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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 724
Thread images: 251

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Cute murderfu edition


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xth for elise
>Pick support Brand
>Go 2 0 5 in lane
>End the game 8 8 20
How do I stop dying so much?
I always try to be in range to cast my spells on atleast 2 champs, but literally every time I just die after having pressed all my buttons.
It's not bad, since I contribute a lot anyway, but it feels like my positioning is still shit.

What do?
Is caves of qud worth it?
>lee and riven in team
>vs yasuo
Can't wait to have my experience changed.
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>xin diving turrets and going deep in the unwarded enemy jungle without tier 2 towers taken
>akali gets fed off of this
>he types in chat "i am so stipid"
>"u" (i guess he was trying to fix his typo)
>voli afks at fountain but moves around once in a while to avoid leaverbuster
xth for Tarzaned is a hardstuck diamond graves otp with serious mental issues
you are brand, its your destiny to get dove on, but it doesn't matter because that just makes all your skill shits easy to land and then ult before you die and win the team fight anyway
always stay close to your mid laner. you can either you him as bait so you can do your full rotation or have him die so you can run and reposition
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i want to look exactly like camille
r u retarded
But that's 2B
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Fuck you all in this thread bastards, you don't give a shit about rules, and try to tell me you are not biased.
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>"u am so stupid"
>no flat chest
>no bush looking through panties
i want to run my hand under her shirt and rub her silky tummy
I dare u to try redsmite exhaust urgot jungle with PD and DD for maximum exhaustion
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>>voli afks at fountain but moves around once in a while to avoid leaverbuster
I dare you to shut up faggot
I just had a nightmare where I was driving with a friend to a beach at night and I parked my car in a dark seedy garage with flickering lights. The moment my friend opened the door Bard was outside the car holding a Black Cleaver and a BoRK and he started ripping my friend apart and tearing his guts open while making those bell noises. I instantly shut the door and started the engine but Bard grabbed onto my rear bumper and started spasming hard. I drove in reverse and smashed my car several times into a wall, the shaking eventually stopped and I began to drive away as fast as possible. I looked at the wall I was slamming against in the rear view mirror and I felt like I didn't see anything there on the ground, but I couldn't see clearly so I didn't think much of it.

I kept driving and driving along the beach, all night, until dawn. Delicate beams of sunshine bounced playfully on the water and the gold of the sunlight mixed with the cerulean of the morning mist to create a beautiful view. I felt that I'd finally gotten away and I shed tears for my friend. I quickly wiped them away however and decided that instead of mourning I should live my life for the both of us. I turned my head to look at the sky with a solemn smile, but Bard was there hanging on to my window, staring at me. I screamed, he responded with a Bard noise. I don't remember much after that, only that he had a Rabadon's on his head, but I know that it was horrible.

Fuck Bard man.
im not a faggot faggot
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>"Legend says the sculptor known as Ymelo collected fossilized lizard eggs from a thousand-thousand years ago that he carved into intricate shapes. These ancient lizards lived long before the Ghetu Sea dried up to a desert, leaving only petrified bones and dust."

Dino champ(s) and possible race incoming

About fucking time, we're long overdue for a dinosaur champ.
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>Lose game
>Two enemy players post twitchs
>Both girls
What I usually do is, go on their twitch and bully them.

If they have guts to post links to their garbage streams just legit to there and tell them to commit suicide and that they will never be popular and they should stop streaming right now.

I fucking hate these people. Who the fuck is interested in some garbage platinum Lulu support.
What does them being girls matter?
maybe post that in real time so we bully them?
theyre both offline
> getting your mid laner killed so you can survive after not having any spells left


SEXISM PIG.......................,,,
>getting raped by a qt kat main
I'm jelly anon
>the people who did the least advertise their streams
>they're girls
>can't do anything about it because you still lost to them
Am I the only one getting Memory reference issues when I play LoL now?
It's definitely not my sticks because I've done several fucking tests on them now and none of them come up with anything yet the other day I had a memory reference error so bad that it shut down my computer.
I'm pretty sure the LoL client is having a giant fucking memory leak right now. That's the only thing I can think of because I'm not getting this issue with other games.
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>get this retard on my team in ranked
>he plays darius
>says "4 deaths on AD is much much worse than 8 deaths on a tank"
jesus christ why do i always get these people
Camille is a tranny. In the lore it says xer fiance left xer after xe got a "controversial surgery".
No need to sperg, anon. You're all allowed to disrespect them here
I've gotten a few lately
How the fuck did he get Gold II?
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Vlads presence in itself is lewd
play enough ranked and anything will happen i guess
If Vladimir goes to blood pool how the fuck does he keep his clothing on. The clothes should stay on floor and he should emerge naked.
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i want to look EXACTLY like miss fortune!
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Aside from high heels what are the best boots on sona?
You don't
You flash into their backline, drop your combo, kill their support and adc, take 75% of their midlaners health and die
Unless you're at a decent rank then you stay back and fish for pillars of flame until their major CDs are blown but where is the fun in that?
Diana is cute

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>no yi skin still
Katarina nerfs when?
>losing to women
Lmao @ your life
hehe xd omg lewd toobee cosplay xDD
talk about the fucking least effort possible jesus christ, literally just style the hair and put a piece of black cloth over half your face and thats it
Can someone post some 6'4" memes?
I feel you, I'd gas them
>putting sample on basic sketches
for what purpose?
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tfw no qt grill duo
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What's his full title again?
>My wards point out 4 man coming bot
>Leave turret, ping adc to leave
>My adc decides to stay, for some reason
>Asks me where I went

gee boss I dunno
>wake up
>yasuo players still not gassed
Why is it like this
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for what purpose?
>wake up
>lolg is still full of underage silvers crossposting from /r/leagueoflegends posting twitch.tv memes
>they're still not gassed

I don't know at this point I prefer the Yasuo players
Kled, the memelord
then what are you doing in lolg
Discussing the game
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any requests?
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This with Singed
is shit
haha cute
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Jinx wearing this shirt probably in the same pose at this MF >>175161160
How do you punish Dark Seal openers on enemy mids?
Other than not dying ofc

Kled, the Cancer Rat.

Then again, all the Yordles are Cancer Rat.

Lets upgrade him to King Cancer Rat.

That's something we can settle on, right?
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Forgot my pic. Ivern as Shaggy and Greater Murk Wolf as Scooby
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skarner lewds
Orianna doing a smug face.
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>walking in the woods at night
>and you see this cutie
>what would you do ?
I'd punch your teeth out and then piss on your carcass.
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Sona doing cute things
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impreg her
get arrested since simply witnessing a half nude little girl is pedophilia
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Illaoi wanting to show her motions to Braum

Only in the UK.

American law is a little bit more lenient with that than you think.
This is so awfully forced and not even funny.
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ask her to eat my bowl of eggs
> queue mid / fill
> get top about 50% of games

is top really that unpopular? i figured i'd get supp / jungle mostly
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have this one first anon, ill put in details and clean it up in a bit lmao
You can send your nudes twice to different underage before it being considered indecent!
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>why no one wants to play the most boring role anons?
Listen to this while playing ranked and your macro will improve significantly, trust me

>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
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Oh well.
this girl wears so much makeup, she files it under professional spending!
Listen to this while playing Teemo and you'll play much better, trust me
>Urgot with no flash

Might work for a while, but its still dangerous to do that.

>Red smite, exhaust, ZTBA, PD, DD

The damage reduction is multiplicative, anon. By the time you finish memebulding, you could
have ended the game as top/mid/or even adc urgot.
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Imagine the joy that a father feels the day he sees his child, Imagine being so taken by the sight of your son that you are ready to commit yourself fully to his existence and give him every chance to succeed in life with a nice stable upbringing.

Now imagine that said son turns out like these waifuposting shitlords, imagine coming home and walking into your sons room and seeing pictures of lulu or ahri on the wall as he sits half naked playing league of legends, imagine what kind of inner strength it must take to not eat a gun after witnessing what your son has become and that you somehow contributed to it
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>grabs your support by the pussy

ok then just red smite and his passive should be enough
thats 35% dmg reduction
u dont even need to rush muramana since blue helps
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Should I pull the trigger and become shameless? Is it worth it?
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How masochistic is flex queue?
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hope you like it anon
playing syndra is now supposed to be a shameful?
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Kled pops off.webm
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Pretty masochistic
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I want to have a civil discussion about the female anatomy

would you spare a minute and give a compliment about a champion's aspect you very much enjoy gazing upon

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this with teemo
thanks bro
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Boy, I've already done what you are talking about.
Like I said, its "meh" since the red smite item is cheap, but it would just be easier to do a standard build, because you need to get Mura stacked ASAP.

I haven't done jungle Urgot, DarkStar has, on his smurf though. I'd rather jungle with something else, like Jax or Even. That's just me though.

>35% dmg reduction

I just said that it was multiplicative, not additive.
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Not sure.
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Thanks, I'll be waiting patiently
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I cant put my finger on what it is,i like her everything
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why can't girls play anything but girl characters
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I want to eat out Soraka from under her dress
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Would you? Shes legal in her country.
Not that it matters, since her city exiled her..
So I just finished Ahri's new lore and literally none of it I liked.

This isn't just a retcon of her previous characters. This is an entirely new character outside of visuals.

Her power level has been toned down significantly, like to the point where even Jinx could fuck her up if she got the jump.
Her emotions and character are completely different. Before she was supposed to be a temptress but now she's "Oh woe is me I am a monster that can't stop." Vowing to never harm life, yet is completely unsympathetic towards people she doesn't get to know. Also she's used goods by like 3 people now even though that in essence with her previous lore didn't make any sort of sense.

She's basically Riven but a mage instead of a swordmaster.

Color me fucking upset holy shit, who the fuck is head of the lore team because this is NOT what Ahri is.
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welcome to the suicide watch list

previously known as the ahri fan base

Anthony FUCKING Burch does it again.
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Male characters are boring.
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I love Rumblefag!
>hate the game because its shit
>noob gold scrub bitch says i quit because i am bad unlike her
>play 50 games, hit d5
>play every 28 days to maintain just to Trigger her. i dont even care about lol. i just care about her being mad
>she is stuck in gold while tryharding
>meanwhile i can lose every game till season end and i will still be in d5
gosh im excited for those sweet tears in november when i get what she wants while i dont even want it anymore
cant agree
we have 90% generic dude with iconic weapon

the females have much more character
For a strategist, Swain is brain dead easy to play.
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shes a girl and probably only plays support, so shit reactionary abilities and smaller brain + no ability to think logically and the fact that shes playing a non carry role is why the bitch is hardstuck
>not boosting her for sexual favors
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Give me a good Yi OTP name
6 decides.
Wu-Tang Blade
tfw no cosmic Yi
masterbait Yi
Wuju cc me
Mister Yu
Skill Is Inferior
she is main adc
hast almost 5k hours played

once boosted her to gold for a Skin
i have a 9/10 gf while she is some stupid artsy pansexual 160cm tall 100kg + hambeast
well no thanks
Cosmic Reaver Kassadin
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I wanna hold Lulu in my arms and keep her safe and warm!
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How am I supposed to do well against Intermediate bots, they just keep ganking and poking me until they either kill me or force me to run away.
They don't even have the decency to let me creep score.
just had 2/12 yasuo with broken english in team AMA
grandmaster genji
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Master Yisus.jpg
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Even if i dont get a 6, consider this, mang.
this one's pretty good
Like it's just a good name
even if not related to Yi
9gag yi main
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You'll have to take her from my cold, dead hands then
If 6 you OTP Wukong
I only press Q
Your proposal is acceptable.
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So when will Riot rework maokai, malphite and nautilus so that these champions require skill? At the moment they're probably the easiest champions to play in the entire game, all incredibly boring and all a low skill ceiling that you reach after 5 games or so.

Meanwhile you have tanks that have a great design like new Galio and Sion (Poppy is kind of meh, there's no real counterplay to her whenever she gets viable).
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fucking destroyed
>So when will Riot rework maokai
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The best part is that you can tell the only people who like Ahri's lore update are actual tumblrinas because they're purposefully taking words completely out there with their meaning and trying to act like her stories are deep when in reality they're just retconning Ahri to be less about Male fantasization and more about Female power fantasies. Idk who wrote this schmuck but if they wanted to be praised for it then they needed to add a bit more effort than a weekend's worth of time.

I've written stories 10x bigger than this with no real ending that has deeper meaning than this shit but then again you can't really expect LoL to have deep lore when they are actively retconning everyone's backstory every 2 years.

Wonder how long it's going to take before Bandle City and the parties involved with that group to get another new backstory that completely contradicts at least 2 of the Yordles.
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Vanilla and lesbian need to be switched
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MFF a best
does anybody have more lol fsjal?
perhaps a folder they could share?
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I'm so glad I'm a Jinxfag because her entire character makes her immune to any of this bullshit retconning stuff because no matter what she's still has to be crazy and insane and ultimately not make any sort of sense. The only downside is the slight possibility that we'll get Anthony FUCKING Burch to write a story for her and in which case it'll probably be horrible and contradict literally everything else so Riot will be forced to retcon it anyway.
>tfw your duo didn't come online in days
>have no one else to play with
>tried to play blind pick twice
>everyone was fucking retarded

there's nothing else to play :(
>playing blind pick
>fucking EVER

you deserve chemical castration
> hate game
> post in said game's general to talk about a game he hates


lel 5k hours and still gold? You're conciously not improving if that's the case. Most people with that amount of hours are in diamond / master / challenger.
inb4 she does it all to save her mother
I was fucking desperate okay, you don't know the whole story so don't judge.
>tfw started playing two weeks ago on a 5-man premade every weekday after lunch
Suddenly League is fun and life is great again. Hope you can find some friends to play with, anon!
normals are pretty fiesta but blind pick is the land of the lost with all the yasuo in every lane picks
desu once or twice a month i go for normal game "just to get this one champion's chest"
and then immediatelly regret when after 5 minutes bot got double klilled twice and mid goes afk
>jinx does it all because she cares about her mother
>who was raped by her father at a young age
>because men are evil and this turned jinx into the psycho she is today
MFF > FF >= MF > MMF >>>> Power gap >>>> F(M!)F = MM
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If Zaun's lore update was anything to look forward to then I'm going to say that whoever's in charge of the lore is planning on making her an unwitting minion/slave to Singed or Viktor who erased her memories when they found her on the street and in actuality she's the child of a wealthy business family.
All of this will of course be with the expected anti-indivualism/conservative undertone that has been in almost every single one of the story updates since last year.

Screencap this just in-case.
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when are they going to expand Lulus lore?
I hope they keep it kinda vague and sad at the same time. maybe make it so the other yordles bullied her and she wanted to escape bandle city and then got lured into the glade.
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I wanna have a tea party with Lulu!
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>tfw started playing league with friends before match making even existed
>tfw only play normals because those days are what I liked most about the game
guess I'm just a shitter by todays league standards
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I dont know, blind on smurf is pretty fun
kek this is genious
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>Who wants to come to my 99 fishing party?
>(Only fizz and tahm kench mains allowed)
Camille is mom :0
you need new material you only post the same old shit every time
Just to make it clear, I was saying that Brand pic was genious.
I've been playing since 2011 and never touched ranked and I'm still under 1k normal wins
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Lulu is my STAR!
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Well considering that Lulu's lore literally contradicts the entire Yordle race's lore right now her future doesn't look too bleak.
This fanny looks flat as Earth, I like them puffy and meaty like in various League doujins.
well i played my fair share in this game and want to share my experiences here. i dont find that too unusual.

you can argue with me why the game is not shit. i have no problem with that

well she thinks she is gosu and does not listen to advice or if she gets called out she triggers and mutes herself when she is on teamspeak

and yep 5k hours is a whole fucking lot. i got d5 with 2k hours played counting all accounts and even normal and aram games
why dont people get righteous glory on galio
literally fixes his movespeed on w problem
What's better for Blitz, Thunderlord's or Bond of Stone?
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>mfw I just realized cosmic yi won't come out til NEXT WEEK
what was I thinking when I got hype
No, fuck off.
Fuck off frogposter. It's not even that good
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>visited the roleplay section on na boards
>his best skin
>not even that good
need to get that chronic shit taste checked out
MMF > MF > MFF > Power Gap > FF = MM
Any larger version of this?
You switch between Thunderlord and Courage of the Colossus depending on the enemy lane.
I'm yosuke watanabi, long lost cousin of yasuo, but instead of mastering wind technique, I mastered pain technique and I'm way stronger but I let him live so I can watch him grow stronger for now hehe
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How can other Yordles even compete?
>NA forums
I only go on there to laugh at the Gameplay section because it's blatantly filled with Tank and Support mains who cannot do simple mathematics at all.
They can't
they cant compete at being the shittiest yordle with her
she beats them all!
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>grabs your man by the pussy

what do ?
t. got sliced and diced by Yi
Don't forget them circlejerking about them circlejerking
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Honestly I just wish they knew what to do with her character. the Zaun/Piltie event was lack luster for her imo, they set up so much potential for her and didn't use an inch of it let alone how they wrote her was pitiful. I do think you're right though, she would not be easy to retcon into something really out of character but the worst thing they could do in my eyes is make her sympathetic. I want Jinx to get lore and do have her past expanded on, she's a gold mine and if used right she could honestly be Ekko tier of good with her lore. It's just a matter of Riot actually trying to write her.
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I need more IGNs
No one hasnt gotten 6 yet, except for that one troll
sorry but i had to report you
Interstellar Sword Yi
hwen's espahts lads?
There you go. Dont forget to post proof
this one got rerolled
nah you got your answer
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Lulu skin when???
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>Wanting Joker to have a proper backstory.
That is literally what you're asking here.
He has the best lore.
Bandit where is my invite
>le big angry guy with an axe who even kills allies
I'm more concerned about the elements that they set up and never used. Hell her back story was fine (if anything an expansion to her current) but her color story was beyond pitiful. She has ties with Ekko and Vi, never used. She has ties with Warwick, never used. Hell not even her insanity was answered. Not everything needs to be answered per say but they set up all of these things and never bothered to use them, thats what annoys me. She doesn't have to "the best lore ever" but she has potential be fairly decent at least.
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He isn't even the best big angry guy with an axe.
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small angry guy with an axe is better
You know my name, you can send it yourself.
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>"I want Jinx to get lore and have a her past expanded on, she's a gold mine and if used right could honestly be Ekko tier of good with her lore."
So far every single fucking champion who has had their lore expanded upon has been made to be sympathetic and has had key defining characteristics of their character retconned.
Warwick's lore was retconned from him being a Bandit to just being a simple working man before being turned into a monster.
Ahri is basically a completely different character at this point. Before she was a temptress who liked to play with her powers but now she's playing the "I'm a monster but don't want to be." role.
Viktor was retconned from being a machine-head wanting to herald an age of metal to being a one-way-forward humanist.
Jayce was retconned from being Superman with a hammer to being an Asshole.

Literally none of the retcons were for the better and a majority of people do not like them if not ignore them completely.

Jinx's character would actually be hurt by the simple inclusion of a backstory because she is supposed to be mysterious in her origin and a psychopath, much like the Joker. Futhermore, with the trend of retcons we've been having it'd almost definitely be a bad one.

At best they'd make her a semi-villain because Riot just seems to be completely incapable of making villains or just fun characters. Everyone has to have some sort of deep meaning or undertone.

Jinx is the only other one besides Lulu who is around just to have fun and be chaotic.

In other words: Your taste is honestly trash, do not touch my fucking Jinx.
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I love Lulu!
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>this post
nigga no one reading this autistic shit
>new client forced
>still no logout function

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If you're not willing to read on differing opinions on writing and lore then do not form and post an opinion on it faggots.

Thank you for your very deep and thoughtful addition to the discussion.
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He's right though
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>Can't make custom item sets
Bad client
Jensen is a weak chinned manlet ddoser faggot who made his team lose at several crucial point by being really fucking bad
>shyvana will never sit on your face
>hit X
>you log out
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>ture, selfless patriot
>brave warrior
>incorruptible warrior
>loyal friend
>loving brother
>natural born leader
>self made
>somehow not the best big angry guy with axe
but I have to reboot it for my smurf then
well you know, you gotta deal with all the little challenges in life
Darius isnt as "le epik based champion" ingame so most people fucking hate him.
>play ranked
>get assigned support
>top feeds his ass off
>top and adc go afk in fountain
>heh bro you're pretty bad if you cant carry yourself xD just gid gud
100% accurate
jinx don't need no bullshit one-dimensional origin story to justify the way she is
Sit on a log and offer her some coffee then talk about the fun times we had on S2-S4.

Tell her Wicked Lulu's the best skin in my heart
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You're going to shit the bed and wonder why your 3 orb ult isn't 100-0ing people.
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>uses a single game as an excuse to why he's stuck in Silver for 500 games
should I buy xayah or aatrox
>you will never have a shyvanass
what champs /vg/ agrees are OP? i say vayne
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Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

get a dog instead
all that matters is that you get out bruh, besides plat is the real silver
Lulu, Ivern currently
>500 games
>projecting this hard

I am so sorry
lucian and lee sin
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Before Reddit this game was called (LE)EAGUE OF (LE)GENDS XDDD
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seems like I've hit a nerve
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Please. End yourself
thats a tough choice, if you do well early game with aatrox you can become a nightmare to the enemy team
Not an argument silver surfer
>erasing best yordle

According to riot, only a very small percentage of players ever used them, but they will come back eventually.
Taliyah throwing rocks at Malphite while he cries
I use them because I play in the japanese client and don't want to constantly search for shit in moon
more like taliyah throwing malphite into sion until he cries
top is literally an island
no one cares about top
its also the lane where falling behind sucks the most
>Eve rework
>Q is a skillshot
>gameplay revolves around emerging from the shadows, stacking DoTs, returning to the shadows and then being credited for killing the enemy toplaner at the same time you're emerging out of tribush to kill their botlane
don't forget that the DoT is %max hp damage
>Queue top/mid
>Get mid
Nobody cares about top unless it's enemy jungler.
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I wanna go cuteposting with Lulu!
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Valid. In that case its a matter of playing her to her talents which riot still has been half decent at doing. A villain is the best route she could go but as stated Riot is poor at writing villains now. Her back story did accomplish that but her color was still very subpar in this pursuit.
Riot will make Urgot misunderstood guy with his rework who is controlled by Noxian EVIL magic.
Because kids don't want to play as evil and ugly characters :(

Screencap this.
>Screencap this.
Neck yourself.
No you neck yourself first!
don't you mean in?
>not %missing with a sizable flat amount coupled onto it so it grows in damage every tick
And don't ever reply to my posts again you subhuman.
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Plumage and talons
This is a Christian video game anon!!!!!!
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I like Sejuani's abs
How in the fuck do you deal with Zed that champion tilts the living shit out of me
>20 cs ahead of him in lane
>shove under tower and zone out of xp
>all he does is throw shurikens and farm under tower
>level 6 hits
>kills you from full health anyway
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That doesn't even make sense!
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Fizz and WW tilts me more
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I like it when Sejuani is touching herself
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dodge the qs
Fizz has a single high cooldown jump that you can abuse when it's off CD and is melee range for the most part, plus actually has a mana bar

Zedd has infinite energy can start with greedy items like longsword 3 pots and still CS safely while easily killing you from full every time at 6

>Dodge the Qs
Doesn't matter when he ults into you and Qs from right in front of your face, he'll still proc thunderlord's and kill you even through exhaust
dodge the ult
>Dismounted 20hp Kled sitting on a lane with 0 courage
>Jungler farms gromp then scuttle
>Notices Kled has 20hp after 1 minute of farming, except now Kled has 98% courage
>walks top
>Kled uses his gun, remounts, and kills jungler

bravo nolan
r/koreanadvice xDDD just dont die bro git gud
>Teammate doesn't dodge ult
>Dies even though you exhaust fizz
>it's your fault because you had to mind control your teammate and dodge the ult in his stead
Seriously, what you want to do is dodge the qs while harassing him down, to the point where if he tries to ult in you can just kill him before he kills you. Who do you play? opgg?
Why does warwick tilt you
I'm trying to learn Syndra, currently in Gold I division.


Look at this shit, even faker just gets deleted from full by le ebin genius wizard Zed player
Blue buff is not for lewd what is this
Sion sees zero pro play though because of how unreliable his entire kit is. I wouldn't want the same for other tanks.
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>they don't ban your mains
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Jinx's twin sister Jonx.jpg
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In order to give Jinx better "color" stories they need to give her a direct opposition. Most likely Vi or Ekko. Her character is poor and somewhat weak when it is written alone as we saw in her new stories but when given opposition like Vi she has dynamics and relationships to work with which make for a better and more hype story.

There's a reason why Vi and Jinx's relationship is one that a lot of people like.

Hell we could even go full blown Batman and have it be a "Caitlyn and Vi have to track down and chase Jinx before she blows up some megastructure all the while Jinx is purposefully leaving clues as to where she's going."

Also I really hope you're not using that filename and this >>175170013 as a sarcastic and malevolent jab at me instead of actually trying to refute my points.
Faker fucked up there. Post 6 as Syndra you need to hold q's if Zed has everything up and is in range to ult without using w. When Zed ults you you want to q on top of yourself and then e to stun him, then walk away and ult while he's stunned
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>All male yordles.
Why don't you have sit there ma'am.
You autolose if you lose bot
I'm not the jabbing type and the urgot post isn't me, besides I couldn't refute you with a better argument so why be petty like that?
Any who, her relationships are one of the strongest components to her if they involved oppositions more into her story it would be the strongest way to write her.
>deleting Lewdlu

Why? the original request was Sejuani doing something with the Blue Golem anyways. Lulu's there because we both like the yordles. Highleg's also there because he drew my waifu in one and I told him that I love highlegs.
Lulu is a winner! A WINNER!
And she won the best husbando: ME!
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>Play janna
>suddenly start thinking about being surrounded by cocks everywhere

Dude, can you just fuck off
Go talk about your cocklust on >>>/lgbt/ and be with your disgusting people
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End your life.
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I will definitely agree with you there.
Jinx functions better as an antagonist rather than a protagonist, as such she needs opposition.

She could have allies but I don't see how that could really work for her outside of "Hey you wanna blow your enemy's shit up? I'll do it for free if ya help me."
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>Healslut is conceptually a 10/10 fetish
>It's been completely hijacked by fags instead of cute demure girls
>it's the faggot again
>He doesn't like demure girls going wild

>dodge the Qs

>you can only dodge it with flash
cant masturbate when theres small lulu
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I too am a fan of this.
Is lethality a meme?
I was making standard wukong and some guy told me lethality was infinitely better, but he was feeding hard so I dunno
Please help wukong mains
Every time I play Katarina my team accuses me of not attacking, I don't understand how I'm not AAing after shunpo
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what the fuck riot.png
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69 points away....
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Also a nice toned back
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Armpits are quite attractive, Morgana especially she's such a great character
He's sleeper.
How are you liking Rakan, anon?

How is Ashe so disgustingly attractive
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He's pretty great, he should be bullied by some supports but no one below mid plat has done so. He's definitely best on a team if Xayah is with him because of the insanely large range on his e(shield) but an amazing mid game champ regardless. His early game is a bit lacking because of high cd's tho.This is from a support main's point of view at least.
>Morgana has mega tits that are even more shown off that mf and sona
>not even 10% as many art as these 2 other girls

for what purpose?
Rakan needs to get removed right FUCKING now.
what about late game?
>t.immobile adc player
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Her tent intimidates people
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>And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
t.support player
He is a fucking nightmare to lane against. Soraka tier.
If I were to face Kalista&Rakan lane I would run down the mid.
Enemies are easier to work into her stories. Allies are far more difficult. I've always thought of it as some one agreeing to her madness or allies due to situation.
FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST feet!
Why does not one play Janna anymore?
are the msi emotes enabled yet? i can't seem to spam my lck one
Why would anyone willingly play worse Lulu?
Her midriff and flatness
It is sadly too long like my wee wee

I'll go with this one then
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Alistar should just off himself with how much better he is at knocking people up

>pretty toes is what makes feet cute
>she doesn't even have 5 toes

Get that deformed freak out of here.
Guys I want to activate manmode
I want to go balls deep
I want to hard commit every time and do or die
but I don't want to play Sion
Syndra and Tristana will never gang feet you
Pantheon, Kled, Darius, Garen, Xin Zhao, Jarvan.
nah nigga like i tell xonian everytime he has doubts
hes gonna be edgy as fuck in the best way possible, big fat smough tier grand executioner who was too rude of a dude to be allowed to die. now he has shotgun knees and his insides replaced with just a big ass hook. if riot had the balls they think they do he'd just straight up say "fuck you" when he hook blasts someone
Make edgy great again

feels good really,too hard to fuck up even for the burch era of riot
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All right, as far as supports goes. Your build makes you decently tanky, depending a bit more on your runes/masteries I suppose. Though I really don't like to be the one to initiate as there's a good amount of late game champs that can just fuck you for trying to run at them, but for follow up, definitely top tier. His peel is amazing with xayah obviously, but even without her, getting the first proc of your ult off lets you get to their back line and back to your adc in that duration with talisman. This was a high plat game right here. Also, the build I use most often.
Morg is ugly and has bad splashes aside from ghost bride
>shift-click to add 1 point
what is this shit why not just keep it the same wtf

Because lulu is always banned?
Morgana is all about rebelling against her prim proper race showing her body she's probably fucking dudes everywhere
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>50 min game
>gg ez
>check profile
>hardstuck plat

Amumu, Leona, Olaf, Ekko, Rammus.
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Why is riot wasting so much money on "world building"
They're trying to make Runeterra into some ARG like overwatch, gonna start having "current events" that aren't even linked to the game
Scroll wheel don't work?
Xin and panth are the only answer. Coward heros like kled and renekton can dash away, these two only have a one way ticket directly up the backlines ass
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>vayne gets demolished in lane
>gets one kill and starts snowballing
>"gg ez"
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smoke break.jpg
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My dude, ive been thinking and "xth for SHOTGUN KNEES" posting for weeks now.
I'm hyped as all fuck.

I dont really care about him being butt-ass ugly anymore, Riot/Ten Cents seem to not want
champions to look like Pudge or that other ugly bastard from HotS. I'm just ready for Grindhouse-the champion, desu.
>uhhh i hate being responsible bros xD
It's been so many years since Leona has been meta.

Why does riot dislike her so much?
Is Emiru autistic?

Ekko play style is very dangerous zone


Also real Ekko players use thier ult to kamikaze not save themselves
If they touched her, she would just become Amumu of the bot lane.
She can already top lane and ruin your fucking day
She got 2 skins last year, so Riot doesn't completely hate her
Meanwhile, still no taliyah skins ;_;
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If I block someone can they interact with me if we land on the same match?
I want to block a cunt who keeps inviting me because I giving him free S but Im too weak to say no and too afraid that I block him and we see each other in a match
Are there any details for SHOTGUN KNEES kit?
What lanes will people play him and how do I counter him?
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Morgana is for Urgot
Morgana is really underrated imo. Why wouldn't you want to fugg a fallen angel?
i mean, they don't disappear from the match but what they say won't show up
>lolg has been alive for 7 years
>no anon has infiltraded Riot
>none of you have even gotten an internship
We need a guy on the inside
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>Mega tits

you are just exaggerating
>tfw i'm a happy male but would like to be a girl sometimes so i can do lewd cosplays
Yes, thats what I mean. good to know
A sonafag got some Rioter fired.
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I need more art of Sonas Mega-Bust but cute instead of Superlewd
Still, we need a guy on the inside.
Someone to make sure /ourguys/ aren't getting cucked
If I have to see Zed get styled on by some 450 IP chump in a cinematic again, I'm gonna shoot a faggo
but leona fucks xayah rakan pretty good

i actually hope hes gonna be some general grevious knockoff and they keep the meatball cyborg thing design going on with just less linear shit ball of stats gameplay

So like now but fun and with autoshotty knees and dick hook
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pure skill.webm
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What champion pisses you off the most?
I want Hexakill back pls

there was a guy some time ago that lost his job cause he kept leaking stuff here
>tfw no decakill
Most melee carries, yasuo, yi etc. It's a fucking disgusting role though I don't know why someone would want to have this playstyle, you can get a lot more safety by picking different champ and don't lose much (if any) damage.
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>Yes, how tragic you don't have a 37th skin
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You sure about that?
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Is division 5 the worst of every elo?
Trying to just get Gold 5 though this shit is a fucking task in and of itself.
I understand my losses, im not the best of players,
but the quality of these games have gone to shit. Its even worse than the silver 4 games.

>Someone else gets fed across the map, now I can't even ward without dying.
>"my mouse is broken"
>"gg this lane is lost. stupid jungler"

What the fuck?
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rakan is quickly reaching my top 3 most hated because he has so many dashes and CC
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anyone who legitimately enjoys league is autistic

>real Ekko players use thier ult to kamikaze not save themselves

this. There's a reason why that piece of shit ability has a 5million percent ap scaling. You can absolutely destroy shitters with it
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>want a lewd support to duo with
>know for a fact if I ask here its going to be some faggot
Laning vs her is pure pain.
Why i find this funny and adorable at the same time
I really wanna tickle Ahri's feet for some reason
Any lulufag wanna buy me lulu?
It's funny how all of the "high skill cap" champions have one or many point and click abilities in their kit
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What are Sonas feet like?
Karma, simply way too braindead.
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>what would you do to this cutie?
Would karma really be that bad if she didn't have access to her ult level 1?
Because if not... Why does she even have it?
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The more I see this pairing the more I start to like it.

Why does Jinx always look really tight in this picture?
Ahri reverse mating pressing Rakan while Xayah gets cuckqueened and they hold hands.
Put her in the gas chambers where subhuman races belong
shes extra tight anon
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Wanna know whats Scary? Its not niels.
for what purpose my man
also if you're the one who wrote that you really need to work on making your story flow better, you go from idea to idea without any fluidity. It's kind of like you let your dick write the story instead of your brain.
Just keep playing adc and refer to your supp as a male.
If it's a roastie, she will correct you.
Add her and keep playing
t. mid main that has 4 supp sluts for when I feel like playing bot
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Lulu is the smuggest! THE SMUGGEST!
>rakan is quickly reaching my top 3 most hated because he has so many dashes and CC
This. He can dash into the middle of a team, knock everyone up, then dash out. It's a cool combo, but man is it annoying to play against.
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How OP would this guy be if he was a champ?
good thing he has one of the lowest damage output ever
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>having all chat enabled
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LULU post time, pull out your best lulu pics everyone
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She is
thanks for the tip
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I was always "meh" about the Riven/Zac ship. But this one leaves me both intrigued and confused at the same time with no explanation as to why.

And I ship some pretty absurd ships as it is.
Darius is the only answer.
haHA this guy looks like he's made of cHEESE
>tfw my filter grows almost daily
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I don't feel like it
Maybe it's just me but well drawn and tight midriff make me thing they have a super tight puss as well.

Jinx is crazy too and we all know crazy girls are the best in bed
t. thirsty teenagers who can only get online harems
Just came out with Blitzcrank OTP summoner's name idea: Fisto

Everytime you land a hook macro [all] message "Please assume the position"
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>Someone rages in chat
>Is always french

why is this

and why did he pick kog jungle against jarvan expecting to win
is there an explanation as to why some champs are more expensive than others? is it all about release dates or is there any other reason?
This was your fucking fault, wait a second for the bleed to end then go back in, you gave him the stacks and ate the q. It was a bad all in by you.
But he isnt as "big angery axe man" as Sion. Hes more "Masculine Axe Dude"
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you sure?
No the champs are priced how much OP they are. Most OP champs are 6300 and lamest champs are 450.

Don't ever pick champion that's lover than 6300 in ranked or they'll flame you.
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very unfunny
21 and have gf
I just like to collect nudes and convince them to buy me skins
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Go get 'em, tiger! Make it personnel!
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Originally it was based off how complex they were.

Now its just how recent they are. The more recent the more expensive
Old reason was "difficulty"
Now it's basically just age
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this is literally my climb so far. 15 wins 4 losses, net 11 wins, has gotten me from fucking d5 0lp to d5 95 lp.

averaging 8~9 lp per net win is fucking stupid. the division 5 matchmaking riot put in is just god awful
Oh sorry I'll make it more to your liking how's this.

so does janna and soraka,yet they lack dashes or that absurd amount of cc
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yes I'm sure
>play lulu
>team gets wiped
>get pentakill
>killed by baron after
how is this fucking allowed
more proof that you have zero knowledge of 4chan memes

consider jumping in front of a moving train
dont stick in crazy
No, you first consider jumping in front of moving train!
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>proud of his meme knowledge
it really is summer
>telling lies
well fuck you could actually be talking about a bot game in which case
>blogging about bot games
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>your meme knowledge is inferior to mine
What is Sonas cupsize?
>not sticking you dick in crazy
you some kinda faggot?
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extra large
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Memes aren't knowledge, they're replacing complex thought with mindless repetition. They are literally viral autism.
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algun latino aca que juege en sudamerica?
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Sona has given up on finding bras that will last
wow, an unfunny facebook tier meme from a butthurt gold 5 lee main
fuck off, spic
fuck off

so much this
mordekaiser es numero uno
Where the fuck are her nipples? Why doesn't she have nipples?
sfw boobs/censorship.
Would you rather face a full ad J4 or full ap malphite?
>tfw no more lethality j4
god, that was so much fun
>It's a Vayne adc and Brand sup bot lane.
They were there but its a christian board so they couldnt show them or the demacian army would kill us all.
theyre glorious, cute pink nipples
yes, que necesita?
That much cleavage without nips just looks fucking wrong to me
ap malph isn't really a threat compared to regular malph

t. nasus
Going by her official cannon splash, large C cups.
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I honestly think rito should buff Lulu.
gold negro here
I play on LAS quite a lot, shit server and all but 20ms is too good to pass, leave your ign if you want to play.
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What Champs would he main?
Does l look like big I ingame?
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>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
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There's no way that's right

This pic is of a 34D

captcha is Farmacia
>LCS pick or Ban
>Extreme cancer
>needing buffs
Kill yourself pedophile.
My dad mains velkoz.
in the anime world, boobs are differently sized and most would call DD flat
underage get out
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Jhin obviously
>actually get a support main as my support
>they are fucking worse than 75% of autofill supports

Shes so much like my ex-gf
i miss her so much
In the real world you might be breast expert but in the anime world I am the expert.
I started playing league when i aas 15 in season 2. I stayed in my house while i finished up college and my dad started playing a bit after velkoz got released. Hes really into TGs and lovecraft and Call of Cthulu.
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ARAM player here. Who should I get next?
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>ARAM player here.
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>150 min long game
>gg ez
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>An ARAM player that doesn't have Shaco
>An ARAM player that doesn't have Kennen
>An ARAM player that doesn't have Ezreal
>An ARAM player that doesn't have Lux
Post pic of the game duration l don't believe you
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Rumble with super galaxy skin
Like shit? Why?
katarina seems like a champ with a lot of potential, what do you buy her? first item has to be something with hp rege
Gunblade you monkey
>win game
>enemy player post twitch
>it's a team full of girls and they want to be pro
>the highest rank is plat5
I add them, started to play with the "adc main", got to see everyone's faces and left. My idea was to bully them but after 2 days with them all i felt was pity.
i'd buy her a ring
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I wanna sing cheesy love songs for Lulu!
>Download LoL installer
>Update successfully to new installer
>Downloading updates while in new client, can update my masteries and stuff while I wait, been a few years
>Download gets to 40% and internet cuts out
>No big deal, just gotta wait for it to reconnect
>Download back to 0%
Fuck this game. New client my ass. Steam has been around for how long, and it can save your download progress when you shut down early or disconnect. Even Blizzard's shitty unreliable desktop client can do this. What the fuck, Riot.
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Under the purple bits. She seems to have been drawn with Raita-style big upturned banana titties.

Why is he so perfect?
if you find a way to download the game with the older client thats better, it saves your progress, also yes RIOT is absolute garbage the clients have so many problems
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why do you want to torture such a cute girl
literally me when I was an emo kid back in highschool, down to the disapproving pout only emo kids can have.,
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it'll be ok, anon
how do you play xayah?
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I require your strongest potions.jpg
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>An AD/AS item, or a manaless AP item, gets changed or added
>Kennen becomes fotm again
>Gets nerfed after a month or two
>Rinse and repeat

I, for one, welcome our new furry overlords
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my voice isn't THAT terrible
Hello Gleb
Max E
Build crit
Don't lose lane too badly
do lifesteal effects/items stack in lol?
if its not unique, it stacks
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I just started playing Fiora and holy shit, why is this champion even allowed to exist?
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Rakan is such a weird champion.

He does no damage, barely has any range, has a delayed knock up, pathetic heal, shield that doesn't stack on itself, no hp, and no lane presence.

Am I missing something, DADDY?
i mean more in terms of how are you supposed to use her abilities
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mobility + utility is inherently strong
where eune lolg at
gib discord
shields more than janna while having actual reliable CC and also mobility that isn't just moving fast (goes over walls)
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>as DJ Khaled would say "and another one"
good engage/follow up engage and pick potential
hard to catch, easy warding/being annoying
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someone tell me how to jungle because i literally have no idea how to gank because im a support/fill main that possesses zero mechanics
post logs
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Give me
1. a carry champion
2. with global presence
3. that goes top or mid
4. can take ignite
5. deals physical damage
6. has a big dick to pound my butt with

Nice dude, I'm on my fourth account right now
What about you?

Leveling is cancer, get a bot.
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Yep, been saying since pbe that he's complete shit. Is Riot's marketing spell finally wearing off of you brainlets?
>good engage

>use W
>they walk out of it since it's so slow and predict able

>aoe ahri charm
>the 1 second knockup can be animation canceled with q
just don't ban him in master and see
i recommend preparing huge doses of lube
shieeeeeet nigga, i better calm the fuck down
>use w slightly behind them
>they now get either knocked up or have to dodge into your teams direction

I play lol for like 7 fucking years and I've never been banned. How in the hell do you manage to get "yet another one" perma banned? I'll never understand this.
Hothands tf does all that and more from the jungle
practice until it works
train it in normals
if your normal game MMR is too high to learn anything that is not getting analed, use a smurf.

Don't listen to the "just play ww or xin to learn bro", learn to play different champions, and Gragas is the staple of jungling experience.
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About my 5th account and dont worry I am already on it
chill dem titties manchild
>pantheon gp kled
r u stupid lol??
, do you have any "hacks"? zoom out, anything?
What's this?
I assume AramBuddy must be a bot to level 1-30 in ARAM, and Evade is... Something to not get hit by leaverbuster?

How often do botted accounts get banned? I really fucking wish I could get a load of unranked or bronze 5 accounts and just 1v9 like hell, but I REALLY cannot risk getting my main account in trouble
>doesnt hit
as an ex scripter don't even think about it, its not worth
we have a club
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just roll into games using the word nigger and faggot and telling people to kill themselves.

you can basically do anything else you want. I call people rotten and stinkers. Never even warned.
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You're a good lad, anon
>Living in such a hellish elo that people insult you for missing a skillshot often enough that you assume they will every time you do
>"what a real faggot champion"
>Due to being review by the (absolutely not Bot) tribunal, you've been banned
>"open mid I'm afk" at 8 mins, do that in half your games
>Here's your yearly icon for good behavior
Flip a coin heads or tails, thats how likely you are to get banned
with elobuddy every single patch a batch of accounts randomly selected by riot gets banned
there used to be a bot called "LeagueSharp" but they got sued by riot cause they bypassed the anticheat which is illegal to do
I keked. You deserve (You)'s
who r u in game?
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>tfw your adc gets a penta and says 'gj mate'
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>3 (three) smurfs on my team
>Do pretty much nothing all game
>Qualified for D5 promos again

gg ez
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>complaining about bots
>Your 0/8/3 adc accidentally last hits 4 champions in a row after you landed a 5 man ult
>Accidentaly kill the last champion
>He bitches and whines
>You end the game with 3 times his damage dealt to champions
In p1-d5 and people will flame or "flame" for every single missed move. People will spam question marks on themselves before anyone else gets the chance to. It's pretty lulz.
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I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!
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Rock Hard.jpg
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if I went to church I'd give a few prayers to people who have to endure plat and d5
even after leaving Eden, Man should not have to endure such pain
omg do you just E constantly?
you should have apologized profusely and tried your best to do a better job supporting your adc after that what the fuck aer you doing man
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I wanna fuck a cross dresser who looks like Adolf
High plat/low dia in a nutshell
everything is banable? even a simple zoom out hack?
>omg do you just mystic shot/hate spike/crystal slash/siphoning strike/barrel roll/Savagery/Taste Their Fear/autoattack/Dark Sphere/ constantly??
I want to be in the same position as the anime girl in your picture. Also, >not posting the gif.
It's really a fucking crapshoot lol. People start thinking they're good. Some people actually are getting good. There's the occasional random ass d2-master player who bends the game over his knee. There's boosted d5 0lp monkeys. And of course the challenger smurfs.

It's a special place and I'm starting to love it instead of hate it.
things that never happened for 500
l have the gif version but there isn't any cum on it
>cheating is bannable
wew lad never would have though desu
yes.The curse voice jungle timers were "bannable" so of course a zoom out is.
there has to be something that they cant catch you for, just not public
"Your adc" doesn't imply I'm playing a healslut support, or a support at all.
What is the mentality behind instalocking and not respecting anyone else?
Riot has banned people for just using custom announcer packs. To be safe, it's best to not modify the game files at all.
Who do you guys think gives better head:

>Miss Fortune
>playing blindpick
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>tfw no okusan sona
Link it my dude
I hope that Sej isn't too popular after her rework so I can play her top. I know that's not gonna happen though. Maybe she'll just not get nerfed into the ground this time?
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The new player experience.png
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just kill them
Leveling a new account, past-20
Vi, she is a street rat who likely has experience giving head professionally, just to buy food for the day
objectively speaking she will be the best at it.
Post a cute/lewd pic of Sona and l'll consider it
people sometimes also call "instalocking" when you lock a champion and lane that you were not assigned to by the new champ select

I wish I had a pbe account to get a hands-on experience

I'm really, REALLY going to miss the 5 man stuns. It was the best thing ever.
he's fun
>6 losses
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rengar was the first character i ever used, riven the second, but i just recently tried mundo
>a champion gets a rework
>they don't become complete garbage

There's been 1 successful rework. Sejuani is getting dumpstered either when the rework happens or when nerfs come afterwards. I hope she winds up a support and you don't even get to play her anymore
Oh i see but
>wanting people to be polite
>1 successful rework

not this meme again
>what is the level experience for $800
new players lose games anon
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I play her support already friend. I've already experienced the heartbreak when they gelded full ap mid Sejuani, nothing's gonna be worse than that.
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>rengar was the first character i ever used, riven the second
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My nigga.
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You will eventually unless you are making them yourself. Riot pays the script writers for info on how they write them and then ban in waves. If youre paying on an account youve put any money into it isnt worth it. Cheating is fun for a while, but actually getting better is more fulfilling.

That said there ARE scripts that you can use now, dodge, zoom, skillshots, enemy locations, cooldowns. Just chances are you will get banned eventually.
Then I hope she gets morde'd. Nerfed to irrelevance to await another rework years down the road.

Let's see there's Warwick and...
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Time to get dirty
Sion, poppy, taric, yorick
Biggest problem with Sion is that Riot took away his most reliable thing, his W. They nerfed that in the season that tanks were super overpowered. So in nerfing his W, they gutted him from competitive play. Since he now has nothing reliable going for him. You used to be able to activate his W within 2 seconds, its now 3. It also used to be 10% of max HP at all ranks rather than 6/7/8/9/10% scaling per level.

I'd much rather had that they nerfed his Q slightly than taking his thing away that makes him able to be played at higher elos.
Sion at the very least.
whats the point of smurfing unless you're challenger and want to dodge long queues?
>all this champions
Did you buy a bundle?
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l said cute-lewd not slutty
show me the way to the hacks, where do i go?
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How much creep should you be targeting to get every ~10 minutes as a jungler?
What game is that? Don't recognize the UI.
I forgot sion.
Poppy was pick or ban for years. Taric could be considered successful I suppose. Yorick is almost successful. I could see the argument.

We should compile a list of successful, "successful," and failures of reworks.

Similar to the old "nunu bin"
You can't get 10cs/min as a jungler before 20 minutes. Tax a wave every time you gank, don't gank if you have 3+ camps up, make sure you take krugs and raptors.
>play nunu
>make the entire enemy team's life miserable
>intentionnally throw afterwards to make your own team suffer as well
truly patrician
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>christy mack will never cosplay as Vi.
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Make sure to go quadruple lifesteal items for even more b̶a̶l̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ fun.
too bad she has AIDS now but i member busting nuts to her videos in corset
Jesus Christ, I thought I was doing ok with 50cs every 10 minutes.

Unfortunately my m8s rage if I tax their lanes after ganking, even if I give them the kill. Feels bad man.
>We should compile a list of successful, "successful," and failures of reworks.
I'm sure that wouldn't riddled with bias and anecdotal / out of context evidence anon
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Reminder that being in love with a fictional character is normal and natural.
Stomping lower elo people is always fun.
Even a lowly gold player can have some mad fun in bronze.

Was it ever confirmed that Vi was modeled after Mack? Vi was released when Mack was at her peak popularity.


The whole point of "compiling" is to reduce individual bias.

No one can argue malz got a successful rework. Or that ryze's two reworks have been sucessful.

No one could argue Warwick wasn't successful. Or that sion's wasnt.

But if we took opinions from a bunch of people for the grey area ones we could have a decent "rework bin"
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>people still haven't noticed how op this champion is
50cs/10 is what you want to have minimum. Your laners are missing half of their cs anyway probably, just tell them you want to help push or something. Also remember to take waves if, for example, you've just done wolves and mid is roaming topside. Just push mid, see if their mid is roaming too, and then just shove down the wave if they are, or roam instead/get raptors. Assuming you aren't high elo, getting guaranteed gold is better than following your team's monkey plays
You SHOULD be pushing the lane with your laner if you get a kill. It generates tower pressure and denies the enemy laner farm as long as you're getting the wave to their tower. Of course, people in lower elos are going to get pissy about it because they don't realize it's advantageous to do so and just see it as stealing farm. Ignore them, if they decide to afk or int because of it, report them.
>tfw bf is 6'3

>Or that ryze's two reworks have been sucessful.
lmao what a newfag
ty for the advice it's much appreciated, and yeah I'm in shitter silver right now trying to work up to gold.
thats why i ban her
If I impregnated Elise would she lay a bunch of eggs?
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Remember that one time Riot ruined an already weak and underplayed champion? It's like they don't want their old champions to be played.
What's his name? I go to UC Davis too I might know him.
>playing a champion with such shit pushing power the laner can't get it to tower on his own
??? Lanebabs?
Reminder that "patch notes" exist for psychological reasons, not because the game actually needs to be "balanced".
The faster you guys push, the faster he can b and come back to lane
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I'd like lolg to present me with a list of reasons to pick Yorick over Trundle.

I won a game as Rakan!
>t.fotm shitter
His lore is better.
>tfw no autistic female champion

Legit reasons to patch ur moba

-map changes
-mechanical updates
-champion updates
-pruning overloaded kits

Changes that exist to satisfy the howling mob

-pointless mechanical downgrades in complexity, like taking out syndra's multi-orb w
he's a floofy corporate dom you wouldn't
>Christianity will go extinct in your lifetime

How does that make you feel, /lolg/?
cant find it
buff and nerf are mostly to keep the game fresh
people already complain hard enough when an adc is played 2 patch in a row imagine if it was for a whole year
I highly doubt the statement
>-pointless mechanical downgrades in complexity, like taking out syndra's multi-orb w
haha holy fuck you really are a fotm shitter
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>tfw escaped diamond 5

Brood War is how every esport should be "patched".
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gross desu
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>zed mains


It's almost completely gone from the middle east.
What kind of build is best for Syndra? I see a lot of guides saying more straight damage kind of builds (Morello/Rabadon/Void Staff etc) but I feel like i usually need to build Zhonyas/Abyssal for resists. Is grabbing RoA first ever even worth it, or is Morellos rush almost always best?
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The thing about power is that it's all about how you use it....

>Tell me how you use your...... cucks /b
Just gotta wait for the retirees who keep pushing it to die off and we'll be gucci
Are muslims going to kill every christian?
That's the only way for it to "go extinct"
Do adcs really complain? Literally every adc I know wishes this was the adc meta constantly...

There are a few champs(tristana, twitch), that could use some minor buffs to bring them into relevence, but a meta with lucian cait ezreal kogmaw at the top and vayne at the bottom is pretty great.

All the complaints are from retarded mids who think lucian is op(when its really just bork that is op) when they are 0 3 0 talon and get upset when the 3 1 enemy lucian can 1v1 them cause hurdurr adc should need help from team to do ANYTHING :DDDDD.
>Better 1v1 (yes really)
>Better tower taking
>Higher damage in teamfights
>Not balanced around being a support
league of legends
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I want /pol/ to get the fuck out of my thread
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>Want to climb the ranked ladder but don't want to play LoL because I've been getting memory reference issues and my computer has already shut down because of it once and Idk if it's LoL or my motherboard going bad.
If you are claiming that there will be an islamic dark age within the next 100 years, id give it a 15% chance
and thats the only way Christianity going away nigga.
No strong opinion either way

t. Jew
That has happened in the past as well; it might but the religion has lasted two millennia despite wars in between the factions of the religion not to mention wars with other religions and several major fractures in the religion itself.

It seems rather durable; it might die out but seems very unlikely.
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>Crashing this party.....!

No one is even talking about league they're just waifu posting.


Muslims will kill off any remaining Christians
people complain to see the same champ every single game
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>ad fizz top lane
what does this half to do with /pol/?
I HAVE to ban her every time I play Kled.
She literally hard counters him.
>Pre-6, you have no q
>Post-6, you have no ult
>dashing literally gives her two of your sides if you go at her.

Wrong since trundle has an attack speed buff and they both abuse Sheen equally well. I guess yorick can take a tower fast if he uses his two minute cool down ultimate, but really Trundles attack speed boost might still be better.
Not sure about this one, maybe?
Trundle is a top laner and a jungle first and a support second.
I don't play syndra but let me red pill you on high elo midlane. Morellos is almost always priority 1 if your champion can use it. Never rush abyssal. Sit on a neg if you need resists. Sitting on an arm guard then finishing Morellos is ideal. You can get zhonyas second if desired. Some situations allow sitting on a chapter and finishing zhonyas first but you've pretty much lost the game already.

Never finish abyssal before 3 items. You never need abyssal and zhonyas in the same game.

And never build roa unless you're vs an ekko and you want to pretend he doesn't exist.
>/pol/ mongrel can't into english
morellos -> liandrys

finish sorcs in between, flat pen stacks exponentially with itself and you have a two item superspike right there. abyssal almost never, zhonyas 3rd if they have a delayed burst (fizz)

but if you're agaisnt ad mid get zhonya first then morellos, the delayed powerspike with a later liandrys sucks but denying the enemy zed/talon any early kills or lane pressure keeps them from snowballing, making them useless so its worth it

void staff later on. rabadons too... etc etc let's be real games dont last this long though unless you're in bronze
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This is the first footjob picture I've seen that actually made me want a footjob. Ive never cared for the idea until now. What did you do to me
she sells a lot of skins to horny teens so she's balanced
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Nothing wrong with liking yorldes.
she feels so trash though. whenever she's on the enemy team i always win. she does literally nothing. and i used to play her way back when but now i cant do shit with her anymore, feels watered down... olaf'ed even
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more like riot kept reducing her mana costs and made items like morellos so you don't actually have to make using your abilities count you can just spam them now
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>buy cosmic yi
>vs lee songer
>he makes a very weird pathing mistake and tries 1 buf into camp invade me but hes on the wrong side
>see him on a ward
>walk to his red
>meet him there, blow his flash and refill trying to escape
>his gp TPs just to help
>they get nothing out of it and their mid blows f too
>I now have level advantage so I just invade him and steal his camps
>kill him at his own buff
>mid and top both won lane so I just focus getting bot ahead
>Lee can even enter his own jungle anymore 7 minutes into the game

keks were had
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hey bandle you cutie
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trist is lewd

It's different this time though the threat the Christian faces is within himself. He's completely lost his faith there's more athiests now than ever before.
Wait until times get hard again and lots of those """athiests""" will find the Lord.
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comfy bfs~
Anybody here bought MSI capsules?

Are they good?
>the only thing Ahri does worse than the average midlane champion is not taking damage, which is because Ahri players just go in melee range to not miss their charm, and because they can afford taking damage during trades because they heal it back
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I'm not bandlebro, but I did pay commission for a dab. Check her picarto.

:^ )))
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>Back to Orianna/Ahri meta for the 15th fucking time
>Neither will receive nerfs because "they're not anti-fun cancer lol"
image cap
>"Orianna is the most balanced champion in the game"
>Orianna 1v5 wins a teamfight in competitive league
>"Orianna is the most balanced champion in the game"
>Orianna is permapicked in the World Championship (again)
>"Orianna is the most balanced champion in the game"
>Orianna remains always picked in all elos at all times
>"Orianna is the most balanced champion in the game"

Get me off this ride.
Ahri buffs when

thanks boys
ill keep this in mind
fizz's ulti is very good looking spell, that shark, why cant more spells be like that? fucking riot
As an atheist I think the study of JC as a person is still very fascinating, he may very well have transcended through the sheet by alien confiscation also

Which league is most like him
Common decency is something you can expect. Maybe that doesn't apply to your average league player.
im a morde main post 6 its just wew lad

>Ingame visuals

Why do that when you can have concept art and trailers instead
>Jayce was retconned from being Superman with a hammer to being an Asshole.
Jayce IS an asshole
The Cantankerous 'Forced Insanity Gag Haha I'm Crazy Kooky' Cavalier.
How the fuck is it forced? It's not even a new or uncommon trope.
>mushroom juice XD
Damn, that's actually a really good name.
>A old warrior hermit survivalist nutcase possibly addled with dementia and drugs himself regularly on hallucinogens is crazy
Yeah, he's a lunatic. This isn't LOL RANDOM XD. He's fucking insane and acts like it. It also makes his more lucid moments pretty enjoyable.
kled, only kled, always kled
he is the incarnation of going balls deep and never running away
>you're at full hp?
>you're low on hp?
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