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/vn/ - waiting for vol 3 edition

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Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 181

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Visual Novel General #1374

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread:

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.
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why is she so tiny compared to the kitchen
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Nekopara is trash
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Best girl edition.
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Stop reading moege.
please let me finally buttfuck those sassy cats.
he's right everyone
start reading lolige instead
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But I refuse.
Guys, what did you think of Midori route?

I ask cause I haven't seen a lot of posts about it. Then again, I think not many of you read partials so that might be why.
Fuck off Varg, I already get enough of your shit in other threads.
>I had no idea how to react to this

>Sitting here comfy af watching /vn/ argue with each other

Damn, I need to do better things with my life.
Like you said, I don't read partials.
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Don't forget to celebrate my birthday!
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anal is literally for homos
I'll read your partials when you start translating Sumaga and BTFO Jast by releasing a full patch before they do.
I don't read moege, chump

blogpost a VN playthrough

Horrible stuff. boycott!
I'm celebrating my birthday alone, what are some games to fill the void?

Also, where can I find the Maji girls singing happy birthday?
is the evangile fandisk out yet
So is fellatio. What the fuck are you on about? Asses>Tits
I'd anal her though.
>tfw now all i can do is wait and see what /ourguys/ moege tastes are
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Happy birthday anon.

We all love you, my birthday is coming up soon too, don't worry.
Translate Muramasa, please.
Check the archive for a mega link. The translation is good.
>I don't read moege
shiteater, fuck off.
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Learn Japanese and escape bad translations, that you can't actually tell if they're bad or not because you can't read Japanese.
how can I trust you guys not to give me computer AIDS
click the shareX icon in your taskbar. It should bring up the selector. Click INSIDE the game window.

Then whenever you want it to capture that region just assign a hotkey to "capture last region" as long as you dont move the window it will always capture a flawless screencap.
Japan should rule the world!
I only know hiragana buddy.
I quite liked it, even if I think some drama with father was retarded
Will update tomorrow
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Michiru pls
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posting best girl
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Fill the void with moege.

Start with the most adorable catgirls of them all.
those are some cute pussies
you're cute anon
dogs > cats
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Konomi is cute. CUTE!

is this one okay?
How could that girl be so cute but retarded and fucked up at the same time?
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goddamn we're just blazing through threads here aren't we

why is cinnamon such a worthless whore
>all that sameface
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My fucking almonds.png
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How has /vn/ fallen so far

we must go back to the days of blogposting

only then will we be safe
>goddamn we're just blazing through threads here aren't we

Controversial releases have that effect
just like every other artist
post panty shot
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pssh, i'm basically already there. just call me JOP-san
this thing is taking forever to fill up ;-; 10 days for 4%
I shouldn't have looked at the stats, they make me want to kms
>in VN
What a fucking surprise.
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That anon made a good point
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don't lewd the goddess.
Why do russians always have white hair in those games?
Because Syberia, cold, snow, white etc.
They all look so excited
what's happening here
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>that Ayako face
Thanks anon <3
Oh, thanks for reminding me, I forgot I had that game installed.
i saw someone ask in the last thread, but i didnt see the answer. ctrl+f aint bringing anything up. Whens a eta for the evangile fandisc?
I can't wait to get to her route even if it's pure nukige. She makes my dick diamonds.

Redhead and ponytail just drives me nuts. If she kept her dom personality it would be perfect.
I have bad news anon
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>If she kept her dom personality it would be perfect
Well, about this..

She is cute as fuck though.
her route is pure trash. Im sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
look forward to kokoro tho, she a best girl
What's his meme about anyway? Got out of jail and started something?

Haven't read. Waiting for Kyou, Yukino, or Maya patch before I start reading.
Dunno, I used the mega link.
Porn is holding the medium back, sure there are stories where the porn fits and it enhances the story like in Euphoria or Subahibi, but in most the cases porn scenes just get shoehorned because kids can't control their hormones.
Happy birthday anon, I did the same last weekend. It was full of music, vidya, and cute VN girls.

Sorry, I don't like partials.
>If she kept her dom personality it would be perfect.
hahahahaha. out of all the majikoi girls she becomes the most onahole out of all of them.
Yeah I know it's shit. But I'll still enjoy redhair + ponytail, even if she loses her original personality.
I don't read partials, but I'm looking forward to 100%.
are you not getting feedback elsewhere? would it be helpful / reassuring if someone read it?
I unironically think this is true sometimes.
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I want her to be my gf, damn it!
No ETA yet, it literally just finished editing so mid april at the absolute earliest.
Bullying will fuck your shit up.

Why is your TL in present tense? You never said anything about it last time I asked.
Haven't gotten a lot of feedback. The usual thanks and stuff are nice but I'd like to discuss the story as well.

Guess that'll happen in June.
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Drinking vodka makes your hair go white.
I want to lick her all over.

that vulva is way too puffy
I can confirm this.

it's just made mine fall out. want a fucking refund!
you mean discussing waifus?
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What the fuck, why even give a choice then?
Sprites change and move with the narration rather than before, so I TL in present tense. I do my best to change to past tense if the narration describes an event that's already happened
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Just fucking kill me. I want to date this perfection.
Well each route has its share of plot, but yeah waifu wars.

I come from Nisekoi so I'm very much used to those.
Partials are good for the people who like checking translations and giving confidence on a project, but not so good for the people who are normally in it for the story and girls. So yea a lot of people probably won't read it yet unless they really like a girl or are desperate for something new.
good for you anon. When a vn fucks with a character i like too much in their route i get quite disappointed / frustrated tbqh.
Momo(to a lesser extent), Nicola (from DR) and margit are some good examples.

i think this is true for the agave route and all the nukige routes of S. nukige is fine, but to me it didnt suit majikoi and was a detractor. The H in the agave route felt completely shoehorned.
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Something about this picture sums up this series perfectly.
Watching shippers lose their shit was the best part of Nisekoi, though.
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I still remember this thread. It was fun.
>Momo(to a lesser extent), Nicola (from DR) and margit are some good examples.
Oh, I get butthurt as fuck as well.

Momoyo was terrible for me because I liked her a lot, and then she goes full dere when getting her pussy plugged. But in the case of Margit, I was warned about her here so the blow will be lessened. I hope.
Trip couldn't hold back either.


I think the worst offender is F/SN, the Fate route to be specific.

Of course they changed it in the realta nua version but it was still fucking retarded.
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I still don't get how people manged to keep going with the series.
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>the dozens of threads labeled "IT AIN'T ME" that littered /a/ after chapter 222 was released
We personally enjoyed it quite a lot. Though as you can see, I needed to let off some steam once in a while
>ywn have a drug addict loli sit on your lap and play vidya
why live
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>posting /ourguy/
>a shill
Douzo, lad.
Poor Trip ;_;

At some point I just ignored main heroines and I was rooting Shuu and Ruri.
Nekoko is for sending to rehab and maybe a little buttfucking, not for doing drugs
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>not having sex in a photobooth

why not not live
What's good about it anyway? I haven't read it.
The otter provided you with the answer to your question anon.
well can you give me it
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Cute girls.
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Apart from that it also gave Kosakifags a small glimmer of hope only for them to be crushed within 8 chapters.
Sign me up.
Sorry for the late reply anon, was at work. Anyway, thanks a lot for this. The Da Capo series overall may not be the best, but it has some damn good scores.

I remember just posting it here a month ago just to bitch about it, never expected an anon to be able to actually do it.
That part made me laugh quite a bit, love Yuuji's autism.
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this is so fucking stupid
Go to the /vg/ archive and search for grisaia mega or something like that.
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You know what to do
Happy to help, anon. Have fun!
is shiny days any good? am looking at the file size and idk if i wanna torrent 16gb without checking here if its worth it.
It's slightly less awful than School Days.
fuck no
Depends on how you found School Days. If you liked that then you should be fine.

ima take that as a no
hell no
Nisekoi was fucking great and I will fight anyone who says otherwise

Thank god best girl won although the "other" pairing was also A++
Hell no.
I'm lazy can you just search mega in your history
>shit taste: the post
I translated it for two years and I still think this looks like bait
it's not, I actually really enjoyed it pretty much the whole way through and Chitoge was great even if hanakana is da bes
I'm not on my computer and even if I were I wouldn't spoonfeed you.
Wow buddy I thought we had something.
Hey buddy, think you got the wrong door.
fuck you
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it's decent fap material, that's about it.
the last 2 replies are meme replies so why even bother tagging those
I love the voices in this game.
>Hey buddy, think you got the wrong hole
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Why is Aries such a cold motherfucker?
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literally half of the bad ends happen because she is retarded
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>the nipples in Chrono Clock

Everything else was perfect, but who thought these missle silo domes were a good idea?
So, what exactly is happening.
how many of you actually bought chrono clock
>play moege
>MC keeps narrating that his days are the same as always
>this reminds me that my life is completely boring, wasted and ultimately meaningless
I thought these games were supposed to make me feel better
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dat tooth.png
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>dat tooth though
why do people keep doing this
>buying vns
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>i can cure your illness, stupid me
>why didnt i do that in the first place?
>oops you died haha XD
I'm not sure how far I'm into Midori's route, but it doesn't seem too far. Probably just a day or two after the second hcsene. The story has been really comfy, though I can see some drama coming in the distance with all this talk of Midori's strict father. I was also surprised by how fast the fucked. I mean it isn't surprising for an hscene to happen quickly in a /vn/, but Midori seemed so reserved that I though might not come until later.
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>buying VNs

It's moe, dad. You wouldn't understand.
I got it for free because I donated $250 to the Kickstarter :^)
>support 84% of a vn

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>not buying VNs
I only buy plotge.
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>VNing buys
Based fellow plotge buyer. Are you excited for Dies Irae?
not really lad, but i support plotge anyway

moege and ero shit shouldn't be the driving force when it comes to translations
as in, i still supported the kickstarter
I seriously hope you guys buy your moege.
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the d.png
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what did she mean by this?
Fuck you

Yeah I'm talking to you.
I've done nothing to you pal
dumb frogposter
puffy vulva
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>any -ge that isn't a nukige
>has H-content
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none other than Cro, the best waifu
My african brethren
I can't wait til MG finishes Sorcery Jokers tbqh.
too bad her translation is shit
the way their school uniform skirts have slits down the side is so lewd
kk, what about hoshimemo - wish upon a shooting star? is that good?
Nakige is just one letter away from nukige
Haguro is the best side girl
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>girl's personality does a 180 when it's time for sex

every fucking h-scene in a moege
Non-shit CC fantranslation wheN?

Some have an issue with its pacing.
I for one loved it. Has some issues, but I overlooked them for a great experience.
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Should I read Evangile again?

I really wanted to fuck the girl with the ferret but was disappointed when I couldn't. Also I started the purple haired girls route and they started making noodles or something and I was so fucking bored I dropped it. Common route was relatively engaging for the genre though.
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>ywn ride on a ferris wheel with a cute girl
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How the fuck can you not know "cappucino"?
what do you guys do to break up the monotony of doing a route in pretty much 1 or 2 goes?
i play either chess vs ai or a small quick game. atm its morphblade
I don't know what that means
I only play kinetic novels, sorry.
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>t-there are t-two Michirus??
wait a sec which girl are you going for ?
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>Buying an 84% completed product

Nigga what?
Why hasn't someone made a Michiru version of the "done split inta two!" yet?

Michiru(smart) and Michiru(dumb).

You get to fuck both at the same time later.
Chiho. On the last route
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So who has the best route in PE?

i took that screenshot before i started doing them in native
not me
Somebody post THE GOONS
ouch, good luck
Rise, of coruse. Best girl. Best route.
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There is only one creature that can reproduce by division.
I know that, but the two michiru thing
true patricians know it's Ritsuko
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Rusalka is cute! CUTE!
Ritsuko bar none.

Rise's gets pretty dramatic but it's kind of a slog
can you impregnate her?
Wheres the official list of eop approved OK translations
okay /vn/

is it acceptable for heroines to be paired off with other characters if you're not playing their route?
just ask this thread if a translation of something is up to par and let the experts tell you if it's approved or not
That's not enough pal we need to establish a list
I prefer the other red girl.
>is it acceptable for heroines to be paired off with other characters if you're not playing their route?
absolutely not
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>grisaia flow chart

shit game
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best horse.jpg
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daily reminder that Witch Hunt is still the best translator group and its sad that they're long gone

Yes as long as there's a reason behind it and contributes to the plot.
>that stray red dot

you had one job
I used to think absolutely not.
then I read 11eyes
I love her.
you might as well have non virgin female leads at that point
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>tsukihime flowchart

shit game
Hey guys I'm BRAND NEW fan translator who is 100 FAITHFUL to the original!

What the fucking shit should I translate?!?!?!?
now get out
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If it's written well like 11eyes or Ayakashibito, sure
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ritsuko = ayaka > chiho >>>>>>>> rise
holy fuck
That's KT
hey bucko wanna tell me where you downloaded this

See you in 10 years.
hey man

i don't know what you're implying

pirate b@y m8
nyaa, the same place literally everything else is
Michiru looks like Snoopdog.
>open VN
>looks good but the screen is small as fuck
>put full screen
>Looks like shit

How do I fix this
you cant
What, for plotge? You can usually get by well enough for moege and nukige even if the translation isn't amazing.

Best translations I've read have been Hanachirasu (as well as most things Makoto has tl'd), Fata Morgana, YU-NO (doubly impressive since it's fan-tl and standards weren't exactly amazing back then), and Grisaia. I might be tempted to say Himawari as well, but I'm a bit split on that one. It read well most of the time, but there were a handful of scenes where I felt like the humor wasn't translated very well, and some weird choices in terms of localization.

Witch Hunt had some issues, though. I distinctly remember a few riddles being unsolvable because of mistranslations (?) Still, they were an impressive group for managing to translate such a large hunk of text.

>and its sad that they're long gone
Uh, are they? Pretty sure they're the ones that turned in the latest Umineko TL for MG. They overhauled it.
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I get it already.jpg
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jesus christ what is with all this depressing miyako backstory in the agave route
>decompile the game
>run every cg and sprite through waifu 2x
>recompile game
some steps may be harder than others

you don't
>game has a PS3 port in 1080p
>there isn't a PC patch for it
shit tier cursor
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I think Michiru has some kind of autism.

Yeah, that's the only think I could that explains all these noises. Holy fuck.

Still cute?
>playing midori's route
>everyone ends up finding out they are dating
>yukino is disappointed
basically, most anime characters are autistic
so does anyone have that grisaia sequel mega and proof they downloaded/installed it
which sequel
island or labyrinth
There's two?
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you dont want to play that shit anyway, anon
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wanko is best doggo.jpg
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why is she so cute
No talent.
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You're right, but I have nothing better to do.
play chrono cock
The translation looks like dirty asshole
The only torrent has no seeders and it's an EXE not from a trusted uploader.
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How do you translate this?
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its a good game outside of the meme translation part

just do it nigga, dont fall for the second grisaia meme like me
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would you bully her?
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this whole thing is so lewd
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did you even fucking try it
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>no adblock
>ywn bully a cute cat girl
its not fair
>not supporting unobtrusive ads from the website that enables your vn piracy
Adblock does not work on nyaa.se
>not green uploader

no thanks you can't fool me into installing you're malware
it's a 6/10 at best
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>downloading games

Hey bud.
Gonna have to stop you there.
what did he mean by this?
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Based fucking Ruriko.

How long are the routes compared to Chrono Clock?

well, grisaia is a 4/10, so it's still a step up :^)
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s morons.jpg
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omg damn dude i almost got you hax0rd
retardkill yourself
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That's a very cute crying face, so yes.

Girls are at their cutest when they're crying.

They're a decent length, from memory.
bullying and abusing girls gets me hard, ngl
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Excuse me?
PE is really fucking long, I think it was MG's longest title before they translated Da Capo 3.
yeah, yours
Looks like chuunige bait desu.
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that's way too gay.jpg
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I just realized something.

Touma teasing Yamato is like Yamato teasing Chris.
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>we will finally be able to romance her Soon™
>tfw no VNs where you can shove girls into lockers and make them develop stockholm syndrome for you
no, chris secretly loves your teasing
...Free Friends? I mean not literally, but the same general idea.

>implying yamato doesn't love touma's teasing
what are you're favorite vn's /vn/
Please Bang My Wife
is this hatsukoi?

>what could have been
White Album 2
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truly pure.jpg
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Cap is such an innocent soul
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Please Bang my Wife
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squad lead can't afford to have any distractions while leading his team on adventures. Based.
chrono clock patch removing the bullshit memes when
https://vndb.org/v1545 tl never just like the rest of ensemble's games
https://vndb.org/v14934 for the 'other' kind of vn
is that

a fucking nipple
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It sure is, senpai
from the torrent comments:
denpasoft website lists md5sum for the game files.


This could be to many reasons (such as, they might have released a bugfixed reason), but until that is clear, I recommend AGAINST INSTALLING THIS.

You've been warned.
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If she went "nyaa," I would've had a heart attack.
something seems really off about her crotch
run it in a fucking vm if you are that autistic about getting hacked by some idiot. It's only 5 gig.

Or perhaps just buy the fucking game from denpasoft so you can get dovacs lipstick smack of approval.
Yeah, her vagina is fucking gigantic
pretty good ta-
>g-senjou only a 6
lol dude

It's fucking huge my man.
>katawa shoujo

hey buddy you got a fucking problem? pal you look like you got a problem
I don't understand how you people have this much time to read all this.

What could you have done other than read animu novels with that time?

You could have already learned a trade or a language.
yeh no shit.

That or the angle/proportions are fucked up
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draskyl disapproves.webm
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my wife checks my credit card purchases I don't want that showing up on it pal
hoyl shit what a cuck
*pulls out a gun*

got you now, fag
>sharin no kuni
>not a 9 or above
Are you the normie
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oh fuck i was getting baited the whole time
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>my wife
Does she have a son?
fuck you dude do you know how hard it is to find a woman who doesn't already have children at my age?
It's been, what, 5 years since I read it? So I dunno. I was pretty upset about the twist, but, aside from that, I felt that the plot got pretty banal and it was all over the place for me. If it wasn't for the epilogue (as cheesy and heart-on-sleeve as it was), my feelings towards it probably would've been worse. Plus, the art wasn't anything to ride home about and the lazy OST actively irritated me.


Listen, don't take the numbers too seriously. Even things that I have rated at a 5 I don't hate or anything. A 5 for me is mediocre. If it's a 6 then I think it's above average. But there's a variety of other things that go into my feelings towards VNs that I think numbering is a pretty bad system anyway. I only use it to sort of my feelings, but it's a pretty weak indicator of how I feel towards a visual novel, which is why I prefer words.
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and how old are you?
okay fine here's your (you) jesus christ
my gf buys me visual novels and read doujins on exhentai with me

sucks to be you, lad
Hell yeah, man. Stand up against the rampant tyranny of the four-point scale
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>tfw I rate shit based on my enjoyment of the title

My ratings would give you people an aneurysm
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my fucking face when 2.png
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married at 39
Just use the fucking mega link for fucks sake
Fair enough, that's actually pretty reasonable. I don't really like the "only 7-10 is any good" thing either.

I don't like numbers either which is why I don't have a vndb.
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What are you still doing here?
desu that's pretty fair, MGQ was all over the fucking place with quality, especially the art which went from good, to utter shit, to ok, to retarded

still love it though because it's the only VN which really nails most of my monster girl fetishes
Do the md5s match?

Well she didn't used to check until she saw that I bought a VN one time. Wouldn't talk to me for 2 months. Ever since then I don't buy them.
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everyone wants to bully the mayumi
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Are you a wizard/virgin still?
Can you not fuck with the OP? Retard.
Most of the shit art was Setouchi anyway
No but we've only had sex 7 times in our 4 year marriage.

I don't think she liked it very much.
I didn't fucking check the md5, all I know is that it works so stop being autistic.
Why the fuck did you do it?
holy fucking shit what is wrong with you
If you are not b8ing...my god man.

Do you fuck someone on the side?
and she wonders why you fap to animu girls?
Because my parents were pressuring me and I met her on a dating site. I'd divorce her but I'm afraid I'd lose my house now.

No I was lucky she even married me, or so my mother says. She was nicer at first.
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Been reading them since Middle School, I think. That probably isn't even actually the full list, just the ones that I remembered.

Visual novels isn't my main hobby, though.
>falling for the matrimonial jew in the first place
wew lad
What the fuck is this taste
If this is b8, you got us good.

If not, jesus fucking christ put shit on your card and when times comes explain to her that somethings got to give.
Whats the middle one?
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>falling for the matrimonial jew


My heart anon.

>lose my house

What, but you don't have any children with her?
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It's cute how much Konomi has warmed up to the MC
witcher 3 tbqh

true kamige
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im going to believe this is bait because i dont want to believe that someone could be this beta

well played anon, you got me good fampai
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D-do I have to fuck both of them
do you have a decent job? If so dump that bitch and move on. Life is limited, why waste time on someone you are not fond of anymore?
Oh sweet jesus, this is too sad to not be real
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jesus christ if my parents meddled with my nonexistant love life i would lose my shit
It's solidly middle class. She doesn't work anymore though... She also was the one who bought our dog, but I'm the one who takes care of it and she doesn't give a shit about it. If I divorced her she'd probably get the dog too and he's kind of my pal now...

It only shows up in a few bad ends.
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Did they base the first episode of this show on your life?
My only pal*, sorry. She bought him from a rescue place or something for her son but the dog didn't like him for some reason so now he's basically mine. I really don't want to lose him.
I am less than ten lines into Chrono Clock and I already hate Miu.
>not getting a prenup
sad times desu
if you're legit interested in getting a divorce, talk to some men's rights activists through some form of social media and they can point you in the direction of a good lawyer who can protect your rights
if you're more interested in fixing your marriage, see a marriage counselor
>tfw build a computer finally to play games a couple of months back play a few but then only really want to read VNs
Am I the only one? i also recently upgraded my graphics card but don't want to do anything that my old crappy pc couldn't do.
Why? Shes adorable
just to recap
>you're married
>to a woman who won't fuck you
>to a woman who has a child from a previous relationship
>to a woman who won't let you indulge in your interests
>to a woman who doesn't treat you with respect
>to a woman who doesn't pull her weight financially
>to a woman who cannot even be bothered to take care of an animal she bought
>to a woman you can't divorce for fear of her taking your shit

jesus fucking christ if I were you I would unironically kill myself
>i5 3750k @ 4.7 ghz
>r9 390
>16gb ram
played nothing but VNs and Rocket League for the past year
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witcher3 2017-03-12 17-52-05-31.png
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Some visual novels can be pretty demanding, anon..
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Thoughts on this game?
At this point, mostly the voice.

However, she's one of those shy cutesy girls right? They're pretty much the exact opposite of my type. I don't like timid girls.
even a mainframe processor couldn't handle japanese ramen code
It's shit.
Damn I have:
>i5 6600k (was going to overclock but no motivation right now)
>gtx 1070
>16gb ram as well
Which ones?
It's fucking garbage. If you haven't read it, count yourself lucky.
>no Katahane
>to a woman who cheats on you

Still haven't read it. I will eventually.
>Well I can only prove one time but I'm fairly sure it's happened more than that
Holy fucking shit dude.
I really hope you're baiting, for your own good.

But the answer is yes, you could probably get most of the benefits if the lawyer doesn't suck and you have solid evidence.
I remember the true route being good
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ayy lmao m8.png
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That was very loud
That's probably because Katahane is terrible.
i can't answer that and you should not trust any answers you do get about that from anyone other than a family court lawyer
100% serious, if you're even considering that or if you think she's considering it, you should get a referral to a family court lawyer immediately (cold calls generally don't produce good results; talk to a men's rights advocate online and get a referral to a lawyer in the state that can help you; he might refer you to someone more local)
i'm acquainted with someone who works in law and i can tell you right now that the earlier you get a lawyer involved, the better.
Pretty sure that if you can prove she was cheating on you you have a solid case for divorce, as long as she doesn't have dirt on you either.
>yfw the most interesting michiru scene in all of grisaia that actually uses the character well was a fucking hscene

Better than hiring a lawyer to remove disgusting 3D womens
>some guy makes up a story
>gets a ton of (You)'s

man I wish I could do that this easily
consult a lawyer about everything you care about in the divorce, because (as you say) you are the only one that cares for the dog i wouldnt be surprised if you could take it.

How much have you discussed with a lawyer? cos theres no way thats a happy marriage, m8 get out asap, money aint shit when all its doing is paying utilities and mortgage for a house in which you don't wanna live.

prolly falling for a troll but screw it

depends greatly on the state and country, but a lot of the time yes, if you can prove it then +++. lawyer up bruh. quickly. like now.

also keep us updated
The lesbians were obnoxious. Kurohane was the only good part of Katahane.
I would rather bully Morgana.
fucking stop it holy shit
blogposting is the best way to prevent cancer in /vn/
i reiterate my previous advice >>170860897
Fuck off.
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qt witch loli.png
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>was a pretty big guy
For you
If a VN is an utsuge, does it mean it has to have a happy ending? Are there utsuge out there that have a horrible true end?
why arent we discussing this kamige instead
>Utsuge stands for utsu game, and it means "depressing game". It is said that the purpose of these types of games is to depress the player.

>Most of the time these games have no happy end, no help, no hope...
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>that extra M


Yeah this isn't as good as Grisaia 1. It's not exactly bad but I feel like I agree with what anon said a few days ago about this being kinda like a "fandisk"
michiru's route is garbage just keep going
Have you read Yuuji's backstory yet?
Utsuge don't have happy endings.
Because it is a fandisk. Which got a canon main story route as a bonus.
don't you mean this kamige?
what can I say, I really enjoy R07's work
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Oh holy shit no way.


This is only something I see in low-quality fan translations. You didn't translate the mini-menu? Holy fuck

Oh wait, I can just google this right?
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Cheesy as fuck.

Persona 2 is also my favorite visual novel
i ended up spending 10 minutes translating it with my phone

we should truly be thankful to SP for 84% of this kamige
Douzo for playing, lad.
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Oi, buster. What's the deal? Yeh don't fancy this sugoi graft?
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that face.jpg
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Grisaia art at its finest

Yuuji's backstory is the real deal.
is it bad to feel bad for this anon?
considering he's lying, yes
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Does anyone have any good Grisaia 【MAD】
why do you think the poor soul is lying

seems too specific to me
Yeah, it's pretty fucking good.
>this video
fucking michirufags man i swear
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ultra baka.png
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Mitcher is second best.
michiru is nothing higher than the lowest tier
if it isnt a troll, the information in this thread should point him in the right direction. feel bad for how he is rn tho.

Actually i have a question out of curiosity cos i know normie answers but i was wondering if /vn/ was any different. A girl offers you all the lovey dovey in the world but she has issues with sex so wouldnt be able to do anything sexual, do you go for it / consider it?
if no, what is the least sort of level of sexual contact that would make you consider it?
Makina > Michiru >> Sachi >>> Yumiko >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amane

In terms of routes:

Makina > Michiru > Amane = Sachi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yumiko
depends, does she let me fuck other girls without getting bitchy about it?
I'm asexual. I don't care.

Is she rich?
Honestly, that sounds great to me. Sex is kind of a pain anyway
>implying that you're attractive enough to pick up random girls and have sex with them
it's happened before
I have a gf, and I suffer from erectile dysfunction. Even though it sucks, I sorta manage to get by. Feelings and comfort are more important than sex, anyway.
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Is this an error?
mitcher is a nice girl so dont bully her

worth reading?
no she's having a stroke
Japs like it, so no.
Everyone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michiru
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mitcher has a nice smile so you are wrong!
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forgot to put my own answer.
i'd do it, as long as im allowed to fap to porn.
read some horror storys on reddit about marriages with dead bedrooms but the the wife considers fapping to porn cheating
Error? No. How could the based SP gods with wonderful 84% translation staff ever have errors?

Ridiculous I say! Just ridiculous!
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>implying your wife or GF can monitor whether or not you fap to porn.

Lol, that sounds like way too much work on her part.
I read from somewhere that Chrono Clock is Purple Software weakest and worst VN. Honestly i kinda enjoy it quite a bit more than DC3 at least. I was fucking hype for it as well.
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I thought things were going way too sweet and comfy
It's okay. It really is a chore to navigate, though, and the second half is weird.
Uh no, Sekai Project only releases quality stuff...................................................................................................................................................................................
Do you not have a Japanese language pack installed or something? There should be brackets on either side
if you're playing the partials can you please spoiler it or write the name or something
I guess I'm a pleb for not noticing, but thanks for pointing it out. Just changed the font from the settings and the brackets are there. I guess I've been playing the whole thing on some weird font.
Cool, good to know it wasn't a major issue with the patch.

And also yes please spoiler your stuff so as not to ruin things for people waiting for the full patch
So you guys are telling me to spoil it, right? Just trying to be clear.
It's really good, you might find the exploration parts tedious but I personally liked them.

The music is also great:
I hope you do and then they will stop releasing partial patches.
Yes but not violently.

You kinda are.

>Morgana without her signature annoyed look
I just don't know, man.
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I just wasnt thinkin about spoilers for that scene, but I'm not trying to spoil it. Just wanted to blogpost
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desperately need a semi/serious romance VN, female lead would be good.

less fan service/sorandomshit the better
so she's daddy's favorite girl huh. didn't realize this vn had NTR, this is pretty great.
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Someone clearly hasn't been enlightened by Saki yet.
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Here you go, then.
By this point in her route MC had fucked her I believe 4 times. I imagine at home she has stopped touching her father with hugs, and is embarrassed around him while he has no clue his little girl has been deflowered by some underclassman.
Euphoria is the greatest love story ever told
Kindred Spirits on the Roof
He's too pure for this world.

Until he tries to cuck Yamato by stealing Momoyo anyway.
Euphoria's plot took a fucking nosedive real fucking fast.
What is the most demanding VN? I'm just curious.
Tell her it's for her son.
Witcher 3
What is the most needy VN? I'm just curious.
In which route?
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Anyone else find the TL notes to DR quite funny?
Kurohane portion of Katahane
Parts of ef
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>Fucked her 7 times
>Checks what anon buys, can't buy cute anime girls getting dicked into oblivion
>Has a son
>Can't divorce her because he may lose his house
Bait or not, this is shit that actually happens to people. My brother got divorced after he was cucked, and has to pay alimony for his kid.

Let this be a harsh reminder that 2D is the best option, anons. Don't fall for the 3DPD meme, or if you do, at least never marry or have kids.
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Heres your you.png
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How many (you)s did you collect today anons?
how is that funny?
Good going, my friend.
In Momoyo's route.
>this is shit that actually happens to people.
True that. i blame the guys almost as much as the bitch-wifes. How can you be so much like that guy from Fargo series, srsly?!

You don't have to be alpha or anything to gtfo of a shit marriage jeez.
i just find it funny cos its the stuff thats so simple, does a TL note pdf really need to exist?
im still not seeing the funny
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guys im literally shaking what if i can't understand Dies Irae on anything more than a surface level
do you mean philosophically or some bullshit?
it doesnt matter man, as you long as you get some entertainment out of it
Okay, I changed my mind. Miu is okay.
You can just pretend along with the rest of us, just make sure to use the term 'deep' a lot.
guys im literally shaking what if i have parkinsons
my opinion on capt has gone down. how is her route?
>persona 5, utawarerumono, and sukisuki all soon
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I can't fucking wait for p5
>summer full of moege
>dies irae, subahibi, and island will all be coming out this year
>code geass r3
>overlord & OPM getting season 2

When did it all go so right?
Conj-poo saved VNs. The ambition of localizing DI revitalized the industry.
what a time to be alive (besides overlord lol who cares)
It's a lot more action filled than the other routes. Yamato has to really work to get with her.
And here comes an e-celeb shitter to defecate on the thread
Can't wait for P5. I've been waiting for so long and the delays have not helped, but at least it'll have the Jap voices as an option.
It's SCA-ji's favorite series. You're required to like it.
guys im literally shaking what if i die a virgin
guys i'm literally shaking what if the dies translation doesn't have honorifics?
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Wait I thought you guys hate used goods, why are you guys looking forward to P5? It's full of whores
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>wanting honorifics
kill yourself weeb
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It gets pretty hype at one point
guys i'm shaking what if i die without muramasa being translated!?
Capt doesn't try to cuck Yamato. They aren't dating at that point and Capt bluntly tells him that he's going to ask Momoyo out.
>tfw buying a psquadruple for this when my return comes back
guys i'm literally shaking it's really cold

got a jacket on the back of my chair though

who else /comfy/
Is it true that both the 2nd and 3rd Ray Romanos are coming out this year?
I holding my miniature dachshund and feeling pretty comfy.He's like a little hot water bottle.
Yes Q2 and Q4 apparently
>tfw room isn't cold enough to be comfy
>tfw when underwater ray ramano untranslated VN that I tried to play with a text hook and machine translation maybe 10 years ago
>tfw when it was so bad and unreadable that I never trusted MTL since
>Full Metal Panic later this year
I don't know, anon. I don't know. 2017 has been fantastic and it's only March.
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>overlord season 2
Oh my fucking god I can't believe it. VN release wHEN
>i just find it funny cos its the stuff thats so simple
On that note, yes, it's actually kind of amusing.

I wouldn't exactly share the same sentiment for the average VNfag though, given that's the kind of audience the TL notes are catering to.
What's the most fucked up thing you've masturbated to, /vn/?
Tbh the 7th volume could work extremely well as a horror VN
you're mom
guys i'm literally shaking what if /OUR GUYS/ die before they finish?
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probably this she fucks her insect baby in the next few pages
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The reactions from Dies Irae fags when Nekopara fundraiser finished almost immediately after it started.

Holy shit, did my boner ascend the heavens.
oh what the fuck
I'm sorry anon, but all you did was masturbate to a bunch of falseflags
Okay, that's pretty fucked up. Why did you masturbate to that?
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anon, please
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Anon... there is no shame masturbating to an illusion. For sometimes, the illusion is far more genuine than the real ever could be.

Why else do we masturbate to 2D girls?
>planescape: torment
i'm finishing it up right now. kotor 2 is my favorite video game and fonv is in my top five; chris avellone's a great writer.

was 8 any good? i read 1-6 in the span of like a month and read 7 as soon as it was tl'd and then for some reason never read 8.

i couldn't really get into p3, is p2 better? i'd like to get into smt, but bad gameplay is a huge problem for me; i'd rather just read a vn with no gameplay if it comes down to it.
i don't care how bad the perspective is on her face, that is a cute as fuck screen and i want to pat her head
>was 8 any good?
uh oh
>Sunday night comfiness
>But wage cucking next day
Sundays give me conflicting emotions.
Well VN?

Ahh, this one is pretty good.
Oh yeah I remember this. The entire series was great.
don't forget the DI anime, it will probably be extremely bad because of >crowdfunding, but at least I will be able to post fake spoilers and laugh at the inevitable power level shit-flinging and FSN comparisons.
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>Bloodborne's Arianna ending if you don't kill her dot jey peg
Yeah, fapping to slavery is pretty horrifying
you don't wanna know.
and I don't really want to remember either
What do you even mean by demanding or needy?
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Just started Chrono Clock my thoughts so far. Truck-kun strikes again! that is all.
How can people actually masturbate to those poor kittens suffering from stockholm syndrome is beyond my grasp. Nekofags are truly a disgusting bunch.
Yes I do, that's why I asked.
Resource intensive.
Wow you must be the first person ever to make that joke.
i didn't mean the character, i meant the genre/category of romance
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>frog days
What is the meaning behind this?
What is the most taxing VN? I'm just curious.
Yes, I know anon. I was making a joke.
School/Shiny Days or something like Maitetsu with live sprites.
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i'm sorry friend, i'm apparently dense today
Maitetsu doesn't have atrocious art, though?
I don't think I've ever had trouble running anything, really. I'm going to go with School Days or Shiny days given that they're practically movies rather than just static images and text.
Who was ever talking about atrocious art?
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goodnight /vn/
good night anon

more? spoil me
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the fuck is her problem
She has no talent.
She's best woof-woof.
good night Anon.
the fuck is your problem
Best dog.
G'nite, buster.

Best answer.
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How many are there that don't do this? Any notable ones?
Oh boy. I should get started on her route soon enough.

I have a face licking fetish.
Why is this shit allowed? It should be punishable by death.
Michiru in Douzo Clock doesn't really change during sex. Possibly the other girls too, I kinda dropped it after her route.
I remember reading Kimiaru a few years back and Shinra has been super S the entire route cause she's just kind of a bitch but then starts getting all submissive and shit when losing her virginity.

And then she's like 'Wait fuck no I'm a super sadist. It is time to go on the offensive, not submit to the dick.'

I had to approve.

My kind of girl.

Translation when?
Are there any VNs where the protagonist starts having a steady life and girlfriend, but over time he starts to get dismotivated and loses his girlfriend, drops out of college, and ends up alone for the rest of his life as a sad and pathetic sack of shit? It'd be like a reverse moege.
are you okay anon
More of her?
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Sounds like a line to cue an h-scene.
Do you need to vent anon? It's alright, go ahead.
Never. I'd be tempted to do it myself if I knew how to extract scripts and shit.

Also, people (rightfully) give Chrono Clock some shit for how it translates the way the characters talk but honestly, I'm having more fun with it than I've had with any other VN for a few years. Though that may be because a lot of new stuff is kind of bad.
Ya you need help.
What did she mean by this?
not at all.
If you finish best girl's route then go on to other routes why would you want to see best girl get dicked by other dudes
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Whoa whoa whoa. Hold the fucking phone. This is a VN? I just downloaded the hentai anime and fapped like a mad man the other day. That black haired imouto drove me wild.
I've found that most of the h-animes I really enjoyed are based off of nukige. Hell, the entire reason I got into the VN medium in the first place is because I played the original Taimanin Asagi VN after masturbating to the anime.
I'd kinda like to see a VN where the Sunohara character gets with a girl.

They never seem to achieve happiness.
Yes, there's only so much suspension of disbelief I can achieve.
Yes. It actually kind of pisses me off how not a single girl in Majikoi hooks up with anyone unless they get Yamato.
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Cro a best.
Cro a ho
I'm looking forward to reading her route. Teasing girls are the best.
Her voice is so seductive too.
I know Kawashima Rino only has that one voice she ever does, but it's still great to hear it.
Is I/O the best VN of its genre?
Certainly better than ChaosHead and root double at least

Due to pacing you could also argue it's better than the slogfest of steins gayte
>better than root double

whoa now
Best character died and an open ending. It loses some serious points for both of those.

It's alright.
I can see that happening only with Miyako, and even that is stretching it.
what is I/O

other than input/output
Yea it really astounds me that so much hentai originates from VNs.
I also just discovered Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo is a VN too. I wonder if that's worth a read after fapping to the h-anime a hundred times.
Miyako is an insane stalker. I can accept her not moving on, even though I dislike her for it. Everyone else simply not finding another guy even if they don't fall for Yamato is just silly, though.

is a visual novel by the same group that made Ever17, I think.
You can basically go down the list and almost all of them have somewhat valid reasons. The only headscratcher is wanko.
Stacy? Lee? Apparently Chika? Kokoro? Mayucchi? Tatsuko, Angel, Ami?
Fuck, just as soon as I think people are exaggerating Chrono Clock's editing issues, D.D. chooses to begin existing.
mayucchi took tons of encouragement just to get a friend outside the group. the rest i can understand you having a problem with, but mayucchi not having a husbando is at least in line with her character.

btw i havent played stacy and lee's route. is it a nukige route?
That only makes sense in a world where nobody hits on a hot girl like her. As autistic as she is, it's not reasonable. Someone would go out of their way to get a piece of that ass unless she ends up secluded in the mountains or something.
The maids live a life of service and are past the cake point so have no active suitors.

Chika gets married in the short epilogues in the first game.

Kokoro is a cunt, presumably she eventually gets an arranged marriage but nobody's going to actively want her.

Mayucchi can't even handle talking to people normally, never mind getting romantically involved.

The sisters are street thugs. Ami sorta has ongoing relationships anyways, but the other two aren't really going to attract attention, and Tatsuko seems pretty set on Yamato anyways.
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I'm honestly amazed this is just a prologue. Feels more a draft version of Miu's route instead.

The prologue basically is Miu's route.
>as long as nobody hits on her
how dya know shes not too autistic to notice they are hitting on her? how dya know the guy hitting on her wont be scared the fuck off by the fact she is literally talking to an imaginary friend? How dya know the guy hitting on her won't think she hates him cos she cant smile to strangers?

mayucchi living without a bf is true to her character.
Nah, A doesn't really have nukige routes. They don't share a route either.

Lee's route is basically about her past as an assassin and her transferring into the school as a guard or something. There's this whole thing about her training for a playing dead competition. The entire thing comes across as one big joke from Minatosoft at their own expense.

Stacy's route takes place after a three year timeskip and focuses on Yamato's career with the Kukis. There's this big promotion battle thing going on during it since Azumi is retiring from the normal servant rankings to focus on being Hideo's aide, so Mikado takes the opportunity to shuffle up the rankings.
No, Lee is explicitly very popular. Stacy also has admirers because she's American and all Americans are bombshells or drop them on you.
She knows when people are hitting on her. That one guy in the ten warriors tries to flirt with her indirectly and she's like 'Oh, yeah, you're trying to seduce me right? Sorry, no thank you.'
I've heard good things about Symphonic Rain but when I tried the rhythm game part in the menu I was absolute garbage at it.

Should I still bother?
Just like how Yamato ends up with her, any other guy could as well due to a myriad of reasons outside of her control. But I don't care enough to argue about it.
You can set it where it just auto plays for you.
There's an autoplay or skip function or something. I didn't even try.

That being said, I got sick of Symphonic Rain and dropped it after only completing two routes.
>yamato is the only person that can get mayu to break her shell

come on dude
Shame I couldn't just jump straight into it. All that build up became somewhat of a waste. Time to start with Makoto then.
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Here we fucking go, guys. All the meme postings have prepared me for this moment.
That's nice. Might as well try it out.
meh, i phrased it wrong at the end.
Just as i think mayucchi could get a bf, i also wouldnt be surprised if she didn't get a bf.
I'm trying to say her living alone is believable, at least to me, but i could see the opposite being true too.
Not like, say, chika who just wouldnt end up alone in any timeline.
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If you're going to do this shit, game, then please draw it in the CG. You fucking liars.
and stay here, you little shit
Mayucchi is basically a housewife in training though.
just because someones training for something doesn't mean will obtain that something.
see: wanko's route
pic related
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Oh god damn it. Why the fuck do they always do this. Pubes are hot dammit, draw them!
Should I use the jap local emulator even for installing VNs or is it just for when you run the exe to play?
Yeah but Mayucchi has talent. Even Gen isn't strong enough to defeat her in a housewife battle.
fuck off misora
ngl i just really wanted to jebpost, i agree shes a great housewife, just that she *could* concievably not be able to get a bf
Better than Steins;Gate? You'd best be having a giggle, chump
To be fair, almost everything that happens with Ruka and Faris is nothing more than filler.
how did she piss on her chest? wat?
Favorite games really go overboard with the juices, they always look retarded as fuck
cya in 3 days JOP
Why did you ask this question but then show an image of a child molester and his victim?

>only understood I/O on a surface level

I bet you don't even Babylonian mythos
He just dodges his bans each time
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It's syrup
Well no, I/O had some nice things going on, but the execution was really dicey sometimes and the ideas behind it couldn't really make up for that

I'm all for spending time thinking about things on my own as well, but I/O took it too far with the questions it didn't answer, especially in primes
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That's syrup, because lolis are also for licking.
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Well that was awkward as fuck to install. By some miracle I didn't fuck it up and it seems to be working, wish me luck lads.
The music is pretty fucking rad.
if this is your first time - do Ryou last worst route - don't be put off by quite HOW tsun 2 of the girls can be in the prologue/common route
Yeah this is my first time. I'm a massive tsunderefag too. Its the whole reason I'm jumping into IkiKoi now. Hopefully this can satisfy my itch.
Saying this as a big fan of tsunderes, they just come across as jerks.
dont get me wrong, i like tsunderes. But these girls cross several boundaries.
oh god she actually said douzo, lad for real

I thought that was just a meme.
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Hold the fucking phone. While I can understand the decision to exclude honorifics, what in the shit biscuits am I reading here then. Is it too much to ask for some form of consistency? Apparently, inserting honorifics are acceptable for an English foreigner whose speech mannerism reads like an outdated retard, but for actual Japanese people it's way over the fucking line.

>Ringo Farm
>Apple North-Forty
Jesus Christ, I'll have to read her route in bursts at this rate.
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Bring it on, I say.
They're just abusive cunts. Except Tane and Tsumugu.
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If this is the type of writing I can expect, then this should be a fun ride.
>Hopefully this can satisfy my itch.
if Eika doesn't no girl will
Ryou a shit.
Best girl.
Incest is wrong. Say no to imoutos!

Especially inbred ones.
Honestly the only one that's a irredeemable cunt is Ryou

Total bitch, that one
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O-Ohh okay. I guess there's still hope for us yet.
On the left shit tsundere on the right best.
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Reporter girls are always so cute.
>want to play muvluv
>first 33% is apparently fucking awful

How awful? first 9 days of heaven's feel level of filler/awfulness?

Extra is just a moege. Unlimited is basically the same thing, only with a slightly different setting. Alternative is the 'real deal' shit that everyone raves about. Extra isn't bad, it's just not what people want/expect from the series.
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I tried readying the wikia guides but holy shit they are huge.

Any quick tips for this game?
That pink girl looks cute
Quick tips? Read the wikia guides.
Here's a tip: get a job
If you haven't gone deadbeat, do it

No point not to
It's kind of like a parody of a super generic harem anime, but without the self awareness. You only need to read Meiya and Sumika's routes. The other ones just give you some continuity nods later when you're like 'Oh, it's that asshole from Ayamine's route.'
Early game all your characters suck apart from the three heroines. Suina and Aht are pretty terrible. Crayl too. Uya is good for exploration and mining. Shayl lacks the offenses to make much use of a solid skillset. Melodiana is powerful for awhile but then falls behind because she's slow and has low movement. Ditch them early. Your next tier of elemental characters are generally much better, though Gaptahl and Paraskevas have definite issues.

Make sure to follow a guide enough to hit all possible events by chapter or you can easily miss out on recruiting some of the better units.

An easy to make money is to set up some ivy plants in your yard and then just gather branches or wood to make either bows or barrels. Ignore +stock, +attract, all you want in your store is +prices. 66 tools in your workshop is the ideal number. You can go higher if you want but it doesn't really do anything important after that.

Never sell anything that you cannot make yourself. There are good odds that it'll be used in like forty hours to make the ultimate penis pump or something.

Apart from that, just figure it out as you go along.
Sharty, not Shayl. Who the fuck is Shayl? I'm going to bed.

Upgrade Emelita's armor, btw, or she won't have any good skills.
Go do Deadbeat Dungeon. You'll get a "Cheater" tag, but without it, the game is an incredible and frustrating slog.
Can we make apple north forty a meme or can someone tweet at the editor calling him a shit?
>Can we make apple north forty a meme
>or can someone tweet at the editor calling him a shit?
What's stopping you?
Don't fall for the 'Alternative is kamige' memes. It's absolutely not worth it to play through Extra and Unlimited just to get to Alternative. If you do want to go through the Muv-Luv series, make sure you have zero expectations so you don't get disappointed.
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Is it just me, or are this girls tits always bouncing around like she's in a jumping castle?
Big tatas
MLA is also 50% filler.

If you dont like the characters I say drop it, the story does not carry them.
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Fucking hell, these guys are great. Japanese delinquents are always great.
me on the left
It's an incredible and frustrating slog even with the deadbeat dungeon. Grindy shit like that is just a cheap way of lengthening a game by a hundred fricken hours or so
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Good lord Shinku is adorable.png
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Well, yeah, but relative to a playthrough without the dungeon, it's a walk in the park.
Thanks anon.

I guess I'll have to check the guides after all at least to find all the posible events.
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What is the ideal size for tits?
Anything more is just disgusting.
I think D's can look good if the female has the right height and bone structure, otherwise they just look horribly out of place.
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This is some of the dumbest, most retarded shit I've ever read. I fucking love it. The pics are hot as hell too.
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Thank you guyz. It's because of you that I still visit this thread.
It's ok, I guess. I rated KnS a 2, because it gave me cancer and I rate other things 7-9. Well that's because I only finish reading VNs that I like.
> I rated KnS a 2
It's because you are dumb
Innoshit grey drone, plz.
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>worst girl ruining best girl's route
Like clockwork.

Savescum level ups, it has an anti savescum mechanic but all you need to do is pass to the next turn.
ikr, fucking bitch, BASED!!!
Dead thread
which word makes you rock hard? for me its a flustered "Betsuni"
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Everybody's busy playing chrono clock
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PE is the comfiest VN i've played so far

i dont want it to end
Nah that's not true. I've already dropped Chono Clock and started playing IkiKoi instead. I regret nothing.
ikikoi is shit though. Go back to c.c

Nor should you. Ikikoi is kamige, Chrono Clock is just a memege.
not according ot vndb ratings of both games
>being a sheep
sasuga, fuwanovelkun
Well that's just your worthless opinion. I'm enjoying IkiKoi far more than I ever did with CC.

>Chrono Clock is just a memege
It sure is lad
i would rather trust an aggrevated opinion of a lot of people than a random shitter on /vn/, thanks
>not trusting YOUR OWN judgement
sasuga, fuwanovelchan, lad.
Fuck, forgot your (you)
of course i use my own judgement but how can i do that before even playing the game? Looking at ratings is a criterium i use to help me decide which game to start.
>almost on q2 2017
>still no sukisuki
>still no sakusaku
>still no wagamama
you'd better use tags and image previews to see if the art fancies you.
but that's just my own way of determining wether a vn is worth or not a read. relying on score alone gives a lot of "false-positives", especially considering the top-rated vns, along with some low rated vns that specifically cater to my fetishes.

tldr: ur gay
I look at tags before even looking at ratings. Fuck off already.
>>no if you love me then say so
NOT fucking DOUZO lad

new bread
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