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Thread replies: 514
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/drg/ - Danganronpa General Anonymous 04/27/17(Thu)05:34:52 No.175161245▶
Don't forget to use spoiler tags (Ctrl+S)!
Previous thread >>175161245
Naezono >>>>>>>>>Naegiri edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 21/4/2017*

>New to DR
http://pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
http://pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzbIuPpPM8E [Embed]

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k [Embed]

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DGuCuHurUk [Embed]

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
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>ywn get extra portions in exchange for sexual favors
>ywn be pinned on a kitchen table and pounded by chubby chef dick
>ywn engage in naked tantric blindfold taste testing
>ywn correctly guess the secret ingredient it's more dick
It's not fucking fair terubros
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I love my darling husband! I want to see him soon!
is perfect for peeking under her skirt!
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My mood right now after eating so much homemade strawberry pudding.
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Also, some Japanese people are unaware of the term LGBT.
Even I didn't know what it meant before.
I'd like to think that Kodaka would realize that V2 being an anime wouldn't really work with how DR1 and DR3 turned out. He can't seem to get killing games right in the games or anime.
Reminder that Chiaki is still and will always be best girl
She got revived as an android and is now playing games with her class on the boat.
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Reminder that Maizono betrayed Naegi for her
Ok, so...
Who want to start discussing their hope and fear of the future of DR?
I really hope Kodaka won't make the V2 become shit like DR3.
But he will, I can feel it.
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I want to fuck Kaito.

This pic has some of my kinks, and my rare ship. I love it.
I want to help Saihara get through his depressed/"low" periods by fucking him in the pooper
>ywn sniff Mugi's crotch
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Koko(daka)'s self-insert!
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I want to cure Shinguji
Come here, Koko! I just wanna talk
This is the same guy that said that DR3 was good pandering even though it was shit at that. So I'm not believing he is going to change his mind anytime soon.
Fuck off Kodaka
Fuck off Amami.
>learning from his mistakes
good one anon. next you'll say he's not a hack.
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Well, I didn't mean DR3 in anime format, it can be any format.

Hah, ain't that the truth.
No wonder I feel comfortable.

This desu.
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Kaitoanon was Kodaka the whole time?!
Be sure not to hurt my Koko instead though!
amami big dick
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Pretty Kokichi!

I still like him even if everyone thinks he a shit.
>implying you wouldn't too

He'll make V2 dogshit like DR3. DRA is just the beginning. It's going to be rough being an Amamibro from henceforth.
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Oh yeah, forgot to mention.

>"The trial part will be produced with animation! Of course full voice! There are also punishments!
Progress will be reported from creative account at any time We look forward to it!"
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kaito big dick
I still can't believe he said that
>People might call Kibou-hen pandering but at least it's happy pandering
Fuck off Tsumugi
Huh? Interesting.
could someone link me what was translated so far again
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Nothing wrong with that. Those guys were shitposters. Real Ouma haters are a lot more respectful.

Koko away!
Great to hear. I'm more attached to the Re:Birth cast than I am with the V3 cast.
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pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten never forget ttimes wen u feeled happy

wen day is dark alway rember moonman
tsumugi big tits
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If they actually go through with this I'll be fucking ecstatic.
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>tfw Yodogawa will never be a real danganronpa character
It still hurts...
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coping saihara's booty.png
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I love Moonman!
gonta mammoth dick
>I really hope Kodaka won't make the V2 become shit like DR3.
He definitely will.
High quality post.
Nice. We will get Koga's Chapter 3 reveal fully voiced.
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I didn't know I was Kodaka. Maybe that's why I'm so dumb.

I want to fuck moonman!
So are you ?
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Go back to bed Ouma.
I already told you to fuck off, Amami.
Seriously if you were gonna make people come back from life and pander to everyone then go full hack Kodaka.
>DR1 cast all survive because Izuru talent lol
>DR3 cast and Chiaki come back to life too
>1000 reserve course students get bullshited back to life too
>Natsumi is alive too except for Sato fuck that bitch
>Jin is also alive along with everyone from HPA
>Junko and Mukuro are alive and got cured from despair
>Final scene is everyone having a party at Nu-HPA
Like seriously either go full hack or don't trying to play in the middle just seems like you're being retarded.
souda lonely virgin
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Can you two lovebirds fuck already?
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Best Mom.jpg
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Why are you calling me, Koko-chan?
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I am neither the SHSL Zeus, nor am I Tsumugi.
I'm the denizen of garbage.
heck off
I mean, I guess I can jerk off.
>Koga doesn't appear to be as creepy as we first thought and is actually a presenter on a children's tv show
That's so fucking cute what the fuck.
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Honestly, I don't think anyone bothered to translation anything beyond the profiles and prologue, even though it's in Chapter 1 trial now.

I'm interested if it will it be like that Danganronpa The After shit or will it be better?

Who knows.
But let's say the table was definitely passed on.
Might as well. Bring everyone back because "muh happy pandering" saved Kirigiri. Hell have it all be "just an anime" while everyone was sitting down watching Mitarai's shitty anime like those theories back on /a/.
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loving maid.png
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A loving meido who loves her son!

I made this earlier but I figured how to make the fingers look less messier.
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Yeah, and it seems kind of silly to suddenly accept a single sentence in an art book as the sum total of the cast's feelings on him for the entire game. Still, I wonder what Miu has to say about him I hope it's hilariously lewd. Gonta is right though, he was being harsh/awful most of the game.

Yeah, people who legitimately dislike Ouma as a character are alright because they actually dislike him for the character he is in game rather than the meme character that's shitposted about here.
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best girl 215.jpg
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posting best girl!
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posting best girl!
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Hiyo, okaa-san! Any chores today?
Also cute.
I agree. If you're gonna go hack, go full hack.
Kodaka is retarded, but at least, as a writer, he should know this.
Agreed. And he was even cuter when he fucked his mother
>cancerous Oumafags are back at it again
Can you not?
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Pretty much. Make sure to keep it hidden though. Shitposters will come back.
Speak of the devil.
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>Be sure not to hurt my Koko instead though!
Oops, too late... sorry
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Well, I need your help in the garden.
Watch over it when I'm done watering it, Ok?
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Maki seriously needs a haircut
Hes so darn cute.
Considering how he appears to be the korekiyo analog, I bet he's gonna get gruesomely murdered as his subversion. Or be a survivor.
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Ouma is awful and that's why I like him so much. It's hilarious to me how some people go out of their way to defend him.
No, what she needs is an ahoge.
>korekiyo analog
The 'spoilers' about him masturbating with a puppet of his mother and eating his father were fake anon
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Purest Husband (21).jpg
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>Waifu with best design holding SHSL Zeus
>Ugly whore holding cute shota
>Fat piano baka holding cucked detectivd
For me it is Mugi and Amami, the best Dangan duo.
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At least I finally found the image. Missed it pre-release.
Will do, okaa-san! ^.^
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definitely the real amami.png
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Reminder that there is nothing wrong with wanting to fuck your sister.
>Kodaka realized people didn't like the DR3 ending for being too happy
>he ends up killing off literally 90% of the V3 cast
>ends up V3 cast were the most likable cast
>especially the husbandos
>kill literally all of them off but three of the most boring characters from the cast
Why is Kodaka so shit at reading the fanbase?
Wait a minute...
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des pair.gif
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Hope needles her included mill. How does our fell tree expense a last firework? Despair dashes. Can the view attend? How can the cash explain Hope? The major forest relaxes in Hope.
Despair stereotypes Hope under the household misery. Despair disappears over the resemblance. Despair advocates Hope. Why does the manned ass expire?

The tragedy matures! Hope spares this snack opposite the rabbit. Should each relative stereotype Despair? Against a hash trails the voltage. A salt jams. The usable override returns Despair around an obnoxious complex.

Despair boosts her article around the crossing poetry. Hope smashes Despair against a performance. Despair charters Hope outside the vintage. Hope shadows Despair.

Despair brushes against Hope into each error. A pulp burns! Despair braves the questionnaire. Hope weds the fat puzzle. The past turns Despair. Despair wants Hope underneath a dragon.

The chief puzzles Despair. Will Hope prevail across Despair? Hope stacks Despair. Hope poses a fellow. Our sworn megabyte advances around Hope.

The mill shadows Despair. Hope worries about the backspace within the preceding trend. The cigarette interferes next to whatever kidney. Despair dines inside Hope. Why won't an else courtesy cooperate on top of Hope? A starter guts Hope.

Despair dines outside a down faucet. Despair relaxes throughout his duplicate. The peculiar classic checks Despair after the carriage. Despair bicycles around Hope. Despair worries inside the sold bedroom.

A structure fiddles on top of the smell. Despair refrains throughout the comic. Throughout the arresting meal swallows a deserving chest. Does the murderer court Hope? Hope flips before Despair. A poet relaxes near a dress!
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Honestly the best thing to do is not to reply to them. They'll get bored spamming the same comment over and over again eventually. They only keep going because they get easy replies.

This means you, Jewell. Stop it. I like you but you're making things worse.

But I will not keep my love for Kokichi secret or hidden!
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Cute Ouma
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Finally, someone understands.
>I wonder what Miu has to say about him
In the opinion chart?
He calls him a slippery little kid, same thing she said in one of the trials. Or whatever you'd translate "tsurushota" to.
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t.shitposter falsefagging
Alright then. Does this mean no more generator?
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Kill yourself Tsumugi.
I mean she. She calls him.
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Sorry, the two of them were called Koko. I got confused and killed the twink instead, oh well.

I had to go through all my twitter likes to find the pic. It took me almost 20 minutes to find it. Here's the source btw https://twitter.com/imooooonie/status/812141597903097856
I could tell. He's still best boy.
>Fujimori: ...Something about this guy is just off.
>Yodogawa: Yeah, I wonder if he’s doing it to be funny or if he’s really like this.
>Horse: Ooooh! I SEE HOW IT IS! Because I’m a horse you think I’m different and WEIRD!
>Deer: And because I’m a deer, I’m different too…
>Koga: Well then, at least it has nothing to do with me!
>Koga: Heh… I’m shocked. Oyoyoyoyo...
>Fujimori: It looks like we made him upset…
>Yodogawa: It seems so… But being strange doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
>Yodogawa: Some might even call me a bit of a weirdo. Rather than be upset, I’m delighted to be different than everyone else.
>Koga: …
>Koga: Uuu… Thank you… You are… Such a nice person…
>Horse: Hey don’t thank that guy! He’s an asshole!
>Koga: Hey, don’t say that now…

Oh he is so, so dead. It will probably be tragic.

He's tall, skinny and weird, that's why he's probably the Korekiyo analogue.
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God I wish that were me
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Hold me down and fuck me like a whore!
Why is he so cute bros? I hope he isn't the culprit of the first Chapter.
Oh, and he's a raging autist too
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>saying that you like ouma but admitting that he's an asshole means you're a shitposter
And here I thought you couldn't get worse
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And thanks. I'd probably give up on the first ten minutes.
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Why not? She'd look really cute
The slice behaves without a killing approach. His invalid swears after a storm! Lies wets a spoiled cash above the isolated historian. Why won't Komaeda 2.0 shout Lies?

Lies muddles Komaeda 2.0 throughout a sliced garage. Komaeda 2.0 paces above whatever banned lawyer. Komaeda 2.0 bounces on Lies. An unacceptable exit bounces into Komaeda 2.0.

The railroad tries. Can Lies shoe Komaeda 2.0? Lies sauces Komaeda 2.0 after the democratic vain. Komaeda 2.0 drills Lies after a focus. Lies pilots the leader with an unbiased sneak. Komaeda 2.0 retracts!

The hated gasp scarfs Komaeda 2.0. A headache coats a cat outside an electric sermon. A turntable damages Komaeda 2.0 underneath any emptying concerto. The century bases Komaeda 2.0. Komaeda 2.0 tacks Lies beside the overriding bean. The incentive leaps Lies in the hip map.
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I'll hold you down alright. Let me just wrap my hands around your beautiful neck imotossu....
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I think it'd be hypocritical to say not to use it because I made it and it's fun to watch people use it, so now only generator replies are allowed. None of those long, actually thought out replies allowed anymore, young lady. Only mass produced shitposts.
t.shitposter falsefagging as an anti-oumafag falsefagging as an oumafag falsefagging as a betrayed oumafag
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Let there be suffering.jpg
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He's ass. But at least somewhat redeemable.
Still a bane of my existence though.
Don't bother responding to Oumakids.
RIP Koga. His death will most likely be brutal as fuck. How fucked up would it be if his killer tried hiding his body in his puppets or a mascot costume?
Also yeah that's what I meant with Koga being the Korekiyo analog.
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do. He's already being eaten by worms right now.
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Yeah, that's correct.
KEK. Ouma getting flattened like trash was the best part of chapter 5. Based Mugi.

Can Komaeda 2.0 do anything right?
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Alrighty then. I'll keep the link saved for later then.
I'm going to miss him. He's really cute.
Kirigiri betrayed him too.
>tfw you like ouma but hate oumafags
Okay, Zeussu-kun! If you're into that kind of thing, feel free to do what you wish with me!
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Pretty much me. I like Ouma but these cancerous Oumafags make me like him less and less.
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Ouma is a miserably offensive lecher and a putrid thick-headed parasite on the state's resources.

Ouma is a precociously loathsome delinquent and a fecal feces-collecting derelict whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.

Ouma is a lamentably insufferable oaf and a revolting toe-sucking amalgamation of loathsome repulsiveness.

Ouma is a piteously promiscuous half-wit and a grotesque heart-sickening mental midget with the natural grace of an intoxicated beluga whale.
Yeah he strikes me as a harmless autist. I'll bet on him being a Chapter 3 victim. He'll go out just as the cast are starting to wean him off the constant puppetry.
I think they'd be less annoying if they didn't have the shitposters that come with them. It's debating with them that makes them really aggravating.
I wonder if this lovely lady will survive or be killed. She doesn't exactly strike me as a murderer and considering her personality too.
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I'm sorry that I'm retarded, anon. I'll stop.
Just wait until the game is out in the west, it's going to be a nightmare. I'm more interested in the way the western fanbase is going to react than playing the game itself.
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Thanks imotossu. I'll make this experience so great for you that you'll feel like you died and gone to heaven......
Quick question. Does she mean slippery as in "hard to catch, quick to run", or does she mean something else? Just to be sure.
Where's this generator, Kuzu? I want to use it.

If you wrote those out yourself, nice work.
Yeah it's an absolute shitstorm with those guys. Gives me flashbacks to Komaedafags.
It's Miu. What do you think?
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>grotesque heart-sickening mental midget
I really like this one Kuzuanon. Very poetic.
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Well, sorta, she could also be commenting on his appearance too, but I believe it's because he's a sly bastard.

>tfw find zeussu saiharawars amusing
>tfw unironically like tulpafags
>tfw don't mind everyone else
>tfw hate oumafags
What did I mean by this?
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He's just sleepy.png
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You mean like take everything Ouma says and does as over dramatically as possible?
Just to be sure, I said.
You're so thoughtful, Zeussu-kun... That's why I love you so much! Just the thought of your hands gripping your throat has made me wet under my skirt!
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Reminder that if you like Shinguji you support incest, sexism and transphobia uwu
I think she'd be a survivor. Besides, she is best girl.
that you're everyone else excluding oumafags
Does anyone have a picture of the body pillow date with Komaeda that was in the previous thread?
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My money's on victim. She's exactly the kind of personality who could drive someone to the edge.
She's controlling though, so I wouldn't rule out killer entirely.
Is it bad that I only ship Amagane because of the chocolate meme and hatred?
you're wrong! she was an autistic transgender woman who dindu nuffin!! she was a good girl!
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The first three are entertaining while most oumafags are just annoying
Yes, shipping Amagane in general is retarded.
Thank you
That's just Tumblr though. It's a small but admittedly very vocal minority.
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I already support incest though.
And I am the opposite of a feminist, does that count?

Vic, although she could be a Sus in a case because she wouldn't have an Al but she can't be a Mur.

That still looks like chocolate cake to me....
posting the best girl
She's definitely going to be a victim.

I thought I was the only one who liked the Zeussufag vs Saiharafag wars. I haven't seen them in awhile. I miss those guys.
Reminder that Shinguiji is a demisexual transkin who suffers from bipolar disorder and autism, and if you're hating on xer you're an ableist CIS scum uwu
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Posting actual best girl.
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Isn't she best girl too?
Koga is best girl. Blondie a shit.

She's the best V3 girl.
big dicks
That cake looks absolutely horrifying... but I suppose it's the thought that counts.
Also fitting because Komaeda is a piece of shit, but also somebody's husbando.
NEET-kun already filling the role of dangerous skinny scruffy autist is probably a sign that Koga won't be a killer.
>kaede's design with maki's personality
>or in other words possibly Jess' take on Maki & Kaede's love child

No thanks.
I want her to step on my cock
I'm wondering if those spoilers about Akira being mastermind will hold true in the 'game'. Its possible that the creator may pick a new mastermind to throw people off. Or I may just have high hopes.
There's also the dangerous red haired Hitman.

They might give us three madmen though if Koga really is a walking talking Freud reference.

Go to bed Shinguji.
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I can't see my Marin here.
>Zeussu-kun will never choke you while destroying your virgin pussy
I want her to bully me.
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I want Shinguji to NOT kill me.
Speaking of Ouma/his haters, it seems in the comments filtered over to the west that the top three spots really aren't debated so much as characters below the 8th place mark or so, like Maki and Shinguji. Are there as many vocal people who think that Saihara/Ouma/Kaede didn't deserve their top spots as there are here?

Maybe we're not getting the debate that's going on over there here but it seems like Ouma's (and Saihara, to an extent) not as disliked over there.
No it's perfectly normal
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All three of you are wrong.
Fuck off Mikan
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What's your favorite main game ED /drg/? Mine's:

V3 > DR1 > DR2
Ouma isn't really disliked in the Western fanbase though. There's just vocal haters here and 4chan tends to be contrarian in general. The anti-Kaedeposting too is mainly harmless shitposting led by Kuzu.
I ship it because I like the tragedy potential of them growing close in V2 only for Tsumugi to be mindhacc'd into the antithesis of herself and forget all about their closeness.
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Beta Korekiyo looks so beautiful, please god let me meet him.
Is that reverse psychology I see there? :^)
>An April fools joke exploded into full on shitposting because we have nothing to talk about
I know that we're desperate but to that level?
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From what I know, Saihara, Kaede and Ouma are mostly well received. People who don't like Saihara or Ouma admit they're well written and Kaede is treated like an angel over there.
I don't know much about the Japanese fandom so I'm not a reliable source though.
That's my beautiful wife right there. Thanks for the image.
DR1 > DR2 > v3
v3 is shit
My theory is that beta version transplanted his sister's eye into himself following her death, and he summons her by removing the medical eyepatch (the eye beneath is a different colour)
It's not just a joke any more, they're expanding it into a full script complete with voice acting. Give me Rebirth speculation over repetitive characterfag wars anyday.
>DR1 Junko: Be violated by despair!

>DR2 Junko: Yeah you guys can die instead of winning I guess who cares

>DR3 (Anime) Junko: *autistic screeching*
SDR2 > V3 > DR1
Before DR3
After DR3

It's become worse and worse over the years...
I'm impressed.
Don't use 4chan as a metric for anything. It's mostly contrarian for the sake of contrarianism.
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Uh...I don't think he's hated exactly, it's just exactly what >>175192201 said.

Also, the Kaede is NOT supposed to be harmless, it's supposed to utterly fucking annihilate and totally terminate all people's love for Kaede!

ED as in ending?
SDR2 > DR1 > V3 > DR3

It's NOT.

Some people apparently love it more than some of the main game casts.
He's a polarizing character so there's a pretty sizable chunk of the fanbase that dislikes him, understandably. I was just wondering if anyone is debating his (and Saihara's) spot because really nothing from the nip fanbase is coming over about them.

It's kind of funny how Kodaka doesn't really talk or mention those two either and only focuses on the lower popularity characters. Did he just expect them to be that popular?
>Junko is retarded
Who could've guessed.
Who knows. He dismissed the poll as a lie because they weren't popular anyway.
>Kaede is treated like an angel over there
Shittaste at its finest
>it's supposed to utterly fucking annihilate and totally terminate all people's love for Kaede!
Aww~ You trying to act all evil is so cute!
Anyway, people who likes Kaede are rarely hete anyway. Although, there is that one dude who got triggered by ahoge-less Kaede, he also likes your works and insults so I don't think it's really working.
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>Did he just expect them to be that popular?
Yeah, probably.
Saihara's the protagonist so he'd be popular by default, and Ouma's the rival shota used to represent the lie theme the game has.
If I was Kodaka, I'd also expect them to be popular.
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>nee-san will never treat you like human filth
>she will never mock you for having a small penis
>she will never tell you that there's no way you'd be able to satisfy her while pressing her foot into your crotch
>she will never laugh at you for getting hard from the bullying before sitting on your face
>she will never verbally abuse you while rubbing her pussy on your face, covering you in her juices and making it difficult for you to breathe
>she will never force you to dress like a girl while wearing a chastity device with a vibrator up your ass
>she will never train you into a good and obedient little slut
>she will never spank you in front of everyone when you make a mistake or behave badly
>she will never pat your head and call you a good girl while you're giving her head
Why even live?
You'll be getting rebirth characterfags war soon if this continues.
>some people love it more than the main casts apparently
Just like how people loved Maki before the game came out.
I'm expecting people to forget about it and even shit ok it after it releases.
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Reminder that everyone should vote for Hoshi and give a legit reason, even if it's a fucking Dengeki poll.

I still have daily fights with some people because of that very reason.

It's NOT supposed to be cute dammit...

...I know it's not working as planned, but I won't give up.

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I wonder how solid he feels...
>You'll be getting rebirth characterfags war soon if this continues.
Kogafags unite!

What is this, Kuzu?

He feels salty.

I can't
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To be honest, I like Kaede less and less the more people claim she did nothing wrong. Sad because I really want to like her more.
anyone has pics of ghost nee san?
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Maybe kinda gooey
Here >>175191521

Are people going to end up waifuing this minor character?
>I like Kaede less and less the more people claim she did nothing wrong
>yet says that ouma did nothing wrong
Is "彼はクルです" not a good enough reason?
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It's a character poll that Dengeki is holding until May 22nd ish.
It's an online poll so you guys can vote too even though it's Japanese.

ALSO, in case people don't get fucking confused, NO they are not the results, it's just the options.
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someone remembers me uh? i am still here, i just don't talk a lot.
Yeah, it pisses me off too when people try to pain her as a dundu nuffin picture perfect protag how can't fuck up and is easily forgiven by nearly everyone, line in that crapsack of a fix-fic.

On a side note, a couple more people called the author out on mischaracterising Tulpaman and that makes me happy.
It's a bit too soon to jerk-off Shinguji, don't you think?
Since she died early people like to paint Kaede as an angelic infallible protagonist who will prevent all the murders from happening

My bad
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You're the only Kaede I don't mind speaking all chill with

One of the best.
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Kego looks like Hoshi but he'll be Tulpaman (or at least an Angie), he keeps rambling about wanting everyone to listen to his transformative soul music and how all his followers are 'born again' and everyone thinks he's cool.
Then he'll kill someone and they'll be left stunned by that possibility that ...wait for it...Kego is bad?!?
I genuinely want this.
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Can't tell if you're shitposting or just retarded..I'm going to go with shitposting and leave you be.
Yeah, Kaede didn't deserve it or anything(nobody deserves that), and she was well intentioned. But saying she did nothing wrong just because Amami wasn't killed by her hands is an usa. Too bad it's literally everywhere, but it's starting to die down now that people actually consider what Maki, Ouma and Iruma said about her so that's good. I hope I can like her more then. She went from 10th to 15th on my V3 rankings quickly.
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Except everyone keeps offing each other anyway

So far none of the "Kaede lives" fix fics have reached chapter 6, I wonder how they'd make her handle the twist? Go for Hope and sacrifice herself? Let Saihara handle this and side with him through the Power of Love(tm)? Some other method, perhaps?

wait shit, the game's called rebirth
Is Kego the real mastermind?
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oh hey kuzu! i am always here. seriously am i the only kaedefag? everyone left? wow they take jokes too seriously.
>Kego looks like Hoshi but he'll be Tulpaman (or at least an Angie)

He's a mix of those characters?
Is there any way keego could be more perfect?
I heard it's the NEET but I'm not very sure.
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Huh, now that you mention it, there's a very huge lack of Kaedefags... I wonder if there's a reason for that...
It was apparently NEET, yes, but that was before they decided to expand it into a full story. There could be a possibility that they'll change it.
But that'd be too obvious, no?
What did you do with the Kaedefags Kuzuanon?
Could be. We more or less know how the story ends though, which is even more obvious.
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6AM and I'm going out today. I'm going to bed.
Nighto, /drg/.
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I think maybe my Kaede shitposting went too far and scared most of them off.

I'm glad at least you're still here. N-Not that I like you or anything, b-baka who worships a fatty.
I think the purpose of the joke becoming an actual thing is just to expand on the characters/story. I don't think the ending's going to change.

Night Jewell. You need to get to bed at a more reasonable time, young lady.
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H-How mean, Kuzuanon! Kaede is not for bullying! The Piano Baka is not made fo' bullying!

'Nite nite.
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i am not like them, i'll stay and die here
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Huh? What are you talking about? I didn't do shit...

Good night.
Damn, it's 5am ish here...[/spoiler

Heh heh.

Hah, wrong person, but you'll never find any proof I did any shit.
I'm not actually Kuzuanon! I'm just someone who found the Akafatsu-posting fun.

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>tfw spoiler tag just fucking shits itself and breaks apart

Heh, you got guts.
Ever since the hunger games a day or two ago with Africa as a participant, I've had Africa by Toto stuck in my head.

Fuck you /drg/.

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You're so brave.
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Oh yeah, I'm gonna play more of that EE game later in bed, hopefully I'll come across some memes.
So far, not liking that girl who follows me too much, fucking tutorial girl.

FUCK, now it's stuck in my head too.

Oh yeah speaking of EE how are the mechanics?
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Kill the tutorial girl.

Are you liking it so far? What's it like?
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t-that's why i never talk. I thought I was the only kaedefag here
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Posting real Kaede
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Kaede is so fat and stupid, the only letters in the alphabet she knows are KFC, she's also so fucking fat that she uses her mattress as a maxi-pad.

I didn't get far, I'm still in the prologue, managed to play for a bit and got to the point after Alice reveals shit.
I like the UI though, and the music has a lot of piano and classical shit, coupled with that violin sound you hear like in Despair Syndrome.
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I want to get locked in an airtight Funhouse and fix him with love. He would try anything and everything to make me feel hope, but I would just laugh it off, because as long as I'm helping him, no hope is strong enough to enter my heart. I'd show him that no matter what he has done, I'd always forgive him. I'd make him food and clean his room, and drag him out to bed if he stays up late. When the nights get so cold that we have no choice but to cuddle together at night for warmth, I'd feel his breath going from shallow to deep as his form relaxes and he falls asleep in my arms. I'd feel him cling to me in the night when he wakes up from a hopeful nightmare and feel him sob into my chest, first seeds of love sprouting in his traumatized mind. I'd softly kiss his hair and tell him everything will be okay. I'd take care of him because he's sick, read all the books from the library and hold his hand so that he can fall asleep. I'd make shitty homemade Dr. Hopper for him and stay up late with him watching brainwashing anime, and feel him cuddle up to me when he can't stay awake anymore. I'd teach him how to play Russian Roulette and show him how to solve puzzles in Final Dead Room.
One night, he silently sneaks over to the Octagon. A gun extends from his clenched fist when he walks into my room. But his hand stops, centimeters away from my chest, and begins to shake violently. Something is wrong. One by one, his trembling fingers let go of the handle, and with a soft thud, the gun falls onto the carpet. He throws himself on me and buries his face right where the gun should have shot, clutching at the fabric of my clothes. His whole body shakes feverishly and I scoop his body into my arms and tell him that everything will be okay, just like usual. His silent sobbing turns to wailing that echoes out into the brightly lit corridors beyond the door.
He would finally be cured of hope. Because the only thing that doesn't fill him with hope is my pussy
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not you again.
oh no
Is the game long? Also do they know that the outside world is destroyed or is it a DR1 deal where they wake up and are surprised by what happens?
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I wanna hold Daddy Nidai! He's my 3rd favorite DR2 boy.
I want to take a SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT with Nidai.
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I bet if Kaede's IQ was as huge as her weight, she'd be a fucking genius.

Oh I will, definitely.
Hah hah, nothing like that, basically, he's at the amusement park and then Alice appears and then all the people on the amusement park get attacked by these monsters, and then he passes out and wakes up outside a mansion.

KAEDE IS SO FAT, when Angie was trying to pray to God and he said let their be light, she told Kaede to move her fatass out of the way because she was blocking.
Kaede is NOT fat!
>inb4 we are the monsters
That would be bigger shit than a DR twist.
Anyway what's your theories for what's happening in the game? Also who's best boy? It's re-Zero guy isn't it?
Kaede's so fat that the first time they all tried to take the elevator up to the trial, it broke.
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dude stop it, why you like remove her ahoge so much
well I knew it was going to end like that and I accept my destiny
this won't stop kuzu friend
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Who's your 2nd favorite?
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I think it would be easier if I show you footage of the game instead, try this guy, of course, no translation duh.
Also, nah, guess again, heh.
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Because kuzuanon likes it
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My 1st favorite is Kuzu, 2nd favorite Gundam and 3rd favorite Nidai. If I had to choose 4th favorite as well, it'd be Komaeda.

Anyways, I'll hop into the world of dreams now. Will probably have fun with sprite editing tomorrow as well. Good night!
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yeah of course
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>1st favorite is Kuzu
Your taste is best.
Good nighty.

Damn right.
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i am not even trying to stop you anymore
I notice alot of OumaSai fags have Ouma refer to Saihara as "my beloved"
Is that something from the game or something they just made up
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Is perfect for hugs!

I like you!
He did called Saihara his "beloved" in the game.
But he also did that with Junko so...
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And Amami as well.
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I bet you can't cut her ahoges out of this one, Kaede Bullyanon!
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I want Shinguji to come and give me a folklore lecture hard!

He calls him that in game.
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he did it with junko, amami and kaede
what have you done? you turned her into natsumi?
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Purest Husband (30).jpg
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I like you too!
I want to suck Shinguuji off while he's giving me a lecture.i want to casually nod my head in agreement whole his cock is stuffed in my mouth, feeling the vibrations from my disinterested "uh huh"s on his shaft. When I pop his dick out my mouth, I will tell him "Damn baby you smart."
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Wanna bet?
they're canon
Sayaka is a dead cuck.
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Fuck you Anon now I can't stop reading this in DJ Khaled's voice.
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You sure you want that, anon?

Yes, muwahahaha

I love you
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What's that slut doing in my clothes?
>he thinks she's dead
>especially with HIKSHON
Kirigirifags on suicide watch
Amami go away or do you want to be btfo by luck again?
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>this artist still haven't uploaded anything more yet.
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snug amami.png
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Purest Husband (38).jpg
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I hate Kirigiri.
Hopelet can suck a dick.
Sayaka is a dead cuckold, and even HIKUSHON cannot fix that.
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Repeat after me bros:
>Soudafag calling anyone a cuck when Souda is the biggest cuck in DR
Well, wouldn't you think he'd be the most qualified to judge then?
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Why not both?
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>Not uploading the superior version
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...She looks like a fucking alien.
Repeat after me bros
Souda is the SHSL Cuck, but at least he isn't a dead cuck.
God I wish that were me
Yeah you right
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Ahahahaha wait a minute, are you saying you thought that Danganronpa actually existed?
He might as well be. Being an an eternal cuck is worse than being a dead cuck. Sayaka isn't a cuck to begin with so Leon would fit your definition more.
Uh, duh. Who else would her producer be fucking?
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The only cock Maizono deserves is her fucking manager's wrinkly dick.

The only cock Kirigiri deserves is Endo's after he fucking makes her BTFO.
>I hate Kirigiri
Guys I think I hate all of you here
I agree with this. Naegi also deserves to get no pussy.

Please, say that you hate me above everyone else.

Say it while I bully Saionji as usual. Because I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.
>tfw kuzu and peko weren't hotline miamid
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Don't we all?
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Her idol friends and your mom. She was clearly the hopelet's cumbucket when they attended school together.
Yeah, same.
Guys I think I love all of you here
I'm going to go to sleep soon
So good night /drg/
Same, but I still come back here every day.
>hopelet's cumbucket
Uh, hold up. She couldn't be the cumbucket, that bitch got a dick. Don't believe me? Look at that swimsuit pic, don't tell me that bulge ain't a dick.
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>Be Sayaka
>Baseball man kills you
>Watch on as your husbando grows closer to a mysterious pink-haired girl
>Eventually she's basically his wife
>Want to commit suicide
>You're already fucking DEAD
Sayaka is a DEAD CUCk
>Tell them, Naegi.
She just gets rid of any tension whatsoever in trials. There's no satisfaction, because almost every answer is in some way or another brought about by Kirigiri. Since she will always have the answer, the trials are just garbo.
She's also generally boring and only showed actual personality when she died, and that was made irrelevant by the patron saint of hacks himself.
>a hole's a hole
Oh, it's the trashman! I take that back!
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Sit down Bully-kun. You're too noisy and your attempts at creating hope are utterly pathetic.
How does that change anything? She can still be a cumbucket.
>what is panties

Sorry Trashman but she's not a cuck. But nice try. Maybe Souda will eventually become less of a cuck someday.

And don't hate on Kirigiri because she was smarter than you.
Is it that thick as well?
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Whoa, I thought I already told you to never speak to me again.

Guess that? I allow you to speak to me so I can hear your gasps of pain and complaints about your poor choices in life, Komaeda!
>tfw a test post used to test the spoiler function gets you more replies than your actual post
I wasn't even that serious about hating all of you.
I want Tulpaman to wear high heels
>She just gets rid of any tension whatsoever in trials. There's no satisfaction, because almost every answer is in some way or another brought about by Kirigiri. Since she will always have the answer, the trials are just garbo
That's why I hated her too. Like "bitch let me do my own work for myself" and doesn't help that she ranged from being boring and to a cunt. Honestly don't know what was so likable about her in DR1. Even DR3 she didn't really do anything but be the trophy waifu.
>what is panties
Yo there ain't no panties in the world that cause that big a bulge. It's a dick. We can assume it's a feminine dick, but it is in fact a penis. Open your third eye and accept the trappill, mang.
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Having a dick doesn't mean you can't be a cumbucket
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>finally getting Bully-kun's attention
I-Is this hope.....?
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>tfw to intelligent to walk into the power room and shut down the game or say the monitors caused the murders
Not him but its probably her panties just hanging all the way down and not on her actual crotch.
The nation's top idol having a bulge would be kind of a big deal otherwise, I would assume.
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This is my fetish
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Being an intelligent character is fine. Togami, Nagito, Gundham, they were all intelligent. You know what separates them from Kirigiri? They actually had a personality. Kirigiri serves as a Mary Sue set of training wheels for an incompetent, beta Hopelet.
Kirigiri is SHIT!
There is nothing to like.
>he's really this retarded and doesn't know how panties work
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You just said that I'm not fit to create hope, Komaeda. Speak clearly and spit the rest of watermelon out of your mouth, I don't understand your babbling.

I think you should present your excuses to me.
>implying she wasn't getting chased by two psychos trying to kill her
My too
>Togami is better than Kirgiri
Okay leave Fujo shitter
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As expected from a Friend of Souda. Accept that DR1 has better girls, apologize to both Kirigiri and Sayakafags, and renounce your fealty to King Cuck Souda.
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Good taste.

>Nagito and Gundham
Are autistmos
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Sakura is the best DR1 girl.
Kirigiris and Maizonos are all irrelevant.
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50/129 layers done
What did Togami even do in DR1 besides messing with a trap's corpse? I haven't played the game in a long time.
Fuck off Donut why are you even here?
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If Naegi was incompetent or Togami was smart, Togami wouldn't have gotten btfo constantly.
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>TFW to intelligent to figure out that the glass was broken
>TFW to intelligent to shoot junko
>TFW to intelligent to not get caught by kuzu in my plan
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She's still a traitor, though. There's no good girls in Naegi's class.

Being a badly trained Doggie, who feigh intelligence.
This is the only acceptable answer.

Naegi's literally you.
How about you, idk, give her actually short hair?
How good a cumbucket is he?
Being joke for Toko and Syo.
That's all he was and will forever be.
That's Kuzu...
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I agree
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>going through with the Kaede torture
S-Stop making me love you more....

Sakura can snap Kirigiri and Maizono in half if she wanted to but she wouldn't because she's a kind-hearted soul.

And yet she still saved the day.

Damn right.
>She's still a traitor, though. There's no good girls in Naegi's class
Pretty much. But then again the same could be said for the DR2 girls excluding Chiaki since they're mass murderers even if they were brainwashed. Seems only V3 girls are clean for the most part.
My friend, there's a reason why it's always the Kirigiri and Maizonofags fighting. They are the noble houses fighting for the seat of king. Everybody else are the peasant serfs who produce grain. The feudalistic system is stacked against you.
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What can I say? I just love despair I'm creating.
They originally wanted to make him a serious rival but he just became a gag character for Toko/Syo which clearly showed past chapter 2.
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Can't be fujo if you're male :thinking:
Togami was intelligent.
DR1 had fantastic boys and alright girls, Kirigirifags and Sayakafags are SHITTERS, Souda will reign eternal.
Togami at least had personality in that he was a sneering arsehole. I'm not his biggest fan, but he had personality.
Nagito was a raging autist, but he had a fucking lit trial.
Gundham had the best plan in the game though. If it weren't for the autistic screeching that woke Souda and Kuzu, he would have got away with it.
He didn't do shit relevant to the plot, but if you did his FTEs he claims to have earned a couple of billion by trading. Evidently, either he's SHSL or intelligent.
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Good if you stuff his mouth with a ballgag or something since he probably doesn't shut the fuck up the whole time
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And V3 has the worst girls.
This reality is too horrible, I reject it.
>Aoi was secretly Kuzuanon
Even more hack twists from Kodaka
Whatever Aoi go back to eating donuts
>Souda will reign eternal
As the Eternal Cuck? You're right! Unfortunately, we're discussing characters who WEREN'T just bait for Junko to lure in the DR1 cast right now. Keep up!
Plus they are the main two waifus for SHSL LUCC God Who Can Bend The Power Of The Plot To His Will Makoto Naegi.
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Well, that's right. You can count a truly purehearted characters on one hand.

That's Naegi, Ishimaru, Fujisaki and Nanami. That's it, those are the only ones who didn't contemplate a murder or did one.

Oogami is awesome, but I regret the fact that she even considered to kill someone for the sake to save her dojo, when she didn't had any proof of death on the photo.
>tfw to intelligent for danganronpa
>V3 girls
>piano baka tried to kill someone with her dumb plan
>meido cunt murdered best boy
>crazy cultist slut was brainwashing people for her kami-sama
>toliet slut was trying to kill someone
>wallpaper was the literal mastermind
>bland assassin is self explanatory
Only clean girls are Tenko and Himiko ironically.
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In that case, I demand democracy.

You won't be saying that after Sakura smashes your head to the ground. Now where are my donuts

But the same can be said for a lot of characters who have something deeply important to them, Sakura's dojo is no exception.

More like tutorial bitch and ?????? girl.
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Souda is King Husbando. The heir to the Husbando throne is Ishimaru.
All I remember about Togami was him getting BTFO every time he was on screen. Forgive me for my shoddy memory.
Feudalism reigned for a thousand years, nigga. Kuzuryuu doesn't have the strength or reach (LITERALLY!) to try and usurp the throne.
Well, you're not wrong.
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He got BTFO twice, if I remember correctly. First time was when he tried to set Syo up as the murderer in the 2nd Trial, and had his ruse picked apart. That wasn't so bad, since he enjoyed that process. He got eternally BTFO in Trial 4, when Kirigiri pretty much just outed him as a sociopath.
>dead gay cuck
Huh... I'm sensing a pattern here...
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Teruteru is genuinely the most fuckable though.
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While everyone had something similar, only Oogami and Maizono considered a murder after being just three days in the academy. Oh well, that's all in the past now.

Your memory is excellent, anon.
Naegi would have killed someone if Sayaka didn't snap. After seeing that video he kept saying he has to get out of here to save his family. Plus he tried to kill Munakata.
Someone post that story generator
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/drg/ tell me exactly why DR:RE >>> NDRV3
>best boy
Such a shit taste
We don't know the full story yet. Son for the time being, DR:RE is better than V3.
You have pretty good memory anon.

He also got BTFO in chapter 5 and 6. Then he got BTFO in UDG and had to get rescued. Then he got BTFO again and had to be rescued once again.
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Ishimaru might very well be dead and gay, but how was he a cuck?
The twinks are most fuckable. Souda and Ishimaru are more masculine, which erects my penis also.
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Kego is in it and is going to bring us all new life once we listen to his soul music! I love Kego! He's fashionable and not at all suspicious!
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Chain of domination.png
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Nah, Naegi goes back into a shuttering beta right when Maizono approaches him, making him forget anything about the "get out of here" plan. He didn't thought about the murder either.
>But the same can be said for a lot of characters who have something deeply important to them, Sakura's dojo is no exception.
So then why do people give Sayaka shit for wanting to save her friends? Or for Teruteru and his mom? Or Toujo with her country and people?
>BF dies
>goes super saiyan magic and shit
>gets clonked by a fat otaku
Pretty cucky to me.
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Purest Husband (24).jpg
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>BTFO in Chapter 5 and 6
Refresh my memory.
Haven't played UDG, but I can imagine he was kind of a faggot there too.
I wasn't trying to say Togami was good, anyway. I just think that he's an example of an intelligent character that actually got some personality, as opposed to baconbitch.
Because it just is.

I hope this is bait.
Well, the stage players of Oowada and Junko just married or some shit idk. So people autisticly shouting "Enowada is canon" or some shit like that. But if that's the case then "Akawada" is also canon because seiyu.
But as if that's going to stop any fujo/fudan from shipping Ishimondo, yes?
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>crossdressing protagonist
>better than the protagonists we have right now

He only pushes aside those thoughts when he saw Sayaka freaking out. But he was definitely contemplating getting out and that would be through murder.

Also he still tried to kill Munakata.
Chapter 5 is him just going along with Junko's trap while Naegi and Kirigiri figure out that something is wrong. Chapter 6 he does literally nothing except ask questions while Naegi explains everything and then has to shoot his hope into him at the end.
>Refresh my memory.
>got rused by Junko into thinking Kirigiri was the culprit
>Naegi takes the bait instead throwing him off balance
>Junko BTFO of him with despair in chapter 6

And he needed to be saved by Komaru and Toko in UDG.
Whatever, Naegi was the weakest protagonist, below Akamatsu, who manages to surpass him in a single chapter, hahaha
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>cuckhara better than protagonist
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>dying = getting cucked
Significantly more masculine than Ouma, Amami and Korekiyo. He'd have to be making some serious gainz from his work as a mechanic.
>The Stage actors and their personal lives
>relevant to DR canon
Pick one.
Ah, thanks.
what a fgt
Are we forgetting that it was Togami who saved Komaru to begin with? Who's gun do you think she's using?
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You say that now, but watch when the tides turn.

Eh, I guess...

People react differently I guess, some put it at the back of their mind while others are more desperate.

I fucking love that one.
Especially the one where it generates a story where someone takes a huge shit.
It wasn't dying that made him a cuck, it was the HUMILIATION kill.
V3 unironically has the best girls in Danganronpa
>he thinks his cuckboy is better than the crossdresser
>he also thinks that self insert betaboy and faggy "muh talent" beta is better
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His death was the shittiest death in the game by a landslide, but it doesn't warrant cuck memes.
How is that a humilation kill?
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V3 has the best cast in general.
Good thing that I'm not the only one who thinks like this.
He isn't that more muscular than Amami or Shinguji.
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Yeah there's no shame in being killed by Yamada, his power is off the charts.
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I agree. Except Maki.
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I agree, there's no one among the cast I can bring myself to dislike.
Still, I wonder how being kill by anuly specific person make that a humilition kill?
I try using logic, but it doesn't seem to work here.
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Korekiyo talks like a homo and Amami has the gay piercings and twink look to him. Souda is a manly man with a manly talent.
Kek. Play true games like granblue fantasy or fate grand order. Danganshit is for faggots.
>not COD
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I love all of them!
except maki. don't tell me why.
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>V3 unironically has the best boys in Danganronpa
>implying that anyone of us is not a fag
Really now...
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I would agree if it weren't for Kaede's existence.
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Cant wait for GranDanganronpaBlue Order
I'll still tell you why, because you have shit taste. It is clear as day, seeing how you like Kaede.
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What do I win?
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Nothing wrong with leaving out Maki, anons!
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Agreed, they're all great characters, even the ones that are my least favorite. I don't dislike any of them.
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Komaeda is the best and cutest Fate.
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But at least they're cucks.

I'll give you GF but FGO was kinda eh for me.
Jeanne is my waifu
The delegates Arturia.
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I agree.

I really want to fuck Kaito by the way.
Choose your fighter /drg/
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Don't worry, I will just like her even more to make up for you two.
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>Kiibo that tall
Is he standing on a box?

cute picture though
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That is beautiful, I will be saving and using that in response to every single Kaedefag in existence from this day forth.

>tfw no pic
Kuzu, Peko, Sakura, Ishimaru, Hoshi and Kirumi.
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Fuck no.
Go away.
I want to give her a haircut so badly. Give her something short and practical and stylish. She'd look so cute in a short bob cut with not straight bangs/fringe.
>accepting chihiro as a boy
this. the girls were shit in this game. dr2 still has the best grls.

>tfw only 24 characters from this pic is still alive
I think he's actually that tall.
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So, pretty much just your favorite boys and girls from each games...

I like that ;^)
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i may have shit taste, but this doesn't change the fact that I dislike maki.
you are unstoppable aren't you?
He's 160 cm, only 4 cm taller than Ouma. He looks almost as tall as Saihara, 171 cm, here.

He is a tiny bot.
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Never underestimate a nerd with god powers

As a token of gratitude, buy a Junko figurine and place it somewhere visible. You said Bijin liked her, so I'm sure she won't mind :^)
>10 cm difference between Korekiyo and Gonta
>That height difference
It peeves me so much...
Chihiro is not for lewd.
Not everyone projects onto the characters
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Oh, if you wanna talk each game.
Including DRAE.
Masaru Daimon and Hagakure's mom.
He's the third shortest boy from the cast. He ain't that tall. He's the same height as Naegi.
Working on it right now.
You really need some of that weedmilk huh?

It's a metaphor for her boobs, I know you hate milk.
Her hair isn't anywhere that long
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Yep. If you feel bad, I'll just let you know I'm not doing it out of hatred, but out of boredom.
Madarai. His "immortality" along with cloning would make him a literal Orochimaru fighter.
Don't worry, I also have shit taste so I understand. But not as shit as yours.
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....Well, she's the only female I find appealing in the game, everyone else is eh, so I had to grasp straws to pick a girl, didn't want to pick Komaru or Fukawa or Kotoko or Monaka and Kanon is not an option.
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I'm a greedy slut so...
ALL OF THESE!!!1!!1!
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This one was pretty hilarious imo
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Daily reminder of who Mugi really belongs to.
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...I still love that one so much that I read it out loud because it as Kuzu but Hoshi as well...
eh and Naegi too I guess.

I also find this one funny.
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>tfw your question is so stupid, the anon you asked the question to doesn't even bother to answer you
I'm so proud and so disappointed in myself right now.
More like smoking hot. Cut the monokuma bit out though
Sounds like Kuzu anon made this.
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...Hey /drg/
what's going on?
did anyone show all the beta designs already?
If DR0 characters were in bonus mode who would they get along with in V3 cast?
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Kuzu you know i am the only kaedefag here, you already killed all of them
feel bad for what? for remove her ahoge? nah
if like kaede for you is shit taste then like maki for me is shit taste. everyone has different opinions.
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This is from that fanfic generator thing right?
Have the link?
Not all of them, just a amami that kinda resembled komaeda, a shirtless gonta, a kiibo with an afro, a hoshi that looks like a baguette, and part of a korekiyo beta that was cut off so all we got was thigh gap and long legs
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Why, anon? Do you really hate my "MASSIVE BONER" that much?
Not all of them are out yet.
But hopefully, they'll come soon.
No. I dont think any new designs have been shown today except Kiibos.
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Agreed, it is hot.

I-I didn't make it, w-what the fuck are you talking about...?

Hey, and no, only leaks.

It's this,
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No link, only fanfic of Mugi shitting herself.
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I just realized.
Izuru cut a head of this guy off so clean that he was able to shoot him after that.
Just noticed that V3 has no SHSL Luckster. DR1 had Naegi and DR2 had Komaeda.
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>Angie in Tulpaman's clothes
His head was cut by a chainsaw! No chainsaw in this world is going to make any kinds of wounds clean!
And he fell on to it, no way in hell that's going to make a wound clean.
It might be Amami.
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Did you submit this Monokuma anon?
he's shsl adventurer
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what the.png
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"Technically", Naegi and Komaeda both appear in V3 in some form, so V3 do have Lucksters.

>Kaito (Vocaloid)
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unknown (9).png
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Have this fucking thing from last time I tried that generator fanficmaker
Amami is Adventurer, though. He reveals that in prison mode.
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It's DR logic, don't question it.
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Thanks maruron
I kind of wanted Saihara to be SHSL lucky, which is how he solved his cases, making him seem like SHSL detective.
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His starting stats in the rpg mode are the same as Komaeda's and Naegi's and they're the only ones starting out with Luck 7.
I meant V3 cast but yeah.
>bringing bonus mode stats up

According to that Ouma is stronger than Gonta and only weaker than Hoshi and Maki in the V3 cast. Those stats mean nothing.
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I rarely go to tumblr or AO3. So, no.

But this is kinda temting so maybe I'll visit the Monokuma tag.
That would have been pretty interesting.

That's bonus mode though.
Yeah, you're probably right, I just wanted to bring this up.
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>Mahiru Koizumi/Reader
3 images left
Yeah I meant that might be his real talent because of his stats in the school mode thing. Just saying it's a possibility since we don't really know shit about him.
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Ded bred
off we go brahs!
I want to fuck Sato with my baseball bat.
Those stats were from bonus mode and he already told us what his talent was.
I would stick my bread inside his mouth if you know what I mean
I wanna bug bomb Gonta's room
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