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May is the hottest. Anyone who disagrees is a homosexual.

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Thread replies: 134
Thread images: 46

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May is the hottest. Anyone who disagrees is a homosexual.
May is the hottest

inb4 Flannery jokes
You can call me the biggest dick-eating cock-chomping penis-loving gay in the universe then because that is one ugly bitch.
I concur
Oh, so pictures like these are fine? I see how it is, fine. Yes. May is hot.

no dragon types allowed.
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ORAS Anime series to air Summer 2015
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Her bandana looks like bunny ears and it makes me want to fuck her even more.
Typical sad straight virgins.

Holy shit I want this so much

its not real is it
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Well, pictures of pokemon are not allowed, so this is the next best thing.
Corphish has a humongous erection.
Those look heavy. Want me to hold them for you?
She has strong legs, she can manage.
Can't say the same for skeletal ORAS May.
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Did anyone else wear a nurse outfit? No! Because May is the hottest!
Misty definitely did as well.

However, I'm definitely not disagreeing with your second statement
As if no one was gonna do that anyway
May a slut

Winona a best
Misty is a goddamn whore.

Who the fuck is that again?
I like Sapphire more than May.

Is that wrong?
>obsessed over May
>doesn't even know a character from the SAME FUCKING GAME
It's official, this is neo-/vp/
Only if you're a pedo.
I like the BRZ more than the 86. Is that wrong? No, because it's the same goddamn thing.
He's talking about the character from Adventures
>R8 V10 > Gallardo

May is pretty cute.
Fuck yeah. However Huracan > R8 2.
Only people who played gen 3 as their first game give a shit about gen 3.
And yet you're obsessing over May. Nice one, dumbass.
If it looks like May and sounds like May and tastes like May than its a Ruri. I mean May.
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Because she's hottest, and I can't post pokemon pics. Would you prefer Sabrina?
Cool. How crossboarder can we get?
/o/ has the shittest taste of any board on the site. Not worth crossing with.
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Red or...
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>I don't give a shit about Gen 3 at all!
Do you know how retarded you sound? Do you even play the games at all or are you like that one shitposter in the Anime General?
>and I can't post pokemon
Oh, so you're a furfag. No wonder you're a complete moron.
Damnit not this shit again

>Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions
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May is completely unattractive. Anyone who disagrees is a pedophile.
Pokemon aren't furry. Ask a furry if you don't believe me.
You fucking love it. But unfortunately this is all I can post.
>Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions

By the way, adding a human vagina instantly makes it anthropomorphic..
How do you know it's a human one?
Can we stop arguing about whether animals are animals and go back to posting cute girls
Fanart. The filename is a pixiv id.
Only if this motherfucker learns what furry actually is. Pokemon are not furry.
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Pokémon are furry buttmunch
Deal with it and stop being in denial
>Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions
>human intelligence
>human facial expressions
You're a furry and yet you don't know what furry means
Top fucking lol kek ayy roflmao on the floor dinosaur good meme friend
Wow, more denial. But to humor you I'll pick apart the two images you cherrypicked:

>human facial expression
>animals don't know to fucking put lotion on themselves

>human facial expression
Actually, I'm not a furry.
Then how do you know 100% for a fact what furry is and isn't?
Because furry is anthro and pokemon aren't. So it's not furry.
If you are attracted to something that is not human than you are a furry
Pokémon are not human
You are a furry
I'm sure you'll one day fit into your newfound identity as a furfag
>because furry is anthro
Anthro is furry. Furry is not anthro. Try harder newfriend.
Simply being "non-human" isn't furry. That would mean that liking aliens or monsters would be furry. Furry is anthro animals.
>I fap to Pokémon
>They're cartoon animals
>But it's not furry

>I fucked a woman
>She had a dick
>But it wasn't gay
All of those things are explicitly furry.
In a way even mechaphiles are furry.
You fucked a trap?

Ok, you're an idiot. It's past your bed time, kid.
Who hasn't?
good point
>I have no argument
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>All this juicy damage control
>All these shifted goal posts and panic buttons
Denial furries are the funniest kinds of furries.
>I-I fap to Pokemon!
>They are animals and have fur and have human features and intellects
>B-but I'm not a furry!
>I'm a perfectly normal newfag!
>Pls no hate #stopthebullying
I know 4chan doesn't give a shit about not being sociopathic assholes, but what you said is wrong if you factor in trans people.

Pokemon aren't furry. So suck it.
You suck furries in your demented imagination
Don't deny it
You've exuded enough incessant denial for one day
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>Furfag steps into a Pokegirl thread
>Expects not to be judged
Taking a dude up your arse is pretty gay anon, regardless if they have titties or not.
I think Tumblr would be kinder to your wayward opinions.
No one here is a furry.

Go to bed, kid.
>My argument is dead
>I'm being ripped apart
>I have no will to go on
>G-go to bed
>There I win the thread
>Time to go back to jacking off to my furry por- I mean Pokeporn
I tried tumblr once, but I had a girl tell me that I was "triggering" her for explaining that she couldn't name her pokemon "Violet" because "viol" is french for "Rape". She was not kidding...
>I know 4chan doesn't...
You say that as if you don't frequent it. That speaks volumes.
>bringing trans into this argument
>homosexuals are the only men attracted to dicks
Clearly, you haven't done your research. The human mind isn't straightforward or logical.
There is no argument because you are simply wrong if you think anything non-human is "furry."

That would make any of the aliens from Star Trek "furry".
If you aren't full-blown-straight then your a faggot. Welcome to sexuality 101.

Yes, that is a kind of furry. 'Furry' branches to many fetishes outside of 'things with fur'.
All I wanted was a thread full of cute May.

Why did you have to disappoint me with a thread devolving into shitposting /vp/?
Are you literally 12? I'm serious, you sound like you're not out of high school.

I seriously think you're going to turn out to be a giant homosexual once you hit puberty. That's what happens to repressed kids like you.
Sorry lad, you're in no position to call out people for being too straight. Fags have a place, and that is segregated from everyone else where they can't spread their gayness. So go on. Get outta here.
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Superior girl
Because sexy pokemon are banned.
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>A May thread was derailed by furry shitposting
Typical day on /vp/
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This isn't a thread for sexy Pokémon.
Maybe if you're gay.

Yeah, you're totally a closet faggot. You'll probably end up a power bottom when your balls actually drop.
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Sorry Tumblr, I can't hear you over my brutal heterosexuality.
Because those aren't allowed!
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Which is exactly why you post sexy girls instead.
Ok fine. Stupid lucky Fennekin.
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May was my very first cartoon crush. And the beginning of the end of my social life.
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I am a homosexual and I am okay with this.
Wow, you are... young.

My first cartoon crush was Sailor Jupiter.
Only Homos don't like cute girls!
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"SHOW US YOUR TITS!!" Marill shouted.
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Who the fuck gets to Fortree and still has a Poochyena
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Souji draws the best girls.
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One can only hope so. anon ;_;
I came...
Futa is full-blown straight, though.
The penis is a male visual trigger. Human minds aren't extremely simple. Many men who aren't even remotely attracted to actual men are attracted to futanari.
Don't bother trying to reason with that guy. He thinks robots are furry and that he's straight.
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I like cute girls. It's just that May isn't exactly on the top of my list.
Because you're gay?
She's totally a pokesexual.
But liking dicks is gay. Why are you saying otherwise?
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Gay for some 5head.
It will usually, but not always, be. If the human mind can get off to shit like ryona at all, why is it so hard to believe that it can get off to penises without liking actual males?
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>liking dicks is gay
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Oops, I posted a pokemon instead.
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Dragon types are ugly and stupid and you should throw all your dragon types away.
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Excluding the perfection that is Goodra, of course.
why do you have to show up every thread
Now I can see you not agreeing she's the hottest, but completely unattractive? Literally a faggot.
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She's a big girl.
Wanna grab that phat ass.
Is Steven supposed to be charming? I thought he comes off like kind of a dick in ORAS.
>Attracted to a virtual entity
I'd rather be gay

>giant May

I've fapped to this
4 wally
He's so charming it's very hard not to be gay for him.
Of course you have.
The dream is over.
what the actual f*ck
>>23134883 what the hell is wrong with u people
this is what happens when u combine anonimity with freedom
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Please fuck off newfag
Thread posts: 134
Thread images: 46

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