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I am making an animated film and am at the later stages of development

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Thread replies: 296
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I am making an animated film and am at the later stages of development of this film so I can start thinking about more technical things rather than more conceptual things.

My question to you /a/ as animation fans is whether or not you have a strong preference for 30fps or 60fps+.

I was trained somewhat classically as an animator so the whole 24fps or whatever gets kind of beaten into your head. However, since hearing briefly about the high fps debate, I've given some thought into making this film have a higher frame rate. I could post this in /3/ or an animated forum, but that would just be asking the artists themselves rather than fans of animation (not saying that artists cant be fans of animation but it is always interesting to get a fans perspective)

I searched for this topic in the catalog and didn't find anything and I apologize beforehand if this is a topic that is brought up too often here.

What I am simply asking is whether or not people prefer a high frame rate like 60fps+ or the more traditional frame rates. Again this is less of a technical question because I can handle the side of making this film in whatever frame rate, I am just more interested in asking a marketing question directly to you animation fans.

Also this is not going to be an anime film, but whatever. Animation is animation.
not anime faggot
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>I apologize beforehand if this is a topic that is brought up too often here.
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no one on /a/ is intelligent enough to evaluate the quality at a technical level.
there's a reason why market is extremely character oriented.

you can answer it in anime terms if you feel more comfortable

do you prefer 30fps anime or 60fps anime
are you retarded? just fuck off
>animated film
Use 12 or 24 fps MAXIMUM.

The reason? If you're doing 60 fps, you're very clearly having a computer generate 90% of your frames to give a totally garbage image only a moron would enjoy. 60 fps is 3 times the work for a minor improvement that most people find jarring because the eye doesn't see motion the same way a camera does.
People post 60fps anime webms sometimes and I always thought they looked stupid. CGI heavy shit looks alright, but otherwise no.
>implying low framerate equals blur
Not /a/.
Go ask someone who cares.

60fps is objectively better, yet the industry is too cancerous to use anything but inferior framerates.
everything after
>Use 12 or 24 fps MAXIMUM.
that this guy said is pure bullshit, so don't bother losing your brain cells thanks to this comment. Just do what he said at first, long story short with films 60fps isnt great.
>later stages
>still thinking how do the key frames

I'm not asking for a technical answer. It's a straight forward question of whether or not as anime fans you prefer the classical 24fps/30fps or a higher rate like 60.

I'm not used to this debate because from my understanding most films have always been 24fps/30fps, and this whole 60fps shit I think is new.

A major reason being that hand drawn animation becomes more expensive and labor intensive at 60fps. However, with computers you can get a higher frame rate with only minimal amounts of additional effort and cost. Or at least that is how I understand it.
It sucks that /v/ is so obsessed with fps now that it's leaking to every board on 4chan
And the resolution is always so low. 4k when? It looks like crap on my monitor.
>60fps is objectively better, yet the industry is too cancerous to use anything but inferior framerates.
Ah yes, I really wish they'd just switch to 3DCG and flash tweening. It's truly the next step in animation.
>Also this is not going to be an anime film, but whatever. Animation is animation.
No. Fuck you. >>>/co/
>A major reason being that hand drawn animation becomes more expensive and labor intensive at 60fps. However, with computers you can get a higher frame rate with only minimal amounts of additional effort and cost. Or at least that is how I understand it.
You are a fucking idiot.
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>I am making an animated film and am at the later stages of development of this film

I cant wait download you film in The Pirate Bay

>My question to you /a/ as animation fans is whether or not you have a strong preference for 30fps or 60fps+.

60fps .
3DCG anime always look slow. 3D is much more tolerable if it wasn't being rendered on a cheap renderfarm.

I'm a professional animator ok. Do not anger people like me. We have a high work load and access to lawyers.
I think you are new here. The common reaction to those perceived as outsiders is vitriolic hate. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to fuck off.
>later stages of development
>start thinking about more technical things rather than more conceptual things

It sounds like you've barely begun development, you retard.

>I'm a professional animator ok
Unless you live in Japan, you belong on /co/, you faggot.
mods please delete this thread

you guys just made a big mistake

take care
Oooh, so scaaaary.

have a nice life asshole you just fucked with the wrong person

tell your kids I said hi
Oh, you've done it now.

I'm really spooked, you going to call the cyber police?
Fuck off with your framerate bullshit. SVP is bad and you should feel bad if you use it.
>the classical 24fps/30fps
Way to out yourself as a moron who knows nothing about the board topic. Anime is typically made with a VFR ranging from as low as 2 to as high as 24, staying at 12 most of the time.

Go to /co/, I'm sure plenty of retards will be happy to talk to you.
Oh no someone will send lawyers after an anonymous poster because someone called him a /v/ermin
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Oh no, I might get sued because I said something on an online image board anonymously. Whatever shall I do.
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What the hell?
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>and access to lawyers.
Get a load of this guy. Kowai kowai
I'm sorry, I think you came to the wrong site. How long have you been on 4chan?

Anime is irrelevant to fps or any kind of studio production details other than if it's animated well. No one concerns themselves with frames.

>A major reason being that hand drawn animation becomes more expensive and labor intensive at 60fps

Nobody draw 1000 keyframes for 60fps.
Most animation (anime and 2D western cartoons) are drawn at 12fps, only Flash/3D animation get more fps.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

This guy is the best troll I have seen on here in weeks.
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this fucking guy, get a load of this faggot

Maybe in BD's or something.
TV broadcasts are still at 23.979fps.
framerate directly influences blur...
Literally the only people who think 60fps are idiots from /v/ justifying their $1000 facebook machine.
>lel epic trolling bro
Most high quality animation usually caps out around 30fps anyway, the reason behind that is because to get more out of it you're going to need a lot of animators to animate 60fps and that shit is expensive.
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>OP still not banned
>Mods in charge of doing their job properly for free
It isn't me. I think this guy may be serious, unless this is pasta, and I can't be bothered to look it up.
So this is a hand drawn thing you're talking about?

I'm confused, because you should have probably decided framerate before starting, since that dictates the amount of drawings you need. Unless you're talking about digitally adding inbetweens to boost your framerate; in that case, I would say no, definitely don't do that.
>access to lawyer's assholes
I don't think this is pasta (yet). I think OP is either really retarded or he majored in animation.
60fps works for everything BUT anime in my opinion. It just looks like shit.
Let's summon Daiz.
It's a 3DCG movie, most likely since he talked about going to /3/.
So why he'd come to a board that shuns 3DCG is beyond me.
>implying studios draw twice as many frames just for bd releases

Are you retarded?
What the anon you replied to is trying to say is that most animated things are animated on 2s, or one new drawing every other frame. With the standard being 24fps, that means animated things on average are 12fps. You can animate on 1s (one new drawing every frame) whenever you want, it just takes double the drawings.
Is it Shrek 5?
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You know, my initial reply was a saged fuck off with your bullshit comment, but now this thread is pretty funny. Keep going.
>muh cinematic experience
For gaming 60fps actually has benefits, but for films other than maybe CG stuff it is pointless.
Same for anime it gives no benefits beyond maybe panning scenes.
You should watch Boku no Pico and use it as reference. It's one of the best animated Chinese cartoon so far.
They can draw as many frames as they like and put them out on BDs, only when the videos are broadcast, they're shown at ~24 fps regardless, so it'd be useless to.
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He's probably some stuck up guy from pixar who thinks we are reddit.
60 fps looks uncanny with animated material.
high fps is good for vidya

and i don't know how much it carries over for animation, but as far as my experience with films goes, this new high fps craze is total ass. everyone seems to be using it now, including peter jackson with the Hobbit. It's too clean. it's too sterile. no grain. not even any blur.

It doesn't look like a film; it looks like a soap opera or your daily 5:00 news broadcast. films aren't supposed to look like that.
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Panning scenes and creatures like Dorothy that are meant to be jarring.
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High FPS in video games only matters in competitive games like CS. Running any other game on 60fps is more than enough and it doesn't rape your PC needlessly.
Plenty of anime isn't even on that. 3s and 4s are more common outside of specific action sequences.
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We are trembling in fear.
Wow, your an asshole. You want to scare me? OOH, big bad navy seal. 300 kills. Your such a bad ass! OH, I am SO sorry to have provoked your wrath! You should ask yourself, did I DIRECTLY challenge you? Did I TELL YOU SPECIFICALLY that I WANTED to beat your ass? No I did NOT! I said I was a pacifist. I even said I DON"T want to fight you. You should read the posts more carefully before you decide to lash out hatefully and threaten me. This was simply about how I don't (lift? No, I do not lift things, if your talking about weights or something) or exercise, I don't care to, and I don't like bacon. You took this to a WHOLE other level. I was just defending myself from YOUR spiteful comment where you made fun of me for simply not liking bacon and that I don't lift weights. You, and that other buddy of yours, should calm down. And you do not scare me. I've come close to death a few times, and I'm not scared of it. I accept it. I've been robbed before, and have felt the blade against my neck. And I've been fucked with and threatened my WHOLE life from ALOT of other people, even from my own dad! He is tough and unforgiving. I grew up in a military family. My dad graduated from West Point (Lt. Col) and fought in Vietnam, for your freedoms and mine, like that of freedom of speech (be it threatening, hateful, and mocking like yours) and mine (where I was simply standing up for myself when you made fun of me). And I am not a kiddo, I'm 30. How egotistical. I'm done now.
No, that's bullshit. Plenty of single player games benefit from 60fps.
>not 24fps
Into the trash it goes.
OP, I think you should first look up the reason why films are 24fps, standard television 30fps.

And I can't even take this seriously anymore
Isn't Peter Jackson the only one who's tried it recently? I read that most Hobbit screenings were in 24 fps, because people didn't like the higher framerate version.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
What did I say, moron?
This picture always gets me
I believe every theater had the 24fps version, while a subset of that also had the 48fps version in addition.
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We can no longer check 'em to remove this thread.

Now the newfags will respond to such shitty bait, and all we can do is watch as the mods laugh (provided they are actually here).

What can we do?
Anime is 24 fps but the actual content and unique frames certainly are not.

Assuming you aren't going to make 24+ unique frames/second keep it at 24hz content. Unless your main audience is going to be viewing it on a pc (youtube, swf animation) then make it 30 because most computer monitors are 60hz and 24hz content on 60hz isn't great.
Oh no, is the angwy animator gonna sic his little lawyer on anon? We can't have that
Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing 4chan. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the 4chan type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a "secret network of spies across the USA". Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody, make it more believable than "IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR". You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo
Too bad you don't get to dictate what films are supposed to look like, retard
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Enjoy the troll?
>son the only one who's tried it recently?
i've seen other movies with it. they look terrible. it just looks unprofessional
The technique applied to manage or not to manage the transition between frame to frame is what influences blur. Not the rate of the frames themselves.
Something is wrong with this world. Game devs are saying frames don't matter, and now animators are going for 60fps.

Did I accidentally step into opposite universe and you're all evil twins?
OK, you know what? Fuck you. Fuck all of you immature, insensitive, ignorant assholes. The failed copypasta trolling on here is ridiculous and needs to stop. I imagine all of you immature /b/ kids, sitting in front of your computers giggling like little school girls as you hit ctrl-c-ctrl-v after ctrl-c-ctrl-v and expend little to no effort in your trolling. I bet that most of you aren't even trolls in real life and are only saying this stuff on here to be funny, shocking, and because you can't come up with anything original. And that just sucks. This is not a joke. IT IS WRONG. Don't sit and there and pretend like you don't care, that you don't have any morals, because you do. We all do. And you should feel ashamed of yourselves, but you don't because you are too immature to realize the damage you cause with your "humorous" old copypasta pictures and words.

None of you, NONE of you, can possibly know what it is like to post OC. You couldn't possibly understand just how hurtful and humiliating it is for someone to put thought and effort into a post, the way they feel when they are treated with discrimination and prejudice. So why would you laugh and turn this into a joke? OC posters have had to deal with this bullshit for years and they have come so incredibly far. So now when some immature, pasty, fat dick head sitting in front of their computer just blatantly spews failed memes and stale pasta as a means of humor, it is incredibly damaging. You are all children, who don't understand what you are doing and just how important it is that we refrain from using these words and ideas. You think "Oh it's alright there's no OC posters here and I'm just doing it for shock value". No, it still leads to hate and discrimination in more ways than you could even begin to understand. It's time to grow up and start understanding the magnitude and consequences of your actions. You are all pathetic children. Grow up, damn you.
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I just want more hentai to masturbate too.
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>What can we do?
24fps looks like a slideshow without motion blur
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We all do anon.
Some new TV's actually have a built in motion interpolation effect, that makes everything look like shit. This "60 FPS" is a fucking disgusting trend that needs to die.
>We can no longer check 'em
Then make some faggot.
Don't worry anon, look at the post above you.
Personally I watch shows animated in 60fps with tweening in flash, stuff like Archer, and the smoothness is jarring. It doesn't make or break a show for me (because I fucking love Archer), but anime animated on eighths always feels more "organic" and more appealing to me.

It's really a matter of preference I think. If you wanted be more "authentically anime" I'd go with the lower FPS, but if it's a western animation the tweening won't break it.
Replace "animated on eighths" with "shot on threes", aka 8 FPS. I can never get the terminology right.
>I fucking love Archer
God that almost gave me a heart failure.
That's wrong. Higher fps let you jump higher and farther and reduce the damage you receive from falls.
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I'm GAR for Archer.
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>he doesn't like Archer
I bet you like Gil, you fag.
archer is the fucking shit

this is the only thing that also satisfies my archer fix while waiting for the next season to come out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWIuKmz9S24
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>films aren't supposed to look like that.
Says who? Your opinions are shit.
i haven't seen GAR in forever.
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Who invited /co/, what the fuck.
Variable frame rates, faggot.
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If repeating digits, archerfags get out.
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This guy.
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Yes we can!check em'
Literally not even from /co/. I just sometimes watch western animation as well.

For the record I thought Frozen was mediocre.
>This "60 FPS" is a fucking disgusting trend that needs to die.
Actual higher frame rates are fine. Interpolation is disgusting.
I liked freezing. My favourite is Chiffon.
There is a reason film mediums use 24 fps. There are many good interviews/papers written about it. Do you really think your work is good enough for 60 fps, I don't just mean that from a quality standpoint but if you have an understanding of the topic you will know what I am saying. I mean if this is a tech demo sort of thing 60fps is better, but if it is a story of any sort the standard 24 is better.
I don't know what to tell you. If you know about the topic you will already know what you "should" use and why, and if you don't I don't know why you are asking here. Why would you want a fan's perspective, they aren't usually there to criticise the tech aspect of thier entertainment, rather the art it produces.
It is too hard to determine without a better picture of your goal.
I hope you are still here because animation can be done in 60fps, but I struggle with the why. Unless you want to make a super specific thing, or make all of initial Ds racing in 60 Idk.
>Good luck hope you succeed

If you were an actual professional animator you wouldn't be asking the question in the OP on fucking 4chan, and on /a/ of all places. You'd ask your experienced colleagues or your own intellect.

And either way you'd realize that working with 60fps or 48fps is a complete waste of time unless you're doing CGI and have good inbetweening software, and will double or triple your workload for little benefit.
>There is a reason film mediums use 24 fps.
>muh tradition
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>I'm a professional animator ok
No, it isn't just tradition.
good guess tho. ;^)
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Anime is lucky to get fps out of the single digits.

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How about just answer this person question and stop to be a asshole?
If you don't want to, just ignore it. Rude people.
>Troll image

Both of those are 0fps faggot.

>not liking Archer

I see you are the pleb here.
>My question to you /a/ as animation fans is whether or not you have a strong preference for 30fps or 60fps+.
Just leave it at 24 frames.
Yes. It is just tradition. The built in motion blur from 24 fps is not the same effect that your eyes experience. Technology can now produce more realistic, higher quality video by filming in high fps and adding motion blur digitally. The only reason to use 24 fps is a refusal to adapt to advances in technology.
I guess 60 fps would look better if it's done right, but that would be extremely difficult and time-consuming.
can't have a 60 vs 30fps discussion without these:
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It's important how those frames are allocated
OP is most likely talking about 3DCG, considering he's referring to /3/
I disagree.
My opinion is that there is a certain slight of hand in using 24fps in movies and that frames play an important role as to how you interpret a scene. I think more directors are using this just as they have used different aspect ratios, BW to color in film. There is a difference between looking at a photo of a lake and looking at the same lake in real life. These are opposite ends of the spectrum, but there is a spectrum.
A strict 24fps may be tradition, but film has evolved using it just as base.
You will not convince me otherwise without citing sources just as I accept I won't do the same to you.
I have no desire to convince you otherwise of you current belief.
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>I'm a professional animator
Your dad works at KyoAni as well?
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Good lord amerifats are fucking retarded
24 fps should and will become like listening to music on vinyl. Yes, it has a certain, antique charm and there are still some enthusiasts, but it is mostly a niche thing and not the industry standard.
>when people think of western animation they think frozen
This is why i watch anime
There's no visible difference between 24fps and 60fps, what the fuck are you guys even arguing about?
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nigger, you blind?
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>There's no visible difference between 24fps and 60fps
Animating anime that isn't 3dcg is too costly at 60 fps.

Not only that, but 60 fps is too smooth.

In scenes where there is tension, it's good to have jerkiness to it. only that, but the changes in fps better highlight acceleration.

There are more examples of good use of limited fps that your 60 fps lacks.
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>not knowing about based France

I still like Japan better, but France's animation industry is fantastic.

24 fps since the hobbit proved that 48 fps sucked balls for movies.

> No it didn't, it was...

The absence of motion blur + the uncanny valley killed the animations more than once, the rolling shooter was evident and refining animations on a low budget film will take you forever at 48.

I'll assume you meant 48 because at 60 it would look like video. You don't want a movie looking like video.
If 60fps became the norm in the blockbuster hits I wouldn't mind. It has its uses. Will it ever be, no because they are lazy, focused on bottom line and unwilling to put work into choreography.
Horror movies will never be 60fps, no one would be scared.
By industry standard do you mean action films? because the fight choreography would need to be really good to make 60 fps seem convincing.
It is mainly how your brain processes the information.
24 allows you to fill in blanks, makes suspension of disbelief easier. 60 implies whatever is on screen is perfect and the film needs no handicap.
The human eye can't actually see above 23.97fps. Everything above, including 24fps, is outside of the visible spectrum. 24fps and 60fps are both invisible to our eyes so your post is only half-right.
That was meant for live action. Just getting all 24 frames in anime would be nice.
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>You don't want a movie looking like video.
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This nigger gets it
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Why are we talking about live action on /a/?
How was the hobbit, after the second LOR movie I stopped going. Couldn't take it anymore.
Was it as good of a tech demo as the earlier movies?
You idiot seem to know nothing about how optics work. You can use gold-coated glasses to absorb the circular-polarized photons that reduce the rotational velocidensity of the film. That allows you to see more than 24fps
Off-topic OP. Thread should be nuked. Mods are kill.
I watch the hobbit at 48 fps and I wanted to poop on my chair because the framerate was too hight.
your framerate doesn't matter if your content is shit. bothering with crap like this before decent judgment of your base is retarded
Dude, hide it and ignore. Why do you want the mods to hold you hand and tell you what you can and can't see. This conversation has had relevence to and continues to be relevent to anime.
just because the average anime fan doesn't think about the technical side of things doesn't mean no one does.
We should start by checking 'em
More than 24fps is actually faster than the speed of light. So even if you wanted to make live action in 60fps, there is no camera that could capture it. It can only be done on a computer. The hobbit movie was all fake.
I want to see anyone try to do hand-drawn animation in full 60fps.
I fucking dare you.
Animate anything just 1 second.

It's not just difficult, it's physically impossible.
That's the reason why they used greenscreens
3 times more work..
If it looks fluid i'm ok with it.
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Good job.
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>physically impossible.
I question the steadfastness of your chain of thought.
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>"60fps looks boring"
- Bahi JD
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This isn't working.

It IS difficult, but it's been done.

To be fair, it was Glen Keane.
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ITT : Shitpost general
Is it?
What is summer /a/?
Pro-tip: anime has only a handful frames of actual animation. It isn't a video game or something where you'd actually notice a difference if you had 30 or 60 fps because in those 60 fps you only have maybe 10 frames where something actually happens.
Carmack would hate you.
If I remember correctly, the first hobbit movie was aired in 60fps and 24fps. the 24fps received better scores because the 60fps version had the soap opera effect and all that. Having all the screen crystal clear all the time feels weird because the eye only has its focus clear and the peripheral vision doesn't. 60 fps a shit for movies/shows. Its good... necessary?... for videogames because you need to be aware of what is happening as much as possible.
I don't know how true this is but
>It is said that Glen is drawing 60fps but the timing chart seems to suggest something more akin to 32 frames on twos (or 64fps)?
that thing makes ain uneven comparison, when you freeze individual frames the ball should be on the same position on all 3 versions, but it isn't, the 60fps version is further to the right.

That distorts perception

Not really, they over used CGI too fucking much.
I love CGI movies because it really allows for stuff that is really impossible or too expensive otherwise (like genetically creating a Balrog and tossing Ian McKellen with it into a volcano) but without practical effects, miniatures and all that, it kinda looks fake. No integration with anything because there is nothing to integrate.

The characters are underdeveloped and the plot was stretched.


> liking the video look over the cinematic look

i agree... you have brain problems.
Animator here. 24fps for life. Just because we have higher framerates does not mean they are better. It also depends on your medium. Is it hand drawn? Gonna have a lotta fun drawing all those frames for 60p. 3dcg might work at 60p, but how complex are your scenes? How long and how many computers to render all that? 30p gives more of a video feel, 24 at 1/48 shutter is much more cinematic. Depends on what ypu are going for.
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>Infinite Stratos 2
Fucking Daiz.
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/a/ confirmed for /b/ 3.0
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Everything I had a problem with in the first movies only magnified.
The hobbit had less story than the trilogy anyway, why stretch that? Not to mention it was written for a younger audience. (ie:most 20 year olds now)
Why did they do it?
Thanks for sticking with a thread like this. Proves not everyone here is an idiot.
>How long and how many computers to render all that?
Rendering time should be the last argument to use when arguing for specific framerates, not the first. It's not part of the final product
Depends on where you stop.

It's farther to the right when traveling right, and farther to the left when traveling left.

Why? Because 60 fps allows the ball to be in every position along its route, while 24 fps only allows it to be in key positions. That's why 24 fps looks choppy, the motion blur is supposed to eliminate this effect by removing the space between the ball's current position and last destination.

60 fps leaves less up to the mind of the viewer, as they will help fill in the blanks for 24 fps, with or without blur.
24 fps is good enough for hand-drawn animation, and going above that simply isn't practical. I'm all for higher frame rates in live-action and CGI though, I don't believe in this soap opera effect bullshit.
>implying implications
dubs have always been here in offtopic threads. It's a way to get mod attention. Or to shitpost for a good cause, so to speak.

Although I hope those faggots sage their poste
Rendering time isn't so much of a problem nowadays with the way GPUs are(as long as it is a high end card and maybe SLI as well).

How new are you? Dubs have always been around in shit threads.
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You know newfag, /a/ used to self-moderate with dubs. Not that I'd expect you to know this since you weren't around for that.

Check 'em.
I don't believe in a documented effect that has afflicted the industry for years.
24 fps constant in hand-drawn animaton is still crazy.
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>fps talk
>on chinese cartoons
Fucking retarded. Go jerk off to that bullshit idea somewhere else instead of proposing shit here that you hear in another place.
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Dubs are made for shit like this and Naruto.

B-but we have nanny mods now, why would you want to go back to those dark days?
you could also just ignore the thread.
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What mods? Seriously, what mods?

Not only that, but moot encourages self-moderation (though he has made one of the main forms illegal) because mods can't do everything.

Check 'em.
There is no "video look". A video is a sequence of images that looks like a moving picture, all film is video.
You say that, but when something gets over animated or looks smooth you get retards spouting
>forced animation
Oh man I love you /a/.
Oh right, i was thinking 30fps vs 60fps, which would have made a better comparison, being integer multiples.
Stop bumping this thread retards.
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>documented effect that has afflicted the industry for years.
More like whining from a small but vocal group of luddites? Soap operas look like shit because of shitty filming equipment and props, not because of the higher frame rate. People who are against higher frame rates in live action are holding the industry back.
nazi mods only do their work when they're awake.
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This came to my mind immediately after reading this.
Sorry forgot moot made sage invisible so most of the time I forget to even use it.
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Mods have deleted 4 of the threads I have been in in the last 24 hours. Most was containing bored shitposters like me. They closed containment threads we made for ourselves. We all just found other threads.
I am all for self moderation, but mods make it pointless by letting this shitstorm continue when it is actively trying to go away but quash minorly off topic threads they don't like.
HIde the thread faggot.
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Mods are asleep! Post dubs!

Don't forget to type sage in email field and check the dubs of others.
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These sort of threads could be more frequent if 3D anime shows appear more often. I'm afraid of what the future might bring.
fucking noobs
Tell me how convincing a 60fps fightscene is after watching it. 24fps are already shit. There is no way the Avengers or any superhero movie would survive in 60fps.
All 60fps will do is force directors to try and producers to spend more money. It won't happen
>not getting trips
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You faggots are new as fuck.

"Dubs" was never the shitposting tool it is nowadays until /b/ (and /v/ then) started using them.

To say they've "always been here" is to out yourself as newfags, and as probably the shitposters that brought them to /a/ in the first place.
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This is the future you asked for.
I would like to see more public bans(and lock the threads). Would show people that the mods are around, otherwise will get people thinking it is acceptable to just shitpost all the time because they think the mods are constantly away.

They still need so sort out the frame rate on 3DCG anime for me to actually take it more seriously. Both Arpeggio and Sidonia suffered for it.
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Tumblr gifs?
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Doesn't tumblr have a low filesize limit? I got it here, regardless.
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r u a haxxor.png
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Weaponized /a/
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I for one welcome our new CG overlords. As long as they're cute girls.
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It's all tentacle hair from here on out.
That looks really fucking ugly. Also the animation is shit. I bet you also like RWBY you cock-gobbler.
Ghilbi is going full 3D
>tumblr gif
Wow it's like these retards spamming dubs are actually newfags who don't know shit
No, RWBY looks like shit.
>I'm afraid of what the future might bring.
In theory they should eventually be able to make 3D stuff that is indistinguishable from hand drawn. It will only be a problem if 3DCG starts selling well before they actually get good at it. Once that happens they will stop improving.
As much as I liked the show, it was off putting when the CG models look\were animated like they came out of a ps2 game a fair amount of the time.
Miyazaki was always a faggot. A faggot who knew his shit,a faggot who has made some fo the best animated works ever, but a faggot nonetheless.
Spielberg of Anime
>I would like to see more public bans(and lock the threads)
You see those kinds of threads every couple weeks though.
>I bet you also like RWBY
Fuck, don't remind me about that garbage. I still remember some threads here and there hyping that shit so much a putting in the same level of productions as your typical tv anime. Ugh, it ended up being the same low tier crap that only a circlejerking fanbase like RT's would eat up.
You could have prevented this.
That still isn't regular enough. Especially with how many recommendation threads /a/ gets a day.
>liking the video look over the cinematic look

Dude, the "cinematic look" is not something intrinsic to framerate. You're conditioned to associate it with movies because that's what you've grown up with.

You would scream at the top of your lungs if you grew up with 60fps movies and they suddenly decided to go 24 fps.

The selfrighteous zeal with which 24fps fags defend their believe is mind boggling.
Mods already have too much power, just ignore the shit, it will alway be there. How have you survived here without understanding signal vs noise?
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Might as well be from tumblr, what with how pointless and how badly cut the gif is.

Dubs are love, dubs are life.
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>This thread
My sides have left orbit
Nice try, but check these.
What is there to see. It's just more opinions. There is no "fact" that makes 24fps better and you have yet to demonstrate that it isn't entirely a preference build upon a lifetime of watching movies in 24fps.

I chose the words zeal and belief deliberately because that's exactly how you fags act.

LOOK AT _______THIS_______
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It's over.

Just report, hide and ignore.

But I do agree, somewhat. I would like to see more frequent public banning & thread locking.
That would be too expensive. CGI in anime will always look like shit.
God reading comprehension on this site is low.
He is not trying to convince you, merely stating that without facts his ideas won't be changed. And he isn't going to provide facts because this isn' t the place for it. Calm down and wait to be dissapointed when an action scene at 60 fps makes you want your money back.
You guys aren't even trying
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Well they could always do rotoscoping. Just do it better than aku no potato did it. It has been effective in a lot of idol shows after all.
My favourite thing during CG sequences in anime is the aliasing. I mean, who the FUCK needs straight lines anyway RIGHt? FUCKING BULLSHIT
if all else fails
Rotoscoping is shit.
>Rotoscoping is shit.
>Rotoscoping isn't shit.
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Rotoscoping isn't real animation- Bahi JD
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Or jelly hair.
I guess that means Disney isn't real animation either.
It can be done well.
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Is this supposed to be dancing?
only the french can animate
Yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvlAPWcunR4
Actually the shots here aren't rotoscoped
I've never seen French animation that was good.
And I'm an expert.
>That would be too expensive
Not if its still cheaper than hand drawing.
if you're doing 2D animation the more frames per second it is the more you have to draw and by doing 60fps you're essentially quintupling the amount of work you should be doing

if it's 3D animation it doesn't fucking matter because you can just input whatever number you want and render it like that
I am pretty sure it was.
It's not cheaper, it's only used because there isn't enough 2D animators to reach the seasonal throwaway adaptations of trashy LNs quota.
>his userscript does not completely replace email field with "sage" toggle
Amen, Jap shows have just as much throwaway crap as American. Watching it all is ridiculous and makes you seem as if you don't really pay attention to the medium.
>It's not cheaper
3D animation has requires more initial investment than production costs when compared to 2D. As a studio produces a bigger collection of models, animations, and effects they can tweek and reuse them and the cost for new projects decreases.
Yeah I'm retarded, not sure why I thought the shots weren't rotoscoped.
Hahaha holy shit he meant "filmed on video" as opposed to film stock you dumb nigger

Stop talking about things you know nothing about
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60fps anime.webm
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3d animation either looks very realistic, or too choppy or too smooth. That said, whenever anime goes higher than the usual 8/12fps, it looks like they threw money at screen. But higher frames won't fix bad modelling.

In my opion, ars nova had choppy animation. Tweening is too smooth. 3dcg done right is the method used in Knights of Sidonia.
Sidonia had a terrible framerate. The models weren't so bad though.
framerate varied from scene to scene, some of the later action sequences were better.
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