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/elyg/ - Elysium general

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Thread replies: 742
Thread images: 124

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Really makes you think edition

>What is this?
This is the Elysium general. A private server for vanilla World of Warcraft.

Horde guild: <Salty Dogs>
Alliance guild: <Mandate of Heaven>

Alliance guild: <pupper pals>
Horde guild: None
/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

Alliance guild: <NOPE>
Horde guild: <Dreamstate>

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide (fixed link)

>WoD models + WoD tilesets for Vanilla

Old thread:
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Lets get this shit started off right

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>Horde has to make a raid for Shimmering Flats
>can't kill one druid
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pupper pals
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Please stop avatarfagging as me. Thank you.
>enemy warrior attacks
>healthbar barely moves and he's just shitting out damage all over my pathetic girl cock

>I play warrior
>miss every other swing and then instantly die
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The server is falling apart
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You'll meet the nicest people on Zeth'kur!
Go puppers!
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Can you stop?

Last stop lads.
>mfw le crippling depression is literally a meme
any alliance leveling guide for 20-30 i always run out of quests towards the late 20's
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>February 20th
>No AQ nor any updates

Hey, what gives?!

Funny how your blindness and suicidal depression can fix itself instantly like that.
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<Mandate of Heaven> will never raid!
remember when the floor above cthun dissapeared that one time in vanilla? they were trying to fix that and that patch came out two weeks ago
Dwarf or gnome if you want to be laughed at by everybody on either faction
Human if you want to be normal and boring
Nelf if you're a keyboard-turning anime

Male undead if you're a pvp edgelord, fem undead if you're a anime
Troll if you want to be best race
Orc if you want to be laughed at by everybody on either faction
>I got a prescription, and what I assumed was "Stress" was actually just crippling depression, but now it's gone!
Wait, is Suzerain us? Are we Suzerain? I don't know what is real and what isn't anymore.
only killed ironically desu senpai
>February 28th
Ayyo AQ is delayed till april because we need the crestfall team to script it for us.
He got a "prescription" from Shenna, right in the asshole.

I don't know what they have on him that they made him come back but it has to be something bad, since he said that it's impossible working with these people, and you can see he even claims to disagree with them in the new posts.
some of this game you have to grind it out
>call out corruption
>get your character banned

How do you get past the fact that this server is run by an emotional russian woman? Every server with a female at the helm descends into chaos.
buy a character
Alexensual I just can't fathom why you insist on being such a dickbag. Every private server I have ever played on has had staff members that do questionable shit. I would expect no corruption from people being paid to be here but this is a voluntary project with the goal of allowing you to play a game that is otherwise no longer available. Who cares who they have on the team as long as things are getting done? Quit being a fucking pussy and do what everyone else does, play the game.
the people that were going to level with me where did you go? lol
>Alex does his whole one video a day bullshit before Elysium starts up
>During the test/releases he is able to rake in money for donations
>After release he decides to go PvE on a Warrior -- makes a guild and tells everyone that's where he'll play
>He soon found out that playing as a Warrior required an IQ above 80 and the use of multiple keybinds! Wow!
>He abandons PvE, and all of his followers, to switch to his Warlock
>Only requires one binding to perform at a mediocre level
>All through this he realizes that vanilla wow is not fun like he remembered it as a "vanilla veteran"' -- or in reality that he isn't making any cash because his viewers dropped to the double digits
>He slowly stops to stream and play less and less
>His guild tries to provide constructive criticism but he spergs out and stops raiding
>Since he himself is 'done' with Elysium he does the one thing he always does: cause drama -- because if he isn't going to play there then no one else should either!
>He spams shitty 'evidence' and further ruins his reputation while losing subscribers on all of his social platforms.
>As this is all blowing over he'll come to realize there are no servers left that he hasn't shit on
>He'll go back to Legion and 'advocate' for official legacy realms
>We have now jumped back nearly half a year
>Blizzard decides to provide an update that they don't have an update
>SPERGOUT - starts to hype up [insert new project here]
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I want to ring the gong already!
Do you ever feel strange about the fact that all of your "friends" are online and that you have no interactions with anyone in the real world (at least that don't deliver)?
It reminds me of shut-ins in the 80s and 90s using chat lines where every friend they knew was a faceless voice on the telephone, meanwhile their family is embarrassed and worried about their relative spending every waking hour involved in elaborate fantasies and arguments on the telephone, only surfacing briefly to snag some cookies or wash their crunchy socks.
>Alex is leaving


are Alts allowed in MoH?
[–]Suzerain_Elysium [score hidden] an hour ago

So, I will try to give you some info on this but keep in mind I have a moral obligation to leave out some information regarding Nostalrius. Essentially, we knew about the request to remove all of our data ahead of time. We were all discussing it, potential ideas and how we would respond, etc. This was all going on in #core with Myself, Shenna, Mesh, Snow, Yaga, and Nano. The next day, Yaga invite myself, Nano, and several devs into a secret Discord. Yaga explained how Shenna was going to comply with Nostalrius and wipe everything, essentially killing the project. Dismayed, we came up with contingency plans to prevent that from happening.

Later, I spoke with Shenna, trying to convince her to see reason and change her plans... at which point I found out she had no intentions of doing what Yaga had said. It was all either fabricated, or he misunderstood. Either way, when I exposed the chat, Shenna was furious. Yaga was removed from core and had a lot of access revoked. In the end, it was really just a communication issue that was followed up by poor choices.
MoH is a shit clique guild. Next week theyll show their true face with a nihilium loot council
....damn man
Tranny alts are.
Alex did nothing wrong, you poorfags just love to suck russian dicks

I'm going back to retail.

Sup Alex
Jesus Christ, these are the people that were supposed to continue the Nost legacy. Holy fucking shit.
yeah if you're going to play the char you can join sure, when we have to make room for active chars we kick people who haven't logged in for a few weeks.

whisper me ingame for invite manlett
Never trust a Slav.
why did they ban alex?
can you invite Guilarlin, i'm not high enough to whisper yet
he was too woke
But I am a Slav. It's Russians that seem to have this uniquely scummy quality about them.

Seriously, this looks really fucking bad, they have 10 people fighting over each decision like highschool kids. No matter who wins it looks fucking terrible.
>disabled guild tags to hide the fact half of those people are pugs
The alliance core will not be stupid enough to go alliance for a 9th time on Crestfall, right?

I mean the server will go to TBC and alliance sucks in TBC.
Because he refunded a $1000 payment which fucked with the way they were doing the server costings
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A watchful protector...
>talking about something that will not happen for at least three years
I just checked realmplayers, their Rag kill isn't on there. What happened?
he's just an attention starved nigger
He exposed the russians cooperating with the chinks to sell gold. /vg/ actually thinks this is okay so whatever...
*blank posts*
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i got some bad news for you kid
He posted a bunch of screenshots that showed pretty much everyone in Crestfall and Elysium to be botters, gold sellers, RMT/account sellers, hackers, and so on. Then he posted a bunch of screenshots supplied by an insider that showed that Crestfall (Whitekidney/Asura) was in charge of the project and they booted the Elysium devs. Then he posted a bunch of screenshots supplied by an insider that showed them discussing why and how they'll ban him for exposing this. Then they banned him.

No, they specifically banned him for "spreading fake info".
>alchemy 300
>Only get a few gold per day with transmute

Meh... Is there any other good selling item for alchemists to sell?
>He proudly posts boasting about a guild running easy 10+ year old content on a slant eye cartoon sharing site
Buddy, you need someone to talk to? I'm here.
Yea, it is kind of suprising to see elyg completely disregards what is going on with the higher ups and their blatant corruption. Seems all they need is a server with a pop and theyll nourish it with their retarded attention. Sheep really is the most accurate term
Why are people doing 10 man LBRS?
>No, they specifically banned him for "spreading fake info".

[citation needed]
>mfw the MoH Ragnaros kill is missing from Realmplayers

Yep, they pugged so much Realmplayers now thinks it's a pug. Sad!
>info I don't like is fake
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He has zero hard evidence. He took pictures of discussions and twisted them into his own context.

The reality is, he sucks at this game and got bored with it. He's basically blackballed from all other large servers and the only way he continue to generate ad views is through creating drama. He has no options left. If he goes back to Legion his following will plummet, like it did last time. The only private servers that he can play on now are sub-100 pop shitholes.

Alex is now just harming the legacy cause by trying to splinter everyone for his profit. If we actually come together and prove it's a viable option for Blizzard to provide them, then it's more likely it happens.

We are finally free of him.
I got 2 60s with hundreds of hours. I wish i could sell them for 100$ or so. but it is not allowed. Why does it have to be banned. why do you hate capitalism.
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Have you guys even watched Alex's videos? It's all 15+ minutes of fucking nothing. Stop defending this autist. It's good for the community that he got banned. I for one like seeing an administration exercising their power like this.
>Alex is now just harming the legacy cause by trying to splinter everyone for his profit. If we actually come together and prove it's a viable option for Blizzard to provide them, then it's more likely it happens.

You are so fucking stupid dude.
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>harming the legacy cause
>legacy cause
Hey Salty Dog.
>The reality is, he sucks at this game and got bored with it. He's basically blackballed from all other large servers and the only way he continue to generate ad views is through creating drama. He has no options left. If he goes back to Legion his following will plummet, like it did last time. The only private servers that he can play on now are sub-100 pop shitholes.


Alex fucking sucks. He does NOTHING of worth, he adds NOTHING to the community at all

Any info videos he makes are usually just copying what other people said, and outright wrong. Any other videos he says are trying to stir up drama for attention/views

He's managed to piss off pretty much every private server and their communities, he fucking sucks at the game, and he never contributes anything worth a damn.

He's full of shit, and he constantly flip flops his opinions.

As somebody pointed out above, he'll start campaigning for blizzard legacy servers now, and play legion, until he sees a new private server launching and the cycle begins again
>muh community
>muh cause

You guys really are sheeps. The funniest thing is that most of you never played neither retail vanilla nor original Nost.
>He has zero hard evidence. He took pictures of discussions and twisted them into his own context.

Please feel free to provide a "better" context for any of the screenshots.
>generalizing this hard
don't be dumb.
Belfs invalidate the entire big reason they always go alliance. They will go horde 100%.
Most of the server will as well, the pvp balance will be terrible.
how do i avatarfag without revealing my avatar?
Counted 28.
Thanks for proving my point.
I mean that's the normal thought process and the reason why every TBC server is shit.

However, there will not be any transfers to TBC, the only way you get there is by playing through vanilla first (or reroll at tbc launch and being behind 60 levels).

So the question is, will the allliance core go horde for the Vanilla portion or reroll at TBC, both are bad options.

I think this may be the first server with a non-fucked alliance:horde ratio going into TBC

I'm pretty hype for it because of this.
I suck so hard as hunter at bgs. Too many targets and my gear is shit,
>Thinking you have some sort of superiority because you played on Nost
Wow you sure are special.
Please provide solid evidence instead of conjecture.

You're trying to ruin the only server we have. Where do we go if Elysium falls apart? Kronos? That's the only real option and we all know how you feel about that.

The reality is Elysium is what we have. Private servers in general will NEVER be 100% pure bastions of light. Nostalrius was close but even then they were blind and weak. They thought if they shut it down that Blizzard would do something. Then they brought it up and caved to the pressure again.

Elysium is providing us with what we want. If it goes away then we all splinter into smaller servers and then the push for legacy steps back YEARS. If we all congregate on one server and make it so big that they can't ignore it, without it shutting down of course, then they can build a business case for official legacy and get it pushed through.

But no, you only care about keeping that ad money coming in so you can continue to live in your moms basement and play video games all day.
I finally finished "in dreams" after like 12 shitshow attempts, not even sure how it finally got completed. There were chinks camping hearthglen and uthers tomb for like 7 hours yesterday.
Anyhow, i ran to tyrion along the river in eastern plaguelands and he doesn't have an option to complete the quest. Do I have to wait at the tower until someone else gets him to spawn there to finish it? The quest is so broken, i don't think i have another 12 hours in me to sit and wait for the event to work.
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>being a lock in 39level bgs with half the horde being hunter
>playing Warlock as Alliance
Having fun with all those undeads?
So you have no better context then?

tl;dr please don't kill my cash cow

Same logic as Suzerain here:

>It's one thing to, say, expose that some people working on LC were on the PlayTBC staff. But where does the 'exposing' end? Ok, so they were on PlayTBC as moderators or GMs. They are not to blame for PlayTBC's failure, the admins were. So why attack them? Why try to force them off the team? They have done nothing but try to be part of a good team and make a TBC server that people enjoy. That is what I mean by doing harm to the community. Mounting a personal attack based on limited information that may not even be true is what I warn against.

In other words "sure, speak the truth until it becomes inconvenient for us".
I agree and it sounds great, however there will be buttloads of belf rerolls. Paladins wanting to live the ret dream, for example, may just make a new belf instead of sticking with their human.
I imagine a good chunk of the core would go alliance for vanilla, say they aren't going to reroll for tbc, then actually reroll. It's not so bad minus the time investment as by then they'd definitely have the gold to bankroll a newer belf character to twink it up to make leveling a breeze.

Either way, what they say they will do and what they will actually do are probably different. And like someone else said, it probably doesn't matter as most of us will be dead IRL before the PTE server launches.
They don't bother me. Honestly orc rogues are generally scarier since they aren't played by retards.
Alex has always done shit to get views. His views have been retardedly low compared to the lead up hype for nost-elysium relaunch.
Remember when he bailed for Legion? He swore up and down to his Legion guild on tich that he wasn't going to just up and re-bail - and he did, not because of a "legacy cause" but because he got no views doing legion shit. (big fish in small pond becomes small fish in big pond, etc).

it's all a shitshow because even if devs are shady (pretty likely) no one is every going to take Alex seriously. He literally hurts anything he's behind, whether it's a private server or exposing corruption, making his dad not hate himself, etc.
every encounter ever with other warriors

t. warrior
Hi /elysg/ I like u all :)
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>Tfw botting in remote location
>Been running almost 24 hours straight
>Log shows noone has bee near me or said anything to me in chat
Easy game easy life
>...all over my pathetic girl cock

I'll teach you how to play cutie.
What you're saying is anyone who had any involvement with PlayTBC should be black listed from future servers? Even as game masters? You know there's quite a limited pool of people out there who will donate their time for free.

If you're going down that road then I would tell you to avoid Gummys project -- he's shut down his own fair share of servers in the past and definitely does not have the pristine reputation you're looking for.
t. suzerain
How are you this bad at counting?
what stats should I look into while leveling as druid ? i'm also interested in casual world pvp
when are you killing ony
>Elwynn Forest on Zeth'kur
We wanted to yesterday but Bart wiped us so we postponed it to later this week.
Why are you constantly talking about a retarded streamer? I'm talking about the screenshots.

Have you honestly never seen them before he started talking about them?
Why was Kimhungcoon banned/deleted?
>Anywhere on Zeth'kur
Do I look like a GM of Elysium?
If the screenshots were actually a big deal, don't you think more people would be making an issue of them? They don't prove anything. Is there a possibility -- sure -- but without actual proof no one gives a fuck.

Alex and his followers have been spamming them all over and 99% of the community could care less because it's all blown out of proportion.

He's being a child trying to make everyone else stop playing the game he got bored with.
>>If the screenshots were actually a big deal, don't you think more people would be making an issue of them? They don't prove anything.

What don't they prove?
>be only mage in RFD group
>mage wand drops
>priest needs it and wins

Please show me hard evidence that doesn't require a three paragraph footnote to try and explain it.
Who /LF1MTank/ here?
>trying to ninja a wand from a priest

lol go back to spamming frostbolt loser
The only people on board with his conspiracy theories are his die hard followers and other private server shills jumping on the hate train.
Wow, what a fucking cuck. Literal shit eater. This is why Blizzard doesn't take your shitty community seriously.
warlock or priest for my second 60
BiS at level 60 you cunt
is nope actually a /vg/ guild?

They recruiting still? i hit 60 on anathema.
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The reason Blizzard doesn't take it seriously is because it's constantly fractured due to infighting by people trying to profit in one way or the other. If Alex believes that Elysium is just trying to make money then how can he look in the mirror when it's the same thing he's trying to do? He says he's trying to advocate for legacy servers but all he does all day now is shit on them. If the servers continue to shut down, by Blizzard or not, there won't be a legacy community.

depends what you're running it for. some are doing it just to get the greater fire prot recipe for their guild alchemist super fast. or to farm for a key for their guild. you dont see pugs running it 10man
Hard evidence for what exactly? Every single thing in the screenshots can be verified with a google search, can you tell me what specifically do you have proof against?
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Can we have a playdate on anathema?

it was 100% guild tho
If there was solid proof then we wouldn't be discussing this. There would be a mass exodus going on.
>If there was solid proof
Of what exactly?
Alex astroturfing acount #1


more to come
post pictures of shenna
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If you say so.
Make an application
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Stop supporting Elysium.
>kill stair event in zf 3 times
>only drops loot 1 time
nice fucking game i didnt want that helm anyways
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Play retail.



healing focus a S H I T

What's even happening here? He's literally claiming that Whitekidney's Nost posts were "7 or 10 years ago"...?!
Would still get healing focus. It's just 2 points. Good PvP build otherwise.
Has (((Alex))) ever had an original thought ever? Or is he just a mouth piece for reddit?
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>7 and 10 years ago
Even if they weren't if the guy has the technical skills to help the project, while not having access to any database etc, what's the problem? There aren't people lining up to work for free. It's not like they can pick and choose from top notch developers when all they can offer them is no money and the opportunity to work on a pirate server.
lmfao how can you retards still play on this corrupt piece of shit server?
Isn't he blind? That would explain everything.
>mass exodus
To where?
There arent any servers out there comparable to Elysium in pop size or script quality.
>the technical skills to help the project, while not having access to any database
Did you even see the chat logs? Whitekidney is the guy who's controlling everything now.
Anywhere. If I can't play there then no one should.

t. alex
can someone post a quick tier list of classes
I'm not going anywhere since this is where my Nost character is, unless they ban me of course, in which case I'll just stop playing vanilla altogether.

There's absolutely nothing on the scene, or on the horizon, except Kronos which is a goddamn cash shop server. Who wants to play on a cash shop server? If I wanted that BS, I'd just play a regular cash shop MMO.
>post a quick tier list of classes
for what
lain is a cute girl
he's managing the web server. how is he going to exploit anything when he has zero access? do you think the admins will just give him free reign with his past?
new alex video!!! Woohoo
It's hilarious how everyone complains about who is involved with these servers while offering no assistance of their own.
Which admins? The gold seller Asura, the Valkyrie staff that used to sell characters and gear, Crogge who used to run a cash shop server? Who's the admin here?
>there's more leaks coming, i can't say anything about them yet, but you'll just have to take my word on it.
>one of the people at elysium threatened me. i dont have any proof, you'll just have to take my word for it.
It's like an episode of Dragonball Z. Nothing happens and he tells you to wait for the next video. Where nothing will happen. Can we not let him just fade into obscurity?
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stop shitposting D:
Hi Shenna!
If you think everyone involved in private (pirate) servers are going to have an immaculate past you're retarded.
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>WTS [Edgemaster's Handguards] 900g
Some dude in my guild bought them for 800g and sold them for 1700.
Then there are retards in these threads thinking they are geniuses for buying 2x stack of silk cloth for 70s and selling the bandages for 80s to vendors.
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>people selling edgemasters for less than 1500g
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sometimes you just get lucky
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>just more baseless claims
How much are these supposed to cost?
They're BiS for fury till like fucking TBC
1200-1500g, the prices fluctuate.
You didn't answer though. Which one of these people do you think will restrict his access and why, since they all have the same past and don't give a shit about it?
>DPS warrior
Nice meme.
Not on the fresh realms. There isn't enough gold generated yet for anyone to spend that much on them there. Maybe 600-800g.
>Not on the fresh realms
Who gives a fuck about Daedlysium and Zeth'empty dude..
Beyond MC warriors tend to top meters, only really challenged by rogues.
But I wouldn't expect freshfags to know raiding beyond MC.
Is alex officially /our guy/?
one of the devs here, believe me or don't, i don't really care. i'm just here to let at least some people know that there is still very shady shit happening within the team. don't expect the drama to be over anytime soon.
When is someone gonna dox this faggot and expose him hard?
>not swoll
alex is no longer /ourguy/
he already got doxxed

he lives with his parents

if you weren't so fucking new, you'd know about it
Fire lock would like a word with you emaciated betas
how good is that +7 wep skill really? genuine question I have no idea what kind of stats 60 wars would normally have on their gloves
Hi Crogge. Trying to pin your doxxing on 4chan?
>solid proof

You have screenshots of chatlogs which the Elysium staff has admitted are real. What more do you fucking want before you will accept it as "proof"? Do you expect us to hack into their bank accounts and release their entire billing history before you will so much as consider the possibility that something fishy may be going on?
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Anon you do know how Thaddius mechanics work right?
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it was worth a try
>if you weren't so fucking new, you'd know about it
It's literally all Elysium staff shitposters, they finally discovered /vg/ it seems. You can see they don't know shit about anything from their posts.
did he really refund the 1k donation? what a scumbag thing to do
weapon skill is the best stat in the game as long as glancing blows happen (so like until 315 iirc).
Yes, and no word with regards to what he did with the refunded money.

Safe to assume that he pocketed it all
Zeth'kur is COMFY!
>server is so dead that only thing keeping it alive is drama

top kek .. meanwhile on retail they have a brand new raid and a new patch coming out soon

eternally kek'd by blizzard
Yet they somehow still have the exact same amount of money... I wonder where it came from :)
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Maybe we can work something out...
I heard Shenna is really cute ... can anyone confirm?
Nice shill attempt, sheep. He said anyone who donated can contact him for a refund. He is going to donate the rest to charity.
Typical relatively skinny late 20s/early 30s Russian, kind of ugly nose.
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every time i try to level my mage i fall asleep
Oh my bad. I just don't have time to sift through all the drama just to find a little nugget of info. I did say in my post that it was an assumption.

Having too much fun playing and not being swayed by his fervent diatribes.

Also for whom exactly am I shilling for?
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Umm..I play on zeth usually but..
Just about done dwarf starting zone anyone want to join and we can level together?


Oh look Asura is on the mod team now, wonder why. :)
>meanwhile at Elysium headquarters:

[–]Suzerain_Elysium 44 minutes ago

Ah, sorry, I only saw this bit https://gyazo.com/f69988cd50ed073c4c809ed407f37808

I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.

>44 minutes ago

RIP Suzerain
that's what i did
gtfo alexensual discord faggot
Wow, Moggraa and Bancoot (the two people who hacked the gold selling sites) are on the Elysium team, I guess that finally explains why they didn't hack any sites selling to the Chinese.
Will Alex go back to retail now that his private server career is over?
Whats the name of the addon that estimates your new rank?:
Is the an addon that allows me to search for specific recipes in my professions windows?
MorunoRankEnhanced or RankScore
>offset plate drops for my pally
>warriors dont need it
>rogue rolls for it and beats me

One bad thing about big servers is people just roll need on everything and it doesnt matter cause theres always more people they can group with. Very lame
>Tfw they have no idea its me
pupper pals are cute! c u t e !
Fuck off India you dumb nigger
>tfw they fell for my trap
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The subhuman chinks will never figure that my account password is my wife.
I know it's you anon
me too
Yeah no way anyone has that shitty taste.
Lol yeah BC the top guild on horde Elysium pvp is just planning to leave for no reason after spending countless hours rushing to the top.

Celebrity knows everything. Even your cms on discord can't handle the truth that they blow up yeah I'm talking about you jakira, which btw when I came to them with a concern tried to do everything to deny what I'm saying about a potential character sale with the player involved in the pictures markymark posted where the gm is saying the bre that will drop should go to their new warrior mass who had just joined the guild.

The guild didn't want to give it to mass BC there were other warriors who put more time in the guild that deserved it. Mass rages aka the gm in the conversation and force drops mageblade BC mass wanted to be horde first bre and prob sell his account for even more money than he's asking now. Guild argues with mass and he's removed, mass hasn't been seen online all of yesterday for a good portion of the day.

I was waiting for him to log in since he's actively ranking but nope never came on for some strange reason.

I will expose you Elysium if you don't come forward and flat out say you have corrupt people on the team who made bad decisions.

Yes mass ur gm who was willing to manipulate the loot tables for the future of Celebrity if he just got priority on what he wanted that night. Sadly the gms didn't realize the good integrity of Celebrity prior to asking them this and it is blowing up in their faces.

a rogue rolled on plate, what?
>donate $25 during alexensuals elysium donation stream
>see that he took it back and said that you can request a refund
>message him on discord about a refund
>no response, just banned
what did he mean by this?
what the fuck are you on about
this reads like it was written by a schizophrenic
>>>168927643 (You)
>>>168926983 (You)
>me too

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Can you repeat that in a comprehensible format?
what are u implying pal
He didn't expect his sheep audience to actually ask for it back.
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I wonder
i was never a fan but it was an easy way to donate to elysium. can i go through paypal to request a chargeback?
I would submit a cut from the stream where he says its going to be donated along with his statement that he was taking it back. That should be enough. Perhaps they'll investigate it further and give it back to Elysium.
What would be the best engineering spec for PvP as a paladin, goblin or gnome?
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It's a dude from the Markymark's guild that the GM/fake GM/whoever spawned loot for. They're apparently planning on quitting the server because of the bullshit.


This is the guild, Mass is the guy who was caught selling his character on Ownedcore a day after the incident.

Note that I have no idea who Markymark (the guild master) is, apparently it's some Youtube dude.

It's related to this pic, apparently the whole guild is angry about it.
So why was Alexensual banned and everyone hates him now exactly?

I've been following the controversy every day, and so far it doesn't look like anything he has claimed has been disproven yet.

Unless I missed something?

Goblin just gives you more bombs when the basic bombs are more than enough.
Why would they involve players in these schemes? Why not just create a new toon and give it full T2 etc like what happened in January?
He was banned because Whitekidney and Asura have taken over Elysium with the blessing of Shenna, so now they an ban everyone who speaks against them.

As for the hate, I recommend reading Jacques Elul, Gustave Le Bon and Wilhelm Reich.
>nothing he has claimed has been proved yet
yeah it doesnt make sense.
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magic wow
He was banned because he made no effort to provide constructive input. He just immediately went off the deep end with accusations based on screenshots that don't prove anything but did allow for conjecture.

The staff warned him and yet he continued to post malicious accusations. Honestly, I hope he is blacklisted from all future servers. He has a cycle of hyping, playing, quitting and then attacking servers. He is nothing but bad publicity at this point.
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>Anon brings up valid concern toward leaks leaks
>Elysium Internet defense force arrives on scene
>Does not attempt to deny or discredit leaks
>Just attack alexensual even if anon made no mention of him
>Anon is accused of being Alex samefagging
>even if anon used grammar beyond that of a third grader (something Alex is incapable of)
Every time
How much evidence do you need exactly for it to be considered proof?

There have been chat logs, forum posts, reddit account posts, accounts on gold seller sites, in-game screenshots, etc.

All documented.
Ask them. The facts are that the (I personally think it's a fake GM selling "GM services" by hacking, not an actual GM, who the fuck knows how many people from Valkyrie still have admin access for example? No one.) "GM" conversation happened, and the item magically dropped. Then the guy sold his character.

According to the official Tyche post, everything that happened and you can see it happen on realmplayers is impossible. So yeah. But if you look closely, that's just a word game, he's ignoring the realmplayers data, the chat screenshots, the ownedcore sale post, he's just saying "official GM accounts don't have access to this"... which doesn't say anything about someone with higher access levels, about someone who hacked into the system, and other possibilities.
>t. Finaflash
Mage is the most braindead easy class in the game.
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>yfw Nostalrius was right about Elysium all along

please forgive me, nost. I did not understand.
Put mage up with lock and you're spot on.
>on screenshots that don't prove anything
Hi again. What specifically don't they prove, and can you disprove anything on them?
Please link the evidence that Elysiums current admins are currently profiteering off the server.

All I have seen are old posts about certain game masters or web admins selling things in the past.
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>Their favorite time period is vanilla
Generally a good player, although may show signs of autism. They're always reminiscing about the past and old friends who have moved on to other things. They see everything in vanilla through rose-tinted goggles. They appreciate the atmosphere and community of the game more than everyone else.

>Their favorite time period is Burning Crusade
A high-level player. Understands the game inside and out. Can come off as an asshole or an elitist, but is usually a very kind person when you get to know them. Highest IQ on average and loves a challenge. They either love arenas or raiding with a passion.

>Their favorite time period is Wrath of the Lich King
Usually a decent person, even if they're not the best player. They don't really understand all the game mechanics, as they've spend much of their time playing when it was streamlined. They probably know the WoW lore inside and out. Least likely person to have mental illnesses.

>Their favorite time period is Cataclysm
Doesn't exist.

>Their favorite time period is Mists of Pandaria
Usually a furry or low-functioning autistic. Probably has no real skills in real life. They care deeply about their meaningless collection of achievements.

>Their favorite expansion is Warlords of Draenor
Doesn't exist.
>Please link the evidence that Elysiums current admins are currently profiteering off the server.
Where is this claimed in any of the screenshot compilations?

Can you tell us who the "Elysium's current admins" are btw?
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>ab weekend

does anyone actually like this shitty BG?

>takes 30 min
>retarded merry-go-round
>half the team is usually afk because the bg is fucking aids
Good post, but what about people that name Legion as their favorite time in WoW?
You mean to tell me these 'leaks' are just someone googling certain team members names and finding out they sold retail/private server gold in the past?

Who gives a fuck?

I hate it too.

I miss Isle of Conquest, I played that shit so much when it got released sometime in wotlk.

Was kind of like AV but a lot more comfy.
Holy shit really? I just had these drop in Searing Gorge
how do I just stop making characters I need to stick to one of can't why?
>doesn't listen Anathema
Anathema literally has no gold sellers, how do oldbulls keep winning?
They are what they are, Whitekidney. And so are you.
You're telling me that there's a black market for WoW characters and currency?

I am done with this game.
AB is the best battleground when the players on both sides aren't retarded.

The expansion hasn't finished yet, so people can't reasonably say whether it's their favorite. I haven't encountered enough of these people either.
>all these (You)'s

Getting replies here is too easy
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Doing my charity work for the week.
The only ones that keep going on about these 'leaks' are:

His most loyal followers
Other private server shills
orc or tauren for enh shaman pvp?
Always orc friendo
Alex got bored of elysium so he wanted to break it. He will do the same with gummys. He does this every time he plays a new server he hypes it up then months later says its shit
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>all this drama occuring
>us /automated/ bros are chilling with their 10+ clients earning mad dosh not giving a shit

playcucks btfo'd once again! when will they learn?
Play what you want to look cool as.
wanna level together?
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Is pupper pals mainly EU or US?

I can't be bothered with americans and their constant need for drama to be honest.
is lain the cutest girl ? ? or perhaps tribbing!
Mostly EU
Everyone that can use wands needs that shit for viscidus
One of them isn't a girl
Here's a hint: the non girl is an autistic gnome player
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Alex wasnt even the one breaking these stories, though. He's just making videos on it. All this drama started from other people discovering the admins' gold selling connections and tinkering with in-game loot, and posting about it on reddit.
Lain is a fake tranny, even worse than people who pretend to be female desu

Tribbing is probably a fake too, Mandate has all the actual tranny sluts
>still hasn't posted a screenshot
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you can start your shaman and I will start something
>Everyone that can use wands needs that shit for viscidus

Fuck are you smoking?
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My AB is bugged and I cant revive, but im contributing just as much as this guy.
It's the other (for profit) private server shills trying to dig up dirt.

Alex got bored with WoW and decided to jump on the hate train to get views. He doesn't give a shit about legacy or his fans, he just wants that ad money.
lain, hug, diaper, tribbing
if you consider one a girl, then all of them are girls by the same logic, sorry. feel like i'm forgetting someone though!
this retard is so delusional and self unaware
/ourguy/ builds a wall to keep the gold sellers out
He didn't mean this? He said BiS at lvl 60 which it isn't but whatever
>It's the other (for profit) private server shills trying to dig up dirt.

even if that is the case, what does it matter? Does that make these things okay somehow?

You sound like fucking donald trump, making that argument.
Anything I should know doing a DM north tribute run as a hunter?
the difference is only one of them gets mad when you call them "he" and constantly talks about being a tranny
the same retard who left the guild because he wasn't getting enough attention and he's a worthless social who will never get to 60 because he's too busy in world chat pretending he has friends

Fuck off idiot, your nigger lost the election.
They're digging up posts about people selling retail gold from their personal accounts years ago and saying 'HEY LOOK YOU CAN'T TRUST THESE GUYS!' while selling gear, characters and currency through cash shops.
>He said BiS at lvl 60
No he didnt.
But it doesnt matter.
lain btfo holy shit
The lot of them are human refuse, anyways. That's why they're on a containment server.
>This many he's
Lain literally on school shooter watch
>he just wants that ad money.

>his videos about this aren't even monetized

Seriously, are you literally Whitekidney, or are you just spoofing the retardeddit posts on the issue for fun?

Why would anyone trust people like that? If Alex ran a WoW server I wouldn't trust him either.
oh yeah, all those ownedcore forum posts titled "selling Nost/Elysium level 60" are really just retail gold selling posts from years ago.


it's like you haven't even looked at anything. why even bother talking about something you don't know anything about?
hey if anyone wants to level a character just respond I don't care whether horde or alliance

Not even Samfu or Puddi give a fuck if you call them "he"
Why is Lain so self centered?
>BiS at level 60 you cunt
>Shilling for stream faggots isn't a bannable offense.
Yay lets just derail the entire thread because some loser needs his jewtube bucks and can't be arsed to get a fucking job.
>>it's like you haven't even looked at anything.
They pretend not to have seen it, and latch onto the least damaging stuff and downplay even that. See this: https://www.reddit.com/r/wowservers/comments/5v5l9t/last_stop_on_the_drama_train_joining_the_legacy/ddzpjc2/?context=10000

>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>2 hours ago
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Puddi is just the cutest gf I've ever had
every one of them is a beautiful soul and cute girl as well!
How come salty dogs haven't disbanded yet?
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girl (male)

fuck I love Elysium <3
>be only mage in RFD group
>mage wand drops
>priest needs it and wins


Where does it state he said it was BiS at 60 or anything even remotely close?

hey i talk to that guy often, always thought he was kind of a spastic with the way he acted. What's with all the drama though
>Elysium realms are now paid to:
>Anathema — May’17
>Darrowshire — October ‘17
>Elysium — August ‘17
>Zeth’Kur — May’17

Darrowshire master race
HOWEVER, as the original poster whos wand was needed by a priest, I didn't actually post that reply. I think someone was trying to be funny because neither Mage wand from RFD is 60 BiS
He replied to someone
You want full background checks on anyone with any level of involvement on borderline illegal pirate servers?
>blonde hair
wasnt even funny the first time
Why be upset that the priest needed that shitty wand though? He needs it way more. How often do you use a wand to damage when leveling as a mage lol
>playing on a p2w server

retail 1

private cucks 0
>the good integrity of Celebrity
Markymark seemed totally down to go along with the shady GMs, though. Even in his "exposure" post he said the only reason they didn't agree to give it to Mass was because they couldn't explain it to the rest of the guild.
shut the fuck up lain
hug and tribbing don't even do this shit and you try to lump them in with your autistic fantasy for whatever reason idk i guess you want them to look as bad as you do
and at least diaper isn't nearly as annoying as you funny enough he's only annoying when you're egging him on
He can't use it....... . . . . .
>people are only just now beginning to understand why there's literally zero people from the 30+ person nostalrius team working with elysium now

god damn, it took you people long enough. If you didn't realize that there was shady shit going on behind the scenes, then I'm inclined to believe that this is your first ever private server. It happens every time. Nostalrius was the only one that actually seemed to be run by decent people and didn't fuck everything up.
Would you have used it? It's vendor trash desu
Sometimes I pull 3 mobs and by the end of the third one Im out of mana and wand so yes I needed it more than he needed to vendor it. Plus I'm still using Firebelcher from WC and Im level 42 so that's pretty lame desu.
the turbocuck Pottu is still around
couldn't give up the only power he ever had in life i guess
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why aren't you playing on Zeth!
I think you messed up while compiling this!!
wtf lol
because it has players that dont know how to make webms
I have no idea who these people are, is this another "lol they're shady too so whatever happened doesn't matter" thing?
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Is he /ourguy/
gee i wonder
>viper sting
fucking triggered
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>tfw im a real girl but every one thinks im a guy and i don't bother to correct them because id invite this sort of shit head drama.
girls dont anime avatarfag
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shit, well here's something else.
I don't care and it's funny having people take things completely out of the logical realm just to try to justify their own hatred.

What upset me wasn't the objective terms of what had been happening but the motives by which they were being delivered. You don't ostracize one person (and in some cases two) and then go out of your way to fluff your special shit clique in the next sentence.

If anyone trusts Hug, Trib, or Indi then you're just asking to be shit on.

Hug is abusive and crazy and has a pity job where they recreate cooking with dog videos that they got after being kicked out of their GF's house he trashed because they cucked him.

Indi disbanded an old VG guild after master looting his T2 but nobody actually sane is still around from then which is why you only have retarded faggots like this around.

Trib thinks hes a comedic genius and enjoys leaving the guild when they don't get their way and has made it obvious they're a retard with out much they sperged out in the last threads.

btw none of those people you were replying to were me and it's hilarious watching you think I actually give a fuck and think my motives lie anywhere as retarded as yours do.

>F-Fuck they're so a-a-annoying and b-bad! I-I'm t-totally mentally stable that's why I can't let something the other party doesn't even give a shit about go! H-HEH Lain is such a dumb losers! *posts chat logs* *reponds to falseflags* HEH m-my actions are totally justified and I'm super cool!

Remember when hug was samefagging 50 times about themselves in the thread every day because they thought people actually thought they were as cool as the protagonist they have themselves in their head as?


>Look at me I'm rude to everyone and I'm too scared to say anything out of fear of losing the innate "respect" I think I have from my bubble of reality other people are forced in to because pupper pals is the only Alliance guild on Zeth!
That looks fun! Should I make a shaman?
What addon lets you zoom out like that?
I can see you don't know alot about girls
can't help you there
holy autism lmao

do you really get this upset when people call you a he?
just join a normie guild or something


I repeat


misses you or wants you in a /vg/ guild
vanilla field of view fix
>thinks I care


The funniest thing about this is is that both of you will reply every single time without fail.
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we don't?... oh...
>spergs out on 4chan
>expects people not to give you a (you)
/vg/ - My Blog
too late? I would like to lvl priest horde on elysium
Keep replying please
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Fuck fucking StrangleNIGGER Vale. Worst quests, worst grinding, worst player density and no fucking ore anywhere.
nope not late at all!
lain what guild can i join if both mandate and pupper pals are corrupt?
Yeah sorry dude... that ship has sailed.
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What race do you want to be?
pupper pals and MoH are fine, don't listen to the assblasted tranny blogposting because people wouldn't call him a her

Goblin so I can afk in Ironforge doing the Beyonce dance.
i do what you want to level?
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I hope they merge Anathema with Zeth so you can be my next valentine.
Ok, name is Yawgmok
>can't read

nice dude

I said that the ends are meaningless and I don't give a fuck and what bothered me and diaper were the motives behind it.

If you don't want people to treat you like a cretin then stop acting like one.
Are you the guy that wanted to level a horde priest or someone else?
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Do you think they'd post like this if they got affection in real life?
no one cares about you lain, stop blogposting
someone else.
undead or tauren. You pick
Tauren sounds awesome!
I'm going to level a tauren with >>168936889
guy you can join!
Ill play a healer. Pick w/e u want and ill make it a class near you. I want to do horde this playthrough though.
>h-heh if I act like a retarded child IRONICALLY it doesn't count

Now if only you could shit out an actual argument to justify your low functioning autism maybe you could redeem your retardation Hug
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>vanilla private servers
you're the one sperging out on 4chan and making up lies for no particular reason other than you're upset about people in pupper pals not caring about you
Okay so lets all make taurens
You know when you ask a question but you already know the answer?
>kidding yourself
WoW is normie central.
name is Dac
On zeth btw
>Lain has been blogposting for two days straight because people wouldn't call him a her

this is some serious autism

Come ally! I need a level buddy. I'm still only level 15.
I think he needs psychological evaluation. I mean he's obviously already mentally ill just from the whole tranny thing, but this could be worse than I thought.
NO i'm trying to level with people
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>tfw everyone crying about Elysium corruption but there's still no drama in <Pupper Pals>
*wags tail*
>making up lies
If you just ignored it then people would have no reason to believe me but it's obvious you're upset kek

>pupper pals not caring
But I play Horde with diaper now? I literally don't give a shit.
yes unless you guys want to go on a different one
i'm here, tauren shaman in starting zone obv
you're the one coming in the thread blogposting about how assblasted you are they wont call you a her
if you truly didnt care you wouldn't be here crying about it for two days straight
on elysium
Any nice guilds out there I don't want to be yelled at I'm a big pussy who wants to be loved only. On elysium alliance.
>damage control

are you on zeth or elys?
i don't really care what server we pick
are you retarded? read the thread
zeth! i'm the only one here...
one assblasted tranny isn't drama, that is the norm in these threads

The 2000 long reply was the first time I've posted at all about this drama I don't care about.

If I cared about puppers (or you, Hug) why did I throw you all out like garbage just for a kek? You're delusional if you think everyone actually gives that much of a shit about you.

>b-but I knew it was falseflagging all along I was just doing it for the lulz

No, I've talked to you, you're actually retarded.

>b-but you didn't rush through every zone to 60 and spammed world chat


That's your argument.

Kill yourself like I said.
>tfw sociopathic losers pretend to want to lvl with you but are just playing hide and seek
>i dont care
>writes 2000 word replies

lol, stop blogposting no one gives a shit lain
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Should I make a fem orc shaman or will I regret not having war stomp?

spoiler alert i fucking hate taurens but i want to pvp
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*covers ears*

(No bullying the pupper pals allowed!!)
taurens on zeth if you want to level
dont do it. zeth is dead
still here waiting someone send invites
stun resist is better in pvp
Orc is obviously the best pvp shaman, 25% stun resist is incredible. Male troll is the most aesthetically appealing though.
oh no! how will he make videos without his #1 source of reliable information!
Warstomp is godtier if you want to play ele or resto shaman. Gives you pretty much a free cast.
No memeing, zeth is dead don't play there just go Anathema desu
Just roll ally and join the other levelers on puppers, we'll give you bags and stuff to help you get started :)
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>Questie keeps fucking up and erroring non-stop in instances
>Download the latest version
>Tracker has stopped automatically adding quests
thats what i was thinking
i want to go resto for pve so i can leech gear and fuck peoples faces as ele
It's literally only dead because of people like you telling everyone not to go there.
lvl 3 tauren on elysium FULL STEAM AHEAD with or without u cucks.
Yeah but I want to level from 1 not do at 10 feels lonely man
>too retarded to write his 200 word essay

If you can't easily spit out 2000 characters (characters, not words like you said) on a subject with more than enough information you're either being manipulative or you're retarded.

You're both.
I can come boost you if you want, that or convince the other couple dudes to join you
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No it's dead because it was always just a short term excess server to deal with the initial launch.

Even on launch day of the server it was nowhere near capacity and Elysium still had queues.

It was for casuals who didn't realise Elysium was where all the serious players would stay, and those who already reached a level past 5. And the easy server for people who only wanted a quick nostalgia hit before quitting.

I literally tried to warn people in this thread, and so did others
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Which cutie is this?!?
Oh wow anon, you're so smart for pointing out the thing about characters, even putting it in parenthesis.
If only everyone were at your level intellectually we'd be living on Mars already.
>more blogposting

no one gives a shit tranny lol
can't stomp while stunned :^)
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>be me
>42 hunter
>see 60 paladin
>pretend to be his friend
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.

>3 hours ago
Resisting a kidney shot is even better. Eats their combo points and their energy. If you think otherwise you clearly haven't played this game enough to have a valid opinion about anything.
I levelled without a guide or tracker in 2007, I couldn't give a fuck if you think you're "hardcore" for not using one, it's convenient.
The game has a quest tracker built in though?
How likely would it be to get banned for goldselling/buying from trading lots of gold and items between your accounts?

I'm not about to put it past these retards to ban two accounts that very obviously aren't botted that have only ever logged in from the same IP.
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>kill him 1v1 within 20 sec
Alliance suck at pvp

> implying he wasn't afk bot fishing like the rest of us
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Just a faker shitposting as a pupper pal qq

and I've got school tomorrow so goodnight.
>being this upset


Not surprising with how much time and how seriously you take a 17 year old game
3 of us on zeth
wtf i'm rolling hunter now
You have trinket for stuns.

Both racials are solid, however 5% more hp and warstomp is more reliable than rng stun resist.
gonna make a nelf rogue and you can't FUCKING stop me
I don't think I am who you think I am. Maybe you should stop rubbing your ego by arguing with strangers online since you do seem pretty misguided when it comes to priorities.
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Sleep tight fake pupper. Just join up? We need priests and animeposters.
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Why does Sylaria hate me? What did I ever do to deserve this treatment?
too comfy with raiding on elysium I'm afraid, but I appreciate the offer. zzz.

Maybe when I get bored ok?
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<pupper pals> needs healers, rogues, and more boys, we have too many girls!

fine invite yawgmuk
Mandate premade getting stomped by us (pug horde) in AB

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I have it on good authority that isn't true.
There was like maybe 3 pvpers max in Nihilum on Kronos so its not surprising MoH is shit as well
>raiding on Elysium
Uhm... you only have 1 raid dumbo!
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>another day of losing briarwood 5 times
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s-server first /vg/ raid! and Onyxia soon. Don't underestimate us ok!
once them thar casters get that thar reed they dont need ubrs as much so you get to play with new casters that will each roll on it ery time u go!
Make the group and reserve it then.
Didn't think you had it in you. Grats.
>corpse is not anywhere near the water
"h-he was j-just a bot...f-for the king!.."
what classes does MoH need?
Or just invite only physical dps. Not like it's hard to get dps.
None really, maybe locks or dwarf priests.

I heard <BYO> needs a new raid leader :3c
kys ur not funny
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>My BiS +shadow dmg wand finally drops from a rare spawn in Strat
>Holy Priest needs it for his offspec and wins
Go whatever because we're already benching people for having too much.
will I get benched if I'm a trannylock who camsluts for the guild?
tfw full bis
This game is fucking aids.
Can you imagine that some fools play this for years?
Who here literally got every bis item in their first 1-2 runs of each instance?
yea, no memespecs.
>implying only one or two people from the guild you chimped out on would make fun of you
dude literally everyone hates you all you do is sit online for 10 hours a day half afk in the same lvl 40 zone for the past month spamming ouo faces and talking about how you shit your pants
you are useless in every sense of the word
Lain the Tranny on suicide watch wew
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>walking along in dustwallow marsh, minding my own business
>suddenly attacked by some disgusting undead mage
>she kills me as I'm gangraped by wildlife trying to flee
>spend the next half hour killing her and camping her body as punishment when she's unaware trying to farm mobs
really? "invited" was the best joke i had in my entire joke library! if only fellow anonymous poster did not give it a 0/5 rating!! ;_;
servers are dying guys, where should we migrate
please stop turning him on.

Hopefully that attention whore will kill himself soon, we can only hope though.
Make an ally on Zeth and I'll give you bags/boost you :)

Fuck Sylaria
retail, until our one and only savior Nostralius makes blizzard create legacy servers.
Stop shitposting about literal nobodies Indi. You have a guild to lead.

<BYO> is such fucking trash lmfao
i think that is sylaria samefagging
>close to 11k online yesterday
nah, I'm good
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don't use the newest version. try 3.3
also, it might be fucking up because of some other addons you have.
for enhance maybe, but for resto and ele? tauren becomes a viable choice then
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daily reminder that the botcucks are just personal shills for zzuk and 1 report will get your bot banned within 15 minutes

t. the one who seeks justice... reporting any and all bots
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>4 hours ago

i don't think he even knows what shitshow he got back into, they probably just told him some bullshit
>WoD models
Why would anyone want these?
why was alex even banned t b h

he didn't break the game's tos :^) no seriously, all he did was report on the speculation and claims against the elysium staff. they have yet to discredit any of his claims... seems the staff are just mad alex redpilled the masses albiet infuriating he may be

retard devs have legitimised his argument. also, why the fuck did they provide him with so much access to their social circles like wtf did they expect from him. the manlet has a purist fetish about pservers
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Because of the Gnomes.
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>mfw already got 4 bots banned while leveling
They are hit and miss actually. Mostly bad but a few races look nice.
One could argue that backcharging the donation warrants disciplinary action.

Try that with literally any other organisation and your ass is fucked.

I agree. Raiding is boring as fuck in vanilla. The hardest part is putting up with the mouthbreathers on voice comms who complain about minor mistakes.
>all he did was report on the speculation and claims against the elysium staff.

And also refunded a $1000 donation which fucked up their server payment plan
Yeah, Alex sure redpilled everyone with the misleading images he read word for word on stream and then created context for.

Now that no one is playing on Elysium I guess we'll all join his Discord and talk about how right he was.
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Has Sylaria logged off yet?

I literally can't play for more than 10 minutes without getting harassed

Never knew he did this.

Though usually, you can't be punished for donating and then backcharging as you're not scamming them out of anything. Practically, I can see how this would fuck up their payment plan. Stil, he shouldn't have done that as technically it wasn't his money to chargeback.


the level 60s receiving raid gear close to bis in 1 day is very suspicious along with one of the main elysium admin being in a rwt chinese app chat... really gets the neurons firing. though yeah, he had no solid proof. the guy should have shut the fuck up until he had evidence beyond proof of doubt it was legit
She is in STV right now.
>misleading images
What exactly is misleading on them? Feel free to post your images providing "proper context" Whitekidney.
It's time to stop. I want to stay anon. Please. No memes. I don't want any drama / name posting about me.

is this the new finalflash?

feel free to upload some ingame screenshots of yourself ganking lowbies for 72 hours straight!
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yes there is. it said in the guide i found on the internet that there's a downranked healing spell. if you're not going to help me find it then fuck you anon. ill ask reddit instead
In my worst nightmares maybe. I'm a nobody and I want to stay that way. So how about that Alex guy huh?
>shilling for elysium
>for free

holy shit you fucking nostbabbies are the worst

the whole alex fiasco makes me miss the ol nost team. the lead admin of valkyrie (SORRY, ELYSIUM) is a raging cunt. she's going to pull the plug on the project one day without any warning

It wasn't his money in the first place anyway, he collected donations from his followers then sent it. Now he's got it back. I bet he ends up making a profit
Regardless we're stuck here with nothing better in the horizon for a while. Better try to enjoy it best we can.
wew literally first thing he said was the donations would be returned to those that ask for them back
and that the remaining money would go to charity
should i level ench or ele shaman?

Hit level 60 with a bot fine, now in 4/6 PVP gear haven't been banned
>he said it
>must be true
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you can't level by using enchanting silly goose
As? Go enha it's quite fun. You can spec ele for a funspec later if you wanna try.
profit?anyone that sent him money can request it back, he will donate the rest to charity

fuck alex but fuck elysium shills harder
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You're going to be my new meme girl.

Get used to it.
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That's very true. Leveled up my third 60 and it's really beginning to hit me how much time I've invested into this. All I want to do now is clear AQ40 with my guild if it ever releases. Alas, who knows.
just put Sylaria on /ignore, i mean, it's what i had to do there is thousands of people playing ignoring one person even if it is your guildie won't change your experience that much
Level as enhancement, it's low maintenance, tanky and good for low level pvp. Elemental is a total mana hog, gives you unreal downtime and really relies of +spell damage gear and talents to be good.

Once you start regularly seeing +spell damage gear (around like 45 or so) you can start building a caster set and switch to element if you'd like.
Same my 40 bots just cleared rag and are all def/hit/crit capped with healers in prebis all botted of course
Daily reminder that people from Blackpool should be killed
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>each spawn literally takes 20+ minutes
mark of fordring NEVER EVER
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I just can't find the motivation to level through 9 with there being a new piece of drama every hour on the hour
I just deleted and remade a level 45 paladin because I decided I didn't like the eyecolor on the face I chose.

Is this what autism feels like? It feels satisfying and relieving but I know it shouldn't.
>he lead admin of valkyrie (SORRY, ELYSIUM) is a raging cunt. she's going to pull the plug on the project one day without any warning
Who is the lead admin? Shenna? They literally brought her on the team to design the website. Is she someone's gf?

Nothing new there, Asura is a RMTer, it's all from his post history. No one seems to care about that since it's only been done on other servers...
Just ignore it, it's just irrelevant shit being dragged up because some autists love drama like Alex

He's probably in this thread right now
>Get teleported to Gm island
>Was level 49 at that point
>Get asked what i'm doing
>Tell them grinding gold for my 60 mount training and some gear money for raiding
>They buy it
>Bot straight through the night without issue after
Elyisum sure has some great bot detection you guys.
Is this the real Sylaria?
The one I know actually types well compared to this shit you imposter
>skull of impending doom

how is this allowed? I escaped guaranteed death so many times in winterspring that I don't know what to think of this anymore
I wonder what Sylaria smells like when shes in cat form
>Asura is a RMTer, it's all from his post history. No one seems to care about that since it's only been done on other servers...

Well whitekidney has been doing it on this server but still no one bats an eye
that's what happens when Sylaria
Remember how Whitekidney failed to get server first 60 on old Nost and how mad he was about it?

incompetent cunt that does nothing but boss people around. its not a meme when people say valkyrie/elysium had no coders.... they had to get the crestfall crew on board to fix their shitty slavcode.
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So it turned out Alex really was /ourguy/ the whole time. Damn......


if you can stomach the possibility of staff members spawning in items and leveling up accounts for a fee, then go right ahead and level up, its not like we have anywhere else to go to
nice stockholm syndrome
P-please Asura senpai, cum on my face
i dont know what that means but this quest is hilariously bad. the costume buff only lasts half an hour too and its a 15 minute run to get a new one.

like what can i even do? i need that neck but i cant compete with these scripters.
*/cough* magic wow */cough*


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needs help thats why I put the name out there occasionally
>>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>>5 hours ago
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RP private? That's strange.
stalvan mistmantle was a fucking sperg jesus christ
What's the point in playing on that server?

Literally no economy, no pvp, no raids, no dungeons, no community
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>see ally being attacked by dindu
>kill dindu
>check on ally
>find out they're a chink
should have killed the dindu either way
that's true
garunteed they could be pressured into copy pasting their current servers into a PvP format, check their updates they're still working on it every month despite their low pop
Seriously. Valkyrie's coding always sucked.
8 years for AQ40. Yes their head dev dying would have hurt, but it wouldn't do 8 years worth of damage to any place with competent coders.

is it a 1x leveling server?
Has anyone else started just doing four DPS runs of 5 man dungeons?

I'm sick of tanks. They're useful as 10% of a raid, not as 20% of a dungeon and unless they're raid tanks they're usually painfully insecure and insist you waste roughly an extra fifteen minutes per dungeon so they don't get triggered by losing threat on a mob.

Listen you fucking spergs: If nobody is dieing, the run is going fine. Also, put taunt on your fucking action bars and learn to turn with your mouse.

Done with tanks until raiding. Only level 20 and the last two deadmine runs have gone painfully slow because some self-important dipshit tank INSISTED the dps stifle themselves so they can feel like they're doing anything useful.

On K2 I was doing 45 minute scholo runs with a ret paladin tank. So just fucking learn to play already or shut the fuck up.
>horde never wins bg
10/10 meme
Can you still get banned for ganking greys?

lad you can get banned for uploading youtube videos criticising the server

i wouldn't risk it if i were you
One of their big problems is that there's no way to know what their internal hierarchy is and who's in what position. This automatically looks suspicious whenever someone new is discovered even if it's not otherwise (and every time it was so there's that too).

Who the fuck knew who AenElle was before it was revealed that AenElle's Paypal which was used for Valkyrie RMT was now the official Elysium Paypal? Or Vitaliy before the Chinese chat?

I assume only former Valkyrie players. These people have administrator accounts on the Elysium forums and they have never, before this, been mentioned anywhere by Elysium at all.

If any Valkyrie players, especially Russian, can shed some light on who else from Valk has a say in anything, please do.
Don't forget that tanks are always extra entitled and a total cunt half the time. I had one in SFK the other day turn master looter on for a 2h axe then leave the group when he fucked up a pull and we wiped.

Tanking isn't hard at all, especiallu in 5mans. They all act like they deserve utmost appreciation and gratitude for doing a role just as brainless as healing. I'd rather have a hunter's pet tank than a piece of shit warrior.
Yeah I got banned for camping darkshire last week
Are you the pet guy? Because that was such bullshit.

talking out my arse here but

played on valkyrie back in 2011/12 with wpsg.

ruskies there always implied you could get anything you wanted if you were willing to pay for it. one even went as far to say you could buy an account with admin privileges for $1000. don't know whether they were being serious or drunk off their face on vodka.
Tanks are largely special snowflakes with huge egos.

Constantly whine and complain, and act like they're pro
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No I am the pet guy, but I got banned in ashenvale and i'm back to it now.

Dont give in to fun terrorism.
I've been saying it for years, playing a dps at top percentile levels of play is orders of magnitude more difficult than tanking or healing.
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I agree but in 5mans it's all a fucking cake walk. Anyone getting on a high horse during a sub-60 5man should kill themselves, especially if they're tanking.

>guild bwl run last week
>kill vael, clear the first pack upstairs
>casters/healers drinking to gain mana
>maintank pulls without saying anything
>offtanks out of position
>druids out of position
>healers out of position
>tank dies 4 seconds later because no heals
>pack runs off towards dps that got a hit on the mob before maintank died
>offtanks are idle
>healers spam heals on dps
>get aggro
>healers die
>offtanks finally wake up and die because all the healers are dead
>raid wipe
>all our world buffs and consumables are gone
>maintank (guildmaster) goes on a 10 minute tirade about how shit we are as a guild and that we should join the moltencore swimteam
>nobody speaks up on mic about how he fucking pulled when the raid wasn't ready, as they fear being penalised by this raging cunt

the wipe made me smile. it was a 15-20 second interval while casters/healers drank up . all the maintank had to say was 'get into position, im pulling in 3-5 seconds'

all the officers are nice. just this one cunt who rages bc he can't communicate effectively
Can someone on pupper pals tell Sylaria I love her?

Thank you
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I got you senpai
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/ourguy/ bringing down the slav globalists
fuck this is based
fuck this is based
fuck this is based
fuck this is based
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all me :)
Not you but this is actually pretty based.
Cartel and Mafia on fucking suicide watch
ayy la moa
>half the time its just one lone hunter probably trying to farm his devilsaur set
nice griefing though
You can't just throw out words like that on a PVP server, fuck off pottu.
the fuck is this
Wow, that's fucking sad, poor guy even asked about changing the password earlier today.

Could this be related somehow?
Nice to see the Cartel get rekt
>The part visible ones make it look like they're dashing around you super fast
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was lain right about the pupper pals?

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>good scripts
tbf if pablo escobar run a private server I would play there
>implying escobar was bad
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and what are you doing right now /elyg/ ?
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>6 hours ago

In terms of our mission, nothing has changed. We will continue to develop patches and work towards outstanding user experiences.

This week I have been interviewing potential candidates for marketing and other community focused areas, the process of incremental progress is an on-going one.

Your probably right, and there is almost certainly a "critical mass" point where population can snowball upwards and prior to that point new users are somewhat motivated not to stay due to not enough con-current users online.

Resolving this is not a clear or straight forward process, the market conditions of the wow emulation community is often fickle and tribal in how they act. This makes marketing a challenge.

The Timbermaw launch was impaired by a minority who spent weeks of thier time and effort trolling and spreading hate, because they dissagreed with a long-standing policy to make rates blizz-like on the Illusion realm.

Its an exceptional situation when you provide thousands of hours of work, alongside supporting hardware and network infastructure to offer a 100% free and non-pay-2-win experience to get hated on and trashed for that.

This said, we continue as always to do the right and just thing for the MW project.

I hope this helps, I can only offer you my personal view and re-iterate our previous statements of commitment to MW.

>Your probably right, and there is almost certainly a "critical mass" point where population can snowball upwards and prior to that point new users are somewhat motivated not to stay due to not enough con-current users online.
Is that critical mass the double digits? Stay tuned to see if Magic Wow is able to get 10 concurrent users online at once!
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Joined the Automate mustard race 2 days ago.

Processing the loot that I got from last night letting it run, than going to funnel it through my main and buy some shit.
don't send it all at once though!
Yeah I was reading up on that, I'm basically putting my farmed mats up on my main, than buying it with the bots gold, than selling the mats on the AH again.
testing how well their anticheat works

it does not work very well
It really doesn't, from what I've found the entirety of their "Anti cheat" when it comes to bots is just community based reports, easiest way to circumnavigate that is don't be stupid.

By just going to a dead zone and having a small farming circle noone finds you, therefore you cant get reported.
And yet everyone said I was lying when I did the same a few weeks ago

fuck everyone in this thread
you're still lying
If they catch you just send some chinese nonsense, they'll leave you alone.
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>6 hours ago
it's too bad you cant run at 100000% speeds like some servers allow you to, or to teleport super long distances but even with the things I have working this can be abused like crazy

if you cheat like this in raids or dungeons how would they even catch you?
Whatever you found you've been able to get away with, there threshold for picking up speed it pretty tight and teleportation seems nonresistant.

All I've been doing is automation really.
>set speed to 50
>no clip into objects
>farm shit in dungeons with it
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This guy didn't get banned till a day after he posted the video on reddit.
He started on day one and is the same level as lain who also started on day one
hug you really don't know when to quit do you

Does everyone that plays now have to do some crazy stunt to become a named celebrity superstar? Can't we just enjoy what little time we have together in this dead horse of a game?
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This guy was running around STV ganking horde and constantly screaming in /1
He was also helping to boost priests only (???)
He was screaming about blacklisting everyone who didn't help him fight horde. A fucking nutcase.
Anyone got a good tga to jpg batch converter?
its a hunter of course he'll be a nutcase
are all hunters like this? why do these people s uck so bad
i am in rfd right now with a guy who serpant stings the mob he is freeze trapping
1. Zzukbot latest version specifically built for the project
2. Population cap (4-6k) for maximum profit.
3. No gold sellers outside of crestfall staff allowed. If there is enough chink gold selling interest they get their own containment server.
4. Devs hide details about specific exploits so they don't get fixed and are active on discord.
5. Goal to make raids as hard or harder than vanilla to ensure more people buy gear in order to progress.
6. Thorough beta testing of bots and exploits.
7. Choice to progress to TBC realm when vanilla content is complete or stay vanilla.
8. Custom serverside anti-cheat detection for cheats that we do not sell, DDoS protection and proxies for latency improvement.
9. Blizzlike ownedcore transactions, improved character selling.
10. Shady, tight-knit group of English speaking devs with backgrounds in making money out of private servers.
11. Open beta in early 2017.

1. Bug riddled ancient botting programs.
2. Population cap (12k).
3. Chinks allowed to sell gold, ruin economy and staff profit.
4. Posts consist almost entirely of sheeps shilling for Legacy Gaming Network and asking for money.
5. Rag killed by fresh 60s wearing greens 2 weeks after server launch, only thing to look forward to is 8 months of MC and BWL, less motivation to buy gear.
6. Crashes and rollbacks daily, broken bots that get stack which makes them obvious and people report them.
7. No progression because the server won't survive past BWL.
8. No anti cheat detection, every other bot is not zzukbot.
9. Archaic gold and character selling which requires you to visit chinese chatrooms.
10. Corrupt, Russian speaking drunks with backgrounds in inbreeding.
11. Shutdown in early 2017.
>You are blocked from following @Alexensual and viewing @Alexensual's Tweets. Learn more

HAHAHAHA, holy fuck it makes me so happy to see you banned and your channel dying. You are such a retarded toxic piece of shit and you are T R A S H at wow, cy@ dipshit.

(if he was in the past in the first place as the screenshots allege).

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nost fags btfo
How tough is healing scholo, or how geared do i need to be?
I'm not enjoying pre-bis farming so far, maybe i've made a horrible mistake.
There's an anti-Alexensual rally in IF lmao
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>7 hours ago
god this community is so autistic
>9. Blizzlike ownedcore transactions, improved character selling.
>1. Bug riddled ancient botting programs.
>6. Crashes and rollbacks daily, broken bots that get stack which makes them obvious and people report them.
>9. Archaic gold and character selling which requires you to visit chinese chatrooms.

Were there "change your password with the in-game command" messages on Elysium/Zeth too?
If I'm a druid is it acceptable for me to gather all the materials to make every piece of Runic Leather equipment that a leatherworker can make and respec for healing at level 57? Or should I just keep leveling Feral until 60? Or should I just ignore PvE and focus solely on PvP?
what's that addon that tracks CC timers

Which staff member is this? It's the same guy defending them ITT a lot.


remember how there was that reddit post about how it might be insecure

and then they responded 'lol we aren't idiots'

then a week later the in game password change is disabled
This dude is claiming that it was only meant "to help people who transferred nost accounts" whatever the fuck that means.


Please tell him he's full of shit.
that's better, cheers
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>camping the taelon escort for the past 2+ hours
>girl gamer and 9 of her discord orbiters show up
>i get they tag, they accuse me of line cutting, refuse to help me even though i offer to pay, and refuse to let me join their group because I've " wasted their time "
that aint right.
Is opening lockboxes in the trade window bugged? It says "right click to open" but they're still locked after picking.

happened to me too, dunno if its some new exploit rogues found out or if its bugged
What exploit would that be? Fucking up your lockboxes? He didn't steal anything.
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just found these on AH for 18g, they good for fury warrior?

To make you give it to them, because when I handed him my 'broken' lockbox, it worked for him
I fucking cropped that before I posted wtf man
>he is so shit at this game he has to compensate by killing healadins
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>8 hours ago

Pottu the "you can't coordinate people in BGs by writing messages in BG chat" retard just banned 30+ people for not throwing themselves against the swords repeatedly.

Do you think he ever had a PvP character in his life?
Who was the girl gamer?
I would kill to play on a vanilla server where premades weren't allowed somehow. I love BGs but premades kill the fun for everyone even the premades themselves.
>>I would kill to play on a vanilla server where premades weren't allowed somehow.
Same, ever since I stopped ranking, I play zero BGs, every time I try to enter one it's some bullshit.

Pottu is still a moron though.
i dunno, i didn't ask. but nobody gets that kind of help without a cute voice. and there was many more than 5 people there so they weren't just doing it for the quest themselves.
>land at ratchet flight point
>immediately run over to see if any horde are doing the long spawn time long ass elf escort quest
>a whole group is and they are just about to reach ratchet
>one shot the elf and walk away
>horde can't do shit

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Does Master of Deception even do anything? I feel like it hasn't made any difference in being detected.
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>you can now be banned for "inciting drama" outside of the actual game

what is this server coming to
You monster. That escort guy is the slowest fucker ever.
why would you care about that?
>kill a person once
>brings his 3 friends and camps me autistically for 1 hour
why play this game again?
>didn't log out and do something else
your fault
This, if you don't say anything, you've got nothing to fear :)
It's fun to think about this in context.
Some stuck up frog faggot permanently banned (read: erased all the progress of, all the time invested) thirty people (so far) on a whim, while something like MagicWoW's peak is two thirds of that.
And look at all those politely worded letters in broken English just asking for consideration and maybe a second chance.

They don't even know how privileged they are, as WoW private server managers, to be able to flippantly give everyone the worst possible sentence of judgement without a care in the world. They have no idea.

No discussion. No three or two strikes-you're-out. No temporary suspensions. ANY NON-CHINK ACCUSED FOR CAUSING AN INCONVENIENCE? DING DONG BANNU
>if you don't say anything, you've got nothing to fear
>if you don't tag hogger, you've got nothing to fear
>if you don't grief, you've got nothing to fear
>if you play bgs the way we want you to, you've got nothing to fear
>if you download a spam filter addon, you've got nothing to fear
>if you agree that you can't coordinate bgs by using the chat system, you've got nothing to fear
i need somebody to help me kill princess ;-;
if you see someone running around really fast with no mount and no buffs are they speedhacking or is there something I'm unaware of?
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What is the lowest stress/easiest class or spec to raid as?
I've just started healing MC for my first time and it's not hard at all - actually think I was overprepared as far as reading up on the fights and bringing everything i needed. But gearing up pre-bis was 100% unfun and anytime something went wrong people were quick to blame heals.
Plus i felt like the entire raid i was clicking frames and rebuffing. It wasn't stressful but i didn't enjoy myself at all and found that i was mostly just watching hitpoints and debuffs and not much else.
I just want to have fun and whatever that was, it wasn't fun. Maybe i should kill myself.
they have been visited by the spooky skeleton of speed. Post "I love skeletons and I love speed" on 10 discords and you will get the speed buff as well
mage probably. decurse a bit in MC, and frostbolt for dps
They're speedhacking.
Having 5/5 MoD is the same as being 3 levels higher in terms of being seen in stealth.

It's trash, only good for 1v1 against other Rogues.
welp, I just traded away all my gold in ironforge and deleted my two mains.

I can't support this server anymore.

see ya guys, it was a fun couple of months.
same i just gave away 3000g and 7 60s
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how exactly did you support the server
Post some paladin leveling builds

I want to see what the fuck I should be spending talents on.
healing is the most boring shit in wow it's just watching raidframes 24/7

even in retail it's boring whack a mole life bar bullshit
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play uo with me
you want me to go to reddit? fuck off
If you're not paying for it, you're the product.
is there anything that actually sells using engineering? I can sell thorium shells or mithril casings, sometimes grenades, but they never sell for much more than what i could sell the raw mats for.
Ore/bars sell but for fucking shit. is the actual gold in mining from arcane crystals, basically?
I'm still learning, so these may be really retarded questions.
not that guy, but I wish I had started uo instead of this shitfest
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>look for a geared 60 in IF
>send 500g in mail with shit like "Your order from OKOGAMES blabla"
>they get banned
and what exactly are they getting out of me? my IP that changes every day? Or my account name and password that I literally only use for this server?
Maybe, are there any good newer shards?
I never was a UO pro but loved it. Anytime i've tried out a server it seems like everyone there has been playing for ages and since I can never convince RL friends to play i don't get very motivated to stick around.
they get your wasted life time
The server population that allows them to dominate the scene, and unify private servers under a common exploiting gold selling botting banner ran by Shenna&Co.
it's never too late
join hybrid
precisely this
how do you play this shit, what do you do in this game

i was thinking of playing osrs while grinding but grinding in 2 games at once seems depressing
i guess there's also no new music since the big 4 labels control every artist??
i play poker and murder people mostly
we have a large tournament scene though nightly events and stuff
I'll fucking rape your little sister
>comparing the music audience with the audience of a 12 year old game for nerds

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you're missing the point
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http://www.uorazor.com/ get this to connect to the server
http://uo.com/client-download/ is the client get the classic version.
we have a nice poker scene too
The aesthetics of ultima are astoundingly bad. Who thought that perspective was a good idea, too?

This is literally one of the few changes I don't mind seeing happen in a private server. Well that, and retuned raiding. Like it happened in retail, but you'd run into a premade maybe 25% of the time?

I managed to slog my way to R12 (solo believe it or not), and I have to say the system needs some sort of handicap or a revamp on private servers. 10+ hours a day is like retardation. I don't mind a big time sink, but you should be able to grind for specific set-pieces at your own pace.
well our server is pre trammel era (publish 16) so we don't have artifacts or other really powerful gear worth hundreds of millions of gold. all we have are rare hues and mounts that dont affect the game besides making it eye cancer at the bank. its entirely possible to start fresh and in 2 weeks have everything you need as far as regs and weapons. its extremely balanced and the pvp is far and beyond any other game still to this day
Battlegrounds were a mistake.
Premades are only thing that makes pvp fun.
>Firstly, these accusations of us banning individuals (from our platform) for speaking their mind out-of-game, or via a non-related platform (in a civil manner) are entirely false.

>As of right now, not a single individual has been removed from our platforms for speaking their minds outside of the projects official reach in a civil manner, or even providing information (leaked or not). (The only exception to this, of course, has been addressed



how to farm gold as a paladin at 60?
thank you.
just out of curiosity
are you posting 4chan posts on reddit too?
someone is, yes
Did you mean me? >>168967142

What would that even accomplish, it's not like devs come here to post official stuff, I'm just posting reddit retardation that's funny to me personally for /elyg/ to maybe laugh at, if you think it's shitting up the thread I'll stop.
It's fucking Puddi doing this shit I swear.
Was it around this time 24 hours ago?
How is 10v1 sit in their gy afk 20 hours a day and quit playing when r13-14 fun for you?
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Soon, more will be revealed.
thanks, satan

PvP & PKing were my thing in every MMO and MMO-lite (D2) game ever. WoW had such a great base of a game for PvP.

A lot of people don't remember BGs weren't even released when the Honor system was. I got up to Blood Guard before WSG even came out like a month later. That time period was some of the most fun I ever had in WoW. Battlegrounds should have been an supplemental addition to the honor system but instead sort of killed half the fun. I will say AB was a great BG, though.

Later they tried those outdoor PvP objectives but it was far too late for that shit. It should've been the main focus with BGs being only an occasional weekend thing.

If Blizz ever did a legacy server I don't care if they scrapped the Honor system or revamped it. Grinding to High Warlord was for Lineage-style chinks.
Does this mine you're going to show us your cock? o3o
>Finally hit 40
>Run to the riding trainer
>Turns out I shouldve looked up how much it costs before hand
>Off by 40g

How do you make money? I think I spent too much leveling my LW.
faction and name? i can give you 40g as i'm quitting this buggy broken game once and for all.
what server? you on ana?
i'm alliance, sorrys
For the stars that you sow
In the remorse of the assassins
And for the heart that still beats
In the whore's chest
For the ideas that you plant
In the minds of citizens
For the storming of Bastille
Even if it's all for naught

then give it to Griffith

My alliance alt

You piece of shit.

I mean, I'm horde too. But god damn.

I do have a Paladin on Elysium.

His name is Mardu. If the offer still stands.
>I'm just speaking to some of the Admins about it, will update a bit later.
>9 hours ago




Heal your tankbulls, they'll toss a few silver your way after you take care of them.
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t. cartel
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