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/emugen/ - Emulation General

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Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 98

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Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (speccy screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.

Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.

>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.
First for Vulkan
I miss Picross
Now anytime I hear "zero hard dependencies" it makes me automatically write a project off as garbage due to RA. Any project obsessed with no dependencies is going to be a project doing too much itself.
It's a cool band name too
>the PS2 BC actually emulated the GPU and GTE on the EE
You learn something new everyday.
Reminder that Citra is a scam
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Reminder that LaunchBox is a scam.
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Reminder that byuuware is a scam
But RA isn't garbage...m
"Zero Hard Dependencies" just means you can compile it without any dependencies. By default, it will probably include them all in normal builds.

Hard dependencies are bad unless they are 100% required for the program to function.
>harvest moon 64 still looks like this on RA

so i guess pkmn puzzle league doesn't work still right?
What emudev IRC chans should I be monitoring?
#bearcave on efnet
Which retroarch core?
#zsnes on Freenode
Someone was posting about redream at the end of last thread. Is it actually getting anywhere? I use demul at the moment but if something better is coming along then I'll keep an eye on it.
How do you update retroarch?
Download the newest version.
Disregard this post I'm an idiot.
Secret (and closed to public, like byuu forum) channel for retrorch devs. Used mostly to talk about byuu.
No shit smart ass, but what part is actually important to the download with the nightlies. Any nightly I download just doesn't work
then shitpost about it.
Then use a stable version.
I replied in such a manner because I thought that you might be thinking that there was an autoupdate option or an updater within the options in RA itself.
The exe is the only thing that matters.
Stop making shit threads like that.
so do you guys legit recommend Mesen for #1 nes emulator of choice, or did some shill edit the wiki?
Some shill edited the wiki.
Nestopia and Punes are still more "finished" right now
No, use Nestopia with RetroArch.
Mesen is worthless until it gets a libretro port.
t. guy who just finished sucking off every single dev responsible for Retroarch and then donated every one of their pennies to their Patreon.
t. mesen dev who can't build a nes emulator without requiring dx11
puNES now is worthless that Mesen exists. There should be only one emulator of each console class.
DX11 is literally 8 years old. You have no excuse.
>windows only
>Nestopia and Punes are still more "finished" right now

How so? Mesen has better support for obscure mappers than either of them do
t. Stallman
NES games are proprietary software, you shouldn't be trying to play them.
You should be playing such FOSS gems such as Tux Racer.
>How so? Mesen has better support for obscure mappers than either of them do
The mapper support list on the mesen site doesn't agree with your statement
No. I use Windows and I don't even pretend to care about this freetard shit like you.
t. guy who doesn't own a phone. or any hacked handheld/console. or any ultralight arm laptop.
According to RMS, ROM's don't count :^)
Which one?
What is the current state of Pokemon S&M on Citra, especially for AMD CPUs?

I would rather play it with a on a monitor with a mouse & keyboard in HD
Android is about as proprietary as Windows. Are you going to say MacOS counts?
i'm saying if you want to play on anything other than windows you can't use mesen.
>What is the current state of Pokemon S&M on Citra
Go buy a 3DS kid.
You don't actually think that would work right?
Do you actually use the same emulators on your phone and your desktop?
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How come no one updated this?
I have an i5 3570. What kind of performance should I expect out of Citra?
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Citra isn't ready for public use.
>implying my 2DS doesn't work just fine
it's just the regular mupen64 core, you are free to try parallel but i expect pretty much the same (i think pkmn puzzle league boots with parallel tough)
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you- you gonna share that?
Is Citra playable on a laptop? I already have a CFW 3DS but emulators would be handy for testing and not having to install the CIA
You would still have to decrypt the ROM on your 3DS so it kinds of defeat the point.
Has the Mednafen Saturn emulator been ported to Retro Arch already?
Yeah, it was like a week after it came out.
That is the mupen core.
>pass user since 2012
>Cuck since 2012
Bad taste as always, Vaporeon.
It still needs some kinks to be worked out. But if the guy finishes it it will be better than RA's current interface
Where do I get games?
Does anyone happen to have that neogeo rompack? It's on mega I think
The vulkan renderer in retroarch doesn't allow frame rate to be turboed. Is there any way to fix this?

Very funny.
No emulator supports 256 mappers - there are several mapper numbers (30+) that are unassigned/unused, and Mesen supports more mappers than either puNES or Nestopia
Don't buy a PS4, I can tell you that
Are you going to tell me you're still running Windows XP 15 years after its release?
Anyone here who is an expert on arcade/neo-geo stuff?

I try to launch this with all the different FB Alpha cores on retroarch but none of them work. I also tried mame but it just initializes forever

So I figured it must be something wrong with the game, but I have no idea to see why. So is there anything wrong with these files? Does it miss the bios or something?
Not him but You really need to realize that when you make an emulator for NES, you go software only. You don't make an emu to stand the test of time that uses a fucking graphics API that will be deprecated
The DX code is probably less than 1% of the entire codebase and can easily be changed if needed. So that's not much of an argument.
>so i guess pkmn puzzle league doesn't work still right?
They added a hack to get it working.
It's something to do with vsync being on I guess, but OGL lets me do it with vsync on and vulkan with vsync off looks really choppy.
So remove it entirely. There is no argument for keeping it in
And there you go.
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And now OGL with beetle-HW looks like this. Guess that means no speedups for loading screens in PSX games for me.
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are you trying to play a neo geo games?

you need neogeo.zip in the same folder as the game you are trying to play

so lets say i want to play metal slug 1

you need to have in that folder


then just choose the core and then the game

don't extract neo geo games or they will not work

downloaded the latest FBA core and metal slug + neogeo.zip and it worked
Oh I forgot about that. Well yes i have the neo-geo bios in the same folder as all the other games which are also zipped

It's really weird. Some games work some dont, though I think most games do work from what I've randomly tested. Metal slug works fine, but I cant seem to run 1941 for example. I DLed a neo geo rompack a while ago from mega so I have no way of knowing that all my games are as they should be
Reminder that you should support faithful ports of games by buying Turok PC on Steam. It is a full remake of the game using the assets of the original ported to a new engine. It includes options like further draw distance, and other tweaks. It is the balance between faithful and enhancements. Also it's WAY better than N64 emulation. It features full mouse+keyboard support. Platforming is a total chore on the original game. Plus, my laptop can run Turok at full speed 60fps, but most N64 emulators cause it to chug.

If they get enough support, they will do more games. Right now Turok remake didn't sell that well. He's currently working on Turok 2.

If you think 20 dollars is too much to pay for Turok, wait for the sale in Christmas when it will go for 10 dollars.
cores not working like what? you select the core and it states that there is no core selected? something like that?
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Also just as a small sidething, whenever I close a neogeo game I get these files stored in my hard drive, not inside a folder or anything, just unorganized with all the main folders in my entire drive. This didnt happen before
20 dollars is too much for a steam game, let alone a retro game. $5-7 --- $2.99 on sale.
those are just save files

The sales have spoiled you. I too prefer to spend only 60 dollars on sales, and that means buying a bunch of games. But go to a real game store. Everything is 30-70 dollars. 10 dollars for Turok is fine.
You realize DX11 will eventually be deprecated on Windows right? Try to run a DX7 game sometime.

Looks pretty cool. It's good that some people are essentially preserving games like that on PC with modern bells and whistles.
need a saturn and psone emulator for consola, which console is better to emulate these ones?

Yeah, original PC Turok release is a pain to get running.
I'm not sure what your point is at this point - the SDL code can be reused as-is for Windows. If DX11 somehow becomes deprecated in 2027. it can easily be fixed. Also, no technology is future proof - current versions of SDL, or any other graphic library may not work 15 years from now, either. And "software" rendering is still not future-proof - GDI may no longer be supported in Windows 2027 (and well, good luck drawing with GDI without horrible tearing, so the point is moot)
keep shilling your fucking game

Not my game.

But think about it. If every game got this treatment there would be ZERO need for emualtors. Emulators are just nerds porting games to PC via the most round about method possible.
Way too expensive!
Why are there so many FBA cores? is there not one core that plays capcom games and neogeo games?
You also forgot that they nearly doubled the movement speed and expanded all the maps to account for it.
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This is what happens. Sorry for the shitty webm
use the FBA neo geo core
it's most likely a romset issue. try all the fba and mame cores. try fba standalone.
it's prob the rom itself

try this 1941 rom


is that bad or good?
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same result, just crash to desktop instead

yeah I thought that, i've tried all the different cores but none work. I just hate downloading 1 rom at the time and was hoping that the rompack was working but clearly it has a lot of shitty roms in it
that rom worked with the FB alpha, regular FB alpha dont know what to call it at least, but not with the FBA neo geo core
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What did Byuu get btfo by harder, Trump winning or Speedy Gonzales taking 80 hours to get working?

Why the fuck do you turbo nerds care about Byuu? Do you just hang on his every comment? He's just some dork. Move on.
understand that 1941 is not a neo geo game anon, but a cps1 game, of course it won't work

here i got the game from here

have the set https://mega.nz/#F!1oIXWDab!ohkdYPmlk3Es3EBcBjLU-A
huh I had no idea. I thought they were all the same, like neo geo was arcade and arcade was neo geo. I must have misunderstood somewhere gravely. That probably explains everything lol
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just use regular final burn alpha (the one that just says arcade (FB alpha) ). those roms should work just fine
also may i remind you that you can just drag the game to retroarch and it will allow you to choose a core (pic related)

you don't need to navigate through the menus
thanks a lot bud
Can anybody tell me how the hell to get these crackles off of Dolphin? Does it have to do with the fact that it's Wii emulation maybe? I can run a GC game i've been playing fine with no sound issues, but when I get to the Wii game, the sound crackles horribly. I can fix it by switching the sound to OpenAL and turning up the latency, but I seriously hate the sound delay. Is there any other way to fix this or will I just have to deal with it?
not that guy buy the normal arcade (FB alpha) doesnt work for me
you have to be a bit more specific. what exactly are you trying to play?
>Do you just hang on his every comment? He's just some dork. Move on.

Shut the fuck up mudlord, don't besmirch our Messiah.
Alien Vs Predator

I launch the core, the core is loaded but when I start the game nothing happens

I know it's not the rom because the CPS2 version of the core works with it

(MAME) also did load it for some reason

I tried other games with (FBA Alpha) and nothing ran, other cores work though
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i uploaded the rom i use


tried it with the most recent FBA core
My video card doesn't support Vulkan, but I want to use Mednafen PSX HW on Retroarch, do I even have an option?

This happens every time I try to load a game.

RetroArch [INFO] :: Video @ fullscreen
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using HW render, Vulkan driver forced.
And then it segfaults
This did end up working, but I dont know why

other FBA cores detected it fine but not (FBA Arcade)
I put it in romcenter, fixed it, and it works completely fine.
I think I figured something out

the playlist function for arcade games with bios files or dependencies is fucked

the games seem to work by just using the browser
as I said this, I tried cybots and it didnt work with (FBA Arcade) but worked with CPS2 and I used the file browser

I dont understand
alright, I thought i didnt have enough to justify having it but you're right
Anyone have experience with squashed filesystems here?

I'm doing some tests with Vagrant Story.

Redump zip: 65.8MB
Decompressed: 715.9MB
Squashed with no options: 112.9MB
Squashed with -comp xz -Xdict-size 100%: 98.7MB

Can I match/surpass the zip's compression in any way? I don't really care how much it takes to compress it.
>Official PSN EBoot size: 90.5MB
I'm just using it to test compression, as I'd be using it to compress pretty much all of my ROM/CD image files.
You're really bad at this
>still no pictures of RYE-FETCH-AH's feminine penis
sounds like preservation is dead
Really? Pokemon Sun and Moon currently run at 30 fps, which is about how fast the game runs.
I really wish you were still underage.
>inb4 mods warn and/or ban you for being "off-topic"

why? so i'd get banned?
I went through the trouble and checked and made sure my cybots rom was correct and it's showing green in rom center

And it still doesnt work in (FBA Arcade) core, it doesnt make any sense
Why do you want me to be banned so much, Onii-chan? Are you trying to compensate for something with hatred?
No, I'm not. I just hate you.
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Out of 60VPS.
Well, it's still fast enough to play, so quit your bitching.

Why would that be, Onii-chan?
Because you're the very definition of a holier-than-thou incompetent programmer, "Alegend45".
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Buying a memepad x220 soon.

Anyone know if it'll be able to run dolphin well, or any emulator?

Please respond, thank you.
Not him but people like Mudlord more than you. Let that soak in.
Not anymore, but okay.

I've known that for a while. People have hated me all my life, usually not telling me the actual reasons. I have to then assume that there is no reason.
Wow PS4's interface got real shitty
You should probably get a memepad x230 if you want to emulate, as the GPU is much better.

If you don't want an x230 due the keyboard, now there's a biosmod to replace it entirely.

You're a whiny, entitled little bitch that delivers no results and brags about your own 'achievements' (which amount to literally nothing).

You then begin to belittle everyone that actually achieved something.

You're basically byuuu if he didn't actually make bsnes. Let that sink in.
What's a good place to find arcade roms? A lot of sites just have the same shit and the archive only have the entire thing not separate games
I made preliminary nvidia emulation that almost boots the nt4 drivers. i don't see how i'm entitled, most 18-year-olds are at least a little whiny, and i haven't belittled that many people in the emulation community besides the pcsx2 team, epsxe, and MAYBE zilmar. oh, and p1pkin.
You basically copy-pasted the code with minor alterations, my man.

As for the latter, you should see your post history on the pcem forums, reddit and vogons. Maybe you'll manage to beat your amnesia.

What does Battler's (the guy that said decoding 1080p video should be less demanding than x86 emulation, kek) cock taste like anyway?
No, I didn't, actually. I have no fucking clue where ANYBODY got that idea from, as there are no other projects that currently emulate the NV3 and NV4.

Also, decoding 1080p video IS less demanding on modern platforms than x86 emulation BECAUSE IT'S HANDLED BY DEDICATED HARDWARE. God, are you stupid, dude?
I second this. Where do I get up to date MAME roms?
You can very, very easily switch off hardware decoding support, you know that?

10-bit 264 video doesn't even have hardware decoding support.
>the archive only have the entire thing not separate games
Add a / at the end of the url.
Nice try, Mooch. Ever heard of envytools?
Even then, decoding 1080p video is much more highly parallelized.

envytools isn't an emulator, jackass. It's a bunch of documentation on nVidia cards. It would've been IMPOSSIBLE to write this emulation without it, for ANYBODY.
Sorry, I did make a typo there. My bad.

Battler said decoding 1080p video should be harder than x86 emulation. Because he could play youtube videos at 1080p, he should be able to emulate x86 with no problem.
>People have hated me all my life

Something tells me you just tell yourself excuses why they don't like you rather than reflect on what people tell you as to why they don't like you. Hell pull up your reddit posts for example and tell me why anyone should like you. You have given people plenty of reasons to dislike you. Everyone can be an ass but you don't know how to be civil.

Mudlord can be a twat but its obvious hes got problems and wants to be friendly despite them.

You are just an unlikable dipshit.
not working

you wouldn't emulate a video game

I did that, it's just loading forever
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It'll take a while to load, but eventually you'll see this
it magically worked, thanks
Actually, they literally just told me "You should know already!" Yeah, I'm autistic m8, I can't just automatically know why someone doesn't like me.

Besides, I do want to be friendly. It's just that people are constantly fucking attacking me and have been for years now. I've gotta fuckin defend myself.
That's because you're a (literal) rabid autist that goes out of your way to present yourself as the biggest dick to grace emulation.

Whether you want to or not.

>I d-din't mean to
That's a retarded excuse.
Not everyone you go after is attacking you. Stop using astism as an excuse.
It's an utter garbage game though.
I can also recommend this,stays faithful to the original if not a bit too easy


>utter garbage
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>utter garbage
Not him, but only the PC version is actually 'playable' levels of quality. But even then, there are a lot of better shooters from that time period.

Not utter garbage, but it's not a gem either.
It's all about that level design and general atmosphere famalam
It's not very good. It relies too much on >first person platforming to begin with.

The atmosphere isn't anything compared to games of that era either.
Have you got past the first level?
I don't remember, I played it some sixteen years ago.

But I'm 99.9% sure that yes, I did. I had the game lent from a friend during for a weekend. I didn't finish it, though.
Why the fuck did 2 days ago, all my roms were working fine then today some of them dont? Same exact file and core

did something happen to FBA or something?
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
>PS2 version does not work. Period
>Gamecube version has broke audio
>Xbox emulator does not exist

This is dildos. The gamecube version runs great in Dolphin but the audio crackle crackle crackle. No fix seems to be available online. If I had a capture card or something I'd just run it off my Wii U but thats a lot of money I'm not willing to spend.

It sucks
Have you tried LLE audio in Dolphin?
Just run the windows version.
I've tried every audio option available. The problem seems to exist for other people as well according to the wiki

The PC version is a totally different game
I didn't know that, sorry. I did play the PC version, so I just assumed it was the same in all of them.

I kinda miss those times, when ports weren't always exact 1:1 copies.
The PS1 version, the PS2/GC/Xbox version, GBA version, and PC versions were all totally unique of both Harry Potter 1 and 2. Its kinda crazy
Just tried running Smash bros. Melee on an x220.

Worked fine, full speed with very very minor hiccups on lowest settings and Directx 11, haven't tried anything higher.

Using OpenGL made it look like a fucking SNES game though and lagged a shitton.
Those wacky old days. I remember that sort of thing mostly from the old (elitist) Tom Clancy games.

I knew that the GBC/GBA versions were wildly different, some kind of RPG, but I didn't know about the home console versions.

The PC version was all autist realism the console versions were xXx420w33dm4st4rMLGxXx.

Well, still, there's no reason not to get the x230 over the x220 now. The GPU is much, much better.
>The PC version was all autist realism the console versions were xXx420w33dm4st4rMLGxXx.
The Tom Clancy games, that is. Boy, I'm retarded.
>The same exact rom works in (FBA Arcade 2012) but not (FBA Arcade)

What the fuck man
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is there anything here that would stop my game from running?
That's perfectly normal. That's why you have the options. Arcade emulation breaks with every new version due developer autism.
well that's dumb, I get it though

Is anyone else having issues with it?
Those issues are pretty common, everyone has them.
I managed to get my SVGA CRT PC monitor to output 320x240@120Hz.

It looks great, way better than any filter. It's a real shame I can't actually screenshot it.
Take clear foccused pictures at medium and close range
My phone is really, really shit. I'll try and see if I can do it justice.
I used to do the whole 3840x480 + interlacing.cg so I'm interested in those results
Further to this, how do I go back to a previous version of a core? Do they keep them on the libretro github?
Even the author says Mesen doesn't support every mapper Nestopia or FCEU does, stop trying to shill that thing so hard.
It'll be much better than the rest when it's finished, but it's not finished so it's not better yet
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I couldn't get a photo from a distance at all, it was a blurry, over-exposed mess. Up close I managed to get this after tweaking the exposure a bit.

Still looks nothing like the real deal. Sorry, my camera is just horrible.
>It'll be much better than the rest when it's finished, but it's not finished so it's not better yet

Whys that?
Thanks man, It's enough good enough to tell that your approach produces better results. The dark lines actually pretty much disappear in light areas
Right now it's windows only, DX11 only, no exclusive fullscreen so the accuracy difference doesn't justify it.
If it ends up having better mapper support than anything else like planned, overclock support like planned and all that I mentioned above there won't be any reason to use anything else unless you're running on a device that doesn't have the power to do it Or you're one of those people that think tile replacement is a thing people should pursue.
I'm using Linux. I couldn't get custom resolutions working at all under Windows. I have an Intel 4500MHD, so drivers are shit.

At first I tried 3840x240 like every google search told me, but I couldn't get it to work at all. I figured 'fuck it' and tried 320x240. Didn't work.

I tried cvt, gtf and a bunch of different timings more or less at random until "gtf 320 240 121" worked.

It's bizarre. 120 doesn't work, 122 doesn't work. 121? Works.

Before I got it to work, I had good results with "gtf 640 240 120". The trick is that instead of scaling through xrandr, which makes it blurry as fuck, you just set the retroarch aspect ratio to 8:3, as 640 is double 320.
Anyone know if I can restore old cores somehow? Is there a way to build a previous version of a core? Mednafen-HW has become slow and unplayable with its most recent update.
Alternatively, if anyone has a version of the core from a week or so ago, could they flip it to me?
Really? It certainly SEEMS like it, especially on here.

No I don't???
There is no version control on the core updater whatsoever. You need to check out an older git revision and build it yourself.
I don't have a pre Vulkan update version I can give you sorry.

Tell me more about being transgender, mooch. :D
As someone who has never built from source before, do you think you could help me with the steps for doing this, or point me towards a guide for it?
Sorry to be a bother.
Follow this guide to get a build environment set up:

Now open a mingw shell and run:

git clone https://github.com/libretro/beetle-psx-libretro.git
cd beetle-psx-libretro
git checkout ce412d5305dbda5069c115ed4f1fb3c0b49cd6aa
make -j8

and try the resulting dll.
not everyone has an 8-core cpu, m8
Thanks for the help. I'll try my hardest. Guess maybe I should start backing up my cores before updating in future.
That worked, but it's built a version without hardware options. Any idea how I'd go about building the hardware version?
Tried a different version and got: make: *** No rule to make target 'libretro_options.h', needed by 'mednafen/psx/gpu.o'. Stop.
Oh, you have to run "make HAVE_HW=1"
if that doesn't work because of vulkan headers then use HAVE_OPENGL=1.

Run "make clean" first.
Didn't we just have this conversation?

Only FCEUX has better mapper support at this point (it supports ~35 or so more UNIF boards, that's about it - totalling about as many bootleg games (most of which are XX-in-1 cartridges), and nothing else). Overclocking support has been in Mesen, for a long time. Linux support is in the works right now, and in fact, Mesen does support HDNes' HD tile replacement feature (partially).
That's done the job. Still can't increase framerate past base for some reason but at least it isn't running sub 60fps anymore.
>Only FCEUX has better mapper support at this point (it supports ~35 or so more UNIF boards, that's about it - totalling about as many bootleg games (most of which are XX-in-1 cartridges), and nothing else).
From the author himself:
>"There is no official list of mappers - so the 220 figure is a guess based on checking what other emulators implement. As far as I know there are only 2-3 (iNES) mappers that FCEUX/Nestopia/etc implement that Mesen doesn't yet (a bit more than that on the UNIF side, but virtually all UNIF games are bootlegs that most people don't know about)."

>Overclocking support has been in Mesen, for a long time
I thought it was just planned not already there.

>Mesen does support HDNes' HD tile replacement feature (partially).
Well I can't I care but good on him I guess.
Does Mesen still use iNES?
>From the author himself:
You're misreading what I said.
I meant FCEUX+Nestopia+other emulators combined defined 2-3 iNES mappers that are not supported in Mesen, yet.

But either way, we're talking about mappers for games that nobody will ever play - so honestly, I'm not sure why people are so bothered about support for games they never saw, never will play, and for the most part are terrible chinese hacks/demakes.
There is unfortunately nothing better to use. UNIF roms aren't much better, NES 2.0 is supported, but roms using it pretty much do not exist.
>"(it supports ~35 or so more UNIF boards, that's about it - totalling about as many bootleg games (most of which are XX-in-1 cartridges), and nothing else)."
Implies that only UNIF stuff is left unsupported

>"As far as I know there are only 2-3 (iNES) mappers that FCEUX/Nestopia/etc implement that Mesen doesn't yet (a bit more than that on the UNIF side"
Directly contradicts it by saying there are 2-3 iNES mappers that aren't supported on top of the UNIF stuff.
Turns out it was because rewind was on. Guess that was eating my CPU.
Between an HD7950 or a GTX770 which card has better Vulkan support?

What other mapper system is there to use? Genuinely curious.
I'm not sure how to explain this any better.
The iNES/UNIF mappers Nestopia and FCEUX support are not mutually inclusive. Some of Nestopia's may not be supported in FCEUX and vice versa, which explains what you are pointing out as a contradiction.

Again, this whole thing about mappers is irrelevant - an emulator that supports the top 50 mappers would probably be able to play every single game you would ever want to - so when it comes to 200+ mappers supported, it really doesn't matter. It's mostly about a feature you'd never need/use.
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This is interesting, since I should be emulating an analogue controller.
Vulkan is currently a meme. I haven't found it to be any better than GL so far.
It's better to throw headers out and do it the same way as bin/cue disc images.
You have one file that is just a plain dump of the ROM and another plaintext file that contains info on how it's mapped.
bonus points if it is implemented in a way where the emulator can emulate any mapper using the info in the file.
that way bumfuck pirate and theoretical carts can be played without needing to change the core emulator.

byuu should have done this instead of ROM folder BS and MAME should do it too.

This way you have a clean static file that is the data as it was and a third party descriptor file that can be adapted and removes the need for databases.
Is Byuu not emulating the way in which the actual SNES reads the actual ROMs though? It may seem like a dumb way to do things, but if it's the correct way to do things then it's understandable.
>It's better to throw headers out and do it the same way as bin/cue disc images.
Hard to justify going back to a multifile system when it's all neatly packaged in a single one.
Same reason .pbp is better than .bin/.cue
That's what folders are for.

That makes more sense than this insanity: https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/Mapper .
I can't figure out how to use the Sega CD set on archive.org that's linked from the wiki. I'm logged in, but I'm not seeing anything that looks like games.
What kind of justification would you have, if it was that sorely needed NES2.0 would be standard by now like .bin/.cue is for most CD based system.

Also, if you're gonna use a multifile dump system why not just support .prg/.chr/.mpr (dunno what else to call mapper info file) straight up, would simplify self dumping tremendously and prevent proliferation of multiple concurrent standards.
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Just run the psx version.
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>you wouldn
Nevermind, I'm a blind idiot that didn't check what "show all" was.
Why do people do this, no one in their right mind would prefer a curved tube to a flat one given the choice.
a GTX 770 would be better.

you do realise that that concept is EXACTLY byuu's rom folders right?
I'm talking how it is stored on the file system not how it is emulated. Emulator side it should be the same result.

Speaking of byuu, his ROM folder thing was a colossal failure. The idea of a folder-cartridge is not bad itself, it just wasn't worth the cost.
At the time he was pushing for unheaderd .sfc to replace the .smc "Does it have a useless header?" lottery as the standard format for SNES ROMs so bsnes only ran clean ROMs ending in .sfc. Unlike NES headers on SNES ROMs are completely useless and need to be stripped anyway. Had byuu stayed the course I think it would have happened much like how mednafen is slowly cleaning out the trash in psx land.
When byuu wanted to do accurate mappings he decided to throw it all away and go with his own folder based format. The change was too much and was of course rejected by the majority, even alienating core advocates of bsnes.

If it was me I would have just gone with an extra mapping file. You load rom.sfc and if rom.foo containing the accurate mapping info exists the load it otherwise fall back on heuristics. this would have been compatible with every other emulator and the status quo. Users need not worry if the don't want to change what they are doing and the accurate mappings would be more accessible to those that wanted it.

At least it didn't effect running games I guess.

.pbp is only better because of compression imo. The neat package aspect does not really matter considering it breaks patching,easy verification and consistency. MAME style zips are cancer.
>MAME style zips are cancer.
Most OSes allow you to use .zip as if they were normal folders so I really don't see your problem with it.
by "most OSes" you mean Windows.

It's bad because it's forced shit compression. If you are going to compress then do it right.
Having the compressed archive part of the storage format makes it hard to change to newer and better formats.
>by "most OSes" you mean Windows.
I'm almost certain there are solutions to browsing compressed folder as if they were regular directory on non-windows OSes.

>It's bad because it's forced shit compression
You're missing the point, it's more about reducing the clutter than actual compression

>Having the compressed archive part of the storage format makes it hard to change to newer and better formats.
How so?
Is there a hard and fast rule about Saturn vs PSX multiplats such as Rayman and SotN? I've just got the PSX versions but if the Saturn versions are better (and emulate OK), I'd be willing to go with them.
Saturn for 2D games (except Castlevania and Dodonpachi)
Playstation for 3D
So I should play Rayman on the Saturn?
If you want to emulate yes, otherwise go with Rayman Forever on PC
is there any saturn emulator that runs perfectly in a Vita? If not whats the best way to play this machine without having the machine
>is there any saturn emulator that runs perfectly in a Vita?


>If not whats the best way to play this machine without having the machine

Mednafen on Win/OSX/Leenux
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Wanted to catch up on Pokemon since I haven't played after the GBA era, and so I was emulating with DraStic on my Moto E2. The thing is, it was running pretty smooth(as smooth as Platinum is able to, anyway), and then, after the first encounter in a cave(the one after the 2nd gym), suddenly it goes to 5fps, even if the battles afterwards run pretty smooth still.

Any idea of what might be causing this? I tried with another game(AAI) and it never once dropped the framerate.

Let me just quickly check the source code and see what's happening there

oh wait
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>My Boy! FREE
>Castlevania Aria of Sorrow
>Left and right bumpers don't work
Anyone have any suggestions? New to emulating and I want to play my favorite game, but nothing is working.

Any ideas, lads?
Remap them?
I don't get it.

Either way, I wanted to know if the game is just like that on DraStic for whatever reason, or if I could get it to run properly by tweaking shit in the config, if anyone tried it already.
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any good iphone emulators?
>laggy touchscreen buttons
>carrying around a controller and ruining the point of the portability in the first place
Whats the point of phone emulators? Even with Pokemon I found the controls too shitty to deal with.
First Pokemon games you should play are always FRLG and HGSS, they're genuine masterpieces
Wait for android version and easily disable the always online requirement and "bypass" the $10 fee.
I still cant believe that shit is fucking $10...... Sonic Runners was free and was the best mobile runner before they ruined it with the Nov 2015 patch which eventually killed the game
Zeromus did nothing wrong.

Those are just rumors started by butthurt poketards
I saw some post in /v/ or something that said I should go Platinum -> SS -> Black -> Black 2 for the DS games, hence why i'm doing it that way, since I already beat the GBA ones.
That would also make sense, that is the release order. FRLG and HGSS are just remakes of gen 1 and 2 so it also makes sense, plus they're really good
People don't remember or purposely choose to ignore the harassment campaigns the Desmume devs received every time Nintendo released a new Pokemon game.
Do theses people not realize they're <100 people in the world working on console emulation? they talk about forks like its a common thing that happens; /rlg/ is still waiting for a developer to fix incursion and that had a ridiculous amount of people begging the developer to release it as open source.
Yep, it's real. Apparently some games are playable. No pre-compiled builds anywhere yet though. I bet mudlord could provide some.
How long before it's the new mac-daddy DC emulator?
Sorry guys but I just dont like the lcd scanlines or borders
Also what other GBA color filters are there?
>People don't realize just how much more intensive vidya games are compared to videos
Most people don't even realize they've got hardware-assisted H264 decoding on their $10 graphics cards.
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There's an ethereal quality to Chrono Trigger I can't describe. It feels like the magic of birth.
Out of curiosity, where do you get links like these? Do you make em yourself?
Anyone know what's going on here?
This zeroamused desmume guy is really worse than byuu. AUTISMO MAXIMUS
Literally worse than Hitler

Hitler would've have embraced the Pokemons
I got that link by simply googling "fba romset". just find the romset for the version you have. because mame and FBA are incredibly picky about what roms it's plays


the wiki also gives you easy access to complete collections of most consoles, it's not hard to find the games you want
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>I have to then assume that there is no reason.
That's a terrible mentality. I think you need to take a good look in the mirror.

>i haven't belittled that many people in the emulation community besides the pcsx2 team
how's your ps2 emulator coming along?
Here be a new video:

I loaded up some croc earlier and it looked fairly wobbly so I thought it'd be good for a comparison.
Should I get a Nvidia Shield TV or an HTPC for emulation? I know the Shield uses the Tegra K1 so not sure if there's an equivalent HTPC in processing power.
Anyone that tried to emulate ape escape 3 on PCSX2?

How does it run?, too many glitches?.
Maybe I should just buy a used PS2.
Alright friends, retroarch's PSX vulkan/opengl renderer just straight up does not work for me (W10 64 bit, r9 290, latest AMD drivers). Am I SOL? Are AMD's drivers really this bad?
Honestly I rarely use my Shield TV for emulation. I use it for watching the news and playing stuff from my plex server. Its a great device for anything less than gamecube though.
Worked for my quick test a few years back, I still have it downloaded if you want me to check something. I hear often that 2 is broken though, no idea how true that is.
What's the issue? OGL is broken in the latest build and only displays half the screen for me.
I went back to an older version.
I get no video output at all, just a black screen.
>Do theses people not realize they're <100 people in the world working on console emulation

Wrong. There are already more than 100 NES emulators out there.
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We always knew that this was the choice for different GPU vendors.
Even in OGL? I'd go back to an older version if I were you.
I just want to play 3, but I never owned a PS2 so I wanted to emulate it. Wondered how buggy/playable it was.
50% of which are fork of FCE and the other 40% stopped being updated in the early 00's most of which couldn't more than a couple of commercial games.

Seems fine, just use the latest dev build and you should be good to go. Like I said it worked for me back in 2013 so it should be perfect now.
Retroarch's nightlies don't save anything but the most recent, can one of you upload an older version?
Alan Moore?
Yea it looks nice. With Vulcan GC games are running better. I'm not not sure what device is great for emulation.
The other one actually looks better famm
Yeah, I had this exact problem earlier today. I'll flip you this:

This one is newer:

Try them both. They both work fine for me.
good video anon
Thanks. I might do some more at some point to highlight the wonders of PGXP.
I think it was pretty noticeable in Vagrant Story and the intro to the game has some cutscenes, maybe try that?

Will PGXP ever be perfect because it has a lot of noticeable bugs right now and I feel like that will be inherent to the really hacky methods they're using.
things take time
I just have a feeling it's impossible to remove the downsides.
Still looks like this on the first one you linked. This is in opengl mode.
I guess I'll have to try. Thanks mate
Please post more. I love broken screenshots.
Well, I would except now I can't get the damn thing to show me anything but a black screen.
Interesting stuff. What do your core options look like?

Once, I emulated MGS on my Wii using WiiSX, that was hilarious.
Yeah, maybe at some point.
Default settings on everything, this was a fresh retroarch instance.
setting it to opengl causes ra to crash
>giving people money for having done work is scamming
Motivation pay is a thing. Pretty sure a dev feeling rewarded for a good job will help their motivation and then the project itself.
Update your drivers perhaps?
ATI HD 4650 mobile. drivers are current.
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as long as it seems like you know what your talking about , you can get away with posting misinformation while getting upvoted
That may be an issue, not sure really how well beetle works with various different hardware types.
3 is fully playable afaik, not too heavy on the ressource either
You might want to patch your iso with this
Makes stuff look slightly better at increased resolutions.

You also might want to set the EE cyclerate speedhack to 180% to get rid of all the slowdown in that game.

**AE2 in PCSX2 HW neverever though**
based, I'll check it out. I have a good machine, but I've heard too many stories of PCSX2 being a shit emulator.
What even is this. How would this help and what will it break?
>What even is this
It patches PS2 executable to natively output 480p, doing that prevent having to deal with deinterlacing at all in PCSX2, it can and will break most games but a handful of them work pretty well with it like Ape Escape 3 and Fatal Frame 2, there's also a couple more games that are confirmed working in the readme.
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How come emulators run like shit with AMD?
Shield TV isn't K1, it's actually X1.
>Citra still doesn't have Nightlys
>Audio is STILL broken
I just wanna play Ocarina of Time with fancy new graphics on a good screen
I figured it out, I needed to set the 'video' driver in the RA settings to 'vulkan' instead of just setting the core video driver to 'vulkan.' Thanks for the help anyway anons, much appreciated.
I'm not sure, but with all that bullshit, I would just go with intel

intel seems to have a lot less issues with games in general
Any idea why crt-royale looks like that? It's not even noticeable in-game except some games.
Latest mednafen hw, default crt-royale, vulkan, integer scaling on, x4 internal gpu rendering
First HP for example.
you maybe have overscan cropping on
Probably because they are 480i
so royale is not an acurrate crt emu after all
Because you're doing this:
640x480 * 4 > upscaled with CRT-Royale > downscaled to 960p
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After dealing with harddrive issues I can't get my PS3 controller working in windows 7 again.

I'm using the SCP driver package. I've reinstalled my 360 controller drivers and the scp driver package to no avail. The controller isn't showing up in the scp monitor or the xinput controller tester. I followed the guide in the wiki and I'm going through the trouble shooting section


>Does SCPUser.exe show them working?
>Is the "SCP DS3 Service" service running?
Answer to both are these are no and the scp driver installer seems to suggest the installation went fine.

Anyone have any idea as to what might be wrong?
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if the service is running, perhaps you didnt convert the controller driver

do you have this? Zadig?

replace the driver for your DS3
Can't help you with that m80, my 4 Dualshock 4s work perfectly with ds4windows :)

CRT is for native res only
The service isn't running from what I can see. I've never tried using zadig, but I will have a look at it.

Thanks a lot.
this is exactly the kind of thing that makes people choose a xbjoy over a dualshock. fucking shit drivers. and they do it on fucking purpose.
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I currently use DS4Windows but when I did use SCP here is what I did

>Plug in controller, make sure Windows understand that it's a controller with the controller icon in control panel

>Install SCP

>Use Zadig to replace the lib driver to WinUSB using the template file


After all that it worked for me
Isn't it 320x240 * 4?
There's like 4 different handheld color profile shaders.

There's also image-adjustment and color-mangler
Intel has stronger per-core performance, that's it basically.
After I started using DS4Windows shit has been great and finally wireless has been consistent for me

>use many controllers
>Xinput and keyboard support
>auto profiles
>touchpad capabilities so I can use it as a mouse
>DS4 Light config

It's the ultimate HTPC controller imo
>>Use Zadig to replace the lib driver to WinUSB using the template file
What is the benefit of doing this?
The BIOS screen is 640x480
BIOS screen is 640x480i. Playstation could use any resolutions from 640x480i to 256x240p
Jesus christ.
Only way it worked for me, it was included in the download at the time so I assume it was mandatory
how do you get rid of the black bars on PSX games with widescreen hack?
The hardware renderer doesn't use interlacing.
Where's Gran Turismo's menu and its 364x480i?
Then it is 640x480p
that fe is bloated to hell. No wonder it runs like shit.
retroFE by comparison screams.
>(no, I will not document the DRM and license key system)
no need muddy. a simple crack will suffice. We don't care about his license violations as long as we can violate his.
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It shows up as a Playstation 3 controller under Devices and printers and in zadig. Picture related. I did what you suggested, but it didn't seem to help
I usually do it manually but automatically should be okay

just make sure that is the controller you are pointing it to, you can confirm this in the devices and printers

So in Zadig, do Options -> list all devices -> use drop down menu to select your controller that you confirmed in the devices and printers then replace it
The real problem is that the creator had a pretty good idea but he probably sucks at coding so he's just jewing it out now with stupid shit like videos and themes
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Yeah, that's exactly what I did. In Zadig and under Devices and printers it shows up as an unspecified Playstation 3 controller.
that's illogical, because 640x480 * 2 =960
Ah see, what I also do is un install the ps3 driver and re install it until it stops being unspecified

windows is stupid and it's random but eventually it will realize that it's a controller

after all of that it should work

make sure windows knows it's a controller and be specified, then replace the driver with zadig and make sure the service is running then it should work
>stupid shit like videos and themes
this is kinda what makes an fe an fe. Without themes it's kinda not worth using.
>dependent on ahk, vlc
>sucks at coding
ahk as a dependency is a hallmark of a shit coder. but the core of the program is the real bottleneck, so yeah, I'd have to agree. Multithreading and optimizing db calls is difficult work. I can see that there was an attempt, but I couldn't tell him where to begin.
i don't understand why scummvm and dosbox are included at all. Legacy? Christian programs? WHY?
>i don't understand why scummvm and dosbox are included at all. Legacy? Christian programs? WHY?

Probably remnants from when he used launchbox as his personal pc game fe. The guy's weird
Also he had like this top voted list for shit to implement next, The first entry was the implementation of a pdf reader, looks like it was too hard for him so he forgot about it and spent the last month autisming over HS themes converted to video
Regarding PS controllers and windows, will a PC that's on charge them even if you DON'T have any drivers installed for it?

I'm playing a 1080p game on a 1080p monitor (rather than my shitty 720p tv) that's a bit further than the controller cord will reach but I don't want to leave the PS3 sitting on doing nothing but charging a controller.
Should work even if the pc isn't turned on
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Thank you, but I still can't seem to get it to work. I uninstalled and reinstalled the ps3 driver until it showed up as a controller. Installed scpdriver and then ran zadig. The driver was replaced already, but I was promted to upgrade it. Picture related. The "SCP DS3 Service" service is still not running.
Which is funny since mupdf exists.
*until it showed up as a controller and as specified
then run the service

type in services in the windows search bar and find SCP then run it
True, still, the way he currently handles it is launching the pdf through windows itself, it kind of works for Launchbox but is a terrible idea for BigBox
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What gives?
Okay, this is your issue, this right here is the root of all your problems

after you installed SCP, it tried to run the service but couldnt because for it to run it requires a dependent service to be running as well

I cant remember the service that it needs but the easiest thing to do is restart your computer
So in short just reboot and try to install scp once more after verifying the DS3 is recognized as a controller and not unspecified?
you shouldnt need to install scp again

just run the service and it should be fine

The service is the most important thing
which would mean using mupdf to render the PDF. Which he seems incompetant to do.
Unfortunately I'm still getting the same message after restarting.
alright then uninstall SCP then install it again
I cant tell from my MAME games and bios files

Is it worth it to make a folder for each game? you know, bios and game inside individually?
No good. The service still won't run.

I appreciate all the suggestions, anon. But I need to go and get some sleep now before I keel over. I might give all another try from the beginning again tomorrow. Thank you.
Alright then anon, sorry it didnt work
That's alright, I'll keep on trying for a bit more tomorrow. Thanks for the help.
Format disk, reinstall wangblows
they actually went as far as to edit the wiki to complain about the devs


why are redditors editing this when they have their own shitty wiki?
>citation is some shithead's post on Reddit

Into the trash this goes. Come back when you have concrete code citations or posts directly from the developer that actually indicate sabotage instead of some shitface on Reddit saying this is happening.
Already removed it :^)
>tfw i had a perfectly configured emulationstation setup that took some good time to get going but i removed it thinking there would be a better fronteend/saw that development on es had stopped, but turns out there's no better frontend and there's still some development


back to dealing with this...
launchbox, faggot
As much of a fuckup as the Launchbox dev is, it's still much better than ES don't waste your time on that shit
And some idiot already readded it.
Good thing I can just revert.
Basically Luigi__ got pissy when zeromus changed his code.
>edit wars over some stupid bullshit
And now we wait for the inevitable edit lock

This is why /emugen/ should not be allowed to die. Wonderful, wonderful stupid bullshit like this.

Imma grab some popcorn.
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What a thrill
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill
I'm searching and I'll melt into you
What a fear in my heart
But you're so supreme!
What the fuck is happening in that image?
So pcap_send doesn't exist? Then just change it back to pcap_sendpacket instead of making a shitty hack.
yeah but its paid. cant even pirate it to try big mode, and its windows only (im windows right now but ideal setup is macos with dualboot for windows games, but not for most emus).
>Emulating on mac
Why? Also you could keep your pc game slibrary in launchbox aswell and you'd have one frontend for every game. I dunno but I think it makes more sense than dual-booting windows and macosx
Any of you know a "bootleg" brand of joystick/controllers for PC that won't break in fucking 2 weeks? I can't afford a X360 controller right now but would love to buy a controller to emulate some shit
>What the fuck is happening in that image?
I got my hands on an AMD build
I tried using PCSX2 with the OGL plugin
This happened
The card isn't physically damaged nor is there anything wrong with the hardware in general, it's just how good AMD support is for the OGL plugin.
In the end I just discovered it's because I set the blending unit accuracy to none
Bonus point for anyone who can recognize the game.

>they actually went as far as to edit the wiki to complain about the devs
People complained about PJ64 on that wiki, so why is this any different?
Can't really advise you on bootleg controllers, but when you eventually get the money for a decent one, buiy a ds4 instead of xbox360 controller, really.

r/emulation needs to neck itself.
It's the same price as a original X360 controller here

Why? I heard the X360 has much better support on windows and just works™ on PC games
The most common reason why people recommend the DS4 is due the d-pad, which is supposedly much better.
>Why? I heard the X360 has much better support on windows and just works™ on PC games
Haha, right.
First of all, that fucking DPAD, are you seriously going to use that for emulation?kys
Have fun buying a dongle for each wireless controller.
1 dongle per 4 joysticks.
gotta agree bout the dpad tho.
you get used to it.
( ._.)
Nigger come on that has to be bait
Dualshock 4 with ds4windows is a x360 controller except better
Does that only work with DS4 or with bootleg controllers as well
They aren't "much" better, but they're definitely better.

The analog sticks fucking suck on the DS4 though, so if your planning N64/Playstation I wouldn't recommend it.
Pretty much, I explained there that all luigi__ did was fuck up the code base. The import template that zeromus made is much more clean than trying to detect any version of winpcap under the sun.
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Mainline Desmune needs this functionality.
Can't believe they refuse to add this.

Stuck with X432R because this.
ugh, now my shit is on reddit, fml, fuck reddit.
>The analog sticks fucking suck on the DS4 though
>Citation needed

lol, they can't get the hint.
is this paranoia or there a legitimate concern zeromus will sabotage efforts to get wifi working?
>r3639 was zeromus confirming that pcap_send doesn't exist and that he was just silently trying to sabotage code.
>if your planning N64/Playstation

So if I'm planning to play Playstation games with a Playstation controller... You wouldn't recommend it?
if by fucking sucks you mean they degrade faster then they should then yeah i agree, my ps4 sticks degarded more int eh two years of owner ship than the ps3 controllers i have since launch . but really both the ps4 and xbone controllers are great gamepads and both work just fine for ps1 games.

n64 is another story but that's because the n64 controller has a retarded layout so not much we can do
I'm giggling at the GBE+'s dev comment, I don't know how you can be a programmer and now having read the horror stories about complete rewrites.
Wash your greasy hands, I bought a DS4 on release and use it for every pc game and emulator, the rubber is still intact
>The analog sticks fucking suck on the DS4 though
If you're talking about the mechanism, IIRC they use the same kind as the 360's, only they're 10-bit instead of 8-bit (DS3 uses the same 10-bit as DS4 too).
If you're talking about the plastic/rubber, fair enough, but they're not hard to swap. I changed mine out for DS3 sticks.
why is emugentxt bot dead?
In Street Fighters pad players were using the original PS1's rather than DS3/4 controller because Evo uses PlayStations
The DS2 is the best controller. At least my model has lasted all the way since 2001.
Yet, in the long term as he said, doing a rewrite can do a world of good. For my exe packer, the rewrite to proper C++ with a proper PE parser and JIT assembler did wonders, since things were handled correctly and less bugs due to me assuming things (in the emu world, hax).
thank you very much
kek they shitpost more than we do

1 asshole being told to stfu = they now.
open services.msc
look for the scp service
click on Start the service to the left
Right click service > properties
General tab - automatic( Delayed Start)
Recovery tab - first failure, second failure and subsequent failures to Restart the Service
Butthurt lanchbox fags incoming
seconding this, anyone know?
And they get downvoted like usual.
the lb dev will probably just bake in dependencies he's not legitimately allowed to use. looking forward to a 125mb binary.
Wouldn't he look immediatly very suspicious if he did that though?
>look suspicious
only to faggots here and on reddit. you think someone has enough time to break out ida pro and pattern-match software they don't write themselves?
>you think someone has enough time to break out ida pro and pattern-match software they don't write themselves?
Don't underestimate the combined power of boredom and autism.
i would hope that time would be spent trying to help the dev improve his program by showing him how to write out those dependencies.
but w/e. fuck him up. he's making money after all.
Why is retroarch incapable of outputting the native resolution of the cores when connected to a crt?
You have to set the resolution with video_fullscreen_x and video_fullscreen_y and use non-windowed fullscreen.

It has no problem outputting native resolutions but it does not support automatic mode switching. Just use superwide resolutions like 3840x240 instead when faced with mode changing games.
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Stop this it ain't linked horseshit. You ratfucks can never lie to me.
You realize that's exactly what he's already doing right? Mudlord is being his typical self and purposely misinforming people.

A .exe is not always a binary file, you can literally put anything you want inside it and It's common as fuck in .NET programs (Google ILMerge). This isn't the same as statically linking and wouldn't be a GPL violation.
Kiddo got memed
I'm actually okay with that last edit. It gets across the important information without trying to cause drama.
Mudlord is an interesting personality.
Course its the same. You are still stuffing it all as one application and runs as one, hence, its a fucking problem.
i really hate windows and linux is the same in the game department. it sucks but its the way it is... could be worse, at least the majority of the best emus run on macos thanks to ra, but i can imagine shit like pcsx2 being a pain even in a hackintosh with good specs. i wonder if could place something within the emulationstation or whatever frontend i use in macos to launch into the dualboot with a set of commands... like, launching a windows game withing macos to dualboot into windows immediately opening said game
Final Burn can't recognize my Neo Geo BIOS on Retroarch.

I have them both on the 'systems' folder and on the ROM folder. All other systems that require BIOS files work.

What do?
>For some reason, when no game is loaded or when the emulation is paused, DeSmuME will continue to utilize the CPU heavily (actual percentage varies by processor), at least for Windows builds when viewing it in Task Manager.[citation needed] The reason for this is unknown.[citation needed]

That only happens when having "HD Prescaling" higher than 1x.

Someone tell that guy that if he is going to add to the wiki to do his research first.

Windows 10
[email protected]
Can someone explain to me what retro arch is like I'm 5 and also why I should or should not be using it
are you sure it's the bios and not the rom?

There was a time in which all my shit worked then last week it didnt work anymore

I replaced them all and now they work
Need some help.
I get random stuttering in PCSX2, and it's starting to get really freaking annoying. Trying to play Persona 3, and almost every time a dialogue is about to play, the game freezes for a split second and then returns back.
It didn't felt too important at first but now it's just pure annoying. Any ideas? Keep in mind I don't have any other problems with PCSX2. This problem occurs with or without speedhacks and doesn't matter what game I'm trying to emulate. (My PC can emulate every PS2 game in 100% speed)
>Can someone explain to me what retro arch is like I'm 5
TL;DR the best and most customizable multi-system emulator
>and also why I should or should not be using it
Since it's so expansive an dcustomizable sometimes it might be hard for new users to get used to it
So I've been using Retroarch for pretty much all my emulation needs for a few months now and starting yesterday every time I start it it says "not responding) and takes like 3 minutes to start and this happens every time I want to start a game too.

Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Never had this issue in the past, nothing I do seems to fix it either.
try to open joy.cpl (windows game controller settings) if it doesn't open it's probably something to do with windows 10 fucking up controller drivers
Well apparently you're a wizard, it didn't open.

Do you know a fix?
I just reinstalled windows yesterday just because of that, it has been happening every now and then.
Just for reference though, what controllers do you use and do you use frontends?
Just use an xbox one controller, nothing else. And no frontends.

Not sure if I'm down to reinstall windows just to fix it so not sure what I'm going to do yet.
Alright, doesn't match my setup one bit, so it's most probably windows' fault as I suspected.
Check if the same thing happens to dolphin or other emulators
Hah, didn't even think to start dolphin. Same thing happening. Yeah, it must be windows. At least I know the source of the problem now and don't have to fuck with Retroarch anymore.
9 and name uni-bios_1_2o.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 154 with CRC 0x5dda0d84 and name uni-bios_1_1.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 155 with CRC 0x0ce453a0 and name uni-bios_1_0.rom => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 156 with CRC 0xcb915e76 and name neopen.sp1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 159 with CRC 0x94416d67 and name sm1.sm1 => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 160 with CRC 0xc2ea0cfd and name sfix.sfix => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] Searching ROM at index 161 with CRC 0x5a86cff2 and name 000-lo.lo => Not Found
RetroArch [libretro WARN] :: [FBA] NeoGeo BIOS missing ...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the BIOS.
Yeah when it first started happening I also thought it was something up with retroarch until I noticed the log stuck on something like "Enumerating joystick devices..." then I decided to check joy.cpl and figured it was something wrong with windows
BizHawk is better.
Restarted comp a few times, seems to fix it.

It's like a crapshoot at this point, not sure what is causing it sigh.
Restarting your computer will fix it temporarily, I was restarting my computer every time I wanted to play a game because restarting windows only takes like 20 seconds. But that's too retarded so I had to"fix it"
Is there a way to keep RetroArch running while I don't have the window in focus?

Everytime I need to type something it freezes my game and I'm about to have a brain aneurysm over how fucking annoying it is
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Thank you. I don't know why I couldn't find it but I was about to have a heart attack about it
>If not whats the best way to play this machine without having the machine
Mednafen (if it supports the game) otherwise SSF.
Get a PC
Yeah, wireless dongles allow 4 controllers to connect. I have a chinese knockoff and it works fine.
Try a different devbuild maybe?
It's a multi-system emulator that uses "cores" which are made from other standalone emulators. Often these cores have features which the standard versions don't, such as hardware rendering with mednafen-psx.
Retroarch has a lot of useful features, like global inputs which work the same on every core, but can be remapped per core if you want to. It also keeps inputs for things like save and load states, frame rate unthrottle, rewind, etc.
One of the most useful features that I haven't seen elsewhere is that you can undo load state and undo save state. Handy for when you hit the wrong button.
>installing vba-m on linux mint
Is it me or would it be easier to pull all the hair out of my nostrils one by one?
>using vba-m
>using standalones on linux
m8 just use retroarch
Stop using ancient emulators
Oh fuck me I thought vba was what most people used. I'll definitely just switch to something better then.
That's probably your HDD turning off, put your game on the C drive.
>prevent having to deal with deinterlacing at all in PCSX2
What does it mean though? I am not smart.
mGBA is the current best for GBA games. It's available standalone and through RA core.
I can't seem to get the PeteOpenGL2Tweak to appear in the plugins menu in PGXP. What do?
Less blur mostly.
before that the solution was to use interlacing:none and hope to god the screen doesn't jump (PCSX2 apparently tries to output 480p when you disable that even if the game doesn't support it)
>>162762721 here. I made a few more attempts but could not manage to make it work. I've made sure direct x, microsoft visual c and .net frameworks and xbox accessories are up to date, all files associated with the scp driver package are unblocked. Using zadig to replace the PS3 controller driver did not seem to help either. The scp service is certainly installed, but isn't running.

Thanks. I tried that, but it didn't seem to do help. I still can't get it to run.

Thanks, but that requires too much effort for something like this.

I can't think of anything else to try. Do I have any other options that aren't motiongoy malware?
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Why does Byuu have pictures of Shota anime boys on his Twitter?
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How does pcsx2's ps1 emulation compare to epsxe?
>How does pcsx2's ps1 emulation compare to epsxe?
ePSXe 1.6 was better in every possible way.

>Do I have any other options that aren't motiongoy malware?
SCPtoolkit, chances are it won't work either since it's based on the same driver but you never know..

Also have you tried the usual stuff like disabling your AV, making sure the folder scpserver.exe is running in isn't protected or some shit etc?
my crt doesn't support this resolution
>Also have you tried the usual stuff like disabling your AV, making sure the folder scpserver.exe is running in isn't protected or some shit etc?
Yeah. No AV running and I made sure it's not a protected folder, that it's not blocked and I ran scpserver as admin.

>SCPtoolkit, chances are it won't work either since it's based on the same driver but you never know..
I'll give that a try later. Thanks.
Why 1.6 specifically?
Literally the best ePSXe version all the way the from the early 2000s up to the release of 2.0.0, 1.7.0-1.9.0 had tons of regressions.
I did not know that, so is the current version still inferior to 1.6?

And I guess pcsx2's ps1 emulation isn't really worth bothering with for now then?
>so is the current version still inferior to 1.6?
Well it fixed most of the boot freeze issues that plagued the 1.7.0-1.9.0 versions and has a few new trick up it's sleeve like overclock and a gimped GTE accuracy hack so it's better, a bit slower though.

There's not many reasons to use ePSXe at all nowadays since other emulators are straight up better for the most part unless you're playing on a pre-2007 toaster.

>And I guess pcsx2's ps1 emulation isn't really worth bothering with for now then?
It's neat for dicking around but no most things are broken as expected from an early in development emulator.
Is there any way to find a native resolution of running game?
pSX has that option, other than that I do not know.
Not sure if this is really a problem that applies here, but is there any way to read data off a PSP formatted Memory Stick Duo on a PC without the PSP?

Basically, my PSP died. I already have PPSSPP. I'd like to get my old save files off the memory stick. I have a working reader, but it doesn't allow me to access the stick, since PSP has this weirdo system of needing the stick in the PSP and using USB Mode to interact with PC normally. This is what I'm trying to bypass since my PSP is completely dead, won't even turn on anymore.

Am I fucked?
Somebody needs to make a thing like GGPO but for playing all kinds of games online.


There's a guy who has been helping improve N64 HLE ucodes. A lot of people don't realise that HLE emulation requires a more extensive understanding of N64 behavior than LLE.
I'm getting an error message in Simpsons Road Rage in Dolphin saying "fifo is overflown by gather pipe"

Any idea what that means?
>Thanks for reporting this, guys. Honestly the laws on this stuff are nearly impossible to understand and lean on technicalities that haven't even hardly been defined. I've done my best to stay within the licenses but reading mudlord's article suggests I should review it all again. I will review and change what needs changed; gonna look at everything in detail.

>(I'm the LaunchBox developer, btw.)

Looks like an honest mistake to me, not some exposed conspiracy. Later on he comments that he reviewed everything and fixed it all.

What is it about the emulation scene that brings about such high levels of autism? Who has the kind of time on their hands to dig through the software and determine whether or not it violates licenses? Are people really that upset that based LaunchBox Jesus dev is making a lot of money? It's a damn fine piece of software.
What is zeromus's response to this thread?
eh ever since they accused him of that a few months ago it's been the prevailing opinion of that subreddit. i don't think he cares about what some whiny redditors think about him if he made it almost a mission to not care about even whinier pokefags
Is increasing the internal resolution broken in the latest Mednafen/Beetle PSX core? Every time I try to set it to anything above native, Retroarch crashes instantly.
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I command you to live.
>HLE emulation requires a more extensive understanding of N64 behavior than LLE.
Not really.. HLE is essentially optimized LLE. You could argue that it requires an extensive understanding of N64 games, which I would agree to some extent.

Most folks just relied on documentation for HLEing, which is a terrible thing to do. I've looked at the documentation myself and saw that it was flawed in some cases (HLE Audio). I guess they lack the skills to RE it themselves :) .
>Are people really that upset that based LaunchBox Jesus dev is making a lot of money?
Yup. I think a lot of it is jealousy. I remember when people were upset that Gontez made 10 grand in 4 months, and SP was butthurt about that. Now SP is doing what he criticized other devs of doing (using patreon to make money off emulation). He ironically even brags about how much money they get per month.
I say we should just burn down all emulators and go back to real hardware.

/vr/ was right, emulators are cancer.
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Good luck with those eBay prices, friend.
>not modding or using flashcarts to play backups
The problem arises when plebs think emulator devs are living gods.

What they don't realize is emulators aren't a exercise in skill but autism.
Have fun spending hundreds of dollars on modchips that are no longer produced
And gender dysphoria
does pcsx2 emulate modchips
Is PGXP enabled in the windows version of Mednafen HW?

I"m not seeing it in the options.

>The Desmume RetroArch core is great. I have no problem running every game at fullspeed on my 2500k with the JIT enabled in core options. I use the quick switch screen layout option for most games. This shows a single screen fullscreen and I can tap my left trigger to swap to the other one at any time. And I enabled right stick touch screen control so I can move a cursor around with that and tap the right trigger to "touch" the screen. Clicking in my right stick acts as "blowing in the mic" for games that use that.
>This takes some core option configuration as well as some input remapping if you want my exact layout, but it's the best screen and controller config I've ever had for DS. And I've only noticed very minor graphics emulation issues in a few games.

Shit, this sound cool, wish someone asked for his config.
>DeSmuME is currently the best Nintendo DS emulator out there
Why do people shill this garbage?
I'm not sure how much you're wiling to spend, but I suggest saving your pennies and getting a DS4 or an Xbone pad. Both are vast improvements on their predecessors, especially in terms of D-pads. Most other off-brand pads just don't hold up.
It is unless you're a butthurt pkefag
>It is unless you're a butthurt pkefag
If it's true that you get better performance running Drastic on an android emulator for PC, then I can't see how anyone can consider DeSmuME the best DS emulator.

That whole sabotaging / (breaking and refusing to fix WIFI) fiasco was cringe-worthy. If I was a contributor to DeSmuME, i would immediately abandon that project. It's kinda sad how some people kiss up to zeromus.

Hopefully Endrift will save DS emulation... I hope SP dumps zeromus in favor of Endrift :)
There's issues with the newest version, yeah.
>If it's true that you get better performance running Drastic on an android emulator for PC, then I can't see how anyone can consider DeSmuME the best DS emulator.
Drastic runs a handful more games but has less options
Setting up an android emulator and not having it implode randomly and perform adequately isn't as easy as it seems (although the latter part might just come from me using a k CPU), also most android emulator are shady as fuck and can interfere with other VM programs.

Desmume performs more than adequately on any sort of recent desktop CPU so I don't really see the performance issue to begin with
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byuu is gay, fool
donate to the retroarch patreon. that's one of their goals.
>damn fine piece of software
it's fucking clunky. have you used it? It's the most feature-rich and probably visually appealing, but it runs like absolute garbage. Compare it to attractmode, retrofe or kodi. it's night and day.
>honest mistake
yeah. no need to assume he's a dirtbag. I would nevertheless pirate the shit out of lb.
.....you can't tell me what to do.....
It's zeromusware
There are options for it. There's like 3 different options in the core options menu from the quick menu.
Drastic just has per-game hacks for Pokemon games.

I bet many other games don't work well in Drastic but work fine in Desmume.
>Drastic just has per-game hacks for Pokemon games.


This isn't reddit, we only accept facts here
Run mednafen PSX in RetroArch, then take a screenshot with the GPU Screenshot setting disabled
It's ZSNES all over again. Fast emulators almost always use per-game hacks.
>we only accept facts here

That is pretty damn funny.

Do you agree?
Same retarded cunt that cries about stutter all the time. Hes ignored and downvoted for a reason.
One more question if you don't mind. How exactly will it break games? What should I look for if I end up patching something?

Thanks by the way.
>How exactly will it break games?
Most of the time the game won't output video at all anymore.
A few games will have framerate issues
It could break in other ways too if some effects rely on the game being interlaced for whatever reason.

On real console you can apparently end up with the video being outside of your screen area too but PCSX2 automatically corrects that apparently.

>What should I look for if I end up patching something?
Make a backup, the program won't and won't ask for confirmation before doing anything.
higan just gave my rig it's very first hard crash after a year and a month of flawless operation (my rig, not higan, I've only been using higan for a week now)

was playing Link to the Past and I went blackscreen with sound distortion, couldn't escape or alt-tab.
why arent you using zsnesß
using anything else fragments the community
Does Byuu lurk these threads? I'd love to see him show up and defend himself.
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should I send him my memory dump?

btw, I'm fairly new here. what's up with byuu and this general anyway?
Try 2560x240 then.
Run it in pSX and hit Tab
It's true though
Byuu is a 33 year old manchild that has been working on Higan for the past 13 years. He is obsessed with accuracy to the point where he spent 80 hours getting Speedy Gonzales to work.

If you go to his Twitter, it's plastered with shota anime boys and leftist rhetoric.
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For some reason CEMU completely stops recognizing any inputs aside from the tab key when I try to run XCX. I tried both my 360 pad and my keyboard, and neither responds to anything but the aforementioned once I boot up the game. The hell is the problem?

The 360 pad and everything works fine in other games. Running 1.6.3.

I tried googling the problem, but all I could find was other people begging for help with no solutions.
He made mad mudlord, shitpusher and now mooch.
Didn't you forget someone?
When autists fight, they trample the grass.
>and now mooch.
what's the story on this one?

>It's true though
Does that mean they finally fixed pokemon? Or are these anti-pokemon ppl just shilling DeSmuME??
>what's the story on this one?
22:47 < mooch3> Twinaphex, YO BYUU BANNED ME AGAIN
22:47 -!- mooch3 is now known as mooch
22:48 < enygmata> kek
22:48 < mooch> yet he let me sign up in the first place???
byuu has now gained my respect :) .

signed u up just to ban u. if there's any way to be any clearer, i don't know what it is.
Why is byuu so paranoid?
Would you donate $100 to byuu to buy a Brazilian FIFA game?

Pretty damn sure that's just a regular FIFA game with a hacked roster
>Have fun spending hundreds of dollars on modchips that are no longer produced
Most modchips are in the $5-10 range. The most expensive modchip I've found is $24, probably because it also has an SD card reader on the board to load games and homebrew from.
Is byuu still working on his MD or Wonderswan emulation?
byuu won't mess with Texas

Is byuu still working on his NES, GB, or GBA emulation?
I wanna wake up in Texas, I miss those wide open skies
I was just bored. And I didn't have work on the day I REd it.
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>he took the bait
How do you guys manage your Arcade roms?

I have the bios and roms all in the same folder and it's hard to tell what a bios and a game is
I use a memory-map memorization technique that I employ for mame roms. I also use a lot of sticky notes on my monitor.
that seems a bit more complex than it should

In theory, the scanning feature should do this, however it doesnt work as well as it should

Exactly what database is RA looking at when comparing Arcade roms? Is there a no-intro collection for arcade roms?
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Some RetroArch issues. I'm on the latest nightly.

First, on the PSX Mednafen core, when I try to start Q*Bert, after confirming my controls for player 1, it gives me a config menu for the second player even though I only want 1 player. No matter what I do, there doesn't seem to be a way to fix this

Second, How do I set up proper directories per core for my ROMs? I tried Downloads, File Browser, and Content Database, but none of them work and I have to painstakingly go through each folder in the GUI till I get there.
Curious did you address the issue with the devs or simply decide to make a public blog post first. Because one route might be considered malicious narcissism and another might be a way to get a mistake taken care of respectfully without attempting to damage reputations.
Are you using a PS3/4 controller? perhaps RA is reading xinput and dinput and in that case you should use exclusive mode

check your devices and printers

>How do I set up proper directories per core for my ROMs

I think you can make a config file for every core, make sure the config file points the file browser to the desired folder

the playlist feature should make this easier though
if you're on windows and using retroarch there are multiple tools to create playlists for your mame roms on the libretro forums. There's even one for linux i think.
checking this out
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>donate to the retroarch patreon. that's one of their goals.

You must be lyin-
Holy shit take all my money
>Are you using a PS3/4 controller? perhaps RA is reading xinput and dinput and in that case you should use exclusive mode
DS4 w/ DS4Windows with Hide DS4 enables (RA wouldn't pick it up otherwise)
Decided to do a public blog post first. Again, did it because I was bored. I'd expect nothing less if people found problems in my software either.
then it has to be something related to your configuration in input
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>want to try the N64 version of Space Invaders for speed autism reasons
>ParaLLEl hangs on a black screen upon loading the rom
>Glupen64 crashes upon loading the rom
>Mupen64+ hangs on pic related upon loading the rom
That's some good shit right there
>Uploaded a hastily put together video of PGXP in mednafen yesterday
>Over 1000 views today
Wew lads. Thanks for the visual (You)s.
No just as N64 emus don't emualte crooked cart
>does pcsx2 emulate modchips
Nope, it doesn't even handle stuff like ARMAX.
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Soon (nope)
Is there any way to record a series of inputs in retroarch so I can play it back again to watch it?
like a video? RA has a recording function
No, I want the inputs so that I can go back and re-record with other settings. Making comparison videos of texture/perspective correction with PSX games.
ah, sound like Auto hot key is what you want
Oh yeah, I'll try using that. Good idea.
How come Glupen64 Retroarch core only allows resolutions up to 1920x1440 in a 1080p monitor with 4:3 settings but allows 3840 x 2160 with 16:9 enabled.

This makes no sense at all.
>I've acquired four tryptamine substances known to be very similar to psilocybin in terms of effects.
>I'll chronicle my use of each of these here. Both for the purposes of keeping track of likes and dislikes, as well as so that if I vanish suddenly forevermore, to give you guys an indication of what killed me :P

RIP byuu ???-2016
No, what you want to do is a .bsv recording
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I legitimately refuse to believe he is older than his mid 20's.
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So why come to /emugen/ if you have no interest in emulation?
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that fucking idiot. tryptamine is totally unpredictable. there are countless cases of people losing their minds, FOREVER.
Maybe there's some sort of enlightenment that is obtained, but i've met a few ppl who are into that stuff and they are malfunctioning.
We might be spiritual beings, but we operate using mechanical devices. Don't damage your brain people.
What the fuck is wrong with byuu? Does he want to die?
Man looking out of window with his half erect penis hanging out.
You can get cheapo USB card readers from dollar stores that will work for what you want.
it's you guys who want him to die
every emudev should kill himself and make the world a better place
a better place for who? And fuck them.
Fake mudlord pls go
Is there an easier way to do that than using command prompt? Can't see an option for it in the UI.
Fake mudlord. Real mudlord. What's the difference?
That doesn't answer the question
I made another one of these:

Tenchu coming up.
I like these, are you using AHK?
Nah, seemed like effort to set up so I kinda used a macro builder for my mouse. Those Crash ones were just some nifty editing to make it look like it happened the same way though. I roughly timed running right with crash to his 10th breath and then deleted a few spare frames from one video.
Android is the future of emulation and everything.

That's like saying Windows is the future of everything.
It is.
And here's tenchu: https://youtu.be/5oBeO-cui_c
That doesn't help at all. Did you read my post? I already have a laptop that can read the Memory Stick Duo, but PSP's weirdo encryption prevents me from accessing it and getting the files off it unless it's in the PSP and hooked up to PC through a USB cord while in a specific USB Mode. This is impossible for me as my PSP is dead.
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Is it worth buying an arcade stick for a single game?
Why not buy an arcade stick and play more than one game though?
huge difference, nice
I have actually never gotten into arcade games, the only one I have emulated is TGM.
Yeah, tenchu is my favourite thing that PGXP fixes.
I have an arcade stick

I use it for more than one game but I bought it for fighting games

I also use it for arcade, shumps and beat em ups though

In order to play TGM games properly I will have to modify the stick to be four-way instead of the typical eight-way.

Makes me wonder if it is worth doing to a stick such as this: http://stores.horiusa.com/fighting-stick-mini-4-for-playstation-4/
>Rom crashes in every emulator
Did you make sure that you're using a good dump of the game?
>modify the stick to be four-way instead of the typical eight-way
You mean a gate? Just use a square gate

Actually most sticks already have a square gate in it

My stick is a hori as well and it came with a square gate, more than likely that stick has a square gate as well
Oh holy crap, it does in fact have a square gate. Well I guess $40 isnt too bad. I may also get more into arcade games so I can get my money's worth.
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I want to be sure you know what I'm talking about

A square gate restricts the movement in a square shape, is this what you meant by 4 ways?

as opposed to an octogate correct?
Maybe? TGM basically requires a controller which is restricted in four directions. Otherwise the diagonals will screw you over.

A long time ago arcade games were only 2 ways, left and right

They eventually changed as games became more complex and implemented 4 ways of movement and they used cross gates

America adopted 8 ways which japan stuck with 4 ways of movement but moved into a diamond shape instead

cross gates are pretty hard to find and not as ubiquitous as square gates which is the japanese standard

but I found a link of a gate that does exist and probably the closest to what you are looking for perhaps, it's the square gate into a diamond shape


Also the hori stick you liked previously, I'm not sure if you can change the gate or not
Also I suggest just sticking with square and get used to it

KevinDRR, one of the best tetris players in the world uses a stick when connected to a super gun and his cabinet and I doubt it's not square

just get used to it and git gud
Thanks man. I'll actually mess around with this and post results if I find anything positive.

Are you Asmodean by the way?
Yeah, this is something that you can get super in depth with, and I dont really care. I just want the game to be playable.
I'm angry, angry at Launchbox.
To simplify it, your request of

>modify the stick to be four-way instead of the typical eight-way.

implying you mean a square gate, stick will have one inside already
Ive been using the GBA-Color preset under handhelds in retroarch, but I remember seeing an image of like 12 comparisons with minish cap on here.
No you are not.
why are all the libretro cores that are not simple consoles so shitty?
Yes I am Mud-Senpai, I don't care about licenses, I care about wasted potential.
Just letting you know that NVIDIA drivers were updated today and the vulkan frame jumping effect that mednafen vulkan does still happens

I will assume this shit will never be fixed
Only happens with NVidia mobile GPUs though, right?
Just let it die peacefully, is cruel to keep it on life support.
>I made preliminary nvidia emulation that almost boots the nt4 drivers
Does it work with the 9x drivers yet or no?
And you can't increase framerate in vulkan. That's annoying, locked at 60fps with vsync and it looks choppy otherwise.
>Wonder why one of my videos was doing so well
>It was posted on reddit
Best NDS games to emulate on android? Pic very related
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Haven't emulated anything for like 7 years.

I read the wiki but just making sure, Higan is the best SNES emulator right?

the game I am planning to plat is Yoshis Island if that matters
Should be fine then. Bsnes-mercury on retroarch is what I use. It's a fork of higan that allows for overclocking in superfx games.
I'm reading the wiki and ran into this
>Expect nothing more than 60% at all times
60% of what? It doesn't say.

>The load content refactors unfortunately caused this, and likely affects all statically linked RA versions.

What's up with his constant refactoring of things that used to work just fine and introduction of regressions everytime he 'cleans up' someone else's code?

Is it some form of mental illness? Is it a way to take control of other's code and pretend it's your own work now? Wasn't one of the patreon achieved goal to do some basic quality checks?
Of console performance speed. What game/ostrich?
How new are you?
Did you get a performance decrease as well?
I no longer get full speed on 4x and the jumping is still there for me too ;_;
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Update from >>162762721, the newfag with the PS3 controller issues. I uninstalled SCP driver package and tried out the SCPtoolkit and it seems like it solved my problems. I'm still not sure why I encountered the issues I did, but when I launched the SCPtoolkit it suggested that I update my microsoft .NET framework. I did attempt to reinstall that before of course. But at that point it said it was already up to date, but perhaps it was still broken from my harddrive corruption issues.

In any case, thanks to >>162812041 and the other anons who helped me out. I appreciate it!
yeah I believe I did

I think i'm just going to give up on psx for a while until I build my compter
>Did you make sure that you're using a good dump of the game?
>Are you Asmodean by the way?

Am I literally the only person running 376.33 that doesn't have a single issue with the Vulkan core?
Can you unthrottle framerate with vsync on? That's the only thing stopping me from using vulkan.
Yup, Vsync is on and I didn't have any issue doing that.

You want a copy of my retroarrch.cfg or Nvidia control settings?
not that guy but turning of v-sync off made the frame issue go away about 85% what made it about 95% is an option called in the video settings called max chain images, I set it to one and games are playable

I currently have my games set to x8 and it's great albeit the random fps drop and overall it still feels a little off, but that might be me

try it out

You posted a book, which is coming to every other platform and its mom in 2017.
Desktop is fine but laptop is broken for me.
Nope, those have a weird bug that prevents me from using the drivers at all.
I'm on my phone right now, but diff you have to set it up special or anything for that or did it just work(TM)?
I only disable aero before running RA at all
I don't install anything but the driver, the HDMI audio driver and physx with the installer.
Can't think of anything else.
>I only disable aero before running RA at all
I hope you've done that via the disable desktop composition option and not manually each time you launch it.
>I hope you've done that via the disable desktop composition option and not manually each time you launch it.
Doing it via the option is easier on you but if you start launching and quitting RA more than once it makes Windows unstable so I do it manually.
I think it's about time for a bump.
Is cemu hoping to be playable at full speed any time soon?
Why can't do Nintendo fans hit the emulation so hard, so soon. I want an og Xbox or ps3 emulator, damnit! I already own hacked versions of every Nintendo console!
>Is cemu hoping to be playable at full speed any time soon?
It already is in a bunch of games if you're not using a toaster.
Do you think it'll be like Dolphin and play the few well known games well but will have tons of issues with all the other, less well known, stuff?
Probably, how bad the situation will be depends on a lot of things, including how hacky the emulator currently is, if the dev is willing to compromise on good support for eveything to make some more popular game run, how hard it is to support what is broken currently and how greedy the dev is.
The WiiU's library mostly consists of 1st party nintendo games anyway so I assume it won't be a big issue.
People don't remember how long it took Dolphin to get to a playable state, if it'll be like Dolphin expect it to be half-usable by 2020.
I can think of a couple exclusive games that aren't that popular or not popular at all.

Dolphin had a several year hiatus because it was closed source and the dev didn't have patreon to motivate themselves.
680th for RA matchmaking server
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Is XInput Wrapper still the best choice for using a DS3/DS4 with emulators?
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My laptop is pretty toaster-tier (Pentium N3700 @ 1.60GHz), which cores should I be using for Game Boy Color and GBA? I've been using Gambatte and VBAM and they run a bit choppy.
GpSP is designed for your usecase.
It already is for a lot of games you just have to buffer up the textures.
Thanks, I'll try it out later.
Could somebody finally compile redream? mudlord pls
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I'm emulating KH2 FM+ and I'm trying to fix this...blur? problem I think. Anyone knows what option it is to fix it?
Doesn't work on Windows yet.
so it's pretty fucking worthless
So it's worthless then
Welp. Worthless
It is without value.
does redream do naomi, namoi 2, hikaru and atomiswave?
does the steam support for ps4 controllers work in Linux too?
Use all of these. Make sure you get the newest patch too, it fixes all the 16:9 stuff. There's also a texture mod to fix the HUD.

gametitle=KH2FM [SLPM-66675] [FAF99301]

// 60 FPS Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
// Disable Depth of Field
// Menu Boot Speed 250%
>people losing their minds, FOREVER.
OK settle down now. Next you'll be saying LSD makes everyone jump off buildings.
They have little interest in those systems so they don't care enough to develop the cores properly.
Bsnes Mercury Balanced via RA is what you want.
sure, some do stupid shit while tripping, but it's rare that anyone is permanently fucked because of it. i know lots of well adjusted people who did tons of acid and are perfectly functioning adults.
dmt is not the same.
it has a profound (sometimes wonderful) effect. It WILL change you. It's not like an acid trip. it's like going on an acid trip while you're already on an acid trip.
Hey so what the fuck is going on with redump?
>Exclusive column just for Libretro
Boy the RA shills really have taken over
That's normal. New drivers on Nvidia mean performance decreases for old cards to get you to buy new cards.
How fucking new are you? Libretro is used by more than just RetroArch now, by the way.
Shouldn't bsnes-mercury, bsnes-classic, and bsnes-plus be listed since Bizhawk and Mednafen are listed seperately as well
What a recent build of Retroarch that doesn't have multidisc support broken?

Did this feature ever work?
There it outrights crash if I use an m3u or it ask me to choose a core then crashes if I do anything if I use append disk image.
what happened to the discord
>tfw CEMU 1.6.4 comes out on a monday
Pretty sure that most of that menu code was written by him already.

The purpose of the load content rewrite branch was to reduce the amount of codepaths for content loading and to allow some changes to the menu to allow drive browsing: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/4245
The static linked build issue looks like it's probably fixed now anyway.

Once again, emugen assumes the worst in every little thing that a developer does.
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Why are the colors so blown out when I try Cel Damage on Dolphin?
23:32 <@Twinaphex> fuck him and his software then
23:32 <@Twinaphex> 'your fantasy' - dude what use would his 'launcher' be without emulators
23:32 <@Twinaphex> his entire shitty C# frontend exists for one reason alone
23:32 <@Twinaphex> wrapping around emulators
23:32 <@Twinaphex> there is zero worthwhile reason for existence beyond it

ShitParasite doesn't understand that his flawless logic also apply to retroarch, with parasitizing on every known open source emu.
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I thought about giving them a dollar the other day to play it early.

Then I realized they want 5 dollars.
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I'll never understand Linux users.
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>Comix Zone
>3 Stars

>Yoshi's Island
>3 Stars

>Super Metroid
>4 Stars
the world is better off never hearing another retarded opinion squarepusher shits out.
RetroArch is not a launcher, so not really.
>no context
I thought he was talking about RA for a second
Is SP funded by the taxpayers of the Netherlands?
What's the best way to emulate Shenmue I and II?

I remember there being something about specific fixes for emulators for Shenmue
Before that though
If your asking if SP is a welfare queen, then yes.
He says he is not.
To bad he speaks to people who can't keep their mouths shut, mudlord already leaked that SP is full Hikki.

I don't understand how he couldn't be given his commit history. If there's one thing we know about humans it's that they need a source of income to survive.
ha! been living on less than $10 per month in the u.s of a for over 4 years now.
I mean at one point he was selling hardware donations people and companies sent him.
>10$ per month
How? Are you a hobo?
ITT: we make stuff up without proof
yes. no drugs or alcohol or anything. just crazy.
So how do you eat? How are you on this Internet right now? How do you have shelter?
it's not easy. i've got a laptop and i live out of a gym. consequently I'm in excellent shape.
So essentially you're supplementing your income with the gym owner's
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>Acts like he gives a shit about freedom
>supplementing your income
what? I pay dues. It's just a place to be, which also has wifi.
If you make less than 10 dollars a month I don't see how you're paying dues
it's $10 a month with my obamacare.
You're on Medicaid if you're making less than 10$ a month, not Obamacare
k. anyway, i live with basically no money.
The world is better for it. I think i'd be a dangerous person if i had money.
What do you eat?
>never heard of food-banks
i actually eat really healthy. There's a lot of stuff that's about to go bad and a lot of sugar to sort through, but i'm not going hungry.
I work at one a couple of times a week. It's absolutely insane how much gets discarded. We simply cannot give it out. There's a distribution problem that exists along with the sheer excess.
I never seen nor heard of one in my whole life, actually.
Why don't they just drive around the city looking for poor people and just give them food?
they're common in u.s cities.
well, there are vans that drive around at night and early in the morning serving coffee and getting people out of the cold, but by and large, homeless people aren't starving (at least around here).
Infact, from my experience, most homeless people are very unhealthy and fat.
Later in life it requires discipline to maintain a healthy body which for a variety of reasons is not a priority for someone preoccupied with emotional trauma, substance abuse and external problems.
I'm not American, so I guess it's a bit of culture shock.
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This is pretty ironic.
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