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Vampire Thread

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Thread replies: 478
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So... what does /x/ know about vampires?

Let's discuss them. Everything you know. How does a human become a vampire? What do real vampires look like and what kind of abilities do they possess? Bonus points if your knowledge has allowed you to narrow down locations where to find them. This thread is extremely important!

>last, now archived thread

>movies & books

>Interview with (alleged) 439 year old vampire Elizabeth from the research book "Vampires Are"
I need recommendations what vampire book to read anyone?
You know, there is another thread.
Depends, what's your flavor of vampires?
Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin because it has a very unique take on vampires.
Give up your unholy ambitions, for the sake of your soul. Do not go looking for the devil, you won't like what you find.
No, no! You cheated. You made that thread while the hold one was still there.
I don't really know. I'd like to read the Anne Rice stuff, I'm told it's good... Any other suggestions? As long as it's not Twilight I'm open to anything.
what weapons are effective against vampires? i want to become a hunter i would appreciate a christian perspective and not satanists
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Give Fevre Dream a chance. It is set on the antebellum Mississippi River, beginning in 1857, and has been described by critics and Martin himself as "Bram Stoker meets Mark Twain" and will blow your mind.
Well, Wolfgang Hohlbein's "Chronicles of the Immortals". It has some four books of medieval vampire action. The second book is my favorite.
Not overpowered vampires, but still pretty cool. I read them more than 15 years ago.
Clan Toreador represent
Cool I'll check it out, sounds promising. Any more sci-fi futuristic vampire stuff? Always wondered how vampires would fare in a setting like that, with space travel etc.
But I decided to have mercy on you and deleted my FIRST thread so that you dont run away crying again....
are you a christian? can you tell me how to defeat vampires?
You did. You honorless dog. I refreshed the old thread and it was still there when you made the new one. You CHEATED! If you did it fair and square I would bend the knee, but not like this.
fight him to death
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I should.
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Thats no proof. Just delusions and speculations. Honor is unknown concept to women anyway... I´m letting you have this thread out of MERCY of my soul

It would be your end kid

master race (after Tremere)

Hi Gabriel

why would you want to defeat someone who is doing you no harm?
>Thats no proof. Just delusions and speculations. Honor is unknown concept to women anyway... I´m letting you have this thread out of MERCY of my soul

Try to cheat again in a challenge with me and it will be the last time you do anything at all. I'm not playing, kid.

(unsheathes katana and fedora)

Become a good shot with a crossbow, train in martial arts and with swords, get into top physical shape. Frequent night clubs and shady areas, ask around. When you find one, try not to get spotted and follow them to their lair. Plan your attack and strike when the sun is brightest. Break the windows, open blinds, rip down curtains. Stake them, then tie them up tight with sanctified wire rope and take them to a safer location. Remove the stake only after a few days when they are sufficiently weakened. Interrogate them to find other vampires and learn about their habits and weaknesses. Then kill them (stake, decapitate, take out heart, burn them, scatter the remains in multiple different distant locations). Before you kill them make sure to draw some of their blood and drink it periodically to halt aging and give yourself a superhuman edge. But first and foresmost, above all else, have ABSOLUTE FAITH in God and be certain of your righteousness.

Congratulations, you're well on your way to becoming the worst nightmare for vampires. Pic related. When the best plan vampires can come up with to deal with you is to hide from you until you die of old age, you know you're doing something right.
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I want to know why people frequent this thread. What's your motivation and why are you drawn to the topic of vampires. Want to become one yourself? Curious about the scientific side of it? Don't want to be a vampire, just want to invite one to dinner and stake them after dessert?

Just like the art and creepy stories? Roleplaying? Don't have anything going on in your life so you spend your days telling people to stop making threads about things you don't care about?

What is it?
This is some quality LARP. Good job
I don't believe vampires are anything more than a fairytale, but I enjoy the fiction so I figured this would be a good place to ask for book and movie recommendations.
Tremere master race here, though Malkavians are bros/broettes too.

Holy shit, and people call us roleplayers. Listen Van Helsing, no one thinks you're cool or believes you. If you want to roleplay as a vampire hunter, go to /tg/, I'm sure someone's looking for players in some kind of supernatural hunter themed RPG.
its my dream to serve a vampire mistress and fall in love with her. she would drink my blood every night and never let me go.
I think we already talked about it so I will just ask if you have rest of the book and point out that your gangrel "master race" are rotting,furry(look at her arms) and literally got live rats in her belly. I disgusting
Eternal life.
Shitposting mostly. :^)

For real though, I'm very interested in finding some kind of proof they exist. My hopes aren't exactly high for getting turned, but on the very slim chance it was offered, I'd take it in a heartbeat.

Also, speculation and theory crafting is fun, and you people are fun to hang around and chat with.
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>its my dream to serve a vampire mistress and fall in love with her.

Are you a male with a beautiful face? If you are then maybe I can recommend you to a certain vampire girl.
trannies are not girls
I mean, it's a bit of a long shot there anon. I doubt a real vampire would willingly choose to be in a relationship with a mortal, just to watch them age and die.

You could probably find a lifestyle vampire or someone that's into bloodplay though.
>if you have rest of the book

I don't! But if I find more scans I'll post them.

>that your gangrel "master race" are rotting,furry(look at her arms) and literally got live rats in her belly.

It's the new vampire book though, not old WoD VtM. Also disgusting can be good in fiction... makes it interesting. Not all roses and sparkles, you sissy.

>Also, speculation and theory crafting is fun, and you people are fun to hang around and chat with.

I'm glad you're with us because you are one of the more intelligent people on this board... then again that's not difficult. :^)
im fit but my face is a 4/10.
I need of a better way to make a living. Can I join too? I can play the organ.
>I'm glad you're with us because you are one of the more intelligent people on this board

Oh stop, you're making me blush!

At least I would be, if I had a normal human heart and blood. ;^)
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>im fit but my face is a 4/10.

Hmm, maybe Belgana can just put a paperbag on your head and admire the rest of your body... :^)

No, I am joking!

>Can I join too?

You need to ask her that!
>. Not all roses and sparkles, you sissy.

She got live rats entering through her vagina into her womb.

Are gangrel even more degenerated in new book?
Give me her number. Gotta try.
id be okay with that.
Import topic of discussion: Do animals dislike vampires?

Pretty sure I've heard from somewhere that animals have some kind of instinctual sense for vampires, and react negatively to them. Do people think that would be something that could be real? Like some kind of instinct that the vampire is a predator and should be feared?

If I do get turned, I don't want my cats to hate me all of a sudden. :^(
in fantasy animals either dislike them because they can feel what vampire is OR love them because vampires can charm them or feel that vampires are their fellow predator.

eat your cats
I was not in my right mind yesteday, please pay no attention to what I said regarding men.
To answer what I could not yesterday, your imagination of me was extremely wrong.
>Elevators can kill vampires? Weak, weak! What's next? You can die falling down the stairs too? :^)
It depends on the damages done to your flesh. I have not tried yet! You can not die from falling down the stairs.
I also have stopped, quite some time ago actually, trying to hide when I first post. I figured out it was not that important, as I doubt someone I know would come here.
Quite a good question you have here! As I have noticed, it is the same as it is for people.
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>eat your cats

Say that to my face motherfucker not online see what happens.

As in both animals and people have instincts about it, or the animals have instincts about people too?

I hope it's the second one. Animals seem to love me, whether it's cats, dogs, cows, whatever. I'd like to keep it that way.
Animals have instincts about people. Jedi tricks do not work on animals, it is all up to if the person is evil or kind, I would say.
So animals would have the same instincts about; and reaction to; a kind vampire as they would a kind human?

Hell yeah! Now there's literally no downsides.

That also makes me imagine a crazy cat-lady vampire, with a house absolutely full of the best kept cats in the word. This makes me so happy.
*world, not word. Stupid phone.
maybe I will one day bish

>I was not in my right mind yesteday, please pay no attention to what I said regarding men.

what was said was said. You cant just take it back :^)

>Hell yeah! Now there's literally no downsides.

blood drinking? no friends?
>Hell yeah! Now there's literally no downsides.
There are a lot.
>That also makes me imagine a crazy cat-lady vampire, with a house absolutely full of the best kept cats in the word. This makes me so happy.
Having animals is time consuming. I used to have a dog, it was difficult. Taking care of multiple mammals would be too hard. You could hope for a crazy bird-lady at best.
>Hell yeah! Now there's literally no downsides.

This is a bad thing, that's why people don't like Mary Sues/Superman types
>what was said was said. You cant just take it back :^)
I am aware of it, but I badly explained myself. I did not mean what you believe I did.
so what did you mean?
>blood drinking
From what I've had blood is actually kinda nice.

It's all my own that I've had obviously, like when you get a cut and there's no tissues around. I don't go around doing it on purpose.

>There are a lot.

I can imagine there would be. I was mostly just exaggerating. What specifically do you see as downsides?

Also, yeah dogs are very time consuming, but cats are pretty low maintenance. The way I see it, a dog is like a child, with all the care and responsibility it needs, but a cat is like a roommate, all you need to do is feed them and clean up after them, and most of the time they'll be fine to look after themselves.
I do not know how to properly explain it without sounding autistic. By being mine I meant I feel a strong urge to protect them..?
>What specifically do you see as downsides?
Almost everything.
You dont have anyone close like that?
Also dont worry about sounding autistic. Thats expected here. I already told you that autistic here is not insult
>You dont have anyone close like that?
I do not.
don't drink blood if you're a human you're gonna get sick thanks bye
I heard that you cant drink blood as human. Auto gag reflex will kick in and make you puke

And how do you feel about that? Are you trying to change it?
Sorry for being as inquisitive as I am, if I'm asking for too much information feel free to tell me, but are there negative points we haven't considered in these threads? From what we have it doesn't exactly sound like a walk in the park, but it all seems relatively minor compared to what you get in return.

Tell that to all the "lifestyle vampires" that drink up to a pint a day and don't feel anything bad from it.
She said no human friends. I mentioned it but you did not react
Yeah but that's something we'd kind of considered before. I mean yeah that's kind of shitty, but at the same time, I'm kind of an introvert anyway. Not like full autismo "just leave me alone please", I get along with and enjoy talking to people, but leave me alone by myself for a while and I'm just as happy.
I thought you are slutty guy who loves to party
Slutty? Not particularly. I've only ever had sex outside of a committed relationship once, I just happen to have been in a fair few committed relationships. As for parties, I can take it or leave it. Whenever I'm at a party I tend to gravitate to a small group of like 3 or 4 people, just spend the night chatting and having a chill time with them.
>And how do you feel about that? Are you trying to change it?
I do not want to be intimately involved with someone I despise, and I despise most of them. I am making friends here.. I guess you could say that, but I believe it is a mistake.
I do not know what negative points you think about, please tell me, but having to live by strict rules or else.. I am also on the gentle side, and they are all.. Or most, bad people. It is not.. Nice, for someone like me. I sound like a child trying to explain things like they are, but I do not know how to, as I have not done it before. You can not be true to yourself when you meet people, one of the main reason I like to come here, it is because I do not have to lie.
Lifestyle vamps are creepy. Knew a guy on the military who drank the blood of doves. He said I was a vamp too. Absolutely mental
Well, having to take blood for one, it must be a pain trying to find it, especially if you're a kind person like you. Also potentially the higher than average reaction to sunlight. I can imagine at least for some that it would feel like a very lonely life, especially if you think about the people you knew before and what happened to all of them that isn't happening to you.

It's okay, you explained well enough, thank you! I can definitely see how that would make it a very difficult world to be a part of and retain your humanity. I know how it feels, to be the only decent person, surrounded by people who are cruel.
Blood is not a problem to me, as there are harmless ways. Some do choose the harmful ways, but it is because they want to. Sun is disinformation. You do get over your loss fast, because you get a new "family". I am lonely, but it is not the case for most, or maybe they hide it, just like I do. You can have lovers and friends just like anyone.
>I know how it feels, to be the only decent person, surrounded by people who are cruel.
Do you really?
I have to leave now, goodbye.
Do you get taught about the ways of getting blood when you're still new? If you don't mind me asking, how do you personally get it? As for your "family", what sort of level of contact do you have? Are there meetings, or do you all live together, or is it just a case of just being connected and knowing each other? Again, if you feel you can't answer these, please say.

I'm glad that the sun part is disinformation, I already burn easily enough. :^)

>Do you really?

To an extent, yes, although not to such an extent as you. It's very difficult, trying to hide that you think what the people around you are doing is wrong, but I still didn't, out of fear that they'd turn on me too.
As a vampire, I have issues experiencing joy.

My dopamine receptors are fucked due to smoking/snorting too much methamphetamine over the past six months.

I am usually out of commission for two to three days after I "feed" my habit.

I only do it because I am a vampire. It is the only thing that makes me feel pleasure and happiness and allows me to enjoy the company of mundane humans. I am going to stop. This current existence is more hollow than the previous.
Aww man, literally seconds before my last post too!

Well, stay safe, have a good... Whatever it is you're doing. Look forward to talking again.
Where would I be able to get a copy of "Vampires Are" By Stephen Kaplan. My google-fu is failing me hardcore. I can't seem to find it anyone except used and horribly price gouged.
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This site looks promising, although as it's a UK site, shipping prices may apply: https://www.abebooks.co.uk/9780882801025/Vampires-Kaplan-Stephen-0882801023/plp

Also, these threads can apparently be found on Google, kek.
>I tend to gravitate to a small group of like 3 or 4 people, just spend the night chatting and having a chill time with them
Best way how to enjoy one desu

Why do you despise them?

>As a vampire, I have issues experiencing joy.
>My dopamine receptors are fucked
Oh snap! My military birdsucker friend was right all along! I AM A VAMPIRE! That made me slightly happy, perhaps I am not.
Y'all are gay
Well damn I fell asleep and you are gone. Have fun
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I seriously wish I could even just MEET a vampire...
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Im looking for immortality and being a vamp seems like a good deal to me. Also, i find this thread fun, even when the occasional roleplayer shows up i think some stories they tell are kinda fun.
I write vampire stories. By discussing vampires here I am learning how to create a good setting in an immersive world. Also funposting and getting to know more things about vampire genre.
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If any of you COULD become a vampire, would you? What would be your reason? Simple lust for power, or the perceived "coolness"?
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Immortality yo, nothing else.
As long as your soul still remain yours, yes. The reason is time and an extensive research. On the other hand, being a vampire means learning to let go.
You're already immortal. In a shitty way, but it's something.
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I want to see the world changing over the centuries brah, shitty way wont do it for me haha
Assuming I dont have to murder for it or spend rest of my days living in sewers I would.
Immortality is biggest selling point. Dying is lame. I want to see future
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>I was not in my right mind yesteday, please pay no attention to what I said regarding men.

I'm going to tease you with that until the end of time. If you are wondering how I, as a human, will make it to the end of time well I'm gonna find a way maybe like... pact with a magical mountain gnome or cybernetics.

>To answer what I could not yesterday, your imagination of me was extremely wrong.

Extremely wrong! So that means you are tall and have dark hair, yes? Or possibly muscular and/or overweight. Because that would be the opposite of what I dreamt about which was very small/slender with red hair!
If immortality is your main interest you should try and survive 50 years or more! Maybe science will have made some good advantages until then.

If you become big as a vampire author can you put in a transsexual goblin who's so ugly he/she looks like a nightmare into the story as an easter egg? I'd appreciate that with all my heart.

>If I do get turned, I don't want my cats to hate me all of a sudden. :^(

Damn... I actually never thought about that. Maybe I should bring a cat to every meeting that I suspect to meet a vampire at to let the animal react. Then again, I would not want to get my pet into any kind of danger so that plan is not gonna happen anyway.
>immortal 70+ years old
Death is better at that point
They might found ways to stall your age at that point and then later reverse it.
Not really. I've reached a state where I'm little more than a mind and a pair of hands. Still, I could live like this forever. 70 years old must feel the same. Unless you go senile, then it's fucked up. Age reversal isn't very far. Pretty much what Gob said; 50 years, give or take.
we will sooner all get beheaded. Well except for you
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I was (and still am not) personally never excited for immortality or age reversal technology. I mean I am excited for other people who want it, but I'm pretty worried what it will actually mean for humanity and how it will abused... and I don't want to live forever anyway.

I think it would be amazing though if we could be put to sleep for 100-200 years then wake up for a few years, see what changed, explore world, then go to sleep again. Rinse and repeat.
I dont think science will be that advanced in 50 years.
I don't think it will be advanced enough to make people IMMORTAL either. You're right, very likely not. But I could see that they have some steps to possibly slow down age at that point so you could stall your life until they do?
>I was (and still am not) personally never excited for immortality

I thought you said you want control in your life

>I think it would be amazing though if we could be put to sleep for 100-200 years then wake up for a few years, see what changed, explore world, then go to sleep again. Rinse and repeat.

That would be great too!
Would rather be immortal than being in my 70s waiting on something that i dont even know if it will happen or not, i think it wont happen so soon.
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I do want control, it's my number one bane.

This is going to sound really autistic now (and my friend always told me I'm retarded for this kind of childish "logic") but I don't really desire things that are accessible for everyone.

Don't get me wrong I WISH that immortality and technology will be accessible for all of humanity regardless of who you are but to me personally then it becomes... not that interesting anymore.

I guess it's the same with people for me, speaking from a romantic/sexual/personal perspective. Someone who was "accessed" already by several other people or is accessible by other people I do not find very tempting. Someone who can only be mine on the other hand and has resisted anyone else... :^)
we drastically reduced infant mortality and our population has blown up so much we kill each other over land and resources

people need to die to free up space and resources for future generations.

extending life would make that infinitely worse unless we quickly start living off earth
Think big. Matrix-like technology would allow you to live thousands of lives and reincarnations for as long as you want.
>Want to be a vampire? got it.
>Want to live in a fantasy world? Got it.
>Want to explore the universe? Got it.
Then when you feel like you've had enough you can pass away gracefully and without pain.
Beggars can't be choosers, my dear.

I had a long discussion about this with KWB alreay! Hope you forgive me quoting myself about this topic, here is my opinion...

>we kill each other over land and resources

Pretty sure that's just a meme trickling from the top down, because the greedy top echelons who run the world have realized that soon they won't need human labor anymore, so "people" will become a useless annoyance in their eyes, and they want to cut down the numbers because they're paranoid about having to share wealth and resources (they don't like to share).

I'm pretty sure the Earth can support a much larger human population, as long as energy, pollution, and food supply are taken care of. There are problems, sure, but we're already moving away from fossil fuels and working on alternative energy sources, lab meat, more efficient agriculture, etc. There's a lot of unused potential and room for growth beyond what we have now (just look at Africa for instance). Asteroid mining will become a reality soon, which negates the issue of limited resources here on Earth, and by the time we run out of anything vital, we'll probably be so advanced that it won't matter anymore.

And like I said before, there are better ways of controlling the size of the population than billions of people dying constantly, along with all their accumulated experience, knowledge and expertise. Aging and death is such a waste. I think the world will be a very different place soon, and I think we'll have to drastically change how we see some things.

That's overstated. Very large areas of the Earth are completely unpopulated even if we only talk about land, and a big part of the human population lives cramped in big cities already. Energy and technology is becoming cleaner and more efficient every year, and advances in AI research (and using the Internet for education) will probably multiply that progress exponentially. Expanding to other planets is also possible, and there are other measures of controlling the size of the population. Maybe it wouldn't be available to everyone at first, but neither were cars and cellphones!


Feel free to reply to my wall of text or just ignore it.

Right now I am living the "anhedonic, scared human with no special powers" experience and I'm not enjoying it too much. :^)
>Don't get me wrong I WISH that immortality and technology will be accessible for all of humanity

I dont know how to feel about that. Good leaders and sharpest minds deserve that but everyone to be immortal? I dont know if it would do any good

>Someone who was "accessed" already by several other people or is accessible by other people I do not find very tempting. Someone who can only be mine on the other hand and has resisted anyone else... :^)

Try India then. I think boys refuse premartial sex unless they rape someone :^)
>Beggars can't be choosers, my dear
Cant say your wrong on that one, but if there was a choice id rather be immortal dude.
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>I think boys refuse premartial sex unless they rape someone :^)

They still desire it though. Abstinence is worthless if the only reason why you do it is because of forced rules or lack of opportunity.

But I'll keep your tip in mind...
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How can one become a vampire? Are there any historic account of methods? Are there any modern day "rituals" or anything?
Maybe there will be a way to educate people through implants and shit like that in the future? A shadowrun like scenario?
>But I'll keep your tip in mind...

Good good. I only want you to find happiness with your brown boy....
That's the NEET life for you. In a way I think that's a pretty immersive vampire experience. I myself find most things boring and tedious. There are few things that I truly enjoy. But these things I enjoy them. As cliché as it sounds, you should try to find those things.
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I have some things I like. I adore cats, supporting my family and (for some reason) thinking about vampires all day long.


>That's the NEET life for you. In a way I think that's a pretty immersive vampire experience.

Is it really though? The few people who posted here and could have been vampires (because they made at least somewhat sense and were consistent) all said they lead busy lives. They work, they travel, the socialize.

They were not sitting at home all day.

I'm sorry anon, we don't know that either.
fine I'll filter you, fucking hell
whats that
he's/they're spamming it in every thread instead of just making one
yeah but what is it? Discord group invite or what?
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See Pic
>Is it really though?
I would say so. In a way oversocializing causes this. You meet a lot of interesting people, then you get to know them, make friends with them, fall in and out of love. There's that person you met who will always hold a special place in your heart, but that person is gone now. Time goes so fast and you feel so old. Then people start getting boring. Same patterns, same responses repeated again and again with little to no variation. Eventually they feel like automatons.
You also used to travel around, do lots of cool things. These things lose their shine quickly unless they're your true passion and the world keeps moving forward, but it's too noisy and annoying compared to the world you used to love. You get bored and more isolated. Then, by chance, you meet a person who reminds you of that special person and you fall "in love".
Or at least that's what I imagine late stage vampirism would be. Not really fighting "the beast" but getting old, no longer caring about any consequences. Crazy stuff. Old people are scary.
thats lame. thx br anon
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>You meet a lot of interesting people,

That doesn't happen to me! I don't find most people very interesting.

(Not saying I'm very interesting myself either.)

>fall in and out of love.

Utterly plebeian. Having random crushes or fleeting infatuation is NOT love! Love is the pinneacle of human emotion and rare to achieve or acquire. But I see you put love in "" a few lines below so I guess I'll let that one slide... :^)

>Old people are scary.

Oh yes! I would be really scared of an old vampire too. Old mind in a powerful young body - smells like the perfect mix for insanity and being truly jaded.

Honestly it probably comes down to what kind of person you are. Some people just genuinely enjoy life, they are fascinated with people no matter how many they met, they cherish beauty, life, indulgence. They seem fit for the "gift" of immortality.

People like you and me on the other hand... I would say, not so much.
I dont think being stuck in a time you cant ever get back would be good for a vamp, at least i would move foward with life, find new people, new places and shit like that.
Yw Bird.
Vampires are gay.
>There's that person you met who will always hold a special place in your heart, but that person is gone now
luckily vampires can solve this issue

>You also used to travel around, do lots of cool things. These things lose their shine quickly unless they're your true passion and the world keeps moving forward, but it's too noisy and annoying compared to the world you used to love. You get bored and more isolated

I dont think I would ever get bored with World. Its changing constantly. There will be always something fresh,something new to experience,
People being cunts is only thing that does not change :^)
>come to x
>go in most active thread
>its about girls posting their fanfic dreams
Why is x so gay?
>its about girls posting their fanfic dreams

Can you provide a few examples of that, please. I like to understand how you came to the conclusion that a 100+ reply thread is mostly about "girls posting their fanfic dreams" because I don't see it.
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I think Adam from "Only Lovers Left Alive" is one of the few characters who truly captures how vampires would probably be. They turn to science and art because it's the only thing which can keep that sense of wonder and discovery alive. If the world becomes too predictable it gets boring unless you go crazy and drown yourself in sensations. But then again, I'm not a vampire and that's just one of many perspectives. Maybe someone else thinks about it differently.
>Love is the pinnacle of human emotion and rare to achieve or acquire.
That's THE one I'm talking about. It doesn't need to be romantic love. Here on the left I brought Dracula to explain it better than me.
>I don't find most people very interesting.
It's a bit like reading a book. I read a lot of books. They all sucked and nearly made me quit reading.
>Some people just genuinely enjoy life
I'd say that's Eve, also from Only Lovers Left Alive.
>I dont think I would ever get bored with World. Its changing constantly.
Well, eternity is very long.
You feels are offended? Namefag.
fuck off, im a dude.
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No, I just like to trigger butthurt faggots like you and make them look stupid because they can't back up what they claim is fact.

It worked.
also, im not gay.
If you claim something you should prove it retard.
Kids these days. I fucking hate entitled millennials
Do you see my face of how much i care?
No no, we don't need to prove anything, we just need to git mad people are putting letters in the Name space of the reply box
Said the other namefag.
>keeps getting triggered & replies over and over again
>"I t-totally don't care"
No, you gay.
You seem to, since you are going to the trouble to post here and stating your opinion haha.
So you are angry? Sorry that i called your vampiers gay. But they are actually gay as hell.
Lets reach an agreement here and lets all be gay, alright?
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Only gay thing here is you. And Convert
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>makes a dumb comment
>gets BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by me
>doesn't know what to say anymore and just replies generic shit

Sad, you didn't last long... you're already boring me. So I'm gonna move on to the next person.
What about werwolfs?
Stop taking the bait
>look mom, i posted again
Uh, i hate you drumpf people.
Heeeey, anons! What about werowlfs? Are they real too?
>implying its me taking the bait and not baiting
>implying you can understand my baits within baits

I managed to get baited only once in these threads. Random dumb tards cant bait me desu

I dont know,ask in werewolf general or make one.
I think possibility of werewolves is even lesser than of vampires
I wouldn't worry about that.
Anon, does it really matter who is baiting who, in the end its just slide posting. Thanks for nothing. Now i really start to believe you are a gay faggot.

Are werwolfs better or vampires?
Doesn't matter. This thread can be shitposted into oblivion, but this general is eternal. Unless we get bored, that is, so we should keep it interesting.
> thinks less of werwolfs as of vampires
Anon, please. We are on x, the possibilities goes beyond our imaginations.stop being such a fanboy
Show me your gayest shitposting
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Werewolves are just less realistic than vampires. And vampires are already not very likely to be real either.

Instant shapeshifting or turning back and forth between totally changed bodies goes extremely against what reality tells us is possible. It would also burn through insane amounts of energy that couldn't be logically stored on a shapeshifter.

It could still be possible somehow through weird as fuck magic (?)? but I personally don't think it is.
What if, in the old ancient time or medival time there was a yeti and people misunderstood it as werwolf. I mean the 411 case is very real an dopen to such a thing as yetis. So how baout thta?
Well played, you trully seems to understand the root of gayness, my gay friend.
Your fanboy fanfic googels do not allowe you to see things less gay. Your opinion is shit, namefag.
guys make sure to report this guy for spamming and thread derail
Doesn't really need to be a werewolf as in "shape-shifting dude who turns into wolf". It could be something like a skinwalker or one of those white creepy things with claws and long arms and legs, which looks like that pic you just posted. These I'm 90% they're real vs 10% I shouldn't accept candy from kids. It's a long story, not the cool type.
What is the topic? Sure it was open on the right board?
I think at this point a werwolf thread would be way better
Even if the vampires are gay can we stay on topic and stop fighting omg

Now everyone start talking about vampires
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Do you think they only recruit attractive people?

pic related. She is cute
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That would be quite plausible (or not even a yeti, but just a large wolf or similar creature), but most of the "werewolf mythology" (which is present all over the world, and actually far more common and consistent than anything about vampires) revolves around the idea of shapeshifting specifically. Humans taking the form of animals (or vice versa). So how would you explain that?

True. I never considered that. A skinwalker who took the forms of both men and wolves could have been interpreted as a shapeshifting human. Interesting point! What makes you so sure they're real though? Have you had a convincing personal experience, or?

She's very cute. Also has a youtube channel, if you haven't seen it already:


I sometimes watch her videos... stare at her face... and imagine if I could take a knife... cut the layer of her face off... then wear it as my own... then move to her pretty little eyes... take a spoon and... ..


I am just kidding. :^)
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I have not seen it before,thanks

>belly dancing

subscribed :^)

What would you do with her face? :^)

oh look she even is Persian ! I knew I have patrician taste
If vampires are the worst of humankind I'd say not someone who will backstab you, not someone who will outsmart you or overpower you and someone you can use. If not... anyone could be a vampire, really.
>What makes you so sure they're real though?
I saw one of these things coming back from work. That's it. I saw it like a white, fleshy spiderman thing with VERY long limbs. I kept walking, it kept climbing. It was a fairly populated area so it surprised me to see that thing there, but I kept staring at it as I walked by, for about 30 long seconds in which I kept whistling a cheerful song. It never happened again and we both minded our business, thankfully.
> I saw it like a white, fleshy spiderman thing with VERY long limbs. I kept walking, it kept climbing.
>I kept staring at it as I walked by, for about 30 long seconds in which I kept whistling a cheerful song

Forgive me but I don't believe that. It makes no sense.

Any person who genuinely encountered something inhuman (or thought they did) can ATTEST that you feel some of the most intense fear you can imagine. It is deeply wired in us to be creeped the fuck out by anything that is monstrous or inhuman.

I made this experience myself (turned out to be human but in that moment I couldn't tell) and you can't even begin to comprehend how chilling it is if you think you are seeing a real monster in flesh and blood. And I've read this many times before from other people as well...

There is just no fucking way that if you aren't lying, batshit insane or you see monsters casually every day that you would just keep walking while singing a song when you see a freakin monster in the trees a few metres next to you.

>What would you do with her face? :^)

Steal it!

>I have not seen it before,thanks

You're welcome, honorless cheater.

I know it sounds kind of otherkin and larpy, but I don't think werewolves would have that much of a change in their physical outward appearance. It makes me think of viking warriors, how the berserks would become like bears in battle, through ritual and wearing the bears skin. There was a similar group that would do the same with wolves.

When it comes to werewolves, if they exist, to me it's more of a spiritual/magical thing than it is turning into a wolf under a full moon.
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>Any person who genuinely encountered something inhuman (or thought they did) can ATTEST that you feel some of the most intense fear you can imagine. It is deeply wired in us to be creeped the fuck out by anything that is monstrous or inhuman.
Well, I am a little bit weird.
>There is just no fucking way that if you aren't lying, batshit insane or you see monsters casually every day that you would just keep walking while singing a song when you see a freakin monster in the trees a few metres next to you.
It was about 10 mts away, actually. And it wasn't looking at me. I didn't completely ignore the thing, but thought it wouldn't be wise to freak out and let it know that I know. So I kept moving. It was spooky, but not that spooky. When I read these stories on /x/ I can't help but to think I was very lucky. But as I said, it was an area with lots of houses and even cars passing by every now and then, not a lonely experience innawoods. I used to take that road almost daily for several years. Rich people lived there.
>Steal it!

For what purpose?! Discount on kebabs ? :^)

>You're welcome, honorless cheater.
WHAT? I take pity on you and out of kidness of ny hearth and mercy delete my thread and this is how treat me?!
Besides you are cheating all the time with your 4chan pass...also you said you will give me 5 minutes to make a thread !

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There's no way you would see an actual, deformed skinwalker in flesh and blood close to you and just casually keep walking while minding your own business. You would be overcome with terror. Unless it's some kind of schizophrenia delusion you encounter on regular basis.

But hey, that's just my opinion and nothing more.
You know in the ottoman empire there were real cases were a government official had to investigate supposed paranormal activity in serbian hamlets, mostly supposedly related to vampires.
Same thing in Austria-Hungary. Its always these crazy Serbians..
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>You would be overcome with terror.
While I was thinking "Oh shit what the fucking fuck is that fucking shit what the fuck?" I kept moving and I didn't stop whistling just in case the thing noticed. I wasn't scared, I was alert. Then I got to the train station and posted about it on /x/ right away.
I'm a bit overconfident, thinking that no matter what I will be able to defend myself or go down trying. Funnily enough it did look a lot like that pic you posted, but the flesh was smoother and somewhat shiny. I didn't see the face well, as it didn't look in my direction. Later, on the train, this picture came to my mind all the time. I thought this was an /x/ fabricated pasta.
And that's why I believe vampires may exist. It isn't as far-fetched as thinking THIS can actually exist.
video very related, that's how it moved, but it was way smaller. At first I thought it was a bald guy climbing.
Earlier today I was at a grave yard and this super pale tall skinny dude walked past me and just kept smiling he said something but I couldn't tell what. He left 5 minutes later and a cat started following him. Probs just me being paranoid but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Next time ask him if he's a vampire.
He left in a hurry rly.
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Guys. Here's an update.

I still don't know if vampires are real. At all.
can't say i'm surprised
Start proving smaller things. Lose some faith on what you believe it's real. You'll get there. It's not easy to prove something like that.
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A long life ahead that will be devoted to the research of paranormal phantoms!
Well, try your luck with lucid dreams, ESP... that stuff.
Extra Sensorial Perception.
Seeing the future, sensing someone, remote viewing... if you are older than 20 it probably has happened to you already, even by accident or as a happy coincidence. Now here's the funny thing: while you can get some success with training it is very hard to actually prove it to yourself and you will feel like an idiot for a long, long time. Even when, beyond the shadow of doubt, you learn that this is real you will still need more and more practice to prove it to anyone else.
There was a guy on /x/ who used to draw people who requested it. A quick sketch. He had never seen any of those guys. Nearly everyone told him he got it right, including me.
It was not that long ago, when the disclosed docs about ESP experiments were posted here. Don't get your hopes up though, the results were positive but minimum.

Then again, you're a skeptic. Take it as some random hobo's rant and don't believe a thing unless you see it happen, knowing that believing it won't happen makes it harder for it to actually happen, while blindly believe it will happen without a method is equally useless.
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I bought a recorder a few months ago and tried to record ghost voices at empty places at night. Graveyard, forest, my own room. Didn't catch anything though.
I have dreams that tend to happen in real life sometimes, when they're happening i have a feeling like that of a deja vu and immediately remember how the dream played out.
Some of the dreams, the ones where bad stuff happen usually play out till the bad event, wich somehow never occurs.
One time i dreamed that i was browsing certain site and saying something them my monitor exploded on my face, it happened some time later except the explosion bit in real life.
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Food longs for the top of the food-chain. Like a clam wishing it were a shark. About as likely. You'll find something. That is a definite.{0}.
Your nails look pretty.
now, thats interesting
Thanks, they appreciate the kind words.

Vampires are pretty afraid of humans and technology though. We are no clams. They would stand no chance if their existence was ever revealed.
I want to discover truth, perhaps join the undead once I understand the function of their etheric condition.
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Surely a vampire could destroy one single person or even several in a fight if they have enhanced strength and speed.

But so could a damn chimpanzee or pitbull.

If vampires exist they are just as scared or even more scared of us than we are of them... and their whole survival depends on us humans not knowing for sure. I really wouldn't idealize that as being on top of the food chain unless you consider yourself below a pitbull too.

Those are some solid reasons! I feel the same. The truth is the most important appeal. Uncovering and witnessing secrets of something like that...
Same happened to me. I dreamt of a guy who appeared out of nowhere and joined me and my friends at a dinner. Some days later, having dinner outside with my friends some random guy who looked exactly like the guy in my dream appeared. When he approached me I was astounded. Doubting reality at that point. I expected some ascended master speech, but he was just a drunk guy who proceeded to rant about his children and wife. Not to my friends, just to me. Still it was pretty shocking so I started reading about how dreams work. Finding no answer in science I tried random unlikely stuff. Quite obsessively. I have no idea about vampires, but I would like to find out.
And yep, you have a pretty hand.

Update : Had dream where I was killing zombies on ice skates. They had ice skates not me. That didnt get me any closer to finding vampires.

>tfw no prophetic dream
Any idea on how to enhance the ocurrence of those dreams?
It should have been a dream about CHEATING at games instead..... for accuracy.
Meditation before going to sleep helps.
had one where i was a vamp, dunno if that will be one of the prophetic ones, haha.
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Are we talking about autistic dreams now? Then listen to this one I had some months ago.

>i guess I was investigating vampires or something
>at night i went to some area, it wasnt sewers, but if was like some stonewall-ish area that a guy kept cleaning and walking around/investigating
>i think i knew or suspected he was a vampire, so i started to get closer, ask questions, be around, offer help
>remember nothing about that person (no face, no name, nothing)
>just male
>never outright asked him he was a vampire but it was... implied
>ok next scene i remember
>i was helping him in some room, climbing up stairs up
>then two other people showed up and i think they had a problem with me, they must have been vampries and wanted to kill me
>vampire guy put his arms around me from behind in panic and he drew a cross on my chest from behind, like one swipe down, one swipe left right while looking at the other vampires
>he said something, like a summon spell
>so what i understood was this was a vampire tradition or oath to mark someone and by doing that they weren't allowed to kill me, but i wasn't allowed to stay with him either
>so they took me away and i wouldnt see him again, but i could live

Ok pretty boring but now comes the weird part. The moment when he drew the cross on me I was suddenly looking from a third person perspective on the situation and I realized (because I saw myself and him) that I was a young boy, like 10-12 years old.

And my first thought was: Wow, I'm a boy. Why didn't we kiss then? There was no romance or sexual implication prior to that. But the moment I saw I was a little boy I wondered why the dream was missing romance. I challenge you to surpass this shitty dream.
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I'm gonna summon a spirit tonight and ask it some questions about vampires, namely, how does one become one

If I get any decent answers I'll tell you guys
I got that too. Very rarely and its always about stupidest shit. Nothing important like dreaming about winning lotto numbers. Shame

It should be about me reaching challenger league. At least I would know its another prophetic dream that will happen
the dream was telling you that youre a pedophile
I know that they doesn't exist.
ever had a dream that happened to you in real life afterwards?
Random dreams I wouldn't worry about it. Vampires aren't real and we know they don't exist.
How can you prove a negative
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What spirit?

>why didnt my 10y male self kissed that adult male vampire
Wew. So thats what you are into now ? :^)

>and he drew a cross on my chest from behind
Do you mean on your back retard?
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Please let us know.

Never to this day. Maybe I need to meditate, maybe it's not real, maybe I'm a potato.

>my 10y male self

I wasn't myself, I was some random boy. Not the same!

>Do you mean on your back retard?

No, imagine someone hugs you from behind. Their arms are going around your sides and front.
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Dreams about vampires I just had one, but what a dream.
>Get off bus, going home
>It's late at night
>Suddenly, all of the steet lights go out.
>Except one, where there's a metalhead-looking dude looking at me. Can't see his face.
>Run home. He doesn't chase me.
>Yet somehow he's waiting for me ahead, smiling.
>Escape doing some desperate parkour moves.
>Still doesn't chase me.
>Get home
>Open door.
>As soon as I open it I see the guy waiting for me there, smiling. Fangs.
>Dream ends there.
Then one day after I got off the bus late at night, going home, all of the street lights went out right at the same place as in my dream.
Fuck the skinwalker part, THIS seriously spooked me. I went home paranoid and with my fists clenched. And my butt too, I must say. I was waiting for a vampire to appear at anytime.
Now I think about it it's kind of silly.
>I went home paranoid and with my fists clenched. And my butt too, I must say.

I laughed.
>I wasn't myself, I was some random boy. Not the same!

no it WAS you! Maybe in different shell but same degenerate!
I can go to sleep then. Good night, /vamp general/. Coming back tomorrow with more vamp /lit/ stuff.
I rarely dream about myself. It's mostly someone else. Never sex related. Ever. Freud was a hack.
Nah, i have them since i was a kid so i dont think meditation is needed for those.
Genuine question, why do you all believe in vampires when they aren't real? Why do some of you go as far as to pretend you're a vampire when you're very clearly not? I don't understand the fascination over all this larping, but I'd like to learn what people get from it.
Genuine question, are you retarded or what?
>why do you all believe in vampires when they aren't real?
Why do people believe in faith healers, or that jesus was literally the son of a deity? Why do people believe in ghosts, skinwalkers, or ayy lmaos who want to probe their butt? Why do people believe the earth is flat? Why do we believe that the reality we perceive is actually happening and not some really in depth hallucination? People believe all kinds of shit that they have no proof for, but can't be disproven... Except flat earth, that shit is disproven at least 5 times a day. At least we're trying to find proof for what we believe, not just going about in blind faith.

If anyone here obviously larps, most of the time they'll get told to fuck off, unless people are feeling nicer than usual. Having a belief outside of the norm doesn't make you a larper. Sure, we might be wrong, but why not try and find out?
>replying with serious wall of text to cheap bait
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Well, I was just popping in to see if anything of interest happened while I was binge-watching gun videos on YouTube, but apparently dreams are the hot button topic right now?

So I'm going to try and have an interesting vampire dream tonight, to report back tomorrow morning... Or just later this morning, technically. Peace out, motherfuckers.
How are you going to try? Good luck
Where have people been LARPing in this thread?

Also, you can't prove a negative. Simple as that.
What do you guys think would be the best place to find vampires? Clubs? Walmart at 3 in the morning? A back alley? Abandoned buildings? Other dangerous locations where I can get stabbed?
My sides haha
Dunno man, first we need to stablish a way to spot them, traces who separate them from the crowd, then we begin.
If theres a culling of /x/, no /x/ will exist anymore.
You look for predators. Most of them will just be human narcissists, though.

Nonsense. It just means that some of the lurkers would be forced to participate. Worst case scenario, we might have to meet on 8 instead. NTG could create her own board. I wonder if /vamp/ is taken yet.
So someone want to fill me in on how to possibly find a vampire that i can convince to make me immortal?
I don't need to tell you how retarded is to let a predator know you're there.
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Why would they even need to prey on random /x/-fags when they live in a world of abundance anyway?
Assuming vamps exist and find this thread, posters here would have to be interesting to be allowed an encounter with one. That, or the vamp would allow it for ego related issues. Or well, who can resist a free meal with home delivery. No idea, really. If you were a vampire, what would make you want to meet someone?
>Or well, who can resist a free meal with home delivery

The whole blood thing is very... obscure. In fiction it's often portrayed as something they crave intensely and it makes them feel amazing, right? But then (just an example) someone here said that blood doesn't even taste good and they only need it once every few days or week to keep going and otherwise consume food for energy which makes sense to me.

If blood wasn't that exciting drug and thrill it often is portrayed as and just something they need for maintenance then I doubt they would feel tempted to risk so much like attacking/draining people with families who leave a lot of evidence to get a drink.

>If you were a vampire, what would make you want to meet someone?

It seems likely that vampires are not allowed to just meet mortals and "break the masquerade" because of rules they have. Surely some do it anyway because some people do whatever the fuck they want but yeah... hmm.

If I was a vampire. Well, I think I would only meet someone (because it does seem like a gigantic risk) if I felt a very strong connection for whatever reason. You?
>If you were a vampire, what would make you want to meet someone?

boredom I guess. Or if I really liked that person
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Boredom? You think vampires would be still around if they casually met mortals and gave them evidence whenever they felt a little bored?
I didnt say how much bored nor did I said that I would not be cautious.

>Question: "What would make you meet people from 4chan threads and risk potentially getting executed by other vampires?"
>"Oh well, just being bored I guess."

And how does that disprove what I said dummy?
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It proves that you're a fool. Rather than complain be glad that I'm giving you some sense back into your life by explaining that you can't apply this kind of AUTIST logic.
Probably for the same, kind of for the same reasons I would meet an online person.
I think the drug part makes sense. Kind of like being addicted to something. You know it's bad, you don't really want to do it until you think "Screw that, I need it". There is no beast, only one's own lack of self control and an addictive drug.
>Probably for the same, kind of for the same reasons I would meet an online person.

So... for random hook-ups on public toilets behind Walmart then?
I´m not saying you have to meet every random faggot or that you have to go FULLRETARD during it.

I should fucking slap some sense into you
How dare you! I don't do that kind of things!
On the other hand, vamps have no stds that we know. Somewhat tempting.
>Do you get taught about the ways of getting blood when you're still new?
Yes, and not only.
>If you don't mind me asking, how do you personally get it?
Not from necks, I can say as much!
>As for your "family", what sort of level of contact do you have? Are there meetings, or do you all live together, or is it just a case of just being connected and knowing each other? Again, if you feel you can't answer these, please say.
We are "connected" in some ways I do not know how to explain. We have meetings, very more often than I would like to. I live alone but some live together, as friends, "servants" or lovers. I do receive people home too.
>I'm glad that the sun part is disinformation, I already burn easily enough. :^)
I hate it, and thankfully, soon it will be gone!
>To an extent, yes, although not to such an extent as you. It's very difficult, trying to hide that you think what the people around you are doing is wrong, but I still didn't, out of fear that they'd turn on me too.
I hope you are free from these bad relations now!
Did you need something?
>Did you need something?

No I just like talking with you

> I do receive people home too.
What do you mean?
I've always wished vampires were real.
I've had a fascination with them since I was a kid.
I don't mean to be "that guy", but what is the difference between you and your average /x/ roleplayer? How could we know or find out what you say is true?
>No I just like talking with you
>What do you mean?
Well, that they come home? To my home.
You can not, and I do not care if you believe me or not.
Meanie. One would think you'd be a kind soul and give us some info on our research. No matter how ridiculous it sounds, if there's a trail to be followed it will be far more interesting, even if it doesn't necessarily lead to vampires being a real thing.
For example you said the sun doesn't kill you, but this information cannot be trusted. Not blindly at least. Something we can verify would be greatly appreciated, no matter how small.
Hey, I hope your unlife is going well.

She already told us quite a few things (and said she broke rules by doing so, I think) so we can't expect that much more. But as far alleged vampires goes, she's the nicest person so far and not arrogant/rude like the others so that's something.

All the other vampires in this thread came across as narcissistic and condescending. I don't know if that's just the nature of vampires or if roleplayers think that's how you have to type to come across as real.
I have given a lot of informations. There is nothing you can verify by yourself, not that I think of right now.
Hello, I hope your life is going well too. I just saw your answer, sorry.
>I'm going to tease you with that until the end of time. If you are wondering how I, as a human, will make it to the end of time well I'm gonna find a way maybe like... pact with a magical mountain gnome or cybernetics.
I deserve it, maybe. But I would appreciate if you let go.
>Extremely wrong! So that means you are tall and have dark hair, yes?
>Or possibly muscular and/or overweight.
Neither, normal.
How tall? NTG thinks anything over 140cm is tall
Okay, I thought you would be the opposite that's why I thought you might be muscular or fat.

Tfw no fat vampires ...

How tall are we talking about? I'm 5'9 and that's already pretty tall here. We had this theory that the oldest vampires would be manlets, is there any truth to it?

On the topic of age though. If you can say (vague is fine too, like just a range of age) what age are the oldest vampires? Are we talking like 100 years here or even 1000?

>But I would appreciate if you let go.

I will.

On topic of age can you tell us how old are you? I´m guessing not old
Well in that case thank you for your time. I will take a good look at it as soon as I have time. I hope you have good luck in life. Out of curiosity, are other vampires threatening to you?
>All the other vampires in this thread came across as narcissistic and condescending. I don't know if that's just the nature of vampires or if roleplayers think that's how you have to type to come across as real.
If it is worth something, I can vouch for the fact that they are narcissistic and plain mean.
Simply tall, but I am no giant. You are teasing her, but are you not tiny too? Or maybe you are joking, I can not tell.
It is impossible to be fat. You can be muscular, but not fat.
How tall is 5'9? Could you use centimeters?
>We had this theory that the oldest vampires would be manlets, is there any truth to it?
Before they were turned, I would suppose so, yes. Your height changes.
>On the topic of age though. If you can say (vague is fine too, like just a range of age) what age are the oldest vampires? Are we talking like 100 years here or even 1000?
I do not know.. The oldest person I am aware of is in the three or four hundreds, the exact number I do not know. It is not something you reveal like when you are asked your name. The older you are, the stronger you become, you are seen as a "threat" by a lot of people.
>I will.
Thank you.
I am 24 years old. Why are you guessing that? Have I said anything?
Thank you too, I wish you the same. Threatening.. I do not know. Only a few really scare me. Am I a threat to them? I would believe that I am not.
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>I can vouch for the fact that they are narcissistic and plain mean.

How did you, as someone who is so different, even end up with this group of narcissistic and awful family?

That's something I wonder but I'm sure it's a tale too long and (too personal) to share. So don't mind me, just thinking out loud.

>It is impossible to be fat. You can be muscular, but not fat.

And what if you were fat before becoming a vampire? Does that just disappear? Is there any truth to vampires being beautiful or their looks enhanced... strictly physically speaking here, not talking about any mind tricks!

>How tall is 5'9? Could you use centimeters?

Of course, I'm so used to talk to amerifags here. It's like 175cm.

I feel a little bad, you appear and the interview starts. Reminds me of someone who just wants to buy a croissant and they end up being stormed by paparazzi putting microphones in their face.
>Simply tall, but I am no giant. You are teasing her, but are you not tiny too? Or maybe you are joking, I can not tell.

No I´m perfect height for male.
I´m just poiting out that "tall" is relative when you are small like her

Why is it impossible to be fat?
And can you gain muscle ?

You mentioned something that makes me think you are not old
>I feel a little bad, you appear and the interview starts. Reminds me of someone who just wants to buy a croissant and they end up being stormed by paparazzi putting microphones in their face.

Sorry for asking questions and not letting you have her all for yourself :^)
No, I feel it's important other people ask too. First of all, she's not here for me and second, you guys can up with good questions as well.

I was just wondering if she finds it annoying that we all pounce on her and ask about vampire stuff. Is all!
Well, its not like people will believe in that person anyway.
I dont know anything about vampires, but my mom dated a guy in North Carolina who claimed he knew a bar where vampires hung out.

He was a police officer and a former green beret. I went on a ride along with him one time and he was a pretty serious but nice guy.

He never mentioned anything like that to me, and I asked my mom if he was serious or just fucking with her, and she made it clear he was being quite serious.

Dunno if I believe it or not, but strangely coming from him I believe it
He didnt say anything more than "I know about a vampire bar"?
>How did you, as someone who is so different, even end up with this group of narcissistic and awful family?
Is there not a saying that goes like "you do not choose your family"? Your personnality changes over the years, and I would like to believe they are not at fault. But the less I see them, the better I am.
>And what if you were fat before becoming a vampire? Does that just disappear? Is there any truth to vampires being beautiful or their looks enhanced... strictly physically speaking here, not talking about any mind tricks!
Not overnight. No. Some are ugly and some are charming, this does not change after you are turned. If scars made you ugly (but I think they're cute!) I guess you would be more beautiful after turning, otherwise, no. You do get stronger.
>Of course, I'm so used to talk to amerifags here. It's like 175cm.
I am taller than you, but I do not want to disclose my height here, forgive me. I am feeling a little paranoid already telling you what I look like.
>I feel a little bad
Do not, please. If anything, I am the one at fault.
>No I´m perfect height for male.
>I´m just poiting out that "tall" is relative when you are small like her
I do not remember your height, but I remember reading it and teasing you, because you are not tall either. You would make a great vampire with all that ego. :^)
>Why is it impossible to be fat?
Your body "fights" it.
And can you gain muscle ?
Yes, but not the traditionnal way.
>You mentioned something that makes me think you are not old
I am very curious as you may have seen, it is not a secret that I am not old, but I would like to know what "betrayed" me!

Wish I knew the details. This had to be around 2009 or 2010 my mom mentioned it, and it was to make a point of why she thought he was a strange guy. I don't know his exact words.

She's dead now so I can't ask about it, unfortunately.

Who knows? The only reason it comes to mind and I take it semi seriously is because of who it came from
>Is there not a saying that goes like "you do not choose your family"?

I believe we do choose our family. I don't respect and love my parents because they are family and I have to. I love them because of what's in their heart. As gay as that sounds.

If they were bad people I wouldn't care they are my blood, I would leave. But I understand that life isn't always this simple, it's not that black and white.

>I am feeling a little paranoid already telling you what I look like.

Oh, I understand. Don't worry... I'm not gonna follow you home, break into your house and watch you sleep. :^)

Thats ok you dont have to explain. I understand your motive. Desire to posses is trait of narcissists afterall....

>because you are not tall either.
what? DISINFO. I´m PERFECT height

>Yes, but not the traditionnal way.
can you explain this?

>I am very curious as you may have seen, it is not a secret that I am not old, but I would like to know what "betrayed" me!
You mentioned being passing out with friends in hotel room or something,right? I just figured it could not be that long ago
Woa, so the body undergo some changes, cool.
>ugly vamps
Theres still hope for me then haha
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A lot of people consider "lifestyle" vampires as real vampires. Humans who drink blood and believe themselves to be vampires. Did he ever clarify what kind of vampire he meant?

True, but they probably still have strict rules against it. Just in case, you can't take risks.
>175 cm.
Damon, that's pretty tall. Almost as tall as me. I wish I hadn't shrunk 2 cm.

How strong are we talking about, compared to a human being. Also are your reflexes enhanced as well? Is there something you can do that you couldn't before. I think it sounds fun.
go nosferatu or go home
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Did she say anything about how much blood does one of like her really need to consume?
Obfuscate for life mein nigga.
This is gonna be a reaaallly obvious question, but... can you tell us how you became a vampire?
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Who? Belgana? That's her: >>19425376

I don't think she did. But you can always ask her yourself.

>Damon, that's pretty tall. Almost as tall as me. I wish I hadn't shrunk 2 cm.

Damn right! Well, for a woman that is. 175cm wouldn't be tall for a man. But I do know there's plenty of guys around my height or even below it. It's okay to be a dwarf in 2017! Don't worry.
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Euro version
Good morning Belgana, i wanted to ask you this:
How much blood does one like yourself need to consume in order to keep functioning? Im asking because i read the interview of a person called Elizabeth in Dr. Kaplan book and she said that she would need to feed on 1~2 person daily, killing them actually, is this really a thing?
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I did, thanks yo.
>I believe we do choose our family. I don't respect and love my parents because they are family and I have to. I love them because of what's in their heart. As gay as that sounds.
>If they were bad people I wouldn't care they are my blood, I would leave. But I understand that life isn't always this simple, it's not that black and white.
I understand your point, you have the choice, but we do not.
>Oh, I understand. Don't worry... I'm not gonna follow you home, break into your house and watch you sleep. :^)
I do not sleep a lot, and I would know if you are watching me, you should find something else!
>what? DISINFO. I´m PERFECT height
Were you not 180 or 183 centimeters tall? You are tiny.
>can you explain this?
I can not explain it here, but you do not get stronger from it.
>You mentioned being passing out with friends in hotel room or something,right? I just figured it could not be that long ago
I am a hundred percent sure that was not me.
Beauty of mind is what should matter.
>How strong are we talking about, compared to a human being.
To the average human, a lot. I end up breaking a lot of furnitures because I do not pay attention.
>Also are your reflexes enhanced as well?
Yes, but nothing inhumane.
>Is there something you can do that you couldn't before.
With physical strength? Yes, a lot of things. But I do not use it, I do not need to.
I will not, your questions are too intimate. I am not sure that Elizabeth is a fraud, as I have recognized myself in a lot of what she said, but the amount of blood she claimed to consume.. This is misinformation.
Being a dwarf sounds comfy. I'm ok with this.
Vampire dwarves would be pretty cool.
Coolio, the blood thing was my main concern, you did answer the question tough haha
>I do not sleep a lot, and I would know if you are watching me, you should find something else!

Alright. I guess I wont do that then.

Last question of the height: Were you already tall before you got turned or do all vampires grow into giants with age? Regardless of gender.
>Were you not 180 or 183 centimeters tall? You are tiny.
182cm. Thats perfect height for male. Not manlet or lanklet

>I am a hundred percent sure that was not me.
then I´m thinking about someone else
Wtf, im 173, nigga, am i a manlet?
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173cm is 100% manlet tier in Europe. Men are not manlets if they are 180cm and above. But even 180cm isn't that tall, is almost my own height.
No manlet is 175cm+. You are ultra manlet
I did not answer it.
I was quite tall already. Men grow more than women, age has nothing to do with it. You grow taller after you are turned, for maybe, 9 or 10 months. It is defined by the quality and quantity of blood you consume, I believe.
>182 centimeters is not manlet height.
Yes, you are thinking of someone else. Not using a name brings confusion, forgive me.
I like that you take your time to answer everything. I appreciate that. Did you ever kill to survive/ have thralls? How do you feel about it? It would be nice if you didn't need to attack someone to survive.
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Im a good person, so that compensates the lack of height. haha
Being small has advantages too. You can hide in peoples bags, in trashcans and so on. You'd make a good vampire assasin!
>I did not answer it.
you did, you said the amount of blood she did say to consume was a misinformation, one of the ways to describe something besides from what it is, is what it is not.
I'm sorry. Being a good guy is getting the short straw. Quite literally I'm afraid.
T. Manlet
Yeah i guess, i learned some martial arts stuff too, never found my height to put me at a large disadvantage over someone else.
Stop hurting muh feels.
>I like that you take your time to answer everything. I appreciate that
I try my best to not forget anyone, and to respond to what I can.
>Did you ever kill to survive
No. Never.
>/have thralls?
Yes, in the past.
>How do you feel about it? It would be nice if you didn't need to attack someone to survive.
You do not need to hurt people. You can use other ways, just like I have, but they do not, for the majority.
But I did not say if it was too much or too little. It was too much, though.
Being manlet crushes one soul. That wound never heals

182 is perfect. I would not want to be taller. Good thing I dont want to worry about it :^)

Can you grow shorter too? Like if you drink subpar manlet blood from lets say NTG
>Can you grow shorter too? Like if you drink subpar manlet blood from lets say NTG
Of course not! Are you joking, when you say things like that?
That makes me wonder now that you say my blood is subpar. What qualifies as good quality blood? Just health and age, or something else entirely?
Big guys have strength, tall guys have range. However, if you get a tall guy into short range there is little he can do. Would vampires know fighting styles? I wonder.
>What qualifies as good quality blood?
I can not tell you, apologies.
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Aaaaah. That makes it sound so mysterious and curious now!

Okay, okay. Thank you for having told us other things though.
What do you think?
You just did it again. You said it was an exagerated amount, so one can logally deduce that its too little, you described the amount by what it was not: Too much.
Are vampires de only supernatural thing you deal with? Are you aware of anything else?
Guess who's back.
Back again.
Convert's back.
Tell a friend.

Welp, no interesting vampire dreams last night, the only thing I remember is driving (I think my dreams are telling me to learn to drive) through a bunch of zombies, while listening to Holiday In Cambodia by The Dead Kennedys.

Eyyyy Belgana's back. How you doing?

>Not from necks

So... From where then? Like, blood banks?

>We are "connected" in some ways I do not know how to explain. We have meetings, very more often than I would like to. I live alone but some live together, as friends, "servants" or lovers. I do receive people home too.

Like, a telepathic connection? Or more instinctual?

>soon it will be gone!

Wait what? I hope you mean night time as opposed to the sun just disappearing, I'd be very concerned if the sun vanished.

>I hope you are free from these bad relations now!

I am indeed, thank you very much. I wish I could say the same for you, but from what you've said I have a feeling it's a little more... Permanent.
Also, do you have knowledge of any other immortal beings besides vampires?
Also, I would like to ask about what goes on at the meetings, but I'm guessing that's VERY secret information.
It sounds like you are insecure about your height, and because of it, you insult others.
I said the amount she claimed to consume was misinformation. I did not tell you if it was an exagerated amount. I did in a previous thread, but not here, to you. You could not deduce that the amount was too much or too little from what I have said here. I just told you after so you could know, because I did not previously. You only read what you wanted to.
I do believe, and I have seen things, related to ghosts. I am not aware of anything else.
Hello Convert. Well, thank you. I am about to leave, but it is not because I do not like you ha ha.
>So... From where then? Like, blood banks?
>Like, a telepathic connection? Or more instinctual?
I would know where to go if I had to find them.
>Wait what? I hope you mean night time as opposed to the sun just disappearing, I'd be very concerned if the sun vanished.
Winter is coming soon, the days are going to be darker than in summer.
>I am indeed, thank you very much. I wish I could say the same for you, but from what you've said I have a feeling it's a little more... Permanent.
This is good news! Thank you for worrying for me.
>Also, I would like to ask about what goes on at the meetings, but I'm guessing that's VERY secret information.
Some animals, but I do not remember their names. Nothing you do not know about.

I have to leave now, goodbye everyone. I will respond later like usual.
My height is perfect.
Do you think that NTG is insecure too? She likes to tease people just like me. Or do you have problem just with me for some reason?
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>Do you think that NTG is insecure too?

Well, I am insecure. A lot of people are. Maybe most.
Insecure about your height? We are talking height here


Looks like your friend just does not like me. But thats alright,not everyone got taste :^)
We are not perfect. But we can be pretty damn good.
What are you guys good at? I would advise against being just a pretty face, even though it is said to greatly influence your chances of getting hired as well as finding a partner or being likeable during a first impression, avoid being detained by the police or getting a favor or not escalating a violent situation.
Yes. Height.

I feel like I make other people (men) feel uncomfortable by being taller than them. I don't want them to feel unironically inferior because of that. Kek.

Well doesn't matter. I'm gonna nap.
Go to Northern Yurop.
Here there be giants.
And how does that make YOU insecure?
Thats like saying rich people are insecure around poor people.
Yeah go nap because you are spouting nonsense again and your damaged brain needs rest
>pretty face
Many guys are not into taller girls. Then these taller girls go to Poland and Sweden and they feel at home. My friend is 187 cm and felt somewhat insecure about it too.
I am insecure about my height because it can make other people uncomfortable. I don't want nice people to feel uncomfortable.

Is that a concept too difficult too comprehend for you? I'm typing this shit from my bed with my phone!

Northern Europe is turning into middle east. And my fellow brown people tend too be... smaller.

I'm good at eating. Sleeping and self pity too, sometimes. Being loyal and obsessive too! Apparently also good at making people angry with cleavage and vampire threads.
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martial arts
police contacts
a person told me once im pretty adptable to different situations like an chameleon she said.
>I am about to leave, but it is not because I do not like you ha ha.

That's okay! Thank you for what answers you could give, I'm sure I'll have plenty more to annoy you with next time. :^)

Look after yourself!

Everyone's chatting shit about people's height, and here I am, the 187cm-ish master race. :^)
Men tend to be far more into tall girls than taller girls are into shorter guys though. The pressure men experience about their height is unfortunate.
You're a guy so no worries. Are you ugly? Grow a nice beard. Unless you can't grow a beard, then I shall formally welcome you into the rejects secret club.
187? Lucky you then! But you might grow into a 2 m giant as a vampire...
You are completely missing point.
Go sleep kid.

And so what that you are posting from your bed? I do that whole day


Lanklet :^)
Ugly? I consider myself average

>grow a beard
No thanks I dont want to look like giant arab and get lynched
What point am I missing?
Apparently when people do same thing its not same thing >>19425609

Also you are not insecure about your height,stop playing
You don't even know if Belgana thinks I'm insecure or if she likes me. She replies to everyone and she doesn't give me extra attention or replies.

You think she dislikes you or something yet she keeps replying to you as well.

And yes. I'm genuinely awkward about making other people uncomfortable so I'm worried about my height.

>Is that a concept too difficult too comprehend for you? I'm typing this shit from my bed with my phone!
It is today. Typing from bed makes me dizzy, and I have been doing it for hours too.
>I'm good at eating. Sleeping and self pity too, sometimes. Being loyal and obsessive too!
That sounds so very cute. If you're single and willing I'll try to pair you up with Bird. I think anger is better than self pity, though. Drags you forward. Have a nice nap
Thank you but I'm not looking for dates or relationship. There is only one soulmate for me and until that person comes along I don't care for any other male. At least not like that.

Now shitposting with my phone made me awake... no idea how you phonefags do it. So annoying to type!
>You don't even know if Belgana thinks I'm insecure
Thats why Im asking her

>I'm genuinely awkward about making other people uncomfortable so I'm worried about my height.

This might be the single most retarded thing I have seen from you.
Go sleep autist!

Anger is good emotion. It motivates people at least

>Now shitposting with my phone made me awake... no idea how you phonefags do it. So annoying to type!
It is horrible but addictive.
One step closer to understanding vampires' thirst. Only thirst for blood comes without autocorrect. Big plus for them.
So, if there's an actual vampire in this thread, how does one become a vampire? Could you answer that? Or is that forbidden
i think she left for now, but i would also like to know that.
Well, that was interesting.

Went into Waterstone's (a book shop) today, to inquire about Vampires Are. They had no books by Stephen Kaplan on the system. At all. The guy went through Google with me with the same results, literally nothing bat one being sold second hand from Australia, with a fucking steep delivery cost.

Ended up leaving with the contact details for an Out Of Print Book Service. I now feel like someone out of a Lovecraft story, searching for forbidden lore through various obscure avenues.

Let's just hope it doesn't end up costing a fortune.
nice. keep us updated with new developments, also, do this out of print book service has a site or something like that?
Good job. Hope it's worth it.

I'm the same save for police contacts. I am not a bad person, but for some reason policemen tend to think I'm up to something
i have them mainly because im in the force, maybe eventually they will leave you alone.
I mean, they're both UK based and I presume they won't ship overseas, but you're free to have a look:



Me too, it'd be a terrible anticlimax if nothing came of it.

not that weird I think. Its pretty old and obscure book

There is one used at Amazon

Even so, i thank you.
That must have literally just come on. Checked Amazon before, and there was only the listing for it showing as out of stock.

>Not that weird I think

No, I mean I was expecting it to be not on the system. Where's your flair for the dramatic, Knifey? :^)

The second link is the one I mentioned that ships from Australia.

Unfortunately for both of these, I'm not made of money, so doubling the expense on shipping just isn't appealing to me.

You better order it then cause its last one. I doubt they will reprint this book from 1983. Like ever. How much is shipping from USA? Too lazy to make Amazon acc

Not in mood for dramatic right now :^)
Whoever ends up buying the book, scan the stuff and post it online for the rest of us, if its still there by the end of the month ill buy it.
I have the money to buy it, should I? What does it talk about exactly?
Btw I'd scan it if I got it
Oh wow it's gone
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Well, unless someone in this thread bought it, I'm calling that it's vampires hiding the truth by buying and maybe destroying all copies of the book.

Damned VIDF at it again!
It is indeed weird.
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If she said the truth then vampirism is the cure to being a manletism...
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She said you will only grow few cm. Thats nowhere enough for you
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Also, if transformation into a vampire doesn't allow your body to be "fat" does that mean people with big ass and boobs will have them shrink down too? Because it's all fat too if natural.

Is it therefor right to assume vampires never have a ghetto booty and never are busty?

(Threads past is far past its bump limit so I'm pulling out the high quality questions.)
Why do people mind being short?
Being short for men is like being fat for women, I guess? The opposite gender perceives it (generally) as pretty unattractive.

There are big advantages to both though. Being short or tall. For example if I was a vampire at one hand I'd love to be tall just to look strong and intimidating to other vampires who want to start shit but at the other hand it just draws so much attention being tall too... especially if the person is female?

And attention isn't good, outside of 4chan, in the real world.

That's my thoughts on it!
>Is it therefor right to assume vampires never have a ghetto booty and never are busty?

That would suck wouldnt it?

>only fat
No you need to workout and have some muscles. Sitting on your ass and devouring everything wont make girl thicc
Short girls are cute.

Short men are fucked. You either look like child or like you are overcompensating if you get buff. I feel bad for short fellows
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>That would suck wouldnt it?

It doesn't really matter, it's a very superficial observation after all. I just like to wonder. Belgana said she has a normal body and that sounds perfectly fine.

Though I have to say the fact that you can't be fat as a vampire is really triggering my desire. That's better than immortality! Forever be a glutton and never pay the price for it...

Heavy breathing...

>I feel bad for short fellows

If you're a short man you filter all shallow women by default, that's pretty great.
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>Though I have to say the fact that you can't be fat as a vampire is really triggering my desire. That's better than immortality! Forever be a glutton and never pay the price for it...

You dont even know if food still taste good for them

>If you're a short man you filter all shallow women by default, that's pretty great.

Unless you happen to be model-bad boy-rapist. Then they will go full retard because women
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I would really like to understand this mindset. Same with women who want to marry murders/rapist in jail. What the fuck.
As a dude i dont mind being 173cm tall, people on 4chan seem to mind a lot tough, nowadays i think the attraction thing is more tied to status than anything else.
Im short but i look normal, i guess theres a lot of insecure people in the world.
You dont but positive mindset is imporant. Keep it up and dont let anyone keep you down!
Aye aye, sir!
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>caring about the behavior and opinion of vapid tinder sluts
>using the behavior and opinion of vapid tinder sluts as an example for anything
I dont care about them. I would not even touch someone like that. I just want to understand it because men dont do this shit. I also gave prison as example
Men don't do WHAT? Men aren't shallow? Men are just less "picky" than women but they are proven to be more manipulable by beauty than women.

It's because they are more visual than women. Hence why guys look at porn more, magazines, tits and asses on the street and girls tend to be more into fan fiction, books and erotica like that. Visual vs fantasy.

Also guys do love crazy and "bad" girls too, a lot. One of the most popular genre in Anime, as an example, is Yandere... where the girl is batshit insane and often harms the guy she loves too. Or remember one of the mugshot ladies that got viral? Yeah, because she was hot.

Or just look at the threads how throughout them guys wanted to have a "dominant, powerful" vampire girlfriend who makes them their slave and is probably dangerous too. But they only want her if she's hot, of course... if she looked like Nosferatu no way.
I see being too tall as a serious disadvantage. Average is good.
You can get pretty much the same result as the pics if you appear to have money and stuff like that, even being ugly and all
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I never said that men are not shallow dumbass

>comparing men liking bad girls in anime to girls liking murders and rapist irl
>Also guys do love crazy and "bad" girls too
No space for that kinda shit in my life yo, just peace and tranquility
Yes, but that applies to almost everything. Men and women alike are drawn to beauty and status. It's just that women (on average) are more picky about partners so they tend to focus more on the top of things unlike men who go for below that as well.

You literally just said men don't do that shit and I am proving you wrong. Obviously men do it too.

Do you know Jodi Arias? She brutally murdered her boyfriend. Yet she receives countless love letters (FROM MEN) in prison and marriage proposals, planning to marry soon. There's just far less female killers than male killers to be "admired" ...

If you can't see how it goes both ways and fall for weird memes then you need a reality check real quick, boy.
No! Nosferatu gf is best gf! Repent infidel!
Yeah, some of us are really suckers for any women, some.
I think Nosferatus are great too! Even attractive on some of the artwork (but art tends to be idealized...), however they would be pretty horrifying in real life I fear.
Its women trait deal with it

Pic unrelated?
Just need to get used to it, i have seem a lot of shit so i would get used fast i think. Would be more shocked to find an actual vampire to mind its appearence.
>no arguments
>destroyed by me as usual

Nothing new here.

Pic not unrelated, pleb! I think she looks pretty. But it's 100% idealized, she has smooth skin, a nice body, feminine face. A real cursed Nosferatu would have bumpy, rough skin, smell bad, look deformed.
You have no arguments just horrible damage control kid. Just accept that girls are way more insane in this regard.

>nice body
>feminine face

Is she trying to look like inspector Kojak?
And the ugly claws...what a pleb taste
>no sources or examples
>no counter-arguments

I should stop debating you, it's like fighting with a special needs kid. It's too easy so my victory doesn't feel rewarding. Yawn!

>nice body

She has a nice body. Feminine shape of hips and waist, flat stomach. Face feminine too? Look at the shape of her jaw, small nose and big eyes.

It's an idealized version of a Nosferatu.
Your source was 1 girl as opposed to thousand other sources.

Your "argument" was basically deflection by saying "b-but men are shallow!" which was not even topic!

But I forgive you. It was my fault really. I expected too much from you....

If thats idealized then have God mercy in poor nosferatufags...
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that nosfe was pretty tough, haha
Men are shallow though. And everyone cheats no matter what under the right circumstances.
I never claimed they are not
oy oy, calm down, not everyone does that.
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>Your "argument" was basically deflection by saying "b-but men are shallow!" which was not even topic!

Wrong. It IS the topic, you said men (quote) don't do that shit implying men are not attracted to hot criminal/bad women. But they absolutely are.

Considering that men are more "visually focused/stimulated" than women, that argument makes no sense. Infact that only supports the idea that men will be more forgiving to a visually stimulating women.

>Your source was 1 girl as opposed to thousand other sources.

I gave several examples. And as I said, there are FAR MORE male killers and criminals so obviously you can't come up with the same amount. Female killers in the media are very rare.

- Meagan McCullough AKA "Attractive Convict" getting viral because she's hot
- Alysa Suguro Bathrick AKA "Cute Mugshot Girl" getting viral because she's hot
- Sarah Furay AKA "Adorable Drug Kingpin" getting viral because she's hot
- Sarah Seawright AKA "Prison Bae" getting viral because she's hot

Clearly criminal or insane women receiving a lot of positive attention and admiration from men because they are very attractive.

Karla Homolka, female serial killer jailed for raping and murdering her sister Tammy and two girls with Paul Bernardo. Got married to a male suitor in prison despite that. Then of course Jodi Arias who I mentioned before, who brutally slaughtered her boyfriend and had a whole fan club of men sending her love letters and asking to marry her.

Please think before you spread memes like "Women are into hot serial killers! Men are not!" because it makes no sense as proven by reality itself.
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mostly because they are hot not cuz they crazy, then some men are just too desperate to grab any puss they can find, no fucks given, and of course, some are just as crazy as the women they want to fakk
Ladies, put away the claws.

Literally every group of people, no matter which way you divide them, has shallow/crazy/stupid/disgusting members. It's not about "woah, all women are crazy disgusting cunts", it's a case of "woah, those particular women are crazy disgusting cunts". A few examples, no matter how many, doesn't make a generalisation correct.

>everyone cheats no matter what under the right circumstances
So, you've either been cheated on, or are using that as an excuse for cheating at a guess.

Fuck no nigga, I've been completely trashed, and had a decently hot girl (almost literally) asking me to fuck her. I didn't, because I was in a relationship. Not EVERYONE cheats, some people do.
Yes, of course. Women are 100% shallow too, no contest... it's just that the average men is even more weak to good looks than the average women.

>Literally every group of people, no matter which way you divide them, has shallow/crazy/stupid/disgusting members.

Yes! But his point was an extreme. He pointed at women while saying men don't do that yet obviously do. Also I strongly dislike that weird stereotype that's perpetuated online that women somehow adore abusive and crazy men yet guys don't do it. Wrong.

Both genders are shit.
>it's just that the average men is even more weak to good looks than the average women
Maybe because women have a more wide pool to pick than men, so we end up shooting in every possible direction to come up with something. I mean, women no matter how ugly will always have at least a dozen men trying to bed her, the avarage men, per se, is one of those twelve poor suckers haha.
Still less than what girls do. You dont even take into consideration that men have lower standards! You also seem somewhat triggered...

>Ladies, put away the claws.
But I just sharpened them

Also I never said anything like "all women"

>Both genders are shit

That we can agree on
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> so we end up shooting in every possible direction to come up with something.

Yeah. I don't understand this attitude though, I'd rather stay single/virgin forever than just shooting into every direction in some attempt to get lucky with some random person.

But I don't have to understand.

>women no matter how ugly will always have at least a dozen men trying to bed her,

True. Because the average male standard is quite low you can be quite ugly and out of shape, still attract a lot of attention. Speaking from experience here. ;^)

>Still less than what girls do.

According to what though? Relative size? No. There's just way less opportunity for men because female killers and criminals are rare.
Its not supposed to make sense i think, some people just want to get laid, no matter what.
Hmmm... to each their own I guess.
Why are we talking about this on the vampire board
>Speaking from experience here. ;^)
good for ya haha
yeah, thats why a lot of people and up in fucked up relationships, haha
>Both genders are shit.
That's the spirit! Hate everyone equally. :^)

>Also I never said anything like "all women"
True, but you never specified "some women" either, so it was left open to interpretation, that would more likely lead to "I mean it sounds like he's saying that all of them are like that".

Because bump limit has been reached. When that happens it tends to be a no-holds-barred shitposting match until new thread happens.
end up*
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>Why are we talking about this on the vampire board

The thread is way past it's bump limit so the casual shitposting is just a way to kill some time. We can't make a new one unless this one is out of the catalog.

>good for ya haha

It's good because it's my job otherwise it doesn't matter.

>That's the spirit! Hate everyone equally. :^)

Yeeees! I hate them all. Equally. Until proven otherwise.

Crawling in my skin... these wounds they will not heeeaaaal...
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>According to what though? Relative size? No. There's just way less opportunity for men because female killers and criminals are rare.

Men are also more thirsty and desperate pic related. Yet is mainly phenomen among women who can otherwise get any desperate fag


>you can be quite ugly and out of shape, still attract a lot of attention. Speaking from experience here. ;^)

I know your narcissist brain is just fishing for compliment but you are not ugly

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>It's good because it's my job otherwise it doesn't matter.
oh yeah, you work with online media or something like that right? why it doesnt matter tough?
>The thread is way past it's bump limit so the casual shitposting is just a way to kill some time. We can't make a new one unless this one is out of the catalog.

There are two /div/ generals in catalog. Or at least were like an hour ago.
>Yet is mainly phenomen among women who can otherwise get any desperate fag

There's no proof it mainly happens for women. Pretty much every good looking female criminal gets male attention too.

>I know your narcissist brain is just fishing for compliment but you are not ugly

You're right, I am not ugly by average impression because ugly means below standard. However all you know of me is the impression of a webcam.

Webcam is idealized. Smooth light, near flawless, poreless skin, hair not as textured, body shaped differently. You get what I mean? I look different in real life.

But most importantly my point was that despite me being "average-ish" in looks I received a lot of financial aid and attention because male standards aren't high and they will go for almost everything. That's my opinion.
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3edgy5me m8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVTXPUF4Oz4 on full blast, son.
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>You're right, I am not ugly by average impression because ugly means below standard. However all you know of me is the impression of a webcam.
>Webcam is idealized. Smooth light, near flawless, poreless skin, hair not as textured, body shaped differently. You get what I mean? I look different in real life.

I dont really care desu I just wanted to trigger you again by calling you narcissist. It worked so well last time :^)
I get triggered easily by massive stupidity. You see, I have a weak spot for getting angry over dumb people.

And that is why you precisely succeed so well at triggering me...
No honey if you get triggered and swallow easy bait it means YOU are dumb...
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Not if you enjoy the whole act of getting triggered and then destroying the person and showing everyone how dumb they are.

Which I do.
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Aww yes, reminds me of my childhood. Breaking The Habit was clearly the superior song though.

RIP Chester Bennington.
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Thats just damage control but whatever helps you sleep at night...

Just remember I can trigger you anytime I want. You are too easy dummy.
poor guy
We killed Chester with vampire threads. I can feel it.

The only way you couldn't trigger me is by getting actually intelligent but I don't see that happen in a human life time. ;^)
Few weeks ago you called me intelligent....
At least now you see why I need more than human life time :^)
Where? What context?
I dont remember. Do you think I remember exactly every time someone calls me intelligent? Happens all the time
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Pretty sure I never called you unironically intelligent. Though I remember calling Convert quite clever... and Bruce.
Yeah me in same sense. I´m not suprised that your damaged brain does not remember it so I guess you will have to just trust me..
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>tfw vampires killed Chester because some spergs on 4chan were onto their secrets

I'm curious, what actually makes you think I'm intelligent?
Long story short. Got cheated on with soul mate who told me I was perfect and still does. I got mad and tried to see who will cheat and why. I got surprised with the results. People virgin until marriage, happy with their partner and their sexual life, conservative and very religious. Cheating still happens. I ain't proud of it, but I sure learned from it. Those who say they won't cheat only need the right circumstances.
>trusting the honorless, thread-cheating dog

NEVER! I'm still traumatized by that.
I think I noticed it the most when (and how) you dismantle the trolls and angry posters who project their misery and frustration onto us.

Just the way you had insight into their psychology and what drives them to react like that made me think you're at least above average intelligent! You also have some good level of eloquence and input/ideas of vampire discussions.

But don't flatter yourself, degenerate!


I´m a lot of things but not honorless liar !
I saw it happen with my own eyes, bro. I did not hallucinate.
You see, it sounds like you were going for the most repressed group you could find with that. People can have whatever morals they want, but when they're repressed to that degree, whether consciously or not they will want to rebel against it.

Meanwhile, someone like me who doesn't have any kind of special attachment to a "virtuous" way of living, trained into them from birth, decides independently "Nah, if you're with someone, it's just a dick move to sleep with someone else" has no problem whatsoever in saying no to cheating.

Even if I was in a really shitty relationship and someone amazing came along, I'd always end it with the shitty relationship first, no matter the pressure from the other person.
You never saw me lie because that didnt happen.

And as for the cheating thing I dont remember our rules saying that cheating is forbidden !

It's even on topic because vampires. :^)
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You... said me saying that you made the thread before the old one disappeared were delusions! So you said I lied, which I didnt and you know that.

Hence YOU LIED! Maybe in czech country it's not a lie but in all civilized countries it totally is!

>pic related

Never forget.
dont take what she said here >>19427083 seriously she told me same thing...she is liar and manipulator ! :^)


Welcome to reality where people are not perfect and have moments of weakness
One of the coolest anime characters after Spike Spiegel... Will now never not look like a cross-eyed dork.

Life isn't worth living anymore.
>Welcome to reality where people are not perfect and have moments of weakness

Nah. Cheating on a person you genuinely love for some quick fix of ass is not just a "moment of weakness" it's a great betrayal for a pathetic motive. I would never consider a person like that as my soulmate to begin with.

>dont take what she said here >>19427083 seriously she told me same thing..

[Citation needed.]
You didnt prove that I created the thread before its time hence I called it delusions... not guilty until proven otherwise is not a thing in your so called "civilized" (meaning degenerate) countries?

Besides if you saw my thread in catalog why did you create your own? Does not make sense....
>You didnt prove that I created the thread before its time hence I called it delusions...

No, but you know you did. That's why you are lying. I saw it with my own eyes and so did you. The old thread was still there.

>Besides if you saw my thread in catalog why did you create your own? Does not make sense....

Like I said, if you did it properly and without cheating I would have accepted it. But you didn't, so I decided not challenge it. And it worked. Got far more replies anyway. :^)
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Never liked Alucard. Lets be honest he is a fucking cunt and deserves to die

Seras on the other hand...


It IS great betrayal but its done in moment of weakness if they were soulmates....

No citation its true!
Well you know, confirmation bias and all that. I was given a compliment, that's all I care about. :^)
>Nah. Cheating on a person you genuinely love for some quick fix of ass is not just a "moment of weakness" it's a great betrayal for a pathetic motive. I would never consider a person like that as my soulmate to begin with.
I would. I didn't just go for the most repressed group. I could have ruined several relationships from different backgrounds had I chosen too. The results were disheartening.
Those moments of weakness will happen. Most people I talked to ended up rationalizing they cheating on their partners.
I've never seen original or Ultimate. I've only ever seen Abridged, so all my opinions are based off that, so for me he's always a hilarious sarcastic badass.
>No, but you know you did. That's why you are lying. I saw it with my own eyes and so did you. The old thread was still there.

As I said I´m not liar

>Like I said, if you did it properly and without cheating I would have accepted it. But you didn't, so I decided not challenge it. And it worked. Got far more replies anyway. :^)

You admitted defeat at first dummy. You didnt see shit. It worked because I decided to kill my own thread out of kidness of my hearth...you should feel grateful kid ! :^)
dishonest compliment is worthless :^)

I feel bad for Belgana if she is gonna read our 500 post thread full of shitposts :^)
Your thread got no replies though besides Convert. Mine was already taking off, so even if you kept yours up the janitor would have deleted it.

Mad? :----^)

>Those moments of weakness will happen. Most people I talked to ended up rationalizing they cheating on their partners.

Disgusting. Fortunately not ALL people are primitive animals and would cheat on their partner to get a quick fix of lust or desire.

It is normal for people to hit rough patches or get bored or annoyed even by someone they love temporarily along the road but actually BACKSTABBING and BETRAYING them this hard for basically nothing is not normal at all.

It's extremely filthy.

I would not listen to KWB, he's proven to have no honor and lie. I asked for his EVIDENCE but there is none.

>I feel bad for Belgana if she is gonna read our 500 post thread full of shitposts :^)

Doubt she's gonna read through our shitposts.
>moments of weakness
Ah, yes, the "moments" of texting a person, actively hiding your movements and lying to your spouse, removing your clothes and/or the clothes of the other participant, and fucking them? That's not a "moment" of weakness. That's a long series of planned events leading up to the act.
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You're a sane person.
Well either way, what was your sample size? What was the level of variation you had in your test? On a scale of one to ten, how attractive are you, and are the people you tested already very shallow? Was every single time you tried it a success, or are you leaving out times that didn't work to prove your own point?

What I'm getting at is that no, out of the 7 billion people in the world (minus children obviously) not EVERYONE would cheat given the chance. Yes, you felt like you'd met your soul mate, and they turned out to be an unfaithful cunt. You know what you do in that circumstance? You realise not EVERYONE is like that and move the fuck on.

I'd rather stab myself in the eye than cheat, and know a bunch of people who feel the same and have shown to be true to their word.

Also, I'm not having a go at you, I'm a big proponent of tough love, and not pussyfooting around what needs to be said and done.
>I feel bad for Belgana if she is gonna read our 500 post thread full of shitposts
Well, it's not like she's short on time or anything. :^)
No janitor would have deleted yours and banned you. I saved your ungrateful manlet ass !

I wont go back through MONTHS of thread to find evidence but its there. You are a woman. Concept of honor is unknown to your kind :^) and you are hurting me with your vile lies!

And it all starts with one moment of weakness.
Also it does not have to include weeks of planning and deception. It can happen fairly quick.
A person who betrayed someone once would do it again if given the chance i think.
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Preach it!
Yes never trust traitors. I would not forgive I hope
You should RESIST it though, no matter how "quick" or "long" it takes. for example, Yeah, it might be a drunken one night stand or a quickie at a party, but why are you allowing yourself to get drunk enough to do those things in the first place?

And if it DOES start with "one moment of weakness", it's your job, even if you need to involve your spouse, to crush that shit like the bug it is. If you are so weak-willed that one moment of weakness will lead you to cheat, you need to avoid those situations where they can happen and work to change yourself.
Dont tell me that I know it. I would not cheat. Fuck I dont even drink unless its really special occasion. Working as bartender for 5 years pretty much killed my desire to drink
>And it all starts with one moment of weakness
Not really. You keep in contact with the person, you talk to them, you have fun, you desire that person, and then one day it happens and you think you can hide it. That's weakness, but it's far from one moment. I don't think people that has this weakness happen to them even thought about loyalty as more than a childish relationship contract in the first place.

What if your soulmate betrays you?
>why are you allowing yourself to get drunk enough to do those things in the first place?
While I completely agree with what you're saying, drunkenness is not a defence. You don't "lose control", all it does is make you lose inhibition. If someone cheats while drunk, they wanted to cheat while sober.

I've been completely wasted, like falling over, slurring speech, the whole nine yards, when the opportunity to cheat presented itself, and I didn't do it, because it's so fundamental to me that not even lacking inhibition made me do it.
If you do the probability of being cucked again and again will only rise mah friendo.
>What if your soulmate betrays you?
No such thing. To think two people are "made for each other" assumes that people are more static than they are. People are entirely fluid when it comes to who they are. Two people can be perfect for each other when they meet, then a few months down the line, they've both changed in ways that now make them incompatible.

That's not to say that you can't have a relationship that lasts a lifetime, but more often than not, the more it goes on the less it feels like they're "made for each other" because they've changed, but not in ways that make them incompatible.
>What if your soulmate betrays you?
Then I guess we were not really meant for each other

Also as said before cheating can go way faster than weeks of planning

I know that. But I was never in situation like that. Maybe in another moment of weakness I would be able to forgive but I seriously hope not
Sorry, I wasn't referring to you directly, I was just using a general "you". Guess I could have worded it better.

Some people try and make the claim "Sorry babe, I was drunk" and that's what I was referring to. I agree with you completely though.
Ah that's fair enough then. Thanks for clarifying.

Wait... Did... Was that a civil discussion... On 4chan?!

Dear god, what has this world come to?
Then soulmates don't cheat, because if they do they aren't soulmates.

>To think two people are "made for each other" assumes that people are more static than they are.
The term soulmate comes from compatibilities that go beyond who someone is. You might choose not to believe this is an actual thing, but that's what true Love is.
More than 20 wanted to meet, all the others playfully flirted back and asked for more. Many of them wanted to spend a night with me after a week. Though I was always honest about my intentions. Even then it felt revolting. None of the person's Ai went after rejected me, or at least not for a long time. I didn't enjoy it.
Clearly this is evidence that the world really is coming to an end
>Wait... Did... Was that a civil discussion... On 4chan?!
You're clearly new if you haven't had those. Welcome to 4chan I guess.
You dont need to apologize I didnt take it personally.
Also I just now noticed that you are not Convert. Hello
Correct. People meet, orbit around each other, feelings explode and it lasts for a good while, but that conjunction doesn't last forever.
So, what, some kind of supernatural force intelligently selects and predetermines that two people are destined to be together, based on... What? I can only presume it's arbitrary.

Whatever supernatural force you believe would have the power to do that probably has more important and better things to do than randomly connect half of the world together based upon it's own whims. It's a comforting thought, sure, but it's also trite, saccharin garbage.
Obviously not soulmates.

>some kind of supernatural force intelligently selects and predetermines that two people are destined to be together, based on... What?
You're just making that shit up.

>Whatever supernatural force you believe would have the power to do that probably has more important and better things to do than randomly connect half of the world together based upon it's own whims. It's a comforting thought, sure, but it's also trite, saccharin garbage.
Except you said that all yourself. First of all, do you believe in souls? If you don't then there's no point in having this conversation.
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We have civil discussions all the time in this thread. /Vampire/ Generals are the best quality content on this whole board.
Definitely not new. However, it's entirely possible I've been posting in the wrong threads/boards for that to happen.
What are even soulmates?

Are they two people with shared values or opposite who click well together?

What does "soulmate" mean to you?
People you can leave for a long time and still click like the first day. Friendship can be true.
>You're just making that shit up.

No, you made an incredibly vague post, and I had to fill in the gaps because you didn't present any argument other than "no, it's more than that"

>First of all, do you believe in souls?

Depends on your definition of soul. Just to be pedantic, I'd say I believe in spirits, not souls. Each body has its own spiritual energy within it, and the combination of their unique energy and their unique physical mind is what makes a person. Soul has a very Christian connotation, which I don't like.

True, I meant more in regards to having disagreements or misunderstandings. Here, we're all on the same page (except random trolls) so civil discussion is the only one. It's hard to have an uncivil discussion when you agree with someone.
To me, soulmate is the implication that two people are either destined to be together, or that they are so perfect together that they will never leave each other.

Neither of which I believe can be true.


>No, you made an incredibly vague post, and I had to fill in the gaps
That's the exact meaning of making shit up. Next time ask me what I mean if you're curious instead of assuming shit out of your ass.

>Compatibilities that go beyond who someone is
That's vague I agree. But what I'm trying to say is that the term soulmate is not just about personality, so it serves its purpose. If you don't believe there's something more than personality then fine, I have no proof. I'm just trying to tell you what the meaning of soulmate actually implies.
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