretty damn similar.

I just now jumped into this argument with that post. I personally support piracy but I found that argument pretty pathetic so I figured I'd call it out.
>The fact that one can be copied and the other cannot should not get in the way of fair business.
But it does, deal with it. People will always seek to gain the most profit with least investment possible, if this means stealing, they will do so. So far Piracy is easy enough and low risk enough that there is very little reason not to do it, other than some moral prerogative. You seem to have some issue with the idea that the world isn't fair, it honestly makes you sound like a kid.
The one bitching at other people having conveniences seems to be more pathetic though.
>But it does, deal with it. People will always seek to gain the most profit with least investment possible, if this means stealing, they will do so.
Exactly. Murders are going to murder people anyway so why bother making murder illegal or even trying to stop them. It just human nature nothing you can go man.

Feels good gaming the system for free shit, actually.

Fuck you and fuck the rich people you work for.
>But it does,
Not for long. Once you fucks are all thrown in jail or properly disciplined, we can return to clean, fair capitalism.

also, I find it ironic that the kid who wants to live outside of his means and thinks that he deserves everything he wants just because he's poor is calling anyone else a child.
Look at all that slippery slope. Holy shit.
What part of the words "low-risk" do you not understand?
If I was rich do you think I would be watching anime and browsing /a/?
Not everything, again, stop generalizing.
And also, it's not about entitlement.

Look, it's this simple.
I won't steal a laptop from the LG store down street just because I want it and can't afford it, but I'll download a movie from PTB without thinking about it twice. I already explained to you why I see a difference between those two acts.

I'm done.

>implying you can jail me


Lucky I dont live in your Nazi dictatorship grandpa.
I don't give a fuck about whatever requirements you set for being a "productive" member of society because I'm having fun all day.
Not my fault your logic is shit
It's not hard to slip ricin into someones drink at a bar m8. Not risky at all.
You should just kill yourself.
I find it even more ironic that the person stamping his feet and calling other people names claims that he's the adult here. It takes one to know one I guess.

You're like 100 years old I don't know how or why you do those things anyway. The universe is a fucking mystery.
At least the neckbeard leeches are honest. As opposed to middle management slackers who collect a full-time paycheck for a half-hour of work, or financial "wizards" who produce nothing of actual value and essentially get paid for pushing paper around. They give it impressive names like "leveraging inefficiencies in the system," but make no mistake, they're leeches too. They're just well-groomed.
ITT: piracyfags exposed as sad, poor, entitled, spoiled children
Look guys, I'm such an adult for watching Breaking Bad!!!!! :^)
Because you are more likely to get caught doing one than the other? Because you dont want to risk you precious spoiled little ass?

If you thought you could get away with you you would and the harder you deny it the more pathetic you look
You are born into this world for free anyway. Next you would make a baby into a lifetime debt because he's born from corporate service.
>we can return to clean, fair capitalism.

If you think piracy is the only thing preventing clean, fair capitalism, you're delusional as fuck.

Lobbyists and corrupt politicians are miles ahead of pirates in how much damage they cause a capitalistic society.
You can make as much laws and come up with as many deterrent prospect punishments as you want, and it might work for some, but some psycho who wants to murder someone won't be stopped by that.
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>You should just kill yourself.
Why would I when I'm having fun? How much fun you have in life is how successful you are. Enjoy slaving away. Just know that I'm more successful than you.
>At least the neckbeard leeches are honest.
No they aren't. Instead of admitting that they're, sad, poor, entitled, spoiled children, they pretend that they're morally justified.
Do you know how much it costs to raise a child? The parents are accepting that "debt" when they decide to have a baby.

Also nice "hurr corporate slave" tumblrshit.
Holy shit, you kids are so easy to troll. I come up with some outdated arguments and you guys eat that shit up like a bunch of retarded fish. I'm literally laughing so hard right now LOL!
More like people who defend copyrights acts are stupid and trying their hardest to defend their stupidity with shitposting.

But you are a proud corporate slave anon-kun. You probably have middle management up your ass and want to kill yourself but consider working your shit job as dignified somehow.
>Not for long. Once you fucks are all thrown in jail or properly disciplined, we can return to clean, fair capitalism.
Ignoring the moral and practical qualms of jailing the hundreds of thousand if not millions of people that pirate, the idea of "clean fair capitalism" and more over a return to it is completely ridiculous. Human nature itself prevents any such state from existing, human greed and laziness, the desire to always take the easiest path, or gain the most benefit with the lowest risk, means you can never have a fair market situation, some one will always be trying to get one over on some one else, it's why we have so many many laws dedicated to combating those same human flaws from corrupting market and communities to the point of collapse. To think otherwise is just wishful thinking.
Depends on which country you are living in. I'm definitely not on Jewmerica.
"You so stupid using slippery slope now check out MY slippery slope. But I am allowed to use it because im special!"
>Because you are more likely to get caught doing one than the other?

>Because you don't want to risk you precious spoiled little ass?
Because I'd genuinely feel bad stealing that laptop.

>If you thought you could get away with you you would and the harder you deny it the more pathetic you look
I'll assume you're trying to say that, if I had the chance to steal that laptop and get away with it, I would.
Not really.
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Trolled so fucking HARD, piracybabbies!
>lol I was only pretending to be retarded.
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Next stop for History-chan: Corporate Stalinism.
trolls trolling trolls thinking they are trolling at all
You seem to drop your spaghetti big time back there.

Shut up we are all having fun. We all know nobody on /a/ actually has a job.
I remember the good days. Someone makes a product, and someone buys a product. Where did it all go wrong?
See >>111233056

Pirates don't give a damn about the "morals" involved because they know it's all bullshit. It's the anti-pirates who whine on and on about the morality of it all. They're constantly trying all sorts of moral arguments where there are none that actually fit.
Best girl of the season.
Meanwhile I have to go to my internship in 5 minutes. But you're right, it's not a job. I'm just being exploited
Do people actually buy all the shows they watch? Without ever watching them beforehand?
When middlemen wanted to get paid for doing nothing.
Funnily enough, I wrote my senior thesis on the morality of copyright law, from a Christian perspective even, and concluded that copyright law as it stands was immoral.

Shit was jokes. Even the priest professor sided with me.
I'm disappointed by the moralfags, though. It's the same retarded arguments over and over again.
>Murders don't give a damn about the "morals" involved because they know it's all bullshit. It's the people who are against murder who whine on and on about the morality of it all.
>they pretend that they're morally justified.
That's not true and I've been saying this the whole thread.

I don't think I'm entitled to pirate anything or that I'm morally justified because "stealing=/=copying", but there comes the difference between having a reason and thinking you have an excuse.

I don't feel bad about pirating, as I would for stealing something physical like the aforementioned laptop, but it's simply because I just don't care (I've said why before), which is rather different from being entitled.
I just hope that you don't end up throwing yourself from rooftops when shit happens.
>not being exploited

You obviously don't live in America. Interns are rarely paid and are treated as free slave labor.
IIRC the current Pope is in favor of sharing or whatever. Certainly in Christian perspective, though.

His boss will throw him off in his place.

Interns are useful.
Only this week and I'm done. If you work you die ;_;
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Kind of ironic with all these fags droning on about corporate slavery and middlemen when it is things like the piracy they love that are forcing small businesses and independent artists to become dependent on corporate support in the first place.

Helping to create the came evil they moan and complain about
So, the state is evil (as in sin) if it supports copyright law?
Please, kiddo. You wouldn't survive five seconds if we reverted back to a world like that.
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>I remember the good days. Someone makes a product, and someone buys a product. Where did it all go wrong?
Earlier, someone was using a pizza metaphor. Let's go a little further than his small example.

In the first example, the guy just walked in and bought his pizza at a value they both agreed on. And it was all good.

But the next day, a small man with two huge bodyguards sets up outside his shop. You try to go in, but he says, "Whoops, sorry my friend, but you can't buy pizza in there anymore! I sell the pizza now!" You ask where the baker went, and the small man replies, "Oh, he's still in there, but he works for me now!" You ask for a pizza, and he replies, "That'll be two hundred dollars, my friend!" You ask why the price increased so much, and he replies, "Well, the baker isn't selling the pizza anymore, I am!" You look around for another shop, but they've all closed down; the small man bought them all.

Sadly, because this is your only choice for a pizza now, you buy the pizza for two hundred dollars. As you walk away, you see the baker try to exit his shop, but one of the bodyguards stops him. The small man says, "Sorry, my friend! You need to keep making pizzas! By the way, we just sold one! Here is your dollar!" He gives the baker a dollar then locks him in the shop.

There you go. There's an explanation on where it all went wrong, and why our current system is shit.
Are you going to base all of your arguments on the asinine comparison of pirating and murder/whatever other-actually-harmful-activity?
Back in the days of VHS I used to buy movies at random when they were on sale. This is a completely horrid idea and you end up wasting a lot of money on shit. I makes little sense for you to pay for a movie or TV series that you've never seen or maybe never even heard of. Of course the pitfall of this is that you usually don't care to buy something that you already seen before, the exception are usually things that are so great to you you want to watch them multiple times but those are few and far between. This is one of the main issues with anime, unlike other film media, there are very few methods to see some thing without paying for it first.
If you don't know what you are talking about then you shouldn't post.
>That QUALITY post
Now you convince me that anti-piratefags are all retarded.
That 'good days' never happens. Stop deluding yourself.
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>pulling a metaphor straight from a Republican superpac add

The stupidity and irony are overwhelming

But I can survive a really long time as long as old people like you keep supporting a system I can exploit!

Thanks bro.
>i pirate because i can get away with it
>i kill people because i can get away with it
I am failing to see the difference here, champ.
>I am failing to see the difference here

Because you're a fucking morally bankrupt psychopath.

Killing people doesn't bring me any material benefit. It's a high risk low reward act even when I can get away with it.
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And with piracy the baker only gets to sell one pizza which is copied 1000000000 times and distributed freely.

Hope he can retire on $12.50
Yea, Aquinas had some pretty harsh shit to say about intellectual property. Stuff he wrote back in the 13th century is still pretty relevant today.

Yes. My argument was based around the fact that organizations who perpetuate copyright law (such as the RIAA and MPAA) have a net negative effect on the common good, as it has been statistically proven that these organizations rarely financially benefit the clients they represent.

Early-day Christians, especially, believed in a communal society where everything was done in the name of the common good. It's even in the Catechism, albeit less extreme. You can strike down a great number of facets of current American society as immoral using Christian theology.
>There you go. There's an explanation on where it all went wrong, and why our current system is shit.
This is why you don't hand over your friend, the baker, to any big corporations. How do we fix this?
We need to kill the middlemen.
He's right though. Piracyfags usually talk about how they hate middlemen. Yet piracy is what forces artists to resort to middlemen.
If food can be copied, then he'll never starve anyway.
One of them still leaves the artist with the possibility of selling his product to the people who'd actually pay for it and making a profit out it.
In the other one, said artist is dead.
He can copy other products.
Would it be ridiculous to differentiate between pirating anime and pirating western shows? I'm just thinking about things like the language barrier that most people face and actually having access to the product when it airs and when it is sold in physical form.
Yes, because we're totally certain all of those 1000000000 people would have even been interested in the pizza at all had the opportunity to have it for free not presented itself.
>piddling over semantics of a metaphor instead of addressing the point
The value of killing someone is subjective as is the value of anything.
>the point
>your head
>Yet piracy is what forces artists to resort to middlemen.

Guess what, the technology that enables piracy is also removing the need for middlemen. It's easier to be an independent artist now than it ever was before.
The middlemen who will mostly benefit from the current situation are former pirates, like CR and FAKKU.

Small business and indie circles actually benefit from pirates because they don't have to pay for promoting their works.
With anime there will always be middlemen unless you learn Japanese and move to Japan, and even then there's a middleman between you and the artists in the form of the production companies and TV stations. Middle are a fundamental part of a high density globalist economy. The only way to eliminate middlemen is to drastically reduce the human population and return to a medieval agrarian society.

Piracy hardly accounts for even a hundredth of production and distribution barriers, you know the actual things that allow vampire middle men to suck the life from an industry.
How did it go? Did you stir some shit or what?
As you have said yourself what is the point in buying the pizza when you can get an equal copy for free? By your own admission even if they would have paid for it they wouldnt when it can be had for free.
What about kikestarter for animoo? Surely that might work? Season 3 for spice and wolf. Every nigger would pitch in a dollar or something although producing anime is fucking expensive do realistically speaking, can't we help pay some of the budget?
>The stupidity and irony are overwhelming
Thanks for the ad hominem.

The metaphor wasn't created to address piracy, it was created to explain corruption in capitalism.
>implying that there's anything more to semantic pedantry when it comes to this shit.
>What about kikestarter for animoo?
Little Witch Academia 2. Massively successful.
That's because your point is retarded and oversimplified.
It is in that there is no physical or legal difference between the two acts and it isn't because of the reasons you listed. Turns out things aren't always black and white, ain't life grand?
>hurr evil boogeymen stealing our shekels
I pitched for that show. Anyway, I'm talking about a 12 episode season.
this makes middlemen seem more evil than they actually are
The middlemen should always be the unions or circles. At worst, it should be the state. Fuck, CEOs are acting like politicians already, nowadays.
Maybe after tasting the pizza they value the bakers work enough to be willing to pay for it from then on, when they can manage to. Maybe many people will simply not use the copied pizza because their personal beliefs won't allow them too.
>what is kickstarter
you m8 underestimate it's potential.
Not sustainable. Best if the studio makes some kind of subscription to keep them alive, while also trying to expand their own shit.
I guess it kinda is because I can watch animated shows made in Japan on my laptop shortly after they air without paying. Life sure is grand.
Do mangaka even have unions? I'm almost certain they don't.
Yes because it would be cheaper for you to fly to japan to pick up your product yourself.

You know, cutting out the whole delivery service "middleman"

Better than

>hurr evil pirates stealing our shekels
Not really. I made sure to add a disclaimer to the beginning of the presentation/paper stating that the purpose was not to defend piracy, but rather to attack copyright law as a whole. Always go after the cause and not the symptom.

Ended up getting a near-perfect grade.

I'm agnostic and enjoy learning as much about various religions' theologies. It was a pretty fun experience
Marx pls go, unions and government organizations are just as susceptible to greed as big corporations and businesses.
If enough people are interested, I don't see a reason why it couldn't work.
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So you want to run the world economy on faith? Faith in the goodness and moral decency of pirates?
Corporations work differently in Japan (or probably any Eastern Asia countries). It's almost like feudalism, where you are expected to honor the company and be loyal to your bosses, elders, etc. There's no way any commie shit could work there.
There aren't many unions in Japan, there's a cultural and social stigma against that kind behavior.
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