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Spessmen on a Space Station /ss13g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 860
Thread images: 150

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Last Thread: >>171261842

Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Probe exposed for anonymously shitposting, everyone is Solarious
>Should everyone have access to everything?
>Slimes 1, xenos 0 - immunity to fire, pressure, and stuns proves beneficial
>Chemists are autists and so are doctors

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main /vg/station server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>/vg/station forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin
Cute vox
>Chemists are autists and so are doctors
How so? Is it not okay to want to keep people in the round?
Chemists want everything done exactly their way and it can be done in no other way
Doctors want everything done exactly their way and it can be done in no other way
Neither realises they're sperging out as hard as the other about it
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>three cultists barge into my workplace
>hide in the corner until they fuck off
>one of them dies to my anti-cult mechanism
Sarahjohnson made the thread and is clearly mad everyone is calling them shit.
Free vespasiangreg
prayermins are
>Juggernaut kills half of the cult
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But that's the part that confuses me. I join when "(0 active)" but there end up being 1 or more clearly active. I even close the window and reopen it to make sure they didn't get a connection problem are just relogging. I go from arrivals to botany with no stop and there are clearly there, awake and living. This is what is so confusing about it.
What if it's bugged and if they go braindead once/die it marks them as inactive but if they relog or get cloned it doesn't re-update it?
I didn't. Do I know you or something?
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>As juggernaut, punched the shit out of no less than 3 cultists (out of the 4 people he hit) and DC'd a bit after I'd bwoinked him 3 times. Fucking hell you could not have fucked up in a worse way. I've decided NOT to apply a "permaban and appeal" ban despite DCing during investigation because it's pretty clear the juggernaut was spaghetti-ing all over the place after he realised what he'd done, but jesus you hit all the wrong buttons here.
>expires 2017-03-18 21:06:37
Wanna make all of medbay lose their minds? Go Virologist and take one of their large beakers and watch them spazz at eachother
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Really? Which server are you playing on?
Maybe it's because I usually play at comfy to medium-pop, because usually they're pretty chill.
>practically first time I get to do anything as a cultist
>get to use cult code words over PDA, felt good
>attempt to try and summon nar nar in the bar under a table
>get lasered by some caphardsuit dude
>cult loses
I tried, but I think bar was a shit choice. It's just that nobody else was communicating (partly because no tomes anywhere)
>comfy to medium-pop
I want to go back to 2016
>5.x unit hyperzine
>overdose above 15

pretty cruel
This. Take 2 large beakers? Medbay is gonna be an episode of thunderdome

Just cult communicate everyone head to sw arrivals. You can sausage it for the win.
Not only punched, but punched them until he was sure they were dead. God bless you, vespasiangreg.
Could somebody give the round-end cultist list?
Not yet you don't.
meet me in dorms
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why do people have a hardon for this shitty mode
it's like revs but slower with stupid cthulhu shit for "flaveur"

[12:49:18]ADMINWARN: <span class="admin"><span class="prefix">ADMIN LOG:</span> <span class="message">vespasiangreg/(Vespasian Greg) is a relatively new player, may consider watching them. AGE = 5 First seen = 4</span></span>

Is he ever coming back?
No, I and myself alone made the thread and that line is just poking fun at every single medbay autism argument in the thread
More like vespergiangreg heyyyy
So they can't hide their shame.
I missed it
Just play at late-ish hours for the US time-zones.

Please don't, we need our beakers for the mix!
People always gobble the shit out of pills at 10u fridge or not. 3 beakers of 16 pills fits in the collector and works out.. And the self serve cuts down on I stubbed my toe come hold my hand rings.
Is it possible to view admin notes? I want to see what saucy secret they have on me
Ask them, goyim
Nope. You can ahelp and ask for your notes in a 1hr expiration pastebin though. It's generally good practice to keep tabs on yourself cause they don't always have the best context which really ends up setting the tone when a trialmin sees it and immediately gets a gigantic boner
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Was the cap, got blood boiled in telesci nest then chased you lot to the bar. Opened fire once I noticed the bar table had a rune under it.
I had so many doctors screaming for your demotion, couldn't you have just moved the fridge to the lobby for neatness sake?
It was neat though. Are all the pre-fridge era people gone or something?
Holy shit thats me
>people used blood boil
Something being shit once doesn't mean you need to make it shit now too
It was nice. Been having a nostalgic day
Literally the only thing wrong with that is people overdosing themselves, at which point they can gobble the anti-tox, unless it's hyperzine.

Always laugh at hyperzine overdoses.
The only person who did overdose themselves was luka who was doing it on purpose as a haha me eat all floor pills joke.
The hyperzine OD is the exact same OD as everything else, hyperzine just metabolises a lot slower.
>kammerjunk is sarahjohnson
It all makes sense now
Hyperzine OD's at 15, bicard and spaceacillin 30. If you meant by damage sure.
First time writing the summon rune. I'm new to cult and got really nervous with all those cultists in the bar standing around doing nothing.
I'd like to gut someone of their internals while they watch. What's the best way to keep them alive until I yank the brain?
>kammerjunk's name is sarah
>sarahjohnson's ckey has sarah
By damage, yeah. It's all just 1 toxin damage
Maybe some day, someone will code a better OD system, but it is not this day
Oh, but wasn't there one that killed you or something?
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I am Vespasian Greg, I am relatively new and like making cool designer drugs as chemist.
I also fucking hate cultists
now for something 10 times more woah
>see pill in bar named 'chaser'
>take it
>6u synaptizine
haha nice
designer drugs amirite
That wasn't it. That was just to stop you from tripping shit
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There are a few reagents that handle ODs like pic related, yeah.
you realize 6u synaptizine causes death yeah
Synaptizine does 60 toxin damage per unit.
Try K2 sometime it gives nice feels
Well I almost died so that makes sense
>you will never marry karen
>prayermins have all the flags, even ban
>prayermins didn't have to go through a trial peroid
>prayermins are both connected to probe
>probe told sacred to apply
>probe and kernikov are arma shitters

Really makes you think
Kernikov is an old min
Who was deadminned for killing a player 4noraisin
Both of the new prayermin have already been admins in the past but had to step down due to irl things like school.
Hm, that's some interesting code there.
I think I've fucked around with enough javascript to get it a bit.

What does "if(..())" mean, though? Does it just correspond to "(var/mob/living/M)" being pulled from the "datum" line?
That's one way to describe Dream Maker.
I think that's what it means, yeah, but I haven't really played much with that.
..() is the BYOND shorthand for "call the parent proc."

So if you've got a /mob/living/exampleproc(), a ..() inside it would call /mob/exampleproc().

if(..()) calls the parent proc and puts the value returned by it through the if() check.
Alright then, that's pretty strange.
If the github has everything listed on it, then I guess I can go hunting for bugs while I try to figure out the language more.

If it wasn't dealt with and you feel strongly enough about it that you wanna head to the forums, the banvalid request forum is always open. With the new (old) policy, you don't even have to be directly involved, so all the better.
heya Probe
the amount of deal that it was, is very small
lame pill though
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>MoMMibot: Help: SCOTTYLAD69/(Hans Gooberdick): help i'm being vore stationed by this mech pls help
>MoMMibot: Help: Kernikov/(Jack Clark): Do I have to emote my breathing if I wear internals and RP having polio?
>why does this xenobiologist have grilles all over the place
>oh that's why
Actually it was for giving a greytider brainrot instead of a ban.

The problem is that it spread to everyone else.
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Holy shit I really thought Dee was just a greytiding shitter so I didn't want to execute her. But she was the ling the whole fucking time. And to think I left the body in the execution chamber.
Antags waited so long to do anything that the crew were all demi-gods so they still didn't do anything
>be paramed
>detective yells, "HELP" in common
>check crew monitors to see dead det in toxins mixing
>everyone goes chasing there
>call out as he gets moved to aft starboard and then gets stripped
>look around the area later and find his stuff
>about 40 tiles away is his body in a locker
>check him for cloning, but he was linged, so take him to get a transplant
>MIF after surgery
One of the rare moments a linged corpse gets found and saved properly and it's MIF. It makes me feel bad everytime, like we weren't fast enough.
you guys put on the wrong head
the detective was complaining in dead chat
you left the head in a locker
I did a lap around the station and looked near where the antag spaced him, but I guess I didn't go far out enough. I walked in mid succ, should've never lost him in the first place, but I fucked up.
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Oh you're fucking kidding me

Wait, did I leave the head in the locker that the ling was carrying around or was it the locker the paramed/someone else saved? Feels shitty either way.
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...I think I might have confused them during surgery.
That explains why I was being spooked a lot.
i guess while he was in surgery someone put on the monkeyman head instead of the detective's?
paremed did nothing wrong unless he was the one doing the surgery
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>be genetisticsists
>sit 2 hours on a chair clicking boxes
>finally got EBIN combination
>start mass producing it
>leave your lab
>give it out to everyone
>shuttle called in the next 10 minutes
Gotta get faster.
b-but that's powergayming
You're not gonna create an entire station of X-ray telekinetic hulks that way boyo.
you can use mutagen
>Feel like playing on station
>No traders

>Feel like being a trader
>Round has already started
>Two other people were already traders

Fucking hell
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MoMMibot: Help: JewishCupboard/(Jermaine Basmanoff): I want someone to very quickly teach me atmos without making me read anything
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>RP having polio
I'm glad that nigger is gone.
>juggernigger kills four(that's 2 2's) cultists
>logoffs when bwoinked
>lol only 1 day

Danes not even once
>prayermin slots all go to ex-admins
what's my CKEY? My byond account name or something?
Yes. A ckey is just the byond version of username.
>Kammerjunk confirms the probe shitposting leak

Is kammerjunk /OurGirl/?
>Manny Purdo makes it all the way to the dining room
>eats one of the only poisoned donuts
>Build teleporter flatpacks and grab the PACMAN
>Take both to the expedition chamber
>Suddenly mission failure message from centcomm
>Warden tells me not to push the gear through the portal
>Ride shuttle home

Boring shift
>>Feel like being a trader
>>Round has already started

This could change tbqh.

Maybe it should? A tiny little 1 room arrival shuttle at trader outpost for new arriving traders up to a max of like, what, 3 active traders?

Can't see why this would be a problem.
>Suddenly mission failure message from centcomm
A shuttle call was requested
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that was the comfiest round I have ever played.
how did the expedition go?
No I requested the shuttle call after we got a mission failure message, I hacked the CE announce console
everyone died horrible deaths
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>MoMMibot: Help: Kinoest/(Jimmy Havoc): Are there vape pens in the game?
fun but in a bad way
we were exploring a sieged settlement by syndies, dead miners laid everywhere and random mines were placed. Syndies would suddenly appear from the darkness and take shots, took us all down pretty quick
>Can't see why this would be a problem.
you try coding it faggot then say that again
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Conceptually, I meant.

Coding it is easy too, but I don't code for SS13 anymore, for personal reasons.
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>MoMMibot: Help: Zealotron/(Sawbones): why did angela merkal space me
>[2:03 PM] MoMMibot: Help: Goldsteel/(Dee Fibb): What does a syndicate wheelchair do?
[2:04 PM] MoMMibot: Help: Goldsteel/(Dee Fibb): Get ready for failure
[2:12 PM] MoMMibot: Help: OniGumo187/(Kahtakichiyiyiyitata): syndie wheelchair is bs
>MoMMibot: Help: DojoDetroit/(Robert Cass): Turn me into borg so I can just roleplay plz
MoMMibot: Help: Jcamleo/(Spiff McGriff): Am I allowed to bomb the station as a cultist?
Mars map when?
>chair is nerfed repeatedly
>people STILL get salty when they die to it
so many counters
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>the time the execution-happy warden executes a ling mistaking him for a traitor and kept his body in the armory as a 'trophy', while also leaving all the windoors open.
i think he expected it on some level, and with teh way i failed to kill him im pretty sure he did.
meanwhile if you're killed by any of the jaded fucks who need their valids you'll be decapitated with or without and evidence of lingery
>Avada is a cultist
>Kill them
>Get a week ban
>last post almost an hour ago
>kill someone as a nonantag
>unable to justify it
>it was not because they were a cultist
>banned for nonantag murder
Just because they are an antag does not make them a free kill before they do anything senpai
I go to cargo roundstart to get two more anyway.
>kill avada who is standing over a body that had just set off an sps
>get a week ban
why not apprehend them instead? there's no reason not to
If I remember correctly, it was lone sec and there were claims of a vampire.
I behead every ling I come across, because not one ling has left my body somewhere it could reasonably be recovered

Why should I show quarter when they won't?
I don't want you to tell people I'm a changeling, even though I can and should be switching bodies throughout the shift.
If someone asks why I beheaded that guy I'm going to have to tell them it was a ling, you want me to just make up a story?

>Well you see it all started with a barfight...
>those faggots who refer to rounds as "shifts" OOC

I hope you don't do this.
it is a shift
Bumping with a video of my dog :^)

Also what's the most autistic job next to engineering?
If you can remember who the fourth was post it here or in the ban request; I only counted three cultist beatdowns by the jug.
Any job can be autistic, but favorites are
>plasma researcher
the fuck is a plasma researcher
Scientist, but doing bombmaking specifically. Scientist is the only job with alt-titles that people seem to think mean anything
It's Toxins.
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>manage to start my own holy order with a visitation from Christ himself
Bartender is pretty fun
deus vult.
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>join as assistant
>fart around doing assistant things getting arrested and being dumb
>get recruited into a christian club with armour and swords
>get visited by Christ
>He tells us all to let people join by their own will and to be peaceful
>After he leaves, I say to do the exact opposite as a joke
>"As your verbal affirmation of sin leaves your lips, you feel a cosmic rumbling in your ass..."
>start trying to repent and decide to start farming with the intent on making bread and wine
>the rest go full Deus Vult and murder people or something
>I abandon their club and run away
>eventually try to prepare a feast with what little I have
>some dude comes and says he's going to go and murder all those murderous bastards for being heretics
>the only person to enjoy my shitty meal is a golem who might have been one of the old members that died
That was a nice round, Kernikov for headmin
Low pop is best pop

If this happened during high pop there'd be deadmin requests left and right because:

Javier you heretic
If you people keep banning anyone you disagree with, soon enough it will rather be NO POP
>roundstart as virologist
>practically no comms chatter
>quietly try to isolate some harmless or beneficial symptoms the hard way
>10 minutes in, some random guy asks if there's a virus outbreak over comms
>think nothing of it, because no alert and I surely didn't release anything
>power goes out as i'm researching, which I broadcast over comms
>walk over to chemistry for radium just in case, and there's a security officer trying to hack into medbay entrance
>"Hey uh, what are you doing there pal?"
>"yeah... and?"
>I open the door and he stuns me
>HoS, detective, and some other fucknuts suddenly pile in out of nowhere and gangbang me
>they waste about 30 minutes of my time trying to pin all kinds of bullshit on me
>turns out they took the random assistant asking once about a virus outbreak as proof that there was a virus outbreak and that I was definitely the cause
>i'm accused of creating super deadly viruses because these shits think I specifically engineered the roundstart virus samples, which had some deadly symptoms in them
>they wave printouts of the roundstart virus specs in front of my face as "proof" of my crimes
>the fucknut sec who was hacking in earlier says i'm definitely a liar because virology totally had power when he went in to search my workplace
>of course it did THEN, after someone fixed power
>the charade eventually dies down and they realize nobody is even actually sick
>I'm left cuffed and stripped of my ID and backpack, bolted into virology
>a borg eventually comes and lets me out when a meteor event threatens my life as i'm stuck in there
>finally get my stuff back an hour and thirty minutes into the round
>geneticist has long had all superpowers by now
>give up on the hard method and just order virus crates
>engineer a mildly beneficial virus that never even spreads
>cure two bad random event virus outbreaks
>die to memes

Virology really doesn't pay, huh?
>learning virology
>wiki says it needs a contagious disease to spread
>spend 4 rounds trying to get this disease, but they all end early because bombs/ops/wizards, whatever
>finally get something on the first try that says airbrone in the scanner
>send it out
>does nothing
>round ends prematurely, again
>fuck it
>first virus I get next round, first symptom is contagious
>this should work
>spread it
>7 day bannu

Virologist is a useless fucking job. There's only like 3 beneficial symptoms. You'll spend hours trying to collect them all.

Doesn't help that the fucking scanner tells you HOW the virus is SPREAD, despite NOT having any of those SYMPTOMS.
Did you ahelp it?
>wanting to spread it

That's your mistake
You need to get as low an infection vector as you can get so it takes almost a miricle that you're infected in the first place, so anyone who comes into contact with you has just as little chance of getting your sweet benefits too.

You don't see genetics handing out hulk to every passer by that moves through medical, do you?
>Be miner
>Deliver first batch to mechanics and R&D
>Drill half the asteroid away
>Deliver to mechanics
>Mechanic is setting up teleporters
>Ask HoS for a mechanics copy of the hand tele, but he's an ass
>Take unguarded hand tele from teleporter room and scan it for the mechanics
>Find every single thing on the asteroid and teleport it back to the mechanics
>Teleport a fuckton of mats back to the mechanics
>Get guns and launch myself into space
>Set up a teleporter beacon in the Kestrel
>Set up a teleporter beacon on the vampire hideout
>Set up a teleporter beacon at the glue factory
>Teleport all kinds of shit back to the mechanics
>Have a short chat with some IAA that teleported onto the Kestrel
>Teleport back to the station when it's time to leave
My only regret is that there wasn't actually an away mission. I had fun.
Why would I ahelp that? Having my time wasted isn't a breach of the rules.
Yes, I realize this.

My gripe is more in the fact that Virologist is 100% fucking useless.

There's the virus scanner that for some reason or another has a 'spread type' list and lists the virus as 'airborne' or 'contact', but it doesn't matter if the virus has no coughing/sneezing bullshit.

It really needs an overhaul.
>Six tiles away from said body, unarmed in a different room
>the ban actually got lifted
How much did morena pay for all their fan art?
Socket wrench doesnt let you remove firelocks at all you liars.
I'm not sure if you can remove firelocks, but if they're anything like doors, you need to weld them shut, open them with a screwdriver and then wrench them

Socket is the same thing as a wrench just bigger and can unfasten pressurized pipes.

it should have double the damage for the size though
Kernikov reported exactly what you're saying and the collaborators say that only the full tile firelocks are deconstructable.
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Was this another Celt lie like snowmap and the 6 billion bugs?
90% sure deconstructing regular firelocks was going to be done at one point by kurf but the PR got shut down for whatever reason
Can't feel arsed to look up which PR it was.
Celt is no longer head of trialmins and the newest two admins are not trialmins.
They're prayermins. :^)
I'm my own admin, I scour through the shadows and abuse people with powergaming mechanics. I attack people and engineer situations to murder.

Please stop me
We need more hair styles
we need more races
we need more waifus!
With just about every socially acceptable hairstyle covered under the limitations of a 15 pixel head, the only options from here on out are shitty anime girl hairstyles, so no.
We need more traps!
We need more features.

Like vending machine busting. Why don't we have that?
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There's plenty of good hairstyles not from anime that would add some unique flair
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Who's considered the most robust right now?
I think it's time to bring the Payne
Could you post a good example?
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>We should add in tumblr hair instead!
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Emagging vending machines should make them start hurling verbal abuse at their customers.That or just be more annoying and snide.
>a hair is somehow a website

The character is also anti tumblr on a progressive show
>Undercuts arent tumblr hair

Yeah okay buddy
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I agree, we need more anime hair as we're an anime server
Who are you quoting?
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Stalker server is up, come check it out (please i don't want to be alone among the russians)

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This hair
>an anime server

how is this an anime server?
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We need more hair for our black male statics!
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Continued from before for more diverse hair
So is the movement speed on your server seriously faster than Tg's? The amount of missed teasers/greytide yakity ask must be unreal.
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We need this hairstyle
Trying to tase someone in an open area is pretty tough, usually you have to go for the takedown or laze n stun
>Making an Aryan character on a primarily Russian server

Hahaha I bet they called you fascist in moon-speak
Hi dickfreedomfriendo

I miss robusting furshits in vore with you
They probably did. I walked into a military checkpoint and took two busts of 5.45 in my chest before I could speak.

Sorry, not the same guy.
I wish I could make up my mind about movement speed. On one hand slower speeds make ranged weapons actually viable (in more situations at least.) But on the other hand Bay's shitty paraplegic movement speed is far too slow.
The movespeed is a bit too high if you have to struggle to line up for an airlock.
It really depends, fast movement speed makes CQC intense as fuck because there's more chances for robust shit, where as bay is slow as molasses and fighting 2 or more people with equal or higher gear is a death sentence
Slower speed does mean firearms are more widely used though, which can lead to fun Tacticool shootouts

I prefer fast because once I managed to sprint through a volley of minigun fire and disarm the gunman, then melt his face with his own minigun
I honestly think our movement speed is way too high. Reducing it by like, 20% would be a start.
You need to realize the limitations of hairstyles here. There's no way to make a hairstyle that represents short curls with a fade on the sides, or at least represent it well. 64x64 when
faster move speed is really fun if your ping isn't at 100ms for most the round.

You must predict the players movement with ranged weapons. Most people move upon you firing, so you must anticipate this and adjust accordingly.

If you have trouble getting through an airlock than there's no helping you. Maybe Paradises "RP Movespeed" is more your taste.
I can see how that would make fights shit
I'm blessed with noping and a strong computer so I can always fight people

I remember trying to play ss13 in like 2013 when I was on a welfare 200$ laptop and I wanted to kill myself because it was so laggy and my internet speed was aids
A reminder there's a "pause after first step" option in preferences that helps with high ping/precise movement.
How do you do a proper shuttle hijacking? Do you just fight everyone on the shuttle or make sure they don't get on in the first place? Do you ignore the pods? Please help this shitter improve.
>blow up escape/plasmaflood it
>emag the shuttle console
>kill the few peoples that got into the shuttle on time
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Chanel your inner columbine
You'll need powergame gear/crowd stuns to keep from getting mobbed

Backpack full of guns
Napalm if you got it
Just pick a spot, set up and just start ripping and tearing everyone near you, crit and move on
Know how many hits it takes to crit someone with you weapons
Pods dont count to it, so forget them. To get it, subvert your silicutches and call it. The plasma fire that follows will slow people and welding/bolting the doors to the shuttle will do it. Emag the console to finish being a complete faggot.
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Except the car ears
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Robot loli
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ruble server is back up
What's the goal
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>ruining the russians time by playing on their servers

No better than reddit
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Laws updated.
>emag a hugbot
>tell him to get my dat fuken objective
>try to walk around while i wait
>get doorshocked and die

life is suffering familia
I died near the spawn
Can someone come help me? maybe we could band together on discord and come through for each other when shit goes down
Just whilst we're learning the game
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What was he expecting?
>find a fuckton of guns on xenoarch
>lucky meteor hits me but i'm not gibbed
>stay on red for a fuckton of time and them i finally die at the thend
>dig out hugbot
>tell him to go and hug my buddies in the asteroid
>it somehow gets emagged
>harms the fuck out of them all the way into the shuttle
Some things just aren't meant to be uncovered.
I'm sorry, I couldn't move your into the sleeper because of the field and the emagged borg.
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>found it on my original body's corpse from before I was hugborg
>No idea where you are
>Almost flies out of shuttle, ask the others to make sure it doesn't fly out since bossman told me to only hurt people with the pinpointer
>treeman picks it up and throws it into the cold dark depths of space
don't worry at least the field meme'd the borg out of his hug valids
Stalk. It's a stalker (RP?) server.
Kill mutants, loot shit, kill bandits, make money.

We law-abiding english-speakers need to work together if we want to survive in the êîæàíàÿ êóðòêà zone.
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I'm connecting but this shit's downloading at 100KB/s.
What does "bwoinked" mean
It's the sound you hear when an admin pm's you.
An admin is about to take their anger out on you
When an admin PM's you it makes a bwoink sound
>both a ban request and a ban appeal for the same guy up at once

Is it metagaming to upload robocop at roundstart?

Not even validhunting, I just hate Asimov and would rather silicons tried to uphold Space Law instead.
Well that would've been nice to know about before I dcd
Just freeform something instead robocop a shit
You can upload whatever but be aware you will be responsible for any actions they take as a result of those laws.
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Can I be freed? Just permaban me from antag roles.
>Thought synaptizine just counteracted LSD no idea it gives you poisoning
>Tried to commit suicide and got revived by cultists
>Run around clicking things for a while
>Realize what I'd done
>Log off
Your ban expires later today dude, Just wait it out
Mate, do you even know what metagaming means?
Stop asking and you'll eventually be unbanned
Part of accepting your mistakes is accepting the consequences, which should be higher than one day anyway
>unrepentant faggot who ruined the round for several others and griefed before DC'ing when he got bored before smugly posting "fuck cultists" in the thread and bragging about his designer drugs
>appeals a day ban and posts anime

please get banned again
Any good captains lately?
Or are rounds such a shitshow any captain gimmicks are immediately ruined
>implying anyone plays captain
Captain is just an all access assistant that has a higher chance to be banned by the administration for gimmicks

Prove me wrong.
captain is just an assistant with all access
so, why is noir considered a minor power if it's annoying as fuck and not helpful at all?
It'd be pretty dumb if it was a major power
Fuck off back to bay
and why are toxic farts, strong, dissolve and immolate a disability
>strong, dissolve and immolate
Not disabilities.
wiki says otherwise

and what about toxic farts, if dissolve and immolate aren't a disability then toxic farts aren't too since you can choose when to fart just like you can choose when to dissolve and immolate
Toxic farts are.
The wiki is outdated. What's a disability, minor power, and major power is determined by the code
Toxicfart will always trigger at 801 or above, but strong, dissolve, and immolate won't.
Disregard (some of) that, I suck cocks
Immolate is still a disability. I'm not sure Strong ever was, but I'm pretty sure Dissolve was turned into a minor power following the crack of the ack
>I suck cock.
What does that literally have to do with anything, you faggot?

Do you just have the need to inject your sexuality into things? Get the fuck back to /lgbt/
>Be in medbay all round making chems
>Hayley walks into medbay, I scan her for damage
>She injects me with something then shoots me to death
>Later tells a borg I'm a cultist
>Not an antagonist
>be chef
>station's atmos gets messed up
>people start opening firelock doors
>watch helplessly as heaps of ingredients scatter into the main corridor
>retrieve them and close the shutters
>another person opens the firelock doors
>the ingredients phase through the shutters and fly out into the hallway again

That's when you know it's time to quit your job and go eat xenoburgers in a locker until the shuttle arrives.
Daily reminder that painting the hallways as a MoMMI is a good idea
hey, there is nothing wrong with sucking some cocks from time to time
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Actual tip: utilize plant bags for eggs, meat, and vegetables, and food delivery bags for everything else.
Once you learn to deal with huge heaps of ingredients and food effectively, chef becomes a lot more efficient.
>not suckling cocktail
What are you, gay?
but did you ahelp?
Sorry, ingredients is probably the wrong word then. The stuff that flew into the hallway was stuff like beakers, condiment bottles, food bags, and the food on the counter.
But yeah, plant bags are really useful.
YES but it was round end when I saw they weren't an antag and thus got no response
>beakers, condiment bottles, food bags, and the food on the counter.
Yeah that's misery. The only thing I can recommend is preventative measures like sticking unused items in a closet.
Sorry for your loss, anon
Are you autistic?
Look at it this way: If you ahelped every single time someone killed you, that would be too much work for the admins.
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Honk honk
Tried to support the cult as the clown, couldn't convert fast enough. I really tried.

>Massive clusterfuck of cultists and corpses in the shuttle storage room
>I make a blood boil rune
>People fucking explode around the storage area, everyone is heavily injured and I die instantly
it isn't
>too much work
It's literally genuinely without exaggerating 5 seconds to check if someone's an antag. If it's obvious they are, yeah why bother ahelping, but you think they might not be, it's more work if you don't ahelp people than if you do
if it makes you feel better, you were a fucking pain in my ass as AI. as soon as i saw you filling plasma canisters while wearing an atmos hardsuit i knew i was in for some shit
Any luck with constructs?
>hey i just died and i'm not sure that <x> was antag
there is no harm in asking the admins to look into things, especially if you're reasonably unsure
Does anyone have a good method to do genetics? The other day i saw someone that had all the powers and disabilites figured out in like 15 minutes that was crazy fast.
>If it's obvious they are, yeah why bother ahelping, but you think they might not be, it's more work if you don't ahelp people than if you do
That's kind of what I'm thinking. From the story you would think "ok, this person is very obviously an >antagalizer," so it sucks when you get screwed over for assuming the competency of another player rather than contacting the admins every time you die.
Funny thing is, I wasn't even filling plasma cans, I was just making stun runes before skedaddling. I was listening in on the sec channel and it was pretty funny hearing sec get confused trying to hunt me down. Had to change identity 3 times, but in the end I managed get our sacrifice target, infiltrate sec, block off the armory, kill the warden and convert a ton of people. Sec was on point with the deconverts and the rest of the cult wasn't really on point. What happened to the mime anyway ?
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or balding hair that actually connects in the back
Worst case, you should still pursue it afterwards.
It's annoying but admins don't mind some investigation for banvalids if it's such a shitty play like >>171395665 described.
If they bopped you with an esword or revolver then sure you can maybe skip the question.
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I was curious what the stance of issues like this were so I asked an admin and got their input.

Turns out it's okay.
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>be a little plant
>want to help out security
>go to brig
>follow an officer around
>he does something with a chaplain
>chaplain runs off
>follow the chaplain
>get his cuffs off
>chaplain runs off screaming about a cult
>well, that was weird
>go return the cuffs to the warden
>warden's office is open
>pick up the warden's hat
>armory is open
>armory is covered in blood
>secure armory is open
>man in atmos suit standing over a headless warden
>blood runes everywhere
>scared so hard my game freezes
2 spooky
Items won't go through the shutters unless they're under them, if atmos is acting fucky bring everything one tile into your kitchen where it's safe until things stabilize
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how new?
they didn't
Fuck, marry, kill

Felicity Rivera played by HarseTheef
Kill them all
Fuck Avada once, but instead of any sexual because i'm gay just talk about botany all day and definitely not Medbay.
Kill the other two because I can't decide which shit-covered weight I want to tie myself to
fuck kill marry
Kill Souhei and Felicity

Force Avada to do estrogen and crossdress in real life for a few months, then he'll kill himself on his own.
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Fuck them all and then kill them all, might as well use it before wasting it.
marry my waifu souhei :D:D:D
dont kill thats mean D: D: D:
no fuck avada. that would be cheating ;_;
Fuck, marry, kill

>Ashe Mallory
>Surfer Brooks
>Mallory Brooks
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Stripping you and leaving you locked in a room is definitely a violation of SOP. I've been bwoinked for leaving a guy bucklecuffed in his cell. Admins take that kind of thing seriously.
is ss13 the only game that uses byond that's not naruto highschool DBZ yaoi shit?
Hello Souhei.
CowRP, motherfucker
i dont play med ever sorry it looks like a really boring job
Can confirm
I got a good airborn virus within an hour or so, infected myself and went outside with no protection. Literally no one else got it and it actually cured itself for no reason
where my secbros at
how many fights have you won today?
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O shit you're right

Souhei doesn't play medbay, they just steal magboots and syringe gun
I'm sure.
next time ahelp it. goes against rule 0: don't be a fucking total dick and people have been job banned from sec for less
>Literally no one else got it and it actually cured itself for no reason
Viruses are coded to cure themselves after reaching "stage 5". That's right, your job is meaningless by design.
souhei is always in med when i need her to be :D
the only med player i like more is riccardo when he plays med :D :D
Rank the ss13 servs

The rest were unplayably laggy. TG and marines borderline on that. Yog is literally just TG with less lag.
there is no such thing as VG
Bay > everything else > shit > VG
start going columbine before the shuttle is called
Blow the borgs
Resume killing everyone, chem up on meds synap and a shit load of anti toxin
This is easiest with a phazon and make sure you raid the ion rifles
Call the shuttle yourself
Proceed to keep killing everyone especially medbay
Weld and bolt the escape shuttle doors when you get in, if too many people are dead you won't need an emag
It's /vg/ you mong
but here's a list, best to worst
>/vg/ OR urist
>meme servers at their prime (FTL13, fallout13)
>meme servers at their worst (fallout13)
lifeweb doesn't fit, it's barely spess at all and swaps rapidly between "it's pretty cool" and "scat rape simulator"
put on atmos suit
take plasma miner to space outside shuttle dock
make makeshift dock with inflatable barriers
board when it arrives
wrench in miner
emag console to go quick

Sorry fellow denien of /VG
Don't forget scare factor
The faster you kill people and the more panic you spread the ones that hide won't ever come out of hiding
emag a mommi and make it make a shuttle for you then order it to drag you on it and emag the console for you and have it feed you and water you on the way back home
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Who the fuck coded this
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>Me* blinks
>Me* steps forward and gets stoxind without RP by le euphoric psychologist played by a 14 year old brown noser
>me* laughs at your shitty rp server infested with lizards and catbeasts
Which heavy RP servers are better?
the ones without furries
none of them
le threatened low RP greytide shitter face
aurora is okay
In that case, I guess I don't really understand what >>171401392 is getting at
heavy rp is bad in general with this playerbase because its either used to be a furry, be creepy or be a rapist
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>no security other than bill
>friendly antags and greytide
lowsecurity is the worst because people will make fun of you for being overwhelmed
Soon, all shall be in the body bag, yourself included
if you where that securiborg, you deserved it.
Is it better for a scrub to begin as a janitor or a chef? I understand that assistant is no longer well supported for this role on account of greytide.
I tried my best to help you without becoming overt HoPcurity.

>Track the disk using the pinpointer
>It's in the nuke
>Assistant entering code
>Take it before he finishes arming the nuke and secure it
>Didn't even get noticed

That was some supreme fucking nigging I witnessed. Thank God I didn't start as sec.
cargo tech
Janitor for first game,keep at it, Chef for fourth game.
>security borg getting bashed to death by greytide
Serves you right.
assistant is fine. basically anything except sec or engineer is fine. most jobs are literally just a check list of things you do in 5-15 mins then have nothing to do or glorified lego
the ones that arent tend to have no impact at all on the game so it doesnt even matter if you fuck up
I only tased all those people because i was old to tase anyone who goes near the comms console.
Wait, how did the assistant get the code?

Why the fuck was he even arming the nuke as non-antag?
Cargo / janitor / chef.
Assistant works if you can get the role, but it's usually taken by shitters.
Start as either Janitor or Cargo Tech. Janitor is great to learn basic controls and the station's layout. Cargo tech is great to learn how to interact with the crew and there's often people around to help you if you're confused, just make sure to tell people you're new.

Chef has the problem of needing cooperation from another department to work well and it's mostly abstract, as in, what you do depends mostly entirely on numbers in the microwave. Unlike cleaning or delivering crates which is more concrete.
assistants = babies day out
Do any mimes actually mime with real gesture instead of basic stuff like *smiles* or *gives a thumbs up*
Cargo is great to start with, especially if there's a helpful fellow cargo tech that's willing to show you the ropes. Like the other anon said, be sure to tell him you're new.
>First learned how to hack a MULE by some friendly cargbro calling me over and showing me the ropes.
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Lone security is a blessing and a curse
You and you alone are responsible for the welfare of the station and it's innocents. Will you stand idle, letting hidden crimes go undiscovered, letting things slide in fear of your own safety?
Or will you hammer the taser-riddled steel of your station into shape with baton clenched in your fist, taking on all who oppose the law so that others may live freely, knowing full well the moment of your final breath of recycled air draws closer with every best of your patriotic heart?
The choice is yours, brother.
It's a feature :^)
Try asking them questions that require complex answers
>Toxins is antag only job
Please end you're life
Actually talk to people and get used to looking both at chat and the game screen at the same time
Both are equally important
Too many new players shuffle around in a silent autismal state and ghost because "wow it's not like muh admiral hippie clown videos right away wtf"
That's a really important distinction to make. It takes a long-ass time to be able to take direct part in the best kind of SS13 fuckery. You need to be able to know what's allowed by the admins, get used to the game's mechanics, know how to do your job and still have a good time, and be generally creative. I've played for maybe 100 hours now and I'm still more often than not an innocent bystander to the crazy shit that happened, aside from a couple of cases.

The most important thing is to talk to crew members each round. If they like you, they might invite you into their moronic schemes, or at the very least involve you as a victim.
Someone make it so thrown spears do significant damage
Wizards are the best game mode
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"roleplay levels" are a retarded concept
overly-restrictive environments with overbearing administrative presences and stringent policies about otherwise irrelevant shit don't foster natural interaction or fun in the social sense. what you get from a place like baystation is labored office roleplay in a trite, star-trek lite setting and it really isn't that compelling. if they hadn't added beast races it would have never taken off.

I still don't understand how people would look at 2009 goonstation and see the potential for what amounts to a low resolution secondlife land as opposed to a silly multiplayer game.
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What did /vg/station mean by this
>meme device that only exists to be sabotaged
The game will always need a bit of roleplay or it'd just end up shitty deathmatch tier, but you're right bay is so boring with their lore and shit
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Why isn't farting in people's faces at terminal velocity using a wheelchair and fire extinguishers a sport yet
I am the drift king
I just wish there was some kind of skill system so we don't have a fucking botanist breaking into engineering and setting up AME.
Chad daddy
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>mfw deathsquid/nuke ops/cultists/revs/xenos start killing people around me en masse and nobody fights back including me
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Keep your expectations low without getting too cynical and you can endure even the highest levels of shittery.
Way back in the day I was playing roboticst when the squids came in to nuke us for some reason. One of them walked into my lab but I managed to slip them and kill them with their own gun. Had to make a medibot to heal me It was a different though.

You just gotta play smart
As someone who has murdered a station of 40+ people multiple times before, there's less adrenaline each time.
some degree of RP keeps the gimmicks fresh and spess shenanigans going
That's part of the magic of spess
You can do fucking anything
The skill system exists, it's just outside the game.
Some botanists are skilled enough to set up an engine, others aren't.
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When are we adding 64x64 for real?
me on the left
Is trinity finally dead
rules are okay and exist for a reason but you really don't need to go to the lengths that baystation does to get people roleplaying. because like I said, if you get too stringent and try to police everything you end up missing out on genuine player interaction.
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Why would this even be added.
Only reason to brake it as an antag would be if we could no longer walk over platforms completely without it and we couldn't hug walls.
Why are you replying to my post about that?
Gravity can be toggled already. Just not with a machine. Zero-gravity is hell.
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Wait WHAT!
Enlighten me.
Also where is the closest coin to the YouTool machine?
whoever is responsible for this round should be banned irl
Gravity is togglable via admin-bus. It makes you fly off, fall over and never get up and is generally a pain. It's like walking on ice in 4 dimension. Most of the time you'll just fall over and never get up until the gravity is toggled back.
Me second from the right
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The only reason we don't make the switch is because Byond has trouble with it. Would only take a couple of months if that to bang out all of the important sprites.
>Have specific statics for specific jobs
>End up playing one static mostly, because I like those jobs the best
>Want to play the other characters, but not the other jobs

What do?
play the other characters in the job you like instead of holdin back your fun for some dumb reason
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>QM gets knock spell and survivor status
>He finds a staff of change
>10 minutes later
>there are no humans
>get traitor status
>just keep doing my job
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Suffer not the witch to live.
Today I learned lopcking up the TTVs ate roundstart as RD is totally not metagaming
BYOND fucks up a lot of stuff on 64px. Collisions, rendering, everything.
A clean station allows one to survive, friend.
Yes it is, and I talked with the person about it. You cannot lock TTVs behind a locker just because a antag MIGHT use it for bombings, even if you make other people aware of it
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Great_imperator (@304,254,1) As Xenomorph : GONNA Great_imperator (@304,254,1) As Xenomorph : CUMM Great_imperator (@304,254,1) As Xenomorph : I'M GONNA CUM Great_imperator (@304,254,1) As Xenomorph : I FEEL IT INSIDE MEEEEEEEEEEEEE Please read the rules and then explain this retardation on the forums.
It'd probably be too hard to implement on a serious level just with how much SHIT there is to do.

You'd have to classify almost every interactable with both a skill and a level of skill required AND make sure that each role has an appropriate amount of skill.
If you follow the Admin PM you will see Kammer thinks it's totally okay if he distributes them "as needed"
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>QM fires the staff of change at me
>It turns me into a (dead) xeno larva

I'll bounce between cargo and janitor for a while, then, until I get the hang of it. At least I can keep the station clean, and robust already-dead aliums.
honestly if we make bigger sprites we can just go ahead and make an improved base human sprite and resprite everything, since everything has to get resprited anyways.
Byond can't support it, so it's a moot point.
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>Trusting a cocklust whore
Unfortunate that it is BYOND the realm of possibility,
there's absolutely nothing wrong with the RD storing them and keeping them safe
on the ahelps diavil mentioned that he would give the TTV to the toxin autists to test the bombs if they asked.

also this was in the same round where they blew up toxins
We have this in the game. It's coded. It exists and it works.
It was removed from play because it was an absolute garbage mechanic.
Actually, I was under the impression that locking them up because the toxins scientist might be antag was an absolutely garbage thing to do, so I talked to people in the admin channel, namely Probe, and came out with "don't prevent scientists from using them because that's straight-up metagaming, but locking them up and handing them out as bomb tests are needed is okay."
It's factually free antag.
Summon guns is meant to pit the crew against each others, creating chaos to make it easier for the wizard, at the cost of having everyone armed.

The survivors not doing anything antagonistic makes the spell almost utterly useless for the wizard.
>antag gives me weps
>i dont use them because im not antag and i dont want to be bwoinked
every time
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Best husbando to marry and start a family with?
Raccardo Bonzai
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>be antag
>team up with non-antag to do stuff
>he thinks security is rouge
>i want to revive a syndie
>towards the end we have a hacked freeform board
>i ask for it and he says "nothing harmful"
>upload a meme law
>revive him from another syndie's explosion
>secure greentext
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>not "is it breaking space law" automatically going to kill
Only if it's a trader.
Otherwise, there's still potential for a good bird, albeit one who needs to learn.
Max smithyman
The robust gene must be spread

Too bad the only somewhat robust gril is alice
Alice Conrad?
>resprite everything
That's why it's not going to happen
t. Alice
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Yes, she's not a bad fighter but she's a shitterino most of the time
No, t. the big payne himself
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Why are you posting the incorrect version?
>captain uploads shit law
>multiple ion laws, all shit
>hacked law, told to murder everyone 30 seconds because the shuttle arrives
just... urgh...
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>has two borers
>an egun
>"Let's go loud"
>dies five minutes later to a CMO
>never killed anyone after deciding to go loud
I couldn't possibly have enough laughing anime girls for this
>at least 5 active engineers
>no power
>SMES not calibrated
>TEG shit setup
>SME shit setup
>singulo shit setup
>solars covered in knots
>engineers tell people to fuck off and do nothing
>this continues all shift
>be vamp
>get spare
>get cap's laser
>so ready, have the world in my hand's
>use the bridge teleporter
>ended up in space and ash

>he didn't go egun arm blade and vampflash/bats with coffee in his system
not my kinda pal
>playing engineer to do engineering
>not for the hardsuit

The engineers that round are exactly why I want to add a certification system for critical jobs.

> No power for 30 minutes
> Assistant and two engies walk in and set up singuloth with /only/ one person nearly dying from the field
> SMES set to full 200KW charge and 0 W output because they are fucking idiots
> One SMES set to 100KW charge/output
> Confused when it keeps turning off
> Borg comes in to help
> Starts setting SMES properly
> Borg fucks off
> They get so confused they start DISASSEMBLING THE SMES
Moon Walker this was really fun with you, hope you did not get bwoinked later.
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I always enjoy rolling antag so I can laugh in retrospect at how fucking hilarious my fuckups are.

Vamp is the bane of my existence though, any threads of robust or being decent just disappear.

Atleast I antagonised my borers and dedchat by being the biggest failure there is.
>have other geneticstistscs in your lab
>he just sits there doing nothing
>after 10 minutes he grabs a monkey, inserts it into machine
>minute later he ejects it, it's still a monkey, inserts it again
>injects some SE into himself, I guess he's working now
>some cutie slimey comes into monkey cage to eat some monkeys
>this guy gets up and runs for fire extinguisher
>slime fucks his shit up
>see his console
>literally not a single row of blocks above DAC, nothing colored
>power goes out so I can't clone him
>try cloning him 10 minutes later
>mental interface failure
Certification system?
the fuck is this shit?
CMO here, I would be dead if not for my pocket Nymph
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>not being a certified engineer
Is that memecord?
Right now I'd have it be a thing on your profile like an achievement or something, although I'd really like it to be a thing you'd have to pass to get roundstart engie.

You'd go to the librarian and he'd load it up and plop you in front of a computer, which would run you through a multiple-choice, 25-50 question exam. You'd have to get 75% or more on the exam to pass, and the latest score would be on your profile.

Would give the librarian shit to do other than reading WGW and D&D, and would let people show that they know what the fuck they're doing.
>entire station running perfect
>zero problems

so you want to remove one of the greatest selling points from the game?
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Something tells me that an entire hour of no power when you want to run around antagging is not a great selling point, either.
>Break into to library desk
>take test (answers have been posted in this very thread)

I get what you're saying but It wouldn't work Unless you do a Whitelist for some jobs
Each test would be randomized, of course. You'd have to know the text answer, which means you'd have rudimentary understanding of the content.
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1. I got randomed into the job and genetics is one of the jobs I have the least experience in on this server
2. that slime was eating our fucking monkeys, and he was an electric slime what else was I suppose to do? Let the slime have enough food so it can replicate into a bunch of possible baby slimes?

What the heck is wrong with you?
If you were wondering what is up you could've just asked, instead of spending every five seconds silently turning to me like you're expecting something.
Christ almighty man.
Having a crew full of competent people isn't what makes the game fun.
Hime is the cutest.

Just ask for a new job dude lmao
Name one (1) downside to whitelisting every job.
I don't like it
They won't all be competent, though, even with the tests. That's why it'd be an achievement-style thing rather than the whitelist it should be.

Plus, since tests are a pain to make, they would only cover critical jobs like Engineering or Medical.
just make it like a 2 month player age or something to play
I got an opportunity to learn something new, I took it.
Didn't expect some rainbow haired guy to make a greentext out of it.
That won't go over, either. Too long.
you apparently didn't learn much
I'd be willing to write a test bank for engineering and medical. Security too maybe. 120 select 30 would be good.
Just give them all a marker, like a big six pointed star until they setup all the engines or something
i don't like you desu

just kidding anon
Hold your horses. I have to finish antag datums, first.
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Test for clown would be good as well. If only to reduce the number of clowns.
I think antag datums are the /vg/ serb equivalent of "Where's the beef of my data?" from MNFTIU
Have the new prayermins mark off every time they successfully set up an engine, have it show up on their IDs. so X flashes their ID card [station engineer], SME certified, singulo certified, not TEG certified, WIRES TO THE GIRD
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I learned enough.
That electric slimes will stun you when they touch you.
All unnatural hair coloured players are drama queens.
Relearned how to make monkeys into humans.
That's pretty good amount of knowledge, often you see players get killed five minutes in.
It's nice to get a blessing here and there.
1) You see an assistant smashing at a window with a crowbar. Besides your standard issue equipment, you have a PIE, a STATION BOUNCED RADIO, and CABLE CUFFS in your backpack. What do you do?
How long would you estimate until abductors would be possible?
I'm just getting the base framework in, then each gamemode will be disabled until it is ported, and the other coders can join in on the fun at that point and make separate PRs.
Would ripping the werewolf sprites from goon be A-OK?
If it's not in the two public releases then no
You give the assistant the radio.
You cuff em' while they're distracted with the magic of radio.
You force feed them the pie while they cry into the radio for help.

Fashion a cannon, fire PIE at the assistant. Laugh as the pie tin catches fire.
magic egg man make security able to be antags again

we suffer enough
Hey, not everyone who messes around with hair dye is a drama queen! Just a lot of them are.
Ask them for permission in their IRC, first. It's how we got the first code "leaks".
You can be traitor, at least. It was a mid-round traitor, so it may have been bussed against my will, though.
That's true, it's wrong to generalize all of them, just most of them tend to be the type looking for attention.
Just got a bit carried away.
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>Slip him with my PDA, laugh, fart in his face, steal his crowbar, and start smashing the window in /for him/
What is it in buttburgers/asspies that causes brain damage? Were it to grind up one, would I be able to obtain some chemical that causes brain damage?
mercury iirc
pretty sure we already have drills
I know I'm bringing up the bogeyman, but this works for a game like Lifeweb. It would not work for a game like SS13. I don't know how to put it, but skills just aren't that great a concept for spess.
Excellent. I'm slowly learning chemistry by proxy through being a chef.

>Cook poisonous food (buttburger, chaos donuts, boiled spider leg, green eggs and ham, etc.)
>Never get an opportunity to feed it to someone without it being GRIFF
You can get mercury but there's a more potent brain damage causing chemical called impedrezene
first time i was chef i cooked tons of spider parts and like 8 corpses and never got in trouble. i got it as a random job and botony wouldnt give me any mats so i just had to guess about how to feed the crew off nothing but meat with no knowledge beyond skimming the wiki. didnt even know the legs were poisonous
It used to be spiritbreaker.
Imagine that
I don't think you'll get in trouble for making that food, if people are dumb enough to eat obviously poison food like that it's their fault
Used it to make two 100u beakers of spiritbreaker for cryo once, that was funny.
>getting a cockslut's opinion on cocks
Ayy, the juggernaut shitter got banned. Prepare for him to get unbanned tomorrow after making an appeal
Oh darn the guy who ran into xenobio and injected himself with the black slime I wanted to make medical nanobots out of (before even letting me breed them, rude) got banned for killing people. He promised me he wouldn't kill people or split outside cages
>someone gets their ban extended from 1 day to perma (rightfully so)
>told to explain on forums despite having a ban appeal out for a 1 day ban already

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ghosted one round and had the chance of observing how a warden dealt with two different EoCs both with the exact same charge

female eoc
>spent 10 minutes in processing talking and ''flirting'' with her
>ended up taking her to perma brig
>when sticking her gear in the lockers he starts flirting again by picking up, throwing her against the lockers, locking himself and her inside one all while making creepy comments
>whilst she's locked in perma he's constantly on common trying to talk to her


male eoc
>2 minutes in processing
>barely speaks to him
>ignores all his requests for perma brig
>sends him straight to the chair

i'm actually disgusted
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Oh kek, upped to a permaban
I know it's an annoying thing to say, but I think that's job ban request-able.
These benefits are why I static female

You're a fucking idiot if you don't cash in on this
You're making a movie of SS13. Out of everyone who has ever played, fill important roles with your dream crew to represent our station.
Name on the first one so i know who to metagrudge?
Which server is this on?
You are fucking cringy if you play as a female
Random names and dummo, thats it
You keep them as easter eggs or back up characters, and make up new characters for the movie. Duh.
You're not going to post names because "I dunno it was a long time ago" and that's how I know you're lying
Random greyshit #531
Starring Rambling Maniac as Captain
Nevill and Yahir as the "assistants"
Megurine Luka
Caleigh Stall
Trinity Prewitt
Naomi Williams
Hi Yahir

on paradise
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>expecting anything better from paradise
Enjoy being executed dumb faggot
>not getting banvalids
enjoy pretending to be le ebin anime cute grill to get fapped by obese retards
I rather die than be part of some fucking cringy "waifu" shit

Use the food processor to remove poison from carp and spider parts
Do you consider all female characters waifus? Because I play as a female but i don't waifu
I will desu
Why do you care what that autist thinks?
Post dream teams for
I want to know his opinion
With the amount of shit flinging that goes on in every thread about setups for engineering, you really expect people to come to an understanding on what the certification questions and answers should be ? How about making a certification for chemists that want to make cryomix, if you really want to create a shitstorm.
people who don't get mentioned in the thread because they're not waifus and don't attention whore
name a single competent waifu who still plays
Yahir is the most boring person to talk to.
fuck off
fuck off yahir
t. Yahir's buttbuddy
I'd rather interact with Avada than listen to him prattle on about his IC waifus one more time.
How do you icly say, "My brother/dad/friend/relative is an admin, he will ban you!"
My dad works for nanotrasen and he's gonna get you fired
>be pai
>do normal shit for the most part
>get abducted, bound to new master
>wants me to insult everyone
>insult the fuck out of cargo
>cargo begins a chase on my master
>master eventually got the upper hand, even stripped and left one of the cargo men alone
>master gives me to a borg
>cargo takes me from the borg
>cargo accidientally eats me

very fun desu
I was Yasu. Thanks for being a great pAI.
our round end songs are so fucking cancerous. there hasn't been a time I haven't yanked my headphones out in pure disgust over hearing them. I'm talking about the one that comes after smelele
hey admins whos the most well behaved regular player? would you be bias to them if they fucked up>
it's me of course
when do i talk about my IC waifus ever
yeah there we go apc destroyed mission accomplished
I'm the most well behaved player, I don't even cus IC or OOC.
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>go assistant since because i'm very rusty
>start playing with a slot machine
>ruin myself to fuel my addiction
>resort to trading, begging and stealing in order to keep playing
>and then it happen
>mfw earning the jackpot of over 40 000 space credits
I later died on the satellite after getting lost in space, turn out russkies and their matebas are really fucking strong.
that one is bearable, I'm talking about all the new ones and videogame ones
Make a PR removing or replacing them
personal list:

good: apc destroyed, put a banging donk on it (better if with the AI voice),

bad: game over yeah, guy yelling "YEAH" really loudly followed by some brass instruments and some mischievous giggling,
>get tons of money
>its useless
>smelelel is okay
>non meme songs are bad

Go back to TG and stay there
I have a big belly fetish, which servers should I go on?
> not ordering 40 Dr Aculas
What's wrong with rayman and that sega rally game over?
/vg/station or goon for player sprites
Other servers can't compete
Buy stupid shit like borer eggs and eat them
yogstation has really good presentation. its literally all they do good
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>He pretends to be a nobody Wal-Mart janitor on the internet
xevonix remember when you drew yourself being happy eating food? that was really nice
you should draw more happy stuff
(Not that anon)
Yeah, but in SS13 I can be a Wal-Mart janitor IN SPACE! (and live out my dream of being David Lister)
How in the fuck would I know the name of someone who is never brought to my attention?
by being pro
>shit tier
>bad tier
>mid tier
groin, hands
>good tier
head, legs
>Gathering trophies tier
>deranged killer tier
Is there any accuracy penalties for aiming at the feet or hands? Do they have less health than legs and arms?
>screwdriver tier
Less health, harder to hit
Can prosthetic hands be cut from prosthetic arms?
That isn't even me, but I should.
maybe everyone in service enjoying cakes together
>no mouth
>t. themegagoat
>Be shaft miner
>Get comfy picking at walls, aside from a retard moment where my lungs were crushed
>Finally see a fellow shaft miner pop onto the station
>"Good to see y-"
I just wanted to be comfy.
Says I cannot connect. H-help?
>tfw ywnb a cute girl in game or real life.
>Be botanist on /tg/ station
>standing around waiting for shit to grow
>some asshole comes in through the chef's door and starts throwing broken bottles at me
>attempt to robust him with my spade
>he just keeps running away and throwing more bottles
>corner him
>he gibbs himself with his own air tank
I did not know I could laugh that hard.
Good AIs for an AI fuck kill marry?
right now, cutting the hand or foot off a prosthetic creates a new full robolimb on the ground

you can still cut off a robohand and put a human hand on the end of a roboarm
if we're going for fetishes, probably D.A.D, Lil' Bro, and M.O.M.M.Y
you can't marry an AI
>fuck D.A.D.
>marry M.O.M.M.Y.
you got issues
Executioner sword or normal sword?
Both are shit and make you look like a fag.
Both useless unless you have the armor to complete the look.
How do they compare to circular saws?

No cutting power.
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>Marry D.A.D.
>Fuck M.O.M.M.Y.
>make a Lil' Bro
Circsaws aren't as good as either sword.

If you're going for removing limbs, executioner is the winner. It takes two hits to remove a foot, which is faster than the circsaw and sword if you include misses and the executioner sword delay.
How old are you? Who's the oldest person playing?

Probably 10, I couldn't imagine anyone older playing. It'd also be pretty gross if there were boys playing.
I'm 20
Probe's 30, I think so is Jj. Nuke's 28. I'm pretty sure we have a guy quite a bit older than those.
I think there's a 30 something with a wife. a real non pixel one apparently.
nexis is 65 and pjb is 13
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>jjenjr is 30
>registered on byond in 2001 when he was 14
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I'm 32 years old.
are you a wizard
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>jjenjr played BYOND before 9/11 happened
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>meteor round
>dying but can walk
>see a guy dying
>he pleads for help
>go over to him
>nod sagely
>steal his hardsuit and walk away
>end up surviving because of it
he actually registered like 5 days after 9/11
some men cowered in their homes
some men took up arms against the foreign invaders
jjenjr, bravest of them all, made an account for a roleplaying game hub
No, I just like antiquated computer games.

Honestly i'm surprised there are so many players in a game like this under 25.

Don't kids these days have better things to do than delve into ancient history that's being kept barely alive by the thinnest thread of obsession and nostalgia?
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Friendly reminder that meteor rounds are qualifiers for metaclub invitation

>5 days after 9/11
>building 5 mystery was never solved
>plug the ckey into the minecraft seed generator
>there are two stone pillars at spawn
This is too suspicious
he deserved it
also get fucked bird and clown

26, and I already feel old.
>obsession and nostalgia
Hey now old-timer, I like what the game is and I think it's too unique an experience to pass up
Every generation has autists
>ready up
>internet craps out at 4 seconds until game start
>reset router
>no autoreconnect for byond
>close it
>run again
>try to reconnect to /vg/station
>0.1kb/s out of 70mb
>hope there's not a braindead wizard sitting around because of this
Reminds me of the time I got a funky error connecting on a wizard wars round. I was the only non-wiz. Luckily, I was a miner, so I had some nice gear at the start. There were also about two or three summon guns used, and I picked up two SAWs. It was fucking sweet, I blasted at least 6 wizard's brains out before dying. Deadchat was crying at me for using guns and non-gem hardsuit, and I told them to wait for SMELE and then they'd see. I was marked as the only traitor there, while everyone else was a wiz.

>1/1Gbit internet.
>Resources downloading, 1 kbps
>Reconnect 3 times before it's 1> kbps
>Get in 3 minutes after round start
hey guys what's the current roundtype

please post your ckey in the post too
it's ninja
it's monkey
its meteors
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cool bus

changeling monkey vox wizard ninjas who are traitors to NT arriving via meteor blobs to start a revolution and set off the nuke
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>these are the people who run the server
I want to be disgusted but this is spess adims we're looking at
>sega rally "GAME OVER YEAH"

Can we ban kids?
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Is it okay if I like the Megaman X one?
Save us Hoppe
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There can be no tolerance toward Greys and Vox in a Human social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from the station.
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>/pol/ related

>electrocute myself to death trying to hack into a room for gloves
Isn't that just FUNNY
git gud
Current round is traitor, antags are Erwin Ott and Rin Fukumoto

My ckey is whatever Alice Conrad's ckey is
always ask other greyshits for the test wire, if that fails ask a mechanic for gloves

if you're out of options, find the test wire on a public door in the mainhallway, so if you do fuck yourself up, someone will drag you to medbay
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Rhydens Method
>not going to cargo
literally every round they get tons of gloves
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reminder that phazon isn't a meme
relying on others is a sign of weakness
dying to shocking yourself hacking a door is retard tier. Heres a secret metaclub tip
most gloves will give you some protection at the very least. Ask medbay for latex gloves, they literally have no reason to not give them to you and give you 70% protection
>"medbay gimme glub"
I have never seen them not give away one if asked, they have boxes and no one wears them
If I joined mid round as "Big Babby", strip myself naked, pray for a bottle and roll around the station shouting POO POO PEE PEE

would I be banned?
Here's my expert tip to getting latex gloves or the stethoscope every time:
>disable pump on disposals in medbay lobby
>hide in it until someone opens the door
>tailgate in a rush to glubbs
what's going on here?
You'd probably get brain damage and risk a bwoink if you are something other than clown or mime
realizing that you can turn on the pump on disposals have made them so fucking useful for me, underrated for hiding shit
absolutely fine while in space without internals or EVA
rerouting disposals is a gold mine. mostly everyone just tosses contraband/high risk items into it instead of having to turn it in
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Has a fair few uses outside of that
>tossing high risk items into disposals
>not hiding it in random box or labcoat in some godforsaken locker
Is it just me, or is character appearance actually an indicator of how shit a player is?

It seems like anyone who gives themselves anime color hair or keeps dressing up their 2D spaceman every round ends up being some kind of dickhead
My experience with disposals is mostly
>DNA injectors (usually just clean SE)
>Banana peels
>Empty milk, flour, sugar, and egg carts
>Shards and rods
>Food wrappers
>Empty soda cans
>Smashed booze bottles
>Smashed drinking glasses
>Boxes (incl. donut box)
>Plastic bags
>Spent emergency O2 tanks
>Empty bottles of robust harvest
>Burned mess
>Empty pills
>Empty bottle (5u plasma)

I do think it's really cool that we have truly dynamic trash heaps though, 100% authentic garbage. What other games can claim that?
It's taken almost a decade of spess, but finally we have trained people to produce garbage and put it in the garbage, where it actually goes through a garbage system and can be retrieved
Not for a gimmick, but just to get rid of it
It's the most authentic dumpster-diving simulator that exists in the world, fucking period.
>serwind actually got deadminned
>random box or labcoat in some godforsaken locker
>not potted plants
good ick ock
>station-bounced radios tuned to a secret channel with their speakers off and microphones on
>inside every potted plant on the station, as well as many lockers and random boxes and such
>listen in to the entire station
i should do this
>not pizza
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Sometimes I find things like insulated gloves, people's heads, perfectly good food items like cup noodles and cheesy honkers, toolboxes, syndicate evidence, hardsuits, interesting clothing items
All sorts of good shit appears but not always every round.
>Only find burning and/or radioativr bodies
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the most powerful gun in the west
explodes people with a single shot
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>tfw someone flushes an irradiated hardsuit
>he actually did
Hahahahaha. Get fucked shitwind.
Bleach is really handy, good addition
What happened with serwind?
He forced a meteor round despite being told not to, threw a fit, praised it as being the best game mode ever made, and threw another fit.
Does bleach remove contaminants?
What chemicals do you use to make it?
Stepped down. I posted about it in my feedback thread.

Or you can believe this 100 percent definitely accurate interpretation.
hey it's kilozombie
you kinda did throw a fit (i.e. shitfling uncontrollably at everyone in ooc) but now that you've explained yourself i'm not mad or anything
i hope you don't have any bad feelings about the whole deal
you're still a good guy in my mind, but plenty of people's skepticism about your adminning might have been warranted
improve or don't improve, that's the question-- not all critique is memes, and not all critique is malicious
You "stepped down" the same way Nixon did

I'd imagine you're in the same camp as Dragonbro in that they're not exactly going to want you back without having your flags neutered
dragonbro did nothing wrong
>be ghost
>get chance to be a drone
>be aptly named "A BOMB"
>be told that you won't actually explode
>guy who disposed am actual bomb earlier tries to defuse you

No, no one even approached me. I messaged Pain first and told him I was done being an admin.
I found 2 cult swords and random limbs in disposals before any word of cult during the round.
I pocketed one and turned the rest to sec it was pretty funny
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wew. You act like a retard at least 3 times within a week, get bitched at for being a retard, then "step down" okay buddy. Either lying or just trying to save face and none of the admins give enough of a fuck about you to argue about it. Next time you "come back" expect to lose most of your admin flags.
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>Naomi Williams
>waifushitters are bad players
more news at 11
That CMO was painful
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>CMO loots corpses and does jack shit
stfu n3x15
The amount of generals you shitpost in is amazing. Nobody but a neet can pull it off.

Ban request it? You won't.
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>CMO casually beheads a sec officer
holy shit yeah
>disposal janitor earlier in the round after he tried to break into medbay and started mopping random floor tiles and posts about it in the thread 5 seconds after it happens
>CMO tells me later on that he wants to 1v1 me in the lobby
>tell the CMO to tell the janitor to fuck off
>move back towards chemistry
>CMO and I both see the janitor trying to hack the doors open with a screwdriver in one hand and a E-Gun in the other
>"why did you kill him"
also sorry mime but damn nigga just write on some paper
If morena was still here that cmo would be banned
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>go help people out after returning bodies from the away mission
>security arrests me midway for having the syndie ID
>takes my hardsuit needed for the mission and my gun
>go back to away mission
>it's depressurized now and you need a hardsuit
>pop a lung
>spend rest of shift drinking iron
salt+oxygen+space cleaner

since space cleaner is already a tier 2 mix, that makes this a tier 3 mix, kind of annoying to make, like ryetalyn until you get the pattern memorized
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Good round for cargo though

Not pictured: all the clothing left in the lobby
>midnight, time for bed
>no, wait, it's that new away mission
>go mechanic and start setting things up for a medbay on the other side of the gateway
>cloning pod, cloning computer, DNA scanner, cyro tube, freezer, chem dispenser, and chem master
>coordinate with the paramedic to get the medbay stocked
>grab my last goodies and get ready to follow my flatpacks through the gateway
>the condom has ordered security to blockade the gate
>fart around until a minder leads me to the teleporter, targeting the away mission
>admin eventually has to step in so people can actually go on the away mission without sneaking over
>finally start having fun building and exploring
>get killed by a security guard when he starts a random plasma fire
>eventually get cloned and make it back to the away mission
>clone a few corpses, then decide to pressurize the area so lungs stop popping
>build a wall and airlock, then go to open the extra O2 container
>it's plasma
>panic and try to escape through the teleporter someone set up
>it sends me off to deep space
>spend the rest of the round stuck there because the prayermin isn't answering prayers

I'm glad I stayed up until 3:30 in the morning for this.
>doing away mission as a skeleton without any clothes
>try to save someone
>she decides to succumb due to nothing being set up at the away mission entrance yet
>she tells me that I needed to escape alive in her dying breath
>return to my journey
>get sent to crit by a syndicate agent out of my vision
>pray, asking for strength so I may carry on my mission for her
>MILKMAN gives me words of encouragement and gradually heals me
>embarrassingly go to crit again immediately after because of the same agent that I can't see
>tell MILKMAN that I had dishonored him and deserved to die
>send the message right before be sends me a message saying that he'd revive me again and not to get shot like a tard again
>continue journey
>find a room with tons of milk in it
>pray to MILKMAN, telling him about the wonderful treasure j had found
>die from a random pressure change as I'm typing
>Getting fucked in medbay
>Next thing I know everyone is slipping over each-other and the CMO sprouts clown feet while he randomly beheads a sec officer

Fucking hilarious
>Released dumbshit viruses as a non antag virologist, while having notes for releasing bad viruses as a non antag virologist. Symptoms included floor lubing and Catbeast. Recent ban for dumb shit a few weeks ago. "It's extended and 4 AM" doesnt cut it.
I wonder what his name is
I made some last round, not clear how to put it to use. Add to janitor bucket and mop with it? Spray?
Yeah, if you mop or spray a tile it will clean and decontaminate everything on that tile, you can also just pour out the bottle on that tile if you have something that can pour like a beaker. Stack the hardsuit and all your contaminated stuff on one tile and get it in one go
They got banned for that?

Seems pretty fucking dumb famalam no one got cat beasted and it actually made the round [fun] especially seeing the CMO get fucked

Also the mind games at the end were top notch
t. dindu
You could do both. Fill your bucket / janicart with it and mop, or just spray it from your spraybottle.
>The amount of generals you shitpost in is amazing. Nobody but a neet can pull it off.
but this is the only /vg/ general I visit?
>actualy made the round [fun]
t. DrDindu
there is literally nothing fun about viruses
I will admit he had a reason to. I was radioactive and he lost his precious hair while I was waiting for my vision to be restored to me. He asked me to leave and when I tried to leave the way was blocked, but it was just a monkey or something because it was gone later, and there was the HoS. I decide to say hi and he just sleepies me right in front of him and beheads me in surgery.

I just wanna know where I was supposed to go that didn't end up in me getting lynched by the rest of the crew.

Yesterday the same viro gave me a lantern, adrenaline, doctors delight

Salty admincucks out again because they didn't get to RP all night
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Notice how every pain ban reads like a 14 year old trying out the edgiest jokes he can think of to be unique?
try reading the rules
t. DrDindu
>Nothing in the ban list for CMO

Is this a joke
>t. banned by pain
make a request
I don't want to make one but if you do I will 100% support it
The one thing I hate the most out of this game is when players and admins alike try to talk "professionally" and try to reference real life law.

It's a fucking video game.
t. morena
Classic morena using unrelated shit to try and push her agenda
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is he old enough to admin
>Viro gets banned
>CMO doesn't

Okay that's actually pretty fucking retarded
The sec officer that broke into medbay, wordlessly ran around, insulted me when I asked if he was ok, ran off and tried to self-treat, then stood in the cloner room for at least ten minutes irradiating everyone who tried using medbay. I'd had enough of eating anti-tox and got rid of him.
I don't know if you're reinforcing my point or shitting on me so I made a multiple choice reply, please enjoy.

Did you respond as an insult?
Go to response #1
Did you respond to reinforce what I said?
Go to response #2

>He doesn't like people talking all retarded?
>lmao what a banned shitter lmao gb2 tg
Apply yourself, Anon

This is exactly the type of shit I mean
This is the shittiest CYOA book I've ever read
I looted the captain after he wasn't clonable, because I'm not leaving the spare there to get stolen, and I stripped the clothes and gear off a person named "Syndicate Operative". Oh, and I guess the guy who killed my paramedic too, but well... he killed my paramedic.

This person gets a 70 hour ban, AND a perma job ban, yet I've seen multiple namefag waifu shitters consistently do equally as shitty things (referring to a specific security shitter) and go away unpunished, and the admins always use the same excuse

[01:20:14]ADMIN: MOD: Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy) : Ok
[01:20:17]ADMIN: MOD: Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy) : Any other business?
[01:20:25]ADMIN: MOD: MrFoster/(unknown) : CMO
[01:20:33]ADMIN: MOD: MrFoster/(unknown) : is what ive heard but wasn't paying attention
[01:20:37]ADMIN: MOD: Kernikov/(borer (480)) : CMO was dumb, not antagonising afaik
[01:20:48]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy)->Sandy_Sand/(Blue): What did the CMO do?
[01:21:24]ADMIN: PM: Sandy_Sand/(Blue)->Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy): from what i saw towards the end just started looting corpses didn't even try to heal anyone then fucked off from medbay
[01:22:18]ADMIN: PM: Sandy_Sand/(Blue)->Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy): carlos robinson i think, atleast had the identity of that
[01:22:37]ADMIN: MOD: Kernikov/(borer (480)) : Real name: Carlos Robinson, Key: Cmdrstupid
[01:23:08]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy)->Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson): Why am I being told you were just looting corpses and fucking off as a CMO?
[01:23:36]ADMIN: PM: Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson)->Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy): Good question.
[01:23:57]ADMIN: PM: Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson)->Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy): There was one assistant who murdered my Paramedic, I didn't revive them
[01:24:16]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy)->Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson): Ok that's fair. Keep going.
[01:24:26]ADMIN: MOD: Kernikov/(borer (480)) : 'Assistant' was the janitor
[01:24:39]ADMIN: PM: Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson)->Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy): I know there were a lot of bodies in medbay, I was seriously backed up trying to cure that virus and there was no biomass left anyways
[01:24:48]ADMIN: PM: Mr_Pain12/(Test Dummy)->Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson): OH. Right. Gotchya.

But remember, it's 4 fucking AM, you know, and the admins are all logged off now. They were probably in dire need of sleep. Fix their mistake. Post a ban request.

I believe in you. Me, personally. Your good friend anon.
To continue shitposting about my CYOA book please go to response #1

To continue shitposting about "muh professionalism" go to response #2

You slap your fingers on the keys sending a cloud of cheeto dust flying into the air. Your mechanical keyboard clicks and clacks beneath the furious onslaught of your mountain dew fueled rage. The pulsing green light from your Razer mouse faintly illuminating your room whilst the soft red RGB adorned computer fan fills your ears with it's familiar hum.
"This is the shittiest CYOA book I've ever read" you type before filling in the captcha and pressing enter.

You go to the ban page and search for all bans by Probe and MrPain. You take screenshots of them and insert them into a large empty Photoshop canvas. You open your "reactions" folder and begin placing in pictures of Jim from The Office, .gifs from The Twilight Zone, and other images showing laughter and insult.
"This will surely show them" you say before posting the image.
Do you really find it surprising?

Admins pick and choose bans all the time do you really believe anyone ahelped a virus last round that I personally didn't even notice towards the end?

Why am I so bald and autistic
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This ban reason says nothing in 3 lines. An awful ban reason that can't be appealed as nobody but pain can actually tell why they're banned (because pain doesn't like them as most his bans are)
It was probably working on Kerbal right? I heard they made you work for less than minimum wage

Finish antag datums and container datums so you can work on static cheevos, I want to collect all my engine certifications and telecoms service medal and bronze wizardhunting star
>CMO gets let off

The mime, if I'm remembering correctly, was the one wearing the red hardsuit with a Syndicate Operative ID. My paramedic earlier in the round said not to let the Mime into medbay because they were causing trouble. So I see a possible syndie, strip them to confirm, realize it's the mime that was allegedly shitting up medbay before I got there, and prioritized something else.
>Mix of a Rule 0 and 7 ban
Let's refer to the rules

>0. Admins may disregard any and all of these rules if they deem it to be in the best interest of the current round, the server, and/or the community at large. They will, of course, be fully accountable for their actions if they exercise this privilege.

>7. Even if you take no bannable actions during a round, the sum of your actions may be bannable. Even if the sum of your actions during any given round isn't bannable, the sum of your actions across rounds may be bannable. Additionally, any admin of Game Master rank or above may decide to ban you simply based on your attitude and general behavior without having to cite any specific incident. They will, of course, be expected to be able defend their decision.

Furthermore, it's Morena. You'd have to have been living under a rock to miss their drama.

Quit pinging me, I can't handle it!

>fix my mistake
>because I won't fix it myself
It was Ahelped AFTER the round was already delayed. These things need to be ahelped DURING the round and brought to the attention of the admins.
I've never been an admin, my ckey is Kurfurst, what's yours?

And by the way it doesn't take any special amazing skills to get those logs, they're at the start of every thread.
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I like this ban as it clearly shows bias.

Avada was in the same situation notes wise but there is no ban from pain.
I can't tell anymore if you genuinely don't understand why you were banned or if you're just feigning ignorance thinking it'd let you get off the hook.

For that matter, I'm not sure which would be more pathetic.
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Another example of pain typing a lot but saying nothing.

What is the ban for, that's all the reason has to be.
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Because someone totally ahelped the viro for the insane amount of griff right
This is anon
He's proudly illiterate!
>try saying sorry
>n3x leaves discord
nexis if you're here for real i hope you had read those messages afterward, i was trying to apologize, still think you're a cool dude and also talented
[01:12:07]ADMIN: HELP: Cmdrstupid/(Carlos Robinson): hold up. Was the viro not an antag? - heard by 3 non-AFK admins.

Yes, as a matter of fact.
>give medbay toys
>they don't use em
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>Possible syndie when everyone was wearing nuke op armor, eswords and syndicate guns
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>give medbay Dr Acula
>they use it and spread cookies
>but they never actually remove the bloodbags and it's more of just an attraction to bring people by medbay more often for fun

This is uncomfortable to watch
Medbay is pretty isolated and I latejoined. I hadn't seen syndie gear yet. It looked suspicious, but suspicion wasn't the reason I didn't clone them. I went on the word of my paramedic and didn't prioritize cloning them because they were a troublemaker. Had there been time I would have fixed everyone in there.
If only there was some board for submitting admin feedback...
a public "forum" if you will...
you wouldn't happen to be banned from such a forum, would you...?
because you know, if you really cared you'd just...
post it there you know?
And not doing that really makes me...
kind of want to...
what's the word...
Wait a second... that name looks familiar


There has been 9 rule 0 bans, 3 of them by MrPain. He overuses rule 0 to ban players he dislikes, rather than rule breakers

The griffing CMO gets his feelings hurt and the other person is the one to get banned

Pain are you actually autistic?

>Recent ban for dumb shit
>A few weeks ago

Seems fairly contradicting
Hello Probe!
Still worried everyone in the thread is solarious?
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The classic shitpost to disregard criticism.

Is that you again probe, the text makes me think this is pain hinself
Only Pain has the capacity to fuck up this hard at midnight with 30 people in a round
Holy fuck it was ahelped by the shit ass CMO

petnavi was cancer and you're cancer if you liked him, desu
>A griefer can now ahelp people and as long as he gets them banned he'll get away ban free

Fucking great precedent to set pain
Okay pain you've done it now. I'm making my post, prepare 4 the storm you fucker.
So do you think a forum post will appear this time or it's all still forumcucked people?
So to sum things up

>Viro releases virus that makes you grow a beard and makes you have honk shoes that lubricate
>CMO acts worse than a new medical doctor
>CMO realizes he is fucked for being a griefing dickhead
>He ahelps whines at round end to get Pain to ban someone else
>He gets off without so much as a job ban

Truly amazing, good job pain!
If nobody does it, nothing will change. At the very least we'll get better ban reasons out of it.
Actually it's
>Virologist is awful
>Only the CMO, despite being bad, notices
>Ahelps it, gets the virologist banned by Pain
>Nobody ahelps the CMO
>Nobody wants to make a ban request on the CMO. Not because they're forum banned or some other meme, but just because everyone is too lazy and it's easier to fake being angry in favor of trying to come to a resolution on the forums that's modest.
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Anyone know a good throwaway email service the forum accepts?
>1 assistant who murdered my paramedic
>Virologist is awful

Elaborate, I was ghost for the latter half of that round and in the course of everything, all the viro did AT MAX was cause the CMO to slip 20 times, and if you ask me the dumbass deserved it.
>The classic shitpost to disregard criticism.
no, anon, that's you and the rest of this thread

if you want to make your criticism valid, take it to the forums

maybe you should've ahelped the CMO
maybe you should cool your hateboner towards the admins
who banned you and for how long anyway
Even if someone ban requested the CMO the only thing that he did that might get him banned is beheading that sec officer

You literally cannot be rolebanned for abandoning your post to validhunt (which is what he did, he left all the bodies to go hunt the virologist), it simply isn't done.

He loosed a lubesweat virus on the crew and was caught carrying a syringe of infected blood to infect more people, rolling around yakity on a hacked MULEbot with a stolen hardsuit and engineer ID

In case it wasn't clear, this also means the virologist was not at his post (which to reiterate, is not bannable - only the 'released a lubesweat virus as a nonantag' is)

The lubesweat did fuck up a miner though and make my life very annoying
>Discussion moved to discord
>Discord want's to separate us from 4chan
I saw this coming
I have no special allegiance to 4chan or the ability to shitpost anonymously, /vg/ simply has the best codebase

Except it wasn't, I was literally in medbay watching, it was whatever the fuck gives you clown feet
Right, and those shoes make you produce lube when you walk.
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>some butt flustered Admins and Zenny (being a retard) want to leave the thread behind.
>This means everyone on the Discord does.

I don't want to become VG, and I remember how /tg/ became TG.

Never again.
>abandoning your post to validhunt
Oh, yeah. I forgot I did that. That was after the MULE found me in viro as I was carrying the cure out. He told the MULE to run me over but, as far as I can tell, the safety must not have been hacked because it failed miserably. I am not robust enough to have dodged him that many times. I charged up the E-gun that was used to taze my paramedic in case the MULE came back, and, conveniently, it came right to me.
>The admins and the metaclub wants to leave not everyone
guess who is in control
oh well I guess you're right there.
A vocal minority do
I'll never leave the thread. The moment we leave the thread is the moment we're no longer /vg/
TG is what we'll get if we ever have to give up the thread. Things are working now, and have been working for a long time. I am not smarter than everyone else here, the guys that had it figured out long before I showed up. I think the two or three people who want to move to the discord need to realize that they aren't either.
Pretty much my opinion.
If we don't have an actual connection to 4chan we can no longer have the right to call ourselves a 4chan server
Oh god what have I missed
Pain being pain

People getting scapegoat banned

Admins reinforcing the metaclub

The usual
stay part of /vg/

give morena another chance once they've had some redemption on TG or taken a little break

add slime people to roundstart
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>Ban everyone that uses the forums to complain players and admins
>Complain nobody uses the forums anymore
Which admins?
Is serwind really gone or has he taken one of his "breaks" again?

He still has all his flags, what's stopping him from logging on next week and pretending nothing happened?
>Ban everyone
>Nobody left to complain about anything
A shitter got banned and threw a fit about it.
The usual shitposting brigade jumped on the chance to join.
what did he even do where he'd rq
>send miner to clown roid because it seemed easier and fun
>they set their GPS tag asking to be brought back
>I receive the orebox but no miner
>panic and forget the CMC momentarily and try to guess their position
>teleporter needs recalibration on the first attempt
>alien comes in and kills me while I'm fucking around with teleporter
>miner gets trapped in space and just spaces themselves without a jetpack while shuttle is about to dock
>CMO wasn't doing any healing at all
I feel so fucking bad, Jackson, I'm never trying that shit again, it's too goddamn dangerous. I'm sorry.
they really need to job ban like half the people who have been playing heads recently.
Hah, I made the decision to send my orebox back, it's cool. I just wanted to mess around before the round ended.

A shame the aliums killed you before you got to use the ore, though, that's the only part that saddens me!
Why didn't probe spawn an antag or auto tator someone?
>90MW SME generation
>3.6MW of SMES storage capacity
>167,000W of load for the whole station

My job here is done.
I should've taken a picture of cargo. Good work, Jackson.
The Purplewood Cafe will go down in history as one of my better works.
>some guy is constantly trying to start shit with the AI and all of medbay
>dies like a retard
>gets admin interventioned into an alien
>picks hunter
>settles his OOC grudges with medbay
>does nothing for the remaining 12 minutes
peter and the librarian and the barkeep were the true antags
>ghosting around
>see waifus flirting with each other

Wasn't it good?
He did, the antag in question decided to not do anything other than satisfy his previous life grudges
It was fun! I hope you survived the aliums and were alive enough to recieve my last transmission from the Clownsteroid.
That's a shame then.

But was it cute?
>add slime people to roundstart
Why? If you're non antag becoming a slame is one of the only things xenobio does that has any real effect on anything and even then it only helps the xenobio or the odd assistant who wants to be shock immune.
You pretty much just make this, maybe some black ones and then adamantium and the rest is meh. And everything adamantium makes outside of the runes becomes worthless the moment an engy bot scans it. Even if you set every single pen to produce phazon it can't compare to them synthing it and having cells switched
Real talk: Do you guys actually think our admins are bad or are you just shit posting? I think they're nice. More so than I used to since I tried over servers some more to see their features and everyone talks about IC stuff OOC all the time
I got your final lods e mone. Good work.
I think the fact that zealtron is an admin should tell you literally everything about the bar we're currently at
Someone threw cat ears at me while I was building the extra SMES units. Does that count?
I think our admins are pretty great desu
I think our admins are the best we can hope from 4chan. I think it's nuts that people expect our admins to be "above it all" paragons of virtue when they KNOW they come from the same anonymous shitposting thread we do.

I can't believe people are surprised that Probe anonymously shitposts. Of course he does. He's from /vg/. Not even one person who plays on /vg/ doesn't shitpost and that's a fucking fact - no one is pure here.
Our are fine, its just we are so high quality we shit on them for things others take normally.

Think of it like a white person shitting on 1rst world problem while a third worlder complains less despite being worse, we have higher standards than the shitholes so every little thing is bad, shitposting also helps though.
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What the fuck
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>no one is pure here
The way you word it makes that seem like abad thing anon, that's a great thing.
I don't shitpost.
yes u does
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It's not a good or bad thing in my mind, it's just a state of the world
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Post about it on my feedback page on the forum then.

Oh wait....
Hey its me ur brother
>Posting somewhere where I need to use a name
Say that to my face on the forums, not online on this website, kid.
If you don't stop impersonating me I'll tell pain to ban you all
so u admit ur name is actually pubes?
nibba u dont even no who we ARE ffs i amyoU!!!
Never thought of it like that, and I'm inclined to agree.
Cousin calm down.
Are we the only server to promote a serious metafriender to admin?
Guys, stop, this isn't funny anymore. It's obvious Probe doesn't want this kind of shitposting associated with him. He told me himself he would have a trip if he knew how to get one. I'm serious here, you're gonna drive away one of the few good admins with this.
No, many servers are built entirely on a foundation of metafriending, like small private servers for example. I would say in fact that it's generally the rule for servers with active pops under ~20 to be entirely meta run
Main serv is rip in pie
I'm leaving the thread, it's just full of banned forum banned shitposters that attack and harass hard working admins. If you need me find me in the discord at Probe#3184 or on the forums. I refuse to stick around a community of 13 year olds so from now on I will stay in the much more positive discord.
>posts on anonymous shit posting board
>can't handle shit posting

Sad desu
Hey it's me probe's brother I just wanted to tell everyone that he is a really great guy and all this bullying is unwarranted
do you think anyone'll actually be dumb enough to believe this
Main server is fucked again. Join the test server at byond://ss13.moe:1337 which will now have normal rounds until someone can fix the main one.
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Wasn't our call to fame that we had the best running server mechanics wise?

Why do we have to play on the test server nearly every other day
Thank you for standing up for my grandson in this hard time
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Alternatively, join FTL13 at byond://
Nah, our claim to fame has always been quickswap equipping, that's literally the thing Pomf started this server for
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Rest in peace aunt scootaloo.jpg
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Has anyone seen my son? He left home crying about my sisters death this morning and hasnt came back home yet.
>Needs an update
>Update to most recent version of byond
>Still not up to date enough for this server

nah pass dont care enough to figure out the issue
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>All these banned shitters impersonating our great admin probe
What's the difference between FTL13 and SS13 in terms of how it plays? I get that you're on a ship and shoot other ships or something, but can you still fart around as an assistant?
I was looking over some old stuff and I realized I haven't seen Talisi in a long time

Did FreakinABonk get banned?
how does one even get banned. i play literally nothing but silicons, apparently ban bait jobs and literally all you do to not be banned is obey the rules and not be a dick unless your an antag

really braindead healing even compared to our already braindead healing
Go to home on your BYOND hub and click the BETA button to update it even further byond
Some people seem to think the rounds are all about them and that if they don't like it the rules dont apply to them. It's fucking weird honestly.
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Powerfists might become a reality in the future
Everyone's got protagonist syndrome

It's also why everyone "light roleplays" a character that's cold but cool...and knows every job and person... and don't take no shit from anybody...
I'm going to play a super submissive shy character to prove you wrong. and to erp on eros
Can machines with multiple parts like the cloner and teleporter be built vertically?
And the main server is fixed already. Thank the chicken.
Make them like TG ones and ill fucking gut you.
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Main servers fixed

New thread


>I can't believe people are surprised that Probe anonymously shitposts
I literally got off a ban from 4chan for posting a spicy reaction image on /v/ earlier this week three hours ago. You should probably not believe everything posted in the thread.
>It can't have been me because [no evidence]

You already admitted the shitpost was you probe, don't back pedal
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You can believe what you want. That's the amazing thing about being a person. You get to make your own choices. Even the choice to believe some retard that says I'm whatever topical shitpost of the week.

I've posted four times this week. Twice to tell someone to take it to the forum if they want anything done, once to thank someone for applying for prayermin, and the new thread.

Compare that to the amount of times "I" have posted in the thread, saying everything from Hippie shitters welcome, to we're moving off 4chan, to something about solarious I didn't really understand.
Probe, multiple posts in that reply thread use images you use with your name attached.

Are you telling me, somebody has saved your images, kept the filenames and pretends to be you?

Not to mention this being on the 15th, you being 4chan banned for a post on /v/ which is hardly ever over a 3 day ban. It all adds up as you. Why the fuck you lying?
>it is LITERALLY impossible to save an image from 4chan QED probe secretly whatever
Yes but to save multiple images, post exactly like probe and use probe's filenames.

Especially since some if those images hadn't been posted in months. It'd take months of archive checking.
Funny how someone just happened to immediately check the archive.

Its almost like someone pulled the images then troled u.

Must I make another image to prove it was you probe if you're just going to lie.
You seemed to have missed the crux of my argument that you're allowed to believe what you want without it affecting reality. I don't care anon. Everything more than casual conversation or server announcements I corroborate.

You can spend your time trying to fight for this belief that I am the insidious influence behind every shitpost in the thread while simultaneously afk, adminning, doing code stuff, and trying to make sure the server is running. Or you can try to accept that I have just directly said I don't shitpost in the thread and try not to encourage probe posting since it usually ends up as a de-rail.
I am just disappointed in you.

You can't even admit a simple mistake, I don't trust anything you do because of this.
Thread posts: 860
Thread images: 150

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