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/rpgmg/ - RPG Maker General #176

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 767
Thread images: 148

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Bearded Santa Clone Edition

Trial Download: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/free-trials/trial-rpg-maker-mv
Trial Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!HNRDmQKS!6YhUUEA3YpRYEaruDgfUmFD2kZcOB7pv3rSssUOM2bs
RPG Maker MV 1.33 Repack
RPG Maker MV Season 4 Pass

Previous Thread: >>161095731

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/rpgmg/ Chain/Collaboration Game!
Status: Pt. 14 (The Real Finale) is in development.
Currently working:
Bubbles !u696zUYxpM
Version 13B: http://www.mediafire.com/download/89tsrb5ka31g36h/rpgmgcollab_v13B.zip

Latest SteelZeroes Demo!
Thank you Gandalf for making a new thread
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Yo, can someone try out my demo? I want some feedback for my project.

Every time. Every fucking time I start working on my game you fucks die
Alright anons, I need a bit of assistance here. I've had this action sequence set up, where characters hop over to enemies to attack them if they're melee. Ranged would stay back and shoot. I've gone and made my planned five tiers of regular old weaponry(sword,axe,bow,spear,staff).

Only now, ever since I did so, the sequence isn't working anymore. The bowman hops up and shoots point blank at the enemy now. Any ideas why?

Here's the thing.

<setup action>
display action
immortal: targets, true
</setup action>

<target action>
if user.attackMotion() !== 'missile'
move user: targets, front, 20
perform start
wait for movement
motion attack: user
wait: 10
attack animation: target
wait for animation
action effect
</target action>
Sure, I'll check it out a little bit later.
What can we expect?

Actually, never mind. I had figured it out. My messing with database needed me to go back to system and switch up the weapon animations for SV properly.

So simple.
A slightly Earthbound-inspired RPG with an original soundtrack. There's only about 10 minutes of gameplay so far, but I just wanna gleam first impressions.

Looks super cute, I'll play when I get home from work.
Thanks anon! Tell me what ya think.
It's time to post progress Anons.
>Start game
>Screen goes white after loading

Huh, do I need to install something?
Naah, that's just the title screen. I haven't drawn it yet. Press enter and the game will start.
Now I feel like a dum dum
deja vu
Why doesn't your game use full width characters?
Considering not having exp in my game at all, since it's so short. Just one set of equipment upgrades available toward the end.
Are you willing to forgive a game having a shitty story if the worldbuilding is great?
Hylics did this just fine.
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Is it supposed to end at that thing that one shots me?
Also the controls are a bit awkward, why use enter+arrow keys? Threw me off since you could use Z to start the game but Z didn't do anything after that.
I found the font a bit taxing on the eyes but maybe it's just me. I think you should slow the text down instead of it appearing all at once.
I enjoyed the battle much more than I expected, I think you nailed the pacing/feel and it looked nice. It just needs more depth now.
What was the tent about? I couldn't enter it or anything.
Not really sure what the point of the dialogue options are, reminds me of how golden sun handled it.
Great work overall, keep adding more content.
Not the guy you're replying to, but my favorite way to control RPG maker games is arrow keys, enter, and numpad-0 for cancel. Lets you play entirely one-handed. If you don't have a numpad, the right-click-menu button on the keyboard (next to ctrl) works too.
You have to hit esc in this game to bring up the menu which is a bit far from the other keys, though. Not really the best one-handed setup.
Numpad-0 or the right-click button on the keyboard don't work?
Nope, but I just realized this game has a neat little map by accidentally hitting the F keys.
>Is it supposed to end at that thing that one shots me?
Yeah. It's gonna continue the story after he KO's you, but I haven't built past there yet.
>Also the controls are a bit awkward, why use enter+arrow keys? Threw me off since you could use Z to start the game but Z didn't do anything after that.
Huh. I may change that, actually. Good point.
>I found the font a bit taxing on the eyes but maybe it's just me. I think you should slow the text down instead of it appearing all at once.
I'm not sure I'm able to do that, but I'll try. I may change the font in the final game.
>What was the tent about? I couldn't enter it or anything.
That's cuz I haven't made that part yet. It's gonna come into play real soon, though.
>Not really sure what the point of the dialogue options are, reminds me of how golden sun handled it.
Mostly just comedic effect.
>Great work overall, keep adding more content.
Thank you! I will.
I got you senpai.

In the game folder, go to www>js>plugins

Save this script into that folder. Call it "customControls.js".


Now go up a level in the folder hierarchy, and edit plugins.js. Add this line among the other lines. Put it near the bottom, but not after the "];" at the end.

{"name":"customControls","status":true,"description":"Enables alternate controls","parameters":{}},
I think I'm getting a sore throat.
>making an erotic game
>tfw if I put a lot of effort into making it much more than just fap material and adding good gameplay mechanics, etc. I will never get the credit I truly deserve because I would be anonymous
>and if I do put my name on it, I will be branded as a pervert for making such a game even though I put a lot of effort into it to make it not just for fapping

It's not like I can get away with it like The Witcher because the game is Incest porn.
Through dick, unity.
Embrace your pervertedness! Or make up an alias so you can at least get some recognition and credit.
Hell call yourself Incest Porn Dev.
I got some expansion pack DLCs for enemy portraits, but they never show up when I'm making the enemies; it's just the regular old portraits the software came with. Any help please? I'm using MV.
Still I would be anonymous. I won't have a name like Hideo Kojima or John Carmack if I remain anonymous.

Here's my idea:
>decades before the events of the game, a twin brother and sister were executed in their own house because they were fucking
>present day, a large family buys this same house which is haunted by the spirits of the twins that were executed
>you play as these two twins
>in order to be reincarnated, the twins must convince the entire family to have a bisexual incestuous orgy within the house, in which they will be concieved in
>the ghosts can't possess people, but they can manifest in their conciousnesses and convince them to act on their desires
>they can also manipulate their dreams so that they can unconciously desire their family members

What do you guys think? I'm thinking of having a big family for this one. A mother and father are given but what would you guys like the kids to be? Can be as old or young as you guys want.
needs a trap
That was the plan. A hot milf, an alpha male dad, a hot elsest daughter, a trap, a mid-teen male, a shota. Who else should I add?
Why stop there? Make it a huge family. One of every conceivable type there is. Add a loli, a reverse trap/tomboy, etc...
You could use your real name and you'd still be just a nobody.
Reputations have to be build. Even 1-hit wonders had to release a few duds before anyone noticed them.
I think this could be a promising game, I liked it even if it was very short.
Only thing I dislike are the pretty harsh sounds effects you used.
Keep up the good work!
I think I know the feeling. There are both lewd and non-lewd games I want to make, and I'd be too nervous to release the former under anything but an anonymous pseudonym. I don't want to be a big name or anything, but if I ever want to make money off of my work, it would be an obstacle. If I put a lot of work into a lewd game (and I'd want to, because my biggest fetish is good game design), I worry I'd regret it when I start something else.

I suppose "b-but what if I finish a game and it's good?" is a silly thing to worry about. Still. Not like I'm working on a game anyway. Yet.

Could always go the Japanese route, make all my work varying degrees of lewd, and keep the same general audience that way, I guess.

Might be interesting, depending on the writing and how you design the mechanics. Not sure it's my kind of thing, but I'll try anything posted here.

Hm, seems interesting. I like the fact that the dude in the panel just immediately hit yes.
Here's a question... if $gameParty._targetActorId references the battler being targeted (or at least I presume it does, based on that name), what's the variable for the one who's targeting them?
Nevermind, found what I was looking for. I was close, but not quite there...
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>Nevermind fixed it
two new enemies.

i really hate that im nearly late game with all my party being level 65 at only 3 hours and 40 minutes in, but i cannot for the life of me come up with a story to tie the stream of battles together.
Sorry, I usually post the answer when I find them (which is what I'm assuming you're talking about), but this time I neglected to do so.

It's "subject._actorId". So now I have the ability to play a specific cast animation depending on the character casting it. It does, however, use a bunch of if statements... but it works!
Oh, are you the guy who wanted to have different cast animations depending on the class?
Great that you found a solution!
Yes, thank you. I can now begin my not-a-Persona-fan-game-but-it-may-as-well-be project properly.
>3:40 hours
Wow, you sure love to give EXP.

Is it a giant boss rush or what? Your map makes it look like it

yeah, random encounters are boring to me. I'm basically making a game that I would like to play without too much thought into how RPGs usually work
You must have very good bosses to make that interesting

I'm not using the traditional turn based battle system. I wouldnt even begin to know how to make that shit interesting
I think the best way to make bosses interesting in turn based is to work on the party abilities.
If your party can't do anything but attack and heal, no matter how complex a boss can be, you will be doing that.
If I remember correctly he is making a rhythm based game like the theatrhythm games.
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>Finish a really good game
>Feel empty afterwards because it's over

You have to find the dlc in your install folder and copy them from there
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Good night bump
Season Pass is literally shit. How do they keep getting away with it?
Same way theyy got away with making VX, VX Ace and MV all the same program

I like MV. Hell, I haven't felt this motivated about making something in a long while. But the prices for DLC and various addons are insultingly high. Here's to hoping there'll be a discount for the winter, so that I can grab Town of Beginnings at least to ensure that nobody can ascertain if I was using a pirate version or not when I release the game one day.
Is the MV on the OP cracked?
I find Yanfly's Equip Plugin neat. I'll leave the variance to be 5 I think, you whenever you turn up a weapon outside of a shop, even if it's the same as the one you already have, it might better. Or it might be a touch worse. Uniques will have fixed stats, 'course.

For a game that ought last about 20 hours at least, five tiers of weapons is enough, y'think?


Thanks anon! I may change the sound effects desu.
I have exactly 6(including ultimate equipment) tiers of weapons/armors as well, and play time is around 25~
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Friend Stranding will completely change the way you view ropes, sticks, and friends. A blideo blojima game.
No cracked MV 1.3.4?
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Post progress lads
damn that art looks nice
did you do it all by hand?
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Working on maps and assets, fleshing out npcs anc cutscenes will go next, I think I can start commissioning the soundtrack for some areas now.
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And another one.
Nope. All those assets can be purchased in the rpbmakerweb store. All I did was do a little recoloring in GIMP for the helmet. The map was done via the doodads plugin.
Is there anyone here that's particulary good with setting up scripts and shit? I don't want to go through trouble of posting on the rpgmaker forum only to have some chucklefuck give me a one liner response that points me to some other thread or gives vague solution. It's like they don't want to help people out. Shit, one of the resource section's rules is literally not to ask people how to implement the resources found.

Anyhow, my question, if someone can help me out. I like this for the poison, I'd like to to be more potent, after all, but I dislike the idea of putting down a round number like the 100 it is set on by default. I'd much rather it be 5% of affected actor's HP. If you stack it 5 times, that'll do some damage. Only, I have no idea how to put that in. Here's yanfly's original.

<Custom Apply Effect>
// Make sure the stack count exists.
target._stackingPoison = target._stackingPoison || 0;
// Increase the stack count.
target._stackingPoison += 1;
</Custom Apply Effect>

<Custom Remove Effect>
// Reset the stack count.
target._stackingPoison = 0;
</Custom Remove Effect>

<Custom Regenerate Effect>
// Make sure the stack count exists.
target._stackingPoison = target._stackingPoison || 1;
// Sets the maximum amount of stacks to 5.
var stacks = Math.min(5, target._stackingPoison);
// The damage formula used per tick.
var damage = stacks * 100;
// Play poison animation on the target.
// Target takes HP damage.
// Play the popup.
// Clear the results.
// Check if the target is dead.
if (target.isDead()) {
// If the target is dead, make it collapse.
</Custom Regenerate Effect>
Tfw jobbing
Have you ever wanted to take your project in multiple possible directions, but you couldn't decide on one? It sucks.
>tfw you made a thread for your game elsewhere and there wasn't much interest
What game?
The demo is almost finished, I just need to touch up a few things!!
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Free login campaign for FFXIV, so I guess I'm not going to be making much progress for the next month or so.
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Now this is what I really want.
You start off with a puny fire spirit and train him into an idealize muscle version
Sprites were from Ragnarok online, I think.
I just need to find someone who'll draw front-view battler for MV.
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Now I have this little baphomet in a suit, he's a denizen in Capricorn's tower.
Nice, I like the artstyle.
Thank you! It's way easier than what I was doing before in tilesets! Less detailed and zoomed.
I just had to sneeze 3 times, someone was thinking of me!
Was it perhaps you, Anon-chan?
Yes, I was thinking "anon is such a nodev, why don't they post progress?"
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Played a demo on here called Culling of nightmares, is anon still working on it?

Yes, I've gone back and forth on game, vn, and comic for a long time, and then even on genre I took a while settle on one thing.
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Will your game make me happy?
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I hope so!
What kind of audience do you want to appeal to?

Only if youre interested in homo harems
Considering it/they will never be finished, probably not.
Incestdev here. So here's the characters so far:
>a milf mom
>an alpha male dad
>a hot cheerleader 17-year-old daughter
>a 14-year-old nerdish boy
>a 12-year-old trap
>a loli

Who else should I add to the cast of this incestuous fuckfest?
twin or something similar that's the shonen kid for the nerd boy. i.e. the kid that shows up in all the doujins where the kid fucks the milfs.
Ara Ara~ aunt
If you are including a trap why not include a tomboy or a reverse trap maybe?
I'll add a twin brother for the boy
I'm probably going to add a 13-year-old tomboy
Who else should I add in my incest game?
A developer self-insert
I think it's important to have a running system before you plan 50+ scenes.
If you are going to draw everything by yourself then you already have a lot of work.
You could also potentially add in an Ace as the sort of 'final boss' of sorts. Probably 15-16?

Dunno, without getting into tumblrshit of genderfluid and that sort of thing, need some sort of other variance as you've got most of the bases covered there.
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Portrait WIPs for a few NPCs at headquarters.
Jesus fuck man these look great, did you make the sprites etc. yourself? I'm just getting started and that's the exact kind of 'art style' I guess I've been looking for. If you have any kind of a demo or any advice I'd love to see/hear it!
It's in the OP. Steel Zeroes.
Yeah, the scenery and sprites are mostly made by me, I've recently got someone on board to help me animate some sprites though.
Regarding a demo, there's one in the OP, the SteelZeroes one.
That's crazy man, kudos. I'm downloading the demo now! Have you been involved a lot in art/pixel art stuff before developing games? I'm a great musician and programmer looking to work on a game as a hobby but I can't do visual art for shit haha
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Any idea what the puzzle will be?

I found some graphic bugs in the demo, its at the forums though.
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Yeah, the puzzle boils down to "get both party members across the room separately, but you can't step on any tile more than once."

Pic related is an old version of the puzzle, before I decided I wanted to redo this dungeon.
I want to at least have a battle system and dungeon test demo finished by the end of the month!
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Will this be my Christmas present, Anon?
I'm looking forward to it.
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Uwah, I guess I better hurry up and actually work on my game then...
It could also work out like a Grow ability. Like Final Fantasy's Bombs.

Or maybe a special ability, instead of absorbing fire damage as HP, it boosts Attack power.
Idk, what the formula for that would be.
I'm not the one that usually posts this, but good night /rpgmg/. Let's make progress again tomorrow.
A collection of combat design decisions are all coming together to suggest that my game should have no random battles/trash fights.

>Characters have to build up to full strength over a few turns by getting into fighting stances, applying buffs, etc. This suggests that fights should generally be long, in order to make it worth the effort.
>Infinite access to healing magic, because I did away with MP. This means that the party never has to worry about being worn down over the course of several fights.
>I'm considering doing away with levels/stat boosting equipment. Equipment would be for interesting effects like "chance of counter attack".

All in all, I think the only option is to have every fight be a unique, planned scene.
omg I'm the anon who hasn't worked on anything cause Pokemon Sun, but I'm finally making progress wooooooooo
I guess a system like this could work, maybe it would feel like some sort of puzzle though. But as long as the battles feel special/intense then you will be fine.

That's great Anon. Keep up the good work!
You might consider looking at Radical Dreamers if that's the case. It's very... unique. It may not work well as it's done in that game, but you might be able to take ideas from that and piece them into what else you've got somehow.

If you play that game, though, be prepared to pretty much spend the entire time reading. It's an almost literal text adventure. A good one, but still...
You could include an if statement in all Fire-based moves if you want to avoid custom scripting.

b.id == [actor ID] ? b.add_buff(2, [number of turns]) : [regular damage formula]
We should die more often then.

Happy making, anon.
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Does the game freak out when I put a ton of conditional branches in an event? I wanna use a single common event for my movement system, I activate a trigger so the event will use the proper series of events, then of course constant conditional checks to show where the player is to give distance + cover modifiers.
>Boss is charging
>Boss is charging
>Boss unleashes Special Move
>Party fainted
Reminds me a bit of Demon On A Starship (the gameplay, that is). I always thought that was an underused mechanic, so I say go for it.
Nope, why would the game misbehave?

You have 2 turns, apply at least one defensive buff on the party member you need alive(typically the healer) and then guard
I don't get it. Is there any observer or not? and why you didn't cover that part with additional self-switches from that Yanfly plugin?
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>why would the game misbehave?

I tend to assume things never work out the way I hope they'll work.
>and why you didn't cover that part with additional self-switches from that Yanfly plugin?

I'm... not using anything from yanfly. The man is going to fucking die before my game is made and then who'll help me work things out?

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FF15 actually being good and the free login campaign for FF14 are KILLING my progress on Super Slime Quest.

There will be a demo soon, I swear!
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Worked on a new social AI mockup (left), and a strange tangent led me on a 6 hour journey to discover what medieval farmer peasants did all year when not harvesting/planting, as well as what they ate to survive when they only harvested twice a year. For some reason, that journey inspired everything starting with "Book of the Law" (right) down to the bottom.
I remember my classes on that whole social needs stuff, was kinda boring. I remember not agreeing with any theory fully.

What is desire to I? Self-realization?
seconding chubby girl
>I remember my classes on that whole social needs stuff
Maslov's hierarchy of needs. I made a note to not just default to that, but it has merits as a reference, just like The Sims.

It's funny though. I've never played The Sims in my life (until a couple of days ago, when I picked it up in the Steam Sale). Project Medusa was a social AI (originally meant to be a IUI) built around the concept "She just wants to be happy." Happiness was its basic modifier, and everything else influenced or had the potential to modify happiness. It gave her a fun sort of lifelike personality. Anyways, since I'm adapting Medusa into an overly simplified template for multiple, successive AI's in RPGM, I've been considering ways of self-interaction and variation.

First came inspiration by Maslov - the idea of certain needs, each of which has a certain priority and weight over those below it, like Maslov's hierarchy. That would make NPCs of low wealth and high wealth vary greatly in their schedules and responses. Then I tried Sims for the first time, completely blind on what kind of game it was, and the AI in it really impressed me. It's not exactly what I'm looking for, but having multiple internal meters which build towards the happiness meter was a perfectly simple way of implementing the hierarchy.

I know you didn't ask or care. I just like organizing my thoughts on paper.

>What is desire to I?
Desire to Intimacy, or more specifically to fugg. The space separates physical desires from vague, amorphous ideas of desires. I do all my work on a laptop in very public places, where people glance over my shoulder often, so euphemisms, acronyms, and abbreviations are a must.
It's not like I don't care, I always find it interesting what fellow (no)devs from here are working on. With it was boring I meant the classes themselves, you know these teachers which hardly care and simply pump out papers?
The concept of Maslov's hierarchy of needs or the Engel curve were interesting enough to remember them.

Good call to conceal these things, people always sneak a peak.
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Good night bump

Yes! Let us make lots of progress tomorrow.
I'm glad you're dead
No, you aren't
How's the collab going? Is it still dead?
someone else picked it up, last i saw.
So it's not just me who's been sucked back into ff14 then?
Why is it so ded around here?
Not yet, it just has low HP.

>Anon used Heal III
>/rpgm/ recovers 8 pages!

I've been sucked back in too.
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One portrair down, 3 to go, next party member's portraits will be worked on next
I LOVE this font.
If you don't mind me asking, how are you handling these dialogue boxes? They're much more comfortable than the big rectangles aligned with the screen bottom.

I finished faces of my 4 main characters+some side. I really wish I had some skill at art and such, editing their expressions just a touch to be better would have been nice. Alas, I've got what I have to work with, namely a lot of stuff I've gathered and imported into expanded generator. It gives me more options than the basic character generator at least.
How do I make an actor with fixed equipment actually swap it?
I tried to change their classes back and forth with a class that hasn't fixed equipment, but it doesn't work.

Have to just make 2 versions of the same actor?

If you mean that you want to change the appearance of weapons, Yanfly's Weapon Animation is your go to for that.

Can't help you if you want to change the outfits.
I have this
>guest actor(you can't change their equipment) leaves the party
>stuff happens
>guest actor joins the party again, still as guest, but now should use a different equip

It's a guest, so I don't mind making 2 different versions with 2 different intial equipments, but I would prefer to avoid that.
I'm using rename prompts for an invisible 2nd character as part of a password puzzle. Because of this though, my character has an invisible 2nd character following him the entire game.

Not visibly impacting performance, but still a spooky pain in the ass when I have collisions toggled on. Any solution to this?
Why is said character even in the party to being with?
I don't want them to be, I just have 2 characters set as the maximum allowed in the party so that I can use one as a text input for this password minigame (If character 02 name is: STARS, win, else lose).

When you have 2 characters allowed in the party, by default it seems you have a collision-less empty space following your main character.
So like I say it's not a massive deal, doesn't seem to impact performance, just wondering if I can have a second char slot for use in text entry with retention and not have a space follow me around.
You don't have to have them in the party for renames, for any engine. I got actor number 10 set aside for just that.
nvm fixed it

I can just turn followers off.
Or >>161826913, you don't need to add that character in your party at all if you only need it for a password minigame
I'm not adding anybody to anything, this is exactly what I'm trying to say. There is no character.

If I have collisions showing in test, there is clearly an entity drawn in a line behind me for every extra character allowed in the party, the solution is to turn off followers.
If the "character" isn't in the party, then it shouldn't show there at all
By character, I mean the empty slot, "it" should be in the party to be a follower.
I keep telling you that by creating a 2nd slot, i've created a 2nd slot for a follower on the map, and this is my problem.

There is no follower, there is no character sprite following me around, I'm just saying the engine draws the slot whether there is a character in it or not, and that with collision toggled on, I can see the small (ultimately non-functioning) collision box for the 2nd slot.

I regret bringing this up at all, jesus fuck my blood pressure.
In >>161826858, you said you are allowing a max of 2 characters in the party, why?
If the 2nd slot actually doesn't contain any character, but it's only used to rename instead, then you should be allowing only one.

Or is the engine automatically changing it to 2 as long you have 2 actors in the database?
There's gonna be a big twist in my game. I figure I'll say what it is since I'm not saying what my game is and nobody goes here anyway.

Halfway through the game at the confrontation with the main villain, all the people who've helped you come to your aid...and then it turns out they were all just incarnations of the villain himself, who were luring you into his trap the whole time.

So. I figure I may allude to this near the beginning of the game. The second battle in the game is an unwinnable fight with a cloaked figure. After he strikes you down you wake up in the hut of an old woman, who says she nursed you back to health and then asks if you have anyone else with you.

If you say "yes" (which is the truth) then she temporarily joins you and you take her back to your crew. If you say "no" then she leaves abruptly, and the game continues the same way if you go back to where your crew is. But if you say "no" and then go back to where the cloaked dude is, he'll still be there, and say "...you lied" before killing you, triggering a game over.

Is this too obvious a clue?
Not painfully obvious, but it clearly hints that the villain is watching you somehow.
I wouldn't doubt the party members as first thing though, I could imagine there is a spy or something that follows you around without being noticed
Coolio. Guess I'll stick with that then.
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Ehhhh, really?! Anon is making a jrpg with a fantasy setting, but there isn't a single character in the party that isn't a human, elf, or dwarf? That can't be right, anon knows better than that!

I'll just ask him myself.

Hey, anon! What they're saying about your game... It's not true, is it...?
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Alright. Tell me where I can get these tilted heads? I keep seeing face sets like these, but looking is turning up a big fat nothing.

What do you want, a catgirl? Stuff that. Elves&Humans party for my jrpg.
The check I'm doing on the character name to resolve my puzzle will only check the name of a character in the current party, I believe.

Since i don't plan to have characters (1 player game, not really a JRPG) I should just be able to keep my PC and one slot for a utility

I'll look into it a bit more, it's been a week since I even opened my project. The puzzle isn't even that good, so perhaps not worth the pain.

M-maybe like a fishman or a golem or something like that...
Why is the evil dude luring you?
By default, the standard RPG Maker Conditional Branch checks the actor's name whether they are in the party or not.
Same with the renaming, it's never required to take a party slot.
Unique characters won't appear as the gen parts. May be if you buy Seasons Pass which is pretty pricy.
When you first test any new project in MV, you have the caterpillar of 4 characters, but it seems like if you delete all of these and then add a new one, it's auto-added to your party too when testing.

okay okay okay okay,

After some googling I'm a moron, and you can set the starting party members in the System tab of the Database.

Marked as solved, please delete etc.
I think it's fine.
He wants to find out information about you and your world so he can successfully invade it. That's why he doesn't just kill you right away.

Do you have sprites that can be added and generator parts? Fuck, lore wise, in the setting I'm making my game in, there are orcs and lizardmen and even golem like constructs. It's not really a matter of not wanting to put something more in, but not being able to. Oh, I've seen plenty of those crappy 'parts' that add tails and shit, but those are mostly for yiffs and there are no yiffs in my game. Parts I saw for lizard type character looked like fuckin' Pepe with a snout. I don't want to put that shit in.

Elves and Humans will have to do. Dwarves too, if I figure out how to make a dwarf face with the generator that does not look like ass.
Working on a script that will call common events at key points in battle. So far I've planned for:

>On battle start
>On battle win
>On battle flee
>On party wipe
>On turn start
>On turn end

Is this enough? Do you think I should add action start/end triggers as well?
>Do you think I should add action start/end triggers as well?

What do you guys use common events for? I keep meaning to make some, but I can't honestly think of a use.
I use parallel common events to handle NPC schedules, things I need global checks against times or other conditions for but can't have tied to any one map.

I also use it to save me writing out complex sections again. For example I have sections where you talk through a computer to another character, and I like to have a small degree of RNG for the time it takes them to start responding and the time it takes them to type a response, and I can keep all this grisly shit in a common event and just call it every time I do a conversation instead of manually entering all the random times.

I'm pretty new to this though so not sure if this is efficient.
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>Skills and items with unique effects (E.g. showing a message when you read a note).

>Keeping code consistent among a ton of events which all need to do the same thing (pic related, each boulder calls this event)

>Calling the same event at the start of each battle, without having to add it to every troop's events (that's why I'm working on this script: >>161837883 )
Used them for
>Teaching skills to specific character only via items
>Item that teleports you in a certain place but doesn't work in some maps
>Character skill that allows her to change moveset completely
>Battle event that requires the player to use a determined skill to progress
>Boss fight that requires the player to use a certain item to make the boss winnable and set a timer
>Some skills that are based on variables that should be always changing
>Debug mode, to allow me to save/change party members where you typically can't for testing purposes

Something to keep in mind then. I've really not touched the common events much. I made one, where I can just put it in to call a sound effect when the party recieves an item, to save me the hassle of looking up the SE all the time.

When you say showing a message when you read a note, you mean like pulling up an image of a message?
You could use an image or simply call a text message with the contents of the note
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jandawog status.webm
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Right now I just use regular message windows. See about 20 seconds into this webm for an example.
Whoops, wrong webm. I'll upload the correct one in a few minutes.

It's some commonly found note then, since it brings up the same text all the time? So far I've been giving all the pieces you can pick up and read unique stuff.


I was beginning to wonder. I keep rewinding to 20 seconds to check, but it's just a pig orc getting whammed.
Not that anon, but I guess he only has one note that shows one specific text
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Ah, I see. Very useful.
Been using doodads to add shadows in my dungeon. I'm starting to think I'll forgo them for the simplicity of what I can already use. While it certainly seems a nice idea, I wonder if having 500+ shadow doodads on medium sized maps is even worth the hassle. Plus, occassionally when I playtest, there a moments where there are lines on the walls, which is none too appealing.
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battle events.webm
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So far so good on the script. The triggers i've been able to implement are:

>On battle start
>On win (triggers after returning to map)
>On flee (triggers after returning to map)
>On wipe (triggers after returning to map)
>On turn start
>On turn end (doesn't trigger on the last turn of the fight)
>On action end (doesn't trigger on the last action of the fight)
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Does your game also have such exciting skill names?
You are working hard, correct?
I'm still stuck on the same part of my story since like 2 weeks ago

I finished shadowing and propping the sewer. Lucky it's a sewer, so I need not prop much. Also decided to switch things up story wise. The flashback I made already will be fourth. Instead, at the beginning, there'll be short opening crawl and a training session with your dad that will serve as a tutorial. Already made the neat little tutorial map. Now I just have to figure out how would I go about implementing the tutorial. A worry for tomorrow though, since I'm beat.


Why do you need those? I mean, how many fights are you going to have where characters are actually talking during the fight?

I'm at my job right now, daydreaming about what I'm gonna do in my game when I get home.
>Why do you need those? I mean, how many fights are you going to have where characters are actually talking during the fight?

It's not just for talking. It's for a lot of stuff:

>Sabas casts Attune:Life at the start of each battle
>The party is fully healed after each battle
>The phoenix ring checks if the wearer has died at the start of each turn
Which is best, VX Ace or MV?
MV is better for lewd games. VX Ace is better for farm life sims.
Thanks! And it's using Yanflys Message Core plugin!
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If you die, the phoenix ring will shatter and revive you next turn. Very convenient.
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What do you think of Mud Puppy?
I think he should have brown drips coming off of his tongue, unless you want his muddiness to be subtle
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Like this?
Not him but now he looks like a polished chocolate pupper.
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Maybe less shinyness?
The problem is I'm not really feeling it, if you say in game that it is a puppy made out of mud it will be fine but otherwise I would simply see a brown dog I guess.
I guess the salamander traits will have to be more visible from the side.
You could show a bit of his tail coming from the back
So what kind of rewards would you offer kickstarter backers if you were to do that?
Naming/designing npcs (few minor and one major)
Designing quests (up to 5 or so)
Designing monsters (a few normal ones and one boss)
Maybe the soundtrack as a download
Every design would need to fit within the world though, if I would get a genderfluid furry with dyed hipster hair then I wouldn't accept that and change it to something that would fit
Optional bosses. Everyone loves optional hardmode bullshit, right?
He's pretty cute, but the name sounds like something that would get thrown around on /pol a lot.
Try to make the whole body sort of dripping and liquid-y.
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>but the name sounds like something that would get thrown around on /pol a lot
This is your nightly reminder to back up your project to your remote repository.
No way. Nothing's going to happen to MY project.
I've seen a lot of posts where people said that they lost their game/a lot of progress.
It's more likely than you think.
Is travelling to the Earth's core a believable plot element?
Why does it have to be believable?
It's been done a few times in literature and movies.

Are you going for scientifically accurate? Or are you going for something like "it turns out the Earth is hollow and there's aliens living in it"?
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I accidentally ate some spoiled food and now I don't feel so well.
Please do not forget me.
Line of Sight calculations, my custom inventory (so it can be accessed from any map), similarly the equipper, the NPC generator for when recruiting a new party member or an enemy, and several more.

Generally it's for the core systems of the game which need to be referenced multiple times from more than 1 map.
What if I want to make a lewd game in a life sim?
That's where RPG Maker 2003 comes in
I wanted to make progress today but I didn't.
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So on Dashbored am i supposed to be able to go into those generators in the subway, gas room? Sorry no pics of it i saved over it.
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Good night bump
Anon casts Heal III!
/rpgm/ recovered 8 pages!
I finished FF15! Not enough slimes, but it was pretty fun.

Anyway, back to work!
Good job!

I cleared Pokemon Sun's Pokemon League.

...but the ride never ends, does it?
I'm such a shitter for trying to do competitive breeding.
For the same reason I want to make characters with a believable personality, I want to include realistic elements in my game to make the plot feel more familiar and plausible
Scientifically accurate, I was thinking of giving the characters some sort of magic protection that helps them adapt to the high pressure and temperatures
My plan so far:

Rough Story Outline
Rough Character Roles

Map & Puzzles
Battle System
Main Event

Anything missing here?
Have you prepared all the needed resources?

BGM, SFX, Tilesets, sprites, etc.
Oh right. Thank you anon.
Maybe I'll try drawing something.
But... I don't know who you are, anon. You don't have a name.
Tfw no progress
Tfw still no tomb of friends 2 demo

i really loved the first one, ok
Alright, I'm gonna ask here because I'm pretty much out of ideas.

I'm a total scrub at RPGMaker, so bear with me.
I'm trying to find a way to display a picture during a battle, that changes depending on things like states and what armor is equipped.
Preferably I'd like to just paste some transparent images over eachother (like a helmet pasted on the characters head if he has it equipped).

My question is, how do I display an image during the entire battle and how do I tell it to change pictures when certain states are applied?

I've looked around and nowhere can I find a script or something
Which version of RPG Maker are you using? I know jack shit about VX Ace, but Yanfly made a plugin for MV, Visual State Effects Core, that handles some of what you want. http://yanfly.moe/2016/08/20/yep-114-visual-state-effects-rpg-maker-mv/
Dang, I'm using VX Ace.
In that case I have nothing. Sorry.
You can make checks for equipment and states just fine with Common Events, I think. The issue is moving the picture along with your character part. You'd have to program the movement yourself. Personally, I'd say just make different pictures for different equipment. At least until you learn to code in Ruby.

Alternatively, I believe Yanfly has a Script for Visible Equipment in SV for MV.
For the record (I should have specified this),
I just want a static image, like a character portrait.
My party only has 1 member, and the idea is that said image is displayed to the right of the screen at all times. For lack of a better example, something like this, where the expression would change when below a certain amount of health or something.
What /vg/'s opinion on having vocals in the bgm?
I remade my spell system. It is now much nicer. I'd say it's somewhat in vein of Devil Survivor. There are 4 basic element attack spells (5 in each). Light/Dark have their own 3, each a heavy hitter.

Then you have a ton of passives. There are also standard buffs&debuffs. Now I just have to list out all the Special abilities, for TP users and I'll be done.

I think it'll work good. I'll use Yanfly's Skill Equip system and set it in a way that there are Common/Rare/Legendary tiers and only 4 skill slots at first, which'll raise to 6 later in story(Or perhaps you'll get to buy skills that unlock them. I'll decide later, thus far, just trying to set things up so they work with the prologue section which'll be in the demo). With just ultimately 6 slots, people'll have to think about what they want and what they do not want to use. Will they specialize or go wide?

'course, not all party members will be able to learn all the spells at the same rate or at all. MC for instance, will not get to learn heavy hitting Fire spell till lv.35, while the Mage will get it at 25-30. Since party members earn JP only on leveling up, always the same set amount, that'll mean being smart about what you want.
They've gotta be faint. Having actual lyrics highlights the msuic, which is bad if it often repeats. The lyrics will get annoying. Choral sounds are much more plalatable over multiple listenings
If well utilized
Vocals can be effective
If not... don't go there.
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More finished!
Hey guys, does anyone know how to make rooms view able only when you get close to them, kind of like the rooms are only able to be seen dependent on what the character would be able to see from 1st person.
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To clarify, I'm looking to darken parts of the map, dependent on perspective and location.
What inspires you to work on your project?

>finish work
>eager to get home and work on my 2D Hentai game
>public transport is an insane sardine can
>thicc butterface milf pressing me into a corner, ass on crotch, for nearly an hour
>actively leans into corners
>apologises with a smirk when leaving

I am so fucking ready for progress

i just want to make the sort of game I wish existed already.

d-don't lewd

Terrax lightning system might help with that

"I want to show all my friends at /rpgmg/ what I'm capable of!"
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Hmm, maybe something like this.

Soundtrack, Game Art, Walkthrough Guide, Hidden easter egg area created in the game specifically for backers with names and such and maybe names in the credits of the game.
I had a dream the other night that I thought would be a fun idea for a chapter of my game, and I'm working towards trying to make it as accurate as I can remember

Friends? I don't know you anon.


That implies actually going out of your way to advertise your game. Jesus. If anything, I dread that shit. I want to put my game on Steam Greenlight one day, but if I'll be doing it solo, who knows when it might get noticed.
>green armor
I'd prefer some other color like black or gray. Green armor on spess muhreenes sort of reminds me of "Doom". I noticed late that there's camouflage too. I say... I hope you work on coloring more.
May be make camouflage a bit more noticeable with other shades of green or go for black-gray or brown-ivory combination for other types.
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>I don't know you anon

You will when I post a demo eventually, and then we can bond over rpg maker, helping each other with bug fixing and coming up with story ideas and one day, after a long night of staring at pixels and scripts and plugins and events and maps until five or six in the morning, it'll all swirl together and you'll look into my eyes and realize that you're what I've been looking for and I'm what you've needed and there will be this mutual understanding that rpg maker can connect us, it can connect us all, and do you want three kids or four? I'm good with however many as long as you're there too, testing my game and letting me try yours. Anyway, sign this, please.
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>trying to do a quasi ancient-Greek game
>spend so much time doing "historical research" on Wikipedia that I've barely worked on the game
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>You will never get married with a fellow Anon from /rpgmg/
bride groom? is that like, bride (male)?
But you can choose between a suit or a dress.

Post proof that you are a girl and I might.
Do you guys make sections in your spell lists? Like, I put down Light Magic, skip a number and then start filling out the spells for the category. Kinda like to have it neatly organized.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who draws lewds of his own characters
I can't because i have yet to add 90% of my skills and spells.
Definitely an art-book, since art is my thing. Besides, then I can show off new stuff, old designs, concepts I tossed, but also add some new and nicely cleaned up art.
I separate enemy and player skills is all- at least 4-6 per player character, then block it off with a skill called '----'. Mostly because then enemies will have a lot more and a weirder variety, or will have variations to what they can do.

I see. I'm building a core of the spells first. Mapping shit out and making characters is nice and all, but skills/items/weapons&armor are like, the critical infrastructure.

Speaking of that, I've hit upon a snag. I mentioned before that I'm using Yanfly's skill equip to limit what players can pick and force them to think.

I want to make a passive skill that'll increase HP by 15%. However, I'm unable to do so. Via the plugin, I can increase HP by +amount, but when I put in precentage, it's not working. Yanfly's video has some pretty clear shots of passives with precentages, so it's not impossible. Any ideas?
I realized something today. Rats don't live in caves.

Now my first dungeon doesn't make sense.
Doesn't matter it's a rpg, goblins aren't real either.

That's why you have sewers! Rats live where humans do.
The first dungeon is a cave or mine, can't really change that. The party cuts through it to cross a mountain. Now I'm trying to decide on a reason why rats might happen to be there.

My thinking is that perhaps rats somehow stowed away among the miners' supplies, and got loose in the cave. They then got exposed to some kind of magic or something (weird cave fungi?), and and became monstrous. Now they've become adapted to cave life.
Make them into Brats or Cave Rats.

Or make a joke about it later.
they're just cave rats. (they eat rocks)
Oh no! Thread-chan fell and is on page 10.
Please stand up again!
Are you working hard Anon?

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Rough day. Can barely stay awake.
I'll try tomorrow, for your sake
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That would make me really happy Anon.

My backlog of games is too big so I've been trying to reduce it some. Recently bought that EA access thing for the Xbone so it gave me all 3 Mass Effect games, Need for Speed, Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline and i also bought the new Pokemon Sun and Final Fantasy 15. I bought pretty much every resident evil game on Xbone. I bought Counter Strike and Payday The Heist on steam. Pretty much I'm loaded on games.
Tell me your game's story in up to 5 sentences.
>Game 1: Ancient not!Greek prince or maybe princess, not sure if I'll include gender options wanders not!Greece, encountering all manner of monsters and tyrants. Really an excuse to use Pathfinder's Summoner/"eidolon" mechanics.
>Game 2: Future military fire teams fight an escaped penal legion, an anti-civilization terrorist group, and other baddies. Full Spectrum Warrior IN THE FUTURE!
>Game 3: 16th-17th century not!Central Europe is being menaced by a cabal themed after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Enter the hero.
>Game 4: Something with golems. I honestly haven't gotten much more beyond that.
Antagonists and Monsters were brought to the world from another dimension.
Antagonists were experimented on and then sealed after world was mostly destroyed.
They woke up when humanity has become stable with the whole monster situation.
They hate humans and want to go home, so they try to rebuild the portal that may or may not possibly let more monsters into the world.
Heroes gotta stop them because they're criminals, plus the world will probably not survive another wave of monsters at humanity's current technology level.
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if i wanted to make an ABS in this day in age (zelda style combat) should i use RMXP with scripts or use 2K3? I really like the feel of 2k3 and been using the old ones all my life. I'm not the greatest programmer though.
Roll with whatever you are more comfortable with.
Please don't call it an Action Battle System. People are already confused enough about game genres.

Zelda is an Action game. It uses Action Mechanics. You can do action mechanics in rpg maker with common events.
Ask, "How do I make an Action game"

Action Battle System, are what rpgs use like the "Tales of..." series. You move the character around freely and skills are mapped to hotkeys. It's "Action" mechanics within a "Battle System", because the battle plays out in a different game state. a different screen. Hints the name ABS.
forgot my image.
Imagining a waifu who gives you moral support is completely normal and healthy, right?
So Anons
What is the main motivation of your main character?
Where do you guys get your background music?
I'll probably commission someone to make some music for me.
No idea how expensive this will be, though.
Normal people don't finish games. Why would you want to be one of them?
Alright random stranger on the Internet. I shall embrace this and use the powers of schizophrenia to finish my game.
Anyone here interested in making a fanmade re-cut of Xenogears? It's a great Story that just needs to be streamlined and cut, and adapted to better English.
I never played it but do you think it could be done with the RPG Maker?
maybe a sort of de-make
Would that be a "loose" remake or something?
I'm not familiar with that term.
Revival bump!

Also, nobody can help me out with this passive thing? >>161929531
I think the default one can do % by itself? Should be in the same way you can make Attack Buffs on the default system.
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How do you guys stay motivated?
I would love to, but that would require me to plan all my skills beforehand, reorganizing them means having to change a lot of stuff, so nope
To be honest I struggle with that too.
Sometimes I don't work for a few days and then regret it.
I feel like forcing yourself to work at least one hour on your game each day would be a good way to handling it.
Does anyone know a good way to reduce PNGs in size? I have a few from a map capturing plugin but it saves the maps in big sizes. A size of a map is like 20mbs.
Are you gonna parallax all your maps?
This engine would be complete trash without Yanfly's stuff. Let that sink in.
Can make for amazing OSTs.

No. It's for the mini-map.
I would use Huddel's but his plugin doesn't capture doodads on the map.
You can reduce the filesize by deleting metadata or something but I never tested that.
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Why's he such a cheeky breeky?
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Good night bump
I open them in Photoshop then export them using the File > Save for Web option, it can reduce the size by fuckloads, try that
Well a remake is typically a polished-up thing that takes advantage of newer, stronger systems to do things that weren't possible the first time around.

So a demake is when you go the other way and port say a PSX game to a SNES-style engine, making everything look shittier in the progress because MUH PIXELS! ...I guess.
Like file size or picture dimensions? Cause you can scale it in Paint no problem.
Is there something I have to do to trick

Conditional branch>Button OK is pressed down

to work? If I set the condition of a parallel event as pressing any button, it automatically completes without pressing anything, it's a pain in the cunt.

Why the fuck would they enter a feature if it doesn't work?
Patience is a virtue my friend

I tried making a State that gives you 10% more HP, but it's not visible when I equip it via the equip skill. Even if it works during battles, I'd like it to be visible at all times.

Would also kill to know how to make it so that when you equip it, it says Passive instead of cost. Yanfly makes great plugins, but I wish he'd sometimes expand a bit more with more than just one example on what can be done.
for future reference
Are these optimizers good for pixel art? I always assumed they'd fuck things up.
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They work fine for any kind of png. It's a lossless format, not like jpg compression. But if your images are good to begin with, it won't necessarily do anything for you.
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I've found a weakness in my d20-based weapon math. All of the weapons I've chosen have very similar damage values (either 1d6 or 1d8, average of 4 and 5 respectively), so there's little incentive to specialize in any given one, disregarding special abilities or materials.
This is how original D&D was, too.

It's pretty modern thinking that everything in games has to be some elaborate rock, paper, scissors, but just do what you want to do.

If the game doesn't change the damage I do depending on shortsword or longsword, I'm not going to notice or lose sleep.
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It works fine.
t. Someone who uses over 100 such button inputs

However, you likely aren't accounting for its ridiculous lack of buffering. For example, if you have that parallel process on the starting map, it will run when you hit "Enter" on new game (because for the very first microsecond that the game starts up, your finger is still on "Ok," so it runs.

Ditto for hitting "Ok" or "Confirm" when transferring between maps, and so on. This is a huge problem for me when I disabled the menu to create my own "Conditional Branch: IF Cancel is pressed." Just hitting Cancel on a Choices branch ended up running the damn thing, making it thoroughly frustrating. You need a Wait command for 7-11 frames to buffer the input read, or you can try one of these script calls (on the last page of the Conditional Branch options). Either Triggered or Pressed, one of those resolves the problem, iirc.

Now, if you discover that the very common problem above is not your problem, then there is likely another culprit of your own accidental making in the works here, like a higher page autorunning or a repeated code outside the conditional or some other shennanigan, because the feature itself works fine.
On the other hand, that means the player can use freely a weapon they think is cool and not have to worry about how doing anything other than Generic Hero Build 1A gimps them because swords are objectively better than everything else.
It's not a major issue, brohemoth. While not on a d-system, I tried to ground my weapons in real life (determined by how many times an armored and unarmored person could take a hit from it), and most weapons are coming out to about the same damage.

I tried to circumvent it with weapon traits, certain ones having a small influence in certain situations, but ultimately it's asking if you want your ice cream in vanilla bean flavor or chocolate fudge flavor. Like >>161991217 said, it gives people more freedom of choice.
>I tried to ground my weapons in real life
So it takes one decent hit to kill or permanently cripple any unarmoured target?
Correct. While a sword is also nigh useless against a man entirely covered in full plate.
Alright, I figured out how to make that passive that I wanted. Now I hit upon a different snag.

After a character coughs up 100 JP to learn the skill, it's auto equipped, yeah? So, when you unequip it, it is no longer present. Which is weird, as I've done all the set up for it. I've added the state, the learn cost and the tier in skill notetag and I added it so that character can learn it in the class tag.

Also, if I set it so the character learns it as he levels up, there is no such problem. You can equip and unequip it at will. But I don't want them to learn it at level up, I want them to pay JP for it.

Anyone got ideas?
Replacing all the sound effects and menu blips with non-RTP is the greatest feeling in the world. Holy shit. Talk about motivation.
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I'm happy for you.
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Began making portraits for the third party member!
Erin, the cowardly magebot.
Wanna give this one a bit of an arc, starting out timid and cowardly, but growing into a more independent/brave person.
>vague impression of a cameltoe
>probably a dude anyways
Not gonna lie, man, you're art does things to my dick that I'm not comfortable with.
Are you trying to make me gay?
What happened to the mega milk tittymonster?
Sounds pretty good. Looking at the portrait though, I think there needs to be a short little glitch episode where s/he goes full murderbot. Something about that face is just asking for a perfect bloodthristy, haughty expression at some point.

I'm already kind of shoehorning some mind control shenanigans in it, ain't gonna go into detail though but it has something to do with the character's arc of growing a pair and being brave.
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How exactly does this magebot thing work? Is it actual magic, or does it run on some Clarke's Third Law "tech so advanced it looks like magic" woo?
In the game's lore, there was a giant crystal that gave humans the ability to use magic, but it was shattered into pieces a long time ago, which took out mankind's ability to use magic.
Erin has a piece of the crystal in it's body, which allows magic to be used.
I'd love to see a good remake of Xenogears, but actually making it sounds a little overwhelming. It's a massive, complicated game, and doing it justice would take effort, to put it lightly.

If I felt up to putting that much into a game, I'd rather make one of my own, honestly. Making a Xenogears-style science fiction/fantasy epic has always been a pipe dream of mine.

Nevermind, I took care of it.
>nvm fixed it
There used to be this alien girl with huge tits as a party member, what happened to her?
Can you describe her? I'm not sure if we're thinking a bout the same character.
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Fuuuck. Almost done with that spell list lads. Attack&healing spells were already in, 33 of 'em. Now passives are in, both common&rare, all 51 of 'em. I'd have put in Special skills too today, but to make passives, I had to make each and every one of them as a state first. Still, feels good to make progress. Tomorrow I'll hopefully nail these Special skills, after which I'll start to work on Items section.

Don't be lazy y'all.
Not him, but a few weeks (months?) ago you uploaded a pic of the fourth party member. It was a titty monster robot and had a brother
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You mean this? It's the fourth party member, yeah.
Third one is still the magebot.
Yes, her
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>nvm fixed it
Cool, cool.
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Alright, with this last display of progress, I am turning in. Didn't feel like continuing to work on the skill fill out, so I took to making barebones version of the Dock District for the city. It's a big city, so it's only a part of the District that is represented, but I think that'll work just as well.

Night y'all.
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Work on your game
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Magebot Erin.png
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More magebot
Really cute.
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But anon, Wheel of Fortune is on and I...need it to inspire my Gold Saucer-style betting game!
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Stop making excuses Anon.
Worst lancer
Time to start customizing my game's menu.
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I'm trying, I even made some portraits (like the MC in this one) but I can't for the love of Aphrodite make the opening scenes show up imediately upon selecting new game, without a brief frame of the map before executing the show image event command.
Have the game start on an all-black map with no party members.
Well that imediately helped indeed, thank you kind person.
It's a classic trick from the RM2k/3 days. Heck, back then you couldn't start with an empty party, so you just had to start with a first party member with no sprite.
Here's a link to a very short demo of what I've been working on so far (just a few minutes, haven't made anything past when chase starts)


First time working on RPG Maker since 2k3 almost 10 years ago, quickly getting addicted to this again. A lot of my graphics are still very temp (especially the tileset pieces)
Menu changes are coming along.
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I'm trying to work on my game, but I don't know what part to work on right now.

How do you decide what to work on next? I'm still very early in and everything I can do essentially depends on everything else also being done. How do I pick which one to work on now...?
>unable to find audio/se/decision3

Crashes right at the start
How did you gave them some sort of motto/thoughts in the menu?
I use the "profile" field in the database for it. I then wrote a script to list the character's profile on Window_MenuStatus.
Neat. I certainly like this idea.
The pacing in my story is terrible.
Then change it.
Okay, thanks for the info. Repackaging and uploading it again
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So I know there exist a clone of final fantasy 5& 6 that was made on RPG maker. It looks like the shitty graphics of rpg maker, pic related. I heard it was spot on howvever. im looking for something that doesnt run on emulator. I just want to relive my childhood
I can't believe squeenix actually approved this shit.
"Do I want to end up like my dad?"
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>she doesn't know

Fucking kek.
>"Do I want to end up like my dad?"
One of the top-rated family law attorneys in the state? Well, I wasn't planning to go into that field but it would pay well at least.

Updated the file in the link.
This thought has left a very bitter taste in my mouth.
Fuck, I need to work on my project RIGHT NOW.
Fuck youuuuuuuu
why are dads such deadbeats
Most married too early and weren't ready to settle down. The finality hits everyone differently

Mine was just an alcoholic.
Underrated post
Has there ever been a game made with RPG maker sold on steam?
There are dozens of them that sold on steam. Some of them even sell alot. Wanna see them search rpg maker on steam and sort by rating or whatever.
Celia's Quest
Because of irresponsible women and mate selection.
A-at least the enemies sprites were good, r-right?
There are quite a few of them, I think the most successful to be To the Moon.
You shall live
I want all of us to make it
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Here's a probably amateur question...

What's the difference between these two? Is there a reason to use one over the other? Does one work fundamentally or even slightly differently than the other? Is one just flat-out stupid to use?
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why u do?
Have you seen the final fantasy remakes? >>162031576
You can do petty wicked stuff with a formula but if you just want to have easy healing potions then use the effects options.
Holy fuck Yanfly is an absolute madman.
>when you are chillin on /d/ and then randomly find out that someone who does art for a game you like also does fetish art for stuff you like
now this is podracing
I think it's pretty great that an artist can do lewd and non lewd stuff like he or she pleases.
It could backfire if you draw stuff which might be too extreme for some people, however.
IIRC a company which makes clothes for children wanted to hire Rustle as a designer or something but then they found his lewd stuff.
That's it, I'm gonna do it! I'm really gonna do it! I'm going to start a project and see it through to the end instead of coming up with a single novel idea and abandoning it after a single night of work!

Right after I figure out what I want to do
Hi, me from the beginning of this year.

Anyone know of a plug-in for RPG Maker MV that has battle portraits like this? I don't care for the way Yanfly's battle engine core does it, with boxed portraits. Preferably more open. I already solved that outside of battle by just using pictures, but I don't know how it would work for battles.
What about Yanfly?

Critical infrastructure anon. Make classes, skills, weapons, armor and items first. It need not be immediately balanced, that will come later, but it will allow you peace of mind to focus on other things. Plus, if you want to adjust/add new stuff, you'll have a slew of templates to work with.
The sheer number of plugins he releases is really astonishing.
I've gotten started on those already. Items are about as complete as they're going to get without fleshing the project out more. Classes are created but the details of them rely on the next part of this post...

Barely got started on this... have a lot more work to do here. Would help if I had a better idea of what the complete list would be. If I let it get disorganized, I won't be able to keep track of squat.

Haven't even started on these. Honestly, I never know where to begin with this stuff. It's so out of my element...
At this point, I've just started doing the mapping/eventing in between putting together the assets required for such. It's the only thing I have a relatively clear grasp of outside of the battle system, which I can't thoroughly test without some more content.
the MC fucking dies
well yeah, the gods demand a blood sacrifice and the price must be paid

if you watched Kingsglaive and Noctis dying was still a surprise to you, you're an idiot
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Good night bump
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>tfw have nothing to do with myself for the next month or two

Should I start working on my very serious grim cosmic horror game, my tongue-in-cheek fantasy journey, or lewd adventures?
How do you write an important female character with toys inside her all the time in a non lewd game?
Well, first you make it lewd
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No, i started recently so i followed an anon's suggestion.
Each enemy has its own signature move/s so it feels a little different for everyone. So i make them in the order the enemies come in.

Maybe one day i'll even make the skills for the party.
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New to rpg maker. Putting tiles like trees or chairs on other tiles sometimes delete that tile below, for other tiles it doesn't. How can I change that the below tile doesn't get overwritten? I don't want my ground deleted for every decorative item but I can't see an option for it in the tileset menu.
(for rpg maker mv if that matters)
Pitch me your lewd adventure idea.
Okay so you know Magical Camp?

That, only written by someone who can spell and more feelsy
I'm not familiar with Magical Camp.
Boy gets trapped in an extra-dimensional training camp for magical girls, mind warping and transformations ensue.
Are there any torrents for RPG Maker MV DLC packs? I'm living in China and the internet is too fucking slow to download from mega.nz. I want to make a video game for the classes I'm teaching.
When you place decorative titles such as trees, that are on the B layer, the A layer(terrain) shouldn't get deleted.

Generally you can only overwrite the lower titles(so A overwrites trees, but not the opposite)
Oh, I thought it didn't matter in which slot they are. I just put my custom textures in a different layer to use both premade and custom ground files at once. Now I have to merge the ones I need.
She herself is a toy. An automaton. The toys she has inside her are actual children's toys. She spreads happiness by handing them out
What are your character's win quotes?
Would you guys play a game about cavemen that also involves ayy lmaos?
Cavemen are one of those settings that seems like it'd be a massive amount of fun and freedom, but it's rarely done well.

Just look at Far Cry Primal.
How would you "do it well"?
I'm having the cavemen speak like retards, but they're still smart. They just can't express themselves very well. But they're rational, and tackle problems with the few means they have instead of just "hurr throw rocks at thing". The PC proves himself to be smarter than the rest, and because of that he's sent on a mission to discover the outside world.
post progress, I'll play anything.
How do you get into the zone for making your game?


I found this live cam from Shibuya, so I stream it on one monitor like it's a window, then pretend I'm working a 2nd job making vidya in japan.

Except, y'know, I get to work in English, I'm not reduced to eating beautiful-but-underwhelming food and I can go home when I'm tired.

Feels comfy, man.
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It's still barebones as fuck so unfortunately I don't have a demo or anything. I started on it recently and have been working on my shitty custom tileset. But once I have some quests done I'll share it, if I dare to.
To be fair, "throw rocks at things" was exceptionally effective for most caveman's problems.
I dig it. The art style is a nice change from the usual RTP. It's got a pretty cool primitive vibe to it that jams well with the setting, so don't be too down on yourself.
Dude how new are you to RPG Maker? There is no one on the face of the earth that uses rpgm and doesn't call zelda style projects ABS.

Guess what faggot? The B that stands for battle simy indicates that there is combat. You can call your Tales of faggotry system whatever you want in rpgm, just please don't call it an ABS. You're giving it a bad name and insulti.g the people that invested their time into making successful ABS's over the years. If youre a MV or XP or VX go google an ABS script, see what turns up you fuckin scrub. Jesus christ.
I want the RPGMaker community to leave.
Bring that angry srs bsns faggotry to traditional forums, we're trying to have a nice time here.
Well, it certainly has charm to it. No idea what the story is really about or what is going to happen but I would enjoy playing more.
Even if there is not much you managed to make the characters pretty distinct from each other and that is really important.
Thank you anon.

Have you played live a live? There's a whole segment in it that takes place in a pre historic era with cavemen and dinosaurs, and it's great. There's not even a single line of dialogue in the whole thing, but it still tells a pretty entertaining story and has fun mechanics, too.
Looking good!
Testing out animated portraits for my pervert simulator, biggest tangible change to my game in over a week.

>begin minigame where you secretly [LEWD] out of sight of the heroine
>Player must frantically buttonmash to simulate [BEING LEWD] to fill a gauge
>Implemented animation for active [LEWDITY] when player input is detected
>implemented idle animation for when player input stops
>Implementing [LEWNESS UNLEASH] animation for minigame win scenario

I wonder how plugin authors feel knowing their scripts are being used for hentaishit.
Fucking progress though
Do you have a comedic relief character in your game?

That's nice. I keep a section for called Enemy Moves as part of that. Mostly the various Poison Bite/Paralyze Stare/Tail Swing/etc.
> Reeebbit Tantrum
Today I shall finish the Spell list. Make the basic Armor list too. Lucky it's just Light/Medium/Heavy.
Helmet's will be divided up in Anyone/Heavy.
I'm having a nice time till someone clearly pretty new tries to call me out on acronyms that are more then a decade and a half old and material is still found and always will be found under those acronyms/names. just learn your shit.
I get it, I just think the less heat up we get about these things the better.

The community surrounding this engine rivals Sonic and Minecraft for angry autism over shit nobody cares about, we've a chance to be something a bit better here.
Though it ends up being a "merely pretending".
The whole party is comical enough at times as well

There's not really a designated character for that, it's a pretty light hearted game for the most part.
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What is its name, what was it doing before the heroes broke into its house/whatever, what is its special attack, what is its favorite food?
A "toy" the main villain bought just for fun.
It's a fighting robot called "A-Bot", meant to mimic a weak member of the A-classes(Basic Sword/Spear/Axe/Barehanded fighters)

first boss is just a regular higher tier mob that took residence in old sewer under the city district. BUT, if player is interested enough, there's plenty of hints towards second tier and something of a side quest with exploring so that when they get to that last room, the party disrupts a summoning circle and has to fight a real boss. Shade, which was responsible for drawing in the other nasties into the place since it couldn't leave the circle. Physical attacks do half-damage to it and it likes to cast Silence and Drain. By the time the party gets to it, it ought be around lv 4-5, so it'll be a test to see if player just mindlessly nabbed buff passives and attack spells or did they play it smart and had taken some of the shield/physical buff/etc. spells that might help deal with the thing.
It's a big monster called the Jandawog, which lives in the woods and occasionally heads out to terrorize nearby villages. One morning, it happened to cross path with a hunting party in the woods, and killed most of the hunters. It captured another one for later eating. It turned out that the captured hunter was the son of the governor of a local town, and so a bounty was placed for the boy's safe return.

The main characters have been sent to rescue the boy.

The Jandawog is a melee fighter, and its special attacks are a roundhouse kick and a tackle. Its favorite food is the meat of other animals which eat meat.
I like it, pics?
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Right now it's the MV RTP Orc. I'll draw something eventually.
Alright. From the name I was picturing some sort of slimy swamp version of a wendigo with sharp teeth.
Since I don't have a plot outline, I'll go with the first boss I wrote.

Megathirio is a leviathan-like monster kept in an underground lake on orders of King Nomothetis. Nomothetis tried but failed to slay it years before the events of the game, so he decided to appease it with occasional sacrifices of livestock and condemned criminals. Megathirio is quite powerful, but lazy and gluttonous (the misanthropic King Nomothetis considers it a fitting metaphor for humanity), only stirring from its underground lake when food is scarce. Most of the time it just eats whatever gets too close, but those that actually manage to put up a fight run the risk of being blasted with giant splashes or superheated steam. Killing it is not strictly necessary, but it'll get you plenty of Renown (EXP) and save Nomothetis a great deal on sacrifices.
Fuuuck. I did not progress much today. Then again, it's been a long day. Tomorrow I shall make up for it.
A muscular, but slim forest dragon in stone armor. Stone helmet, chestplate and leggings, stone sword, and stone helmet. Thunder is his weakness, but his stone armor negates all thunder attacks. Around level 20, though, one of your character gets a skill that can summon rain, which can seep through his armor, conducting electricity. This all takes place on top of an old fort. The dragon says he's the second coming of the Elder Earth dragon, but he's really just a typical dragon.
>le water conducting electricity meme
Sounds pretty tits though, post demo.
Posting a new version of my demo from yesterday with a little intro part I added today. People said the story wasn't clear right away, so I hope this helps explain a bit more.

It's a little big because I still haven't gotten rid of a lot of the default assets yet, not sure what I want to keep.

Adding the link here so I don't keep redirecting to the old post over and over:


If you want me to not post these as often, please let me know!
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mfw I don't have a first boss yet

mfw I don;t even have my characters fleshed out yet
Crack RPG Maker MV 1.3.4

Crack RPG Maker MV 1.3.4 Steam

Update 1.3.4
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Does RPG maker have some sort of feature for when you're in conversations you can type certain words as an option? like in the old fallout games?

also here's are some gobbo's i'm working on.
Thank you Anon-kun
By default, RPG Maker supports the following types of input:

>Character name input
>Number input
>Choice of options from a list
>Choice of item from inventory
k thanks
>water is always pure
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ABS has been a thing long before RPG Maker.

You're mistaking "Zelda style" an Action-Adventure games with Action-Rpg games like Y's or Secret of Mana.
They look similar on the surface, but the Battle Systems are fundamentally different.

So yeah, if you google ABS, you'll find legitimate Action-Rpgs scripts. They have HP bars, Damage Pop, Stats, and Party A.I. and an active character toggle.
Nothing about that is "Zelda style". The only script you'd need to make an authentic Zelda game is a sliding screen transition. Because like >>161949439 said, action mechanics and a HUD are easily accomplished with common events.
>It's a "Zelda isn't an RPG" post

You might be a faggot
>doesn't know Adventure and RPG are different.
>doesn't know that genres can blend

It's an adventure-RPG, friend.
You keep telling yourself that.
My game doesn't have bosses, only significant figures.

So if you choose a native start, and if you decide to marry the chief's eldest daughter, and if you decide to stay in the village after the chief declares his eldest son his successor, then that would make son the first boss. Assuming you try to "do something about him."

Or maybe you find a vampire coven when out hunting, and you wish to take it over. That would make the lord your first boss, I guess.

Or if you choose an imperial start, and if you decide to expand into the city, then that makes whoever controls the territory you're expanding into your first boss.

Or you can awaken a sleeping god, or anger a living one, and you'll have a real boss fight then.
Not if you're using an action battle system.
Does this feature sound good?

>Enemy is wet
>Actor throws Fireball at Enemy
>Enemy is not wet anymore
>Enemy now has a fever debuff
Is dark souls not an RPG then?
So it's a PSX era jrpg?
Still not zelda.

*deep breath*
Action - Timing and Precision.
Adventure - Using Items to Navigating Environments
RPG - Character progression.

Adventure-Rpg would be like Wild Arms or any Rpg that has dungeon puzzles that require a tool to solve.
See, Zelda doesn't have character levels. The closest thing it has to character progression is heart containers. Which are A) Items not stats B) Not required to finish the game
and C) would make RPGs out of Shooters by merit of ammo upgrades, which is stupid.

That's why Zelda is Action-Adventure. And not an RPG.
Are you implying Dark Souls is "Zelda style"
>See, Zelda doesn't have character levels. The closest thing it has to character progression is heart containers. Which are A) Items not stats B) Not required to finish the game

So what's the actual difference between hearts and levels other than them being optional?

who here PROGRESS
My progress is deciding if I want to have the party be a full 4 or just protagonist and one other at a time, and I am making no progress towards it.
not me

I think a party of two works fine, as long as both party members have fun complimentary abilities it should be solid. Also allowing the player to choose who to bring is always more interesting than a fixed 4 party system.
Quest Design ie Inventing Reasons for the Player to Move from Point A to Point B without Questioning It Too Much
Does your game have multiple endings?
yes, but only the real ending and then a secret joke ending

You either fight the evil god trying to eat all magic, thus allowing magic to regrow and in time let there be enough for magic to fill the world, making lives easier but also allowing bad dudes to use magic to nefarious ends or the god convinces you that ending magic is for the best, and you then must fight your old party with the other final boss on your team, ending all magic for good.
Yes, but I don't actually know either of them.
Levels are character progression. The point of RPGs is to grow your character in order to take on bigger challenges. Jrpgs take the concept as far as it goes, in which you slay/overcome a god.
People who think that's cliche are missing the point of character progression. The narrative reflects the gameplay. And a RPG without combat is effectively an Adventure game.

In Zelda, heart containers (and tools) are an Item. It's like expanding your inventory space or ammo upgrade. It exists outside of the character, but even if you stretched to meaning of "Character Progression" to include those things, expanding heart containers isn't the point of the game. Sure It helps, but the point is to beat all the dungeon bosses.

Now, there are some rpgs that are - if you play it a certain way - possible to beat without leveling up. But that's an added challenge and not a normal play through.

There are other difference besides character progression. Rpg's are governed by other rules of chance. Dice rolls and damage formulas that calculate damage. Element and Weapon Attributes, status effect ect...
In Action-Adventure games, a hit simply means you lose a heart container (Zelda) or a cookie (Ape Escape); hardly a system by comparison.
Bosses are extra gimmicky and designed to be taken down with a tool that's significant to that level. Speed boots to dodge an attack that'll stun the boss when they charge a wall or take out all the support pillars.
>And a RPG without combat is effectively an Adventure game
Or a sim
Or a visual novel

PsX jrpgs had a lot more Adventure elements. While the majority of Ps3 jrpgs (being made by IdeaFactory) had more Dating Sim elements and presents in a Visual Novel Fashion.

Another important lesson for you wannabe game designers; Games and Visual Novels are separate types of MEDIA. VN are not games. But games can use VN in them. Just like some table-top rpgs use campaign and companion books.
Not him but how is a VN not a game?
What is the definition of a game?
IMO a game is only defined by its rules and a state of failure. A VN has bad routes, therefore bad choices, and a state of failure. Dear Esther popularized the term 'walking simulator' because no matter what you do, you can't lose. You can only delay winning. A visual novel with no choices, imo, would also fall under that umbrella.
An activity which is not necessary for survival
Is a choose-your-own-adventure story really a video game?
Isn't that Zork?
I wouldn't call text adventures games.
Tons of them using RTP stock material when we got battlers from tons of other sources if you can´t draw worth crap
>and a state of failure
I disagree. Not every puzzle game has a state of failure. Two kids playing "house" are still playing children's games.

Looking it up, game is a vague term and defined very simply:
>An amusement or pastime.
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This piece of shit of a "language game" came out a mere couple of months after MV's release. I'm still mad enough to have it saved so I can show people like you.
I just said. It's Media. Visual Novel is like a digital puppet show using the choose-your-own-adventure literary device. CYOA isn't a genre, fyi.

Although a game only acts as media when there's a narrative communicated within the level design that the player pieces together by walking through it.
Not being told through text, dialog, or in cinematic form.

Its possible to communicate some message through game objective itself too.
Like using people as platforms to advance through life. "Symbolism"
A bit too poetic and on-the-nose about it. Thankfully they're not commercial games. Those 5min flash games that are allegories of depression and crap. When Games become Art.

Otherwise the definition of a game is an objective achieved with skill, knowledge, or luck and chance. Of course reading a book requires knowledge to read, I wouldn't call it a game unless you were competing against a friend to finish it first. But that would change the name of the game from "reading" to "racing", see?
Although, I'm sure you guys are perfectly capable of making that distinction. Unless I'm talking to Bots.
You would also be wrong from a general standpoint.

R. L.Stein's "Give Yourself Goosebumps" series (essentially CYOA in book form) are called "children's horror fiction gamebooks," with the description "For the most part, play is rather simple, as the books are merely novels with branching plots." The vidya form of this is no less a game.

To me, your post reads as "I wouldn't call real time strategies games. They are "text adventure games." Dropping the word games from it doesn't make it no longer a game.

>CYOA isn't a genre, fyi.
The genre is Interactive Narrative. Which is defined as "An interactive narrative is one which is composed with a branching structure where a single starting point may lead to multiple developments and outcomes. The principle of all such games is that, at each step of the narrative, the user makes choices that advance the story, leading to new series of choices." "In a gamebook, readers are told to turn to a certain page according to the choice they wish to make to continue the story." "This kind of interactive experience of a story is possible with video games and books (where the reader is free to turn the pages) but less adapted to other forms of entertainment."
Because "Adventure" is the genre. "Text" is the medium rather than a video component.
Hence, "Text Adventure".

It works just like any other Adventure game. Pick up the key, and unlock the door. Only instead of using a control to move an avatar around. You have word prompts and a text input.

>Look around.
You're locked in a cell. The guard watches you with a smirk.
>Blow the Guard.
You get on your knees and start polishing the guard's knob. You are very experienced. The guard throws his head back in pleasure and doesn't notice you picking his pocket for the key. As much as you love to swallow, you resist and let his jizz soil his pants. The guard leaves to change his clothes.
Instead of escaping you choose to stick around. Life as a prison bitch suits you. You don't want to miss the opportunity to be mounted by a masked executioner after he locks you in the guillotine. You remain conscious for a few moments as your head leaves your body. By mere chance your head rolls around the stock and under your body. Your body responds involuntarily to the executioner pulling out, coating your own face with ejaculate. It then, naturally pisses on your face from the loss of muscle control. However you're completely dead by that point.
Game Over.

There are also Text based RPGs. Not just Adventure games.
I don't know what you're quoting, but genre is the wrong terminology. Maybe in the "category" sense of the word.

Like we use "First-Person" and "Side-Scrollers" to further categorize games. But they're not genres because we only define video game genres by gameplay; not by POV or other visual styles.

Like Fantasy is a literary genre. While Third-Person Omniscient and Fables are storytelling techniques.
CYOA only describes it's structure, it's genre could be anything from Erotica to Historical Fiction
Interesting what a simple question about a battle system can lead to. It's all fine and dandy as long as it's civil.

I enjoyed this text adventure more than I would like to admit.
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Can someone help me a bit?
I want to know whether this story is interesting or not.


The game start with the party storming the Demon Lord castle.
Your party start at Lv 100. You have to defeat him there.
The Demon Lord has a weapon of mass destruction. It can target the whole humanity but takes years to charge.
One by one your allies dies with the hero and his lover remaining.
However, his lover dying too after you finish the Demon Lord.
With his last strength, the hero use magic compress her whole body, soul, and brain into a pendant.
Losing his level in the process.

Chapter 1

The hero is alive and after all the formalities and shit he goes on adventure with his talking pendant.
For some reason he is so eager to learn mind manipulation magic.
On his adventure, he recruit a newbie female exorcist, a male idiot merchant, and a hero admirer along the way.
They create a vigilante group to bring justice to corrupt nobles.

Next chapters (Rough draft)

The fucking corrupt noble took advantage to sell medicine during the whole fight against Demon Lord back then.
After the Demon Lord dies, they made a deal with the remaining Demons to capture their opposition or to steal something.

Turn out the hero is also planning to resurrect his not-so-dead lover.
It requires a huge amount of mana. How do you amass that amount of mana easily?
Absorb someone's body, killing them in the process. He need to kill at least one million people.
Once the secret leaked out in chapter 4, you will control two party: The hero and the newbie exorcist.

I haven't thought what else I should write here.
Maybe a battle of planning and calculation. The Noble faction, The vigilance, and the hero.
Btw, hero is overpowered even with his level reduced but he is alone.

His talking pendant lover is against this whole shit to ressurect her but she can't do a thing.
The hero complains that he lose his family, his friends, and his lover in the whole fight against Demon Lord.
He doesn't really want to protect the world. He just want everyone dear to him safe and yet he lose everything.
He know what he is doing will make people hates him. That's what his mind manipulation magic for.

There are two main ending:
1. Fallen Hero successfully resurrect his lover and brainwash the whole world into thinking all the atrocities he commit are the Demon Lord's doing.
Remember that Demon Lord has weapon of mass destruction?
He modify it into manipulation magic device that target the whole humanity.
About 20% of population left in the world because of his ritual to resurrect his gf and brainwashing the world.
Satisfied, he settle down with her and live a happy life.

2. The exorcist stop MC and successfully save the world.
However, the people are afraid of her becoming another fallen hero so she secludes herself.

Then there is a secret route.
You soften the hero enough that he give up the idea to ress his gf before chapter 4.
He will join the exorcist in the fight against noble faction.
Way too ambitious anon.
Is your first project? Calm down with the whole thing.
Branching story and multiple party are pretty rough to deal with.
I've pirated and cracked RPGMakerMV. When I copy resources into the appropriate folder, they do not show up as "available" in the game maker. Halp?
I think this has potential and I like the story until the rough draft. I like the main character's motivation to resurrect her, love is one of the strongest motivators one can have.
What your story needs is a proper journey, though. The player needs to see the rise of the MC after they have seen his fall.
Also you need to explain how he can get so powerful at the end. Maybe the hero travels with his new companions to dangerous lairs of witches and the like in order to gain powerful magical artifacts to increase his own magic abilities.
You want him to become a really powerful mage after all, maybe he even makes a pact with a demon or something alike. (Maybe this is how he survived at the beginning?)
Personally I would have the noble faction only to be something very little, namely to recruit the others. Kill one or two of them and then the MC is like "Oh boy we are hunted like criminal scum and get attacked on sight wherever we go, if we go to this and that dungeon we would be able to get powerful weapons and armor." Of course he only wants to go there for the magical artifacts.
If you have a nice and bonding journey then the impact that the MC was merely pretending and has completely different intentions is much more powerful.
This is just how I would do something like this after reading your ideas.
Nice idea there.
I will add this to my list of story revision.
Thank you, anon.
This need >>162147542
Especially the part where hero is overpowered.
How did he get OP anyway? If he is just OP for the sake of it then it's not fun.
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Good night bump
Anon used Bump!
/rpgm/ recovers 8 pages!
What is your favorite part of working on that project you're totally going to finish for real this time, Anon?

Mine's just an excuse to write, I gave up trying to make my own art assets and actually interesting combat gimmicks years ago.
I enjoy the creative process, and watching something that I've poured hours into coming to life. Even if I'm just experimenting with game mechanics in a test room, there's a certain satisfaction from trying to make something happen, and it actually working.
You're close but no tamale. A genre is just a category system. A video game genre is a category system for video games. While there is no common agreement for how video games should be classified, it is agreed that the core of a video game is interactivity (or, as you say, "gameplay"), and the characteristics of that interactivity is how we define a genre.
Source for that:
>Gaming and Simulations: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Volume 1 by the Information Resources Management Association, USA
or for the lazy,

Now, what you've gotten wrong here is that the video game genre system is also composed of its sub-genres. So, while "First Person" and "Text" are not genres, a "First Person Shooter" is a genre, and "Text Adventure" is a genre.

To expand on this, a First Person Shooter is a genre. It is also a subgenre of the genre Shooter, which is also a subgenre of the genre Action.

In the very rough system of video game categorization, we utilize a variety of terms for things that also affect the core interactivity to further define a given genre, such as perspective (IE First Person), medium (IE Text, Graphical), timing (IE Real-Time), and more to create subgenres within broader genres. And those subgenres are still genres. And lastly there's a note that it is common that a game may contain aspects of a genre without being defined by it. For example, an optional gun in a first person RPG does not make that a First Person Shooter, nor does the role-playing elements in CoD's single-player mode define the game as an RPG.
>as above, Information Resources Management Association, USA
>Understanding Digital Games by Jason Rutter
or just
>as above, wikipedia

Thanks for making me look this up. I've never thought very hard on the topic before.
>"I think Zork's a video game"
>You people are still at it 7 hours later
I love you guys
Video Games - Serious Business
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Have a snowy cow!

Make sure to make progress! You can do it! :D
Now you made me think about it, you always see bulls, bisons, minotaurs, etc as enemies in videogames but never cows, except in Pokemon.
Anyone else keep questioning if they should move their game off of RPGM? I keep running into little things built into the engine that annoy me. Sometimes I can find workarounds, sometimes not. It just keeps frustrating me that they don't make it more flexible or think, "Hey, maybe people will want something different than this hard coded feature that they aren't really allowed to change.
Fill my threadpussy with your bumps!
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Post your title cards.
Bumping to tell you all that I am currently adding tons of new shit to the RPG Maker games collection that's linked in the OP. I've hoarded tons of this stuff over the years, most of it very hard to find elsewhere. Hope you faggots enjoy.
I have all four Dooms games, including the version of Dooms 4 with the added (hilariously bad and sometimes Finnish accented) voice acting. Are they worth adding?
sounds really good but i think your endings don't sound very convincing.
the first ending sounds way too evil and forced, not sure if you could pull this of.
how about this for the second main ending:
hero learns manipulation magic but it's way too powerful for him, he slowly turns into the new demon lord. at the last battle the party manages to defeat him but his powerful magic fully heals him again. magic pendant gf sacrifices herself and seals the evil magic power away. both of them vanish in the process but hero is a good guy again.

secret route doesn't seem to fit the whole theme but could be interesting
Sure. If you can upload them all to a mega and link it here I'll throw them in there.
I want to make combat on the field with common events.
Is it possible?
HP and MP are tied to variable.
Event/Enemies only moves one tile after player moves one tiles.
Did you even read your sources?
"A video game genre is a classification assigned to a video game based on its gameplay interaction rather than visual or narrative differences."

First Person is visual. Text is narrative. They're adjectives, not genres!
You probably think RPG is some fuzzy concept that you apply to anything that's story heavy or uses 2D 3/quarter pixel graphics. Which is all Visual and Narrative and has nothing to do with gameplay.
Pretty sure there is a script for that
It's possible, but very tiring.

Also BUMP!
I can't believe it's been 2 full days of discourse over a term that has been commonly accepted in the rpgm community since rm2k3.
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Any progress today, mates?

Nope, I bought a ps4 and ffxv.
Indeed, there are only the last dungeon and the boss rush before the final boss to do.
It's almost over
Thanks for that. It's been a while since I looked at the collection, but I'll have to see if there's anything in there that catches my eye. I'm always glad to see obscure games being preserved in some form.

Not that I've played any RPG Maker games in ages. I have a bunch saved on my hard drive that I never touched. But, soon. Honest.

Here's a mega link to all four with two versions of Dooms 4 for you. These are the folders of the copies I already had installed and not their installers, hope that's okay
Nevermind, didn't even check. The Dooms 2 and 3 folders DO contain the setup files.
For a beginner, how long should a first game be? Right now, I have 3 or so "fetch" quests through small dungeons, average game time being about 20-30 minutes with minor NPC dialogue and events.
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My first game is 25 hours long of mandatory quests.
It's pretty basic and mostly relies on standard RPG Maker VX Ace system, that's all the custom scripts I am using.
How long did it take to make?
More than 1 month, I think.
I still need to make a last dungeon and the last bosses though.
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Damn, 1 month sounds extremely fast for a 25 hour game. Do you use RTP?
>mfw I've worked on mine for almost a month now and have like 30 mins of gameplay
>Do you use RTP?
Yeah, it's the literally my first game.(not my first time using RPG Maker though)
I made it thinking "I will just fuck around with the engine and write some story that has been floating in my mind since forever"
Today I will do some monster sprites.
>get home from 12 hour day at office
>strain from screens all day in darkness because far north hemisphere
>feel like my eyes are falling out
>want to make progress anyway

Quest for the Holy Braille at this point, lads.
Get some of those yellow tinted glasses that filter out blue light. Blue light is the most damaging to your eyes
Aye, I've been fired into that Flux app, tints the screen after sundown, the only problem is that it gets pitch black at 4pm, and if my screen goes yellow there, I'm asleep in my chair by 5, but don't get out til 8.

lol wageslavery. Oh well, time for derivative garbage western RPG deving!
>since rm2k
Hardly anyone was over the age of 15 back then. As if anyone knew what they were talking about. On top of foreign scripters naming things inappropriately in English.
So a friend just gifted me this, I haven't even launched it, first thign that came to mind was start making up titles on a pice of paper for games I would like to play/make.

Do you have any advice anons? I always left everything unfinished, and I know this will probably be the same, but I don't know any tip from someone who was sort of discouraged like me without even beginning can give me some tips you wish you knew when you started or something?
The Ultimate dilemma of enemy design.

Is it better to predict grinding, thus making bosses and enemies in next zones scale in response or make bosses balanced on the level you are before entering the dungeon, maybe just 1 higher?
I guess the best would be to have bosses that are beatable without grinding if you're good at the game, but that have grinding zones somewhat near them if the player is shit
I don't even have combat in my game though so fuck if I know

Yes! I finally finished the spells. Left out the buff spells for now, focused on nailing down Special so that those have a bit of variety too. Ended up making most of the light damage+status effect as part of Thief character skillset, while more steady damage ones go to MC, who's an all rounder with both Special&one of Magic schools(Air).

Then I worked on the maps some more. Finally satisfied with how Dock District is looking. Made first floor of whorehouse inn that's there. Need to make the second floor, plus a Customs' office & a random house.

I had wanted to use Town of Beginning tiles for the Old Town, but since I'm using rtp(modified to be darker and a touch more saturated) for Dock District, I worry that the difference in style might not go over too well.
Make it so bosses are the best source of experience so the player's grinding is useless in comparison.

I make them per zone. So if it is a level 1 mob zone, the boss will be level 5. Later, when levels require more exp, I might lower that number by one(Level 5 zone might have level 8-9 boss). If the player wants to grind, they're free to do so, but at any given area, mobs are within a certain range of exp.

For instance, if they want to grind bats, rats, oozes and occasional ghoul in the beginning dungeon, they're free to do so and will likely murder stuff in the next territory well enough, but that will be a grind in truest sense. Getting to 5-6 will be easy enough and is expected, but beyond that, it's mindless killing of mobs that drop 15-40 exp to fill out an exp requirement that is at 1000 or more.
Most dungeons can be either done quickly or spending some time inside them if you want all treasures, that generally contain very helpful items.
In the meanwhile, if you do every encounter, you are just 1-2 levels above the one I balanced enemies for.

Bosses generally drop enough EXP to level you up immediately for the first half of the game. Then their drops are 2/3 of the EXP needed.
So yeah, bosses should keep your party not too underlevelled all the time unless you skip literally every encounter.

No, no, no. Go google action battle system or ABS and find mw a wiki article thar sayd of this terminology came anywhere before rpgmaker. I worked with 95 when it came out when most of you weren't even the accidents your parents regretted yet. Dont fucking tell me about "rpg genres" and "AKSHUALLY ZELDA ISNT EVEN RPG'

Im serious, find me anything thats called or uses something that claims as an action battle system or.acronym ABS.

And yes, in rpgm context an ABS is commonly known as a Zelda style game. If you think im talking about 3d ones youre retarded.
A workaround I thought was introducing a very few midbosses in some dungeons that are easy enough to defeat and should keep your level in check
Not the guy you are responding to but dude, calm down.
There is no need to be so hostile.
Work on your game every day. If that's not possible because of your schedule, at least decide on certain days to work, and stick to that. Even if you're busy, or exhausted, or up at 3 AM when you suddenly realize you haven't done anything with your project that day (not that I'm speaking from experience or anything), force yourself to make some progress. Even if it's only a little. Even if you only draw a halfhearted sketch for the next boss and stick it in the database, or make one house in a town and put a couple of NPCs with blank dialogue boxes in it, that's okay.

No step is too small to be worth taking, and if you can stay in the habit of working on your game every day, you'll succeed.

If you skip even one, you've failed.

...That's not necessarily true but I think it's a good mindset to have. At the very least, it's what kept me going with studying a foreign language in my spare time, and I've made decent progress in less than a year even if I could be working a lot harder. I'm not actually working on a game right now, though. So take this with a grain of salt, I guess.

Also, don't worry too much about getting things right on your first try, and don't feel too bad for abandoning ideas or even entire games if they're not working out like you wanted. Or, and often better, keep what you have and move forward; nothing has to be perfect. You'll learn a lot by trying and failing, and you can always go back and fix up your old work if you think there's something to salvage there.

Glad I got out of this phase during my very early 20s lol.
Can't help but think right now you are so bad at making any progress with game dev or whatever skill you try to develop that you just shitpost about terminology instead.

I'll never know for sure though.
what game?
is it possible to make a roguelike with rpg maker VX Ace?

like actually all I want is the npcs to spawn in random locations of the map every time you play.
Thanks anon, I'll keep your thoughts in my heart, and make the best little game I can.
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Did you? Those "adjectives" affect the interaction and are included to create subgenres. Or, if you bothered to not be a total stubborn twat, you'd open a link and read

>First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre which is centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through a first-person perspective; that is, the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist. The first-person shooter shares common traits with other shooter games, which in turn fall under the heading action game.
>A tactical role-playing game[1][2][3][4] (abbreviated as TRPG) is a genre of video game which incorporates elements of traditional role-playing video games and emphasizes tactical rather than high-level strategic gameplay. In Japan these games are known as "Simulation RPGs" (シミュレーションRPG?, abbreviated as SRPG).

Or, since you are very quick to agree with the Information Resources Management Association of USA on its definition of interactivity, here's what they say on the topic itself (pic related).

>First Person Shooter is a genre. That genre is a subgenre of Shooter.
>Text Adventure (also called Interactive Fiction) is a genre. That genre is a subgenre of Adventure.
>Real-Time Strategy is a genre. That genre is a subgenre of Strategy.

In face of your willful ignorance and hypocrisy, I'm going to ask YOU again, did YOU even read those sources? Because no, you obviously fucking didn't, while I obviously did.
Sure. It'll take a fair bit of work and knowledge, but it can be done very simply.
All y'all fuckers are arguing about labels like they're prescriptive when they're really just descriptive.
But you might get pregnant
This. There's an old interview where Miyomoto calls Zelda a 'role-playing game' while talking about Zelda 3 (which later became LttP) but Nintendo refers to Zelda as 'Action-Adventure' now. I've been trawling Zelda Dungeon trying to find it, but my autism is weak.
dirty panties of the main heroine, which obviously I would have to wear myself
You got to admit. Calling anything "Zelda Style" because you swing a sword with a button push is really dumbing things down.

Just because (you) use boards as a spotlight to talk about your(anonymous)self and your projects, you think everyone else here must too?
Maybe some of us just want to talk about rpgs and things related to rpgm in -whats the word, General? Oh, I guess that's why it's called /rpgmg/ and not rpgmakerdev
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I redid my rat sprite!
Post the first version for comparison
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could I just make a half assed game with pretty portraits and sell it as early access but never finish it?

Repeat the same process once I run out of money under a new alias, instead of completing the first project.
Yes, there are entire "companies" that do exactly that.
The new one looks better, you did good.
I think the next version will use Java instead of ruby, that will probably solve most problems, except you'll have to pay again?
I'd try to get the tail to a uniform taper, but good job, Anon.
I tried, but drawing is hard
Why don't you just rob a bank?
because you can get shot and killed

Also I live in a country where the money I would get wouldn't last me much, I would need to rob several banks to survive a few years. I had some dreams where I robbed banks with my mom, pretty weird, and we fucked in one of those banks during the robbery, I think internet scams are easier and less risky.
Well, most hard-coded features can be completely worked around. I made an sRPG system from scratch, a life and stat system that doesn't even touch the regular Actor profiles, my inventory is from scratch and doesn't touch anything - even the main menu, when you press Esc, is going to be from scratch as I draw pictures and buttons on screen and register clicks with TouchInput.

And with the exception of one Path Finding script for the sRPG system, all of that is done with the stock engine. What is it exactly that you think is hard-coded that you cannot do from scratch?
>I had some dreams where I robbed banks with my mom, pretty weird, and we fucked in one of those banks during the robbery,
I love 4chan.
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>I had some dreams where I robbed banks with my mom, pretty weird, and we fucked in one of those banks during the robbery
Oh, and to add, none of my NPC's are even interacted with through Action Buttons - I have a parallel process event that tracks the player and checks if there is an NPC (or door, or sign, or...) in front of him/her when "ok" is pressed.

That way people like 3 bank tellers can all say the same thing, and I only need to adjust one dialogue to adjust all of them, and I no longer need extra events for each door/sign/etc.

Simply put, I believe there is very little that you can do in a regular game engine that you cannot do in RPG Maker in the same way. Sure, there's limits, but those are a rare few.
Anyone has a link/torrent for the newest MV? I can find only 1.2
If you can do all that why are you even using RPG Maker?
Because when I started this project I couldn't do that, and I've been learning as I go.
>RPG Maker MV 1.33 Repack
Ok, I feel dumb. Sorry anons.
What did you use to learn all that? I can't even do simple things and you don't get much help from their forums.
I wouldn't encourage you to, but I'm sure you could make some money that way if you're clever and determined enough. It's better than being an incestual bank robber, at least.

I suppose I can't criticize you too much. If I wasn't too lazy to develop passable art skills, I'd totally take a page out of the Sakura team's book and make a living churning out cheap softcore porn. Though I like to think my writing would be better.

Then again, if I could draw, I'd probably get too invested in making quality softcore porn to try that.
Eh, google, I guess. Sometimes I need a javascript command, sometimes I ask a question here in the general.

Ultimately though,
is the master sheet for what you can actually do in RPG Maker.

Really, it started when I wanted a way of displaying pictures based on a variable, but Picture Number was always fixed. Basically, I wanted to display picture 1, and then display the next picture as picture 2, but there were 100 pictures that could be used as the first or second which mean repeating that 200 times.

When I found the script call for it
>"$gameScreen.showPicture(pictureId, name, origin, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, opacity, blendMode)"
I realized I could use a variable for pictureID, so it was just a matter of $variable = 1, then show picture $variable, then $variable += 1 (so it equals 2, and then do show picture $variable again. That cut down the code from 200 conditionals to 100.

After that, someone showed me that you can change the name part of the Script Call from 'Actor-31' to 'Actor-'+$actorNumber, and that would let you use a variable even for the name. And that further cut down the display from 100 conditionals to 1.

I was pretty amazed. 200 conditional branches down to 1. That same sort of learning process is repeated ad infinitum for everything I know right now.

I usually find something useful, force it in in a weird, roundabout way, and then learning later to make it actually useful. Like, for example, the in-game variables can't be decimals. So when I wanted a custom, non-game variable to be an integer instead of a decimal, I would set a game variable to the non-game variable (so it'd chop off the decimal), and then set the non-game variable back to the game variable.

Nowadays, I know that I can just $variable = Math.floor($variable), and that will chop off the variable for me.
don't worry there are cows in my game >< <3
I looooove them so much

and I'm gonna try and make progress tonight until I disembowel myself to stop my cramps
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In a less direct way of answering your question, if you can think of something you want to do as a logical statement, there is a really good chance that it can be done in the engine. Remember all those times your math teacher told you this stuff would matter later, and you're like, "I'm not going to be a rocket surgeon, lol," and blew her off? I feel like all of that, and especially word problems, come into play here. Even though I'm not an expert, I like to think I've gotten good at logical statements.

So for the NPC thing I mentioned in >>162219396, I wanted something that checked what was in front of the player, instead of doing it the traditional way (this was originally for pressing a button to show a picture of that NPC, not for talking to them). In my first draft, I set a variable through Control Variable -> Game Data -> Character -> Player X, and then another for Player Y. Then for every NPC, I made 4 conditional branches that checked if the X, Y of the player matched the X, Y of that NPC (with X+1 if player was facing Right, Y-1 if player is facing up, etc., which is the 4 conditionals each). If the picture button was pressed and if the X matched and if the Y matched, the picture would display (based on that NPC's picture number, which was the aforementioned 200 conditionals down to 1 thing).

Since those days, I've gotten a fair bit better. Pic related is a bit old now, but is still an improved form. I set two variables to the X, Y first, then adjust for "in front of him" right after, and THEN I check for the NPC. That way you only need to do the 4 directional checks once instead of once per NPC/sign/door.

Even now, looking at it, I realize I could simplify the "A" selects conditionals into one line that goes
>If: Script: $seeX == 138 && $seeY == 30
as well as not needing the setPosition command above (which was just a visual cue).

That, obviously, left a shit ton of conditional branches for all those NPCs on a map.
I read and I don't understand.
I'll never be able to code for shit.
OneShot was just released on Steam
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Maybe this will help. In this picture, I duplicated the code. The parts with the red line on the right say the EXACT same thing as the parts with the blue line. The blue line parts are just the script call version of the red parts (which is the regular event version).

The only thing you need is the script call list from

The variables ($seeX, $seeY) I declare with the "=" sign. the $ before them means it's a variable, and I can write whatever I want for the name, so long as it isn't a variable used elsewhere in the game. $gamePlayer.x and y are two variables the game already uses to track the players X, Y coordinate on the map. It's doing the same thing the blue line part below it does.

$gamePlayer.direction() is the variable that stores what direction the player is facing. In the script call list, it says that to know the direction "look at the number pad." So 8 has an up arrow, 6 has a right arrow, 2 is down, and 4 is left. So if the direction is 8 (or "Up"), then subtract 1 from Y (because that is one tile above the player, which he's facing). If the direction is 2 (or "Down), add 1 to the Y, because that is one tile below the player.

For the rest of the code, which isn't in pic related, now that $seeX and $seeY is the coordinate of the tile that the player is looking at, I only need to check what is on that tile when a button (like "ok") is pressed. So if the tile I'm looking at is position (138, 30), that is a sign post, and it'll show the text of that sign. If the tile I'm looking at has an NPC on it, a different part of this code uses the Get Location Info (Event ID) command to see if it's an Event, and then it proceeds accordingly.

I know it's not easy to learn by just a step-by-step explanation. I needed gratuitous amounts of testing in-engine to really understand what was going on.
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Giant Paramecius enemy. Nobody will be able to guess correctly what it is based on, but that is alright.
You have inspired me to give my snap movement plugin another try. Maybe I can get it working this time.
I'm guessing the Giant Microbe plush toy line. Pro tip for you guys entering Uni: Nerdy Bio Sci girls love getting them as gifts.
What do you mean by snap movement?
My game has a very old school PC aesthetic and I want the movement in the game to match it. I want movement from one tile to another, for player characters and npcs, to snap (jump, blink, whatever term you like) from one tile to the next rather than slide with an animation like they do normally.

I know I have to do something with this._y this._x this._realY this._realX in the Game_CharacterBase.prototype area. I just can't figure out what bit I need to change to tell it "Just move all in one frame, not bit by bit"

Right now I am messing with Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove but I am surprised by how much I can change or completely remove without any noticeable change, which really makes knowing if I am getting hot or cold hard to figure out.
Actually, I think I got it working now, the issue is my guys zip around real fast. So what I need to do is add a "Wait a sec after you move in 1 frame" in there somehow.
Oh, well me and my roundabout ways, why don't you just disable player movement (Set Move Route: Player: Wait 1 frame (repeat)), and then run a parallel process that goes
>If Button Up is press, then $gamePlayer.setPosition($gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y - 1)
and so on?

That'll snap it nicely; all you need to do is set boundaries (with map size and I think there's a way of checking if a tile is on the same layer as the PC. If not, there's regions to serve the same function, but I'm pretty sure there's a way.).

Or you can just be competent and do it through a plug-in. Good job, anon.
Because I hate seeing "Nevermind I figured it out" here is what I did.

Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove = function() {
if (this._x < this._realX) {
this._realX = this._x;
if (this._x > this._realX) {
this._realX = this._x;
if (this._y < this._realY) {
this._realY = this._y;
if (this._y > this._realY) {
this._realY = this._y;
if (!this.isMoving()) {

Mind you, it still in not completely working. I need to put a "Wait 1 second before you can move again" into it somehow. Otherwise I gotta rename to hero sanic cuz the boy is goin fast.
The script call for Wait is

Maybe that'll help?
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>tfw I forgot about Song of the Day for almost a week now

I can't manage to get any kind of waiting to work in the plugin. two steps forward, one step back it seems.
It may need regular javascript then.


>Forgetting your duty
I am disappoint.
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>so many of my assets are placeholder
Today I made a character sprite, and monster sprite, and a title screen.

Tomorrow I will make even more.

We will complete our projects little by little.
I'm starting to grow attached to some of my placeholder stuff.
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I hate everything I do. That's why so much of my stuff is placeholder. I know I'm going to hate what I make anyway, so I don't feel up to making it.

But now I hate the placeholders I've picked. I can't win. The judge (me) is biased against me.
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Good night bump
You're going to make progress today.
Hi friends, I hope you all made progress today!

Because I didn't :<
Define progress.
I scrapped one thing, made another, then scrapped that and remade the first thing.
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Is playing around in a test room, and writing down ideas into my game document considered progress?
What's your favorite part of that doc?
Rough ideas and concepts mostly. I just vomit out everything my brain can come up with during a moment of inspiration, then put it away until later before I start refining ideas.

I think the 1.0 rat looks much more threatening with it's pose but the 2.0 rat looks greater in production quality.
Was OneShot actually made in RPG Maker or not?
I'm starting to feel like my Slime collecting game would work better without any combat?

I sort of want it to focus on exploration and stuff like that, but now I'm worried that would make it a little too similar to Tomb of Friends, another game that came out of these threads.
I mean, if all you're doing is going around finding Slimes and then not using them for anything, it's essentially the same game?

I'm stuck here, guys. I hate it.
I'm making a game without combat too, mainly because I don't find turnbased fighting very fun myself, but also because I too want to focus on exploration and story. Your game will always be mechanically similar to other games, what matters is having a unique and memorable setting.
Dragon Warrior Monsters is great because of how every monster is unique both in and out of combat. You're removing a neccesary dynamic from your game if you decide collecting slimes is enough. Are you Pokemon, or are you garbage like Doodle God?
has any project been born from this threads?

Like some guy makes the art, another the coding, and another the dialogues and then steal the music from somewhere or something like that?
Technically two: The collab (currently on life support) and the podcast (not a videogame, and taking a holiday break)
I believe it would be a better choice if you would keep the combat but there would be specific non-combat situations where in order to progress in an area, you need a specific slime or a combination of specific slimes (preferably situations where more than one combination is eligible, so the player does not get stuck just because he missed out on something). Give the slimes extra utility so they are not just there for battling.
Most people are doing everything themselves. That makes the projects much more likely to hit a road block in one area or another.
You could go with simple Common Event-based combat. Some guy here was making a game with a combat engine based on The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls, which is more about conservative resource management than anything, but combined with attribute weaknesses and monster catching it could provide some interesting options and even serve as a built-in puzzle mechanic.
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I have a bit of an odd request for anyone who is good with Photoshop.

I would like a frame to put around this image. This is one of the 2003 RTP battlebacks, but what I want to do is load it into VX Ace, but I want it to look like a window frame is being drawn around the edges of it. All I need is the empty frame itself, with a 320x240 (the res of the image) empty transparent space in the middle. Then once I have the frame I can put it around the rest of the images as I need them.

But here's the thing, I want the frame to be drawn with the default VX Ace RTP system window frame. So that it looks like the frame is being drawn in-engine, but it's not, it's part of the image. I'll post an example of what I need, as well as the system image with the frame on it in a moment.

It'd really help me out if someone could do this for me. I don't really know shit about Photoshop.
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Here's a shitty MSpaint example of what I need. Not the black space or the image inside, just the frame that fits around it.
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And here's the system file that has the frame I need, in the upper right corner.
Is that the finished size you want the whole image to be?
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Something like this?
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or cropped closer like this?
That's exactly what I needed. Thanks!
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And this is what it looks like in action. I need to re-position it of course, but that can wait for now.
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This is what talking with the rpg maker community is like.
Shit, /rpgmg/, stop dying!
I should consider replace you with another party member already.
How many of you are writing EVERYTHING down on paper first before actually making progress on your game? I have trouble sticking to one idea so I have to do this. I need to 100% my game on a document before even considering anything else.
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I only wrote down a summary of the main story of the game. Making up character personalities etc as I go along and I did not write an ending before I started which I think was a mistake, but hopefully I'll think of something.
I really do recommend that you plan as much as you can before you start making the game.
Maybe I will in a more serious project in future, I usually write future things I want to work on though as a form of reminder to not forget any ideas.
Half of the fun of RPGM is programming new systems in place for me to use, so no. I'm usually working even if I don't even have an idea of a plot.

Right now I do, but there's also so much more work to do on the guts of the game that my fluff documents are only growing larger and larger as I slack off and browse /rpgmg/ instead.
Love or hate the guy, will yanfly go down in history as the most relevant programmer in the scene? Moghunter being a close second , or technically the king of his area, visuals.
One has too many vacuoles and the other none. What would be the ideal number of vacuoles?
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Forgot pic.
>Love or hate the guy
I can't love or hate someone I only know his nickname because it's in the scripts I am using, but I remember he has a page called "Demo" in his blog on the RMVXA section, he seems to have a bad attitude and was a cunt for no reason. Especially because he kept that page in first place.

He deserves it though, I wish Enterbrain actually makes something for him.
I would say about the same amount in the belly area, but slightly less near the eyes. Also, I would shrink them and push them to the edges of its body, to emphasize its form, with some slightly closer to the middle.

I wrote the outline of what I want to do for the demo at least. That includes intro, intro tutorial and then the start of the game in the city. Joining the guild, gathering of the party and then the first dungeon which can be relatively short or longer, depending if you want to explore or not. The end of that, turning in the quest and meeting another important character is basically the end of Prologue. The MQ starts then, with the party+guild veteran that serves as their mentor going to check out a disturbance.

I haven't planned much past that, but I do have in mind a few twists and turns, especially concerning the MC and one of the recurring characters.
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Like this?
Yeah, it looks more even now. Though I realized that what I was saying before would've made more sense if you were going for a more 3D look, but I guess you want it to be a bit more flat/cartoony.
>visible vacuoles
My inner molecular biologist is cringing.

In other news though, I'd recommend removing the smaller dots and focusing on a few of the large and medium sized ones, especially since you have the cartoony looking going on. Less gives the idea of stuff floating around in the cytoplasm without actually needing the thousands of things floating around in the cytoplasm. All those small dots though just give it a busy look, like polka dots. I agree with >>162280995 on focusing them around the belly. While obviously vacuoles go everywhere, you want the appearance of stuff inside, not polka dots.
Can someone make Goblin Hunter helmet accessory? That shit'd be rad.
I need some context.

What kind of style? Like, to match rmmv assets? Vxa?
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Pic related. Goblin Slayer, not hunter. Too hasty in writing. Manga's alright, but I like the helmet's look. I'd ask for armor too, but that's asking too much.


Best to match MV's assets, since those are used for the most part.
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>no arrow in the shoulder in the other panels
>arrow in the shoulder on the big one
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Kek, I haven't even noticed.
You could make it similar to an idle game, only send the slimes out to fight but don't actually control the fights.
Instead of simply waiting you could take care of your remaining slimes (feed them, pet them, train them) or gather new slimes
Normally I do, but I started my current project with only a loose idea.

I've made more progress on it than I have on previous projects in the same time frame, but I have no idea where to go from here or if I'm even happy with it.
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Hey fellas!! The TOMB OF FRIENDS 2 DEMO!!!

will arrive slightly later. I'm stuck in sweden. But It's basically finished, I just have to correct typos and stuff. Don't forget to sleep well, drink lots of water, work on your projects and bee happy.

I love ya, my friends!
Hurry up, I need it.
The only thing I don't like about Goblin Slayer is the author's fixation on "every weapon instantly becomes useless if there's blood on the blade." He uses "fat with blood" and "blunted by blood" to describe it, and it's one of Goblin Slayer's "quirks" that he always uses cheap weapons and replaces them with the goblin's own with each kill.

It's like he genuinely believes you cannot wipe off the blood or that a knife is useless against flesh after its bloodied; while this is extremely common in the LN itself, you see a bit of this in the newest chapter with the elf wondering what to do with her knife after her first couple of kills.

I'm not exactly expecting scalpels here, but this really gets under my skin.

I really like the manga though. It's fun.

Yeah, it has a few of those odd quirks. I'd understand if gobs had armor on, so the blade got ruined by punching though the armor all the time, but mostly it's just so sticky with blood so he discards it. Suppose gob's blood is just stickier.

I find it appealing because of the MC mostly. It's a nice enough change of pace to have a competent MC that isn't a Gary Stu.
Today I deleted a lot of old maps in my "Sandbox" folder. Felt good.

And, of course, they're all backed up in my git repository if I ever need to dig them out for some reason.
I'm out for the night. I finished the Dock District. Just Common District now and I can actually start working on the events that push the storyline forward.

Cheers fellers.
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Always a good feeling. Personally, I save whatever trick I was doing as a .png and keep it in a folder before I delete my test stuff.
>tfw no progress

It's getting to the point where I'm seriously considering using the default battle system.
Just use the default but then use novel mechanic ideas and spruce the UI up enough that you can't recognize it.
>I'm stuck in sweden.
You have my condolences.
Here's to progress

Uh, he said "bump," guys.
Tomorrow I will post progress.
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Is this so bad it is good or is it just bad?
Thanks, guys.

After sleeping on it and giving it a lot of thought, I've decided that yeah, my game needs combat. I was silly to think it'd work as well without it.

Has anyone ever done "low numbers" type combat stuff in RPG Maker?
Not too sure what I'm looking at.
I always do. Most of my math is based on Dungeons and Dragons' math, which leans toward the smaller end of things.
Nice to know Russian devs browse /rpgmg/ too. Cyka blat to you too, comrade.
Could you share examples of how that works?

I really want to go on the smaller side but I'm not sure how I'd go about it... I assume just altering every damage formula to do a fraction of that damage is enough?
My inspiration is Rogue Trader, where stats only go high as 10 and almost everyone has only 1 life (with stats modifying the chance of an attack dealing that 1 wound or not).

For my game, I pushed it to up to 100, with HP always locked at 100, and most successful attacks do 20-60 damage if they hit, with a boat load of potential saves throw in for good measure.

What constitutes "low numbers" for you?
One of the ways in which emotions of loneliness has taken shape inside a misty forest. The creature hangs from tree branches all day and demands others stay away, While at the same time craving for contact with others.

Like many of the creatures that represents its type of emotion, it has taken shape loosely inspired by a microorganis (this one more loosely than others).

Maybe I should try to make it spider-like instead? Or a "hanged man" suspended from his feet?
Not him, but I just use really simple math atk - def. I keep the numbers really low, and the HP to match.
>Or a "hanged man" suspended from his feet?

this would work better
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I haven't actually implemented it as a simple straight-up formula, mostly because of how differently RPG Maker and Dungeons & Dragons (or just about any other tabletop system) work.

By default, RPG Maker's weapons change the user's parameters; for example, adding +x Strength. Dungeons & Dragons instead has damage determined by the weapons themselves (1d4 dagger, 1d10 greatsword, etc.), with the character's parameters (usually their Strength modifier) added onto the weapon damage.

Another issue is variance. RPG Maker applies a percentage variance to any given damage formula (default 20%). By contrast, Dungeons & Dragons uses differing numbers and types of dice to determine variance. For example, 1d12, 2d6, and 3d4 all have the same maximum results (12) but each has a different distribution of results. 1d12 has an equal chance of any given result, while 2d6 and 3d4 have probability curves that are skewed toward the middle.

On a side note, Dungeons & Dragons focuses less on defense as RPG Maker would define it (damage reduction) and more on dodging/blocking hits entirely (comparable to evasion), which makes for rocket tag gameplay at lower levels.

There's other aspects that I'm probably missing, but >>162307813 probably has the best idea; just use single or double-digit numbers in every aspect (both attack damage and HP). This may lead to a bit of rocket tag at lower levels, but that's part of the challenge, now isn't it?
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Alright, back with a second batch of sprites.
What think?
I don't really like the nose on the right but I really like their designs.
What kind of game are you making?

How do I get good at drawing?
The nose on the left has no shading at all, while the nose on the right has the hard black shading the rest of your style has.

Still, I like it a lot.
>How do I get good at drawing?
Just copy something you like, even if it is bad. Keep making copies, tracing, editing, over and over till you can do it on your own. Then try drawing from life. Go copy photos of people and things.

Art school is like 80% learning how to copy things, 20% learning how to talk about your work like a pretentious twat to make others think it is worth something.

The best artists are just the ones who have done the most copies. It is literally XP grinding.
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I'm making a RPG based around a made-up campaign I ran for my friends that got really good story wise.
General premise:
>You have fallen into a coma because of what is referred to as "A very unlikely occurrence"
>You are asked if your 'death' was your fate, or your destiny. Depending on which you pick is which story you get. Destiny is anime/shonen-esque "Fight for your future! Nothing is impossible!" story. Fate is "Death is inevitable, fate has made its choice" story.
>You are trapped within the collective subconscious along with everybody else currently in a coma, color-sorted by the way they fell in a coma
Not in a literal sense, but the character flaw. I.e., too reckless (red), too foolish (green), too fearful (blue), no fault at all (white), etc
>You are white-coded.
>You explore the backstories behind those you meet, and ultimately can decide to help them or let them sleep forever.
>At the end, you get various endings for each character and yourself.

To get good at drawing, pick an art style you like. Like, when you think of art you like to look at, what do you think of? Copy that. Get a cheap tablet, pirate photoshop, and get started.

Yeah, I have to go back and make corrections on a lot of things like noses.
Today I made a couple npc sprites, a couple monster sprites, and tested a potential battle system.

Tomorrow I will make more progress.
look like persona retraces to me
would a midi version of a popular song get me targeted by the DMCA?
Probably. It isn't the sound quality that is copyrighted, it is the note arrangements and lyrics.
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Kinda deviated from the concept, but would this be acceptable?.
>Generator section for kids
When was this put in? Are there any other parts for it anywhere?
A midi's probably shitty enough to slip by undetected if you're worried about that. But honestly, you can probably get away with the original song. At least on youtube, the worst that's likely to happen is that the owners monetize your video and show ads to anyone dumb enough to not have adblock in 2016.
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Oh. Hair was too dark and it kinda looks like an eye at that resolution
Was added in 1.33 I think
How do you mean? If you want to use the song in a game that you intend to sell, that's probably a bad idea! If it's a free game, most likely no one will care even if you use the actual song.
>Add a child "generator" tab with no options
>Still have no worthwhile options in the male tab
I mean I don't use the generator, but they really out do themselves with half-assing this program.
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My style is emulating Shinegori Soejima, who made the art behind Atlus's games, including Persona and Catherine.

These were all drawn from scratch. Here's the nude sprite dev
>pirate photoshop

Is this what everyone uses to draw on their PC? I've tried using gimp and a big problem for me is the lines are either too thick or too thin. If I use pixel 2 its too thick, pixel 1 and its extremely thin.
How do I fix this? It comes up every time I start a battle.
I use paint.net when I draw.
I really should draw my game's characters.
But I should do that fanart for the podcast first.
Are you using plug ins?
Fuck yeah my dude.
Just go to any torrent site to get photoshop + buy a shitty <$100 tablet with pressure sensitivity. It takes like a day of acclimation, but having the pressure sensitivity as if you were really writing with a pencil makes your art instantly 2000x better.

For these images:

I work in a big canvas (>1000x1000) and use a ~size 10 ink brush tool.
Try Paint Tool Sai if you want something different
DLC portraits
Nevermind, I fixed it. I just moved things around in the troops section and it fixed itself
I use Manga Studio
you don't have to prove anything to me anon, if you like it that's fine

But no matter if you traced it or "emulated" it, that's fucking Yukiko with some extra lines and changed color palette, clothes etc.

I get it, I used to draw too, and I "emulated" shit like Toriyama or Rumiko, if it gives you confidence to "emulate" an artist so it gives you validation, as in "I can draw like this guy I like a lot", that's totally legit. But the pose, the eye features, most of the hair, the hair band, everything gives away really really fast where you got the original from, just saiyan.
And Toriyama was just emulating Tezuka Osamu, who was just emulating Walt Disney and Max Fleischer. There is nothing new under the sun anon, everyone is just a copy of someone else with a few details changed. Pointing it out just makes you look pretentious and shows what a lack of understanding you have of the nature of creative fields.
We need a new thread soon
>buy a shitty <$100 tablet with pressure sensitivity

I did grab a wacom inutos at the start of the year. The aforementioned line size problems made it rather difficult for me to trace, one size I could barely see my trace the other size was like 3 times the size of the picture's outline.

Though I did make some actual improvements work changes made me stop and now I forgot everything.
anon there's nothing creative about that black haired girl with a ribbon, it's fucking yukiko, it's no fucking goku or astroboy or mickey

Sorry I hurt your feelings, you just said "what think?" and I answered, didn't intend to pull your triggers, go ahead and keep emulating all you want, didn't say it looked bad or anything, I'm sure you'll draw for persona 6 or SMT 7 or something.
Is there an easy way to make chests in RPG Maker 2003 or am I just going to be stuck making a separate variable slot for each and every chest?

Sorry m8, but you replied to the wrong anon.
is not me.

Here's the original character:
This is the same character commissioned by a different artist years ago.

Comparing now, the new draw looks more like Yukiko than I want, so I'll probably be revising because nobody's gonna buy that I drew it from scratch and adapted this original commission for my character to fit my style.
I'm not the Persona fan boy, just another artist who felt like pointing out what a shit attitude you have.
Everyone jump ship!
Where's the new thread!?
Never. /rpgmg/ is canceled. It is being replaced by another agd spin off because everyone would rather argue than work on their game and post progress.
Hey in the end he agreed with me anyways

If I see "Sonichu tier art donut steel" I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's for the best.
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I'm new to RPGMaker, I'm using VX Ace. I made this TV sprite like I would and actor, and I want it to change randomly while remaining stationary. How would I go about doing that?
Turn on animation while standing, then have it turn a random direction every few frames.
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34KB, 612x792px
decided I was going to make the game manual pdf be like a girls journal.
holy shit you're alive
Goodnight, /rpgmg/
Can't you use Self-Switches?
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Yeah been working on a lot of stuff, new whax (some characters will be slightly more anthro than others, this is the most "human like" character).

How has everyone been?
Goodnight... forever :'(
Anon-kun, please make a new thread
do you have any advice on how to make that kind of graphics? like how to setup the canvas and the pens or something?
I'm still working on my menu screen. Something about this feels too ... noisy.

Maybe I should have a separate window around each party member?
I'm not a thread making kind of guy.
I would, but I'm new to this thread and I'm sure I'd find a way to fuck it up.
its technically pixel art which is deliberately placing pixels rather than using brushes.

make a new image (lets say 48x48 pixels, a standard tile in RPGMaker MV) and zoom way the fuck in.

in photoshop, only use the pencil tool, other tools will antialias the image and we don't want that.

Chose your colors and make a simple image.

This was what got me started:

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89KB, 804x619px
Posting image from my battle UI.

Remove gold, its only really needed in shop menus where you can display it there. You can also remove game end, most people will close the game by doing something else.

The quotes I like but they do take up a bit of space.
thanks for that advice anon, that's very helpful
Opened a new thread, sorry for shit picture. I don't have any RPGMaker related stuff, yet I wanted it to be eyecatching somewhat.
Thread posts: 767
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