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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 230

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Pout edition.

>When does Season 3 end?
Probably late February / early March.

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Additional PTR changes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info



Old thread:
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Bastion update for PSQuad when
Widowmaker hates virgins.
>When does Season 3 end?
>Probably late February / early March.
But we know now. It's February 21.

How do I quit this shitty fucking game?'

Do I go back to TF2?
Have you ever played with a silver or above boarder player, who wasn't an autistic mainer?
Or you could play a good game, instead.
I started playing csgo half way in season 3. Even blizzards other games.
I'm just killing time until Splatoon 2.
People were asking for a new thread, so I copy and pasted the previous one.
TF2 is about a thousand times better than this shit pile.
There's no such thing as a good class based game.
They are the bottom of the barrel, games built by casuals, for casuals.
''Games'' that requiere no skill whatsoever, and with absolutely terrible communities that, alone, make the game not worth playing.

>event ends "13th"
>lasted like two more days

>trusting ow dates
Tribes was fun too.
Hi-Rez garbage and a game that only became a thing because it was free.
Reminder no new content planned and heroes drop in the middle of seasons.

>Tribes 2
>Tribes Vengeance
>don't exist and aren't good class based games
OW isn't a class fps. Its a hero fps with roles.
Team Fortress 2 is nothing but the Overwatch of the 2000's.
Fortunately, neither had any effect on the FPS genre.
These two games have the potential to ruin the FPS genre as a whole, do much more damage than Call of Duty, Battlefield and DLCs combined.

So basically, a class based shooter.
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PTR now shows SR under 500 as <500.

>So basically, a class based shooter.
No you underage dipshit.
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>i play to win
>keeps losing
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Why can't mad as hell Team Cuckies stop themselves from raiding Overwatch threads and the general?
What did Overwatch do to create so much asshurt?
>These two games have the potential to ruin the FPS genre as a whole
how the fuck is FPS not ruined already with a new CoD every year with gameplay for ADHD children than only requires twitch reflex?
FPS has been a pleb genre for the last 15 years at least


>can't say GGEZ
>can't see SR fall
>can't see teammates performance
>can't be better than any other top 500 player

Soon you aren't going to be able to see peoples rank or profile at all.
I dunno but widow makes my balls ache
why would you need to know more? everyone at that level is absolute garbage anyway
like that's literally "people without arms" tier
You forgot highskill heroes nerfed to the point they become memes.
It was fun while it lasted 8 games 6 lost 1 draw and 1 win.
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>ywn be married with Fareeha
It can, if you take what TF2 and Overwatch have done to FPS games, and you apply it to the entire genre, you can ruin it far more.
Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch are the bottom of the barrel.
For some reason this games makes people extremely mad even if they have never played it before. It's like they think the game is a threat to them somehow.
to be honest i wish we had an option to make our career profiles private. i mean you can do that in csgo too.
Thats how the game makes you feel when playing it haha
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i just ordered a shitty 20€ microphone. now i can start yelling at my teammates to protect me as ana.
Do the same thing around it's release on their threads.
Both sides should leave the threads. This shit is completely irrelevant both in their threads and in ours.
>need to wait an entire year for another qt waifu
they literally have been endlessly skill creeping high floor characters because silvers cant hit anything
what are you even talking about


My mic cost $8aud
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Spotted the Genji/Road main.
It's obviously to stop those people that derank to try to get to 1 SR, dummy
It's another Pharah Mercy dominating your team episode.

Why are DPS players such shit in Platinum?
Um no. You see they nerfed Widow to the ground. To. The. Fucking. Ground. Because players average ones at that were bursting into tears from being sniped. They broke her so bad you had to be at the level of the no.1 to even play her.
They then later buffed her scope speed which made her playable again. This is where the widow is trash meme came from.
They did the exact same thing to genji because of the same players. They have nerfed just about everything on him.
Then they nerfed mcree also another story.
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i have broken my wrist 2 weeks ago and playing pharah while my gf is pocketing me with 100% uptime is the only way i can still play at a "decent" level.
i'm playing at 32## sr
Thats another hero they nerfed.
>Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch are the bottom of the barrel.
>strong emphasis on team gameplay
>don't take themselves so bloody seriously
>actually try something vaguely new with the genre
I still don't see it. I mean the fanbases are definitely cancer, but that's just an unfortunate side effect of popularity.
Is it about the skill floor being fairly low? Because the ceiling is still high (in TF2 at least).
genji along with tracer are the top dps picks at pro tournaments rn.
they both are ahead of s:76 which i'm sure you cry about how op he is
>strong emphasis on team gameplay
Which means that, regardless of your skill, you will be punished if you are paired with shit players.

>don't take themselves so bloody seriously

>actually try something vaguely new with the genre
No they didn't.
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory is 15 years old.

> Because the ceiling is still high (in TF2 at least).
pro tournaments are completely different to solo que in every way imaginable. perfect teamwork and optimal team composition means different hero meta.
You're an idiot.
I just had a game where I had gold healing as Zenyatta whlile Ana AND Lucio where in my team.
Do people believe that road has a hog face with bolts in it?
>Which means that, regardless of your skill, you will be punished if you are paired with shit players
why are you even playing a team game then? just go ahead and rek some scrubs in CoD or BF with your totally sicc noscope skillz bruh if that's what you're after
No, COD and Battlefield are also cancer due to slow mobility and low TTK, among other things like killstreaks and perks.
Not to mention that Battlefield is a combination of COD and TF2.
I'm just trying to tell him how OP genji was at release when even after all those nerfs he still is a top pick at pro level.

>perfect teamwork and optimal team composition means different hero meta

Of course but you see every shitter here copying the pro meta and also whine about how stale it is while it doesn't affect them at all and can pick whatever the fuck they want at the level of play they are in.
Myself is included at the above level of play of course.
The other reason they nerf "skill" heroes is they don't want seasoned fps vets having an advantage over casuals.
Is it possible to go from 2380 to diamond playing only supports?
Since Pharah is a quadruple amputee why don't they just make her right arm a rocket rather than making two robotic arms that hold one?
spotted the "pro" genji main that is only gold because he keeps getting matched with bad teams
fuck you blizzard am i right?
Am I the only one who have gotten complete and utter retards on my team the past few days?

It's mind boggling how bad they are.
that's just his Halloween skin tho
>I'm just trying to tell him how OP genji was at release when even after all those nerfs he still is a top pick at pro level.
You didn't say that at all and thats the thing you are not getting nerfing heroes doesnt affect high skill players yet that is the reason given which is a lie. It ends up weakening the heroes for everyone and making them unplayable for a lot of the players.
you still have CS though, and there are probably some dinosaurs still playing Quake somewhere
Yes. In fact some guy has a Youtube channel about it.

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>both teams have widows
>your widow is letting their widow snipe for free and not contesting them ever
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Because she is not.
>nerfing heroes doesnt affect high skill players
you mean to tell me pros don't abuse
yes, i have done it in every season so far.
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>Pro player metas are the same as standard QP and Comp metas!
don't abuse heros that are overperforming to win and nerfs don't matter to the at all? Remember D.Va a few weeks ago?
fuck my ADHD
What. I'm saying I still rip teams up with Tracer, Genji, widow, mcree.
They don't affect me but the intention was to affect players like me but it does make playing these heroes harder.
That anon is just some autist shitter.
>shitty fan art is canon


its not physically possible to fit limbs in her suit

they must be prosthetic
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does anyone know how big the effect of the placment matches is now?

If I have a 3600sr right now and tank my 10 placement matches, how low could I possibly get?
you forgot to add Redditor to hit that sweet 4chan buzzword bingo, shitter
Which suit? The raptorian is obviously a cyborg.
Where is the counter play against a Roadhog?

>Roadhog sees you
>instantly throws a hook
>Gigantic triggerbox of hook hits you 9/10 times
>Lose all control of hero
>Roadhog walks of to kill the next person for free

Even if you bait out the hook he has so much fucking longevity with his HP and self heal by the time you get him low he will just hook you before you kill him again. Fuck this hero.
Mad little shitter. Why would you even discuss the nerf cycle when its obvious you just came in this season?
Fuck off to /v/ kiddo.
don't fight him 1v1 as he designed to win those
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the effect is not very big from what I've heard if you already have an sr
I didn't and it placed me in gold with 5 wins / 5 losses
You need atleast 3 people to take him down, silly anon.
What's with all the lower levels whinging today? It seems that everyone is mouthing off at each other today, rather than playing the game.
Healing Symmetra should be classified as a war crime
reaper is a decent counter since you can just shift through his hook and can fairly easily take him down when flanking
but even he can't do it 100% 1v1
>tfw a /b/ tier troll kid is in the thread asking bait questions and saying stupid shit
Deeeeeep breath. kill yourself kid.
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>it's a "which part of 'too many snipers' you don't understand?" episode
been playing since mccree could double fth 100-0 every tank and genji could 1v6 nanoblade.
fuck off
>Roadhog sees you
>instantly throws a hook
>you're flying in 200m distance and shooting rockets at him as phara
>jk you're actually shooting him from high ground as soldier, taking a step back if he hooks
>nvm what you're really doing is standing behind Rein's shield and charging your ult with those free headshots as [insert almost any hero here]
>I meant Tracer, you're Tracer, blinking around solo ulting that pig all day
ok genji main
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I want to bully this widowmaker
when will someone make an FPS designed for 1v1 and being an esport

i'm so tired of team games
good morning i hope you slept well
Australian prime time
fuck off to reddit or where ever you came from. No one cares.
what is rein trying to do to lucioboi?
so did they ever nerf genji and hanzo so its not instalocked every single match?
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>STILL falling for Nintendoshit
quake live?
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Hana pleases old men for buffs.
I know, that's why I was trying to group up with some local players because us Aussies are usually pretty chill. But it seems that every team has a bunch of 12 year olds tonight.

Have I just been unlucky or are others noticing this too?

there you go.
like clockwork. kkids like you should be allowed internet access when all they do is shittpost completely moronic 0 value opinions and spout out memespeech
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>Random hero
>Team is 4 tanks and two healers
>Our team is Sombras, Hanzos, and Widowmakers

>im trolling on 4chan mommy look no one can stop me.
yeah but it's pretty dead

i want an 1v1 fps with a big backing behind it by some major company pushing it as an esport

i used to be a semi-pro in some other FPS games in my younger years but these days i cba with the whole hassle of assembling a team and finding time for practice etc

i just wish there was some 1v1 esport game where i could tryhard and try to make it big. sc2 is the only one and i don't like RTS's
Youll probably get placed to like mid diamond. They arent very meaningful anymore.
is there a full pic?
>Genji main instant picks Genji
>another Genji main gets upset he didn't get Genji so he throws the game

What is wrong with these people?
Ohhh yeeeaaah, I don't really see people use it so I completely forgot about it
terminal autism
Charged him
Quake champions is coming out.
anyone to queue for comp? it's end of the season so playing alone is a death sentence
decayed, so ~3000 rank
Tell that to Rein. His proportions obviously shouldn't work.
I should really do my placements. Is the tank meta still a thing?
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The thing that is funny is its going to have heroes with abilities too like OW.
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How do I git gud at Zen?
Everyone tries it but most lower ranks fuck it up by not knowing who the tank meta needs (Ana and Hog)
I want symmetra to shit in my mouth
Well she isnt going to do it in the loo
Call out who you discord for fast enemy melting
I win 75% of 1v1 against Road with Mei. It's ridiculous. I play in diamond.
You forgot
>You're that Reaper who has the initiation and baits the hook with Wraith and bursts down the hog before he finishes huffing paint
>You're the Zarya who bubbles a teammate getting hooked and proceeds to nail a pig to the ground together with the teammate you saved

Lucky you when the ptr goes live you won't even get 1 shotted by hog anymore.
or ana who sleeps the pig
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>mfw mercy pistol auto reloads after a set time after switching to the rod

I always hear that she sucks and shes not worth using but I love the way she play and I like ana too but with ana my aim sucks and it makes playing her hard. Is mercy viable in comp? I haven't played competitive since season one since S1 sucked so bad I just outright stopped playing but I wanted to give this game another try. I ended S1 at around the high 50s. Also what is the support meta nowadays aside from mercy being not the best pick.
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>pick non-meta
>do good
>gold elims and dmg
>everything is fine
>"Switch from Tracer and pick Soldier"
>proceed to get angry that I won't switch
>starts to troll with Mei because I play Tracer instead of Soldier

Why do people do this?
>hurr durr winston why didnt you kill the widow that was standing next to a torb turret and a Junkrat the whole game
Her pistols really op desu. Its doubly op because no one expects you to pull it out with 100% acc.
I use it all the time to assassinate every hero in the back.
The clueless metaslave doesn't know any better and thinks that hero choices ALWAYS trump player skill.
I mean he could have just gotten her chocolates for you know... saving his fucking life. There really doesn't need to be a romantic context there even though it's a valentine's day quote.
Although I wouldn't mind if that was a canon pairing since the butthurt from tumblrtard shippers would be delicious.
>oh god they didn't pair genji with his own brother what the fuck
>my fantasy of hanzo pissing in genjis mouth while genji ejaculates on their father's photo is fuined now
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I hate streamboars who think they know who deserves to be picked or not

what shitter sr is this?
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>learn to lead shots
>melt everyone who thinks they're slick by trying to flank the "helpless" Mercy
No better feeling.
Huh? I thought his spread was tightened, so wouldn't he be doing more damage consistently?
mercy is super viable and you can carry. But you need to charge your ult fast and res even if only 1-2 people are dead.
I lost a game in master because the other mercy in def just kept ressing every pick we did, blocking us from breaking in.
Mainly aiming your balls, and positioning. Focus on healing your ana, more than anyone else and keep discord on targets that are hard to kill.
>starts to troll with Mei because I play Tracer instead of Soldier
>starts to troll with Mei because someone was being toxic in the team
>starts to troll with Mei because busy healers couldn't give him heals in time
>starts to troll with Mei because we lost first round 100:0
>starts to troll with Mei for fuck no reasons

Litteral autistic tantrums. I wish reports would actually do something.
The easiest one is when Rein charges into your Rein you get a solid bunch of seconds to assist kill him.
Roadhog and Soldier rapes Tracer
This is true, a gift is just a gift, but handing over chocolates on valentines day can only mean one thing.
I might start doing my s3 placement matches then. Wish me luck. And thanks for the (You)s

Mercy mains and support players that play mercy what is your current rank?
I can get Hog, but it's a pretty even match against Soldier. In a 1v1 situation that is.
maybe they're both just lonely autistic shitstains. genji certainly seems that way.
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>he can't take out a turret made out of cardboard, a squishy he hard counters, and a waste of space
Did you forget you had a """"""barrier"""""?
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Currently 4225 with 50 hours on her this season
Tracer wrecks hog, soldier can 1v1 her with heal but there is no reason tracer needs to 1v1 soldier and she can always dodge the fight.
You failed math in school didn't you?
>three people attacking a bubble wont instantly kill it
1/10 made me reply
the healing is what really kills it, unless tracer can kill him with one mag to the head which is unlikely
Mercy is the worst support main.

t.Support Player
are you for real? lol
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Mercy secretly being a lonely and desperate 37 year old virgin is cute.
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>enemy Rein drops shield and charges
>everyone unloading into him
>he turns and is coming my way
>whip out pistol and back up while filling his face with pistol rounds
>dink dink dink dink ded and his body flies past
>Rein's face when
Some people don't realize that wanting to win so badly that they complain about non-meta team comps, then trolling and behaving like a toxic shitter if they don't get their way, creates a self-fulfilling prophesy. They think the only way to win is to play the meta, but they don't realize that the tantrum that they throw when they see someone not playing that way is the real reason they're losing.
>turret made of cardboard
not when you're winston it's not
No I am a fucking illusion made to play tricks on you
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(soon to be) CANON

Just use Zenyatta then.
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Is Platinum good?

Overwatch is my first FPS game and was just wondering how shit I am. rank 2700
solipsism was right all along and I am your subconcious trying to reach you
the only way you can escape this hell of faceless husks who dare call themselves people is to finally stop hesitating and fucking do it
clorox to the throat or bullet to the brain. it's your choice.
I'm hoping they add more monstrous heroes. They have Winston a good genetic freak and Hog a mutant.
I want some evil possibly Talon monsters. A Talon Winston. Imagining some sort of reptile thing like Dehaka from sc2,
If it were out if 50, you'd be 27/50.
average, possibly slightly above average coinsidering how many shitters there are in this game
Which is kinda funny when she's supposed to be opposed to that kind of shit, but her weapon is so effective.
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>TFW you win a 6 to 5 hanamura
when is blizzard going to fix genji sword noregs?
Defending is easy if the enemy thinks it is won and just throw themselves in 1 by 1
noregami more like boregami haha
Its probably because blizzard hasnt thought to give her spread and fall off. I virtually never see combat Mercys but you can fuck up anyone in the cast with her. Even use teamates as bait and just res them when they die.
>look mom I made a clorox joke like the page I like on instagram/facebook that posts dank nihilist memes all the time xD
maybe Vishkar or something similar was looking into Genetic Modification themselves and accidentally made their own version of Riptor.

it should be a she so Winston can get shipped with her
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I use both.
Genji probably misses having a dick that he certainly used more often than needed before getting fucked. And i'm sure he could have gotten a replacement, but certain someone didn't do it for selfish reasons.
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>tfw no new video from demo since 10 months
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>four people with Korean names on my team
>enemy team has some human-named people talking in gobbledygook as well

Is Blizzard ever going to fix this shit or are they too afraid of being labelled as intolerant racist bigots by fat moronic tumblr cows for making the rice-pecker subhumans stay in their own regional server and not lagging up NA?
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I wanna be a healslut cumbucket.

So it it possible to climb without teaming up with an alpha-dps?
i saw a mercy only player in top 200 soloing, so yes.
>Hellfire Shotguns deal more damage the closer Reaper is from death
There, I made him relevant again
Yes. Be a good mercy. If you're shit you'll stay where you belong
>wants to be a healslut
>doesn't want to submit to the tank
Just make him keep his mouth shut when he teleports, all done.
that would work if they did less damage that live when he is at full health, A LOT more dmg when he is close to death and spirit orbs healed him for at least twice as they do now
Not easy when no Lucio or ana, and your team is a bunch of noobs, I hate being diamond I was close to masters too it's fucking pointless most times, you get shitter plats playing mercy and no zarya/rein
>search for overwatch lewds
>receive a flood of mchanzo bullshit
This is so fucking irritating
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that fucking weaboo fatass better make something right now holy fucking shit
how can you be the only decent chinese cartoon youtuber and take this fucking long to make a video
Or at least keep it silent for the enemies.
that's a weird and unintuitive mechanic
>berserker mode is unintuitive
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Reaper, Junkrat, Tracer and Reinhardt are the only heroes that hasn't been touched since launch.

Keep it that way.
it is in an FPS
Guess we have to settle for his streams. But i have to admit, that are not as fun as his videos.
Anyone else thinks it looks funny when a Dva runs away with her boost. Looks like a snake slithering away.
Actually think its how Reapers ability should work. Turns him into a black blob that moves fast.
Please delete that pic
maybe you shouldn't include the word 'gay' in your search
Would make him better against tanks and their limited range, not so better vs other DPS and their escape abilities/CCS or the few shit that can outright kill him. Zarya bubble and Nano would make that even better.
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It would be neat if he looked closer to the concept art when using some of his abilities
How you are just afraid of reapers going nuts.
Who? Link ?
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Is Junkrat good for breaking through tight checkpoints like on King's Row and Hanamura? I need a character that can help get past the Reinhardt/Support block that usually crops up there.
Maybe theyll do a graphics update.
Blizzard confirmed she's not amputated.
Just break shield with hog soldier or dive them
Junkrat is great for fucking with Reinhardt. Just hope they don't also have a Zarya or she will absorb your bombs and get shit tons of charge from them.
He can be because his high aoe rips through Reins shields and scatters defenders. Good for pushing.
some coffee making intern on twitter is not blizzard
Just shoot at the fucking shield, and get your teammates to help.

I swear, half the people complaining about Reinhardt's shield don't even realize you can bust that shit. With a Pharah, Soldier 76, D.va and Reaper all shooting at it, that thing is broken in about 5 seconds. But people would rather just move back and forth like headless chickens, not knowing what to do and once in a while trying to shoot beside the shield at people standing like 100 yards away who aren't covered by it.

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Or hell, if you can go attack Bastion, you don't even need your teammates to break it. A bit harder to achieve however since Bastion is a bullet magnet.
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>be on attack
>reinhardt start walking backwards with shield up





>you will never fuck up Pharah so hard as McCree that she needs to switch

Pharah needs more counters.
Mei and Sym's VAs are cute
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so angry that it dies.jpg
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>be Reinhardt on attack
>put shield up
>everyone stands beside the shield to try and attack

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>when your Rein/Hog is suicidal and runs around the map """flanking""""
Symms a good counter to mei.
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Mei can be a good counter to Symm too. One little Ult can destroy her entire nest (if any) and any other heroes that thought they were safe in that area.
>shield about to break
>have to start making a retreat before I get melted the instant the shield pops
>teammates bitching, but won't work together to bring the enemy shield down so that I can actually advance
And that's why I stopped playing Rein.
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average bastion whiner.webm
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>the Reaper/Genji on your team is trying to do frontal assaults
Realistically speaking when will the game be dead. The slow updates/patches and still no new game mode.
When Paladins comes out of beta.
junkrat is not good for anything play other hero
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Secure the Hog.gif
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>"Yeah-hah! Gonna Full Hog them from behind and wipe them all out!"
>they try. Support character just get bounced ahead and 6 guns get pointed in the Hog's direction
>"Aw man. Full Hog sucks."
Stop samefagging and go viral your game somewhere else.
The content will start getting ramped up when the sales profits dry up.
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Anyone ever been burnt out as fuck with the game, but you keep playing for some reason, and keep losing SR? I went from 3000 to 2300, I've lost the last 70% of my matches maybe? I'm playing like fucking ass, alt-f4ing, flaming. Just being a fucking terrible person, but I keep playing.
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>just little me on anubis A stopping a genji
>a pharah flies in on me and explodes me to death
>no one else is defending
>three people leave because A is capped
Cool MS Paint talents.
Take a break and come back for the next event.
Think I'll just come back next season. I get zero enjoyment out of this game anymore.
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hanzo nerf when
Germanic Reich squad vs untermensch
3 Mercys
3 Reins
3 anas
3 lucios
>ywn sound like Junkrat and have a good time on voice chat

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New shit
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Nerf this
>Not modifying HTML tree

Ayyy grandpa
could be to try and discourage people who are attempting to throw to 1 sr
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Hanzo is fine.webm
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They already tried that remember
Probably to stop memers from intentionally tanking their SR to 1 so they can cash in on that sweet e-attention from /owg/ and r/Overwatch
why would anyone play 3 supports
Uh there were riptire changes, otherwise I don't think I can correct you
To be honest I don't know what Genji was so mad about, being a cyborg ninja would be cool as hell
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>everyone is screaming for a widow buff

do people really love getting one shotted from across the map that much?
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What the fuck. When was this made? I haven't had the game that long so I've missed out on a lot.
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gee, i wonder what kind of honest and upstanding overwatch player would like the character which benefits most from hacks to get buffed
They are not people.
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This is exactly what it is. There are too many shitters that instead of trying to improve after being placed lower than they thought they were decide to jump off cliffs in comp games so they can be an epic 1 SR trole.
Anyone else feel like there's no point in play comp when your gold?
hook places enemies about 3.5m away from roadhog now making his one shots really inconsistent
Did my placement matches with a shitty friend and was placed in gold while he got bronze. Climbed my way up to Diamond which was fine.
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>when someone goes for an adventure with critical health instead of waiting 3 seconds to get healed, then dies

Stop doing this, you are not playing call of duty
Considering how he lived before that, it makes sense.
Dumbass players that cant figure out how to beat widow deserve to get eliminated.
>play arcade
>teammates don't give a fuck about winning
>"lol its arcade who gives a fuck"
>play QP
>teammates don't give a fuck about winning
>"lol its QP go play comp if you want to win"
>play comp
>teammates don't give a fuck about winning
>"lol this isnt top 500 who cares"
>hit top 500
>teammates don't give a fuck about winning
>"lol this isnt pro scene were not paid to win who cares"
You see there's an ancient bronze proverb.
"Play short dwarf man you do not need plan."
yea, Im stuck 2250-2450. Some lucky days I get to plat but soon dérank to gold. No matter what I play I will always get deranked to 2250-ish
Not really. I've been stuck in gold forever but I still get fun matches.

And honestly I believe the metaslave tryhards are mostly in the platinum bracket and above, so you can play what you want with no one throwing the game in rage.
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Hanzo is a high skill hero.webm
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They patched the game to not be as bad but I think they reverted it after Hanzo mains cried they couldn't hit anything
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fucking lmao
reminds me of the shoplifting fandom on tumblr
>so you can play what you want with no one throwing the game in rage.
you are h*nzo/widow/sombra main arent you?
I cant break into plat. Pretty much been one win away.
The quality of teams drops right down when I get close.
>beat widow
>when shes in the back of the map
>when she has 5 other people protecting her
TFW rank is so low I am too embarrassed to make friends
Plat is the real gauntlet.

It's where things change from "OMG U BAD!" to "OMG I'M GOOD" Literally Dunning-Kruger: The Bracket.
Wtf is this
the quickplay and arcade ones are right
This thread needs more Sym
I play Ana, McCree and Rein mostly but I don't scream and start running off the ledge if someone picks Hanzo or Widow.

I like playing McCree the most but my aim isn't that good.
These people.
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>played a match where the attack Widow would try to snipe our team from the back
>As Ana I would always sleep her and kill her
>Gets mad and leaves as I killed her 3 times

God Platinum players are garbage.
How can we cure metaslave mentality?
it's unironic
She's a waifu and retards think it'll fix the tank meta.
Well i know i get all the deranking plats and they are morons that ruin most of my games.
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>would rather just move back and forth like headless chickens
Wow. That's a pretty good description to what my team does. I always get gold damage because I swear most of the time I'm the only one that realize that shit breaks.

>Rein puts shield up
>Oh, nevermind guys. There's nothing we can do. Let's try to pick up someone behind him
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You can't. Leaguebabbs imported it here and they won't change.
explain that your much better with tracer than soldier, get all gold medals and then tell them meta doesn't matter sub-master anyway
Why is this game superior to Team Fortress 2?
I have started to quit playing when people dont pick good heroes. I always ask people to change. After they refuse I just afk and people get mad at me. 99% of the time when some kid picks hanzo or sombra they are just garbage and achieve nothing. If you have a right to play bad heroes and be carried then I have a right to afk
They need to realise every hero has an impact. The bare essentialls are only needed like a tank and healer.
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Here's the trickerino, first you gotta learn a metaslave counter
Second you gotta hit the ceiling of said counter
Third just fire up practice range as junkrat or whatever for about an hour before you hit up queue and carry your shitter teammates by actually hitting your shots.
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Reminder that if you don't like hot woman making out with each other, you are most likely a faggot
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post hana
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No. No, they're not. You play a game to win.
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I know I have a shit comp
But an anon told me lesbians cuck men.
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>have to play my weekly comp match today
>it's finally for the last time

Good riddance. I didn't wanted to decay for reasons, but dancing around that shit starting from like half of the season where i kinda lost interest in comp was fucking annoying.
>that guy just statistically decreased my chance to win by 10%
>better go afk to decrease it by another 90%
I hope you're just fishing for (you)s
Tighter controls
Not dead.
Dev team actually cares about the game, they are just not competent enough to do it
Btw balancing is really hard, just try to make good settings in custom game
Is yuri halal?
Thats how these people think.
>playing OW at 7AM EST
>get matched with people playing from EU

Are EU servers dead in the afternoon?
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Very halal
no, you play a game to have fun. in comp the best way to have fun is winning, in fucking arcade it really doesn't matter much since all the gamemodes are gimmicky shit anyway
>tighter controls than tf2

what did he mean by this
>Literally Dunning-Kruger: The Bracket
That's diamond and low master
I suggest you get good with Pharah. People can barely deal with a decent Pharah even at low masters, so you could probably carry to diamond if you can land direct hits and take out the healers.
I agree.
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Yes, this thread could use some Hana posting.
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Why not just play good heroes? You dont have to pick the most meta heroes but hanzo and widow are just asshole picks if you arent really good at aiming which most people are not in my rank (plat). I can play the game I want (afk) if you pick shitty heroes
>i play games to have fun

Yes. And fun is derived from attempting to win. I mean are you three fucking years old? Because that's the mental age of people who think "playing games" means standing next to each other doing completely unrelated things. And I'm not kidding, they teach that in child psychology.
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Obviously, but we have a lot of homos in /owg/
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>tfw you delete a nanoboosted ulting genji coming for you with two direct rocket hits

I've never felt such euphoria
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>everyone is screaming for a widow buff
Nobody is, except Widow mains who spend more time on battle.net forums than in the game.
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Amélie is frigid. Like, she's thinking of England at all times unless she's killing someone. You'd get more reaction trying to fuck a blow-up doll.
My subjective opinion.I tried playing TF2 again recently and it felt very sluggish and unresponsive
Also holy shit, game looks like a mess. Original style was raped beyond belief
Tried this afraid it doesn't work. The issue isn't a gameplay one. Its the fact you lose sr to idiots deranking, retarded, throwing or leaving
Also the "low sr cant shoot pharah" is bs. Maybe some games but you do get thrown in with mcrees and soldiers that don't miss.
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>tfw the enemy team has a 2-stack with one at the average SR for that game and the other an entire rank tier above the matches'.
>still manage to pull out the win after a difficult match that went into overtime on both sides.
>the guy a whole sr tier above us is just going 'free elo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯' in all-chat.
>ask him even though he's trying to boost his mates account why he doesn't really care about the match.
>'i'm just practising heroes'

I know our team would have lost if we weren't able to have a positive attitude and prevent our own teammates from getting tilted but still. No need to act like a cunt just because your marginally higher in SR.
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>to go official forum
>Widow mains crying for buffs
>check their profiles
>they're all plat or lower
I dont understand retards who want to watch porno made of overwatch
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they're retards
Just hook him back. Fight fat with fat.
While meta slavery is stupid because most people don't even understand why the heroes are picked, I have noticed that not having a Rein is almost always a loss. You will get hammered down, lose the point and struggle to get it back.
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Overwatch is on the Nintendo DS?
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Dunno if your just joking but it's hard to tell cause of my shit comp
But reaper ulted before the round started
picking a bad hero is like being a lazy shit on a group project trying to do as little work as possible
throwing games because someone picked a bad hero is equivalent to taking a literal shit on the project while crying because you didn't feel like that one guy was trying his best
you are literally by far the worst kind of cancer in this game. fortunately you'll never get out of plat and will hopefully get banned sooner than later

i haven't watched porn in a long time. i just fap to 2d
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>Implying sex with Amelie is sweet and cuddly
I personally like the Zarya plus any other tank combo. It doesn't work with Rein that well because of his shield though you can bubble him on the charge.
to heal 3 tanks
>story so dead people have to stalk the writer's twitter for anything they can find

Amazing work Blizzard
Even in masters Zarya gets a shit ton of charge regardless. Retards can't hold fire, never!
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If you're not;

playing to win
playing to the limits of your ability
capable of being flexible
familiar with counter picks
willing to work with others
actively trying to improve
on your "main" account and smurfing

stay the FUCK out of Competitive
Please don't post rape
lol at tracer with her accelerator wedged between her tits
it's a portable device not an arc reactor lol
I fap to anything
That was drawn before reflections
It works great with Rein if he's the least bit competent. Bubble allows him to firestrike, be more aggressive, and even charge without risking everything. A Rein should usually drop his shield to get you charge unless there's a good reason not to.
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Amelie is good at only three things:
>Shooting people
>Raping people
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I agree. Amelie should be cooked alive
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It's physically impossible to rape Mercy
She is always willing
Shield completely voids bubble though and bubbling other tanks ups their durability while soaking damage for charge. This then lets you push with Zarya as a dps.
I usually end up taking over the dps role as soon as I hit 100 early on.
Even hog yaoi?
One of the things Genji found out very early.
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But what it's Reaper?
She also has regeneration. You can stretch her out like rubber and she'll snap back.
Pot brownies idiot
Good at cooking pot brownies

Don't you want Weedowmaker to make you pot brownies?
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Why is there no wm doms pharah hecause thats what she does in game.
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Why are all the female support players always Mercy?
>attractive, succesful woman
Jeez I wonder why
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Get behind the shield you fucking degenerate
Self inserting
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because of the healslut game ofc
Because women like to be abused and don't enjoy high quality memelords like tablerildo and lugio
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Angela is pure and not for lewd you motherFUCKER.
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100% of healsluts are gay men, not women
You think he's in this state by accident?
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Why is Zarya a furry? In hometown of Russia furriy people are burned at stake for their insolence.
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I'm gay and I play a lot of support but I'm 100% a masculine top and just like helping people.
This is spam now.
>thinks healer enjoy helping people
No im helping myself by keeping my carrys alive. Players are just minions, mindless minions always getting hurt and needing to be rezed.
Playing support is like playing torb except with metaslaves as your turrets.
Hero you'd never expect a girl to play?
Did you read any of what I said? I mained Zarya in S2 and have like 20 hours Rein the season. Maybe you're just passing with bad Renhardts.
Also, the bubble sticks out of the front of his shield a bit, so it can still get charge.
Dr. Ziegler, please, leave and go back to work. I'm afraid prolonged exposure might have a negative impact your psyche.
Rein desu
Would you want a Genji or McCree on your team?
I'd say Reinhardt.
>any enemy gets nanoboosted
>orb of discord and proceed to delete with Zenyatta
I love messing things up.
Reinhardt. Came across a girl that only played tanks which seems very rare
Exactly. Just tool. They all thank you and card you at the end of the match but I could not care less.
So much class and load out shit that it feels convoluted and unpredictable, more so than Overwatch which literally has broken characters in it.
It's new.
Larger cast of characters and variety of gameplay on an individual basis.

I think the only thing TF2 has up in Overwatch right now is that it has more maps/modes and better ways to deal with "unkillable" characters.
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Interesting, I know for a fact that best blizzard employee is a tank main
I would say Reaper but the best Reaper I know is actually a girl.
How did that first fan miss?
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>They all
>card you
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>hecause thats what she does in game.
year of the rooster
not shitting on Widows as Pharah until they rage quit
I fap to anything straight that doesn't involve guro, non-human/non-realistic genitalia/bodies and loli.

She wants to get porked
>one shots you out of the sky
Dumb pigeone
Hmm, dunk hunt custom game, like halo 3 this gives me an idea hoho.
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>not knowing where the widow is
It'll never not feel great to either headshot or hook a Pharah out of the sky.
Does Widow shoot birds out of habbit? And how often she hits Pharah while doing that?
We need them to develop a custom map maker.
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>Overtime with not even first point capped
>Our D.Va utls for triple and kills somebody else with her shitty pistol, gaining us the the point and eventually the game
>POTG goes to enemy Genji who killed 3 people with his ult and had no impact at all
I dont understand
> when you hit that scatter arrow just right and it kills both pharah and her healslut.
Feels good man
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it will never not feel great to push a porker off the map as he tries to hook or jumping on widow and pumping her face full of rockets
Does Mei cockblock Talon members and her teammates with ice walls?
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Pharah has probably flown through flocks of birds on accident while on patrol and got bird blood and shit and parts all over her.
Maybe D.Va just finished them off while gengu got full kills.
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non consensual.png
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Hana is for ____
>out of habbit?
what habbit?
As I don't really fap to anything nowadays this is pretty surreal to me.
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kicking off the table
Does Winston cry when he fails to kill a fly with his low DPS?
Mexican get-together (rape)
Does reaper ever get fat from souls?

So we know McCree is getting a new legendary at some point
Gotta feed Mercy after all.
dont do it reaper, thats our pet gremlin d.va
>new legendary skin
>Jockstrap Cowboys begins to play
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why the hell do people still pick D.Va in competitive???

Every fucking game I've lost had a "D.Va" main who spent 90% of the game out of their mech getting brutally slaughtered.

I keep trying to nicely tell them that they're picking a useless tank and that Roadhog or Zarya or even WINSTON is a better pick (usually because Rein is already taken) and they always get fucking butthurt.
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kick hana 2.png
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What is this gif from?
your going into orbit you stupid fat
I'm an edge who loves to kill
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Making love.
Does Tracer ever get that feeling of deja vu?
>playing with group
>one Torb main
>one Hanzo main
>one Mei main
They aren't even bad players but we won't win with those picks
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I don't have a gaming mouse,is that the reason why I'm stuck in low gold?

I use a 10$ mouse (havic) bought from walmart and I'm stuck in gold , is this the reason why I'm stuck?
anyone here dosen't have a gaming mouse and has a high rank?
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As a tank main this is interesting to know.
>playing Hog
>enemy Tracer will not leave me the fuck alone despite me winning every single 1v1 against her
>uses all of her ults on me as well
>only sticks me once and I heal through it anyway
But she's perfectly balanced now anon, what's the problem? Maybe you should have joined to the d.va players bitching back when she was geting raped on ptr instead of jerking off to the idea of not having to deal with matrix if you think otherwise.
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He does, but it's nothing Dr. Ziegler can't fix. And by fix, i mean fuck up even further, then claim her teammates suck.
I used a 5$ dollar mouse until it broke recently, before that I used a razer deathadder, now I use my mom's wireless logitech
no difference whatsoever unless you're in top500 playing mcree only
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>mom's wireless logitech
>no difference whatsoever unless you're in top500 playing mcree only
thanks man
Thanks for the ult charge
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Does Hanzo successfully insert his dick even if he was looking in the wrong directon?
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i used to main d.va as my tank role and never wanted her to get nerfed. i think it's ludicrous that they think making her worse than her launch specs would be a great idea when the whole reason she was changed was because she wasn't viable at launch.

ana's the reason people cried about d.va being overpowered. ana's been nerfed now though. they shouldn't have jumped the gun with d.va before seeing how new ana rolled with tanks.

like seriously, and why did d.va need an armor AND damage nerf? both literally killed her only roles as a tank. defense matrix is not her entire kit and now that's the only thing she can do and rein and zarya can do it better.

hog can ONE HIT her out of her mech.

fucking so stupid.
Fucking hell I was listening to Initial D as I read this.
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Why are Lucio and Hana so cute together?
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>just got put back into plat after a 36% win rate widow kept saying she was the best on the team
fuck this game
this song is the unofficial tracer theme
Stop comparing Defense Matrix to Rein or Zarya's shields, Defense Matrix is so many miles better. Neither of them can endure Pharah's ult, Roadhogs ult, or even a persistent Bastion. D.Va just gobbles all the damage up as if it was never there.
446th for calculating the intersection between three decelerating boxes under the influence of gravity and a fourth box that can randomly move in any direction is fairly complicated calculus, and not simple geometry
>Everything can be hacked...and everyone
What did she mean by that?
The 1337est of hackers can hack so good they can make an old man forget how to run.
Because Sombra has a computer brain she can hack other Sombra's.
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Blue post about Blizzard balancing with a bonus post about why they don't talk about upcoming heroes.
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Who here is going to intentionally place bronze next season because they already know they're bad?
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Hana makes everything cuter, duh? It's not about Lucio.
Any pair including D.va is automatically cute.
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>defense matrix is better than reinhardt's shield
How's life in gold? Reinhardt is objectively the best tank.
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Mainfaggots fucking DESTROYED
but can they fuck someone with it?
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Everybody is filled with nanomachines and Sombra hacks them
This explains Reaper eating souls and Mercy res.
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The only time Tracer isn't a subby bitch is with D.Va.
It is exactly because of def matrix. As opposed to other shields, you can't just simply bruteforce it, but you need to actually think about when to press your Q and shit when D.Va is around. And that's something not even the pros want to do. So when D.Va finally become relevant, everyone wanted her gone because using brain is harder than holding m1 with occasional Q press.
It's all nice and all but shit they've done to D.va proves they're the ones thinking in black and white.
Did I say best tank or best shield? Read nigger, read.
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>you didn't like waiting months for no actual info on sombra so now you get no info at all

Great one Jeff. How about trying to learn from the criticism instead.
>people shat on sombra ARG (mainly because it was just a bunch of timers to timers for 6 months)
"Well fuck you, Imma pount and release the hero when it's done."

What a time to be alive.

tl;dr everybody's wrong
>"we don't see things in black and white"

Ha ha ha horseshit, everything they do regarding balance is as black and white as possible.
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And I like that. Frankly I'm sick and tired of tumblr's approach to Tracer that's mostly "DUUR USELESS LESBIAN XDD SO GAY AND DUMB AND SUBMISSIVE xD WITH NOTHING ELSE GOING ON FOR HER"
>make shitty ARG
>Blizzard doesn't communicate at all
>people get mad about it
>b-but it's the community's fault
>we'll continue not communicating, t-that'll teach em... !
What if Mercy used nanomachines to replace dead cells and missing pieces of machines?
Tumblr hates lesbians, unless they're not white.
Isn't Def Matrix getting a buff soon? I play a lot of D.VA and I'm ok with this. Being an invincible killing machine was cool, but DM is so useful overall that I will gladly make this trade. We might finally get away from the mandatory Rein.
That's probably what she does.
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You can't exactly blame them when Tracer acts like a kid with ADHD most of the time. You'd think Blizzard would want to give their mascot some depth (and her backstory gives her plenty of potential for it), but they haven't made that effort yet.
It really doesn't need anything. The rest of D.Va needs a tweak, the Matrix is perfect.
>When you realize Defense Matrix is actually D.Va manually detecting and shooting down projectiles and bullets herself
be my healslut please I am not super good but we can be friends and have fun together
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>We might finally get away from the mandatory Rein.

Matrix as it is will never replace Rein or even Zarya. And the shitty bug fix it's getting won't help D.Va in any way.
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All you need to make a character seem deep and meaningful is a healthy dose of tragedy and PTSD. And Tracer was lost for an unknown amount of time as a ghost, that's gotta be traumatic.
I dunno, they could make her comment on that or something.
Then everyone she healed enough would be pretty much dead while their copies made of nanomachines run around as if nothing is wrong.
All she needs is 300 Armor/300 HP and she'll be fine.
>Blizzard thinks the feedback about the Sombra ARG means players don't want to hear about upcoming heroes
Blizzard is run by idiots.
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>the shitty bug fix it's getting
Oh that's all it's getting? Damn.
Oh yeah, more shields won't make this game less fun to play at all.

So they're still attempting to keep up that cancerous attitude of "skill shouldn't matter, just counter lol" that has led to where we are today.

When are they going to learn that tiers are going to happen because some characters don't have enough scissors to counter their paper, and that these things will ALWAYS happen.
That's what I'm saying. For something that is a huge part of her identity they sure seem to like ignoring it. Her voicelines with Sombra are great, but that's the only time she shows a different side to her than hyper happy lesbian.
I think it's just that something big is coming. Something like Terry Crews as Doomfist but the whole concept is still raw and they don't know how to finish this character.
people were bitching, in /owg/ no less, that they would rather hear it all at the end instead of getting little bits at a time. though i assume people meant that they didn't want 3 day timers that went super slow, rather than not want information or some work in progress pictures
I think they're probably further along than people think, game development takes fucking ages. I bet Doomfist's chosen voice already recorded all his lines long before reddit got a stick up their ass about Crews
Oh yeah, her quips with Sombra are the best. Pissed Tracer is sexy.
Pretty much. I know Sombra's VA said she started recording lines three months before her reveal so if there is a hero coming out in the immediate future the voicing is already done.
Is reading the fucking patch notes that hard.
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>thinking he has the authority to talk about arg after the asspull that was sombra.

Just go hard or go home. No-one wanted an ARG where you literally got fuck-all for completing it.
How do I rate my own performance as reaper?
were you even here? people were bitching that they weren't actually getting enough information during the ARG and the rewards for following it were too paltry compared to how shitty watching those timers count down was.
But people not liking months of countdowns with no info means they don't want any info at all. There's no other conclusion you could draw from that experience.
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>they are often not satisfied until that hero has any viability whatsoever
D.Va says annyeong.
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The problem wasn't that the ARG sucked, it was that the timing was completely off. It should've started a week before release and "beating it" should've unlocked her profile on the website
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>make an African-American character
>call him Brazilian

Why is this allowed?
>defending the point really well
>some attacks get through but we manage every time
>out of nowhere Reinhardt just charges into the enemy territory
>they move in and we lose the point
for what purpose, Rein
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But that's true. We don't deserve anything they're doing.
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It's true.
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Does that fucking retard even realize that his shitty games has like 6-7 heroes you can get away by maining them since the game fucking release? Holy shit, this is the same tier of post like those about rein or zarya not being played, makes my blood boil. Also do you really go on about carefull balance after the fucking D.Va nerf? Really? Eat shit and die.
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>america starts waking up
>racebaiting and politics shitposting begins

really memes those shit memes or something
Calm down autist
>Reach 2900 finally
>Start checking out other people's stats in QP
>notice for the past 5 matches every single one on my team has been 3500 or higher

what the fuck? am i just that bad?
I will never understand Tumblr's obsession with making everybody fat and ugly.
I mean Blizzard wants everyone to know that Tracer is a puppy dog, someone that just wants to be everyone's best friend. So the fact that she of all people shit talks Sombra so much should let you know Sombra did something pretty serious, same with Widow.

Although I remember one dude suggesting that she has some competent for 76 because she might think Jack played a big role in Overwatch going to shit, which would be a neat angle.
Sombra is the Revolver Ocelot of the game. Nobody likes her because they don't trust her loyalties or what she knows.
Beautiful people are not allowed to exist, everything must be flawed and precious.
They draw what they know.
>self projection
Pretty clear to me.
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Reyes is actually set up better to be the Revolver Ocelot. He could easily be acting as a sleeper agent as well. In fact if he was, he'd be practically a 1 to 1 copy in motivations and method.
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Let's cleanse that palette with a qute Symmetra, from Tumblr.
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these people must be culled
Lucio having abs with that body is giving me severe gas cramps.
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post poor game design
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You need to justify assertions like this
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Man... it'd be super cool if they added something like a server browser with custom game modes.

That would be pretty sweet right?
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Reaper had almost no loyalty to Talon or its agenda, he just wants to scratch everyone off his shitlist and then find a way to shuffle himself off this mortal coil (which is apparently easier said then done).

Talon just gives him the tools and means in exchange for a few odd jobs, like the Volskaya job.
Biotic Grenade
Roadhog as a whole
Mercy as a whole
Widowmaker as a whole
Scatter Arrow
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If you shoot your enemy, they win.
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I hope with season 4 placement matches will actually matter this time

The whole S3 was a joke with shitters being place way too high because of previous season

I really don't understand why people don't start at the same point and climb up , the cream will eventually settle at the top

Seriously I've seen people who were mid 40's in s1 be at masters or GM in Season 3 but I thought the general consensus was season 1&2 people were placed too high
So why are there so many shitters in Diamonds
Also diamond shitters need to fuck off with their plat smurf friends it's bad enough I have to play with diamonds who expect to be carried let alone some fuckwit trying to rapidly climb ranks resulting in some people having 2 accounts in top 500
how exactly did McCree become a fat trans man of color again
That's not poor design, it's smart. It allows a hero to be a tank in a nonstandard manner
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Also, that's McCree and..?
I agree on scatter arrow.
Good hanzos can one shot most people with that stupid shit, yet somehow Widow doesn't get some insane ability like that.
Guessing it's supposed to be McCree and younger McCree
I don't know but I will be willing to bet money that Steven Universe is involved somehow
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>We took the community feedback regarding the Sombra ARG to heart
This hits too many angles for it not to be intentional. I've rarely seen so much mental illness concentrated in one picture.
Despite some of your facts being wrong or misinterpreted. That's the point. Ocelot wasn't revealed to be the hero of the story until MGS4 and then his real motivations weren't revealed until MGSV. It's called a "twist".
That seems like an awful lot of *~DIVERSITY~* to dump on one character.
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>Widowmaker as a whole
At least she actually has to aim.
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>enemy team scores a major objective every time you die

Carrying in this game is too fucking hard.
Not race baiting. Besides his bio saying that he is from Rio de Janeiro and him wearing the colors of the Brazilian flag, there's not much in him suggesting that he is Brazilian at all.
He seems more like like a "generic Black American guy".
But this is a shooter?
You're right. Look at the scars under McCree's pecs. He transitioned to male. I fucking hate everything.
Man playing support is frustrating I feel like punching my monitor sometimes. When playing mercy do I want to focus heals only or get both heals and my D/O assists? I had some fucker tell me that I should only be healing.
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Aww, poor Mexico nerd.
That should say Absolut Wiederlich for accuracy
Yes, and you have a guy that swings a hammer around doing tons of damage

Or if you're good just wait until the bubble is gone and kill them. nobody else has problems with this.
But young McCree looks like a shittily drawn guy, though. I don't think these people understand that female bodies don't typically have wide as fuck shoulders.
He like is soccer according to the summer games. American nigs hate soccer.
I mean yeah, but in Tracer's case it's pretty personal because she was the one that made the virus that fucked up Winston's lab in Recall, plus she was able to steal some of Winston's chrono tech to make her teleporter.

Bitch helped Reaper break into her best friends lab and used the life saving technology to make something that lets her move around to health packs eaaier
Junkrat mains and silvers do
I fucking hate hitting Pharah. Yeah, I know I'm fucking terrible at aiming, but it's such a pain in the ass, especially when she's getting healslutted.
If you're not in silver then what's the problem?
>they are often not satisfied until that hero has any viability whatsoever

Quoted for truth, people who just want spiteful nerfs are shitters that have no clue about game balance
Tell me about it.
Pfft, I'm a Junkrat main and I easily take care of Zarya. By switching heroes because I'm not fucking retarded.
Half of this thread is in silver, which is why there are people whining about Zarya bubble
They have zero concept of human anatomy. They just draw people to be as ugly and """ diverse""" as possible. If the anatomy is malformed that's another check in their list of oppressed people so it only benefits them. What a bunch of delusional idiots FUCK
>just don't fight them!
do you know how many abilities in this game have this "counter"
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>Metzen was STILL drawing pictures of his failed OC since 2002.

What a fucking LOSER.
I remembered something important while playing once that helped me a shit load and get gold elimns everytime as soldier.

dont spray and shoot.
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my eyes.png
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That time again already?
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These people don't understand how bodies work at all because the majority of them have never done any sort of anatomy studies and have learned to draw, albeit poorly, from copying bad cartoons and worse artists.
havent seen graphics like this sinceI played comp TF2, and everyone was running low polygons.
The autist is right though.
Yeah, genius thanks for the advice. I'm still terrible at aiming, fag.
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>"Let's gather some valuable data on this mission!"
>continues who piece skulls with icicles
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Fixed. Or at least improved.
Have you tried learning how to aim
That would explain why everyone has rosacea and an entire potato for a nose. Shit, this makes me mad. Speaking as someone who went to school for art, this shit actually pisses me off beyond the whole social justice thing - they're just vomiting out the most minimum-effort garbage imaginable and slapping a gradient or that chromatic aberration shit on it to make it look like they expended a token amount of actual effort, and then they have the nerve to expect praise for it because it's """inclusive."""
That dinner probably has "YOUR ARG FUCKING SUCKS" written on it.
isn't it fucked up to always draw brown women with these hairy-ass arms
>We're aware of the fact that people play the game a certain way that isn't the way we want them to play, so we're going to force them to play the way we want them to.
After 200 hours you still cant be that bad at aiming

unless you only play Mercy or Reinhardt
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>play Comp to try to get to GM
>first game, nobody picks tanks, ask politely for a tank and Pharah player chimps the fuck out and throws the game
>second game, 3-stack of koreans on our team all playing DPS don't communicate at all, we lose the game
>third game, two groups of two, one is a Diamond/Plat combo in a game with Masters and GMs
>Plat is playing attack Symmetra and isn't good at it
>Politely tell them to swap, they chimp-out and play Junkrat instead and keep feeding the enemy Zarya
>fourth game, friendly Ana can't hit shit and offer to take their place
>ends up leaving voice channel and doesn't coordinate at all, end up losing because they kept blowing ults randomly
>had more healing as Zenyatta
>fifth game, nobody goes Reinhardt on Eichenwalde
>offer the position to somebody who knows how to play Rein well, nobody takes it so I volunteer
>team chimps out that I suck at Rein even though I told them
>sixth game is almost entirely Koreans, one of which is a Pharah that did fuckall, and a Mercy who pocketed a fucking Roadhog
>after all these games, nearly drop out of Master

This game is a fucking nightmare. Is the end of the season bringing out more and more tards?
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>ywn be cool ninja banging Korean idols with your brother
It's more insulting that these people obviously now how to draw well, but purposefully butcher their own work because it's a fucking Tumblr trend. And then they'll no doubt complain about how nobody ever hires them for drafts or pays them for commissions. It's the biggest sink of talent.
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What if the new hero coming Doomfist is not with Talon but instead an agent of overwatch? I think that The Doomfist who Reaper talks about is "The scourge", not "The successor"
>everyone who has been level 400+ always picks Mercy or Genji
haha that anon was right
You are the only constant.
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No, Hana is for just Hanzo.
Scourge was lame ass nigga who got beaten up by Winston (nerd and virgin)
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Just wait
It's gonna be the kid from the trailer, dressed like megaman
Reminder that Jack is not only better as a leader, but he's better as a father as well.
Beaten but not killed
Pls no
What's with all these insanely high level players maining Mercy or Symmetra? Every single Gold or Platinum background player I've run into plays both and rarely are they very good at it.
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But Hanzo is for Widow
I can't picture a guy only playing Mercy for 1,150 hours
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This is my wife.
Say something nice to her.
She's a shitskin
Right? It's fucking disgusting. It does make me feel grateful for artists like nesskain, if nothing else, because at least they still TRY.
This isn't a moba where you can pick a carry hero and get too big to be stopped, it's very very easy to have a lead taken from you in this game is someone decides to throw or otherwise be shit
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Reyes was a pretty cool guy.
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Where were you when Reaper/76 got confirmed this week?
All we need are their chocolate lines and its a sealed deal.

Feels good.
She is very -AAARGH
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She's a qt, though.
Shipping is cancer and the obsession with it is letting Chu get away with not writing actual lore
I play Mercy when i want to watch tv while playing, because it doesnt require any thought really.
I think she's best girl
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But I thought McCree was supposed to be trans. Wouldn't wearing a dress trigger his dysphoria? This artist needs to make up their mind.
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Her wife is cute.
Who are the characters that have fucked up airhitboxes again?
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>better leader
>better father
fuck outa here
I though D.Va would be be the most spammed waifu trash but it was actually a sand nigger and the giant smurf
Yeah, and that's why he wasn't chosen.
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Fucking christ, I try to get good with Pharah but she's so fucking fragile. I don't know why but I die with a light breeze. A single hit takes me down to 80. And I can't hit shit with her.
Are you sure that is "your" wife?
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Something nice.
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Clothes don't have a gender you mysogynist
Pharmercy is one of the most annoying things to deal with in the game.
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He's a great chef.
Honestly, I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could try to sell commissions when they draw like that. Talk about having no fucking shame.
how many hours of genji do i have to play to stop being confused where the enemy went when i dash through them
Plus he's a fucking nanomachine wraith edgy whatever thing. Who wouldn't want to have that as their father?
Too bad he becomes incompetent whenever he deals with someone who has a name.
The fact that you talk about it means it attracts attention, and that's what artist clearly was going for
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Yeah it's not the best ship, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna say I don't like it.
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Of course.
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And who's fault is that?
They sell it based on diversity. The thing to remember about these people is that they use oppression like a currency, and the more supportive of minorities you look, the more Good Noodle points you get, which you can then use to call people out on their "bigotry" whenever they do something you don't like.
>have Zenyatta
>have Ana
>have Soldier 76
>discord Mercy
>shoot Mercy
>discord Pharah
>shoot Pharah
Not hard shitter
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Why is she mine? so cute?
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They should make her eyes lighter, like Ana's.
Practice hitting the moving targets in the practice range. Learn her projectile speed and how much you need to lead moving targets.

Don't just float somewhere with no cover. Be as unpredictable as possible when under fire. Use your concussion to escape/fuck with enemies aim.
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meh, they seem fine to me
Will Reaper ever do anything in the shorts
thats just how she is.
3 hits from anything and you're basically dead.

pharah is godly when the enemy team doesnt have soldier/widow focusing on you
They really should give her some armor. She's WRAPPED in the stuff.
You're that guy who says "no im pro" when they pick attack widow and do nothing all game aren't you
Is his body functioning as a living organism? Yes. The patient can be discharged. Nothing to complain about.
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She's mine.
Tell me how you play 3 different characters at the same time.
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Please devote the next thread to the new canon ship.
Why is this game about counter-picks anyways.

Why is counter-picking considered a skill.
If it involves anyone with a name, no. If not, then he can take down as many giant mechs and radom mooks as he wants.
I win 1v1s with him as Sombra 90% of the time
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Will do.
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>cute brown girl is a soldier in power armor
Just like in my Vietnamese soap operas.
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My SH is 2076
My current SR ~1700.

Why am I not even average at anything in life? What's wrong with me? How do I fix myself?
Depends on who you pick and what you do in game
Get fucked.
Chicken Masala >>>>>>> Sweet and Sour Pork.
Where can I read about the lore of Overwatch?
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So instead of talking about the game and how to improve, you people discuss couples and shit?
Jesus christ you all are so gay.
The Overwatch Wiki is a good place to start. Otherwise there are YouTube channels that analyse the shit out of it.
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>butthurt by ana
>fun is derived from attempting to win

Not necessarily. It certainly doesn't seem like you're having fun.
Is leaving comp during the victory pose screen to soon? I feel like I lost 50 points but I don't know what elo I was before.
the game sucks, the character designs are the good part
You can leave any time after it says VICTORY or DEFEAT
None of them are actually good enough at the game to have discussion about the game. They just reeeee about their confirmation biases and complain about characters they personally don't like.

This is better, which is pretty depressing, and more fun.
Shouldn't be. There's a big warning that pops up if you're risking points.
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Why would I come to /owg/ to talk about playing the game when I could just play the game?
No, I come to /owg/ when I want to talk about the cute girls from the game.
We've known about it being canon it just took some time for others to finally realize. Now there is no denying it.
i mean, i too find it annoying that i'm getting repeatedly by a healer who is playing like a sniper that doesn't have to aim
Ana needs to aim at enemies just as much as Widow does when scoped
objectively false
playing a good ana only means hitting the body of allies or enemies
>t. metashitter
>play only healer lucio
>get bronze healing
Am I doing it right guys?
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and again
You can kill a pharah with 3 widow bodyshots too if you want...
Inefficient. Just like how mercy playing offensively instead of as a healer is inefficient.
Quick question for anons who play with a gamepad on PC. Does the Xbox One pad get recognized as an Xbox 360 pad or is it its own thing? Have you guys ran into issues getting it to run? Currently using a PS4 pad and have to run it through 3rd party software to get it to act like an Xbox 360 pad, but I want to upgrade to native drivers like with the 360. I don't want to get a 360 pad, I want an Xbox One pad. Also, does it affect any other games? Is it native for older generation stuff like the 360?

Widow main btw, I don't really play anyone else, especially in comp. Sorry anons, please don't be mad. But that's the great thing about being part of the pc master race. You can play anyway you want, instead of being restricted to one style like on consoles. Heck, you can even play with a joystick or a custom driving wheel, it's all up to you.
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Overwatch in the Sims is nightmarish.
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It's a dead thread without waifuposting desu
i only heal with amps and i usually get gold healing
Take that hellish lipstick off of Mercy.
This entire board, nay entire site is dead without waifuposting.
>literally hindering yourself
You get to make them fuck each other
I fail to see how it is nightmarish.
>Widow main

What rank are you?

I don't know the answer to your question since I also use PS3 controller for other games.
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Anon no they're sisters
They have sex mods for that right? What's the issue?
I guess I'd like it if Roadhog had to wind up his hook. Like he would swing his chain like a lasso so you could tell he was getting ready to hook someone. Seems simple enough to implement and keeps his core function intact.

Does this please you Ana poster?
Series of Unfortunate events with junkrat as Count Olaf remake when?
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I believe you can have same-sex Sims fuck each other by default.
>people say sombra does no damage

>she deletes me in under a second

>korean btag
I stopped playing for 2 months and just came back to see I lost over 400 sr for inactivity. I didn't know you could lose sr in diamond but that's not the point. After that I realised I won't even try to grind rank again and just stopped caring. Funnily enough the game became much more acceptable that way.

except when on 2cp
Why Junkrat is so fun to play? How can we make him viable for comp?
>Bastion as a grill
Fuck, I dig this
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Watch and learn.
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No other really important blue posts today. The clan support question was even answered back at launch.
she's good if your tracking game is solid and you can keep your aim on your target's head while both you and they are jumping around trying to dodge, just like Tracer.
Give him or junktire armor or something, pretty sure his damage isn't the issue.
dont main zen you faggot
Daily reminder that if you think your team is stopping you from climbing you are garbage. Queued up team or randoms.

If you cant carry a team as your main DPS you are garbage.

If you dont take flank oppurtunities as DPS you are garbage.

If you rose to Diamond and then droppes out of the SR quickly you are... Garbage.

If you complain about "muh teamcomp is sht every game" ... You are garbage.

If you are below the true meta (3102) you are garbage.

Current SR: 3392

Mains: Pharah Lucio Ana McDick Rein Zarya
Anon yes
If you don't care just play quick play
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>All these Ana gloaters on /vg/
You can't possibly tell me all you shitters are good with Ana and always supposedly carry your team. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
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Fun doesn't need to be viable.
maybe if you stick to /vg/ and /a/. faggot.
Don't hate because Ana takes skill.
lol, just... lol
Why is Lucio so great? I hardly ever want to play anyone else.
That OC is in the game and the best DPS character by far. I'd hardly call that "losing".
People should understand that tryharding is never productive.Not in single aspect of life
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Not him but I really couldn't care less about my rank points. I still want to win and have fun.

It's the ultimate red pill to enjoy this game to it's maximum.
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>mercy looks like a whore
>dva a man
>syms thumb is bending back 180°
>widow looks like a 56 yr old chain smoking cougar
>sombra's just there
Good job anon
>tfw 76 is Metzen's self-insert
>tfw can't fantasize about 76 without Metzen
>tfw boner killed for 76


>"Whatever man im not even mad, i didnt like this game anyway :^)"
I didn't make that m8te.
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You're that guy who picks Genji then says "chill out it's just a game LOL" when you lose because there's no consistent damage on the team aren't you
>That disgusting lipstick on Mercy.
Her 160dps gun is no joke but most people can't aim.
>there are people want to buff her damage
Not him, but I like the idea of giving him a tell to when he's about to hook. It doesn't have to be much, and doesn't have to be more than a half a second or so, but enough that you can go "o fuk" and get the hell behind something. Or at the very least give him some kind of indication, visual or otherwise, that it's off cooldown. Something subtle but obvious if you know what to look for.
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>Chu's post is already picking up steam this fast

Come back with those goalposts madman
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I thought so.
I would add two abilities

Hold down r2 to fire all grenades at once, but the spread is all over the place

And the ability to drop a grenade behind him bloodborne style

Though I worry that's too many abilities for one character
I mean I just don't care enough to throw tantrum when something doesn't go my way. Bastion troll ruining your game? eh w/e Losing badly? w/e can't win everything. I seem to have accepted the fact that I won't become pro and just try to enjoy my time in the game. Took me a while.

Still winning feels nice and winning in qp just doesn't feel. QP gives no feels whatsoever even when you 1v6 Maybe occasional laugh at best.
>play at any other time except the middle of the day or evening
>get placed into high skill-variance matches
game is already dead, isn't it?
I'd take an alt-fire that charges and fires a grenade along a straighter trajectory, just for the extra range and those sick air shots.
lmao son take a chill pill

I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck about lost points. I even said it actually helped me truly enjoy the game now.
These came out pretty good Anon

Though the Mercy looks like my Mom, kinda odd. I think I like the Symmetra the most
>too many abilities for one character
I am 100% sure that Sombra translocator has time limit only because Bliz run out from buttons for controls
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>don't play comp for three weeks out of fear of losing rank
>finally decide to see if i can raise it to 3000
>get a game with a man named Rekt who does nothing but suicide on numbani
It's frankly fuckin weird how plat has so many griefers trying to wreck games. You'd think they'd all drop like stones to silver/bronze
Welcome to multi player gaming.
People are fucking idiots Its using a mei your main damage dealer
If you play her as support she works surprisingly well

The one thing I would change about sombra if she hacks a zenyatta he's orbs should disappear
>fear of losing rank

Why place so much value on rank?

You need gold weapon that bad?
It's fun to climb. Plus its a fact that if you lose game after game your rank goes down farther, i just wanna play comp and have some close games but i dont want to be constantly punished for getting bad coin flips.
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>Sombra's hack doesn't straight up kill Tracer.
Sauce on that?
>sombra is classified as offense even though she's a support
is this because blizzard is trying to convince people they didn't release 2 supports in a row
>Sombras emp doesnt permanently remove Bastion and Zen from the hero roster for the match
>Playing 1v1
>This guy is hacking
>Ask him what the appeal of hacking is
>His word for word response "Because it pisses people like you off."
I hope this guy gets permabanned.
>symmetra is classified as support even though she's a defense.
It worked, you're mad aren't you?
I don't think it's a big deal. There should be characters that have some overlap in classes.
I'm not so much mad as I am disappointed.

Who is:
why are you replying seriously to a 8 hour old sarcastic post
You came to a bangkok oil painting discussion hall to make a blogpost about it
Sombra already has the easiest time in the world 1-clipping his fuckhueg model and EMPing down to 50hp.
You're in the cathedral of umad spouting edgelords here, don't expect anyone to agree with you
D.Va should have less health once out of her mech.


>"LMAO dog Ecks Dee XDDDD"
>"i enjoyed deranking and playing with people in low plat! Its part of the fun!"
is there any site where I could check my last 10 games stats from them and shit like that.
It's time to stop posting my friend.
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It's just a game you try hard
Its time to post your career high, scrub.
>when I play ana

Seriously fuck you pharahs I enjoy picking you out of the skies.

Oh this widowmaker wants to lunge herself mid air and try to snipe someone, ya fuck you, not gonna let that happen.

>can kill other widowmakers
>snipe pharahs out of the sky

To the point where they switch I will keep doing it.
>final score: 4 to 4
>still a defeat

This game is bullshit
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