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World of Warships admiral - /wowsg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 179

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Kaiser edition

*****NEW TO THE GAME?*****
Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you research a T6 ship).

>Newb guide
http://pastebin.com/XGWdGjPc (embed)

>0.6.3 Live patch

>0.6.4 PTS patch

>Plans for 2017

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for '/vg/' channel
EU Channel: "Official /vg/ channel"
SEA Channel: /vg/

[HOTEL] on EU - Rex1121
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Dont_Aim_Me_Please
[BOTES](full) or [HOTEL] on NA - Precisionista
[KNTAI] on NA - Contact Oaklerdolf_Cruiselink

Previous thread
>copy pasting tioga's OP from previous thread

Actual previous thread since OP is a massive faggot who cannot stop sucking cocks: >>173961605
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Pagodas are a gift from god
>Get the 14th skill point for Bismarck and enable manual secs

Everything is fire and death now

Please tell me Frederick and Currywurst are just as fun

>Dogshit edition
Clash of the Elements is a flop.

I want to do fun things to Warspite-chan
In other news: Grass is green, the sky is blue and Wargaming is still incompetent.
>ywn lick those feet

I should probably pay those 45k doubloons and call it a day
He's right, you know.
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>he wants a 45000 tons 74 y.o. lady to sit on his face
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>If anything, they'll sell one sooner or later.
Do you hold out hope for Nikolai too?

Well tbqh you'll spend that much more of higher tier battles more than 10 km away from the enemy that even KM BB secondary armament starts to feel useless again. If you've found your jam, keep Bismarck around.

With intimate dorms?
they sold kami two months ago though
sold her before that on several occasions
she (kami + kami r + fujin) is like, 4th most popular premium or so
I was thinking gas chambers
>there's a shimakaze on your team
>there are two shimakazes on your team
I want "people" who willingly play this piece of shit instanly banned for being a complete fucking retard. I have yet to see an actually useful shimaslut.
On second thought, that applies to the whole IJN DD tree.
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>It's another retarded team goes to the side of the map and stays there while enemies encircle you and take your base

Fucking shitters
Except about the bit where he directly compared the torp detection distance between the various nations without mentioning that they travel at different speeds.

>They sold the ship before announcing and reaffirming that they would never sell her again
>Therefore they will sell her again

Do you have some kind of aphrodisiac in mind?
Shima's torps are 67 knots, with the F3 being 76 knots. The USN's torps are 66 knots which isn't that slow, with a lower detection range to boot. Gearing can get up to 71 knots with the exact same detection without sacrificing range.
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>Not going with the Zerg
>Complains when he's left behind and dies
for some reason i think they will sell her right during this clash of elements event

anyway most of people who played for a while own her already
How should I spec my french when they come out?
Priority Target
is priority target even useful on dd?
>reddit drove away Sub_Octavian with their salt.
good riddance
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>They had to do some competitive bullshit event
>They couldn't just do what they did last time and have everyone working together to accomplish goals
That's what made that Kamikaze R event so fun. I remember it fondly. When you start pitting people against each other and have one side lose so handily then no one has fun. Should have picked teams at random but they fucked up. This is what happens when you plan events instead of fixing your game.
>Oh shit: enemy DD. Maybe I should smoke up?
>Oh wait, the enemy team is full of braindead shitters who are still spamming our BBs
It's fine to plan events, but if they can't even do both balancing and events right, then don't.
I use it.
Imo last stand and Main arms mod1 make DDs sturdy enough.
I don't think so.
I made a account just for that because it was someone on the WG team that was listening and communicating with the players. You don't get much of that outside RU. Now they threw it away because they're angry about this event.
This is why we can't have nice things.
hes not a fucking dev in the first place and he lies about upcoming changes
This. He said the dev team finds the IJN DDs were perfectly balanced then went around and "buffed" it a few weeks later.
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>this ded on a SEA Sunday night
I went with the team and they did literally nothing but camp behind mountains in a corner.
Then, when i headed back to defend the base they did nothing and lost.
You can't do shit when you're left with those retards.
Of course, SEA is too busy shitposting pedobait in the thread to play.
Commit seppuku
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main armament mod 1 or magazine mod 1 for v-25?
t. Pedophile
They decades old warships.
Sure nogger
It's nigger not nogger.
It's nagger you nigger
tf no gf
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You just have to go out and find one.
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>French BB line still not released
Reninder thanmt anyone who "mains" BBs needs to be gassed
cry about it shitter

anyway, just unlocked the leander, its an ok cruiser, lots of utility and the guns do good damage, my only problem is it has very few hitpoints and the citadel is easy to hit by other cruisers
british bbs when
if you want gf, come to sea server they have plenty of "girls", like evelyn and suzy
They didn't want to give out as much free stuff this time.

Splitting the playerbase against itself makes it more 'fun' in a profit margin sort of interpretation of the word 'fun'
After French Cruisers.
Reminder that Hipper class has the least slutty citadel of all T8 cruisers.
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but SEA isn't the most ded server, that would be EU server

pic related was taken 3 minutes ago
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I don't even know who most of those are.
Kill yourself cancer
3/4 of those in EU dont play WoWs.
What if I told you that many people avoid Discord aka Autism HQ?
misot = misot (duh)
kasual = 9mm1n
dan = jujuham
jeruk = jeruk
yuyuko = benis :DDDDDD
NTR = aman44
queen of australia = lunaticred
seabad = seabad
sinistral = snst
suzy = suzy
haifisch = haifisch
watermelon = tembikai (fun fact: tembikai means watermelon in malay)

Right now there are 12 SEAs online. I think only 2 of them are actually playing WoWS though
>aman playing that eromobage
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Surely you remember Lunatic's avatar, Mr. Dedposter?
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I don't know anything about that.
Which Regia Marina ship you want to play the most?
How to get Kamikaze R, it's to hard mission.
Does reporting retards as bots even do anything?
Yeah, I kind of hate how it's a requirement for the clans. I don't want to be there. Nothing happens outside Mako wanting to fuck ships.
Why the fuck is this thread here then you fucking tool
It's there to vent your rage unless it's a literal bot
Good point
Team Earth and Wind when?
I'm waiting for Team Heart.
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stop being faggots and start posting botes
So very bulbous
Eugen is the least slutty ship period
>tfw you dont wake up to pic related on easter morning
If only hipper was like that in game instead of beign useless trash.
Play last year when it was less retarded
Or buy a Fujun next Halloween
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Is the US Navy actually manning AA posts on botes?
Or are they like ">implying enemy aircraft can get close to our botes without being raped by F15's"
What did he mean by this
Do modern botes even have AA guns?
Last thing I heard from our navy that they're carrying Stingers only.
Do you need AA guns when your guns are probably accurate enough to shoot at missiles?
>play in the morning
>neverending streak of 150k+ wins
>play in the afternoon
>random rollercoaster of crushing 100k defeats or steamrolled wins with barely 20k dmg
What the fuck?
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what the fuck are they wearing on their heads
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cute NK bote
This as a tier 5 when?
Your hopes and dreams
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Nevermind, country of origin is soviet union. My bad.
Why is der groBe such a huge fucking piece of shit compared to based Bisko?
>manning AA posts
Since everything is run from CIC these days, the closest thing there is are the guns used to shoot at somali pirate baots.
T9 mm
But muh bigger gun!
>70% of the games is t10 because)))))))))
>AP being capable of penetrating anything
>HE, it does nothing
but hey, I can bully some t6 once in a year
It is a wierd ship.

I use it, but with T10 MM you have CV cancer which will torp you, torp walls in general and plenty of DE faggots.

It can do really well, i built it the same nearly as the Bismarck but i just do better in Bismarck i feel, though bulying T6 ships proberly helps alot.
In what fuckign ships can I finiosh stage 5 or the EU mission?

I keep hitting the wall with shino, poi and kagero, but I just cant get more than 5-6 torp hits.
>it's a "team won't support you in keeping the flank but fucks off to the blue line instead and then starts last hitting enemy ships after your warrior's death" episode
>it's a "2,5k base xp no kills" episode
>it's a "cruiser fucking shit would rather shoot an AFK NC across the map than the fucking destroyer 7km away" episode
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Ive been able to citadel Bismarcks in the Hipper from 8km

You can pen things

But hey, the worse people play her, the better my stats look, so im not complaining
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>those dorky crown rangefinders

>literally that one time: the post
And how often are you able to get within 8km of a battleship? A fucking sexmeme Bismarck no less?
I can deliver regular 12k salvos on Kurfursts when they present their broadside to me at 10km, but it doesn't matter when retards like these are mostly on my team. I can devastrike any cruiser dumb enough to sail broadside to a Hipper at any range. But it doesn't make Hipper special as I can do shit like this in a Pensacola or an Atago.
I like my Admiral, but she's not exceptional in any way. Maybe except for being the qtest cruiser.
I'm fucking mad, Gearing has to be the most unforgiving piece of shit i ever played, i either pussy out and do shit while my team collapses, or i get e60 noscoped by 11 km radars behind mountains.
There's no margin for fucking error, shit is too huge and sluggish to escape fire.
Play her as torpedo boat)))

Isnt the lower fineness ratio supposed to mean better maneuvering?
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>playing on sunday evening
I think I'm done for good at tier 7 Sov Cruisers. I actually think I'm too good. No I'm not joking. I just started playing and this thing deals out so much death that I'm getting krakens every 5 or so games sometimes more often.

This game has been fun but I think I'm done. Later gents. Nice 7 days of botes.
Are Bismarck and Yamato the biggest retard magnets?
Play some IJN dds then :^)
And Iowa
>kill stealing
She's passive-aggressively getting back at you for mispronouncing her name.

Why not use the best torpbote in the game: Fletcher?
>ywn be too good and quit early

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It's happened multiple times

The mistake a lot of people make with the Hipper is they want to play her like a VMF CL. The Hipper has the HP and protection to get close. The trick is learning what to get close to and when to get close to them
This minimap bug really annoy me
It doesn't remember the size I pick after each game
Roma for secondary memes
I misprounounce her name on purpose.
She should've been more like her older sister.
She'll never be like Bismarck.
She brings shame to her family.
will be hit by a MOAB or Tomahawk soon
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>yfw Roma's meme are literal railguns, but only 16km range
>leading by points
>don't rush their shimas
>our GK rushes him

And basically fuck this mouthbreathing playerbase, the fucker didn't even have 600 xp...
>a baBBy actually rushing a DD
welcome to bizarro WoWS
Yeah, just when all he had to do was camping...
Fuck my life, sometimes i think people are being retarded on purpose.
Is Minsk any special when compared to other vodka DDs?

Im planing to sell it and use its captain for split line because all captains given by WG have horrible case of sameface

also T8 Trashkent stock grind
then same again at T9
>only 2x4 18"
>not having 5x4 18" in 52,000t displacement
a shamefur dispray
>not the USS Trump
VMF t6 premium tovarish))))))))))
>no space battleships in your lifetime
le wrong generation is real

>That dreadnought secondary gun row

why is pol so out of touch with reality
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>Weapon Systems:
>20 x 30" Electro-Thermal Naval Guns
>12 x 8" Electro-Thermal Naval Guns
>36 x 3” BI Automated Gun Systems
>11 x 30mm BI M/C AA Cannons
>32 x 20mm BI M/C AA Cannons
>12 x 7-barrel 122mm Unguided ASuW Mortars
>4 x 60-Cell M/P PVLS (240 LRSSM/LRSAM)
>8 x 48-cell Sylver VLS (384 ASTER-15/30 SAM)
>20 x Honeywell 10 MW chemical THELs.
>48 x Egap Anti-Ship Missiles
>46 x 20mm Phalanx CIWS (AA/AM)
>4 x 660mm Magazine Launched Torpedo Tubes (for Mk 48 ADCAP torps, mines, MHROVs, 80 to be carried)
>160 total aircraft
>100x F35B and F35Cs
>8x Pebblebed Reactors (750MW each)

>All these good ships that are also the worst in the tier
>Zao now one of the worst performing T10 CAs

simbly ebin
BFT or PM + AR for Fletcher?
>Michael Kutuzov
>le beniscola is bad meme
>mahan is bad
>zao is worst CA
What the fuck am I even reading?
I bet it was cozy serving on a large ship.
haha le pol btfo!!!!!11
Beniscola is pretty bad compared to the others.

t. a top 10 beniscola player

I still love her though
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>polfag so autistic he actually couldn't stop from rushing to the defense of his board of retards and hicks
Why is WG working so hard to pump out random cruiser lines instead of actually getting more BBs and CVs in the game?
I want to gently caress Eugen's bow.
you sound like youre about to cry little baBBy
>a baBBy wanting more CVs in the game
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>only t8 in tX game
>full stock
>0 point captain
>no camo or premium consumables
>team full of glue sniffers

FUN and engaging
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>DD rushing and somehow caps their base
>everyone gets shit exp/credits
>lose weekend bonus
I mainly play Cls and DDs, I'm just tired of seeing the same ships and would like to see the littorio class.
I cyka blyat rushed B on Estuary once.
Game ended after like 5 minutes.
No ship was sunk.
I regret nothing.
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>dumb redditor so desperate for attention he posts le pol btfo for the 80th time on an unrelated board
>Twice as many BBs in queue as cruisers and DDs combined
Perhaps I can finally get my 10 torp hits?
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>torp launching sound plays before dying
>doesn't launch anything
le fire one torp at a time with a delay may may.

I fucking hate that shit as well.
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>torp rushing one of their last BB's
>only his rear turret is facing my way, so he can't one shot me
>start to drop torps
>he fun and engages me halfway though the launch animation
>0 torps in the water
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>Today I will remind them
>inb4, bounces, shatters, and some lonely overpen.
So I just got engine boost mod 1, from those stupid super containers.
Which ship should I put it on?
Tashkent or Akizuki?
>33 kn
Akizuki needs it more
Hello, I have made a spicy new botes survey. I would appreciate your assistance and your answers. Thank you.

North Cal build.
AA or Tank?
AA range upgrade + AFT is all you need for AA
Take BoS and you have a good balance
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>stock Amagi
>tier 10 game literally every single game
>broadsiding Turdfursts bouncing every hit I can land with this shit dispersion
>cruisers hitting with HE for 5k and setting 2 fires with every salvo
>everything outranges me
>can't even move in to get in range due to torp walls everywhere
>piece of shit is one big citadel

Remind me why I should bother with high tier bullshit again.
i hope he kills himself honestly. maybe then the game would become a little less retarded
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Because the dream of The Mighty Yamato keeps calling you.
The dream to find a game to replace this heap of shit drives me more.
>>0 point captain
at least you could spend 10k silver when you got the captain
shima and her male clone?
so, what's generally better for shooty dd nowadays?
Main armament mod 1
Just complain on the forums if you get detonated
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Why an abyssal though?
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>3man shima div
>they end game with 0 kills
>at lower half of scoreboard

why do people do that?
that ship is just as useless than the torps it uses. no matter how many there is
>they don't box them in
You'd think they'd coordinate at least something.
Was really quite sad how what should be the jewel at the end of the grind, is such consistent shit thanks to BB's being upset that they have to change their course even once every 30-40 seconds.

Public test server was a real eye opener.
I've been playing a lot of high tiers recently and i have to say that Shimakaze is not as useless as you people portray her.
Any ship that relies on torpedoes is only as good as its targets are bad. With the stealth fire changes it's a real issue. This is the problem with balancing a game around the worst players.
Stalingrad when
What'd I miss?
the same as usual, autistic butthurt
This will be the USS Donald Trump
That's really fucking nice
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>want to grind japanese ships
>they all look ugly just like USN ships
How can two nations who were supposed to be kings of the sea have such ugly design for ships.
Happy Easter /WoWsg/.
How goes the new part time job with the elements event?
And which nation designed good looking ships in your opinion?
>tfw you fail to protect your divmates
All your fault we died.
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>even joking like this
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worst holiday
>elements event
who in their right mind would give a shit? why dont you already have a kami?
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Well he is right, you know.

I mean some IJN ships look OK, with the raked funnels and all, but USN is just like boxes and blocky shit.
Just look at project 66 cruiser. Hottest of tX cruisers ingame
USN and IJN ships look like utter garbage.
I do hope you jest.
>"Hmm, one team is losing better join them fight back for i am ze best and turn the tables around."
>Proceed to join losing team

Serves you right.
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>Why don't you already have a kami?

Because I don't actively play WoWS much anymore.

I just like sitting on the sidelines and watching things burn.

Though with the way they've got this current event set up, the fire is pretty damn high on their forums, and social media outlets.
>Implying I had a choice of teams
Fucking neck yourselves.
>he didn't get randomly assigned to the predetermined winning team
It's like you aren't even trying. They really shouldn't have bothered with this team shit, just make an event based around fire and flooding damage. Better yet, a campaign. Wasn't that the hot new thing? We haven't seen one since december.
Soviet designs are A E S T H E T I C as fuck
>Because I don't actively play WoWS much anymore.

>I just like sitting on the sidelines and watching things burn.

The fuck does this even mean? You spend your free time shitposting a game you don't even play?
its actually not uncommon to do. I sometimes still shitpost in the WoT general myself even though I never play that boring as fuck game anymore
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That's not Sbima's fault.

Retards who insists to play the same class in a div are always going to get bottom base exp.
I hope people like you get canceraids
While WG starts the fires, I just poke and prod from the sidelines and drop a "Hey, there's another game available if you want your WW2 ship fix"

Has been immensely entertaining since this event started, where poking and prodding isn't even required anymore.
I'm more annoyed all my effort going into grinding one ship line got shat on with huge nerfs due to vocal terrible players.
Playing casually as a BB , i'm not even mad when i get torp'd by a DD since i knew i should have paid attention can't say the same for CVs plane torps.
Should nerf the plane torp damage a little bit more.
So who's waiting for the haifuri ships?
Why did she need those torp buffs?
I get the maneuverability buffs because she kind of needed them and the hydro/DFAA buffs because she is a premium, but straight up better torps than the DD at the same tier that's supposed to be the torp boat?

She just seems so p2w
All top damage should be halved
Agree but increase the chance of flooding and flooding damage.
When 'e' and 'i' are next to each other in German, you simply say the (English pronunciation of the) last letter of the two.
'drei' = /dry/
'Lieder' = /leader/
sorry donald
What do I buy if I'm not autistic enough to get all the coins? The fire camo?
Would the smoke mod be good for Perth and her werid ass smoke?
wait with buying stuff yet, they may yet lessen the requirements for kami or something, you have a plenty of time to spend the coins anyway
Don't spend any coins until the event ends. The shop will remain open for a while after you can no longer earn coins.

At the moment, the best items seem to be the 3 days of Premium and the speed boost upgrade (if you play DDs). The HAS upgrade is also a decent choice if you play KM DDs.

I don't know what that other anon is talking about, but the smoke upgrade seems perfect for Perth and Perth alone.
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Sup, fellow SEAbros. Apparently the Clan TK list has been updated.


Quick rundown about BOTES Asia:
>Second-rate Clan from SEA region
>The objective of this clan is to MAKE ASIA GREAT AGAIN
>Above average statistics with respectable damage &WR
>Seasoned players all around with mixes of newb players
>Focus firing is not recommended....
>(hidden) Another ST clan
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Kashima is a good girl!
>there will never be one of these for NA
>not having over a year saved up from santa boxes
gaede - 150mm or 128mm guns?
I came immediately
This poster uses the reddit spaces, reddit filenames, and reddit excuses, just ignore
Fuso is love
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Worse than Bismarck's.

The Littorio's meme will be having the best BB AP in the game behind Soviet BBs but poor accuracy.

>The Littorio's meme will be having the best BB AP in the game
>in the game
It had the same penetrative power as the 16" AP Mk 8 fired from the 16"/50 Mk 7 gun at point-blank range. That's pretty damn good but not best in game.
>ywn play via stand up wheel and engine order telegraph peripherals
Why even live?
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>Focus firing is not recommended....
>Nerf BBs
>Not wanting every BB fight feeling like a boss battle from Dark Souls.
Nerf CAncers
Which boss from Dark Souls came with a coin toss as to whether you were one shot by a random projectile?
>Drink beer from Iowa pint glass
>Have first good game in Iowa for ages

it all makes sense now
I ended the santa thing with over 450 days of premium
and with Gremy and Nikolai
>just want to have fun playing botes
>DC's me while I'm broadside on to stuff and making a turn
>DCs me again when I get back into the loading screen
>after I get back into the game just in time to see my ship sinking below the waves it DC's me a 3rd time
>try to restart the game before I play any more matches
>the game freezes my entire computer as it's loading up
Quite a few.
RIP ;-:
And maybe don't play on a toaster.
>Only toasters struggle to run this game

good joke comrade
It just wasn't meant to be tonight

;_;7 F GG nn~
fug I just got back too ;_;
gg, have a good week
I run it fine on my emachine.
lolno, a 3 Gearing div is quite effective, or really any combination of Gearing and other T10 DDs.
Shima is just utter shit for multi divs because it relies entirely on your targets being retarded, and if you either misjudge what your target will do, or get juked you are useless for the next 2-3 minutes. The short 12k range of the torps really hurts it in combination with its shit gun DPM and turret handling.
Gearing does not have this problem because 16.5km torps mean you can smoke up and spam guns and not worry about them getting outside torp range even if they go directly stern on and run, with the added bonus of incidental hits on targets you didnt even know where there.
is yuudachi any good or only for memes?
>hatsuharu gets its main guns as AA guns
>shiryatsu, despite having the exact same guns, doesnt
WG is retarded
She's legitimately good. She was even viable in Ranked.
wait, they had t9 ranked?
>yuudachi (a shiratsuyu class ship)
I’d just like to interject for a moment.What you refer to as kasual, is infact, KAsual@SEA, or as I've recently taken to write, KAsual( with capital letters).
>Akizuki DDs were pretty cool
>It's a shame they only managed to make 3 of them
>Happen across the class Wikipedia article
>Completed: 12
W-why would anime lead me astray like that?
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I just have no method of expressing my disappointment.
>USN DDs have firing range of 10km
>USN BBs have secondary firing range of 5km despite having the exact same guns
>the same 105mm guns have 7km range on Bisko and 5km on Hipper
>WG can change armor schemes and plate thickness for whatever reason
>muh historical accuracy goes out the window for balans)))))))

>tfw Gaijew failed miserably in making a warship game where performance is actually modelled after real or sekrit dokuments instead of arbitrary stats
>Remember Akizuki
>Nakano Sora pop in my head
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Out of curiosity. is /wowsg/ planning on taking part in the /VGL/ this time?

Would be humourous to see a friendly battle of the bote memes.

How many memes do we need for a full lineup?
>/wotg/ already has Skycancer and Only Constant
The even have stalinium! Everyone knows I was the first one to use that word!
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I can spot 11 memes from /wowsg/.
I spotted around 13

more info.
>/sog/ aka ShootMeDead steals /wowsg/ memes
>if /wowsg/ wants to be in, we have to come up with new memes which will be namefaggotry drama

Wow makes me really think here..
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List the memes comrade.

get CVcked
>Seal clubbing
Even the last one is debatable. How do you count 13?
>no botes allowed
>mabnetic torps
>paint your botes
>seal clubbing
>60% wr shitters
>fap to botes day
ded is pretty common on other thread too
I don't get it.

singlefiring = a BB shooting a gun one by one
Oh, I thought it was RN firing torp one by one
>no botes allowed
>mabnetic torps
>paint your botes
>fap to botes day
I have literally never heard these uttered here (as a meme, in the case of Aoba) in the last year. I'm being generous in not listing Colorado.

Memes I would put forward:
>Shiny Metal Posterior
>HE Spam
>Gunbote Bucky
>45k doubloons/h + trip costs
>Shimakaze (male)
>National Peculiarity
>Fun and Engaging
>French BB line
>Friedrich der Grobe
As much as I fucking hate this one: just type 'ss' instead you shits
>Seekrit Documents
>Secondary Spec
>Super Upgrades
>Extreme Potency
>WG Spoiling Us
How many accounts does Flamer the youtube have?
I think he has two on EU and one on NA and RU.
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There's a british premium DD called the laforey.

Would love an explanation of the memes shown in this list and how they are WoWSG specific/'first'

>Seal clubbing
is pretty universal
That's relatively new to /wowsg/. /sog/'s been at that the last year! )))
/a/ or weebs would have a claim on that, not wowsg.

>Mabnetic torps
Was from a patch where the chinese had a typo with the Magnetic torpedoes when they introduced that type of torp into the game.
We need to take back our maymays

>having trouble with detonation
Just git lucky.
oh, hadn't heard it for a while
>no ktkm
I have a better suggestion, instead of those two, why don't we add the person constantly whining about them, LunaticRed?
>"This is fine"
>>playing IJN DDs
>79 MBH
>>DD bouncing Yamato AP
>Des Memes
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>O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you
It's 'Citpussy'.
>tfw I instantly recognise this reference
thx, higher education
>waves of skill
>bow-on reverse
What the fuck is going on?
post memes
we engineering a meme
I like being put into t10 games in Takao because I can farm more fire dmg and feel better about myself :3
>playing IJN DDs
There's nothing wrong with that.
>20 203mm HE shells on a DD
>half was no damage penetrations
>DD torps me point blank
rock paper scissors my ass
when will baDDies admit that they they play the easiest class?
>make a mistake in a CA
>devastating strike
>make a mistake in a BB
>devastating strike
>make a mistake in a DD
>lol it's fucking nothing, I'll just turn on my nitro/cloaking device and drop wall of death to cover my retreat
Post stats kiddo
>i've never played a DD, the post

If you're playing a DD like you should and not just spamming torps at 15 km targets then you're always living on the edge of instadeletion by baBBies, torp walls, CVnts and sudden radars to fucking your day.
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>muh mass produced cannon fodder ships should be able to compete with capital ships
>muh historical accuracy in a PvP game where each player controls one unit each
>actually useful ships vs capital ships that were aircraft's and submarine's fodder and nothing more
As if destroyers weren't aircraft fodder.
Plons are masterrace.
i hoped they would make big player-controlled ships in warthunder so we could attack them with all that plenty of sea aviation... tfw
The difference being that competently captained DDs are really hard to sink by aircraft and submarine.
Debate time!
>KM DDs are the line of choice for torpedo afficianados
What about IJN DDs?
>Lengthy reloads
>Obscene torpedo detection distances
What about them indeed
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B-But buffs soon!
How much is the USS black? It seems really powerful, I'm thinking of buying it the next time it's on sale
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Rate my Moskva video guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc10eYXzGnI
If you get first rank in 5 ranked session you will take her.
How old are you, Lewis?
Merry Easter wowsg
I know that it was yesterday
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SEA ded
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24, but looking like 15-17 teenager.
Prinz a best
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What is a "Aerroon" and why is PRAVDA in sekrit clube chat?
Who are you?
Aerroon used to be a weeb
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Stuped navy seal, all young russian mans is looking like 15-17 teen.
Maybe if you're a pathetic son basket.
Can't understand what you say. Do you mean that's russian mans weak?
Muscovites sure are.
Do not bully the Lewis!
>pathetic son basket
wtf is that?
I'm surprised that so many people have never heard of Aerroon. If Flamu's a Chad, Aerroon's a robot.
He's a bot?
>not knowing our resident slavqtposter Lewis
I want more ship announcements. I want plans for the year. I want to actually look forward to things in this game because after this event I never want to touch it again. Why is WG so in the dark?
>Bae Sex Pee
Russian CV!!1
What makes you think Flamu is chad?
His voice and attitude are far from that.
BEEBEE SEX 1!!!!!!!!!
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Any tips to get the kamikaze?
I'm farming the missions with the fiji/shira/cleve/farragut/kamikaze but It feels so fucking grindy that I don't know if there are better ships to get it.

I have the kamikaze R from last event, but that camo with the +50% free xp is too good to miss
He has the appropriate degree of cocky self-confidence and disdain for those under him. It's all relative anyway. Could you name a Finn who sounds more Chad-like?
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>not knowing who Aerroon is

>sekrit clube chat
The one in the Discord channel, requested by SpammisT to discuss Kantai Collection when it's really about shitposting and fabricating lies about people with other like-minded aspies with fragile egos?
>CA and BB have the same service cost
Nice ass
can't have poor BB player pay too much))))
BB player they feel CA are too powerful(((((((
>It's not a French Atlanta
Looks like a shittier, uglier Belfast with torpedos.
Or Aoba with more guns?
Looks like inferior Budyonny))))
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>They could have gone with this design
Least this one is unique.
Does it go faster forward or backwards?
That would be too OP and confusing
It looks like an early missile cruiser without the missiles.
>152mm guns
notser is just stupid isn't he?
t. Flamu
I'm on EU and i've never seen him in /vg/ chat before.
I only knew he had a YT channel and that's all.
He stopped caring about /wowsg/ in CBT because the general consensus is to hate CVs here.
>the general consensus is to hate CVs here.
Isn't that everywhere?
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>Our team depends on you
>sails directly into the middle of the map
Best stern
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>it's a 1v1
>it's a cyclone
>I'm in Bismarck
>enemy Warspite spotted
Well, hello there.
>Sails to blue line
>Easiest solo warrior in my life
>In a BB
>Base getting capped by a BB, two CAs, and a DD
>Team also capping but wouldn't make it on time
>Sail to base since i'm the nearest one
>Reset cap, sink the DD by ramming it, one CA with a lucky det the other CA burned, and enemy BB trying to ram me along with three torp salvos at the <500m from my port while i'm on fire
Won game just before torp and BB touch me
how gay is wowsg
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>tfw La Gass was nerfed even though it just barely touched the power of the Budyonny
>Tfw buddy has better reload, armor, HP and AAA than the La Gass
>Tfw WG saw that the La Gass' guns were almost as good as Buddy's it warented a nerf

But guys, Russian bias is just a meme, right?
It wasn't because the Gass was competitive with the buddy, it was that it was competitive with the up coming premium version of itself.
>Next mission map
Bismarck hunting?
You've played the ship?
Which bote wud u fug :DD
may missions are obviously jutland and bismarck hunting
Am I on Reddit?
of course!
I don't know, are you?
Most of the residents here are from reddit, so yes you're on reddit.

Please subscribe ty friends
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>Premium version needs to be noticeably better than it's f2p counterpart

Yes. But I'm hoping that staying anonymous and phone posting will keep WG from removing my ST status.
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>Premium version needs to be noticeably better than it's f2p counterpart
It's not me saying that, it's the devs.
Modami :DDD
>Yes. But I'm hoping that staying anonymous and phone posting will keep WG from removing my ST status.
I want to fug akko.
Not from but I do get my news from them since they talk about the game while these threads just circlejerk, cause drama, and post anime. You guys are realy losing to leddit.
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Anonymity comes at a price.
Who ever said we wanted to compete with them you faggot?
That's what I'm saying too

Even though they lifted the NDA I'm still a bit afraid I'll be kicked just for talking about the things
Lying is bad you faggot
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Akko is legal.
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You can go back anytime.
You know. I'm done. If wargaming is just going to put in overly powered ships and never nerf them because lol premium then they don't need me playing their game. Only 11k people on NA server in primetime anyhow, game is practically dead population wise. Thank god they put these ships in the game otherwise I might have been stupid and kept playing after my first T7 ship.

Have fun guys but because of these reasons, I'm out.
post ur stats
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I don't think you understand done hombre. I'm going to linger here a few minutes to collect my (you)'s then I'm blowing this shitty general for good.

I honestly hope you guys keep having fun but I just can't enjoy myself against obvious $500+ wallet warriors, or enjoy the gameplay at T7 or beyond for that matter. 6 games in a row battleships sit way back and expect the DD's to charge in and get swiss cheesed by radar / hydro boats or expect the cruisers to push and get deleted by everyone.

Neat game, but shitty devs that can't figure out game balance after 2 years to save their lives. Do carriers even exist? I feel bad for you poor sods who have languished playing this game for years. I played 9 days and could see I had experienced the best the game could offer and should quit while I was ahead. Didn't pay a penny. I bet 95% of you can't say the same. I bet you fell for the trap of paying for a free game.

Later idiots.
post ur stats
We should be getting French or Italian BBs not another shitty cruiser line
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>more BBs
Yeah, that is exactly what the game needs.
As dev explained on EU server, WG creates more cruiser lines, because they are relatively easy to make and were very used in WW2
Here you go champ


Have a good one! Bye /wowg/ it was shitty,
New player and those stats? Fuck off and die.
And nothing of value was lost
Nice reroll, got banned or tired of your main account stats?
>Finished US CA line
>Hunting other cruisers was fun as fuck
>Can't do good in Hipper
>Every other cruiser line is either oversized DD or boring HE spammers
>Shit in DD
I don't even know anymore what line I want to play ;_;
>another HE spamming cruiser line
yeah that is exactly what the game needs

at least the different BB lines have some kind of national flavor, all the other lines are HE spammers at the end of the day. Disregarding RNCL, obviously. But still, we have 5 cruiser lines, soon to be six, compared to three BB lines. And of course, >>174244534 as this anon says cruisers and DDs are easy to make, but when the game is dying they need to release BBs because most of the casual players play BBs and they're clearly bored with the krauts.


At least you got experience in VMF cruisers now!!!! You go aspie!!!!

New player here. What's going on here why is everyone upset about these stats?
High W/R, high survival rate and decent average damage per battle for low tier cruisers.
WG most likely wants to do 1BB line per year. So I say wait summer for RN BB line
wow yeah I'm angry too oooooooh so angry...no but seriously I don't get it.
Though desu 21 October would be perfect day to release RN BB
the player clearly rerolled. A reroll if you didn't know is someone who makes a new account so that their stats look better, like "wavebave" or "Unryuu_Kai"

pretty disgusting if you ask me
That's what they said about DDs too since they're just shells. No citadel, few turrets.
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battle hotel3.png
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Hotel: Literally, the QTest.
Musashi is QTer tbhfamilyman
Unryuu_Kai is one of LunaticRed's many alternative accounts on NA?
>have to play the cleveland
somebody just kill me...
well she certainly is sluttier ;^)
>and of course
Fuck off you Finn furcuck. Go statspadding in your three man divs somewhere else.
Use to be the best cruiser ever but WG can't let America have nice things. Should have won the war, I guess.
Dude just hide behind an island and expect enemy team to be braindead lmao.
it's still the best cruiser ever but I guess you're too retarded to figure out how to make it OP
She still has her moments.
t. flint+cleveland div pro
It's not the worst but it is a shadow of it's former self.
I remember playing the Brooklyn class in NF, it was a great ship, but the cleveland here is atrocious.
"I don't know what a reroll is" - the post
If you expect at least 9-10 retards per team you'll never be disappointed. Usually the entirety of both teams will be retarded though, especially you.
what container is the best to open?

try your luck?
t. wavemad

>drop torps at enemy
>they all dodge the torps
>enemy drop torps at teammates
>they ate every one of them
I don't know, it seems skewed.
t. lunatic_mako
need credits? credit container

consumalbe container gives the most value if you do not actually need credits to buy a ship

try your luck is best if you have more credits tahn you cna spend

flags, not so sure, if you are low on flags you can use that to stock up I guess
How much damage ratio is considered good for a cruiser?
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Do you expect raging autistic shitposters to know what a reroll is? It is in their blood to be envious and at the bottom.
You mean per battle? Depends on tier
How come? I thought damage ratio is pretty much the same for every tier.
Low tiers = ships with less health = less damage to deal
the higher tier firespammers can deal a shit ton of damage, but the lower tier crusiers struggle to break even
>Iowa will never pull down your pants and laugh at your micro dick
>Iowa will never suck your 8" super heavy AP shell

Just never collect them and instead you get big containers which offer 3 things in them, i end up with a bunch of everything desu and always 4flag bundles 3 times mostly.
HE is balanced!!!
>Hotel will never step on you and call you dirt and subhuman and then fuck you with her 18inch futa dick
HE actually is, the bullshit fire mechanics however are just as stupidly broken as AP citadel damage
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>Posts good stats but not incredible
>assmad from the baddies in the general

>If player had posted average/below average stats

I'm not even making this up. I've seen the above countless times when people ask for stats. The autism here astounds me at times. Makes me glad I only come here once when I'm trying a new ship line to see people all butterballed about it.

You're good entertainers boys, but you're shit people. And I mean that.
They really need to rework it. Putting out four fires then getting hit on a tiny edge of your ship shouldn't insta start another fire.
This. I liked the idea of playing with random friendos from the same sorta culture, but most of the time it's just stupid shit like this.
The discord is worse, they just toss a million emotes at every post they disagree with. There's a few nice people there though.
Why do you always act so condescending and full of yourself, Hotel/Khanate? Name three people outside Abrach + Chain that you've div'd with more than 10 times with.
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Good example of what I'm talking about (sorta). Literally not the person you're talking about, you could get them to take a picture of their screen and prove it. But people like you somehow took a simple goal of
>find friendo
>div up
>play game with friendo
To nothing but drama and superiority infused bullshit. I don't know you personally though, and I don't know the full story here, who knows, maybe the person you're talking about is bad enough to warrant your reaction, so if that's the case then I apologize. But during my time in the discord it just seemed like people were either actively at each others throats, passively at each others throats through rating spam, or part of a small group of people hesitantly going
amidst the sea of drama.
Akizuki's ass is so big everyone wants to penetrate it
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I have a friend who I recently introduced to the game. They really want to get their hands on Akizuki, which is great, gives him a goal to work towards. However there's a problem here...
>Constantly looks to me for advice
>I'm a BB/CA/ -USN- DD player
>Literally no knowledge of the IJN DD line and how they play
>Literally no advice to give him other than the general topics of "be sneaky"
What are some things I could pass onto him to help him get better? He really wants to get good at the game and he's still new.
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>tears of desert tX game
>strongest non-T10 DDs in the game

Fuck off and die aspie.
yeah I know about Fletcher
>stronger than Akizuki or Balans))))))

Bait harder faggot.
Tell him to stop and play the VMF or USN DDs. If he really want to torpbote, tell him to play KM DDs.
That 60s reload is really good.
yeah go ahead play on stock duck vs fletcher and (you)gumo on tears of desert
they have balans dd tier higher, open your eyes you blind nigger
>inb4 t8 kiev is better than t9 trashcan)))
why doesn't this game let me fire guns individually? It's a 2-gun turret, not a twin gun turret, you should be able to fire 1/2 or 1/1
too confusing for players))))))
too confuse )))))))))))))))))))))
rental fees are fun and engaging
And the torps are fast and actually invisible enough to hit.
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welcome to /wowsg/ comrade.

Now how goes your part time job farming up a premium by playing 5 hours every day for the next three weeks?
Fuck off degenerate, use a more appropriate slutfu like Suzuya or Kashima for your cuck fetishes.
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Pretty much. I'm pretty much a blueberry when it comes to stats. but I just outright refuse to division with others at this point. It's just so fucking toxic and I'm ashamed that I'm still lurking here. But then again, you're pretty much here forever, as the meme goes.
I've been shitposting on 4chan for over 10 years, end my fucking misery.
Why do you think I make it a point to kill people from the clans here when I encounter them?
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This desu.

Hotel is a pure botefu. Don't sully her name with your sick fetishes.
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>tfwno Bismarck museum
Fucking bongs. Couldn't they at least spare the Tirpitz?
Ryujo is pretty much the only girl with twin-tails that I like.
I think it's because of the hat.
They even destroyed their own ships.

The Eternal Anglo has no soul.
>WG can't let America have nice things

>Lets America have the whole USN DD line, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Flint, Black, Missouri, North Carolina, Alabama, and the whole cruiser line save for Cleveland, and Saipan

u r a faget
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>save for Cleveland
What? The USN cruiser tree is dogshit except for Des Memes, Cleveland and Pensacola
Massive as fuck resource shortage, especially steel, after World War II. Also the loser nations needed to be completely decimated, physically and emotionally. Keeping any relics like that could spark further conflicts from those nations. It's part of the reason why ships like the Nagato were bombed to oblivion, though they survived the war.
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>mfw have Kamikaze for free already
Wrong, faggot. NO and Balti are fun now. Cleveland is concentrated burger shit.
Well, the soviets found a use for Novorossiysk. She could be still around if the slavs weren't slavs.
But maybe the Italians failed hard enough and nobody wanted to punish them further.
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Shu-ut up
U-USN CL split soon.
Cleve is going to be t8, with 5s reload, raydar n shiet. She's going to be great again.
You'll see.
You will see...
Fags begone.
So now that BOTES and HOTEL are dead, what clans will you be joining?
Neither, because I'm already in another clan that's none of the above.
I kind of want to play CVs but I'm afraid of letting the team down.
Fuck them. Just think of all the times those useless niggers have let you down.
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Ask me how I know this is a shitpost.
I also don't want to use free XP to get out of stock for Ranger or Hiryu
We're planning to overthrow Prec.
Memes aside, IIRC Cleveland is supposed to be T7 when they split.
Just spend it fegit.
go LARP in /wotg/, tioga060
Lexington is the apex of the USN CV line. Essex gets a fighter squadron and that's it against AA that is harder to fight on average. And mind you, this is in the meta where no one is taking defensive fire.

I used to call myself a CV driver, now I almost never play them. You have no idea how many planes I've lost trying to sink a single battleship away from her escorts.
just bought Izumo
how do I build her? straight to C hull?

There. Any other line is shit.
baby's first bait
You're right, I was wrong. There is no point in playing cruisers.
yeah, all 4 times I've had a carrier game
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>cruiser: US
The only nation with shit Crusiers is Germany
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>He hinks Russian/Japanese/English cruisers are good
>US cruisers too
Yes I think they're all good
There's a distinct lack of Umidoori/Cute in this thread
Please fix this
Inb4 3 "penetrating hits" with zero damage and 5 over penetrating hits for zero damage

I fucking wish they would fix this glitch it happens way too often
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There you go.

A-Are you trying to convert me to furfaggotry, anon?
You haven't mentioned any glitches.
You're going to try to tell me that shells that don't do damage but give me an overpen ribbon aren't a glitch? Or when there's only an overpen ribbon but it does far more damage than an overpen?
I can understand the non-damage pens as times when the shells 'penetrate' a part of the ship's hitbox which doesn't cause damage like an AA gun or the torpedo belt, but neither of those could possibly be working as intended.
Turns out not everything with a hit model is part of the ship's HP pool.
It's not because of that, Italy was basically a winning nation, and you very well know that.
Yes, which explains the non-damage penetrations.
Not the non-damage overpens or the overpens that do far more damage.
German cruisers are better than USN and french ones (and they also seem basically on par with IJN tier per tier except maybe t6-7) :^)
Awful post, please kill yourself.
>tfw EU
>tfw not in Aspiecord
>tfw basically everybody is fun to play with and has a positive good attitude

I hope WG won't merge NAutists in to EU as their average population hopelessly falls under 5k during peaks.
Cruisers are just shitty DDs in the current meta.
>2 out of 4 classes are useless

Great game ruskies.
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>prec gave me the info to his alt that runs hotel
Its almost time boys

>tfw EU
>this blatant lie
EU is toxic as fuck. What game are you even playing?
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You might as well. I didn't even finish the tree and free xp'd my way to the Yamato. I fucking hate the Izumo.
>Are you playing a battleship?
>No I feel like I can do well in a--
>Wrong. Play another game.

>Are you playing a battleship?
>Enjoy being the only class of ship that matters. Is balans.
>WG Devs can be quoted, "If you want to carry in our game, go BB or CV. Otherwise play support"
>Doesn't add rewards for playing supporting roles outside of capping

this probably gets asked a shitton but I just started and have no idea what Im doing, all my shots seem to do like 500 damage at best or absolutely nothing at worst

meanwhile I get destroyed by someone else
how do I not suck I just started the game and I'm in tier 4 russian ships
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EU /wowsg/ community is almost inoffensive when compared to that unbelievable autism fest that is NA
He appeared in the /vg/ chat (open channel) yesterday. I don't think he talked to anyone, even when they said hi to him.

If you use a lot of Premium consumables, the consumables container is more valuable than the credits container. Obviously pick the signals and camo if you're hurting for those. TYL is a waste because the SC chance is so low and most of the SC rewards are worthless anyway.

damage caused/ship HP is not a very useful performance metric. Percentage damaged caused is more informative.
5000 damage of a 10 000 HP BB = 50%
50 000 damage of a 100 000 HP BB = 50%
Total = 100%

You mean NY. NM, Omaha and NO are all shit too.

Post a single example. Everyone on EU chat gets on fine.
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>Russian ships
Did someone here tell you that RU CLs were the best class to start with?

Bucause they lied.

RU CLs are good, but only while in good hands
IJN CAs are probably the best class to learn the game in. They're pretty noob friendly while teaching you good was to play (unlike KM BBs)
And T4 RU CL is the Svietlana, right? So I can understand already how frustrated you can be
Which ship are you using?
There's two types of ammo: AP and HE, and each have different use cases.
Check the pastebin, it has basic guides. For ammo use, there's this one: https://pastebin.com/1Phsxib7

For reference on the terms used:
>HE = High Explosive ammo
>AP = Armor Penetrating ammo
>BB = Battleship
>CL = Light Cruiser (any cruiser with guns of a caliber smaller than 203 mm)
>CA = Heavy Cruiser (any cruiser with guns of a caliber the same or larger than 203 mm
>DD = Destroyer
Not gay at all. We only like shipgirls, incl shipgirls (male).

How can you say you love her if you won't even take her masculine cock to the hilt? I don't see where cuckoldry comes into it. If don't think you can satisfy her yourself that's all on you.

>CL = Light Cruiser (any cruiser with guns of a caliber smaller than 203 mm)
>CA = Heavy Cruiser (any cruiser with guns of a caliber the same or larger than 203 mm
The blind leading the blind.
A light cruiser is anything smaller than 6.1in
Anything bigger is a heavy cruiser and is thereby more limited under the London naval treaty
"Damn, i'm good!"
why anybody would willingly grind akizuki

it's a pity the public test have just ended, he could try akizuki with a 15 skill captain for free, just to realize what a piece of shit she is

let he better keep some shekels to buy the imaginary "high school fleet" destroyer with 100mm aki's guns when the collab is out
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>there are people who don't like the Fuso
4v4 etc low population high tier games are such a cancer. it's even worse when also there are 2cv of 4-6 ships
I knew I could learn important information on /wowsg/
>tfw HMS Hood might be free content
It's tier 7 and overhyped, no way it's gonna be free unless the requirement s are even more time consuming than that stupid Fire vs Water event.
Someone somewhere else told me russian ships were good, so I went with them
and yeah, I currently am using the svietlana, just got the kawachi since I was tired of russian ships and wanted a battleship

I know that penetration and ammo types effect stuff but I just seem to do shit for damage most of the time
Ask Mosh, just remember to pay them for their services
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this pic reminds me there is one thing i absolutely love about hatsuharu and it's her gramophone radar

ughm... good luck i guess
if i were you i would grind till kongo in coop
btw, did you use that invite thingy, iirc they give a free texas and it's a cool ship, free diana is meh though
Like I said, RU CLs are good, just not beginner friendly

Also, the Kawachi is probably the worst BB in the game. Nassau is probably your best bet for fun factor, but KM BBs can teach you some bad practices because of how hard it is to citadel them compared to other ships
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#notawhore #stopthehate
If you want a BB line to go up and don't care much about nations (maybe you want a Kongo or Nagato or something idk) the German BBs are definitely the best to start with. IJN CAs are also a good line to get into.
The RU CLs are a useful line that are generally good, but they can be a little less forgiving especially for a new player.

It tends to be a lot to do with getting a bit more experience when it comes to dealing more damage, with CLs for example you want to be firing HE at the unarmored parts of ships (everywhere on DDs, mostly everwhere that's not the belt armor on cruisers, and the superstructure on BBs), or with BBs AP at the flat sides of the hulls of ships (firing it into thinly armored areas like superstructures or the thin bow/stern of cruisers will just lead to it overpenning and doing minimum damage). You'll get more of a hang of what shells from what kinds of guns are best against what parts of ships the more you play.
Graf Spee was 6 and certainly more hyped than the Kamikaze, though that event was orders of magnitude easier. Who knows what goes through WG's head.
novik is meh, bogatyr is very good, svietlana is tricky, but bogatyr and st. louis are about as good at artillery as you can get a t3 cruiser, they are among the best t3 ships too

so you do it for free?
Suck my dick you slut.
Yes but Graf Spee was a ship quite difficult to sell due to her being hard to play and a sort of middleground between a cruiser and a BB.
People don't buy a digital ship solely on her look/history, as evidenced by Prinz Eugen that is rare as fuck or Atlanta.
>How can you say you love her if you won't even take her masculine cock to the hilt?
this desu
who is among the most popular premiums
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>tfw started grinding USN CVs because even in best Shok/Taiho game I cant make 10 fires

Yes I literally started one of the most pitiful lines because thats my only science of victory task left and its bugging my OCD

however so far I like it, strike Bogue is nice and on first match I did 6 fires so I guess Its doable even with this bote

sniping enemy CVs is joke easy and then I just bully BBs with second DB's DoT
It was one of the first and also kind of unique in its playstyle, comparation with Atlanta is more on the battle performance level.
She can be really good given the right map and a competent player but the average pubbie will suck in it, which hinders her attractiveness.
I wonder if they'll ever rerun the Graf Spee event.
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Only as rude as you want it to be.
they are about to sell high school anime version of graf spee soon :^)
Do not want.
What's with /wowsg/ and people pretending to be little girls?
Funny thing is I feel the stealth-fire removal actually nerfed cruisers without affecting DDs much.
Cruisers are far from useless and i think DD still came out more hurt by stealth fire nerf.
Having to wait a fuckload of time before concealing because there was a BB 12 km from you when you shot is really irritating.
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what do you think?
You'll never be a 2D little girl you autist, get over it already
>Not the non-damage overpens
How does this not explain that you fuck wit?
>or the overpens that do far more damage.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just MAYBE, there's some aspect of the game mechanics you DON'T know about?
>without affecting DDs much
Japanese DDs got fucked since they rely on being invisible while also dealing damage from long range. Now in many cases you can only twiddle your thumbs while waiting for torps to reload. DDs in general got fucked hard when it comes to contesting caps. When in a knife fight, if one DD smokes the other is now forced to do so as well unless he wants to be spotted by a ship 15km away. That's the most absurd change the removal brought about and really promotes the passive play WG was trying to get rid of.
It'll be like the Graf Spee missions.
to be 2d one should be flattened like in that chocolate factory movie

imo the bloom length is too long indeed
Why the fuck did Eugen split off to fuck around in the mid atlantic?

I'm still not clear on this.
>Error Connecting Server

whats habbening
wasn't it like that from the very beginning? iirc invis firing ships used to be pretty rare back then. btw i think for some ships including dd the range of bloom got even shorter than it was pre-0.6.3 (for german dd for instance)
because they wanted at least one ship to survive, and they weren't going to be able to fight their way out even with both ships together
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"you can't sealclub with low tier CVs anymore!"
If i recall correctly, they realized the odds of returning in France were small with half the RN hunting down Bismarck, and when her captain evaded the british scout group following them the formation broke apart to have better chances of returning home.
Somehow Prinz Eugen got lucky and picked a route which will have allowed her to come back unscathed, while Bismarck was being shelled to death.
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OK this makes a lot more sense than whatever it was I had in my head.
Joining the containment clan was a mistake
pls wowsg

Is anyone else having trouble connecting to NA?
why did they even go for that walk together when there were big bad wolves there

i mean, it's pretty romantic, bismark and eugen holding hands walk the night ocean, but it ended badly
I had a few issues earlier a couple of hours back where it wouldn't accept my login details until I reopened the game, but outside of that, no I'm not having issues with connecting to NA.
>Also, the Kawachi is probably the worst BB in the game.

I can see now, the guns couldnt hit a fucking mountain

sure I'll use the invite thing,didnt know it existeed
Because they were trying to win a war?
It's not like they were going to go fight the RN directly, trying to break out into the Atlantic together was kind of what they were built for.
suppose they broke into antlantic, how would they return?
They couldn't.
Well neat all I needed to do was restart.

Why is 6.3 such a fucking train wreck?
Hope they can make it back to France I guess.
They originally planned a much bigger operation where Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were supposed to take part during the breakthrough of Denmark Strait and countinue along with the rest of the group.
Sometimes i wonder what would have happened had they joined too.
Maybe Bismarck would have survived.
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Bismarck may have survived. But just long enough to be bombed in port.
They didn't hit the Tirpitz until 4 years after the Bismarck sank.
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send help
Thats not the point. If the Bismarck had made it to a port in France the British would not have stopped until they had decimated the ship or the port or both.
First they would have to not starve to death due to the joint naval and submarine blockade :^)
Yeah and it took them 4 years against a ship that never sortied.
it's a point though

they could get rid of tirpitz only after several years when americans helped them to get some air advantage. they also were scared of tirpitz all those years, so much that they once left a whole convoy without an escort when they heard that tirpitz approached (the convoy suffered greatly as a result)

it would be same with bismark
intredasting crosshair you are using
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>Tfw nation is so autistic that you send your entire Atlantic fleet to hunt one ship because she blew up a shitty, outdated Battlecruiser
>RN was shit scared of some mediocre BBs
What the hell would they have done against a nation with actually decent capital ships like the US or Japan?
Why do you keep bringing up Tirpitz like its an argument? I'm talking about the Bismarck and how it was actively threatening England, not about a ship that wasn't even completed a year later.
>against Japan

Ask Repulse and PoW xd
they would have no means to destroy a french naval base till well to the end of the ww2

inb4 muh campbeltown's raid
Would be a sight to see.
>RN sends a whole fleet against the IJN
>get BTFO becuase they actually gave them their retarded decisive battle
Just imagine a KGV trying to fight a Yamato
muh campbeltown SAS raid
Because its the exact situation you keep talking about you dumb nigger.
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Naziboos actually believe this
>Ship in a french port in the atlantic is the same as a ship in a german port in the baltic
lol umad
This, glory to the Jewish-British alliance
We gladly die for the merchant
There was almost no difference, also Tirpitz was stationed in the norwegian Fjords, not in the Baltic.
Ah yes I'm well aware of the historical fact that the Tirpitz literally sat in the Baltic for the entirety of the war and was eventually captured by the allies.
>a ship in a german port in the baltic
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ITT: Butthurt naziboos cant handle being wrong
because the russians tried to put a submarine into their game. Even though that submarine did literally nothing but spin in port, it caused a shit ton of issues.

6.3 was the real april foosl joke
How do I git gud with Fer d Grobe? I did pretty gud with Bis but I just can't make this ship work. I've tried fitting her for secondaries and main battery.
Sell and play Izumo
Is she still as bad as they say she is? I just came back after a long haitus.
yeas. some fag is just telling people to play her because of her shitty bow

>Friedrich der Grobe

Not gonna lie, I chuckled

I'm about to make the transition as well, what are your issues?
cuckoldry fetish?
Well she has short range and dispersion is a bitch. Stock she is very sluggish and I just seem to get focused and burnt alive before I can get into the range she's supposed to work at.
Lol nice. Just about to unlock amagi.
The bote isn't bad. The problem is that you start to see more T9/T10 botes often and these botes are so much better doing what they can do (torp, HE/AP spam, area denial) compared to its T7/T8 tech tree.
I want to join a clan but I don't want my teammates to make fun of my voice (I'm a girl), can I still join without a headset?
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>(I'm a girl)
You know the drill.
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Join ZEON today
I'm on EU tho
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hey, it's a girl, let's make fun of her voice!
Hope you're not in Dublin m8.
Of course, you're welcome to join BOTES/HOTEL.
Our other resident girl Hotel_a_QT plays SL matches every single weekend with her microphone muted, and she's one of our best performers.
Actually I don't live on EU. I chose the server to avoid NA faggotry
Come to SEA BOTES.
Its comfy there.
skill plan for britbong cruisers?
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>Being a teeb
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T-torpedo botes are fine!
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Hello. I come bearing funposting gifts.

In addition to the obligatory "reroll" argument I'm sure you guys are going to have, let us brainstorm how chain can catch up to the other 2 in the QTest division.
Remember when wave and then Gaishu came and ruined all our stats? It happened again. But this time, SlayMad hid his stats, so he dropped out at the same time, so I guess it's a wash.

And FYI, this player is in the BOTES clan on SEA.
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And finally, the TOP /WOWSG/s. RIP Gaishu's Duck. F

>chain getting carried this hard

ayy lmao
>Competitors 0

ru dd are broken, guise!
>55% shitter from SEA is the top of the stats now
>All these ships taken up by gayshu

pls remove
>losing top duck to someone with 50 games played and less winrate both overall and solo

hanging myself tonight, i will all of my camos to clone
>implying he didn't stat pad those stats as well
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>tfw you mostly succesfully break out into the Atlantic
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>tfw moved up to being less shit
Who /on the doc only because you played a low tier DD or CA/ here?
Mainly because there are more shitty players to space things out.

Hell, that's why I almost moved to banana. I have way too many games played on my account so I'm moving nowhere.

Don't ruin this for me pls, my boatfu's gameplay turned out to be horrific and I'm just waiting on the new cruisers
who is you're botefu
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>have literally not moved at all since I started appearing on these things
>solo skill has actually gotten worse

Oh cool, I totally needed yet another reason to hate myself
anon who started with russian ships that was here a few hours ago
holy shit I just got the myogi and finally I feel like I'm in a ship I wont suck complete ass in
>Russian ships
>playing Japanese shipt Myogi
pick one
Kawachi was a fine bote.

Become proficient.
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Friendly reminder that Hindenburg is secretly a really good T10 CA
>Japanese shipt Myogi
t. shitter
It's been confirmed, Gaishu is a cheater to pad his stats. There is no one in the general to compete with this much autism so hes always going to be in top boats.
Myogi isn't as good as the rest of the line, but it's where it starts picking up and you start getting a feel for what it's actually more about. If you don't mind her you'll enjoy the rest of them.

Kawachi is one of the worst ships in the game.
at least you have good taste
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Thanks. Just wish Tier IX and X was actually fun to play.
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>tfw you rout the enemy team during a cyclone and pull the team back from a victory
>tfw you lose because the friendly bot CV runs to the back of the map leaving you and your div mates to die in the hail of torpedoes from the 2 remaining enemy CVs
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Goodnight /wowsg/!
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>playing with Randgris
That's not a bot CV and your div is utterly garbage at the game for not being able to win that one.
He did sit his fighters and AFK for a good 2/3rds of the match.
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>he lets you on Hotel, a fifth
>still butthurt he kicked you from NTR for being a whiny autist many years ago

Fuck off Tioga060.
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Goodnight Hotelposter
Happy Hotel dreams!
>>he lets you on Hotel, a fifth
He didn't though. Prec runs HOTEL. DrEbola put invited Tioga.
>DrEbola put invited Tioga.
This was a mistake.
Die in your sleep.
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>Ironheart is going to be dead in a few months
Best day of my life.
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When was sucy part of /wowsg/?
Do yourself a favor and free xp the Myogi. Kongou is so so so much better, trust me.
you mean you didn't like bogatyr? you did something very wrong, it's impossible not to like st. louis and bogatyr (at least unless you are a dd player in your heart but if it was so you would probably like svietlana how i liked phoenix back then)
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>tfw unicum players wont div with me and nurse me back to the >60% WR i hade a week ago
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>plays with HOTEL
>wonders why he lost
Benis told me she/he/it was. They're also a lurker on the Discord.
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>he divs with The_autist_heart
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btw, where did autism speaks go? he was prominent on the na forum and a pretty good player too, i think he was related to 4chan
>back to the greater than 60% W/R you had a week ago
What is your problem tioga? let it go. he gave you several new chances and now you're trying to piss him off again as usual.

he got banned
for warpack or for stat shaming other players?
>Playing with Ironheart
107 games over 9 days took me from a 60.35% to a 59.82%

It's been a rough week with only a 46% WR over the past 7 days

I kept playing thinking that i was just having a bad day, then a bad 2 days, then a bad week. Im starting to think the game is actively working against me
for being annoying
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I send all viable apps to Prec

You was a mistake
how do I join a clan
also can I join more than one, I'm on NA and dont know what to pick
>also can I join more than one
>playing with Randgris
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>he trusted Ironheart
suppose i absolutely hate detonations, mostly play dd and don't have enough anti-dd flags, is it a stupid idea to exclusively use -70% detonation chance mod then on every dd?

all my dd have preventive maintenance anyway
Quit samefagging
What did Iron do to piss off Tioga that much?
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>nobody like the guy
>multiple people hate him
>Q-Quit s-s-s-amefagging g-guys!!!
tl;dr cock blocked him from being in the big 4chan meme clan
stop treating the general like your personal echo chamber tioga
played with ironheart for a couple matches, really exceptional guy, not the best player but he was kind, funny, and interesting. i hope he gets a new liver soon though
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>a grand total of 1 person dislikes him and he's autistic enough to spam messages on the general just because he didnt get invited to the "Special 4 Letters in front of your Username" club
>he didnt get invited
But Tioga060 is in the clan you fucking moron.
Just farm detonation flags, easy :>
>farm detonation flags,
>Only can get 1 set every 24 hours.
Just git lucky and MVP your not detonation.
Then what's the problem, Tioga?
he's butthurt because iron kicked him a long time from a wot clan

and it was only because everyone got sick of tioga
If you're getting detonated more than 10 times a day then your account is cursed and you need a new one.
You don't have to get detonated to use up a flag.
If you play more than 10 games a day there's literally no way to actually cover yourself against the possibility.
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>ironheart starting all this unnecessary drama, yet again
>Tioga notorious for shitposting and starting drama for years on end in /wotg/
>it must be the other guy
Not everyone here is new, there are plenty of people that remember you from /wotg/ you know.
>Be Gneisenau
>Knifefighting a Nagato
>Suddenly get a devastating strike displayed while Nagato still is at 1/2 HP
>Secs fun and engaged a teeb cruiser that I didn't even notice

Being a naziboo is fun and engaging
Tioga isn't even online right now you fucking nigger.
He logged out five minutes ago, aka, turned on offline mode.
>The game that plays itself.
No need to get so defensive there tioga.
I suppose you're going to say he's/you're out at the gym or whatever excuse you normally use?
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Thanks for reminding me how much I hate Gneiseniggers
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>Assblasted teeb
>tfw just realized that dd of l. mass and z-23 types were tirpitz's escort girls
t. IDF
how much will prinz cost in dollerydoos
>tfw 8 game losing streak
Enjoy the worst stock grind in that line before Izumo. Everything will outrange you and tier 10 DDs will outmeme you with torpedo walls and fires from every salvo.
Amagi and Izumo are arguably the best ships for their teir.
Anyone who can't get good in Myogi or Izumo needs to stop playing.
Probably about 45~50 bucks.
>not playing fotm ships exclusively
enjoy your sub 93%WR, shitters

With 18.1km stock range all the tier 9 and 10 BBs you will meet every single game can just easily hold you at arms length and wittle you down whilst cruisers spam HE at you.
Amagi is fine stock now because they got rid of the old shit hull. I didn't even buy the range upgrade on her until I was long past her and got her back a 2nd time because it's possible to do fine without it.
If you can't do fine in Amagi even stock then I don't know what to say.
Probably me just hating high tier gamelay then. Every ship I've gotten past T7 I have absolutely hated.
>another shitposting OP
kill yourself
Yeah, that's reasonable. T8 in T8 games is the last really fun tier, T9/10 games in general are a shitfest a lot of the time and I totally understand people just wanting to stick to the mid tiers at most.
Doesn't help that you get a T8 max game once every 10 games where you have to endure T10 bullshit.
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