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/lozg/ - The Legend of Zelda General

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Thread replies: 755
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Great Molestation edition

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Infobin<
http://www.zeldadungeon.net/breath-of-the-wild-interactive-map/ (Full map)
https://mrcheeze.github.io/botw-object-map/ (Map to find NPCs and weapons)
http://imgur.com/r/zelda/QWNvr (Amiibo drops)
http://imgur.com/gallery/eMX7h (Cooking guide)

E3 2017 BotW DLC trailer:

Details on DLC and new Champion amiibo:

>Art Collection<

Breath of the Wild

Wind Waker

Twilight Princess

Skyward Sword

Previous Thread: >>181498358
So dead it's embarrassing
How long did it take everyone to beat the Trial of the Sword?
I still haven't beaten the middle trials yet.
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>thread ends up dying anyway even when I was posting at 4am to keep it alive

I'm posting more than I'm taking screenshots. Going to have to step it up.
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/lozg/ was fun while it lasted.

We'll have to start up again when the second DLC comes out.
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I haven't started it yet, but I'm debating with myself whether to start another master mode run on my Switch when I'm away from Cemu for two weeks, or whether I should continue with my 200 hours normal mode Switch profile and do the trial on that as a way of prepping me for doing it on master mode when I return.

I've heard of a few people having difficulties, but I've yet to experience just how hard it is myself. I think I'm going to be mighty pissed off if Cemu crashes while I'm near the end of set. Maybe I should just start another master mode run on my Switch, and reserve Cemu strictly for screenshot purposes. I seem to be getting more crashes as of late ever since I updated to 1.3.0 with the new DLC.
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maybe 3 or so hours, had to do almost the entire final trials twice over. I did a lot of treasure hunting beforehand
About 2 and a half hours, though I did kind of cheat by eating food with buffs before going in
I forgot to heal myself every time I went into the trials, ended up starting off with only half my hearts
But I just got here
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I don't think we're going to make it too a hundred posts this time
2, 2 and a half hours at most, Normal mode only
Started Master Quest but I don't think I want to do this, shit's crazy hard
Daily reminder that Hylia is a false god.
I know you can't register the Lord of the Mountain, but can you leave her at your house stable for example and she'll still be there?
Why would you ever think that was a possibility?
it disappears when you dismount
idk, small brain
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We'll make it, anon. We'll make it
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it's funnier to to think that's Mipha's armor she's wearing
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Holy fucking SHIT

this game does not hold up.
I found the graphics entertaining the last time I played it.
dinner plate faces
The graphics are fine, it's the framerate, gameplay, and above all CAMERA which make me want to rend out my optical cords.
Was anyone else hella disappointed with the new dlc armor sets? I love the look of both tingle and phantoms, and would chose them over shiekah/barbarian even if they were just straight up copies. You can't even upgrade these shits though, yo! All they are, as it stands, is a sexy inventory spot filler. I'm never going to use tingles over sheikahs since it lacks the stealth, and I'll never use phantoms over barbarian since it lacks the charge set bonus (also a lack of defense on both). Plus, majoras mask has absolutely nothing going for it other than looking sweet as shit, and midnas hat isn't as good as just rocking the ancient set.
It was hella fun collecting all the new armor prices, but now that i have I'm a sad panda. :(
It's neat stuff to use even if it isn't optimal. Midna's helmet works better than the base diamond circlet and is immediately available. Tingle's set is not that worthwhile compared to the dark set though, no matter how funny it is to run around as fucking Tingle and kick ass
I would have preferred if they made an effort to keep it from being memey. As it is it reminds me of those God-awful costumes in Bayonetta. I'd deliberately avoid wearing them, even if they were better than what I had.
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How would you respond to this, /lozg/?
with a shrug
He does speak.

Also by God that is a bad drawing.
Has the Master Sword gotten longer or is it just me? It seems a bit long to be a one handed weapon
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>the floating platforms are affected by the korok leaf
>talking about it out of the blue
>not over dinner
this artist is just wrong
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2nd DLC better add some way to track which recipes you've made; something like Super Paper Mario. I remember looking at the guide's food page and thinking there's no way I've made all those things, but I've no motivation to because there will be nothing in any menu proving that I did make it, and all you really need is fried wild greens. Make an NPC give you rewards for completion percentages or something.
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What's the first non-sexual thing you would do with Zelda after bringing her back to Kakariko?
Is there any way to change their elevation without popping the balloons?
Take her to see the inside of a shrine

Then the sexual things would begin
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I've been meaning to ask if anyone's saved a recipe guide. I still can't figure out stew
>taking her inside of a combat shrine to bone her
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What better place?
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come on then
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oh, thanks.
I am not very good at cooking
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I want to fug the fish
So goron spice is just an ingredient, it doesn't add a secondary effect ever?
the fish wanted to fug you too
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mipha a shit
Preach sister, preach
don't be a lowsy winner, Zelda
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Well that's good
But she couldn't
because she died.
What are the best general elixr ingredients excluding star fragments/dragon parts?
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I can fug the ghost
What are you playing it on? Go play the 3DS version.
What order did you guys do the Divine Beasts?

Trying to get the Master Sword before I tackle any of them in Master Mode
You can't, because it's passed on
Medoh, Ruta, Rudania, Naboris.
Ruta, Rudania, Naboirs, Medoh
next time it'll be Medoh, Rudania, Ruta, Naboris
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Lin-el or Lionel?
Does her helmet work better than the full anceitn set though? I haven't checked and all the other dlc items can't even be upgraded.
All they really have going for tennis that they look cool. Haven't completed bayonetta 1 or 2 so I can't speak for those games specifically. But I can imagine the point you're trying to.make and ad it stands the most "memey" of doc content in botw is majoras mask and midnas hat. I like majoras, but I won't ever use it, since it's usefulness is equivelant to the hylian hood. Which sucks for endgame.
Best order is Medoh for the sake of using Ravioli to cheat on other puzzles, Rudania because you're already north and fuck the Goron questline, Ruta for Zora armor and sweet fishfu and Naboris for the only good boss fight in the game

Also, nominating wolf link for shittiest amiibo. Don't know exactly what any other amiibo give you, but if If its even just a once a "real" day reward of items it's better than the garbage that is wolf link.
If someone knows some way to make wolf link great please enlighten me!
Leave her there.
Boe-koe-blin or Buh-cob-blin?
Mobe-lin or Mob-lin>
hinox or hinox?
Lie-nel if you're a yank. Everyone else I've heard says Lin-el.
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Marry her

Can't do sexual stuff without marriage first
I say Buh-co-blin
does that shrine's combat guardian respawn with a blood moon?
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But I can still hug the Trident while she talks to me
Her spirit has passed on and the trident has mysteriously been thrown away
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>Implying Link would let anyone touch the last memento's of his only friends
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Duration only.
Link has new friends.

He doesn't have to mourn forever over some stinky dead fish
When should I take on the Trial of the Sword in Master Mode?
When you get the sword.
I have 13 hearts and I keep dying
Lynel Richie.
S-she'll come back as a robot like Fiora, right?
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>Not wanting a ghost waifu
She'll possess Kodah for mutually beneficial Link fucking sessions
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Where is this place? I don't think I ever found it.
Link can just buy a six foot plush.
Travel north inside that big ravine with the windmills.
>I Mipha had lived, she would be taller than Sidon by now.
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Feels bad man
Don't forget about the Tetraforce:
â–² â–²
â–² â–²
Okay, I'll take a look, thanks.
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Going from Cemu to the Switch (portable mode) hasn't felt that bad in terms of picture quality, but now I feel like I've lost a sense of scale with the landscape and my eyes are straining. I hope I can get used to this again.

Started another master mode run on the Switch despite already starting one on Cemu. I looked into the future and saw myself getting extremely pissed at the game crashing when near the end of the trials, so perhaps it's for the best.
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She would have stopped at 6 foot
I wish more jomon designs got into the game desu, that master sword room looks interesting as fuck.

funny you should mention the only things that have not aged of the game, in fact those things are exactly what made dark souls popular, fucking irony
>6 foot
You mean plush size.
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Ganondorf did nothing wrong. He used to be the real hero.
Rutella didn't.
I thought they were fucking.
Shit, since she's a red color Zora, that makes her the Malon and Medli of this game.
No she's the Ruto/Saria

Paya is the Malon
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But Paya likes Link. Malon only likes horses.
(the 3DS version is the definitive version now)
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Paya is a human character that is ultimately irrelevant, like Malon
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She was a big fish.
>The horse fairy has the Lonlon sense of humor.
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Nah senpai, Mipha is Saria
Suspicious that she is the only zora with hair and a need to wear clothing. Gotta be some hylean genes in her.
hated fighting puppet ganon but it was a good boss fight
Perhaps for the same reason that Renaissance art makes Jesus look like a white guy. Maybe the Gerudo made the 10k tapestry.
What you probably need most, is some way to sync your save files between the two.
I think I can tell what arm he used to masturbate with
I would run her a bath, that's century old mud she had all over her
>when you realize her hair and dress is her flesh
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>Your 12 foot fish wife will never marry you then bridal carry you to the loveshack by East Reservoir for fish snu snu
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If that's still the same mud from 100 years ago Zelda's body must really have been frozen in time or something, would explain her not aging
I think she became incorporeal seeing as how Ganon literally ate her but that didn't effect her
She wouldn't have been that huge back at the time of the happening, it would have taken years to get that big.
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I wish. But Cemu is of course a Wii U emulator and my other device is a Switch, so even if you could transfer saves at least then I still wouldn't be able to do it, I think.

I probably wouldn't have started a new master mode run on the Switch if it weren't for my abject fear of Cemu crashing during the last room of the last set. Crashing seems worse since updating, and it's mainly when selecting runes that aren't bombs. i.e. the ones that have that red/blue/yellow effect over the environment depending on whether you select magnesis, cryonis or stasis. Pretty sure it has something to do with that effect that's drawn over the land that causes Cemu to crash. I suppose I would have a better chance if I didn't use runes, but the only other times Cemu has crashes was in malice infected areas mainly. Haven't experienced any major crashing other than the two things I've mentioned.

I just don't want to get pissed off at inconvenient crashing, since I'm predicting doing the trials on master mode will be difficult. I can still run around in Cemu and take my screenshots still. I've just got to get used to the Switch again. A bit difficult when one is 5K with high res shadows and the other is 900p with nothing else. Still looks nice on the smaller screen, but my eyes are straining. It's a massive world condensed into a small display when compared to my monitor.
It's pretty common for women to grow their own hair Anon.
I am unconvinced about her clothing.
Well, I mean, it's 19 years old.
Do the cutscenes render at 4k+?
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When I saw the one when you first activated the plateau tower it didn't look very nice, yet other scenes look sharper to me. I have a couple of screenshots still from some early scenes. Will take some more eventually.
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>You couldn't protect that smile
What sort of hero are you
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A bit too dark this one.
A cross-dressing hero it would seem.
Not a very good job seeing as you had two jobs and you failed one totally and the other one took you a hundred years to complete
It's not Links fault, some royal chick was hogging his slate and his valuable prep time.
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He was busy, there are only so many smiles one man can protect
>fails to protect Zelda's smile
Good job Link
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Zelda protected his smile instead. And Link protects her smile in the end
>No Zelda x Riju content
>No Link x Riju x Zelda polyamory content
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I wanted a memory that showed exactly what actually killed you but that one was still good.
Sorry Zelda
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There's one fanfic where Riju rapes Zelda in front of Link but that's it
He still failed
That doesn't count.
it's not a very good one either
Do blights/ganon also delay their lasers on master mode?
I doubt if there is any difference other than hit points.
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He failed once but succeeded in the end
he still failed. He only succeeded thanks to Zelda's fortitude
So they protected each other's smiles
Holy fucking shit fuck these two silver lizalfos in the first trial. I have to git gud.
Is that the one where you spawn on a bridge and the lizalfos have already noticed you? Not really sure what they expect you to do with that one.
You can prevent them from noticing you by using Stasis on the blue Lizalfos that's about to alert them. Then you can snipe him with fire arrows. After that I tried pulling one of the silver lizalfos but accidently knocked him into the water and from there everything went to shit.
Link didn't do very well
On the bridge one, I fell in the water and then climbed back up a post. They had followed me into the water, but didn't know how to climb back up a post, so I had some time to claim the central platform while they figured out the ramp.
I beat that floor by knocking them into the water and then using the lightning rod from an earlier floor on them. Still took a fuck ton of damage, it's definitely the most difficult floor in the beginning trials.
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The evidence speaks for itself
I immediately dropped into the water before they could see me, then swam to the middle and hopped on the ladder but got seen before I could sneak strike
I have to go kill Ganon just so I can see her smile again
>Your true love will never sew her white scale into your armor, so that she will always be with you and protect you from harm.
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He's a big guy
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>tfw Lego brought back Bionicle for like 2 months only to kill it off again
Stop living in the past, Anon
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Does high level defense food stack with max upgraded armor?
I only found out info for attack foods only
And yet the Guardian resist buffs are useless on Ancient Armour when you upgrade it enough. I guess they didn't want people stacking Guardian resist, high level defence and max upgraded armour. I thought the minimum damage from a Guardian laser was 3 1/2 hearts anyway.

With enough buffs it would eventually get to where you took a quarter heart damage regardless of the type of attack and who it was from. I thought there was a general defence cap somewhere for some reason.
I'm already thinking ahead to the master sword trials under hard mode, and there's absolutely no way I'd be able to make it through
My mind immediately goes to the room with the 6 decayed guardians, all they have to do is keep faking out with their laser and then link is dead
I didn't even bother trying parries on normal mode. Decayed guardians don't have enough health to risk getting sniped like that. Save it for the guardians that matter.
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I don't even know what I'm in for for 99% of it. Haven't seen any videos. Haven't done it on normal mode.

Only reason I started another hard mode run on the Switch was because I didn't want to get that far and Cemu crashes on me at the last second.

This is going to be fun.
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Get between a G and a wall, so it's a one-on-one fight.
When he starts to build, shoot him in the eye to stun him.
Whack at him while he is stunned.

>>181640216 and >>181641164 here, I decided that it was a good idea to take a break for the day.

I guess I'm taking tips
I wonder if I'll be able to do it but in all probability I'll get tired of hard mode and just go back to doing a normal playthrough again anyway
I loved that room. When I was done with it there were no more trees for cover
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I also cleared most of the trees in the trials.
>eating lumber
the fuck is wrong with you?
The fiber is good for you.
If you have ever eaten at Taco Bell, you should know that 75% of the "meat" was actually sawdust.
I don't eat at Taco Bell
Suuure you don't.
Time to do the trial, what could pawssibly go wrong
You could eternally humiliate yourself in front of Fi and the monks
You could realise that you're not actually as good at fighting Lizalfos as you thought you were.
Fi is still dead
I said wrong
only on the outside
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What was this fucking room for? Was it a training ground for the Hero? Why are the monks sitting in it in contemplation while it's buried under Hyrule Castle?
When they were building the huge fuck off castle did they not notice the giant fucking dungeon they were building it on top of?
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The answer to all you questions is just "because".
it's just not good enough
>52 arrows in the trial already
I think I may be using these things less than most people do
I had 167 at my peak
Built by the same craftsmen at the same time.
I had a ton, until I got to the snow zone. In the snow zone I hoarded my spicy food by equipping a flame weapon, and hoarded my flame weapon by depending on arrows when bombs weren't cutting it.
When I'm playing other games and I'm jumping off a ledge or cliff I automatically press jump again because I think I have a paraglider, so I either die or get injured. BotW has ruined other open world games for me. I love the paraglider mechanic so much.
If they ever did give Link a voice and dialogue, who do you think would be a good voice for him?

I don't know who would do it in English, but I think Noboyuki Hiyami would still be perfect for his Japanese voice.
>stasis hinoxes and shoot them in the eye
how come I've never thought of this until now
there will never be a voice to do him justice
Well, Hiyama already was Link's voice for a while, so it's not like he doesn't have experience.
Hiyama. And yeah I agree, but I also like TP's Akira Sasanuma, so it's 50/50 for me.
Well I guess that is also an easy way to deal with Stalnox eyes when they pop out
hit them in the eye with a bomb arrow
I was catching fireflies at work the other day and I had to resist the actual temptation to eat them
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If it make you feel any better Link probably went full Inigo Montoya when he beat the shit out of Waterblight

>I want my fish back you son of a bitch
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Are there any better places to go for Dinraal parts other than that Eldin skeleton in bumfuck nowhere?
Where can I get milk in bulk? I don't want to have to hunt down Yammo every time I want some fucking stew
Forgotten Temple entrance.
That Korok Mask is a curse.
Has anyone beaten Ganon in Master Mode? Is there anything more to it?
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So is this why he's such a pushover?
Impa even calls him weak, it's kind of annoying
Doesn't she say he's just weakened because you revived the champions?
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I've hit that point again where I can't think of anything I really want to do besides cooking so I guess that's the end of this playthrough. It's only around 70 or so hours, based on the Hero's Path bit but there's nothing I can think of doing that's not tedious busywork
Bring blue fire to the lost woods.
Jeez, the final trial is a big step up in difficulty. I think I can manage, but shit.
Yeah once you hit the lynel it starts really kicking your ass
Hell, just these stalhorse guys are kicking my ass
Steal one of the stalhorse, and then you should immediately gain the advantage.
So the first DLC has hit, what's the /v/erdict? I was going to wait and do hero mode, trials and all of it once the second DLC is released, but the trials look good enough to do twice.
It's good, if short
Hateno store. There's also a quest in there started at the ranch that'll net you 10 bottle
3 at a time is not in bulk
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So now we have a tight fitting outfit, just by his bulge how big is his meat
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Reaches straight to the womb.
Where can I find this outfit in the game?
Read the journal in the Outpost Ruins
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will we ever have a companion as good as Midna again?
Will we ever have a companion again?
Maybe the future is cooperative co-op. Granted the next 3d game will be in around 7 years, but better slowly than never.
So based on what little we know about it, what kind of drink do you think a noble pursuit is? They make it sound like a mixed drink, but all the ladies in the bar seem to be sitting around drinking plain whiskey straight from the bottle, so I don't think those are it.
It's definitely some kind of cocktail, but we can't figure out what it's made from since nothing is specified about it other than it's drank on the rocks.
A drink for 8 foot amazons would be pretty damn strong though, it would put Link into the bloody ground
Yeah, considering an entire bottle of pure whiskey is like an afternoon drink for these women, a noble pursuit would probably give Link alcohol poisoning with one serving.
These gals have each been milking the same one bottle for days.
I don't think we'll ever have a 3d cooperative.
And 7 years seems like a long time. 5 maybe.
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>we're never really going to see how happy they are after Ganon dies
I just want to see more of that smile
all the bosses are. It's an easy game for children
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If this thread dies while I'm asleep I'm not making a new one this time
What the fuck? Two skywatchers AND a guardian? How are you even supposed to have enough damage left to kill them? If you fuck up parrying the lasers once you're basically done
Find something to jump off and bullet-time an ancient arrow into their eye.
I'm out of ancient arrows
I didn't realize this trial would KEEP GOING
Well there's a ton of weapons on the next floor although they're being wielded, so feel free to break everything you've got on the guardians.
Too late, I died
Apparently, there's 3 ancient arrows each hidden in the lava and ice worlds. I guess that makes it SLIGHTLY less bullshit, but fuck. This is a HUGE difficulty spike from the previous trials.
I think it was just Nintendo being cheap
The guardians may be hp sinks, but they are predictable as hell. You just have to use strategy to murder them.
The turrets and walkers I can deal with. It's the flying ones I'm fucking up on, since I can't seem to actually break their propellors.
You basically need to slow-mo them in the eye with arrows. You can waste bomb arrows on their head, and eventually they will go down, but it's better to shoot the eye.
I believe you need to aim at the parts the propellers are connected to, and not the propellers themselves.

Destroying the propellers doesn't kill them, though. It just brings them to the ground.
Only 200 more Korok seeds to go. the mask has been a godsend. But I'll probably have to end up looking up the rest at some point.
WHEW. Finally beat the trial of the sword. I kinda wish Nintendo would keep making "start over from no equipment" dungeons like that, maybe with specific themes to them. It really shines on the game's ability to let the player be resourceful.
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You're well on your way to more poop.
wew lad
They're seeds! SEEDS!
>distinct smell
Just wait until Hestu gives you his extra special "seed".
Animation limitations. Plus it's technically a kids game, maybe they couldn't show them actually drinking.
If anyone has very short (2 to 4 boxes dialogue few kanji like 5) Loz Japanese or German comic's send them so i can translate em'
I can translate German better than Japanese so don't expect a 100% manga translator level type stuff.
Why does everybody say that the English dub is bad when the Japanese dub is worse?

Also can you not export your Sheikah Slate pictures?
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If you can, I've been wondering what's going on in this pic.
How the hell do you get dogs to lead you to treasure? They never seem to do anything for me.
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feed them but some of them are absolute gluttons
Your sword is damaged at 90%!
recovery is advised.
it will die soon
*link screaming nooo!*
Yeah just a fi meme
sorry for not responding right away my internet got cut cause some child shot a firework at the power lines
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threads dead
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keeping the fire going
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getting tired
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I kinda wish lozg was people talking about the actual games instead of waifupozting, but without waifupozting the general would have died months ago
until the next waifu poll, /lozg/
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I summon you to this realm
>fairies fly away as soon as I load into the safe room level,

what the fuck? I was just standing there preparing to crouch
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It's a testament to how little content there is in the game and even in the DLC because it was drained so quickly

There's nothing hidden in the game and whatever could be even a little bit surprising is easily spoiled or looked up if you're stumped

Unfortunately the plot was too thin and it's muddied the timeline rather than clarifying it
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We already have done 2 waifu polls, Mipha won the first one and this is the results of the second

Urbosa and Riju were dominating that poll until Mipha and Zelda fags rolled in and then out of nowhere Paya fans appeared
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Clearly we need a husbando poll now

It'll end up a battle between Sidon, Kass and Link because there's no humanoid Gerudo Voe, other Hylians look and sometimes act weak barring Hudson (and Link) and the Sheikah guys don't leave much of an impression barring a single dad
Fuck man the Phantasma armour makes master mode actually good now.

That attack up is fucking needed.
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2 questions
1. Is there any limitation on tri-force wishes barring the balanced spirit/personality
2. Have the gods intervened anywhere else to the level they did pre-Wind Waker
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I forgot that fairies spawned in those rooms and accidentally scared it away during the middle trials.
Ironically if I'd had the fairy it would have saved my run after I died in one hit.
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That's not ironic.

It's like rain on your wedding day
master mode just makes me want to play normal mode

how can anyone enjoy being constricted so much by this fucking enemy regeneration is beyond me

>dude wail on this 1080 hp faggot for 3 hours or he will regen in 3 seconds lmao

what the fuck is fun about this?
I'd say the experience is more about choosing your battles and relying more on stealth and enviroment than raiding the castle and proceeding to annihilate everything in your path.
How many Shark lovebites does Link have?

there's nothing to choose, the game isn't balanced anymore and you just equip majora's mask and get all chests and never combat anything

Either Mipha likes scars, Link gets in a stupid number of fights or he's got skin that scars really easily because at least 2 people comment on him being absolutely covered in them
I never said it's fair or more fun, but some people might like the shift of focus. I myself just started my MQ run and I'm getting my ass kicked, but I don't think I experienced enough to pass judgement.
It also might be fatigue from having to fill in the map and collect 120 shrines for the third fucking time
Any R34 with Payas Birthmark on her left butt cheek?

loads just search gelbooru or rule34
>Link gets in a stupid number of fights
If the memories are anything to go by, it's this.
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Yeah but Mipha was his designated healer either she likes scars or he just has skin that scars so easily her magic can't counter it
He's saying Mipha likes it rough and her teeth give him scars when they have sex you moron

Yes but she could heal him afterwards which means she likes scars which is one of the points I made
>Scene with Mipha and Link on top of Ruta
>Link has a deep scratch on his arm
>She heals him completely leaving no scar
Checkmate atheists
Why do I fucking come to this general.
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Maybe they won't be afraid to try and make a companion work in another open world. But I don't know if they'll ever top or even match Midna outside of being hotheads and outright bringing her back. Depends what the theme and story of the next game is in. I'm interested to see how they approach things from here on out.

I don't know what the issue is here.
Me: I think Mipha likes scars because she doesn't heal leaving Link without them
Him: implies Mipha likes it rough
Me: So we agree she likes scars then

I see nothing frustrating about the discussion
Because one day Danny DeVito is going to come to this thread and post his six foot Mipha sexdoll and you don't want to miss that

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>using Majora's Mask or Phantom Armour right away on Master Mode

Might as well stay on normal mode. Though the trials would be a different story at least.
Enjoy using up all your weapons to hit a fucking boblokin.
Or you could, you know, not feel as though you have to fight everything you come across.

It's about picking your battles, and eventually you'll get the better gear to take on higher tier enemies anyway. Or find inventive ways to kill enemies without having to always use weapons and keep breaking them.
Yeah boy
So your alternative is to ignore half of the fucking enemies? Genius, might as well play on normal yourself. Fucking retard.
Holy fuck calm down. Stick on normal mode then if you want to steamroll everything right away and make it even easier, and feel as though you have to wipe out every camp you come across instead of carefully considering how you go about the world. Some people like killing everything, some people like to choose their battles with the added difficulty without nullifying it. Not everyone plays the same way as you do.
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I want to raise a family with the fish
Parrying guardians has been a pain in the hard mode with their laser fake outs. I've just made 28000 in the last half hour and I'm gonna get me as many ancient arrows as I can and I'm gonna get some payback
>I've just made 28000 in the last half hour
Tell me your secrets
Get a fire sword and some wood and a long range bow. I couldn't do the whole hour since my two phrenic bows broke

watch this vid to make the fastest amount of rupees
There's more ancient arrows? I only ever found the first three they gave you.
Now I feel a little silly, that would have made things much easier
seeds are tree poop. Pollen is tree jizz
I recall getting at least 9 ancient arrows in the trials

Just turn on your sensor for the treasure chests and you will find it
>turn on your sensor for the treasure chests
what, like a wuss?
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I feel like Guardian turrets are a real cheapout for the Castle. I was expecting to be fighting stalkers that were clambering over the walls and ducking into the castle to clobber enemies inside there but the castle is almost devoid of proper fights.
I guess it's because the Castle was supposed to be an area that you visit multiple times in your journey and not just at the end, but that feels silly because it's the final boss area and you just duck in and out of it to grab some loot and read Zelda's diary, and grab the memory.
I think placing crawlers everywhere would've made it far too difficult. One crawler on its own is pathetically easy because you can abuse it too easily, but once you have two it suddenly gets a lot more challenging. Unlike towers, they can move about to cover blind spots so it's difficult to avoid fire from them.

Having them all over the place would certainly have been threatening but I don't think it'd feel particularly enjoyable to try and navigate through.
That would have made it better though, rushing Hyrule Castle would have been a proper fight instead of just dodging stationary targets.
Scouts in the castle interior would have been cool too
In my original playthrough I found all but 20 or so shrines just by wandering aimlessly, but I'm being more methodical with my master mode playthrough and I'm enjoying it a lot more. I clear out all the shrines in a given area before moving on to the next, and I've been using a shrine guide for reference just to see how many shrines are in each region.

How did/do you all prefer to tackle the game?

The turrets were dumb, but the area was well done, to the point where the divine beasts seemed even more lame in contrast, lousy enemy variety notwithstanding

It's like they dumped so much effort into the overworld that they forgot to make 4 out of 5 main dungeons interesting
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I think it would be much easier to do that with a non deceased Princess
I picked Nabooris first because I love Urbosa's design and wanted to learn more about her. I picked Ruta second because that was the only spot left after I decided my other spots. I picked Rudania third because the flame environment shit was obnoxious, but I wanted to do Medoh last because I heard Revali's Gale breaks exploring and I didn't want to tempt myself early on. Overall it seemed to me that Medoh was easiest by far. Easy boarding, easy dungeon, mostly easy boss
Boe-koblin (rhymes with goblin)
Moblin (rhymes with goblin)
I tend to alternate between liz-AL-fos and liz-al-FOS. I've also heard LIE-zal-fos which sounds fine to me.
>It's like they dumped so much effort into the overworld that they forgot to make 4 out of 5 main dungeons interesting
Not to mention 100 of the 120 shrines
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I just rolled with everything as it came around, found about 80 shrines by myself and then used the sensor for the rest and had to look up the last 4. For the beasts I just wandered around and did them as I ended up in the towns. I still regret deleting my first playthrough because it meant more to me than I thought it did but whatever. My second playthrough didn't have the same magic because I played it too soon after the first but largely I remembered where everything was so I could do it as I came across it instead of missing out and backtracking.

For my third probably master mode playthrough I'm going to play it a lot more clinically, I'm gonna skip talking to Impa until after all the Beasts are completed, and I'm going to probably go for the Master Sword first before hitting up Medoh and making my way clockwise around the map. I might divert to the south first though to get food ingrediants in bulk and probably get to Hetsu early so I can pump up my inventory
I get a little bit confused with the age progression of the zoras in relation to Link and Mipha's relationship. It seems they were childhood friends, meaning they were both children, but Mipha seems to have aged to be about a teenager when Link is also presumably around 17. Am i just incorrect in percieving Mipha as that old maturity-wise? Is she meant to be portrayed as a young girl still?
The shrines and the mechanics surrounding them were a confusing choice in general.

"Hey, in order to get the mustard sword you need to do, like, 50 goddamn shrines, and most of them are stupidly easy puzzles, but we'll throw a few obtuse and unintuitive ones in to counterbalance that, as well as a few grindy combat ones that aren't difficult so much as they are overlong, sound good? Sweet, now roll this giant ball through this maze. Hey, don't flip that upside down, what are you doing?!"
I loved the divine beasts, even if the dungeon was too short I considered the fight up to it and the bit leading up to the fight part of the dungeon so I wasn't disappointed at all.
I loved the castle though, it's just great exploration and backstory
oh my goodness it actually got scanned.

She said Link ages differently or faster than her, so they might be around the same age but Link will look older and Mipha look young regardless
They were childhood friends on the sole ground that Link would have been a child, but since all his friends 100 years later still look young they were all probably children together
I can't do off model porn
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The only Zelda's i've played are the original Legend Of Zelda, it's sequel and LttP. I'll be getting a Wii U tomorrow to play the rest. What's the best 3D Zelda ?
Should I do the Goron, Ruto, or Gerudo divine beast first? I finished the Zora and I've completed the map for all these areas. Can I explore the castle yet at all?
Majora's, BotW.
OoT is great but doesn't hold up quite like Majora's. WWHD is another great choice
Do Rito for Ravioli's power. Save Gerudo for last because it's the best one
Twilight Princess still remains as one of my favorites, Breath of the Wild is obviously fantastic, Wind Waker is also good,
Just play all of them
Breath of the Wild, but it depends on what you like.

Breath of the Wild, Wind Waker, Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time are all on equal grounds imo. Twilight Princess is almost there but not quite as good. Skyward Sword is great but the motion control stuff doesn't feel right.

>Open world with lots of exploration, do things in whatever order you want, but with shorter, less intricate dungeons and puzzles more dispersed about the map
Breath of the Wild

>Mostly open world after you complete the first 3 dungeons. Classic Zelda dungeons. Lots of water.
Wind Waker

>Mostly open world with the classic Zelda item backtracking. Interesting world and system.
Majora's Mask

Start with either Breath of the Wild, Wind Waker, or Majora's Mask. If you loved BotW or WW, play whichever of WW or BotW is left over. If you loved Majora's Mask, play OoT.
Ocarina of Time isn't the best, but it's probably the best starting point for the 3D games. It's pretty much the same formula as A Link to the Past, but in 3D.
Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild are the best 3D games, but they're not really conventional.
Which ones were unintuitive? I've gone through nearly all of them, and the only one I was stumped on to the point that i had to leave and come back later was that one with the lasers and conveyor belts because I didn't realize you could stasis lasers.
the phantom set is the same as the barbarian set but not upgradable right?
There's a bunch of them near the beginning of the path to Zora's Domain.
The one where you have to use the pattern in one shrine to finish the pattern in another could perhaps be counted as unintuitive but in the end I enjoyed it. I've heard some people had trouble with the gyroscope ones but I didn't find them difficult at all.
Where to find electric fish?
I probably wouldn't call the twin memories unintuitive personally, but I discovered the upper shrine first. If i discovered the lower one I would probably have had more trouble.

I did think of one that I would call unintuitive, though. The one that has the mural with constellations that you have to use to fine where to place the balls. If the entire shrine wasn't decorated with constellations it would have been a little better, but that was the only shrine I straight-up had to look up.
I solved it eventually but I agree that one was stupid. There were constellations all over the place, some of them not part of the puzzle, and my first instinct was that I needed to recreate the constellations' geometry with the spheres. Eventually I realised you just had to count them.
>skip impa
You can if you want but you can't get the camera until you've spoken to her, and the quest doesn't activate without her, though I'm not sire you actually need that quest to kill the beasts
Completely different Anon here, I had to look up guides for these three, thought they were pretty retarded and didn't use any sort of skill set/mechanics the game had been teaching you up to that point.
In the water.
If you like the classic top-down 2D Zelda, you should play the portable games. They're all basically similar in formula to LttP. Minish Cap is a great game to play after LttP imo,
Is any of the DLC armor good? except the gimmick stuff like majoras or korok mask, aren't they all inferior versions of regular armor sets?
Phantom Armor is great early game armor. Korok Mask is gonna be equipped 100% of the time outside of combat. Majora's has niche uses (I used it for the Akala blue flames, that's about it).
Rest is trash.
They're only inferior to the upgraded sets. Phantom armor is probably the best armor you can get until you've unlocked 3 great fairies, the tingle set is pretty useful as well at night if you know how to use stealth anyway. They're all somewhat mix n matched but still, master mode is made much easier with the phantom set in the early to mid game due to the attack buff, but they're not very good in existing lategame saves
sweet, thanks

assumedly once i get the barbarian set upgraded i can forget about the phantom set completely though right?
why you gotta do that
Yeah, that or Fierce Deity.
The lake by the Rito tower that's deep as fuck and has the one pillar in it that isn't the Rito village lake. the only place I've found voltfin trout outside of a hinox drop in ralis pond
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I think the next step in improving the open world formula would be the world changing the more you play it. Active volcano with lava pouring down the sides, desert sand dunes with winds, and especially glaciers like in Hebra are all going to make the landscape significantly change even in a single lifetime and it'd be cool to see that reflected in the game, albeit difficult to reconcile with not having missable items or experiences
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Convince me why I should buy the pass. I liked the base game, but the DLC doesn't seem to scratch the right itch for me.
Where do I find a fucking Fire Rod for that kid in Hateno on Master Mode? All the Wizzrobes I kill have Meteor Rods.
Trial of the sword is alright, Hard mode is fun, wait until the 2nd DLC desu
>Veran will never get the love and the art she deserves.
how early in the game are you? i got a fire rod ez pz. try around eldin
I liked the Divine Beasts in their own way, but since I like my long traditional Zelda dungeons I was kind of underwhelmed since there were only four of them, were short and all looked the same aesthetically. Every dungeon used to have its own theme complete with boss etc. The castle was really good though, complete with secret sections and whatnot even if it's an open dungeon that you can visit and leave. I love exploring it all early on in master mode trying not to get killed and without Majora's Mask, since I feel that can ruin some of the fun. I used metal crates/bookshelves to one hit kill silver Lizals in the library, and a shock sword to disarm others, snatch their weapons then leg it.

I'm still thinking that they just wanted to make a really good open world as a big experiment, and other aspects -might- have taken a back seat during that. Since people like the open world they might dedicate more effort towards dungeons and story next time. Don't know if I'm the only one that would like to see another companion again as well. Done right mind you. Haven't had a really good one since Midna and that was over 10 years ago, which is quite scary when I think of it.
Just making a test comparison between two screenshots I've taken recently and how they look when posted. First with the one on the Switch.
I wanted so bad for Veran and Onox to show up in HW.
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Okay, let's get this shit started.
Messed up on a few of them but whatever.
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Now with Cemu Wii U. Though I supposed I should have waited until sunrise for the Switch one to see how the lighting compared. But I'm short on time.
Seems like an ideal display would be the detail of the second with the lighting mechanics of the first.
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damn straight I am
Actually, I might still have some time before I have some travel preparations to make, so I'll take a screenshot at the same time as the Switch one on Cemu, and I'll turn up vibrancy and exposure a tad at the same time.
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I can't believe the Hylians rejected this technology 10,000 years ago. Photography, instant communication over long distances, a map, free and fast transportation around said map, abilities that'd make heavy industry a doddle, encyclopedia, a thermometer and a clock

Probsbly a bunch of other functions I've forgetten
How often did Link """accidentally""" see Zelda naked while they were travelling together?
I find that highly unlikely
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There we go.
Because you are a sad shipper.
This is lush.
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Why does the thread die so quickly anons? Its one of the highest rated games ever, shouldn't people be talking about it? What went wrong?

a single player game that skimped on the story for more open world shenanigans is never going to last that long especially with fairly strong evidence of who the top contender in shipping wars is and the timeline being a topic people aren't too keen on
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Not much to talk about besides how pretty it is
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exactly, you'd be silly to not realize how strongly nintendo shipped Link with Mipha.
Whenever I walk around I try to spot the geological features of the overworld. I can get some of them.
The Breach of Demise upsets me.
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I just had a really weird glitch with buying pictures from Purah's assistant that caused my game to lock up.
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You don't have to rely on Bolson telling you about symbolism. The game is about Zelda. The player is explicitly and implicitly told she was in love with Link. Game ends with her being with Link again. Anyone can figure out where it's going
Link is going to lead her back to kakariko, dump her off on some guards, and make love to Paya
Yeah, I just don't know how anyone can think otherwise
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>You will never have to infiltrate a Lynel camp with a Gerudo acting as the top half of a pantomime horse and Link as the bottom half
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I really wish you could get inside the Akkala Citadel, it would be cool as fuck.
It's a bit weird that you can't considering how huge Hyrule Castle and town are
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>lynel camp

that's an oxymoron
Yeah but to be honest a Gerudo and a Hylian dressing up as a Lynel is too good of an oppotunity to pass up on
They probably do, but it's mostly filled with female and young lynels.

The males have to go outside the camp/nest and defeat many worthy foes to prove that they are strong and fit for being a male.
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I'm still a bit uncertain about how tough the races are. I know Gorons are tough as hell and Rito don't seem particularly hardy just capable of flight and quick but what about the others. How strong, tough and enduring are the Zora and the Gerudo? They both look tougher than a Hylian or a Sheikah but are they really

Someone take away this man's apostrophe key.
Eh, doesn't really matter what reviewers say I don't think. They don't come up with their scores after playing for hundreds of hours like we might, and after discussing all there is to discuss. How well a game can be discussed depends on how deep a story is, how much is open to interpretation, in-game content like things to do etc. etc.

Personally I give it at least 8.5. As much as I love the open world, I think the next game can do with extra and longer dungeons with different themes between them (like past Zelda games used to do), greater enemy variation and perhaps a deeper plot with visible character development beyond Zelda and flashbacks. In BotW you see most of the interesting parts of the story in memories with most being optional, and in journals like Rhoam's and Zelda's. This is why I welcome extra story with the Champions DLC. I really hope it doesn't end up a disappointment since I'm looking forward to that.

It's a beautiful game. No doubt about that. Great landscape and places to go, but that doesn't generate discussion to keep a thread alive other than those people posting screenshots, and saying how beautiful it is which we already know. What keeps the general alive is mainly waifuposting ,the odd discussion on speculation and theories and anything relevant at the time like the latest DLC, and people asking the odd question about something in-game. I think a lot more of the in-depth discussion happens elsewhere other than 4chan, and beyond just discussing BotW most of the time even though it's obviously the current hot topic give it's the most recent game, and we have DLC and more yet to come.

Maybe we can talk about how we'd improve upon BotW for the next big game, instead of simply praising it which doesn't get people talking. Even then you can't sustain it forever until you're just repeating arguments.
This one looks too realistic, and I'm sure the character models would not look as good with it.
It looks nice, but the game has a stylized art style that likely wouldn't entirely translate well to realistic lighting effects.
I thought they were too short, their layouts were bland, the art style was annoyingly repetitive, the lack of enemies, and utter lack of enemy variety, was disappointing, and the fact that they essentially reused the same boss four times with only minor variations in their attacks was outright lazy.

The castle, on the other hand, was what I expected from dungeons in this series. It was unique, creative, had multiple methods of solving, had some good variety in design elements and enemies present (aside from those stupid fucking turrets) and had a boss that was interesting, if not overly challenging.
How fucked up is it that Ganon waited for the evening of Zelda's 17th birthday to come back and kill fucking everything?
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Because Breath of the Wild suffers from a case of Bethesda-itis, where it's got a massive open world full of a whole lot of nothing to do in it. It's alleviated by the array of traversal methods you can use, but it's got some empty stretches and a few things that look like they were supposed to be something, but ultimately were nothing.

Also, the game lacks the old-school Zelda trope of there being some straight up terrifying shit hiding just beneath the colorful and cheery surface
he's been getting his ass kicked for more than 10,000 years, you think he's going to be nice?
Ganon has done worse desu.
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I think the legal age in Hyrule is 17. I would have waited too.
Yeah but now Zelda will never celebrate her birthday again because everyone she ever knew and loved except Link fucking DIED on it.
He also killed thousands of people, but yeah, ruining someone's birthday is pretty bad too
Link died the day after so that's not much better.
Don't worry it all worked out in the end.
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So what's the differences between WiiU and Switch versions? Which one performs better? I heard the Switch version looks prettier while actually being laggier than the WiiU version, is that true?

I currently own the WiiU version but might be getting a Switch with Zelda, Splatoon 2, and MK8. If Zelda is worse on Switch though, I'll stick with the WiiU version.
Cool, thanks.
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both are fine, both play well, and the switch will actually be getting new titles
Don't forget Purah can develop new apps/runes for it that can make it do actual magic. She de-aged herself into a loli, essentially giving herself eternal youth, thanks to her Sheikah slate.
I said it doesn't scratch that itch for me, meaning the so-called story and extra dungeon aren't pulling me in.
Only have Switch. At times there are some noticable drops and occasionally it will just completely stop for a second. Don't know what the deal is.
post those paralysis webm with a flying tree and the impossible bomb jumps
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What Zelda game should I play to take a break from Breath of the Wild if all I've got is a swtich, gamecube, 3ds, and no interest in emulating?
A Link Between Worlds.
For anyone that hasn't visited this area yet I recommend that you do
I wonder if Link's bangs are there because he emulates Zora fashion from growing up there
Goddamn it anon. One is annoying, but 3 spamming arrows at the same time?
You better be talking about Lynels senpai
While buying pictures to complete the Compendium. I bought all of the Enemy Pictures, saved. and left for work. When I returned home I noticed Symin said I still had ONE Enemy Picture left. as well as 4 Eliltes. Confused, I bought one of them which caused my game to get stuck in the compendium. I restarted the system and repeated everything and the game locked up again. I reloaded the file and it was completely fine. Everything was registered a bought. I rebooted the game and talked to him and the bought pictures were still registered as not having been bought. I rebooted the game again and scrolled through my Enemy Compendium to make sure I had all of them and I did. I talked to Symin again and it said I had indeed bought all the Enemy Pictures.

It looked like somehow the game didn't register I had bought all the images (only when rebooting completely, worked fine when silly reloading ) and it took going into the compendium before talking to him to make the game realize I HAD bought the images.

What in the fuck was that?
wouldn't be surprised, if Zelda did her sole job in the first place there would be no doubt as to who he'd marry
link between worlds, then wind waker
Lynels are literally the easiest enemies. Yiga ninjas on the other hand...

I'll just say they are the toughest I have ever encountered. They're very disciplined and skilled. I hear their Master is really cool, too. If I ever met him, I would probably go bananas.
When does that fucker actually show up in there?
I've visited the place several times on my master mode save while I was doing the plateau to get him but he was never there.
I only remember one Zora that had bangs. >>181652961
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see the giant flaps on the side of Mipha and Sidon's head?

those things.
>that one shrine in Hebra where you go into a cave to access it

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How tough are the Gerudo? Before they just seemed to be tough because they had to be and a life of crime does require a degree of agility, coordination and probably some strength. They didn't seem stronger than Link but about on par in terms of skill and reflexes. In BotW they seem legit stronger than Hylians going by appearance as well as towering over all the other human races and matching the Zora. We don't see them do anything other than claim to do laps around the desert as part of military training, run halfway across the desert for a cocktail, travel to the hottest regions in the desert without proper equipment and make it back after eating a single uncooked hearty ingredient. Certainly a great deal more endurance and heat resistance than the average Hylain not to mention every citizen who intends to get married travels across Hyrule on foot by themselves suggests they can fight off or at least outrun most monsters
>Death Mountain is basically one big Goron mining operation
>Exactly one cave in the entire region
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>Yiga ninjas

Just skewer them on a spear.

Eat a banana split if you're still having trouble.
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Sounds like she did her job properly then
Why is Link so short?
Short genes
Makes him more attractive to fish
Dying stunted his growth.
man the Sword Trial on master mode is fucking brutal, i've died more in it than i ever died in my last 2 full game playthroughs

and i still havent got to the middle trials yet
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hadn't hit his growth spurt before Zelda got him killed.
Even Zelda is taller than he is.
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>I'll eventually get to this on portable Switch, without dock and without pro controller which I'm very used to
>keep hearing how brutal it is on master mode

I-it can't be THAT bad. R-right?
that's how i usually play it anyways, but it isnt really that much different on a tv or with the controller

the actual difficulty of the trial far outweighs that anyways

there's just no room for error, and you have to be super methodical with how you use your weapons and runes
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He's a descendant of WW Link. They even mention WW Link as BotW Link's father in one of those cutscenes.
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When do you get access to hero's path mode in a new game/master mode? I was hoping to draw a swastika/dick straight outta the shrine of resurrection , but no cigar
I think when you get off the plateau
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Well...I'm looking forward. I thought I was good at the game, but I guess I'll end up seeing just how good.

I'm actually looking forward. I welcome a tough challenge. Hopefully I'm not on a plane at the time I get to it and makes me want to jump out.
It would be really cool if they added multiplayer in another dlc/update. I want to go bully some lynels with you guys.
So Monster Hunter?
More like Four Swords Adventure
only if we can do a cavalry charge Winged Hussar style.
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>farm lynels with no effort
>haven't dropped a parry on any kind of them since they became silver in my first playthrough
>start trials in master mode
>reach the lynel in the snow room
>easy fucking peasy
>reach the room with the bokos on horseback, lynel, and tower guardian
>clear bokos
>1v1 lynel
>mistime four parries
>miss two headshots
>run into two fireballs trying to catch the updraft
>shamefully beat the trials

nerves have never gotten to me so bad in a fucking zelda game jesus christ
Anyone here did the master trails in master mode already? I already did it in normal mode and it was pretty easy, but damn it gets hard in master mode.
I just beat medium difficulty and damn its a huge bitch. I'm doing it with 13 hearts but I go in with full 30 with temporary. Expert is next on the list

The lizalfos room in beginner is the hardest room in the whole game though. I spend 5 hours on beginner alone, and only 2 on medium. I doubt expert is gonna be harder too. Fuck them for calling it beginner.
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Dumb game because the gorons don't go back to the original mining location that was somewhere near Death Mountain, or if it was damaged/destroyed by Rudania then start to construct it again. I'd assume better rate for gems the closer you are to the mountain. I haven't seen any remains of their previous mining site, maybe such ruins don't exist. When I first talked to the gorons and they mentioned they were digging closer to the mountain I hoped they would move back to the previous mining site after you complete Rudania and there would be sidequests. Missed opportunity.
The Lizafos Room stays the hardest one even on hard mode. After you finish this it's not a problem anymore.
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>you can't overheal beyond 120/108 HP because red and yellow hearts fill the same GUI space
Does this bug anyone else? It's not a problem I guess, doesn't really make the game harder, it's just weird.
Zora quest Lynel is still a normal Lynel even on hard mode. Too bad.
Gotta have a regular lynel somewhere for the hyrulepedia.
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Apparently hero's path unlocks after the first shrine. Time to spend hours writing "Mipha a shit" in cursive all the way to East Necluda
Do you see any trains in BotW?
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go back to the demon statue in hateno village and rearrange your hearts to 8 to give you a second stamina wheel

makes it so much easier, and eight hearts is more than plenty unless you make severe mistakes
yes actually kind of
Nice Manji. Are you doing a pacifist run?
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reminder that Zelda failed at her sole job and got everyone Link knew and loved killed along with her entire kingdom.
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Reminder that Mipha is still dead and Zelda is riding Link's cock as we speak
Mipha was going to tell Zelda that the key to her healing was her love for Link but got cut off by the sudden appearance of Ganon in the recovered memory.
I also find it funny that in another memory, Zelda said she was surprised at how quickly proficient Mipha was at controlling the divine beast. You could probably guess that it was Mipha's love for Link that allowed her to do so. It makes it the more sad that she's dead, she really loved him.
>People shipping the 40 year old Urbosa with the 16 year old Zelda

I expected this from 4chan but it's popping up other places too.
So, with the power of virtual reality, people can now marry their waifu.

Thought I'd mention it here since the waifu dedication is strong.
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Good. Maybe art will follow.
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>Go to Google, type in 'Breath of the Wild recipes'
>Millions of articles and pages talking about it, but most of them don't give precise information, or talk about specific recipes
>Go to /lozg/
>has an imgur page about all cooking materials information on what they do
my niggas
Something strange happened, I encountered a korok at a location where it wasn't even suppose to be at
My horse is running north on the S. tabantha snowfield path and a korok appeared on the path upon it being discovered. I checked the map and the real location where it was supposed to be found is distances away. What happened?
Maybe you accidentally triggered one, like rolling a rock into a hole, but it took time to happen.
Are we still waiting to hear back from the guy whomstdve ordered the 6 foot mipha plush?
My horse was running on a clear path to the snowfield stable. The korok I triggered was the one next to the gee Harah shrine.
i guess the snowball must have been pushed into the hole somehow.
I was caught off guard but I welcome it if finding koroks was that easy
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He's always short.
Maybe everyone else is just tall
Cooking is still the most fun part of this game
What were the Yiga doing 10,000 years ago? They were also on the tapestries
They came about 10,000 years ago so they probably just tried to kill the hero and champions and princess like usual.
How is Lon Lon Ranch off the map if the Temple of Time is far from it?
I thought the Yiga were fairly recent. Where did they say they existed 10,000 years ago?
One of Impa's guards gives you some backstory, the ancient sheikah developed the technology, but people became hostile to it because they didn't trust it, and so some sheikah abandoned it to return to simple living while others grew bitter and turned to Ganon's side and became the Yiga
If that is the same ToT from OoT, then why is Lon Lon Ranch located on the outskirts if the great plateau?
Impa's story shows Yiga besides the guardians and Champions,
It is the same building but obviously not the exact same one, it would have been moved and rebuilt.
According to my brother, and I'm not totally sure so take this with a grain of salt, it's a Japanese thing that if an ancient structure is destroyed by something but then rebuilt, it will still be considered the same age. So the Temple of Time could be rebuilt but still considered the same temple even though the interior is obviously different and location is obviously different.
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real temples are actually sometimes moved brick by brick to a new place
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Link doesn't deserve to be happy
A horse just killed me
t. Kass's mentor
A goat knocked me off a mountain once
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>Pick BotW up after beating it a few months back.
>Get the DLC. Gonna Master Mode it up.
>Get off the Great Plateau, working my way eastward.
>Remember I have Hero of Time Amiibo.
>Scan it.
>Get Epona first try.

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Assuming I am playing as Link, I wouldn't respond. I would merely look my beautiful princess in the eyes and give her a kiss. Then return to whatever what was previously.
Are Epona's stats fixed? What are they?
They aren't really at that point in their relationship when Zelda asks Link that question
That is the wrong Amiibo for Epona to come from.
Far as I know they are. Four stars in everything, with a gentle temperament.


Ah, right. What is it, Smash Bros. Link?
Yeah smash gives you Epona. TP is supposed to also I believe.

this has been a thing since they revealed Urbosa was like a big sister to Zelda. It certainly didn't originate here. What has no basis is people shipping Riju with Zelda
I had both amiibos and got two Eponas as a result
Try to get a third
You lie.
I'm not lying, you really can get two Eponas

I've used the two link amiibo multiple times, and I've only gotten Epona the first time I've used the specific amiibos
Well apparently you can get Epona with the Hero of Time amiibo, too. Do that.
I've used the Link from ocarina and it doesn't give Epona, I think the previous anon was mistaken?
There's a chance it will. Not a guarantee. Try again tomorrow.
Nobody owns the Switch/Wii U, and running BotW in an emulator requires a pretty demanding PC. Also so far the DLC has been mostly easter egg stuff. The game came out 4 months ago and it's single player.
I'll test it out when the day rolls over. But With my two other link amiibos, my Eponas appeared right from their first use
How long does it take for Kilton to add new masks? I recently bought the bokoblin mask, but i've tried to camp out for the next night but he still has it grayed out. Do I have to buy everything, then he'll change the stock?
dont die on me, thread
wait for the next bloodmoon would be my guess.
I feel like the masks are tied to divine beast completions, but I could be wrong.
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>Penis/Testicle Atrophy (Extreme - Reversible), Power/Humiliation
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>Penis/Testicle Atrophy (Extreme - Reversible), Power/Humiliation
>Mood - Light Hearted
Read this already on /aco/, it's actually pretty fucking good.
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reminder that no matter how bad this thread may be, nobody is more degenerate than Danny DeVito.
What's funny is that Danny Devito is actually taller than this guy.
by about 8 inches too, so it's a noticeable difference
The Gerudo give Link potions that temporarily turn him into a sissy slut and he works in a brothel for fun and profit. It's actually a good read, 10/10
>Not truly dedicated to his waifu
You simply don't understand the love of a man and his dainty red dolphin girl
>sissy shit
>link as the sissy
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damn right nobody does.

I have a sharktooth necklace that i wear 24/7 to remind myself of her.
I can't believe that lucky son of a bitch still gets to fuck Zelda in her prime.
So I just realized I can sneak into Hyrule castle and explore a bit. Is there any downside to doing this? When I got close, Gannon kinda vanished.
The downside is that your gonna get fucked if your not ready.
It has some nice loot, Don't forget the shield
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>Being this mad nobody loves your waifu
Maybe just get better taste senpai
What would happen if Zelda suddenly started rapid ageing now that she's not spirit cocooned with Ganon anymore?
I'm pretty sure that Link would just seppuku at that point because all his friends are dead
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>all his friends are dead
guess Sidon's more of a fwb than friend
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Sidon was a baby, who doesn't even remember Link.
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>Danny DeVito wears a sharktooth necklace to remind himself of his waifu
>while in the process of ordering a 6 foot plushie

what do you plan on getting married to it?
Dude were you not in the original thread, I'm an minister and offered to.
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I'm not sure if i wanna go that far, but i do a minister as much of a freak as i am who'd be willing.
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That's,,,not very impressive. What do temperaments do?
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As cute as a baby Zora would be, he should probably be a tadpole at that age.
The game expects you to since there's a memory there
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>Link had this plump ass perfectly preserved for his personal use for 100 years

You'll never be Link, why live?
If you want me to feel bad, try someone other than that incompetent damsel.
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I assume this is more aligned with your tastes?
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Here you go senpai
>Somewhere in the world, the Megaton Hammer is propping a door open and collecting dust.
where is a good place to find flint deposits? i can't seem to find any in this master mode run

fuck eldin tho i'm doing that last
Just break all the ore you come across, you'll gather a lot eventually
Something is wrong if you find rock salt more valuable than gems
theyre just a factor of a horses' stats, I think. Better (solid colored) horses are wild.
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i guess i been sleeping on rock salt, should i be using it more?
I use it but even then I end up finding way more gems than salt
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is that just a drawing over a picture of space?
I spent something like 3 hours strolling through Faron because people mentioning Link's house had me believing he had a 100 year old run down shack somewhere in the overworld and I figured it would have been down in Faron. I was disappointed when I figured it out.
what about his loveshack?
Want some deep lore? The lake where the Zora Helm is hidden is Link's childhood home. Like literally. No doubt in my mind.

Why else would it be a Hylian structure so close to the Domain? There aren't any other Hylian structures anywhere in the area. Why else would his belongings be stashed there? It even provides obvious context for his visits and socialization with the Zora.

t. Souls lorefag.
Wasn't the structure already a ruin when the put the Zora helm there after Link killed the Lynel? It wouldn't be his home if it was already ruins.
When do you think Link killed that Lynel anyway? Before or after he found the master sword?
>>181838919 >>181839749
Didn't the plaques say that helmet place was a zora temple?

Link still has the Hylean bed by the reservoir, near Vah Ruta. It's a sensible location for him to want to be.
I think it just mentioned the ruins of t--m or something since most of it's been wiped off.
Where's that one Anon with all the tablets saved?
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I wonder how much fish porn is under that bed
>Not a real bed.
>Just stacks of lewd magazines with a bed sheet thrown over the top.
>needing porn when he had his pick right from the crop
He gets her to act out scenes from the pages with Mipha. Ironically it was Kodah that bought him the subscription.
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Not really much of an Amiibo buyer, but damn I'd get this.
How are the chances that we're getting this pack in EU/US as well?
No chance
I like this post
Are you sure any country is getting a multi-pack?
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Urbosa's pose still cracks me up.
This place really bothers me. It's incredibly familiar but I can't place it for the life of me
I think they made it look like some of the sacred springs in SS. Not as if it were the same place, but just the style of it. Once you finish the trials, you do get to hear Fi's technology noise for a moment.
I don't think it's the springs, I think it's a mixture of the master sword's pedestal from Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past since you have it surrounded by trees but still in some kind of enclosure
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>Still can't pre-order any of them
I just want muh fishwife
But Mipha's amiibo looks like a garbage fire
It's an improvement over the real Mipha
Why do you come here? What is wrong with you?
Toto Lake or something like that.
>he likes disgusting, ugly, dead fish

H---ory of the Zor-, Part S-ven
The H-ro Who D-feat-d the Ly--l
As T--d b- King Dorephan

T--re was a time when the p--ple of the land were thre--ened by the dr--- beast Ly-e- who lived on the Pl--mu- M--ntain. But one Hy---n drove th- beast back an- re--ored p--ce to the do--in. Th- Zora helm w-n in th-s fight i- no- north of --- in the r--ns near ---- L-ke. It re--s ther- to h--or the d--ds of the he-- L---.

>the ruins near Toto Lake. It rests there to honor the deeds of the hero, Link.

So it was ruins by the time Link was a hero who could slay a Lynel, which doesn't contradict the childhood home theory, but doesn't help it either.
I don't think he lived there. The plaque says they took Link's helmet there. It wouldn't have merited mentioning if they had simply taken his helmet to his house.
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Yeah, but Mipha herself is cute
>Find better looking Mipha vinyl figure.
>Transplant Amiibo disk to the better figure.
>Lie to your friends.
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But is it six foot?
I doubt he would have lived there at all, how would he get to the domain or anywhere in a timely manner if he had to get down every day?
You could paint a mannequin.
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Those kids need to be in the water.
>Buying waifu dolls
>Not wanting to BE your waifu
Fools, if you want to get close to your waifu, there's no closer than becoming her yourself.
I've seen some people complain about how the age of NPCs lack intermediate stages. There may be a possible theory available about NPC aging.

Hey, now that I think about it, have the Zora in past games been shown to have such long life spans like in BotW? I honestly don't think it's ever been mentioned before.
I think it's been mentioned before.
No. Ruto seems to grow up at a normal rate. Otherwise it's just never mentioned at all. The whole "100" years thin and the "10000" years thing, seem like last minute arbitrary numbers just to sound big. It's like the game was designed around short time spans, and then at the last minute someone decided they wanted to make big numbers to impress someone with.
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Pray for Nendoroids
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Hidden Darknut fight
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Will we ever get another game set in Termina? And is there a reason most people leave Death Mountain till last? Fire Temple is usually second in Zelda so I was planning to it second for muh autism.
I want to see Holodrum or Labrynna again
Twilight Princess always felt the most like OoT (after Majora's Mask) to me so I think it would be cool if they continued the parallel by having Twilight Link go to Termina to try and find a way back to the Twilight Realm.
Eh, revisiting past games doesn't sound very interesting.
>And is there a reason most people leave Death Mountain till last?
It's the most hostile environment in the game. I did is second after Zora's Domain on my Master Mode run.
any translations?
I actually did Death Mountain second-to-last. The Gerudo segment was the last one for me. I assume people save Death Mountain for last because it looks so dangerous and climactic. Plus, it was the final dungeon in the first game, so maybe that has something to do with it.
I saved Medoh for last, did Death Mountain second. I liked being able to see Medoh from anywhere around the map so I didn't want to get it done until last
My logic was that the first temple is usually forest which there isn't in this game but Medoh is close enough, then fire, water third and finally Gerudo. Only problem is deciding when to get the Master Sword and to complete all shrines.
I've had this game for almost two months and I still haven't even started doing to Divine Beast quests.
what the hell have you even been doing?
Me, I got the Master Sword after beating my first two beasts (Ruta and Medoh), and I put off getting all the shrines until after I beat the game the first time.
I found the Master Sword after my second beast totally by accident but I didn't feel worthy enough to draw it until all four beasts were done. I left 30 shrines to do after I beat Ganon
Is the best way to find Shrine quests just by speaking to people in Stables?
It would have been nice if hard mode changed the amount of hearts needed to pull out the master sword to 14 just to fuck over someone
Sight seeing, finding Koroks, doing side quests, fighting lynels, finding and completing shrines. I think I want to complete everything before I do the main story. Didn't even set this goal when I started, but now I think I'll do it.
Probably ran around doing shrines and exploring the world. That's what i did.

I've had this game since launch and am only just now starting on the questline for Vah Medoh. I mean i have the quests open for the other ones as well, but haven't actually done anything in them yet

>tfw you ended up going to the chief's house ahead of time and just stole his stone smasher before even hearing about Yunobo
I got roped into the Beast quests so early on, I didn't encounter silver enemies until I had three completed
Would Nintendo have to pay royalties on that?
Make it 30.
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Do they deserve happiness together?

I'd guess that's the expected curve. I ended up getting some to appear after clearing out the entirety of Tabantha and Hebra. And then i went back to discover Rito Village after i got myself a sapphire circlet on my second visit to Gerudo Town (which itself was the third town i found, some twenty shrines after i'd gotten the camera. Which i got after my first visit to Hyrule Castle where i entered through the West Passage, got lost and somehow exited through the West Passage again after ignoring the Lockup exit (there's a grate there, i forgot i had cryonis) and the Leave This Area option in the map screen.
Ganon sticks through the ceiling into the next room.

Only when he finally gets loose from Zelda's grip, does he fall into the chamber below. That chamber likely isn't the room that the excavators found, because it remains sealed until the moment of the boss fight. The underground areas they found are likely all those explorable mines below the castle.
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>this is official art
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>Link doesn't have a face
Mouths are overrated.
Those beady Anglo eyes
The bow of light looks more like a close combat weapon than a bow
>Why am I out in front
>Why is Zelda in front of the Champions
>Why is Daruk in the back?
Link's done with this shit
A bit of a stretch but can anyone recommend any books similar to Zelda? Kingkiller Chronicles has a similar vibe at times.
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i don't understand how a fucking zelda general can't survive

why don't you guys just post about a game that isn't botw?
Don't know where you are in the world, but Gamestop had preorders available the day after they were revealed.

Stores only got 2 preorders per amiibo, so good luck finding any listings available.
>Why is Daruk in the back
This is a valid perspective in a battle. I guess the logical conclusion is that this is a staged photo.
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dark hair
cons Link into saving Lorule
has actual dialogue

>tfw you will never have a Zelda spinoff starring Ravio
I vote that the next thread have more gerudo in it.
Has anyone emulated the champion amiibo yet?
>No Ravio game that involves jewing the entire kingdom to fund Magic Armour because Ravio's too much of a pussy to fight evil with a chance of death
I thoroughly enjoyed Wind Waker at release, and now, in spite of its oft criticized faults
Does it make you feel better to know that Tingle has several popular titles?
I wouldn't exactly say that 3 is several
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On a completely different note I'm glad Everyone wants to jump the shark got another chapter
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>Has a voice that sounds like a cat fucking some bagpipes
I hate him in Hyrule Warriors because he's insufferable to listen to.
What would Hylia's dragon be called, if there was one?
I vote that they ban you
They aren't even released yet.
How in the fuck are you supposed to do Sword Trials 9 on Master Mode.
Faggot just calls his White Lizardfriends and I honestly don't want to put them in water so they can start Watergunning my shit.
It is hard to back up discussion without pictures. Otherwise those games have been played and discussed before
Kill middle Lizaflos asap
Jump in water and run out of stamina to reset enemies
Kill one
Kill other
Cook up food with a long lasting defense buff before you jump in
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T. Ravio
What, like a cheater?
Kill them first.
Prime advice right here
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Does the quality of meat that you get from kills depend on the animal that you kill or the same thing that determines how enemies level up?
Like, if I went to Hebra as my first area could I still get Gourmet Meat from the animals or would I have to wait until I'll killed a bazillion bokos before I could get it?
The purpose of this question may or may not depend on the kind of curry I want to make in game
git gud at parrying.

it's like Dark Souls all over again.
>not flurry rushing everything
it's free hits
So I've tried to farm for Farosh as I had done previously, but this time I've placed the travel medallion down and Farosh isn't appearing. Once I've tried a different location for the travel medallion, Farosh appears again.
So much for convenience, this spot was the spot I was going to place the TP when the DLCwas announced. Why Nintendo?
'cause fuck you.
Why would you place the TM at any place other than the Sanctum, anywhere else valuable is in reach of a shrine
sometimes you can't get a good opportunity to properly flurry rush, that's where the parries come into play.
that's fair
Is it playable with CEMU yet?
Why the fuck is there no fishing rods in Zelda

It would have been so much better.
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How the fuck do I beat the two silver lizalfos at the trail of sword? My fucking items break before I can even kill one. Even with increasing attack, nothing fucking works.
Save the big weapons for them.
Bob and weave.
Climb up high.
Bombs and stasis.
>tfw you can't even pass floor 5 on Master Mode

No advice please. I'll get there. It's just infuriating. Black Bokos are so fucking frustrating while my weapons are garbage tier.

Though I'll be straight with you guys. My last death was complete horseshit:
>sneak up onto the skull
>about to leap through the eye hole to quickly steal the weapons they have stashed there
>as I jump, I touch the hanging lantern on a rope
>somehow this is enough to detach the lantern
>it falls down and the whole thing explodes

So fucking unfair.
>It is hard to back up discussion without pictures
You're retarded and think all discussion would be like you guys and your idiotic Gerudo genetics discussions.
howcome ithey always show Eiji rather than Hidemaro Fujibayashi the director?
Magic Rods/Wands. Worth a shit?
Kinda. The blizzard rod at least
the blizzard rod is the only one I use
with the hard mode, it becomes even more useful

I can hit less and hurt more with a blizzard rod and high attack weapon. Once frozen, the next attack does 3 times the damage. With silvers running everywhere now, it's imperative to freeze them first
I prefer the swords. The wands and rods are nifty, but they run out even without damaging them.
well yeah they run out based on how often you use them. You can do the same thing with the swords as long as their effects are having an effect
Watching hero's path in the labyrinth's is funny because it tells me exactly how much trouble I had with them
Wand and rods break permanently after a certain number of uses, even when swung at thin air. A sword can light grass fires forever.
Do you light grass on fire very often?
Hyrule must be cleansed... of grass.
how do you de-rust the rusty weapons and what do you get?
You can take then to the Eldin province, to be refurbished by the rock octoroks.
Throw them at the Rock Octoroks (or is it Rocktoroks?) in Death Mountain when they're inhaling, but make sure you time it right so they don't stop inhaling before it reaches them.
As for what you can get from it, I don't quite remember, but I think the Traveler set is a possibility.
He doesn't need to throw the weapon. It's enough to drop them on the ground nearby.
>Ordered the rider and archer amiibo even though the archer offers nothing of value in-game and the traveler's gear is literally horse armor DLC

I have a sickness.
Oh, I didn't know that. I've always just done it by throwing.
traveler's gear is the tits it's worth every penny
Dropping is enough. You can even give it several items at once, and it will spit them back one at a time.
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They remind me of Volvagia.
First time I saw Din was far above the road outside Tarrey Town and I actually thought it was Volvagia, and assumed that I was going to have to fight and kill it later. It was a hell of a thing to spot right out of the blue like that, but nothing compared to seeing Farosh up close for the first time
They really should have had more battles with giant enemies like this, though I fear that would have drawn a lot of Shadow of the Colossus comparisons.
No, it would have been appropriate. Battles like that were a heavy component of the game, why else do you thing the Divine Beasts each had a fight to reach them and Ganon was the most monstrous he's ever been?
How big is BotW's world compared to XCX?
When we were having distant previews, it almost looked like it might have been the case. The only large enemy we saw up close was a tallus, but then in the distance we could see some large object climbing death mountain. It was easy to put 2 and 2 together to make some wrong assumptions. It was easy to imagine that black stone on the tallus back to be some curse that many larger golems might have in them.
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tbf why would you play a nintendo game on a nintendo platform
I think BotW might several times larger, running across Mira takea like 15 minutes
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Would you, even if she won't tolerate any mistakes?
likely not no, as i'm basically a walking pile of mistakes.
I don't believe my emulation nuc can handle cemu.
Player characters in XCX are fucking bionic super sprinters.
Rejecting her advances is also considered valid grounds for immediately being eaten.
>not supporting Gameplay: The Game and its company
Why would you want to kill video games?
well there are certainly worse ways to go.
Probably an empty threat... probably.
That image brings back memories. Skyward Sword was a fantastic game in its own right, why do people have a hard time accepting this?
It's a great game, but Nintendo spends so much time between releases that it's probably hard to live up to what fan imagine they want in the next game. Also, they kept bragging about flight, which turned out to just be a hub world.
Because it was so small and underwhelming. For a game about exploring the vastness of the sky and establishing and entire world to come, it doesn't even feel as expansive as some handheld Zelda games.
If only the sky was more like WW's ocean then that would be something.
I think the only thing really stopping them from implementing canon flight in BotW, is that problem where you fly into an area too fast and it doesn't load.
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