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/svg/ Shadowverse General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 822
Thread images: 184

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Magisa Edition

Shadowverse is a class-based collectible card game akin to Hearthstone /hsg/, Yugioh /dng/ and The Elder Scrolls Legends /tesg/

It shares popular /mbgg/ mobage elements from other games, like Fate/Grand Order /fgog/
This month we got Idol sleeves from the popular franchise /@/ - The iDOLM@STER

The next expansion, Rise of Bahamut, will be released on December 29th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
http://pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (embed) (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: http://imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some anon made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:

Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

You can listen to both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:

Get your iDOLM@STER Emblems and Sleeves with this guide:

Previous Thread: >>162312305
I want Forte to hit me in the face
Magisa is a good example of what something TOO curvy would look like.
HOT a What Baabhabhiat
>Magisa edition
>Its a shitpost OP

I'm not surprised at all
What rank do I have to be to not be considered shit?
Also, why are the Japanese so awful at their own game?
>acknowledging TESL
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>TOO curvy

Nice I found a gay anon, I have some questions for you.

How you decide who is the guy and the girl in the relantionships?

How you deal with you and your partner being horny 24/7 since both are men after all?

Do you even use condoms?

Do you let guys cum inside you?
>people actually spent liquid on Aggro Bloodcraft

makes me laugh everytime
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Still waiting for that guy who called me out to post his rank.
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>Rune gets the thickest/softest waifus (Veteran Alchemist, Magisa, Merlin, Gauntleted Healer, First Curse)
>Entire class is shit
It's not fair

A0 is when you're considered an average person who doesn't sandbag.

Anything below that and you're obvious cowardly sandbagging scum since people are so braindead at those ranks you have to be intentionally staying.
>being a disgusting chubby chaser
Take your perverse fat fetish somewhere else
ptp rune is sleeper op
ignore the naysayers
Im actually retarded, is that supposed to be good?
seems too slow
>Turn 9 topdicks 6 face damage
Alright i guess

nah son thats that proper THICKNESS
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Reminder that Dragonfags are a bunch of pathetic whiners who think their class is as bad as Blood and Haven were pre-DE
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Its hilarious when Reina is actually useful. Japs disconnect every time.
>Trying to lure hapless anons into building & playing a shit deck
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Acient Elf just makes too much difference
Elf Deck without it = not that hard to beat or strong
Elf Deck with Acient Elves = "You come in the wrong forest kiddo"
No wonder there are virtually no Foest until A+, they don't have that single card making the whole deck cancer
If that card get nerfed to 5pp cost sure as hell only PtD tryharder would remain playing Forest but they would be a lot weaker
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xth for VEIGHT
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or 10 face if you run control since they always have an olivia
Why do Japs have no honour in this mobile card game?
>Play against Control Sword as Banner Sword
>Know its going to be tough especially since he keeps shitting out wards
>At turn 10, I intentionally pretend I ran out of followers and emoted "What to do..."
>He fills up the board and doesnt play a ward
>I shit out a full hand of Centaurs and Novice Troopers
>He ragequits

Mindgames, how do they work?

its a midrange card that can have a favorable trade or do face damage and having enough health to be sticky in the midgame and it has lategame usability

whats not to like
The character is hot but in terms of design there's nothing. So many designs are just big breasts or ass on a generic girl.
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For everyone saving up for the new expansion, can you post

>amount of gold/vials
>number of legendaries you have
>number of complete decks
3pp 2/3 is balance retard. Blame yourself for going face instead of denying a forestfag board.
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>prayer -> beastcall -> birdsong -> cudgel
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>it's a try to do missions but face nothing but ElaSera episode
How the fuck does discard dragon even work? Aren't you more likely to just kill yourself from drawing so many cards?
the card has text on it anon, maybe you should read it sometime
>How the fuck does discard dragon even work?
It doesn't.
Literally the worst deck in the game
bully them back by playing dirt rune of dshift.

JUST started saving, so here we go

gold: 1385
legos: 22, 2 animated
Decks: aggro shadow and dirtrune
>How the fuck does discard dragon even work?

It doesn't.
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What if i am not really saving?
1050 rupies
450 vials
Need standard and DE, mostly standard
Tempted to use the free T2 tickets i have left and spend the 1050 rupies i have too
1240 gold
51 legendaries
6 complete decks, another 3-4 almost complete
I've only ever seen someone deck out once and that was in take two. If you manage to go through your entire deck and still lose, you weren't gonna win even if you had 100 cards in your deck.
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>Acient Elf
Where's the RoB spoiler list?
Gold - 0
Vials - 300
Leggos - 41
Deck - Ptp forest, tempo forest, midrange sword, aggro shadow, d-shift, face dragon, storm haven, pure elana, elana seraph hybrid, control shadow, aggrobat.

I will buy packs with crystals only once the expansion hits.
I ain't saving until i see something worthwhile for a deck i like.

instead of thinking it as discarding think of it as cycling your less useful lowcost minions and having the ability to deal facedamage as you cycle

discarding a lesser value card for the potential of a better value card + face damage seems pretty gucci
Should I be saving up my gold and vials for the next expansion?
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Nothing for
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2170 gold
5565 vials with 1200 waiting to be liquified
51 legendaries
Decks - PtP and Tempo Forest, Elana, Storm and Seraph Haven, Control and Banner Sword, DShift, Earth and Snowman PtP Rune, Aggro Blood, Face Dragon
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Based shadow waifu
hey, thats me AMA
>Complains about balance
>Floral fencer pic
so much class variety in everyone's profiles. should i feel bad for only having sword and haven wins?
Floral Fencer it's not as cuckblock as Acient Elf

You need to have fairies on board in order to make ancient elf fat, and it still dies to removal and sigfried. Also the card is legendary ffs.
3785 gold
3930 vials with an extra 8160 I'm waiting to liquify in case of changes.
33 legendaries with with a bunch that I can liquefy if nothing ends up using them.
6 complete decks, 3 in progress.


expansions help supplement your core cards

if you already have alot of standard cards / decent deck you can save your gold/vials but if you don't i think getting standard packs is better so you can have a stronger base
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You want a real response or just a smug red man and a (You)?
>Sword has 45% winrate going first
>and 60% going second
>hmm i wonder why
2040 gold
10000 vials
30 leggis
3 decks
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Why is she scared?
shit players
Soul Dealer or Beast Dominator are legendary too but look how balanced they are
Dshift is good against everything buy aggro blood
Then tell me how would you balance ancient elf, make it 0/1 instead? I swear people complaining about ancient elf being op are retards who only knows to drag cursor to their opponent portrait the whole time.
Because she doesn't want to be bullied.

That just makes me want to do it more.
hows the post A0 grind?
why are blood's golds so much better than its legends?
Gold: 2540
Vials: 1980
Legendaries: 22
Complete Decks: 3

Hey buddy, I got bad news for you. While I was waiting for you to crawl out of your hole and answer me since I answered your challenge, I went up a rank. Now you're gonna have to post a Profile that's either AA3 or Masters to shut me up. No problem though, you can probably just take someone else's pic and black out the name and ID like I did. Then there's no way to prove it. Ain't I kind? Unless of course, we then have a private duel...
How the fuck do you guys have thousands of gold? Do you have all the decks you want and don't need anything in the current packs?
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>look at game-ai new card evaluations
>Draconic Fervor is literally the only card graded D

A vanilla 2/3 ward is already decent stats. The effect is just extra good in combo with fanfare effects.

If you just soak up some fairies to make a fat elf it's honestly not as devastating as if you soaked up a whisperer or May since you get those fanfares again.

However what I find best about ancient elf is that it scares your opponent into respecting it. I'll get swordfags who are terrified of the fat elf start attacking into my fairies on turn 2 and 3 despite not even having the card in my hand.

Either way any swordfag complaining about ancient elf should off themselves as they have just as many ridiculous cards as forest does.
which is the best shadow deck mid range or control?
I'd say make it cost 4-5, so it's harder to combo with faries to get a huge ward for free, so you have to have had an established board before you drop it for full effect.
means literally nothing

before DE came out, the second highest rated Haven card after Aria was fucking Sky Sprite
>1565 gold
>4470 vials
>28 legendaries
>8 decks that are fully playable but a bunch are missing 1x of a lego or gold here or there

>Rowen holds back his dragon form suppressing his power
>Unable to play as dragon Rowen, dragoncraft is the cuck craft

It's true to the lore, PERFECT.


saying dragon sucks is the new /svg/ meme. It's pretty fun kicking a dragon when they're down.
Post Rank
>Dshift is good against everything but aggro blood
Wrong, you can lose to a Forest player if they get godly roach draws and sometimes Stormhaven will meme on you too occasionally.

The entire deck is draw conditional solitaire though so if you don't draw enough card draw and cantrips you lose to any deck at all, even ramp dragon beats dshift with bad draws, it's happened to me before. All 3 flame levis in the bottom 5 cards of my deck.
I just bricked my game trying to apply the im@s patch
how the fuck did I even do that
even after reinstalling I can't pass the first loading screen lmao
forte call me retarded and step on my dick pls
It's harder to judge which cards are good than bad.

And source on that? They seem to have rated Sky Sprite B.

Doesn't bannermeme and any aggro deck really work for stomping their face in?
already pulled enough decent cards to make it through all but the top tiers of the ladder, plus vials and just saving for the new meta in general
You're supposed to put out Dragonewt to do occasional face damage and help control the board with Noxious Dragon out. Noxious Dragon with Dragonewt Fist is actually pretty good AoE even though it's a combo and 6 PP. At turn 6+ you put out Angel Crusher with Dracomancer Rites already out so you get a 13/13 or something out along with keeping your hand filled. Of course there's no reason to do all of this because you can already play big guys early by ramping and getting lucky draws. If you actually run out of cards when you use Altered Fate you'll die before the opponent even if it was lethal.
Basically. I've been playing since the English release so I have a huge collection and basically have everything I need for my favorite classes.

I'm just playing budget life decks

aggro shadow for aggro
considering storm haven for midrange
dirtrune for control

covered all three strats, so any playstyle I choose, I can do.
You're probably a newfag but Ramp Dragon is supposed to beat DShift.
If there was 50 card or more it would be easy to get PtP activated. With 40 card max its way too hard for dragon since they don't have any card that summon another follower like forest and rune.
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I'm running 2 C. Curse and 3 red hot rituals personally in my Dshift deck just for swordfags so I wouldn't know. Basically anything with Storm will rape your tender mage anus with no remorse.
>You're probably a newfag but Ramp Dragon is supposed to beat DShift.
I've only lost to Ramp Dragon ONCE, which was the time I mentioned in my post. Dshift does fine against it, just have good draws :^)
I've just been saving and not spending the gold outside of a few Take 2's when I lacked tickets.

If they release new leaders, I intend on spending the gold there. I'm a sucker for cosmetic stuff.

Whatever gayboy.
oshioki taimu desu

added effect and post-evolution sounds (so lucifer and remi are fixed)
now you can enjoy http://usamin.love/card/remi_and_rami_witchy_duo/e_evolve_death.wav
>1100 gold, 7k vials
>15 legendaries
>Mid-range Shadow, Mid-range Sword, Elana/Seraph Haven, Bat Aggro
>drop iceform before aria pops
>awkward pause, passes turn back without attacking
>drop iceform again
>awkward pause again, passes turn without attacking

my sides every time
>I'm_______deception hits master by mains midrange dragon

>I hit masters by mainign mid-range dragon
>winning game is elf.

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>Turn 1 pass
>Turn 2 ramp
>Turn 3 Dracomancer's Rites
>Turn 4 Draconic Fervor
>Turn 5 Concede

h-hear the dragons roar
why did nobody respond ;_; this was my second draft ever
Is Fangblade slayer/Albert going to be good in midrange sword?
Seems more like control focused cards
>Already struggling in how to add a second Aurelia
Just fuck my shit up senpai

You should have mentioned that so the notfair.jpg guy would respond to you.

That's pretty good job there anon

now go do it again, it'll feel awesome if you can actually pull it off back to back.
What's a cheap budget deck for rune dailies? I think I have most of their cards except for leggos and golds.
how do I beat storm haven as dick shift? mainyu gets free hits on me until turn 4 and I can't even kaleido divine birdsong.
I'm about to go into my next one, I was opening packs I had a few and got two legendaries

Dirtrune is pretty budget.
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>all these Elf players dropping their Crystal Tia turn 5 without proccing her bonus effect
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What is "clash"?
when attacking or attacked
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Guess what mistake you made
olivia has an effect sound? when does that trigger?
When fighting with enemy followers.
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No, we got it exactly right. The only mistake here is your use of a tripcode when it's not needed.
If they actually play it right with good draws you don't.
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It's what happens when you usurp other clan tags into your general's OP
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Funny thing is that Charon's effect quote is never used. I supposed it's due to her evolution quote overriding it.
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How much m I beyond do i have to dump into the game in order to get an animated Aurelia?
The only mistake is this shitty general that needs to draw attention from other generals to exist. You should be thankful I'M keeping your general alive with my presence.
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So can this card summon mordecai and then destroy it?
You already made the mistake of replying to him
Put down a two-drop like Golem or Levi on turn 2 and hope it doesn't get Scriptured so you can trade into Mainyu.

If you run Iceform, put it down right before the Birdsong/Urd/Garuda burst is about to happen.

Always Kaleido Aria when it comes down to prevent a followup Dogma.

You can run Scrap Iron and Petrify if you want to improve the matchup, but keep in mind this weakens your consistency against non-Haven, the control decks you're supposed to beat, and especially the mirror match.
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>How much m I beyond do i have to dump into the game in order to get an animated Aurelia?
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Dragon is fun
I don't care about your memes, once i am done with my Cynthia nee deck i am going building a Dragon for ranked

Yes, the best scenario will be something like.

>gets a morde on board
>deals 1+3 damage to the enemy board
>gets another 4/4

But most of the time, one or two will be a dud like Cerberus or something minor like 2 Shadow off a Skull Beast.
>I can't read someone spoonfeed me
Fangblade seems kinda broken.
Albert might see play as a finisher.
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Vorcia, I don't know how you manage to outdo your own retardation, but you never fail.

Shit man, just go play Honiepep again
Healing havencraft is so fucking cancerous.
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>unironically thinks Ancient Elf is balanced
What's next you're going to tell me that Beastcall Aria or Roach is balanced as well.
>an 8 point card that summons an 8 point card
wow so useful xd
Also for Iceform, try to evolve it if it's a Garuda turn because it cucks a Garuda trying to evolve to get past ward.

Storm is a bad matchup though, so just accept that.
>i reply just to be a faggot
Filtered :^)
Is thsi T2?
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I have been this entire time you autistic, clan tag stealing fag.
t. aggro shitter
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>runefag conceded as I dropped a banner
Are you stupid? Or was your post meant for the one above me?

t. Treehugger who thinks le pet class is balanced
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>swordcuck conceded as I Pertified his banner
>1735gold, 22495 vials
>54 legs
>6 decks and a set of tia and cerbs away from tempo and any shadow deck
Two questions, 1. can I climb with memes and 2. how do I improve memes.

I like my Kamen Rider W deck and I wanna make it better.

I also play Atomy, but I only have one of those suckers, so I'm not sure I can ask for advice even if I have 3 Ceridwens.
I do that quite often and its not even from salt or anything it's just "welp i'm dead next game"
>Dragon got broken legendary and really good ramp card
>dragon is bad guys!

I don't understand this general.
why is every thread full of retards who think they know how to balance

>Kamen Rider W deck

Try to explain this.
There is nothing more satisfying than Urding a maxed out evolved Ancient Elf.
dragon only good with (3) forte or it just doesn't work
They're simply too expensive and take up too many slots going up to 6 slots total if you use all 3 for each
Jokes on you I have 3 banners.
misplayed my image

I think it's more fun than flame destroyers
>have to dump entire hand

If it was a Forest card it would be a better Silver Bolt with no downside but because it's in Dragon it isn't.
Ramp dragon is good and discard dragon will be good.
It feels more satisfying to DoD ancient elf desu.
I was thinking 2 Atomys would probably be optimal, I don't know for sure though.

Goal for the deck is naturally to drop Atomy turn 4 and bring him back with Ceri, so running 3 of her seemed a given.

>really good ramp card

Dragon players have already posted situations where if that shitty card was in hand it does absolutely nothing for you. If it was deal 3 damage to an enemy follower instead of healing 3 to face, I'd say it's whole different ballgame, but it's not.

Eh, at least you have me guessing with that naming. Quite clever, I have to say.

It's more ChoRyuJin, though
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Need to get good at T2 once i run out of tickets
Morning /svg/, yesterday was a pretty nice day, fought five or six masters in a row without losing so it felt like I had winning streak bonuses again.
Here's to hope all of you have similar experiences while climbing today.
>can I climb with memes
Early on you can climb with anything, it doesn't matter.
>how do I improve memes
¯\_(ツ)_/¯, make a deck as close as possible to a meta deck and slap a meme into it.
Dracomancer rites will replace your hard. It's pretty much free.
Cute autism
-1 Iceform
-1 exec
-1 embrace
+3 Merlin
If you want to meme then you'll want to pull your Dshifts as early as possible with Merlins since you can't decrease your meme wincon's cost
don't put other general names in the op fuckhead
I was talking about F+G, sorry
Atomeme relies way too much on a good opener to be good.

>get cheat sheet
>pick sword, dragon or whatever you are at home with
>get a curve going
>keep a single 3-drop
>keep a 4-drop if go second
>2-drop is always keepable

Hope those helps.

t. A dude who got 12 5-0
we need to drop gbfg in the op next thread
>I'M keeping your general alive with my presence.
This is the most active card game general. Stay mad cuck-o :^)
Why not?
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>draft the worst dragoncraft deck in arena
>win first game with half of my hand being dead

please respond
>Path of purgatory is neutral
Fuck this game.
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Maybe i am retarded, which might be the case, but how i read this correctly?
Aggro is the best. Midrange is 2nd best.
What is there to fucking read?

It's a chart with letter rankings for every card.
Good thinking; unfortunately expensive thinking. I guess there's never a good substitute for Merlinx3 in spellboost. I'll get collecting/crafting.

You make a good point but if I want them to come out as the primary wincon I need them at maximum frequency. For a bit I was considering going full retard on draw power with Arcane Enlightenment, but then I discovered the card is actually super fucking bad.

If I can get one or the other in my opening hand/draws it works well and it's cheaper on the spellboosts so to speak in that I don't have to make sure I have destroyers and D-shifts getting boosted in hand at once (coming with a free 7 damage boardwipe too to pound past ward is nice).

I do understand though; I'm hoping for new support out of the new set.
because I don't want to see this weeb trash when I search for good generals like /fgog/ :^)
Pick cards with better rank.
sure it's been discussed before, but ptp viable?
Cheat sheet is good but when you got like 18 already it becomes much worse because it only rates cards in vacuum, you can pick D rank cards and they will win you game because of synergy
Why not?

Usually you total up the points of each pair and pick the one with highest point.

Say, if they throw a Soul Dealer + Righteous Devil vs Queen Vampire + Furiae at you.

105 (53+52) vs 136 (80+56)

You then pick Queen and Furiae. Just be wary of your curve.
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>get a bunch of lich shit, like consume me and requiem
>get a bunch of skeleton doods, like chimera and Morde
>throw in Urds and Charons to get more liches, maybe Ceridwen
>name deck Liches get Bitches

Midnight Haunt is still the better choice.

Midrange with substantial early games, so you don't fold to Rune.

is jeanne darc useless

>playing with a limited cardpool
>going for synergy

I wouldn't do that if I were you.
>dragon drops prince of darkness
>my only play is merlin, windblast the prince, pass turn
>he storms me to face for 8 instead of killing merlin
>got nothing else on hand turn 8 but 3 dshifts (9, 10, 12 cost) and a summon snow I just topkekd and the only way for me to do 20 face damage is by having merlin spellboost every turn

friendly remember to KILL MERLIN YOU DUMB FUCKS
The Fate series is bad and you should feel awful.
guess ill dust one i have two

it was really good before the illya and fgo butchering happened senpai
good negotiating skills my autistic friend, they not gonna remove it now but good job wasting your time
Going face was probably the correct play there with the information he had, not knowing what you had in hand but knowing DShift was coming if he didn't kill you fast.
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Is golden egg good?

I dunno what I was doing in that game, but somehow I won even with no summons until the 6th turn.

I really believe I was going to lose due to having 2 level 9 cards on my hand during the reshuffle.
So i link my android to the steam account, but my crystal isn't showing up is that normal?
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Yes, mobile and pc crystals are seperated.

Uncontrollable unlike the scholar, there will be times where it eats up a card you want to use on the next turn for example.

It can really muck you up when it keeps discarding cards you are 1PP away from playing, for example.
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Remember to protect Luna.
i think that was bad, theres 3 cards in rune's hand and is at >lethal health
if he goes face without lethal it doesnt change the fact he dies to dshift next turn since he can't kill
if he doesn't he will draw any other PoD card which will guarantee lethal together with the storm guy still on board
since it had to be 20 face damage he also wouldn't die to any combination of 3 dshift/destroyer combinations if he removes the merlin
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>The gun sounds she makes when she attacks
Just tried out Swordcraft for the first time and I kind of like it. I'm so used to losing as Shadow that actually winning for a change is nice.
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Sword is great and erika is the best girl.
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>Play T2
>Go first FIVE(5) times

Nice game shadowtards

>Dubfags will defend this
Anyone free to help with my daily private match quest ?

Need 1 win. Match ID : 33872
earlier some guy left my merlin at 4/1 to hit me for 1 with quickblader. next turn I summoned 2 golems and dimension shifted twice to kill him. are people in B all idiots carried by their decks?
Bullying is not ok, anon.

Thanks anon-kun !
I suggest buying Garuda leader, AA-rank kun

Also thank you, but I don't need a concede today
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Best girl belongs to Luna. Erika is alright I guess though, she does seem to hate elves which is a desirable trait.

Also why is evolved Otohime so angery? Did someone touch her feet or something?

Haha,don't know that but I don't think I'd like my friends to call me bird-brain if I bought him.
I don't understand how people can tolerate having that ugly hag on the board for longer than one turn either
So you storm your ass on turn 5 and then see who's laughing.
Are you 12?
>4850 gold
>3430 vial
>47 legendaries
>storm/seraph/elana bishop, mid royal (have enough for banner) , ptp tempo elf, dshift/dirt witch, mid dragon (have enough for face)
Why didn't they use this Lily art?
around 4k gold
8 legos
Only completed budget banner and budget garuda

I started a month ago so looking forward for next expansion.

Incoherent rage aside,I think you're confusing me with someone else.

No, I think he's just ESL. I didn't recognize his flag, but it was definitely not an english speaking nation.

Also, don't be rude.
tfw use Dshift to climb the ladder to A rank.
>Love the deck and class so much I just want to specialize in it apart from the occasional bat aggro when I do missions
>Start to feel the hostility when matches become Banner, Banner, Tempo forest, Bats, Bats

I just want to face Haven, fuck, they better hurry it up with the new expansion, I cant wait to play aggro Conjuring Force Rune on steroids.
how do I beat purgatory forest as dimension shift? I kill all his stuff, but I end up taking enough damage from roach and liza that I die to one purgatory hit, and he always gets it faster than I can set up my win.
1,400 rupies
9,900 vials

Ancient Elf: 3
Fairy Princess: 0
Rose Queen: 0
Crystallia Tia: 3
Otohime: 3
Aurelia: 3
Tsubaki: 2
Alexander: 2
Merlin: 2
Mythril golem: 0
Erasmus: 0
Pascale: 1
Forte: 2
Fafnir: 2
Zirnitra: 2
Flute: 0
Cerberus: 3
Atomy: 0
Pluto: 0
Lord of the Flies: 3
Queen Vampire: 1
Beast Dominator: 0
Medusa?: 0
Mary: 1
Monn al-Miraj: 1
Jeanne d'Arc: 1
Skullfane: 0
Seraph: 1
Gabriel: 2
Lucifer 3
Satan: 2
Odin: 1
Olivia: 3

I want play sets of Seraph, Queen Vampire, and Mary. I'm ok with everything else.
I seem to keep getting the same legendaries. I mean, it's not strictly a bad thing, but I assumed at some point my spread would normalized. Since I started, a little bit before Steam, I've gotten 3 Ancient Elfs, 5 Plutos, 4 Erasmus, 3 Fafnirs and no other legendaries in their class. Ancient Elf is way better than the other standard Forest and I'd rather get Erasmus and Fafnirs than Mythrils and Zirnitras, but this is getting weird.

>Somehow fucking pull third merlin as the only completed-set legos
>literally one D.shift away from making it competitive
>remember how much of a cancer it was and how it die horribly to anything but elana
>went back to tempo forest
Don't mind me, just doing my daily hag bullying.
Erika is the royal stable's dutch wife.

By teching in angelic barrage. Kill them all with holy arrows.
you can run some hate cards (or generally adjust quantity of cards) to make these matchups more playable without crippling your good matchups (elena, forest etc) too much. I'm a few wins from A and i see banner/bats like once every 10 matches. most swords I now see is mid/control and that's actually not that bad for dshift

taking controlled facedamage is great
what I mean by this is something like taking 3 face damage instead of boardwiping which gives him shadows and room for roach plays
iceform is a good middle path where you avoid face damage and make roach plays less value if you time them right with some hand reading

Tempo Forest
PtP Forest
Mid Sword
Banner Sword
D-Shift Rune
Aggro Blood
Aggro Shadow
Storm Haven
Elana Haven
>give them even more shadows
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>playing arena
>enemy elf
>fairy circle t1
>2 fairies t2
>ancient elf t3
>bitch that gives 0pp elves t4
>tia t5

literally what the fuck
Because you can't see through her dress.
RNGesus is fickle. Mine were spread out all over the place. I have more than 50 legendaries, and the only legendary that I've opened more than 3 of is Flute.

Meanwhile, I have at least 1 of every legendary except Pascale, Zirnitra, Seraph, and Skullfane.
1600 gold currently and 3k vials, I also have 6 arena tickets I intend to use soon.
pic related.
Mid Royal, Tempo Elf, Earthmemes, Ramp Dragon, Eira and Storm hag.

>dead before t7 getting hit with roaches because you care about shadows


>what is petrification
nerf sword
>added effect and post-evolution sounds
Yes! Wonderful!
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How are (You) doing /svg/?
is there a tourney going on now?
Teching in Angelic Barrage helps a lot against most of those decks, but fuck banner memes!
need a concede
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Lamenting my crushed hopes and dreams as a dragon player.
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I can't wait for post-RoB Bat decks.

Pack ice golems and cheese them with levis and missiles. You're the aggro here play very aggresively. Snow golem is shitty here since they have will of the forest. The challenge is knowing if theyre ptp at all. The moment youbsee altered fate, even if you have to evolve golem and smash face, do it
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well, thanks
Will try to use better that sheat too
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Eat shit dshift shitter. I don't understand why it took him 2 mins every turn just to play a braindead deck.
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>vs Elf as Rune
>Elf floods the board with fairies and Liza
>had to waste a Dshift to clear the board because of Liza spell damage immunity
>Elf gets cocky and floods the board again with the exact same setup
>doesn't realize that I now have enough spellboost for Dshift+Destroyer Lethal
>could've dropped the Fairy Beast he bounced earlier instead
Bullying Runehags with Dragons and maintaining hope by playing Siegfried's voice lines.
Discard Dragon will be great. Believe anon, believe!
>Those cards
He was probably just trying to complete a quest, bruv.
Concede please? 16603
>first round
>draw whole deck
Doing shit both in ranked and T2, especially T2
He's a double shitter.
Don't bully retards
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How many packs should i buy on the first day of expansion? How many is enough to get a head start I guess.
Good job anon, have an Usamin.
This was AA. I thought people are somehow better here.
Thank you based forte anon.
Feeling great as a Sword player for the next 3 weeks until Forest kills off Banner Meme.
What's wrong with Sammy?
About 100 should doo
He's running an extremely outdated "budget" dshift deck that has fucking Sammy in it.
He probably netdecked and has no idea how to pilot the deck.

She literally throws away the game for you.
Gives the opponent early card draw which they otherwise aren't likely to have while you already have plently of ways to draw cards.

She fucks you over basically.
Yeah, all that AoE must be rough for a swordplayer to see? Guess they're suffering as much as dragfags.
I already have it because I thought it would help with blood, but it's useless most of the time in both matchups since you just die to unpreventable damage anyway. also liza makes it useless.

in the last few games I've played the forest player dumped his hand twice with altered fate which is 18 shadows by itself. that plus spells and stuff I have to kill no matter what like tia and ancient elf was usually around 26-28 shadows by turn 8. I also took at least 10 damage just from roaches. the only game I won was where I yolo dimension shift 3 times with no flame destroyer in hand.

is ice golem really useful? I had it in my deck before but it would usually just get dance of deathed, or my opponent would just drop even more shit and try to kill me next turn.

I've been thinking about dropping conjure golem and barrage, but then I end up playing a game where they're useful so I don't know.
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fucking elana decks in arena, there is no escape now
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forgot my deck
>Albert is cheaper, more flexible and with evolution hits harder than Genesis Dragon
>Mahes is cheaper, protects you better and has a way better AoE than Fafnir
>Imperial Dragoon is absolutely trash.

You pay 9 mana for discarding your whole hand and to get some face damage out. Good luck surviving until 9 mana as Discard Dragon, when you're forced to drop an impactless Dracomancers Rite. Not speaking of other decks who already have a turn 8 kill/turn 9 win the game combo, while Imperial Dragoon doesn't even ensure enough damage as a finisher.
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it's when you and your opponent both reveal the top card of your decks and if you have a higher converted mana cost, you get an extra effect
>just to play a braindead deck

What did he mean by this?
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I get it. That mechanic was shit though.
you got the same issue as almost every other dshift player in that you don't think about what cards do for you before putting them in

1. petrification doesn't solve problems outside of matchups that are ridiculously your favor to begin with
2. levi is bad, there is no reason (outside of budget) to cut merlin to less than 3 but have levi. the situations he's supposed to help you with are also solved by iceform but it does even more
3. you don't cut firechains to add in angelic barrages anon
4. while kaleido is a good card, it's too often dead (or even works against you) to be a 3 of
Can someone feed me a win.
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>open 2 packs
>get 2 legos
today is a good day
>Levi is bad
What's your fucking rank that you're saying these stuff?
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>someone takes their full time with their first 2 turns
>start doing the same back
>they concede

Why'd you do it?
>levi is bad

D rank?
>mfw i link my android with the steam and change it to japanese locale and some other voodoo.
>now show Rin in the emblem and sleeves while playing on my phone

Feels good man.
>Levi is bad.
This is something only a D2 shitter says.

T. someone who used to think that at D2.

Assuming you drop golem at its curve,or even a few turns later,it will usually stop the likes of banner or blood dead in its track.

Also you can face ptp who play 3 altered fate straight,it's all depending on luck when control vs control. You're supposed to be able to beat control deck with D.rune tho.
>2. levi is bad
>levi bad
>petri bad
>running firechain in 2016
>cutting ANY of your cantrips
What is this baka saying?
Why does Siegfrieds Jap voice sound so familiar...
This is that shitty time of the night where all the Japanese players curve perfectly and go first and all your draws become horseshit, isn't it?

>petrification doesn't solve problems outside of matchups that are ridiculously your favor to begin with

Yeah sure let's just diss one of the most exclusive amulet removal not to mention it's a fucking banish.
yep dont play
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Priest of the cudgel + sledgehammer exorcist, or temple defender + beastcall aria?
2 three-for-ones vs 1 okay 1 good card
aria any day
Take out Angelic Barrages since you already have fire chain. Take out the Petrifications too since they're only good for games that go on a long time or killing Seraph, which you can do before turn 9 anyway. Put in another sorcery cache for 3 since it helps a lot against midrange for fire chain boosting. For the last 3 slots either put in ice golems, Emmylou, or trail of light.
it's not a banish in dshift since you don't have earth sources, it's either a 2-1 removal or you take at least 2 damage to face (defeats the purpose for some "exclusive" amulet removals like petri on banner or elena)
Always priest
>not running fire chain

It's like you want to get killed by Tsubaki.
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>levi is bad
Temple Defender forces people to make some really silly trades. Aria on curve basically wins you the game. Left's good too though, pretty much not any wrong answer here. I'd pick based on curve.
Try to keep Magic Missiles at the start of the game.Use them only on x/1s to avoid fat ancient elf. Do this for snipes too.
The only thing you can do against Roach is Iceform Golem. -2 Firechain and add 2 Ice.
Firechain suffers from both clogging up Merlin's draws and being an extremely bad draw late game.
where do these memes come from
>levi is bad
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help, pls.
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I have bad feelings about this T2
didn't mean to qoute, sorry.
>What is "clash"?

It's when you slap penises against each other

*clash* *clash*
>japs disconnect, even in unranked

but why

you can just concede and go to the next game
They have to commit honorable sudoku.
Could someone concede for me please? 71706
Fire Chain is the only way to get rid of Otohime and all the guards and it's really strong against Elf since you don't even have to charge it with sorcery cache. It's bad later in the game but you just have to deal with it. Clogging up Merlin searches is one reason I only like having 1 Wind Blast in my deck though. In the end you really have to guess what you'll face a lot at your rank and adjust your deck. DS gives a lot of flex slots.
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What did shadowverse mean by this

seriously, whats the deal. I got my 50 haven win flair but not my 50 blood win flair because apparently two wins didnt count.
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this kind of spite is an asian thing
I don't get it though. if I play ice golem on turn 3 and my opponent evolves floral fencer I still have to deal with it on turn 4, plus the stuff he played on his turn 3 that I didn't kill because I played the ice golem.

what should I use instead of fire chain? it's one of the only cards that can 1 for 1 a bunch of sword bullshit and it clears out beastcall too. I don't like that it's shit if it isn't spellboosted enough, but I don't know what alternative there is.

without petrify I only have 2 firey embrace for hard removal. it's also the only way to prevent taking damage from divine birdsong.
Thank you!
That would drive me totally nuts what with my OCD to keep everything equal and balanced.
I'd go right.
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Post your very own blend of Dshift Decks
Off screen is Firey Embrace(ani), Flame Destroyer(2normal1ani) and Dshift(2normal1ani)
A bit late for a reply perhaps. But yeah I'd go right no question.
ok, thanks guys.
Even using petrification on birdsong only prevents one damage unless you combo on turn 5+. It's not even worth it. You have wind blasts and levi for removal too.
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How do I fix my storm haven deck?
Does moon bunnies have multiple wombs like regular bunnies do?
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Has anyone ever not killed you when they had the chance, only for you to come back and win the match?
so what do I replace it with? 2 firey embrace isn't enough for hard removal and I usually have to use my wind blasts for 2-4 damage early on.
Anyone know what does enhance actually mean?
>How do I fix my storm haven deck?
join the Elana Seraph master race
or net deck since I actually don't know the best way to build storm
No. Most of the time it's just them applying extra lube.
Just get some fortes you fucking shitstain
As a new player, should I be getting rid of other factions' cards to focus on 1 or 2 crafts?
I'd impregnate Sarissa!
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It's probably not the most optimized build but I really fucking hate swordniggers and their swarms of 1/2's I keep running into at C1
Have you protected Mordecai's smile today?
You don't have to.
Just play Take Two and finish story mode.
more pinion
more sacred plea
no snake priest
no ardent nun
more mainyu
more holy doggo
more dogma
no holy water
no beastly vow
one more angelic barrage
no sister
one more prism priestess
one more urd
no demonic strike
no goblinmount
more garuda
no curate
more moon bunny
themis x2 for epicccc techhhhhhhhhhhh
maybe a gabriel if you're feeling a bit non-meta

remember that the whole fucking point of your deck is to crack your enemies skull in as fast as fucking possible. you're playing some ungodly fusion between storm and elana but without the elana so the healing is all a waste.
That depends. Personally I wouldn't gut any craft's cards, especially with the random dailies.
You get plenty of gold/packs as is, you'll get good decks in no time.
You need facial muscles to smile.
>3x pinion and sacred plea, ditch snek and nun, mainyu x2, hound x3, dogma x3, drop holy water and vow, keep barrage and demonic. remove sister initiate, add 1 urd, remove goblin mount and execution, 2 dance is enough, add 1 more garuda, also add 1 or 2 themis. You might wanna add gilgamesh, gabriel, or moon since they might help delivering lehal.

I'm AA2 shitter.
no, you'll hate doing your dailies.

Maybe designate one class that you shit all over, but focusing ALL your dust on one class will leave you fucked during your dalies and probably fuckin bored while laddering because you're going to play the same fucking deck several hundred times

Wow, that's so much easier than other games. Thanks my dudes. I will be a god alongside some of you.
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No I only protect Luna. Each time I play Morde I lose next turn so fuck him.
Take out Snake Priestess, Ardent Nun, Monastic Holy Water, Goblinmount Demon, Execution, and Curate. Max out Pinion, Mainyu and Garuda if you can. I don't know what else you have so I would just max out Sacred Plea, Hallowed Dogma, Heavenly Hound, and DoD too. Put in another Angelic Barrage too I guess. If you still have open spots other cheap options are Temple Defender, Sledgehammer, Gilgamesh, or Godsteel Wings.

I would put in Emmylou. She's actually pretty useful for removal since most classes will ignore her. If you're using those wind blasts early for 2 damage she'll do the same for less cost even if you have to take a hit.
I see. Thanks.
that's not fair, faggot
skellies can smile, it's just on the inside

don't be RUDE
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Is "Liquefy extras" safe? It'll only get rid of copies I have x4+ of right?
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what do I pick here?
I started not a long while ago and only have a few cards. Should I start saving up for the new expansion? Also when should I buy packs for Darkness Evolved?
>great card and shit card versus shit card and shit card

makes me think
Yes it's safe
It will not remove shinies unless you have 4 or more shiny copies of a card
You can have 6 of each card if you have 3 normals and 3 shinies, I'd suggest liquefying normals yourself if you have shinies to use instead
it never liquifies animated cards, no matter how many you have
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I'm not the anon above, but can you post your d shift decklist. I just make one today and I want to tweak something since I copied straight from pic related
Actually animated cards are always exempt. Even if you have dozens of them.

that's fucked up
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But why? That's retarded.
I had her in several revisions ago because I thought she would be like frogmite from mtg, but she ended up being useless most of the time I played her. I kept drawing her when I needed another spell, and she never traded for anything without evolve.
I'd try to spend like 50% of your daily gold on current packs, while saving the other 50% for when the expansion hits.
That way you can still buy packs while still hopefully getting around 20-30 Bahamut packs on release at the least.
>no fire chain
i dont like this meme
its like you want to completely 100% ensure you lose every game against aggro decks
an early fire chain draw is literally game winning against those decks, its also the only way to get around sabers

i suppose if you want to have lots of copies of your waifu cards, it will never strip them from you that way
It might be a bit stupid. Personally I like it. I save all my animated cards. I like collecting them.
How does the enhance mechanic in the new expansion work?
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Is this better?
I don't have enough vials for extra urd,garuda or themis.
when you play a card with X cards in your hand, you instantly win the game and your opponents account gets deleted

read the op fuckwit
If you have the mana for the enhance it costs that much instead and triggers the bonus effect
Card's normal pp cost does one effect, Enhance (#) will let you play it at that cost for an added effect

When will people stop asking this question, by the way?
yeah that'll do
its not perfect but it'll perform well enough in lower ranks
your most important next craft should be a third garuda btw
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>a little stupid
It's INCREDIBLY stupid for the liquefy extra's function to ignore animated cards, if you have over 3 of a certain animated, there's LITERALLY no reason to not liquefy the extras.
So when are we getting our first
Cost: 1
Enhance: 10

It feels inevitable.
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Not him, but this is the one I'm running. It focuses more on speed which is why there are no Iceforms.

Emmylou is great as both removal and extra reach, since it doesn't take much to dump her on the board after whatever else you played. Helps a lot against Lizas, Mainyus, and swarms.
So you don't get to choose which effect to use?
>Gold - 4150
>Vials - 11k+
>Legos: 28
>Dshift and Dirt rune, have enough cards for csword and tempo forest
nigga just said he likes collecting them
some japans have that kind of mentality
if they really wanted that extra juice so bad, they'd liquefy their animated cards
Well you can choose it by playing something to take you under the mana value

Can you choose the effect or it just consume the enhance pp if you have enough?
>Only usable Dragon Cards are Salamanders Breath and Mini Forte
I guess Face Dragon is the only way to play now
While I do figure the vast majority of people don't care. I imagine that the reasoning from Cygames is that animated cards are special collector's items. And that liquefying them would piss off collectors. Which would likely include many of the whales keeping the game alive.

If Forte was your wife, and you had 10 animated cards of her. Would you liquefy her?
You might. But the dedicated whales that lives for her and spent $20 000 to get animated cards of her, might not.
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Just keep one in mulligan since she'll most likely be 1 cost by turn 3, maybe even playable by turn 2 if you keep using 1 cost spells. She's more useful than Levi if you have no evolves too.

This is what I use. If I had fire chain I'd probably take out one Emmylou for her but I don't.

though you can just play under the Enhance effect's cost to get the first effect to trigger instead
Imperial Dragoon is really good.

Or you could fucking run scrap golem along with d.shift ? It's not that hard anon.
Wife! I love her!
I can see the two new "Spellboost followers in your hand" cards from Rise of Bahamut enabling disgusting tempo swings with Emmylou.

Like unloading a 2/3 and two Emmylou on turn 3 with the right hand.
>Imperial Dragoon is really good.
He's a huge gimmick at best
they might still reveal some good bronze/silvers for dragon but i highly doubt it.
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>only way to get around sabers

In what world is Saber getting the extra effect off versus d-shift? Unless you're stupid enough to run snowmen.

From my experience Fiery chain is too slow and iceform just gets killed too easily.
Not unless discard dragon gets more support in RoB.

I hope it does, I find discard dragon fun.
Will suck dicks for concedes.
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Thanks i guess, 3/5 atleast
In what world?

Damn, sucks to be forestcraft now that you have to choose between enhance and combo sometimes.

Thanks for the info.
In what deck would you put these cards?
Thx anon. I'll use this one instead since windblast is not that useful against fairies and aggro deck.
good one anon
Aggro midrange rune.

You can play turn 4 RBS with 6/6 stats, easily. Then secure midgame with lightning shooters, disaster witches and very early Flame destroyers. Levi for the evos and face burn with all the crimson sorcery you can get.
Well, Craig and Clark are clearly designed to enable a tempo/aggro spellboost with Levi and early Flame Destroyers as finishers.
great image
did you make this
Even if Discard dragon gets more tools, I cannot see myself ever playing such a counter-productive deck.
It goes against every instinct I have.
>I hope it does, I find discard dragon fun.
I have huge doubts. But I hope so too.
In fact because I do I can't even be disappointed in Imperial Dragoon. It's still a really cool card. If Discard Dragon ever ends up being good, Imperial Dragoon will almost certainly be an important card of the deck.

It all just hinges on whether or not Discard Dragon will ever be viable. But on the off chance that it ever will be, I can't be mad at Imperial Dragoon. I'll still be very happy if I get the card in my packs.
He's a finisher who costs 9 mana, while most decks kill you at turn 8, ignoring the fact that Discard Dragon doesn't ramp and that they're slow as fuck.
I love Rune Blade Summoner.
Just tech Wyvern Cavalier. Imperial Dragoon is still one sided nuke which is really good. It's like 1 turn ptp with 5/5 body.
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>got satan in a cardpack after carrying a game in league.

I-is this a sign that i should build Dragon Satan?
Forestcraft is already getting shit on by midrange sword. With a useless legendary for forest and lots of good aoe in the new expansion, who do you think will come out on top?

I personally think havencraft will come out on top because there are a lot of ways to destroy amulet but little ways to banish amulet, making countdown amulet ever stronger.
You know what, In context of Discard dragon, he is actually pretty good.
Did you forget that he discards your whole hand? You lose the game if you drop him at turn 7 without Dracomancers Rite and dropping the amulet at turn 3/4/5 is a huge tempo loss.
both forest decks can do well against mid sword and mid sword is getting the fucking gut next expansion (tempo forest probably too)
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Okay this is Golden.

Now make a positive one about Storming niggahs with 9/11 and Sieg-chan
Yes! Keep yer chin up is here!
Does somebody have a High Resolution picture of Unevolved Siegfried?
Not that guy, but you don't lose the game if you also push for game the turn you drop him. He still clears the opponent's board while simultaneously dealing face damage. Burn damage straight to the face and no wards or followers stopping you from going further ham on the face.
Anons please.
My BM almost costed me the game once but then I topdicked him
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>Forest getting gutted

Feels fucking bad man.
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fuck you retarded dragon niggers and your feels shit, shadow is by far the worst class but you dont see us complaining
Remove elf
>about to lose match against a 1HP Guardian Sun Elana because he made a wall.
>remember Barrage hits face

Holy shit that was close, if she healed a bit more before i realized i would've lost.
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What's the card below Blackened Scripture?
Thank you, thank you. Whip out the dick.
The new Forest gold just seems to make PtP even stronger because when Homecoming got nerfed it's had to use Will of the Forest for AoE. Even with AoE only activating on combo it'll undoubtedly be the best one it has now. I still think Forest will be better because its decks are just so versatile right now. I want to say Midrange Sword is going to be shit in the expansion but people said that with DE and nothing changed. With all the cheap new AoE and removal it might actually change now.
>Has a super bad win rate against 20~% of the ladder
>still really close to a 50% overall win-rate
>Is actually getting a few good things this expan.

Nah, Dragon will be the feelsbad class until they reveal the next Sieg-chan and Mushy

It is monastic holy water. Can't you read? Or at least look at the art.
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>select suicide method
Monastic holy water.
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This is just for a daily and I already feel dirty as fuck.
Nah that's the issue

I had no idea what the blue shit was, couldn't find it
Reminder that monastic holy water is just bottled angel love juice.
Whats the point of that deck anyway?
Just to hold out until satan?
Isnt it better to add elana with all the heals?
>Give discard archetype to a class with ramp and zero card generation
What are cygames thinking? Or they thought that ramp dragon is too slow to be compressed into 8 turns and decided to replace dragon's playstyle? Why not replace overflow then?
Guardian Sun was the go to control deck before Elana, it's kinda redundant now

That deck's just Gsun with a wincoin
But is it Gabriel's sweet nectar or Lucifer's sour cream?
You get unique cards like Nephthys, while we get trash like Imperial Dragoon, while other classes are getting improved version of our ace cards. (Gensis < Albert; Fafnir < Mahes)
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>A0 fucking scum disconnected because I gave my cursed general ambush in arena
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Are Fairy Princess/Lucifer/Lord Atomy worth keeping?

I only really care about Shadow/Blood/Sword decks, but would like to keep any of the other crafts great cards incase I change my mind.
Gabriel is too pure and fluffy for this kind of things

It is a six mana card. The usual turn to be able to active it is turn 8, and 2 damage is nothing on turn 8. I think Crystalia Lily is better than that golden card.
no. dragon satan sucks. build dirt rune satan.
All legendaries are worth keeping.
def keep lucifer, keep atomy for memes
Not liking this meme.
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Wait for the new expansion to drop before you liquefy any legos. You never know.
It'll be coming out turn 6 if they don't have Tia.
Gonna enjoy playing aggro bats for the rest of my life because I dont have enough vials to make a control/combo/midrange deck.
>play dshift
>enemy is a stormhaven shitter
>but he had a weak draw and is just running out Sacred Pleas
>kaleido his turn 1 plea when it has one turn left
>he plays it again and dogma's it
>kaleido it again
>plays it again, dogma's it
My fucking sides, this feels just cruel.
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Elves can do it soon too
urias on elite difficulty is scary...
>nip brainstorming for nephy deck

Follower (20)
2xBellringer Angel
3xSpartoi Sergeant
3xSkullcradle Widow
3xHell's Unleasher
3xMordecai the Duelist

Spell (20)
2xSoul Conversion
3xUndying Resentment
1xSoul Hunt
3xFoul Tempest
3xContract with Hades
2xPhantom Howl
3xDeath's Breath

No Cereberus and autoloss to Rune (nonexistent early game) trigger me.
Nice apostrophes, retard.
Depending on his hand 3x Aria on the go can slow you down
That's what he gets for playing Dogma to bring it to 1
You go spells early game. And big followers mid to late game. That way you ensure that Nep only summons big guns.

The day of the expansion can't come soon enough.
Well, with a pure focused Nephy deck you're going to run a ton of removal in order to guarantee value for your minions, and any removal-heavy control deck is going to brick against Rune.
How do animated cards in t2 work? Is it just, if you have an animated version of the card in your actual collection, the card that you pick in your draft deck becomes shiny as well?
For some reason I thought it was 5. Guess there's not much reason to run it over fairy beast or will of the forest right now but who knows.
Perhaps you shouldn't barge into their forests uninvited.
>do my dailies

do people actually continue playing after finishing their dailies?
So can Rose Queen OTK deck actually work with the new expansion? I personally think it is hard because even if you pull everything perfectly, you will only have 15 damage in one turn, unlike Rune shitter solitaire deck that can kill you even if you have 100 hp if they get to pull everything.
Thats all I'm doing desu. Just amassing gold for the expansion.
Depends. Grinding ladder and getting score rewards is actually pretty fun. The moment I stopped following the "ranking up will destroy your dailies!" meme, I have been so much more fun.
I also do Arena sometimes even after doing my dailies.
>Not having enough gold already
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I climb a bit afterwards but yeah, I'm in standby for the expansion, at some point I will try and make my grind to masters but if I play too much I start thinking about running other decks and buying packs.
Fairy Princess could be good after expac

Lucifer and Atomeme are too good to dust

What's with the boogeyman about Midrange Sword getting gutted when RoB drops? Can someone explain?
Rose Queen is the meme variant with the wolf, actual deck would run Silver Bolts

This is the first sign that you are not enjoying the game. I quit hearthstone once I realised that I was only in it for the dailies.
everyone getting (one-sided) t6 aoe for 2 damage (kills oto guards) or t7 aoe for 3 damage (kills oto guards with sage buff)
If I had a single finished deck I'd play ranked more but I'm just taking it slowly.
There needs to be a picture of the deck out grim reaper in there with Dracomancer's Rites.
>with the wolf
Not that guy. But Wolf for Rose Queen sounds entirely pointless. Wolf for Silver Bolt still sounds unreliable but I could understand it. But both Wolf and Rose Queen cost 8. Playing Wolf into Rose Queen just sounds entirely superfluous when you can just play Rose Queen directly.
I enjoy deckbuilding the most, but with the near release of an expansion I dont feel comfortable dusting and crafting things like normal. So as such I'm just waiting it out while amassing gold.
>Play Elana Seraph
>get ranked against Aggro Bats
>Switch to Banner
>get placed against Mirror
>go back to Elana
>Bats again
>go back to Banner
Divine punishment?
No matter how you look at it making a consistent Nephthys seems pretty bad right now. Your early game is going to be shit since so will your mid game. Protecting yourself by turn 8 to play Nephthys is gonna be hard too when it's only for the chance of getting Mordecai. I'd rather just play Midrange honestly.
>Isnt it better to add elana with all the heals?
The heals are primarily to heal up wards not you
Every time I play I get this massive boner and have to take a break to masturbate for I can continue. But then I get a massive boner again so as soon as I am done I have to masturbate again.
The art is just too seductive.
>losing to bats

I am new and keep spending golds on packs, not dusting cards tough
Wolf is a souped-up Emissary since he acts like an additional copy of Rose Queen with Rush.
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>enjoy deckbuilding the most
As someone that's only played this game for a week this is huge for me right. YGOPRO spoiled people and now I can't grasp why every card isn't available. I bet it would help with realizing balance issues too.
>99% of female cards get lewder on evolve

I feel your pain anon
not him but if you curve out well enough against elana, they basically get completely fucked on given that they dont do shit till turn 4, and you can have them below half hp at tht point with a dominant board.

If they dont get that dominant start though its usually a lost game.
It shouldn't be legal for a dog to be this thick.
You run 1 Rose Queen and 2-3 Wolf, if you get to play Rose for 0 you save a turn before Thorn burst
The reason to run Wolf and Rose Queen is that Rose Queen is largely a do-nothing on turn 8 and becomes active on turn 9.

Running Wolf means that you've got some soft removal on turn 8, and the Rose Queen you play will leave enough PP for 4 shots of Thorn Burst. Hitting multiple Rose Queens is shit too, but in a long game your second and third Wolf can save you and leave a card behind.

Of course the downside is you might just play Wolf onto an empty board and he'll go dead, or there'll be no decent targets to trade.
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Is relying on vengeance bad?
How often should I buy the darkness evolved packs instead of the standard ones? I'm still starting out and with few cards
Aggro murders Elana Seraph sometimes. Pure Elana would beat them since you would have wards and more healing, but Hybrid can't afford those things since it needs to maintain it's 2 wincons. Plus Elana isn't safe to run itself.
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>99% of female cards get lewder on evolve
>No Eris card
This is not fair, how Cygames keep getting away with this?
>162338504 ▶
When you feel that you want some pracks from darkness but standard still the best option to new players
I'm in the same boat. I want to craft shits but who knows how the meta will shift.

Almost fell for the "Priest will be OP in MSoG guise" meme.
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Bats can rape Haven easy.
With a good start no Elana deck can recover
>leave any enemy on board and you're dead
>enemy can have 1-9 damage from hand
Yes, you're at risk all the time
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DE is better if you're building Haven, Tempo Elf or Bats. Standard is better otherwise.
It's not bad if you're playing control and can actually play with it well depending on your matchup and situation. 4 PP Revelation and 1 PP Diabolic Drain are two of the best cards in the game. It's awful for aggro though. It'll probably become an asset for midrange in the expansion but not something to play with like in control.

The idea was initially rather "less is more" but i had a bunch of good screenshots begging to be used so it spiraled out of control. Would love to make more but decent content COMES FROM THE HEART and i haven't really played much of the other obvious targets (blood and shadow, maybe rune?) so i would need to do that first. None of the other leaders are as "punchable" as rowen though.
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I know what you mean anon, its ruff stuff.
P-please respond.
Why is Fenrir always chained up?
>you save a turn before Thorn burst
Except you don't, because Wolf's effect is delayed to the start of your next turn. So even if you crash the Wolf on turn 8, you wouldn't be able to play Rose Queen until turn 9. Which is when you would be able to play Thorn Bursts as usual anyway.
The only difference is the 4 damage the Wolf provides.

>Of course the downside is you might just play Wolf onto an empty board and he'll go dead, or there'll be no decent targets to trade.
That is a pretty notable downside though because not being able to destroy your Wolf on the same turn you play it can easily make the entire difference between victory or defeat because on the field Wolf is pretty terrible. It needs to die to be worth anything.
>but in a long game your second and third Wolf can save you and leave a card behind.
And yet if you draw your Rose Queen(s) before your Wolves then your Wolf can't even search Rose Queen. By which point you'd have to play Rose Queen instead of Wolf on turn 8 anyway. And if you you're playing Rose Queen and a whole playset of Wolves you're setting yourself up to having a bunch of dead cards you can't afford up until turn 8.

It honestly must be much more reliable to just play several Rose Queens than to play Wolf in hope of Wolf searching Rose Queen. And if you're for whatever the reason playing a playset of both then I doubt that would curve well.
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What the fuck is wrong with Fenrir's face?
If Cerberus is made up of 3 dogs, and one's name is Coco and the other Mimi, what's the main girl's name?
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Because Tyr chained Fenrir to a huge rock/boulder/cliff.
It's form the Norse lore. Fenrir only breaks free at ragnarok.
fuck offffff you ruined the pic
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I now have every main deck in the game except dshift Storm haven and Elana

Because fuck those decks
She's probably just Cerberus, it's not a title, she has normal hands under the puppets.
Now build Ambush Storm Sword.
Wards nigga
Thanks senpai.
face face, play dullahan, evolve dullahan, madame lich, pass
What are you talking about? Being able to kill wards and do 32+ face damage from your hand on turn 8-9 is absolutely balanced.
What is the average packs you need per legendary?

1-7 = 1,5% card 8 = 1,5%

Does that mean a whole pack is 3% ?

So 100/3 = 33,33 packs?

Or is my math wrong. Because it sure as hell "seems" like i get legendaries much more often.
Extremely rare and lewd pic of naked cerberus, do not copy
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Why is Sacred Plea allowed when Spirit Cycle exists in it's current form?
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Convince me to not make EarthRite and Golems rune and something with big dragons
What is Crystalia's lore anyway? Just elves who're good at crystals?
3 turns in a row, fucking ridiculous.
They should just delete the card.
spartoi soldier to dark conjurer to madame lich will shit on any big boys he puts out
The average is 1 legendary for each 10 packs.
They are midrange decks that lose both to aggro and combo.
1.5% chance per card
8 cards per pack

1.5x8=12% total per pack
100/12=8.3 recurring
So theoretically one every 8 and 1/3 packs
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Why is Havencraft allowed in general? I can't win at all against them as Shadowcraft, they banish my shit and play Elana and overpower me every single time.
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Is there actually anything good coming for Blood, Shadow or Haven? I want to stop using budget shit and get real staples so I can build up to a Control Shadow and Control Blood deck. I have over 2k gold. Should I roll for packs in Darkness Evolved and Standard instead of Bahamut? Didn't most of the stuff that mattered get revealed? Should I wait?
I think every card so far has been good for blood, shadow getting some good stuff too, haven seems okayish
Earth rite isn't midrange

It's the world's slowest deck

Might as well wait for reveals
make it! it's not particularly good but someone else need to suffer with me.
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Do it for Him
Blood's been good but aggro geared
Siegfried > meme > dork. When he will be made a leader?
That's not how statistics work, retard.
Would Forte fancy a night with Siegfried?
I hate haven but I want to fuck Eris.
Its pretty midrange, since it starts going from remi evolve, which is about the same time ramp dragon does.
Spirit Cycle is amazing. Maybe not in the current meta but I regularly see 4 or 8 draws off of it playing Control Shadow.
For cards 1-7 it's 1,5% for each card separately.
Total it's about 12% chance or one legend in 8 packs. More accurately the odds are 1-(1-0,015)^8
Actually it is
We gonna get a new control deck with the expac?
A whole pack is more than 11%
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mastema is a new blood card
mastema is shit
That's how theoretical probability works, pretentious retard.
delete this
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s-stay out you dork!
Every time I btfo a Shadowbro with my tryhard elf deck I feel bad about it. But I need those Liza dicksleeves.
it's okay anon, soon heaven will be balanced and you will be able talk about Eris in /svg/ without Lunafags raging
The cards seem more midrange geared to me. I'm actually looking forward to the expansion just to try out Vampire stuff.
c-can i get a concede ?
id 60023
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Is dragon deck the only thing that can stop Eris?

All these fucking buffs leading to high stats cards and endless heals by Eri

As a newcomer, I really dont see how other races can even compete against Eris. Any good strats against her?
>put down a load of 4 health drops
>realise afterwards that I haven't actually got Guardian Sun in play


This isn't even a complex deck to play
of course, what do you think he talks about blocking his way that he cuts down?
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I decided to try playing this for my dailies and this deck is fucking fun
So if I open 10 packs, I have 120% probability to open legend?

Nah but i have prolonged matches multiple times just for fun.

Only lost 2 games. One because i didnt know fatigue was instant loss, and the other was because i let the other draw 5 satan cards just because i wanted to try fatigue him
>playing that shit in unranked

73% chance
Who wouldn't.
No if you open them you should have had 1.2 legendaries by then
Execution, odin or petrify.
wait, no that's chance of drawing lego if you have not drawn before that*
>1.5x8=12% total per pack
So if you throw a coin twice you have a 100% chance of getting heads?
yeah. a storm havenshitter used his storm minion to kill my ward then play garuda, evolve him and kill him off with dark offering. his storm minion had lethal on me. next turn i bring out 3 5/5 wards plus some other stuff and he concedes despite having 7 cards in his hand. i couldn't believe my luck
It will never get to 100%
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>Mastema is shit
D rank?
no it's (1 - 0.5^X)*100% chance to get heads at least once, apply this same statistic to card drawing
>set card mechanic
>Choose one card from your deck that will always appear in your starting hand
>it cannot be mulliganed
Ramp is fixed now
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How much of a grindfest is this game? I only play yugioh as a card game, so I have no clue what to expect.

Do I have to drop loads of cash, or can I be good f2p?
It means you average 1.2 legends because actual probability is useless for averages because the number reaches 100%. Learn some proper math.
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>Magisa will never be a good card
>can I be good f2p?
loads of grind to rank up past b rank but little grind to get gold or cards.
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Banner, Control Sword, PtP, DS all do well against Elana.
What if you couldn't chain dshifts?
>she sees your penis
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im in need of a concede anons!

It's as generous as a f2p game will get
>amused because it's smaller than hers
why isn't she smiling?
>le slightly better stat line for a crippling effect is good meme
it wont see play, screen cap this post
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Thanks Pascale-chan!
>Medusa will never be viable
I think I'll leave it then. It would probably take me too long to learn the ropes and make a decent deck at the same time.
If you didn't notice, I was mocking that guy who calls others retards but doesn't understand how probability works. The actual probability is 1-0.985^(8n), where n is the number of packs. It never reaches 100%.
Not that anon but can you explain the little grind for gold/cards thing? I started yesterday.
because his husband is a dshitter
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>have a slightly suboptimal draw against Rune
>already no longer allowed to play the fucking game
Building for only Neph pretty much guarantees a crap deck.

The one thing I'd probably consider scrapping most is Mordecai. Even an infinite 5/5 ain't great late game where people are threatening death with every play. I predict late game wincons only really becoming more powerful and we're probably quite a long ways before stuff starts getting rotated out. Also, if you're running both Mordecai and Neph, you're running a lot of fucking 8-drops in a deck that would already have less early game.

The only card I would want to guarantee is Balor. Which is okay since the only card that shares his slot is Death's Breath.

However with him, that leaves 3 available play point costs out of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 7 is safely ignorable considering an Aggro Shadow deck would never run Neph and Lord of the Flies ain't that great.

We can probably scrap 1-drops even if it's painful.

The 2-slot is so important though it should probably include stuff that should just be normally run, last words be damned. Especially if you're dropping your 1-drops. Sexton will definitely be an auto-include considering the last word focus of the deck.

The 3-slot is good since it features a ton of good natural last word followers Shadow runs anyways for miscellaneous reasons.

The 4-slot however has Playful Necromancer and Hell's Unleasher. Running a deck without Playful Necro is gimping yourself like not running Cerberus. Hell's Unleasher will only be a 50/50, but if you mulligan for Playful Necro at least for the times you go second, you increase it in his odds slightly. There's also Urd to consider.

The 5-slot is Cerberus. Frankly speaking, you want to keep Cerberus just for fucking Cerberus even if it makes Neph worse.

So you choose 2 out of 3 of the 3, 4, and 5 PP costs to run.

While you might also consider just dropping Balor, I'd just drop Neph entirely then.
Maybe if she summoned something better than vanilla 2/2 golems.
Dunno if i should save rupees for the expan or take two.

I average 3-4 wins, so probably 3,5 wins.
You can have a decent deck on day 1 if you reroll
Use alt+26™ next time
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>have a slightly suboptimal draw against aggro as rune
>get absolutely destroyed in 5 turns
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>finally got to B0
>can't win even one game

haro darukunessu mai orudo furendo
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I have one copy of her in my RC deck regardless.
...so you'd PREFER if it was pay2win?
You reroll a lot and you have a decent deck day 1 after clearing all the initial goodies.
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RoB can't come soon enough
Running out of rupies,free T2 tickets and need to craft lots of cards

Loads of freebies

score rewards give you lots of shit like take two tickets(arena) in the early tiers

Ability to reroll with some extreme value if you got the luck and patience

Loads of freebies

take two itself already gives value at 3/5 wins, which is extremely generous compared to toher games.

Loads of freebies
Then people run less dshifts and more Emmy/Runeblade/flame and glass
It might make the deck a little worse but you'll still be getting your shit kicked in if you let them stall and boost.

But of course
>having trouble with dshift
Have you tried Gitting gud?

>crippling effect
It's meant to be a curve topper in aggro, you're only going face or into taunts anyway.
What is that old man looking at?
Thanks anon. I'll see what I can do.

This makes me wanna fail my C trials.

Should i just sandbag?
Magic storage containers
>reroll meme
you get like 50 free packs, you can get any deck you want by just dusting whatever you don't want

If only you had 3 ancient elfs anon

The difference between 5-6 meta legendaries and 5-6 skullfams is atrociously huge.
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I'm so sorry, Dork.
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Thats what i am looking the most
>6 mana do nothing the turn its played
wow so good for aggro
Its worse than imp lancer in that regard.
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>4.3k gold
>6k vials, easy 8k if I dust useless golds
>19, 0 animated
>2 Truly complete, 4 in need of one or two legos and a few golds and 1 in need of like 3-5 legos and 3-4 golds, but I play it anyway
The legos I've been getting really are steering me to Forest though jesus. (Only crafted 1 AE, 2 Otohimes and a Tsubaki)
I never said the card was good retard, just what the design philosophy behind it was.
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>bully elana
>piece of shit disconnect
>get stuck

Is there a single reason why we aren't bombing Japan right now?
Whos bra is that?
Anyone using a Flame Glass-centered deck? Any luck?
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>I think every card so far has been good for blood
Theres no point in that reply chain where you mention anything about design philosophy. You just outright call all the blood cards good. Mastema is not good. If you were the guy going
>D Rank?
You're especially retarded.
I got raped a few mins ago by a deck using flame glass

it was in a dshift deck
Does PC players get matched with mobile players?
Only viable Flame and Glass deck is Dshift. But that's just a straight up nerfed version of normal Dshift. Other decks are just meme decks.
My only posts are

I'm sorry you're retarded anon and can't tell when more than two posters at once might want to insult your meager intellect.

Mastema IS shit, but the effect is nowhere near "crippling" since you're only ever inteded to be going face with it anyway.
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Daily: 60 gold
Transform Harnessed Flame and Harnessed Glass into Flame and Glass.

No rerolls for the day. How fucked are you?
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Is there any good Shadowverse porn?
try sword ambush Flame Glass, very meme but should do
Me, in a dshift deck.
Don't have Merlin nor levi and I still manage win about 15-20% of the time.
I'm Rank A btw.
There's only 2 decks that could reasonably ever get it off.

DShift Rune and Ambush Sword.

DShift Rune is the simplest option, simply replace your Flame Destroyers or Rune Blades with Flame and Glass. While it's inconsistent getting the both of them, you run 3 less spellboost cards so it's far more likely to fish a DShift out with Merlin.

Ambush Sword doesn't actually really have to be Ambush Sword, you just run 3 Shadowed Assassins. You turn 10 combo with Flame, Glass, then Shadowed. Since you're Sword, the opponent has most likely used whatever board clears they had already. If you're lucky enough to draw 2 of your assassins, you can complete Flame and Glass on turns 7 and 8, but people are more likely to still have board clears around then.
Not at all, I can probably do that on DS rune like anyone else.
Ice Elves that freeze you just by being near them.
Just get someone to let me do it in a private match. Done.
I'll meme on someone with control sword with it or just use DS.
>While it's inconsistent getting the both of them, you run 3 less spellboost cards so it's far more likely to fish a DShift out with Merlin.
Merlin only gets spells, you weren't getting Destroyers or Rune Blades with her anyway.
By rerolling I had face dragon on day 1 and half the sword elgos

If I didn't reroll it would have taken longer to make my first deck and meant that my second deck took even longer
he's just memeing for pity attention

B0 is full of washouts who can't derank, they are easier than C3 which is currently populated with sandbaggers dodging trials
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It's current day and age, anon. Stop asking dumb questions
How to make glass and flame viable beside Dshift?
It would be kind of cool if they had seasonal non-daily missions that were more involved like this.
impossible without breaking the game.
>rerolled into a dragon deck
I'm sorry...
My bad, didn't realise there'd be more than one person retarded enough to think Mastema was worth even a second glance.
you can meme it with shadow assasin
Someone please concede 73327
>about a week since I last played PtP Forest
>give it a spin
>matched against dirt rune
I'm... kinda sorry.
>1st – 100th Players:
>3 animated copies of Dark Angel Olivia
>5000 rupies

>101st – 1000th Players:
>1 animated copy of Dark Angel Olivia
>2500 rupies

You get rewarded this much just being in top 1k Master? Why do people sandbag then? I don't fucking get it.
>endless boner
how do you prevent forte from fucking your face in with 7 damagex3 without wards? you cant
show me your rank
Do you really think the people who are sandbagging in basically the dirt ranks of the game are good enough to reach the top 1000 players

I dunno if you know, but the games pretty fucking popular in nipland, and since we all share the same server I dont think getting top 1k masters would be very easy, let alone top 100.
>he still thinks I believe Mastema isn't bad
Are you unable to read? I literally just said it's not worth a second glance and totally unrunnable shit.

But the mechanic isn't "crippling". What's crippling is that it does nothing when it comes in, but the "wards or face only" mechanic is totally fine.
thank you elf friend
>this much
The reward is a joke considering the amount of grinding involved.
It takes an Ungodly amount of grind to get to master even if you're good as your winrate gets closer and closer to 50%.

By masters you're only playing people who actually know how to play.
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sorry bud :^]
it's the first month they've offered masters rewards. I for one stopped sandbagging and began my climb.
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Do you conflag in this situation?
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Kill your opponent before your opponent kills you
by killing dragon before 7th turn, so by playing any deck even atomeme
These rewards were just recently announced. They haven't done it before.
why dont you marry mastema if you love her so much
banish, dod, barrage with siegfried
Any easy to make gimmick decks similar to Discard Dragon? (Even though I dont have the cards to play Discard properly right now.) Focus on decks with more common cards.
By going second.
cause sandbaggers are usually trash and pretend like they're sandbagging so they don't have to come to terms with the realization that they couldn't make a high rank even if they tried
you can get 1k masters with 5k score anon, its the same grind as AA0 to AA1
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Fuck me. Looks like I'm eating memes for lunch.
IF dragon becomes the worst class next i'll burn all my vials to make Discard dragon and then use it to climb to A.
meme quests did more than anything else to kill hearthstone 2bh
That makes zero sense. If they couldn't make it even it they tried, they aren't sandbagging by definition.
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What is wrong with his mouth?
>one evolve left
>3 cards in hand
I'd sooner drop Sieg to contest.
when does the "daily deal" that lets you buy a pack for 50 crystals refresh? is it just a certain number of hours since you redeemed it last (sort of like daily missions), or does it cycle at a fixed time every day?
most people sandbagging at C or B ranks could probably get as high as A but not above it
I mean they could probably make it to high B, but not much further.
That's just weird.
don't worry, Dragon will dig a new bottom in RoB, good luck climbing out of C next xpac
>won thanks to the cerberus I just crafted

feels good
9pm CET so 7 hours
Fixed time every day which is about 7 hours from now on.
We're only 10 days into the month, anon.

You're not experienced with Nip mobage ranking events are you?

There's going to be a gigantic fucking jump in the last week as people literally play 24/7 to grind.

It's also the fucking holidays so there's no work or school to impede any would be super grinders.
just how many players are there in master rank, anyway? like how many master rank players are NOT going to get the 1k reward?
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Climbing slowly.
He's a literal mouthbreather.

By the way, mouthbreathing is really god damn bad for people.

you seriously overestimate how hard this game is
I caved in and got 1 skullfane out of my 1000 gold. fuck.
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Cerberus is my favorite legendary by far, other legendaries are you even trying? I'm saving up to craft my third, I'd like to get an animated one eventually though.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA How does it feel your waifu is used goods?
Why they shit on Dragon so much? Do they hate the dork?
I think it resets at the same time your daily login bonus resets so it's fixed.
you seriously overestimate how shit sandbaggers are
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Alright you fucks, I'm gonna make some webms of animated cards because I noticed the OP list is missing quite a bunch of them.

Which program is best suited for a literal retard and which card do you want to see first?
Shiburin is no whore!

Rin is lovely! Your waifu is great!
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>5 rune wins and 6 ranked wins quest
>2x merlins, craft the third one because why not
>Done with the quests lets open that pack
>Merlin and skullfane
fucks sake i obviously mean underestimate
>'choose cards to redraw'
>chose to retain my one true love forte
>literally never draw play point increasing cards

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Nah, they hate Rowen. They must like Dork considering she's the only meta dragon lego.

As a sandbagger, I do it because fighting elana/tempoelf/dshift/etc non-stop would drive me to quit very fast. I like being able to play meme decks like discard dragon.
That feel when you think your opponent is ptp but they're actually just really bad at playing tempo
>tfw have all of these symptoms
>but people still try and tell me life isn't decided by unconscious genetic instincts or defects that you have from birth

I bet Chad doesn't have problems with mouthbreathing.
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Why do I meet a lot of aggro bat in unranked?????

Take your stupid deck and go to rank if you great enough to win a game you fucking fuckers
>3 merlin
Most of the decks only 2
What the fuck? Really?

Time to get off my ass and grind A for the dick sleeves.
For testing purposes I suppose. Like swapping Cursebrands for Dark Generals test and the like.

Elana in unranked is way way worse.
People just grinding daily missions as fast as they can?
Dude, easy quests lmao, get rekt
>sandbaggers are always complaining about "meta" decks in C.
>watch Kripp
>every fucking opponent is garbage

Explain this
It's been a long time since I quit LLSIF, but go to that general and the spreadsheets/records detailing ranking event points in their OP.

Then remember those are point events gated by a stamina system that requires IAP currency to grind more.
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Who's the best SV streamer in Twitch???
too bad he will not play anymore once the sponsorship runs out
I ended up doing it and it worked out in the end.
He plopped down Arthurian while I dropped Poly roar, from then it was a losing battle for him as he couldn't out dps Lucifer's heals.
>watch Kripp
you're the one who has to explain, cockblower
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Double Seraph win
Shame the animation for the second one doesn't play out.
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Hey man sorry if I beat your ass so hard.
Tell be about Siegfried /svg/
Why is he so Beloved?
t-too qt.
>losing to meme decks all morning
I don't think someone could even get mad if beaten by Vampy

Get the fuck out, Havenshitter.
Kreimhild and Brynhildr posts here.
Is shadowcraft actually bad?

I see literally nobody playing it ever.
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He's had it hard in other games
just lost to a ramp satan dragon today
It's an above average class dumpstered by a meta where its hard counter is the most commonly played deck.
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>Finish dailies
>Open pack from T2
>Sitting on 4500 gold
>One more won't hurt, feeling lucky
Well, it's something I guess
Hates his guts because he's a dickwad.
Married a -mongol- of all people after he died, she can pretend it was for revenge all she wants, but she's still a traitorous wench.
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I play sword I had to play heaven for the quest.
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>tfw your opponent fucks up their roach combo and leaves you alive to kick their shit in next turn
Literally multiple zero cost fairies + fairy's circle + nature's guidance + roach in their hand to deal out 12 damage for lethal on turn 10.
How do you fuck that up.
I thought elves were supposed to be good at math.
I would if I could.
Man, I came over to this game from hearthstone to get away from this kind of horseshit.
It has awful matchup with Haven and even without Haven it's not even Tier 1 with it because that's occupied by Sword and Forest.

That makes it a shit craft to play.
Could have rerolled it. Could've played a non-cancer deck.
But you didn't, so you're a havenshitter and should get out.
I use WebMConvertor that's it's actual name.
Sumanai-san had a hard life.
Yeah, fuck this game. I'm out.
Are pure Seraph decks even good?
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Don't worry shadowbro, were all gonna make it.
No, let these faggot whine while we win.
fuck off retard, there is nothing wrong with playing haven
>loses to ptp forest
>loses to face dragon
>loses to banner/storm/bats if they get a good hand and just face
>loses to dshift
why do people complain about elana seraph?
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Meet RoB Bryn.
senpaitachi, send help
Every game has meta, especially card games. Maybe you should quit the genre in general or become good enough to make a deck that defies the meta. I'll be using Shadowcraft though and enjoying the game. Every game is mostly reliant on your skill. There's a reason people in Masters are in there despite playing mostly Shadow.
>I'm superior to you because I play less popular or just plain bad decks
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>shitters in this thread are actually mad that people dare play haven
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Can't grind yet until finals are over.
>barely get any 1 or 2 cost cards
>lose two games in a row before overflow
Guardian Sun haven is fine, it's a fun challenge to play against

Elana is easier to beat with my decks but so much less fun to play
>tfw Lunaru will forever be a potato
Ah well, she's still cute.
the one getting cucked is you when you get shit on ingame :)
I want to meat her if you catch my drift.
next thread will be a forte thread
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You don't need a curve as long as you have miracles. Had a curve with one 1-drop and two 2-drops and I still went 4-1.
Did her hair turn into tentacles? Is she about to rape those doggos?
She just has a mane of hair that you don't notice because you focus on her twintails.
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No dorks allowed
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Can someone explain to me what the hell a "daughterwife" is.
A girl you raise as your daughter to be the perfect wife.
ask that lunafag in the next thread
what is with dshitters and bm in a favoured matchup?
I need to do the daily Bloodcraft quest but I have shit cards for it (And can't really play the class)

What do
some pedophile shit don't pay attention to it
what's the shadow deck that uses death's breath?
every shadow deck?
take as long as you can each turn and eventually someone will concede
>havenshitter telling me what to do
Get the FUCK out
Will she be in Rise of Bahamut? I hope so.
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>Shadow drops Rabbit to checkmate me as I have PtP on board
>mfw I petrify
>running it in aggro
i've never seen it in aggro
play t2
>Arisa will never be your daughterwife
feels bad my familia
Just resist the urge to spend gold! Resist it!
Close your eyes if you have to!

t2? what's that?
4 out of 7 classes see regular play at the moment so it's not really that bad.
6 if you count face dragon and aggro bats.
take 2
>dshift player bragging in game
>it was a matchup they had an 80% chance to win

Oh, tried it. I'm waaaay too shit at that class to win at it

I'm so bad at this game ffs
Good aggro lists plays it
>Going against literal storm haven in arena
This is fine.

I'm not dying.
show me a good aggro deck that uses it
>Arisa will never be your sisterwife
>no new thread
where is hsg when you need them
>haven player always shitposting
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I want Acient Elf
I want to stop playing StormHaven
But pic are more the times it just doesn't work than the times it works
I can't get to turn 6 with only fairies in hand and nothing to stop the other guy, if by turn 6 i don't have a setup for Cynthia it's 100% lost
I don't like StormHaven but it's the most reliable deck i play
t. A0

You need shadows exclusively for your finishers, Death's Breath can massively slow you down
>twintail Arisa
I want to purge that elf with my dick.
New bread

3 seraphs. You enjoy being retarded?
Run 2 the card that's draws 2 if you play two cards that turn. Drop rose
34860 vials
72 legos
All except any Forest decks
At least it isn't the only way to get animated Olivia.
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