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/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1102

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Thread replies: 663
Thread images: 251

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Last thread: >>161663145

Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

4 Goddesses Online Links and Info


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FJqa608HGE [Embed]
>Translation: http://pastebin.com/m9wiRXxg

Cyberdimension OST Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=405uPsmmUvc [Embed]

Remember to filter "Airisunon" to avoid unnecessary drama.
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Vert is best goddess.
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I love Neptune!
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Uzume is cute.
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Tekken is cute.
Gonna play some Saturn.
Will Plutie be playable in 4GO?
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What the fuck.
To continue on that "Null Category" business in RB3...
What does it change exactly? Just the resistances to various elements, or something else? Would it explain why Plutia always do shit damage despite having decent stats, while Noire and Neptune both hits like trucks?
She said in RB2 that she thinks Nepgear is waifu material and will never let her get married
Because you are attacking a magical-resistant enemy and neither Neptune nor Noire have many magical attacks.
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It's the "filled out" part that worries me.
Filled out with WHAT? And it's not the kid like in pic related, it's the baby. A baby is filled out.
It's milk anon, milk
Are the 'sha's names related to something?
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What does it have to do with Copypaste? I made sure to always use physical attacks against him (not like Plutia, Noire and Neptune have any magical attack), and while the two others did roughly 1 500dmg per attack, Iris Heart just caused 33 dmg, so roughly 2,2% of any of the other characters' attacks.
If it was Mina or Histoire or even Vert attacking with magical stuff, I would understand, but here, it was all physical.

Company, no?
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Big Nep is for nepping!

Nobody can have her to themselves!

Big Nep must be able to be nepped by everyone and to nep anyone!
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What's under Cave?
>What does it have to do with Copypaste? I made sure to always use physical attacks against him (not like Plutia, Noire and Neptune have any magical attack)
Plutia is literally about magical attacks (as opposed to weapon attacks Noire and Neptune are about). Magical attacks scale off INT and reduced by MEN, while weapon attacks - STR and VIT respectively. Plutia's STR is too low to use her weapon attacks for damage and Copypaste has probably higher than average MEN so it reduces magical attacks too.
Nigga, most of Plutia's attacks are magical and Noire has both physical and magical attacks.
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Maybe its the null category trait affecting your damage, Noire gets a free pass because she has natural null category, and maybe you paired neptune with someone who can give her free null category.

Most monsters belong to one species or another, and some of them can resist physical damage, null category allow you to bypass that resistance and deal full damage.

Took me a while to discover why Noire was dealing much more damage than Yellow heart despite YH having some 500 extra atk.
how the fuck did that happen?
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I love Noire more than anything in the entire world!
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It's just an edit
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Still can't do that.
no "I love Noirenon" yet, is the gaymeme finally fucking over? If so, good riddance
I love Gearnon so so so so much.
Yes yes, we know Nepgear
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My favorite girl
Too bad she will always want you to hit her, which is bad.
So no change for corrupted Ram?
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What is she doing?
getting naked for me
Getting ready for Gearnon to nep her all night long.
Fuck off, Trick
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All the girls look like sluts
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I thought UD Noire was Gearnon's stalker, why is HD Noire there? she loves Noirenon, not Gearnon.
That hand on her tail, skimpy outfit, that sassy look

She wants the D.

Huh, just like normal Ram.
sorry to tell you this, but I believe so. Nepgear and Tiara are there, who both want Gearnon. UD Noire also wants Gearnon, so I don't know if it was an accident or it was meant to be HD Noire, but that doesn't make sense if it is meant to be her. why would Neptune be there with a bunch of girls who really want Gearnon if she didn't also want him?
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Time to do some manhunt
I just beat megadimension VII senpaitachi. I want to keep going and try NG+ and get the other ending(s). What of the options are best to check off for NG+ to keep the game fun/challenging but keep the quality of life/convenience stuff so the second run is a little smoother?
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Yay or nay?
Noirenon and Uninon look so cute! Yay.
What about gearnon?
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I prefer these. Yours are overrated.
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What about the other guy
He's alright, I don't quite know how to put it, but I feel like the Lastation bros look a bit better.
what a cute meido.
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I'm going to post this every thread until they added Rena to next Neptunia game.
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I like that chirper icon of me, thanks to whoever made it.
Well, Lastationbros look sassy and stylish while Planepals look fluffy and huggable
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>come home
>See this
wat do
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Goodnight Nepgen.

I love Noire more than anything!
Punch her in the sternum, then grab her throat and begin honking at her.
Eat all of my pudding right in front of her without offering her any.
Call Histy and tell he she needs to pick up her child.
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Giant Compa, desu!
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Neptune = obnoxious little bitch.

Purple Heart = literal perfection
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The factory that makes a lot of ideas.
>Compa will never shrink your city
Who's idea was it to give IF that massive coat that masks her cute figure?
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Reminder that tangerines kick ass.
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IF cute.
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Which nep has the best _______midriff?
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>Realise that neps are real
>Wonder why my house is on the outside
>Look for my nep
I'm out of puddings so I suggest her to come to the store with me so she can choose the puddings she wants.
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>just had my 5th or 6th random crash in re;birth3
This game makes me want to kill myself but I can't stop playing it.

Either Hyperdimension Falcom or CyberConnect2, IIRC CC2 is the only character who has a scene dedicated to her midriff.
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imagine elder scrolls but with neps instead of tamriel
But Tamriel is a continent
Are you suggesting that instead of it being made of dirt and rocks that it's made out of nep parts instead or something
no I mean it takes place in the Neptunia world instead of on Tamriel
A horrific flesh continent would have been more interesting

I guess that could be a plane of neplivion or something though
Neptune would obviously be Sheogorath
but what about the others?
Mehrunes Dagon is CPU form Rei Ryghts
Blanc is Malacath
Vert is Azura because of her huge tits
Rei would be sheogorath while her HDD would be Jyggalag
is anybody going to playstation experience tomorrow?
> the only character who has a scene dedicated to her midriff.
w-what did they say about it?
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Post nice breasts
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Histy a cute!
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>post nice breasts
>he posted nepgear
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nebu nebu is _________
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Very cute breasts.
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Uni during one post-game event in RB3 notices CC2's midriff, and how firm and smooth it looks. She then complains about how she's starting to get pudgy, and starts tracing her finger around CC2's bellybutton.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised too.
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I want a Patapon-style game where you take control of the Planeptunian army and help PH/Nepgear go on a conquest spree across Gamindustri.
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A cutie!
Why must every event focusing on a nep's body come at Uni's expense :(
That wasn't even the frustrating part, the frustrating part was that they didn't even bother to make a CG of that particular scene.
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Holy shit, I knew everything in V was a bitch, but even so, I'm surprised to see IF and Peashy taking after Noire that quickly.

I dunno how that works precisely, but yeah, Plutia always do piss poor damage.

please help senpaitachi
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>IF is finally grown up
>first thing she says in the timeline (outside of bad events) is encouraging Peashy to attack Neptune
What an unpleasant piece of shit.
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Neps are made for physical abuse
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Only if you're straightforward about it and have the maturity to admit you want to hurt their butts for your own pleasure.

If it's just to hate the person that raised you out of teenage angst, then you're just a piece of shit. Congratulations, RB3, you managed to make IF totally unlikeable.
...teenage? Iffy is like 6 years old in that cutscene.
Why does nep look the same?
Yeah, but usually, at 6 years old, you still love your parents. It's only when you start being a teenagers that you start disliking them.
IF's so precocious.
Because Neptune is a CPU and is ageless.
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I want Underling to become my maid so I can bully her sexually.
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It's time for your medicine, Mr. Mouse!
erase your fucking sketch lines you fucking savage
I hope the music from Neptune vs SHG returns in the other games. IF's theme is a great track, same with the Game Gear Era Overworld music.
The OP to that was pretty catchy, too.
Post links, dammit.
Sorry, but she's exclusive only to me.
All asses are belong to me.
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Except they don't
Gamindustri is free as freedom
There is no freedom.
Gamindustri is just a VR illusion. You believe you are walking in Virtua Forest, where you are just sleeping in a vat.
Game Gear Era theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNE56cvbuWA
IF chan's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roWs_amSbmo
Dreamcast Era Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdXGZxOoqc0
Sega Saturn Era Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49ySxxPjLK8
Mega Drive Era Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbeECdB3RKU
and here's the Fever Time music (you hear this a lot): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbcVWsitUjc
I would be lying if I said I like this one.
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I want to go shitposting on IF-chan
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>Neptune AND Nepbyke on the same screen
Okay, seriously, someone need to explain the full plot. I know it involves the Sega girls running away from Iris Heart, Segamin being a bitch and dying, the end of the world, monsters, and making IF crawl to get a good look at her ass.
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Sega girls shouldn't be the only ones running away from Iris Heart desu
>implying you dont already do that
We all know the truth neptune.
Hold on to your hat, Anon, let's get started. For you spoilerfags, this entire post is one big spoiler, skip it.

Prologue: IF arrives at the World Library, and spots Segami falling from the sky like a shooting star. She catches her, but she's unconscious. IF goes into the library and meets Junksty, and leaves Segami in her care while exploring the library. Something (spoiler: it's the Time Eater) knocks her out and Junksty doesn't bother looking for her for 3 days. Histy then informs her history is being erased and needs Segami and IF to travel time with her now modified motorbike to observe history. The first era they go to is Mega Drive's, where Neptune talks shit, Mega Drive is a bitch, and ultimately IF and Segami watch Mega Drive and Purple Heart get ERASED FROM HISTORY in front of their very eyes. They return to the library in tears, but then it's revealed Neptune has somehow possessed IF's sportsbike and changed the colour from Ninja Green to Eggplant Purple.

Next parts in next post.
Sorry, Sega Saturn's Era. Wow how did I fuck that up.

Chapter 1 coming up next.
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The more I play the Neptunia games, the more I dislike IF. She was tolerable in RB1 and 2 because despite all her bitching, she was a valuable party member and helped advance the plot, but RB3 turns her into a bitch and SeHa makes her worse somehow.

>meets Junksty
Nigga you want to get slapped?

Which one is Saturn? The one with the hoodie and the craving to get things in her ass?
So, at this point Segami remembers that the Time Eater exists, and they go fight it. They get their asses kicked, and then for some reason time gets rewound to right before IF went inside the library. Nepbike and IF have to show some hustle to catch Segami, who's awake this time. Nobody has any idea wtf is going on, and Histy doesn't remember them. At this point the story branches, and you can choose to visit Mega Drive's, Dreamcast's, or Game Gear's era.
Saturn is the one with the giant choker. The hoodie bitch is Game Gear. Mega Drive is the nerd with glasses, and Dreamcast is the only character whose hair is more ridiculous than Neptune's.

Part 2 next.
I don't suppose anyone has the link to the full ost?

The one in the pastebin is the mini ost, which has ten tracks total.
Pic reminds me of Ar Tonelico. They never really showed the crystal insertions.
How do the Time Eater look like? Lavos?
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TL;DR version The SHG are in a conflict with the goddesses that spans several decades. All while said history is being deleted. You're job is to observe history. Though later on it is to change history as well as to defeat the force that is deleting it.
>The SHG are in a conflict with the goddesses that spans several decades
Said like that, it sounds kinda epic.
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It's Junksty because it's Mini-Histoire from Ultradimension and not fullsize Bigsty from Hyperdimension.

Part 2: Mega Drive's era. They arrive, and IF immediately runs over a sleeping Plutia. Then 5 minutes later runs her over again. Then they fight and almost lose against some monsters, Plutia goes HDD, destroys the monsters, and rapes IF + Segami into submission. Mega Drive appears to gloat at them. Eventually they fight Mega Drive and the story is over for that era at that point. Now you fight the Time Eater again and lose and time gets rewound. See a pattern forming? But this time when you arrive at the library, CPUs and SHGs from the eras you've fully observed are already in the library waiting for you
He looks like the attached.
Please don't bully Iffy
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>Plutia goes HDD, destroys the monsters, and rapes IF + Segami into submission

But eventually, you end up fighting the local Sega girl, and then get killed by the Time Eater every time?

Why not? IF's a bad girl.
To make a long story short, in Game Gear's era Nepgear is useless, and so is Game Gear, and in Dreamcast's era, Dreamcast is an even bigger hard head than Uzume is, with both of them thinking the other is going to destroy the world. Eventually, Histoire tells IF that it's okay to change history, so Segami gets a giant nerd boner and wants to change history. True end spoilers coming up in the next post, fags.
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>Plutia goes HDD, destroys the monsters, and rapes IF + Segami into submission.
I almost forgot, in Game Gear's era there's video game hunters. People actively hate video games in that era so Nepgear and Game Gear are in hiding and don't actually hate each other.
Well, that's how it is. There are 4 (technically 5 counting the present) eras in history. Each of these eras is named after a Sega system and each conflict is between the SHG and Goddess that represent that era. The only one where they're not really in conflict is the Game Gear era since both Nepgear and Game Gear have the people's best interest at heart.
In the true end, it's revealed the Time Eater created the ruined history of conflict. To fix it, IF and Segami (and Nepbike) go to Saturn's Era first. They tell Saturn what happens if her fights don't stop, and she agrees to end them with Neptune. But she gets possessed (super spoopy) by the Time Eater and you have to fight her. What began the history of conflict in the first place was Iris Heart raping Mega Drive, so next they go to Mega Drive's Era and fight a possessed Rapist Heart. Then etc. etc. and the true end comes. Final scene spoilers in the next post, so entire post will be black tagged.
>IF's a bad girl
She's not. She's a cute girl that only wants the best for Neptune
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Ffs nigger it's not that hard to press Ctrl+S
Ha, so basically the Time Eater always possess a character to create conflicts.
That makes it the most successful villain in Neptunia.

After Mages.
Well, yeah. However, it does take a page from Bravely Default's playbook.

Don't worry, it's not as bad. Hell, you even get the bad end in this game in a similar manner as BD,

You're just not gonna get it on the first playthrough since you have to beat Time Eater the very first time you encounter it. Which is not gonna happen since that fucker can kill your characters in one shot unless you been grinding like crazy.
In the true end, Segami's eaten memories have been returned. She's the god who created the world. In the Japanese VA, she's referred to as Kami-sama, instead of Megami-sama like the CPUs. She reveals that she fought with the Time Eater for thousands of years before humans existed, and believed him to have been defeated. She then created the Sega Hard Girls to bring joy and laughter to the world, but the Time Eater ambushed her and nearly killed her, causing her to lose her memories. By defeating him in the true end, you've returned the present to how it was supposed to be, a high tech wonderland of excitement. Segami leaves, but then comes back 2 days later cause she was bored.
nigga fight me
yeah basically every time you lose to the Time Eater, Segami rewinds time to before IF entered the library.
Kurome was actually more successful. Kurome won, and was only defeated by Purple Heart's heroic willpower.
also joke's on you I literally didn't know about ctrl+s until right now
I never played Bravely Default. I don't even know what this is.

I only dislike Segamin a litte more.

I feel like that part where time rewinds is becoming really common. Re;Zero, Higurashi, that Doctor Who episode. Probably even more stuff, like that TV show where a girl hallucinates an entire day when she sees a dead body.

Yeah, my bad, I thought the time rewinding was the Time Eater's thing.
also this means Segami is the most powerful character to ever appear in Neptunia. She's literally God, she upholds existence itself.
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I never spanked a god. But I really want to take on that challenge now.
tip for when you play SHG: IF, Segami, Mega Drive, Dreamcast. Best team. Before you activate Fever Time, have Segami transform into Dreamcast, then activate Fever Time. Mega Drive charges Segami so she deals 3x damage with her next attack, then when it's Segami's turn, use her EXE drive. I've had it hit 900k damage, and not even the True End Time Eater has that much HP.
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post cute Uni
Wait, so Segami can turn into others girls?
Segami is God, she can do what she wants. But yeah, Segami's HDD is transforming into one of the Sega Hard Girls, and gaining their specials and EXE drives.
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I like that.
>playing through for the first time.
>write off Noire as cliche tsun-tsun and her fans are just pathetic losers who think that's love because it's the only outwards reaction they've ever had from a woman.
>Find out she's actually pretty based.

Compa is still best girl.
but wait there's more! During Fever Time, enemies don't get to take their turn, only you do, and if you don't fill up your Action Points, you might get to take your turn again before the enemies take theirs for the first time.
You're right about Noire's fans.
Plus she gets better stats.

Well, in BD, there's a part where you keep having to awaken the crystals.
I don't really care about the gameplay, but I like the opportunity of fucking all the Sega girls while just having to drag Segami, kicking and screaming, in the bedroom.
I'm right about everything.
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I want to break Histy by drawing doodles in her tome!
>getting fucked up in random battles
>get a couple levels
>only amounts to about 30-40 defense per character
>enemy aoe magic spell goes from doing 350+ to everyone, down to 100 or less
so I take it this one of those games where even a tiny amount of extra attack or defense can make a big difference?
I'm trying to determine that, but my only source of informations is http://wikiwiki.jp/nep-v2/?%BE%AE%A5%CD%A5%BF%A1%A6%CE%A2%B5%BB

But simply put : most likely. It's also fully possible to make 0 dmg.

>Histoire starts giving you orders
>you lean forward
>someone wrote "I LIEK HISTOIRE" in her book
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Nah, it's one of those games where you grind yourself to level 99 first, then go back to the main story and wipe the floor with every enemy that gets into your way.
Still better than Elder Scroll's level scaling. I could bitch about it for days.
Text from the SHG cinematic opening:

for IF: IF is very levelheaded and always leads the team she has one flaw though she suffers from chuunibyou syndrome.

Segami: A mysterious girl with amnesia.
In the background on Segami's opener: 26 Oct 1994. Significance of date?

The eras are named "Ancient, Middle Ages, Industrial, Modern, Wasteland" at one point in the background.

The Hearts and SHGs don't have any background text in the opening cinematic.
>Significance of date?
>"It was Wednesday, under the sign of Scorpio. The US president was Bill Clinton (Democratic). In that special week of October people in US were listening to I'll Make Love To You by Boyz II Men. In UK Saturday Night by Whigfield was in the top 5 hits. Stargate, directed by Roland Emmerich, was one of the most viewed movies released in 1994 while Insomnia by Stephen King was one of the best selling books."
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>The eras are named "Ancient, Middle Ages, Industrial, Modern, Wasteland" at one point in the background.
This only makes me realizes how much I'd like a Age of Empires-alike game with neps.
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Yes, YES
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Gearsy a cute
Sega Saturn also has 26 Oct 1994 in the background upon furthur inspection. 26 Oct 1994 shows up again right before they introduce the library in the cinematic. 26 Oct 1449 shows up during the library intro. This is some illuminati shit.
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>tfw you try to replace the empty feeling of no Nep gf with shitposting
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All right, now that everyone explained how the plot is like, I can ask an important question.

How are the Segas' butts?

legitimate question here: with smaller boob sizes like A and flatter, what's the point of the bra? To prevent nipples from showing through shirts?
So I solved the mystery, friends. 26 October 1994 is when Idea Factory was founded. Which means it's also Iffy's birthday.
breast pads
But flat is justice
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I want to save peasant Neptune from evil dogoos and take her as my wife!
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A shame we don't do birthday spankings anymore.

Blanc will never see it that way.
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>still no dogoos in Slime Rancher
Come on. I can't mod that game myself, I understand nothing of that 3D stuff.

I remember the last time a relative talked to me like that. Now he calls me "sir".
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grace fairy Rena.jpg
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Rena for Nep 8 when?
>that one doggo who is looking at her panties

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Iffy a bully!

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Compa a cute!

>Go to hell
>YFW its actually nepgen mansion
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>"Neptyunu-san, you didn't happen to slack off all day again, did you?"
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Gearnon is fine too
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TIL gearanon has tits
That would be cute if they used different clothes for the hair and the skin.
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>mfw, so much more comfy than burning in hell
But I'd need a chirper icon and a phrase I can spam regularly. "I love C-Sha more than...some other things in the world...I guess?"
They said he is a god who can do anything, so he might as well transform into a girl and be my slut
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I want to kidnap Gearnon and mix nepstrogen into his food until he grows tits and starts craving share rods.
But that's wrong, and gay
>Gearanon is a girl
Wait what?
Well. It's that time of the day again when /nepgen/ starts being weird.
Don't mind me, I'll be out, trying to figure out how RB3 works.
He may be the famous Girl(male)
That brings a question, what the hell Lindafag is? I know it can change its genders on the fly but what gender is the original?
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I want Witchsty to be playable in 4GO.
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Nah, it's an old thing, before the whole thing got out of hand, he was being meme'd into a girl(female)
I'd say that's when things got out of hand, but whatever.
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gay nepgen.png
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I mean, come on, the start of that was pretty ridiculous to begin with
>Gearanon is actually a girl
>Lindafag is Lindafag
>Spankfag is actually a girl inside the armor
>Noirenon and Uninon are just high quality reverse traps
What do you do?
What i shame
i always imaginated that if spankfag was a girl she would constantly try to spank herself
further poof that harems are cancer since this is an edit of Date a Live crap
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>Spankfag is actually a girl
But that's already a thing!
Finger Gearnon while headpatting her
Life would be simpler for me if I was a girl, since I heard they have an easier time controlling their urges. They can also play the victim and mind control people. They also get better armor values from being half-naked.
Iris Heart is just an amateur that focus on the physical part and doesn't care about the mental and social aspects.
It's amazing how a dead poster can still be discussed
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Praise Spankfag! Fuck, even as I type this message my cock is erect over how great of a disciplinarian he is. Words cannot describe the sheer beauty of Spankfag and the wonderful fencer he anally destroys. What a fantastic paddler.
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>this thread
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All are cancer and all need to be ignored/gassed to death
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>this thread
Not fat enough
Hi Ghostroach.
Ghost and spankfag are equals, they are the same level of cancer, just different types.
The other one is prostate cancer and the other one is lung cancer.
>Next main line nep game
>Histoire gets fired by neptune
>Histoire becomes oracle of lastation
>Neptune hires new oracle
>Its Robbie Rotten
Post your reaction
Why are all the non-goddesses that come in after the second half so shit (regardless of what their stats may or may not actually be).

I just spent the past 50 hours getting attached to these other six. What the fuck am I meant to do with these literally-whos?
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bench and ignore
I think the concept of the makers is kinda bad. They don't have much personality and they just show up out of the blue, with no explanation.
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>Robbie becomes oracle, doesn't change his ways
>New base of operations: Planeptower
>Nepgear, Uni, Rom, Ram replace the kiddos from LazyTown
Who is Sportacus tho?
Nobody will ever be as bad as you.
>This is how Zero Dimension became a thing
Good, then I am heading in the right direction.

While I'm asking dumb shit, where do I get the plans for Blanc's white cat ears?
>defending ghost
>Who is Sportacus tho?
Or Underling because she's fast (At running away)
>being unable to understand english
Which game?
>tfw Neptune isn't called "Violette"
Sacré bleu!
>holy blue
What did they mean by this?
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Im going to order Nep X Robbie when MDS opens commisions
I have the black plan but that requires white ones which makes me think I missed a step.
The drop guide doesn't help either.
L is for Lesbian
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>In that case, Nep is straight
I knew it!
Was there ever any doubt?
nice samefagging
>everyone who agree is a samefag
Fuck off ghostroach, you hypocritical piece of shit.
>everyone who dislikes me is ghost

Nice hypocrisy.

I've noticed your behaviour for some time now. Everytime you post "daily reminder neps are straight" 1 or 2 posts show up to agree with you right away. You are not discreet.
>"i'm not a hypocrit"
>"y-y-you are"
Typical ghostroach.
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>resorting to stuttering
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Sorry to disappoint you bro
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In terms of mansion?
Short answer: Girl
Long answer: Boy that abuses shapesifting and decided that being a girl is more fun
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what is phoneposting? Specially with this picture you took with your phone.
>being this delusional that I would go through with that just to express my opinion twice
Yeah I have better things to do than that
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>new chapter starts
>events and chirpers everywhere because fuck unlocking them one after another
>all the DLCs events are loaded weirdly, so you can watch one, but then they all disappear, so you need to enter a dungeon and leave it to have them displayed again

And finally :
>Neptune pretends to be good with kids, plays with IF
>secretly mocks her, and IF doesn't understand
That's just cruel to mock a kid, even if IF is a little shit.
No discord server in the world would want that gay shit
>forgetting /nepgen/ circlejerk Discord
There's two of them. One is ran by a retard and the other has the best goddamn admin in the world
Nice shilling.
Thanks senpai
>so you can watch one, but then they all disappear, so you need to enter a dungeon and leave it to have them displayed again

No, you just have to exit the city's menu and open it again, they will appear again
Give me more (you)'s
>One is ran by a retard
Nice, so he will accept the mansion fags with no problem

>the other has the best goddamn admin in the world
that one in which a sub-admin deleted everyone from the discord server?
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Just tried that, doesn't seem to work.
And damn, Tekken is adorable. So on top of being a masochist, she's also cute. That's a good way to get a good position on my list.
Looks like you already know so (you) have the answer.
Tekken is best nep
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She also has a Lilly outfit, which raises her sexiness per 1.42 and makes her far more spankable.

Through I honestly don't think it's a good idea to try to beat her.
does noire ever changes expression ?
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noire a shit
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You walk through the streets of Planeptune minding your own business when suddenly this homeless little brat comes to you and asks if you have some spare change.

What do?
Nice Vita font. I love you already.
I ask what's wrong with her hand.
I ask her if she wants to crash at my place.
Take her to my place, then adopt and raise her as if she was my own.
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Take her home and make her eat some eggs.
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Histy a cute
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Okay, seriously, I need a rune reader to undecipher how RB3 actually works.
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Good morning Nepgen.

I love Noire more than anything!
Too bad she doesn't love you.
Hey noirenon ive been wondering for a while now, in what language do youbplay the nep games in, eng or jap?
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I want to marry Nepgya!
Neps with Japanese clothes are cute too.
Both, I play it in Japanese on my first playthrough, then English on my second, then just stick with whichever one I feel like listening to at the time afterwards. I don't really have a preference on the matter.
But why nepgya and not nepgear?
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So who's your favorite nep (as in, which one would you like to hang out with), and why?
Vert because she makes me laugh with her gaming and BL talk
Interesting. What do think about my theory that i came up with a month or two ago, that those who hate noire are mainly the people who play in eng exclusively?
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How do we fix Arfoire?
I feel like it could be true, weren't you asking about it to some of the Noire haters? What did you get out of that?
I did ask a few of them, like 4 or 5. They all confirmed that they play in eng, if i remember correctly.
With a good buttdicking.
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Allow me to demonstrate.
>that pic
Tak to máš blbé lindafag.
But seriously i love noire. Id love to cosplay with her. Maybe we could also try to come up with a new flavour of lastation chocolate. I would gladly be the taste tester.
I think he's Polish, not Slovak. But regardless, shouldn't you also translate -fag? It's more like a title, rather than a part of his name.
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Did you praise your goddess today, /nepgen/?
I wasted my weekend playing videogames, does that count?
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Reform her at last and make her the second oracle of Planeptune.
When shit hits the fan Histy would send her to join Neptune's party to make sure she won't fuck things up. Of course it won't work since reformed Arfy is still unstable as fuck and more like an anti-hero.

Either that or kill her off for good because this is how the life of failed recurring villains usually ends.
Yeah lindafag is polish. that does not mean he cant understand what im saying. In fact ive seen fellow slavs on /int/ say that slovak is the easiest to understand to all the other slavs. Not quite sure what you mean with the rest of your post. Are you saying i should also translate lindafag?
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Rom without a doubt.
>Cute as fuck
>Sweet and kind
>Isn't spoiled unlike her brat sister

Nepgear is fine, too, but she has been ruined by Vert's yaoi butler games.
I loved this scene, I wish we got to see Noire raising Uni.
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>but she has been ruined by Vert's yaoi butler games.

and soon will Rom
This is why no one likes Vert.
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More pls
Praise Noirenon! Fuck, even as I type this message I'm erect over how great of a swordsman he is. Words cannot describe the sheer beauty of Noirenon and the enormous sword in his undergarments. What a fantastic swordsman.
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Bert being Gehaburn'd when?
I like Vert
>liking a pervert that corrupts young girls
That's right
t. Chika
But I'm not Chika
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There's nothing wrong with corrupting the young.
But Rom a cute and doesn't deserve corrupting
I want to turn spankfag into a girl and then spank her
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Rom needs to become a bit cynical, her idealism will turn against her if she becomes CPU. She must learn about how dark, grim, and depressing the world actually is. She needs to learn about inflations, subprime loans, and how we're all going to die.
buds, is it possible to lower the graphic quality of the Rebirths? i could run them if it was lower
But Ram is going to become CPU after Blanc, Rom is going to be protected in her innocence bubble for all eternity, r-right?
They're already ps2-tier
My graphics card died so I'm using the integrated one
Ouch, only thing you can do is go to the lowest res
damn :/
It is worth it for Nepu~
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>Rom is going to be protected in her innocence bubble for all eternity
Putting her in a cage is no different from killing her. Not being alive is the same as dying.
Why are her legs 2x longer than her chest? I'm sure real humans don't look like that.
It was a metaphor. My headcanon is Rom stays cute forever
Virtual memeball against /lzg/ soon, if we lose the group is done and we're out
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Let's prepare the strap.
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No, stop. I don't even understand why you like me so much.
Hope we do lose
cos your hot and i want your broadsword in my anal sheath
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Because you're cute and I want to hold you in my arms. Please be my wife!!
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>implying that's the only problems of his post
>meanwhile, Noire is crying tears of blood
fuck my gaping ass hard until i pass out noirenon
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Rom is one of those characters who are really hard to piss off but who will give you a really bad time if you somehow succeed at it.
Jobbing like James Ellsworth.
I'm trying to think of a time another character did so, can't think of any off hand. Best candidate
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If we lose that match, I'm going to be really pissed.

Learn to stop a fucking ball REEEEEEEE
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Well, there's another reason for me not to like you if you are just going to go by looks. Looks aren't everything.

Wait... Are there 2 of them now? Oh fuck no, make it stop right now.

You don't need to like me. I will just knock you out and have my way with you
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I like K-Sha.
Trick got as far as to make her start calling him names and have an angry sprite.
Needless to say, it didn't end up well for him.
>nepgear being shit again
I blame gearanon
Ah yes well remembered
>implying K-Sha would put off chasing Noire for anything
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>play the golds out of position
>winning 3-1
where can i watch previous nepgen vs utg?
I wanna know this too.
4CCVGL on hitbox
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She still obey orders from the Order, so when the Order ordered her to get rid of Snore, she almost did it.
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Healthy young anon goes to N-chan, starts overworshipping his goddess, gains a fanbase of weirdos - DISAPPEARS.
Many such cases!
Why is Nepgeardam so bad? FUCKING BLOCK THE BALL
Fuck you Nepgeardam.
we shoud request chaning her for if
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What the fuck? You're going to rape him?
>nepgear doen't get tired because she doesn't do fucking anything
Worst girl
no, im going to know him out force feed him viagra and sit on his huge groin-weapon
Dear Nepgeardam,

fuck you.

Sincerely, Spankfag.
is there a new thing on or just old shit?
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That's what you get for overmemeing nepgeardam
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And I thought I was angry at Mages to fucking up that goal.

This was nothing. I have achieved true anger.
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If you guys are about to punish nepgear, you better stand in the line
>implying anyone takes orders from slav trash
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>400 posts
>Ctrl+F "I love Nepgear!"
>0 results
>they still didn't throw away nepgear
Thank God for that. Fucking cancer
Fuck you, I make my own rules.

And my rules are : fuck nepgeardam and praise Blanc, Brave, Green Heart and Purple Heart.
he knows that if he shows up he will get burned alive
Perfect. Now to just do the same to noirenon
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For fuck's sake.jpg
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At least I'm happy someone reposted one of my pictures.

It almost makes me forget about taking 3 fucking goals in succession.
yay we still have a chance but we have to rely on /utg/ helping out
I swear to god the defense and setpieces better be fixed over the week
Our goalkeeper is so hilariously shit.
FUCK, I woke up late and missed the game by fucking minutes
Next time we should throw out Nepgen mansion residents instead of neps
why though? wouldn't you rather try and get rid of someone who is actually ruining this general? Noirenon has been joining in on the conversations, and he is actually trying to stop the gaymeme shitposters.
>announcing his arrival and when leaves everyday as if he is important
>constant avatarfagging
>'he isnt cancer guys'
>actually trying to stop the gaymeme shitposters.
By constantly replying to them? That's giving them the attention they want, you fucking retard. Same thing as gearshitter. Fuck off with your namefaggotry.
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All GKs have the same stats(unless nerfed because of height, but a tall keeper may be worth losing a few stat points). If a goalkeeper seems weak, it's because the defense isn't preventing the opponents from getting good shots. Likewise, a strong goalkeeper is a sign of a strong defense or a poor offense.

That said, Blanc is best girl.
>gaylords harass gearnon
>"he doesn't tell them to fuck off, so he's enabling them!"
>gaylords harass noireanon
>"he tells them to fuck off, he just gives them the attention they want!"
You morons are a pain in the ass.
>moving the goalposts
They both reply, giving them attention, but gearnon responds positively making it worse
So why can't Nepgeardam stop a fucking ball when HUGE COCK manages to do it?
No, you retard. Gearnon never answered to them, he's been ignoring them since day one. Stop being a moron.
key word: almost. Her love for Noire is greater than her loyalty for the Order.
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buran bothered.png
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/nepgen/ kept lobbing long passes that went too far and right to the keeper, /lzg/ went for shorter passes up to and between their four strikers.
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Bez tytułu.png
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Post angry neps
She's fucking useless, Nepgeardam is only good for bullying Rei
Once she becomes acquainted with her, sure. If she was given that order earlier, I dunno.
Not like it really matters, since it was a reference to a comic anyway.

Fucking damn. The manager needs to fix his fucking plan and go for quick passes instead of long-range bullshit.
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Honestly, no matter what I do, whether I say anything to them or not, I feel like it would be enabling them. When I am responding to them, I am giving them attention, when I ignore them, they aren't getting any negativity from it, so they think it's alright to keep going. At least when I am telling them to fuck off, I am not just sitting back and watching it grow uncontrollably, I'm at least actively making an attempt to shut them up, and to not let things get any worse. If people don't like my way of trying to deal with it, then I'm sorry, I just want them to stop.
Ha, Dengekiko and Famitsu are available for L4D2 too, now.
You cannot win. No matter what you do, you'll lose.
I thought she was fed up with the Order before she met Noire? Because she wanted to be a normal girl
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big n.jpg
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Big nepper a cute.
Pretty much, but I can't stand just sitting idly and watching something like that continue to grow, especially when it is about me. Isn't it better to just try and do something to stop it than to do nothing at all?
Yeah, but she was almost brainwashed and even through she wanted to rebel, she didn't until Noire helped.
Do the following: stop posting that "I love Noire more than anything!" bullshit and stop avatarfagging. Stop announcing when you are here.
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I want to do gymnastics with Uni!
90% of my posts the past few threads haven't had a picture accompanying them, I don't understand why you are still going on about avatarfagging.
shes hot, can i nep her?
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>selectively ignoring the other cancer you do
fuck off
>Can't hit a fucking ball corner
omg lol
Well, I very rarely say that I love Noire more than anything anymore, maybe 3 or 4 posts a thread. I don't see how it would help a whole lot to stop that.
Let this be the next OP
"just" spamming it in 3 or 4 posts is still 3 or 4 posts of pure attention seeking cancer, its still announcing who you are, it is literally one step away from being a tripfaggot. how fucking new are you?
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>very rarely
>maybe 3 or 4 posts a thread
lies Big Nep MUST be nepped!
so, the whole team?
Brainless idiot.
Listen, I just come here to praise my goddess, post cute neps, and discuss the games, if you don't like me, just filter me already. I'm already going through enough right now with my family fucking dying and I don't need this shit.
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having a filter option does not mean that you can carry on being a cancerous shitposter. and if you "cant take this shit", the shit that you bring on yourself, then why the fuck are you even posting here?
Nobody gives two shits about your loser parents killing themselves due to shame over their retarded child. Stop fucking attention whoring, loser.
Have a cry somewhere else, you big baby.
Gonna make one with Nepgeardam in a "Can't block a fucking ball corner"?
that's pretty much the same tho.
>begging for attention after being shat on
>posting about personal issues
you really are an attention whore arent you? besides stop posting and go see them
I didn't post that for attention, I don't need any to begin with, and it's really the least of my worries. What I was hoping for when posting that was that you would stop responding to me. I just want to get back to discussing/posting neps.
>it's really the least of my worries.
> I'm already going through enough right now with my family fucking dying and I don't need this shit.
Nice backpedal there, retard.
Just stop, you're only digging yourself deeper. You should keep your personal problems out of /nepgen/ and not post them online.

If you really don't want attention, just then drop that discussion and let it go. Be the mature man.
then stop being an attention whore, right now, this is a fucking anonymous board for a reason, the only reason you would want to be a recognisable personality is for your stupid ego and attention whoring, it ends right now
I hope Cyber Dimension Neptune is import-friendly desu.
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Don't mind me, just posting a pic of hot nepcest action with Nepgear riding Neptune.
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Help me, Uzumebros. C-sha is slowly overtaking Uzume as the best girl. What do?
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Delet this
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This is a blue board, anon! Just because it's spoilered doesn't mean you can post that shit on a SFW board.
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So, seriously, how do we fix our shitty football team? Do they get experience or something, or does it boil down to strategy?

Accept it. You cannot resist.
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Remember that Uzume will be on future Nep games and C-Sha won't.

Plus, Uzume is by far best nep, followed closely by Blanc.
Fucking patrician taste, let it happen, C-Sha is one of the best non-godesses in any of the games.
Thanks for actually being civil about it. I know that I should keep them out, I did that out of pure frustration and I wish I hadn't done it. I came here because I wanted to see cute neps to cheer me up, that's all. I really don't want the attention, and I am sorry that I caused this mess, I'll drop it.
All teams are put together under the same rules so it really boils down to strategy and luck, there's no grinding XP to make up for being bad. Manager just has to git gud.

I can't really help that much since I'm managing another team, but I felt like /nepgen/'s formation this game could've worked well going wide even though it was rather narrow, since /lzg/ were really compact in the box.

And finally, that last goal being Blanc being assisted by Vert was nice.
good, dont do it again, make nepgen great again
Kill yourself, attention whore.
So do we keep burning Nepgearnon at the stake or do we start burning /m/agical manager?

That's how you do it.
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>Not the version with fixed plate color
Gotta upgrade your Uzumesty, anon
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>mfw the mansion cancer is finally coming to an end
Feels bad.
>football fixed the mansion
>like South Africa was fixed by football
>mansion was South Africa
How ironic.
no its great. its cancer, the personalities are fucking retarded along with theyr legion of fags, and proper nep posting can resume
its just a little break
How will I filter you if you don't have a name/trip?

And if you lost your family, 4chan is the worst place to go.
>gearfag has been gone days
>noirefag btfo and promises to fuck off
>uninon never posts anymore
>lindafag and spankfag actually stay anonymous
its permanent, get over it eceleb follower
>uninon never posts anymore
But he's right here
>lindafag actually stay anonymous
Does he posts with a name once in a while?
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Let nature take its course.
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>tfw /nepgen/ is becoming great again
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Well on one hand if you burn /m/m you won't have a manager, on the other hand /tfg/ and /mhg/ are doing pretty well and they have no managers. But they have actually well-made autopilots apparently, I'm not sure you'd get that if you entrusted /m/m to it.

It feels like it's gone because we have something to actually talk about.
>uninon is a gearnon lover
its double cancer
yes, and some people falseflag as him as a result, what a dumb slav


have you not been paying attention
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I love that picture.

What if we burn him just a little bit? Torture has some advantages over execution, after all.

>lost one match
>get a draw in another
Not yet.
Torture is not a great motivator really, you can get someone to do something but it won't make them perform to the best of their ability.

I wholeheartedly support torture between two or more consenting adults though, just remember the safeword.
i want to torture ram
Praise this nep
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I want to spank Vert. Her booty is good.
>in 2 days the amout of shitposters went from 5 to 2
Nepgya stole my bike.
Too bad ghostroach and the eltard are still around.
w-where is nepgear grabbing??
ghost doesnt post, its falseflagging
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I love Nepgear!
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I love Gearnon!
Nice b8 m8, but he's dead
No, it still does. You're deluded if you think that hypocritical, cowardly piece of shit finally grew a thick skin and decided to stop getting his hairless, flaccid butthole ravaged here.
Ghostroach is a blight and will sadly never fuck off. Until it turns 15 and finally grow a brain.
I want to force Vert to watch yuri until she breaks and is left with nothing but cute girls on her mind.
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Wrong. He IS the death
Do you guys think Vert plays eroge?
Albedogear, please go
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Nepgear is my goddess!
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So you want to turn Vert into Million Arthur?
Of course she does
if people actually paid attention to her
Here we go again...
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I like Neptune!
>he though the ride will ever end
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Do you love me too?
>Be gearnon
>In the True End everyone from your "family", the mansion fucks everything up
>Take all the blame
>Fight the CPUs to death in the mansion's huge ass garden while everyone escapes
>Get killed
>blah blah blah and so on
>Everyone finds out Gearnon did nothing wrong
>Mansion members are forced to repent for what they did
>But in the end, they all get to spend their days with their beloved waifus as the screen darkens then credits
>Screen lights up again showing the mansion's garden field
>Show Gearnon's dead body
>Zoom in to show his face
>He's smiling like like a good boy that he is
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New canvas2.jpg
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"I love Nepgear!"

I don't like rivals.
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Plutie is a cutie.

I love Plutie!
>Final Battle
>Lindafag fights alongside Gearanon nad Spankfag
>backstabs Gearanon when she notices that neps are winning, dealing the final hit
>"See NepuNepu? i never betrayed you!"
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Please, Compile Heart.
Has there any been NepNowa defending lately though? If not, then his presence hasn't existed in a while.
Ghostroach stalks the place, but he only ever posts on his blog now.
He finally realized there's noway and grew out of his yurishit phase.
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>Vert turns into Million Arthur
>Makes herself a harem out of the Candidates
>Marries them all after they succeed their older sisters as CPUs
>Gamindustri is now united under one big personal union with Leanbox
When will the ride end?
When /nepgen/ finally dies for good.
Yeah just like when "he killed himself" You sure are easy to trick
>the ride
Until you stop riding his dick you fucking useless slut
Suddenly I want a doujin about Underling being nepped by a horde of super otakus.
I won't allow it!
But, but, Gearnon is too good
Fuck off ghostroach.
Hang yourself Uselessgear, you and everybody related to you is fucking horrible
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Nepgear is pure! I will have sex with her only after the wedding!
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Not quite lewd.png
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I would settle for some decent rule34 of Underling.
I want to pump my hot stuff into Gearnon!
Linda is for reforming and cuddling!
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Lainda is for raping, raping, nonconsenusal sex, raping, raping and raping some more.
Uninon, please go
Kurome annoys me. She turns Arfoire into her little bitch.

The Union.
I wish for a scene like this, but with Vert instead of Nepgear. Vert x IF is great.
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I love Nepgear!

Goodnight nepgen.
Bullshit, he's supposedly saying good morning by now
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This is why you don't have nice things
all neps are for being tenderly nepped.
Gearnon is for devoting, serving, loving, abusing me and calling me a useless slut that I am!
Nepgear pls
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Cocky Underling.jpg
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Of course, reformed into hand holding and missionary.

and maybe the occasional petty crime for excitement
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Bez tytułu.png
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That sounds good
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To be fair that wasn't our Arfoire, it was a delusion created from Neptune's memories of Arfoire.
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>tfw I want to draw neps
>tfw I can't
>tfw I can't draw each nep fucking gearnon like a slut, just to piss people off
Full version?
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Better start now anon
Well. Im out to bed
Good night nepgen!
http://i.imgur.com/VJBsDBN.png (NSFW)
its just an edit anyway
gib sauce
You don't ever improve unless you start in the first place.
But why gearnon dou?
I will famalams
He gets hate levels that are that same as GN's SI or even worse, it's funnier and will piss people off especially when the neps act OoC
Bunny Compa.
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>a JRPG that has a character that canonically has a navel piercing
I never thought I'd see the day
That's not the only thing that pierced her, if you know what I mean.
Is there any drawfag in here?

I want a christmas Uzume pic but I can't find any.
Make him have a big d
>PH teases about being a "big" boy
>Noire is just Noire
>Blanc is screaming in leglock position
>Vert is make him suck her tiddies
>Uni thinking it's so wrong but she feels too good while being pounded in the ass
>No Rom and Ram
Give me an IF picture too!
Thanks, anon <3
Fang (FFXIII) has a navel piercing
She definitely doesn't.
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W-what did she mean by this?
They're sisters
>Noire acts nice for once
I dont think it has anything to do with that. I think its becaise of how much physical contact she wants all of a sudden. I mean come on sisters at their age leaning on each other? Dont only people who are overattached do that?
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I love Nepgear!
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Wouldn't Uni be flattered and love more physical contact with Noire though?
Nice to see people liking Nepgear too.

How did the game against /utg/ go?
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How bad?
3-1 loss
also 4-4 draw with /lzg/ (after blowing a 3-1 lead) today
now we need /utg/ to win their next game and win ourselves for any chance of advancing
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Was looking for a pic of Uzume alone, but this one will do.

Have a token for your kindness.
How did Nepgear do?
when is the /nepgen/ next game? and who is our opponent?
Maybe if she was overattached or younger. At hear age its probably more akward/creepy. Remember uni wants to be praised not smooched.
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CH should go and release full body towel portraits already. Or better yet remove the towels altogether
Towels are hotter
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+1 for Nepgear.
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And a bonus.
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You're not Bertie.
F U C K Y E S. Emphasis on "Fuck".
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white sister rom.png
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What a sweet girl. I enjoy Rom.
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white sister ram.png
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Ram is enough to give me diabetes. I relish Ram.
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Best way to suicide /nepgen/ ?
Backflipping through a minefield.
Direct me to the minefield and I'll gladly do it
Best way or least painful?
Whatever it takes
Look at that slut. Who the heck is she showing herself to anyway?
Gearnon, obviously.
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Praise Lastation!
Lastation is the best station.
But is lastation also the last station?
Save the best for last, m8.
Electrocution should be really quick, got any high voltage power lines anywhere?
I always do anon.
What a lewd girl, first thing she does is show off her damp, see-through dress while lifting it up to show him her wet, dripping panties that is obviously shaped like her pussy after being wet
Its not like gearnon dislikes it.
>Remember uni wants to be praised not smooched.
Clearly you haven't seen the 4GO promo art between them.
Who wouldn't want to have their goddess to be their private lewdmodel?
look mom, I posted it again
To go where no Nep has gone before!
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Give herself to the punisher
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cute 4go.png
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I love Neptune!
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>Savage Garden
I haven't heard this fucking song in a long ass time.
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Really now, we were doing so well keeping images fairly sparse, why did you just straight shoot it you asshole
>Open up an RB3 let's play on youtube
>Fucking guy is using a main party of just the four oracles
Why would you even do this
Because he can
Might as well just shitpost the rest of the way!
I love Nepgear!
playing pokemon
I went and looked through /nepgen/'s VGL team, and while it wasn't as retarded as last time I still have some things to complain about:
Track back on all forwards - track back isn't a bad card, especially not on medal forwards, but it makes them run backwards and away from the opponent's defense line. Leaving if off one CF(read: Blanc with her goal poacher playstyle) would've increased your chances of quick counters and throughballs.
Long Range Drive is good, but you may want to put First-Time Shot on at least one forward. LRD is for shots outside the box, FTS is for shots inside the box where you often don't have time to properly control the ball and just have to kick it immediately.
Weighted pass isn't that great. It's probably the cause of those retarded laangballs.
Extra frontman CBs - now that's stupid. Causes your defense to try to help attack. One extra frontman can make sense, but combining two extra frontman CBs with offensive fullbacks leaves you with a defense that's also trying to attack. You can just leave the playstyle field blank, you know?
And finally, I don't think Acrobatic Finishing helps goalkeepers in any way. Acrobatic Clear might, but probably only marginally.

If /m/agical manager isn't here to see this, I might repost this in the next thread.
I do, all the time.
Maybe you should... not only do we have to hope /utg/ wins their match, we still also have to win ours afterall. Forecast is not looking good unfortunately.

Also, remove Nepgeardam, holy shit.
or just post it in the cup general
I already explained that Nepgeardam's impotence stemmed mostly from an incompetent defense. The goalkeeper should be the last line of a layered defense including the midfield and defenders, but /nepgen/'s opponents just walked too easily around the defenders once they got past the midfield.
I'd rather keep this as an internal /nepgen/ matter.
Blanc is a ____
Very cute girl who cares deeply for her nation and her two little sisters.
Stand user.
smash you with a hammer
wonderful friend and Goddess

I agree that the defense was pretty incompetent but this is two games in a row where she blocked basically nothing except shots going directly at her
Is there version of pantsu engine that works on current ReBirth1 outside of single angle?
>Nep-Nep is actually a rape survivor
>Her acting like a little child is a mind defence mechanism that allows her to forget what happened to her
Well that went dark fast.
new bread

>expecting a youtuber to show skill or take the hard road
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