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/hbg/ - Homebrew and Hacking General

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Thread replies: 782
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Previous thread: >>163388973

3DS: 9.2 (Downgrade: 11.1 - Entrypoints: http://smealum.github.io/3ds)
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05 (Kernel)
PS3: 3.55

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade + a9lh: https://3ds.guide/
Wii U: http://pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
IOSU+Kernal Exploit: https://github.com/FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial/wiki
Vita: http://pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

-33c3 presentations on December 27th. One for 3DS and Wii U, one for PS4. Both will probably be livestreamed.

-DS games via SD card coming Christmas:http://youtu.be/Pke0kalpoBU
-11.0/11.1 downgrading released. Requires 4 specific DSi games that are no longer available. More info here: https://3ds.guide/nfirm-downgrade
-If you're on 11.0-11.2 and don't have any of the 4 games above you'll need a second CFW 3DS along with any DSiWare game.

>Wii U
-A new method to get regionfree has been released. http://gbatemp.net/threads/448468
-New DNS that block updates have been released. https://gbatemp.net/threads/451486 & https://gbatemp.net/threads/436346
-New tool for dumping images from a Wii U disc has been released https://gbatemp.net/threads/wudump-dump-raw-images-from-a-wiiu-game-disc.451736/

-PSN spoofing is broken on the Vita for both Henkaku and TaiHenkaku currently.
-Adrenaline released. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TheOfficialFloW/0ed4e09e2d447e631416cb84d7c43107/raw/readme.txt
-taiHENkaku released along with source. https://tai.henkaku.xyz/
-Some .vpk files can brick your Vita. Be careful. http://wololo.net/2016/10/04/warning-ps-vita-brickers-in-the-wild/
-Update 3.61 patches HENkaku.

-4.06 patches the 4.01 jailbreak, DO NOT UPDATE

-4.81 Rebug CFW released
-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. https://gbatemp.net/threads/447577
ps4 soon?
Is FreeShop not working for anyone else? Mine starts to load then closes with an error message and resets my 3ds.
Explaining this as if you literally don't know anything about the 3DS or how it works, it's way more technical than this but it gets the point across:

When you boot your 3DS, it boots FIRM0, which is your firmware. With A9LH installed, when you boot your 3DS, the first thing it does is boot arm9loaderhax.bin which is located on your SD card, or if it can't detect an SD card, then a minimal CFW stored on your NAND. 99% of the time, arm9loaderhax.bin is a CFW, either Luma or Corbenik, and 1% of the time, it's Decrypt9 or a boot animation that links to a CFW.

So lets say you go full retard and purposely brick your sysNAND. Well, you can easily restore it with a NAND dump you made before because the first thing your 3DS does is boots a file off your SD card. Another staple of A9LH is that it can never be removed by Nintendo because of how it works.

If you're still using MenuHax + a CFW booter, that's fine. I just want you to know that you are running old as shit, antiquated software that nobody is supporting, and if it's still working in 2016, it's not because of the advancements of homebrew, but DESPITE the advancements of homebrew. It's like running ZSNES, you just don't do that shit anymore unless you're super stubborn and too lazy to fix it.
i literally just used it 5 mins ago to download hyrule warriors
From last thread:
>it probably means theres gonna be a new cache soon. try in an hour or so.
Hmm, so I somehow fucked something up

Does the vita still cause save data to become corrupt after leaving it in sleep mode? I used maidump to install games not sure if thats relevant
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What's your best A9LH speedrun time from what version, /hbg/?

I can install A9LH into a 10.7 3DS in 1 hour and 2 hours for 11.0+.
How important is it to update A9LH?
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Something weird happened.

I'm at the Section V of the 3ds guide where it says "Select the FBI injectable .app for your region" but it just shows the hs.app I just created, none of the FBI region things appear.
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Is the NAND you dump from dgTool the same NAND you get from Decrypt9?
its not unless everyone tells you too.
keeping luma updated is much more important.
if menuhax works for you and you have no interest in a9lh just keep using it
I already have a9lh. Just wondering if I should ever update it since there is a Update a9lh guide on 3ds.guide.
Having a problem with Freeshop. I set it to auto update for titlekeys, and I restart Freeshop to download them, but it freezes on "loading games" and just crashes. Tried deleting freeshop folder multiple times, hasn't worked once. Anybody got any solutions?
It's happening to me too on all of my 3DSs. Hope the people I sold A9LH 3DSs to don't get pissed off.
Oh then not really. just keep updating luma. so far the only big a9lh update has been letting you boot without the sd card in. if your version of a9lh has that then dont bother.
Help please, I'm getting scared
How can I get my R4 to work on my hacked 3DS? Works flawlessly on my DS, but 3DS gives an error or doesn't even recognize the cartridge.
ntr launcher
TWL loader
can you test it now to see if it's still working?
Freeshop is fucking cancer.
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I'm trying to inject Pokemon Prism in my 2DS but I'd like to add the border in pic related
Is it possible? I left it as it is and when it loaded in my 2DS it didn't show
Do I need to select another screen size?
Oh fug youre right its not working. glad i got to download what i wanted before it did this shit
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Is it possible to completely hide this page from Wiiflow?
I just want to toggle between wii/gc/vc/emu's
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If I restore my NAND with Hourglass9, would I be able to do another System Transfer immediately or do I still need to wait out the 7 day limit?
it doesnt let you scroll through with the directional pad?
I just did this as well and have the same problem.
Are you holding select when booting it up?
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The .app is right there and it isn't appearing when I select the “Health&Safety Inject” option
RIP freeshop
when going to inject a file use left and right on the dpad to select the file to inject.
Seems like there is a problem with the current encTitleKeys.bin

I'm sure dude, it shows nothing more, just the hs.app I just created.
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I'm trying an alternative method using the Universal Injector.

It says there's no hs.app. Except there is.
ugh fuck, that was the problem, but just realized I should have selected "Use new VC" so it doesn't show the last screen when it boots again
I just did this step like 30 seconds ago. Pressing up and down on the dpad cycled between the country .app and the hs.app.

I'm a retard so I can't give you much advice, but it just worked for me.
Wait, nvm, I don't read, I'm an idiot.
To the Anons who tried to help me last night with installing a9lh and getting stuck on the browser screen, I think I found my problem, when the guide said Previous Release, I actually went into the releases and went a few pages back from the version that was linked, as I checked and I swear I did not have an arm11.bin in the one I downloaded. I apologise, it was 2 AM and I was freaking out, but thank you for trying, think Ill swap to a9lh on Christmas with my day off
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Well, this didn't work either, the H&S just stays at a black screen.

I don't know how else to inject FBI, I followed the guide perfectly and I'm stumbled at this.
Is it possible to run DSiware from the SD card with a9lh?
it only runs from NAND
Mind sharing that friendcodeseed :^)
freeshop is kill?
Got a question, when I boot up on mt N3dsxl I get a blank home menu (though I set a theme previously), but if I power down then reboot without powering off the theme reappears. Anyway that I can fix this?
seems like it
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>mfw IPS top screen on Black Friday N3DS
Bless this hetero earth.
>archive search is dead again
goddamn it
is neptunia rebirth series worth it
Aw come'on can someone help with this please?

I downloaded the fbi-2.4.2-injectable.zip the guide said but Hourglass9 shows none of the files when injecting.
I really hope it's just a cache update, I don't want to be killed by the people I sold hacked 3ds to
bump for interest
sorry for giant newfag question but to install maidump updates i just copypaste the update contents on to the original folder right
It's the current encTitleKeys.bin over at 3DS Title Key, you got it on auto-update, right? Some guy at github got it working with his old file.
Redo the prep work to make sure this isn't user error
I already did like two times in all this time.

I've done all this page until that point perfectly.


I try to scroll but it just doesn't show the FBI Inject files.

Be sure to make a copy of the original game somewhere in case you get a bad DLC dump.
It doesn't even show the backup you took? hs.app something.
so it can be fixed? how do I do that?
That's the only thing it shows, the hs.app I just dumped.
Is the hs.app in the same folder as the FBI_v2.4.2_blabla.app? If yes, is there ANY other hs.app on your SD card, for example in the root.
Yes, it is.
No, those are the only .app there.

I must say tho, I skipped the "Sectionv IV Restoring the System" since after after rebooting the system after turning on the Luma options I didn't get a “Failed to mount CTRNAND" since I assumed the section IV was in case I get those errors, so I skipped to section V.

Do I need to update for Hourglass to show the FBI Inject apps?
System Settings says I'm on Ver. 2.1.0-4U still, that doesn't sound like Luma or A9LH so I'm not sure if I'm in the CFW or not yet, considering the part of the guide I'm at.
>I skipped the "Sectionv IV Restoring the System"
Follow the guide, damn it
I did it lads. I managed to not fuck everything up and hack my 3ds. Now I just have to wait for the painfully long installation of Moon.
Ok ok, I was just scared because the sys setting didn't show something clear about being in the CFW.

Sure, I get the options by holding select at booting, the same goes for hourglass with start, but still.

Restoring NANDmin.bin right now.
Is wii injection possible on wii u yet or will it ever be?
the link to the SD.7z is ded can someone help me out? i ran to the store like 5 minutes ago in a rush to buy a SD card just to do this shit
so is freeshop still kill?
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hey guys, just got myself a JP n3DS. How do I know what kind of hax I currently have? At boot the screen shows some terminal-ish stuff and then it boots to the home menu (menuhax?). pic related is sd card
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well done
Yep, piracy is dead on the system. I guess there's no use in installing CFW now.
welp, time to bust out the old PSP again then
It would just be so much more convenient to be able to start em from the wii u menu and not have to switch harddrives
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you can install eshop wii games with sig patches enabled (Haxchi 2.4), but people are still working on injecting custom ones

read through this thread

you can always hack vWii too

Gamepad controls in Nintendont when?
>not bustin out adrenaline on your vita
stuck in the fbi dump step. health and safety still goes to stock health and safety.
I don't have a vita. I was considering getting one but I don't know jack about it's hacking scene.
I have vwii hacked and im just not sure whether i should wipe my hdd for huehax

Thanks for the link, eagerly reading
It worked.

This is probably a dumb question but are you selecting FBI when using the injector or just hitting confirm? I forgot to switch it with the d-pad and got kinda confused.
Fear not, FreeShop will be fixed soon, just have some patience.
or use ciangel like intelligent people have been doing for months you fucking retards
Similar to the psp one just with expensive dumb memory cards.
I've been using neither, what is the difference.
is ciangel better than just getting it from 3ds title key?
ciangel is like freeshop but ugly
i think you mean like freeshop but with competent developers
it just asks which hs.app i dumped the fbi into and even after picking the corresponding one it loads the stock health and safety
anyone? it hurts to be this close. This 3ds has been downgraded before but it wasn't through gateway
Update: When I boot the console without the microSD it shows that the firmware is 9.1.0. Can I proceed to format the card and follow Phailect's? Do I need to backup anything on the card?
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It's alright bros, it'll be back soon
I wanna hack my friends 3ds, he has a new 3ds in 11.2 and i got the games to hack it but i use RXTOOLS is it the same?
you can still do it but the guide assumes you use a9lh through the process so might wanna switch so you don't get confused
I checked the files and I hae all the fbi injectable files on it so thats not the issue.
After some tinkering, the AH9 system acts like there are two versions of Nand on top of each other (not absolutely sure, but it reminds me of booting between Emunand and Sysnad when I was using RXtools i.e. rebooting boots up a slightly different homescreen). Is there any way to fix this?
is there even an option to choose the fbi file for my region. I can't find it at all just the hs.app

I feel legit retarded right now
Reminder that loading Poor Little White Guy video from the sd card is a mandatory wait for.
Are you pressing up/down to select the correct *.app?
yea and the files aren't showing even though they're on the sd card
remove hs.app from the sd
You're only seeing hs.app, right. What happens if you remove hs.app from your SD card, back it up on your PC of course.

Can you also post a picture of all the files in the files9 folder.
to install emunand on wii u what kind of stuff do i need on the root of my sd card?
Should I attempt a NFIRM downgrade today for my N3ds? or just wait a few more days to see if something new comes out?
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I removed it and tried again and still non of the fbi files show as an option when injecting
Freeshop is back.
So what did you see after you removed it? Did you get an error message or something?
Never played Demon's Crest but it seems bretty gud.
silly question - can you not use the HBL version (/3ds/fbi.3dsx) of FBI to install the FBI.cia?
It let me dump it again like the guide asks. no errors. On the injecting part it only finds the hs.app that I dump into or the hs1.app/hs2.app...
You think the injector files are the issue and I should try downloading elsewhere?
I liked it, played it a few years ago. There's also 2 prequels you might want to play first, Gargoyle's quest 1 & 2 for the gameboy and NES.
Found an old DS flash cart while cleaning up the place today and was wondering if anyone can help me get it running again.

Ace3DS, not the plus model they came out with. I see a multicart thing by RetroGameFan that says it should be compatible but I can't get anything to run. Fresh microSD that I know is good being used.

Specifically the instructions say that "one copy of TTMenu.dat" needs to be renamed but I don't think I understand. Is it just two copies of the same file but with different names or does the one need to come from a different source?
No, I didn't want you to dump it again. I wanted you to try and inject it without a hs.app on your SD card.
I don't even remember how to get into hbl now (though im sure its simple but this method seemed even easier until i hit this bump)
I forgot to add that I did. it tells me that no usable file was found
lol good one
What if you remove all the apps including hs.app EXCEPT the one for your region and 3DS type. Then you rename that to hs.app.
tried it. nothing in the injection option still and it just lets me dump over the renamed fbi file
Hmm, what version of hourglass9 do you have? For the record I have 1.35 and I did the FBI injection yesterday and I still see both my hs.app and the other *.app files.
I have 1.35 as well. Do I need to update my sysnand or something? I really don't want to but wonder if that may be it at all
I thought you said did step IV.
what GBA emulator do you guys recommend for an O3DS?
none use injection it's native
I haven't checked, but they're on the eShop right?
Hello, /hbg/. I need help please.

I have a N3DS with ReiNand and now my nephew is over for the holidays and he has a 2DS with 10.5.0-30E.

So what I've been able to figure out is I can take the oot3dhax save from the installer zip file and use my 3DS with JK's save manager to inject it onto my Oot3D cartridge. Then I can put the starter zip files onto the 2DS SD card and run the hacked save from the Oot3D cartridge and homebrew launcher will start.

Is that correct? Does that make sense? Please help.
no need you can just use browserhax on 10.5 saves you the trouble
fair enough
also that's not how you install oothax at all you use oothax installer included in the starter kit
holy shit I am retarded...I rolled my eyes past that whole section because I didn't have an old emunand or sysnand to back up
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4 days faggets
>If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed.

I figured 10.5.0-30E means there's no browser installed. I've got it wrong?

>This can either be done by first using another hax method to run the oot3dhax installer, or by directly writing a raw savegame image to your gamecard.

It says I can though. Or am I being stupid and got this completely wrong too?
Does the Evo+ 64GB work on the O3DS?
you have 30 not 0 anon
Well fuck I'm dumb. I thought minus 30. That's embarrassing.

I'll do Browserhax then. Thanks.
>Want to attempt DFIRM downgrade
>Need to buy some DSI game off eShop
>This game is not available in your region
>Switch to US region
>You have to add funds before you can purchase
>Choose credit card
>Can't add credit card, no US postal code to verify
>Add prepaid card
>Minimum US$10
>For a $1.99 game

Fuck me. Also Fuck you Nintendo eShop. Lets see if another downgrade method can be found, this time with a free game.
if i recall correclty out of region games dont transfer anyways.
like 10 days late on that anon
its just a new frontend for nitrostream.
FPS isn't any better?
Let me clarify, my country is technically under the US region. The game is not available in my Country.
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10$ isnt bad
Where did you read that Ysmenu was working on that card? Never saw any reports. I think this is the original kernel for your cart btw:

I saw in https://gbatemp.net/threads/retrogamefan-updates-releases.267243/ that it was working according to his list, and a quick search in the thread showed at least one other person saying it worked as dual boot. Thanks for the link to the file. Hopefully I can get at least that working for now.
Any help, guys?
Have you enabled "Show NAND or user string in System Settings" in Luma? If so, go to the system settings and see what the version says, if it for instance says "emu [version number]" it means you still have emuNAND on your SD card.
If I was a fag I would give a handy j to everyone seeding the downgrade firmwares. I love you guys.
there's megas for it anyway
Fuck. I knew I should have downloaded my nephews their games already.
Is it only Freeshop or CIAngel as well? I don't mind using either.

I'd check myself but I'm on the shitter.
Anon... Freeshop is already back and running.
Don't listen to this Anon.
Freeshop may be up, and Nintendo has patched eshop. Your information is vulnerable.

Use it at your own risk.
How can I take screenshots of games I'm running on Loadiine? Miiverse doesn't let me upload screenshots.
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give it to me
CIAngel it is. They're just little kids. Don't even have NNIDs
>riff raff
>Changing CFW is easy to do. https://jii.moe/4yKn4k-DZ.gif
>dead link

just swap the files don't even need a guide or a picture
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>mfw successful A9LH installs skipping/combining some steps to speed things up with no brickings
>mfw able to do this even with DSiWare System Transfer downgrades now
Feels good keeping the SD card shifting to a minimum.
Don't get scared little nigga. I'm not home right now so I can't look into it, but you are golden if you are at the part where you install fbi. You have a9lh, meaning you can't really fuck up your system at this point
So, I just got done with the guide and am looking around in the pastebin. Am I wrong in inferring that a lot of the extra guides don't take Luma3DS and A9LH into account?
Why do the themes disappear when I install a new one? Does it take up space at all even though they're not shown
probably just mention cfw in general
custom themes get removed if you enter the theme shop or eshop. same with custom badges.
>Copy FBI.cia from the FBI .zip to the /cias/ folder on your SD card

Help. There is no .cia. only .app. What have I done wrong?
get the .cia
Never mind. I'm fucking stupid.
When will we get a non-piece of shit theme builder (not CHMM2) that can use the built-in theme functionality?
Yeah I now realise I opened the wrong FBI .zip file. Thanks anyway.
i gave up and instead just installed the ticket of every theme in the theme shop and just run every shantae theme on random.
>Go to http://dukesrg.github.io/2xrsa.html?arm11.bin on your 3DS

It freezes the 2DS when I try this and have to turn it off. Do I just keep clearing the browser save data and trying again?
is there any way to cheat in badge arcade without getting banned?
Pls read the guide, even if the screen glitches u can just press a and wait like 20 seconds then check your sd card for the otp. Same thing happened to me and guess what I followed the guide and guess what it worked
read the guide faggot
How far along is the Wii U hacking scene? Is it like 3DS where they have total access to the machine and can do anything, or are they still learning?

Basically what I'm asking is, is it worth hacking my Wii U at the moment or should I wait a bit?
Go ahead and buy a DS game and install Haxchi at the very least. Nintendo doesn't seem to care, but you never know when they will. And Haxchi/DS exploits are the way most of the scene is using (and seems to stay that way). Barring something huge at 33c3
worth it now with Haxchi 2.4, but you will need to keep up with the scene, nothing like a9lh yet


33c3 will have new wii u hax on the 27th
If I'm trying to downgrade my NFIRM using a second 3ds, is it fine to just use browserhax on the target 3ds? Steelhax isn't working for some reason?
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OK what is my dumb ass missing? I've tried both pressing select and pressing A at the blank page and nothing is new on the SD card. I've gone through a double checked every step and I have all the files in the right places. But I still get stuck.

What am I doing wrong. Please help my dyslexic ass.
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.cia version or Mac version when?
if it's a n3ds on 11.0 you can use browserhax
It's an o3ds on 11.2. Will the oot3d entry point work, or will I have to figure out what went wrong with steelhax, then do another system transfer?
you can use oot set it to the 11.2 payload
Alright, cool. Thanks anon
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Lewd mods for Sun and Moon when?
you're probably missing arm11.bin on the root of your sd card if nothing's happening
How idiot-proof is Vita hacking? What I've read in the OP doesn't look bad, besides having to buy an expensive as fuck memory card.
I already have a 3.60 Vita, but will have to wait until after Christmas to buy a card.
You literally just visit a URL and your Vita is hacked
How long does it take and what size memory card should I get? I'll most likely leave it on standby, but it sounds kind of inconvenient to have to reinstall every time I boot up.

Yeah it's not there. The guide says nothing about this file at all. Where do I get it?
Most people do just leave it on standby, it's not that bad honestly. It takes around 1 minute tops (if it doesn't crash) from URL to hack loaded. 16GB can hold around 6-8 games, so I'd say that's a comfortable spot. 8GB is doable if you don't hoard.
>6. Copy the contents of the SafeA9LHInstaller .7z to the root of your SD card
you did it there
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These are the contents of that zip. Do I rename arm9loaderhax.bin to arm11.bin?
you download the one it links you to why did you get one of the latest ones? 2.0.3 is the one it links you to and are supposed to use
asked this in emugen but it seems ded
>are there any emulators for 3ds that let you play on the bottom screen? the only one i know of is gameyob. i have o3ds but i'm interested in any information that's available
Because I'm tired and stupid. It said a previous version so I stupidly went to releases and got a previous version. It's working now.

Thanks for the help, Anon.
Why can I not find a cia of Super Mario Maker?

Glad U got it working though
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does anyone know if pic related will work on the 3ds to play DS games? my friend bought the $99 3ds, and he's willing to wait for slowhax, but wanted to know if his old itouch DS kart could work on the 3ds.

he put it in and the desktop icon was blank. we both assume it needs a software change, but wasn't sure if it would even be possible.
you'll need ntr launcher which needs cfw
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>If you have done 2.1.0 ctrtransfer, restore NANDmin.bin
>Go to “SysNAND Backup/Restore”
>Restore from NANDmin.bin

So I choose the sysNAND restore (keep a9lh) right? It comes up with a Konami code kinda thing before I can choose NANDmin.bin and I don't want to fuck it up if I did something wrong again.
So, Ciangel or FreeShop?

Also, if I delete a FreeShop game, how do I delete its ticket? FBI -> delete all unused tickets is safe?


hourglass9 never removes a9lh unlike decrypt9 before so you can't fuck up anyway you won't be one of those anons that finished the guide and then restored a backup without keeping a9lh ending up on 11.0

>FBI -> delete all unused tickets is safe?
I guess, or just find the title id for your game and delete
thank you
how do I tranfer ID between 2 hacked systems? Both have changed region and can't access System Transfer
Pls help. Will a System Memory Format mess up my CFW installation?

O3DS XL 11.2.0-35-U A9LH + Luma
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So, wii u has a couple of versions for homebrew launcher, 1. 4 and 2.1? Should I be on the latest? What's the difference?
I use 1.3 because 1.4 doesn't load and anything higher is rpx niggery.
Shits a mess.

Make it yourself with CIAngel
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I hacked my 3DS in the middle of april after wasting some several hours trying to learn how to do it on my own with 0 previous knowledge.
Then it broke
Found a new one for a new price that looks kinda like this with a R4 Gold Pro card.
R4 is only DS games right?
At this point I imagine it must already be hacked, would I only need to install the games in the memory card like usual?
have to go out of your way to remove a9lh

>R4 is only DS games right?
>At this point I imagine it must already be hacked, would I only need to install the games in the memory card like usual?
You don't know that
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>day before 33c3
>Nintendo drops 5.5.2
>Fucks up their little hacking presentation completely

Mate, it's so confusing yet you look on places like gbatemp filled with autists shitting the bed about how easy it is. I'm sure it is easy when you find what which fucking versions to use. Haxchi 2.4 comes out spouting this BOLLOCKS about enabling sig patched sysnand but it fucking doesn't. Total bullshit, region still locked. The wii u scene is genuinely a disaster
>You don't know that
Doesn't it need to be hacked to read a R4 card? huh
Oh not a problem, I was intending to buy a bigger memory sd card for it anyways and now I remember you can't just copy paste the insides if one hacked sd card into another
>bothering to update a dead console
I have this fucking card how did you get it to work on your 3DS? If thats your picture anyway
Im fucking retarded and can't read ignore this

Show me a picture of your card bro
You're talking about Nintendo here. A company who routinely design and release under powered shitty consoles which are dead on arrival anyway lol of course they would
If I use httpwn, would I be able to transfer my 11.2 o3DS data to my 11.0 n3DS without worrying about it updating? Don't have CFW installed on either, and right now my o3DS has a DSiWare game that could downgrade if I were on 11.1 or under.
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probably not the same card but it has that exact UI and everything

cant get it working using ntr launcer

kekked a little

what happens when you try NTR Launcher?
white screens

after the fake DS boot screen?

probably fucked since im too much of a cheap fuck to spend another 10 on a card so I'll wait for SD loading

lol faggot
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It's working. It's working. Thanks to the Anons that helped my dumb ass when I screwed up such a simple guide. Much appreciated.

This boots up so much faster and easier than my reiNAND shit. I'm going to have to do my N3DS too because it's night and day the difference. I can't go back now.
Where do I find a Emerald .cia that doesn't delete the savefile after beating the champion?
are you the same anon from before? Did you hunt down those firmware files
That ones actually true though, if you set it to default you don't have to press shit.
But yes, the homebrew launcher is a shitshow.
So you can transfer saves without any risks of nintendo somehow finding out with Pkmn Sun and Moon right? I'm planning on buying Pokemon Sun legit after Christmas is over and my save file on my freeshop copy is a fair way in, is it gonna be safe to use JKSM to copy my save over to the cartridge?
The thing is though, if you change it to sysmenu default, what happens if you want to change it back, because if you replace all the files before reinstalling, won't it fuck it up?
Nintendo will detect that your save is not legit and send a remote command to your 3DS to ban itself from online and leak mustard gas from the speakers the next to time you try to go online.
I know it seems paranoid as fuck I just want some random person on a basket weaving forum to reassure me that i'm just a dumbass and I have nothing to worry about
I held b down trying to get it to do sysmenu and it wouldn't do shit. It doesn't work, I ain't setting that shit as default lol
Apparently there's some kind of issue with playing dumps of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth that causes all three save files to randomly appear as corrupted, but when you restart the game they're fine. I've lost around an hour of playtime twice already because of this. Does anyone know of a way to fix the problem? If not, I think I'm just going to drop the game, as much fun as it's been.
Yeah found them on filetrip. Didnt help unfortunately
Alright guys, I'm trying to finish this 3ds homebrew, but I'm stuck and I need some help. So I'm following one of the last bits of the guide and I need to http://dukesrg.github.io/2xrsa.html?arm11.bin and I'm getting an error, that goes along the lines of "payload.bin" could not be found. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I need exactly? I had a look in the starter.zip and there's nothing in there that has anything to do with .bin but it also says something like I've exeeded my maximum space, I have 33.6mbs left of this 28 gig beast. I don't know if there's enough space or not but I don't know what I need to delete.

Any help would be apperciated.
I can't advise doing it with coldboothaxchi but normal one it just shits out a negative number on a black screen, use the browser exploit to reinstall.
Requiring a reinstall just to change the config is a bit silly though, i assume they can't actually access the sd pre-exploit phase.
try this one if it's not the same one
Mate its a huge cluster fuck isn't it. I'm gonna just bite with the sig patcher versions (one boots back to hbl, one boots to system menu) and just keep it as that. 2.4 all in one haxchi is a neat idea but so badly implemented it's unreal.

The wup USB stuff is fine as I am for retail.

The dlc and region specific stuff I've not been bothered about and only tried because haxchi 2.4 could apparently do it. I'd rather keep it as is and add the sig patcher then I think my wii u is done.
Format doesn't really format the whole thing, it just nukes the parts where regular user files go and resets config files.

The firmware important stuff is still there so its not a literal format.
Will Ninty ever release GSC for VC?
Alright boys, what do I use to run MGS at a decent clip on my Vita. Adrenaline don't support it yet but I wanna get started on the series. Is there decent PS1 emulation yet? If so, where do I find that shit?
Game Freak might do it for the Switch, or they'll release HG/SS in 2019.
wont download, maybe its just me?

kernel version I grabbed from FileTrip says T07 at the end instead of T09 like that one though
When I access the eShop, my DLC is deleted and I have to reinstall the cia. Is this the case with Freeshop as well?
Did you check it was the latest on the little dropdown on the right at filetrip? newest is marked at the top.

One last question while I'm still in here: Will I need to pay for Pokebank to transfer frorm RBY to Sun and Moon, or is there an alternative?
Wait so FreeShop users should not access the eShop or the DLCs of games will be deleted?

All the DLC I've downloaded illegally is deleted whenever I access the eShop. It's because my NNID is connected to my 3DS. If yours isn't, then you can access it just fine.
>Will I need to pay for Pokebank to transfer frorm RBY to Sun and Moon, or is there an alternative?

No pkhex will be updated for that, you'll need to pay to transfer to the Switch games though whenever they get released.
I didn't know the eShop could be accessed if no NNID is tied to machine.
Also, can online multiplayer be done too without NNID?
Bump. Anyone?
Yeah even searched/went through all flashcart files to be sure

It tells me T07 is the latest version they have

Use retroarch
It's not perfect emulatio but it gets the done job for some games, you have to try out the latest nightly release compiled for Vita and see.

Yo, now it's just saying cannot locate payload_stage1.bin

Any ideas?

it's in the data_input zip

Oh okay, so It's called firm rather than payload bin?

RIP what.cd

oh wait, that's different

it's in one of the downloads though

Eeer, do you mind helping me out with what one it is? So I am looking for a payload_stage1.bin right? Because no one can seem to direct me to the right folder, so I'm wondering if it's named something else or if it's just hidden for me.
Definitely nothing to worry about, I've done transfers from cartridge to cia and vice versa and it works perfectly. Don't stress.
alright, thanks
I just started using my 3ds again in like a year. I im using reinand right now. Should I update it or is there something new? How would I even do that?
>The latest release of arm9loaderhax (the .7z file)
>8. Copy the contents of the arm9loaderhax release .7z to a9lh folder on your SD card

The file is named release.7z
You should, I was in your position just 2 days ago. I take it you mean AuReiNand? It has a new name now, Luma3DS. There's also something called Freeshop now that lets you download games directly on your 3DS, no need to manually download them on your PC and then transfer then via FTP.

To update to a9lh + Luma3DS just follow the guide carefully at 3ds.guide. If you want to transfer your current emuNAND, be sure to do https://3ds.guide/move-emunand when the guide tells you to.

You won't lose any games or saves if you do it correctly. The only thing that was lost for me was the installed theme, which was super easy to fix, just re-install it with CHMM2 when you're done. You also have to re-open all the games, saves still there though, and the order of your games in the menu will be messed up.
Health&Safety inject: failed!

Any ideas? Can't seem to get past here.
AuReiNand and reinand are 2 different things

Yeah, I'm getting the same error, I know I'm on the right region.
Which is why I asked if he actually meant AuReiNand.
If O3DS doesn't have CFW, then how are you planning to hack the N3DS.

The hack not only involves transferring a game, but also injecting a save on it on the source 3DS. The only way for that is being able to inject a file to the internal memory where DSiWare games are.
I meant ReiNand but it doesnt reall change anything does it?
it doesn't change the fact that both are trash
Where can I download Dream Drop Distance?
SquareEnix really hates digital store for best handheld games (Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep, now this)
Shouldn't be a problem.

Luma3DS is just an updated version of AuReiNand, they just changed the name to Luma3DS for whatever reason. Probably to distinguish it from reinand.
Why should Square care if their competition releases in digital stores or not?

We call that Corbenik
How often should I be dumping my NAND?
once a week
once a day
twice if you eat a lot of red meat

just keep one nand dump around and you'll be fine
is neogeo pocket color and PC-Engine fully playable on retroarch on a new 3ds?
no, it's the other nand the 3ds has
Wait what does the competition have to do with this?

What I'm saying is that SquareEnix is stupid to not release those 3 titles (but almost other titles they do) digitally, just because stupid licensing with vocal tracks.

I've heard that decrypt9 decrypts the NAND partitions but I can't say for certain.
Whats the best O3DS/N3DS homebrew?
As much as I like corbenik, it's way more complex than CakesForeveryWan (well, that's kinda obvious considering the target audience).
I mean, it uses fucking FHS for no real reason when everything could have been managed easier.

I think he was implying that SquareEnix doesn't make the best handheld games.

Yeah the FHS thing is a bit autistic but it's clearly meant to be Cakes++
ngpc runs a little slow, so enjoy audio stutter

pce should be fine, but just like it is on all low res hosts, trying to get 1:1 pixel mapping is tedious due to some mismatch between mednafen cores and ra
>DS games via SD card coming Christmas
My flashcard just arrived via mail

Lol, you believed the "not worth waiting for" meme

>He thinks SD loading is going to be anywhere near as reliable or compatible as a flashcard
I bought one just in case loading from sd is bareable so i can throw it in my dsixl and trade pokemon and shit.
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Is it sensible yo buy a ps4 ATM on 3.70 hoping for piracy in a near future?

>tfw no DSi CFW
*hax 2.8 beta impending

wait till the ps4 talk at 33c3 on the 27th to find out for sure.
but let's play a game: if there is no piracy for the ps4, would you still buy the console?
what is *hax

Aw, come on. ZSNES is a staple. Use something like VBA 1.8.0 instead.
>Is it sensible yo buy a ps4 ATM
>on 3.70 hoping for piracy in a near future?

It'd be wise to save some money and keep an eye on small stores with old stock laying about though.

ZSNES is a staple of the 90s. If you used it unironically any time in the last decade you're a faggot.

It is comfy as fuck with the snow effect. Best slightly inaccurate CT emulation.
It's the homebrew launcher payload that is loaded after successfully running an exploit, Cubic Ninja, Freakyforms, OoT, etc.
It runs as a service in 3DS memory once launched and improvements to it means more games are supported, better stability, etc.
Extended memory games like Smash Bros, Monster Hunter, Pokémon Sun/Moon will be supported by this update.


I bet you like that shitty Snes9x.
Bought a New 3DS XL that is on 11.0, but
>-If you're on 11.0-11.2 and don't have any of the 4 games above you'll need a second CFW 3DS along with any DSiWare game.
means I should be able to install a9lh with this 2DS I already have hacked, right? I'm pretty sure i'm asking a dumb fucking question, but i've screwed myself over in the past for NOT asking a dumb fucking question.
Im following the guide and at the step of installing a9hl but I think my sd card is fucked. Can I just copy over everything to a new sd card?
i have the same card and used the same theme forever
well, not the worst.

Anyways, yes, just copy everything over to a new SD and resume
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How fucked am I, I'd like the ability to play undubs and make my vita my new emulator machine but I'm itching to play S;G 0.

If there's no way to get around updating I'll probably say fuck it just to play S;G

Get VHBL before you update so you can at least take the PSP emulators with you
Anyone has slotkey_input zip file? I wanted to try converting game but couldn't find a working link. Thanks.
I just recently finished hacking my 3DS, but I don't know where to start downloading the games. I've read the pastebin regarding about the freEshop and tickets, but how do I download them? Do I use FBI's QR code scanner in order to download freEshop?

install the cia of freeshop then google 3ds title keys to get the link you can put in the settings
all I do is install VHBL then update right?

If I have ARK do I need to do anything special to get it to work for 3.61? I just ran it and my vita crashed.

ARK doesn't work on 3.60, and it won't work on 3.61 or 3.63. That's why I'm saying use VHBL.
You can install freeShop by using a CIA, or you can scan the QR code on their Github page.

Then in freeshop, you can scan the QR code found on http://3ds.titlekeys.com
Okay so I install VHBL via Henkaku FTP then update?

if you're sure you want to leave Henkaku and all your pirated games behind, sure. And don't do something dumb like fail to test VHBL before updating
pirate s;g0 japanese and paste the english translation over it, dumbass
Retard. I just finished that on 3.60.
To be completely honest I don't even know why I hacked my vita. I end up purchasing all the games I play on it anyway.
Miitopia when?
Can you really not use eshop/browser on stock n3ds fw, unless you upgrade to 11.2?
Look up ctr-httpwn.
I think you need to go to neogaf my man.
>tfw hacked my Vita

Honestly the best decision ever. Amazing how easy it is to get it all running and working offline as well.

If only 3DS was as fucking easy though. I'm on 11.0 but lack all the requirements for breaking it. Guess I'll have to wait.
Then disregard my rude post. But I still wouldn't update, especially not for a game that's playable on .60 like S;G0

11.0 3DS is a lot easier than 3.61 Vita m8
Well its fucking funny how I had a 3.60 Vita, isn't it?

if only you had a 9.2 3DS instead
All I really want on my 3DS is Monster Hunter. I bought it just to play MH4U.

It's dead, Jim.
I had a nightmare

Nintendo started banning people for using FreeShop

Worse, they took down NNIDs so would also kill other consoles associated to it, and if it had a payment method then blacklist it and subpoena banks to provide personal information of cardholders

What in CFW prevents them to knowing you have CFW or FreeShop? ;-;
Welp, I'll still be using it for now unless it's not working with a specific game I'd like to play.
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>Shantae leaks
>Loadiine dump
One fucking job.
>tfw no EUR titlekey yet
I have RXTools/Freeshop with a lot of games installed. I havent linked nands or something like this. Is it possible to switch to A9LH without breaking shit up? Is there a guide for dummies?
>Is it possible to switch to A9LH without breaking shit up? Is there a guide for dummies?

they can't detect it
Yet. They can easily add code that will let them detect it. Here's how:

1. Make friends module send ticket for the title that wants to go online.
2. Verify the ticket is correctly signed. Else, ban.

Can you be a bit more specific?
So it is safe to update EmuNAND right now?
It's all written in the guide. You'll just restore your emuNAND at the very end of it. There's a nice, big box telling you to do exactly that at the right point of time.
My 3ds already has rxtools, I skipped the part where you do something like link nand or something similar because it was optional. I think these guides are for new devices. I have absolutely no fucking idea how all this works, I just followed the instructions to install rxtools.
do it from the beginning if you aren't on 2.1.0
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>My 3ds already has rxtools, I skipped the part where you do something like link nand or something similar because it was optional. I think these guides are for new devices. I have absolutely no fucking idea how all this works, I just followed the instructions to install rxtools.
Delete everything except the "Nintendo 3DS" folder on your SD card and boom, you essentially have a new system for the purposes of the guide.
won't it brick since it already has cfw?
He doesn't even have to do that. The guide is specifically written so that people with an emuNAND can do it and carry it over to the standard format.


It's linked from the main guide. Just. Fucking. Follow. The. Guide. You. Retarded. Nigger. Even my CAPTCHA says "PARKINSON", Jesus fucking Christ son.

Nope, it doesn't work like that.
dude I'm not trolling, I installed rxtools by following a guide, I skipped that part where you link nands or something like that because it was optional. now I want to switch to the new cfw so I can play ds roms without a shitty flashcard. So I'm asking if there is a simple guide for complete idiots like me.
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Do you need a notarized document that says "Nothing will happen to your 3DS or your saves or games, just follow the guide" or something?
You do that at the end. I'm on about starting at step 1 so everything goes smoothly.
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Is there a way to access the SDcard contents with NTR Debugger? Primarily to grab the screenshots I took from my games without turning the game off every time.
What's the deals with tickets? When I had menuhax+rxtools I just downloaded cias as they were given to me and now that I have luma+a9lh I do the same. Is it something I should worry about if I want to play a game online? Also is the bravely default cia supposed to be 3gigs? Seems pretty high for a 3ds game
Is it save to update with a9lh + luma? What does it actually update? The official firmware? Luma?
Ah but that would need an update
If I chose to never update, would it not be enforceable?

And for going online, doesn't the http pwn work for playing online without updating?
It updates the system

Its safe because the purpose of A9LH and Luma is to load CFW modules before even OFW loads so its like you have an almost pristine 3DS on the latest firmware but with code that gets injected on boot.

If you already have Luma (confirm by booting with Select) and A9LH (confirm by booting with START) then you are safe to update to lastest firmware via regular System Update
Has anyone gotten NTRviewer to work with animal crossing new leaf?
I hate to ask for a spoonfeed, but I setup my hack earlier this year and installed rxtools. I recently switched to Luma, but I feel I'm missing out by now having arm9, and all the other goodies you guys talk about.

My question for you is this:
I just bought a 64gb that I want to move to from my 32gb. I'm currently using Luma, that I upgraded to from rx. My homebrew entry is themehax, which I believe is tied to my synand? If I wanted to move to arm9 and use my new 64gb, what's the best way to do that? Will I need go through the entire process again?(which I'm fine with doing), or can I install arm9 with the current setup I'm using now?

Really sorry for asking this, but I'm not sure if doing a fresh install with a new SD will lose my current entry point, and if that will make things harder for me.
Alright thanks. So having luma and a9lh makes the system basically save from any brick unless you fuck luma and a9lh itself up?
Also, keep a NAND backup handy.
Hourglass9 (booted with Start, confirming that A9LH is there) will allow you to do the backup, and restore it too without messing with A9LH.
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It is totally safe anon, what could possibly go wrong when you have a9lh.
>implying retarded people can't exist
I've followed the guide and done at least 30 installs with no problem, seriously, people can't into instructions.
Hey is there a way to put the save data from a physical game onto a .cia downloaded game? I could not be bothered 100%'ing Smash Bros again.
There's an official Nintendo app that does it. Or just use one of many homebrew apps.
wud jksm be able to do it?

get rid of themehax and follow the a9lh guide from scratch, moving emunand when prompted
thank you. just wanted to make sure before I started.
My HDD in my PS3 Slim died. I was on Rebug 4.80.1. I was under the impression I could just throw a new one in and when it says the system has to be reinstalled, give it the REBUG 4.80.1 pup file on a USB stick to install and it should be just fine. But it always hangs at 99%. How the fuck can I possibly get this to work?

why don't you try installing the 4.81.1 pup?
People with the outdated emunands will just fuck their shit up trying to move it.

Fucking retarded latefags and their stupid retard proof guides.

fresh installs=/=updates
fresh install?
the process always involves getting to 9.2.0, then 2.1 for the otp, then 9.2.0 again, and from there simply update to lastest firmware.
Are you fucking with me? I figured that would probably be a very bad idea. My system was on 4.80.1.

Try that or 3.55 OFW only if 4.80.1 rebug doesn't work.

Try entering recovery mode and installing 4.80.1 rebug from there
This may sound a little stupid but...

Can someone upload a hs.app for me, please?
I was planning on hacking the n3DS through slowhax, by doing a system transfer, I'd be able to get the DSiWare game I need onto that system and do it there. The only problem is that I don't know whether the n3DS will update or not even if I use httpwn, since the system I'm transferring from is on 11.2
I would also like to have one. I hacked my 3DS a year ago or so, then I updated to luma + a9lh a few days ago. When I restored the Safety Warning thing from my very old hs.app Safety Warning was reverted to its original state except the icon which still says FBI.
same happens to me idk why
first hacked a week ago
restored hs and its good save for the icon.

maybe clear home cache?
extdata 00000000 0000008f if usa or something...
When I boot into recovery it places me automatically into the system update, where it tries from 0. It's done this twice now, and hung at 99% both times.

Fuck, Did you QA flag your console?
Is there any way to tell between the emunand and sysnand folder? I updated my 3ds fully now and I wanna delete the emunand folder
Pretty sure I did way, way back, yes. It's been so long since I had to deal with any of this shit.

I remember having the QA flag pkg installed and the "Debug Settings" option.

OK, try going back to 3.55 OFW then.
The bigger one with all your games in is probably worth keeping.
How do I remove my NNID from my N3DS?
Yep, I got it working now.

1. Load FBI 2.0 or higher
2. Scroll down and select Ext Save Data
3. USA: Select 000000000000008F
EUR: Select 0000000000000098
JPN: Select 0000000000000082
4. Select Browse User Save Data
5. Select "CacheD.dat" then delete and confirm with A, then close the dialog by pressing A again
6. Press power for about 1 second to get to the power off confirmation screen then power off
8. Turn the system back on
9. Once Home Menu Management data is created, select a theme if you had one, then set one via CHMM if you did so previously.
10. Post anime waifu on /hbg/
Thanks Bruv
Any other options to consider before I do that?

Also that never answered solved the issue of how to even access the recovery menu? I'm thinking I should format this HDD again?

I guess you could try formatting the HDD again, yeah.
I'll get myself a pre-owned vita for christmas. Already confirmed with the owner and it's on 3.60.

I'm reading the guide right now but I have a question is 8 GB enough space? If not I'm already thinking of installing 1 or 2 games, and delete them once I finish them.

Also this will be my first vita. Can someone post the recommendations chart?

8GB will do.
Formatting seems to kick me out of the install loop, but trying to install 4.81.1 it hangs at 99% again.

What the FUCK is this thing's problem

When it reaches 99% it should be a normal tick over to 100%, right? I'm not just being impatient? I've waited at least 15-20 minutes.
dlc is not deleted if you have the proper tickets installed.
generally speaking only retards install games with fbi.

Yeah, it should just tick over.
Is it possible to hack PSTV like a Vita?

What was the problem with Freeshop earlier? Is it still screwy?
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Give me one reason to use freeshop instead of scanning qr codes with fbi.

ease of use
What the fuck is this premiumize.me bullshit for updating a9lh, anyone got a mirror for it?
No. If you want to be a retard, go right ahead, just do it somewhere else.
New version of a9lh allows you to boot your 3ds without a sd card. Nobody have found any use of that, but it's here if you really want it.
oh, well that seems nice. Still anyone got a mirror because it seems remiumize is garbo
Where exactly are you seeing this link? There's nothing like that in the guide.
There are no links like that on that page.

Anyone have NES, and SNES VC with proper borders and icons?

The ones in the OP are just a picture and it looks ugly as shit.
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Those are magnet links, anon.

Are you sure you don't have this extension installed? Because it sounds to me like you've got malware in your browser.
keep getting stuck on a gray bottom screen when trying to use sliderhax,any help?
100 percent sure I dont got that extension. FUG
Are you absolutely sure you don't have any extensions doing it?
The links aren't on the page or anywhere in the git repository, and it's served via https so nothing else can really change it.
initalize save data/clear cookies and keep trying

make sure you have the files on your SD card in the right place

thats literally it
If I don't disconnect my Vita from PSN and hack it will I get banned from PSN?

(How do I disconnect it? It won't let me do it online...)
gambatte or real boy for vita?
I'm playing Platinum right now and this GBA cart thing is bullshit. Is there anyway i can emulate the second slot on the 3DS ? (Using R4)

You won't get banned.

Deactivate from a PS3 or PS4 if you can't do it through PC
i made sure everything is in place. ive been doing this for almost an hour and still nothing
Not him, but will you get banned for playing online?
You can't go online with Vita if it's 3.60 or lower, so there's no risk of getting banned because it won't allow you to connect in the first place.
Sorry for being an idiot, but I went full retard and have now forgotten how to get into my emuNAND for my 3DSXL - 9.2.0, Europe.

I can get into the homebrew menu and through browserhax and menuhax but I have completely forgotten how to change NANDs after not using it for 6 months or so. Is it safe to just delete everything and do it all over again, or is there a risk of an automatic update? Can anyone either tell me the most likely way to get to the emuNAND or what folders I should keep on my system so it stays safe?

Thanks in advance.
i've asked marcan, he said the talk is just about porting linux to the PS4
there will be nothing about exploits or other entrypoints, just the linux porting
if there is nothing you are worried to lose format the SD card and install al9h using plailects guide
A fucked up title key was wigging out the whole thing. It's fixed now.
But don't I need the Nintendo 3DS folder to stay on the SD card, or is it safe to format everything without updating, put the SD card back in and start the DS, which will write all that critical shit back onto the card, and then do everything over again?
did it litterally 15 minutes ago
no need to worry, the 3DS won't let you update by accident and you'll never be forced to update without the option to at the very least turn it off to not update
switching to a9lh is excessive if you're content with your old setup, so i wouldn't advise that. what are the entries in your homebrew menu?
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Can we talk about power usage of nds flashcards?
I heard many times that super card ds two is a monster when it comes to power consumption. But how does the original r4 compare to it?
Fuck, too late now. I'm hoping it'll be fine anyway. Thanks man.
Will do, thanks for the help.

check GBATemp reviews from times long gone
al9h is so easy and simple to set up now and protects you from so many things, that sticking to emunands feels archaic imho
how come this thread NEVER has recent releases in the OP?

>FBI v2.4.4 released
no mention of it in OP or guide on how to upgrade

>sysDowngrader v2.0.0 released
ditto (even though you dont need sysDowngrader after you hacked your system it'd still be nice to see it mentioned)
It is not a monster, but it is significantly worse than normal flashcards. You lose about 2 hours of gameplay probably. Not a big deal if you carry a usb charger around like I do though.
The original R4 only supports 2gb sd cards, so it is fairly useless. Get a R4i Gold 3DS RTS made by r4ids.cn.
because those are who gives a fuck tier

We're not reddit where we constantly add small ass releases
>small ass releases
did you even read the FBI changelog? It's fucking significant.
Eh, a9lh is pretty nice to have, I sure as hell don't miss my emuNAND and menuhax. The only time you brick when fixing a9lh these days is from either a user error, so read the fucking guide carefully, or if you are doing it OTPless and get very unlucky. OTPless was removed from the guide so don't worry about it.
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New to vita mod scene, whats this thing about save data becoming corrupt about?
>It's fucking significant.
Why is this hacking thing in Germany after Christmas?

I need an entry point into my 11.0 black friday 3DS.
Anybody here have experience with emulation on the vita? Which emulators are better on average, running them through PSP homebrew or vita homebrew?
>R4i Gold 3DS RTS & Knuckles
Those names are hilarious.
>Found old R4 and gets super excited to play DS Games again
>SD Rom Loading happens

Well, it was fun while it lasted.
idk man ask those auschitwz fags yourself

Your R4 will work much better.
Why ? Wouldn't it be faster if launched directly from the SD ?
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What does R4 stand for?
there are ZERO up to date guides on how to install retroarch
"Revolution for"
R4DS stand for "Revolution for DS"

No, since you basically have to patch every rom so they can read from the SD card. And these patches are quite complicated.


revolution 4 DS
Which platform?
nope. 15 seconds to load scenes (including transitions), tons of black screens, white screens, no cheat engine.
oh, and a little issue where you can't save either.
Could someone help me figure this out please

shutterbug has promised save redirection for christmas
freakyforms deluxe
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All I want is to Inject Red++ in my 3DS, but I'm getting this error, I compiled it right and it works in BGB but Ultimate GBC VC Injector for 3DS 1.8 shows pic related
Already tried with other ROM that I compiled and it worked, anyone knows what to do or have a .cia for the latest release?
Can I put GBA games in the main menu like a regular 3DS game? If not, can I launch the GBA emulator from the main menu without going into the homebrew launcher? Thanks.

Just use VC injects senpai
Guys i have a problem and need help.
I have a 2ds on 9.9 and menuhax and want to inject pokemon but there is a problem. As soon as i start the save editor and choose pokemon moon it loads and stops with the lower screen being yellow. Whats the problem and how can i fix this?
I think you need to kill yourself my dude.
hack it and use JKSM
My 3DS is hitting me with a "write protection enabled" error after being fine for a good 24 hours and writing to the SD card perfectly fine.

It is formatted correctly. I also hacked out the write protection switch on the card and covered it with tape. What the fuck is going on with this shit?
Is nintendo even going to bother making new firmware for the Wii U?
Is there any way to access the homebrew channel in (old) 3ds 11.1 without other hacked ds or a game?
Every 5 hours
can i hack it at 9.9 without dsiware or a second 3ds? I just want to know why jksm doesnt work with pokemon moon on 9.9 and menuhax.
Could you elaborate? I'm new and I only want to set up games for my nephew since this is his Christmas gift, so I don't want him going into the homebrew launcher and possibly messing up stuff.

do you have cfw
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you can hack it without DSIware all you need is homebrew access

read over this to get a general idea before you start looking into plailects guide

you'll want to do it with the browser
Good place to get a flashcart?
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Seems pointless to me. They should be working on Animal Crossing NSFW mods instead
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>eight years later
>it hasn't leaked
I use homemenu hax because it just werks so I have no reason to switch. If it didn't take so damn long to setup I would have done it sooner. As long as you charge your 3ds regularly installing a9hl to save 20 seconds of boot time is moot.
isn't there a nude mod somewhere already?
I could swear someone has posted one
No one can help me out here?
If you leave a game open and leave your vita in sleep mode for too long, it won't be able to save when it you start it up again. Apparently it can corrupt saves too but it hasn't happened to me yet.

There's apparently a fix for it, but I haven't tried it. The alternative solution is to just close the game before going into sleep mode.
>freakyforms deluxe
So I ended up going back to the "dead" harddrive after being able to get it recognized in Windows and formatting it fresh.

Long story short the issue came down to a ridiculous series of terrible drives, with my old Western Digital Blue that reads IMMINENT DISK FAILURE soldiering on to prove my PS3 isn't fucked and will simply require a BETTER DRIVE.

Thanks for all your help nonetheless. Christ.

That sucks, glad to see you're persevering regardless though
Actually this is a good outcome, I can get another drive easily and I'll be able to finish my PS3 backlog... But I'll tell you when I started getting YLOD (one of the shitty drives apparently outright gave out while attempting to get this all working again) I almost shit.

It should all be good in the end.
How easy/hard is it to translate a game if you know the language it's in?

I wanna translate a Vita game, mainly for my friend, cuz he doesn't read nip.

It's not as easy as opening the files and translating plaintext is it?

Depends on the format used by the game
Due to that Nintendo bounty thing they put up, any kind of entry point of any kind is being reported on instantly by cancerous poorfags thinking they'll get some money out of it.

Nintendo hasn't paid a dime to them, and never will, since its not covered under what they 'advertised'. Instead they get tipped the info they need without having to own up any agreement from the fags. Basically suckering in people with money, don't give them said money, but take the information anyway and close down anything that was noted or tipped.
buy a physical copy from your local gamestop
Does anyone know if this will work? >>163512182 >>163531689
when i want to start moon normaly on this 9.9 2ds it prompts me to update to 11.0.026
can i trust this or will it update to the latest firmware? Browserhax and Menuhax work on 11.0 right?
Its not my 2ds so i really dont need to hack it.
Thanks for the info and replying

I only saw it come up once and havent seen anyone talk about this issue
Yes, of course. I'm Luma.
I'm confused then. I don't think this allows you to install cfw, it just gets you homebrew launcher. I already have that thanks to browserhax and steelhax.
Is there a new LocalFriendsSeed_B file yet? I installed a9lh just to unban myself

Then just install these CIAs
Thanks a lot!
Since I'm on 9.5 on an old 3ds, I can't access the eShop without updateing firmware to download steeldiver.

What do?

use browserhax, duh
When u think ur gonna hack ur 3ds n play sweet games but find out your computer is infested with viruses
if youre on 9.5 just use browserhax
I'm trying to do that right now...

currently stuck on this step:

"On the source 3DS, hold Start on boot to launch Hourglass9"

I copied everything to the SD card and held start but it just starts the 3ds normally.

you don't have a9lh dumb-dumb
ohh I see..

I was doing the 2 3ds method hack without hacking the O3ds first!

yeah, just hack the o3ds first. Then you'll have an idea of how it's done on the other one.
You don't need to be connected to psn to get updates for games right on ps4
>piracy in the near future
Honestly, it'll probably never happen at this point. Nothing ever came of the 1.76 exploit to the end user, and even if something occurred with 4.05, you wouldn't be running PS4 games anyway because nobody's even made an ISO loader yet, let alone CFW.

There is a rumor that something will be revealed around Christmas, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I'm trying to install THIS http://infinity.lolhax.org/index.php on my PSP with THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfeBDJNO9Q4 guide, and I followed it 100%. When, on my PSP, I open the Infinity Builder, it tells me the file is corrupted and that it can't be opened.

Is one of my files corrupted? And how do I know that?

Just try it again from scratch, redownload all the files etc.

Also when you're done, get LME. It's better.
I have an old version of pokemon homebrew bank (CIA) installed. How can I uninstall and update without fucking up my pokemon in the bank?
God fucking dammit, i'm on part 5 of the guide, trying to mod my sister's 3DS for her, she's on 11.1, but i don't have any of the games to get into the Homebrew Launcher
I need this to install LME apparently. Or can I just install LME without Infinity? I have no idea what to do, when I asked around they just dumped me that video and while it is well explained, it does not really tell me what exactly I am doing.

What you're doing right now is installing a the Infinity permanent patch, which means that as soon as the console turns on you can boot into CFW.
If you want to do less work, then you can install LME by itself and run it as a temporary CFW. That just gives you an icon on the menu you have to run each time you reboot the console.
what makes you say me is better than pro? i've only ever used pro, but when i was looking into it, it seemed like the difference between them is arbitrary

ME's functionality is a superset of Pro's. Everything you can do on Pro you can do on ME. But ME has extra stuff like extended RAM mode, the ME ISO driver and DAX support.
Pro is for "muh open sores" fags.
I see, thank you. I'm guessing LME is very easy to install, but is there a good guide to install it? I don't want to brick my PSP.
Also is there a guide that says how to run ISO and PS games?

Sorry for all the questions.
Which 3ds games are worth playing that game out this year?
I'll give you a few:

1. Can queue up multiple games. Some games require 3 tickets (for update and DLC) and QR code can't fit very many.

2. Can exit freeShop and resume suspended installs later.

3. Plays a sound when queue finishes so you don't have to keep watching it.

4. Can shutdown after configurable quantity of time of inactivity, so you can have a queue install while you're out and it'll auto-shutdown.

5. Most importantly: FBI installs a lot slower. I just tried latest version and it still seems to be the case.
Best way to get a 64GB card to be 3DS ready? Windows won't recognize my reformats to FAT32.
Anyone know? Can I just install the new CIA thru FBI? Will it simply overwrite the existing installation?

LME by itself is very easy to install with a near-zero brick risk.
First, just make sure you update to the latest official 6.61 firmware.
Then, get the LME files.
Copy the installer and launcher to the PSP/GAME folder, and they should appear on your XMB.
Run the installer, press X to install and you're done. From then onwards you can boot LME CFW just by running the launcher on your XMB.
If you ever want a permanent patch afterwards, you can do the video.

Games in .iso, .cso or .dax format can be placed in the ISO folder at the root of the memory card.
PS1 games must be converted to EBOOT format, and you can either download preconverted ones rom somewhere like Emuparadise or do it yourself with PSX2PSP. They must go to PSP/GAME/(gamename)/EBOOT.PBP
How the fuck did you get all the way to part 5 if you dont have a way to get into homebrew launcher
How does that shop work? I found a thread on some forum but it says I need some keys? Where do I get the keys? Also whats rhe deal with qr code scanning? Right now im still downloading cias from some rom forum
Sadly I do not have the 6.61 firmware because I have a virus that prevents other devices to connect to the internet. I could try connecting and installing it now, but I'm not sure if I can.

If I can't, is there a version of LME for 6.60? Would that still be a viable option?
Kirby: Planet Robobot is pretty good
Scratch that, I can connect, thankfully.

I will tell you if it worked (I doubt it won't).
Who is your favorite character Anon? I will draw them for you.

You can download the updater for 6.61 and place it on your PSP's memory stick. However, the 6.61 update changes very little so it may not be worth it.

A version of LME does exist for 6.60 and it's here.
It's Tokyo Ghoul Jail.

It uses .awb archives(?), all are filled with .BINs
USM for videos
and DAT for I think everything else?

I have stuff here named system_menu.dat and options.dat, etc.

I can deal with AWB and USM.
BIN and DAT are what I'm having trouble understanding.

Any idea where I should start?
If I do a system transfer to downgrade an 11.2 3ds, is there anyway for me to put the original nnid back onto it?
My 3DS is Luna/A9LH, which i was going to use to system transfer to my sisters, but i don't have any of the games to get into the Hombrew Launcher on my sister's 3DS
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That's very kind of you. How about a Lain?


I'd see if GBATemp has any resources, this is a little outside what I'm familiar with.
Once I downgrade to 9.2 do I have to re install browserhax to enter the homebrew launches?

I can't get into it by holding down when I boot up.
Is it possible to mod a Wii U without internet?

I don't have internet at home, and have to use the library.
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Just got me self a R4 Gold 2017
I've used the acekard 2i with akaio kernel for years
So I tried out my new R4 and I really disliked the R4 official kernel, akaio has a bunch of more options. Is there any unoffical kernel for it?
This R4 also support DSi 1.4.5, I didnt updated it yet. Is there any benefit? Or shoud I stick in 1.4.1 ?
this isn't 2004

I believe Wood is popular on R4s.
Not sure but you could try YSMenu. It's a bit difficult to find but I think it is compatible with most R4 clones.
NDS Library = 1847 games
N3DS Library = 992 games

I have both DSi and 3DS XL who cares about the year, I still play a lot on my DS
Ok anon, it worked.
Now I have a few questions again:
-ISO files go in PSP/ISO, right?
-If I want to play them, I have to run LME every time I turn the PSP on, right?
-Can I draw Lain in her bear pajamas?
Boot from a live Linux USB stick. You should be able to view your windows partitions from there.
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-That's correct.
-That's correct. ISOs won't even appear if you're not in CFW. However going into sleep mode won't disable CFW, only a full poweroff.
-That's ideal!
>Menuhax will no longer work, but you can use Homebrew Launcher (Browser) to get into the Homebrew Launcher
and browserhax is never installed
So just scan the QR code?

I tried it one time and the 3ds froze... I'll try again now.

I can't access the homebrew browser after downgrading my native firmware 11.0 USA -_-
Thanks I'll look for them
it worked!
where are you finding games that you can download via qr codes?
Careful with YSMenu, it bricked my R4i Gold
had the same problem here >_>
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Browser hax stopped working after the downgrading process for me. I'm going to have to use another method to get the homebrew browser installed again...

sucks huh? I'm going to leave mine until I find cubic ninja in store.
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Halp pls?

I know someone has it.

There was a homebrew you could install I think it was called darkspeed final or something and it would let you pin your CFW to a button in your comics or images for easy access.

Because whatever method you used prior was specifically for 11.0, you need a new entrypoint and that would likely be browserhax or OOThax if you have access.

We were saying that browerhax's doesn't work (see picture above.) I was on 11.0.33 when I used the Four swords anniversary method and waithax. I do agree that finding another method is going to be the solution.
Do you need custom firmware for n3ds to play pirated games, or is homebrew enough?


You just need a low enough firmware to install "legit CIA's" but you will need CFW to install the other 99% of the 3DS library.
Being on 11.0 I can only hope for new ways to downgrade after 27th. Got no one to do system transfer with and there's no way I'm getting into soldering.
>In this case, we use Luma3DS by AuroraWright to boot a patched SysNAND directly, allowing us to completely bypass the need for any kind of EmuNAND, vastly simplifying the usage of a hacked 3DS in addition to saving SD card space.

So to inject GBA games with Luma+A9LH, I just download the .cia and install through FBI, skipping all the AGB_Firm and emuNAND-related steps in the pastebin GBA guide?

That's correct.
Sweet. Thank you.
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For the past day, FreeShop consistently freezes + crashes when loading the list of titles/games. I uninstalled the app from my 3DS and reinstalled, but I'm getting the same issue.
freeshop is compromised.

You can do DSiware downgrades assuming you had said games
was playing sly 4 and i got c2-12828-1 error using cart version
Where can I find a download for all the paid streetpass games? All i can find is what seems like bundle 1 + 2
use ciangel, enjoy no longer be cucked by cruel
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Update your encTitleKeys.bin
so to inject gba games with luma-a9lh, I literally just download the cia to the cia folder on my sd card and install through FBI?
Can I just buy a powersaves and use the oot3dhax without any other kind of stuff on 11.3.0-35?

you're not doing the injecting, premade cias have the injection done for you
cool, thanks
they're calling back Wii Us this holiday (when they could still sell them) probably to pave the way to the Switch and avoid confusion.
How much do you think they care about them?
there is no 11.3
I meant 11.2

Disregard my post then, just started reading this thread.
I got a $20 Visa gift card from the folks, which flash cart is both the cheapest and straightforward with playing DS games
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Thank you Anon for the help. I hope you like it.
Will I brick anything if I switch SD cards while hacking the 3ds? (After transfering everything)

I'm running out of storage ):

Thank you <3
if it's a US gift card then it'll only work for US payment gateways. If you go for chink sites then they need to accept paypal or it probably won't go through.
So what's the best FTP application for the 3DS?
Micro SD managment in system settings
...and what's the best client for Windows/macOS?
Use Freezilla or CuteFTP
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I know, it's literally a thread of 12 yr olds talking about 3ds asking the same question every twenty minutes. Barely anything on wii u hacks even though the ground made on the platform in the last 2 months is more interesting than the 3ds has been all year. You wouldn't know haxchi 2.4 was even out looking at this thread.

I genuinely think the 3ds hb should have its own thread to clear out the shit in hbg
>40 bux

FileZilla it is then

nds-card.com good?
Ravioli 4ever
I used a prepaid visa for my DSTT just fine
Aight, so which cart is both a good price and doesn't have any fancy shit, just straight plays DS games
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No one cares what you think

DSTT is cheapest at $8 I believe, and it werks so long as you have NTR Launcher on your 3DS.
R4i Gold is basically the "standard"
This shit is weird as fuck, how do I connect to my 3DS? FTPD just gives me an address with no user or pass while microSD Management doesn't give me an IP to connect to.

What do?
when you open ftpd it gives you the ip and port.

You plug those into filezilla then start connection from filezilla. make sure you're using the same internet connection as well.
Disregard this, I suck cocks.

Yeah, it just didn't work the 1st time. I always use the cyan address on the top screen, right?
So, to play GBA romhacks, I need to do what?

Do I just patch a rom like normal, then convert it to a cia? Or do I download the cia and do something from there?

If I'm understanding what I've read, I can patch a rom, create banner data, and then convert those files into a cia.
Thx anon
np, enjoy!
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I will, thanks.

do you happen to know of a good client for Android?

in general, you patch the rom first then use link related to convert the rom into a cia
If you mean to transfer files via FTP? - Then I use Solid Explorer. Costs 2 bucks though the last time I checked. It's a filemanager with extra perks (including ftp).

You should have no problem finding reliable free ones, I just couldn't tell you which ones cause I've never had to switch.
I'll give it a look then. Thanks again.
>implying it was normal not having Internet in that year

You're up late junior. Santa won't visit you unless you be a good boy and run off to bed at a decent time!
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My browser keeps crashing before I ever see the slider in sliderhax. I've tried ever trick I've found using google and I've never progressed any further.

FW 9.6.0, browser 1.7585, only threads I've found about them are months old. Does it no longer work for those versions or should I just keep trying?
Agreed tbqh
Old or new 3ds?

Old 3ds.
Oh, I got nothing then. I assume you tried http://yls8.mtheall.com/3dsbrowserhax_auto.php although I think that only works on n3ds on your FW.
Great, thank you. Sifting through all these GBATemp threads can be a little tedious.

Yeah, I've been using that guide. I selected old3ds and my firmware in the beginning so I'd assume it should be working.
tell me what you tried
did you initialize savedata in browser settings?
Potentially stupid question.

Is Vitashell supposed to be able to open .zip files? Because I got a big torrent full of games, managed to get a zip file transferred over by temporarily renaming it .mp4, renamed it BACK to .zip and now Vitashell... won't do anything. It just hangs when I try to open it to copy the contents into the Mai folder.

Where am I fucking up here?
Select the .zip and you'll be able to enter it and see the folder (assuming it was zipped correctly)
Then press triangle and chose move
That's what I mean, I try and do that and it's just hanging. Just sits there, locked. I have to push the PS button and close/restart Vitashell. Is it supposed to be zipped a certain way?
I think I had this issue once and didn't find a way to fix it.
You should just unzip it on your computer and transfer the folder with the Psave method
Still trying and no success,what am I doing wrong? I'm on the step 2 of installing arm9loaderhax https://3ds.guide/installing-arm9loaderhax
How can I get ntr working? I'm on the latest stable luma.
Never mind I'm an idiot for not reading steps carefully
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>look up OCDM to make Mario Maker 3DS better
>"Implemented: save progress and courses to SD"
>"Almost implemented: restore courses from SD"
What's even the point then? Plus it's not open source so the guy who made it is the only one who can try to fix the damn thing.
Fuck's sake, I just want to share my levels and download specific other levels, and it's like Nintendo designed the port specifically to avoid that. Was server-side lookup of ID from a non-WiiU connection too much for them to handle?
I've never played Gen 4. Can you complete the Dex on Heartgold or do i need to play Platinum ? ( i heard it's slow)
upload when?? is it available in nipland?
pls respond
My ps4 is on 3.55 or something. Will I be able to hack it when the time comes?
I got a 3ds @ 9.9 u,

Whenever I try to use browser a message appears asking to UPDATE and then I can't do anything before it returns to main screen.

Is there a way to bypass this warning and use browser?
You could get one of those romhacks which let you obtain the whole dex without trading.
Platinum isn't slow. D/P are slow. Platinum is easily top 3 Pokemon games

See "Section II - Version check bypass"
>playing Mario Maker 3ds
you deserve it
I lost my 16Gb SD Card and recently revived my 3DS which I believed to be 100% broken for the past 6 months.
I now have a 8Gb one I could use.
There is no easy way to hack two seperate SD Cards IIRC, right?
Because I really wanted to try and get this one going before I buy a new 16 or 32 Gb one. (No I don't play many games and I can uninstall them after I'm done to open space for another one)
I wouldn't recommend this
Which one is this?
Early Christmas gift. What am I gonna do, *not* play a free game? The challenge mode is pretty good; it actually holds up pretty okay if I frame it as a Mario game that happens to have a level editor instead of a Mario level editor that happens to have a game.
But damn if I don't wish it had level lookups. Finding neat 1-screen puzzles is tough when I can't just input a nifty code.
Once you install A9LH you literally just copypaste your old (current) SD to the new one and you're done.
It's entirely safe and a very well known working method to fix the bug. There's literally nothing wrong with it. The only time you should worry is outside of ux0/ur0
Is it possible to install homebrew with ver 7.1.0-16U on the original 3DS, or do I have to update the system to a certain version?
How do I get NTR working? I'm on 11.2 on an o3ds with luma 6.5
>just copypaste your old (current) SD to the new one
Awesome. I remember people saying that was impossible some time ago though.

Also, I kinda forgot, can you install DS games on your 3DS without a R4?
If I want to use a second SD card to have more stuff since I can't fit everything in a single, what files I must have on it? I got a o3ds with arm9lh+luma 3ds.
I'm pretty sure the guides in the OP tell you a way to do controlled updates, so from 7.1 to 9.2 for example. I vividly remember having to do that.
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Just curious before I fuck something up, a while back I transferred a 3ds (A) to a 2ds (B) and the preloaded games on the 2ds (B) and the source 3ds (A) merged, but I got some warning about stuff not carrying over if I transfer again. I didn't really understand the message.
Anyway, I was wondering what will happen if I transfer again from 2ds (B) to another 2ds (C) with preloaded games?
I take it all the games from the original 3ds (A) and all the preloaded games from the 1st 2ds (B) will be moved onto the 2nd 2ds (C), and merged with any preloaded games, I'm wondering what will happen to any games purchased on the 2nd 2DS?
What would happen if instead, in step 3, rather than transferring 2ds (B) to 2ds (C), I transferred 2ds (C) to 2ds (B)?

I know it all means fuck all once I start pirating, but I'm just curious.
>I remember people saying that was impossible some time ago though.

Because it didn't work that way when Emunand was the standard, A9LH is much more friendly in that regard. DS from SD card is possible but not really working yet. Expect an update on that on Christmas. Until then it's more of an unknown than anything.
Guide in the OP covers this, you'll likely just be using Decrypt9 via browser, no update needed
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Fugged that up

Also, if I NAND backup a console, then transfer to another, then restore the backup, will both consoles have the same NNID and is that a bad thing if the original goes back online?
I tried to download Steel Diver for NFIRM downgrade as following the guide. eShop tells me I have to create a NNID, and link it to my 3ds, and blah blah blah. I did all that and downloaded it. Can I delete this NNID on my 3ds later? I'd rather not have a NNID linked to my 3ds permanently.
A problem can occur if your console loses its internet time sync. That problem being in trophies without timestamps.

Yes not everybody cares, but it's a disadvantage not just "literally nothing wrong with it".

>caring about trophies
Different strokes, bad is still bad.
Please respond, is it possible to have 2 SD cards and install different .cia on each one?

the guide doesn't mention anything about multiple SD cards
If you want bootNTR: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-bootntr-selector.432911/

If you want to boot DS games: https://gbatemp.net/threads/ntr-launcher-bring-back-that-classic-ds-boot-screen-for-your-ds-games.440110/
You need at least these files & folders on the other SD card:
Nintendo 3DS

but really, just buy a fucking bigger SD card.
Ayy just got an 11.1 n3ds finally
I heard you need certain DSiWare titles that aren't available anymore, or another CFW 3ds to downgrade
Is this true? If it is I can be patient, no big deal.

Would you recc a 32GB SD or 64GB for N3DS
Obviously a 64 is larger which is great because 3DS games are pretty big, but I hear they're harder to work with.
How long did it take 10.7 to get where it is
What about the
\Nintendo 3DS\(32 character)\(32 character)\title

Which is the folder that most take space since it's where all games are installed.
Why the fuck loadiine won't boot on me tonight?
Are DNSes fucking broken again or something?
>not using Haxchi
Haven't had any problems with my 64GB card and I've seen several others using a 64GB as well without problems. I have read reports of slowdowns for those using a 128GB though, so I wouldn't recommend that.

Get a 64GB if you can afford you, you will most likely never have to worry about running out of space.
n3ds a9lh+ luma
So i updated FBI and now I can't install or uninstall titles anymore. So i tried using an older homebrew launcher version of FBI and it failed to work outright. So i updated to a newer HBL version of FBI and it returns a message saying
khax: Unsupported firmware version.
So now i can't overwrite or uninstall a non working version of fbi on my sysnand.

anyone have any ideas?
OK I'm on the last steps of armhax...

"You should be on 2.1.0" - What do they mean by this???

"Go to http://dukesrg.github.io/2xrsa.html?arm11.bin on your 3DS" - like on the browser???

plz help!
Yes like on the browser. You go on the browser to install a9lh, then with that you restore your nand, then so on
How did you update FBI and from where and which version?
>"You should be on 2.1.0" - What do they mean by this???

Didn't you do this: https://3ds.guide/2.1.0-ctrtransfer

You should have done it, if you have been following the guide.
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So would it make a huge difference on the SD card speed if I were just using it in a 3DS?

I found a 64GB SD card on the way home from work, but it's a class 3.

Second, if I'm using A9LH, can I just copy / paste everything from one card to another without having to update anything?
I updated FBI via the update option in the FBI menu. I don't know which version I updated from but it was before they removed network install if that helps.
>the homebrew scene will never be as good as it it was during the wii days
Feels kinda shitty dude
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>class 3
if you mean uhs class 3, then thats more than enough.
afaik n3ds ships with a class 4 card
I would probably just remove it and install the cia of the latest FBI. If you have no way of installing anymore, I guess you could inject it into safety warning again and use it to install the latest FBI cia.

Section V here: https://3ds.guide/installing-arm9loaderhax
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$250 more than anyone should be paying for this shit and they still have the audacity to charge shipping
what is this world
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How would I use JKSM or Save Data Filer to install OoThax manually for 5.1, 2.1, and 9.2 in the three save slots respectively? I downloaded the zip from the repository on GitHub, but it doesn't say which saves are for which versions, and I have no idea where to even begin injecting because I've never done it before. I'm just too lost for words
Dude just buy an 11.1 one and be patient
Also last I checked those were only $275 on Amazon
>uhs is faster than basic 10

Something new every day, fuck yeah.

So can I just copy / paste the whole thing to the new card and carry on?
If you're not using a emuNAND, yes.
i was looking for knock off/hack/homebrew gameboy cartridges and it came up
what do you take me for, a cuck?
So I bought a N3DS, and haven't done anything except play a DS game. Can I just pop a new SD card in or does it require some set up?
How can I tell which I'm using?

I just followed the OP a couple months back, it looks like it's updated since then.
Oh I just noticed the already modded/70 games part
>patching a bunch of ios's
>banner bricking
>loaders because console lacks native loading in 2016 - 10

welp, at least the wii u is likely to become one of those cracked wide open consoles just like the psp
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tell me again why DS games can't be given the VC Inject treatment and installed via FBI
Assuming you're using Luma: Reboot and hold select, then enable where it says "Show NAND or user string in system settings". Press start and let the 3DS boot up.

Go into system settings and check your version, it should either say "emu [version number]" or "sys [version number]".

If it says emu, you're using emuNAND.
.cia's of shit like Four Swords Anniversary and Wario Ware Touched take the source code and compile it as a .cia instead of a .nds. There's nothing you can inject into it
Okay so now I'm all hombrewed up with my freeshop installed, what 3ds games can you recommend me guys?
Rune Factory 4
Do I have to remove the SD card on my N3DS in 2.1.0 to stop having a black screen? I really don't want to have to unscrew it, no alternatives?
and games that dont?
............why would you screw the back plate on if you're not even finished?
A few, but perhaps more importantly, do not just rely on freeshop. If you want to play Bravely Default/Second then you better download the uncensored version and that sure as hell ain't available on the freeshop, unless you can read moon.

Same with other games, Jap voices + Eng text may be available if you look for it. Rune Factory 4 for instance can have it.
........because I used microsd management for the rest because I don't want to run to the garage for a screwdriver?

If I need to I will, I'm just curious if there's anything else.
>sys 11.2.0-35U

Fuck yes.
Aren't supported. There is no "DS virtual console". It's DSiware games. There's nothing to inject regular DS games in to.

Is there a way for me to play the older pheonix wrights on my 3ds?


Sorry, what should I use if not freeshop? I have no idea what to do when it comes to homebrew and stuff, so I'm just trying to find easy and convenient, I did notice that binding of isaac isn't on the freeshop.
Then just copy paste the files to a new SD card, after you have formatted it properly of course. It's always good to have a backup on your PC as well, just in case.
Freeshop is fine, basically all he's saying is if you want undub's or "decensored" games then you'll need to browse 3dsiso for them. Otherwise freeshop is the go to.
Just google "NNID unlink 3ds"
There are a couple ways, you could always just format.
Can be a problem if you want multiple versions of the same game.
Mods you don't have the files to patch on the fly etc.
>64GB cards come out
>Reports of slowdowns for 64GB cards
>128GB cards come out
>64GB is fine, reports of slowdowns on 128GB cards
It's all just placebo m8
You download the cia from the internet and use FBI to install them.

If you want undub (Jap voice + Eng text) for instance, here's some games: http://www.3dsiso.com/cia-downloads/273232-mega-cia-collection-undub-super-mario-maker.html?highlight=rune+factory+undub
hey yall, i know im probably gunna get a lot of shit for this but w/e

my 3ds is on 9.2, and i tried putting CFW on it a while ago, but the process back then was 30-40 steps and I fucked up somewhere towards the middle end (i remember having to dump a NAND or something along those lines) and gave up, having not touched my 3ds since

what is my best option? should i just wipe the SD card and start from scratch? cheers in advance boys
>I found a 64GB SD card on the way home from work, but it's a class 3.
The only difference is that now there's hundreds of thousands of consumers hacking and not many people working on homebrew, back in the day if you knew how to hack you'd probably also make homebrew shit for fun.
Now all the devs just release their shit for mobile, as there's literally nothing to be gained from homebrew.
Sad, really. I really wanna dev a bunch for 3ds, just for fun, but I'm too busy not making games for the vive.
Please help!

I'm stuck here:

Section V - Injecting FBI
Select the FBI injectable .app for your region
Press (A) and confirm to inject
Press (Start) to reboot
If you still launch to the stock Health & Safety app and have downgraded with Gateway in the past, follow this troubleshooting guide

There is no Health and Safety option for my region!

The only option is: hs.app

What do???

Excellent. cheers guys, just one last quick thing before I plunge deep into this fucker, do I need to keep anything updated so I don't brick or anything? Or does it all auto update.
are you fully on 9.2? or did you downgrade in the past to get there?
If you downgraded in the past, was it a full downgrade, or did it fail at some point and you just said fuck it?
If it's legit on 9.2, then start here:
My nigga if I stole it, I'd tell you I stole it, but it was in the grass beside a holiday inn.

Had someone's android phone info on it, but no pics or movies or anything interesting.
legitimate 9.2, i very rarely used it because i only could afford a couple of games, thanks for the link, do i just follow those steps in order? should i format my SD card before doing this?
You have downloaded "fbi-2.4.2-injectable.zip", right? Open it and put the *.app file with YOUR region and 3DS type to your SD card in the files9 folder.

Then try again and don't forget you can switch with up & down on your dpad.
backup your sdcard contents first.
start from that link (or, if you have Decrypt9 and a recent nand backup already, you can obviously skip to the next step).
The "dangerous" part is over once you're on 9.2, since downgrading to this point is where most softbricks occur. Just be sure you're able to complete the rest of the guide quickly, as the less time you spend on 2.1 the better.
yeah man, they're all in the files9 folder

I've tried moving with the d-pad but it stays on hs.app
Are you the same anon from yesterday?
currently backing up, i really appreciate the quick replies/help boss, ill post if i run into any more shit
no. is this a common problem?

am i fucked?

i've been working on this all day.
You just saw a fucking SD card lying, I mean laying down in some grass?
Fucking why would it be there? Why?
There was someone that had the exact same problem yesterday and we tried a bunch of things, he stopped posting as far as I know so I assume he solved it.
There's any number of reasons that an SD card would be lying on the ground, that mostly culminate in someone dropping it by accident or someone deliberately putting it there.

The better question is why would you pick up and use an SD card you found lying on the ground?
Could this be it?:

"Go to “SysNAND Backup/Restore”, then select the “Health&Safety Dump” option to dump Health & Safety to hs.app (you can use Up and Down / Left and Right to change the name)"

the hs.app option looks like this: "hs.app (!)"
That's dumping. The problem he had was to inject it.

This was his first post: >>163485990
It was in plastic, but not the package, perhaps someone dropped it or some shit?

I honestly don't know, and don't care, but ya boy came up a 64GB.
i guess one more (obvious) suggestion is to read through the next couple of steps and make sure you have everything you need before you need it, and so you get the gist of what needs to be done.
like i said, though, you're in the home stretch, and you really shouldn't run into any problems as long as you go through the guide step-by-step. All the fuckups you read about here are because people skipped ahead or didn't read.
>The better question is why would you pick up and use an SD card you found lying on the ground?

Because free 64GB SD card?
That shit could have free magic space AIDS or some shit fampire.
ok i think the problem was i skipped this step:

Section IV - Restoring the System
Why won't freeshop let me download the DLC for FE: Conquest? Is it because I haven't signed in to my NNID?
It's okay, I scanned it with Norton

I should be fine.
"If your backup was of a version between 3.0.0 and 4.5.0, manually download the required firmware:"

how can i check this?
yahh i wish i started downloading the 2.1 10 min ago, it's about to be finished though, i got decrypt9 to run right away as well
So, I heard something about screen capping on the n3DS and wanted to get in on it.

I have an o3DS that still very much hackable and my n3DS.

Is it possible to somehow keep my saves for my digital games?
Do online services still work?
Would I lose all my friend codes and other mii plaza shit?
Guys, i just hacked my 3DS and i have a question

Some games like SMT and Fire Emblem have DLCs, how it work with freeshop?

also, i see fire emblem fates has 3 different paths at a point in the game, how it work with freeshop?

Yes, use JK Save Manager
Yes, no issues
>NNID/FC/Mii shit
All kept
Usually when it comes to DLC, after downloading a game, you can tap the controller icon in Freeshop to see if a game has updates or DLC available. However,I'm not sure how it works with Fire Emblem because the DLC is not showing up for me.
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If you follow the guide from start to end, you'll keep all of your shit intact with nothing lost.

NTR CFW is the software used, streaming video output to a computer is N3DS only but I think any model can take BMP screenshots with it. Unfortunately there isn't a lot in the way of screenshot hotkey combinations, it's either L+R, Start+Select, or nothing.

Homebrew applications tend to to share a common screenshot function by pressing the home button, and will later need a provided tool in the starter kit to convert them to readable PNG files. Functionality is also included in the HANS launcher so it can take screenshots in-game, but you can't use ZL/ZR and the C-Stick. I'm not sure why this is the case or how to go fixing it, I've tried contacting smea about it but he's never responded back.

just checked it thanks. I was updating my games normally thought the main menu, its the same thing right?
Is there any webpage that explains how A9LH works? I remember that a year ago in some GitHub it was techically explained but now every time I Google A9LH all the results I get are guides for retards that don't explain shit, not even the Plailect guide, it's just install instructions.
"Regardless of whether or not you did either of the above two steps, update your 3DS by going to System Settings, then “Other Settings”, then going all the way to the right and using “System Update”"

Should I update if I'm planning on doing a system transfer to 11.0.33? Does it even matter?
Do you remember what version your 3DS was before you started all this?
Both systems will need to move up to 11.2 anyway.
>downloading a game on freeShop
>click refresh cache while it's downloading
>screen goes to a black error screen
>loading emunand on Rxtools takes me to a black screen now

I'd really appreciate pointers on how to fix this.
Is there an easy way to see how much space is left on the SD card when downloading games in freeShop?
Then your backup is not between 3.0.0 and 4.5.0.

>However,I'm not sure how it works with Fire Emblem because the DLC is not showing up for me.

>downloading a game on freeShop
>click refresh cache while it's downloading


Also, haven't you been reading these threads since yesterday?

You might need to update your encTitlekey-whatever file
don't worry about it
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Today the Wii U's eshop had some server maintanance right? Or something happened?
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New thread where
I remember trying to hack my o3DS and then stopping mid way. Is there anyway to reset the progress of how much was hacked and start from the beginning again?
It's just a fucking meme made by retards for retards. If you have a working system already, don't bother.
I'd honestly prefer somehow putting a Wes model in the battle tree
From last year's presentation: https://youtu.be/UutYOidFx3c?t=3149
Curiosity and dim light bulb don't mix well.
>Also, haven't you been reading these threads since yesterday?
No, and the problem just occurred to me now. Sorry if I've been asking questions that have been answered multiple times already.
Well no, the reason I modified a 3DS is because I like to learn, not really play free games.

Read it and it is a good but simple explanation. Did the developers ever write about it in detail?
This seems really nice, I will take my time to watch it. Thank you.
New thread

Np. There's also a bit of a complementary read here https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/56lk5p/game_ncch_and_cdn_encryption_an_explanation/ see Scheme 3 and Scheme 4. I swear I saw a comprehensive explanation of it before but can't find it...
the 7 day timer is server side
Recommended SD Cardctype, model and size for 3DS? I know officially only up to 32 GB is supported but should I stick with that or get a bigger one?
I'm using homebrew right now, no CFW yet but I don't see myself pirating a lot(yet). What size do you have and are you happy with it?
I know this general is mostly for 3DS stuff and some Vita/WiiU things here and there but I need some help with a PS2 if you guys dont mind

I followed this guide to get HDLoader and OPL on my PS2


However the part with the memory card doesnt work. I put the ELF file folder in the USB, then into the HDD then into MC0 (mem card slot 1) then open it the way the video says but nothing happens.

I added some games to the HDD like in the vid using winhip but it doesnt show in OPL, i just get setitng.

HDL doesnt open at all. Just a black screen.


Guide is probably shit. Is there a better one? More in-depth or easier to follow?

Sorry for the long post.
Your SD card might have died. Once the flash memory dies, it marks itself as read only to protect the data from correction. Happen to the microSD in my phone last month. Can you write to it on your PC?
What fucking shit cards do you guys buy that don't even last 5 years?
>inb4 shitston
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