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Thread replies: 518
Thread images: 105

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Previous thread >>3433697
This thread is for the spirited discussion of CRT displays - Televisions, monitors and projectors used for the playing of retro games!

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (WIP): http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
An Anon's Guide to CRT Hunting: http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
S-Video Pasta: http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Information: http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
Thread Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PhdXJYwA8xModrTV1Yt-i1tvNgwiagpeBx0m_xNIVtc/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbzx=9009823977812318933
Im so glad you started the thread with a scart title

fuck yeah its ruined now
>scart hard
>not die scart
Threadly reminder not to fall for the "drill holes in the back of your console shell" meme.
Threadly reminder: not to fall for the soldering cables meme.

pic related: noscart man's cable
You can't have a SCART HARD thread without then having a SCART HARDER thread. It's a law of the universe.
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How much worse is Panasonic compared to Sony's Trinitron models?
Is there a crt_emudriver guide for retards? I'm trying to connect an old PC to my PVM but I just can't get it working.
panasonic is much better than sony trash.
To answer that anon's question from the last bread, if I were going into a 480i CRT with a Wii, I'd still just go component. No reason to bother with SCART at that point unless your TV is a PAL model with native SCART inputs. Otherwise you're going to have to convert to component anyway, right? So why not just use a component cable my dude?
Lol nice meme. Isn't lying fun?
My big assed TV/monitor is starting to turn off & on randomly sometimes. Should I be worried she will die? Is there a fix for power surges?
Well, alright. Except I already have SCART TVs and SCART breakout cables. Besides the question was less about the cables/contacts being used and about Wii YPbPr vs Wii RGB, no matter how it's delivered

(I like to use my SCART breakout to deliver component from my PS3, btw, as I can reuse the SCART wire I'm already using.)
Actual discussion is better than your shitty post.
If you already have everything might as well but official component cables for s3 and wii are about 10 bucks each.
These threads are becoming more and more focused on scart shitposts. Pretty soon mods will ban the threads from /vr/
>Posting baseless retard-tier opinions as fact

I really wish they would

This thread has been shit since 20Lfaggot ruined everything and now that hes gone it actually somehow managed to get WORSE
indeed, it's like /b/ here now, that's disgusting. Can't the anti-scart faggot make his own anti-scart thread on his own anti-scart board to anti-fucking-scart himself?
>I dont have money to spend in SCART cables and switches and actually mod my non RGB ready consoles so I dont want any one to do so

Now seriously I'm actually curious about what kind of connection do you in fact use in your retro console games, if you do actually have one of course. If people have money
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look how sexy I am anon
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Tell the truth you wish we both would be tangled all toguether , your composite hard in my SCART female connection ... OOOH YEAAH BABY!
Its a bot
yes he is that autistic
lol, I have money because I don't spend it on underperforming/noisy shit when I can just use coaxial + BNC. Perhaps you are the poorfag that can't afford proper tools?
Shouldn't matter, if the set isn't dead. I'd guess start around the middle and go in one direction, then the other. If there's no pic, keep going. If you get an over-bright pic with grey retrace lines all over it, turn the dial back the other way a bit. The idea is to get it so a black screen *just* misses having those lines.
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>shitposting about cable connections
Can this shit end already?
He uses a bot, so no it will never end
good one sony PONY
>ps1 DRE
>ps2 DRE
>ps3 YLOD
>ps4 lmao
What are you, 12?
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Here's a good sony
Yo VR, been a while since I've been here.

I picked up some crt monitors recently, they're excellent, but in transit one of them got a little scuffed up. I think it's the anti glare on the screen, but I'm not entirely sure.

Curious if anyone knows what I can do about this? I figured I'd remove the anti glare, and looked it all up, but nothing's really helped. Chemicals don't do shit to the screen, I tried to cut into the screen to peel off an anti glare film if it's there, but I felt like I was digging into glass after a little (but hey I have no idea).

Anyone got experience with all this?
Few more images for reference here - http://imgur.com/a/nqxdB
Apologies for the quality, my phone is ass.
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Stopped by an antique shop today in Pennsylvania. Past a giant wooden 50s TV I think the only other TV in there was this cute little off brand 9" CCTV. Says it's from '03 and it had BNC composite only. Neat, wonder if it was even color. Model KM0900MN. Might have picked it up but there was no price tag that I could see.
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>2530 on craigslist
>go to order the adapter so I can actually use rgb with it
>out of stock
>can't find it anywhere else

Is retrogamingcables the only place on the entire internet that sells this shit? Am I just gonna have to use s-video to test it when I go pick it up? Is s-video even good enough to tell whether or not it's not in decent condition?
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>Is s-video even good enough to tell whether or not it's not in decent condition?
Admittedly it's a bit different for older stuff such as that, but I'd argue that even just standard composite would be able to give you a good enough idea of the condition it's in.

So, Yes. S-Video would be absolutely fine for testing it out.
There's a listing on ebay

but its overpriced, and honestly s-video is the best way to go with 2x30s
>can't play PAL wads because sometimes they're good, like SMW, but sometimes scanlines are missalinged, like in ALTTP
>can't play NTSC wads because slight flickering on the sides of screen

Am I the only one?
Forgot pic
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do scart to component transcoders add as much as 1 frame or more of input delay, like a framemeister does?
have you tried snes9x gx? it has a 240p mode as well, but I'm not sure about the emulation differences

it is not lossless at all
I'm kinda short on time lately and I'm scared of inaccuracy and input lag, so I wanted to stay with VC. How is it though? If it's really good then I might try it

The flickering itself is not really that noticable, you can see it only if the picture stays still and you look at the corners, so I might live with it for the sake of accuracy
SCART ones aren't that expensive either. It would be best if it allowed to switch between RGB and component regardless of SCART or component like PS2/3 it would be near, but Wii uses sensing pins iirc.
Regardless of what cable you have plugged in.
yes but scart cables usually have noise on bright screens, are bulky and require a breakout if using a non scart display.

iirc ntsc wii doesn't output rgb without a region hack?

one benefit would be rgb cable works on ps1/2/3 and component only works on the latter 2
Man I love me some SCART, but it's fucked some of my TVs more than a couple times because it literally dragged the internals because some SCART cables are hella heavy. You gotta be careful with that thing. Luckily LCDs and professional CRTs have the outlets sealed in place.
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I bought an 8-inch PVM for $50. I sit close to the screen anyway due to how my room is arranged but I'd still like to upgrade to a larger size.

can't beat no lag and scanlines though (no matter how small they are)
Are there any situations where composite as sync is preferable to csync, or is csync always an upgrade? Compatibility issues, maybe?
aside from novelty I would never lay on a postage stamp such as that. you fell for the meme son.
>can't beat no lag and scanlines though

You know there are consumer CRTs for that. Basically >>3452681
>yes but scart cables usually have noise on bright screens, are bulky and require a breakout if using a non scart display.
Never noticed it, despite looking for it with Mono and Blue only modes of my PVM. Are you sure you don't have some shitty power supply (actual cause of noise that I thought was due to bad SCART cable once) or so?

Only thing I've actually noticed with not-so-good SCART is ghosting, but never outright noise.
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Ignore the haters. PVMs are the bomb, and there's nothing wrong with an 8" on your desktop. Also nothing wrong with upgrading for longer distance too.

The guy calling an 8" PVM a postage stamp has obviously never taken the time to use one for more than five minutes, if at all.
From which thread? The current one?
Is a 5" inches good enough or is that too small. ;)
What does "postage stamp" mean? You saying the price was too high?
hes saying its the size of a stamp
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>you guys should spend less money for poorer quality than spending more money for better quality

Do you use this logic for food as well? Or do you keep it in gaming, and laugh at your friends for buying their $60 game while you bought a 100-in-1 Windows 98 game disc?
The 5" PVMs out there have RGB in, so would make nice testing units, for old arcade boards and stuff, at the very least. As a novelty, and I'd certainly hunt one down, but it might be a little small for everyday use.

Envy; the post.
Last thread
everyone timestamp or bread on pro monitors to make these jellyfags taste the sour grapes.

Unless nobody has any...
no its
>you guys should not waste your money on niche products for something that only looks about 5% better.

>paying 60 bucks for a game
you came from /v/?
>I would hunter x hunter for it
Well guess what bby, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sony-PVM-5041Q-5-Trinitron-Color-Monitor-/232053973085?hash=item36077ea05d:g:jHQAAOSw65FXt3Bt ;)) thank me alligator
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the jvc ones have aesthetic

dont think that they have RGB tho

not that you need it at that size...
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I'm in Aus :( And I'd really only pick one up locally. Even a multiformat 8" shipped is a little too indulgent for me.

I also have some 8" ones on and under the desk.
CSync > Sync on Luma > Sync on Composite Video
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no timestamp
potato picture

This BVM has no s-video (1989 tube) so for any console without component cables I just use composite.


I defend scart but I dont actually use it
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forgot pic
there is literally nothing wrong with using scart
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Where's yours?
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hey guys, lets all take pics of us jerking each other off in a circle formation
I got a PVM for free a few months ago. a Sony PVM-2030 exactly. I posted about calibrating it in the CRT thread at the time and some helpful anon gave me a DVD to calibrate it (thanks again if you're out there). However after many hours of messing around, and with little progress, I said fuck it and took it to the only repair shop that still works on CRTs to get it calibrated. I told him I wanted to whole nine yards done to it (geometry, sharpness, black levels, hue, etc.)

That was 2 weeks ago. I got a call the other day to pick it up and when I got there the geometry was still fucked. I told them to do it again, only properly this time. So all of this to get to the question: how do I test this in the shop before I pick it up next time to make sure the guy is actually doing the best he can do? I get the feeling I'll just get fed the excuse "It's old" and walk away with no step forward in quality and flushed some cash down the toilet.
I mean theres only so much you can do unless you completely redo the yoke.

I'm guessing that they just fucked around with the settings and convergence strips the first time.

I think its likely that they redid the yoke this time, so there should be a dramatic change.

aside from taking a console there I'm not sure how you could test it.

I've had a 20 inch PVM shipped to me before, and the convergence was so fucked on all corners that the settings did nothing for it. I just sold it because I'm not diy enough to completely disassemble it and re-attache the yoke like 20L5 guy did to his.
If they don't actually fix it properly, then what cash have you lost? If they don't fix it right, get a refund. They can't take your money promising to fix it then turn around and say "Lol, it's too old, we can't fix it, thanks for the cash!"
Well, if they tell him up front they can. Every time I've talked CRT to a repair guy recently, they make sure to mention, first thing, that it'll be expensive and there are no guarantees they can do anything.

If they didn't warn you up front, as above, then demand at least some of your money back. Did they fix everything bar the geometry, btw? Because moving the Yoke won't fix that save in the broadest sense. That's more ususally fixed with the adjustment screws on that PVM, or by recapping in extreme cases. And MFG you do not want to recap one of those things, there are like 12 or 13 boards, and you'll probably need to recap *at least* 4 of them (D1, D2, D3 & B - and the caps on those won't come easy or cheap overall.)

You have two choices now. Either admit to being jealous, or join the circle. You can try denying the former, but no one will believe you anyway.
The guy I spoke with said it wouldn't cost much extra. The shop has a $30 "stocking" fee just to take a look at it. I'm ok with spending a little on it, if they can to a job they'll stand by. The color and sharpness seemed... ok? I was just showed some Chinese bands concert on DVD through composite. I was thinking of bringing my Genesis or Saturn and a colorful game just to check the look of it.
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Also that's not a sync issue it's an effect on the yoshis island menu
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Bun Video Monitor? In all seriousness I do need to degauss the upper right corner. Should I just buy a degaussing coil?
Noisy shit kek get a load of this faggot
I Only use the best quality cables , properly shielded, and my bandridge SCART does not cause any kind of loss in imagem quality or lag. Also this pic is not even half of my consoles.
Get a load of the poorfag using flashcarts :^)
Wii and GameCube? Why not wii over component to be bvm for gc? Also wheres your PC engine sempai?
There's nothing wrong with official krikzz carts that aren't China Ed. I bought my super ED board only direct from the Ukraine and made my own cart , like a real man.
Speakers? they look nice
>made my own cart , like a real man.
lol, is soldering a DIP package and screwing a few screws a big deal with millennials?

I weep for the future.
Actually Wii over component and GC for exhibition. I have all TurboGrafx virtual console games in this Wii
No it's not but at least I didn't buy some bullshit bootleg cart from Ali express that will likely short and blow up my SNES.
You are still a poorfag that can't afford the authentic experience of using real carts.
You might as well emulate, m8.
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This is bait , flashcards are identical to running the real ROM chip. Also show me your copy or magical chase and I'll believe you don't need an everdrive
if it comes back after a regular degauss then its a purity problem.

Try moving the speakers or using a magnet, I even used a tiny piece of chrome taped in place to fix the purity on my BVM.
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>Implying I don't have official carts and games

Flash carts are really good to play translated games. Also anyone is forced to have all the games from each console just because you think is the right retro gaming way. I can Hagane on my chink everdrive just like the real cart
Dawg just don't stoop to the shitposters level
Anyone have any advice on how to clean the black scuffs off the sides and back of my monitor?

Fine steel wool?
No one has any idea about the anti glare removal/fixing scratches?

Not all anti-glare film is peelable, some of it needs to be scraped off. Use a hard plastic scraper and see if you can chip away at it.
I thought people used chemicals for it?
you can google removal, finding the film and applying it correctly is the hard part.
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Will soup and a sandwich do?

Mild abrasive like a magic eraser or something similar I would think. A fine steel wool would probably work, but I'd probably test in an out out the way place to see how the plastic takes to it first.
Its a PVM so its aluminum i assume?
Holy shiat anon, what a comfy living space u have there. Simple and rustic, I miss playing sitting on the floor. Good old times
Yeah I did a decent google, used a fair few chemicals on it (nothing too harsh), and tried to dig into it in the corner to find something to peel off, but it felt like I was digging into glass.

I guess something strong as fuck and a lot of elbow grease is my only option then? Which sucks.
Don't listen to these guys unless you want to fuck up your screen and bezels. I've taken anti-glare films off CRTs before. The easiest method is simply taking the monitor apart and peel the anti-glare film off. It's literally just a sheet of plastic. No buying chemicals or fine steel wool, no mess or hours of hard labor scrubbing away, no risk of damaging the screen or bezel. Just peel the AG film off and it'll come off in one giant sheet.
There's supposedly 3 types of anti glare, and considering I tried to cut into the corner after taking it all apart and it just felt like I was digging into glass after a little, I'm leaning towards it being a chemical compound dried onto the screen. There were no clear things to peel off, kinda went to the corners and faded off linearly. I might be missing something entirely though. Only reason I'm asking here is because basic shit like windex and a good scrub did nothing, and I tried oven cleaner like some people recommended (though I didn't wait more than 10 mins) and that did nothing either.
Well, if your monitor has the spay-on coating, then fine steel wool #000 is your best bet. It will take forever for chemicals to break down and dissolve the coating. Some harsher chemicals can even stain and discolor the bezel around the monitor. The steel wool makes fast work of the anti-glare coating and will not damage the glass. You should still remove the bezel though so you can scrub everything off and have more room to work with.
Should I use anything else with the steel wool? Windex and shit? Thanks for the advice, this thing has been a bitch, considering I only got it two weeks ago as well.
I was giving advice on the PVM's case, not the screen itself.
I have no knowledge on anti-glare coating removal, so I didn't respond to that post.

I need to get at least some sort of cushions or something to give back support though. I wouldn't mind getting some sort of low couch or something like that to sit on though.
I also have this same problem but its on the lower left corner and only in some colorfull games it appears, mainly when the picture is red or orange
When I push the degauss button it disappears up until the degaussing clicks off and its back again
can you post a picture and describe what a piece of chrome is? I would like to do the same with mine
Can someone post the comparison image of Diddy's Kong Quest?
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hi, i'm one of the d20f1u anons that have posted tons of photos in the past.
all of you shits shitting up this thread has caused me to avoid it.

you've done this to yourselves, peace.

much love kya, hope you could use the shit i've sent you in the past.
You are a GENIUS!! I got one of those butteflies from my mum's refrigerator door,they have this small rounded piece of magnet , I removed my BVM face plate and taped it near the problem aind voila, its gone mate, thanks a lot
>implying anyone gave a shit about you
Is there any specific reason that the ntsc adopted YUV / YPbPr instead of RGBs?

From what I read a while ago, apparently YPbPr is less susceptible to signal loss/interference, but I don't know if that's even true. For all I know, it's because there's one less connector for americans to plug in.
Yeah, it's really good anon. Runs just as well as VC, it does struggle with Super FX games though e.g. Starfox & Yoshi's Island. I'm pretty sure you can run those games with Retroarch though.
>Is there any specific reason that the ntsc adopted YUV / YPbPr instead of RGBs?
NTSC uses YIQ. As to why, one reason is that it dedicates less bandwidth to Q than to I.
Why does OP keep posting a pic of Bruce Willis in SHART HARD.

Did I tell you about the PVM 20L5 I got for free?
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gee bill how come your mom lets you have two 14L5's?
I like your setup
nice and snug with the ps2, cool
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Sorry Kya but /crt/ has officially run its course, it's nothing but a trollfest now.

So long guys, it was fun while it lasted.

Did I tell you about the Sony fw900 I got for free in the woods ?

why didn't you took the 50s set ??

they are cool and rare
What's the difference between RGB and component. I know component outputs B&W instead of green but what's the difference visually?
about $60 if you don't have a scart tv.
In theory it is a lossless transformation between the two. In practice YPrPb allocates less bandwidth or storage to Pr and Pb signals. For a game console the difference should be small.
how much muscle did you gain by moving crts /crt/?
I did, it was neat. Massive thing, definitely B&W. There were grills on the back letting you see in and it only accepted the screwed on RF shit.
What >>3454787 said. Mathematically equivalent, in practice an unnoticeable degradation in quality is seen with Component. Depending on where you live, one will definitely be more convenient/cheaper than the other.
While I agree about the post above being bait there are some few-odd games where running flashcards aren't quite the same as running the real ROM, and it all pretty much boils down to carts that have extra hardware in them.

Things such as Famicom games with extra sound channels, which have to be emulated or recreated somehow on a flashcart (and from what I hear from some recordings of the N8, it's not quite perfect), and also some of the extra SNES chips have to be either emulated or recreated (the latter should theoretically be possible with the SD2SNES, if somebody ever developed the support).
>>3454851 (cont.)
For most games though, it might as well be the same as using the original cartridge.
>In practice YPrPb allocates less bandwidth or storage to Pr and Pb signals.
Is it the fact that component is 4:2:2? I suppose RGB is 4:4:4, then?
>Is it the fact that component is 4:2:2?
For the digital equivalent of YPrPb, YCrCb.
Ah, I see. So I take it it doesn't really apply to the analog then, which could be either.
>So I take it it doesn't really apply to the analog then, which could be either.
It does apply but in the analog case the Y signal can be made to have more bandwidth than the Pr and Pb signals. This could be useful to fit more signals in a single transmission line.
>describe what a piece of chrome is?
a chemical element with symbol Cr and atomic number 24. It is the first element in Group 6. It is a steely-grey, lustrous, hard and brittle metal[3] which takes a high polish, resists tarnishing, and has a high melting point.

You are a special kind of special.
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Just got a fs100 it's really pretty. Shitty phone pic incoming
Yes very pretty, now I need to find out how to get rid of video 1 god dammit
What kind of composite switcher do you guys recommend? I have about 8 or 9 consoles to hook up.
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Forgot pic
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Forgot pic baka
Looks really good to me anon
You need a remote
any universal will do (i got mine at walmart for 5 bucks)
Hmm...Any specific model Extron? I'm getting a lot of options.

I'm assuming Extron have minimal degrade in picture/audio quality?
idk why it uploaded those two post when it said the other one didn't post baka 4chan

oh ok thnks
None at all

all of the extron MAV are composite only

I believe some of the more high end switches have composite and rgb but im not sure exactly which ones.

youll need those little RCA to BNC adapters though.

*no quality decrease at all

Literally why
How so?
Don't feed the trolls, anon.
heading to a flea market with a strong focus on computers and computer accessories.

>have high prospects for PVMs
>want to use it strictly for PS2 and Dreamcast
what connections will I need?
A PS2 Component cable, some RCA to BNC adapters, a Dreamcast VGA Box, and a VGA to BNC breakout cable. This is assuming you're gonna use some external speakers which you should because PVM's mono speakers aren't that great. If you're using some computer speakers (which work fine) you might need an RCA to 3.5mm adapter.
>vga box

hes looking for a pvm tho...
also you dont need the box just get the vga cable
see if you can find a nice VGA CRT for your dreamcast anon.
See: VGA to BNC breakout cable, wrote that directly after it.
What's wrong with Dreamcast on PVM? Some really good PVMs support 480p. And getting an all in one VGA cable is risky, many people's mileage varies. Otherwise going for RGB from the Dreamcast is about $16 cheaper than just getting a decent VGA box, assuming anon can't build cables or his PVM doesn't support 480p.
Dawg the dreamcast only does 480p out of the VGA port.

Only the L5 series of PVMs support 480p

also he has to find a cable that combines the syncs
I tried fixing the bowing on this fs100 and I got it to be better through the service menu but its still kinda annoying

are magnets my next option?
>spending money collecting pieces of plastic
>he would rather have pieces of paper
is it safe to assume that if a monitor upscales, input delay will potentially introduce input delay?

Someone gave me a flatscreen CRT but the lowest it will go is 640x480 and goes as high as 1920x1440.
I think it causes small input delay, not big enough to ruin a game, nonetheless it exists. However more important thing is that upscaled picture just looks ugly, you won't get scanlines and it will look similar to emulators on lcd but with color. If you want to play old 240p games, you'd be better off getting some small, cheap crt for that.

Your CRT is really good though for anything 480p, so N64 and above. I'd keep it just for PS2 and watching movies, or even new consoles
This guy knows.

I bought two VGA cables and thought they didn't work. Turns out there were two problems. 1. You have to really jam that sucker into the console to make a connection. 2. My Bravia was weird about the VGA signal so I had to buy a $10 cheap Chinese VGA to HDMI box. Obviously the second part won't be a problem for a PVM, and it'll probably look great! But yeah, I can't think of a single reason to get a VGA Box over a cable at this point. Cable's where it's at, my dude.
An HD CRT will be amazing for 6th and 7th gen, awful for 5th and below. It will lag, upscale, and look like a wet fart for /vr/ stuff.

The amplitude of Pr and Pb signals is lower. The bandwidth is the same.

This makes the Pr and Pb signals slightly more susceptible to noise. The magnitude of this effect is very small, I think on the order of half a decibel or so.

The real quality "issue" is that component has two additional processing steps (RGB -> YPbPr -> RGB) that RGB lacks. These transformations are lossless mathematically (R^3 -> R^3), but in the real world analog transforms aren't perfect so there are very slight generational losses.

Additionally, YPbPr needs to have the chroma (saturation) calibrated, which introduces an opportunity for human error.

That said, this is the kind of stuff you can see on a scope, not with your eyes. Transcoded YPbPr looks exactly the same as RGB to me on my sets that take both.
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My 14L5 and 20L5 won't take a VGA signal directly. It will display an image but the sync and the colors are all fucked up. Tested with my dreamcast and variety of laptops with VGA out.

You need a VGA box, Extron SS 200, or homemade device to buffer the sync signals.
Its a flat screen right?

It's going to have a little bit of bowing if its flat, just adjust the overscan to where you can really notice it

If you have a decent scaler the delay will only be like a frame or less.

GBS 8200 has a frame and a half of lag iirc, but its cheap

also if it does 1920x1440 then thats a really nice monitor anon
*cant really notice it
I have two 5" PVMs. The quality is pretty low (few lines of resolution) but they're cute as fuck. Also very easy to get into and dissect. Great for learning about CRTs and how they work.
>tfw the last 2 CRT'S I found for free(one on the road, one from craigslist) died within a week (one vertical collapse, the other's convergence shit itself)

Fuck me man. I found someone selling a KV27 of some sort for $20, might just go for that and be done with it
Do you know what model it is? Because son if you get an FV310 for twenty bucks you have done very well. FV300 is also great. FS100/120 are almost as good too.
>Someone gave me a flatscreen CRT but the lowest it will go is 640x480 and goes as high as 1920x1440.
Is it a PC monitor?
Not him but what is the difference between the 300 and 120? I have the 120 and it's a pretty good consumer set aside from the geometry.
I really don't understand this consumer CRT pickiness

Like if you want amazing quality go for a PVM

For consumer CRTs something with just good geometry and convergence should suit anyone who isnt interested in PVMs well.

You could find a top tier consumer CRT that has shit convergence or find a bargain bin CRT that has good convergence

The consumer quality CRT hunt isnt really model specific more like just CRT specific
There was an entire article written a while ago on some retro game site that went into detail about the 300 and 310 that I can't seem to find now. Ultimately if you're happy with your 120 then awesome! No big deal! I haven't seen the High Voltage Power Regulator on the 310 in action so I'm perfectly happy with my 300. If I recall, the 300/310's main improvements over the 100/120 aren't features necessarily so much as image quality improvements like overall better convergence, deeper color spectrum with less bleed, better white balance and contrast, mostly stuff that leads to sharper scan lines and less bloom. And awesome speakers if that's your thing. Honestly I bet if you put a 300 right next to a 120 it wouldn't be a night and day difference, but just looking at it I have a hard time imagining how it could look better than it does, if that makes sense. Even though I know a 310 or good PVM would be a definitive improvement. If I find a 310 in good condition someday I'd probably upgrade, but I'm more than happy with my 300. And I'm willing to bet that if I looked at your 120 and they weren't right next to each other, I probably wouldn't notice any real tangible difference. They're all great TVs.
That sounds pretty neat. I honestly didn't know what the differences were. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm thinking of upgrading to a 32 inch model eventually and it's good to know this stuff.
It's really not about that at all. First and foremost, there are some fanfuckingtastic consumer CRTs out there. Second, they're much more convenient, readily available, and cheaper than PVMs. Yes, theoretically I could get a significantly better image if I hunted down the perfect PVM, but lord knows how long that would take. And then how much money I would have to spend on SCART cables, BNC connectors (admittedly those are super cheap), and modding various consoles for RGB output if they don't support it natively. Then I have to spend a bunch of time tweaking the PVM to get everything right. And I'd have to set up more speakers in my office because all the good ones are out in the living room where I don't have room for a CRT of any size. Don't get me wrong, if someone offered me a 20L5 right now for free I'd take it in a heartbeat, but the fact that I found a KV24FV300 on OfferUp locally for $10 and it's dope as shit is hard to ignore. It's got damn good image quality, and takes component and s-video, so all my consoles look awesome with no extra work or money spent. Could it look better? Absolutely! But when I'm playing on it, I can't visualize in my head how it possibly even could look better, even though I know it technically could. You get to a point where it's diminishing returns is all. The bottom line is that it was cheap as chips, easy to find, pretty big, genuinely really impressive image, and sounds great. I'm not shit-talking PVMs. PVMs are awesome! But it's totally conceivable to be perfectly happy with a really really nice consumer model.
Sure thing, man! I almost picked up a KV36FV310 from a local guy until I busted out the measuring tape and realized that motherfucker wouldn't even fit through my front door, let alone would I be able to find room for it. Haha. But there's a great post out there from someone who found one and got it all hooked up and took some photos of the 240p test suite and I gotta say, that high voltage regulator made shit real sharp.

Found it: http://imgur.com/a/fCwgR

Also, I think one day when I have a bigger place I might get a KD34XBR960n for 6th and 7th gen games.
And if you want outstanding quality go for a BVM.
I think you're greatly over exaggerating the difference between models of consumer trinitrons
Please tell me the next thread will start with "Scart Hard with a Vengeance."
Also the likelyhood of even finding a consumer trinitron that isnt ragged out as fuck is getting exceedingly rare

people dont give a shit about CRTs and leave them on 10 hours a day or know how fragile they can be and don't handle them carefully at all when moving
Did you miss the part where I said that unless they were right next to each other I probably wouldn't notice a huge difference? Or do you just like being a dick to strangers on the internet for no reason? I should go check if betterchan has a /CRT/ thread. This place devolved into anti-SCART-tards and smug assholes jerking off on their P/BVMs and defining their very existence by the things they spend money on so they can enact some sad sense of false superiority over other people behind the veil of internet anonymity.

>inb4 melodramatic
I believe you, and I think that's a legitimate concern. I haven't had any issues yet, but I may very well have just gotten lucky so far!
what the fuck?
I never advocated that you get a PVM I think that consumer CRTs are the way to play retro games.

That being said ive seen people act like the only consumer CRTs worth getting are the top model trinitrons or act as if theres a drastic difference between component/s-video models of any consumer CRTs

Youre fucking insane

Why the fuck would I want a PVM? You think I'm some kind of cuck? fuck you.


Keep shitposting to the containment, board, please. This board is (theoretically) for adults.
Itt anon takes personal offence at the objective truth that if one is looking for quality then professional monitors is where that lies.

I never told you specifically to buy one, and talk about shitposting.


Why exactly are flat CRTs frowned upon for retro vidya?
something something aperture grill shadow mask whatever

Nah man. I don't think I could tell the difference in a blind test there either! He was just asking about the difference between the 120 and 300/310 Trinitrons specifically, and I thought you were being a pretentious jackass about it. Looking back, I think I misread your post, and I apologize. It still applies to people in this thread for sure, haha, but that shouldn't have been directed at you. My apologies, anon. I think the only reason people get so hype about the top model Trinitrons is that they're real damn good, but also easy enough to find. I know there are excellent JVCs, Toshibas, probably even Samsungs and others out there! But I haven't really been able to find any around my area, but higher end Trinitrons were pretty abundant. Between 2004-2006, Sony did a bunch of massive price cuts on all of their CRTs, so I think a lot of people probably picked them up around that time, and then upgraded to HD displays a couple years later.
They're not. There's just that one idiot in these threads that thinks that junk-ass old Sylvanias with RF only are the only way to play old games and he won't stop smearing poop on the walls.

theoretically a curved CRT could have perfect geometry while a flat CRT never can have 100% perfect.
I don't think theyre trash tho or anything.

Flat tubes have more problems with convergence and geometry. A spherical-ish shape is more 'natural', considering the way the electron beams are bent.

Flat screens will have more of a tendency to "warp" or "speed up" near the edges, an effect that is especially noticeable on 2d scrolling games (i.e 90% of /vr/ material).

That said, I have a bunch of flat and flat-ish CRTs and it doesn't really bother me.
That probably depends on your location. I picked up my 27FS120 from a thrift store for 5 dollars and it's in pretty good condition overall. My biggest issue is the geometry towards the bottom of the screen, which is apparently an inescapable feature of said model. There are working consumer CRTs, particularly late model Trinitrons, constantly and readily available on Craigslists in the area as well.

That looks great! I can't fucking imagine carrying one of those beasts without three people and a mule. I nearly threw out my back lifting my set up some stairs. I would also like an HDCRT set when I get some more space. I had an offer for a free one from a friend of a friend but I couldn't justify it at the time.
I know this is 4chan but you can at least make an attempt to type like a civilized person. Yeah, PVMs are objectively better. Of course! No one's arguing that they're not! It's just that a good consumer CRT is cheaper, easier to find, and a hell of a lot more convenient while still producing a great picture. You don't need to be a narcissistic asshole about it. And if you think this place is any less shit than gaf or reddit, you're delusional.
>There was an entire article written a while ago on some retro game site that went into detail about the 300 and 310
I remember a few people in these threads throwing tantrums over these model numbers being recommended in an infographic years ago.
Haha. That sounds like /vr/.
Boy it sure is Summer/Saturday in here.
The problem is this thread was initially caused by 20L5 Guy and that No Scart faggot causing an insane amount of partisan polarization, followed by all the old /CRT/ regulars leaving or not posting much.

The old posters have been replaced by teenagers who probably didn't even use CRTs growing up.

As for knowledgeable people who gave troubleshooting help, they pretty much are all gone. I parrot what I've heard in this thread long ago and kya is one of the only people who still comes here who is actually knowledgeable.

Anyone else notice that this thread was very dead for 3 days at the start of school.

props if you were around in the good ol' days before the mass polarization.
*in this thread
Shitposting aside, the best consumer CRTs are:

SD: Sony KV-27FV310
HD: Sony KD-34XBR960
PC: Sony GDM-FW900
I just wish there was a place I could go to talk about this stuff that wasn't so... This. /r/CRTgaming is really nice and helpful and civilized but there's almost nobody there.
If I recall, the XBR960n fixed some glare issues and a few minor hardware malfunctions of the regular XBR960 I think? Is that a thing? Am I hallucinating?
shmups forum
I thought it was just the 960 without the anti-glare. I THINK the "n" stands for "night", as in for night viewing.
there's better PC CRTs than the FW900 but theyre even more rare

I'm actually interested in HD CRTs too but theres none around here
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>Flat tube
>Flat Widescreen tube with HD
>Flat Widescreen tube with no acceptance whatsoever of 15khz signals

Yeah nah m8
Oh! Good to know! I wonder how different it actually is. I hope to pick one up one day when I have enough room
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>tfw I'll never buy a PVM from Anon of Jacksonville

Guess I'll stick to roaming the curbsides of Westside and OP until I find a halfway decent Tube
I've always been afraid of that place because people that like to actually play shmups are almost as bad as people that take smash bros seriously. Is it a good place to talk CRTs regardless of is it pretty shmup focused?
Nice meme. Flat CRTs are ideal as long as you get one without geometry issues. But if you've attributed your value as a human being to your faux internet elitism about the fucking tee bee you play old video games on then there's no conversation to be had here.
What do you recommend then?
stop baiting and shit
just agree to disagree
There's no agreement or disagreement to be had. This place is just full of people either whining about how much better they are than everyone else because of their TV or people being dumb and shirt to goad reactions out of other people because they find it fun to upset people throug the magic of Internet anonymity. It's over.
The XBR960n is simply an XBR960 without the anti-glare film. I scored an original XBR960 and the anti-glare film was severely damaged from the previous owner using cleaning chemicals on it. The screen was dark, blurry and showed visible 'rainbow' scratches. It was awful. So I took apart the CRT on my own without any prior training or experience, and removed the anti-glare sheet. It was just a big sheet of scratched and dirty yellowed plastic. After cleaning up the glue residue that held the AG film to the glass, the image quality was much brighter, sharper and free from scratches. The glass screen was basically brand new.

Really? What are some better consumer CRT monitors?
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Well apart from that being utter crap i.e Flat CRTs *always* have geom and conv problems in comparison to curved ones (lolphysicsxd) the second two sets cited as GOAT are pretty much entirely unsuited to playing retro games...

Now tell me again how I'm being contrarian and not in fact leveraging three decades of experience using CRT televisions and monitors.
Awesome, good to know! I'll look for a regular 960 then!

I think there's a liyama that had the same res maybe the same tube

they do 2560x1920 at 60Hz
Well the part where you're objectively wrong is a big giveaway. And the part where the other two models mentioned are for later games. I know it may seem really cool to act like you're pretentious and know more than people because on 4chan no one knows you're a teenager, but you're still just being an ass.
Woah. That's impressive. Is there any benefit to using one of those on a modern computer? I do design work on Macs and having a screen that good sounds super helpful. Is that something I could conceivably do?
Yeah it should work just fine on modern PCs if your graphics card supports that large of a res.

The contrast is a benefit. Unless you have an OLED monitor, you can't beat the contrast. (not considering ANSI contrast)
There's a benefit if you're playing fps as you can run at a very high refresh rate and have no lag.

but desu you could probably do just as well with a 4k IPS or VA panel (think most designers use IPS these days)
Perhaps you can attempt to tell me how I'm "objectively wrong" about flat tubes being inferior to ones incorporating cylindrical or spherical sections as their projection planes.

I'll stick with trusting the laws of physics thank you very much :)
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Is there a way to make this look great in component?

It does 240p.
You need a VGA to component transcoder

I'm not sure which ones work and they seem to be all expensive



I got one of these used for $40, it's pretty great. Does no scaling, so it passes 240p through just fine. It works with my SNES and PS1 etc if I use some adapters.
I picked up a free 14L2, but it didn't have a power cable. Is it just the same standard cable as PC monitors?

if it fits it works
At that point you're better off just emulating with fake scanlines.
Geometry and convergence.
Shadow Mask's look better for 2D games.
I have a Sony and an LG, the LG is miles better.
Im guessing the sony just has bad convergence or geometry

Do people not understand that these things aren't brand or model specific?

Comparing consumer CRTs is useless because there's so many factors independent of model and brand
How do I clean my CRT screen without dying of electrocution?
Water and a microfiber cloth
>At that point you're better off just emulating with fake scanlines.
5 - Disagree Strongly. A BVM is very, very sharp, this is true. But it's a magic sharpness that's nothing like using an LCD. I genuinely sit on both sides of this debate. Lower TVL tubes using RGB look hawt, but so does a nice BVM. There's room in my retro stable for both.

Wiping of the front glass probably isn't going to generate enough static electricity to kill you? As a board, /vr/ will apologise to your family if it does.

What did you mean?

Also, the Arcade VGA's are outdated now. A nice low-end 5, 6 or 7000 series Radeon HD card will be cheaper and perform much better.

Calling an FW900 a consumer CRT is a bit like calling a Profeel a consumer set, or a Ferrari a consumer automobile. There was never anything stopping people buying higher end stuff, but it's not right to call it mainstream.

Not him, but it's like sunlight hitting the earth. At the equator it hits dead-on; for a given projection of sunlight there is almost a 1:1 ratio of land area it falls on. At the poles, the ratio of light to the land area it strikes is much higher, as the angle is oblique. To make the flat projection surface work, if we term it that, the grille or mask must contain slots at a higher angle, which means more attenuation. Along with that, the narrower slots also cause a higher instance of geometry and convergence problems, simply because it's harder to hit a smaller target. Advances in the chassis meant that consumer sets left the factory in ok condition, but flat glass sets don't age nearly as well.

Yes, it's a great place to do that. There's an entire massive thread on RGB hacking consumer sets, for one.
Any tips for PVM hunting in PALlandia? How many support 60hz?
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Fudoh's thread is quite nice, but it and the rest of the (rightfully so) named hardware forum are even more centric on -JUST- the hardware than this place gets at times. Don't get the rampant dick sucking of the CRT Fetish Thread on neo-geo though, which is nice.
Again though, they're often slow as molasses so if this place slowing down a bit through you off, you're in for one hell of a surprise.

The thread has went through rough patches before, but it has been quite "low" recently. Not unsalvageable, but people really need to stop with the ironic(and perhaps not so ironic) shitposting and actually talk and post CRTs and CRT accessories.
People can complain about 20L5 Guy til they're blue in the face, but at the very least he was usually on-topic to some extent and tried to help; How he actually went about doing that is a different matter.

The other anon is right though, /r/CRTgaming is too slow for my liking. Definitely worth giving a checkout every day or two though.
Although lacking a bit of substance, the wiki can be of some use though.
Shut up and post video games being played on CRTs and stop bickering so much.

I wouldn't even use water if you don't need to. Just don't touch the screen, and be sure to give it the occasional wipe down, and a microfiber cloth will be more than enough to keep the dust at bay.

I don't know if I'd call 12 pages in 8 months massive.
most PVMs do iirc like almost all of them
You are officially my favorite anon in this thread.
good aesthetic
no, but close.
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I really want a small video monitor like that. Something with a tridot mask, and RGB if possible; Not a must though.
First time I actually played SM64(and N64 as such) was on some sort of video monitor similar to that that belonged to my sister. This was in 1997 or something like that and I was 4-5 at the time, so I can't remember much of it, but its just stuck in my mind all these years later.
Also spending several hours tossing King Bob-omb off the mountain and not being able to figure out how to beat him
DESU on the topic of flat crts and geometry issues, it doesn't really bother you once you get used to it. Kinda become second nature.

I enjoy my kv27 flat just as much as my 14 inch pvm, but I use them both differently. TV is for gamecube era + and multiplayer games, pvm is for up close rpg games like Chrono Trigger.

I still prefer platformers on my 27 inch cause I like having to see where I am jumping. Basically I only play rpgs like Zelda on my pvm
I totally need some too, I've only ever stumbled upon one video monitor, it was a Philips, but it was so old that it just had a composite video in, no sound even! It was likely meant for surveillance cameras.
On a related note, does anyone know from what year on most TVs started becoming multistandard?
which PALlandia, yurop or straya
Video monitors generally don't have any audio capability - or at best very basic mono intended solely to check that there is a signal present with no regard for reproduction quality whatsoever.
Yeah, sure, but still, only composite. It might have even been RF, the connectors used for those standards are the same in PAL-regions except for color.
CRT-as-a-service, reflections on screen are included.
got one for free actually. from a friend in IT recycling they go through pvm's and stuff all the time most are to busted to salvage
What's a good S-Video Wii cable that doesn't have the checkerboard problem?
Anyone have any experience with a Toshiba 27A60? One in pretty great shape for 20 bucks near me. It flickers every 10 seconds or so with no input, but otherwise seems okay.
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Fuck it. Only 20 bucks gone if it turns out to be shite. I'll take some pics at home with Resident Evil 2 and Turok 2 tonight.

27inch 60hz with Component, Composite and S-Video
should be good, i think some toshiba CRTs are pretty good

best of luck
Greetings, friends! I need some advice...

I've managed to find an old Commodore Video Monitor (1702) at an antique store. After a little research, I've learned that these are fairly sought after and have superior picture quality. Problem is, not sure if its worth the price. They want 70 bucks. The input in the back is Luma/Chroma, so I guess I'd have to come up with a creative solution for that? I would primarily be playing SNES through N64/PS1 era games on it.

I know this is stupid, but it's also really tiny. I'd have to be right up on it to really see anything. Not sure if it's worth it, since I don't own a CRT at all.

luma/chroma is equivalent to s-video. You should be able to adapt it to your consoles.
70 is a bit high, unless it's in really good shape.
Component cables.
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Alright, I'm back. Now that I'm back home, the thing refuses to display an image. It clearly powers on, however the image remains black and there's a flashing red light on the front display. Turned on right away in the thrift shop and the red light was a constant glow.
not worth it, just get a tv
try unplugging it for a bit and plugging it back in. Are you hearing the relay click when you hit the power button?
I'll add that there is visual static/noise the instant I shut it off. Otherwise, the screen doesn't really give any feedback. You'd think it was off of not for the crackle and light. All I did to it was wipe down some of the grime in the screen with a baby wipe, but that was well over 2 hours before I plugged it in again.
Yeah, I can definitely hear it.
Oh, and the power light flashing is indefinite, not a sequence.
Thats arguably one of the best monitors for display s-video
>I don't know if I'd call 12 pages in 8 months massive.
Perhaps not, but it's a lot better than here for that :)
I can get a Trinitron KV-32FS120 for 15 bucks if I pick it up tonight, worth it?
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You're not wrong on that. Would have phrased it differently before, but I was already at the character limit as it was.

I don't know why I never thought to actually use the damn histograms on this camera when taking shots; Even stuff that looked like it was over exposed on the preview screen came out really nice.

Did it get knocked around at all while you were transporting it?
Yeah, but not with any force. It had a chair within an an inch of it bumping it abit on the ride.
What kind of chair?
All it took to ruin the purity on my 14M2MDU was a slightly quick turn down the highway, so a drive down a somewhat bumpy road could have jostled some pots inside and put it into a "safe mode" of sorts.
Hell yes.
Has anyone ever installed a Rasberry Pi *inside* their PVM? Was thinking that would be a cool project for my 9".
>Rasberry Pi
Did your wife's boyfriend get you that out of pity?
A fiberglass Eames chair.
I did read that Toshiba TVs have a fail-safe standby mode that basically locks the thing up for 24 hours if it senses something MIGHT have happened. I'll try again tomorrow night at the same time, fingers crossed.
I'm having a strange, unknown problem with my Sony BVM 20E1U Unit.

I'll try and describe it as best I can: when I sit rather close to the screen, the scan lines are not solid - they flicker off and on, once or twice a second.

I can't figure out what's causing this. I've tried changing syncs, cables, settings, etc and every system and game seems to produce the same results. I've degaused, done a factory reset , and changed with some settings in the technician adjumstent settings. It's done this ever since I got the TV a few years ago. I thought it was just a fluke and would go away on it's own.

I did have the TV shipped to me, and it was on a pallet and VERY well guarded. Foam casing and bubble wrap everywhere.

What's odd is that games still look OK from further away, and it seems less noticeable on SNES or N64 games, but more so on Ps1 or PS2 games.

Any of you BVM experts know what is causing this? Would be much appreciated, I am stumped.

Here is a video showcasing what I'm talking about. 16 seconds or so in is where it really it noticeable.


Sorry about the shitty image quality and shakey hands.
Sup /vr/,

I just recently got into combing the local Craigslist sections, and I picked up my first CRT. It's a JVC, but besides that I'm not sure about any of the other info besides that it's a 22" TV

I read the pastebin, it talked a lot about Sony, but it didn't mention JVC, can I trust them?

Pic unrelated, it's just a great album
That pastebin really needs work; Aside from dropping in the small consumer suggestions bit, I haven't touched the thing since I wrote it two years ago.

That said:
>While I have little first hand experience with JVC, they were one of Sony’s biggest competitors in the consumer market and made some fine offerings on the professional end as well.
JVC made quality sets. Try to get a model number so you can see what sort of inputs it has.
the wires would need to be run out of the crt into the inputs
making it kind of redundant

also PVMs get hot as shit
do you have another CRT right next to it? that make my BVM do something similar.

also is that recording of 240p or 480i

try to get a shot of it doing it with your snes
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Redirecting from /g/ (they said you guys would know more about this sort of thing)

Doing research into VHS of all things.

What does /vr/ consider the best VCR out there? Budget is $500. Will be using it for archiving tapes & home movies, so it has to output S-Video so I can hook it up to my PC.

Does any VCR do RGB? I'm going to be hooking this thing up to a Sony PVM editing monitor & I notice some have BNV connectors on the back (but not rgb?). Is S-Video the best I'm going to get out of VHS?
I randomly decided to look on c-list after reading through this thread, and low and behold I found someone selling a PVM. I wish he gave a back shot so I could see the inputs. I am excited though. 50 dollar seems very reasonable, correct?
buy buy buy
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Fucking steal. Do it.
Could someone tell me what model this PVM is? It's the only picture the guy has on CL. He's asking $150. Thanks in advance.
Looks like a 1354Q I think
Thank you. The pictures of the 135Q seem to match pretty well. Do you know if this a desirable model? The price seems pretty fair.
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>PS2 loading screen
480i in all likelihood, unless they ran GSM and returned to the menu.

There are VCRs that output RGB, but the tapes themselves are encoded in such a way that outputting RGB is mainly a means to keep from adding further degradation. For $500, you could likely find an old professional set that outputs RGB, but I would honestly suggest aiming for something more along the lines of a professional S-VHS deck. Cheaper, and you shouldn't have to worry about video quality. You also get the added ability to record and playback S-VHS tapes(higher quality video encoding) should you wish to.

>but not rgb?
BNC is a type of connector. You could and can use it to connect anything to anything and transmit anything you wish over it. It's simply a more robust and secure connector.

Looks like a 1442/4 or something in that line. If it's in good condition, $50 would be a quite a nice price.

Something along those lines. You'd need to be able to see the top corner to differentiate it from the M2 or M4 though.

$150 is a bit steep(in my opinion) but given some of the prices that people are paying for monitors, you could do worse.
Any of the possible models it could be would be quite nice. All of them support RGB and YPbPr/Component, and all are of at least a 600TVL line count(M4 is 800 meaning they'd be decently sharp.
All will have an OSD and service menu, and work generally the same.
Only difference is age really.

Don't buy it unlucky bastard
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Thanks guys. I hope he still has it. I assume so, since the add is still on the site. I am super pumped. This will be my very first PVM.
Thank you. I'll offer $100 (more than I'd like to pay, honestly) and see what happens.

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I'm thinking about giving my big Sony CRT TV away and just get 240p VGA emulation on a 31 khz PC CRT Monitor
I need space and I don't feel like modifying my 12 game consoles with modchips and RGB mods

Emulation really improved in the past few years and I feel like I could settle down for that
So I need to know everything about this project before I throw myself in, I'm not a perfectionist but I'd like to know how to achieve the best quality.
Who drew this? This looks like Otaking's style.
(which is in turn 80's animu style but shhhh)

sweet cart. Please keep and turn it into a badass retro cart with shelves and consoles built in.
Look on YouTube, Panasonic made a VCR/Blu-Ray combo that outputs VHS at 1080p. Other than that, find an old JVC, Sony, Panasonic, or Mitsubishi SVHS with S-Video out. Get one that's heavy. The later plastic ones have a tendency to eat tapes. Especially the JVCs. Old professional editing decks re a great option as well, but they're becoming very difficult to find in good shape. Most of them have been bought and sold on eBay twenty times by people like us. Haha.
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No, but I do have two older speakers rather close to it. I'm fairly sure they are shielded, but now that you mention it, could that be the case? Could my speakers be causing interference somehow?
More crt movie posters please. Leathal weapon maybe.
Flashcarts exist
>RGB mods
Almost everything natively has RGB.
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I found the fattest component cable in the world at salvation army.
Does this let me in the anti-scart cool kids club?
There's nothing cool about anti-SCART tards.

That said, I don't own a single SCART cable. Just don't have the time and money right now, recently laid off. S-Video and component are doing me just fine right now.
Sort of. If you want to get component out of 4th or 5th gen consoles, your options are pretty much limited to buying rgb scart cables along with a transcoder, or waiting until HD retrovision restocks (aka never ever). Done properly, both will be about the same price for two consoles.
Back, found zero PVMs but a guy did sell tons of VGA monitors. Since I have the white VGA cable for Dreamcast, I was able to properly optimize the colors with the 240p test CD and all I need is something for my PS2. Is this any good?

Thats the consumer model of the GBS 8200.
theyre very cheap on ebay and you have to get a generic 5v 2a 2.5mm x 5.5mm psu with it.
still would be cheaper, that being said that device has a frame to a frame and a half of lag, but looks pretty nice picture wise. that lag shouldnt bother you if youre using a CRT
do I particularly go for a GBS 8200? I noticed an 8220.
theyre basically the same
8220 seems more common

fudoh reviewed them (just search for HdBoxPro)

there's video examples of them in that framemiester alternatives my life in gaming video
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you could try pic related. It doesn't scale so no lag.
Main problem is that PS2 starts in 480i so you either need another composite monitor or do game settings blindly (since 480p support is on per game basis, or with GSselector or whatever the name is)
The ps2 is so inconsistently 480p that it needs a scaler

not to mention its a huge pain in the ass jailbreaking the ps2 to enable 480p with some games
Super game boy is 240p, right?

This must look better in RGB than a game boy player in s-video, right?
suppose I get the GBS 8200/8220, when a game like Tekken 5 or Mortal Kombat Deception has the progressive mode enabled, will it no longer be upscaled and send a straight-through signal? or will there still be some buffering; or so to speak?
The gbs 8220 doesnt handle 480p well
it will be blurry

the monoprice scaler doesnt either
might consider an OSSC.
Better than the stock GBP in 480i? Yes. Better than the homebrew GBI in 240p? No. GBI has square pixels; SGB pixels are stretched. S-video can reproduce monochrome signals just as well as RGB.
You could get soemthing like this >>3461616
and just switch to that when playing progressive games
Interesting. I can't seem to find a way to launch GBI since I lost my copy of melee and that european SD launcher is long out of production.
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>that european SD launcher is long out of production.

Alternatively, if you don't mind a hardmod, Wasp/Wii Key Fusion with an auto boot to Swiss would work. Swiss could let you boot GBI, force resolutions, or dive into any other homebrew(or not so homebrew) you want from there.

There are also variations of the same entry method that use Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and the two Pokemon Colosseum games. Chinese SD Geckos are cheap as hell on ebay and work decently enough.
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i think my tv is fucked up, it's kind of warped at the left and right edges, in sidescrollers it looks like it's being squished and then decompresses at the middle. is this fixable?
pic is my tv, a random samsung flatscreen playing wii with cheapo component cord. doesn't capture any of the distortion very well so it may be useless
linearity issue many tvs have this. you would have to open her up and make adjustments inside. or you could just ignore it like i do with mine.
i can live with it. figured it was something that can only be worked on from inside but i wanted to ask to be totally sure it wasn't something within my power to fix. thanks for the info!
>squished and then decompresses at the middle
>samsung flatscreen
Linearity is one the areas flat faced CRTs hurt the worst.
You might be able to tweak some things and reduce how visible and severe it is, but it's unlikely that you'll be able to get rid of it completely.
>brick wall
So close.
I need some help and you guys are the only people knowledgeable that I can find. Are svideo cables that are lower quality cause the mesh pattern? I know that gold plated HDMI cables don't matter next to cheap ones so I figured svideo cables of varying quality are all the same too. However, people online say that cheap svideo cables yield a mesh pattern and expensive ones don't. My svideo cable for my ps1 clearly has a slight mesh pattern so I wanna know if it's worth it to drop $20+ on a higher quality one.
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low quality s-video comes from two things:
-composite routed to s-video, instead of proper luma and chroma (many popular 3rd party cables that you see with both composite and s-video in the same package will sometimes do this)
-poor shielding on the video portion of the cable itself, or the connector on the console end

brand new Sony brand s-video cables are still available for $13 on ebay.

>I know that gold plated HDMI cables don't matter next to cheap ones so I figured svideo cables of varying quality are all the same too.
There's kind of a misconception here, it has little to do with gold plating. Digital signals like hdmi that are exposed to moderate interference will still be properly received by a television exactly as they were sent, the noise not being enough to flip a 0 to a 1 or vice versa. Analog signals like s-video however, will be directly interfered with by that noise. For that reason, high quality cables are worth the money for analog signals.
$20?? The officially Sony one is like eight bucks you goober.
basically the thicker the cable, the better.
I just picked up a couple for $2.50 each NWOB. Free shipping too as I'm a bong.


Might work out well to the US including shipping if you got 3 or more as a group buy.
Thank you for the information. This is exactly what I was looking for. I was concerned because i was contemplating getting an svideo cable for my n64 as well and those are pricey, but I'm now convinced it's worth it. My psx has the yellow RCA chord so I'm assuming it's one that passes the chroma through the svideo pin. I read that on Wikipedia and seeing it written here too has me convinced. Thanks anon
a cable having the yellow plug or not doesn't guarantee anything.
In fact most cables are correctly wired. Interference pattern simply comes from bad shielding.
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Got this. Composite only, mono, only 1 AV input. Despite this it's pretty comfy
composite is def the most nostalgic
How does one "raid and endoscope cart"?
>not rf on a tv with wood paneling



still better than a hdtv.
scart is fine there are better options but it is the only OTS solution for RGB, OTS adapters are needed for RGBS, or YPbPr displays but you can buy it and plug it in with no tools needed.

Individual Coax with 1 piece locking compression fittings is the superior choice if you want the absolute best, but tools cost is expensive if you're only making one and you will need an (X) x 4 bnc switch as well to hook up multiple systems, But if you're autistic enough to track down, purchase and tune a pro monitor might as well use the pro cabling to go with it.

I make most of my own cables but let people make their own decisions.
You guys are all humongous faggots.

It's one thing to argue about CRT vs. HDTV. Fine, I'll even agree. CRT looks better for SD stuff.

But to argue about connectors is beyond fucking autistic.

>Muh RGB
>Muh composite
>Muh S-Video

The lot of you need to re-evaluate your lives and decisions.
because a durabrand crt with composite and a pro monitor with rgb output the same quality video
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This Trinitron VGA monitor just popped up on Craigslist. The lister is only about 30 minutes away and they aren't even asking anything for it. I should see if it's still available.
Come on faggots theres 95 unique posters

someone put this in the next OP
Pretty nice, would look good with a line-doubler

I think 17" is a good balance for CRTs, not to small, and not too heavy.
Is that dumbfuck troll still arguing against SCART? What's next, is he going to say water isn't wet?
There's really not much to argue about as far as I'm concerned: RGB > S-video > composite > RF.
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I have a Sony KV-29CL. When i change parameter on Service Mode (vertical line, bow etc...), nothing is save.
How to save setting ?
That's not just you. It's literally objective.
>yes but scart cables usually have noise on bright screens

Any $5 cable from eBay will have noise
Get RGB with Sync on Luma, built my own SCART cable a few weeks ago.

You don't need any converters for PS2, just RGB output and a monitor what can utilize sync-on-green, most of them do, or break out sync with a small resistor, nothing fancy, still better then a converter box.
You can also use homebrew apps to change res and other settings of the GS.
So? I have SCART cables with splitters like that.
You do know SCART is all-in-one?
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That's nice to hear m8

Not exactly constructive though is it?
I actually ordered one of eBay, a PlayStation A/V to SCART, but when it arrived it was a non shielded shit cable with messed up wiring, green was connected to ground and green ground was connected to green, sync was on composite also, so I got an old top notch SCART cable with connector and re-used the PS A/V plug, tested it with a HDTV, never seen such pixel perfect image of a PS before.
the 'ps2 component is noisy' is a meme

no reason to use rgb unless your monitor doesnt sync on green
We are talking about PS not PS2
Yeah, like I say, nice to hear.

The reason it isn't constructive is the fact that the anon you replied to categorically stated that they only had a single composite input. No amount of RGB-enabled SCART leads, lovingly handcrafted or otherwise, will be of any use to them.

Just noticed the "only one AV input"
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What does SoG have to do with YPbPr? Nothing, that's what.

The green connector doesn't actually carry the colour green. You do know that, right?
It wasn't exactly a wall of text anon...
For YPbPr it's true, but not for RGB.
Almost positive all professional monitors that support SOG support component
I think you missed the point of that post

Also, your scart isn't as THICC as that cable
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Maybe I worded that badly. I was referring solely to YPbPr.

This has Sync on Luna, whose connector is coloured green but doesn't actually carry the colour green (that's inferred from the remaining two channels). Compare to RGsB (alternatively SoG, Sync on Green etc) which carries Sync along with the colour green on the green coloured connector, if using BNC/RCA terminations of course.

Jesus, now my brain hurts...
Not positive enough I'm afraid.

In fact I can think of a few off the top of my head where this is not the case.
>Also, your scart isn't as THICC as that cable
Yes I have a bunch of cables, even s-video that's as thick as that one, you know it's just a cable, I could even mount a SCART connector to the end of that.
>YPBPR is converted from the RGB video signal, which is split into three components: Y, PB, and PR.

>Y carries luma (brightness or luminance) and synchronization (sync) information. Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B.
>Before the advent of color television, the Y axis on an oscilloscope display of a video waveform represented the intensity of the scan line.
>With color, Y still represents intensity but it is a composite of the component colors.

>PB carries the difference between blue and luma (B − Y).

>PR carries the difference between red and luma (R − Y).

>To send a green signal as a fourth component is redundant, as it can be derived using the blue, red and luma information.

There, a good explanation.
(you're still missing the point)
(you're still wrong)
Did you write that? Piss off with your stale copypasta...

Seriously though, that's what I was getting at, but in relative normiespeak.
That's Wikipedia, for those who can't Google.
>when i was just mocking anti-scart people
Your autism is STRONG
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As part of my setup, I have a 21" Bang & Olufsen MX 4000. Not only does it have a great picture of a consumer grade TV, but it also looks stylish.
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Here's a closer of look of Gaires in action. RGB Scart. The MX 4000 also offers integrated deinterlacing support which can knock 480i down to 240p and thusly add scanlines. This means that you can hook up an Xbox 360 to it and make all those Jap SHMUPs look real nice!
looks perfect anon
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RGB over Scart is hardly a meme, but I'll be the first one to admit that it's mostly something I use because it's the standard in my end of the world. I probably wouldn't pay through the nose to get it and the Framemeister in >>3465790 was because I was sick of being unable to record decent sub-hd footage for my Youtubes
In what ways exactly is S-video worse than RGB/Component?
That's composite, dipping sticks.
Composite is chroma/luma
S-Video is chroma channel + luma channel
Component/RGB is every color with it's own chroma + separate luma/sync

Of course there are things like YPbPr or SoG, what are like RGB but sync is on luma or green.

The less signal you send over one wire, the cleaner the signal is, RGB has it's own signal on each wire, while S-Video only has color and luminance/sync on separate wires, composite having everything on one wire.

RGB > S-Video > Composite
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most consoles generate an RGB signal internally. Every other signal does lossy transformations of RGB.
While a good component conversion is undistinguishable, S-video degradation is visible, but still stays pretty minimal and is still very good for 240p content.

Most consoles are internally RGB so using RGB avoids needless conversions.
Better sample.

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>>3465841 is not at all what he was asking.

S-Video is slightly worse because it's simply a lower quality signal. It separates brightness and color from the video, so it will be far clearer than composite, but it won't have the sharpest picture quality and colors of the uncompressed RGB signal. Some people argue RGB is too saturated and that S-Video provides more accurate colors because it is made to separate brightness and color, but in practice it isn't all that noticeable. The jump from Composite to S-Video is way bigger than the jump from S-Video to RGB. If you haven't already, you can read up on S-Video in the thread's pastebin.
Also it's not only about lossy transformations, the more signals there are on one wire the easier it picks up interference/makes interference noticeable.
Since my Wii apparently has horrendous problems outputting progressive scan through a component switch I have a free slot in my setup.
How viable are VGA to component connectors for the Dreamcast? Do they introduce noticable input lag or loss of quality?
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Would picking up a 16" 16:9 Trinitron (KV-16WT1U. Curved tube, not Wega/FD) be beyond retarded?

I've seen one and it's very cheap. I was thinking it might be nice for pre-HD not-quite-retro consoles with widescreen output like PS2, GC, Wii etc.
Or you could get a normal CRT and play those in addition to NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. How cheap is it?
Thats interesting anon, it would be good for watching movies
Does anyone know what is the Toshiba pattern?
Why on earth would anyone wire an n64 mod for sync on luma?
Google the instruction manual, check if it handles HD. Could've sworn I've seen a 16:9 CRT in the wild before.

I would hope the set has a 4:3 mode.
I already have 4 BVM-20s anon...

Just thought this might make a cute and unusual addition to the collection/hoard.
It categorically doesn't. 15khz only with RGB SCART and composite RCA.

I have a Pioneer Kuro for HD shit, not to mention my IBM P260 monitor.
so I'm pretty much good then right?
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That's totally going to help when I literally can't connect it. Scartfags are retarded
Eating instant Ramen with a FORK?! Not CHOPSTICKS?!
Its def unique
would be good for tv/movies
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this is the adapter you need, get yourself one of these unless you enjoy being a pleb
Either directly into a shitty signal or from a good signal to a shitty signal

No difference will be made, what the point
Hey guys
I have a chance at picking up a Sony KX-20PS2 Trinitron Colour Monitor.

Is it any good? I don't see a Scart input on it, only a 8-pin DIN multi input, and a BNC RF port. I can't find the pinout for that DIN input...
just use the RF port. It's BNC, so it's obviously better than SCART.
Is it not just an s-video port?
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No, it predates S-Video.
This is a DIN plug, like the one on the Megadrive or the C64, though I'm unsure if it is the C or the U shaped one. Either way, without knowing the pinout, it is useless. and it may not have RGB input on it either.

Pic related, this is a KX-20PS1. The one I saw is a KX-20PS2, and it has no SCART input.

I don't think it's worth it. It's not in good condition either (the shell anyway), though supposedly it has good picture quality still.
Thinking of getting a scart to component transcoder. Will NTSC PS1, N64, ect be able to output on a scart cable into the transcoder then onto a TV with a component cable?
Someone threw out the couple pair of chopstick I had laying around.

Depends on the system.

PS1 will work fine with a transcoder since it has RGB available, but the N64 will require modding no matter what.
So if I get an NTSC PSX with scart to component TV, will the picture quality be equivalent to scart to scart TV? Or will it at least be superior to svideo?

I'm interested in the transcoder because my trinitron does not have scart, only component and svideo
Get a ps2 with a component cable

n64 natively outputs s-video the jump from s-video to rgb is hardly worth it on a consumer tv

save your money and dont bother with scart and transcoders
Thanks for the info
Can we talk about upscalers here?
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I think it might be time to join the PVM club. I was just on Craigslist and I saw this Sony PVM for $100. It's about 45 minutes from my house. I just got paid. Are the stars aligned? Should I go for it?

Just do it anon. If all else fails you can resell it to some poor sap on eBay for at least $300.
20L5 I think. Multiformat monitors are god-tier, good deal, go for it.
Shit yeah, my dude. But be warned, most of us are more interested in playing native resolutions on a CRT. hence the name and purpose of the thread. But a little bit of scaler stuff now and then is cool.
I would kill for one of those.
I just contacted the seller. It was posted only a few hours ago so hopefully I'm the first one. If the dice roll in the right way then I could potentially pick it up as soon as tomorrow.

I'm really excited. The last listing I saw that I was interested in was all the way in New York, and they wanted $150 for it. I think that screen was only 15" too. It was a Sony BVM but I can't remember what model it was.

Unfortunately I don't have an adapter for connecting my SCART cables to it, but I've held out this long for a good deal on a PVM so a few days longer waiting for the adapter in the mail isn't going to kill me. I'm pretty psyched.

I suppose now I'll have to finish getting around to those RGB mods for my NES and Atari 2600. I'll probably end up forking over eBay prices for a 1chip SNES too, because the best I've seen locally is a SNES Jr. that was going for a stupid price and I prefer the classic sci-fi vacuum cleaner design anyway.

Also, can someone point me towards a "for dummies" explanation for hooking up a component cable device to one of these things? I have the official Gamecube component cables and I've run the Gameboy Player in 240p through Swiss on my Trinitron TV, and that looked divine (I got the cables for Christmas back when I was a kid so I was lucky). I imagine it would look even better on a PVM. Also on my PS2 I've got Megaman X Collection, as well as some hacked 240p games stored on my HDD, which I'm more than a little curious to see on the thing. I've never seen a PVM in action before so this is all uncharted territory for me.
Hooking up the component for a Gamecube is easy. Just get some RCA to BNC adapters and plug them into the RGB/component ports.
Really hate the blurred look of games, specially compilations, on my PS2 when I play on my LCD. I noticed the 'System Settings' show RGB next to the YCbCr option and wanted to know if using pic related would be enough to use my PS2 on my CRT monitor. Would I still need software like GSM?
you need a scaler
I understand that with a scaler I don't risk loosing compatibility with games that do not support 480p, but my goal is to achieve 0ms input delay. I just want to know if that method works.
You'd be better off finding a CRT monitor with RGB/component BNC inputs. Is there a reason you want a CRT monitor instead of a CRT television for you PS2? It would be a different story if we were talking about the Dreamcast.
If space wasn't a concern, I'd just seek out a CRT TV with component input then call it a day. Since I already have this monitor that works perfectly fine, I might as well use it. Unfortunately it doesn't have BNC input, strictly VGA.
Well it's got SCART at least. Not a guarantee it does RGB (there are SCART sockets that only take composite), but a strong indicator.
You'd still have to split the sync, or find a computer monitor that takes sync on green. Although I don't remember if the PS2 did SoG in RGB mode (but many Sony things do), you should look that up first.

Also, IIRC PS2 doesn't do 480p over anything but component.
>The one I saw is a KX-20PS2, and it has no SCART input.
The service manual shows pic related and I am not sure if it indicates that it has SoG. But assuming that it does, is that converter sufficient? or will I still need GSM?
>IIRC PS2 doesn't do 480p over anything but component.
PS2 will do SD signals over YPbPr or RGBS.
For 480p+, you have the choice of YPbPr again or RGsB, so yes, it does support Sync-On-Green.

Even when booting games that support 480p natively, it does like to jump back and forth between composite sync/SD mode and SoG/HD mode from my experience however. Makes for some wacky results on the Megaview, with it jumping back and forth between modes and sync methods.
How does it feel to be part of the last few generations to be able to experience 0ms input delay?
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This is me >>3460114

The seller finally messaged me back and we are setting up a date for me to pick up the PVM. He sent me a picture of the unit and it seems to be basically RGB hook ups. That's awesome an all, but I am a virgin for converting these things.


In all honestly, I didn't know what I was going to do with the cart. It's really not my style.
Congrats, man. What consoles are you planning to hook up?
Porn for Triniphiles?

All those cracks from a big drop. It will never be right again.
Yeah but 50 bucks man. Who cares?

Oh wait, I just picked up a BVM-20F1E for a quarter of that price. Undropped too...
u can afford to waste 50 bucks?
S-video d-does 240p, r-right b-baka?!
yes, everything does 240p. the only limitation is the encoder and the display. so maybe certain consoles and PC video cards won't output it, and certain (more modern) televisions won't accept it, but of course s-video can carry 240p.
s-video only carries 480i and 240p
Where did you find a BVM so cheap?
That was great! Really enjoyed seeing what the aperture grille looks like up close
Nice. I am still waiting to hear back from the seller I contacted on Craigslist from >>3466909. Hopefully I hear from them today!
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I see sarcasm isn't your thing

eBay funnily enough:

It works perfectly. In fact it has the best geometry and convergence of all my BVMs - I have four of the beasts now
wow 10 good boy points

BVMs seem to be much more durable than PVMs

I got my 1310 for 70 bucks and it was shipped poorly but still arrived in good condition.

my PVM however arrived in awful condition, and i sold it
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27 inch Toshiba anon here again
Finally got it to turn on by slapping the ever loving shit out of the side of it.
I asked this here a year ago with no replies, I'll try again. I have a 24 inch consumer RCA with component input. It stays on for about 5 minutes, then the OSD flashes "no signal" quickly for a couple seconds, then it turns off. Turning it back on, it shuts off immediately, until you get lucky and it stays on for hours.

Is there some kind of general case here where this could be an easy fix? Maybe the circuit for automatically shutting off the display after x minutes has malfunctioned? Or something more crucial like the flyback transformer? If it could be a large number of things, please respond so I can finally just throw it away. The only thing I've ruled out is the remote.
Please don't abuse your telly :(
Can a safely dust-off my CRT with PC cleaner?
do the other inputs work?
yeah, one composite on the front and one on the back, plus RF. The input used doesn't change the result.
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open the case and clean it, probably a dirty as fuck power relay. My garage tv was doing the same thing and after cleaning it worked fine. use a vacuum or compressed air and an old toothbrush and clean it up find a diagram and trace down part marked RYxxxx on the power supply board.and clean contacts if you can. The relays are generic, you could probably solder in a new one if you could find a replacement.
Left out, dont fuck with the suction cup looking piece on the tube, the piece the fat cable runs to or anything that looks like a large battery and you will be fine. You can wear dry dish gloves if youre a scared.
I'll give it a shot thanks, I do have some nitrile gloves. Maybe I'll post a pic if I'm still alive.
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I survived, godspeed anon.
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Is this acceptable?
Hey /vr/ I'm looking at picking up a Sony BVM-14F5U. I've only owned consumer sets up until this point so it would be the first time taking the pro monitor plunge. I asked the seller if there were any issues and he responded, "Component connections work great, composite connections work but bvm has to be warmed up because of the external card needs matenience dirty connections."

Does it sound like anything worth worrying about? Sorry I'm clueless.
sounds like a worn tube, I'm sure the seller would have cleaned the connections if that was the only issue. its no harder to remove than a pci card.
Maybe old caps in the plug-in card?

Taking what the seller said at face value: If it works alright on component, it probably isn't a worn tube.
Toshibas are comfy.
I mailed him for clarification. He said component needs no warm up time. I'm going to see if I can seal the deal this weekend. Thanks for the assist, guys. Will post pics if I get this thing.
How much is it for, may I ask? Maybe you could negotiate the price down a bit with reference to the bad card, since those aren't really all that cheap to buy separately? (Although, I'm usually terrible with negotiating prices and shit like that)
160. Originally it was lower but he's been raising the price due to demand since I first spotted it a few days ago. It was originally 140 with a PS2 and a bunch of PS2 stuff but now it's just the BVM for 160.
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It's actually quite clean inside. It's an RCA 24V414T. I don't see any busted caps, either. Anything else to be looking for? Other than a dumpster, I mean.
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another angle
I assume the relay is the copper coil in the bottom right? It's right behind the front panel controls.
That's a steal, as far as I'm concerned.
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Looking good

Vaporwave aesthetic
going for more of a synthwave look but they're similar.
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So my S-VHS professional editing deck came in today. The horror I've been dreading hits me. The box is making noise before I even open it up. I get the bubble wrap open, tilt the VCR with the tape Tray Open, & the VCR throws up it's insides.


I am so god damn pissed off right now.
grab some gorilla glue and you'll be good
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So, how do I hook up my Extron to the TV? And the consoles? I just hooked up my Saturn to my PVM and it looks great, but now I want to connect the switcher. I have my adapters for composite ready to go. I'm assuming I go from LINE A IN on the PVM to ??
how do i get good at fixing my picture alignment on my bvm

I'm no VCR repairman. Even if I knew where those pieces go I would have to disassemble the entire tray mechanism. I just wanted to watch my Night Court Tape. FUUUUUUCK
plug the system into input 1
and go from output 1 to the PVM

this is composite only right? so you can use a composite cable with adapters on each end or you should just be able to use a BNC 1 cable
Yeah, it's just composite. I have the adapters. I feel like I fucked up though, should the back on the switcher have both A/V? It seems I only have for just video. I'm new to this so I apologize if it sounds dumb.
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Its just video, the red and white ones dont go in there.
You can use pic related if you need to convert it to 3.5mm for speakers etc
Yeah I dont really think its salvageable :/
Ah, okay. So it's usable. I was terrified I had bought it and couldn't use it. Does the 3.5mm adapter degrade the audio or visuals?
That switch doesn't do audio, you done goofed.

you could run a separate switch for audio. Your pvm doesn't have rgb or y/c?

I'm just hoping I can return it. Listing didn't say it was tested, but it wasn't listed as "for parts or repair". A used VCR should work.
A relay is a small plastic box usually. Should be near the power wire, maybe the black one near the capacitor and red/black wire. if you plug it in and turn it on with the case off you should be able to hear it click and narrow down the location if you cant find a diagram.

it is super clean.
shiggy diggy, can you get a refund or claim insurance on shipping?

My vcr from childhood just died and this is all of my fears ordering a svhs online.

It was an eBay purchase, so I've already requested a return for it being damaged in shipping. I'm most upset by the fact that there's no other model of that specific S-VHS machine on eBay that I can order in the meaning. I found one on Amazon but it's $500.

I'm not paying that much for a VCR.
Question. I just recently bought an SNES, and I don't have a CRT to hook it up to (nor do I have space for that). I bought a SCART for it and a SCART -> HDMI converter. Am I in for input lag? I don't think any of my TVs have a SCART in directly, so my only other option is the OEM composite cable.
>Am I in for input lag?
it depends on your TV and the converter you bought, but there will almost certainly be some perceptible lag. Smaller lcds tend to have less, but it's a somewhat loose trend and all the existing data for input lag testing is based on using some sort of HD input, while your input needs to be scaled by the TV. post the converter if you have a link or stock photo. also, since you don't need to buy anything, why not just try it yourself?


Things that introduce input lag

* anything processing an image
* wireless controllers

IF the TV you're hooking it up to is HD, odds are there's going to be a little video processing somewhere in there. That's why /vr/ constantly tells people not to buy "HD" crts, because even though they're crts, they process the image which introduces an extra element.

You could always lag test with the 240p test suite.

I would test it, only I have no actual carts for the SNES yet. I ordered the SNES and an SD2SNES (which will take forever to ship). I have a copy of Mario RPG coming in on Tuesday that I can use to test. The TV I'd be using it on is a 50-inch Sony HDTV.


This is the converter I ordered. People claim there's little to no input lag, but I'm not so sure.
Why does it have to be that specific one?

I have a DVD player/VCR, it's pretty sturdy, made out of aluminum and outputs s-video for VHS and component for DVD
The my life in gaming channel did a review of scalers including that one

iirc 2 frames of lag plus your TV's lag, it also looks pretty bad
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Based Toshibro

Running a Toshiba 20af42 ( and a 14af43 that sits on my desk in the other room.)

Would I be better off just plugging the composite directly into my TV, then? That way I'm only getting the lag from the TV.
My nigga. Here's my 27AF53.
Toshibros > Trinfags.
It does, but doesn't RGB require much more effort and modification of the consoles?
Most consoles output RGB natively. You just need the appropriate cables.
Should this be sufficient? I can just attach my BNC adapters to this and run my composite to the Extron with this. Would this work?
the switch doesnt handle audio
and the PVM is mono, not that you would want to use it. get a pair of cheap computer speakers to plug ur systems into imo
Okay. Makes sense. I have extra speakers. Trying to see how I can set it up best. How would you recommend I do that? I'm used to simply having a receiver to hook speakers up to.
depends on the input, my speakers take 3.5mm so i use one of these>>3470861

your receiver may just take RCA straight
Oh, I see. I'll need to plug in the audio that's left off the switcher into this, which splits into RCA for the receiver. Makes sense. Duh. Right?
I think so?
If you have a receiver could prolly just stack the extron on top of it
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So I opened it up to take a look. Holy shit. What a waste of 3 hours.

Even more broken plastic inside than I originally thought. Apparently it was so manhandled by the USPS that ALL of the plastic bits that hold the 4 base screws inside to the motherboard & VCR Assembly shook apart & cracked into pieces.

This caused the mobo to become free from the Plastic shell of the VCR.

>"Oh, to ribbons came undone, maybe I can save it"

Take VHS, but won't unspool the magnetic tape.
Every time I try to plug the mobo back in another ribbon or plug becomes unplugged. Never wants to align correctly.

Eventually I said fuck it, & now here I am. It's just not worth it. 'm sure someone else could fix it, but that person it not me.

Lesson: Never buy a used VCR.
a little more effort but not modification of most consoles. even a shitty scart and breakout cable will be better than composhit.

What consoles you tryin to hook up familam?
You'd still need the software, and that cable wouldn't work.

The RGB in the system menu is RGBS, 240p/480i only via scart, won't work with a PC CRT monitor without a linedoubler. Getting a PS2 to work with a PC CRT monitor any other way will require software. This old thread has some info:
>The RGB in the system menu is RGBS, 240p/480i only via scart
Don't fall for the scart meme.
New bread
>New bread
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Thoroughly disappointing
you can only do so much with DH3 poster
And I got to use the MEGA HARD dannish poster.
That was the disappointing part, to be honest.
DH1 was the best (like with the movies) and most usable poster and tagline.
Still working on DH5, that poster is a nightmare to work on.
>Still working on DH5, that poster is a nightmare to work on.
You could just take a picture of something like Die Hard Arcade rather than continuing to run a (not vidya) joke into the ground after it has ran its course.
I started
I have to finish now (ツ)
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Could always "Quit while you're ahead".

No promises not to break your combo if I get a good idea for a thread OP.
If you can get it for $100 then its not too bad of a deal. You'd pay that much with the shipping on ebay.
I have a question.

As someone who stopped using CRT monitors in 2007 and found out that modern LCD screens suck at displaying retro games correctly. Which one is the best suited for VGA DOS/W9x games?

Which resolutions should I get? I am thinking of hooking it up to my PC.
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