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Your favorite Pokemon

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 99

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Hello /vp/ !
Let's photoshop and paint!
Post you and your favorite pokemon.
The rules are:
>> Only official pokemon. No fakes allowed (including Luchalitten, Poppmaid and Robinroot)
>> No Ubs
>> One per evolutionary line
>> If has different forms, pick one
>> If has gender differencess, pick one
>> You can pick as much pokemon as you wish, but they must be visible and recognizeable
>> You can use any game sprites or models, artworks or even your own madskillz
>> Customize the trainer, be creative
Template are coming
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Sorry, I'm russian. Our language is more... flexible
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more or less.jpg
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man its hard enough already choosing favorites
then there sun/moon coming out

my nigga
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My taste is generic bullshit, sorry /vp/. I love them, though.
Good taste OP
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Trying to grow out your hair is pretty hard, I'm at the awkward stage.
>having more than one fav
Punk faggot. Kill yourself
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I did it for another thread so it's just with one fav
What? How am I punk? Because I wear boots and a nose ring? Are you twelve?
Raging faggot
Grow up
i would think that >>28608448 and >>28608522 would have the others taste if i hadnt known
Wow anon, I guess you're right!
What was I thinking? Thanks for showing me the right way! I'll commit sudoku now
Decent taste
t h i c c
Nice to see Purugly getting some love!
Her taste is pretty alright, but I'm not into most of the mons. Forgot to add octillery to mine, oops.
Fuck off
I love my Purugly, man. She's a total beast.
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Are you you referring to >>28608522 ?
I'm not a girl, anon
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Good taste, anon.
>Her taste is pretty alright

Pretty sure >>28608522 is a guy
Oops, thought you were
My bad, anon. I'm sorry. Just the hairstyle and the favorites threw me off.
thank you!
It's OK, I'm pretty fucking gay.
I bet I own more bottles of nail polish than you do lol
Also thought I saw some tit in there, but it's just the jacket.
I guarantee you do rofl, I never paint my nails, I can't stand it. I work too much with water and paints. I appreciate nail painting, though.
So just because I have breasts that automatically means I'm a girl?
not them i thought you were both female just that you were quite androgynous
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All things considered, thinking I saw tit, the outfit, the hairstyle, the side septum, and the pink favorites, I think I was pretty safe to assume anon might be a chick, lol. But no, if you have tits, that doesn't might not make you a chick.
Shit, typo. *might not make you a chick.
It's the meme base thingy, it makes everyone look round lol.

In real life I have a very square jaw, deep voice and pretty big hands (although slender), I wouldn't be mistaken for a butch lesbian as much as I was in this thread

Please, let's not derail this thread with those topics
It's just incredibly sexist to assume that just because someone has certain body parts and reproductive organs automatically means they're a specific gender. It's good to see that not all of 4chan is living in the past.
we get it now shut up
hello tumblr
This is very weak bait, but someone is bound to take it, eh?
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Thumbs up, man

I would've gotten the same result if I had said "they", anon. You can't win on 4chan, so I just went with my best guess. I'm sorry. Let's end that there.
I guess I was wrong.
One day you will grow up and learn not to judge people by their appearance and anatomy.
whys he your fave anon?
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Here. I even arranged them starting from number one (Swampert).
I'm also not a girl nor even girly lookiing, since some anons thought I was when I drew myself in the last thread.
I hope you like Lopunny for itself and not waifu shit, it's my second favorite as well!
Ponytails are fucking
>Those picks
my nigga
It's a sexualized rabbit, what else is there to like about it?
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How did I do? I am a boy, guys.
I would've never guessed

If I see an Aggron you're automatically my nigga
Good picks, anon. I like it. Never seen someone pick Swanna before.
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a fucking.jpg
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Well, I think it's cute, but I'm not a pokephile. I prefer human waifus.
>a fucking
Have you even seen a fucking?
Thanks, bro.
I used one in my first White run and found it really fun to use and with great utility outside of battle. Swans themselves are great animals.
Swans scare the shit out of me.
Not them, but Swans are black where I live
I'm not into girls and I like it, so clearly there is something. It is cute and feminine and beautiful. You can admire all that in a not sexual way.
A creature to be respected. Watch from a distance.
Fuck yea daddy
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favorite pokemon.jpg
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Boy I can't tell what age you're supposed to be but I'm betting it's above 30. I like your faves.

boy shorts/10 pre evos rustle my jimmies something fierce

You look cute, and your taste is generic. But generic doesn't always mean bad.

I agree with >>28608757
about you being a girl. Without irl pic you look like one of the 5 mil hipster girls with that exact outfit, hairstyle, and nose ring.
Favs are girly but I don't hate them.

That's a nice cactus you have there, and a nice cozy shawl to cover you for warmth.
Are you trying to bait me? Because it's 1 week after 9/11 and this is hilarious. If you are.

Regular guy, okay taste imo even if its all gen 3 and prior.

Pretty good, kinda lame pic but if that's how you look?

This is a girl guaranteed.
Squirtle and Wartortle are breaking the rules m80
And Blastoise.
Either a girl or an ironic hipster.
>Squirtle and Wartortle are breaking the rules m80 and blastoise
I didn't read the rules. I stand by my choices.
Also I have Trevenant and Phantump on there.
I noticed after I posted, you have so many meme and meta choices I don't know what to think.
Half of your faves are megas.
You get a +1 for torterra and Emboar though.
You look like the guy from Hot Shots Golf
>if that's how you look
Honestly... Yes. I haven't worn any shirt that isn't pure white for weeks, except for my pajamas.
Fun things are fun.
Since I don't eat just bread every day, I don't have very many white shirts.
Too many animals to think I won't spill things.
OP here. I'm 22 (^_^)
Fun is a social construct, take your hipster beard back from whence it came.
I was joking :p, but I doubt you're that fat irl.
Thank you, anon. I love my generic mons. Good choices, by the way
Fun is a social construct defined by each individuals journey. Fun can be measured, but only by the measurer.
Thanks, this is like a fourth of my list. I'll take a step back and believe there's some sentimental reason people like prevos better. Not just for being cute.
I'm fat as hell, my weight is about 150 kg... So I looks like walking sphere (with beautiful head and not so beautiful hair). I did my best to show that on picture :-)
pls go
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I tried
Pornstache? I like it XD
you sure like steel types. I don't. but that's fine.
"solid" picks.
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pretty generic.png
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Mine's pretty generic.Also,sorry for my shitty drawing.It doesn't look very good,also I should have made my legs thiccer.

pls leave
What's wrong about emoji and kaomoji?
thats so gay, i love it
He was MVP on my emerald, been my fav since then

I just love telling everyone on 4chan how I'm muslim when there is a terrorist attack or things like 9/11, some reactions are hilarious
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Im sorry im cant draw :d
Really cute. Good job, anon.
>fav Gen is 2
My nigress

Bottom rows make up for the lame top row

I want to insult your ponytail but you have good taste. So keep going

I like how /vp/ has so many girls that we're probably the only board where one could cinceivae have to confirm being male
It's the comfiest gen, my nigga
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me irl.png
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what do you think /vp/?
forgot to say, the last line is based on hopefully good evolutions/alternative forms
Good taste
rate me ,m8
>pre evos rustle my jimmies something fierce
what you got against baby bros famalam?

always good to see another woobat lover
pretty good taste in both mons and style
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emoji is used by girls and fags
I'm bisexual, that counts?
That's just another word for faggot.
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r8 :)
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I am STOKED for morelull's evolution
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favorite pokemon.png
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The Alolan Pokemon are grouped together because I'm not sure which I like most yet (I'll decide once I actually play 7th gen).

Marill is my shoulder bro, and I ran out of room on the list for Drifblim so it's just floating behind me.
LONDON as they say.
Fuck off
never heard of that expression, care to elaborate?
pls be my gf
pls be my gf
pls be my gf
pls be my T H I C C gf
fuck off newfag underage shit
Oh no he's hot
which one?
Your favorite one.
Literally 1 out of 10, just for Froslass.
Tepig is the shit but your taste in memes and "le ebin feminine xDD" negates it
>looks like Chie
>Likes Ampharos and Cubone
Eyyyy youre cool
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I've got you newfag.
Ayy, you're cool too, anon.
ar u gay i asking for ..... a friend
You look exactly like a faggot friend of mine, and I would instantly believe it was him except you dont have Umbreon
Haha thanks. I tried to be as accurate as possible to my appearance.

I like drawing so I took a bit more time on that than I care to admit.
You did really well. Keep drawing, qt
Love your taste in 'mons, especially the Chespin. 10/10 would Boyfriend the literal fuck out of you
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Listen, little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't want I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me, sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve everything and anything you want.
Stay safe for me baby girl.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
qt 3.14
>putting 2 absolute unrelated Pokémon at the same spot in a top 3 twice

That's not how a list works mate
>>> One per evolutionary line
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Sem Título.png
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Fuck your shitty rules.
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check out my shit edgymons
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this guy fuckin sucks.jpg
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>when two of your favorite pokemon get mega forms that actually make them even better
Hey, Kano.
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neet loser.png
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I wish I didn't suck at drawing hair desu
That's some qt3.14 taste.
would skullfuck/10
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favorite pokemon2.png
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How well did I capture my essence in dorky drawing form?
7,8 out of 10 - too much beard
OH right.

To be fair though, my beard is fuller now so the drawing is more accurate to my current appearance than that few-months-old face pic

Also nice IGN meme
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absolutely 10/10 taste
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Based on nothing but looks, not much of a competitive player
Oh shit,he's hawt.
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brace for unremarkable
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literally me
>posting major spoiler
fuck off, back to /pg/
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great taste in starters and eeveelutions
really great taste, what an interesting set of mons
I'd love to see a game run of just these two lines
fun taste, all of your fav pokemon fall into my "just below favorite" tier
decent and interesting, but definitely not what I'm into.
I hate the design of a lot of legendaries, but all from Gen 4 especially
nice dedication.jpg
Primeape! I've always tried to use and love the guy, but at some point in the last while he's fallen off my favorites list. Good choices though
perfect bottom row
appreciate your art skills, looks comfy
very nice
honestly with all that Steel you'd give me a run for my money
good aesthetics
too edgy goro-chan!
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desu senpai.jpg
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i'll bite

in no particular order
am i edgy yet[/spolier]
I really don't like you.
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>Luchalitten, Poppmaid and Robinroot
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here are the (You)'s samefag
haha megazard y is a temporary form loser
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Sorry for the shitty quality
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me + fav mon.png
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>am i edgy yet
also get a haircut


get bent

l o n d o n, etc.
Sceptilee!! Nice pick, my favorite with Treecko
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yeah sure alright.jpg
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No real order.
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2 lewd
Perfect, 10/10 would fug and then cuddle.

post pics
Thanks bb

Oh you're right they're blue and green, damn you must have your screen at full brightness to notice that difference
> I all mea'Ä“ name
>This is not a fish, I try very
>And it's not in my case, and training

>I'm all over the country
>lot of research
>We are aware, Pokemon
>Power supply
>Pokémon is not only to catch them
>It's you and me
>I believe that this is my destiny, and
>Pokemon, uh, not my best friend,
>The world must be protected
>Pokémon is not only to catch them
>So true heart
>We, the strength, duration

>Tell me please, I'll tell you,
>Pokémon is not only to catch them

>The challenges on the road
>I see power
>Fight with me every day
>The claim my rightful place,

>I took the trouble to good pū'oe
>We have a good team.
>Without the right to receive war
>We are in a dream

>Pokémon is not only to catch them
>It's you and me
>I believe that this is my destiny, and
>Pokemon, uh, not my best friend,
>The world must be protected
>Pokémon is not only to catch them
>So true heart
>We, the strength, duration

>Tell me please, I'll tell you,
>Pokémon is not only to catch them

~Courtesy of Google Translate
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>damn you must have your screen at full brightness to notice that difference
u have autism?
you might have trouble telling colors apart famalam

Nah, the dots are just really small and I didn't notice the difference at first until I actually *looked* at it

I was also just outside without sunglasses right before looking at it so that might be a factor
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seen ay.png
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why do "women" always appear for the attention whore blogshit threads?
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good taste all around

best one itt

awful normie taste, rest yourself
>fav gen 2
marry me
They're always here this thread is just specifically an attention whore blogshit thread so you know they're women.
Deal. I do.
men and women are in every thread anon
you just realize it here
What's that symbol on the shirt?
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Because there's women in all threads, there's just no need to mention it in most. In fact, unless it's absolutely relevant to the thread, you'll just get 30 green text responses for even mentioning it.
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My favorite pokemon is Grubaby
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narcissistic twink/10
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Flareon was my first favourite, back when I played Blue

The rest are in no particular order
Good choices, anon. Flareon is cute.
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i'm kind of edgy but i'm a faggot so it balances each other.
I'm not a twink by any stretch of the imagination, but I am very narcissistic!
good taste
Love the deermons and based chandelure. Good taste.
Date me, anon
>likes pink dildo plant
thank you

1) what are your favorite pokemon
2) are you a qt
2.5) are you a male (because i'm a flaming homo)
fine, here's your (you) cia
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Anon fuck my tight asshole i'm >>28619346
A qt indeed

Touch my pokeballs anon
I'm yours daddy
u got kik? snapchat?
I'm flaming_beard on instagram if u wanna see more of my faggotry in action
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Team Pokeymans.png
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Nice taste.

This just makes me wish Chesnaught's shiny palette was its normal coloration.
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me and favorites.png
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>Deoxys and Rotom
+ the others are all pretty good
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Heyo, I really love your taste in pokes ya cutie
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based reuniclus
Fuck dude I think you are me
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I love your drawings, anon.
How do you keep your hair clean?
not him but

...by washing and conditioning it every 2 days? What the fuck kinda question is this?
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Because lazy guys with long hair never fucking wash it so it always looks greasy.
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What's the verdict?
Look like a cutie , pls post pic
Really well done, anon.
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bretty gud
cute art and good tastes
Thank you! :3
**Thank you! messed up the reply the first time D:
>not evolving your nosepass
cool drawings though, really like em especially Magnemite
some good taste here
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Had trouble getting my dreads right and fucked up the sizing on the later ones, but i tried.
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Three of my favorites are starters.

how's it going shofu?
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whoops fucked up again
I was actually listening to the new 2016 Cypher while making this.
After all I do waste my time in Photoshop for 12 HOURS

we need a vpsoc thread , you look cute
I call this some good taste
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I assure you I'm not.
Thanks baby boy kinda difficulty to narrow it down to only 4 per gen but I managed.
did you draw yourself? it looks good my dude. do you think you could draw me a whimsicott? she would look cute in your style
Im 6/10 at most
Plus people tell me I look like a 14yo
Please be in london
Please die in a tragic car explosion
Sorry, I'm in the US!
>female sex organs
>not a female
OK then, special snowflake it is
He is right though. Become an actual fucking adult and represent yourself appropriately.

I swear these fucking nu-punk sissy faggots need to burn in a fire
>sex organs
back to /b/ underage
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i love shuckle
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i kept fucking this up but i thought this looked ok. glad you like my shit.
Love your style, man. Love your choices, too.
My bro.
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Left out any S/M mons since they may be shit later
Good mons.
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Thanks anon
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My theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAeBXh25NiQ
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Posting, I guess
Druddigon is an interesting choice. I like him but I always see him getting shit from everyone
Honestly I don't get what people have against Druddigon. It's not one of my favorites, but it doesn't look offensive or anything. It's a monster. It's not supposed to look pretty.
It's probably the contrast with blue and red and the spikes everywhere
Now that gen V is less hated around here it's not too bad. But before XY everyone called him like a child's drawing
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my faves.png
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>tfw can't into hair, both IRL and when drawing
Well then...

Also only just realized there were rules when I finished- luckily I followed them, mostly. Just ignore the "*non-mega too" thing I guess, as I like the megas most in all cases. Good thing I decided "no gen VII Pokemon yet" or else I'd have Poppmaid and Robinroot on there.
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Rules allow to include Mega-pokemon. Your picture is 100% legitimate

And there are some people who just ignored rules, by the way.

Great choices, especially Volcarona, Articuno and Lapras. I like your taste
Nice hair
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I spent too much time on this, but here ya go
Great fucking mon choices. Chose a lot of the same as mine. Love it.
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should've thought out the spacing on these better. oh well.
forgot to mention

>tfw all your favorite pokemon are either weak or often used as support teammates, and were chosen solely on typing and design
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Too lazy to redraw
That's amazing style!
my crappy taste
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Pokemon favourites.png
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Mine. Big gen 5 fan.
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I only recently started liking Beheeyem. Got one in a randomizer recently.
Who the fuck stands like this with their hips foward?
>> Lapras, Luxray and Rapidash
>> Abomashow, Ampharos and Carracosta

Your taste definetely NOT crappy
I din't know. This template not mine
I found template on vk.com

And I'm pretty sure, that's not a original source of this picture
That template has been on 4chan for years and it has never made sense to me.
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Dubs demand it.
Can you tell which regions didn't really appeal to me?
Kalos and Sinnoh, I guess... And Alola for sure
I'm not putting Alola pokemon into my favorite anything till the games come out.
Oy vey
Next female to respond is morally obligated to be my gf
Welcome to the club
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Good choices, anon. Nice hair, also.
I really love the little touch of making Joltik super small.
Sweet chocolate cake, want some fug?
Your region preferences in terms of Pokemon go like this:

Kanto(7)> Johto(4) > Hoenn(3) > Unova(2)/Kalos(2) > Sinnoh(1)
Exactly that. Unova was all kinds of disappointing to me
and only a few pokemon from Kalos and Sinnoh, not counting
starters, bugs, legends, pseudo's, and birds, are even memorable to me.
well it is only about 4 inches in length.
Text wall incoming

For me, Pokemon like Pyroar, Helioptile, Clawitzer, and Gogoat are really neat random elementals that added to the atmosphere of Kalos-native Pokemon.

Aegislash, Dragalge, Trevenant/Gourgeist, and Tyrantrum were excellent ways of utilizing unused (until X/Y) type combos.

Furfrou stood out due to forms, and Malamar's evolution gimmick gave it a little flavor.
Sylveon's evolution method almost made me hate the Pokemon itself but after using it in battles, it grew on me slightly.

Noivern is a perfect take on a wyvern Pokemon, with bat-like features. Its design was really well-executed.

None of these are really my "favorite" Pokemon, but I can definitely appreciate their good points and they're what I think of when I remember Kalos (excluding starters, megas, regional bugs/birds/rodents, and legendaries)

I think the biggest issue is that 6th gen delivered way too few brand new Pokemon because of it giving priority to Mega Evolutions, and instantly reduced the pool of potential notable/memorable Pokemon by half.

I love Mega Evolution -- it just could have been implemented more fairly to certain Pokemon.

I'm >>28610890

I don't really have a regional preference like my picture may suggest; I just chose my most memorable favorites for various reasons and I have many more favorites than what I posted.
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Nice hair
This reminded me that I forgot to put Bellsprout on mine. :(
I'm not fucking "nu punk" you absolute retard.

I'm not remotely into punk music, style or culture, nor do I pretend to be. I'm a regular guy with a nose ring (you seriously need to get out more if you think only "punks" wear nose rings lmao) and who happens to own a fucking pair of boots and a denim jacket, what even is this argument??
I like you anon
There's no point in talking to idiots, you know.

Just let them whine.
I do know, anon. Even after being in this shit hole for 6 years I still let myself get rustled from timesto time. Some people just do THE MOST with their shit posting.
>not knowing that breasts can be considered sexual organs
Back to sex ed, virgin
>getting a nose ring
it's like you were asking for it
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my weak ass pokemon
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draco meteor sitrus berry.jpg
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Roffles, you're such an ass!

Posting this anyway, cause I think it's kinda funny.

Latias isn't even uber...
Anon is a cute, CUTE!
Are you related to Ratata?
fujoshi as fuck
despite the context its a pretty good drawing and the joke
Nah, I'm a fairy type.
Hi Smooth McGroove
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Oh I see
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Incredible taste anon
don't reply to it
Are you fat...or pregnant?

There's literally half as many girls as guys posted in this thread.
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the truth.png
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i only like these
You seem breddy cool. Believe in yourself, anon.
why unfezant tho
Why Unfezant and Magnezone?
magnezone is a ufo retard
>don't turn around
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Huh, that's kinda clever.
so what, it's an invasive species? there's plenty of other pokemon you could have chosen if that's the case.
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