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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 691
Thread images: 251

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Rumia is love rumia is life edition~

Old: >>169119383

>Very Useful Links


>7.3 Patch Notes


>7.4 PBE Update


>Champion and Skins Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

Come in and have some fun !
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I've played two /vg/ vs /vg/s before and I don't see the appeal. Every single person in those games is a complete and utter meme-spewing faggot for some reason. I mean these are the sorts of people straight from 9gag and reddit, if not worse. They are totally unfunny, and not even in the ironic sense either. And the cringe, holy shit. If you can imagine the cancerous comment section on a Filthy Frank video that's pretty much what the chat log looks like. I thought I was pretty young here at 20 years old, but I can't help but think that most people in this general must be 15 at most.

The Destroyer - power bottom
Trismegistis - enjoys monkey themed bedroom play
Gumi Cat - will moan Euler's name while you fuck him and completely ruin your mood
Angel Wiggums - the very archetype of a bratty sub, acts hostile and rude in an attempt to invite punishment and domination--unfortunately few people are capable of fulfilling his fantasies
Megu Wormie - shy but very receptive as long as you take the lead
Bukkage - 5 star difficulty rating to tame but once broken in will prove unmatched in quality as a cum slave
dawt - comes bundled with Bukkage
Meliorne - easily the most chatty of all the lolg sluts
Rumia - literally cannot stop thinking about sucking dicks for more than 3 seconds, very deep in the closet but wont fight you if you come on to him
Master Style - absolute slut, will sub or dom for anyone
Enough with this bullshit, dude. My god
Those EoN changes on PBE need to be hotfixed to live ASAP
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comfortable boyfriends~
Well that Destroyer dude is a literal highschooler
No doubt at least 3 people in any lobby are high schoolers, with the rest being reprobates themselves
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People make tier lists like this >>169149305 to make it seem like there's this awesome little subculture that maybe someday YOU could be cool enough to be a part of if you try, but it's just a bunch of faggots who don't know how to talk to people without adding 3 levels of irony and memespeak to any given sentance

The games aren't even fun, one side is usually stacked so you have no chance of winning from the get go and if you ever try to unwind with an off meta pick you get shitstomped by a tryhard who plays like it's ranked
reminder not to bully your support and help ward!

can i bully if they perform bad?
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like. what is this.
I thought the whole point of not having accounts and post id's is so that autistic shit like this couldnt happen.
When is gookmoot going to start making these kids reset their routers.
I wanna cuddle Jinx
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I haven't played in a long time (since last season) but whenever i played there was one faggot who ALWAYS tryharded as k6 and was an obnoxous fagzilla. Granted I pretty much 1-trick Mordekaiser anywhere or play a lot Shaco.
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can you please stop posting this shit
that was a man
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is jinx tummy ticklish? i want to feed her pancakes
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For the love of god take me off this list.
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i miss you rumia
oh so its never the support fault right? i smell hypocrisy here janna anon
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>Release a skin and a chroma at the same time

wew lad


>Zyra skin
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>Join the Discord
>Cuck Admin is "friends with" and rages when you mention ImThem, Boykisser and PonyPrancer and calls you a "toxic person"

Top fucking kek.
Cucks defending some of the most autistic and shitter players on the entire /v/g server.
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xth for breast metal waifu
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Yes and I bet she has a nice appetite. I'd bake her tons of food, whatever makes her happy.
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Why is this site full of newfags and even more flaming homos? /trash/ was a mistake

League of Legends
when will you people learn. the other people here are just as autistic as you.
n-no i never said that im saying bullying is bad and shouldn't be done regardless!

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What's this about bullying supports?
You can still ult flash you moron it is now just visually correct since sometimes it would look like she fired it backwards despite going forwards
no one should be bullying ;_;
careful or she might gain some pounds

i bet she eats all of those caitlyn trap cupcakes
Nice voice changer.
>aatrox support will be less of a meme now that he can just stack health
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anon what if i love being bullied?
>It now consistently fires in the direction Cassiopeia faced before Flashing.
This sounds like the ulti now matches the animation, not the animation now matches the ulti
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well carry on then uwu
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I'm sure there's a few souls out there that long for sweet suffering.
>free AD and att speed
>Q and W have ZERO cost
>W heals 5% missing Hp
>E has better slow and does physical dmg, Q has WAY better scaling so Q and E both can go full lethality meme

I see great potental here
Yeah, if you flashed short sometimes she would appear and turn around and the cone visually went 180 degrees from where the hitbox is, which is the initial direction you were facing
>item set creator will be returning in the updated client
thank fucking christ
>absolute slut
What is this horrible meme?
Will maokai still be good after the nerfs? Who's a good fallback champ?
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xth for yordle toes
Nautilus is the same type of cancer champ
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i was even considering adding that power list to the OP haha! its just a prank guys! no hurt feelings right? we are all just memeing here

i fucked up
The loss of damage on E sapling landing is pretty significant but the mana issues are gonna be solved by just going double dorans early game.

Definitely gonna be a lot weaker early on for sure.
Rumia I thought you quite League of Legends forever?
Im kayle mid vs a zed

loading in

what's the strats
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I want to bully the scuttle crab!

She's probably like me and has a fast metabolism. She probably has a sweet tooth too.
>Pinball Wizard

>Passive: End of Ball Bonus
Each time PW kills a minion, he gets 1 stack of Bonus Points (increased to 3 stacks against large monsters). When PW scores a takedown on a champion, he increases his Multiplier by 1. When PW dies or returns to base, he gains bonus gold equal to his stacks of Bonus Points multiplied by his Multiplier, consuming all stacks of Bonus Points and setting his Multiplier to one.

>Q: Combo
PW fires a ball of magic energy at the target enemy, dealing damage. The ball quickly bounces back to PW, and for a short duration he can recast it to send it back towards an enemy that hasn't been hit by Combo. This costs mana each time, but less than the initial cost. Each Combo bounce has greater range than the previous one, starting from a relatively low range. Combo prioritizes 1.Enemy champions marked with Hurry Up!, 2. Enemy Champions, 3. Low Health Minions, 4. Minions in general.

>W: Skill Shot
PW fires a ball of energy in a line, dealing damage to enemies hit. If the distance between PW and the cursor is less than half the maximum range of the skillshot, PW's shot will slow down and detonate somewhere before the maximum range of the skillshot, depending on how close the cursor is to PW. Enemies caught in the detonation take bonus damage and are momentarily stunned.

Naut will arguably have better waveclear

Mao will probably need a cataylst or extra dorans rings first now
And the change to his e really hurts his matchups against lane bullies

I think Zac top might be ready for the big leagues as an impossible-to-push-out-tank that can also kill you
>being this much of a projector over a CANON slut
>E: Hurry Up!
PW marks a random enemy within a certain range for 3 seconds. If PW hits an enemy with Combo, Skill Shot, or basic attacks, the mark detonates, dealing extra damage and granting extra stacks of Bonus Points. If there are other enemy champions in range when this occurs, the mark transfers to a random champion that has not been marked since the ability was last cast, also refreshing Combo's ability to hit them. Hurry Up!'s bonus damage and Bonus Points decay after 1 second, down to half at 3 seconds. Hurry Up!'s range is larger than Q's initial range, but within the range Q can travel after bouncing a few times. Hurry Up! should also have a high mana cost.

>R: Multiball
PW casts 2/3/4 Combo projectiles in succession at nearby targets (attempts to target different enemies), and bounces them each individually with Q or R. Each projectile can still only hit an enemy once, but separate balls track hit targets separately. All enemy champions in range are marked with Hurry Up!. Projectiles created by Multiball cost no mana to bounce. I'm not really happy with this ultimate, but I can't think of a better one right now.
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>tfw I threw the game with a retarded baron call
not him/her

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Lulu is my STAR!
>tfw no support slut

Why live
Is diana built for breeding?
>get matched with four man premade
>support got autofilled
>asks for top
>I say no
>they all start pestering me nonstop to give him top
>fuck this
Fuck premades
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Thoughts? Other than that it's super autistic? I wanted to try making a champ that'd feel kinda like playing pinball, and was at least SOMEWHAT distinct from other champs.
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Why do Draven players never just play chill? They always play aggro it's fucking aggravating as shit if you're supporting and don't want to play at that pace.
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another STELLAR /vg/ vs. /vg/, featuring the LEGENDARY AP SKARNER.
Because Draven's supposed to play aggro as fuck.
>Buukage troll builds.
>Blames team for losing
Like clockwork.
>tryhard making backhanded comments at memepickers

l a f f i n
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it happens anon sorry. i usually study league alot so i make sure when i make a call im >90% sure about it

ive actually won quite a few games by kinda shot calling from the support role if ur nice enough about it and don't have a team of complete chimps it makes things go really smooth

listening to the analysis desk and watching pro play helps some but you do have to adapt it to soloqueue since they're different beasts entirely
>kats rework still hasnt been reverted


Where is the full resolution
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I've been to a lot of generals in my life

but no general has been as fun as this one.

Usually some generals are just absolutely swamped by something like: waifuposting, circlejerking, redditors, tumblrettes mediocre artist worship, violent anons, hostile tripfags, furfags, pedophiles, normies, /soc/ whores, e-celeb drama, e-athlete drama, off-topic discussions, sissyposting of the highest caliber, thicc spam, greentext blogs. extreme elitism or just plain destructive autism.

This is the only thread that has all of that and more.
Made it to Bronze 2! I'm so hype that I'm two steps closer to Silver!
i'm not serious, his score was bad but at least his objective control was good
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assassins were a mistake and will always be unbalanced cancer but riot loves them for the epic big plays
>That hard carry by Jack
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>had fun but felt kind of shitty for feeding early
>check stats after game
>most damage on the team
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/VG/ VS /vg/ bets
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porn of skarner fucking scuttlecrab's mother WHERE
I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!
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Beheaded by Diana 2.png
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>those PBE changes
Welp, back to cait/ez adc meta.
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But Skarner doesn't love scuttle crab, just bullying him!

His heart is reserved for someone else!
I want to give Lulu a poisoned cupcake, watch her eat it, and laugh at her while she dies!
Is there a source for this?, google really dislikes crops.
why did you quote me with this. its still a man
it's something about the end of your words. i dont know what it is but i can tell
Good, was far less cancerous than Varus/Jhin poking me down from a screen away.
why is sion still able to proc frozen mallet while he's dead... what is this
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on a scale of 1 - 10 how autistic is buukage?
He raises his tone to emphazise, only men do that. Girls raise their pitch when they want to emphazise.

Still it's a nice voice changer.
sorry anon. I'm not a footfag, but sometimes the scene calls for it.
>implying a queen doesn't let someone else try their food for them first, to avoid poisonings
>implying i won't eat that cupcake and stomach it like a man
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>riot refusing to admit lethality was a mistake
>instead they nerf all of the damage masteries across the board

check out my 5
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>one of aatrox's biggest weaknesses was he killed himself to use his spells
>Riot actually removes these costs instead of leaving them there or making them worse
Actually surprised
is it the mole of being irrelevant until her rework

or is it the immobile turret puppy of being replaced by another soon to be made and confirmed by riot immobile turret
It's on hit and he's hitting you
Because he'd be even shittier if he wasn't able to proc on-hit effects during his passive.
hes fucking dead wtf i hate this game
she has to pass down the lunari culture to somebody before diana kicks the bucket

she better start making offsprings
that has been riot's way of handling things for the last 6 years or so

people who unironically still bother with this game have LITERALLY no life at all
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>Playing Wukong
>Game-deciding teamfight right outside our base
>MY TIME IS NOW, stealth in, prepare to E their backline into ult-
>Suddenly grey-screen
>Check death recap to see what the fuck happened
>A GP barrel nicked me for 1700 damage
I don't think cait/ez is a good meta. mostly because they're the fall back safe ADCs who get most played when all of the other ones are shit.
>faker is playing teemo better than TRM ever did
>Feast can stack infinitely against champions and epic monsters, and stacks no longer fall off on death.

uhh... lolbabs?
No, that's when Vayne is meta.
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Lulu is the smuggest!
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the no longer falls off on death i can understand, thats just a small annoyance. but fuck infinitely.
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Tips on getting out of Silver?

I main ADC, support,and jungler.
>% health costs
>flat heal amount

The real question is what the fuck was Riot thinking in the first place.
what position (top, jg, mid, adc) is the best to carry games out of silver?
Nah vayne's viability doesn't only depend on other adcs, but on the meta as a whole. when she was meta earlier this season it was also because everyone was a hell of a lot tankier and just as shitty

ez and cait are good when the rest of the ads suck cause they have all around kits and don't depend on solely one thing
why do i always auto cancel on jhin aaaaah i look like a retard
I want Reddit to leave.

>Cho'Gath isn't allowed to be good for once in his lifetime

fuck off
scrap the botlane roles because they're literally fucking useless
learn mid or jungle
or just play tryndamere top and learn to split
don't play adc
play jg mid then top
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So when's that new Pentakill album coming out
stop bullying my voice!!


i cant wait to see how hueg his model gets in game now it was always comical to see a max size Cho walk out of a tiny bush
The same time as Mordekaisers rework

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so hard.jpg
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It should not be this hard to get out of silver.
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*teleports behind you*
Play support go with zyra or sona - freelo until platinum on autopilot.
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Definitely a girl's voice (male).
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It's looking pretty easy to me!

This was a really bad game for me, though.
you're playing graves
if you've ever lost with graves you should be embarrassed
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not its not! ;~;
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Why did your voice made my lower back shiver?

there are no voice actors that browse /vg/.
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Sounds complicated
I only got this champion because a lot of people from here recommended him to me.

I can see why. His clears are really good.
It's alright, if you're a cute girl (male) that is.
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Yeah, he seems really good. It's a shame I can't play him, though, not used to playing carry junglers, especially squishy ones.
fucking retard
>short haired kaguya

i didnt knew how badly i wanted this
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Did Soraka look better before or after nuke?
You need to calm down anon.

He's pretty tanky so you can just initiate with him if you want. It's what I usually do.
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i hate you ;____;
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Old Soraka makes me scared

I want to wrap new Soraka's thighs around my head
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new soraka looks like she's a great hug giver desu
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There's literally nothing wrong with being a girl (male) anon.
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adcs should take exhaust and supports should take heal
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>enemy stomping hard early because that zac vgu is bs, jayce being jayce and duo mage botlane memes
>get cocky and throw
>all that flame in postgame lobby
best feel
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This is Lissandra, the ice witch
Say something nice about her!
>be against a full AD team
>our ekko buys abyssal
>"why did you buy abyssal over void"
>"do you not understand how % damage increase works?"


Even when they dont have tanks/anyone building mr void gives you more damage than abyssal

He got so anal about it saying I was a whiner just because I said it wasn't a good buy here
oh boy
Does Soraka wear panties
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Yeah, hugs with her thighs
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I'd rather hug her desu
>make adcs more dependent on their supports
Now you made bot lane even worse
As always, retarded. ADCs need to focus on surviving and supports on peeling. Generally as an ADC you have to worry about more than one damage source and there are quite a number that getting in range to exhaust is more dangerous than kiting back.
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I haven't played in a year

my favorite champions were Vladimir, Swain, Aatrox, J4, Malzahar, and Shen

Are any of them still good? I know Aatrox hasn't changed much if at all, and Vlad and Swain underwent huge changes.

Is Swain especially any better or worse? I noticed they made him better, but then I guess his ult was too strong and now the cooldown on it is 20 seconds
when will vi go back to not being banned every game?
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>he thought riot knew how to balance their game

They just end up nerfing everything until its garbage, they kneejerk buff things at random and end up breaking them again.
Only swain
>sad panda

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im not a girl (male) I'm a girl (female) you jerk!!

soraka isn't for lewd

same she looks so pleasing like a big sister or a mom
>only swain

malzahar is a CANCER support right now.
vlad became cancer for a while but riot shit on him.
swain is still good, still plays more or less the same
aatrox is shit but he's got a kit rework in the PBE
j4 is the same as he's always been, basically niche
malz is the premier support pick next to zyra
shen is occasionally seen, he's okay
>girl (female)

you can literally prove it by posting a timestamped picture but since you refuse to do that you're literally just baiting for replies with your girl(male) voice.
replace the ex with g.e-
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i want to look EXACTLY like who?__
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/vg/ vs. /vg/ results
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Is Soraka for cute(lewd)?
how far are you into your transition?

How did Riot shit on Vlad after the initial rework? Also, is he worse overall due to them taking WoTA out? From vids I watch he barely gets any health back unless he hits a shitload of people with his ult
why do you post images that make people sad
wait never mind they changed it, just replace ex with e-
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>baiting this hard for pics

i think not

no she's for protecting the adc and healing her team!

>girls browsing 4chan

color me surprised
>People still getting the sad panda in 2017
they removed spellvamp, along with other key items he built like visage and rylais.

he's not so much a sustain tanky mage like swain now as he is a crappy dps mage with minor self-healing as a personal gimmick.
>shitty anime poster with a voice changer keeps coming back for attention.

jesus christ
Which you can counter easily, probably is cancer only against noobs.
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Can you please go and stay go?
k tyvm miss/mister
t. sweaty fat male with skin problems and bad posture
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>I know Aatrox hasn't changed much if at all

m8 he has a mini rework that just went on the PBE today. check out surrenderat20.

Out of the meta and pretty weak. Pros abused him and he got nerfed to compensate.

Also out of the meta. Gets shit on by current meta picks. Lethality (nu-armor pen) is broken and everyone picks it. It's either fight fire with fire or lose right now. Yes, his ult cooldown was nerfed pretty bad.

Amazing pick right now. One of the abusers of Lethality. Play him while you can.

He's become a support champion now. The meta is so fucked that damage mages are the only viable "supports" and all the nerfs to his laning phase made mid lane unviable, thus now he's a damage support. He's pretty good actually. I think he's better as a supp (post rework, anyway). Try it out, see what you think.

Got nerfed b/c of pros (as usual), was left in the dumpster for months, then a few months ago he got minor base stat buffs. He's actually viable right now. Not overly strong, but still ok.
why do you work this hard for attention?

avatarfagging, a whole pile of posts replying to 10 people

don't you have a boyfriend? get attention from him
He doesn't get that massive, at 10 stacks he stops growing just from feast, 10 stack rank 3 cho is the same size as the Rift Herald. He can get bigger with Elixir+Lulu+Steraks, but it isn't as massive a difference.
He's still going to be a slow tank with massively telegraphed skills, and he has to last hit with ult to get the stacks. Just more hp isn't going to make him pick or ban, though it may help him not be unplayed garbage.
Gumi fast on the shit talk and lobby exit.
along with nerfing other key items*
seconded :)
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holy shit why does this fucking retarded ass champion do so much damage at level 2?
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maybe im thinking of his legendary skin because that one gets massive at least the size of dragon
isnt this officer Vi ?
why not?
Don't fight him with his W up which he literally HAS to use idiot.
>chatting it up with king gay

>not wanting to be a girl(male)
he's still broken with his spin and black cleaver stacking

very easy to snowball a game with by making the other top laner irrelevant by shitting on him so hard in lane, he's basically renekton back in the day
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you could post images that make people happy instead
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draven instensifies.png
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I didn't want to hear "kys" in 10 different ways from wiggums
its not fun for me either that you're pretending to be a girl, you need to post face pic or get >>>/out/
hes pretty mean
how was yesterday gumi?
Nobody makes me happy, why i should make others?
did they shrink his model some recently? i could have sworn he was bigger than that but im probably just remembeing it wrong
yeah wiggums was more pissy than usual that game
>implying i care about roleplayer trash

game was done, dont care about the shit you spout
Be the change you want to see in the world
Lead by example
(and maybe get some antidepressants, they actually help a lot)
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He's pretty strong in general.
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>tfw want to post face again to attention whore again
>skin burnt all over from laser appointment

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>Finally getting used to new Warwick

Is it just me or is he OP as fuck?
i dont like to depend on medicine or pills

definitely was.

They probably made they change as they added the diminishing returns/infinite stacking
I dunno why but when I make other people happy, it makes me happy
you should try it
tomorrow might make up for it though
Sorry famalam, unless you post that pizza lazer face its no dice then
so draven's feast or famine because his spinning axes mean he gets tons of AD scaling, but if he falls behind he's just damage?

he looks fun
>ADCs need to focus on being fucking useless and flaming their team*

doesnt even need to be a face picture,just the torso with a paper of the current time/date will suffice
well then try not to be a cunt

Antidepressants are literally just drugs, only that they have a proven track record of long term improvement.
You could descend into alcoholism instead and hate everyone, if you prefer that.
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Oh, I'm not the girl (male) with the voice changer, but I have a penis just like her.
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>ranked down while i'm in the middle of a winstreak
name one nice thing any adc has ever said to you in game
mystery solved, no pizza face required
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/vg/ vs. /vg/ LIVE
His early clear is pretty slow and he's definitely not something you wanna pick if your laners are weak. But he is very strong. As long as you ban graves you outduel even the most meta of junglers and until they start stacking Morellos/Exe you sustain like a monster.
i dont drink a drop of alcohol,either
he's pretty good, max cdr and titty hydra
fine since you do have a point ill take one in a few mins playing dark souls atm
They are okay i guess

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I'm pretty sure they did, I remember him bigger too. I went back in and made a better pick, this is him with 10 stacks, active steraks and active iron elixir. Couldn't do a Lulu ult unfortunately.
wtf is this supercomputer layout
you using vac technology? gonna get banned man...
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Besides why would a girl (female) need to go to the excurciating experience of lasering her face you dingus.
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>As long as you ban graves
There are people who don't?
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"morg ur a really good supp" - MF post game

You'd be surprised at how helpful some stimulants/antidepressants can be.

i mean the ones that keep you alert and focused and functional.
Many use coffee or energy drinks for that purpose, but there's better alternatives.
>only boys get acne

Then do some jumping jacks. Get those endorphin levels up a little bit.
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>4.6k hp just from stacks, levels and a gage.
i hope you dont get auto filled again
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all on Talon~
why the fuck is goth shantae a thing with enough images you can avatarfag it
Nigga, I can not tell you how many people would rather ban meme shit that they lost to the game prior like Shaco or Jarvan rather than the actually imbalanced cancer champions.
all on lulu and bard
first off i am not a cunt

second,i dont drink coffee,like ever

will try,thanks
>Duo Mid/Bot are using Marquis Vladimir and Soulstealer Vayne

Did I random encounter our resident Vayne/Vladfag and her bf?
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Guys I need your help, I trust your judgment as it helped me before.

I mained support this season, but it burned the shit out of me - made me sad and almost hating this game.

Ended up with mostly playing support mages.

Before that I was playing mid, I've started to play league at the end of season 6 and that was fun as hell for me.

I'm thinking about maining mid and support from now on and never looking back, here's a screenshot of the champions I own and since it's kinda a clean slate for me and I start anew I want to pick some champs to master in each lane that are in the meta right now and hopefully will stay viable few patches.
It's for hair removal, not for acne though.
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>Yi doesn't take smite
>level 6 fifteen minutes in
>ends game 2/17/6
>he and supp are premade and they both keep voting to not surrender

>will try,thanks

That's good. Do note that "five" is not an adequate number of jumping jacks. It's probably closer to twenty-five to get you going.
What server are you on?
yes I'm going to flame you if you're playing yi or graves or kha'zix or hecarim

no I won't stop
no I don't care if you're on my team
no you don't belong in this elo
you're shit
One where ranked is down for the patch.
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>you will never be this autistic about fictional characters

Thanks anon you really brightened up my day!!!
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Will I go 3-0 in my promos to gold?

Find out in the next episode of solo queue!
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>ryze has a below 50% winrate in nearly all regions and Elo

>say no more senpai say no more

fuck you. you think you're funny kid?
i don't give a rat's ass about what some silver shitter thinks.
>Nerf all damage across board
>nerf all lethality champions that only became cancer because of lethality
Next theyll nerf lethality and leave quinn and talon in a shit spot just like what they did with Sejuani after nerfing cinderhulk
He's just getting the Azir treatment

And rightfully so, fuck Ryze. They need to make his W have a travel time ffs.
>enemy picks autistic samurai man
>team feeds him like crazy
>impossible to win
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Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
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>friend has over 3k games on hecarim
>peaked at D2
>got bored of hecarim
>hardstuck in silver
I cannot comprehend.
And nothing of value would be lost.
>old hydra
>even pretending plat is good
>3K on hec

what, he is the player with the most mastery points on hec?
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
remove assassins
>pbe nerfs for varus jhin and mf
>none for draven
>getting to spend the night alone on a dark quiet night free from anyone and anythng
I envy you
league of legends
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>The reason he was never competitively viable was because his hilarious lack of mobility
>Riot buffs his damage

What the fuck
they didn't even buff his direct damage, just giving him percent pen that applied for his whole team

also the whole q max thing came around too and people are finally realizing that a low CD, slow cleansing AA reset with a 3.5 silence is better than a poorly rank scaling level based spin
>Nerfing a Balanced Champion

small buffs is what can push champions over the edge anon
>pantheon was considered pubstomping trash before the warrior enchant was introduced, then pantheon was starting to become pick/ban cancer before riot quickly nerfed him
Are there any good sites that do tier lists these days? I'm shit and play shit champions so want to learn good ones to solo queue climb
>old tactics
>even pretending diamond is good
don't listen to tier lists
after awhile once you grasp what makes a champion strong and see what pros play, you'll pretty much be able to figure out if a champion is good or not
it's also pretty subjective since a lot of champions are pretty close in strength notwithstanding s tiers and trash champions

you can also generalize champions as s tiers, a tiers, and trash
kill yourself
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* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
You don't need a tier list
>your pick from anything from bronze to challenger
>sort by win rate
>can even pick the time period
Better than any tier list other cucks could ever create
he sold his acc every season, but cumulatively probably
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good night anons
before you go, may I ask you a question, not including this one?
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another great /vg/ vs. /vg/
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>Illaoi was GP's first love

How do GPfags feel about him being BLACK'd?
>Implying Illaoit didn't get BLEACH'd
Same to you


You mean Illaoi got COLONIZED
>3/9 talon before the nerfs hit
>to gumi not even on kat

beyond a fucking joke
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>Renekton gets stomped by Jax



>talon whining about ahri
Garen's silence duration hasn't scaled for years now anon, its 1.5 at all ranks.
That's been a skill matchup ever since Renekton W gets blocked by Jax E. It's not that farfetched
>rene is a stupidly easy to read champion
>renes rage bar is half filled
>he e's in
>jax presses e
>rene w does no damage
>loses trade

woah dude so hard to get into the behind the scenes of that match up
>New double edged sword
>Vayne one trick
>Feel like ive lost a whole auto worth of damage of my average harass combo

am I hallucinating, the math works out to like 40 damage less off a wallpin faceroll but I feel much less impactful
oh whoops, i meant speed up*
Note to self: stop picking nocturne in vg's because that slut lulu is in literally every game.
dont want to win the game too fast you know? 40-50 minute games are so fun to be locked in
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>melee ad caster vs tanky melee ad carry
Wonder who is favored in this matchup.
Nigga I can max my E on Jax and rush Tabi and literally always win that matchup. It's not hard, most of Renekton's damage comes from fucking you over while you're stunned, but you can always dodge his stun and his Q damage is peanuts compared to empowered W and will just push the wave
>One For all not being mirror mode
>URF being all random
I think riot is trying to actively make me hate these gamemodes.
[Spoiler]And i think its working.[/spoiler]
Pick someone who Riot doesn't (or refuses too) nerf, is consistently god, and can solo carry.
Yasuo, LB, Zed, Graves are some examples, and OTP your way up to diamond. Try to avoid flavor of the month stuf (unless it is really really broken, like lethality talon or original CoC Poppy/Naut), cause they will always be nerfed somehow.
NOTHING I like more than every player reaching full build at 40 minutes and the game turning into a battle for vision lines while we tussle for baron
reminder to never play with wiggums
too much bitching
disgusting, what items are on cooldown?
Why do you play the spinning demacian man of justice?
nothing new
>calling out retards for being retards is bitching

ok dude, sorry i invaded the vg safespace.
>being a retard in a board designed for being retarded needs to be called out
Ghostblade and edge
Its youmouus and edge, look at the active effects [/spoiler]Newfriend
no one cares about your autism
you're annoying
>dont call us retards, were supposed to be retards

what the fuck kind of argument is this?
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Alright /lolg/.
Throw at me the best league-related insult you can think of.
use ctrl+s in th ereply box you dummies
example A: your post
loose cocksleeve support
Thankyou friend!
t. tryhard tris, tie the noose already
edgy and whiny as fuck. leave.
Don't you mean yare yare daze

because his new skin is killer
a little late bit did my tag image. . .

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Draw any champion in MS paint, GO
you're more retarded than wiggums
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i'm still pissed that its arurf 2 years in a row instead of regular urf
>find out about garens beyblade meme lst year in arurf
>cant wait to be able to actually pick him this year
>he gets the armor shred
>completely fucking erect.jpg
>its just arurf again
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Go and stay go.
i-is it still gay if he begged you for it?
>First time _____?
>[All]: Sorry about your (lane opponent)
>[All]: ?
you tryharder than tris and are really shitty at your one trick in ranked

Friendly advice.
what did he beg you to do?
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He... He captured... My favorite trick!
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You sound like ponyprancer.

>telling support mains to learn to play
Never going to happen.
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nailed it.jpg
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Stop, I've overdosed on enough JoJo today. I came to lolg the get a break pls
this was a long time ago
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>solo lanes
i play top mid and jimubgke just fine and can carry from either when im not supporting

usually i have total vision control of bot and sweep away all enemy ones

uhh i know how to play the game outside of support just fine friend. . .
You okay, buddy?
Having a stroke?
nah Pony sounds more manlier than that and doesn't have a gay lisp
sounds like Hmnid
>i play top mid and jimubgke just fine

Jannafriend are you having a stroke
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c-can you bully me next?
>support main

top meme im actually a top / jungle main

jungle* :c
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>check out Faker's stream
>mfw five minutes of watching
Jesus fuck his mouse sensitivity is high. How does he do everything do fast?
>Ping question mark ever time you die, especially if youre my ally.
I have no idea how he team fights so well. I can barely keep track of my mouse with a normal mouse speed.
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post first 3 rows
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>lethality is still good
>jhin is still fine building whatever he wants to
all is well and perfect in the world
fuck this gay meta
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Why do you autistically obsess over tris so much.
being jacked up on addy helps
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3-0 in my gold promos!
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May be theory crafting a bit but I honestly think with the 7.4 changes and the EoN hotfix they have planned it's going to tail off significantly. If not then then in 7.5 after the BotRK changes go live and early lifesteal becomes an option again.

Lethality memers are about to bitch a whole lot harder about tanks with what they did to gut the synergy between LW items and lethality.
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I only need to click once,fool.png
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This is one(1) line,minus the obvious paintbucketing
>3 to 4 lanes rushing lethality every single game

Fuck this game. This shit is so fucking dumb i'm losing brain cells just by having to deal with it.
>games were fun
>tris joins
>spams his retard monkey and tries as hard as possible
>games are no longer fun

the thinking emoji
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xth for Cute Vi

League of 1 Hour is Back Edition
I'm a stubborn man.
Saw your picture. I'm surprised you turned out to be a girl. I didn't think any posted here. Now fuck off, your kind isn't wanted here.
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hit me up with some of that adc bullying
i have a long night ahead of me and i don't have much to do
Would you look at all that Janna.
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580 armor.png
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>Lethality Gnar

This meme needs to stop.
is Azir in a good place
2 and a half hours until the madness stops for EU
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>It's not even lewd, it's just straight mean in an condescending way.

Jesus, you have a gift for this.
Whoever that is, I like his voice. Has a nice accent I can't quite put a finger on, and I didn't really notice the lisp.
no, he's still pretty upset about the whole xerath affair
how do i view these wtf
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you mean my match history? im t Ying to get her to rank 7
Yes,he's in Shurima
meant to link.
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What class would you remove from the game?
hard mode: no assassins
just press E lmao
welfare diamond

use this on anyone who is d5 or d4 with hundreds of ranked games and shit stats

just call plats plat trash and remind them they're low elo

goldilocks for gold shitters

silvers and bronzes arent humans so dont refer to them as such
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smut proof.png
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Who wants to write me "guro" smut??
Enchanter type Supports.

yes im trying to get her to rank 7
Talon, Graves, Naut or Hecarim?
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Post 'em.
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Good morning lolgen
Time for work, washing the car, doing some small shopping, catching up on some animu, playing vidya if i don't pass out, f-fuck you all:^)
thanks for giving me a list of who the degenerates are
>try to be empathetic
>try not to be a toxic fuck
>have one of those games where one asshole teammate goes out of their fucking way to piss you and rest of team

I caved in and was the most toxic fuck ive been in awhile to that guy. I felt bad afterwards because i try to imagine im playing with handicap people but its like come the fuck on there is 4 other people on the team why the fuck are you gonna be a bitch and fuck everyone over?

I mean go fucking play normals if you want to jackoff
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wtf for years i thought this was the face of some purple guy that was all lumpy from being beat up

Have a good day coffee bro
>watch fakers steam
>ivern sounds like an angry middle aged japanese man
>thanks for giving me a list of who the degenerates are
what are you going to do to them?
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>ranged champions who are walking into autoattack range now start their AA windup ~25 units out of range and do so while in motion
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I want to CREAMPIE the Lunari on her dangerous day!
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that's why i always ask for a support that builds relic not really
can't miss your cs if you have a slave to do it
Ghostcrawler please.
If Draven doesn't win lane, and win it handily he will taper on in the late game. Everyone has seen a video with a fed Draven and thinks his axes are god tier, until you actually play him late and literally everyone is cc'ing you, making it impossible to get a continuous chain of axes unless you're the one ahead.
He had it coming.
Learn to shoot a gun. It'll help your hand-eye coordination. He probably doesn't even look at where his mouse is pointed, he just tells it where to go with his eyes.
So, how much did you pay for that account?

people lose their fucking minds if I ever say this

mute the fucker IMMEDIATELY. Don't even bother ranting or whining in allchat.
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When's the vg vs vg 1 v 1 tournament
reminder to L E A R N I V E R N
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My team: Just play safe and I'll carry you
Their team: Outplayed
we're not organised enough to pull off something like that, so never
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Udyr Main.png
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WARNING: this spoilered image might be too shocking for the faint of heart.
>play Mundo
>win game
why don't people play him all the time? what should I have to worry about if I start spamming him?

Broken af
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>what should I have to worry about if I start spamming him?
The early game.
Do you have to always tell Daisy who to target in team fights?
That's probably the worst idea I've ever heard in my entire life

If people start going "1v1 ME BRO"
and then going

this general will become even worse than it already is
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Man I sure hope no one posts any weird smut of blood moon diana killing someone
but i can just stand under turret like an invalid while spamming cleaver on the minions
>friend tells me corki is gonna be trash mid lane because of the ult change
>tell him unless they change the CD it won't matter because of Tri force empowered autos
Why do people think Corki is gonna be trash mid now?
here ill upload it one more time but thats it
>run out of mana after two spells
>enemy adc takes out plants from afar

>enemy level 2 all-ins me
>die before I can click

t. sona main in season 5

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what does the note says, can't read shit
If enemies all-in u dmg reduction the adc and then e away works for me every game.

Zyra, you shouldn't spam q for dmg, poke with auto attacks use double plants when your Q hits adc.

Alternatively if u have lots of plants around always walk with q active see if u hit as many plants as possible when adc walks trugh its range.

idk man things you describe are basic things that can happen to any person new to a champion.
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His siege potential was hit pretty hard, though a big one should still hurt a squishy. His q needs to be changed completely imo, it's just boring.
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You know when we first played a game and you mentioned having a bf I legit thought you were a gay.

I'm surprised you're not a gay.
>why do people think a waveclear nerf will hurt Corki in Waveclear: The Lane?
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camera phones have crap quality :/ it says lolg 2/22/17

lol weren't we on discord though?
Why isn't Lucian played anymore? I thought with lethality he'd be strong again, I love to support Lucians chase of the damages.
do you not have a 4chan pass?
>Weren't we on discord

No. We just played a quick match and I didn't even add you on League.
just paste it all as one URL. . . .
Yeah I purchased a Gold Membership: Hiroyuki Edition™ a month ago.
Just did that, no use.
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3 decides
Ivern hes one of the best Support/Jungler in the game.
It's just her holding a blurry note
she's wearing a black sweater with mediocre cleavage
idr if leg was showing since the whole thing was unimpressive
the rope
Yeah but your team is basically playing a 4v5 for the first 20 minutes. Mundo autoloses to almost every conventional Top laner in the game right now.
Sign on right now
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>still building memethality

And then there were games where my dumbass top would feed and then mid would feel a tinge of pity.

>play sona support one game season 5
>Do okay bot, no pressure or ganks from either side
>top riven tilts and dies 5 times in a row in lane
>she goes mid and feeds the enemy syndra as well
>can't build damage because enemy team was either too tanky or would destroy me with one fucking spell
>Ashe starts flaming RIven along with my mid

There's no helping it
Don't make them as long, its easier to tell
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>Illaoi canon fucked GP
>Openly fantasizes about Braum

Is she white-only?
i am convinced lethality is a meme meant to keep shitters low elo, except for blade of balanced 10 second shields of course.
Can someone tell me Riot's reasoning for giving you a random ass name and making you pay to change it?
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tell what?
Explain, I've never heard of this before
I need to talk to you
The name you have when you play the game for the first time. Apparently I have to pay to change it to something not retarded?
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do i have you added in game? i can just use the in game chat
Still waiting for that 3
Yes you do
I'm pretty sure you get to pick your name, I haven't made a new account in a while though.
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Holy ded thred.
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I feel you guys will enjoy this
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we dead game now
>Playing since late season six regularly (3 hours a day usually)
>Hardstuck B2 as I want to actually play diverse roles as opposed to one tricking a single lane and like four champs

All my mates are mid Gold but only play one role, I play everything but the pay off is i'm still bronze trash, I refuse to just play one lane or a small champ pool though. Is anyone here Geld+ able to vouch for actually diversifying roles or is climbing in ranked just a spam fest of the same lane and whatever meta slave champs you feel like? I challenger players and streamers literally going the same lane every game and it makes me want to vomit.
>I refuse to just play one lane or a small champ pool though

LCS players entire champ "pool" is usually 2-3 champs.
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>First item LW
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NA is asleep
whatever subclass maokai is
i sure do love lanes where my opponent takes negative damage and deals % so i can never trade
whats that? he also has sustain and waveclear?
well pucker my fucking ass
That kind of makes their skill a lot less impressive.
>Rumia edition and not Rise of the Dragons edition
>I refuse to
Stay fucking bronze and shut up then you shitter.
I geniunely don't understand the hate for the assassin class. Because people get butthurt when they go after you because you're a high priority target??

Would y'all rather have this gay as fuck midlane meta where mages who can wipe entire teams off the face of the map are in every fucking game?
Makes sense laning against "im going to build armor: the champion"

Im more confused why he took tower damage AND put his ult on cooldown just to stop a teleport
Where are the cute supps ;)
I already posted that anon
see? >>169153371
Xin's passive already chops off a chunk of armor so LW is barely doing shit, he should've gone Triforce or bork first.

Also if he let him TP he probably could've gotten First Tower Blood.
t. silver
If I was to queue as Jungle/Support, what would hypothetically be the percentage of games I get as support?

I heard that even as Secondary, you still get queued up like 70% of the time as support.
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Can someone be my duo and teach me to support/adc?

As in, teach me one role, whichever one you want, and you play the other, we can duo to success!
This meta feels way too fucking snowbally.
Games last like 20 minutes almost every time.
It's not fun winning or losing those games.
It either feels like playing a bot game because you get so far ahead, or a waste of time because so many lanes get shit on to the point of you may as well open mid.
Is it just me getting unlucky games, or what?
:) ign or kik?
Because most of lolg is bronze to gold, which means they only know how to constantly initiate unwinnable fights. This leads to assassins in their shitter elo leaving early game with a 10 kill lead.
What rank are you? I'm pretty bored atm, and all my friends are offline and niggers to play with anyway.
I main ad, but ad's also make the best supports ;)
I'm silver 1, lost my promos to gold 5.

Was Plat 4 a year ago, but declined heavily after my pool was nerfed.

IGN: Ashara Dayne

It's the nature of the game, but even top tier teams outside LCK struggle with closing out games.
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>posting old hag posing as a 20 year old
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Which League girl would leglock the tightest?
>Was Plat 4 a year ago, but declined heavily after my pool was nerfed.
>S4: Gold 5
>S5: Gold 2
>S6: Gold 3

Toss up between Vayne and MF because they both do absurd cardio
You sound upset.
You used to be able to see it in the lolking ranked history or whatever, I think since it was so long ago it no longer does though.
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Games were not this crazy before lethality meta.
Lethality is fun when you are ahead, but this shit is getting out of control.
>shit elo
>everyone in game has double digit deaths
>game dragged on so far that the guy with 13 deaths got S rank

I dont know where my elo is on the periodic table
>install league every once in a while just to play Trynd
its a shame that Riot haven't released a manly man like him since launch
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Requesting one (1) quality fan art of the following characters:

pool party leona
lee sin
n u n u

something like pic related of quality

i've searched all over and i'm actually convinced no good art exists for these characters

ty in advance
I don't know why you're acting like lethality is suddenly this new crazy thing that snowballs games out of control. Armor pen was far more snowbally. Dragons giving team gold was far more snowbally. Lethality clearly needs some tweaking, but it hasn't caused the game to become snowbally to an unprecedented degree. If you're going to point fingers at one single thing, baron buff makes the game snowbally more than anything else in the game.
>tfw still not qt bf to romance queue with

feels bad man
I mean, obviously there are more factors to the snowball state of the game, it's just lethality is making ad champs blow everyone up instantly.
It's too good. Games were not this short and crazy during and right after preseason.
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>be jinx
>farm all game to carry
>5 items
>rengar just shit kicks me anyway
>start game 8/1 and end 10/5 with a loss
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sup guys
is nunu fun again yet
he's like the only reason I got into league
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
How do you join /vg/v/vg/ now without the chat room? I haven't played league in like a year.
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>tfw still no cool bf to fun queue with

feels SUPER bad man
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Here's a Leona.
what the fuck is this
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fixed eyes.png
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normals are boring tho :(
Jesus man dragon Zyra is 100% pure semen demon

Down to the fucking slut ponytail
why did bad dragon create a Warwick muzzle
what the fuck is up
You got your name flagged and switched to something random.
Try not having N1ggRRf4g as your summoner name next time

Death to the Black Rose. May all LeBlanc players suffer eternal hellfire

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das it mane
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I'm going to subjectively call this a quality fan art of MF
draven isnt real kiddo
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MF has tons of good art.
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Got a Yasuo to rage quit a moment ago. Glad Rumble feels fun again.
this is good
good too but not quite what i'm looking for
best mf skin tho
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>tfw a lot of lolg memers are game chumps fans
>tfw its a guilty pleasure of mine
nebby is an established meme u projecting mong

I bought Rumble after a while and it seems like I did better with him when I didn't actually watch the Heat bar.

I'm also getting ganked like there's no tomorrow so I either back and am down 30 farm at 15 or go 0/5 and surrender because everyone else fed. Is this normal?
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>never heard of it
>established meme
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I wish I was cute enough to get a thread made after me

Feels BAD dude
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My personal favorite.
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You're living your normal life, chilling in your house while having some drinks.
Your main calls you, "Yo, Anon! I'm in a bit of trouble here so i'm gonna have to stay at your house for a week." You, being the wonderful friends everybody wants, let your main stay at your home for 7 days.

How is the next week looking like to you?
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>those patch notes

Holy shit why does riot hate adcs? I don't even play the role but I feel bad for you guys
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>>>>>>>>>>Pokemon Sun and Moon memes are from Game Grumps
Holy shit please kill yourself no. Nebby memes have been around from the day the games dropped considering its literally half the goddamn story mode
I miss my GF. Why did she had to break up with me ;_;
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>Lulu feeds double digit deaths
>Informs us it's his bed time so he has to stop playing
>Starts spamming Surrender while begging us in chat to vote yes because his mom is yelling at him

Mother. Fucking. Lulu players.
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Leona purges anon 2.png
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>Requesting one (1) quality fan art of the following characters
How about I interest you in some "smut" instead?
well anon, why did she?
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I... I don't think my parents would be pleased keep posting these anon they are fun
>implying they ever made any after the blue edition
>implying there's more than 152 pokemon
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>me and TF chill for a while, he teaches me to swindle other fucks
>we plan out a sweet heist for the end of the week
>make a solid profit and learn some rad scoundrel tricks

sounds like a good time
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Race Queen Evelynn.jpg
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Perfect, no one will ever notice. Except my dick, which will be ravaged, bleeding, and scarred
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i would ask her to teach me french and we would go shopping and stuff c;
Well I'm gonna go with my current champ that I'm spamming but that would be very awkward and I'd find it very difficult to explain this random friend of mine to my roommates let alone why she has a huge cannon gun but luckily our couches are pretty comfy so ill just stay on the couches till she gets back on her feet but she better do dishes for surprising me with something like this
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vi is always with cait
>implying Fiora knows french

there is no france in runterra dumbass, shes just a bitch with some random accent
>random accent
cerebral palsy is the word you're looking for
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>ywn convert Vi to cock and transform her into a submissive housewife
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shuddap its my waifu fantasy not yours >:c
Getting constantly ganked on Rumble is unfortunate but pretty standard. I'd say watch how MaRin, who is constantly playing pushed up, or even Smeb play on Rumble. It'll help a lot. Some difficult matchups (both top-jungle) I like to start e and allow the enemy to push into me, and then pressure them when the jungler shows elsewhere. Game sense and wards will save your life.
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you giving me lip support slut?

Ill put that mouth to good use if you keep it up
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We had been dating for 8 years, I had money issues so I'm still finishing college, she did a year and a half ago and started working, she realized I was holding her back so she left me behind, saying we "need parters more suitable for our goals in life".
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Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her!
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tfw no plump Vi wife
>removing the only fun thing about vi
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fiora sees some beta anon and steps on his smol dick before killing him. the end

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Well, i only post these because i generally have nothing to do, so i think about daily scenarios that could fit with a champion in them. They also take my mind off my somewhat troubled life.

A bit of creativity goes a long way.
wait a second....
is it you?
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>He doesn't like turning arrogant, powerful women into weak obedient cumsluts
did you think she was the one?__________________________
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Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
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last time i checked i was still me unless something changed
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Yeah, I was thinking of taking the next step after getting my shit together (aka getting my degree and a job decent enough to pay the bills).
For someone who hasn't played LoL since Jinx's release what are the biggest changes that the game has seen?

Absolutely starved of something to play and I miss my husbando Morde.
>he doesn't want an arrogant, strong woman to convert HIM into a submissive human dildo for her pleasure
i mean, you?
>being a beta

lemee guess, you want a mommy gf too pussy?
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>Being a sub

Forgot how pathetic the average lolbab is. Dom 4 life.
Leave now and don't look back. You're not gonna like what you find
Stop being alone. There should be no way Rengar can get to you if you have 4 other people near you and at least one of them has an upgraded red trinket or control ward.
>he doesn't want a cute, well-mannered lady to build a healthy relationship with that goes both ways

pleb fetish/10
i dont get it
>he actually wants a female gf instead of a superior male gf

>he doesn't want a cute, well-mannered femboy to build a healthy relationship with that goes both ways

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>i had upgraded red
>still got through braum and lee sin
did she know that and still left you? :(
sounds like you deserve better anon. it'll take a lot of time to get over her but you'll love again. I heard alcohol and surrounding yourself with people you care about and care about you helps
_____________ is totally balanced and a fun champion to play against.
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>got through man of free damage reduction and stuns while you had a red and chompers
It might you who is the problem.
>he doesn't want a superior male gf to bully her by comparing your big manly dick to her feminine penis before breaking her so thoroughly her dick is unable to do anything but cum helplessly while her boypussy gets mercilessly pounded

You guys are fucking GAY
anon women aint shit. gf of 2 years left me recently and i went through relationship withdrawals just like you are, you will learn to be your own person again and how to enjoy life, and you're gonna find someone you love even more. the pain stops eventually and you'll find that you miss the relationship, not the person.
>see him coming
>throw chompers at feet
>shitkicks me
>braum q after im dead
It never even asked me to choose a name. I'm just FlamingRammus right from the get-go.
>he doesnt want to be brutally murdered by his qt league girl gf

S m h
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>Being a gay
Calling Mike "Deus Volt" Pence right now.
>posts a confirmed futa
>whines about gays
>got Aatrox from a random reroll like a month ago
>unironically like him and actually able to win consistently with him
>he is getting changed

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I dunno I'd rather creampie her 2bh, preferably while MATING PRESSing her.

Nah Vi is just a lesbo who needs to get converted.
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I just want a cute guy friend to play with who doesn't just want to date me or see me naked
>wew this is all I want as the man
He's pretty much getting better from the looks of it, though.
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Yeah, but she told me she couldn't wait any longer.

Thanks anon, I don't have many of those, since I kinda made my life spin around her, but I'm sticking to the few I have so I don't get the urge of kms.

That sounds exaclty like what I'm feeling, like, I see something cool, or cute, or awesome and i'm like,"shit, she's not here, who I'm supposed to share this with" and it fucking hurts.
i dont understand the hate desu he's really good in the jungle
obviously there are better picks, but hes really not bad
girls are awfully boring aside from those 2 things
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I usually put supp/bot when I pick
got adc
meh I'm going janna apc anyway, because name.
This shit happens
RIOT YOU OWE ME AN S+ for this shit.
>168 CS at 36 minutes
>Expects an S
yeah, that unique pain in your gut that you can't describe, i feel you. but i assure you, it does get better, i hated when people told me that. but i have to tell you so you know you wont always feel like this.
they're plenty like that in these threads you just have to filter out the gross rude ones

play a few games and if they get inappropriate block them and move on its how I found a nice group to play with
>-9 LP
>36 min game, 168 CS
>2 kills
>Silver ELO
I tied the garen ffs
>Implying rank matters
Literally just have more CS. Even in Silver having that little is atrocious.
I just want a cute moth champ to play that isn't just a skin or whimsical forest baloney
Let's be honest here girls are lousy friends
Everything a girl friend offers me I can do better and have more fun with male friends

The only difference is that I can't put my dick onto my male friends pussy so girls are still a necessity

Male female friendship doesn't exist
>-9 LP
Quit dodging so much you picky fuck
But riot bases what you get based off of cs,kills,deaths,assists and the role you played. I think I did pretty well for APC

>Quit dodging so much you picky fuck
I main supp so I dodge alot if I don't like the comp. I usually dodge about 3 times a day lol.
uhh yes they do idk what bizzaro world you come from but its a common thing thing on have friends of either gender
Buy a Banshee's veil earlier, then.
In the event of an all out war between champions and their factions, which of the league girls would be at most risk of being kidnapped by the enemy faction as a rape slave?
IHe's objectively going to be stronger, I dunno what there is to cry about
Objectively false anon
I like muh 55% attk speed tbqh.

Altough the 5% missing health heal sounds really good
are you really cute?
I just want to chat up with someone and not be constantly reminded that I am talking to a girl
I don't care about your vagina
I don't care about your tits
I care about playing video games and chatting it up with buddies
you're not my buddy if you try to do anything beyond that and ultimately create only resentment for yourself
now ward the fucking tribush holy shit I don't care about your boyfriend or your whore of a mother
Uhhh no, I'm often much more friendly with females. I can't open up to males like I can with guys. I'm much more genuine with females because I know they won't judge me like a male would.
This. There's literally no reason to have female "friends", unless you want to fuck them.
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Syndra would intentionally lose and let herself get captured.
You have male friends and female acquaintances

Don't try to pretend your relationship with the guys you know for your entire life is even similar to the ones you can have with girls
You did okay, I guess. You had fuck all for kills and CS, do you didn't deserve an S.
are you the gay friend?
>quit dodging when your options are 1. play with an autofill support that wants to troll making you lose 20 lp OR 2. lose 3 - 15 lp to skip that game

nah, I think MORE people should be dodging games, especially if you get autofilled yourself
>Talon nerfs
>on the passive of all things
But why
I mean I'm gay but i don't think that has anything to do with lol. I would be the same way even if I was straight.
For me it's literally the opposite, but we're talking about actual friends here, not just party buddies.
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>having a relationship in the first place

there is nothing a romantic partner can provide that a dog or cat can't

besides actual sex
>haha more fucking mage supports :)
>w-wait what do you mean it got nerfed ;-;
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>spent over 4K on riot points between two accounts both of which are permabanned
>Spent over $800 on duo queue boosting
>spent over 2k on buying new accounts


Wait no I don't becasue I have plenty of expendable income from not being in a crazy amount of debt, not having a fucking family and making over 60K a year
>Talon nerfs
>just after ever offensive mastery nerfs
>just after youmuus nerfs
>just after cleaver nerfs
>just after LDR nerfs
>during edge of night nerfs
>right before lethality gets nerfed alltogether
>not to mention the fact that theyre nerfing his Q, his passive, AND his W

gotta love riot
Yeah, it's a fucking void, but I guess it will pass with time, still. Thanks anon, I appreciate it.
I just cleaned my room like yesterday.
you'd be suprised
only a low elo would think this means talon wont still 1 shot people
sounds like you ate projecting alot anon girl and guy friends really friend in reallybf individual
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>lvling up NA account so i can play vg matches
>let's take a look at the ADCs to buy
>see ip costs
why is this allowed
are projecting alot girl and guy friends really depend on the individual *
you're still going to jail though souls
your type gets shiv'd too
So much is wrong why...just why!? You can buy a challenger account for like 400 dollars on playerauctions. If I had that kind of money I totally would.
Good riddance desu. Fuck assassin cancer
no he'll still be able to oneshot people after he gets all three of his lethality items

too bad he wont be able to lane in mid due to his W cooldown being so shit, and he wont be able to lane in top cause of these damage nerfs

might as well start learning to play Zed now
Eh, don't know, my father once told me guys and girls can't be friends, I tried to prove him wrong but so far life has proven him right. A deep caring frienship is usually hindered by sexual tension and interest.
bring the tank meta back :^)
it doesnt matter what role or champ i play iget blamed

>lol zilean why arent you double bombing?

im so fucking done with this shitty community
what? that makes no sense at all. i have guy and girl friends i care for deeply and would tell them about new key anything and i dont want to sleep with them and vice versa. not everyone is a thirsty horn dog. plus all of them have bf/gfs so idk what ur on about
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It's an addiction, my two main accounts got perma'd so I bought some smurfs but didn't like the masteries of the champs. The most recent I just bough has M7 on all my support champs so it was really hard to pass up, which i didn't. Also all the accounts I bough were around my elo (plat 5), why would I buy a Challenger account if I'm not that level?

guns are expensive, lad.
This ain't no poor chump role. You need gold if you wanna carry.
No, Syndra would tear their dicks off, make their heads explode and replace them with their dicks. Get your facts straight.
The same reason why you would duo que boost.
Isn't this you? Did you use to post on /g/ in desktop threads awhile ago?
you can't talk to an animal and have it respond in a meaningful way, dork. human interaction will save your life at some point.
Is what me? I use to go on desktop threads.
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>playing Ranked Flex alone because
>no draft normals

>Support sion
>doing okay
>team feeding
>fair enough, it's pretty much normals
>MF 0/3 on enemy team starts flaming me
>try to ignore
>be sarcastic
>avoid flaming back
>it just gets worse

>"Sion you're shit, only S5, wtf?"
>"I am the highest ranked person here"
>"I play solo, so I can tell you are boosted"

>endure this for the last 10-15 minutes of the game
>later check his op.gg
>Silver 4 0LP
>143 wins

>I have 6 wins

Literally how, how the fuck can you flame people after spending 200 games in fucking silver this season.
I mean, I am sorted into silver because new account, even though I did okayish in my placements against plats, but I still wouldn't fucking flame people over it out of the blue?
Please someone tell me he is rusing.
He has fucking 4 mastery 7 champs, a bunch of skins, over 200 games this season, and is unironically S4 flaming people in S5.

I didn't want this rage.
By his IGN he probably posts here too.
Well why aren't you?
i feel you my man, spent like 10 dollars a week on my first account over the course of 3 years and it got permabanned
If you really believe there's no sexual tension between them and you you're deluded, there is, it doesn't mean they'll act on it, or even mention it, but it's still there and it operates on an subconscious level.
why do people in silver get so triggered when i use ad runes on ap champions
im not grinding for runes when i dont even have the all the champions lol
Because tier 2 runes exist you mouthbreather.
Sorry forgot picture...This you?
Image limit reached feelsbaman.
people advise not to buy tier 1/tier 2 all the time i'd rather have +20 ad or whatever instead of +5 magic resistance not really much of a difference
Thank you anons.
Soon I can complete the fruit of my autism.
I have a chance to make it all better.
w-what the fuck is this
>new patch
>varus is once again untouched and lethality itself too except youmuu's
>warlords nerfed so varus is actually buffed since you cant outsustain his poke pre 1st back either
>more nerfs towards adc

looks like im playing nothing but aram for 2 weeks

why is the balance team so fucking slow?

Starting to think we really need a 3 month pre season, this 1 month preseason last year didnt achieve any greatness
lmao yeah, wish I took a picture with the wig.
People literally never advise that now, it costs 1 LP per rune for tier 2, there is no excuse not to run them.
>I would rather have AD than AP on an AP champ
When you said silver, did you mean NPC?
The W cd nerfs are unreasonable. If you're laning against sth with good waveclear it's already hard to hold the turret, and now you will be likely to lose a turret if you try to roam.
Why wasn't lethality nerfed? Is balance team sleeping?
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