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/fg/ - Falcom General #50

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Thread replies: 773
Thread images: 183

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Previous thread: >>186378358

Best Trailsfu Edition

>Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: http://gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo [Open]

- Class VII's back: https://imgur.com/a/Pw4Cp

- New CS III scans: http://imgur.com/a/YnoXU

- Trails of Cold Steel II confirmed for PC release:

- Cold Steel PC guest blogs (written by port programmer Durante, of DSFix fame):

- Ys Seven coming to PC, trailer/info: https://gematsu.com/2017/07/ys-seven-pc-first-details-trailer-screenshots

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU [Open]

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (http://xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana brought by NISA. Please complain to Falcom, not XSEED (they're upset about it too). Good Japanese grammar is extremely recommended.

Pastebin (aka music): http://pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
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Is Stahlritter a thing in Zero/Ao, or is it just Duvalie?
The stahlritter are all there in Ao, but they're pretty easy to beat.
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Calvard when?
All three show up to get bullied.
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Hey hey anon. Pshh come closer, i need to you something.

Unhand Crossbell from thy possession, this instant.
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best couple
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Here you go
Oh yeah anon, I'd been emulating since what, 1999? So I feel your pain to some degree
It actually kind of hurts me to think about the ZSNES netplay nightmare NOT being something everybody knows about anymore
I wouldn't say that, say, ePSXe was so bad around a decade ago, though it had some moments like that good ol' Xenogears freeze it seemed like everyone encountered until it supposedly got patched in recent years

But when I got around to Dawn of Ys I used mednafen and that worked fine
Are kids today too stupid to use mednafen? I don't know and I don't want to think about it, but hopefully a set of clear instructions would make it manageable
It's probably just the dub that would be difficult to find these days, as I don't think it was hosted on all that many sites, but we're in a turboweeb era where everybody hates the English language for little to no reason now
Shame on that front, when Legend of Xanadu's gets released soon I'll probably be the only one using it
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Ehhhhhh, how nice... Being all chummy with her and all that...
That's not how Elie would react.
More cynical, stabbed Lloyd right in heart.
Too bad you aren't popular enough for cs
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You shut your mouth.
>ePSXe was so bad around a decade ago, though it had some moments like that good ol' Xenogears freeze it seemed like everyone encountered until it supposedly got patched in recent years
That's pSXfin for that game (although it would still crash on the occasion)...

...or be a smart person and not play it at all cause the second disc of that game is GARBAGE. I still have no idea why people put Xenogears on a pedestal. FF7, FF9, FFT, and a bunch of other PS1 Square games were eons better. Ah well, I still rolled my eyes at that Grahf reference with Valimar in CS. Nice one, XSeed.
Elie is the most boring fucking girl in existence. And it doesn't help that she looks like a middle-aged woman in official art
Elie posting makes me want to play Zero.
She seems like a cutie.
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Die scum
The only reason to like her is because of her character design. She's by far the least popular SSS member.
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If you can put up with the translation quality, it's fine. Nothing super terrible, but not great either.

Also i'm posting Elie, but the Crossbell cast shines as a group. Her scenes with Lloyd are cute as fuck though.
She is a nice girl but she really is boring. People only like her cause boobs/fanservice scenes and an irrational need for canon romance.
Zwei 2 when? I was kinda hoping to finish it before ys comes out
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Did they avoid the RandyxTio ship because they didn't want to retread the AgatexTita route again?
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>not understanding Xenogears
oh you poor anon

Now that we know the reason why it turned out that way was due to an ultimatum of "rush the second disc or end it at the first" I'm kind of glad they did it the way they did in hindsight
I found it to be an enjoyable experience all the way through just due to the way the characters and setting were written, with the only bad thing I can think of being the gear combat system- CS coming along and having giant robots that are actually fun was like a wet dream to me

>FF7, FF9, FFT
bad choices, I'll show mercy and post the correct good Square PS1 games for you:
Brave Fencer Musashi, Threads of Fate, SaGa Frontier/2, Racing Lagoon
Someone in a previous thread said that its a pretty literal translation compared to xseeds more verbose localization, but if you have at least a cursory understanding of Japanese it wouldnt really bother you.
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She is plenty attractive i won't lie, but i personally like her because of her babying attitude towards the group, her handling of negotiations, and generally being another level headed part of the group, which goes well with Lloyd. Plus the minor banter she gets sometimes too, like i said, the SSS shines more as a group, rather than individuals, aside from Randy i think, he was plenty entertaining.
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No need to rework the entire system. Trails isn't a super hardcore challenge series or anything. All it would really take is
-Each evaded attack reduces your evasion chance by 25% until you are hit
-After being affected by a status effect (Stat down not included), there is 3 turns of cooldown (the target's turns) before it can afflicted by the same status effect again (Including AT Delay)
-Domination, Tauros, Vermillion, and other flat damage boost quartz only work on crafts. Not S-Crafts.
-Domination doubles the delay of your boosted first attack
-The EP cost of Pandora increases as well with Rank
-Criminal increases the chance of the user being crit as well (30% at Rank 5)
-Burst Drive drastically increases the delay of both Machias and the targets after their attack
-Chrono Burst costs 100 CP along with the EP cost and prevents you from recovering EP or CP during your burst turns
-Moebius AOE items can't restore CP or EP to anyone but the main target

Feel free to contact me at any time Falcom. I have my resume ready.
Yeah yeah I've heard those things before and they sound nice but in the end it falls flat. No one really remembers any of these negotiations or minor banter. It's stuff like being molested by Shirley and anything romantic with Lloyd that people care about.
Alright guys this isn't funny anymore. Where the fuck is my keke bear? All I see here is a police dog.
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Im playing xenogears now. Why is the second disk so bad?
The second disc isn't bad, people are just butthurt by the way the story is told. There's a lot of text with gameplay in between
No. If you get his HP below like 70% then the fight automatically ends.
Great poca took him. It's all because of him.
Bracers and Liberl are degenerates. The SSS is technically the police, they can't be endorsing dating minors.
because it's not a game
you just watch characters sitting in chairs explaining what happens, and then you do a really short dungeon with a boss on occasion

There really was a lot of potential, but it was too ambitious and their deadline was too close for them to do it justice
I'd say Xenogears as a whole is still pretty good, the final dungeon is neat, and at least you still have postgame sidequests to do I prefer loli Emeralda though
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Welp I started it for the story, so I'd assume I wont be bothered than
The fuck is Randy doing in that picture?
feeding the cat?
Probably came back from cooking to check up on the others.
That pose does not suggest feeding a cat.
Getting ready to catch Tio's pantsu that unfortunately Lloyd won't throw.
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That amount of mishy obsession is not healthy
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After what Tios been through, I would shower her with Mishy.
What are the odds we get a boss fight on top of the train while its moving?
Have you seen her room
I don't want an Ys VI remake because it's already my favorite game in the series
Seems like something Bleublanc would revel in.
100%, they know their trope.
Already did it in Ao
I want Agate to slice off the arm of a Soldat with an improved Vibro-blade.
This game is going to be the best one yet, don't @ me
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You have my virginity.
It couldnt possibly be worse than Sen II.
Sen II was alright, just really terrible in select spots.
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I have such a soft spot for the gallant knightly and proud ojou-sama girls.
I don't care if shes a Saber clone or whatever.
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Here's the original
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I'll be gentle.
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Tokyo Xanadu and Trails of Cold Steel have both sold much more than Ys VIII. Fans have made things clear: We need add Towa to Ys.
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Im looking forward to more of her too, believe me.
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What a stupid face.
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Why do people hate Ys?
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I like Ys.
Looking forward to 7 because I wasn't going to waste money on a Vita for one game.
Just memes.
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cold steel is super interesting
Viscount Arseid would like to have a word with you.
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It gets far more interesting later on too

I want to put my face there and take a deep whiff
>not understanding Xenogears
Why do you Xenogears fans ALWAYS resort to this strawman? Hurr durr ur 2 stupid 2 understand it lmao XD

Alright, fine. I'll take the bait.

Xenogears is ultimately about several massively overpowered characters whose conflicting goals and philosophies help shape the game's world and its fate. You have Karellen, a dude who was let down by his previous faith and believes humanity should assimilate with some biomechanical monstrosity to achieve salvation and ascend to a higher plane of being. You have Lacan (Grahf), a destitute nihilist who just wants to live to the end of the world and see everything end because he could save his fem-pope would-be girlfriend from dying. You have Id, a sadistic, sociopathic split personality of the main character formed from years of abuse who wants to end the world himself because fuck people and their shit. You have Myyah, the central AI of the previously mentioned bio-mechanical monstrosity incarnated as a woman and able to body hop from one female to the next as needed. She simply wants to revive that monstrosity's true form and go back to Earth... for some reason. And then you have Fei and Elly, the main characters who are tied to these people in more ways than one, but want to stop all four of them and allow humanity to live in peace. There, that's the main conflict and thematic focal point of Xenogears. Everything else is lore and fluff embellished by various Gnostic and psychoanalytical flavorings.

That's not why the game sucks, though. It sucks because the second disc is a poorly paced mess of cutscenes. It sucks because the battle system is boring and underdeveloped. It sucks because the dungeons are lame and not fun to explore. It sucks because there's next to no good side quests and towns and travel only serve as checkpoints in the plot. And finally, it sucks because most characters besides the ones mentioned above don't get nearly the amount of development they deserve.
You could balance Criminal by reducing the cap to about 50%. Like how Murakumo capped at +25

Weltall's backpack is so stupid looking.

I know the reason but still....
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I want to eat ice cream with Renne!
>with the only bad thing I can think of being the gear combat system- CS coming along and having giant robots that are actually fun was like a wet dream to me

The funny thing was I thought the on foot combat was actually kind of fun, but you rarely get to use it since a good 70 percent of the dungeon's are Gear ones, including the entirety of the final one.
plebs who can't apprectiate good gameplay.
It was just too deep for you. And intellectual.

They ran out of time and budget so pretty much 90 percent of the second disk is characters narrating stuff they did to the player with the occasional boss battle.

They do finally knock this off at the very end so you can go back to the world map and have a regular final dungeon, although most of the areas are no longer accessible.
>It was just too deep for you. And intellectual.
I mean, to its credit, it had some good ideas, but the final product was a shoddy mess.

If you want a Squaresoft game from around the same time period, play Final Fantasy Tactics. That game was way more polished and well-executed by comparison.
Too much of a game of thrones ripoff.
Charm of a night train.

It's the most powerful Physical MQ once you get the NG+ Ice crown, because then you can have a 95% critical ratio (50% ice crown + 10 to 15% Weapon + 10% Grand cordon + 25 % level 5 MQ) plus the base critical ratio, which should be around 5%.

And critical multiplier applies to the end damage, not the base damage. So compared to tauros, it's the difference between:

Base STR x attack modifier x buff percentage x [1 + 1,5 (taurus MQ) + 1 (domination) + 1 (revolution/waterfall)] x 1,5 (critical hit) = 6,75 times the power of a normal MQ without a crit.

While Murakumo is:

Base STR x attack modifier x buff percentage x (1 + 1 + 1) x 2,5 = 7,5 times the attack power of a normal MQ without a crit.

Without domination they are about even if tauros crits, but again murakumo can get crits 100% and it hasn't even got the delay drawback either.
Not this fag again.
>Too much of a game of thrones ripoff.
Ogre Battle came out before A Song of Ice and Fire.
Tio bullying Randy gives me life.
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SSS dress party.jpg
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You're about to enter the best section in the game.
I never said that Murakumo itself was balanced. What I said was that the critical rate on Criminal was too high used Murakumo's base 25% as a reference point.
He better choose Tio_

It might be comfy, but there's a blatant downside to using a train instead of the Courageous.

You can't exactly sneak around Osborne's back when you have to use his railways, which is probably exactly why he gave it to them.
I swear he's the Grandmaster, desu.

The Star Door involving Olivert and Osborne showed that Lechter is only loosely affiliated with Osborne and that their alliance is weirdly structured for a supposed Boss/Underling thing.
He's more likely to be the 4th Anguis,
considering the manner of speech.
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This is your shop today.
Her mother is right, she really is the cutest thing.
The grandmaster is a woman
Pandora makes more damage than criminal, but is offset by having more EP consumption and no delay reduction (unless it's CS1, where it's the best art MQ), while magius does even more damage than that but only at low HP. Maybe if it came without any inbuilt arts, so you'd need to use slots to place spells instead of just stat increases.
We'll definitely use Courageous again
CS3 Tita is too fucking cute. I want to give her headpats.
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Took you long enough to notice.
To be fair, Agate is pretty cute too
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Akatsuki right?
well the penalty of being more like to receive crits isn't really any penalty at all so hitting the crit rate was far more practical i guess. Besides the really broken arts quartz is Aries anyway.
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>Blushing Fie portrait
My heart.
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His alt costume is pretty good.
Why does Dudley use a gun when he can just punch everything instead?
CS1 mod to replace 3D portraits when?
It's chuuni, but better than the gay bodysuit.
>Wasting your justice energy
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Careful anon, she's armed
Damn. Girl's just begging for a headpat and a bear hug.
Before he even got into Jenis? I highly doubt that.
Is there a modern Falcom girl who is worse than Asuka?
Is Sara a virgin?
Of course not
Fie's adoptive dad fucked her and she's been pining for him ever since.
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YES. Kill me otherwise.
Probably, why else would she get flustered when Rean hugged her.
Who is Asuka?
R9k virgins need to stop projecting
For Cold Steel, do books carry over in NG+, or will I have to hunt down Red Moon Rose all over again?
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I still have around 2600 BCs in akatsuki. Should i?
TX's heroine. Funny, I forgot about her until this post >>186452956
Guess TX is really that forgettable.

She's not a bad character though.
Who is the best character in TX?
They really didn't try hard to hide Alisa's last name did they? I just got past the scene where you meet up with her Emma and Laura in the old schoolhouse and its already very obvious what her last name is.
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CEO's wife
I thought it was Reise Arnor.
CS was my first Trails game though.

I think the Arcus covers spoil it too.
>Music plays
>"wow this is pretty nice"
>Suddenly vocals
Fuck this shit. Why did Falcom keep pushing this shitty idol singer?
What time does the trailer go up
5 hours
It's not supposed to really be a secret, it's more about why she's hiding it.
Which anime are these songs from?
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sen no Kiseki III
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>people expected a trailer
>Last music has To A Glimmering Tomorrow leitmotif

It's real
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>Finally added a screen to show stat increases on level up in CS
Awesome I've been wanting that since FC.
The Legend of Eiyuu: Flash Trajectory III
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Juna a cute! CUTE!
Can't wait to have both Tio and Tita in my party.
My hype is real, but it would be off the charts if they posted a trailer
Do NOT weaponize cuteness. It's meant to save the world, not destroy it.
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Any experts know who this is?
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Who could this ass possibly belong to
>blue hair
>Female RMP officer
There's only one named character like that.
>build massive flying fortress airships
>use them as taxis to drop people off for hand to hand combat
>erebonians in charge of waging war
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best girl
I want to be that gun
Too much colateral. You don't bomb the shit out of your own country unless it's shit enough that it doesn't matter
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The blue candy floss is back

It's Claire, though why they're not showing her face is weird.
>Rean, Juna, Musee, Altina
That looks like my kind of party
>Kurt and Ash cucked into bench
Best party.
There's a reason why Erebonia got shit on by a country with a military a 1/50th of its size in the last major war.
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But Erebonia annexed both Crossbell and North Ambria?
Erebonia was winning until when Cassius got involved though.
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pre-order his game so that the Erebonian Empire will expand forever more

also I feed all the HQ food to the jinzo in east street but I got a wind gem and not Kusanagi... idk if I screwed something up or got cheated
Go out and comeback.
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delet this
>major war
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>Bombing the shit out of land that you want to rule and turning the people against you
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So this is... the power... of a soldat....
>a small state after they shat the bed themselves and they got their independence like 2-3 years later
>a half-ruined country
Great war and comparison there.
Why would Shirley need a rocket launcher for?
Remember not to cry or say you're sorry /fg/.

It'll only make things worse.
Just because Erebonia cucked them in record speed doesn't mean they weren't major wars.
To have some fun?
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So trailer never ever then?
I think nobody but Olivier cares about that.

>Got shit on
>Was barely a full division doing the invasion of Liberl
>Reinforcements were on the way
>War was only stopped when the war hawks in the erebonian government got executed for treason
>When you're trying to go for a nice country walk, but there's giant robots in the way.
Why not? It's Shirley, common sense doesn't apply to her.
>Liberl scum trying to make the invasion out as a major war
Can't find an archive anywhere. Anyone have a link to that Nisa tweet where they accidentally confirmed cold steel 3? Direct link posted here was a deleted link.
Yeah, they carry over if you didn't turn them in.
Which steel wud u cold? Hard mode: you can't pick Machias.
Fuck off NISAfag, they're never ever getting CS3.
still not getting it... just says the Jizo is being served, I even made all the all food again to make sure I didn't accidently miss any...

I got the scene with the old lady or whatever who talks to you, but she gave me a wind gem (move+3)

I'm so confused never seen anything like this happen in a kiseki game
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Will Rean and not!Crow simultaneously flip a 50 mira coin before they do an exclusive combo attack?
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Fuck, forgot pic
You mean the tweet that never happened?
I unironically want to fuck Jusis
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Hey /fg/, I need some advice.

I just beat Zero No Kiseki and I have Cold Steel I & II waiting to be played on my PS3.

Now I'm contemplated whether or not to continue onto Cold Steel I & II skipping Ao No Kiseki and play it when its fully translated.
Last time I checked the english translations for Ao is about 50% finished(?)

Do I need to play Ao to avoid missing any cross-referencing Cold Steel I & II make?

Or should I read this summary this one person made: http://eiyuutrans.blogspot.ca/2014/03/crossbell-archives-ao-no-kiseki.html
And then continue on to Cold Steel? Or any plausible alternative (I'm not a patient person, I'd like to catch up with Cold Steel asap)?
Can we agree that Azure Sigfried is Rean from the future
You'll miss some references but either way one will spoiler the other. Just play CSI-II for now and wait for Ao.
Ao spoils the fuck out of cold steel. Play cold steel before Ao
Where is the WebCM song?
Go play the shitty spreadsheet version of Ao.
It's a mystery to everyone
I might start Cold Steel this weekend then.

How hard is it to understand the machine translations?
Since the songs are not tagged I assume the first vocal track in the mini OST is an insert song and not the OP. It sounds nice but she is not Kotera.
>walking down the street
>suddenly, Joshua, Lloyd, and Rean walk by you and slap your ass simultaneously
What do you do?
>machine translations
It's impossible. Don't do it.
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Join their harem I guess.
The main story is passable enough since most of it isn't machine translated.
>Tiosuke upskirt
Relationship: Emma or Fie
Fuck: Millium, Fie, or Elliot
Cry for me, kimi no
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What's Mishy going to do with Tio?
Is this Zero? I don't remember this scene when I went to Michelam.
Are you sure? Remember Kusanagi will be listed as a master quarts not a regular quartz.
Reveal myself to be an Ouroboros enforcer.
It's Ao.
Gaius is objectively best relationship material. After Towa of course.
It's from Evolution
Obviously gotta go with vanilla Elie, but my bro Randy. Fuck.

It's a Vita-only quest apparently.
>picking with your dick
You are a weak man but it's what your bro would want for you so it's fine.
It doesn't exist.
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These are your waifus tonight.
Fuck, I got a mental image of them doing a link rush ass slap.
Mhmm, more smexy waifus to add to Rean's harem.
I guess I'll just have to play this part three times.
Trailer actually dropping?
No, go back to sleep.
But it drops in one hour
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yeah I don't get it either... I saw it gave me a wind Gem and even confirmed I have 2 in my inventory (first play through mind you)

I've been running around the town making some of the final equipment, still just says it's being served... idk what I screwed up, I know I've had a few weird bugs and even had to load the JPN version to get past some of spots that would crash with the english patch. Idk if that some how tricked my file into thinking I already had kusanagi there for it gave me the wind gem instead...
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That skirt is too short.
I can't handle all these gloves and stockings.
post randy
I went with Randy didn't regret it. Wanted the bro bonding event.

Crossbell did all the damage to itself. Erebonia took it without a fight. All they had to do was hold off the Calvard army coming in from the other side, which was easy with their new force of Soldat's and Valimar.
Anyone tried applying the voice patch to translated Zero?

I'm starting to think whatever happens outside out of the first chapter are major spoilers they don't want to show outside of out of context screenshots.
>All they had to do was hold off the army of the other massive country
Right, so they didn't get shit on in the last major war.
Something that bugs me, Falcom is a small company with a relatively smaller budget, how is it possible they are making all of these games anyway and with good quality?
If Paola already gave you the quartz I doubt you can trigger the scene again so it's probably some weird/rare bug in your version. I used the menu+voice patch and I got kusanagi just fine.

I just realized, she's with the group when you face off against the Steel Maiden.

Is she a party member now?
Another for Rean's harem.
That's why the graphics and animations are never good.

It's alot eaiser when you have giant robots led by a magical giant robot.
>Major war
If it was a major war then Rean wouldn't have been able to return to school and watch his friends graduate.

Minimal voice acting and no fancy anime cutscenes.

Also they cut corners, like only having one weapon model for each character.
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I hope so, it'll give me more reasons to bench the Nu-Class VII shitters.
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What's the best Kiseki city and why is it Legram?
>no altina
>no fie
So many weird group pairings, wonder if those are just characters they chose to bring or if they're story-mandated parties
>Any city better than Crossbell
>Kiseki NYC
>better than anything
It's as bad as Roer and Zeiss.
Legram, because the fog reminds me of home and it's by the water.
But I like Zeiss.
>the blue-haired girl uses a spear
Best girl.
How good are the max recipe rewards? I missed that Garrelia one and I really don't want to go back.
But Roer is great.
My vote probably goes to Heimdallr, with Bose being close second.
Mainz has a really comfy theme though.
>That generic as fuck opening
It's probably not an opening.
I mean they're not going to ditch Kanako Kotera, right?
They already did like 2 years ago
For TX, I assume?
Now that i think about it, the Stahlritter girls really look like the angels from 3rd's final dungeon.
Yeah, it hit me when I was playing through the 3rd, but I only knew about Duvalie at that point.
What's the point of Richard's Luminous Divider when Luminous Ogre Slash does almost the same amount of damage and delay for 5 less CP + 30% Faint?
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>still no PV

Is it worth to enhance weapons in cs? or should I save my u-materials for something else? I'm playing on nightmare.
Yes. After that i don't remember they bring kotekana to concert anymore.
Those angels were split into 3 types too.
A bow user, a sword user and another.
What the fuck is this gay nig frog
Depends on your playstyle really. I only upgraded Rean's + other physical attackers, I didn't bother upgrading the supports/mages because they were buff/healbots.
Elliott is a cute shota and I want to pound his boipussy
It was a staff user. Not a halberd, but doesn't Aines have a healing S-craft?
Yes. There is not much other than weapons that you'll need to spend your u-materials on and every chapter has a spot or two where you can easily grind a bunch of them quickly if you feel so inclined.
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>Defeat Me. That is all
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Pre-order her game and give her back her Crossbell.
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>The combat in Sky was nothing spectacular but serviceable
>Messing around with orbaments was fun at least

>Play CS
>They made it even worse
>It's so dumbed down I could probably just auto attack my way through the game

What the shit happened. Why does everyone have so many fucking Delay crafts. Why does Delay work on bosses at all. Why am I playing on Nightmare and still finding this shit brainded. 3rd was the closest the gameplay got to good but this is many steps back. Damn. Also I can't stress enough how fucking dumbed down they made the Arts system. What the shit.

Also all the characters are pretty awful but that's already been discussed to death here I've seen.
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Apparently I've been playing on PS3 instead of my PC.
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>actually liking the arts spreadsheets
>Why does Delay work on bosses at all.
Because they'd rape your ass if it didn't.
so i guess im finishing zero chapter 3. i wish reene just get back to her real family.but i guess it is better for estelle and joshua to have her.she wont right
I spent that entire cutscene on the edge of my seat hoping Renne would come out and talk to her parentsbut I knew it was never going to happen.
>being a dumb bimbo
Honestly it was one of those times it was for the best.
Why do people pretend that sepith count was so revolutionary when every mage basically ran Cast, EP Cut and Action anyway meaning that their spell lists were only slightly different based on locks?
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Yeah. Maybe when she's older and has truly dealt with things they can meet again.
Because it's hard to have a narrative that the old system wasn't absolute garbage while also being honest.
>implying she didn't jump in after Arianrhod pushed your shit in to save your asses
Sen III everyone.
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Make Aerial for everyone until when you can make White Gehenna or Aero Storm (if you need the range)

Make Aerial for everyone until when you can make Death Scream and Earth Wall (Except for Kloe who can't get Earth Wall without fucking up something with those shit lines)

SC but add Dark Matter EX to the list
Messing around with the arts combination is fun, but the combat is just as braindead.
It's just the latest shitpost fad.
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Is it really? It's pretty clear that the Hayworths are still pretty broken-hearted over it, despite how much of a happy family they are for Colin. I know Renne herself still needs time to get through it, but I can't imagine they would ever be anything besides jumping for joy if they ever found out Renne was still alive.
>Cold Steel the 4th with Gaius as MC
It would be pretty awkward considering everything Renne went through.
If I was Renne, I wouldn't want to drag my parents with me.
Fuuny how the CS apologists only showed up after the PC release, "master race" indeed.
How would they react if they found out what Renne went through? It'd crush them.
FC is my favorite game, but come on.
Just shut up.
>most bosses are weak to ailments and delays
>evasion stack
>art crits
>bell quartz
I just beat CS chapter 5 boss on nightmare without letting her act even once. That's a braindead combat. I don't even have healing arts equipped since chapter 2 or so.
and in Trails in the Sky you just need to give Kevin Gladiator Belt then you win.
How is this any different to sitting down and vomiting Earth Wall as long as its not up again?
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Shitting on Sky doesn't make CS good.
Shitting on CS doesn't make Sky good.
Wish I could just be Randy and chill with Tiosuke while Lloyd and Elie do the hard work in the mansion.
>They bring back combination crafts in CS3
>Tita and Tio combo Orbal and Eidolon Gears

I want.
Gladiator Belt is a late game accessory. Kevin is absent for most of SC and only mandatory for a short time. Any party in CS is broken.
Because otherwise you will get raped, in CS you don't need earth wall because the enemy boss won't one shot you. I don't even stack evasion or use Rean that much, but the problem with ailments still remains. It's just faint - crit - sleep - crit all the time.
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>Hans calls her an evil genius
>this face
Is the Grandmaster actually Jill?
>Jill just falls asleep on Hans's bed
>He doesn't fuck her
What a fag.
>the enemy boss won't one shot you.
If you actually let them get a turn in, even random encounters can give you game overs in CS/CS2 on nightmare. Mcburn in 2 is entirely dependent on whether or not you can get delay to stick on him because he'll fuck your shit up otherwise.
>The jaegers in sky didn't even get comfy letterman jackets and their own sports team logo
feelsbad being in the stormtrooper corps i guess
Enemy nightmare damage in CS is pretty much the same that is in Sky. Random encounter enemies kill in 2-3 hits, most bosses kill in two hits and the enemy S-Crafts will 1 shot.
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Is that a Jester or a Red Constellation jaeger? I want the enhanced Jester Oroboros crew to come back because more Gilbert.
>What is S-Craft spam
CS2 is even easier than CS1, don't try and defend it.
he looks too evil to be a jester
>most bosses are weak to ailments and delays
Isn't this only fair?
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>yfw it's the real Lorence Belgar
>random encounters can give you game overs in CS/CS2 on nightmare
No, they can't. In Zero and Ao they sometimes could, but not in Sen.
Yep your totally right not a single person has ever defended cold steel until the PC release.
>No, they can't.
I can assure you they can.
Finally some sanity in here.
I'm still in CS1. I don't even bother with advantages anymore. Just attack head-on, spin2win with Laura and clean the remains. Also CP recovery in this game is insane. Just equip Force, kill few enemies with S-Craft and you have 100 cp again.
It's not when you faint and delay them into oblivion for those 100% crits.
I would suggest you to git gud.
Maybe if you're a brainlet.
What do S-Crafts have to do with enemy damage values?

What do you even want to hear? ALL of the Kiseki games have massive balance issues and can be broken easily except for a few specific fights. I don't get why you people felt the need to spew constant vitriol about CS. What are you even getting out of it?
If for some reason they manage to get a high level art off whether its through a back attack or just plain bad luck with ailment procs, you're probably dead but that's par the course for the series anyway.
I remember how fucking Gilbert of all people wiped me on normal in the 3rd when he got off a freeze on both of my characters.
Which Hero Mythology Projection game is your favourite?
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bright as the sun
Freeze is an obnoxious ailment especially in that Ravens door. The Cryon boss fight was torture.
>Blueblanc married a noble's wife
Geez, I guess there really isn't anything he won't steal.
The wife also shows up as a npc in CS.
I'm halfway through chapter 1 of Zero.
Does Arios get better later on?
The way people sucked his dick around here I thought he be interesting.
Basically he just showed up after never being mentioned for 3 games but actually he's as strong as Cassius!
Even uses the same weapon.
He just seems bullshit right now.
Please tell me he gets enough development to explain this.
He doesn't become really interesting or cool until later on in Ao
Cassius uses a staff.
>People sucked his dick
I thought people hates Arios
Explain what? He's a very strong bracer and people love him since crossbell is kinda shit so you don't have many people to rely on. Besides you're rookies so someone needs yo bail you out until you get good. He gets very plot relevant in Ao.

This is pretty much the only evo track I prefer to the original
I love Fie's midriff
Is that some Rie I hear? I love me some Rie.
Lyrics to the vocal song
>I want to love someone
>I want to be loved by someone
>And while starving
>I'm waiting for dawn
>I have dreamed and longed
>Held out both hands
>starving for warmth
>even for a moment
Holy fuck the feels come down like a punch to the dick when you realize this is about Rean and how he's never experienced love. Feared by his """family""", abandoned by his """friends""", the only one who ever genuinely cared about him is dead... shit. This is freaking heavy. I... need a moment.
Weeb cancer, turn on the dub RIGHT NOW.
No need to hide behind the ironic shitposting, anon. Just admit you actually relates to Rean.
>this melodramatic mumbojumbo
Man why are weebshit lyrics always so bad
>listening to 40 year old americans trying to sound like children
Literal cancer
The lyrics to most of Kanako Kotera's Trails OPs are good though.
Way of Life's are my favourite though.
It might be one of the two named but no portrait Red Constellations from Ao, either the sniper guy or the one at Michelam
I hope that isn't the OP. The song itself is only OK at best, and the singer doesn't even try. What the fuck was that halfasleep attempt at a high note?
What? You want lyrics about kinky stuff like Ryo Takeshita's vocaloid works?
>- Trails of Cold Steel II confirmed for PC release:
The link is about CS1.
I want lyrics that pertain to Erebonia as a whole and not how much of a faggot Rean is.
I think Cold Steel as a whole has been pretty lacking in the OP department.
Same. First fight of the game and I didn't even get to attack once. Died before the freeze duration on kevin/ries ran off. lol
Falcom's vocal OPs are usually pretty shitty. They did the right thing with Celceta and VIII.
Senkou no Yukue is right below way of life and Cry for me, cry for you for me.
>Alisa ISN'T Oliver's sister, that's some other blonde chick.

I don't know why you bother teasing it, but I'm relieved.
I somehow forgot none of the Ys games have vocal OPs.
Weird, could've sworn VI and Seven have vocals.
That anon only said he thought the "R" was Reise Arnor. He's not teasing you.
CS II opening is great though. That and Ao evo opening. Special mention to Nayuta song, Kotekana seems to love it so much.

Nah, in game. Rean said it looked like it was just her middle name when he skimmed her notebook.
I'm more interested in Shirley inheriting Sigmund's title. Does this mean Sigmund decided to become the new god of war despite losing to Randy & co.?
>That expression
Rate them openings.
Ashita he no Kodou > Cry for Me, Cry for You > Aoi Kiseki > Senkou no Yukue > Gin no Ishi, Kin no Tsubasa > Sora no Kiseki > Aoki Negai > Way of Life
Pretty sure he died.
is that a calvard reference?
Mighty Power made me like Ashita e no Kodou.
why are Capuas so best?
But he didn't.
>Josette's proportion
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I think Rean is a great protagonist and i'd love to have another game with him!!
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Did Osaki fall off the face of the earth after he worked on Zero?
special vocal for buying the soundtrack but thats it i guess
his last tweet is from 2011
rip in peace
>Randy getting denied his time to shine again
Bastards, I was really excited, too. But I do like learning more about Randy.
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>When Inevitable Struggle plays for the first time
These sounds very Osaki to me
Aoki Negai > Cry for Me, Cry for You > Way of Life > Ashita he no Kodou > Gin no Ishi, Kin no Tsubasa > Senkou no Yukue > Sora no Kiseki > Aoi Kiseki

I used to be conflicted about which OP I liked the most, but Aoki Negai's guitar/piano arrangement in that Crow album sealed the deal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf0EaMCy3H8
Concentrate All Firepower also happens to be my favourite optional boss theme.
I just need my squealing guitars in CS3 and i'll be happy
>Aoki Negai
Huh? Where's that one from? Nayuta?
Ao Evo
Ao Evo. It's just Concentrating All Firepower with vocals.
Why is Towa allowed to be so CUTE?
Hnnng, she's so cute.
Grandmaster does whatever they want.
... is she wearing pants?
And considering the pattern with previous protagonists, expect rean to be playable in at least one game in the calvard arc.
I'm assuming I haven't gotten to this part yet.
Calvard is drunken fist & chakram arc, katana not welcome.
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Do you ever get to call out the Imperial Chronicle for their bullshit?
Erebonia is where journalism goes to die.
Just like real world.
>Machias getting clowned on every time Patiry sees him
Will the four-eyed dweeblord ever recover?
>imperial propaganda toilet paper
>stay faithful to what actually happen
There's reason why they never learn about Hamel.
Yun Ka-fai is in Calvard, m8.
>posting fake news on MY /fg/

Have you no shame?

Yun Ka-fai is also the fifth anguis of Oroboros, or fourth, forgot which one is the old man.
Gotta say, the end of ch.5 in CS was pretty good having played Ao and knowing what was actually happening on the other side. Hopefully Ao gets a proper translation soon and people will be able to play the games in order.
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>We must have caused the Erebonian people a lot of stress
Hope you get to blow up their offices and pick up a better newspaper in CS3.
Irina is the Grandmaster guys, you heard it here first.
Don't be so mad anon, propaganda exist everywhere. Sometimes you can't see it because you have same point of view with what was written.
Vivi and Bridget are the two best girls at Thors
This is trails so we're assuming you've been reading Liberl and Crossbell news so far and interacting with their journalists. So it's impossible not being mad now that you're stuck reading these filthy lies instead.
It's not like the Imperial Chronicles journalists did it willingly.
That's true. Norton does tell you he's only pretending to be retarded when you talk to him.
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No Kea wears a frilly skirt.
>the very first guy you meet in their office complains that he was forced to rewrite his article
I bet Osborne is behind this.
There's no real free press in the Trails games. It is a Japanese thing.

You should have seen the Japanese mainstream media handle Fukushima. It was embarrassing.

As opposed with all the fake nazi narrative going on right now in the states?
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Now why would you ever think that.
How do you tell your parents you've been in a pedo cult?
Not everything is a statement anon. The press has been fine in the previous games. The point is Erebonia is shit.
Also you have superpower and giant robot.

The cult isn't really the pedos, they're more like extreme fedora tippers that do not care about the means.
If they not pedo they won't stockpile all the kids, there should be adult or teenagers in the mix.
The cult clearly is pedo.
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Well I know who has a domination quartz equipped.
Kids are probably better for their experiments.
I'm guessing she wants to grow up, and wait for her brother to grow too, before attempting that. She doesn't want to ruin her brother's happy life.
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3 weeks to go.
Oh right, about time where some retails got it early.
It was explained in Zero, apparently the children are more "Pure" and the test results turn out better when done on Children.
But it actually plays on ch2 as well.
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You now know who the true best daughteru is.
That's not Tio.
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Tio is Bantz co-worker, Kea is daughteru. Even Tio agrees.
>Need an IQ of at least 150 to understand everything
>Story is one of the best ever in vidya history
>Characters are very likeable and most people can relate to them
>Lloyd is the best protag when compared to any medium (be it literature, movies and others)
>Combat requires strategical thinking, even more complex than chess
>If Crossbell arc was made into a book the writers would get the noble prize
>Japanese people literally to retarded to understand the greatness of Crossbell so it sells like shit
>Literally made for children and people who have an IQ lower than 50
>Story is straight up stolen from anime/ln #5134216
>Characters aren't interesting, have shitty backgrounds and you can't relate to them at all
>Most people can't go 2 steps without asking Rean for help
>Rean himself is ripped from a light novel just like the story
>Combat is brain-dead and doesn't require any thinking, just mashing delay and S-crafts
>Full of cliche anime tropes
>Appeals to the brain-dead retards in Japan so it sells very well
What went wrong?
Stop forcing this
It's the truth though. CS3 will be shit as well and you know it.
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We know two of the Thirteen factories so far. Are there actually 13 or is it just a name referencing something else?
>t. brainlet
>OST video screenshots hinting at Red Constellation attacking the Thors II train
RC was massacring professional Crossbell soldiers in Ao. Their targets are students. GG.
But those massacred soldiers didn't have giant robots or faces and plot armor
Wasn't really saying Thors II NPCs with portraits are gonna die as much as that these kids have an even bigger run for their money compared to Class VII's original Field Studies. Granted the train is filled with experienced people like Aurelia, Randy and Rean but still.
dead thread
dead game
dead series
dead company
Gilbert is going to be in CS3, r-right?
>t. Gilbert
No one cares about that faggot.
Considering the circumstances i kinda doubt it. Unless Campanella decided it would be fun to see him in the middle of this mess.
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Mmm that's some fat ass.
>fat ass.
I probably need glasses because I can't see shit. Chibi art was a mistake.
Those two fucked later on, I guarantee it
>Falcom jdk band only good thing left
>They plan to replace them with idol
how can we save this company?
In a world that canonically has voice changing technology, I'm not taking that as a given to be honest.

The "It's a woman" could well be a red herring.
I don't see what's the problem. It has nothing to do with the game itself.
Who gives a shit about some japanese-only concert?
Also Kotera is fucking overrated
That's good though.
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>Towa is older than Tita
>still manage to look younger than her anyway
How is this even happen?
>small girl
Can't change her too much no matter how much she ages. She looks the same in TX as well. There's a reason why she's being called Falcom's Lightning. I for one can't wait to see her in the last Kiseki game where she's 35 years old and still looks the same.
nu-jdk Band fucking sucks though, they can't even perform To Make the End of Battle or Sunshine Coastline properly. Good thing Sound Team jdk is still gr8.
Towa is secretly Campanella
So sound team isn't part of jdk band?
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Lack of Crossbell water, and Petit curse.
Of course not.
perfect girls don't age
>Petit curse
You mean blessing.
Sound Team jdk composes all the music, jdk Band just performs arrangements and in concerts. The staff behind both is different.
Well i thought several people work on both team because they need to perform the song on the stage eventually.
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Sound Team jdk doesn't use live instruments, that's why most of their original tracks are synthesized.
Me on the right
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How do set items work on CS? i do have a bunch of accesories that are "part of a set" but i tried making combinations with Mishy items and see if i get bonus stats or something, so far i get nothing.
Maybe i am missing armor and boots aswell?
Okay so I have to know something. Zero/Ao spoilers.

Is Wazy Gay
End game reasons.
You can trade them for crafting materials related to weapons. Same with the Carnelia books.
Depends if Aidios forbid homosexuality or not.
Girls can't be gay.
Considering how overly concerned he is for Wald, and even allowing him to come to Arteria to train with him to become a squire/knight, maybe.
He's just a good-hearted priest, anon.
Nothing gay about that.
Wazy's my girlfriend (boyfriend) so obviously not gay.
It just hit me, but are we going to see Anton at all in Sen3? or will he be stuck failing to hook up in maybe Calvard, so we have to wait till Calvard games to see his story continue? How can I manage myself if we don't see him in Sen3
Anton will try to hit on Shirley. Screencap this.
He's not in Ao so probably not.
Are you sure about that? I've heard he shows up in every single game so far.
Well, he's in Erebonia ever since he got dumped by Fran up until CS2's epilogue.
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He's not in Ao because he is in Erebonia that time appearing in Sen. And this time there is over year since Sen2 so he will most likely traveling again
They took him to Arteria cause he was still suffering from the after effects of the drug. It's true wazy was always worried about waldo and abbas even says those two get each other and are probably close friends but it didn't seem gay, at least on wazy's part.
Or wait, that is enough of time for him to travel to Calvard get dumbed there and then come back to Erobonia. And dropping us hints whats up with Calvard games, perfect
>still no trailer
I guess falcom wants cs3 to fail
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That's my husbando(waifu) you're talking about there anon.
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>tfw Ys vs Kiseki 2 will never happen
swimsuits please
Why do you want him to die?
>alisa is in the middle of boys gang while the rest of the girls get benched on the corner
what did they mean by this?
The controls were shit.
She'll spare him out of pity
She secured the spot next to Rean way before anyone else appeared. She knows her role and won't let you forget it.
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Why no one tried to replace these models with other characters on PC yet?
More like they were both late so they couldn't get a seat.
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Millium's pantsu is cute.
beautiful thanks :)
So who's going to be the default leader when Rean isn't in the team in CS3?
Towa of course
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That she's supposed to be the main girl.
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This general isn't your blog, fuck off.
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>TFW nobody helps me taking back Crossbell, so i gotta do it myself.
>That third cover
Based Nu-Thors saving us from Alisa.
>Nu Class VII + Musee and Ash
Well, I guess I've already figured out my default final party then.
Falcom fanbase is truly is filled with autists.
>Implying Estelle and Joshua won't be in your final party
Man those covers were so garish and the placement is terrible although Gaius being exactly between Rean's legs is still hilarious. I'm glad they at least changed the color palette and didn't shove everyone in for CS3
>Final party of Estelle, Joshua, Tita, and Agate.
Rean, Jusis, Machias
Alisa, Laura, Fie, Millium

Rean, Jusis, Machias, Gaius, Elliot
Alisa, Laura, Fie, Emma, Millium

Rean, Kurt, Ash
Altina, Juna, Musee
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Probably Juna. Kurt seems like too much of a loner, Altina is autistic, Ash would be too abrasive, and Musse is too slutty.
Who needs ereboniafags anyway
>estelle and joshua again
Fuck that. Agate, Tita, Randy, Tio is the patrician choice.
Why has nobody said the obvious answer yet? Olivier
Why is this allowed?
Delay man

A mage? I mean she does have a lot of EP in the screens

All rounder like Estelle and Lloyd before her, most useful role will probably be evasion tank

All rounder

Mage in the vein of Elie and Alisa

Physical beat stick, will be probably wild rage man
>letting Crossbell fucking shits be in charge
>Wanting to use the dumbest bimbo
Juna is a very pretty girl name!
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Falcom can't into English. I'm gonna keep my image files as Juna until we get a localized name for her, which is probably going to be Yuna.
Again, 202 CP. Is it confirmed already?
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>CS3 comes out
>Estelle and Joshua are in it after all
>Cold Steel Onlys get their first taste of Best Girl
>They fucking love her
Search deep within your heart, you know it to be true.
Joshua is Yoshua in Japanese
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Daily reminder that I'm going to impregnate Ash.
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>not having image names mixed with both
I love her cheerful violence moments, they cracked me up.
It really threw me off the first time I heard it pronounced.
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Play Asia is having a sale and this guy is just $1.50 if you want some Falcom merchandise.
Just like how ユーシス is Jusis.
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>Delay man
I really hope they don't nerf him too hard.
>used goods
None of the following character names in the series are read like ʤ: Joshua, Jusis, Julia, Jona. It's high time you got used to it, anon.
FC is both my first and favorite Trails, but I still don't like Estelle.
Her english lines made me cringe.
Juna is a fine name. Yuna, on the other hand, would not be.. There are too many Yunas in the video game world already. Keep it J.
I have one, it's cute as shit, would recommend. Around the same size as a PS Vita.
He does have the diagonal belt of authority.
>Julia is pronounced Yulia
What, really?

That entirely depends on the new Arcus mechanic.
But why, Anon? She's cute as fuck and very lovable.
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That's a lot of nothing personnel.
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Dumb Americans and their stupid pronunciations.
Isn't it just because of the way Japs pronounce the stuff?
No, it's just German.
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>tfw europoor
>tfw you just read the name as it's written
>tfw americans still can't comprehend this after all these years and struggle to pronounce certain words/names
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If Ash can use Wild rage or War cry, we'll probably be able to form up a party full of Wild rage/War cry users.
Dumb japs and their stupid names.
I'm just sick of the boke-tsukkomi comedy that the japs never got tired of, combined with pre-2010 internet lingo.
Her romance scenes were sweet but outside of that? Eh.
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I don't recall them having any issues with Jusis.
>Agate's Wild Rage is actually Buffalo Rage in Jap
What's Gaius' called in the original then?
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I want to save this picture since it's nice, but the clothing having the words in reverse is making it annoying for me.
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Cute girls who threaten people with violence are the best.
No. Josette, for example, is read exactly how you would think it. Think of these alternative name readings as products of Trails's mess of an omnicultural environment.
There are a few exceptions where they get it right.
It's the same. ワイルドレイジ.
>inb4 it was Wind's Rage
So when did they get it 'wrong'?
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I'm sure you have ms paint, anon.
She's so gay for Kurt
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Isn't the DLC clothing supposed to say "I love Crossbell"?

I guess even the japs are into the Juna being a sperg about "GIVE IT BACK".
So who is she going to sperg out on, Osborne, Rufus, or Rean?
But who will heal?
Thor for everyone.
How can I get these costumes? I'm at chapter 1 btw.
Either by NG+ save or wait until the final chapter.
It can't be helped since this is the school were shitters who couldn't get into Thors I go.
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She'll sperg out when she sees a Mishy plush parading around wearing Erobonia military clothing.
I hope Jusis kills Rufus in CS3.
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What's his endgame anyway?
Who? Americans? I wasn't just talking about Trails and I should've probably said anglos instead of Americans. They just have a harder time with Japanese words/names.
Political power. He's as dirty as his father, just better at hiding it.
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I love Japanese fascination with Germany. Did you know Sieg means victory? Yeah Sieg sounds cooler.
I wonder why so many bosses decide to fight next to a healing station.

Don't they know that if they fight further away the enemy has a chance of not being fully healed?
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>Not wanting your opponent to be in top shape so you can remove one of your holding back layers against the shitters
The artist of that one is Russian.
He's a quadruple agent for Calvard.
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Lets all love Master KeA!
>children are more "Pure"

Yep that sounds pedo alright.
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More Juna!

Also, rejoice, Randyfags, today's his turn.
He did specify what part was the "pure" thing they were looking for, i just don't remember what it was specifically, i think it was their mentality and still being in their growing period, which enabled for more easier testing.
>Around one and half a month before they release the game
>Still no trailer
The fuck is Falcom thinking?
I think they were testing humanity's limits or whatever which made it easier to do it with children because they hadn't finished developing their senses etc.
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>TFW just realized Ao Evo's opening is basically concentrate all firepower with vocals

I am slow with this type of shit.
Its more like a Japanese obsession with Europe
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Rise once more.
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>A party with Tio, Tita, Towa and Fie.

>Implying Ironbloods don't have remote bombs implanted in their heads and will explode if they defy him
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>Musse gets the sexiest bikini
Thank you based Falcom
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>One of these characters is not like the others.
Fie isn't smart enough to hang with the braniacs.
trailer where
It will be a NG+ unlock.
>A party with Tio, Tita, Millium and Altina

Lolis ftw.
Is there any kind of exclusive content to see on New game+ of Sky SC and 3rd? New bosses or whatever?
No, that only really became a thing starting from Zero.

Zero= New quest in the final chapter before going to the hospital if you did all previous quests.

Ao= New group enemy bosses that you have to beat, in order to unlock a new super boss in a red Plemora flower field.

CS 1= Small extra scene if you bring Emma to get the stage clothes

CS 2= New super boss, and black records subquest.
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Sen III will get delayed, it'll be a mess on release and flop. Calvard never.
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Juna sounds better
Will Vanders soul and sword become as one by the end of the game?
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its true you know.jpg
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Daily reminder that I am going to impregnate Elie
How can you have such good and bad taste at the same time.
>the blueballing on Randy's power level
F-Falcom pls

Bro being a secret badass is the best trope.
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Calling it now, CS3 will have a huge setup for Calvard and Osborne will have basically played into Rocksmith's hands.
Yes, that's what I thought too but that sprite seems to suggest otherwise.
>Randy defeats someone with the power of his mind
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I like how Rean has a voice now in the final bonding events, they sounded really awkward before. CS3 will be suffering if he's mute for half the game again.
So with the weapons trends, are we looking at a Calvard MC with dual swords or a three-section staff.
I love to sing-a
About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a
I love to sing-a
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>dancing with his bro's wife
Got a link to his Twitter?

First one is a leftover from 2008~2011, and I'm pretty sure he did Ao's Destructive Impulse too. Raging Rush reminds me to him, but the arrangement is clearly Singa.
Rufus just fucking one shotted my entire party. I know the fight is unwinnable, but how important is the extra AP to getting top rank?
You have a lot of leeway, but you need to get every AP if you want to have the Lionheart accessory for the climax dungeon.
Why not just follow a spoileress guide to check for missable AP? I think it states how much AP you'd need for max rank.
14 AP is the most you can miss, but if you miss 1 then you won't have max rank til the epilogue.
>Trying to make Rean a pedo
>Wanting Jusis to be a pedo
Thats a surprising amount of leeway
Thanks, anon, I bought one just now.
The leeway in Ao was even higher. You could get 405 DP on your first run, but the necessary DP for max rank is 380.
Should I commit to buying the Collector's Edition of Ys VIII?

On the one hand I really want to support Falcom releases as much as I can, but I also fucking hate NISA and am already not looking forward to having to pay them for this.
Buy a Japanese version, pirate English one.
>TFW missed every "do good on the boss fight" AP bonus
Its not fair, I'm just a shitter and these bosses are damage sponges.

Nothing but #quality in NISA land
What does the moebius master quartz do in Ao?
I believe it does the same thing it does in CS 1 at max level, it gives you ranged item use at one point, and at max level it gives you the extremely broken item AoE, which basically means, using zeram capsules on everyone on your team, or cooking with reflect/craft shield, buffs and so on.
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Oh my.
I swear I've heard this voice before.
The hair's not white so it can't be Schera, is it Luciola by any chance?
Someone actually likes Ashita E No Kodou?
Sully's voice gets me hard.
I love Kobayashi Yuu so much.
I'm going to bully the shit out of this tomboy by taking her to every attraction.
It is.

Well damn I'm so gonna start using it.

Lloyd and wazy both fell off rather hard in damage output next to Noel and Randy so they might as well be itembots.
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>sora no kiseki that low
>cry for me not top
>way of life that high
The Japanese version even has an English spelling of her name.
That's a nice status image.
That's the thing, how the fuck did they go from "Iclucia" to "Icarusia". Sounds like a mistake on their part, just like "Laksha" instead of "Laxia" in one of the demos.
Warriors of NISA will defend this
At least she didn't get the Esty Dee treatment.
To these people it doesn't matter how awful the text is as long as they have a setting for audio they can't understand.
So why the hell did Falcom even choose NISA anyway?
In fact, why does Falcom keep making retarded decisions like putting Towa, hoodie Adol and now this?
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>jap media producers
>making good business decisions when it comes to international distribution
Because dual audio meme for retards to brain dead to mod back in the original audio and get an actually decent translation for the text into the bargain.

Better have a shitty translation so long as they don't have to make an effort to listen to a language they can't understand.
>So why the hell did Falcom even choose NISA anyway?
Because they flashed the most cash.
Apparently it was because they compromised to do a simultaneous European release, along with higher money i'd guess.

I believe NISA was interested because they did the distribution of Memories of Celceta in Europe, and it probably did well enough that they decided to just go in completely for the next installment.

I just hope they keep their fucking hands off Cold Steel 3.
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You should really go back to /v/, anon.
Bit of a non-sequitur there
Please learn english before posting on an english imageboard.
>for retards to brain dead
I choose to believe this is satire in the vein of >tfw to intelligent
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Does Zero take place after 3rd chronologically or is there some overlap?
>makes a grammatical mistake in his post while telling someone else to learn English

You must be embarrassed right about now.
No actually.
I never said that i'm an expert on english after all.
I don't even know which part was wrong.
At least past the prologue it's after, probably during the prologue too.
Everyone says its a few months after, but after replaying 3rd it feels like it takes place during.
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It happens after the 3rd. The 3rd happened around 1203 November apparently. The SSS was formed in February of 1204.
Don't the Brights say they are on their way to Crossbell during 3rd?
Theres nothing wrong with that post unless you're being pissy about proper nouns.
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They had been to Crossbell prior to actually moving there. In a drama CD where they visit Tita in Zeiss, they talk about Arios and everything. They probably only came across information on Renne's whereabouts later though, which is why they transferred to that branch.
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Jesus, Lloyd is cheesy as fuck.
And I thought Rean was a dork.
Joshua says that they are currently in Crossbell when you get him out of the sealing gem. Josette mentions having to visit Crossbell soon and talking about meeting up with him which could have something to do with their ship being at the landing port in chapter 2 or 3 I believe? Joshua then make an offhand comment about it having something to do with "that".
Then again when you get Renne out of her gem, they talk about her being in Crossbell, and how the info they got from Toval. was correct.
Please don't compare Lloyd to someone as awfully written as Rean.
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Lloyd's biggest shtick is the fact that he's gigolo tier with the stuff he says, being none the wiser about it, or not understanding how the other party would feel about the shit he says.
He still makes cheesy speeches about "getting over that barrier"
I believe you see the airship in the landing port in Zero during chapter 4? It was during Blueblanc's quest if i remember correctly.

Also now that you mention it, they did already state they knew her whereabouts. Maybe they did go there, but it was more like to check the location, but the paperwork and stuff needed for an actual transfer wasn't ready, and they had to wait on it.
Do they speak a lot about overcoming walls/barriers in Crossbell?
I'm a sucker for that stuff as cheesy as it is, almost feels like Gurren Lagann. Well, that and jumping into space for his 3rd S-Craft.
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Yeah, everyone calls him out on how cheesy he is. He was influenced by his brother a lot who said the same type of shit, and to top it off, they even used the voice actors from Gurren Laggan on them, Kamina for Guy, and Simon for Lloyd.

Rean also said cheesy shit from time to time but he was aware enough, but Lloyd spouts that type of stuff without even feeling embarrassed.
I don't think they'd go to Crossbell, find out the info was correct, leave, then come back. Especially knowing Renne wouldn't stay there long knowing Estelle and Joshua were after her. The reason she can't leave Crossbell in Zero is because Pater-mater is in the doll factory and time being re-written.
As much as I like Gurren Lagann and Simon, I feel Lloyds VA dropped the ball, It doesn't fit him at all.
Is there a twitter tag for the countdown images?
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Time manipulation.png
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Speaking of Time being rewritten.

Ultra spoilers for Ao
One of the images seen in the stuff she changed seems to be about Rufina even, so she probably changed stuff related to Kevin's involvement with her in order to get him to show up and help during Ao, along with Ries. She could have also influenced Renne's stay,the only thing i'm weirded out about is the time disparity between the 3rd and Zero really.

He fits him pretty great, the thing is his delivery doesn't sound that great sometimes, but for the most part it's nice enough. I especially like his delivery on S-crafts.

>Implying someone not cheesy would be able to glue the SSS together.
That would explain why I actually had no idea it actually had the same VAs. I actually just compared them because the "get over the barrier theme" makes them similar a bit.
Its really great, what makes it even better is that they did 2 shitty cliche protaganists and then came out with someone actually fun and interesting with cast chemistry for Crossbell.
Well shit, now I'm even more convinced that she had something to do with the terrorist attack in CS. It's way too similar a situation to Zero.I imagine in another timeline the shells weren't blanks.
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Please stop talking about the undub patch.
The line delivery is pretty much what I'm talking about. In normal conversations Lloyd just talks really weird to me.
His S craft delivery is great though, I mean that's what made him a great VA for Simon.
Don't try and elevate Rean by dragging Lloyd down.
The 'can't know about them' is pretty clearly saying theres some legal issue preventing them acknowledging the patch, not a 'don't use the patch'
Isn't it mostly talking about to be careful about spreading that to known localization parties since they may pull of a cease and desist?
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You people love grasping at straws.
Next you'll tell me some people at Sony were mad at you for talking about pirating playstation games on the Sony forums.
It fails at even that, the cheesiness is part of what makes Lloyd so great compared to the other shitty kiseki protags. The retarded csfag while trying to shit on crossbell ends up praising it.
How do you even C&D something like that?
It's just the files from the JP version, there's nothing to cease.
What's wrong about that? She's obviously saying they don't have a problem with the patch but they can't appear to be officially supporting it because of legal issues.
>its just the files
Am I being rused
Niggas, I'm just talking about the games. Don't include me in your Kiseki wars autism.
CSfags in damage control mode
What's Osborne doing there?
Did his plan actually succeed in the previous timeline?
>Saying Lloyd is cheesier than Rean "dumb speeches" Schwarzer
>I-I'm just trying to discuss the games, I swear!
Are you retarded or just trolling?

She's obviously saying don't talk about them on official venues as they can't legally acknowledge them and if you bring them to their attention they or Falcom would have to C&D due to the rights not being secured for the voice acting, which is always the big issue with these things.
Kea could have a hand in Osborne's turn of events too, i order to protect Crossbell from destruction, and keep the SSS alive. We'll probably get answers in Sen III. Since just like Zero's intro, CS's intro was also different from what actually happened.
It's the same retard who posts daily twitter screencaps of shit she says and acts offended over it. Ignore him
CS and Skyfags are cancer, they can't accept how bad their games are so they tear down the actually good games in the series.
The person who posted that wasn't acting offended.
It's generally not seen as a loss of income if they have no real plan to sell it outside of their country.
If they do however they can take legal action.
This is for video games only, I don't know about anime.

Xseed being a legitimate company cannot condone fan translations. Employees seen condoning it would probably be fired.
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I demand you all stop your faggotory right now.
like hell he wasn't

the whole point of posting it was for him to say "waaahh look at how mean she is"

this guy has been doing this daily for months. fuck off
I want to save this image but I'm afraid I'll be cursed.
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>get called out on being dense and cheesy as fuck
>continue to be cheesy and dense as fuck
I wish this was an actual character flaw that led to problems than just sweeping it under the rug as harem comedic hijinks.
There's at least 3 people.
>harem comedic hijinks.
Maybe try actually playing the game before passing comment on it?
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None of them think it's a bad thing though, they are inspired by his hotblooded nature, since it shows he's a honest person and wants to do the right thing. They call him out on it for bullying and bantz. Only one they really get annoyed at is when Lloyd says something overly sweet to someone or them, and plays the casanova, though that's mostly Elie and Tio, Noel is too pure to not get red, and Rixia too reserved so she just finds it awkward.
I just finished chapter 3 and started the Intermission chapter in Zero, so I suppose I'll take your word for it.
Calvard is going to unveil their upgraded Panzer Soldats after the revelation that Rufus sold the empire's secrets out to them. Rufus is a Calvardan spy and a reason for Jusis to make an appearance in the next arc.
Its fairly clear that its not just 'comedic harem hijinks' even before that point. Try paying attention
>trying to reason with crossbellfags
it's useless
>Being a CSfag
t. triggered csfag who can't deal with how shit rean and estelle are
Not him, but he's right.

In what universe is "hurrrrr they do this retarded thing over and over because it's SO FUNNY HAHAHAHAHA LOL" an excuse for shitty writing? Crossbellfags have no shame
Estelle is the best protagonist in the series. Even Lloyd can't compare.
Dumbass, I hate Estelle as well. Rean is the only good protagonist.
Stop. I said it's useless.
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I like all the games.
>not him
Sure you're not, csfag. Its funny how retarded csfags have to lie about the 2 actually good trails games to try and make their shitty harem antics and walking simulator seem good.
>their shitty harem antics and walking simulator
sooo...literally crossbell then?
Me too except for Akatsuki.
>muh generic genki girl is good
Next you'll say some shit about how Kevin isn't just edgy shit made to appeal to 12 year olds.

>CSfag getting btfo so he tries to say he likes all the games
I'm sorry. I honestly and for truly didn't intend for this. I just wanted to say that Lloyd was cheesy.
same here
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I expect nothing from csfags and I'm still let down
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>if you hate crossbellfags that means you hate Crossbell and love CS
Are you upset that the truth has come out about your shitty LN protaganist? Cry more CSshitter
>assuming the anon is a CSfag because he doesn't take a side
what did the braindead crossbell fanboys mean by this?
>csfags on damage control
Can /fg/ ever get over this barrier?
Either way he's retarded for enjoying the shitfest that is CS and the literally fucking nothing that is Sky
My fellow Reanfag. These stupid Skyfags and Crossbellfags are just jealous of how much more popular CS is than their shitty games.
Maybe in the future when the shitposter dies.
Literally no one actually enjoyed Sky, skyfags don't even exist.
Anyone who actually liked Cold Steel is just as bad as a CSfag.
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Reminder, before making a new thread, change the part in the OP talking about CS 2 being confirmed for PC. The link is giving information about CS 1, not CS 2.
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Me too
Will do
Wait, who's the silver haired girl supposed to be?
>More popular
>CS sold less than 3rd
>shitty csart trying to sully crossbell cast
Fuck off
Or just replace it with this.
Its already out and covered by the first section of the OP
Actually CS has higher steamspy numbers than 3rd, also it sold very well on vita and PS3
>this is what csfags actually believe
That's still CS 1 anon.
Shouldn't we also include the Jap voice files for cs? or are they already in the OP and I didn't see them?
CS1 and 2 sold over a million though. This includes all sales. I can't remember which arc sold better though, crossbell or CS.
I don't know, when a character is repeatedly told that the things he says are cheesy as fuck and don't ever reflect on it, it only comes off as comedic to me.
I don't think they are. Same for the pastebin guides.
Check the bottom of the picture. It says Trails of Cold Steel 2 Coming to PC, release date pending
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At least the general is active
Creha from Nayuta no Kiseki
The OP is full.
We could do another one but the one at the bottom of the OP is seemingly still being updated, probably best to find whoever's keeping it up to date.
>literally 6 IPs after 10 minutes in new thread
Really makes me wonder about the last hour of arguing.
I beat you on Nightmare Nightmare Arena, here is proof.
>In Zero and Ao

Huh? Randoms in those games might have took longer to clear than in Sky, but there were not remotely hard.
Ya happened on hard for me. Just moved the first act I had and was good.

The first round of skellies was kinda hard too, almost had Kevin die there from not paying attention.
Each factory literally does something different. I believe it is explained briefly in TT and Zero.
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I want dual audio but there's no point if the subs are trash. Might as well import the game at that point.
god now i want to see an interaction between schera and angelica
Double the fun!
Nisa: money, more marketing, more distribution and a (faster) PC port.
J has a lot of Y sounds all over the world. Like Janus in CT. Its not just a Japanese thing.
I hope they are playable character in a new installment. Blind sword & miracle lollies.
>cry for me
And all its arrangements and spinoffs.
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