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/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 171

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Last Thread: >>161920002

>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf tf2outpost.com backpack.tf bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf scrapbank.me
Betting: saloon.tf
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue
we le at le tf2leg le need le early le threads le bcause le we are le very le slow le moving le thread
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Who can reach the technical highest speed in the game? Does everyone cap out?
i fucking hate tf2 and all of you
That's cool. I love myself plenty to balance out the hate
That's only your head up your own head tripfag
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Which class has the biggest dingis?
tf2g is pretty shitty desu
Red demo with kritz
biggest dingaling you'll hear
your pretty shitty t.bh
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Alright, here goes my last name tag.
kurt cobain's megaphone
Shoot at foot xD
i want to marry penises
Glados' piss
2 decides.png
Holy fug, am I seeing this right?. Anon, if you don't name your rocket lawn chair this I'll hate you even more
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blacks are bad
dont heal jews
Hitler did nothing wrong
bbepis laujncher
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weanus peanus
you're the reason I'm not allowed to publicly like undertale

go castrate yourself with a spoon you autistic fuck
10/10 will disconnect from server
would vote to kick
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Anyone interested in buying? Looking for 500 keys
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>implying anyone here has 500 keys
will you take 52 scrap?
I do but I won't spend ANYTHING on an unusual taunt.
They are the most stupid and pointless shits valve has added to the game after the scout class. I mean, you can only see the effect when you taunt, for 4 seconds and it's not even that good.
>complaining about scouts
how about you get good, floor shooter
fuck off idiot
>getting triggered to an opinion
how about you stop being autistic, meatshoter
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>get a request from someone
>check his inventory
>see this
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anyone wants a peculiarly drab condor cap?
I'll take any offer over the 1.66 that bots offer for the unpainted one
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Not even trying.
god, i hate idiots
Please I need cringe names for my shotgun.
kurt cobain's own party cannon
Kurt Cobain's Microphone
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Please never change, /tf2g/
Smissmas when??
''I Disire The Front Passenger Seat''
Next Thurs after Overwatchs christmas deal drops and steam realizes it's time for more money.
Unusual Professional Killstreak Hale's Own Australium Carbonado Botkiller Shotgun Mk. I
Smith n Wesson
airblast THIS!

description: *rocket jumps behind u*
>2 vs 2
>go mini engi vs demo
>bring out short circut
>goes rage pyro
>go direct hit soldier
>I win every encounter
I think the guy was even on a comp team, if so I feel bad.
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if engie live, gun live
if gun live, blue die
prove me wrong faggots
Uber pyro from the left
we won twelve games in a row
1 crit stickybomb.
3 dead medics, 1 dead engineer, pipes to finish the sentry.
Anyone wants to sell me a cheap mvm ticket?
Not gonna profit off it, just wanna play the gam.
good luck, that gamemode is long dead
t. someone who was gifted an untradable ticket and still hasn't been able to use it
I've been playing it for a few days, just ran out of metal to buy tickets.
I get matched in far away servers, but the lag is manageable
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A good Soldier, Demo or a Heavy would still wreck that place. As another anon said; good luck out healing a DH crocket or a charged kritz sticky flicked from meters away.
Be it kritz or stock (fuck QF), an über deploy would give any Engineer a hard time unless they are teamed up with teammates who have sensible enough to defend or babysit Sentry. If Sentry gonna get wrecked Engineer supposed to evacuate anyway.
>tfw you used to be able to defend your sentry against an ubered heavy

good times
rip Sigafoo save
You were good son, real good. Maybe even the best

Buffed demo doing a sticky jump, it's like telporting
>Fight _Mercy _Item _Run
does the casual kills counter count assists as well?
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We cannot allow for an assist-counting gap!
if you want to count assists get a cheap strange all-class and slap a part on it
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will there ever be a cure for brain dead retards playing tf2 at literally every moment of the day
Overwatch seems to be a pretty good drain of all the retards if my last 2 hours have been any indicator.
>calls someone a brain dead retard
>saves an unfunny black twitter tumblr spongebob image
since when do black people own spongebob
spongebob is like 70% of all black twitter memes
real nigga hours etc, those are all mostly comprised of spongebob pics
>social media
see there's your problem
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odd - tf2
even - else
>accidentally played koth_harvest
God, never again. Why do people play this map again? Even suijin is better. The scouts aren't even the worst of it. The map is just designed to be horrible and chaotic. Everything is exposed everywhere. Spawns aren't really protected. There are sniper spots everywhere. DR+amby spies can retreat into the conveniently placed houses. You can stand behind a wall and lob grenades/stickies and listen for dings. You can build a completely exposed sentry, and nobody will care because it's complete fucking chaos anyway.
God, I hate harvest.
Shut the fuck up.
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>demoknight has the intel
>says hes going for 20 killstreak then he will cap
>he cant die because enemy team is trash
>doesnt drop the intel
>votekick also fails
>"why do i still play ctf?" echoing in my head
Really ded
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My butt is perfectly healthy, why would there be anal blood?
>drawing anything for viva
He rolled 4, and I'm the man of my word.
>check 6 koth maps
>wait 2+ minutes for matchmaking
>get a game in progress
Really bloody ded
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>killed by stray huntsman arrow
>its a headshot
reminder that if you use the loose cannon you have given up your right to complain about airblast
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>use huntsman
>only ever hit full charge arrows that do 120 damage never get headshots
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when your teleporters carry the game
Ayyyyyy, that looks sick. God bless ya. Thank you

You gotta respect a man of their word. I'm a fellow honest man myself. Respect me while you're at it

But did you win? Lots of teleports means lots of deaths, and you cropped out the header
Ditto. Prolly without the all caps, though
yes we won
Can I see how the whole server did? How about final score? And your name
Its long since over
But you had it cropped. You don't save the original files?
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Oh thats true, heres the whole thing it was still on my clipboard
Shouts out to that Demo for giving you all those teleports
The axtinguisher should get a normal damn switch speed
Who wants to play Team Fortress 2 classic with me?
In case you don't know what it is
nah, I'll wait for UT4 and Quake Champions if id doesn't fuck it up like I did your mom last night.
I wish I could play Team Fortress 2 circa 2013 instead
is for you
Fuck no, it isn't
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get it anyway phamburger
Is trading dead?
Fuck no
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>1.9 keys for buds (still falling)
>9 cent per ref
>27 ref keys
Well I'll change the question.
Is making profit with expensive shit (unusuals, australiums...) dead?
you have no chance of getting what you paid for back even
Post you main and then your IQ

hello reddi t
to intelligent for iq tests
Main: Soldier
IQ: א0
IQ: Yes
5th sniper on the team
IQ:90-something. I haven't looked at my "I r a smrt human" paper is weeks
Around 134 (estimated from SAT score)
Yes. No one wants to buy for full price or sell for regular price. Everyone's trying to Jew everyone, and nobody's falling for it


Iunno. But I'm a genius and a God. It's prolly over 144
How fast can you send trade offers? Considering getting/making a scanner and then just sending 100+ lowballs a day
Depends on whether they've got their TO links on their profiles or linked to shit like TF2OP

But go away with that scummy behavior. You'd be wasting your time and begging too get your profile banned
page 9?
nig memes are the worst
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Not even close. They get so much worse than BPT

But that's cause BPT is good
the fuck is BPT
Why the fuck does SFM keep updating?
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Soldier and heavy
94 as i remember
..Black People Twitter. The thing you've been ranting about
>Black People
You mean niggers?
>use direct hit rocket to airblast jump
>while in the air reflect fully charged huntsman arrow to headshot speedjumping soldier
>land behind heavy medic, puff n sting the medic, airblast heavy off cliff

>not the highest skill ceiling
>b-but muh w+m1 meme video from 2007
>le c-tap mastering so difficult, much skill XD
>oooohh running close to someone and epic meatshotting him in the back takes so much skill muh double jump
>b-but muh aim muh meatshots XD
>muh 6s

sorry homeboys, pyro has one of the highest skill ceilings. if not THE highest. that's why comp players rarely play him, he's too risky because he's so difficult to play

any rocket/sticky jump or airshot demo and soldier can do, the pyro can do as well. with stricter timing and only when the enemy allows it, meaning you have to react faster than when you can jump at will my dudes. all scout can do is pressing spacebar twice and spamming AD with his epic null-canceling script. that's all there is to scout movement. no rocket jumps, no pogo, no headshots, nothing. even fucking engineer offers more movement options with sentry jumps.

scout mains are almost as bad as soldier mains, get your head out of your asses. play some unreal tournament or quake and realize that your 'skill' is negligible, worthless scout mains.

medic, demo and pyro are the only respectable classes.
No, I mean Black People Twitter, cause that's the subreddit name
Which is better: Ambassador or Diamondback?
diamondback is for shitters who cant aim
>game dying
>asking for more than 10 keys for one item

enjoy never selling anything
How can people be black? Maybe they mean niggers?
What knife/watch should I be using the amby with?
No, like using a script to add them. Why would I get banned? I'm not intending to scam them.
rate my original frags
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>"Considering getting/making a scanner and then just sending 100+ lowballs a day"
>"I'm not intending to scam them"
Gunboats solve every problem there. You must be come part of the chaos.
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>tfw i play pyro, demo, and medic
is there an exploit that lets snipers do over 150 damage on a body shot?
this is the third time i've been killed over 200 health from a bodyshot
Not against steam rules.
Machina, maybe? Iunno how much it's max on a body shot is
Are you sure you don't have increased damage weapons on you? Even the machina can only do 173 damage on a full bodyshot
sniper body shot no assist
3 times no one else around enemy i just died at 200 health
is this a pokemon from the current generation
Yessir, it is
holy shit

what happened
They went full JoJo, they added POSING too.
i honestly like the majority of the new pokemon but their legendaries were becoming shittier each generation since diamond/pearl
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5cp game mode should be off limits from anyone with less then 500 hours.

god damn
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>this ISN'T a JoJo reference
C'mon son
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Will this affect the TF2 market at all?
No, because we already know the odds
I think it actually started with Deoxys
Deoxys is a cool design
it started with celebi tbqh
>left lens cracked
it's the little things
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JUST (2).jpg
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>south eastern euro
>only get stockholm and luxembourg servers

How the fuck am I supposed to be competitive with everyone else at 90-120 ping?
Short answer: >>162175107

Long answer: Depends on how the odds are shown. If Valve gives it a positive spin then loads of idiots will unbox in big waves. No spin at all and nothing will change. I would not be surprised if they pulled something similar to the halloween """""2x""""""
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>live in swedenstan
>usually get stockholm and luxembourg
>mfw I get a madrid server
Isn't the tiered cosmetics thing already "showing" the odds? Same as CSGO, the more an item quality is closer to red the rarer it is
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This should be possible y/n
Where would it go? Can't be the second slot because that'd replace the shield, and it can't be the third because that'd remove your melee. The only slot it fits in is primary. It'd almost be nice to have as a cosmetic, but then you can't tell if he has a legit pegleg for additional health, or if it's the cosmetic one so it becomes a gameplay issue.
tl;dr: N
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>east coast
>get thrown into stockholm and luxembourg servers
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>get matched into virginia servers
>I think it actually started with Deoxys
you can kindly take your opinion and shove it up your brown ass

>it started with celebi tbqh
neck yourself,

Generation V is where the pokemon design started to fall off. Fantastic stories, excellent leveling and Black 2 had some of the best post-campaign gameplay since Platinum, but the pokemon were shit,
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Ideas for a 3rd misc?
just put boots in the secondary slot
that's what the soldier has and there was no problem whatsoever
>being a thirdie
a noose
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Ur already cancerous enough. Ghost mask maybe.
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>tfw you finally figure out heavy's spray pattern

lol is this a bug or intended?
Overdone with the tentacles and Defense form

Celebi is a forest fairy before Fairy was a type. It's stuck with the dual Grass/Psychic typing, but it still seems fine

Lmao, all your opinions are trash. Deoxys is garbage and Gen V is prolly the worst out of all of them. Fantastic stories my ass. They're trash
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As opposed to what you see without the unusual?
yellow breakneck baggies
My most played class is soldier and i think the black box should be removed from the game
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>Overdone with the tentacles and Defense form
literally a tombstone with arms, not overdone in the slightest

>Deoxys is garbage and Gen V is prolly the worst out of all of them. Fantastic stories my ass. They're trash
first, pic related
second, Black/White and 2 had some rather interesting qualities about them. First, the 'evil' teams. Compare team Plasma to say Magma/Aqua or even Rocket.
Team rocket were simple thugs taht just stole and caused trouble
Magma/Aqua were massive hippies that wanted to terraform the world into a more perfect form.
hell, even team Galactic fell short on substance, whereas Plasma, they had a sold goal, and were written well enough to fill in a grey area early on in the game. The fights probably influenced you to see them as lawful evil or whatever, but there was never any real indication of that until you started fighting Ghetsis and the bosses. N was a polar opposite, wanting the same thing, but going about a different way, and as you find out at the end of BW and throughout the interactions in B2W2, he had been manipulated by those he called family. Shit got deeper than Rocket ever could you fucking genwunner
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What is this hud called?
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Wish me luck bois.
bad luck on you
whats so terribly wrong about it?
limiting yourself to three rockets is really like crippling yourself
ahud with a shitty font
>not buying 2 craft hats for 2.44 and rebuilding instead
lmao what an faggot
what killed tf2?

a. f2p
b. hats and trading
c. time
d. overwatch
e. comp update
how do I become more mad max?
i love my girlfriend
dude same
is your girl nice?
she buys me stuff so yeah that's pretty nice
A space Pokémon is supposed to be a tombstone now? Since when?

Bad execution from Gen V with Team Plasma. Unova was the worst region. Best thing that generation had going for it was prolly 2-3 songs, a pretty good E4, and ..no, that's about it
Genwunner? My favorite is Johto, you fucking plebeian. And I love RSE and SM, so it's not a thing of clinging to the past. It's a thing about thinking Unova and Kalos were weak as fuck
thats nice
No option for Valve stopped caring?

I love myself
f. all of the above
thats kinda sad when you have no one to love you so you have to love yourself
I can't be in love with these hoes
if no one with bagina likes you it's doesnt mean t hat they are hoes
They like me and I like them, but I can never say I've been in love with almost all the girls I've been with
I just bought a shitty hat but it's level 1. Does this have any significance?
>live in Sweden
>ыoыщпмн лйлвeыeялц ыpылфoцeв
Truly a multicultural experience
фиcкин6 гиccиaн
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heavys hobo beard
haha weird science ;d

Collectors would overpay maybe 2 scrap maximum for a collector level like 1, 42, 69, and 100. Sometimes dubs, but not really

Engineer hat
A. Saved it
B. Was more or less necessary for cashflow
D. Might force valve to improve
E. Eventually they'll fix it
It was C+D. If valve gets their shit together it will grow more popular again.
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not too bad
i think that's a nice hat desu, better than what you had
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>live in Spain
>be rank 18
>never get in a server
feels bad
nice original nickname my dude
you will be dissapointed
It's not because you live in Spain nor you have rank 18. It's because no one plays competive mm anymore.
yep :(

shit sucks and TF2 devs seem to be already moving on.
i hate valve. they should have listened to the "6v6 elitists" and make decent tutorials or something
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>valve after 2012
>making something decent
I wish the other festives had the option to have white lights like the festive stickybomb launcher does.

i wish i could play video games and schrolling funny pictures all day long and never work in my life
the quake issue. pubs are not this games redeeming feature at all. This game would have died a long time ago if it wasn't for shitty YouTubers and the extremely dedicated competitive community. TF2 has an amazing potential for a highly competitive team shooter, but a lot of people fail to realize this. On top of that, the game has been out for 9 years, so everyone in competitive leagues are literally atleast 5 years of experience ahead of you. The required skill level to even get into competitive is way too high for this game to ever be popular.
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it's impossible to be in love with a girl when they don't exist.
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>playing mountain lab
>5 guys on 1st point
>team pretty much gives it up
>playing pyro
>say fuck it and just run in
>medic has my back
>5 kills
>the don't cap in OT
dumb weeb poster
They do exist, you dumb fuck. You just have to go outside for once and see for yourself
>space background
its trash
you can change the background if it triggers you
hi ryuke
>be a demo with 205 health
>still get two shotted by a FaN
Holy shit I didnt know this shit was possible
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just delete these
Possible to move the in game chat to the bottom where its supposed to be?
considering that the hud itself moves it do you really think it would be impossible to move it back
should be somewhere in hudlayout.res
i think there's a file called ChatSomething_BOTTOM and you just have to rename it and remove the BOTTOM. Or you could just use the installer that removes the background and fixes the chat for you, retard.
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>not having your own backgrounds
shakes my head
Her horn looks like a dick.
I'd stroke it.
its been years since a good update came out
whats going on
i want a really good game to come out and surpass dota and csgo so that we may finally get some attention perhaps
diabotical or quake champions could be huge if everyone moves to it right away
Gun mettle was ok
did you have the pain train
what makes an update good?
Please give me cringe names for the medigun/ kritz that will make my teammates disconnect
fluttershy's healing beam
diabotical looks really good but the quake PURE FPS ESPORTS really turns me off
not only that, theyre also planning on adding more champions
im okay with 4 champions, but theyre planning to add a dozen by closed beta
<your name>'s own friendship magic :3
*touches your butt*
kawaii beam
lenny meme here lenny
press E more senpai
Viva's Ultra Life Beam
"the vaccinator"
I live in serbia and i keep getting sent to servers that have 200-300 ping witch i can only guess is asia or america.
>tf2g will never have another dedicated video maker as good as Icy wind again
Fuck him but at least he made good shit for us
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Ok /tf2g/ how do I make money on this game?
I don't want to get a shit ton of money, just some refined to kit my classes out since I sold most of my stuff when I quit in 2013.

I used to trade some back in 2012/2013 but I think times have really changed so I'm out of the loop.
You can't. Everyone knows now how trading works.
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hes hacking.jpg
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>have to pay for contracts
>have to pay for keys to open cases
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fixed it for you thole
traps make you gay
t. poorfag
there was a four year old on my team today.
He told someone to kill themselves and his mom overheard and said "TYLER!"
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what up LOSERS
wanna hear about how my epic 6s team had a blast destroying some fools today?
oh wait, ur probably too UNCOOL to even comprehend how awesome we are
whatever, do you still trade? i would be pretty sad if after years of playing this game all i learnt was the value of some cosmetic garbage and how to scam 12 year olds online
anyway, gotta merc now , cya later alligat0rz
i fucked your mom
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post medical men
tfw farming stranges RIGHT NOW

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post your favourite tf2 related video

>pic related

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the ward would be a lot better if it didn't clip so bad
how does a sperglord redditor like Dolly get to have Permzilla and other brit e-celebs on his friendlist?
brits have a wierd taste in friends
Except they did listen to compfags, retard.

Now we have shitty matchmaking and balance changes no one asked for.
>no classlimits
>shit mappool with payload and attack/defense maps
>3 cheaters in top 10 leaderboards for over a month
>forced graphic and network settings
>"a player has left the match" ended matches for a long while before they changed it
sure thing kiddo
every single thing people thought could go wrong was an understimation of how badly they could fuck up
the network settings is what really gets me. 5 ping feels like 100
fuck yes
i love lalve's videos
valve doing the "Muh balance" act instead of actually giving the options or caring to explain them. the equivalent of forcing every player to 200 ping because one person has bad connection
what ?
back me up vito
Ambassador > l'etranger.
Come at me.
nothing will ever top this
i miss my tf2gfu
>make the mistake of trying TF2 again
>everything feels way fucking slower and shittier than I remember it
>play three games and uninstall it
Goodbye forever, TF2.
t. played heavy
Played Demo, then Soldier, then Medic, then Scout and finally Heavy (holy fuck there's no way he's always been that slow)
>tfw mouse3 broke

oh no, how are you going to play medic in mann vs machine?
someone buy my shitty pyro unusual plz
I'll give you two refined for it as thats what I have in raw.
I'll give you half of the keys that you bought it for, as every trader. Ever.
i had some good stuff bound to m3
also i usually open links using m3
buy it for 10 keys
what is LIT-TURELLY the most cheapest unusual
world travelers hat
Unique bubble pipe
What's the cheapest specialized weapon i can get?
are you a reflex player? tf2 is kinda fast by modern standards of FPS games.
play comp or mge if u want something intense and somewhat faster
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wwalks into thread

why does this general still exist?
Because people still play it.
i dunno, ask /ksg/
On a similar note, ask /tctdg/.
wwalks into threads
people still play games? wow such nerds
Direct Hit is OP
>every other soldier primary can't do 125 HP damage in close range
>Direct hit one-shot kills scout, sniper and spy
>every other soldier primary doesnt give a bonus for airshots
>Direct hit gives crit on airshot AND makes them easier by having the fastest rockets in the game
>basically a direct upgrade for every airshot moment with only a small disadvantage of less splash that barely matters from how easy it is to hit shit with crazy fast rockets
valve didnt think this through, did they?
Consider this- no juggling, no chokepoint spam, no splash in case you miss your target by an inch
>chokepoint spam
>implying populated chokes arent where direct hit shines the most
badlands and granary entrances to mid are points of mass destruction if u carry directhit
and i think you can still juggle targets if you hit them in the feet, and much stronger
very small cons for a lot of pros, just like atomizer
trips speaks truth
i can't even snipe down an engineer behind a sentry because the sentry keeps blocking the fucking way
Is the loch-n-load an option?
I just used it, so yeah. Requires a lot of mechanical skill and definitely loses an edge over the ability to spam with a regular nade launcher (and yes, spam and rollers in general are legitimate) but it can be fun to use for pills.
IQ Class ranking
Soldier tied Scout
>tfw to smart for iq tests
Post loadout, I'm gonna draw some more. 6
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Rolling again for >>162229737
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Rolling again for >>162230068
Gonna roll one last time for my pilot engineer at >>162229737
reroll 4 u nibba
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YOU TRIED (again)
wow what happened
this image
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1/10? Worth the risk
Rolling again for >>162230068
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generic chapeau spy #3645 please
Fuck you the number 6.
Draw this old ass loadout I haven't had in like a year and a half.
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winner winner niggers eat chicken
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>>162230706 won first you fucking idiot
O shit nvm, lol. Didn't see >>162230706
Good for you.
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what has this thread become
i miss the active threads
Like the game, a wasteland of no content for months on end, interrupted sporadically by brief bolts of ok but briefly interesting stuff.
i miss the days when the schadenfreude took the same slot as the spellbook magazine
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I Feel It!.gif
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Something wonderful
something awful oh God release us from this torment
Splash is important, especially against good scouts. Valve had to program the direct hit to have ghost splash that only affects you so dh users could still be able to rocket jump.

The grenade launcher is better for directs anyhow.
Hopefully 3017 is better being that its the 10th anniversary of tf2.
Even if its just a bunch of hats and maps every month it will better than the 3 total updates we get this year, with one only actually removing content and then locking it behind money/steam auth.
Anon, 3017 would be the 1010th.
>tfw tf2 will still be alive in 3017 because of community servers and how profitable it will always be
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I hope so, I'd imagine they'd pull some memorial event. Maybe make some more hats vintage. Maybe (((if))) they want to jew there will probably be map specific contracts so you end up playing most of the maps.
Shit sorry.
Keep forgetting which year I'm in.
Time machine lag.
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Got that Chevy model dontcha.
i got that reference
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All of the above. Especially F2P and comp update. Most innocent one being trading. F2P brought more cashflow but invited hackers.
It wasn't obvious at first because no one really paid attention. You could have find another server if you happen to run into a hacker or feel uncomfortable.
But after lmaobox blew up and OW release, blizzshills and angry haxX0r nerds started to use hacks more. This time due to comp update it took normal people ages to join servers and casual people suffered more from that.
Especially kickvote designed that way, I don't know if TF2 can recover from such cancerous designs in near future.

DH has range fall-off it's balanced unless you decide to melee the Soldier or made your movement obvious.

Most likely intended.

"Stop spamming E" for both
Medigun: "Elika's Saving Grace"
Kritz: "Asriel's Deathray"

Then b4nny is a genius?

146 last time I did a stupid inaccurate IQ test, months before that I got a 134. I main Heavy and Demo

b4nny had a large influence on the changes being the most autist compfag out there.
What is the best troll engineer hat?
A was the only thing that stopped it from dying
B did fuckall and you know it
C wouldn't have done much if the game wasn't constantly plagued by retarded decisions every update
D had a massive impact
E sealed it
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That dumb mount and blade one.

how the fuck is this on the first page of the workshop, let alone the first item on said page.
Vipes jewish trickery again.
Or just a lot of people looking up old things with "winter" or such in its name and voting on it.
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I feel you.
It was just uploaded.
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Oh shit,he just uploaded it.
And what hat is that hes wearing I wonder?
How the fuck is it a gift if you pay for it
Peaceniks ponytail with the helmet alternative.
It's a neckbeards hairstyle and its bugged so any spy disguised as you won't have the helmet.

t. Engineering pro
The best one
I think that's the joke
Get outta here vipes.
Someone check to see if he stole the pattern from somewhere. I recognize it somewhat.
I don't recognize it from anything personally.
Would be better off being more in line with the in game wrapping paper, but whatever. Vipes does what he wants to do.
Looks like this. Too much like this..

Boys, looks like we can report this for DMCA.
>in game wrapping paper
the wrap assassin's pattern is so boring though
I hope the creator of the wrap assassin gave him the go ahead. Because that's theft.
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Are you high?
Its a pretty fucking generic design.
Thats like saying that every hat or jacket is a rip off of real clothing. Being generic is pretty bland, but its not a rip off or worthy of a dmca.
This wrapping paper anon.
Not a direct copy mind as that would never get in, but something similar in basic design as the skins are randomized in layout and rotation.
thanks man, flagged the item for theft. dcma away we go
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I don't like vipes any more than anyone else in the thread, but hes just a shitlord.
Let him do his terrible shit in peace and just hope he gets better.
And flag shit he might have actually stolen, not generic shit.
Though I feel like I might be complaining about jokes. But also vipes is a nerd.
>when someone tags their old things with jungle
Remember to flag this as theft.

Stolen from: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=148215278

DMCA his ass.
how is he a shitlord
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>tf2g so salty that they have no talent that they actively try to ruin the work of those who do

You have a lot to learn.

His "talent" is stealing things and uploading to the workshop without getting caught.
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Except the hat he "stole" is credited as being made by him.
Hate him because his items are shit and he has down little to get better.
Because he hasn't really tried to get better, and ignored when people gave him tips on how to get better.
His texture work and shit has gotten a little better over the last like 3 years though.
Not a lot mind, but it has.
Except vipes doesn't have much talent hell.
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Hello naw
>Because he hasn't really tried to get better, and ignored when people gave him tips on how to get better.
>His texture work and shit has gotten a little better over the last like 3 years though.
>Not a lot mind, but it has.

Subjective. I think he has improved greatly. Also, how do you know if people even gave him tips, or if he ignored them?

Also, if you wanna see someone who actually "hasn't really tried to get better, and ignored when people gave him tips on how to get better" look no further.
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He posted in the emp a while back.
Stopped because he wouldn't listen to people.
And holy shit yo.
Thats fucking hilarious.
don't see the problem. that stuff looks miles better than the shit in vipes' workshop.
>He posted in the emp a while back.
>Stopped because he wouldn't listen to people

Correct, he posted in the emp. He did listen to the advice, except he didn't get much. He was mostly ignored. The person who never listens to advice in there is ikes. so.. think you're confusing a few people together.
this is what tf2g does when the threads ded family
how can I improve the aforementioned loadout?
how the fuck does someone manage to get worse. that's like an achievement in of itself.
>Stopped because he wouldn't listen to people.
No, he stopped because he got banned because of some drama that a concept of his started.
coil is like the most boring and plain hat in game
change it to anything that isn't anger-tier and itll be fine
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I decided to go with this instead. What think?
Thats why he stopped posting on facepunch.
He stopped posting in the emp because what advice he did get he ignored.
I will give credit where credit is due though and commend him on transferring to doing what he is actually good at.
i think i need chemo
its not a phase mom outta 10
knock em ded in casual
shame valve will never add in community weapon skins. there's a few of his i actually want to see in.

funny enough, seems to be more or less his calling. his concepts were from meh to good, but his skins are from good to outstanding.
what about it is boring and plain?
it's one of the few hats on sniper that i think look okay in terms of how it fits on his head and how it isn't completely over-saturated, or too plain imho
I wish they would at least mark them all as incompatible or just they aren't going to anything with them if they aren't going to do anything with them.
At least then people will know to not waste their time.
And like most things valve does, it seems like they ended up just abandoning weapon skins all together.
>never getting a decalable hat or a jacket where you can put your own picture in a circle on the back.
Nothing gets marked as incompatible anymore.

Last thing to get marked. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401962042&
Post some items made by a tf2g
why do so many people from /v/ unironically say this. you do realize the only reason people play competitive is because they have reached a level where they won't improve anymore unless they play solely against people of their skill level or higher, right? everyone you're calling a "compfag" is a much better player than you, so therefore their input on game design would be more relevant than yours. you're unintentionally discrediting your entire opinion because you're 12, and you hope saying "fag" will make people agree with your opinion. TL:DR; if you're looking for a TL:DR you're stupid AND illiterate
I think your loadout is really bad. If you wanted to look digusting then good job.
>compfag implying that i will read all this shit by him

fuck off
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Here we go. Rolling for 9 this time.
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Send out 100s of lowballs, hope one of them goes through.
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Anyone want to buy this hat? Its 100 keys but Ill give a 20 key discount to /tf2g/
u suck at tf2. and ur gay
How hard is it to get tradebanned? Adding 200+ people and lowballing trade offer is OK?
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He uploaded it onto gamebanana. Time to see if he really did steal anything.
>huge ass paypal donation
Does he expect us to pay him for stealing from people?
You're not kidding about how big that paypal button is.
>farming stranges

Yep. He did steal the pattern
mini sentries that mark players for death but do not deal damage

Why? I'm talking 0.33 of weapona for 3keys of hats level of lowballing. How many can I send before tradeban if I add them first?
You have to scam a lot of people. I didnt know any person with tradeban which actually doesnt scammed atleast 10 guys.
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Daily reminder that Chill Chullo is best hat in the game.
Anyone wants to play some payload or hightower?
id/BasedViva for Gold Rush carries
>gold rush
>trripcode faggot
No thanks.
>Best Map
>Best tf2g poster

Yes, thanks
having a medic up my ass really does carry a match, its like im playing a different game
Solo Fortress 1 wasn't a very big hit.
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forgot the picture.
That's a gross fetish, dude. While you stick stuff up your behind, the Homies will be moving forward, watching each other's backs, winning, and being heterosexual
Thats really gay post.
Except it's not
Take off the gay vision glasses and put on some hetero vision ones

Well what is? You're usually supposed to reply back with the one you actually think is the best. I'll save you the time and answer for ya

It's the Brown Bomber
So, I'm trying to main Spy. I use the Diamond/Amby and stock everything else. I find I either do really well or really bad. Any tips?
for the love of god please dont main spy
Yes I know I'm insane but I'm committed to this
that's even worse
Get good with every watch, knife, revolver and sapper. Practice various combinations and learn their strengths and weaknesses in any given situation, then apply the knowledge to your games, use the best loadout for what's going on, adapt your playstyle as needed. Make sure you're retreating when you should be, a retreat isn't a loss, it's simply a tactic to delay while you wait for your opponent to let their guard down.
Become Dr. Enforcicle
You've yet to post your own opinion. Embarrassed that your opinion is the worst or ugliest?
Vanilla is king.
/tf2g/ is dying rip
I read that whole thing in about 7 seconds, it took you longer to reply. No one actually wants to be good at this game. They play a low level pug and get rolled it hurts there ego, people say mean things. Everyone quits, goes back to pub stomping. The fact is the flow of 6v6 is much better than 12v12
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My name is Grant, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are clueless, retarded, bots who spend every second of their day feeding in pubs. You are everything bad in tf2. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any airshots? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than sandbagging in iron. Don’t be a stranger. Just MGE me. I’m pretty much perfect. I'm captain of Froyotech, and pocket scout on my 12 time ESEA invite champion team. What sports do you play, other than “pub stomp with double pocket over healed medics”? I also get >400 dpm pugs, and have a banging hot pocket medic (She just air crossbowed me; Shit was SO cash). You are all clueless f2ps who should just uninstall Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch"
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hai guyz can any draw fags plz drawn my demo mayne ? ???
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Just stop
I liked the BasedViva version better
i don't
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your eternal reward.png
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its funny that the spycicle had silent killing but you could hear the CRACKKK thru the whole map
Personally I like the Spycicle simply because it turns people you backstab into statues.
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>he doesn't have a golden frying pan to do so
>ragdolls enabled
do you have a supercomputer?
>2 day old thread
>even the trash thread is faster
dead game
gitgud at clicking heads. Abuse height advantage and long distances. Effective against pesky Razorback Snipers. Will need good amount of cloak to cover great distances then shoot people with it.
Only works if you're getting fed with chainstabs. Finding and destroying enemy Teleporter gives you a huge relief as it's 2 free crits and a job done. Try to dominate areas rather around ammo boxes.
>stock everything else
If you don't know the effective ammo spawn routes in a map you may thrive cloak with IW. If you thrive cloak, you may find yourself kind of uncomfortable positions. Some maps have really small ammo spawns, read wiki to have an idea. If you don't know the shortcuts, flank routes and other alternate safe paths you can take between ammo spawns, then you may consider getting L'etranger to pair it with IW.
CnD is a good candidate for your cloak needs as well if that's the case. CnD's gameplay is slower, and requires you to be a crouchwalking wallcreep rather than a hectic dasher. Scout disguise is widely used to hide better with CnD, especially if you plan on exhausting the cloak. On exhaust, decloak will be louder.
>Stock Knife
If you wanna use Dback you have to rely on chainstabs, but this also will come with risks. If Engineer is not feeding you with stupidly placed mini-sentries, you may as well have to take the risk and run for chainstabs with other knives. Watch videos for facestabs and trickstabs. Get better at step-faking and circling your foes.
>Any tips?
Some people have better hearing, more experience and aware you're there before you know it. Scale your targets on their response times upon a nearby decloak to retaliate with your revolver first. If they react, try to curtain and time your decloaks with environmental noise and walk slowly to your victim before the stab.
In a an escape scenario I suggest crouching momentarily to evade bullets before retaliating with revolver Else fake your flicks forth and back after a cloak
Please buy my lmaobox. I don't want to do this autism anymore.
Better than gibuses, pyrovision goggles and the mercenary badge
>tfw pubstomp as sniper
>people complaining but can't proof anything since i use really small aimbot fov and not using wallhacks so i'm looking just like some gold-prem sniper
can you bodyshot while hacking?
Yes, you can set it up in whatever way you like. I bodyshot to finish someone.
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Ah heard someone in this server was trying to have some fun
>cloak on hit, use it to charge dr without any intent of killing someone
Stock knife
>no better knives
Dead ringer
>broken as shit, stab someone and right click to gtfo

Amby only good in high level competetive.
Use Wind's script to autodisguise
Don't look at people
This is not how you use greentext dummie.
thats not how you speak english, retard
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But it is how i speak english.
don't main an unused pick class retard
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Casual is easy.
*shoots at the ground aussie black box*
nothin personell
Didn't valve start detecting haxorz?
Once in about 1.5 years. It's not big deal to get new account with ebin idle hours and pretend that you just skilled.
>Complaining about the enemy team trying to counter you
wow stop being a shitter anytime
I was hitting random, was engi, then demo, then heavy, then soldier.
Stupid cunt went pyro with a pocket to counter me.
>People who play pyro to counter soldier

Last game I played with a hacker was like a week ago. He still isn't banned. He's not using LMAOBox either, from that I can tell.
i hatre to agree with the tripfag but he's right, the Brown Bomber is the best hat in the game
oh god why
>pyro player isnt looking at me straight
>always reflecting my pills the frame I shoot
What the fuck is this
Is that the Solemn Vow...?
that's it
tf2 is officially dead
>Phone battery dead
>Can't login into anything
serves me right for falling for the trading jew
I always wanted a vaporwave skin to go with the vaporwave maps

So volvo basically mass ban them once a year
Nah, it was realistically at the end of every month when they would do their bans. Started off hot when it was first announced. Iunno if they keep it up since I don't read up on TF2 news anymore
>Ask my secret santa what he wants for Christmas
>Says he's interested in getting the most expensive thing in my inventory
I hope he's ready for his two reclaimed.
what if ammo was shown in percents instead of digits
>my recipient is a russian with a 10 dollar backpack that has his scrap.tf profile set up to not link to his backpack/steam account
I hope he enjoys his craft hat.
Would that mean you would get ammo as percentages and would you fire 1 shotgun pellet or all of them if you had 1% ammo?
is there a tf2g /ss/ ?
Subreddit simulator?
The fact that he singled out and picked the most expensive item in my inventory means he's not even worth getting a craft hat. Guy who's giving me a gift only said "LOL" and nothing else, so I can assume I'm getting the bare minimum from him as well.
I'd just reply with a Trade offer, sending him a cheap Strange like an Equalizer, and saying some sappy bullshit about "This was the first ever Strange I received. It's near and dear to my heart. Priceless. Take it, please. Breaks my heart to part ways with it, but you asked for my most special item. So in the spirit of Christmas, it's better to give"
It's the scrap.tf secret santa, it's all automated. His backpack is worth just a bit more than mine, and my most expensive item is only like $20, but still. He dressed it up and was being all nice about it, but it was still pretty obvious to me that he was just begging so he could go sell it for a cheap unusual or something.
What are some gud vac-undetected cheets?
I'm bored and I feel like pissing people off with low risks of losing ny inventory
But if he can't see your profile by default, how could he look at your backpack?
Were you really dumb enough to give him a link?
Go beg http://steamcommunity.com/id/V952 for his hack.
Oh. I'm just really dumb, then. Still, I told him I was only giving a couple of keys at the most and he goes and picks something that costs 4x that.
>1 vac ban on record
Are you sure about that?
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>People who play pyro to counter soldier
There's no real counter to Soldier. Pyro is meant to be a sentry babysitter, may be a flanker and nothing more than that. Why people keep giving him different roles when whole class have that much of a fuckery low range?

That's auto-reflect hack obviously

>vac-undetected cheets?
VAC actually detects and logs what servers you contact to (ie. hacking third party program trying to connect cheat server DNS), yet big time they can't identify them. That actually depends on the hack you are using. If it's widespread it'll most likely have DNS servers to contact, then you'll get caught sooner or later.
Don't wanna lose your inventory? Open an alt account or write a hack.
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if you play comp at anything other than 120Hz with ULMB you should kill yourself

i don't want to constantly carry team mates too poor for a proper monitor
jcapps pls
Holy fuck what sick man would risk that inventory?!
dont need it, ive learned to rely on all my senses for tf2 and not just sight.
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>medic kritz's me in a pub
>sudden packet loss

I didn't even last through his charge before typing quit in console.
no i mean
for example
you would see 100%/100% as scout
if you fire a shell, it would be 84%/100%
and if you reload it will be 100%/97%
Why would anyone ever do this?
This is what generation Z does in their free time. It's the most cancerous, trivial piece of shit game ever made. When I was a kid at least we played games that required some amount of focus, thinking, and cooperation. You can play this fucking shit while jerking off and streaming it on the cancer-tier website known as twitch.tv without thinking a single difficult thought, designed for a generation of retarded lazy fatasses with collective ADHD, severe attention needs, and the attention span of a four year old.

The world is going to go straight to hell when generation Z grows up. They're kids who grew up with social media, an entirely digitalized life, everything handed to them on a silver platter, without any experience whatsoever of actually doing something outside of their fantasy world of video games and porn. A generation coddled to hell in the so-called "education system" and by retarded leftist parents born with brain damage due to their hippie parents doing drugs in the 70s.
i'd want that option desu
I'm with this anon.
I had to buy a loadout for every class to stop fags from kicking me before a match starts, but vanilla a best
a fun little game i play in casual is to strip my loadout to all stock and no cosmetics, and see how long i can go before i get a pocket medic.

so far my record is 1 minute
this 2bh
i like to go all stock and play sniper and see how long it takes to get accused of hacking. i'm not even particularly good, it's just that no one expects the all stock sniper to actually move and hit things.
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Pls buy my gun i would like to buy Space Hulk: Deathwing.
Good luck trying to sell that
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Been trying to sell it for 3 weeks.
take your pills grandpa youre gonna have a heart attack
we used to play jacks down by the soda fountain
This is a copypasta from /int/ about someone complaining about hearthstone, it started spreading today
>tfw 450DPM lobby
>tfw 600 dmp
How much fag
And its not even strange
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tfw pootis pow
>coming out on my birthday

what is actually wrong with this
i think it looks fucking cool
Both kinds of matchmaking are filled with total shitters. I should queue 6man in casual and see what happens. If, say, 6 scouts push the payload cart, what happens? Does it just FLY away?
Because who the fuck likes vaporwave unironically?
Purple Confetti or Starstorm Insomnia?
who the fuck cares
the skin looks fucking cool regardless of what the style is inspired on
>looks cool

It's fucking clipart the skin
my autism cares
now excuse me while I scream into a bean can about skins
It actually looks alright, but the second I see an A E S T H E T I C or vaporwave skin is the day I keep playing because you can turn that shit off retard.
what's that statue/bust?
>He doesn't recognize it
play support for once you retarded soldier main
How do I fly as the negroman in team for Tress twho?
i don't solder, i engie
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your date tonight.png
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fuck me... if you dare
2 stickies instead of 1
unbind all in console
>Implying pub Medics even heal the Demo, let alone buff him
>implying you need two
>implying you need a buff to double sticky jump

Enjoy landing with 30 health before fall damage.
>he doesn't know how to land on a health kit
>he doesn't know how to slide off objects to not take fall damage

Mega Dork!
1 sticky is for general purposes
2 is for flight
3 is for crashing into the skybox an cratering
>Land on healthkit
>Options are much more limited for the jump and basically tell your enemy exactly where to shoot
Also I know how to negate fall damage which is why I didn't say "enjoy cratering"
>he doesn't kill all 12 enemies when he's in mid flight going 300mph

God Ur such a BIG dweeb
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>He doesn't play on 32 player servers and kill absolutely everyone including his "teammates"
this post has temporarily redeemed viva in my eyes
hey how come the squidposter stopped shitposting
who cares
Reminder that you can give regular weapons in jew.tf ss and there is literally nothing kikeboy will do about it.
i want to FUKC the overwatch
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>he doesnt kill spectators
You mean "direct ripoff of tf2"?
which squidposter?
i want to FUKC the "direct ripoff of tf2"
A combination of no one ever responding after a certain point and being absolutely btfo by the mystery mger.
the guy who lost mge and bitched about it

he still kept shitposting after that

>tfw sparked the flame
feels good
no i mean what were they called?
he was just referred to as squidposter or heavy main
he never had a name or trip
not that i recall anyways
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ahh okay, thanks anyway

nice tips
I can't give my conscientious objector. I won a decal tool in a raffle and was going to give both of them, because I have a spare.
>that image
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I want to frag some ******
some what
some WHAT
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Who should I evolve it into? I'm thinking Sylveon
umbreon or jolteon t b h
theres a million fairy types in gen 7 already
and what doess that have to do with tf2, though?
Only noobs use the _______
Eh. Jolteon's shiny is pretty trash. I'm digging Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon the most
Yeah, but Sylveon is prolly the best shiny eeveelution
Iunno. Thought I'd bump the dead thread. How about that Kritzkrieg? My favorite shiny Kritzkrieg is Team Shine

Degreaser or Powerjack
oh so you just want the prettiest shiny one? that kinda depends on what you like
for instance, i like umbreon's shiny cause its subtle, flareon's cause he looks like a fluffier eevee, and vaporeon and sylveon are both cute as heck, but sylveon is probably the better one since its not just plain bright pink
so yeah you should probably go gor sylveon if thats what you like
also yeah the kritz is great bro i like deadly daffodil or whatever it was called
are you 15
Isn't evee's Z-move strong? If so, keep it like that and slap an eviolite on him just in case
I'm not gonna use it for battles. Attack and Special Attack at 31 IVs? No Speed or Special Defense at 31? Neutral nature? Yuck
So just to be clear, there is no /tf2g/ secret santa this year? Not too surprised, since last year was a pretty poor showing, but still.
christmas is dead
tf2g is dead
tf2 is dead

Christmas can never die
A moment of silence, if you please.
Fuck you.
Loch n load anymore
Nobody left to actually organize things, plus there's not enough people to not end up with a small circlejerk
So does that mean Overwatch actually did the job?

I mean, it probably wouldn't have taken off if Valve wasn't horribly incompetent at managing video games, but it's still pretty sad knowing a game that lasted so long is fading out now.

Guess the genre really was untapped potential.
It wasn't solely Overwatch, it was mostly Valve just dropping the ball on update after update for the past two years. Overwatch was more like the final nail in the coffin, and MyM was like beating a dead horse.
Nah man, tf2, and consequently tf2g, have been on life support for a while now. Sure they both have people playing and posting, but it's nowhere near what it once was, and with most people having moved to CSGO tf2 has become more of a side thing for everyone
But honestly, did you really believe that tf2 would last forever? The game is a relic from the arena shooter genre, casualized and simplified for people to be able to play, and the more time passes the less people inclined to like that sort of gameplay remain
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>mfw I realize TF2 was the Overwatch to Quake and Unreal Tournament
to be fair ow is a way more casualized version of tf2 so even that lacks staying power, especially with the price tag
>Blu has an invite sniper and two heavy-medic vaccinator butt buddies
>My team has double-digit hours of playtime when combined
>Go phlog pyro and clear the cart a few times
>Medic but buddy: wow plhog takes skill
I mean, we lost, but it's the little things
Does medic have a wife?
Medic IS his wife
medic has a ""wife""
>black people like it so no one can
Is his wife a girl (male)?
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Post heavy men.
girl (male) you say?
Correction: niggers fucked it up so no one else can use it

exhibit A: Detroit
Which one, my good heavy, or Pootis Spencer the sanvitch dispenser?
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Yes! Girl (Male) !
I posted all 4 of mine.
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I have three I really use.
Old biker heavy, young biker heavy, and "I have no fucking idea, but I like the hat and effect" heavy.
Yes just like in other valve games. But many hackers can dodge vac for some reason.
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is this cool
i dig the snowy theme
Except you're wrong. TF2 is a classed based FPS. UT and Quake are fast paced Arena FPS.
>playing MGE
>other soldier is using original/gunboats
>ask if he can switch to stock
>he switches to stock/gunboats

i set myself up for that
Is that neutral nature? What a fucking joke.
you know what he means
He's still wrong though.
you dont understand what he means though, you fucking blockhead
he means that tf2 is the same to arena shooters as overwatch is to tf2, meaning its the next dumbed down shooter with even slower movement and dumber fanbase, relying less on personal skill and more on who pressed Q more effectively
And TF2 is a class based fps and Overwatch is an FPSASSFAGGOTS hybrid

You need to work on your critical thinking skills, man
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Pootis Spencer the sanvitch dispenser. Then i'll post an experimental loadout for your judgement
what did he mean by this
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5 this time.
fuck yes this looks retarded
>he uses riot's retarded acronym
ASSFAGGOTS are team based games where your goal is to destroy towers and the opponent's throne. There are three 'lanes' one on the top, one in the middle, and one on the bottom. Your base spawns small friendly units, often called creeps, that fight in the lanes. You can kill these creeps for gold an experience to buy items and level up.
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fug :DDD
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This dude on right.
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I mean sniper on right, not demo.
One last time for >>162328681
And lets hope its not 100 posts later again.
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I had to wait 90 seconds to post this
Just because, lets roll again and see how close to 100 posts later I get.
watch that post receive 30 replies again
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Question mark.jpg
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if only trips counted
exactly 100 posts later, then 108 later, then 91 later.
And I guess roll too.
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lol faggot you lost
what the hell is going on in this thread
Ghee ghee noh reeeee
A magical thing. Lord kek blesses us this day
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my sick GETS is whats going on
Quick, Gabe says a feature from Overwatch has to be added to TF2 but you get to pick.

Which one is it?

Hardmode: Can't choose good matchmaking
a good engine
Revival medigun
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Gray-bans Unshaved bear and Bolshevik biker
How would balance them though, and what would each classes' ult be?
scout would be just to run faster and pyro could be omni directional airblast
without straight up copying overwatch medic's could be an ability to increase healing rate with increased uber charge rate/weapon swap for crossbow action
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scout has super speed and is fast enough to be untargetable by sentries
soldier's is to send one giant rocket with insane exposion radius that he can detonate mid air
pyro's is to throw a flammable flask that slows down and damages everyone who walks into it
idk about demo
heavy reflects all damage at a 200% rate and becomes immovable by anything
engineer can instantly put down another level 3 sentry that lasts for 8 seconds
medic revives everyone around him
sniper can shoot through walls and instantly kills anyone
spy becomes invisible, can go through enemies, and backstab while cloaked
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Black Box

Going Pyro was really a good move.

May be it's artist's fandom bullshit but I read somewhere that Medic has an ex-wife but Demoman banged her.
"No heals for Demo" joke comes from here I guess. Medic is a cuck.

Do you even use the GRU when you have Family Business anyway?

fixed for you

Does it get filtered really? I wonder what happens in Dotootwo general.

Easy. Medic's Shield ability from MvM back into default game modes. Reinhearth would be proud.
>Medic's Shield ability in standard game modes

I didn't know how much I wanted this until now, also I may or may not have a semi from the though of shutting Kritz the fuck down now balance it
>now balance it
can only be used by the vaccinator
Does what get filtered, moba? Nah, it lets us make fun of newfags. Even lolg uses it on occasion. But they're also well aware of Riot's fuckery and general ineptitude
i actually think a shield medi gun could be its own thing with the shield being its ubercharge. it still leaves the medic vulnerable from the air and from behind, so it's not completely broken. i do wonder what implications that would have in mvm though.
But the vacc is already good
>ask if he can switch to stock
how autistic are you? if he's using gunboats, just shotgun deny him until he switches, or gets bored of you 20-0'ing him.
better netcode
you literal fucking retard
No change kritz and vacc are still king
>shutting kritz the fuck down
run uber or have your roamer bomb the medic. he can't pop to save himself because kritz only does damage.
I do run über, but in pubs Ican't resist the siren's song of the vaccinator

rip quickfix
I was thinking about multi-headed Medigun (a cerberus or hydra related name) with higher heal rate but lower über rate. On deploy it embodies a large shield infront of patients which is perfect for pushing at narrow halls. It wouldn't outperform the stock invulnerability or vaccinator at all. Just shield duration needs to be really low so it wouldn't overwhelm the enemy team and don't force you to channel all your attention to forward while a Spy sneaks on you.
rate my gamesense
Rip indeed but QF can be useful if you ever chose to pocket a banner Soldier, who are only good at sweeping, roaming and nothing else. Beware tho' you may end up finding yourself using Blutsauger.
>current year
>using anything but the crossbow

Valve still have the power of repairing things. But... they have way too many working on CSGO or Dotootwo.
They should listen to youtubers instead of compfags have you triggered yet, compfags?.
Some imbalances makes this game a chore sometimes, that surely repels casual people away from the game after realizing this. Meta itself (some metas completely revolve around Medic) and map design (spawn camps and clutches) need to be tweaked at least. Alas, I can't give a good suggestion or solution about them either...
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>he honestly cares about the fact that tf2 players are moving to overwatch and csgo
Wew lads I knew you had autism but I did not know that you don't have personality.
dumb phoneposters
What if Demoman fires like 10 pipes Ala x10 server and medic both kritz and Uber his target?
What's wrong with mobileposting?
whats the source on jesse's avatar
asking for a friends friend
haven't played this game for a while

what happened to tf2r? site looks fucking dead

does that tranny guy still own it?
sometimes there are raffles
sometimes there are less raffles
Ooooh bait. Send it here.
Game is F2P, we don't worry about losing fresh meat, but surely game will be less fun to play against or with newbies. OW shills and butthurt lmaobox nerds keep hacking, higher ranks are losing blood, it's a hassle to find decent servers (especially for new comers) or kick players in this system.
The only thing I worry is Valve end up giving up the development of TF2 and leave the scene to OW shills.
does the tranny own it still

post pics of him
Do you mean reag? No idea
It was a mercy killing! Ya live in a MEDIC
Just lay your weapons down and Place a dispenser here!
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>team full of sub level 30s while enemy team has 4 elites
>enemy team has 2 uber/kritzkrieg medics with competent pockets
>enemy team has 5 sentries
>enemy team has a cheater with medic bots
>enemy team has 6 matching avatar/usernames
>teammates wont stop spamming shit at auto reflect pyro
>team gets spawncamped
>team gets backcapped
>random crits all over the place

just 12 more levels to 150, then im fucking out
no force on earth will make me play this again
>Caring about levels in casual
Are you autistic by any chance?
yeah him
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Good riddance.
How do you have fun without ruining someone's day?
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You scramble teams over and over until you get the perfect balance.

It's not fun unless someone's day is ruined, Anon.
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Your logic being that after 4 years of constant misery there will be a single shining day when you actually get to play and it'll be shortly after midnight so nobody's day has a chance to be ruined by the constant resets?
Short Circuit OP?
i hate you
It's good for fucking up retarded DR spies and shutting down sticky spam.
your avatar is ugly as fuck
Brilliant against projectile spam, but forces you to keep your buildings together. It's like a lesser copy of Wrangler; at the surface it has no downsides, but deep beneath it has its faults.
>Australium medigun
>Festive crossbow not strange
>Burly beast not strange
brah do you even wealth
you are ugly as fuck
Did they fix the SC lag exploit?
A while ago
Ages ago.

They call me mule boy, because all I do is carry
They call me jew boy
Who is early motherfucker?
Thread meme count: 9999999999r
That's a man, baby.
Prove it
This is the good point to leave after reaching it 2bh. I probably will quit tf2 for atleast 3 months after i will get 150 too. Currently i'm at 91.
Thread posts: 751
Thread images: 171

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