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It's still phox phriday. We post the phox line here.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 392
Thread images: 136

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It's still phox phriday. We post the phox line here.
I dunno man, is that legal

>announcing reports
Have a nice vacation
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What's so appealing to everyone here about such a meh design? It's just a feminine fox wizard. I don't see anything it has over Ninetales.
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If it were Saturday I'd say no.
It makes the casual furries feel a little bit better since compared to Ninetales it's far more humanoid.
They don't realize they are just as degenerate as full fledged furries.
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Different strokes for different blokes
>being this butthurt because someone posted the superior fox Pokemon line in the fox Pokemon thread made for the fox Pokemon day
Wow anon, you seem to care a little too much about what other people like
Maybe you should pay more attention when you're in class?
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Furries. They like the Fennekin line cause it's humanoidal and provides fapping material for them.
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You can make a ninetails thread if you want. Zoroa lads do the same thing.
i want to cum in braixen
I'm not saying we should have a Ninetales. This is the same idiotic arguement people in Gardevoir threads use. 'WHY DON'T YOU SPAM THREADS OF POKEMON YOU LIKE'

I'm just asking why you like it.
Braixen's going to spank you for that
I just want to touch the ears. So big.
Because it's my favorite and we contain to one day of the week unlike other threads.
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but i like all of them
Then post which one you want to.
Most of us do. But ya can't shoehorn into it.
As long as it's funnelcakes line, here at least.
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can't we go back to shitposting about fugging the phox instead of shitposting about fox vs phox
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Gonna need some sauce on the background image, Anon
>implying furries don't fap to Ninetales
some won't believe me, but I like phox because it's cute and I don't want to fuck it
More of these plz
>I don't see anything it has over Ninetales.

Why can't people like both?
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It's mediocre at best
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fuck all of you, I'm going to get you fucking furries banned and bring back heliolisk threads!
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i want to be a braixen popstar
>hates furries
>going to post heliolisk porn
Anon, I have some news for you
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>making another thread
Sudoku is the only way now.
it's not another thread, it's an expantion of the first one (image limit reached)
you can't do that, because 70% of /vp/ are fucking furries, so unless you find a way to ban 70% of a board, i doubt it
Plus Pokephilia is canon you fag
It's still Friday
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That is literally what making a new thread is.
fuck off autists
It reached the limit much faster than normal, you mean. Normally it would be saturday or very close it it when they reached the limit, and most phoxfags would ignore any new threads.
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Apparently, these ones only prefer Braixen. I know very well that furries fap at every pokemon that looks even closely to a real world animal.
So they must be some sort of off-faction
How does it feel we can and will make a thread any time we want to and there's literally nothing you can do about it? :)
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Let's all simmer down and appreciate Braixy.
Yep, fapping at Braixen saying it's not to bad since it's already humanoidal, but you're still masturbating to freaking fox.

And I don't give a single fuck, you can yiif as much as you want, you're still a high class of degenerates no matter how much you try to hide it.
If you had a phox(female) but were also given the info that it was a phox phriday anon(male) before, would you still love it?
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I wonder if Zorua will show up at all in Sun/Moon before endgame? Probably wouldn't use it over the new 'mons, though.
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If you dislike the topic of this thread, why are you in this thread?
back to your gardevoir threads, autist
You really think I'm like that, right ? Like I said, fucking degenerates.
And no, Gardevoir is not real so I don't fap at it. Or my dog for that matter.
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Just don't reply to the bait, easy
fuck off gardefag
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It's ok. Relax and appreciate Braixy.
She wants the d
fuck you you fucking piece of fuckshit, fucking kill yourself
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post a phox friday every week and nothing much will happen.

make a second friday thread and everyone goes berserk

fuck off gardefag
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wtf makes you assume I'm a gardefag…?
Let's not get too lewd now
The Gardfags and the Phoxfags have been at odds for a while now
Especially with how the Gardfags are copying their shtick and making their own version of "Phox Friday" with "Gard Friday"
Both parties are hostile to each other, so the equasion they share is "Not a Phoxfag = Gardfag" and "Not a Gardfag = Phoxfag"
>using degenerates as an insult
normalfag get out
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It just look like a thin geek man in some LARP outfit. Far from feminine
Actual thought was put in it design instead of just a fox with nine tails and then naming them ninetails.
it's called ninetales
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it's called kyuukon
as far as I know, kyuu means nine

don't tell me kon is tail?
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How many Fennekins would be required to cover an average human if there is already one Braixen in the equation?
Why the braixen? How is it positioned?
Actually, ignore the Braixen.
The Braixen is the most imporant part.
I'd say twelve, give or take a few.
Laying on top of you.
Same here anon
Maybe six fennekins then
>Captcha: STOP FIFTH
Or maybe five
Sounds good. Do Braixens sleep with the twig in their tail or do they remove them?
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Thats just in game and wouldnt be comfortable.
phox wouldn't even notice, tail is too fluffy
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Can your waifu do pushups like Braixen can?
Fuck off, you diaper wearing dog fuckers.
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>not posting 4k phox butthole
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Wow, I think I just came in my pants from just seeing that you degenerate
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Hot, spicy Fokko soup.
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i need more zoroarks :(
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heres a zoroark disguised as braixen
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How to make your very own Zoroark in just ___ steps!
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>you will never tickle and or massage Braixen's paws while being stared at in contempt

Assuming the Braixen is laying down, probably 11, two for each arm, three for the legs and another for the top or bottom midsection area where the Braixen wouldnt be able to cover. entirely. Could probably fit another two or three if the Braixen is sitting straight
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Gardevior threads have been a thing for much longer, OBVIOUSLY, and they do it on Saturday.
>and they do it on Saturday
>and they do it on Saturday.
Ive seen a different gardevoir thread everyday for months now.

Are they doing that to spite Phox fags?
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>clicked on this pic and left it open
>mfw it moved
I just like it. Fennekin grew on me a lot in SMD and Delphox is pretty cool. Braixen is shit though, make it stretch out like a cat and it looks like a fucking motorcycle.

Sadly most of the line's fans in several circles seem to just wanna fuck it. That's why most times I pop my head into this thread I leave right after.
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>AHA, the fox neck doesnt stop from keep getting taller.
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Dream phox anon here, I have a few different results.
First time sleeping, even with all the phox and /vp/ exposure, the dream I could remember had less phox than expected, but then again I did watch some anime before attempting to dream of phox. I blame foxposters.
Second run at sleeping was surprisingly effective. Little /vp/ exposure and more of a focus on cute phox images allowed me to have a happy dream, this time spending time at a mall I went to today for 40k stuff and ice skating as phox with maybe a little bit of staring at me, but a mostly fun and normal experience.
Third run was more /vp/ exposure but I was having a little bit of trouble sleeping again so I attempted to use lewds of phox to assist me, and the result was me being phox again with the mall-phox dream surprisingly continuing instead of a new phox dream being made, but unfortunately when I got home in the dream, the door downstairs was broken down and when I went to check I unsurprisingly got fugged both from behind and in the mouth before the dream ended. Turns out that the man-juice that overloaded my mouth around the end of the dream was me drooling in my sleep.
If there's anything to learn from this for those of you who want to at the very least dream about being phox, from what I can tell so far it's not to have lewd or /vp/ based thoughts about phox when you're about to sleep.
Meanwhile here I am barely remembering I had a dream about an alien baby last night.

I like this blog
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A tip for remembering is either keeping the dream in your mind all day, or if you try doing what I did and sleeping a bunch of times in a row make sure to record notes on what happened to assist with remembering and stuff. I don't recommend doing a bunch of phox dream attempts in a row though, oversleeping doesn't feel very good.
Messed up with what I was saying, notes in general are really helpful whether or not you're sleeping a bunch.
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It's still Friday
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would you go monster hunting with your braixen
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>mfw I'm too much of a scrub to get past first boss in a MH game
Yes, as long as I'm competent enough to protect a cute phox like her.
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Sweet Phox and Hella Braix when
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memes to survive
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I'm going to sleep. If you're trying to remember your dreams in general, then good luck!

Ahem, I mean, good luck.
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Good night anon. Good luck on phox dreams, if you're trying to have them.
>implying that matters
Does it Matter?
>[x] No
[ ] Yes
That's fine. Just make me a phox too and I'll forgive you.
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Braixen an best pokken
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Male > Female

Would you fug a male Braixen if he had a bigger dong than you
>bigger dong than you
highly unlikely it will
L rule. Shorter = bigger dong
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Or the penis scales down with the person's size and make's a smaller L.
Is this from something... Lewd?
Turn the L 90 degrees
What makes you think that?
Uhh source?
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I guess, but wouldn't it just be troublesome to have their penis longer than their own body?
I would gladly take care of them.
>get a psychic pokemon to transfer your mind into one of the eggs so you can relive your life as a female phox but with knowledge you've gained as a human
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Someone actually saved that 5 min edit I made, here have another.
it still makes me laugh
I've got one more, but it might be too weird; wanna see or no?
Do it, you man with homosexual traits
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I found the original pic by happenstance on some japanese artist's profile, and I thought, "What are the chances I'll ever see this again?". I just thought it was funny.
I regret my choices.
This fucking killed me
I shamefully have a bit of his art saved
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don't bother its porn
>mistakes were made
Errors have occured
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Why can't we all just get along!
id fuck it
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id fuck all fox pokemon
>not taking the route of saints and becoming the cute in the world
I keep a regular phox lewd folder and a somehow more degenerate than that folder
id fuck you
i just keep a regular lewd folder desu
well so do I but my phox is in two folders
A folder for straight and a folder for gay.
i'll never understand what people find attractive about inflation
>tfw will never be short enough for Braixen to call me a little guy
Its not, its fattie
>delphox is literally a circle in that pic
my point still stands
Would you an phox phriday anon?
Even if he wasn't turned into a cute phox first?
>You will never be the qt phox

Why live?
I always wonder this too, anon.
At the least I can cope with not being a phox in real life by dreaming of being a phox, but it just isn't the same.
>ywn be the phox phriday cumdump
I don't want a phox friend in my mind, I want to be a phox. Or am I not remembering what tulpas are correctly?
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>self induced schizophrenia
>liked phox phriday fugging me dreams more than the calm, more relaxed one so far
>get to be the cumdump of phox phriday in dreams but not in reality
Is there a reason to wake up anymore?
has there ever been a reason to wake up
Probably not, other than to find out about phox for the first time.
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>BBW Phox

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uh, yeah.
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Stop that
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You stop that anon.
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Keep going, anon.
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You take that back.
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I want to ____ Phox
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become a cute, female
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Delphox balloon poster here; my apologies anon I didnt think it would upset you so much. Have another edit.
It's alright, it's just that I feared it would open up the chance for inflation posters to come and I've always found inflation a bit gross
Thanks for the edit. Edits won't make me a phox though...
source it
I have a cringe notepad with the source of this as one of the vids. >>28232333 likely knows the source, because I've posted it twice in the past week; also checked. It's relevant to the thread, so I really should post it otherwise a certain autist might sperg out because I posted fox not phox

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If it doesn't work just let me know.

And an edit for the hell of it
>a certain
half the thread because of spam
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Good night phox phriday, I'll report any notable phox dreams I have. If thread dies before I wake up, just know that I hope you all are able to have a nice week!
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You're right. I shouldn't have singled out a single fellow autist when there were others keeping the spam going. Let's just drop that now. It was retarded of me to even mention it.
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You have no damn clue how many buckets this lady has helped me fill.
a lot of furries are offput by the feral aspect though
You're balls deep in braixen, bouncing her up and down playfully as you both have the time of your lives. After you cum, a grin spreads across Braixen's face and with a loud POOF, she turns into Zoroark as you're still inside her. What do?
Jam it in.
That aspect only makes it even kinkier for me.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again select your little Fennekin pic and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" Fennekin guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a kidshit game. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Fennefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "Fennekin.jpg" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

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It's say the more pressing issue that most people don't realize is that they're goddamn TINY.
You're aware several people here post that, right?
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Who's to say there can't be varying sizes in the pokemon world? And if not, then I will be a kid again and she will be there to greet me on my walk home from school and we go to her home in the woods where she'll satisfy my afterschool hormonal craze.
There probably are, but it's also probably in the +/-10% range and not the "literally double the average" range.
Unless we're in the world of Poke Mongo where mons are regularly pygmy-sized.
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Shrink down to a tiny size in front of a
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Zoroark is still great
I'd feel kinda robbed.

But I guess I'd be okay with it.
so smol
and so qt
this, very much so
So on a scale of 1-10 would people in this thread really fug phox or its just an ongoing joke in this thread?

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I-I dunno, man...
I'd rather be the phox and get fugged~
these are amazing thank you
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Good morning anons. Did any of you dream as or about phox?
I feel like a majority of my dream last night was wasted as for whatever reason in my dream I got on 4chan to try shitposting about becoming phox, but having trouble with me not being used to paw-fingers and not knowing how to use psychic abilities.
No idea why but along with talking about me being phox, I posted my address in my dream and eventually, before I could make another post my door opened behind me and I was grabbed and restrained before getting taken away, with the anon carrying me tossing me over his shoulder to do so. After that, I was brought into a car and got fugged in the mouth by the anons who took me, soon after being tossed into the trunk and waking up.
You could have just asked nicely, anons...
It's not Friday anymore, delete this thread.
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i'll delete you
why aren't all these furfags banned yet?
Because it's /vp/, everyone is a 'furfag' here.
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keep at it, anon. i want it to be consensual as much as you.


this is pretty much the ideal fug
I'd rather tease a male Braixen while he can do nothing to stop me. Maybe take his stick and stimulate his prostate then laugh when he helplessly shoots his load everywhere. Then make him lick up the cum.

No fug.
>ywn be a male braixen
>ywn be dominated by a female delphox
The time I am having is the opposite of good
i want to cum in a pokemon
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>Trying this hard
So do I. Anyone else?
I personally always imagine pokemon I wank it to as giants anyway. I bet a huge phox is incredibly fluffy.
I want to be cum in
I need some good nicknames for my female phox, I start X again
>No tail
No point
Do the classic and name it phox
Del Tacoâ„¢
A cute nickname
Thank you for containing yourselves in here and not being gardefags.

Happy fox posting.
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>previous thread made into a picture
>I will never become a female phox outside of my dreams
>phox phriday anons will never feed me poffins and their cocks in a consensual manner
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If you got to be a female phox, other than helping out /vp/ or a trainer with things like their erections, what else would you do?
>what else would you do?
Black guys
>trying so hard he has to "shitpost" about gardefags outside our thread
lmao kill yourself furfaggot
Anon, these people are having a nice thread.
Please don't ruin it for them.
If you want to shit post you're looking for >>28238677

Once again nice fox posting.
Is braxien still the best mon in pokken?
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Thanks to our god Tonosama, of course she's best.
But why?
>we just want to shitpost in our thread while we false flag in yours please leave us alone :)
kill yourself
Are you me?
Hopefully, eventually I'll be able to have a nice time in my dreams and please anons consensually.
Too bad I can't do it in real life to make phox phridays happy
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>you will never be this phox and get the chance to make anons happy
How fluffy we speaking?
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Reminder that Braixen has a long nose
That's a long nose
Will this phox friday last until sunday?
Few more hours so maybe
Who atlas of worlds here

Hope you're enjoying that buffer fireball.
Probably will end before Sunday for quite a few of us.
What about the anons who wish to bully?
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If getting bullied as a phox would make an anon happy, I'd allow it desu
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"Kon" is the Japanese onamonapia for the sound a fox makes I think.
So an asinine meme song could have been avoided with research into japanese onomatopoeias
Basic research is too much effort for memers. We still have people saying megas are gone in SM despite that being debunked for months now.
>you will never have a kebab buffet with braixen
>you will never get to try using your tail-stick to make smores with a phox phriday anon
Why even live as a non-phox?
>you will never get to feed anon food that you fire roasted yourself
>you will never enjoy a self-made dry sauna with a nearly naked anon
I work with an open 16ft hearth so I guess I do
Phox Friday is kill if you guys are going to make multiple threads about it each week.
This thread was made on Friday. Only 30 more posts till it dies anyways.
this thread was made on friday because the first thread filled up fast
>You will never be a toddler getting twig fucked by an oblivious Braixen.
>ywn be a young teenager taken advantage of by a mature delphox

You could be if you let her practice Minimize on you

Why does nobody ever try to make a clean loop of this?
>you will never be laid out across her lap as she gives you a hand spanking for being disobedient

Would be in favor of that actually
No idea. I would try, but I'm no good at working with gifs.
okay but

schoolteacher delphox
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>ywn have a braixen maid
>you will never get to be a phox maid and take care of anons
why live?
Adoptive momphox who raised you from birth only to have a wincest relation and she still babies you as you grumpily go along with it.
do you really want to give sponge baths to obese NEETs?
Your duties are cleaning, cooking, and changing the diaperanon.
The obese ones and anyone trying to pull diapershit would either have to work out and fix their ways or get burnt. Everything else- cleaning, cooking, pleasuring anons, etc. would be fine by me.
How very unphox like of you.
phoxes have standards too
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>ywn spend all night gaming with your neet phox
And I will respect the shit out of those standards as I change my ways to get initimacy rights with phox.
I'd be fine with lightly overweight anons, but even though I've been here so long I still get grossed out easily by things such as obesity and diapers.
You get to be a phox but every anon who owns a phox dakimakura can touch it and manipulate you like a voodoo doll.

Do you take this deal
this anon gets it
if it would incentivize plush-anon to finally get a daki, then yes
dirty fox
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i don't even know if the promise of phox meidu is enough to make me stop being a depressed lump
Define lightly
why haven't you fallen to the degeneracy yet anon
Just cause you're down in the rabbit hole doesn't mean you have to like every fetish deemed equal or higher tier than yours. Someone who is into diapers can find vore or scat disgusting.

Someone who wants to be a phox and be a cum dumpster for several anons can find other things gross.
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As long as I get to be a cute, female phox then yes.
Just curious though, how much manipulation?
But at least if it was me as the phox maid I'd do as much as I can to make sure an anon's room is tidy and clean, show as much love to them as possible, try to create enjoyable and healthy meals to the best of my abilities, and when needed, make them feel good. Wouldn't you want that, anon?
ok but can you make me like myself
I for one would love to wake up in the middle of the night after hearing my door creek open and lifting my blanket up to see a smiling phox looking back at me from underneath. The sneaky rascal.
is that large fenne plush official ? its really so nice
Phox will love you so much that you have no choice to love yourself. You will have the inspiration to get out of bed each morning because you know that seeing you makes her smile. Do it for her, anon.
In terms of numbers it'd depend on your height and age, but in terms of looks I'd probably say a tiny amount chubbier than the average individual/belly protruding by a small bit. I'd still encourage getting more /fit/ though
I'd try do do everything in my power to make you enjoy life and like yourself. Why don't you like yourself, anon?
...maybe but i'd probably just feel guilty
but maybe is better than nothing

i got nothing going for me physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, financially
i beat myself up a lot
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why arent there more good phox lewds
thankfully the gay stuff is usually higher quality
you havent seen my folder
where am i supposed to go besides e621
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nope, not croped porn.png
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>You will never have phox stroke your hair and admire you in your sleep.
In terms of being physically bad, you can attempt to fix that by finding a workout plan and some good dietary changes depending on what your diet currently consists of in order to either start losing obesity or turning fat into muscle. It's not immediate, but if you stick to it it'll work its 'magic' over time and fix you there.
For being mentally worthless, I'm not sure exactly how you'd go about doing it but taking your spare time and using it to study hard in aspects you wish to improve in will generally allow you to get better.
In terms of emotions, you probably need to either find some goal to strive for such as being able to run 2 miles without stopping in under 12 minutes, or something in your life to be happy about such as your childhood maybe.
I don't know about socially or financially though.

Sorry for potentially being unable to help you anon, I tried but I'm no life improvement counselor.
I read that as
>your phox will never have a stroke
Who's the artist?
thanks for trying at least anon, it's the thought that counts
Move the hand a little more to the left and fully extend it
I hope you're able to get better anon. Even if I won't get to be a phox maid to take care of you anons, I'd be happy knowing it helped improve an anons life.
warm and soft fur.....
What scent of shampoo and fur oils would you buy for phox?
lavender, peach, cheeseburger macaroni

i want to be hopeless neet pals with phox!!
>you will never be the neet phox
Well, there's one way to look at it.

>Your phox will never die since she doesn't exist

Does that count as a silver lining?
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How tragic!
>you will never be tackled to the ground by a braixen
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I'd tackle you down desu
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Once you look into the eyes, you can never look away.
>ywn be tied up in lewd positions by braixen
>ywn be forced to address braixen as "master"

sorry, mate. I don't know.
>ywn worship your braixen master and be rewarded for good behavior
Found them. Disappointed that there is no 'lewd' version.
>ywn abuse and bully unfit anons as a phox until they're whipped up into shape while being a cum dumpster for the physically superior ones
You will never rape braixen when.she's alone, despite being a fat fuck
That would require either quite a bit of stealth, strength, or both.
But if an anon would be smart enough to sneak up, overpower, and rape me I would accept it
Don't underestimate big guys
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Forgot pic
Are you a big guy?
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what about big phox

if given the choice i'd definitely want to fuck a phox with a belly
But can you run fast?
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My preference is thicc but if thats what you want
Somebody in the writethread did a thing about phox thigh massages (finally)


>all that dough

>ywn get to be a phox in this situation with an anon
do you want my folder

its not all too big

sure, why not
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>ywn get to see how much an anon can fit into your phox mouth with that long snout
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>ywn have Braixen carry you to safety from battle in her big strong arms.
>ywn be impregnated as a braixen
>ywn be a sperm ejaculated into Braixen and fertilize her egg.
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guys please.
>ywn be a braixen egg and get fertalized by an anons sperm.
>ywn give birth to and raise a child while phox

Interspecies pregnancy is a massive turn off. Can't I just phuck the phucking phox phor as long as I phucking want without have to worry about being a phather?
Probably, given egg groups.
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I will gladly adopt a nonhuman pokechild with phox, but I will not be making one. She can babysit for the neighbors on weekends, but that's as far as I'll go.
>you will never be the qt phox and have your trainer non-lewdly cuddle you as he holds your paw in his hand
your loss on many funnelcakes
>off by 1 for a great thing that I'd love to experience
Quick, post lewds before the thread dies.
But anon, we can't do that!
I gotchu senpai
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Good night anons. I'll make sure to report any worthwhile phox dreams next week for you guys. For those of you anons who aren't very healthy, I hope you are able to improve your fitness and overall health!
I hope you all are able to have a nice week, I like you anons and wish that one day I could serve you as a cute, female phox.
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at least the thread lasted until sunday
search tags "yuu_h fennekin" on e6
wrong one dummy
Oh. I guarantee you don't want to see that one.
i saved it dont worry
Thread posts: 392
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