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Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that this the

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Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that this the objective Pokemon game ranking, right.
Sounds about right
im fairly sure that the general consensus is that hgss are the best games, or at least should be at the top tier
>overglorifying the current "contrarian hipster" games while bashing genwun and the newest games

Why am I not surprised

I'd swap ORAS and FRLG, personally. Other than that, it's good.
Where's Go? A or B? Probably not S, but definitely better than D and C.
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>contrarian hipster games
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Your ranking is autism tier you fucking faggot.

Gen one is only good for nostalgia, it's broken as fuck and barebones compared to everything else that came later.
The OP said objectively not subjectively

Your nostalgia doesnt play a part in this
>bump hgss and platinum up
>bump crystal up one
>swap dp and xy
>bump frlg down
then we good
/vp/ are the retarded ones if they can't acknowledge that they're the contrarian hipsters to the rest of the world.
Objectively, HGSS and Platinum are the best games.
Bump ORAS two and then it's accurate
True, but ask anyone other than the Unovabortion hivemind on this board what they think of B2W2. It's unlikely that whoever you'll run into is a Unovababby hipster who willingly buys an overpriced, old DS game due to perceived "superiority" over the current entries.
XY to D
DP and ORAS to C
After B2W2, yes

calling someone a contrarian doesn't detract from the validity of their opinion. if the chart bothers you, why not try making actual points instead of using effortless, meaningless insults
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Not going to list what I personally liked and disliked about each game, because I liked B2W2 a lot back when I played it even though I hate the elitism in its fanbase.

I'll just leave this here:

Congrats /vp/, your infallible sacred cow is also the least popular Pokémon game with normies.
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Well id love to know
To bad its unplayable

>/vp/ is a single person
>calls others contrarians and uses the word normie
>using popularity as an argument

i dont even like bw or b2w2 you stupid faggot
I think I agree with this the most 2bh. I'm a diehard unovabortion, though.
Works for me. Not exactly how I'd rank it, but close enough and I don't really want nostalgia messing with me.
How does BW not reserve their own spot in rank F (below D) is the real question.
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Platinum, HGSS, BW2
FRLG, Emerald, ORAS
Thou criticizeth thy holy Mother Region of Unova, and thou doth commit the second most heinous religious crime next to critizing thy holy Second Set of Quests in Unova!
So everybody here who seems to like the abomination known as Unova is a just a meming cuck. got it.
Are B2/W2 actually good? They're literally the only pair i havent played either of.
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Honestly bump up HGSS to be equal with BW2. Other than that 10/10
>meming cuck
Nice hypocrisy, faggot.
No, but bandwagoning to worship it and bash anything new and anything related to genwun makes you one.
what are you talking about. BW1 are absolute shit. And I actually like the new games. XY was the most fun I've had since gen 2.
I disagree, I feel like Ruby and Sapphire should be on the same level or below ORAS
Why does everyone like B/W and B2/W2 so much? They were the worst games out of all of them. Or is this some sort of meme I don't understand?
>Judging a generation based on the limitations of its hardware device

>not judging it instead based on its story and Pokedex

No, you're just retarded for disliking the best gen. Nice waste of trips faggot
Your taste is awful, that's it.
swap XY and DP and you have my opinions
just a meme
>XY was the most fun I've had since gen 2.
Thanks for the laugh.
I think it's a meme we dont understand. ive played pokemon starting from gen 1. I was very displeased with BW1 especially.
I don't frequent /vp/ I just occasionally check things out
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hey guys
I'm talking more about B2W2 than BW1, and out of those, the people who think that XY and ORAS are Other M-level abominations and that RBY has no redeeming value.

The best explanation I can think of is something akin to the "Zelda Cycle", where the current games are considered the worst ever while the previous games are considered infallible sacred cows due to their fans growing up and becoming nostalgic for them.

But it's especially prevalent here because Unova fans are the same ones whose opinions and favorite games were bullied hard by genwunners back when they first came out, so now they took a page out of Lenora's book and learned the TM for Retaliate.

Such as >>27041841, where someone is mocked JUST FOR LIKING XY.
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This is 90% objectively right

I'd just put ORAS in the same tier as XY though.
People liked it because it "shook up the formula" which it barely did, if anything SM will shake it up far more with how abundantly obvious that they're dropping gyms.
Thanks for coming to save us all from the /vp/ hivemind. XY had a ton of flaws, but it's still a breath of fresh air to see someone here genuinely enjoy them.
I liked Kalos and I still don't think it should be that high
ORAS isn't shit. That's a meme opinion. It's better than RS and MAYBE worse than Emerald because of missing features from that game.
Seriously, turn off exp share and it's almost exactly the same as the originals with all of the improvements of the series up till now.
Agreed, I'd swap them with ORAS
top taste
because i dont spend my days lurking /vp/
The world doesn't revolve around you.
I mean I'm not the biggest fan of Unova, their defiantly respectable and tried something different

X and Y just aren't finished or felt like Gf couldn't give enough of a fuck to complete the game that was just pandering
I think this is commonly known as the Call of Duty cycle.
I should really learn from you. It's just that I get some sort of rush out of seeing contrarian hipsters worship B2W2 and bash things that I enjoy more.

I actually agree with that. ORAS are basically what XY should have been in the first place.

See, the problem is with the people who claim that B2W2 are absolute masterpieces while XY are objectively shit games on the level of Superman 64.
You're clearly mainly here because of Go right now aren't you?
Nope! I've yet to play Go
Only ranking I agree with tbhfam, I have a softspot for HGSS tho so I'd rank that s tier IMO.
I feel saying X and Y get underserved hate is very false.

I personally thought ORAS was much better than X and Y by a lot.

Unovabortions aren't that bad really it's that their "triggered easily" and there's a lot of unfair hate towards them from Genwunners/Hoennfags and Kalosperms/Neo Hoennfags. I just kinda like all the DS games....

Obviously except DP, Jesus Christ what garbage
Yes, I am aware the games I haven't played are some of the best ones
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They had the best gameplay, but the worst overall desing (yeah, there are some that are actually really good, but there are a lot more uglier than good) and a really good music. Also the region design is not really good (where the routes are placed, not the design of them) and finally a bad 3D try, but the sprites left a really good taste for being the last ones before we jumped to real 3D models.

I skipped gen 4 and 5 because I really disliked them when DP came out, but bought a 3DS after watching XY leaks and got very hyped. For me is the most beatufil region. After that I gave a try on gen 4/5, but I realised XY were my favorites.

Thanks for the (You)! Have another in exchange!
Anon, no one here has ever said BW2 are flawles

They've just got a shit ton to do, whereas X and Y have jack shit to do

Also BW2 still had handholding, but it eventually grew out of it. I'm X and Y, I don't feel like anyone or anything has changed since the day I've started
Emerald up
XY down
DP up

Agree otherwise
This is just a question, when was the last time you played X and Y
I didn't say "flawless", I said "absolute masterpieces". If someone claims B2W2 is the pinnacle of the series, that's essentially what they're implying.
I'd put HGSS in S tier with BW2, and maybe FRLG in B tier, but this is overall a very good list.
Last month, when I finished a wonderlocke. Why?
Move Platinum, HGSS, and BW to S.
Move Crystal to A.
Move FRLG to B.
Move XY to D.
Move DP to C.
This is a pretty good ranking. Not sure about XY though.
Well I mean Plat-BW2 are the best strings games in series

You're allowed to like them anon or hell think they are the best.

They're really well made. It's not being contrary to like them, it's just an opinion
I just remeber liking X and Y a lot until I tried replaying it and found nothing to do or find
I liked X/Y more than most, I'm a sucker for Pokemon variety and scenic world design and Kalos delivered on both of those
100% perfect taste
People liked BW2? I never bothered finishing it. Then again, I couldn't get the team plasma grunts to appear in the cave after beating the water gym…
>Not F Rank

Can we stop it with this meme already?
I agree completely.
The few but excellent pokemon designs also appealed to me rather than the many bad pokemon with a handful of hidden gems as we've seen in other generations.
What is this your first day here?
god I remember when I found out that the Kalos regional dex was so big that they split it into three. I just about shit a brick with hype.
He isn't blindly praising unova games
fucking hell what kind of memer is this
Most of the neckbeards on this board have a hard-on for BW2 for some strange reason.

Despite them literally being the worst paired games in the series, they praise just about every aspect of it.
>worst paired games
>not D/P
It's not even fucking that, there's a reason why there's a term called Unovabortions that's spread in every thread. Not mention gen 5/BW2 aee always first or second in best gen/games on every goddam strawpoll here
Oh anon, what's your list
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Put more effort into it next time.
>change black and white 2 with black and white and then turn the whole chart upside down

there you go retard fixed that for you
(You) too
yeah refer to

There's a term like that for every region you fucking super newfag.
No I'm not questioning if he likes or hates the game. Just him not knowing reeks of newfaggotry. Also he couldn't figure out how to advance the story
>this triggered
The people that hate on BW2 are the ones that never played the game and just follow the meme hate.

HGSS/Pt/BW2/E are praised highly mostly because of how much content you can do in the games.

A lot of the criticism (designs, region) are subjective and are not really good arguments to use
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Any game where the Elite 4 has only 4 pokemon from the start cannot be the best.
>elite 4
>4 elite pokemon
what's the problem
>The people that hate on BW2 are the ones that never played the game and just follow the meme hate.
That's some shit taste combing from an unovabortion. Why would anyone put DP over Platinum in any world
Shorter battles.
Because of BW we will never have a decent Elite 4 ever again.
Objectively this is right. I would personally switch BW with XY but other than that, pretty good job OP.
What people like >>27042311
>That's some shit taste combing from an unovabortion
Where's the surprise?
To be fair DP's was pretty awful

Also at least you can rematch
What every Pokemon game should strive for:

What I'd be perfectly happy with if we got it:

What would be disappointing, if still fun:

Games whose third versions are preferable:

Games too old to compare with modern titles:
I meant like myself
Thank you, people are starting to wake up.

B2W2 are excellent games, but the amount of bandwagoning they get on this board is just stupid.
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As someone that hasn't played in a while, whats with the hate behind X/Y and why are black and white 2 so praised? Are there some crazy improvements I haven't heard of?

B/W was pretty disappointing when I first played them, playing the region in reverse doesn't seem like it would fix much.
Quite the opposite for me. I remember hating XY after rushing through it but now that I'm playing again it's not as bad as I remember it.
It's like you didn't even read what he said
XY is easy and lacking in content.
BW2 are easy but not lacking in content, and have a hard mode that is similar to Platinum's difficulty.
I did, I heavily disagree with him since D/P are far worse than B2W2 but it's good to see people starting to recognize the bandwagoning rather than just becoming a part of it.
I believe he agrees with the large amount of people on this board with an unsupported love for BW2
I'd heard about the hard mode is there a way to get it without trading or something?
X and Y aren't finished and poorly paced

See, it just I couldn't find anything personally to do beside the main story
This is objectively the best fucking tier list I've ever seen.
Hard mode might as well not exist considering how you have to unlock it.
Finish Black 2 once and you'll unlock it.

I agree.
He's clearly never liked the games and is just a shitposter. He just calls people who like the games band wagoners

also the meme is that they are underaged whereas he calls them neckbeards
And then it only works on postgame stuff unless you have a friend to help you out.

See, this kind of stupidity is the sort of thing Unovabortions gloss over to praise their holy, sacred game and bring Challenge Mode up as if it's one of the main selling points.
Platinum difficulty? To be honest I've never found platinum difficult. Maybe its because it was the first game where I didnt only use my starter and leveled up different pokemons.
>unsupported love

why not just cheat
B&W & B2&W2 are the shittiest games objectively. Try again
stop tripfagging retard
Best one ITT
When DP exsist?

Or X and Y?
I don't have an AR and prefer to play handheld games on real hardware
BW1 are objectively the worst games, below DP
>XY = Emerald
>Pokemon Yellow 2 tiers above gen RB

What kind of b8 is this?
I think X & Y should be S tier just because they are the first game to finally take the step and become 3D.

D tier should be the first original two gens.

C tier is Diamond, pearl, the updated kanto games, and the updated Hoenn games (fuck that shitty forced storyline so much).

B tier is Ruby, Sapphire, and if you don't think X and Y should be bumped up to S tier instantly, then they get put here instead.

A tier is Emerald and Platinum.

S tier is Black & White 2 and Heartgold and soulsilver.

It seems like you only chose some of these spots so you could make a pyramid chart.
This is the most accurate desu.
But why anon

I mean it's level curve is still fine I guess, I'm waiting for the day we can trigger the challenge key from an Emulator to a real game
I think the storyline for ORAS is so shitty it deserves to be bottom of the barrel trash.
>it looks pretty so it's S tier

I'm fine with B tier though

Nice list afterwards
These games are being graded on what they did. Being the first game to catch up to the rest of the 21st century automatically gives it a boost on the scale.
But why?
they're unovabortions because of hoennbabies and sinnohfetuses. same with kalosperm and...

alova? alovaries? alolatesticles? what's the new term?
Yeah, but everything else is very frustrating imo, it's like they didn't care when people didn't even get full movesets

>inb4 gen 1
It was 17 years ago on like a 100x smaller budget and staff
I've seen alolamoebas. I prefer alolasome to fit the theme but it's not my call.
The rival(s) were the shittiest other than XY. The worst pokemon designs came out of this gen. The worst starters. The worst legendaries. All coupled with an ominous and boring storyline. Nice cities and scenery can't save you this time.
You could literally say that exact thing for any game

What made X and Y better?
Mostly right to me but I'd put ORAS where Emerald is, R/S where ORAS is, and Emerald where R/S are.
I guess you could argue that since they forced their team to get their shit together they just rushed everything else, making the game kind of shitty. Would explain why the evil antagonist for this game were literally just psychopaths that want to watch the world burn for shits and giggles, instead of having some convoluted reason.

But it doesn't really explain much, considering ORAS was a steaming pile of shit as well, and they didn't even have to use different assets.

But no matter how shitty the game is, it isn't nearly as shitty as the original two gens. And because i am also grading it for climbing out of the 2D pit of despair and indie gaming, it gets bumped up one rank to B. The S tier was kind of stupid thing to bump it up to.
Oh yeah, they deserve to be in an outdated tier
Good Pokémon. Innovative evolution methods. Mega Evolutions. The first game to utilize 3d. New competetive battling mechanics.
By not being shit
>BW absolute shit
>XY most fun
You mad that Gen 1 isn't higher on the list?
They were fresh, actually had a non-shit tier story, and introduced some great new Pokemon and challenge mode in BW2.
Thanks anon

I'll keep that in mind while I battle my rival for the last time when they have one Pokemon move
>I skipped gen 4 and 5 because I really disliked them when DP came out, but bought a 3DS after watching XY leaks and got very hyped. For me is the most beatufil region. After that I gave a try on gen 4/5, but I realised XY were my favorites.

I'm convinced everyone who likes XY just got out of Pokémon during Gen 4 and 5 and only got back into the series when XY was released, which made it seem a lot better to them since they haven't played a game from the series in a while. Not that it's the player's fault this happened, just circumstance gives them an skewed view on the series.
I feel like im the only one who didn't like BW2
I highly favored XY and was not out of pokemon for gen 4 and 5.
This right here. Everyone I've met that likes XY the most were out of the loop for a while and it appealed to their Gen 1 Nostalgia. The people I know that played 4-5 prefer them.
Not at all. I think there is just a single samefagging shitposter who is either trolling or actually does like it.
Raise BW1 to A, HGSS to S, and potentially lower Emerald to B
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apparently nobody knows the order of these games. is everybody retarded?
Fucking wasted
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>57 unique posters
>faster level up
>trainers only have 3 pokemon at max
>pokemon handed to you
It's nothing more then Pokemon Emerald: Easy Mode
>Zelda Cycle

I guarantee Gen VI is not going to become suddenly praised after Gen VII's release, and it especially won't be praised after 3DS online shuts down, since a lot of features Gen VI fans boast about are either online-only or used almost exclusively for online purposes, like the ease of breeding and ORAS' Secret Bases.
I'd swap XY with ORAS but otherwise... yeah.
Fucking this
>Thinking that newer means better.
11/10 anon
Why does everyone have FR/LG so low? I thought they were pretty great and even enjoy playing them more than R/S/E
And what? Will Unova worship continue for long enough to spread to normies too, who'll adopt Volcarona as their patron saint and decide that it respresents the new definitive Pokémon generation?
>not seeing obvious b8
I highly doubt that anyone who has played all the games would ever rank Unova at the top of the list save for epic memers.
What are you even saying
Not with that level curve.
But this board does, all the time.
Well I do
>save for epic memers
congrats you've successfully identified yourselves
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>Not liking the best postgame and music in the series.
This. I'd swap em with BW on OP's list

All I've ever seen /vp/ moan about is 'waah my Golbat couldn't evolve into Crobat until National Dex'. One issue which 90% of people wouldn't encounter compared to taking all of good from the originals, improving on much of the bad & adding a load of new content. I just don't get the problem
Would put BW to C, RBY to C and RS to B
That would be ORAS, sorry. Just ask the Neo-Hoennbabbies who'll flood this board in 3 years.
So anyone that didn't join back in at XY and actual likes getting new Pokemon is automatically a neckbeard? Maybe people like them because it was fresh.
Move HGSS down a level and BW up a level and it's perfect.
The Elite Four refers to four elite trainers, not trainers with four elite Pokémon.
hgss was so fucking comfy



They already have been flooding here
What about the people who like B2W2 but are fed up with the bandwagon worship?
No Pokémon games are difficult, but Platinum is relatively harder than all the other games in the series, only Emerald and Challenge Mode BW2 compare, and arguably GSC and its remakes but that's due to its wonky level curve rather than intentional design.
It feels like there's very little worship imo
only Whitney's Miltank haha

where the fuck have you been??
You haven't been in these kinds of topics long enough.
>objectively best/worst
opinions can't be objective autists
Move all gen 4 games to D rank
Move ORAS to S rank
Switch X and Y with BW2
Switch RB with GS
Switch FRLG with HGSS
A decent list emerges
No. They are mid tier games due to horrific level balancing and Pokémon distribution.
>These games are being graded on what they did.

That's not what you should grade games on, you should base them on their quality. I don't hate 3D models (though some of those flying animations are pretty shit), but I'd much rather play a 2D game with good gameplay and lots of content than a 3D game with tons of handholding and nothing to do but bike simulator.

XY's 3D isn't even that good, there are framedrops out the ass when you're in a triple or horde battle, and sometimes I see frame drops in single battles.
you're judging a pokemon game by fps? lol. its nothing unplayable. also get a new 3ds and you'll have no problems
Better than the terrible pseudo3d they attempted and horrible nausea inducing camera angles from unova.
I've literally seen people on this board claim that XY is unplayable garbage.
>you're judging a pokemon game by fps?

No, I'm saying that IF you were judging Pokémon by its graphics (which you seem to be doing partially since you'd bump XY to top-tier just for being 3D) XY's framerate issues and bad flying animations negate a lot of the benefits of that jump.
no shit. its the current gen
and let me guess, they praise gen 5.
This happens in almost every game series.
You have the shittiest of shit taste.
I like Alolalleles.
Mostly just defense when people criticize it
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Stop fucking thinking we don't like something because it new anon

X and Y had no fucking shit to do
>when people criticize it
>as if you aren't allowed to criticize B2W2
In other words, worship.
That's accurate, actually.
Elder Scrolls definitely
But Twilight Princess is still the worst and Majora's Mask is still the GOAT.
Except X and Y are actually unfinshed messes.

Final Rival's Pokemon don't have full movesets

Many characters just disappear from the story, gym badges at a time

Only like 2 gym leaders leave their gym, something that started in platinum

Where's the postgame?

A few characters don't even have official art

The battle Cheateu's writs of challenges turn Pokemon into level up sets.

They literally have you wake a Snorlax up off a bridge with the pokeflute

The first forest in the game, literally is Virdian Forrest
Thats funny that Twilight Princess HD is the newest game and Majora's Mask 3d was before Triforce heroes..
So according to the chart, Twilight Princess is shit and Majoras Mask is now the best.
Anon, I think you misspelled Skyword Sword
Still a better game than that Neopet-laden 10fps mess known as DP.
It's close to it.


X and Y can still be beat easily and quickly

Gen 1 doesn't deserve to be rated
See >>27043632

Though if you disagree with the above post I'd like to hear why
>X and Y can still be beat easily and quickly
They're actually pretty long in comparison to the other games.
>the shittiest games objectively.

But that's wrong
I'd agree with that, except that I've never played R/S. And now I have no reason to since I've played OR.
>And now I have no reason to since I've played OR.

I'd say RS still has some things over ORAS, like the Game Corner, Safari Zone, and non-truncated areas like Granite Cave. Then again those are also in Emerald so "I have no reason to play RS when I have Emerald and ORAS" would be acceptable.
Well, compared to DP's General speed and level curve

Aaron to Cynthia is almost 10 levels, and the trainers in Victory Road are like 6 levels below Aaron, with only 1-2 Pokemon
in your opinion?
thats not objective. the only thing objective is OPs opinion. or the opinions of those who prefer BW2
I think it's confession time. I never could get into Black and White 2. I only made it to the second gym before i just couldn't bring myself to care about it anymore. It's literally the same region two years in the future, with everything the way it should've been originally. I can't bring myself to play it, because whenever i do i am just reminded of the insane bore fest that was Black and White. It's been years since i played it though, so the memories should be faded enough by now that it should be playable.

Is it worth trying to play again?
if you never finished it, yeah. Unless you haven't played 6th gen. You should play XY and ORAS before Sun and Moon
>if you like the game you're considered an epic memer

So if someone who has played all the Pokemon games and what they had to offer ranks Gen 5 at the top, they are an epic memer?
>I only made it to the second gym
It's literally places you've never been before, that's not apart of the same region

Well what's the games that you like?
Damn almost quints

ORAS has no postgame
save for Delta Emerald (which is just a continuation of the story) and Battle Maison

Dont fucking tell me legendaries because that has been a thing since Gen 1.
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>I only made it to the second gym before i just couldn't bring myself to care about it anymore.
>It's literally the same region two years in the future, with everything the way it should've been originally

Anon you never even got to the part of the region that you're complaining about.
What do you mean by "bandwagon worship"?
>What are Contests
>What are Secret Bases
>Some areas of Hoenn can go unexplored
Yes they can, genwunner
>>Some areas of Hoenn can go unexplored

Every game has that, even RBY.
>Emerald did it better
>It's ok, but wifi dependent
>like where?
I think maybe you never played this game like most BW2 haters.
The second gym is in a place that's not accessible in the first game so everything is new in the beginning at least
This thread has open my eyes to Unova haters
>>XY = Emerald
Emerald was my favorite, the most replayed, then XY are now my favorites.

>>Pokemon Yellow 2 tiers above gen RB
Were you born with 36 year old? When I had 5-10 years old, playing Yellow was incredible because you could get all starters, an hystory similar to the anime and fucking cool colors and surf. Maybe I should have put RB on C thought.

I enjoyed ORAS, but didn't enjoyed HGSS that much, but I know these are good games.

Also, learn to read the filename, "my opinion". I know some of these aren't that good speaking about game mechanics or whatever.
Fucking Hoennfags
Fucking Unovafags.
actually I'm a Johtotoddler
>I know some of these aren't that good speaking about game mechanics or whatever.
That's how we're ranking the games, not by childhood experiences

Silver will always be my favorite but if I was to make a list of top Pokemon games, it wouldn't make it to top 5
You mean Sinnohfetus. Johtoddlers recognize HGSS as inferior to Crystal, adding nothing but gimmicks and subtracting gen 2's quality engine while noticably worsening the music. Only a Sinnohfetus could excuse gen 4's terrible gameplay.
I'll take my special physical spilt and be on my way then
But HGSS is superior to GSC
Also battle frontier
I'm superior to you.
I like serpeior
You actually made me laught [REGION]fag.
As a Johtotoddler who loves GSC enough to try hacking it, HGSS are some pretty damn good games. You're right about the music being worse in HGSS but the added content makes up for it, and only some of that content has been ported to Gen 2 hacks. I don't think we'd ever see a Gen 2 Pokéathlon either so we'll never match everything either.
Delta Emerald is postgame you memeing faggot.
Why are Diamond and Pearl ranked so low? They should be in the B category.
Also looks like shit. I get the retro appeal but the sprites look horrendous.
BW2 belongs in A rank with the rest of the best games. Them having their own tier is wrong.
Crystal could be moved up to A as well.
muh slow battles.
What's wrong with DP? People rank Plat super high and DP the lowest when Platinum just perfected DP. IMO DP should switch with SG if you want to do it objectively and disregard nostalgia/retro bullshit.
I can generally get behind this. I'd put ORAS and HGSS one tier higher but that's it
>story got a good climax
>better level curve
>more postgame
>New cross gen Pokemon were actually in the game
>battle frontier
>cemented RSE 7th gym climax

Also the gyms in DP Gardena's fucking perspective puzzle where you find trainers with a shitty camera. Fantina's math puzzle are garbage

Also their teams made no sense a lot of the times.

That's off the top of my head
I'd swap BW2 with Emerald and Platinum but this is still solid as heck
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