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Final Fantasy General DCXXXIX - /ffg/

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Thread replies: 777
Thread images: 126

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>General Info on Final Fantasy
The Wiki: finalfantasy.wikia.com
"What version should I play?" Information: http://pastebin.com/nDC7j5bn

>FF Lost Stranger

July update: http://forum.square-enix.com/ffxi/threads/52835

>FF XIV Stormblood

KING’S KNIGHT announced for Mobile & Fishing game for PSVR
Episode Ignis Trailer: https://youtu.be/_sRPZzWeric
Brotherhood episodes: http://pastebin.com/Q7Efb9F2

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Game Mechanics PDF: http://happypluto.com/~misterp/r/ffrk.pdf
Upcoming Banners List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e1xUGHH-OBdlM0QzWoME4GRJt9v3ocQmdmylI62hwFk/edit#gid=1211382974
Friend Codes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11vnPui7vWmEcky7XK5XFMf6TWCIDWIOBJykStFwR5KE
FAQ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/TKKGu1qB

>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
How to JP: http://pastebin.com/91MEQ6wW
GL FAQ: http://pastebin.com/c43qGvi6
Friend Codes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vqMFkPjm0cbnxR37U8ATXZEgRPspHSR8UyeCFkTEq10

>MOBIUS Final Fantasy
FAQ Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nGC6BJ84

>Other game information

Previous: >>183518907
FFTactics is shit
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3rd for FFXI
is FFBE objectively the best FF?
Which FF would you fuck?
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How many Nier tickets are you at anon?
No, that's Bravely Default
If by "objectively" you mean "completely the opposite of", then yeah.
0. I was just planning to buy some Lapis, but If I don't get Deuce BSB in the next pull then I am going to have to cut into my Nier fund.
I wanna fuck Prishe.
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holy fuckin' madman
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anon, Deuce BSB is good but it's not THAT good.
I would fuck the FF2 UMD
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>spending money in a game thats shutting down next week when you could be using that money on robot booty
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Best I can do senpai
I want Arenea to ride me cowgirl style!
It's some shit song anyway
It's not about the BSB anymore. He has her SSB and USB, he's trying to complete the set now.
Basically it's personal now
Dude it's better if you just hoard mythril for the next type 0 event, the second banner is bound to be the very same one that is on right now
Hope you don't get banned
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But that could be in a year from now
What a QT
Fucking RKmanlets
Japan is about to get the next type 0 event with Rem, Machina, and Seven iirc, it's 5 months at most
Look at that fucking manlet

Even Mobius looks down on these Manlet Keepers
Six months at most, depending on how Global treats the schedule. The next Type-0 event was listed in the upcoming events section from the monthly FFRK JP report or something.
Wait. Will Deuce's USB stack with SG and will Deuce's BSB atk buff stack with Rikku's USB atk buff?
That's more than 4 months after they shut it down tho
So far at 13 + a 4* ticket and at least 10k Lapis. I honestly don't expect to get a lot but I'm gonna try my damnedest.
stoneskin and wall are different things
> terra still wearing clothes in a bath
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Yeah but by then we'll have Record Keeper 2
Stoneskin bubbles != Sentinel's Grimoire/Stoneskin II. The two soul breaks from Tyro and Y'shtola offer a 200% buff to defense & resistance (fan term for this is wall). The stoneskin mentioned in Deuce's USB is 30% of a character's max HP. Deuce BSB and Rikku USB offer the exact same buff, so no they will not stack.
Oh so thats why its called Stoneskin II
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Im going to hang someone what the fuck is this bullshit huh? How does it know that its a sword and shield video? Why is it only the sword and shield? Im assuming this is going to happen to the mace ones too...i deleted and re-recorded the fucking sword and shield vids but it still doesnt want to upload them. This is next level bullshit if ive ever seen. I am fucking livid right now. Whatever ill figure something out for that once i get the rest done....at least the ones that feel like uploading.
No, Deuce's BSB and Rikku USB buff would just cancel each other, or more accurately would just refresh the buff
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26 regular tickets
10+1 ticket
14 ex ticket

meh.... that said, I spent 50+ tickets on tilith and still never got her... so whatever. Maybe rng will be nice this time around.
Oh darn, so it's not as good if I already have Rikku SSB?
>Ifrit loved to play with his subjects. He loomed over Prompto, the first member of the party to fall in an attempt to combat his might, and let the heavy, musky, masculine scent of his sweaty crotch fur waft across their battlefield. One lungful was enough to hopelessly entrance a mortal and Prompto was getting the full brunt of it while his party watched on, exhausted and defeated.

>He parted his ass cheeks and sure enough, the very inside of his cleft was bare of the coarse fur that covered his lower half; inside laid pale skin and a pouting asshole, pulsing visibly. Ifrit’s man-cunt was brown and puffy and as he leant over to flaunt it, he relaxed enough for it to bloom and swell. In that moment, Prompto wished his cock was big enough to sink into that soft, welcoming hole, until he realised just why he’d been saved a sticky end in his jaws.

>“Oh… n-no way, man!”

>Ifrit reached back and held Prompto’s body up straight with one effortless hand and let his muscular ass loom over his skinny prey. He took his time lowering himself, savouring how Prompto began to panic and protest, his begging turning into screaming as the Infernian’s asshole opened with a gooey squelch and came down to meet his head. He was hyperventilating before Ifrit’s asshole even scuffed his hair, but that didn’t stop him; in an agonisingly slow, measured move, Prompto’s head was engulfed to the mouth by Ifrit’s ass. He screwed his eyes shut and screamed, as heat pressed around his ears and came off again… then ate him down to his chin.
>10+1 ticket
>14 ex tickets
>for the Nier banner

EX tickets are pretty much trash
Just her elbow gloves.
Low 20s with 10k lapis, a 11 ticket, 2 4 star tickets, and just cause i could, dragged those ex tickets in too. Every possible boon even if unproven
>the 11 ticket is a sellable item in your materials list
Fuck, i get so nervous selling around the megacrysts, awakening mats, and now this
So if I am thinking about this correctly, SG is a def buff but Stoneskin is like damage mitigation?
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Needs Mobius Godkings
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51. Two of those are 4*. I also have 15000 lapis I'm willing to part with.
I am strongly considering abandoning my F2P title for that $25 pseudo-roll, though..
Don't... push... your luck.
Usually the atk/mag buff falls off because rikku has to rely on skills to generate SB bars. With deuce's you can have 100% uptime
people have gotten tilith from ex tickets. It's been confirmed that those units are in the summoning pool for the duration of their event.
No, not really
But with Deuce it will be easier to keep it up at most times so that's something
Whats the best mission for testing damage? The training dummy doesnt calculate jump/mortar beacon/etc kinds of damage properly so i just want something with a health bar to measure. Im trying kelsus chains into olive beacon to see if its autoable for robot
anon, if you don't get her after 51 pulls, three 10+1 pulls, and an enhanced pull, then it wasn't meant to happen, you should just quit BE at that point; not spend money and dig the whole further.
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Yeah, he is just 5'7, he is not a manlet at all
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Eh, the odds calculator says that's about a 44% chance of getting her. I'm fine with missing that number. I love 2B but I'm not tremendously desperate.
Okay that's what I was thinking, sweet. I think I am set with Tyro SG/Rikku SSB/Deuce USB/SSB in the support department and I am going to get Mako Might/Dr Mogs Teaching soon. My biggest issue now is to get good damage dealers. How viable is Fran with USB/SSB/LMR? Also does Exdeath fit that Damager role well? He's really the only FF character I care about. The only damage dealing 6* item I have is Vayne's OSB.
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I have transcended beyond the concept of "fucking done."
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Fran is a breaker, not a damage dealer
Exdeath is better as a damage dealer, there is a V event relatively soon so there may be some tree relics there
The true hero is a good damage dealer too
Thats not robo, brojo
Is there a website for making smiles like this?
You should get Vayne and use him. He is the best character in RK. Actually to be quite honest with you, he's the best character in the entire franchise and in fact did nothing wrong.
He failed to lead the history of man
>that amount of HP
>all meta units
>2 fucking tanks
>still losing
Whats your name?
>whining about Ultros
Fran is niche. She has support 5* for full break and breakdowns, and her bsb is pentabreak, so you can clearly see what her role is. Her ssb is a lightning imperil, her usb is a something else imperil. She does chip damage, not a main dps but allows your party to survive longer and do big dick dps. You don't have her bsb though, so only uses her if your dps needs an imperil from those two elements.
Real talk, anon. You should just forget about record keeper and focus on BE which actually has a future and is a million times more fun.
>tfw I cleared that shit with Y'shtola and no base 5*, no 6* WoL
LMAO what a shitter
>Ifrit reached back and held Prompto’s body up straight with one effortless hand and let his muscular ass loom over his skinny prey. He took his time lowering himself, savouring how Prompto began to panic and protest, his begging turning into screaming as the Infernian’s asshole opened with a gooey squelch and came down to meet his head. He was hyperventilating before Ifrit’s asshole even scuffed his hair, but that didn’t stop him; in an agonisingly slow, measured move, Prompto’s head was engulfed to the mouth by Ifrit’s ass. He screwed his eyes shut and screamed, as heat pressed around his ears and came off again… then ate him down to his chin.

>Leisurely, Ifrit fucked himself on Prompto’s head until he ached inside for more. He pushed his weight down until shoulders hit anus and with a slight push, Prompto popped right in. Often, he’d shallow-fuck himself on his prey but the thrashing and squirming inside of him made Ifrit sink all the way down Prompto’s body until his ass hit the ground and a boy-sized bulge sat at the base of his abdomen, writhing around until he calmed. Lazily, Ifrit laid down on his side, lifted his leg and bore down.

>Prompto came sliding out in a mess of burning fluids that were soaking into his flesh and he was born back into Insomnia’s frigid air in a daze. He laid on the ground a while, processing what had happened, but all he could register was the hard-on in his Kingsglaive’s slacks and the intoxicating scent that bathed him.

>It’s… good…

>He ran his hands down his skin, marvelling at how it tingled.

>So good…

>Ifrit’s ass remained up, his cunthole peeking out among his fur.
Real talk, anon. You should drop BE as well and just play Mobius, it's way better in every conceivable way
gumi pls go
I would but you can't Fungah! in BE
Okay gotcha., thanks.
Eat dicks. I've done every other Trial I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's always one RNG turn where he instarapes me from full hp.
>I don't know what I'm doing wrong
KYS, shitter
Anyone wanna farm magicite in a few mins?
You scratch my back I'll scratch yours.
>Like a man possessed, Prompto pulled himself to his feet and staggered towards him, on shaky newborn legs until he could reach up and slide his arms into Ifrit’s asshole. He drooled as he pulled himself into his god’s slimy anal canal and was met immediately by rippling muscles that smoothed their way down his body and pulled him deeper, deeper into the piercing heat that melted Prompto’s mind away.

>Ifrit groaned as Prompto squirmed around inside of him, rubbing himself against the smooth, hot walls until he found the spot that made Ifrit’s muscles clamp down and squeezed his prey’s body tightly. Perhaps the strangest part was how Prompto… liked it.

>This is fucked-up.

>His body was burning, but each press of muscles around his skinny form as he humped Ifrit’s prostate seemed to numb it for a moment, squeezing him so tightly that his vision went white until the relax brought all sensation flooding back. He tore his slacks open and jabbed at the bulge he could feel with his pithy little cock, rubbing it into the wrinkles of his flesh and felt Ifrit shift… until he was pressed against the ground, with Ifrit’s weight pressing down on him. He couldn’t breathe… but he didn’t care. Gracelessly, Ifrit smashed his hips into the smooth granite of the plaza, rubbing his cock against his bulged belly and ramming Prompto against his prostate. He bellowed, grinding and mashing the poor boy around inside of him until his beastly knot ballooned and he blew his burning load all over his belly in thick spurts.

>Relieved, he grunted and pushed until Prompto came slopping out of his ass and into the sea of spunk he sullied the ground with. He was battered, worse for wear, aching and tired… but his cock stood rock hard, weakly dribbling cum from his tiny foreskin opening.

>No… please, don’t leave me here…
>I would but you can't Fungah! in BE
Only like 2 people play RK anyway and the rest are in their secret discord so you won't even get to play with them most of the time. It's not worth the bother anon.
Its possible that you are triggering the "typhon killed" attack on top of his "nuke every 3 turn" attack so you get double nuked or something like that. Im going by memory so its not that accurate but i had this situation trip me up a few times so read up on ultros with this in mind
>one RNG turn
lmao fuck off shitter
But a lot of anons here have been super helpful in raids so I don't know what you're talking about
>It's always one RNG turn where
I think you're literally retarded and not reading a guide and fucking up like the retard you are
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Hmm...Something seems different about Paloom. But I can't quite put my finger on it...
No Typhos is long dead at this point. It's some fucknig spammable 10,000 volts shit combo or something. Also a melee attacks. He does like 10 things that turn, but somehow without Haste. And he has his ATK broken. It makes no fucknig sense.
>It was cold. Cold and open. Prompto was vulnerable and he knew it and he laid on the ground for a moment as he wrestled himself out of what remained of his clothes, lapping the ground and slurping at cooling spunk while he had the chance.

>Lord Ifrit… tastes good, feels… good.

>He dragged himself back towards the Infernian’s gaping, winking asshole.

>Please, let me… be with you…

>And sunk his arms in, then his head. With feet that slipped through the mess of otherworldly semen, Prompto crawled back inside his new master’s body and was met with the comforting rippling, his body massaged as he was pulled up through his guts, not caring what became of him.

>Ifrit rolled onto his back and ran his hands over the bulge that Prompto made in his belly, legs wide; it was met with a stir and a poke at the flesh of something hard which Ifrit began to play with, rubbing teasingly until it was visibly twitching. Noctis and Gladio watched, horrified, as the pulsing of his puffy man-cunt started to seem… inviting.

>… Only to realise that Ignis’ uniform was halfway unbuttoned, his breathing heavy and cock hard.
>one anon having trouble with a boss in BE
>all the replies are shitflinging
Well I mean I guess he is a retard for being part of a game with a shitty community
Can someone explain how special abilities work on the license boards? Im not really understanding how i'm meant to be able to have only 3 uses on 2 different boards.
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>Daily: Cecil
So it begins, the cecils and exdeaths for everyone
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Pirates are dumb.
>reforms to gold

You don't know true hell.
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3rd ashe ....
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What are the easiest dps classes? I'm a casual scrub who doesn't have a lot of spare time. I have played wow a lot though
well, first ribbon i guess
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I'm still broke from chasing orlando
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>portrait has him equipped with a spear and heavy shield
>can't actually equip a heavy shield and spear

Top 5 videogame deceptions of all time?
Thanks, do I need to level lancer and pug for that?
Uh yes he can. Are you even looking at his equipment options? I see a heavy shield and a spear right there you goofball.

Oh god wait you're trying to use the Zodiac Spear on him aren't you
(at the same time)
He can. The Zodiac Spear is just two-handed.

the game really cant add one more slot for two handed spears vs one handed spears?
you'd be doubling the amount of weapon icons if you included every two handed weapon separately you fucking idiot
having to actually read the description to find out if something is two handed is bad design desu and defending that poor design choice is retarded
>Youtube recommends me a BE video
>Looks interesting
>It's from some Felix guy with a fucking terrible spanish accent
What the fuck, between this and India man...these people should stick to making guides and videos in their native language
Show me where he said every two handed weapon retard
What brings all the luckshitter newfag here? Ariana? Nier?
so spears should have a separate two handed icon but not every other weapon type with two handed weapons? how does that make any sense?
>Edge's sprite
>He doesn't have Dual Wield
Show me where I said that retard
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Oh come on, really? Everyone else has at least 1000hp at this point.
sure, as soon as you kill yourself
It's cause you grind too much.
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Show me why I should do that retard
At least she has thunder magic which will be very useful
the world would be a better place
If I take a quickening on one board does it lock other characters out from shit on the same board? And what happens to the other quickening slots, do they just turn blank or can I not get whats locked behind them anymore?
Yes. Each esper can only be activated by one guy.
says the retard
but you didn't say that
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That...definitely was not where I was supposed to go. This is though.

Even if I hadn't grinded AT ALL, it would still be low.

Problem is everyone else has thunder magic. And at higher levels to boot.
Let it go child
>calls someone else a child
>makes le epic Frozen references
>this mad I called him out on his bullshit
maybe you should go jerk off on your Elsa body pillow
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do you guys like Final Fantasy?
Does anyone want to join my Sphereimorph Normal raid? I want that host reward.
no, Final Fantasy is for losers
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Oh no I didn't mean about espers I know they're one person, I meant more of would I be able to get more than one version of ninja sword like in this picture and what happens to the special ability licenses once you get your 3 for each character
This part is actually kinda sad.
>Phoenix Meme: Meme Attorney has a Frozen reference in it
so what?
Meet cuck, he is going to be a dragoon
Oh! Are we here? Where we see that IV & II are connected?
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Is this really the background for this dungeon? A solid red color? Or is my emulator fucked up?

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Fug, forgot the license board photo
Not even you amerifags speak the language properly, why is it a big deal?
Nobody? It's up if anyone wants to join.
FF4 is rehashes so much shit from 2, you'll see even more of it later
btw you only get one of those choices. For joining, you spend 1/3rd the stamina but you only get 25% of the rewards, so if you just want a clear its better to join but if you want the random rewards it's better to host. The rewards and chance are the same just the amount differs
>80 diff

c'mon man
>doing raid on exp funday
Also it's almost 5 a.m. where I am, about to sleep. try again during burger time
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The kid wants to be a dragoon and his father was a dragoon. Meh. I better have my mind blown.
His videos are really fucking bad though
India man's level bad
>still needing exp

i'm down to leveling cores at this point
Wait so I can't get the Host and Member Mastery Rewards?
I am garbage
Wait so I should be doing that instead?
I guess standard english is now considered a Frozen meme. It's not as if the phrase "Let it go" has ever been used before Frozen came along.
t. incest shipper
>Wait so I should be doing that instead?

if you're new, absolutely. just make sure to clear out the boss before the event is over.
Really? We just had new type 0 character
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Here's an empty room, but there are no encounters on this floor at all. What's the point?
>let it go, a common english phrase, is now a disney movie reference
holy shit, do you know where you're fucking posting anon?

and i now have a slightly smaller excess of eggs
Put up the raid, I'll help
It's ok to like Disney movies anon. No need to be ashamed. :)
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Wait, are there encounters at all here?
Okay, do we need more people?
for normal just the two of us should be fine
> t. incest shipper

the fuck?
What a leap of logic.
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Why is a Lenna such a glutton for pain in FFV? Does she secretly enjoy putting herself to the brink of death (or becoming a puppet of a naked woman with demon snake pets)?
Yeah, she's a masochist.
My internet crapped out, sorry
Want to try again or did you clear it?
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Gotta find a pendant for the wyvern in here. Unfortunately it's late and I have to sleep. Goodnight /ffg/.
Uh, do I just exit the app? I didn't know what to use with Cloud's SBs so I used Climhazzard and the boss absorbed all of his attacks.
Night night.
Sure, just put it up again

Good night !
Damn, I should have kept defending with Fran. Oh well, thanks anyway anon.
Oh wow, I didn't think that would happen just because fran died
We can try again with me bringing curaise and shellga so I can keep her alive if you feel like trying again
I'm out of stamina, I'll just try again later when there's more people so it won't matter if my chars die or not. Thanks anyway though.
I can host it for you if you want
Oh well then okay if you want.
hop in
Alright thanks a bunch anon
I'm sorry it took so many tries to get it right but I'm guessing you need those eggs asap
Someone needs to post that one R-18 comic of Berserker Lenna
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who have never played FF XII Revenant Wings
It's like Tactics meets ATB. It's basically SCII but with FF12 characters.
Balthier cucks Rasler right?
nah, he's busy pounding tight bunny cunny
>Big Bang Theory before Big Bang theory
whom are you quoting?
Are you blind, retarded or a newfag?
You can't cuck the dead anon.
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Lilly I am going to marry you.
I promise you I'll never awoo again. Fuck you robot.

For those still struggling, Bartz is God damn amazing in conjunction with rikku.
All the Jack TMs in the world can't compare to him, and his enhancements give him enough reraise to be self sufficient as both a battery and threshold extender (you only need her LB every 4th turn now).
Worth every cryst. He's part of my A-team again after 9 months on the bench.
She's taken.
By me.
Holy fuck I'm retarded
I only just now realized that entrust is magic, so I failed that mission.

God damn.
No it isn't and
>implying you're ever going to use the materia anyway
>Rasler dies
holy shit
Did you go arms or body first route?
I have
>It's like Tactics meets ATB
I don't see it
Wait, you're right.
What the shit then, I never used any magic. Gumi you fucks.

Body, but I brought both arms to the brink so both the right and the body died in one turn, and the left died to ramuh the next.

Lily is strong enough that a 900+ landu can easily do it.
Anon this like 10 minutes into the game.
I never played XII
>entrust is magic
It's not though, you probably used something else like a retard like an imperil or raise with WoL
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You better invite all of us to your mobage themed wedding, anon
If you can manage to get Rikku casting LB every turn, ditch that WoL and bring fire imperil or finisher
Rank the FF MCs.
Terra > Cecil > Bartz > Zidane > Noctis > Cloud > Luneth > Vaan > Firion > WoL > > > > > > shit > > > > > Squall > Tidus > Lightning
Shit, I JUST remembered I used dispel like a flaming faggot one (1) turn the whole battle.
I'm an idiot and I deserve this, even though I will literally never use it.
>Zidane, Luneth and Vaan that high
>that ranking for Squall, Tidus and Lightning
NIGGA, that's why you bring Bushido Freedom
Oh I did, which I used for 99.99% of the battle.
But I was a dummy who dispelled the right arm of its stupid def buff to see how much damage I could do one turn, then I forgot I even did that.

Don't be retarded like me, that materia could've been nice for mogkings.
>posting fanfiction
Can you fucking stop? You're ruining the XVfags reputation. I don't want to be compared to the likes of you.

Tier lists really don't contribute and mine is unorthodox, but I can defend each placing, if someone wants to discuss them. Know that I'm hyper allergic to angst and melodrama unless it's counteracted by fun, making a fully fleshed out human character. Also ack is a terrible character in CC, but he's so ridiculously likable that he gets so high.

>God Tier
Cloud, Terra

>Great Tier
Shotgun, Serah, Butz

>Good Tier
Onion Kid, Warrior of Light (DDFF), Fighter (I), Zack, Lightning (LR)

>Average Tier
Yuna, Firion

>Bad Tier
Squall, Lann, Vincent

>Horrible Tier
Ace, Lightning (XIII), Zidane

>Abomination Tier
Cecil, Tidus, Vaan
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fucking prick.gif
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>Whittling down the Ashasuar to kill it off with Ifrit
>Get it down to sub 10k health
>My turn
>Friend Unit Olive randomly hits it before my turn for 100k
>bringing anyone but xon to story missions
>Serah is 2nd place
>characters with no lines like Fighter 3rd place
7/10 bait for the creativity ;)
>not realizing that saying something annoying is worse than saying nothing at all
I don't agree with his Cecil placement at all though.
>Serah but no Noel
>Lann but no Reynn
>Lightning in good tier
>Cecil and Tidus in abomination and Ace in bad
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Cloud Strife > Noctis Lucis Caelum > Terra Branford > Zidane Tribal > Tidus > Cecil Harvey > Bartz Klauser > Vaan > Squall Leonhart > Firion = Luneth = Onion Knight = Warrior of Light (all essentially vaguely-heroic noncharacters) > Lightning

Cloud has a good damn story and I'm gonna acknowledge it instead of hiding behind an ironic veneer of memes.
Just drop the esper and kill that ho before the animation finishes.
So...for whatever reason...Lightning and Snow are being featured in this Chinese Nissan commercial. Seems like a really, really late promo for FFXIII

Why? Why now? I don't...

Whatever it's China...
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>painstakingly including everyone's last names
>except lightning's for some reason

It's Farron. Now you know.
Switch Zidane with Cecil and I agree on your top 5
Lightning is Lightning. Claire Farron has a last name, Lightning does not.
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we discussed this a while ago. Lightning's got wheels!
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She's Claire "Lightning" Farron. Cut out the Claire, she's still Farron.
Zidane isn't "Zidane Goku" just because it's a fake name either.
Lightning is a renaming, not an appellation or a nickname. She changed her name and is no longer "Claire Farron". She is never called "Lightning Farron" even once.
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Serah was fourth place. She actually has an arc and shows all sorts of quirky personality traits beyond just being fun and nice.

Fighter is a blank, therefore he doesn't annoy me. However beyond that when he hits things with a sword, I'm happy. (It's also pretty fun to imagine the choreography for the multiple hits) He walks on lava (although the Onion Kid walking through lava waterfalls is even cooler) and goes to the past with no hesitation. I is a fight against EVIL as a general force (with no known head honcho during the game) and he fights all of it valiantly. As such I like him.

Cecil annoys me to no end. He's the angstiest MC by far. However he's saved from last place by the fact that he's one of the two MCs to have committed atrocities, so he has a legitimate reason to be moody. But he's still so too often for me. Rydia, of all people, tells him to lighten up. He doesn't, because the world revolves around his feelings and guilt. Oh woe is me, you orphan! Fuck you, Cecil. After becoming a paladin he never says anything and just watches his friends sacrifice themselves, walks away with a "Let's go." like he doesn't care then later goes on a sob story about how he couldn't save them to get pat on the back from the rest of the party as though he sacrificed the most.

Yet even more he can't forgive another for doing atrocities under brainwashing for a long time, while doing them of his own will before? With the main theme of the game is forgiveness and redemption no less?

I just cannot like Cecil. At least he's not Leon.
>Yet even more he can't forgive another for doing atrocities under brainwashing for a long time, while doing them of his own will before? With the main theme of the game is forgiveness and redemption no less?
Isn't Cecil, like, the guy who consistently forgives Kain? And forgives Golbez?
When the hell does he reject giving forgiveness?
lol did you play some romhack where he never becomes a paladin or something
I'm just fighting that shitter and he wiped all my party on turn 2, what the fuck?

I don't want to redo this shit again... I'll use lapis to revive, fuck this

>implying that there's Xon friends at all instead of a list flooded with memelandus

I got a xon ?
Whatcha need him for ?
t. shitter who never actually played IV and is talking out of his ass
Chamber of crystal and story events grinding to get more drops.

Not for this final node though, the stupid boss wiped me even after setting up mitigation with Tilith on the first turn, what the fuck.
I'm bringing my A-team

Cool I'll put him as my friend unit for you

That stuff is pretty easy but would you still like him geared a certain way ?
In most cases BSBs seem infinitely more useful than other SBS
>the stupid boss wiped me even after setting up mitigation with Tilith
nigga, he casts death, he's a fucking bitch, mitigation isn't going to save you from that, at some point I was in a loop where I kept reviving my characters withouth being able to perform a single action until Tilith finally died, also that AOE drain and osmose are a bitch
Still looking for more /ffg/ friends
366, 910, 258

Still not to that point yet

Would undying wish + provoke save me from this ?
Im having penelo be my black mage and ashe my whitw. Which 2nd class should she have?
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>Try again with Orlandu friend
>Dinoshitter drops to a sliver of health
>7k damage
>end turn
>Luneth retaliates and kills it
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Here's your xon
No idea how to gear him

I'll leave him up there for the rest of the week

Hold up lemme buy some slots brb
Pretty much anything works, really
The thing is, people need a permanent one they can use whenever they need to farm story chapters or chamber of crystals, and no one's dedicated enough to leave a Xon up 100% of the time
much appreciated though
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I chose the official MCs, so no "actual MCs" like Ashe. Beyond that I personally do think Serah is the MC of XIII-2.

I really, really like Reynn, but when I put them on a scale, Lann seems to be more of a main character. Usually he instigates things. We start by controlling him and Lann gets a few more times alone, showing that the story is from his perspective.

I think the "emotionless" LR-Lightning shows the most emotions she has ever had (and is her only good appearance in anything) and she engages in fun activities. The game actually works and has fun with her stoicness and increased sarcasm.

Tidus is really idiotic and annoying. However my main reason is that I hate that the game tries to force him as a main character. (Yes, I'm aware that with a different way to look at the story, it's actually Yuna and all Spira is about that are supefluous to the so called real conflict between Jecht and Tidus. But that view point I care not one whit about. To me X is about the pilgrimage and Spira and Yuna is the rightful main character.)

Ace was just an avatar for me. Was clearly supposed to be a person, but failed at that. All I got was that he was somber and melancholic. Couldn't connect with him, but didn't actively enrage me either, which I find to be worst. Happens.
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Nvm you don't exist ...
> 50+ tickets spent on tilith banner and nothing to show for it
> new trial practically required full heal per turn

fuck... is it possible to just sub a healer with rikku's LB per turn?

Cool cool no worries

I'll just leave him untill we have another bonus unit event
You fell for the ruse and wasted 100 lapis for more friend slots. hahahahahaha
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>he didn't get tilith

Maybe if you have two healers doublecasting Curaja per turn you can maybe make up for it!

Meh was gonna need them eventually

Atleast i can add people willy nilly again
Just bring the runic ability we got from the Cid Trial

Oh snap i forgot about that

Haven't done it yet but I'll make it priority

He does forgive Kain each time. Presumably because of deep friendship, for it is the difference with Golbez. I was talking about Golbez. That's why I specified "for a long time," because he does right before he leaves the planet. After being hounded by the rest of the party first, of course. The timing bothers me.
So you're bothered that the dude was conflicted about his archnemesis who he had believed was working an immense evil to destroy the world turning out to be his brother for, like, two minutes? Cause that's not a long time at all in-game.

Nvm i fudged up
the word you're looking for is "fucked", Yams.
smaY strikes again
I thought Reynn was clearly the more important one to the plot and who we see the most insight to the story through, besides both of them qualify as protagonists anyway, same with Noel and Serah except that we see a better insight of the plot and characters through Noel rather than Serah in 13-2

There was a long time between him finding out he was brainwashed (being a brother is irrelevant) and forgiving him (Although accepting him into family is a bigger thing to do.). He went to the moon twice, once to its core, climbed the giant and fought Zemus/Zeromus in-between . Maybe it was somehow a short time in-universe (I always imagined that the space flight took a long time, but I now realize that's just an assumption), but for me it was many hours of gameplay with significant events.
how many copies of cecil do I want for tmr farming? Is one excal enough or do I want as many as I can get?
More will just get you there faster. You only want one, MAYBE two Excaliburs.
Wait, please explain. Is Bartz killing himself every turn to give Lilly a reraise? She does get the OHKO on her every turn, right?

Also, How did you bring the arms low while getting lb crystals?
I too just finished Tako Sensei today. Thought waiting for WoL *6 and Rikku would make my life easier.

Not only it didn't for the most part I also got BTFO two times before winning, 80nrg down the drain. The RNG on Orthros after Typhoon is killed is just too much.

I can bet are going to see this exact same reaction beat for beat in a few months when someone dies to Agaion with the likes of Fire Veritas/2B/Ayaka/Enhanced Ramza on his team.
>Is Bartz killing himself every turn to give Lilly a reraise?

Bartz can pass on his limit burst to someone else. I'm guessing he used bartz to keep passing his limit burst to rikku so she can keep casting reraise on everyone.
How does the diner in Wall Market have a Korean B.B.Q. Plate when there's no such thing as Korea
Why are they all speaking English/Japanese when there's no such thing as AMERICA/Japan?
Yeah but his enhanced life giver gives reraise.
If Lilly gets killed every turn for having the highest atk, how does he solve it, I'm very curious.
They're speaking their own language and it's subtitled for our convenience
Thats literally the purpose of Rikku, to keep the highest attack unit alive, except during threshold
Is it easy to set up memu to do auto TMR farming?

I'm afraid I won't be able to transfer back.
Then back to the first question, how do you generate lb crystals when not attacking the main body, since he doesn't have jack tms
Am I supposed to be farming A Friendly Oath or The Romance of Discovery for these cryst things?
WoL with twin lance is enough to generate crystal
>(It's not a guarantee we'll get those abilities, though, they were in the latest BRA*BRA collab)
so we're never getting those moves, ever

fuck DENA
are squeenix planning to release any more dlc after Ignis?
Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

As we've discussed before, his death could not have been logically foreseen or prevented, and thus cannot be attributed to him. Thus, that cannot be considered something that he did wrong, as it was not due to him at all.
What's your strat exactly to keep Bartz alive to be able to Life Giver? Just using WoL's revive every turn? I'm elated to see Bartz unironically used in real content but I don't understand
>Just using WoL's revive every turn?
congrats, you just failed the "no magic" mission
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Well, the guy said he failed the no magic mission... so...
Yeah but why would you do that?
I don't want to run this shit a second time to get the rewards, this takes hours, might as well get everything in one go
I'm trying to piece together how it works, Anon. His strategy doesn't make sense to me so I'm asking for clarification.

Also, the body first method doesn't take hours. Like 30-40 minutes tops, once you're in a rhythm it goes by quickly
Vaan isn't as annoying as I remember
True. He's even more annoying.
he isn't as annoying but I'm just at the very beginning of the game

also Penelo's face looks weird
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He just needs to put a fucking shirt on.
>Penelo's face looks weird
you're staring at the wrong cheeks friend.
>Oh woe is me, you orphan! Fuck you, Cecil
>Where are Cecil's parents? And who is to say he does not live a harder life, knowing both him and his brother succumb to the dark side?
World Destroyer is garbage and not worth the trouble.
It's no trouble if you have Freyvia

back to jp with you
Fuck off faggot, the robot is near impossible with fucking Tilith
t. manlet
Just borrow a Tilith from a friend then cuckold.
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You already posted that.
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>tfw you miss a chance.
>waterlord did nothing wrong cause multiple personality disorder
Yeah no, you dont get to be the side of virtue cause you have the mentality ill fight your wars. This is bravely default all over again where they try to redeem all the waifu bosses by making them have tea parties.
>Just pulled Tidus from my daily pull
Help, I think I just used up all of my luck for 2B's banner.
We would like to thank the FFBE communities on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Naver and other platforms for your overwhelming love and support! As a token of our gratitude, enjoy a 3-day treat which includes advance tokens, trust moogle and rare summon ticket!

Login daily to receive the gifts below:

7/24 1:00 - 7/25 0:59 PDT Giveaway: 3x Advance Token
7/25 1:00 - 7/26 0:59 PDT Giveaway: 1 Trust Moogle [1% All]
7/26 1:00 - 7/27 0:59 PDT Giveaway: 1x Rare Summon Ticket
>other platforms
thats us right?
>1 1% moogle
>1 ticket
Wow, how generous
>Current FF game you're playing
>Previous FF games you've played
>Current non-FF games you're playing

>3 advance tokens that I'll never use
>1% moogle
>a free single 3* pull of random choice

I wish they'd just give us 30/50/60 energy in the mail like last year, at least I can sit on those for the next jewking event.
>>Current FF game you're playing
>>Previous FF games you've played
>>Current non-FF games you're playing
Fate Grand Order
"H" you get memu banned ?
I wish you got banned from life "Y"
>Current FF game you're playing
>Previous FF games you've played
All of them, all versions except XI, XIV and FFTA/TA2
>Current non-FF games you're playing
3rd Birthday
Doubt it. I use memu just fine. It's probably a facebook ban you got.
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>>Current FF game you're playing
Can you count my abandoned runs of V and IX? I have bad video game ADD
>>Previous FF games you've played
All of them except the MMOs, 13, and 15
>>Current non-FF games you're playing
Nier: Automata. Just got Ending B
In case you meant last game I played, that'd be FFII PSP.
Sorry. By "previous" I mean the last one you played.
No I just don't care enough about FGO to do daily logins, I'm interested in the story but have been too busy playing actual video games instead of mobage
FFBE, FFRK, Mobius
Gravity Rush 2
last one I played was XV though I never finished it
Persona Q

Ah cool nvm then
had a beserker question
Most recently replayed was FFT
Currently playing SMT1 on PS1, I like only playing one JRPG at a time.
>previous FF games
>FF games
>games (plural)
>Sorry. By "previous" I mean the last one you played.
What did he mean by this?
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>Current FF game you're playing
RK, Mobius, XII TZA, Type-0
>Previous FF games you've played
>Current non-FF games you're playing
Splatoon 2, KHUX
Playing 2+ games at the same time, like most mobage players here?
>previous FF games
>FF games
>games (plural)
>Sorry. By "previous" I mean the last one you played.
>What did he mean by this?
>Playing 2+ games at the same time, like most mobage players here?
What did he mean by this?
Where's the punchline, Buckley?
I was asleep sorry, but I used rikku's lb to keep Bartz up.

The cycle was like this:
>Rikku uses her LB, Lilly dies.
>Bartz uses lifegiver on Lilly, Lilly dies.
>WoL uses Brave Presence, WoL dies.
Between Rikku and Bartz, you should have AMPLE time to get her at full LB to start again in those 3 turns.
I built him DW mogspear to make this even more certain.
So yeah, this setup gives you an extra turn over the usual wol-dps strategy, which makes clutch situations basically nonexistent.
If you get LB up sooner, you can even use him as a full MP restore too for when Tilith doesn't cut it.
How many 5* motes are we supposed to have by now? I have 195 dex, 123 brave, 93 vit and 25 spirit. I know I missed a fight or two when they first added them but I haven't missed any since besides not doing this X torment yet which will give 90 vit
>no MP A+
>only 2 bonus battles
>no FT
>only 3 characters for a realm that's not coming back in like 7 months and is barely even in DUs
garbage boring event
they shoulda put Rebirth dungeons out now so there'd be SOMETHING to do
I dunno, try figuring it out with this reddit thing.


I hate it too, but people have been complaining about missing the crossover events when there is even less to do during those.
tfw you take your tmr team into arena and lose your streak
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>not having your arena team set
I have learned my lesson
you're so fucking stupid Yams
I hope you're not one of those people who's rank >100 with a BiS Fryevia/Orlandu/Aileen/Tidus and still doesn't know how to set a companion character.
They fucked up, there's 2 noctis in that pic.
I'm rank 40 with a reberta whose only tmr is a dual wield so no
One is JPnoct.

This is pretty cool gonna make it my home screen
there are multiples of a few characters.
there are two hopes playing catch in the corner.
i think refia has the most clones
There's lots of dupes
>mentions reddit
>doesn't mention 4chan
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I'd give you a more proper congrats if I wasn't stuck at work with my shitty phoneposting for 4 more hours, but grats, dude. I'm happy my firelandu is coming in handy for people's robot clears. I'll leave him fire for now
Do Attacks like Quick Hit from Tidus factor in weapon/ability/TMR procs PER hit or just as 1 attack as a whole?
I'm assuming you mean like status moves?
They proc per hand for non-barrage skills, so twice at most.
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i'm going to marry lunie!
i'm going to marry iris!
You can shoot but I'm honestly not that knowledgeable on it
I guess dual wield mog spear would help. When I did my run after 8 turns of wailing on the body I only had half a bar of limit for Rikku. So I'm just skeptical of people's claims that they're spamming it
"Help" is an understatement.
With Bartholomew on full LB duty 3 out of every 4 turns, it's straight up impossible to go without her LB at all times. Seriously, half the time they were both at full bars in the middle of the cycle.

The fact that he can reraise one unit each cycle while healing their MP is just a bonus. He comes back at 80% hp afterward too, so it's a free action.
I can't shill him hard enough.
I really want to pull for Deuce's BSB

talk me out of it
I don't get why there are like 4 or 5 Cecils yet there is only one WoL with a good number of units not even in the picture.

Go for it sending you some meme magic !
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Has anyone jammed through their Expedition Relics to get this badboy yet?
im at 2
Best wishes for you pull
hope you have a good value
literally impossible to craft it now. try again in 2 months
I'm close to I. I'd have it by now if I didn't run out of gil 2 weeks ago and couldn't afford expeditions.
tb h I forgot about it a few days after it came out, probably should start again but it feels like a chore
>I'm close to it
no you aren't
nice reading comprehension you ape
>So it begins, the Excaliburs and Holidays for everyone
nice suck my cock dude
The problem is, not even whales can rock that yet.
All lapis does is ensure you're efficient if you're unlucky, so it's just a slight increase.

The best of them are still only at III now, if that.
girls DO NOT have penises
Never underestimate the power of flexing one's epeen, some guy spent 90K lapis on a legitimate Ring of Dominion
Retard. It's literally impossible to have enough relics for Adventurer V at this point regardless of how much money you spend.
it's been pretty good to me
it's given me a lot of giancrysts, stamina pots, and sacred/holy crystals.
i might as well do something wth all that gold.
You can't spend lapis to get more relics beyond what is optimal.
Lapis only refreshes the list.
>Finished my onion knight tmr
>Chaining them is almost just as strong as using an elemental weakness
I wish I had a second onion knight so I could kit them for elemental chaining.
Based idiot
suck my cock dude
Breaks are useless, and cover will mever proc in the fight, because all attacks are considered magic attacks, despite dealing physical or hybrid damage.
When are we getting the expeditions for the Siren and Ifrit 3* awakening items?
Despite what you might think, this doesn't make you look better
>Running out of Gil
someone missed the great raid coin sale
Despite what you might think you're a faggot
Based tardlard.
People did the math, turns out pulling was a way better way to get gil than just selling the coins, even ignoring all the FP shenanigans you could do.
we talking about the same raid here?
It's possible for whales to have it at this point if they got lucky but the odds are low, but low odds mean nothing to whales with all the 5* bases they have. It's highly unlikely but not impossible.
It's a scene that apparently also counts for the many friend units list, and the randoms that come behind (like the scene with Rosa sniping a shadow on the far left).
Let's see, the daily optimum is like 21.6 per slot for 3h B-missions, and Expeditions have been available for 32 days or so, so the theoretical average maximum is about 2765, which is enough for IV.

You'd need 1370 or so advance tokens for V. I don't think their droprate is sufficient.
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I just figured out why certain moveset vids wouldnt upload....apparently you cant put "&" in the title.....what fucking bullshit, but at least its solved now.
you could at least link to the vids
you know
Why does Jotaro look 50
>tfw you forget to link them too
im not done uploading them all yet...i finished recording the last of them and am now in the process of getting them up, i will also organize them into playlist for each character.
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Anon, how about not uploading the same video twice?
>dat shilling in each video post description
anon was right
Why? What's wrong with it?
sug my gog duuuuuude :DDDD
Thank god!
Could you also do a playlist for each weapon instead?
I've pretty much already watched your unnarmed, archery, greatsword, and staff ones. But it's incredibly annoying having to click on the video to watch it and then press back to go back to the channel and press more to choone one of the videos I haven't watched.
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well....thats weird. Oh and also the fucking description...i cant alter it at all, thats how its permanently is. I can only add to it, here is the screen shot of the tags on it. See, cant change those at all.
Yeah sure
>Current FF game you're playing
>Previous FF games you've played
FFXII - dat fran
>Current non-FF games you're playing
stardew valley
>about to enter void without even getting to autosage
>Current FF game you're playing
>Previous FF games you've played
>Current non-FF games you're playing
should I be tm farming for farming the story even for giancryst? I do need some for my Mercedes
Lazy Sunday
Is Type-0 a good game? Should I get the PC version?
So I unlocked the second classes for zodiac age and need some guidence (first play through)

Right now the team is

Vaan: bushi
Baltheir: breaker
Basch: knight
Ashe: black mage
Penelo: white mage
Fran: uhlan

I was thinking about making vaan a knight/bushi because I heard thats a really strong combo, only issue with this is then I havw two knights and Im not sure if this is redundant or not

Any ideas on what I should do? Maybe bushi/shikari for vaan? Also what are some good pics for the other characters?
yeah maybe
Suck my cock dude
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>try to play with friends
>they win constantly
>they try to not make me feel bad and joke around
>still feel like i hate them more and more
i hate this
shut up cuck
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yeah it's a great game. definitely worth paying for.
No, there literally hasn't been enough time, even with 300 relics a week (more than you can get optimally even running nothing but 3 hour B missions).
We're still months away from even the most autistic people getting it.
dumb frogposter
Yeah, the turtle rate was enough to surpass the coin value by a wide gap on average, and the fact that you could sell moogles and mats pushed it even further ahead.
Plus the cactuars could be fused to FP units to make bank.

The raid sucked, but it wasn't bad enough for that.
57 normal tickets, 2 4*+ tickets, 20k lapis. I don't know if EX tickets will work for the limited units but I still have the 11 free ones. Oh, and the 10+1 ticket coming in five days from now. It's looking like the odds are, including two weeks of daily pulls, 58.2% if I went all in for 2B, which to me feels like pretty much zero (I have never gotten a banner unit from a rainbow crystal). At least it's a 99.9% chance of 9S though.
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>finally overcame Orthos' stupid RNG bullshit
>Rod Mastery on Ashe

Now we're cooking with gas.
All I need is a L&A now. It's already on 41%.
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You know you can just download the fantranslated version and use PPSSPP to play it at your monitor's highest resolution, right?
This screenshot is just shit because my monitor isn't good at all but you lose nothing by trying it yourself.
Ashe can master my rod any time
>DW on a mage

Am I missing something ?
>mages monograph
>not sages prajna
>building ashe for mag
Anon don't be silly, she's not supposed to do serious damage (unless you're DC thundaja memeing).
Build her for sustainability, because any time you bring her you already resign to the fact that the fight will take 6 hours.
Common sense.
Maybe for Trials. But then again I don't really use her for Trials. And I like dealing big dick damage in normal content.
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I kind of missed that in that event. It's... in progress.
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>been finally clearing, this weekend, the remaining nightmare bosses I had left
>couldn't master Kaiser Dragon, but whatevs, fuck him
>get to this


I have neither Rydia's nor Alph's BSBs... Am I going to make it, /ffg/?
Bravely Second
FF 4 Heroes of Light
Gravity Rush 2
I got a Cecil too. I think it's like my 8th one. Still don't have an Excalibur or a need for one lol.
Get Leviathan to R2-3
It's at R2 and I don't have any more summon orbs, sadly.
get more
Don't finish Papa. You will be shitting out Shantotto TMRs in the next raid event.
I did it with my only damage being alph BSB RW, make sure you have atleast 3 sources of stacking faithga
>play ffBE story
>get to blue roper in olderion
>keep dying
>Leveling a character in thee Sunday Fundaily
>Luneth's exp RM
>Never procs
>get to lv 98 and 200k exp till next level
>debate whether to do one more or egg her up
>do one more
>exp rm pops
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I did it with almost no summon hones or native Summon BSB as well and it went surprisingly well, my main damage dealer was an R2 Bahamut and it never ran out until the end of the fight, at the end I just busted the RW alphinaud BSB
There is a very in depth guide in gamefaqs that tell you how to get the barriers down and get easy ethers for making sure your abilities never run out.
just google valigarmanda nightmare and it should be the first result
pic related is part of it
Your fault.
Even with only 200k, you would have wasted 40k xp.
>there are people right now who don't have Minfilia with 2 Protection of the Twelve
im talking about the Ifrit raid
What's everyone doing?
I pulled hard in the rikku banner
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>he's scared to fight aigaion
It stacks?
>blue roper
>he doesn't abuse paralyze
uninstall exvius you will never clear trials
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fuck forgot my image
Whats so funny manlet?
Does the raid drop moogless for Shantotto's TMR? I have 8 on the bench and was considering farming a few.
Had no idea paralyze worked on bosses, got any tips on good units that have paralyze? I'm just starting out
Have you ever played a final fantasy game before?
Most of the samurai (Kain, Chizuru) have a skill, and you can also get it from Odin (esper).
there's only one relic I haven't mastered yet, and it's some shitty Edge relic. Though thanks for reminding me that it's still Funday, time to go waste some stamina levelling up some people
Reminder to BE players, especially new ones, now is a good time to get a bit of extra lapis from the vortex of desires if you're like me and have ignored some of the more useless chambers until now. Just cleared out chamber of riches and creation.
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i've been pulling a lot of hopes.
is the nue good for anything or should i just disregard it until i pull enough hopes to get it that way?
Is this your first FF or what? Use Libra/Analyze you mongoloid; or you can, you know, use online resources for the bestiary entry.

is this same guy?

no it's not my final fantasy, usually the games are easy enough to not resort to such tactics
Mastered the Sentinel Grimoire I got from the 11/11, egged Tyro from 65 to 99. As for the funday dungeon, I brought old man Cyan along to babysit Luneth (need his exp RM) and Penelo (gotta level her now that I have her BSB & USB). I think I'll try the Neo Bahamut nightmare later.
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You can really never have enough DWs.
Oh fuck, thanks man, I wasn't even thinking about this. Every little bit towards getting my Assdroid waifu
so many characters start getting it or their own version innately that you can probably be fine with just five.
>wol doesn't need it
>tilith doesn't need it
>rikku doesn't need it
>my finisher is luneth, he has it innate
>Aileen gets genji gloves until I get the robot fist
I'm not even using my actual DW right now.
No problem friend, good luck pulling her.
>folding weapons
who thought this was a good idea?
maybe four since i think that ix event had it in the king mog shop.
Then you're even more retarded to sell.
I've got 2 ashes, should I try to get DW for them? Was thinking about using her heaven's fury to chain with each other
>rikku doesn't need it
Aigaion/override is objectively her BiS.
WoL needs it whenever breaks are partially resistant, which hopefully never happens again.

But yeah, I don't even use my second genji glove sometimes, let alone DW.
Yes, you'll want her magic as high as possible.
Heaven's fury doesnt get dualcasted from dual wield so all you get from it is more stats
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Yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTs4Z8QeYcw
If you want to minmax I think Genji Glove may be better for her because there are more useful materias than accessories. But it depends on how you want to build her.
I like that comic just for Nick
So the EX tickets and EX 4* tickets function the same way as the regular ones, except they don't include the bonus draw rates on the current banner?

seems there's no "smart" way to use them if that's the case? you're just pulling blindly
six just to be safe
The longer you wait, the less likely you are to pull Lightning. That's about it
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Oh shit I meant 376, 910, 258
and Gideon
Is it H?
Good enough for me. Most of the 5* bases I want aren't even in global yet, so for now I'll sit on 'em.
It is and he's trolling you because it's a gay spitroast.
>implying that's not the best part
Someone join my Golem Normal raid and carry my onegai.
Alright but I'm leaving before it ends to save stamina, just keep hitting the omega drive button
Ok ill try. Bring a healer if you have one, with shellga and curaise.
Aren't all of Golem's attacks physical?
Golem is physical only
Yeah sorry I was thinking of sphereimprh, Protectga would be better
Ok thanks anons
Did you just need normal, or what? Only FFX raids go away today.
Remember when we could do carries of sub-level 50 in Apocalypse raids months ago? I kinda miss the attempts at that
The only dual wield unit I've been able to pull is Camille. Her TMR is still going to be the biggest dps boost I can get to my Fryevia right? I already have needle but that's my only trust.
So should I shove my moogles into Camille for DW or Ingus for my first L&A?
Just normal to try something out.
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>have to constantly S/L in Valigarmanda because, if Selphie's BSB doesn't trigger first, and I don't use my strongest summons, then I get Tri-Disaster'd

FUCK this boss.
Save them for real dual wield. Camille's sword will hurt you in the long run
Is that what you have native? Post setup
when are they announcing the next event? I have too many units to level
they still do that if you're in the secret discord club
That shit was put to a stop as far back as FFII Black Knights, though
>dis nigga trying to start shit again
here are my jobs so far

Vaan: Uhlan
Penelo: White Mage
Balthier: Shikari
Fran: Machinist

I'm planning on making Ashe a Red Mage and Basch a Foebreaker or Knight
It's true though.
Prove it.
How could there be carrying in the sekrit club if there's no one in need of carrying in it?
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Sadly, this is as best I could do when it comes to summoners. Gonna try a couple more times, and then say fuck it for now until I get better summoning shit.
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>Not going full Monk/Support and killing everything with fists/ magic only
step up kid
Well it's secret so I can't. But we did make a new discord for RK because we didn't want you retards shitting up our raids. Some idiots would join with BM/WM level 1 chars and try to ruin our raids so we make them under a new ID.
It's just this guy>>183569452 again, probably just some BEtard bored on a Sunday afternoon.
BE is the BEst
Don't you ever talk shit about it again
This is why I hope BE never gets raids. Just creates new circlejerks.
>This is why I hope BE never gets raids
Retarded RKuck
where's your free Bahamut
where's your 5* anything
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>FF12 remake
>Can run around stages without wasting time x4 speed
>Walk into area that's overpowered for your current stage and wiped out but can back out thanks to auto-save
>Trial mode to fight for fun and get free LP and items thanks to save and and continue from any point thanks to auto-save again

Why is this game so good bruhs? so many angry retards on gayfaqs trying to claim the game is broken and wish a single player game would get nerfed and features removed

>Can workout and enjoy the game more if I don't have enough time for games

I'm so glad I never got to finish this in PS2 due to my brother wasting his time on it nonstop
Alright I'll just macro farm it the slow way and save my moogles for Nier/Veritas pulls then. Thanks.
Whom are you quoting?
read the post dumbass
>where's your free Bahamut
That's... actually a good question. I don't know why I brought lightning stuff when I don't need it this time.

>where's your 5* anything

I only have Bahamut at R2 and Tiamat at R1, I fear there's not much they can do.
Womb am I quoting?
Uh yeah, there definitely needs to be more focus into team composition. Have FAQs and guides not been helpful to you whatsoever?
How are native 5* summoners fairing? Even if they don't have soul breaks, you still need as much help as you can get from those who get nightmare synergy over those with SBs but no synergy.
Hones are a bit of an issue too, even with opting for Alphinaud BSB cheese for Vali. 3* summons (Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh) should be rank 5, or 4 at the very least. You can't say shit about rank 1 5* summons when you have Phoenix there also at rank 1.
>Bahamut at R2
That is enough for Valigarmanda, trust me
What was this post even about?
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Man this is some hot fresh bait
You need to back
Depends on how well they can hit through to activate the damn glutturns spawning if needing to get ethers and/or Alph BSB ran out. That entire setup is a bit confused, honestly.
>Just creates new circlejerks.
I will never understand this fear of people becoming friends that this general has. We all suffer these gacha together
There is that gamefaqs guide that tells you the exact timing for activating the gluttons every time, it was a godsend to me
>How are native 5* summoners fairing?
Only other summoner relatively close to usable is Yuna, at 70.

>Hones are a bit of an issue too, even with opting for Alphinaud BSB cheese for Vali. 3* summons (Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh) should be rank 5, or 4 at the very least.
I ran out of summon orbs.

> You can't say shit about rank 1 5* summons when you have Phoenix there also at rank 1.
Lack of foresight. I made Phoenix,
and then realized I had no more for honing it.

Let's hope so.

Aerith, Tyrone, and Seymour are there because summoners, Vanille is the healer, and Selphie's there for faithga on her BSB, not much I can say.
Is Garnet's LB worth leveling to make more use of Bahamut when she gets her 6*?
Why is this fire horse in the middle of Rabanastre's sewers? I mean I understand the Flan because it's Rabanasty, but a fire horse?
Are the 11$ and 25$ bundles worth it? It honestly seems like you're just paying 25 bucks for an 11 pull, the ATK materia is pointless unless you're a newfag or have never TM farmed quick assaults, the NRG bottles and moogle are pointless shit you get naturally anyway. Doesn't seem worth it?
yeah, maybe
Because Vayne did everything wrong
It isn't.
Welp, did some more retries, and no dice.

Guess I'll just wait some months for the summon boost, before I can finally complete that last nightmare; and gather some better summoners and summon orbs in the meanwhile. Fuck me.
>33000 Lapis and I wasted my luck getting a 5* from my daily pulls
I hope it was at least something useful anon
Stealth double tiered brag post.
My luck rolling a 5* has been banked since the Orlandeau banner where I got Olive

Gonna have a lot more lapis this time around though
Another attack+30 is nice to have so you can run good finishers during raids
>LITERALLY citing gambler's fallacy
Holy shit dude wtf
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>implying Gacha games don't secretly keep track of your SSR pulls and skews things over time
Does anybody have an android macro for farming the last tier of gil snapper's cave?
>not even multiplayer
make it yourself you lazy fuck
They're all fighting together, individually :^)
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I really like Queen's attack animation. I wish she was better.
why would you even need to farm it?
Seymour U+ and Apoc + rooms going up, if anyone wants to join.
Her face when you ask her how old she is.
How's life as a conspiracy theorist?
>use bio blaster
Man, some of these old story missions had some weirdly specific requirements.
I can bring stop-Arc, but gimme a minute to set it up outside the room.
because I have nothing else to use my nrg on right now and having gil is never a bad thing
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Pretty good, thanks. Rough weather to be wearing a tinfoil hat though. Always makes my head sweat.
sounds good
I wanna fuck Fran
any anons want a ramza friend? i got 3 slots open
Sure, what's your code?
what game?
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Teenage is thinking Fran is best girl.
Adult is knowing that it's Ashe.
Why use ramza?
Also realistically Gacha games should be treated the same as casino games. It's actually really easy to skew odds ever-so-slightly over time so that it's impossible to detect unless there's a large and concentrated amount of data collected.

For example it would be possible to say, detect whether or not someone is a whale and drop rates down to 0.9% instead of 1%. Unless they draw a ridiculous amount and record all of their pulls it's impossible to tell what the actual rates are and even just a fraction of a percent could mean another 100-200 dollars from a dedicated player.

Now if they got caught doing this (eg a disgruntled employee told everything) they'd be in deep shit and thankfully the law in China keeps them somewhat honest. More places should adopt that ruling though.
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>not liking the one and only
shit taste pham also, 6 STAR WHEN?
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>no midriff

Let's fix that.
because my luck is too shit to get the meta and i love FFT too much
enough people roll and collaborate rolls so when something's off whales can tell. Thats what's happened before two major times. once in granblue once in soccer spirits. Japanese whales check this shit constantly.
Swapping ok for Minifilia in A+ since Rikku has the atkmaghaste covered. Keep forgetting it has the atk buff too.
Thanks, sent.
I was 7 when I played XII and I always thought Penelo was the best.
Was I the only one having massive delays during that run?
>there are 18 year olds in this general

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tfw old.gif
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I was 19 when FFXII came out
>Aquapolis is still broken
Gumi you lazy jews I want my damn moogle.
host here, didnt have any problems. happy to let someone else host A+ though, since there isn't a stamina difference. Otherwise, the room is up now.
get cucked
anytime, 1 more slot open if anyones interested
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>having patrician's taste at age 7
I was 17, I feel ya.
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where do you think all the shitposts come from senpai
>30 year old grandpas
>in my general
I didn't know they let you use the internet at the retirement home
what year did ff12 come out?
It's as old as Fran is.
>it ain't me starts playing
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Now that was a good run

Why would selena gomez start playing? is she going to be featured in BE too?
Thanks senpai; off to do the Apoc+ solo Seymour and JumpStarts.
I played the first Final Fantasy the year of it's release, I think. I have the Nintendo Power strategy guide for it around here somewhere.

These are NOT something you want to try at the last minute.
Don't falseflag me.
The Jumpstarts at least always come back whenever there's a same realm event, but the next X event is in, like, 16-17 events, so it'll be a while.
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I was mad as fuck that relatives of mine had the FF instruction booklet, but not the game. Poorfag at the time, so no NES of my own either. Had to autistically pine over the adventure from reading the booklet before getting a chance to play any FF. Which ended up being FFMQ a few years later
So what espers are you meant to level? I've been pumping up ifrit and golem so far.
Aw, that's cute. Now you can play all the FF games you'd like!
What do you think 4chan is? This is the millennial shitposting graveyard
Yeah, I think I totally wrecked the guide after going over it so much. I think I rented the game first, but since I was small enough that I had no sense, I thought the game was over when I went over the first bridge and the credits ran. Don't remember if I got a lot further. I actually didn't rent and finish the game until I was a year or two older.
>lid and fina hug at the end of the most recent chapter

Cute. Now kiss.
MQ had some good music
Odin, Golem, Ifrit, and Diablos are fine. Carbuncle, Titan and Lakshimi have situational uses on specific setups and Ramuh is considered the best for offensive magic but that in and of itself is situational. Everything else is pretty meh and not worth leveling over the others. No clue about the JP ones yet other than Bahamut will devour your magicite stores and you should let it.
tell me how to beat the first demonwall in 12
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>not worth leveling
Hit it until it dies.
Hit it until it dies.
Hit it until it dies.
Can you read, my retarded friend?
Assault it until its life ceases to be.
I heard about bahamut and have been doing light grinding on garnet for it. That's a good idea and not a waste of time right?
>upcoming ff8 banner in rk
>six (6) diferent relics with non synergy elemental bonus for various elements
fuck I really want that Raijin SSB for Lightning+
In jp everyone has level two summons maxed. chocobo explorations give tier three magicite. you need like 600+ for tier three ifirit.
The difference between her base LB and her maxed out LB is just 4 less crystals. It's not worthwhile, just put High Tide on her or whatever.
>tfw cant' survive Dark Fina's meteor
>No clue about the JP ones yet other than Bahamut will devour your magicite stores and you should let it.
Bahamut isn't that hard to max, though it's rather annoying to get in the first place.

3* espers are the real magicite destroyer.
Totally. Bahamut and Garnet have such synergy together that if you have a Garnet there's no reason not to put some levels into her. If you have the extra crysts you could do her EVO Magic Enhancements since they're cheap and that's the main reason you'd use her.

Wasn't sure about the Tier 3 ones, heard they had some really good skills but that's Bahamut level upgrading. I meant more for the rest of the summons like Fenrir and Leviathan but that's fine too.
Use Manufactured Nethicite lmao
Cast reflect
But he did nothing wrong, anon; what do you think that he did wrong?
yeah, I was kinda nervous since I couldn't refresh hyper mighty g, I was trying to save dances since I thought it was gonna be a long fight and the atk/mag boost wore off
Agreed, its boss theme is still one of my all time favorites.
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>Wasn't sure about the Tier 3 ones, heard they had some really good skills
Siren 3* becomes a better statstick than Bahamut with both stat +20% upgrades.

And mine's only level 30 so far.
So is Bunny Agnes any good, for a free unit anyway?
I know Im asking for alot, but is there a site that has different "builds" for Mobius jobs?

I pulled Ace Striker that can run Warrior & Mage cards and Im thinking about giving him Fafnir (Blizzard) for the added Break Exploiter because it's stacking all the exploit weakness with cards+jobs
Sure. She's a bad bard unfortunately but if you need one she has a purpose. default>brave is a trap skill for her though. it's only good with tiz and sometimes with normal agnes. Though normal agnes is pretty much a slightly weaker ayaka so that's unnecessary.
Does Seymour Omnis have a scripted dispel, or did I just fuck up at counting rotations?
Her TMR is fantastic given how few items we have that give both MAG and HP. Gonna farm it and throw it on my Sakura for sure.

The unit herself is a serviceable poverty buffer. If you have Lunera, Ramza or Roy you won't have any use for her. But if you're new and lacking buffs she' can definitely find a slot in your party.
Number of hits or something along those lines.
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>I thought the game was over when I went over the first bridge and the credits ran.
it's you attacking him 5 times, not him attacking 5 times
When does the DW TMR appear in the Relic Draw? I don't feel like grinding for it.
Not that I know of.
Have you unlocked the damage limit break on your blizzard? Because if you haven't, all the exploits will go to waste.
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So, are you excited for BE news for what's up next?
It's about time for another raid. Nier or XI for sure.
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Of course. We're going to learn if NieR is next week or next month.
I want all the traumatized robots!
Part of me wants NieR first so I can get the Assdroids, but another part of me wants XI knowing I won;t have to dump resources for limited lapis summons
I really don't give a shit.
2B sure has some nice tidders.
When did we get nier refugees?
A2 is such a hottie
Shut the fuck up
would you 2B 2B's?
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Fuck you, avatar fag
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>dont forget to spend on my banner so you can get me anon-kun~
Recipes are actually the dumbest shit. Worst than TMR grinding.
RK has TMR?
Make me, bitch.
The only crafted item worse than TMRs is the Ring of Dominion.
For the love of god, don't try to make the Ring of Dominion.
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*teleports behind you*
Pshh, nothin personnel, kid
*unsheaths katana*
*cuts u in half*
what do you need for that?
For exp dungeon optimization, what skills do you use to stone your characters? I saw break but it's only a small chance to succeed?
To make a 1% chance drop occur 9 times, consuming various megacrysts each time.
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those stats though
>lets take Ramza and turn him into a chick
Same here, I've got 20k lapis ready since I had to go all in for TGC when his banner came.

Hopefully I'll get 'em.
You hit the softcap with one though probably. You can only get a maximum of +300% to a stat.

4 masteries gives you +200% and most units have at least +50% innately
Anon, you make it sound so easy.
Nier:Automata, Kingdom Hearts II, Devil May Cry 1
Even worse as the 2% number was an optimistic guess, and it's pretty certain to be lower now.
In other words, double it.
say it isnt so well i shouldnt worry too much since its probably difficult to reach that cap anyway
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/ffg/, could you please go into detail about what Basch is wearing

>Implying Ring of Domination isn't an injection trap
There's actually one guy from leddit who crafted that shit. He spent like 90k lapis doing refill 24/ non-stop for almost one whole week
5 belts
leather vest with upside down collar
knee-high sandals
half a blouse
Vest with belts
ripped cloth is attached to it
another belt.
shorts with metal pads
legging sandal combo
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Dissidia Ramza.png
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Please refer to HIM ans a HE.
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>tfw completed all record/legend spheres
Can you imagine all the time it takes to put all that shit on in the morning?
I mean his name is basically ranma anyway
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>Free-to-Play mobile games are the current state of Final Fantasy
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What exactly do you think there is left to discuss in a series that is THIRTY YEARS OLD?
Do you want me to tell you about Jenova again?
Do you need me to explain FFVIII's timeline again?
Should I cover the relationship between Yu Yevon, Sin, Dream Zanarkand, and Tidus again?
Do we want to argue whether Bravely Default, Secret of Mana, or Chrono Trigger are honorary Final Fantasy games again?
We've done it all. Over and over and over. So many times. It's like living in a time loop.
The other one looks better.
Explain XIII's story
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Here's a new one: Who is the Tom Servo of Final Fantasy?
Not him but I can do this if you'd like. It'll be long and complicated.
I'd rather we be slow as fuck with nothing to talk about than posting mobage bullshit. If /mmg/ can still discuss things about a 30-year-old series that's been dead for 10, we can discuss real FF games.
Go ahead
do it
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You wont
you should do that instead of complaining senpai
Isn't it just Demigods curse mortals to do their bidding since they are bound by their own limitations?
>Wanting a dead general
Nah, fuck that. I've been in too many generals that have died, it's not fun.
>He posts, not even 2 weeks after the release of an HD remaster
Yes, I too, enjoy when threads end up like /bsg/ or /mkx/ (or whatever name that'll adopt when MK 11 comes around)
Yes to all of those
Kinda. There are more wrinkles though, like even the Cocoon Fal'cie wanting to destroy Cocoon.
I know! Just look at all the XII discussion we've been having!
>pretending there has been no xii discussion
It's easier to whine and bitch every day than be productive, duh.
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Good 1
Even Nier general has a mobile game attached now. It's the future of video gaming Grandpa
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I'm pretty sure their discussions is all about who is better girl and the answer is always Aile because it was scientifically proven a long time ago
Are you being retarded on purpose? We've had a bunch of it
In a time before time, the god Bhunivelze slew his mother Mwynn, and fearing that she was not truly gone, became obsessed with finding the world of the dead. He made the lesser gods/greater fal'cie Pulse to search for the land of the dead, and Lindzei to maintain the order of the world, and also a goddess called Etro, but Etro was made in Mwynn's image so Bhunivelze gave Etro no purpose. Bhunivelze then froze himself in a crystal, Pulse and Lindzei began their work, and Etro killed herself and joined the land of the dead. Lindzei made humanity from Etro's corpse, and from Valhalla, the border-realm of death and life, Etro gave humans souls.
Pulse and Lindzei made lesser fal'cie to begin a great search for the land of the dead and then left for distant reaches, humanity grew and prospered under the fal'cie. But the fal'cie missed their creators, and wanted to call them back, so they began plots to attract the attention of Pulse or Lindzei.
FFXIII is one such plot, a world of humans called Cocoon raised up to house many humans, only to be slaughtered in one grand calamity by a raging l'cie (Ragnarok), though ultimately the one who is attracted back to the world was Etro, not Pulse or Lindzei.
I thought Etro appeared because of Etro's Gate?
While we're at it, can someone remind me of Gabranth's motivations? Why did he serve Archadia when his homeland was taken? Was it really just a broken spirit, despite rising up to power and then continuing being their lapdog?
If Etro was already dead then why and how did Caius kill her again in 13-2?
Etro's Gate was opened because of so many dying humans though.
In the most technical sense, Valhalla is a border between life and death, and so Etro was only lingering between the living and the dead. Caius pushed her all the way over.
Fuck everything, I fell asleep before clearing A+ Seymour.

Anyone up for it? Bringing OK and Raines.
wasn't there some Unseen Realm shit, like Etro didn't actually die but just slipped into a parallel dimension
wait is Marquis Ondore just Lando Calrissian
So then how did she join the land of the dead if she wasn't really dead? how can she kill herself and not die?
If Etros supposedly has no powers of her own then how come she dictates the flow of time?
>OK and Raines
Hello plebbit
2/4 for the A+, we still need Wall, another healer and breaks
Well, 15 minutes to find a team I guess.
She gained powers after her death because the greater gods took pity on her. It's a long fucking story. Three games worth, in fact.
too bad it's shit.
Do I open to pubs as a last ditch effort?
That's Valhalla. The three realms are Real World (Bhunivelze)/Valhalla (Etro/formerly Mwynn)/Land of the Dead (currently Mwynn)
Because in killing herself she only went halfway dead into Valhalla. In Valhalla she found Mwynn, who wasn't totally dead either, but gave Etro her powers and then died for real.
I'll join. But don't feel too bad, it's just yellow motes.
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>free rabbit agnes
>made Etro for no reason
>she killed herself but was still alive
>while dead and even tho she was made with no powers she gave souls to humans
Actually memes and jokes aside the XIII games have some of the more unique storylines of any FF series or even games in general. They're just delivered exceptionally poorly.

The trilogy is a great case study on how an interesting premise can be utterly ruined by pacing.
>tfw never coming to GL
Agnes's hips don't lie!
>Gabranth's motivations?
Hatred, Anon.
We've been through this before.
that depends on if fairy's effect gets localized.
or if another game comes out
speak for yourself loser
New thread where
How is that game doing, anyway? I tried it out earlier but I wasn't impressed.
>that depends on if fairy's effect gets localized.
it isn't
Can anyone explain to me why the only canon gay MC got a harem
Meter was building slowly there, sorry
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While we are having this plot discussion someone tell me something
Why the fuck did Sin attack dream Zanarkand at the beginning when it is supposed to be it's protector in a way and why does Yunalesca teach people how to beat Sin if she is the daughter of Yevon who created Sin?
I think he's trying to toss out the "Bartz is gay" meme again.
It was confirmed in Dissidia that Bartz wants to fuck monkey fuccbois. how is he not gay?
not yet, thats what im theorcrafting what deck to build before leveling it up to unlock all the abilities.

but isnt just using the Shiva Sicarius card just beat Blizzard or anything else?
Jecht wanted to see Tidus again. Yes really.
>Why the fuck did Sin attack dream Zanarkand at the beginning
Sin isn't actually supposed to arrive at Zanarkand, but Jecht was still able to overpower its natural impulses at that point. However, its natural impulses still commanded Jecht to destroy advanced machina, which Zanarkand is loaded with, so he had to.
>and why does Yunalesca teach people how to beat Sin if she is the daughter of Yevon who created Sin?
To give the people of Spira the lie called hope.
God damn, more stops missed there than any raid I've used Arc in this week.
Don't forget you can still use them to min-max expedition units.
How do you explain the hearts when he sees Faris in the Princess dress after defeating Exdeath
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How come Yuna didn't send Seymour back on Mount Gagazet?
thingken of zidane
Thanks for the literal last second fungahhh bros
or when he and galuf see faris in a sarashi in the ship

>but isnt just using the Shiva Sicarius card just beat Blizzard or anything else?
If you can reake that sentence in a way that I can understand I will answer it.
He attacked her 2fast and then fell off the mountainside when defeated so she couldn't send him after.
Doesn't he also have hearts above him when he sees her in bed when he still thinks she's a guy?
>Jecht wanted to see Tidus again
I'm willing to accept that

>To give the people of Spira the lie called hope
Why would she do that?
New thread??????
>Why would she do that?
Because Sin was crushing the people of Spira's will to live, and everyone would start committing suicide if things continued as they were.
>Why would she do that?

If there wasn't a convenient way to subdue Sin, they might rise up and find another method like Tidus did, one that'd end Yu Yevon's existence.

She's essentially peddling a false cure so people don't discover the real one.

Also, reCaptcha really sucks today.
Yevon lost control of Sin and if I recall correctly Yunalesca's unsent believed it was impossible to defeat it, but she didn't want to tell Spira that so she came up with the next best solution.

That's because he found out at that time.
Not to mention Galuf reacts the same way in that scene.

reCAPTCHA is being retarded while using a 4chan extension, but seems to work ok with it turned off (unfortunately).

That's how I felt earlier in the week, except going through a few losses with the same bullshit back-to-back. Our team comp was pretty good here on the first shot, thankfully.
>It was confirmed in Dissidia that Bartz wants to fuck monkey fuccbois.

I've played the first two Dissidia's and never saw anything like that. Post the scene that you think "confirms" this.
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