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/VPMD/- Hail to the King edition

Prev thread: >>31679694

Story so far: You are Ron, a human turned Tepig. After meeting and befriending an Oshawott, you formed a group and set off on a quest to save Osha's village. The forest to the north, the village's source of food and connection to the wider world. Your only clue is to find the 'King of the Forest,' though exact details on that are scarce. Travelling deeper into the forest, your team encountered a Nidoking, who proclaimed himself as this so-called king. During your fight with Nidoking, he used an Earthquake attack, accidentally causing the cliffside to collapse, sending you, your team, and Nidoking tumbling deeper into the forest.

Rules: Rules: Periodically I'll ask for input on what you, Ron (and ONLY Ron), should do with # posts. Only post AFTER the post asks for it will count. Up to 5 mins after the ask post, you can override the get with dubs. Trips can overide dubs, etc. etc. Only the first of each type of get will be accepted.
Keep note that actions can only be performed within the realm of plausibility. You can't pull out items you don't have, you can't use moves you don't know, etc. etc.

Info sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FMmY3bDYUhif0da--HXa6SZxSC6TxiyV0tEWXC8Eo-k/edit?usp=sharing
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>Ohhh man. Everything hurts. Everything hurts so bad. This is almost as bad as the water. Stupid ground and rock.

???: Heeey are you okay? Wake up, buddy!
Yay, I'm not late.
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Diglett: That was a long fall! You're lucky we were here to find you. A little roughed up looking there, but hey, at least you're alive, huh?

Drillbur: Shame about that cliff though. We spent weeks shaping it. Looks like no one's getting back up there for a while.

Diglett: At least,not til we put it back together.
You should Probably mention we befriended oddish too.
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>You pull yourself up and take a look around. You ask the digger pokemon if they've seen an Oshawott or Oddish anywhere, but they shake their heads no.
>Aside from the cave in, this area looks pretty sparse and barren, the most prominent feature being a ring of tree stumps. At the center of the ring, there are some odd-looking platforms. 2 gear objects are set in the corner platforms.
>4 paths branch off in different directions.

>What should you do now? 2 decides.
Take the green gear.
Investigate the gear objects
Slow day
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>You move in closer to get a better look. You've never seen anything like these before. But it looks like there's a pattern faintly engraved on it that seems very familiar...
maybe less of a chance of rape requests at least.

>8 next
it's red
fire is red
shoot fire at it
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It's been too long since we've relieved ourselves, gain an erection and begin masturbating.
Stick dick in
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>Feeling a sudden urge welling up inside you, you decide you need to get off right now, to hell with your injuries or finding your friends. Right now you need relief!
>A short distance away, Diglett and Drilbur work on clearing the landslide, trying their best to pretend they don't hear anything.

>4 next
Should I put this off for another night? Doesn't seem like there's too many people here tonight.
Hey, I just got out of class.
Jack on them to assert dominance
naw mag, you just started. Plus the only other Rp is the one on trash

Touch gear hoping it'll give you an orgasm
Turn the gear
try to cum on drillbur
try to cum inside of drillbur
re again
4s don't exist anymore I guess
Cum on gear
The GETs have abandoned us ;_;
Hey. i'm late again, i was expecting this thread to start 10 minutes ago, not 40 so i wasn't checking the catalog, maybe as time goes on we will get more people.

roll for pocket the gear
Shake that thought from your mind, finding your partners is more important
good lord
Oh fuck

reroll for this
pls op let this happen
Friends first, fap later.
no it's not.
cum on dirlbur
Fug, we're past the 5 min mark by a lot... then these happen 2 seconds apart. which one do I go with?
Finally, a get.
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Follow your dreams
the first one
the dubs
go with my dubs
Makes sense that it would be the first one to show up if we're past 5 min.
Go with what's best with the story.
Follow your fart.
they hapenned both at the same minute, so i'll say the dubs
Go with the 4. It was the first get to occur after the time limit.
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Much as I'd prefer to go with the dubs option and get a move on with things... by the rules I think first GET after 5 mins should take it

>You turn just as you're about to release, looking to hit one of the other pokemon. You shoot, but it looks like you fall a little short. Dang, gotta work on them kegels! Or maybe started a bit closer to them.

Drillbur: Uh, you know, maybe we'll come back a little later.

Diglett: Y-yeah, let's.

>Well, now you're... relieved. You should be good for a while, right? What's next? Only 7 know

Making me draw pig cum >_<
actually fucking look for partners and quit being a horny fuck
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Run as far as you can in the direction of the sun.
pocket the gears
Apologize to him for missing your shot and try to recruit him
Look around for your partners.
you still horny, go find your comrades but try to rape the first pokemon you see
Scream for help until someone comes looking for you.
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>You apologize to Drilbur (and add under your breath 'for missing') and ask if he wants to join your party, explaining the whole situation to him.
>Drilbur looks a little uncomfortable
Drilbur: U-uh, you know, I'll think about it and get back to you on that... Good luck finding your friends though!
>Drilbur leaves with Diglett

>That's right, where ARE your friends? Maybe a 3 could point you in the right direction?
Go right.

What a waste.
shoot fire at the red gear
What friends? Let's leave without them
Go look for some water, you feel like washing off and maybe Oshawott will be there
you still horny, go find your comrades but try to rape the first pokemon you see make it faint if necessary
go south
Some of Osha's fur is stuck on us from all the times we've tried to molest him. Using our piggy nose we sniff it to point us in the right direction, and because we like smelling Oshawott.
walk around trying to find and exit while calling for your friends
pigs have good sense of smell
may as well
please op meke this happen there´s somethig beautifull in a pig tha tries to ruin the life of everybody in the world, whitout that this is just a quest.
Look up to the sky and seeeeee
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Whatever gets things moving here

>Still horny, you decide to have a look around the rest of the woods. Maybe you can find something to take out these urges on. Oh, also friends. You head down the bottom right path.

>You follow the path until you come upon a small clearing. Along one side you a pair of Kakuna sitting in front of a large web. And stuck to the web is...

Oddish: Mr. Ron! Hello there! I'm glad you're unhurt. Have you seen this wonderful web? I don't think I've even seen one spun so perfectly before!

>Your friend seems to be stuck in that web. 0 decides next
Jump on that web!
Rescue Oddish by using tackle on the web
Help him, without the raping.
Just ember the kakunas
Jump on the wen like a trampoline until oddish gets sick and vomits acid.
kill the kakunas and make oddish faint to rape him easily
Bad, we don't rape oddish.
O-oh, my... we're getting twice the rape to make up for the lack of it last thread it seems.

ember the kakunas and release Oddish, then ask him for oshawott
>raping Oddish
What the fuck is wrong with you?
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exploitable vagueness is exploitable
>These Kakuna could be trouble, so you decide to get rid of them and the web in one shot and light an ember near each of them. This should burn up everything.
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>Two huge gobs of webbing drop onto your embers and snuff them out.
bullshit I´ve been clear
You said what you wanted to do, not how you wanted to do it.
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Spinarak: What a pathetic ember. You call yourself a fire type?
Ariados: You won't be touching those Kakuna, or this Oddish. We have a deal in place with their kind. Can't let you come in and ruin things.
>1 next
Play dead
Enraged from their taunting attempt to tackle one of them.
Go for the spinarak with an ember
Time for pseudo-Flame Charge. Set yourself on fire with ember and tackle the web.
Make it look like your about to send an ember at Ariados, but immediately tackle one of the kakuna into the web. DO NOT GET IN THE WEB, YOURSELF!
Heavy Slam the Spinarak
This, then ember the first one who walks up to you.
Back off and try to come up with a plan.
Oddish is kind of dumb, ask if he's tried to wiggle himself free yet?
reroll please
Reroll except you also get tangled up in the web.
Heh, where's oshawott when you need him?
FUCK, good thing it was past the five minutes mark
It's the first valid roll though. So we're fucked.
Oh come on. It would have been kinky.
It just made it, I think.
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>You get a running gallup to Tackle the Kakuna. You connect, flinging it into the net, though doing little actual damage to it.
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>But, in doing so, you slipped trying to avoid the webbing pile and trip into the web yourself.

Spinarak: So, are you some kind of idiot, or...?

>Well, are you? 4 decides.
Your mouth is still free, spit an Ember at it
Make casual talk with Oddish.
Yell for Oshawott to help you, or tell oddish to use that acid barf to do something useful other than stopping you from raping it.
Now ember the web.
tell odish to razor leaf you both down
Say yes, but when the spinarak is replying, ember it and the web.
Say to Oddish
"Looks like we're in a sticky situation."
Bounce around until oddsih spits up.
Set self on fire and burn everything except you to death in the process
ah, fuck i can't resist, reroll
imb4 we get oddish to spit acid on us or spinarak will cover our mouth with web for that
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>"Yes..." you say despondently, "I make a lot of bad decisions and have a lot of trouble focusing on things a lot"
>As Spinarak guffaws at your admission, you take the opportunity to spit out a quick ember, burning up a good chunk of the web before she could react. You feel the webs snapping around you and you drop back to the ground.

>Another chance! What now? 9 decides next
release and take oddish and then run for it
Back off and wait to see what happens to the web.
Use taunt to keep them from webbing you again!
Get Oddish to use Sleep Powder on them.
With renewed strength, You run straight towards one of the spiders and bite one of their legs off. Then, you light the leg on fire like a torch and set the whole on fire. However, you didn't forget your partner, oddish, so you burst through the web to save him in the nick of time.
This sounds like an idea that can't possibly go wrong! Reroll!
Ember the Spinarak
Use taunt to get them away from the web so Oddish can get to safety.
Tell Oddish to start using acid so he can free himself. Also, ember everything.
Yes, thanks for the support anon. I feel he will let it succeed due to the thought put into it, so he'll know the true passion we all have for this story.
Damn, appropriate number for burning everything.
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Hell fucking yes.
Dang, just squeaked in there
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How many trip 6s have we gotten on these threads? We should have a counter
I feel that satan trips should make attempts to rape/burn everything turn out better than they would otherwise
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>You scurry away as the spiders frantically try to suppress the fire.
>"Oddish!" You yell, "You can just Acid yourself free, can't you?"
Oddish: Well of course, Mr. Ron! But it seemed impolite to ruin this web that Ariados and Spinarak worked so hard on!
>"Fuck's sake Oddish, just free yourself, they're planning on eating you or something"
Oddish: 'k

>Oddish uses acid while the spiders are distracted and slips free from the web
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>Ariados leaps from the web to confront you.

Ariados: Hold it right there! I can't allow you to escape so easily! If these Kakuna don't have a meal to nourish them when they evolve, the Beedrill won't share their delicious honey with us!

>5 next

What is that horrific shadow looming over Ron? It almost looks like hands holding a camera... what does this mean for our heroes?
dance battle for your freedom
Use taunt and run so Oddish can escape.
Maybe ask them politely?
Crush it with a rock and make a joke realting to honey or something after doing it.
just between you and me, I think they're being watched
Book it, then once you're a good bit away from the spinarak, turn and ember the fucker
Fuck 'yo honey, bro. Ember to the face.
I love how polite oddish is.
Trying to get higher dubs now
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Ayy, Let's goooo
Tell Ariados that they can eat my piggy ass, and then run away with oddish in front and burn everything flammable behind you as to stop them from chasing you
fuckin goomba stomp that bitch
Can pigs or spiders even dance?
this is the first thing I found
We're a human in our heart
There is this that I found

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>You declare a dance battle vs Ariados. If you win they have to let you go.
>You break out your sickest dance moves, moving and spinning around, humming to yourself to keep the rhythm. You are seriously killing it here.
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>Ariados has no idea what you're doing and uses poison sting on your face
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>Oddish meanwhile has snuck away and uses Acid on the other Kakuna

>In a panic, Ariados goes to help the Kakuna.

>The spiders seem distracted. 3 next
Attempt to negotiate
He's just jealous of our moves.
Burn them all with ember
Motherfucker used poison sting on our face. Return the favor and use ember on its ass.
Flee while you can
Set the spider on fire and pray to the pokegods that you will find oshawott safe and sound.
Call time out
Rolling for trips

Don't care if it counts or not, just want bragging rights for predicting it
What's the next step of your plan?
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After the praying? I guess just looking for him

Congratulations. Enjoy bragging about something that happens every 10 minutes or so, and on a slowish board like /vp/ is not difficult to "predict."
Reunion hug and big smooch with our dripping pig snout.
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>You ember that spider's ass while she's busy applying a protective webbing to the Kakuna. Oddish pitches in and vomits up another glob of acid on Ariados.
>Ariados screeches and clicks and other spider noises in pain, but continues to work on protecting the Kakuna.

Oddish: (Mr. Ron, I hate to ruin the fun, but we should run while we can and save our strength for later. We still need to find Mr. Oshawott too! We can't be wasting time if we can help it.)
Leave them an apple because we kind of ruined their home for no reason, then run away looking for Oshawott.
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>While the spiders are both caught up in repairing the damage you caused, you and Oddish run off down the path in hopes of finding your teammate somewhere...

Sorry to cut it short, but I'm out of time for tonight. Thanks to all who joined and good night!
Night, and thanks OP.
Also, dang, nobody called that Beedrill don't make honey?
Nighty night.
Night OP.
Out of curiosity, how far would one need to push Oshawatt to make him consider leaving us. Not that I want him to, permanently.
It's Pokemon, man, who knows what the heck they do?
It's 2017, if Beedrill has a dream it can do what ever it wants.
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I'm trying to keep at least the main 2 alive and together, so Oshawott is pretty tolerant of Tepig's behavior. Even if Ron tried to rape him, Osha's fine just slapping his shit and moving on to complete whatever task they're on. I think whenever that happens, he's always kind of questioning why he's stuck with Ron, but he's happy to have the help, so he'll put up with it.
It wasn't that the beedrill wanted to, they were tricking Ariados into gathering food for their offspring by telling them they'd give them honey, and Ariados didn't know that they don't make it either.
Now I feel bad for the spiders.
I mean, they still did kidnap oddish out of honey greed, but yeah, beedrill are probably gonna eat them now
I can see Beedrill working alongside Vespiquen. So I believe it.
I take it you haven't played Super Mystery Dungeon. Exactly what you said happens in it.
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Should I dump 2-6?
Give me a few more hours and I can finally get to working on it. Please understand.
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working on that screencap right now
Shit, just need to swap tepig for Pikachu there and that'll be a perfect summary of vpmd
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I'll add more protagonists in the background as they are introduced.
This is amazing
Thank you. By the way, are there more protagonists? I've missed a bunch of threads.
I love it
None yet, but it's up to the gets if we even try to recruit (and not rape) other pokemon
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Aaand done.

I'm gonna try and keep the info sheets in the new screencaps but I don't know how well that's going to go.
What figurines do you have? Are there any we can expect to see soon?
Asking me?
At last count I had somewhere around 500 different figures, including different forms and megas. Got all 251 from the first 2 gens and a handful from each of the rest (they stopped making all of the dex in gen 3).
With the exception of the bosses for this chapter, I'm honestly picking at random and trying to think of mons who might make interesting fights or puzzles.
Any pokemon in particular you'd like to have show up?
Unown and other ancient and mysterious Pokemon like Claydol might make good puzzles.
If we're just talking Pokemon I like, Politoed would be cool. Drizzle would also be a cool mechanic, as it puts Ron at a disadvantage.
Shit, I can't spoil anything, but there is a part coming up in a while... depending on how fast we can progress through the next parts
>they stopped making all of the dex in gen 3
I didn't know that. Well that sucks.
Do you have a shaymin one?
Yeah gen 3 wasn't great. Pokemon center site stopped selling figures after like the initial gen 3 wave and Amazon and eBay weren't really great just yet. I spent years looking for a sceptile that wasn't being sold for like $50. Thankfully gen 4 brought back some relevance and popularity to the series and figures started getting easier to obtain.

shaymin may or may not be relevant to upcoming plot

New thread soon!
Yes, this needs to be a thing.
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