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/drg/ - Danganronpa General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 690
Thread images: 251

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Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)!
Previous thread >>175186576

you're a superstar edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 21/4/2017*

>New to DR
http://pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
http://pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
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Thanks for making me want to play """"""Mario Party"""""" with someone.
Is it possible that he's both? Junko is both Fashionesta and Analyst after all.
I still want to bugbombs gonta's room and also piss in one of the terrariums
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I want to fuck Kaito.
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>tfw Amami will never be real and suck your dick
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Enough Kaedebullying for 1 day >>175204595
, good night
HG offer is still in the air
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Salty is for ______?
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Cute and best.
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I want to fuck Shinguji while he's wearing high heels
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Not with that attiude anon.

I have failed at oumafagging
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crossing legs like a snake.

I want Shinguji to NOT step on me with his boots and watch me bleed slowly as he drags my head up and looks at me with those mysterious eyes!

So the rumors of Ouma sucking cock is true?!????!?!?!?
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studying with

Are we calling him salty now?
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Curing with dick
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Shame on you.
its a very cute nickname
I think someone suggested a few threads ago that his talent might be luck but got recognized as the SHSL Adventurer, or something along those lines.

In English, "rumors" are a bit different than "definitely proven facts". :')
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Reposting it once more!
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I wish his cock would be in my mouth right now.
Not really. Adventurer could have just been his face value title similar to Junko's being Fashioniesta.
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I was about to go to sleep, fuck you guys
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I love this thing
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I still want that to happen.

Huh... I see.
The more you know.
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>his talent might be luck but got recognized as the SHSL Adventurer
Isn't that how Amami explains how he fot his SHSL title? Because he kept going on these travels and discovering shit and taking high risks?
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Posting best girl!
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I love it too.
Zunda is a gift.
It could also make him similar to Celeste. Her talent involves luck which she brags about but she's SHSL Gambler not SHSL Lucky Student.
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Thank you based drawfriend
Yeah, exactly. I'm thinking that he might has really good luck and this is why he discovers all these rare things. Though, his luck seems to be failing him with his sisters.
What burn wars? What does she know?
You're welcome
Nakadashi means pies according to bing
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is perfect for bit insertions!
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I love her
Welcome to the Hotel Kumanami
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face.
They sexin' it up at the Hotel Kumanami
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise), bring your alibis

Cameras on the ceiling,
The dead bodies on ice
And she said, 'we are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the exsial's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They shoot it with their poisoned arrows,
But they just can't kill the twink

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the black bear,
'We are programmed to despair.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!'
Very true, Didn't think of Celes.

Yeah luck isn't always good as we see with Celes. Komaeda and Naegi.
>monyu... munyu... zubu
I don't even know...
Google says creampie.
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It's not burn wars... its mumbles.
Wtf is this translator? It's not even close...
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Nakadashi is creampie
That's a quality sex scene.
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It's bed time, see you later /drg/.

Damn right.
>Though, his luck seems to be failing him with his sisters.
I want DRA to show off Amami's good luck on his discoveries on his adventures and from not getting killed somehow from crossing territories while his bad luck screws him over whenever he's close on finding his sisters.

>Amami: Finally made it up the mountain doods!
>Old man: Sorry Amami but your sister is in another country
>Amami: JUST
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Is not for some degenerate like Trashman!

I do not appreciate your comments about Mugi!
Later Kuzu.
That sounds like it would be really fun, I want this too now.
>in another country
That's a weird way of saying she just got raped and murdered.
Kek. I'll be disappointed if this doesn't happen.
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Purest Husband (26).jpg
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If you thought that was degenerate, you have only seen the tip of the world's worst iceberg.
Tulpaman pls.
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>wanting Amami's imoutos to get tortured, raped and ryona'd up

Gladly end yourself dood.
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I want to love Saihara.
I want to be there when it feels like he can't see tommorow.
I want to help him Remember that good things can and will happen to him, and that he is strong enough to move past the killing game and embrace the future, armed with the memories of his friends and my endless love.
And I want him to repay me with endless anal orgasms
I did not mind the comment, I just didn't like that it was you who said it! Sorry, but you are a retarded attention whore with atrocious taste! If you were just some random anon I would love you like the rest of them! No hard feelings!
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The Amami Sisters will be saved. My predictions are usually 30% correct but when they are correct, it's usually 100% accurate.
Wow Himiko, didn't know you had internet in your cottage.
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wow feels bad man
i'd read this
I don't want any of that to happen to them, but it will. It's Sato after all.
I love you too, anon
Kaede, you're already dead, stop posting.
Let's hope that Sato got turned off by his themes in DRT so DRA won't be as horrific..... I'm so delusional.
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I do wonder what was Kibo doing in his room...
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What was wrong with DRT?
fuck OFF ouma
Everything, let's just hope he goes easy on Amami.
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I found Kaitofucker anon.
Don't take it personally! I only hate you for being a namefag, I don't mind the garbage taste!
What was right with it? I can't recall anything it did right.
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I want to get locked in an airtight Funhouse and fix him with love. He would try anything and everything to make me feel hope, but I would just laugh it off, because as long as I'm helping him, no hope is strong enough to enter my heart. I'd show him that no matter what he has done, I'd always forgive him. I'd make him food and clean his room, and drag him out to bed if he stays up late. When the nights get so cold that we have no choice but to cuddle together at night for warmth, I'd feel his breath going from shallow to deep as his form relaxes and he falls asleep in my arms. I'd feel him cling to me in the night when he wakes up from a hopeful nightmare and feel him sob into my chest, first seeds of love sprouting in his traumatized mind. I'd softly kiss his hair and tell him everything will be okay. I'd take care of him because he's sick, read all the books from the library and hold his hand so that he can fall asleep. I'd make shitty homemade Dr. Hopper for him and stay up late with him watching brainwashing anime, and feel him cuddle up to me when he can't stay awake anymore. I'd teach him how to play Russian Roulette and show him how to solve puzzles in Final Dead Room.
One night, he silently sneaks over to the Octagon. A gun extends from his clenched fist when he walks into my room. But his hand stops, centimeters away from my chest, and begins to shake violently. Something is wrong. One by one, his trembling fingers let go of the handle, and with a soft thud, the gun falls onto the carpet. He throws himself on me and buries his face right where the gun should have shot, clutching at the fabric of my clothes. His whole body shakes feverishly and I scoop his body into my arms and tell him that everything will be okay, just like usual. His silent sobbing turns to wailing that echoes out into the brightly lit corridors beyond the door.

He would finally be cured. He soon realizes he doesn't need to be filled with hope, only with my semen
Why the fuck that leak guy posted like 6 pages from the anthology and fucked off. Shit, if I had the anthology I would post every page from it already.
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>shuichi and himiko live in a cute little cottage with their five beautiful cubs
>maki is a live-in babysitter
>she cries herself to sleep to the sounds of raucous fursuit sex every night
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Took off the name because the thread was growing hostile to namefags. Also, I remembered all of the cancerous tripfags on r9k and realised that was Literally Me. I mean, I still have the persona attached because I'm pretty much the only person trash enough to feel sympathy for Souda and post him here.
And hey, my taste is alright.
He doesn't actually own the anthology, he just searched through different websites to find them, and gave us what he found.
Literally everything. There's a reason why Kohacka doesn't want him touching V2.
No, I'm talking about that guy who posted the photos somewhere, I'm pretty sure all of those leaks were made by one person.
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Souda is cute.
>Sato is so horrible that even Kodaka doesn't trust his writing
truly horrifying
Don't know where to begin but man.....

I probably shouldn't but here. It's the first chapter.
What the fuck was his problem?
Japanese are moralfags. Sucks, I know.
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Why did I get the waifu who was created to die and who was ruined the worst in the anime

even worse, why can't I quit her
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Purest Husband (22).jpg
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That he is.
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>He sat on a wooden box, showing his naked body without any embarassment, reminiscent of a Roman sculpture. His flaxen hair was glossy. His skin was as smooth as porcelain. Even his fingers that touched his glasses were perfect. Byakuya Togami was a perfect 10 out of 10. Even after losing his everything, he was still overflowing with as much elegance as ever.
Cringe. It felt like Toko wrote this.
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Because DESPAIR.
Danganronpa V3: Everybody's New Semester of Killing

William Shatner as "Shuuichi Saihara"
Sarah-Michelle Geller as "Kaede Akamatsu"
Voice Clips collected from the long acting career of Andy Griffith as "Gonta Gokuhara"
Jerry Seinfeld as "Shinguugi Korekiyo"
Karl Pilkington as "Amami Rantarou"
Steven Merchant as "K1-B0"
and Gilbert Gottfried as "Ryoma Hoshi"
>Let's hope that Sato got turned off by his themes in DRT
We both know that's not gonna happen. Sato'll make Amami have a horrendous and traumatic backstory. I'm only imagining the things he will come up with to explain Amami's trust issues.
Danganronpa V3: Everybody's New Semester of Killing


A bunch of non-union scabs who get work because they have talent, but not enough talent to join the Screen Actors Guild and still get work
Chris Tucker as Angie.
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Oh man, you don't know how bad I feel for you guys.
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Would you adopt him /drg/?
seems needy
Please do not give chocolate cigarettes to cats
he looks exactly like my cat, except with blue stripes.

So yes.
I'm already cringing at what he has in store for Amami.....
Why couldn't Kitayama and Sato switch novels dammit
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I'm probably going to stay up until late again just to lurk for more stuff, being dedicated is so suffering...not to mention that I've been getting blueballed left and right from people only posting their covers and nothing more.
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Fuck off dood. Cant wait until DRY flops.
Ganbatte, Moeanon!
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Thank you so much for your dedication fellow moebro! Also that kinda sucks. I still can;t believe the only Salty beta we got was just a shot of his legs, thigh gap, and part of his face
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What would Anthony Fantano think about the musical Dangan's albums?
Off topic, but i could have sworn i've seen a similar pic with vaporwave genres. Do you have that pic?
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Our good pal Niwatori "Gotta Blow-e The Moe" Danron actually ordered a copy, but she said it's going to arrive late. Hopefully it arrives sometime later today since she speaks English and can send me some stuff through Twitter messaging.
Nice! Best of luck!
Tfw we'll have to wait until Jess get her artbook and scans some stuff if nips don't deliver
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Pet ownership's a big responsibility, anon
Here's your new boy!
Tfw tumblrites are more useful than all of us here. Why are we so pathetic, anons?
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I ordered the book myself but it won't get here until at least two weeks
Is Sato going to write DRA by himself or with Kodaka's help? Because this translator's comment makes it seem like Kodaka wants to be involved with it.
>Kodaka had suggested Yuya that they should write ‘Danganronpa Amami’. It’s not confirmed yet though. But if it comes out, it will be about Amami traveling around the world in search of his sisters.

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I am depressed /drg/
Please help me
Moefag I am going to anally devastate you if you don't deliver.
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Can I offer you a Cheri in this trying time
>Think of all the sexual things you wish to do to your waifu and/or husbando
>Get sleep?
>Try doing things?
I don't control what nips want to leak! If you're going to ravage me at least have the courtesy to do it while cosplaying my darling husband (that I REALLY want to see in HD).
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>Think of all the sexual things you wish to do to your waifu and/or husbando
Isn't that the kind of thing that makes people even more depressed?
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Its my reason to live and try being successful, but good point
>Think of living in platonic loving bliss with your waifu and/or husbando then?
Just saw a Tulpafag post her copy. Do you guys think nip Tulpafags are degenerate enough to leak everything? I hope so.
Yeah it seems like Kodaka may be involved with it going by how he said it. The plot idea could have also came from him as well. So it would be Kodaka/Sato together I guess? Seems Kitayama himself wants to DRY.
>two hacks working together on it
Oh boy....
Guys listen
Danganronpa V2
Written by Urobuchi
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Would read
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That was the wrong webm
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V2 is a reality, but you have to pick one person from five people. Who do you pick and why?
Too good to be true.
*pick one person from five people to write it.

I am a tard, sorry
Maru because because we'll get lewd sister fucking.
Is this even a fucking question.
Maru obviously

amami reipu endlessu night
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Definitely Maru. She's the only one who could give it justice.
Which Dangan would be best at helping me with my fits of uncontrollable anger

Yasuke Matsuda
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i want kaede and maki to share body fluids with each other!
t. Jess
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Bandai, who is chill enough to calm you down and strong enough to weather any autistic outbursts.
Guys I'm bored
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ishimaru sauna ripped.png
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Mondo, just go find Ishimaru and assert your dominance already. He's been waiting for ages.
Ishimaru. He would let you take out all your manly fury on him. At least if you're a guy.
do you want to talk about something? you could start a discussion.
Sure, but I can't think of anything to talk about
leaks when
you could always fetishpost or something
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Kiibo a cute
I want Amami to be my Maid!
I want to start mocking him every time he does something wrong, bullying him till he starts crying and throw food at him for further humiliation. I want Amami to break down and beg me to stop, but I will just continue bullying him till I hear nothing from him but sobbing noises. Then I will start kicking him, stomping on him till he starts bleeding, punch him in the face before pulling Amami up by his hair, seeing his completely wrecked and frightened expression. Then I will proceed to rip off his maid dress, hearing his screams and stopping his pointless attempts to escape. I will bind his arms together with the rope I hid on myself, waiting for a moment like this to come. After that is done, I will continue to destroy his clothes, hurriedly nearing his crotch. At first I will softly touch his penis, before roughly grabbing it, harshly tightening my grip painfully around it more and more. Amami will cry out in response, tell me to stop in a broken tone, but I will show no mercy, and continue. Spreading his legs and with no further foreplay, I will mercilessly push my already hard and with precum dripping cock inside him. Letting out a cry of pain, Amami's face will deform into a horrid painful expression, a waterfall of tears streaming down his face. He will start to resist, clenching tightly around me, murmuring pleads to stop, just as I start ramming deep inside him. His whole body will grow stiff and I will be able to feel the blood of his torn anus flowing down his thighs. Instead of this making me want to stop, I'll let my thrust just keep getting stronger, making Amami's desperate cries grow louder and louder. feeling myself close to release, I will proceed to fuck Amami's now unconscious body, coming inside him, filling Amami up to the brim. After catching my breath and pulling my dick out of, I will simply walk away, leaving Amami's dirty body laying on the cold and messy floor.
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Don't do meth, kids.
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More like, "Don't panta, kids"
>that pasta
are you Sato?
Sato? What? No, I just have a violence kink.
Sato, DR Togami's writer. He wrote a rape scene and other fucked up stuff.
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Refer to this graph
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I want Cheri to be my cat!
I want to dress him up with bows and watch him sit like he's people in his little chair. I want to watch him watching the birds outside and then open the back door to let him out. He won't go, though! Some people would say he's a stupid fucking cat but I know he just can't decide whether he wants to be inside or outside.
I want Cheri to jump onto the kitchen table and steal my dinner, and then growl at me while I try to wrestle a chicken leg off him. I lose when he bites me and runs under the table but it's okay because I love him and I just can't stay mad at him!
I want to wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of Cheri yowling at the door and stripping the paintwork with his claws. When I let him in he jumps on the bed and I end up sleeping on the floor because he stretches out when he sleeps and contorting my body to aaccomodate him would be uncomfortable.
I want to hone my reflexes to protect myself when he swipes at me while I try to pet him! I know he doesn't mean it - he's just a cute and funny kitty who wants to play games with me!
I love Cheri!
Delete this
Ouma good boy
oh. well damn that's pretty fucked up.
I don't want any of Amami's cute Imoutos to get raped, but if he's the one getting raped, I will be fine with it. That's a lie. I would cry my eyes out. I love Amami, I'm the only one who is allowed to defile him.
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Thanks, anon. Have this Koko as a reward.
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Post ships that are NOT for sexualizing
>good boy
>ouma the boy who probably stole drugs from the yakuza with DICE for a laugh and took enough amphetamine pills to stay awake for the entire killing game
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They will definitely get raped but it's by the person you never would think to do such a thing to a living person. This person was actually predicted on here months before V3 came out.
Anyone want to summarize the text? I'm curious
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Ouma was a prostituted child slave for the yakuza
DICE is fiction he made up in his head to deal with the trauma

I have this on good authority
You suffered through the mental hospital AU fic too, didn't you.
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Amami loves his sisters purely. Don't depict him as a degenerate!
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This is such a cute Amami, I think I'm going to die.
>Rapetarou returns
My dick cannot get more erect.
is that not a good authority?
All of them. Except for Tenko/Himiko
Kaito's 3rd FTE is now added.
Christ, let's not start talking about that piece of shit and it's detailed description of Kokichi's genital warts.
Fun game: take a shot every time ouma cries, rape is mentioned or the author refers to him as the "dark haired boy"

You'll die by the second chapter, thus saving you from reading the rest of the fic.
That's why Ouma is so good at making horror faces. You would too if you had genital warts and constantly told yourself you didn't
I'm really curious now. Anybody got a link?
I miss these memes.
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I've been avoiding that fic since it started because the summary and concept sounded like shit, is this literally what it's about?
>thinking it's just genital warts the fic describes in detail

son you got a big storm coming
See >>175221450 . That's the fic, and yet it manages to get worse for him and the people reading it.
Something about how Ouma says that the cast trying to work together results in them being knocked down makes me curious, since this wasn't present in the previous two games.

If we suppose for example that Kirumi didn't vow to serve everyone would she still have been the chapter 2 culprit?
That and so much more and it's terrible. In the latest chapter Kiibo finds out that Kokichi has STIs from all the childhood rape and he conveniently doesn't find out which one. I'm waiting for Kokichi to get better mentally only for the author to spring on us that Kokichi is dying from AIDS, cause that's the shit I expect from that trainwreck.
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Yes, Amami is the cutest!
I recommend you to watch this video https://twitter.com/cenra_sep/status/838269309432422400
it's weird
it's like 12 chapters, 9 of them is Kiibo/Ouma fluff except Ouma is literally crazy
and then it fucking nosedives and starts talking about Ouma being a child prostitute. It's really stark
Which Dangan would be best for use as a place to put out cigarettes
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I fully agree with you! That video is super adorable, I already got it saved on my pc.
She already used to it. She'll be fine.
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Korekiyo, he's already an onahole and cumdump, plus hes got that mask so you could put it out on his face no worries
I still don't know why I read every chapter. This is like the most masochistic case of sunken cost fallacy ever.

>Ouma dying of AIDS in the last chapter

Fuck I'm laughing

Though that'd probably be the most merciful thing at this point
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Koko of course
Sunk cost fallacy is my only reason to keep going.

And let's ignore how fucking fast Kiibo would be out of there for getting too cozy with a patient even before all the prostitution stuff starts. The author has no idea what they're doing.

I mean it, I really think it will pull the AIDS card, because why else not let Kiibo know what STI it is? It's not like the fic is being coy with graphic stuff. I'm ready for it. It'll be the worst, but I'm ready.

How the fuck that fic is so popular, I'll never know.
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Holy shit
It's got over a hundred kudos more than the Ouma piss fic, what the hell.

Ouma doesn't have fifty diseases and get raped in the piss fic.
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Good night drg
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I want to eat Amami's Omurice so badly!
Yeah, what kind of hospital doesn't do a health check that might notice, you know, oozing genital sores. And then let a volunteer be basically the sole caretaker for a seriously unbalanced patient.

It's pretty clear the author doesn't know how STIs work and just skimmed over a medical text, unless she is setting up for the LMAO AIDS reveal. If that happens I'll buy everyone here a drink or something.

I think it's popular for the trainwreck aspect or because... yeah I have no idea.
I hope Taito reads this and is inspired
Taito for the love of god no

(I don't think she writes rape anyway)
Taito if you're here I can understand not doing rape
But genital warts is definitely something worth exploring
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I want Saihara to show Amami his place by stomping on his pathetic dick.
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What would you eat, drg?
Taito has been very vocal about not liking rape. She doesn't even write dubcon. She just likes piss and fujoshit and trans stuff.
>you will never pop Ouma's genital blisters and drink the fluid inside
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I really like the hospital fic, Ouma suffering is beautiful, and Ouma comfort is beautiful too... There's some huuuge plot holes but I find it really fun and sad to read... It got really horribly deep, but I... Still really like it. I enjoy the relationship between Kiibo and Ouma and I hope Saihara comes into the picture a little more. I don't mind that it's a little OOC because it's an AU anyway... Tiny suffering Ouma is the best thing in the world... Mentally suffering, I mean. Not the horrible stuff that happened before he ended up in there.
Is he wearing football pads or something
>let's just make his waist 1/3rd the width of his shoulders
>Kenji you are an genious
I liked the Ouma mentally suffering part and using lying to himself to cover up an extremely traumatic past while forgetting what's lies and what's not as a concept. Ouma suffering is great.

It's just not well written and glaringly OOC with too much description where there shouldn't be. The relationship with Kiibo is gratuitous and just bizzare in its development (he goes from hating him to saying he loves him back to saying he's anyone chapter by chapter) and the characters don't even resemble themselves by the latest chapters (Ouma with dependency issues? Really? That guy?)

There's a way to write traumatized Ouma that makes it interesting and sad without turning him into generic crying raped sadblob. But to each their own when it comes to liking fics, I guess.
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what about Amami sucking Saihara's dick instead
Amami's, Monokuma's, and Kaede's look really good.

What are the drinks? Come to think of it, is there a full translation for this menu?
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Also, maybe stomp on Ouma's dick too because more Dom!Saihara.
Hmm, I think I'd take...
>Amami Rantaro's Omuricessu (it literally says "omuraissu")
>Himiko Yumeno Magician Waffle
>Ouma Kokichi coffee!??
>Iruma Miu's drink
..yup, that's it
>A little ooc
If you say so.

v3 fics are full of AUs, and I'm not sure there's one where Ouma less resembles himself than this one, and there's an au where he regularly wears girl's clothes and fucks Saihara. Still more in character, because that at least plays upon his early persona and assumes maybe he'd be like that as a normie. It's fujoshit, but not sobstory rape.

Ouma suffering is great, but I gotta disagree that the mental hospital fic does it well.
Where's everyone else?
it's only for patrician and relevant characters
>These are your survivors for tonight
>Where's everyone else?
All this shit has to taste so fucking nasty
Japs are supposedly thin as hell, don't they know better
Popular and plot-important characters need only apply.

And Kirumi.
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was monaca's footage a lie.png
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so, are they dead for real or not?
Probably dead
I'm just a filthy gaijin that visited there once but cheap looking food in gimmicky cafes like this wasn't terrible. Not the best, but not terrible.

At least it's hard to totally fuck up curry and pancakes.
It's only for the popular and relevant characters.... and Kirumi. These will also be the characters use for the inevitable DR fighter
It was all just a spinoff of Danganronpa dood
The whole series up to this point has been retconned. Everything was made up by TDR.
>Whole SDR2 cast comes back to life
>Kirigiri dies and then undies
TDR is pulling the strings man, it's all a lie
even YOU
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Team Danganronpa
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Well, if I can't suck Kokichi's cock, I guess I'd settle for drinking his coffee.
I'm a lie!?
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Shirogane CG.jpg
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So where's Shirogane?
in the trash like all plain wallpaper should be
uso da you!
It's more like, your whole life has actually been a video beamed directly into your eyes by a small projector while wires inserted into your brain simulate the rest of your senses.
and TDR did it
Yes... yes! You have always watched Danganronpa... make sure to watch your daily Hope Video™ for the hope to carry you through the day!
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i knew my life was just too fucked up. thanks god its just a hickshon.
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They have to be dead at this point seeing as DR3 didn't even bother to bring them up. Not sure why their bodies weren't there when Komaru checked the room though.

She's not popular or relevant.
She at least gets points for killing that bitch Amami.
>TDR mindhacc'd Kaito to be fluent in English and Russian, two of the harder languages to learn.

Wow. I guess that confirms they definitely have deeper brain altering technology than just making them "remember" they were SHSLs, because knowing a language takes a lot more than just a memory or two.
>tries to kill or kills the flashy boy
>was the love interest of generic protagonist boy
>stood next to him in class trials
What did they mean by this?
>you order Kokichi's coffee
>it's actually tea
Except we never see him use any of his "talent" except dying in space
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She gets no points as it was Kaede that helped her do it. She's unpopular and irrelevant wallpaper otherwise.
I'm not owned...
I'm not owned!
>not hard when you aren't born in a place that speaks it regularly
I knew it. Tsumugi is Sayaka going insane after Fantano gives her album a 2.
He clearly knows a lot about space, astronaut training and procedures, and it's a little hard to display his talent when he has none of the facilites/technology available except for his talent lab.

Also he can display knowledge of English pretty easily. There has to be some English text in the school. Russian might be a bit harder.

In the trashcan.
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she is home.png
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>Tenko is the only one from the top 10 who isn't here
>Kaito takes her place instead
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I need Angie to fuck me
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I will enjoy killing you and eating your corpse too then you can join Amami-kun.
Dude, I'd drink Kokichi's piss. Tea would be nothing.
But you're dead so you can't hurt me wallpaper. Go back to sucking the devil's cock.
Taito no
Because "Momokawa"
Is that Ouma flat on his face?
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kaede saihara64 he is small.png
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Tiny Shuichi is cute!
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Taito you mad slut you wouldn't be angry at Kokichi's epic ownage of you????
What's sad is that there really is a lack of fic that touches on all the aspects of his character, granted that's also to be expected when he's one of the most unknown characters in the game.

So I suppose that might be why people read this trainwreck.

But what if it wasn't in fact mindhacks?

I would be amused enough to not be mad at this, given who we're talking about and how his FTE shows he prefers tea.
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Don't worry Tsumugi-chan. I will always be here for you. My beautiful imoto.
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get in fuckin line
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Taito YES.

No, I'd only be angry if he wouldn't let me drink his piss.

Excuse me, no one thinks more about Kokichi's piss than me. I'm at the front of the line.
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trap protagonist.jpg
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posting the best girl (boy) protagonist
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So, here's the menu
>Saihara Shuuichi's Mysterious Custom-made Curry Soup
>Toujou Kirumi's Black Pasta
>Amami Rantarou's Oumurice-ssu
>Monokuma Family's Curry
>Himiko Yumenos's Magician Waffle
>Akamatsu Kaede's "Pianist Effort's Pancake" (???)
>Ouma Kokichi's Coffee!??
>Iruma Miu's <3 <3 Drink
>Harukawa Maki's Poisonous Berry Soda
>Momota Kaito's Galactic Soda
>Kiibo's Robot Drink
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Evening /drg/.

Whoa whoa whoa, what's going on here? Is Saihara's face in Angie's crotch? Lucky bastard.

Ohhhh yes.
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I want to keep tiny Shuuichi warm and safe deep inside my ass!
Naegi, hello?
Where's your one big ahoge?
> Ouma Kokichi's Coffee!??
Someone needs to report back whether this is coffee or tea cunningly disguised as coffee.
You know, honestly, I think you deserve to be at the front of that line.

>hey I'm an assasin
>please drink my poisonous berry drink

Also considering the question marks I don't think it's coffee. Take your bets on what it is.
Idc. Where's Tenko's?
I mean, it's not like I can't sympathize, I guess.

I think about Ouma squirming around in a dress far too often. You deserve to be at the front of the line for his piss.
Considering there's a shirt of whipped cream on top, I'm betting something like hot chocolate.

Or like a blow job shot. Get fuckin turnt at the cafe.
Naegi or Komaeda. Trying to figure out which one you look most like.
I wanna get the coffee with Saihara on it and spit in it
She wasn't included. Get over it.
For some reason I think he looks like Chihiro. I really know why though...
*shitton, thanks autocorrect
I literally thought that was Naegi before I saw the two ahoges. It's Naegi with Amami's ahoges wearing Komaeda's clothes.
> Kodaka says Ouma is a trickster
> Even his drink is extremely dubious in spite of looking exactly like coffee
What do they mean by this?
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>tfw she wants a mouthful of your cum and piss at the same time
>tfw she's literally going to drain you of all bodily fluids
Kinda. Though I think the second beta design looked more like Chihiro/Mitarai/Komaeda.
Even your blood!?
I never thought I'd be so touched at being told I deserve getting first dibs at Kokichi's piss, and yet here I am.

I'd do it. Just you fucking watch me.

also please don't worry I'm never writing rape OR genital warts. EVER.
I had a haircut that day.
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Shit taste or no, he's still art of the main trio I guess.
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>>Akamatsu Kaede's "Pianist Effort's Pancake" (???)
How about Hardworking Pianist Pancake?
Yeah I've seen nips posting this around on 2ch. Apparently some crossover event with those characters coming in June. I think it's a promotional manga oneshot or something.
Even better would be if you got served something that definitely tastes like coffee but is slightly off in color and doubt about the drink's identity is constantly raised so you're left wondering what the fuck you're drinking when it could actually be just slightly dyed coffee. But you'll never know.

We are safe in the piss fic from genital warts. Thank god.

I think it's a joke about how she gets crushed/flattened by a piano.
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Ouma escited.jpg
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Everyone! I got it! I figured out the truth about case 5!

It turns out that Ouma is alive!
Shut up Kaito we know it's you in that exsial.
I would drink many cups of this in vain while trying to figure out what the fuck it is. You could say it's Schrodinger's Coffee, it's maybe coffee or maybe something else but you'll never know until the answer it's revealed.
If you figured it out, explain to the rest of the class.
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Taito please don't get into blood play if you write 40k words of me bleeding I think I'll actually die
>Escape Room
>Participants: Hinata, Naegi, Saihara, Fukawa, Komaeda, Shirogane, Kirigiri, Ouma, Nanami
Clearly a ZE reference per usual. Whether it's the Nonary Game or Ambidex Game or Decision Game is anybody's guess.
Is this the Bonus Mode one or something else? Wonder who would win though.
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Let there be suffering.jpg
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He can't.

As you know, Iruma made a lot of hax inventions that Ouma came in possession of. Who's to say she didn't invent a device that can duplicate the antidote so he can survive along with Kaito?
It's bonus mode.
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ive wanted the one on the right since it was announced goddamnit
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No blood, I promise. Just piss. Lots of piss.
I'm pretty sure Miu's inventions have nothing to do with antidotes, nor can they duplicate things...

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As you can see in the picture after Ouma was crushed by the press machine, there's a trail of blood. We thought that this trail of blood was made when Kaito dragged him to the press machine, however, that isn't possible. Because in the video, while the press machine was being lowered down to Ouma, there was no trail of blood!
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Hit me up on tumblr and we'll talk.
I've only got bad cell phone pics though.

I've got the tentacle one that the circle on the right has coming out preordered too!
Well, supposedly crushed anyways.
>the tentacle Ouma doujin


you are a queen, taito. Can I use twitter, though?
Real talk though, I wonder if any of this is supposed to mean anything as things like Hoshi's handcuffs can be explained by how we're supposed to understand Kirumi might not be telling the truth about Hoshi sacrificing himself and as we find out in chapter 6 the inference we made in chapter 1 was pretty much wrong.
I want to say it's just a (really big, good fucking job art team) art mistake, but watch this be the highest form of SHSL hackery possible.
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Sure! That's fine. And what can I say,
I love tentacles.
they all die.
Sorry for silly question, but where did the blood trail end?
If Ouma wasn't crushed and clawed out of there, the blood trail would lead to where he is, no?
Or am I missing something?
I wouldn't put it past Kodaka to carry on mysteries and contradictions to sequel games.
Maybe if we're lucky we'll find out soon enough what the truth is, considering arguments about chapter 4 and chapter 5 come up every now and then.
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>Naegi and Saihara die
Mastermind better watch his back....
It's possible Ouma could have went to get something to bandage his wound at some point.
Was able to pick out some pretty interesting lines from V3 and pile them together into one video.

Still, in a hurry, a person would have just escaped and don't very too much about that, right?
Also, if the blood trail is real... He seems to have lost so much blood... I don't think he's going to survive for long without proper treatment...
>*don't worry too much
For the love of...
To be honest, I've been trying to figure out stuff since HICKSHON was a thing and there's quite a number of signs that HICKSHON might not be true but Ouma is even more infuriating to figure out than the actual plot on top of possibly having plot importance beyond what we know if the puzzle Monokuma set has solutions that relate to his birth sign and name.

What does it all mean?
Who cares about Ouma? I'm more interested in the setting.
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>What does it all mean?
Buy our next game to find out~!
I do, because he and the other mysterious three (Amami, Kiibo and Shirogane) will likely have high relevance to the setting.

Hopefully it's not that long.
Can't wait to see Ouma in the trailer.
>he's actually the next Junko in that he'll never actually fucking stay dead
Or none of them will get explored and they'll move on to a new and more retarded setting.

As a pancake yeah.
>there are people who believe this
>The sound of the body discovery announcement rings out. You’re the only one without an alibi. Everyone around you is happy to lay the blame at your feet, and they’re only pretending to investigate. Deep in despair, with only Amami Rantarou as your ally, can you grasp at hope?
Literally Naegi 52.0
Ouma and Iruma are forming a conspiracy of faking their death? No wonder those two cases are all over the place.
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>tfw your question is so autistic, anon doesn't even bother replying to you anymore
Is my question really that horrible?
Why do you have to leave me like this?
I'm sad, anon-kun.
I already got my ticket so can't wait.
Fine, I suppose it makes it unlikely but still possible.
Sounds kinda like 1-1 and 1-5 combined.
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Posting cute!
Reminder that sakura is and will always be best waifu
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Could not agree more.
Pretty much. To summarize:
- Ouma is against killing, Gonta wants to sacrifice himself to get rid of the Exisals and Miu is afraid of the executions but suddenly we have all three of them veering off in the opposite direction where Ouma 'kills' two people, Gonta wants to get everyone killed to save them and Miu puts together a plan so half-baked she'd definitely have been caught even if she killed Ouma and Monotarou didn't help the cast

- As we know from SDR2's case, dying in virtual reality should be automatically suspect especially as Miu took some time to set up the NWP and Miu and Ouma were still in cahoots at this time

- Even the way Gonta acts is suspicious, is he really capable of not freaking out over the end of the world in the NWP when in front of the cast? And if he actually wanted to kill everyone by a false vote why does he go to his death saying he regrets that he failed to save everyone even after hearing the 'truth' from Alter Ego?

I dunno, maybe some of you can add more.
>all these retarded theories
reeeeeeee fun sucks

retarded theories are a /drg/ tradition. what's the harm anyway.
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Would you rather there be more fetishposting? Maybe some fujoposting? I can do both!
Which dangan would be best daughteru?
I can't focus, help me please
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Daddy, is that you?
Saionji is daughter material
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Nips are saying that the anthology basically turned Amami and Ouma into the male Mahiru and Saionji with their brotherly relationship.
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That's really nice to hear! If only we had images to go with that!
I want to love and protect mikan!
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She may even make a great friend for my sister.
She would call her slimy erotic ghost pig tits
Aww, that's cute! Now if only we could actually see or read this.
>great friend
Pick one.
Double date when
I need this now. Cmon nips. https://9panda11.tumblr.com/post/158500023507/something-that-i-noticed-on-why-amami-ouma-and?is_related_post=1#notes
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Update: Still fucking nothing. I feel like an ass for getting a little riled up over this but...
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I've waited for Oumami to have ANY sort of basis since goddamn January and this wait is painful. Give me the gay, Japan.
What sucks is they haven't stopped talking about Oumami since the anthology. It was that big.
Everyone is getting riled up over this, don't you worry.
To be fair you did search for shit all day
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But will it surpass Saimota, or even Ishimondo in terms of brotherly relationship?
>But will it surpass Saimota, or even Ishimondo in terms of brotherly relationship?
It will probably surpass the former from the looks of it but not the latter.
When it comes to DR, nips almost never scan their shit. We're going to be waiting a while, or wait for somebody to actually import it.
I think it'll end up being more like a younger-older brother rather than a sworn brother like Ishimondo. Maybe it'll surpass or maybe it'll not, we can only wait and see.
>amagane BTFO by the anthology

I mean I like amagane but this is some good shit

Probably not, but it might surpass them in homosexual level given who's involved.
More Amameme!
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What a fucked up cocktease. Is this what orgasm denial feels like?
Thanks. I'm personally annoyed by the fact that even the normie sprites are on lockdown too. What's the point of that if we already know what they look like? I just want to see my husband in glorious HD, fucking hell.
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I'll be taking the protagonist spot again, I hope Saihara-kun doesn't mind.
Really? Where are you seeing those comments? because I've just checked their ship tag on twitter (アマオウ) and nobody's talking about the anthology :(
>The Ultimate Hat fits everyone but Saihara
Really make me wonder...
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>but it might surpass them in homosexual level
I seriously doubt that.
That's how I see it as well really. Like Kaito was for Saihara, Amami will be for Ouma.

Yeah glad Amagane got BTFO. Oumami bromance sounds amazing,
Idk. Ouma's pretty gay with stealing Amami's doll and hanging it over his bed. With the actual Amami around who knows how far he'll go with him in the anthology.
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Kodaka talking about Amami's "Omurice-ssu"
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What? But me and Amami are so canon. Killing the SHSL Survivor made me so wet and I loved playing with his dead after Chapter 1. I even intimately ate his corpse to dispose of him so now he's inside me forever.
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Would Mahiru and Hiyoko even date those two?
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Well it does look delicious.
At least use google translate. I know it's trash, but Bing is trashier.
>There is not only sweets but a meal menu, too. I want to go!
>I wonder if I say "Omurai っ す っ す" if it is Amenai ...
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>I think it'll end up being more like a younger-older brother
That's what it sounds like, given the Mahiru and Hiyoko parallel.

Mondo and Ishimaru were more like equals, given the japanese version they refereed to each other the same, "Kyoudai" which means brother.

Well, that anon could also mean Mahiru and Hiyoko double date with Amamai and Ouma.
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If Oumami wanted to go ahead and get played up, I wouldn't mind. I have other ship preferences for them, but I sure as hell wouldn't say no.
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Just like Boulder-kun confessed his love for you. Too bad the maggots got sick from feasting on your corpse.
It probably will. You know how brotherly relationships work in japan....
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In that case Hiyoko might fall for Amami's "big bro" quallity.
But Mahiru probably hates those two.
So, it might end well or just become a complete disaster.
>he's just a shota
>cums every time he calls her a cumdumpster
>offers to fuck him

What did Miu mean by this
>Amami: I want him to stop saying absurd things
Oumami BTFO

(Thanks for translating btw!)
>everyone just dislikes him
Not that I didn't expect it but...
That's likely to happen honestly.
Nah, he just wants little bro to grow out of his chuuni phase.
>literally everyone hates him
Oumafags BTFO forever.
>Nobody likes Ouma except for Monokuma and surprisingly Kaede who are both neutral
Someone finally beat Komaeda and Ishimaru in unlikeability in the relationship charts.
He just wants him to grow up like any big bro would say.
Well he tried to make people hate him for the entire game, so I think he did a good job.

Saihara, Amami, Hoshi, Kaede, Kirumi and Angie seem pretty neutral on him though.
A-Atleast Monokuma likes him even if for entertainment.....
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Well damn.
Shuuichi's isn't too bad, so whatever. My fujo dreams aren't dashed.
And Miu's and Kirumi's are fucking hilarious.
Fuck off Tsumugi.
>Yumeno: To hell with him!
Oumeno absolutely rekt.
>impliying Amami sees Ouma as his little brother when he barely made the effort to talk to Ouma in the game
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I was less suspicious as a red herring than this bitch as the mastermind.
I really hate the V3 cast for this
Just leave them be, let them bs happy.
Everyone is pretty delusional when it comes to their favorite characters.
Just let them have their dream while it lasts...
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triggered oumafag spotted
Some of these are weird. Why is Maki's so neutral, and Gonta's so harsh when Maki fucking hates everything about him passionately while Gonta's probably on the best terms with him until chapter 4?
Isn't that the point of the anthology?
Yeah ok, Ouma.
Next you're going to tell us that Ouma was right in that people shouldn't cooperate when you were working with Miu until Chapter 4.
Oumenofags on suicide watch
Fuck off godposter,
Sure, but we aren't talking about the anthology now
They probably asked them before Chapter 2.
Maki thought he was just an annoying shit until he went and revealed her talent.
Don't worry about it. I'd take the actual lines/interactions in game as basis for relationships rather than a tiny line in a bonus section of an art book.
There's nothing weird here
I feel like Maki's should be a lot more spiteful/hateful after everything that happens between them in game.
>damage control
My sides
>Why is Maki's so neutral
Calling someone "like a villain" is neutral?
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>Kaede is the only one who doesn't complain about him besides Monokuma
Kaede is too naive.
Let Oumafags mourn in peace....
God anti oumafag shitposters are going to be completely insufferable now
I feel like it should be closer to Kaito's reaction rather than just "he looks sketchy"
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I'm really not bothered. I mean, the artbook could have an entire page dedicated to saying Shuuichi hates Kokichi's guts and I'd be too far invested to change my mind.
Now Oumafags know how the general feels about them
Yeah all and all the comments are pretty much what's in the game anyway. This is pretty much the definition of blowing something out of proportion.

I can't wait until the other character's charts get leaked and we have to see this happen 16 times over.
As long as you acknowledge your ship is crack and would never work.
No, you're more annoying. Sorry.
Yeah we already knew everyone hated that bitch.
>expecting cancer to stop
the chart alone will make them more insufferable
They made the V3 cast full of pricks just so there would be drama. If they were like the SDR2 cast, they would have tried to understand Ouma.
All of these are obviously true in the context that Ouma is indeed insufferable, harsh and mean at times but it's just ridiculous to say Gonta's line means he hates Ouma for example when nothing in the game itself shows that.
Today is Nagito's birthday! Say somethig nice about him!
Fuck off retard. The DR2 cast would have hated him too.
He's alright.
Lmao fuck off with your logic and canon evidence

He's a crazy motherfucker that's entertaining to watch blow shit up for stupid reasons
Keep being in denial
I think honestly that one of the things that made me side-eye the V3 cast most (Except Himiko, Ouma and anyone who thought otherwise before Ouma goaded everyone into discussing Tenko's death) was when Tenko died and Angie's death was the one discussed first because of the gimmick. What did Tenko do to deserve this?
Now we need Miu and Shinguji

Hopeman is a madman
>Lmao fuck off with your delusions
But he's an Oumafag

This past couple days confirmed without a doubt that they are the most cancerous bunch here.
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Well, I mean, Kokichi is dead anyway, and canon stuff doesn't particularly matter for AU fics about piss, so I think I'm okay, haha.
Fuck off Oumafag. DR1 cast did this with Ishimaru and DR2 cast did this with Saionji. You want to make the cast look like villains for hating your shitty boy.
>retarded shitposter who's replies can be machine generated thinks anyone else is more cancerous than him

Nope. That's you. You suck so much harder.
So it's a crack ship full of delusions. As long as you know that, it's ok.
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Yes, keep this up anti-Oumafags. Soon Tulpafags will rule the thread once more!
>Oumafag telling calling anyone retarded and sucking.

What a laugh. You're literally children shitting up the general. Now the artbook comes out and you all kick your cancer levels up a notch like it was chapter 5 or something. Please fuck off from this place.
> Post is talking about Tenko
> Reply is changed to a completely different subject
Are (You) an idiot or what?
i'm actually ok with tulpafags since they can be funny and know when to stop with their fetishposting. plus they're not pure cancer like oumafags
You're so easy to trigger. Goddamn, dude. Just poke you and out comes the spew.

So yeah, you're still more annoying.
>brings it up after the Ouma debacle
The only idiot here is (You) if (You) think it isn't obvious what you're trying to do here. Oumafags have the sensitivity of an 8 year old actually. It's embarasssing. No characterfags are this childish.
They're anti oumafags. They hate him so much that no matter the conversation, they will steer it back to him so they can talk about how much they hate him.

So yes they're an idiot.
>You're so easy to trigger
Kek. The irony of this comment.

>replying to himself
>accuses someone of being sensitive
>types out shit like this
>So yes they're an idiot.
So Oumafags have the grammar of an 8 year old as well.

>Oumafag trying to argue
Just don't. You look even dumber by doing so.
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S-Someone translate! Ouma can't be the most hated, right? ;_;
Singular they, dude.
Finally someone more interesting to talk about.

>Amami is still in the protagonist corner that Naegi and Hinata are
Cmon Saihara...
Yeah, I am actually pretty pissed off with how most of the cast wanted Kirumi to escape and things like how he might not actually have volunteered to die were glossed over in-game too, and obviously the issue is that with idiots like that person around it's kind of impossible to talk about anything seeing that Ouma is in involved in some way with nearly every damned thing in the game.

In conclusion, the retards can have their fun here and I'm out until we get some more stuff.
>Amami: Let's have a good time
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Pretty sure Miu is going to get the most harsh comments, considering how they acted about her death.
>annoying godposter finally fucking off
I get where you're coming from but you pretty much gave them exactly what they wanted, so... good job on that, friend.
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Their comments towards Shinguji seem to be more positive than they were with Ouma.
And this means, of course, that Shinguji was a well liked character for the entire game.
Well Ouma is annoying as shit and Tulpaman tries to not to be as annoying. It's not that big of a surprise.

It's no skin off my back, they can squabble like little children while I go do something else like reading over the translations and re-watching the videos.
Pretty much. It's no surprise that even he's more likable than Ouma.
Well thats going a bit too far, most of them found him unnerving even before Chapter 3.

But they didnt hate him like Ouma
No dude, you've been BTFOed by their epic logic and facts. You should kill yourself out of shame instead of rewatching the actual game.
Saihara's such a fucking cuck. Why is this artbook doing this to him?

I mean Ouma is in Togami and Komaeda's position which makes sense.
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Don't worry, after Kiibo tried to steal my MC spot. He became my most hated character.
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Hiyo, /drg/. Anything new?

Maru no doubt.
You fail me!
Jesus, Chapter 5 had so many art inconsistencies.
Yumeno of course.
I never knew how much I needed this ship until now.
Amami, you traitor!
Double kek
My point is that it's stupid to take these comments as the sum total of character relationships for the entire game.

Ouma wasn't even really hated until chapter 4. Before then he was just an annoying contrarian.
And then Chapter 3 trial happened and everyone just wanted him dead afterwards.
I thought you were going to fuck off godposter?
The antioumafags are being peak annoying, so remember not to engage them as you usually do.
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what I would do if kaito calls him a faggot here
Kaito literally being ATKfag is the fucking best
I hope Kaito is calling him a homo again. ATK-fag Kaito is best Kaito
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But you got cucked out of your spot by Amami in the character charts
Nope, here to stay and have a good time.
>Angie: God is watching~!
What did she mean by this?
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Alright then. I will ignore them and focus on serious discussion.
Literally go away. God you oumafags are so fucking annoying.
Nope, not leaving. And you're far more annoying.
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I wish you can forgive me some day Saihara-kun then maybe we can share the MC spot together.
Does anyone have that image of the Danganronpa V3 Culprits (with the black background)
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just ignore the shitposters anon. they'll get bored and go away hopefully.
>We should cooperate!

Horrible Judge of Character at its finest
Good, you're learning.

There was some fun stuff about chapter 5 inconsistencies and then talk about the anthology before all this mess.
Yeah. Who'd want to cooperate with that useless faggot?
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Fuck him, he already got BTFO'd hard in the first chapter.
>Saihara in the same spot as a cuck and a pervert
Fuck this shitty artbook.
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I think it means that she considers Tulpaman an intriguing/suspicious dude that she wants to keep an eye on.

Or maybe something lewd. Most likely the former, though.
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Just like you got BTFO'd by bathroom-kun for the whole game, got cucked by death when he took Kaede away, wanted to commit suicide like an emo and then got cucked by Amami in the character charts.
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Aw, that's a shame I missed out then. Are there any more leaks for the anthology? I think I saw someone in a discord server post some screenshots from Gonta/Korekiyo's story.
Oumafags I think we should end this now. It's clear Kodaka is letting his favoritism show in these character charts when Ouma is treated like shit and Bane gets nice comments even though they hated him post-Chapter 3. I'm sure Moonman and Harumaki will have nice comments too. Its a shame Kodaka lets his favoritism rule everything and he will probably just make paltry concessions to us by giving Ouma a little manga or a shitty appearance in a bargain bin spinoff game like UDG. I think at this point we should return to our homes on Reddit and Youtube
>implying we wouldn't go back to Instagram
>by giving Ouma a little manga or a shitty appearance in a bargain bin spinoff game like UDG
He'll only get the shitty manga maybe. He's a dead pancake so no spinoff game for him.
I think there was a picture of Ouma with scissors in the story about Tulpaman and Gonta getting their hair tangled leaked and then talk about Amami and Ouma's relationship in the anthology, but nothing else leaked.

I know you're shitposting but I'd love for Ouma to get a shitty appearance in a bargain bin game like UDG. He'd be a fun temporary party member or a boss.
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I wonder who's behind this post?
>He's a dead pancake so no spinoff game for him.
yeah that's reserved for people who know how to survive a killing game.
>implying we won't go back to MySpace

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Poor Ouma.jpg
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Ouma is such a lonely tragic figure who did so much to help everyone yet gets no love in return.
>I think there was a picture of Ouma with scissors in the story about Tulpaman and Gonta getting their hair tangled leaked and then talk about Amami and Ouma's relationship in the anthology
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Yeah, that must have been the one I saw since I remember Ouma had the scissors.
I'm honestly waiting for both the anthology and artbook to leak, although these relationship charts didn't put the thread in a good position.
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I know we're all hating on him now but god, he's fucking adorable. Look at this little bitch. Cute.
>Saihara is a cuck and a pervert
What did they mean by this? Does cuckhara enjoy getting NTR'd
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pancake and tulpaman.png
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>write Tulpaman as an unsympathetic asshole
>make him more liked than Ouma even though he is pretty much most obvious psycho
>feel sorry for his treatment
What did Kodaka mean by this?
I want to give him a good dicking!
It means Kodaka has no respect for Saihara.
Same. I really want to see Ouma's beta designs, along with Saihara's. Apparently they went through a lot of development, so even if the designs aren't much different the concept notes for their characters could be interesting.
More like Saihara is his self insert.
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>Does cuckhara enjoy getting NTR'd
What do you think?
Kodaka is really bad at predicting which characters will be liked. This has been a thing since DR1 and Aoi/Ishimaru.
>wants to fuck Kaede
>keeps staring at Miu's tits
>thinks DR is shit and rejects it

wtf I'm kin with saihara now
Kodaka is on damage control to defend Kaito and Tulpaman. He's probably the true identity of both of these characterfags
Did we get any concept notes for the beta designs we got now?
I will never get why someone thought that the original comic was a good idea.
Monokuma: ジバックマもいいでしょ?
Amami: 面白そうっすね
Ouma: にしし……降霊術ね
Kiibo: 無理やり連れてきて
Gonta: 難しくてわかんないよ!
Saihara: 民俗学って奥深いな
Hoshi: 不気味なヤローだ
Momota: の、の、呪いだとぉぉぉ!?
Kaede: なんでマスクなの!?
Iruma: とんだ変態ヤローだ!
Tsumugi: なりきリなのかな?
Tenko: お手伝いします
Kirumi: 身綺麗なのって偉いわてわ
Yumeno: 降霊術をやるぞ!
Harukawa: お姉さんって?
Angie: 神さまは見てるよー!

Here's a transcript if you want to run it through Google Translate.
You'd have to be a proud cuck too
Monokuma: Is not that a good idea, is not it?
Amami: That sounds interesting.
Ouma: You must have ... .... Nemunism
Kiibo: Bring it with you forcibly
Gonta: I do not understand it is difficult!
Saihara: The folklore science is deep
Hoshi: It's an eerie yarrow.
Momota: That's a curse ....?
Kaede: Why are you a mask !?
Iruma: It's a solder pervert Yarrow!
Tsumugi: Is not it pretty?
Tenko: I will help you.
Kirumi: It is great to be beautiful.
Yumeno: I will do gemini!
Harukawa: What's your sister?
Angie: God is watching!
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Shinguji 1.png
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Yo /drg/, how goes shit?

I already made an image after seeing it when I woke up.

Would help for the girl ones though, making that now.
Cause it's funny maybe.
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I thought this was pretty obvious.
Yeah, that's kind of the point. His coping mechanism ruins his potential for appreciation and going against his own code in Chapter 4 didn't help his case. Despite that, he wants to solve the killing game and end it, purpose for himself or the group are unknown since there's hints at both. That's why he doesn't expect any pity when he opens up to Kaito. It's a tragic character arc, but still realistic and flawed. There aren't much characters Kodaka pulled the sympathy card for without turning them into dindus(Ouma, Mikan, Komaeda, The warriors of hope and Ruruka come to mind but I don't recall Ruruka ever being useful)
This is just begging for shitposters, isn't it?
I'm interested in seeing Saihara's, Ouma's, Iruma's and Kaito's betas the most right now. Ouma had quite a few redesigns according to Kodaka so there might be at least one interesting change. Hard to top Kiibo though.
>h-he's likable, guys
Tulpaman was a mistake.
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Good morning Kuzu. How are the rugrrats?

And Amaguji vindication.
>Bring him by force!
God, I love Kiibo.
What did Kodaka mean by this?
Sounds like a nice fanfic.
Nishishi = Nemunism?
At least he's more likable than Ouma so that's good to know.
Pretty much what you said. I like Ouma because he's a morally dark grey person trying to do a good thing (ending the killing game) using shitty, terrible methods that aren't excused by making him a dindu in the end because his intentions were "noble".

Of course there's still time for Kodaka to make him into a dindu but I like the moral stance on his character now.
Well that's not that big of an achievement since everyone hates Ouma.
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By the way, your transcript has mistakes.
Shirogane says なりきりなのかな?
Not なりきリなのかな?
Time to rely on good old reading.
>everyone hates Ouma
Except Kaede "Waifubait" Akamatsu.
Just stating facts. Also, I don't hate Tulpaman.
Not sure if that's a good thing or not.
>tfw only the evil bear and Sayaka 2.0 doesn't hate you
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here's korekiyo's reaction thing! sorry, some of them i just couldnt understand, but they should be pretty accurate anyways.
Don't bring it back up retard.
Tulpaman's more of a creepy weirdo who says strange or uncomfortable things sometimes.

Ah, damn it. Those characters look similar at first glance as a non-native speaker.
>He is neat and admirable
>He is interesting
I'm loving all this Tulpalove here.
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Oh, you did my job for me, thanks.
Also, I have some critiques on some of them.
>Shirogane's comment can translate to wondering about him wearing a costume
>Iruma says outrage
>Monokuma says Jibakuma, which is the getup he has, not that "He seems agreeable".

Hey, they're fine, sound asleep now.
It's understandable.
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Yeah, I have seen characters with Ouma's coping mechanism used before, but most of them are portrayed the heroes, or even dindus. Ouma was a breath of fresh air in that way.

I'd take Rachel Alucard from BB for example. She has the exact same coping mechanism but for different purposes and under different circumstances. The closest she got to morally grey was the first game but she was pretty much a heroine in the other three games.

He could be turned into a dindu unfortunately, although I wouldn't mind since I always liked characters of this archetype, but I'd prefer him just being a morally grey character deciding to help out every once in a while.
>I will help him!
No. No you won't, Tenko.
Also, what the hell that's nothing like how she treats him in the game, even before chapter 2.
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>yfw the guy who claimed to kill multiple people is more liked than the annoying twink.

oumafags on suicide watch
Still better than Ouma.

Kuzu are you still watching the Boondocks?
ah, thanks! i'll update it.
Wtf bros. Kirumi sounded disgusted at the thought of Ouma acting like she was his mom but she thinks Tulpaman is a cool dude? It's not fucking fair.
>more of a creepy weirdo who says strange or uncomfortable things sometimes.
That's not really a plus if you want to have friends.
B-But at least Kaede and Monokuma don't hate Ouma........
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Added note, I mean.
Iruma says he's an outrageous pervert.
That's because of とんだ which can translate to such.
I don't understand where solider comes from.

Yep! I'm on season 2.
I'm slowly becoming more nigga day by day.
So what did you think of season 1? Who were you favorite characters?
>Iruma says he's an outrageous pervert.
>only Iruma calls him out for the fucked up man he is
I really want to know why Kodaka thinks he's more likable than Iruma.
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>Amami hates Ouma
>Amami likes Tulpaman
Feels good.
Yeah, I meant that he's disliked by the others for very different reasons. He's like that one eccentric autist who people find interesting but don't really want to approach. Ouma, on the other hand, just pisses people off.
Yeah, I like that his coping mechanism is something that he needs to survive (he pretty much implies that he would have killed himself had he not been lying about enjoying everything), but that's not portrayed as a positive thing or something that redeems him. It's nice to see that in a character that doesn't fit into "hero" or "villain".

Also it's pretty apparent these comments aren't really that accurate to what happens in game because since when was Tenko gun-ho about helping Tulpaman?
Bad translation, I guess. Not even the translator is sure. Maybe you should ask Kuzu?
Who cares what Iruma says? Nobody but Kiibo likes her.
Pretty much. Ouma starts shit with people so it's no wonder they'd hate him more than Tulpaman. Tulpaman at least knows when to shut up.

That quote was a bad translation. Everything else is accurate.
He's better off with Tulpaman than that annoying twink.
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Damn, now I'm noticing more mistakes.
Kirumi's one is wrong.
But eh. still same meaning.

Simply loved it, probably best "cartoon" I've seen in a long while, can't wait for season 2.
Also, Huey and Riley are still my favorites.

She does say "I will help you!"
But... she could mean it as "Let me do you a favor and [insert violent action here]

They aren't exactly, while some may reference the game events in some manner, it may also reference first impressions, impressions on appearance, personality as well as any FTE events in the case of the protagonist.
>Simply loved it, probably best "cartoon" I've seen in a long while, can't wait for season 2.
>Also, Huey and Riley are still my favorites
That's good to hear Kuzu. What did you think about Ed and Rummy or Uncle Ruckus?
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Exactly. Making his reveal more realistic and flawed rather than "He was a sweetheart dindu the whole time uwu" gave it a lot more impact and got me more invested in his character. I look forward to playing the game and analysing him.

Alright then, I thought so due to the question mark and how it made no sense for Tenko.
So more or less the same really.
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Ouma and Panta.png
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Oumafags, I hope you're looking forward to the next game, where I take the MC spot.
It was accurate though.>>175241985
Could just be Tenko doing a favor for him. Could be for a way to escape. She was at worst annoyed with and creeped out by him when she flat out didn't like Ouma.
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>She does say "I will help you!"
Weird.. Any hint of sarcasm?
Pancake simulator?
Watch out, some people are taking them as the be all end all of character relationships for the entire game.
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A dead pancake can't do anything but rot. But tell Tsumugi I say hi and hope hell's doing you both good. :)
I just woke up. Any new leaks yet?
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Dammit, I don't have an excuse for some of these mistakes. I was about to go to sleep after posting that transcript.
Fact won't change that nobody likes Ouma.
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I guess so. Tenko didn't interact with Ouma individually but yeah, she didn't like him. Korekiyo, she was constantly like "Why the hell is nobody questioning this menace!? He's insane!" so I'm just confused at what she means by this in the chart.
Let them have their fun.
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>haha, guess I haven't gotten a haircut in a while!
>Based Hoshi and Kaito the only ones who see through him
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They're great too, especially Uncle Ruckus and Ed.


It's hard to detect sarcasm in such a brief sentence..

A bit stupid really, but eh.
It's like taking those DR3 relationship charts to heart when some of them like the Class 77-B ones was very brief.
>tulpafags know that their boy is hated by both the cast and fanbase and they embrace it
>oumafags get triggered when their boy gets shit from the other characters
What did they mean by this?
So was Tom too much of a bitch nigga for you to like?
Something's... wrong. No, it's too flat to the head. It makes me uncomfortable.
Most of the first comments to the initial picture before the shitstorm happened we're "yeah, kind of expected this", though.

Also, stop trying to make a tulpafag vs oumafag war happen. It's not going to happen.
Oumafags are 12. Tulpafags are patrician scholars.
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Hah, not exactly.
I don't think anyone was too "bitch nigga"
for me, I'd probably end up being fascinated by it.
>Tulpafags are patrician scholars.
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This is making me uncomfortable..
Well you're probably gonna love my nigga Thugnificent. Illest nigga in the show besides Uncle Ruckus. Real funny dude.
>Tulpafags are patrician scholars.
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Dangan Band.png
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Talking about V3 causes so much bitching. How about we go back to talking about Danganronpa 2 where we can all have fun?

Thoughts on Tenko's talent? I think it might kinda explain Tenko's 'I will help you!' quote on Tulpaman.
who cares, tulpafags a shit
>tenko flips tulpaman
>immediately vomits
>I was only pretending
>Oumafags really are 12
Always outing yourselves.
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But don't you see? Ouma being universally disliked or ignored is wonderful! Now if anything bad happens to him, no one will extend a helping hand and he'll have to deliciously suffer! Soon at least one person of the cast will realize they can physically overpower him if they take him by surprise and beat up, assault or violate him! He can't lie his way out of being weak! Even if he lets the mask fall and cries out for help, no one will come! And after the fact, if he actually manages to push past his secretive nature to get help, no one will believe him! It can happen again and again and again without anyone lifting a finger to help him, even when physical marks start to show and he declines mentally from the increasing and ignored brutalizing! What wonderful despair!
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More pics from the anthology
>antitulpafags are oumafags
remove yourself
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I'm going to take the kiddos out for an evening walk around while I buy more karinto, so I'll be back in like an hour or some shit.

Damn homie, can't wait.
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Cute! CUTE!
Ouma suffering is my guilty pleasure. I need more.
I'd help him though.
I seriously thought this was a bizarre crack ship so I never thought I'd say this..
Where were you when Gonta won the Shinguujibowl?
Alright Kuzu you enjoy yourself and remember not to overdose on karinto.
Why is this so goddamn adorable
Amami, you don't have to worry! He just says weird things, so don't listen to him!
Christ, I knew Ouma was disliked but I never knew that almost all of them completely despite him (though it's justified after chapter 4). And what happen to their opinions after his death?
>You dont like shit character#1 therefore you like shit character#2
Why are tulpafags braindamaged?
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I wonder who this thick spiky Ahego having black vest wearing principal is?
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What happens if you hate Ouma AND Tulpaman?
Holy fuck, Gonta actually won the Shingujibowl.

Why is sleeping with a serial killer so cute?

I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to say they all completely despise him just from those comments. It's more dislike or being neutral/finding him annoying, save for Kaito and Himiko.
What are we becoming like the Danganronpa audience in the V3 world?
You ascend to becoming the next ATKfag
Kaito go back to the hospital, you don't have much time left.
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The character chart shouldn't be taken too seriously. It's practically thoughts as of chapter 2.
>And what happen to their opinions after his death?
Same as Kaito's feelings on Ouma after his death. They don't forgive him, but they respect him on some level. Or at least Saihara and Maki were like that.
Then obvious ATKfag joke.
If you offer to help him, he might think you're lying about it to backstab him and hurt him more, so he'll lie about being hurt in the first place as he inwardly crumbles from the stress! His hidden heart will start to fall apart as he desperately tries to ignore it and lie it away!
I think these comments were based around when they were alive. That's why Shinguji is so well liked.
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>Tenko: I will help him!
What did she mean by this?
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By becoming friends with my sister no doubt.
Because he's a little shit.
>damage control
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Definitive Boys Tier List


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Dead bread yet to be dead

But what if I see through his lies?! Can I help him then!?
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Holy fuck, I love all 8, I can't do this..
Who would Junko fuck among the V3 peeps
My beloved Saihara!
New thread
>25 images off the limit
But why??
>not image or post limit
Report this thread or something, let's not risk getting deleted because of one retard
See ya in my thread~
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>Ouma at no. 1
Hmm, wonder who could be behind this post?
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We should kill the bread fist.
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He is mine!
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Reminder that Kirigiri is proud of him!
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Jewell, of course.

I actually wasn't ranking them. Ouma is still number 1 though. My real ranking is
Amami and nobody else
Reminder that if Saihara was a good detective he would figure out that she was disappointed in him
What would Junko x Tulpaman sex be like?
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he looks like Tomoko here and it weirds me out
Wrong, Kirigiri loves her not-son schoolmate-of-a-similar-age like Batman loves Robin.
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What's his talent?
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Back, and why are there two threads?
Did someone make one early?
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When your hoe backtalks to you.jpg
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But Batman hates Robin
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Yes, some retarded tsumugifag made it 25 images too early
Kirgiri slapping Saihara for being a failure of a detective when?
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We're going on a family trip! I can wear my costume too!
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Ouma ships all confirmed cracked (they were before but delusional fags couldn't see it for some reason).
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Ultimate Ragdoll?
Ultimate... Spiderman?
Ultimate Flexibleman?

Reminds me of that guy from Soul Calibur.

Damn it.
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Was the lego batman movie any good?
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How is Angies negative?
"So, Kirigiri, come catch your greatest enemy!"
"Togami is my greatest enemy."
"What? Togami's not a bad guy!"
"Well, I don't currently HAVE a bad guy. I am investigating a few different people."

"I like to investigate around."
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Oh neat, turns out awful was used after all.

...Lego Batman movie?
Amami's scrum debate sprite has been posted at the next thread. Something about the way it's drawn is still off, though.
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6 images left, come no
Hi. Makoto Naegi, new protagonist.

It's my dream for the students of Hope's Peak to team up with Kirigiri!
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Kaede is Sayaka 2.0 remember Sayaka never complained about anyone either remember?
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kaede kiibo31.jpg
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Huh? Protagonist of what?

Ah, he wants to get in her pants. Good luck, shortie.
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Fuck off Naegi HPA characters are old and busted make way for the new Protag.
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What?! I hate EVERYTHING you just said.
God, I had the most horrifying DR-related dream today.
In my dream, I was playing V4 where it was revealed that copycat shows were happening right after DR1, so there were tons of different DR2 happening at the same time and the point of the game was to figure out which DR2 was real.
That honestly sounds pretty decent as a concept.
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