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Etrian Odyssey General

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Thread replies: 762
Thread images: 151

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EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc.
>EO V Information


>EO V Skill Simulator
https://jii.moe/EkvsTrdY-.html# (Class Skills)
https://jii.moe/VyvBiy6dW.html# (Race Skills)

>EO V item and quest translation list
http://pastebin.com/c4uzKptj (Item list)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oz2FGmL0QpE2-Qkb8zz-t_MP_WEpDo6gzlA29-wJIDw/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0 (Quest list)
http://pastebin.com/8sJhutN7 (Conditional drops)

>EO V color editor.
>EO V VA list

>EO V Game & DLC.cia link

Previous thread:
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Over-designed slut.
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>pedo thread
Anti-localization design edition.
Posting build again because fuck you new thread

Get 2 necromancers in prestige class A. Have 1 max out Open Grave, and the other max out Ghost Dance. At least one of them should have Ghost mastery maxed too. Invest their other skills in passives to keep ghosts up as much as possible.
Next, take a dragoon, prestige class A again. Max out Dragon's Roar and Preemptive roar. Build as a normal dragoon the rest of the way.

The rest of the build can be whatever you want. Cestus, Masurao and Herbalist all work pretty well.

Your average turn is:
Dragoon (with Dragon roar active) uses x guard skill (Healing is ideal). The necromancers set up Ghost dance and Open grave.
Each enemy that attacks the dragoon takes 9 attacks at 3600x damage, and 120% base paralysis. If an enemy is killed, the attacks overflow to other enemies. If anybody's still alive, each ghost attacks 3 times at the end of the turn.
No encounter has lasted more than one turn since I started doing this.
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>this meme again
Himukai really stopped giving a shit below their belly buttons.
Why does Arianna look like she massive FUPA?
Probably to accidentally not draw too much? I'm already amazed this passed, and especially in the west.

Should have made those sprites for rest of the team as well, not only this would be hilarious but Flavio would sell if for fujos very likely
but then you'd be paying for 2 female and 3 males fanservice portraits with the dlc

it would be weighted to gay
The only reason I don't use them is that the mismatched team feels off. They dropped the ball there.
inb4 Flavio is just half a head peeking above the water surface.
But it would be different kinds of gay.
Afterall those wanting to see Bertrans naked aren't the same ones who would like to see Flavio or faaf, right?
I'm disappointed that Fafnir looks so skinny in the one shot we got of the men. His normal portrait looks way more ripped.
But at least Bertrand had some muscles.
And now it looks very weird with fully armored and clothed people lugging around a naked kid and a naked princess
Everyone naked would have been funny - especially if anyone would randomly comment on it.
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That Landstrap.
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Is Kirjonen best or naw
sells himself fo rare food
has an electric mace for stumulation
Can ghosts be enchanted to use them as Chain fodder?
Wonder why they felt the need to give him a finnish name.
fuckboi name for a fuckboi
Doubt it, but I haven't tried.
>dancer has an entire sack of chocolate
Brown girls are the best because they have a lot of love to give.
t. brown
EOV when?
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20th of May is the belated birthday stream for EO.
While the stream itself is for Japan and will definitely not announce anything for us it would be the perfect opportunity for AtlusUSA to annonce the EMD2 localisation.
And then we can finally give up all hope for EOV.
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>tfw you're covered in deer blood and your waifu won't hug you
Did he eat the deer while it was alive?
Maybe he should hook up with Arianna instead.
>EOU1 FOEs are the big orange balls instead of actually appearing in the maze

Fucking why, that was a good feature.

At least tell me that there's none of that "all equipment purchases reduce stock materials" anymore, that was awful, specially for consumables.
u wot
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>EOU1 FOEs are the big orange balls instead of actually appearing in the maze

They are not? I don't think EOU even has an orange ball model.
Nevermind, then, I think I saw footage of one of the original games.
Maybe the resolution could have tipped you off.
3DS resolution is small but not DS small.

Btw. enemies also have 3D models in fights instead of sprites...
>At least tell me that there's none of that "all equipment purchases reduce stock materials" anymore, that was awful, specially for consumables.
In EOU that only applies for items made from conditional drops. Gear made from normal drops can be purchased infinitely.
But running into the ball of fluff without knowing what to expect feels a lot better than running into the ugly big monster.
It really isn't. From any stand-point.
Eh, maybe once.
And since I like solving FOE puzzles instead of just murdering my way through seeing what enemy it is helps so I don't need to blindly guess its movement pattern.
I want EO3U and I want it now.

Buccaneers need to scale with AGI before the lategame.
Zodiacs need to stay relevant after the third stratum.
Yggdroids need to be completely reworked.
Ailments need to be worthwhile.
Ninjas need to be able to deal damage.
Farmers need to be able to contribute anything in fights.
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Slow down there buckaroo! By the time that'll happen I'll have lewds of my runemaster!
...Which will be neVer eVer. Don't get my hopes up.
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You know what you have to do.

Triela a cute.
>category: retarded shit, not sure if bait
What was the point of orange ball anyway? Is that some roguelike meme again since DS is definitely possible of rendering actual sprite?
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Where the fuck are muh bunny waifus atlus
I don't know if the DS would be able to animate the 3D labyrinth and the FOE at the same time.
Making animations for all of them would definitely take more cartridge space though and having them slide around without animation would look like shit.
I'm going to impregnate Medigirl.
Don't think the ball is animated much either
She already has too much cum inside
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Etrian Warriors - you are fighting hordes of rats that are commanded by deers.
A better spin-off than EMD.
The fuck you're on.
>get to new floor, see fluffball, you know you should avoid it as usual, but you also don't know what kind of monster it is so there's an additional fear of the unknown
>versus get to new floor, see a huge murder monster, you still know you should avoid it but you have an idea of what to expect
Of course this feeling is only valid for the first time you encounter them, so I guess a compromise between both versions would be having fluffballs until you face them, then they turn into the monsters themselves.
>have to remember all foes because lmao saving cartridge space

Who would the the Lu Bu of EO Musou?
A sense of mystery is what you're looking for, right?
An orange fucking ball is not the way to go
All FOEs now have black bars in front of their eyes to protect their identity.
mosaic censoring so labyrinth now looks like japanese porn
>not golden deer
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>Hey guys I have a great idea, guys
>Seriously, I've come up with a great idea, like really great
>Guys listen to this, okay, so we'll put like- guys, listen
>We'll put -- get this -- big fucking titties on this frog
frog waifus
just in time for rule of pepe
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I want them to use the promotion system from V in U3 instead of subclassing
Why do forges even exist anyway?

Most of them only work on normal attacks which are almost never used. And they're just too much of an investment for specific binds and ailments which aren't always that worth it. Basically if you're going to get a forge for some binds you're much better off just using a class that can inflict said bind.
Don't people just forge Atk/Ele or in the case of ailment inflicters Luck or something?

Why is this even allowed?
Yeah I know, the attributes are "alright"(they hardly make a difference) and Atk is just what people use most of the time.
They're also useful for stunlocking with dancers and... that's about it.
They really didn't think the system through and just did whatever assuming it's better than nothing/fixed stats.
Any explanations?
Sanzu is Warrior's Might 2.0 that's about it really
Yeah but Dancers don't really need that much help stunlock fishing when they're going to be attacking absurdly often in the first place.
>EO5 does get localized
>they nerf the hell out of Sanzu
How much would bunnies cry?
Bunnies would just run Peerless and then Fencer wouldn't live in their shadow. But Atlus generally doesn't do rebalancing in ports so its not like that's going to happen anytime soon.
I know, usually it's just the occasional bug or two.
But Sanzu is so blatantly and ridiculously broken that I wouldn't be surprised if it were nerfed in some simple way, like putting a more strict chase limit in place or limit what can be chased (from the party side)
Might as well nerf 9999 HP ghosts while you're at it.
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>We'll put -- get this -- big fucking titties on X
That's always a good idea.
Someoen draw a pepe version of this fella

What's that flatty Artelinde doing there?
probably bait, just as Hanna and Rosa
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Impregnate fang
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Impregnate all sekaijus.
>search etrian odyssey on sadpanda
>pleased with the results

This was a good day.
Necrophilia is wrong
You mean this? >>174558849
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Corpsefucker pls
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I'm a two year old who can't draw dicks despite how much I look at them sry

Ask someone else senpai
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What did Himukai mean by this?
How does strike chaser works in U1?
Is it worth it over the elemental chasers?
Just paint her with normal human skin colors like a fag then
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I want to molest my adventurers.

I don't see a problem here.
It's ok bby, everyone does
Etrian Odyssey Crystal Chronicles

local multiplayer only
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EO X Kirby Team Clash Deluxe
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>Literally just had all my AI teammates go full retard and throw themselves into Pyribbit's attacks when this post showed up.

She is wondering why he is allowed to wear that much clothing.
It's a completely strange skill.
If I understand it correctly, next turn people will chase your attack instead of you chasing theirs.
Those with a different weapon than you will deal a lot of damage but are only allowed a very limited amount of chases, those with the same weapon will deal less damage but chase more often.

Since no one besides Landsknecht can use Axes you probably would need to go with swords. Probably with a sword Protector and a sword... Dark Hunter? In the front line.
Back line needs bows our guns to actually deal damage.
So to even make proper use of it you need to build your entire party around it.

But the normal Chasers are even worse because only few classes can actually deal elemental damage.

So just use neither unless you want a super wonky party for whatever reason.
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;-) for 1 runemaster lewd, I will stop
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>Himukai will never draw your favorite demon.
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>Himukai will never draw for EO ever again

Don't worry, Yasuda will save EO!
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EO X Fire Emblem
We're all dead. None of us are free from death.
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A shame Atlus didn't just keep him

actual Devil Children reboot when?
Wait, what?
Did they fire Himukai?
Or is this an "EO is ded" meme?
Nah, He's not really a part of Atlus like Doi or Soejima, they probably just wouldn't commission his work anymore, not really "fire"
But was he ever part of Atlus before?
Or did they make a statement they will no longer commision people from the outside?

EMD2 being Himukai's last hurrah would be pretty sad...
No, he has his own circle and shit, Atlus never owned him or anything
>drunk chibis
Even if they did it's not like they have any right to stop him from doing doujin stuff.
>Or is this an "EO is ded" meme?
I can assure you, EO is ded is no meme.
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Just because something is true doesn't mean it can not also be a meme.
Just like neVer eVer
Why is Bushi supposed to be a bad main class?
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Because in 4 skills past level 4 don't give much of a benefit and bushi don't have many good skills to begin with. You literally win nothing over bushi subclass
Mainly because all of its good skills are perfectly usable as a subclass and it doesn't gain very much from other subclasses either.

Feel free to use one though, don't let faggots here tell you you shouldn't.
Bushi is a class on par with other classes - if subclassing would not exist.

One point in Blood Surge means you get 45% more damage for 10HP and 5TP a turn.
Not only does that mean other classes like Imperial and Landsknecht get a massive boost (that Bushi can not get since they already have it) but since other classes have more TP the upkeep also hits Bushi harder than other classes.

I like using Bushi but for a boss exploding meme team they are only useful as a sub class.
Does EO4 get hard? The game started "kinda" hard but became easier and easier. I'm in 4th stratum and the encounters are so damn easy
Not till post game, unfortunately.
EO4 is terrible with scaling due to most actives/passives being top heavy meaning that the main advantage of being a Bushi mainclass is lost.
>due to most actives/passives being top heavy

What do you mean?
I want to grab Arianna's meat
In EO4, more often than not you get the best returns in your skills from the first half of it and not the last half.

Eg. Two points into Runic Guidance gives you +30% damage but 6 points gives you +40%.
And more importantly, in the case of blood surge the punishment becomes far too steep for how little reward there is. So level 1 or 2 work best even as main class.
Oh, ok. But that's kinda good design. In the first few games, you'd often only have a couple active skills even in the late-game due to the amount of passives you needed to max and the fact that most skills were rather only usable at lvl 10.
Blood Surge's penalty should have curved much more smoothly than the way they went about it. I fear for Yggdroids in the remake of 3.
They can't balance punishments for shit. Come EO5, they went the exact opposite way: the bonus of Crossing the Sanzu is so broken that the punishment becomes negligible - and even avoidable.
Yeah the whole, you can hit your allies with it is a non issue when you can just outspeed the boss or set up Aegis Shield instead.
Blood Surges penalty should have been the other way around. I don't care for that gimmicky passive that is supposed to synergize with a massive HP/TP drain.

But if Blood Surge 3 (the most a subclass can get) would hurt pretty bad it could still be used but only very carefully whereas Blood Surge 6 with the penalties that are now at 1 would still be a drain on Bushi's tiny TP pool.
Yeah and it would give Bushi a cool niche where it 's the only class that could actually use Blood Surge without worrying about the penalties.
Why is Crossing the Sanzu so broken? It does have a maximum number of chases from what I can see.
For autists good=broken
>get small stream about Etrian Mystery D2
>Everyone is still same posting about stupid shit and image bumping

You guys are the pinicle of autism.
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How do you think they'll censor the lolimancer when (if) they localize EOV?
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don't give a fuck about Etrian Shit Dungeon Dos: The Shittening
12 hits is really damn much and you will rarely ever get there so it might as well be unlimited.

5 hits from Chains can be reached and Chains also have a chance to fail unless you spent a turn setting up Chain Plus.
What makes it really broken is how simple it is to use.
Build any stable, functioning party with a 4kat Masurao and a Combo Boxer and you can go to town.

For Chains you need to build your entire party around them and then they have lower potential than Sanzu.
Or maybe you should share what little information you got.
Good point
This is what we got so far

>Works basically almost every party

>Requires a specific party to still be worse than Sanzu
Chains technically hit up to 10 times in a round but that's sheer rng. Sanzu should have capped at 8 chains and couldn't proc off another Sanzu.
Holy shit, Grimoires are overpowered.
I just beat Juggernaut's sorry ass on Expert with a level 52 story party without using Unihorn.
By stacking defences on Bertrand I didn't need to prevent King's Rush from coming out - just used Sentinel Guard and it barely did anything.
And thanks to all the damage Grimoires give he could barely use King's Rush twice anyways before breaking down.

In my last story run on Standard it was a lot harder just by not having everyone decked out with level 10 Grimoires...
t. autist who hates fun
>>Works basically almost every party
Yeah let me know how sanzu works with a low agi party
>Almost every party
There's a reason why I said almost and not every party.
The basically before it makes it seem like you dont need to do anything to set it up. When in actuality, you need to take lots of steps to make sure you dont kill everyone.
>party still act the same as EMD if the leader is paralized
Shitty AI confirmed

Fool me once.
At least they fixed the range sight of characters as Alchemist is attacking monsters with skills while being outside the room.
I wish I wasn't so tone deaf that I couldn't figure out what the fuck the boss track was an arrange of
can't fuck up green woodlands though
That key art reminds me of EO5.
Only this time we will get to "explore" those zones.
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So this is the innkeeper this time.
I didn't watch every second of the stream and can't read kanji but did that alchemist have anything more interesting than its Untold counterparts?
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Wait. He? HE?
Kirjonen, Baldur, Landsknecht 4 and Medic 4 are all glorious traps.
I thought Kirjonen being a guy was obvious, even in game
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Baldur is not that much traplike desu
EOIV is trap edition
EOV is bigtits/no loli edition

What are the other games?
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V has a lot of traps.
One token trap and maybe but only maybe some of the potatoes.
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What about the Masuraos?
Their bodies and stance are clearly masculine. They also look too tall without being delicate.
Just having long hair is not enough to be a trap.
Should I bother investing in Free Energy in 4?
It maxes out at 25% but it can be useful to keep you going though mid-game.

Personally I would first max out damage passives and let all damage runes stay at half max rank - 1.
They are both strong (due to passive stacking) and cheap like this.
25% doesn't sound too reliable. I'll just skip it then. Especially since whenever my RM runs out of TP, its usually when everyone else is out anyway.
>i hate shitloads of free tp
Not him but I run out of TP points on everyone around the time my inventory is full
origin rune
>dragon instantly killing people with 100% hp, not even dealing damage, just outright killing them
>check wtf is going on
>apparently if you have more than x buffs up at the same time the boss is programmed to break the game
That's retarded as fuck.
Enjoy your storm emperor

Anti-Matador is my favorite dragon.
I already killed him a few times but I'm finding it annoying as fuck to farm for exp because sometimes it just decides it's time to break the fucking game and just outright kill 4 people because fuck you.

What is really sad is that this lazy as fuck developer practice of "if you are not playing how the devs want you to, the boss will break the game and wipe your party" is in way more games than it should be.
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Don't lose hope.
serian (male)
Well of course it would be because it's the cheapest way to get "diffficulty" in the game without cranking up numbers and giving people a valid reason to complain
>I already killed him a few times
If you already killed him a few times, you don't really need that many buffs on your team.

Or just dispell/bind the turn the dragon use his instakill attack.
>Origin Rune
You shouldn't be using that that often in the first place.
Its helpful when it procs but its kind of point intensive when it first shows up. Besides Imp/Bushi subs do a lot more for your RM's longevity.
>"if you are not playing how the devs want you to, the boss will break the game and wipe your party"
Or maybe, faggot, you should just get good.

The point of the Storm Emperor and what differentiates it from the other dragons is that it discourages buffs. If you want to be lazy and go into the fight with the same approach you take to a ton of other boss fights you get your ass handed to you. Then you think, work around it, and win, as should be expected of any challenge, not this limpdicked whining on a korean knitting forum.
Why are we forced to sell all our food in town in EO4? Seems like a weird mechanic.
One, for money, since its already hard to come by in that game.

Two, it probably does that to disallow you from grinding up stuff like the dragon crystals or the golden food so that you always have free stat boosters on standby.
They are not interfering much with low skill requirements and lots of points in 4. There's no real reason to not max it
With free energy you can.
Alright just beat Flame Demon in Untold 2 with the story mode party and before I complete the mission I think I want to rest everyone first because my party builds are sub-par at best (and Chloe is complete dead-weight except for the occasional healing). I also think I made a huge mistake investing in Pre-Provoke for Bertrand and Chain Dance for Flavio considering they don't really mix.
So it's harder to abuse stuff like fire or ice crystals and so you have to pick medic if you want to use usually poisonous food
>literally have their genders poking from their heads
might as well, next strat is totally fire spec territory
Why is the first stratum always some generic forest?
Provoke is garbage overall. Just get line guard and passives.

For Chloe get ailing slash and vampire asap
>65 TP every fight just because you have a 25% chance of not spending it

Why aren't you using Flame/Blizzard Rune instead?
because it's a giant tree
muh traditions
same as why stratum 3 is always a shithole and stratum 6 is local hell
Because origin rune is much more helpful in hall of darkness 2 and 3
Alright but for Flavio should I focus on ailments or dodge tanking? Latter seems more fun but I wanna help Chloe as much as I can as well. Also are the other War Edge skills even worth investing in?
I'm not even using a huge number of buffs. That's just the way my party works and I've been having fun with it so far. I enjoy using stuff blood surge and charge on my imperial or runic gleam on my rune master and so on. But apparently I'm not allowed to play like that lest I risk having my entire party wiped out from 100% to 0 in one turn.

I remember a smt had something similar. If you used certain defensive buffs the bosses would just enrage and break the game with multiple almighty moves until there was nothing left.

Always made me wonder, if the bosses have moves that can easily kill your entire party in a turn or two, why don't they just use that from the beginning?
>if the bosses have moves that can easily kill your entire party in a turn or two, why don't they just use that from the beginning?
Because videogame rules
I don't want to say to you to git gud, but take in consideration that is good that some bosses force you to take your fight under a different perspective.
At least the stratum 3 have a something going for them. Most stratum 2s are just boring.
There is no denying it could have been less cheap than simply start spamming insta-death moves that they were holding under their sleeve just in case you didn't play like intended.
still fairer than blizzard king's mirror shieldo
Well, that's just it. You're not supposed to use a ton of buffs.

As for why they don't use it at the start, maybe it's something dumb like the Storm Emperor likes fair simple all out brawls and the minute the opponent starts buffing they pull out their nasty stuff. I've played enough Dark Souls PvP to know the feeling.
>i can't use the same braindead strategies for every fight, fuck the devs

This is you.
>and stratum 6 is local hell
Except in EO2U. There it's a slumber party.
>meme souls
>playing fair in pvp
>azure rainforest
Shithole, anthill, it's all the same.
>giant ants running around fucking everything up
>not a shithole
shitholest of shitholes infested with fucking ants
Its only redeeming quality is the arranged track.
Just max curb atk up and then do whatever you want with Flavio.
>ocean-themed stratum
>time for fishies!
>nope, first come two floors of ants
At least they weren't cockroaches.
Well those "ants" aren't much different
They kinda resemble termites. And termites are related to roaches.
Worst strata in the series are always the damage tile ones, as well as the bad gimmick ones(i.e dead zones in eo3)
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>dead zones
>not the best stratum gimmick in eo3
The game has multiple ways to build your characters and team and you are supposed to be free to build them however you like. It's completely natural to have some fights being easier than others for different kind of builds. What is not natural, and is actually lazy as fuck from the developers part, is to have a complete absolute road block with literal forced insta-death spam in case you prefer to play in X way or in case you built your team towards that.

It would have been less cheap and less lazy for them to implement some way in which the fight is clearly not going in your favor if you want to play with a certain style, but at the same time you are not completely blocked out of it by borderline cheating and the boss breaking the game by pressing a delete button on your characters.

You don't look like a person who actually reads though so whatever, just blindly fling shit then.
Dodge tanking is really not necessary.
First of all, the actual dangerous moves are area based and best dealt with Bertrand's Walls.

You said you beat Flame Demon - what would a dodge tank do against Kingly Fire? Dodge one hit and the others go straight into the faces of your team.

Bertrand spamming Front Guard and using the Walls if needed is all the defensive you need so ailments for Chloe are a much better use for Flavio.
Ailing Slash is worth it - it deals crazy amounts of damage.
But dodge tanking is fun. Are you saying I shouldn't have fun?
If you want to have fun then do it - just be prepared that it is not the best thing to use in many situations.

You will soon have enough points to diversify your build so it should be possible to pick up some ailments even if you go dodge tank.
Since sleep is dispelled after one attack you could ignore it to lessen your skill point needs.

Also for you ultimate dodging fun: There is later on a food that "improves blindness".
That description is all the game gives you is completely underselling it.
If you have that food active blinded enemies will miss like 99% of the time if not more often.

With that and blind arrow everyone can have fun dodging! And you can spam Hazy Arrow like mad.
>With that and blind arrow everyone can have fun dodging! And you can spam Hazy Arrow like mad.
Huh didn't think of that. Yeah I guess blinding everyone will be fun. I guess Chain Dance can wait way later. Thanks! Oh by the way what should I invest in for Fafnir?
It's postgame - i'm also not a big fan of that design but I don't hate the developers for throwing shit like that at the people crazy enough to dive into that part of the game.
There is a reason the end of the story and the "well done" message come before that.

Also I feel that dragon is a better fit in EOIV than in other titles - there are very few skills that put buffs on everyone.
In EO, EOII and EOIII there was a class build around putting a lot of buffs onto a lot of people so against Storm Emperor they were borderline useless.
In EOIV all you have to do is a slight change in tactic and then be able to win a fight by throwing a bit less math at people. Nothing too concerning.
On Fafnir I always ignore all physical skills.
I go all Sabers 4 (push them to 4 one after another instead of equally so you have one stronger Saber to use against enemies not weak against any particular element), Delayed Chase 10 (with as many Grimoire levels as you can get), all Sabers 9 (with no Grimoire levels until very late in the game since TP costs explode with 10+).
Then I go for Force Energy. It takes a lot of points to get there but refilling your TP is great in bossfights.
get resonance though
I never find the 14 points necessary for it (5 Points in Katana Mastery to get from Delayed Chase to Resonance, 9 points to max it out) and I also rarely if ever miss it.
For random encounters I prefer using Saber + Link Order II to get some area damage and for FOEs and bosses I go Delayed Chase -> Transformation as soon as possible.
matter of opinion, maybe, I found accelerate or force charge + resonance way more impressive that delayed chase
endgame faf is just pure wavespam of course
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That you prefer to follow one tactic of many doens't mean that said tactic should work in your favor every time.
Maybe there were better ways to do it, like the boss outright removing your buffs, but that doesn't make it unfair - just put some damn variation in what you've been doing for the whole game.
If you specialized so much into a specific rotation that you can't win without it (which isn't the case because this is EO4), then you've created a glaring weakness yourself so dont get mad when the game finally exploits that weakness.

It's just one damn post-game battle. Just get out of your comfort zone for one time and work around the test! use the tools tha tyou have! Like just doing the same thing as always minus the buff abuse or the painless rest option.

That the game allows you to create one of many different builds and beat the game with it doesn't mean that you're allowed to go hyper-specific with it with no flexibility and the game must bend over to your preference every single time.

The actual flaw of that fight is that there's nothing telling you why you're being punished if you can't figure it out.
Gale Rush any good?
Why don't these idiots just teleport back to town and heal up?
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>That's right
>I have to dismantle
I can't into moon, what's the context of this?
It could be useful to use between transformations, that's true... I'll try it out and see for myself.

Not really. It will always deal 2-3 hits.
If it hits two times it's barely stronger than the Sabers (which you want anyways because the Waves are utterly crazy in their damage) and even weaker than Sonic Raid.
And with three hits it's still weaker than Resonance - I'm not a big friend of Fafnir using pure physical skills so him spamming them is something I like even less.
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I think it's from this artist? The one with all the medium&Baldur and zodiac bullying.

Fluff was an Yggdroid all along.
What will happen with Etrian Odyssey after EMD2? Will they move to Switch? How would that work? Will they port U1+2 then make U3+4?
They will probably make Etrian Odyssey Untold 3. Afterwards I have no idea
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I was fucking around and came across this. Do people actually come up with unique personalities and relationships with their guilds or..?
We will see on the 20th of May.
Whatever the birthday stream will bring it will be a window into the future.
Isn't that kind of the idea? There's not much appeal if you don't put some thought into your characters, unless you really like straight-up dungeon crawling without any story.
only autists
Oh hi
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..wots tha truth
New phone who this
Not to that extent, just some basic personalities based on what the portrait, well, portrays. If I end up getting attached to my characters it's because of how well the class does.

I know, I'm boring.
You're either
>an autist that makes OCs
>an autist that enjoys playing weeb dungeon crawlers without stories
If you're here, you must be one of the above.
That's really cringe. I don't make backstories but I do occasionally ponder on what their personalities are and how they interact with eachother. I have my Fortress be the taste tester and the all around punching bag
If you don't have talent: Autist
If you have: Artist
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>Mary Sue central
Just fuck my shit up
They're just one letter appart afterall.
Untold 2>Persona Q>Untold>the rest
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Take that back
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I can't wait for EOV's story mode, Untold 3 and PQ2.
I thought I was autistic. What the fuck man.
*squints* and one gary sue apparently
Yeah that's pretty much the gist of how I see it too
I made that myself and I can't believe how cringey it looks on every regard.
And apparently someone has liked/hated/laughed at it enough to rehost it.
Good thing we are all anonymous here, anon.
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>all those shit names
It's ok to use normal names, you know.
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Time to blame this autistic anon for every post I dislike in this general.
I'm glad you didn't come busting in here saying it wasn't cringe despite the fact you made it

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ gud job
Have you learned how to make real characters since then?
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U had o n e j o b
psh..... nothing personnel...
I actually know people with four of those names.
Cute boy > Ricky
I don't believe that you actually have any form of acquaintance with anyone that has any of those other names desu
Who is that other person?
A Desirée attended my school and there is (or was) a football player whose girlfriend is called Nereida.
Desirée is a real name. So is Saya and Katyusha too I think.
I even know one nereida
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So you used black names then? Fucking Americans.

I'm not saying those are fake names, just not names you'd commonly hear in a civilised society.
I see a couple of Arabic names in there too and I'm pretty sure Endzela is Georgian.
Eulimene, Arethusa and Leiagore sound very Greek so they're probably from some myth.
And googling C'thalpa got me a Lovecraftian Outer God so that one definitely isn't a real name.
I want to fuck that sheep.
I use random name generators for games and get names like that all the time.
New Zealand, pls...
Pacцвeтaли яблoни и гpyши,
Пoплыли тyмaны нaд peкoй.
Bыхoдилa нa бepeг Кaтюшa,
Ha выcoкий бepeг нa кpyтoй.

Farmer pls go.
Wales pls
nigga wut
I love stuffed apples and marshmallows too
It's Russian, not Bulgarian.
>40+ posts talking about some autist's nothing personnel guild
Holy crap we really are dead.
They blossomed apples and grypsons,
The tarmac flew past the peacock.
I went to the door of Katyusha,
Ha vysoky bepeg on kpytoy.

Tnx google translate
>implying this is new
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>bad name
what a fag
Cradle guardian showed up
What do now
defeat with barely any effort spent
Hit it until it dies
Get hit as little as possible
git gud
>A bloo bloo I wish there were no replies for hours again but an occasional image bump
Hurt it until it dies.
His turn order is
random, random, Arm Mixer, change to fire, random, Flame Mixer, change to ice, random, Ice Mixer, change to volt, random, Volt Mixer, change to physical.
Afterwards his elementals change differently but afaik he stays with change -> random -> Mixer -> change for one rotation.
If he gets to physical another time he goes into full clown fiesta mode.

Physical takes 100% from everthing.
Fire takes 150% from ice and 10% from everthing else.
Ice takes 150% from volt and 10% from everthing else.
Volt takes 150% from fire and 10% from everthing else.

Just match your color to beat his color, make good use of Logre and break the big robo.
Thank u
eo5 digital download only

No one expects physical anyway, but we all know neVer eVer
>eo5 digital download only
I would buy one copy instead of two.
EO x Phantasy Star
I've yet to buy a physical EO.
remove yourself
Me too
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>Himukai will never draw qt newmans and casts
I live in the sticks and I'm not going to pay for shipping, that's for sure. I'd like to get the artbooks sometime, though.
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1 star, not about a loli trap. Not gay enough.
>qt beasts
Remove gays
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〜(ゝ。∂)gib me runemaster lewds and I'll leave
no, go commission them or something
just started EOU. do healing skills need a staff?
I'm too poor for a simple solution to my issue like that
so stop being poor
Just buy more money
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get work or sell your boipussy
I'm just a baby.. I can't get a job yet.... I'm not cute enough to sell myself so rip
>I can't get a job yet
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worst thread
EOV artbook when?
when you buy it
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That's what your supposed to do. It's fun.
Though, I think most people are not as committed as the anon who made that.
Whatever you say m8
Best Shopkeeper
farmers are pretty solid vending machines when they aren't gathering resources
Nene OP pic
>not mentioning Monks being viable damage dealers

Some of these Super Arranges are pretty out there.
I'd be upset, I got some cool shit from preordering EOU and EOU2 and hell my new/barely used copy of EOIII way back when came with a nice booklet and a skill tree paper thing

I'd love to see some of the cool shit that'd come with an EOV preorder, hell I'd go for a special edition if it was offered. A digital only release would feel soul crushing.
neVer eVer
>kill 5000 enemies for this weapon
Taro would put in FOEs that erase your map.
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>tfw having fun with micromanaging grimoires
when does the fun wear out?
Untold 1 or 2?

Right now.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Not the same anon, but in both.

The grimoire duplication glitch helped me a lot to get a 7 slot grimoires for all my characters.
it does feel kinda cool being a blue mage.
I can play Persona Q, Untold 1 or Untold 2. Which should I play? Can I also safely make my own parties in untold instead of the story ones?
persona should only be played if u played 3 and 4. its meant as a fanservice game.
i played 3. do I have to play 4 on top of that? I just wanna draw maps and make parties.
>Which should I play? Can I also safely make my own parties in untold instead of the story ones?
Yes, you can. Play Untold 1 and then Untold 2. Ignore PQ
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You can make your own parties in classic. Small warning that you are locked out of a story dungeon in Untold 1 classic.
No, but a staff helps.
Healing and magic damage skills for that matter scale with your TEC stat.
But you can use both just fine while wielding any sort of weapon.
If only you actually had any blue mage skills to get Grimoires instead of just praying to RNGesus.
Even if it would only help with getting Monster Grimoires it would make the entire system so much better.
The "appeal" of Persona Q is to see the people from Persona 3 and 4 interact.
You can make your party out of these predefined character but no matter who you bring along everyone will always be there for cut scenes.
And there are a lot of cut scenes, every few tiles someone will have something to say. And since it's a spin-off none of the characters are allowed to have any development - and on top of that the writing is pretty bad and they are all treated as flat one-note characters.
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>The one actually decent bit of character development PQ has with Ken and Kanji is rendered moot because lolmemoryreset ending.
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I don't like this artists faces.
Am I sexy, anon?
>quest reward: nectar ii
Another one for the pile.
It's my third time through and I have yet to use any of them.
By the time it feels right to use them the difference between 20HP and 200Hp doesn't really matter - if your freshly arrived character gets attacked they are dead anyways.
So might as well use the cheaper consumable...
So if I want to use a Medic in EO2U (because I overused War Magus to hell and back) and want them to contribute some damage is a Link Order Grimoire the best way to go? Or would some other skill deal more?
Us eurofags are left in the dust like always.
Get the game later, one of the bugs to make it more bearable got taken out.
It's also about the only piece of data altered among all 3DS games.
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What kind of nose is that supposed to be?
Not much difference to EOU's terrible droprates.
Is Imperial a gimmick class like EO1 Shogun or EO3 Yggdroid? Or is it actually usable?
Fully usable.
They frontload their damage so they are pretty nice even in random encounters as they can delete annoying enemies in one turn (Dancer's Quick Step allows them to even do it at the start of a turn).

Their main gimmick is the cooldown of the Drive skills but they are strong enough to be worth the hassle.
Also it makes them pretty unique in how they play.

Just be aware that they can miss and if they do that on a Drive skill it's very sad - but their accuracy is not utter trash like EOIII's Gladiator, Arbalist or Yggdroid.
Misses do happen but rarely enough to not be a defining factor of the class.
Small one
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But why is it so pointy?
She's a witch
I'm liking the customer dialogues in EMD.
Better than everyone either just giving useful tips or kissing your ass.
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Overlord is such a whimp.
Killed in a single Transformation by a level 55 story party - on Expert.
Is Arcanist supposed to be useless in EO4? Their ailments just aren't very useful considering how slow they are.
>they tried to warn us but no one got the message
>area-wide binds and statuses without the need to cast them again if they don't connect right away are useless
u wot
Ailment Boost and Luck anon
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winter 2017 guys
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source: your ass
Their poison can clear most encounters up to the fifth stratum alone. so they are useful in random encounters.

For longer fights any ailment stays up for more than one turn. If your team dies before the Arcanist can to their stuff you either need to use a proper party or throw out a defensive Burst skill.
In addition they have the best defense debuff in the game since it's both physical and elemental defence (and stacks with Eagle Eye and Hawkeye).

They also have the TEC to be your main healer with a Medic subclass so you don't need to run an actual Medic.
In fact they are the best supporter in the game only beaten by Dancers in Link parties because they don't cause as many hits.
I mean, the AoE effects are very good, but in this game it feels like just fast damage can clear most encounters without the need for them.
You can clear random encounters with like anything (and in fact if your damage dealers cannot kill stuff before arcanist even uses his skills your team either sucks or you are fighting hollows) and arcanists are useful on foes and bosses (stuff which actually matters)
True, EOIV rewards offensive playstyle heavily.
But you can not quite make it without a support and thus the Arcanist is valuable because they completely outperform Medic and offer strong control to giver your damage characters an easier time.

Also their damage skills are surprisingly potent even if they need a turn to set up a Circle.

The biggest problem Arcanists have is that they need a literal fuckton of skill points.
Is he trying to wield six katanas?
But there only are four equipment slots.
Nature finds a way
>keep hearing that echoing library is the funnest dungeon in eo4
>it's annoying forced stealth section

really atlus...
>keep hearing that echoing library is the funnest dungeon in eo4
you got memed hard somewhere
The only times I found it fun was when you have to break stealth deliberately. It needs some planning to do.
Other than that the best thing that can be said about it is that the stealth sections aren't too long and that the encounter rate is pretty low.
What's the best dungeon in EO4?
Halls of Darkness
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>just discovered that EOU has an undub
did i just ruin the first 5 hours of my experience playing the dub?
I second this.
Halls of Darkness is amazing and a good contendor for my favorite stratum/maze overall.

Encounters are actually dangerous, the atmosphere is great, the mechanics are simple yet effective.
It's especially great when you don't use Quick Step + Accel Drive/Origin Rune to make encounters easier.
On my last run I had to use Burst skills in many encounters which means I could not rely on Full Retreat to get me out of every sticky situation.

The relief I felt when I finally solved B3F is unmatched in the series so far.
I don't think there is much that can be ruined in EOU.
Characters are bland and sometimes annoying and I can't see moon voices fixing that.

So except for the sub>dub meme you did nothing wrong.
>sub>dub meme
Unlike EO2U, EOU doesn't improve much with the undub. Mostly Shilleka, I'd say.
So the only NPC which matters
Kupala is better in the dub than the original.
That's rare.
How did they mess her up?
Does she have some high pitched girl voice or something?
What's even more rare is that kind of claim being true. How does she sound in Japanese?
EO spinoff about monsters defending their habitat from adventurers when
You are playing as a rat and since you are too weak to take on anyone besides low level dquishies of they are on their own you need to lure them into traps and towards FOEs.
How good is Cover Fire in the early game of EOU2? Playin on expert btw
At rank 1 it restores 10HP + 1% max HP.
Which is completely useless.
At rank 10 it restores 40HP + 15% max HP.
Which is still pretty bad.

You are disabling one of your damage characters to give your frontline barely more (if not less) than a Medica.
If you are thinking to use your Gunner as a healer: don't.
Etrian Tamers when?
At least i can see it having some use with my party set up. I was lookin at Double Action too but a 2% chance at lvl1 and only a 22% chance at max isnt exactly reliable
While it isn't reliable it is awesome when it happens.
Double damage more than a fifth of the time is pretty significant.

But it's definitely not something to rush for, that much is true.
EO3U Wildlings will no longer have predetermined animals but they tame monsters from the dungeon instead.
Etrian Ricky when?
What's that supposed to be?
Milenum Gurl is Ricky's game is that not enough?
No one cares about second worst girl
Gladsheim vs. Ginnungagap - which one is worse?
ginnungagap and its stupid bridges
So after 4th maze in EO4 there's only the 5th and the 6th? No new side caves or lands? Was Atlus short on the budget?
>Was Atlus short on the budget?
Yes, so bad that maze 5 consists of whopping one floor
glastheim, they really cheaped out on the last 3 floors
You don't like babbies first dungeon design?
Stupid bridges aside - it's really jarring how Ginnungagap has a shortcut after nearly every single puzzle no matter how simple.
or maybe it's just the amount of puzzles that make it stand out.
Area 5 is kind of ok.
Getting the map and having a time limit is at least interesting.
But Area 3 is half as big as it should be (and a has a single mechanic which is not much that late in the game) and Area 4 is one big ass room.
Would these two have been better area 5 could have really shined. But since it's the second boss fight an little else it suffers. But MIKE is cool at least.
>wanna etrian
>but no odyssey
pain to hurt
It's one floor that leads you to various other floors.
Still one floor leading you to scraps of floors you have visited already. And they put the best track on it for whatever reason as well
It's crazy how much damage you can get out of the EO2U story party even if you don't use any skills outside of their starting classes.

I just smashed most of my Acceleration turn against the second Cell Membrane because I missed the message that it's up again and still beat the Calamity just fine.

And to think that the party has rather low damage...
All these inflated health bars, completely worthless.
"Calamity" just sucks, i can't believe no one couldn't trash this weak ass shit earlier
then who was yggdroid?
A mistake
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They're just a bunch of pussies with no courage
>No human can vanquish that monstrosity
Somebody should tell her it has been done before.
>bunch of pussies
As in literally pussies lmao, the entire story is "bunch of dumb women fuck everything up"
Well, we have two Fafnirs and a meat powered autism loli.
If you base your expectation about what normal humans can do on the standard set by Flavio and Arianna things would indeed look bleak.

Also compare to Marion - she is said to have been among the elite back in her active time but her build is utter shit.
Marion is what happens to your guild members after they retire.
They become cute blonde women with deep fear of animals for whatever reason?
Do I need to go back to golden lair B3F to freeze the water to proceed with the 5th maze?
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They should have made Radiant Ruin play on the extra parts of the old stratums.
>tfw can't kill ur-devil or ur-mom without cell membrane
Might as well go with darkness shroud
Which game has the best version of Scatter About?
Untold 1 IMO
someone give me $300 for a 3DS and EOU1 so I can live out my dreams with Arianna as my gf
EO3 has the best drum track
What are you willing to suck for that amount of money?
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They're okay, but they hurt my ears too fucking much.


They forgot to loop it.


It's like EO4's but without an echo channel on the guitar and it's well looped. The best one overall.


It starts great until that stupid synth comes in to ruin everything.
only Arianna's feminine penis

no one wants me
Ricky's love plus edition
why is this thread in particular having connection issues. all my other ones are fine
Because ded series
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How many days was it again?
When is canadian odyssey, with ter-doe as the guy who gives missions.
Too many.
>why is this thread in particular having connection issues. all my other ones are fine
I guess it's 4chan, because I can't browse some board but this one
are grimoires also a way to save on skill points?
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>Boar Spear is a sword not a spear
what did she mean by this?
Wait which one is Ricky and which one is nene
Ricky = best
Nene = never ever
Ricky is the cute one.
le millenom girl

Best stratum in IV hands down.
Tiny pigtails? Why?
The blonde one.
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They can be.
If you put a skill with a bunch of requirements on a Grimoires you won't need the requirements.
What the hell is that?
Sex offender paper spiderman?
Why is Formaldehyde so annoying to get in EO2U?
You can't even natively get it with the goddamn story party because they don't have a poison skill (Random Disease doesn't count).
Formaldehydes SHOULD be difficult to get.
Difficult is one thing.
"Kill with poison damage" is just annoying. Especially if you don't give poison to the story mode party.

I guess at least it's not "kill with curse damage"...
Still means you only have a level 10 poison skill with low damage.
>Not using a formaldehyde to get formaldehyde materials.
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Nothing to nene about.
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>The root of the tree is actually the earth itself
My mind is fucking blown.
I love how ever single Shaman concept they ever show looks better than the twintail bitch we got in the end.
At least the other Shaman is cute but we could have two usable portraits instead of one.
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Man this game went through drafts.
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>you will never have cute anime girls grapple you
Why even live?
No matter what, lolimancer was always naked - stay classy, Himukai.
Warlock looks like a priest that gets slowly devoured by darkness. Edgy.
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I'm just passing by to ask when the EOV translation is coming up
neVer eVer

Or like Fafnir likes to say: "NO MORE GAMES!"

(AtlusUSA refuses to acknowledge the game even exists much less give any indication whether it will ever get worked on.)
How so I use a Protection Vow Beast and would Highlander have anti-synergy with them since their Force Boost heals the entire team?
There's a food that severely increases the damage of poison.
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I want fencers with that coat.

Didn't you notice all those mountain ranges looking like wood and following the same spiral as the tree?

>therian cestus
I always wondered why it wasn't like that.
Also, what's with herbalist and medic as different classes? Herbalist looks cuter without glasses.
So, are EOU1 and 2 a step fowards but 2 backwards? The difficulty is back, but the X mastery, gathering skills and all the other crap is back as well?
Getting masteries grants you the first point of related skills for free, so it isn't nearly as padded.
It should be like that for everything though, including ATK up, ELM up and such other subtrees.
>therian cestus
>I always wondered why it wasn't like that.
Because humans need to be overrepresented. It's usually like that in most games becuase it's easier to market to normies.

There are some masteries actually worth investing in like Curse Mastery or War Lore Mastery.
Most weapon focussed ones are not but it's a step in the right direction.
But even then, given their extremely offensive approach it was also weird that hound is a therian class.
It's not like I care much but it would have made more sense to have therian cestus and human hounds if they HAD to have human overrepresentation.
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>EO5 with double the budget
>four different artists hired
>each one in charge of a race
>we get portraits for every single race and class combination
>we still get the same Yggdrasil we got
>on top of that we get an EO4-like overworld to explore outside of it
So, EO4 only becomes hard in the 6th stratum? A measly 3 whole floors of difficulty?
Is there a way to know exactly how much damage a skill does in Untold 1?

Like I just started and then there is Long Thrust and Draining Thrust. I assume since Draining Thrust uses hp it deals more damage, but how much more?

Will I really just have to guess?
Guess or guide. Yes. These games are frustratingly obscure when it comes to gauging how useful skills are.
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So which race does Minamistar get?
A bulky gunner looks all sorts of wrong
Beast race got beastmaster class
Sluttest one
Would that be lunarian or therian?
Either elf sluts or local pedo token race
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A choice was made.
worst choice
I found it to be enough. B3F of Hall of Darkness is probably my favorite floor in all of EO.

There is a reason EOIV is seen as the best entry point in the series.
It's EO with training wheels - enough to learn the basics about how the franchise works, not enough to really challenge anyone that already has experience.
I could see that work - they probably went with Earthrun Cestus for the frontline bulk and high LUC to land binds.
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Fencer was a mistake
Reminds me of EOIII accessoire stacking.
Wasn't there even a bar patron implying he was naked except for a weapon and accessoires?
One class has to be the worst. Might as well design it to be funny while you are at it.
Herbalist already exists
But they are not funny, only sad.
(Also their smoke spec has a 1000% Int damage nuke that you don't need to build your entire party around.)
potatoes are funny though
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herbalist tea
that's a big teapot
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Or a small potato.
Tiny potatoes that fit in your palm would be even more adorable.
they are just holding it for e3 guys just.. just..
neVer eVer
If you want to have hopes that won't come true you can also dream about them announcing it in tandem to the birthday stream on the 20th of May.
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Interesting gender bend.
Only the ears are wrong. Female Therians have longer ears that look bunny-like not the short ones that look like foxes.
And potatoes don't have fluffy ears unfortunately.
since they all start with the same short ears, say she's a late bloomer (which also explains the boyish figure)
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>try to look up that LN himukai did art for
>all this persona
It's over, lads
May 20th burthday stream:

Hello everyone.
We have some exciting news for you.
Because of the great success of Persona Q Etrian Odyssey will now evolve into a Persona franchise.
First we announce Persona Q2.
And secondly we announce Etrian Odyssey Retold: The Millenium Persona - a complete remake of the first Etrian Odyssey.
Choose your favorite Persona characters, go to adventurer school together and balance the busy social life of Etria with exploring the mysterious labyrinth.
(Shilleka can not be romanced.)
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I'll never understand this meme
>undub autist
I'd actually like a full-on SMT spinoff.
Basically Strange Journey set during the apocalypse of EO. Introducing demons into the EO universe would be a bit of a stretch but you can justify a lot of things during the end of the world.

Visil or Overlord and the Black Guardian lady would make good main characters since they you know, survive.
It could give us some more lore and fighting not to safe the world in a "everything is sunshine and lollypops afterwards" sense but in a "hopefully we manage to avoid complete destruction" sense could make for a special kind of story.
That's just what he says when he transforms, at least he didn't say "NO MORE GAYS", which was just what some retard thought he was hearing, proceeded to spam the dead general with it, and thus making non regulars think it was some form of epic meme here
Hey, anon - want to have an endgame axe? It's easy; all i need in exchange is a chess piece that is seemingly the rarest thing in the entire universe.

Some pieces are just sold at the store, other you get from Cass for a few materials, some are even with the bird people for some reason.
But the Queen seems to be a unique piece in the hands of some creepy old guy that masturbates to her in the corner of the bar from the 1st Stratum all the way to the 6th Stratum.
How much stamina does this guy even have?
Golem is low on HP.
(Accelerate used last turn)
Force Charge + Wave + Link Order
Golem goes down
Golem stands up
Akashic Nova + Ailing Slash
Golem goes down again

It would be funnier if he wasn't such a pushover to begin with.
I can't believe I once had trouble against him. (I used a Ronin in the run I had the trouble so that's probably it.)
After the insect guy and the edgy dragon the post game in IV is over, right?
The only thing you could do is kill the insect without using the chemicals.
But you get exactly nothing extra for it.

So yes, you have seen everything there is. You Can now finish the Codex (if you haven't already) and call it a game.
You know, Flavio with the blind or paralysis food is actually a beast.
Too bad he can't eat both of them at the same time.
>Skipping annoying puzzles by just killing the FOE instead

Is there any greater feeling?
Skipping entire floors.
crossing the sanzu
EO2U floor 16 - the entire thing can be skipped by going to the exit right away and killing that FOE.
And it's utterly easy to boot - all the bird does it Charge -> attack. If you interrupt it on the second turn with Blast Grenades it will never do anything at all.
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>Atlus states that, currently, they are a medium sized developer in the 10-12th class range in the games industry. Their brand power is growing dramatically with the expansion of their userbase due to key titles such as Persona, Shin Megami Tensei and Etrian Odyssey. The company’s reception in the West is increasing accordingly, as well.

What did they mean by this
The better question is why can't we pay someone to beat the fag and take away the figurine or make ruckus in the bar and steal it amidst the confusion
"There are weeabos in the US and they buy our shit.
Better not localize things too fast so they buy it twice - once raw to show off their meager Japanese skills, once localized to actually understand what's going on."
They acknowledge that they've been getting more popular in the west yet their complete shit tier at localization, contrary to popular belief, it's not Atlus USA's fault it takes them so long. The quality on the other hand, you can blame them for that
when should i go full autism with grimoires in millneium princess?
Stop playing eo3u
I believe you get better Grimoires the higher your level and the higher the stratum you are in.

So for most of the game don't bother and just swap somewhat useful passives around.
Or try to get some good skills off of Simon so you can substitute the entire Medic class with a tiny stone in a NG+ classic run.
Gutrune is only a century princess.
>I believe you get better Grimoires the higher your level
>and the higher the stratum you are in.

For grimoire hunting, you use the first floor against rats because they don't have any skill that can turn your active skills into enemy grimoires.

And if you are +90, you can get a lot of level 10 grimoires in the first floor.
Dicky is not a princess at all
why does sword mastery not stack with grimoires? does it use a different formula than all the ohter weapon boosting masterys?
>key titles
>Etrian Odyssey
>can't even say if they are gonna translate shit or not for nearly a year
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Sword Mastery doesn't stack with Blade Mastery (which also doesn't stack with Katana Mastery) but it should stack just fine with Sword Mastery.
The effect is really not that great though since it only increases sword damage by 15% at 20 compared to 10% at 10.
Is she crying because someone just went and cut off half of my shirt?
Isn't the rule for bosses in EOU2 something like "# of floor + 10" or something?
>half of my shirt?
Go away cestus
2x floor + 5 is roughly it
scylla and ur-child as exceptions
ok so I'm under-leveled for the first stratum boss. Don't know how I managed to get to the fifth floor like that - guess that means I'm exploring efficiently
What level are you?
Number of stratum x 10 + 5 is my go to formula for the entire series - except for the postgame superboss of course.

I would love to see you trash Overlord at level 35.
Have you done all the quests?
If you are still under-leveld afterwards you can go a bit of FOE hunting. Their materials make some nice to have gear.
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Also remember to spend all your skill points. Chances to get grimoires increase dramatically with spent SP.
The rule is whatever level you're at when you reach them.
average party level is 12
Standard or Expert? On Standard that's a bit underleveled but it's not impossible. Expert though you will need to grind.
>Expert though you will need to grind.
You don't need to grind on expert.
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Playin' on Expert this time. Not sure if I should be proud or worried that I'm progressing this fast on Expert
I just think level 12 is a bit too low leveled. I would go 14 at the bare minimum.
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Until you're trashed five times in a row by a boss and still can't see how to beat it, don't ever think about grinding.
And right after I say this, one of those flower monsters show up and almost wreck my face
>you should only play as i say
If your party has trouble with flowers they probably aren't ready for Chimera.
It's not a hard boss but you need a bit of beef to go toe to toe with it.
Well, you can play like a fag if you wish.
She is a princess to me.
Nice shit taste, take it away
This is very easily dismissed as bullshit. Depending on the party composition and the way one has been making it through the dungeon, it's possible to end up needing some more levels to get things done.

While you don't often need to grind in general it's certainly not impossible to get less resources than the average party by the time you've reached the end of a stratum.
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It shouldn't be the go-to solution for every situation. Many people ask about grinding after losing just once.
If Arianna can be a Princess so can Ricky.
Her father is more important than any shitty Duke nowadays.
Then why he's so dead
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Grinding isn't really required. I've beaten that boss at level 12 with Ron/War/Beast/Gun/Hex. As long as you don't go off the general 2-3 Damage dealers, 1 tank, and 1-2 supports, you should be able to beat the game with any comp. His biggest worry is spreading out the TP usage and not getting poisoned and getting killed by the poison. Most bosses you'll get your ass kicked first time and then its just building a counter plan around it by eatting food that resists its ailment or equipping accessories thats resist that bind or ailment as well.
Grinding helps, but should not be required. If he feels like he's stuck at a wall (Boss has more 25% HP left and has failed multiple times) he should grind. But you can usually beat most of the bosses with your team as long as you fight 99% of the fights leading up to it.
The only exception is Scylla because fuck that cunt of a boss.
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I want to add that even if the boss utterly defeats you, wiping you hard before you can even make a dent, it doesn't mean you've hit a wall. More often that not, such battles will be difficult but doable by switching your strategy, bringing some consumables and/or having better luck with ailments and binds.
Or in EO2U's case learn the pattern.
Do you make your own Arcanist or do you just use Wufan?
I never used a single one of the premade characters.
Since you get scrolls to instantly level a new character to an appropriate level I always just made a new character.

But I could try it in my next run. There are some events in the 5th Stratum where you meet one of the three and they are likely different if they are with you.
Miku arcanist the best
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Depends on if you're gonna retire or not
I know that the AI in EMD is retarded, but why is medic's so particularly retarded? Whether she heals a dying partner or just passes her turn completely seems to be completely random.
On that note, I'm tired of ranged/support characters getting stuck in the entrance to a room and not letting other characters in.
healing items/food may be likely to blame
I think they fixed this somehow in EMD2

Some anon posted atlus stream and the alchemist in the party attacked the room from the corridor while the pirate was not letting the rest of the party in.
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eo5 isnt getting localized fuck atlus
It's amazing that kind of stuff gets a pass ever, considering it's impossible to miss as long as you're playing with three or four characters.
They must have a single programmer for the whole game drowning in deadlines.
>wasting effort on a spinoff for a dead series
It wasn't so dead when it came out.
It was always dead
sliding puzzles in dead zones when?
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Dead zone teleporter mazes.
Dead zone teleporter mazes with FOEs that fly over walls.
with invisible non-animated spinners on every entrance
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You forgot the Majin Tensei games, Devil Summonner and that Himukai Atelier game.
But that's not Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (PSP)
I don't get this meme
Kaneko in the flower field is a representation of things that we may never have.
How can you not know about le phallic demon man and his adventures in the flower fields?
By not being autistic and not giving a fuck about japs?
>By not being autistic

Yet here you are
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>Misty Ravine without a Sniper
Never again. It wasn't hard but it was super tedious. I guess I'll keep my medic around for Stratum 3 this time since I remember it being a real bother to go around with just Circles and Bracing Walk for healing.
>browsing 4chin
>not being autistic as fuck
does not compute
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Give up
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I had a sniper. I felt like an idiot when I learned what binds are and how they work.
we need a color version
neVer eVer
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Who is this faker?
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A few threads back an anon was going on about how Fortresses were invincible all game long but my Fortress feels kind of underwhelming so far (up to Hollow Queen).

Is this another one of those classes that doesn't really get into full swing until subclasses show up?
He's bullshitting. He provided no screenshots at all.
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In my case, fortress was the VIP of my party early game by sheer force of taunt and auto-taunt. Plus some iron wall but I doubt at that point it made any difference.

Coming from protector and hoplite, I guess most people would try specing for ally shield and strike guard while ignoring taunt and got their asses handed to them.
>Is this another one of those classes that doesn't really get into full swing until subclasses show up?
F/D is pretty nice once you get it, but Forts don't take a lot of investment to do their jobs. Invincible is surely an overstatement, but they certainly make stuff easier.

I did a 2 characters + 3 NPCs run, and there's no way I would have made it through the first few strats without one of them being a Fort.
Everyone who played EO before EOIV would know that taunt is not that of a big deal in later levels. I've played all and all the tanks I had never had taunt skills.

I've never used a hoplite in 3 so I don't know how good they are.
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So who is the most forgettable portrait in the series?
For me it's this guy. When trying to think of the lineup for hexers, I'm always completely unable to remember him no matter how many times I've checked in the past.
>Fortresses were invincible all game long
your own fault for being so gullible that you believe in obvious bullshit
I've played 2 and 3 on the DS but I just went without a tank since I don't really like their style and I went without one when I did a dry run of IV.
I remember that guy only because of this vid that I play occasionally when bored.
Late game when monsters start throwing area attacks i'ts useless yes. But by that point they have other better tools (although since in EO4 you aren't starved for buff slots you might as well keep it) and we're talking about the early game.
Early game taunt is broken, whereas provoke is utter shit all the way through in every game but EO2U.
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Best early game tank in EO3 is Ninja, hands down.
I maxed out Taunt/Auto Taunt asap and took passives like Iron Wall. I did sink a few points into the Shield skills but I never found a use for them since my Fort would probably die if I popped it trying to tank one of the skills that I'd really need it for like Dimensional Cut.
>beast eating a red gel
Regina's restaurant was there all along!
Where is he? I can see the other three hexers but not him.
Oh you're right. Atleast I remember the other hexer
>not even in the video you thought he was in
I guess you don't get much more forgotten than that.
>nene "the mistake" won't ever be forgotten as much as he
I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about Reapers and Hounds in V. Are they decent?
They suck
Pretty okay
My hound was just a target arrow machine and more stab damage for chains, but I liked it.

Can't speak for reaper though.
Repear is just an ailment machine, with some average damage.
Only chuunis use them.
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I have some trouble remembering this zodiac and the arcanist that doesn't have a big tuft of hair but that hexer is still harder to recall.

Reaper fares better than wildling. That's about it.
>Better than Wildling
That isn't very encouraging at all
>Reaper fares better than wildling. That's about it.
Do you guys consider Formaldehyde to be cheating?
When its shit like "Get killed by Curse Damage", it can fuck off.
I think it's easier/lazier, but an in-game mechanic working as intended can't be cheating.
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Damage-wise they're like EO2U survivalists: not bad but it's not gonna win you the important battles. And on the ailment side they're trickier to use because of miasma weapon and thus less effective than both hexer and arcanist.
The other branch, based on juggling debuffs and doing some healing/prevention on your party, just sucks.

This. Curse damage is the true cheater.
Can't wait for EO5U to fix Reapers. Also because it's the only version of the game the west will get.
>U2 Survivalists with all of that Miasma Weapon nonsense for setup

Did they just forget everyone that wasn't Cestus and Masurao?
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To be fair, even though they got the short end of the stick reaper and fencer are doing much better than other classes in past games, specially the first three.
Not everyone can cross the Sanzu, some have to swim.
>i cant live in a world of str ;(
>The two classes that I liked the most turned out to be the most underwhelming
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Dumb chuunis.
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At least you can still beat the game with them without too much trouble.
Although they aren't really compatible because chases are retarded as usual.

Could be worse. Could be EO4 medic or Untold survivalists.
Just unlocked Arcanist and I'm running F/L/D/M/R. Thinking about trading the Medic for an Arcanist and maybe staying away from Link spam until subclassing comes into play. Thoughts?
Pick whichever is cuter.
Both provide sufficient healing. You can grab the Arcanist if you want to add some binds/ailments to your party with good passive healing, or stick with the Medic if you prefer a shitton of active and passive healing.
That looks like your typical cookie cutter setup. Go for it man but I'd trade linkshark for imperial any day.
I think they're both equally cute which is why I'm having a hard time deciding.
Toss a coin
Roll evens/odds.

But Arcanist is cuter
Linksharks are fun but several turns of setup thing gets old.
In the end I just set improved link and chase samba and let vanguard go to hell.
>let vanguard go to hell.
Did the same with equipment to ensure my Sniper always went after my Linker.
I think I'm just going to go with a non link landy and cut loose. It saves a ton of time and I don't have to panic if I get unlucky when the boss decides to throw some surprise nuke since two turns went down the drain.
>curse damage
>You can't get both normal and conditional item because lmao fuck you that's why
>do stupid shit on endgame stuff: the conditional
Nah fuck this shit
Arcanist then
Is it a bad idea to play the untold games with custom characters? I played the original EO before, should I jump to untold 2?
Custom characters?
you should get to know ricky
>Is it a bad idea to play the untold games with custom characters?
Why would it be? Building your own team is the best part.
the non story mode, the classic mode

Starting Untold 2 in Classic expert. Wish me luck
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I have a


setup at lvl 45. How fuck am I when facing the stratum 4 boss?
Shouldn't a U2 Princess be in the back row? They're not as tanky as they used to be.
Dunno I've been keeping them at the front line even on EO3. Leaders gotta lead.
>even on EO3
That because they were fucking Panzers in EO3.

But they are not that good in EOU2, they replaced the sword for the staff.

stratum 4 boss is ridiculously easy compared to all the bosses of the earlier stratums. you should be fine.
>even on EO3
They belong in the front row in 3.
U2 offers no advantages for putting them up there: no more Hoplite subclass and their Link Orders are ranged.
it's a bird
>highlander, gunner
Is the combination bad? I know gunner isn't that spectacular.
He's saying piece damage will kill the bird.
What level should I be for the 6th stratum in EO4?
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kill it
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Which Speed Boost was bugged again?
In Etrian Odyssey 1, I really like how they change the battle music towards the end of the game. I don't know about you guys, but based on when it happens in the game it gives me the impression that your group have become professionals. You are the best guild that Etria has ever seen and the epicness of the new music is your anthem as you boldly take on the new challenges of the deepest stratums without fear.
I don't like it in 3.
Pardon but where did you find this drawing? It's cute!
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>Every other EO
>Second battle theme covers stratums 4 and 5, and the 6th stratum gets its own theme.
>Second battle theme is lasts all through stratums 3-6.

and people think it's the best eo
From the filename, Pixiv. Add the number (and the _p9) at the end of this to find the source:

dumb phoneposter
They'll fix it in 3U when they decide to use one of the outtake battle themes.

The other EOs didn't have a new theme for their postgame boss, and that's the fight that tends to stick out more in your memory. Also raging memes.
EOV brought it back, but you really can't beat Detestable Name at the end of the day.
I hope they remix Scatter About in U3.

They should just go the Chocobo Theme route and remix it in a wildly varying genre every game.
V is the only game without it right?
The town music changes too. I still don't know what triggers it.

That lategame quest with the music box.
music box
Gomen :'-(
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Stay dead.
How broken is farmer kubikiri build?
In EOIV it's not really the case.
While FOEs and bosses start throwing out more area attack they never stop using multi-hit attacks. Even late game Taunt can still be a valuable asset - unless you go Fortress/Dancer and can spam Party Shield all day while barely getting hit. Then Taunt gets completely outclassed.
They are better at it than actual Ninjas but they sill have an aveful stat spread.
If they can't evade they will usually die and if they don't off the enemy instantly they deal no damage at all (which could be good for you against curse!?)

In boss fights they are dead weight though.
Give me one good reason why you would subclass your fortress anything other than dancer.
Challenge (or how much you can have in EOIV, really)
every-class-needs-to-be-used-exactly-once party
You don't want to sub anyone else Medic.

In short: autism.

But my main point is: While in other games Provoke is an outright bad skill in the later part of the game since anything actually dangerous is area based it is still a fine skill in EOIV all the way to the end.
In other games it becomes useless, in EOIV it just becomes outclassed.
Now that we know more or less how Atlus operates, them deciding to make EMD2 makes complete sense since it's Spike Chunsoft that develops it mostly. Up until now they've had 2 teams, the first for SMT/spinoffs/EO team and the other is the Persona team, and they recently made a new one for their new IP. Since the first team has SMT HD and Strange Journey to work on, you can bet that they're probably not gonna have a new EO until next year at least. At the very least they'll tease a new game in the upcoming stream, but remember it took like almost 2 years for us to hear about EO5 after the initial reveal
>spin-off being translated in favor of the main games
It's Purseowner all over again.
So in short: learning to programm and making an EO game yourself will be quicker than waiting for the next one to come out from Atlus.
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The only good thing from EO5.
There also are bunny girls.
Is there a way to deactivate the music box?
It sounds like shit in EOU.
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Finally fucking beat the Colossus in EO2U. I swear I never had any problems dealing with this in EO2.
Biggest problem of Juggernaut is how badly his gimmick is telegraphed.
Him giving you a strong damage buff is slightly better than Storm Emperor's "Lol, you dead" that tells you nothing about him hating your buffs but I still don't feel it's enough.
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I thought they replaced it with the whip
Dancer's. Fan dance and it will cancel each other out.
Sadly, whips do nothing for Sovereigns.
They slightly increase speed but Sovereign is fast enough - and those that go before them are so much faster a whip doesn't help much.

Now if they were ranged like in the original 7th Dragon they could make use of them in the early game for normal attacks.
Although a ranged whip Dark Hunter is a disturbing thought...
Fan Dance is the bugged one - or both Speed Boosts depending on how you want to look at it.

Dancer's Speed Boost has no evasion attached to it but overwrites Fan Dance - so you still have no evasion afterwards.
Nightseeker's Speed Boost has evasion attached to it and also overwrites Fan Dance so in the end you only have the evasion of the weaker Speed Boost.
Why are there no Etrian speedruns based on the ingame time.
I would be interested to see how many days it would take at the shortest.
Some people have done challenge runs to complete the different games in under a month (ingame).
I don't think these got recorded or uploaded, though.
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I really don't get this japanese meme, what is with japs and their fixation on heads?
Sniper is theoretically more helpful as you can use seeker for imps, squall volley for links and generic support stuff for reducing encounter rate and no random ambushes and you don't have to waste a slot on the sniper. Too bad fortress absolutely needs dancer to tank fallen one and saviour
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that's a shitty compile heart tier design
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