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/rpgmg/ - RPG Maker General #177

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Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 186

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Development Hell edition

Trial Download: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/free-trials/trial-rpg-maker-mv
Trial Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!HNRDmQKS!6YhUUEA3YpRYEaruDgfUmFD2kZcOB7pv3rSssUOM2bs
RPG Maker MV 1.33 Repack
RPG Maker MV Season 4 Pass

Previous Thread: >>161679053

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/rpgmg/ Chain/Collaboration Game!
Status: Pt. 14 (The Real Finale) is in development.
Currently working:
Bubbles !u696zUYxpM
Version 13B: http://www.mediafire.com/download/89tsrb5ka31g36h/rpgmgcollab_v13B.zip

Latest SteelZeroes Demo!
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First for character portraits
>Can't let you do that Starfox

I like it.

I like the art. But then, I strongly dislike furries. Sorry anon, but you gotta go back.
Post progress Anons.
Tell us what you are working on.
>talking shit about Leo
No, you go back
I'm making the hub area of my exploration game.
I still don't know if there should even be a hub but I'm making one anyways.
Today's Song of the Day:

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>Infected Mushroom
Eugh... electro sh-
fuck yea.
I've been working on the combat system for my game. Instead of trying to put in a movement based combat system in the actual battle system I'm doing it as an turn based deal.

I would provide a webm but I just built a new pc and haven't moved my files over yet. But right now I got combat done, you can move one spot forward or back and get a dodge buff to simulate you moving during the enemy's turn. If the spot is next to cover you get a cover buff.

The attacking mechanics I'm working through. The forumla right now is:

Base 50
+Attacker's skill
-Defender's skill

Then a number between 1 to 100 is rolled and if the difference of the above formula is above the rolled number it hits. Cover plays a roll where it can completely block the shot instead. I may change that last bit to instead make cover affect the to hit rate and reduce the range penalty.

For damage the player at the start can take 3 hits, enemies have different amounts of HP. The player can earn extra HP through side quests, vests that can protect against a shot, and of course whisky and smokes to restore an HP.
>Shootout game
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Good night bump
>dem thighs
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Snuggled up in bed without my tripcode.

All are welcome, as long as you are working on your game... You ARE working on your game, aren't you?
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Who else /cookie cutter button sequence puzzle/ here?
Interesting do you play as a cave man?
Working on the opening sequence and messing with damage formulas. It's all starting to come together!
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Indeed, you are Otak the smartass caveman

I am working on my game. Can't use anything you offer, I'm using mostly MV stuff, slightly edited so it's a bit darker. Thinking I'll mix and match with Town of Beginnings' wall tiles.
>I slurpose

I am a grown man squeeing so fucking hard right now.
>Remove gold
That's a bad idea, you'll have no way of knowing if you have killed enough enemies to afford that new sword you saw in the shop. I don't want to go all the way from the forest of grinding to the shop in the center of town just to find out actually I needed to kill a few more bats.

>remove game end
This is a terrible idea. You never want to design any program without a way to shut it off within the program. That is design 101 level stuff.
My puzzles so far are rock pushing and chasing an enemy from the right direction so he doesn't run in circles.

Now, I'm drawing some additional sprites for animations that will be used for a pre-boss scene, then I'll be working on the scene itself and after that, finally, a boss fight.

It shouldn't take more than two days to finish and when it's done - if my calculations are correct - I'll be halfway through in the development of the whole game. Feels good.
Might as well ask in the new thread. Anyone know how to put in a "wait" in a plugin? I can't seem to get it to work. I made pic related to create a snapping kind of movement from one tile to another, and it works in all but one respect, that their is no pause between player steps. Monsters/npcs have to obey a frequency of movement setting, but players don't and just move as fast as the time it takes to get from one tile to another.

So I figure I need to put some kind of "Wait 40 frames after every movement" line into the plugin, but nothing I try seems to work.
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The animation for this is going to be a pain in the ass, but how spoopied would you be if you approached a tree where this creature is sitting around and it suddenly jumped down when you approached?
Probably the same reaction as seeing it now, I'd be wondering if that's a squid or what the hell it's supposed to be. I do like it though.
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Progress! Common District of Rathsbane. Need to add an Arena and a few more houses in. Then I need to make the inside of that run down old church, weapons&armor shop and item shop.

Will possibly widen the map more, so that I can add another tavern/inn. I doubt all the people would keep going back to the whorehouse in Dock district.

Honestly, I could make the district twice this size and I might only get close to describing how big the area is. Instead, I think I'll settle for the area Party will move around. Later on, I might add in other districts of the city too.
Hey guys, been lurking around these RPG threads for awhile and have been super fucking digging them, never knew anyone else wanted to waste their time on something as much as I am heh.

But anyways here's a gay trailer for my shitty RPG for gay retards.


(Pic related: its the only art asset I drew myself. Mouse and Keyboard rip)
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One of those ideas that looked better in my head.
I think it's a good enough idea, but personally I'd try and make the stem of the umbrella mushroom thicker and maybe have it grow out of her back instead of her tit
Neat concept, breath of fresh air among the usual fallen angel / ancient evil awakening / historical setting where entirety of research is reading wikipedia a bit / generic anime 2 color eye bullshit.

That said
>Plugging your youtube channel
C'mon now, Brandon.

>Adeline, Keanu
Are people actually called this? Kinda spoils the otherwise down-to-earth setting

>Describing your own character as a loveable idiot
Write a character who is actually loveable and demonstrably stupid so you won't need to say that.

>Self-insert character
C'mon now, Brandon.

>Dyslexia-tier spelling
C'onm now Barndon

>Sister is a horse
Actually funny as fuck

Seems like you've put a bunch of work into this. I'd advise you to replace the default visuals with something more distinctive and suitable for your theme, you could really have something here.
It is meant to grow from her hip.

Does this work better?
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>CWC boss
Funny for about a second, but then makes me want to not really play.
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Yeah, I like that better. It bothered me at first because there's no way that thin-ass stem would be able to support the mushroom head, and it still kind of does but less so now.

Ey, don't diss on Keanu. Keanu is real!

That being said, I'm in agreement with most of those points.

Also, is gathering a party to do low level quests for an advanturer's guild, where characters grown and uncover things about themselves and their motivations a popular storyline around here? I promise, the party sure as hell won't be killing an ancient evil or a fallen angel. Might help put a sentient bit of a god to sleep, but that's in the air yet.
Looking good so far, although it looks a little confusing to navigate. I'm sure you'll get the "flow" of the streets ironed out though.

I can dig it. I look forward to the demo.
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Should I add a secret frog NPC that you can feed with frog food to make it follow you around?
Thinking of making a couple of pets like that in case the player gets lonely
Sounds like a cute idea.
Yeah man, I just think it'd be a good idea to stay true to the relatively down-to-earth setting.

While it might be tempting to go off the track to explore characters, I'd recommend caution when using tropes from regular fantasy like guilds. I think the strength of your setting is its being grounded in something people will recognise.
The more departures into fantastical elements, the more that events rely on knowledge of other existing games or media, the less impact these departures will ultimately have.

Take Harry Potter for example, it's a mainstream example of a "weird school" setting, but a lot of what makes it compelling is that it's grounded in something familiar- people doing a lot of mundane school stuff.

If the reason for a school setting is the familiarity and memories of the great people and times you had in school, and wanting to capture that in a game, I can totally dig it- try to stay true to the setting and use weird shit as punctuation when no day-to-day equivalent can convey the same thing, for the greatest effect.

If the reason is because "can you imagine if instead of a regular shitty school, it was like..."
It's more often gonna stray into anime-junkie faggot retard wish fulfillment or reference memes and interbutts humor, which will date and harm the game tbqhfampai.

I'm not the authority on anything, so feel free to disregard me. Looking forward to playing this though.

Only if you call it Pepe.


Sorry man, I ain't the guy who posted the demo. Just thought I'd fish for thoughts. I'm sure he'll appreciate your kind words tho'.
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The froggening begins then
Never really thought of that actually.
When it came to not using a typical fantasy setting I actually just enjoy the concept of an everyday setting that melts into like this weird pseudo rpg landscape.

Also my youtube channel is where im hosting the video and I am what you call a HUGE INSUFFERABLE DOUCHEBAG.

Some if not most of the characters in the RPG are actual people I met in real life *this* semester. Keanu is a good friend I met in college english and we where joking "Dude keanu you're like the perfect anime rpg protagonist. Black hair brown eyes you like anime as it is. Wait holy fuck this could be like a real thing." As for Adeline, it's a cute name imo. You can change it if you want in the game.

True true, but loveable idiot is alot nicer sounding than alcoholic druggie retard.

Early in the RPG I wanted my character to play a giant support role. But as far as where the project is now, Brandon in the rpg is a separate entity from my ACTUAL secret self insert if that makes any decent moral sense. But yeah you're right.

Funny you mention it my fucking friend called me out for variety a couple hours ago.

You wont believe the fucking story behind the sister horse...

Thanks man, right now what I wanna do is actually, release roughly 1/3 of the rpg right now in this somewhat demo, then finish it with the rpg maker art style and copyrighted music. THEN redo all the art and music from scratch adding my vibes and gay shit. Then finally, because again I am a huge prick, release that shit on steam and make a million dollars.
If you guys make my face a fucking meme I will be forever grateful/resentful.

Also please dont worry, the CWC boss functions as the /joke end point of the demo/part-one of the rpg./ It's (probably) not going to be a long term thing.

Also it's not the actual CWC it's technically my friend AJ that's super into Chris Chan. Hence Aj-Chan

Yeah! Keanu is a real boy!

Yeah uh... It's moreso gonna follow a favorite game of mine LISA the Painful RPG. You gather alot of people and you work together to a goal. The goal of the RPG is to defeat the remaining 5 teachers and then take on the principals office and then education itself. All in the hopes of getting free college for LIFE.

Thank u

Oh no thank you v much for the words broski.
There will be no gay magic system and no cute antagonists dating girls with large boobers. I mean the protagonist Keanu granted lives with his sister is relatively passive in the events happening and has a underlying druggie prob but eh.
The RPG takes place at a college on a island where they hold a student vs staff competition. The main MEAT of the story however, is interactions in meeting and talking to people and learning by these interactions where to go next. I like a good RPG with f l a v o r t e x t that isn't lousy.

And as far as retardation goes, it's a good retardation I feel I can and have captured.

R u trying to imperson8ing me boi. I will program ur mom succing a penis.
If you plan to make a gorillion bucks on steam, check out the other RPGMaker games that did well.

They almost unilaterally buck every single JRPG trend and I think this is a big reason for their success. Leave power crystal anime faggotry to the traditional forum dwellers, make something for the undercunt audience.I'd normally hate to suggest selling out, but in this case it's just distancing yourself from 1000 poorly-socialised bronies with embarrassingy trite ideas and they're investment-fallacied up to the point they legitimately believe their terrible story made up of pieces of other people's stories need to be told 99% of them don't need to be told and will only ever be played by other faggot losers on the forumssorry, 2real4me
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I think it turned out better than before.

You were right. I was so focused on getting it done I forgot something basic. Thus, I retooled it into something that looks better and has proper streets.
This could be a fun topic if enough folks aren't triggered by it:
Signs your game is going to end up in the autism/ignore pile instead of being a celebrated classic?

>Any variation on the theme of: "I've had 2 or 3 stories rolling around in my head for like 7 years now"
>Any reference to "being bored" or "might as well make a game" as a motivation
>References to basing a game on a short story they wrote in high school
>Author references still being in highschool
>Setting refers to elder gods / demigods ./ creationist race
>Setting takes paragraphs to explain to another human who has played an RPG
>Author actually writes out these paragraphs for others to judge

Fellow assholes tired of seeing the same shit, please feel free to add to this.
Fungal a cute. CUTE

Church abbey looks comfy as fuck.

>3h axe
Oh shi-
There we go, fixed it.

Of course, now the equip menu doesn't work until I figure out how to make it choose a character across multiple windows instead of within a single Window_Selectable.
Forgot pic!
>power crystal anime faggotry
I'm a huge unabashed fan of this trope. However, I think what sets the classics apart from attempts by modern devs is that the setting was properly built around them. For example, in FF1, the unstable Crystals were causing direct harm to the places you visited. I assume most games these days just have Air Crystal/Earth Crystal/etc. because they're pracitcally required if you want Crystals.

Secret of Mana took it one step further: Healing the Mana Seeds was an important bookend to every dungeon. Having one stolen completely upended your routine, and made things more exciting.

The people who grew up playing these games think Magical Crystals are important (and they were) but as devs they fail to explain to their players why they should care about the crystals in their brand new RPG "Tales of Infringia: Copyright Quest XVI"
Can I suggest you to move the mottos a bit more down?
Also not being able to see HP in the menu seems a bit unpractical
HP is fully recovered after each battle, so it's not really necessary. I see what you mean after the mottos, though.


That's 'cause it's special. First church of Leliel in the northern lands, built on the ground local godess of fertility and growth gifted to them.

There's is a cathedral in the city now and the significance of this old church is kinda forgotten, but I think I'll probably play into it during the storyline.
Oh, that's another one, thanks mang
>Elemental shit
>Snorefest elemental RPS mechanics
>Settings where every person has some sort of magic, making people essentially elementals
>Setting where everybody has an ability, yet it's otherwise the middle ages or people are separated totally arbitrarily into factions based on their element, because the setting is written by somebody in the console war catchment stage of maturity

A lot of my criticisms are people applying tropes without engaging their brains.

I used to love fantasy, but it's most often just a cheap shortcut to avoid having any sort of internal consistency in the world.
Raise Dead
>Bioshock Inifinite
>Vigors are cheap and available everywhere
>People insist on using lighters
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>Dyslexia-tier spelling
>C'onm now Barndon
Fantasy (and by extension, science fiction) allow us to explore questions that would otherwise be too contentious. Dr Seuss is a master of this

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Man... just some stores left. Then I can finally work on the Prologue storyline. This is the end result of the Commons' district.

Minus shadows&doodads. I wish there was a way to take a full map picture with doodads in.
Why did you cover the entire ground with stone as opposed to making streets with some grass and trees 'n stuff between them? I suppose if it's a huge city it makes sense that it's got a more 'urban' feel to it
I understand that, my entire problem is that a lot of the time these genres are just vehicles for mediocre output that picks and chooses which rules from established works they'll follow- sort of like the approach to RTP graphics use, except nobody calls others out on the literary side of it.

There's nothing interesting being explored that can't find equivalents in biblical, historical, future or contemporary settings, just a bunch of anime girls hitting on the devs idealised version of their 16 year old self, and maybe their space high school for ninjas with powers gets exploded by the demon king because he's the new principal and my mum never told me I'm the real heir to the head office.

I don't know what I'm hoping to achieve by pointing out the faggotry that surrounds this engine fanbase. Maybe I'm just mad because I'm not smart enough for a real engine, and hate the stigma that comes with this one.
Work on your game
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I have worked on it the whole damn day,
and tomorrow I will work on it again.
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Post your old shitty projects
>those buildings on the right that are just single walls with doors on them

I wish I still had my old projects from RPG Maker for PS1

The stories and graphics were absolute disasters but I'd give anything to play them again.
Why haven't you released your lewd game yet?
Because I don't want to jump right into making lewd scenes but I have no idea how to naturally escalate a situation into lewd.
It doesn't need to be realistic, just let it happen.
>Oh no I fell and know my knee hurts
>I know how to cheer you up *unzips dick*
See? Pretty easy
>develop AI
>plan it out, sequence it, divide it into separate dialogue pools so farmers don't share lines with nobles
>can't figure out how I want it to greet people
What the fuck, anon? I can't decide if I want a generic greeting, a description of what the NPC is doing with choices on how to interact with it, or something else. I'm tempted to add a learning mechanic so that it may greet you by name or by a common interest once it has learned that about you, but it's creating a hiccup that has stopped my whole progress.

Could be lewd.
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>That MS Paint body drawn on top of the RTP head

Now I wish I had someway to recover my Windows 98/Playstation maker adventures. I can barely remember them now.
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How's this look? Keep in mind, this isn't how I want the finished product to look. I'll show you what I want it to be like in my next post.
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I mocked this up in Photoshop. This is how I want it to be like ideally. Any idea how I can get the field to show up in the background? The whole black area in the background is transparent so if I can make the field show in the background somehow, it should show up like this.
Dare I say, it looks comfy? I like the Dragon Quest aesthetic. Take that as you will.
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That's actually precisely what I was going for.
That's easy, just set battle back to none.
The little battle window IS the battleback. All that black area around it is just transparent.

Also setting it to no battleback would just make it have that weird swirly pattern.
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Sure. My history of projects here.
I just want to add onto this list:

You might have the best RPG maker game in the world, and maybe I would love to play it. But the chances of that happening go down dramatically if I have to sit through a 20 minute cutscene right at the start. Some prologue is fine, but if I wanted to read a VN I wouldn't be playing an RPG. The developer MUST surrender control to the player as quickly as feasible.
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There's still some of them I'd like to go back to someday, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
Use it as the right side battle back and set the left side to none.
Nope, doesn't work. Still gives me the black background.
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I'm scouring the internet for obscure tracks to put in my game, does that count?
My friend, I just found the solution. Use this script:


And set the little battle window as the right side Battleback. It works flawlessly.
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I love you so much I could kiss you!
But only if you're a hot anime waifu.
Otherwise it'd just be kinda weird.

Who wrote the script? What are their terms?
I found it there http://www.rpgmakercentral.com/topic/22611-snapshot-background-as-battleback/?p=156765
I just edited out a small part to make the right battleback stay. No terms specified unfortunately.
weird, it works just fine for me.
Is that MV? That might be the difference. It doesn't work on Ace
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I finished the gameplay mechanics, now I need to finish the story
Ah, that would be it. I'm on MV.
Tell me about your games, Anon.
Only if you include Miku songs.
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It works? It works!

On-screen buttons are a go.
>tfw haven't opened my project in nearly a full week

Kind of frustrating that steam keeps track of this shit.
For god fucking nipples' sake, I need both Star AND 4-directional collision in a single tile for 90% of my game (MV), what do
Would having a shit-ton of maps bloat my game? And I mean minimum-size maps for various battle scenes to take place on.
Maps in my project range from 5 kB to 700 kb depending on size and complexity. At the small end, that would mean 200 maps is a megabyte.

I'm pretty sure that was meant for me, so thanks anon, that helps me out kind of a lot. I'm not fully ready to start my battle system yet, but I'm getting there, and I think that this will help me.
Ah yeah, had the wrong post number sitting in my reply box from a different message I never sent.
>tfw trying to come up with an interesting core mechanic because you're under no delusion that your story is good enough to carry the game
Combat encounters based on texas hold 'em.
>testing fails completely

I'll scrap this for now and redo it more cleanly tomorrow. Nighty night, thread.
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started working on my project last monday, it's going pretty well.
doing shitty ms paint art for it.
10/10 censoring of the naughty parts
Hot, I'll probably fap to it later
Game Boy and SNES RPGs I believe struck this balance beautifully. The intro was around a minute or so, and then swept you into the game.

*However,* they also had this handy thing called a 'manual' where, if you cared about the lore, it was waiting for you to read at your leisure and not shoved down your throat at the start.
I wonder if normal artists see this as an insult or as a compliment. With all the time spend on 4chan I honestly can't tell anymore.
As an artist, I would feel honored to receive such a comment
I really like this so far anon!
Where did you get those monster graphics? I swear I used to have this set, but I can't remember what it was called
I guess I would feel the same, man I really need to get back into drawing.

Yep, its a big city, hence paved streets.
Try holding shift while filling the street with the cobblestone tile. That'll get rid of the raised border on the edges. It might look better.
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It's pretty easy. Look at this example.
Can't seem to add the season 4 content to the generator. IE, the kid generator isn't showing up.

What am I doing wrong?
Did you update your maker?
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Fucking hot bro, keep up the good work.
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Good night bump
I'm feeling good
What's the current version?
Maybe that's why there are so many non-consensual encounter games; the choice comes down to

>No story, initiate sex immediately, or
>Cringey unbelievable story written by somebody who has never convinced something else to sleep with them and that ultimately won't satisfy.

Tell me about your setting and the type of scenes you want to write and we'll hash this shit out and come up with some good lead ins.
>One Screen RPG

Fantastic idea, would be fun to see presented as if it were a stage show, subtly changing set pieces etc, but essentially the same room.

Might get a bit Theseus, but if the game played out in 20 mins or so it'd be cool.
>would be fun to see presented as if it were a stage show

Stealing this shamelessly now
Do it, post a demo later.
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Post progress, give us screenshots, current development % and elevator pitch.

Game is a office worker sim with minigames, needs management, fairly open-ended structure that allows you to chase a promotion, get people fired or make lewd advances on coworkers.

You play through a single day in the life of Anon, a typical 20-something blank slate employee in not!Japan.

Game plays out in around 20 minutes, lots of variables determined on startup, everything from coworker opinion of you to workload, schedules and office layout ensures some replayability or rare events that present opportunities.

About 20% done: art + music basically complete, basic framework in place, just adding content now.
Hoping to have a demo ready for mid-January for all 3 people online who would play something like this.
Sometimes worry I'll run out of steam with this. It was meant to be a 4 week project to try out some script ideas.

I need a bit of help anons. Maybe it's my lack of knowledge when it comes to these things, but I've followed the instruction he gave and it's not working.

For testings' sake, I put down each of the stats and set simple v[3] in. However, when I level up, it follows the normal route of leveling up by the graph set in class.

How do I get this to work?
>Post progress
I open my project and close it again because my game doesn't use a custom combat.
It looks like another RPG Maker game.

People really get hung up over stupid shit like that? So what if it does not reinvent the wheel? It's an rpg, so long as it has a good enough story and does not bog me down with stupid shit, I'd play it.
So your combat isn't gimmicky, so what? It can stand out in a ton of other ways. Tell me about your project anon.
Sorry, was sleeping. Sure, I'll tell you about them.

First off, since it was mentioned by someone else, One Screen RPG is something I've posted about here before. It is in fact a game that takes place entirely in that one room. I wanted to make it really combat-focused, but the problem was, I couldn't figure out a way to make the game more engaging outside of the combat and the little story bits. Like, I couldn't figure out a good way to incorporate puzzles and the like. It was just a big skinner box where you would hit a button to fight an enemy over and over until you were strong enough to beat the next boss.

As for the others...

>Treasures of Il'moria
Demo here: http://pastebin.com/LjDpbACm

I think 4chan detects blog links as spam (or it used to) so I posted a pastebin link of a link to the blog.

It was my first "Dream Project", with a ton of shit to do. It's a big, fairly open-world JRPG focused on treasure hunting. I spent 9 months working on it, but the fact is, I was a terrible mapper and nobody really gave a shit about the game so it went completely unnoticed, and the few that did notice it didn't really like it. Don't make your big projects your first project, friends. If you wanna check it out, there's actually a shitload of content, and doing everything in this demo can take upwards of 8 hours.

>Crossed Hearts
Demo here: http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/22784-crossed-hearts-demo/

My attempt at making a yuri RPG. Was criticized for bad mapping and overly wordy writing.

More next post. Damn character limits...
>Bushido: Way of the Samurai
It was going to be a story about a samurai-in-training who wanted to prove himself to his lord, that he was strong enough to be part of the main samurai forces, by taking the head of an enemy commander on his own. But by doing this, he triggers events that bring his own homeland to ruin and sets the entire country on a path to a fiery war. Thus, begins his journey to right what he did wrong in his own arrogance.

>Sci Fi RPG
Never had a name for it. The plot was basically that a space station gets overrun by aliens and you have to defeat them using a secret robot weapon that was being built on board the station, and of course, find out what attracted them to the station in the first place.

>Scout's Honor
It was going to be a pseudo-action-RPG/roguelike/puzzle game, in a way. The idea was that you are just a Scout, exploring dungeons and the like, so that the REAL heroes and treasure hunters can come back later and reap the rewards for your guild. The objective was to "mark" enemies and objects of interest whilst avoiding conflict as much as possible.

You are the Valkyrie, chosen by the Goddess to slay the demons who invade the holy kingdom. You venture around the city and it's neighboring areas to find the fiends that threaten your lands and bring them to divine justice. In reality, the big plot twist is that you're actually delusional. You live in the real world and you're actually a serial killer.

Fucking character limits...
>I Wanna Be The Hero
This was the first thing I tried to make on VX Ace (I had used 2k3 back in the day, but I no longer have any pictures of my work from back then). My plan was to make a sort of RPG take on the game "I Wanna Be The Guy". Not actually related to IWBTG, but rather, an RPG that is unfairly hard and toys with your expectations of an RPG. For example, getting killed by someone for attempting to raid the chests in their house. I kind of did this in my short game Modern RPG (which you can find on my blog at the Treasures of Il'moria link above), but not to the full extent I had planned on I Wanna Be The Hero.

It was a stupid temporary title. Anyway, the game would have been exploration based with little to no combat. You awaken in an empty snowfield with amnesia. You explore the world around you to try and figure out just where you are, who you are, what happened to all the people, and why are all the cities in ruins? Turns out the world has experienced nuclear war and is in a state of nuclear winter. And as it turns out, YOU are one of the guys who started the war - a member of the Illuminati who wanted to reduce the population, but things got out of hand and this is the result.

>Tale of Four Heroes
At the start of the game, the princess is kidnapped and the king calls upon the four heroes to save her... but they're off on some journey and can't help. So the king ends up having to go on the journey to save her himself. But as you progress, the king eventually gets killed and the princess takes his place as the main character, and as you progress even further, you will find yourself taking control of four different heroes on a progressive quest to defeat the ultimate evil. Turns out the Four Heroes mentioned at the start are actually the villains behind everything.

One more post?
>Mahou Shoujo PureBeat
The Magical Girl RPG. Pretty much the only reasons why I didn't work on this more was because A) I have no fitting music for the setting B) It would require me to do a lot of work with animations and I super duper fucking suck with animations.

It's basically a ripoff of Precure, with some other magical girl shows thrown in. The main plot is that the main girl (the pink one) transfers to a new school and is attacked by monsters, but the three legendary heroes PureBeat try and save her... and end up failing, but she awakens to the powers of PureBeat and joins their group to fight the evils of the world of darkness.

>Tears of the Auracle
This is the one I'm most upset about not having the drive to work on. To me, this is my master work in terms of plot. The plot has so many twists and turns that honestly, I can't believe an idiot like me actually came up with all of it. What begins as a seemingly generic story to escort the chosen one (the titular Auracle) on her pilgrimage to make a prayer to the Gods to end a seemingly endless war, ends up becoming a total mindscrew of a plot where the fate of all of existence hangs in the balance, and where you will question everything you thought you knew about the story and it's characters.

I thought you died.
I liked the Crossed Hearts demo from like a year ago or something.

Any ideas?
I'm not dead yet.

I actually did release some stuff since then.

Slay the Dragon

Pretty much the only thing I've made that's had a generally positive reception.

Demon Hunters

Made this with the MV beta. It's just a quick little thing that takes ~15 minutes to beat.

Champion's Challenge

It's a short 5 minute joke game I made for a friend of mine. You might get a laugh out of it though.
How many different kinds of enemies are in your game?

How many different enemies do you expect from an RPG?
>made an rpg maker image folder for ideas
>one week later it's like 90% porn and lewd cosplays

fuck why does it always end up like this...
I like to see around 20 different base types of monsters (with subclasses within those). That's why it's easier to just not make a fantasy RPG and have every enemy be a human, you can reskin those faster
there are no enemies at all in my game
I think it depresses people whose focus is having a custom different combat, the same way some users place their focus on having great maps, or the way someone would place their energy on their story. Devs have different goals.
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Stop being a perv, anon.
Post it
thank you!
Are artists in the scene reliable?
I need a couple of comissions but I'm not sure which artist will actually deliver and not be a pain to work with. Plus realistic rates. Not people charging $15 per hour while producing deviant art output at best.

tl;dr which artists know what they are doing and can be comissioned in your experience anons?
I had two small ideas for some games that I am making. They're on the back burner right now though because I'm learning Unity and Blender right now. I have to admit that the 3D stuff has more possibility but I really like actually making a game in RPG Maker MV. I got a little discouraged because a lot of people were turned off by seeing a game made with RPG Maker. Of course if you use your own assets and use scripts, you can make it very unique. Seeing this thread made me want to keep up those games, maybe to completion.

The first idea is about a homeless man(the main character) who finds a book. Initially he wants to sell it for some quick cash but decides to read it as the title says "The Way of Success". The mechanics of the game revolve around implementing(or not) the things read in the book. Dialogue is the main focus and player choices even more so. I want the player to be able to choose ~90% of what the main character says with multiple choices for each instance. The plot is about the homeless learning lessons that change his life around; a rags to riches story essentially.

The other game I have not much plot details but also revolves around dialogue and choices, though I have a different system I plan on using for that. Still choice based but.... more unpredictable. Kind of how Fallout 4 does their dialogue. That is going to be a challenge though, especially since the main level is a simple room. I was planning on creating segways to other rooms/maps via memories or something like that.

I second that question anon. If you know an artist that can emulate or does something close to Tactics Ogre/FFT style of portraits, let me know. I want to commission them for portrait work.

I'm still not sure what kind of enemies it's going to have. I've only really thought about bosses.
>The plot is about the homeless learning lessons that change his life around; a rags to riches story essentially.
You'd have to be careful. If you don't know anything about homeless life and mindset, this is going to be seen by any interested audience as insulting and disconnected bluesky indie wank.

>I was planning on creating segways to other rooms/maps via memories or something like that.
I'd like to add "Muh Feelings and Memories" to the top of the list above.

I'm not saying you have bad ideas, but these sorts of things - exploring abstract, subjective things or telling a story about something you haven't much real understanding of- is really popular and the results are never good.
>Not people charging $15 per hour while producing deviant art output
You get what you pay for. $15/hr is peanuts. Any decent, professional quality artists are going to charge a lot more than that.
this may sound stupid, but I'll ask anyways
so it's not good to rip shit, or steal tunes and what not

But what about the "parody" laws? if I use popular memeshit but I'm just adding silly stuff here and there saying it's a parody?

I'm specially concerned since I'm not from the US, but selling my game on steam means I'll be working under US laws? but if I'm "parodying/stealing" Japaneese content, and I'm from Kazakhstan, I can do shit like pic related or parody tunes and I shouldn't have any issues right? you know like Al Yankovic, or that Trump "MAGA" game and what not.
Are you saying you would make your own version of an already existing song? Or how would you make it a "parody"? Either way I'm pretty sure you need some sort of license to be able to sell that unless you make major changes to the original.

>this is going to be seen by any interested audience as insulting and disconnected bluesky indie wank.

Well not every game is sad or full of feelings. I don't plan on being Tumblr famous, being the champion of trans rights, or anything like that.

I just chose the homeless man theme as an analogy to try and explain some lessons that I have learned throughout life that have brought me success. I suppose you could say it's a self-help book in video game form. I know that sounds preachy so to balance it out, I want to give the player other options to accomplish their objective as they see fit. Ultimately it's about the main character pulling themselves out of their situation by their own deeds.

As for the second game, I haven't fleshed out much story or plot ideas, just a loose outline of how it would be played. The memories/segway would more than likely be some small battle scenes or just a way to advance the plot. Really not trying to make a game of misery and depression.
Yeah well for me $15 is overpriced as shit for something of terrible quality. Didn't imply that $15 was the ceiling to what I expect a professional artist will expect.
Let's say I take any popular song or theme song, like justin bieber's "baby baby baby wooo" or the simpsons theme song, and add burps and farts at the end of every chorus and I put that in my game. Or doing the same but with popular anime/j-pop songs. Would that be targeted?

Obsiously my intention is not to tip a song, or to add burps and farts to them, but it's the equivalent of using enough of the song that it would be recognized, and enough arrangements that they would be different, and protect myself via "parody" law.

Same for logos or something, like making a popular character fat, like "fat goku" or some shit. Specially since I would be ripping japaneese content, I wonder if the american "parody law" still would apply. Obviously it would be kinda hard to even reach the eyes of a japaneese, let alone the owners of the copyright, but still... if It makes some people angry they can flag the game or something.

Thinking about that last statement, what happens if I sell a game, and at a later date it gets removed for stuff like that? copyright infringement and what not, people keep the game, but I'm just no longer able to sell it?
what kind of artwork do you need?

you need sprite shit? or artwork like promo drawings etc?

I've seen some not bad at all DA spaniards and latinos comissioning shit for as low as $5-15 for a complete drawing, depending on complexity/coloring etc. But pixel shit might be a bit harder to find, but definitely there's some poor third worlders on there with talent, murikans and nips are spoiled as fuck with their rates.
Fucking lol, you'd have to make those burps and farts loud enough to completely obscure the song that's playing for that to be legal. Even if you remade the original song (your own recording or recreating it in a DAW) you'd need a license. The best thing to do would be to make your own song that sounds similar to the one you want to parody. Same for characters. Make them similar enough that people get the reference, but different enough that you don't get sued for copyright infringement.
Well I should clear up that by realistic rates I just meant I wanted those artists to charge accordingly to their skill level, not that I am expecting to pay dirt cheap for super professional output.

As for the work itself I was hoping to get a couple of custom made battlers but nothing like MV rtp, something closer to Magellan´s stuff but more cartoony

Well after doing some searching I found this as it pertains to US law:

17 U.S.C. § 101:
>A “derivative work” is a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted. A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a “derivative work”.

Your parody could qualify as a "derivative work". The keyword being "could"

US Copyright Office Circular 14: Derivative Works published this qualification:

>A typical example of a derivative work received for registration in the Copyright Office is one that is primarily a new work but incorporates some previously published material. This previously published material makes the work a derivative work under the copyright law. To be copyrightable, a derivative work must be different enough from the original to be regarded as a "new work" or must contain a substantial amount of new material. Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a preexisting work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes. The new material must be original and copyrightable in itself. Titles, short phrases, and format, for example, are not copyrightable.

Note the most important part:
> must be different enough from the original to be regarded as a "new work"
>Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a preexisting work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes
>Titles, short phrases, and format, for example, are not copyrightable

So you MUST make it different enough that people know it's a parody AND make a commentary about that work for it to be copyrightable, which you may need if you sell your game.
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What do you think of these guys as the main characters of this game?
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would fugg Witch
Looks generic as fuck but nice art, did you make them?
I need porn to judge if a game is good or not.
Nah, it's the DS resource pack.

That's why I picked her.
They look cute at least, I'm sure if you flesh out their personalities they can be very cool. By generic I just meant all anime people look the same to me
>That's why I picked her

patrician taste my friend.
Yeah I get that, but as my example posted "dumb starbucks" that's a very minor change... I could call my characters dumb goku or dumb sonic.... easily and make them cross eyed if needed. Or using popular figures like that "trump game"


I doubt he has any sort of license from Mr. President Donal Trump.

So I could use Elijah Wood in sprite form? or some chink uguu super star and not get in trouble because "it's funny"?

Honestly i wouldn't even be ripping something that popular, I want to rip a somewhat obscure meme character from Japanese manga, just adding a wizard hat or bunny ears.
I actually have no fucking clue what the game will be about just yet.
Well the difference you're talking about is sort of significant.


Those are already copyrighted materials. So they have legal binding to them and owners. That's not to say that you can't use them with a "Dumb" moniker attatched but you will have to make changes that are more than just googly eyes. Maybe how they function or what they do is different enough to distinguish them from the real things.

>Donald Trump
>Elijah Wood

That's different because people aren't copyrighted. That means they can be used because there aren't laws that make them materials owned by companies. Although it's possible that someone copyrighted their name but I highly doubt that.

As long as you make something easly discernible from the real thing and people KNOW it's a parody, than you're good But err on the side of caution do make them different enough.

I assume you saw that Nathan For You episode and got the idea from that? Hilarious show btw

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>A year ago
I've got bad news, anon...
>That feel when somebody still has your game downloaded after all this time.
You shall live
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Ah man. I have finally properly settled the classes to my liking. Linked up all the skill that can be learned via notetags, made sure all the skills have appropriate tags. So far as JP cost, it's mostly set to 100/200/300 and I'll set it so that each level up brings in 150 JP, so player'll have to play it smart and consider if they want to spend their hard earned JP immediately or maybe hoard it another three levels to see what else will be unlocked.

Unsure if I'll implement yanfly's barrier plugin, that'd add another fun aspect to battles, but for now I think I'll leave things as is and work on what's left to do, namely some more interior maps and plotline.

There'll hopefully be a demo up by Christmas.
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>tfw start working on designing a new area in my game and can finally forget about the horrors of dialogue writing and quests for a while
>decide it would be nice to have an animated waterfall here
>my face two hours later in photoshop
Please accept my bump

You need a big beefy dude in the party imo, maybe wearing armor and a cool helmet.
Wonder if someone made a Ultima Weapon-like monster battler in VX Ace battlers artstyle
I wanted to make a FF reference by having it as a optional boss
Y'all making your own monsters? I'm just using Akashics'
I haven't even begun to think about monsters. I don't know WTF I'm going to do...

I've always liked how most RPGs work where you're generally just fighting other humans that look just like your own party. So I might try to throw together some kind of "the enemy party is just another party of animated human battlers just like yours" deal.
>most RPGs
I meant most SRPGs. I could swear I threw that S in there.
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Give me some fun ideas for equipment effects
Make weapon types have different "elements" and make every armor have different rates against any weapon type.

Armor A could take less damage from Slashing, but more from Piercing and Ranged while Armor B has less overall defense, but halves Piercing and Ranged
A shitty armor that you get at the start of the game, it has lower defense than anything else and every player would pretty much sell it or toss it away super early after seeing how bad is it. But a boss near the eeeeeeeeeend of the game can't basically put any dent in this one armor. Nothing but a small hint through the game suggests so.

I think I'll just stick with Akashics' and maybe put in some SV battlers for human enemies. Thing is, I don't want human enemies to come into play too soon.

Guilds in the story are supposed to deal with little things that plague normal folk, like creatures on the roads, in sewers, etc. Clearing out old ruins of them, mapping old places, helping out. While occassionally, they get called to kill off some bandits and such, there is a clear difference between being in a guild and being in a mercenary company.

Could say it's a plot point. Mentor does not want the four newbies to be dropped into deep end like he was, to kill people, so he the enemies are mostly of various animal&creature types, with occassional demon wearing a human mask. Demons don't count as people.
>Sharpened Candy Cane
Decent weapon, or can be used as an item for some healing. It has a random chance of being completely consumed if used as an item too many times.
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This is really the only sort of character like that in the DS pack. Well, there's 3 palette swaps of him, but yeah.

But I don't think I really need more characters.
The hero is going to be kind of like a Red Mage, able to do a little bit of everything.
The warrior is an overall physically powerful class with offensive and defensive skills. Probably no magic.
Wizard is gonna be mostly white magic (which includes a few offensive spells)
Witch is gonna be all black magic.

So... why do I need anything else?
Is it shamefur to use the character generator as long as you're adding shading/editing hair/add a body?
The only people who will know are other rpgmakers, so I wouldn't worry about it. You can always redo all the art later when the actual game is done.
Maybe a long range physical character. You have two characters that are long range but they are magic. Something like an archer or a gunman(depending on your game) might be something to look into.
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So I made a song for my game. It's for the very last boss. The song takes places in "stages", reminiscent of Dancing Mad. Each time you beat a phase, the song progresses to the next stage.

So far, I'm not finished. I've made stages one and two. You can prolly tell when one progresses to the next. Anyway, I'd like some feedback.


Please listen and gib thoughts
Well what I was planning on doing was having it sort of like Dragon Quest VIII where you can specialize in different weapon masteries, which will in turn change what kind of skills you get.

So for example, I could give my Warrior character a Bow if I wanted.
Oh I see. Well that makes more sense then. Will that work for magic as well? I've never played a Dragon Quest game. I bought one for the PS2 but let my friend borrow it and never saw it again...

What you're talking about reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics, sort of. In that game you could move any character to any class and create new classes based on previous ones. And that let you use certain skills/magic(s) from other classes you previously leveled up in. That's a neat concept.
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That sudden lowering of the drum volume was a bit jarring at 0:35.
...I'm not very good at critiquing music.
Did it work?
I think that's what he meant by
>You can prolly tell when one progresses to the next

Did you use a DAW to make this? If so, which one? Instruments?
I thought the second part began at 4:30.
>>162489660 here. That's correct. I guess the drum change was supposed to be dramatic? Idk. I'll fix things.

Mixcraft 7, my man. I used the default instruments, no plugins.
Never heard of Mixcraft but obviously it works. I like it. It has a sort of retro vibe to it at the beginning. I've always loved the march rhythm, especially in games. But it eventually gets to be more EDM-ish. Also enough variation that it's not at all boring.

What kind of theory do you know? I know a bit of theory but not proficient enough in my DAW to get good sounding songs. I especially need rhythm theory.
I never studied theory desu. I have no idea where or how I got my talent.

Thanks for the feedback, tho!
Sort of. In most DQ games, you gain spells as you level up, but you can also supplement those with other spells learned by taking mastery in certain weapons or traits.
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You can do it, /rpgmg/. I believe in you.

T-thank you Anon.
Well, to be honest, I pretty much liked everything except for your username.

are you a girl?
No, sorry. I made the username in sixth grade cuz I thought it was funny. I still regret that choice to this day.
How the heckie did this option end up here? Is kid character generator a DLC?
part of the season pass, yes.
CCARPG anon here again.

Dumb question I think I know where to put this but what is the best place to put this rpg file?
Itch.io? Game Jolt?

Like, i'd be down to buy my own website or something and use square space or something.

Of course if push comes to shit on my lawn i can just slop it on pastebin.
RMMV Seasons Pass DLC
How Christmas is your game?
I have the same comment I always seem to with your stuff: I like it over all (melody kicking in at 0:52 is niiice), but there are parts where the main melody is very short and loops a lot, where it feels repetitive (the 1:25-1:55ish stretch could definitely stand to be 5-10 seconds shorter). There's enough additional stuff going on that it's generally not a big issue though, it's nice and dramatic for a final boss fight and t kind of makes me want to play the game.
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Remember kids: placeholder assets are still assets!
Why Abe, specifically?
Really easy to type while still a recognizable name. Gotta work within fraps limited timelimit.
use OBS instead, it's free and good
I probably will. Thank you.
Take my hand!
I'm going to keep playing around with it, but my conclusion so far is it's shit.

>Use Game Capture, it doesn't register the game's playtest window.
>Use Window Capture: Specific Window: Game's playtest window, it instead just captures whatever is on the screen regardless of windows at all.
Try recording the whole screen, not windows or game capture. That's usually what I do. Then go full screen with the game, or play it in windowed. Sometimes full screen will not let OBS see what's in the window.
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Am I crazy or is there no way of making a video the size of a window either? It's got one size, and it's either going to add black space or it's going to shop off part of the video.

I'm very confused right now.
work on your fucking game
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That looks like the new OBS studio. I don't know anything about that one, I use the older one, which is now called OBS Classic.
Huh. Well, I'm going to assume they didn't regress anything in the updated version, so it's probably around here somewhere.

One thing I found is that I can output recordings through ffmpeg, which is my webm converter. It doesn't output to webm, but it gave me a moment of hope.
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Does /rpgmg/ have a mascot? Is it this guy?
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We don't have or need one.
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obs settings.jpg
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This is what I did to capture my RPG Maker

i'll see if I can make a webm too
Don't worry, you don't need to. I get that process. I can do that as well as I can the window capture. Right now I'm just trying to figure out why "sometimes" Window Capture captures just the intended window (with the aforementioned extra/cut space, which is fine for now), but also "sometimes" decides it is going to capture the program in addition to the intended window with no degree of consistency. Also, "capture foreground window on hotkey" is bafflingly inconsistent as well.

In the meanwhile, I'm going through youtube videos and such to see what and if I'm missing something.
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I don't know. this is what I did.
If you don't want the cursor in there, you can go into settings to not record the cursor.
load your save
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Now I lost 2 hours of progress
Well whynot.
I made Eric appear as a major NPC and a guest party member in 2 mandatory quests
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I was always fund of this smug fuck. For some reason, he immediately struck me as the perfect "mayor" archetype, so that became his name, and he became the mayor of every town I ever created. Even in the same world, you'll go from one town to the next and see this smug shit grinning at you from behind the desk. You can question him about it too, but he'll deny everything.
kek. What's his name?
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In every game I've ever made.
Eric > Alexus/Arshes/whatever she's called > Zack(2003) > Alex > Ralph
Whoops, forgot Harold
He's under Zack
>Ralph at the bottom
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Finally started messing with stat distributions and working out skills. This is the last thing I have to tune before I get a demo out, which I'm hoping will have about half an hour of play time.

No way, Alex >>>>>>> all
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Good night bump
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Aniki, wake up!
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Good morning, anons! I did some progress with my game and now it has a battlehud, thanks to Moghunter's plugins. I would like to know if anyone know how to fix this green selection thing? It keeps flashing and it's green, I would like to change it somehow, but I can't even find the code for this in MV.
Get your mixels under control bro.
Yeah, I'm still adjusting it all. Her face will be in pixel art as well. I tried and make the star in pixel but I couldn't, it's aparently impossible.
I'm sure you can find that star's img file and replace it, but that's not your only issue, the stars in the background have a different size than your character art. Same with the clouds and text. You need to pick a scale and apply it to everything uniformly.
I did this bg for another area and thought it could work in battle, but you're right. I'll try and do it in a bigger pixel size. The text is a bit more tricky, I think if I did it bigger it would look awkward.
You could always change the scale of the battlers. The text and background star size look to be x2, while the battlers are x3. You could scale them down, then if you want them to be larger you could re draw them with x2 scale in mind back to their current x3 size, which would allow you to have a bit more detail in them.
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Does it look better now? I've made the clouds fit the same size as the battlers.

Still, the star isn't the problem, I just needed the selection box thing to stop flashing so violently, in all menus anyway.
I've found plenty of scripts to remove this thing for VX Ace but nothing for MV. It just looks so out of place.

Some nigga help me out here.
That looks better, tho I would look into using dithering for the gradient instead of that gradual one that goes against the whole "limited use of color" thing, then you just gotta fix the border, backgrounds, and bars of the status and combat windows.

I hate the flashing thing they use too. Try GALV_Cursorimage plugin for the menus and SOUL_MV Destication Cursor plugin for the one that happens during mouse movement. That's what I use.
Ok, i'm really retard and trying to play tower kingdom conquest.

What version of RPG maker is needed to download?
what´s wrong with the background stars?
Soul's did work for movement but Galv's doesn't remove the flashing, just adds another cursor.
They were is X2 scale, while the monster and hero were in x3 scale.
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Right right, I forgot a step. Sorry bout that. Go tot he window.png file in the img>system folder, you will notice in the center, to the lower right side is the ugly greenish thing. Just edit that to be transparent and it won't show up any more.

While you are at it you can edit the border to be the right pixel scale if you want to use that one, or make a new border style. You can also change the colors in the bottom right to fit your pallet. Pic related is what I use for one of my games. I blacked out the MP and HP colors so they would match the background of the menu and leave me with just the numbers.
Once upon a time, there was an anon that would bump the thread when it was most needed.
Any good scripts for showing player battler picture in battles?

This is the closest one to what I want, but firstly I can't find the script he says he uses, and secondly it would be better if the battler was shown at all times, since I only have one party member.

"Bump" was all he said. But that was all it took.
And he was great
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Currently re-learning math for some eventual games to be. Right now I'm going through high school algebra. It's all fairly easy but I want to know how far I should go? In high school I got up to calculus and did okay. I didn't pay much attention and never did the homework but I could still figure out problems. What level of math should I continue going to? Algebra is the foundation, what should the progression be next?

tl;dr Learning algebra, what other maths to move onto after that?
Oh god damn, I never thought it would be an image!
Thank you so much, this REALLY helps!

My life is a lot happier now.
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I could not leave the well enough alone. I had sat down today, thinking I'd make the stores for the district. I ended up working on it more. Now I am really happy how it turned out. I just need some more generic houses to fill out the holes and I can say that Commons is properly done.
I don't even understand what you're doing. If you are preparing for something in advance that means you already have a solid idea of what you are going to need, either from classes or research. Here you are randomly studying random things because you think it might be useful eventually? If you aren't doing any sort of structured approach, why not actually work on the games and then go study what you need when it comes up?
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If you're into programming you should learn about logic, not math. I mean math helps obviously, but unless you're making your own engine or designing some sort of physics behavior you don't need it. If you're going to program movable things yourself you need basic knowledge of coordinate mechanics and all sorts of basic geometry and trigonometry. Like I remember watching a 30 minute tutorial on how to make ice floor so the characters slip, and a 1 hour tutorial on how to make a fucking twomp, and the guy failed, if you want to do that kind of stuff maybe keep doing math, but focus and what you're trying to achieve or you'll be overwhelmed and lose interest, do a very little project an try to solve it.
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It should be a hunky aged-up Aluxes. With a short beard and chest hair. A Six-pack. A smolder.
And a 2-handed sword with a pommel he polishes every night. But he let's you hold it 'cause you're bros. And since it's so heavy he has to stand behind you and reach around to help you.
>This is how you thrust for proper penetration.
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Current list of shit to do...

Also this.
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But then Thief walks in on you and says you'd be better at "duel wielding"
He offers one of his daggers, but he makes you pull it out of the sheath.
And the next thing you know Aluxes and The Thief are basting a split roast by the fire. If you know what I mean.
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This guy is our mascot
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Been working on portraits again.
This one is for the second main boss, one of the villain's henchmen.
A fishy water alien mage gal thingy named Galene, who's fun-loving and speaks with an australian accent.
My dick hungers
You bastard... Give us the lewds!
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i dunno what youre on about anon
i dont draw lewd.
Steel zeroes is a porn game?
I never played the demo yet.
wow so many games
how do you stay motivated? you said you even released a few of them but only got a positive reaction for one. at this point i would have already stopped
That's clearly a boy
Even better
>Buy OneShot
>Can't figure out how to leave the first room
>Feel dumb

Really not sure what I need to do, I found two items but can't seem to use them.
I don't stay motivated. I haven't seriously worked on anything in months. :(
Pathetic! This is too pathetic to see! Get those brains working! Get that blood pumping! Even if you make just a single room, just a random event or just five spells, items or whatevers, it's still progress!

Seeing these disheartened comments makes me want to vomit. Get out there and do stuff. Just do it, damn you!
Probably a long shot, but does anyone have the Humble Bundle 2 DLC? Link in Pastebin has been down forever.
>who's fun-loving and speaks with an australian accent
Here's some study material for you, m8.

I love that translation.

The holiday season gets me down every time, anon. I'm just gonna laze around till next year. Of course, spring in Texas is too hot to develop, too, so...
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>>162489660 here!

I finished the full song.


Gimme some feedback!
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2nd theme is the most memorable
What I meant was I am getting better at math for a specific reason, mainly using algebraic equations to calculate damage or buffs or other things like that. I know the game can do stuff like that but I want to understand how to do that on paper or come up with new equations for new times of games. Also outside of battle. And being good at math comes in handy outside of making video games.

I think you're absolutely right. I went for a walk today and was thinking about hypothetical situations for using the math I'm learning. And it dawned on me that what I need to learn is not solving problems but rather framing and structuring game logic. I'm learning C# for Unity at the moment and it is actually helping me understand RPG Maker better. Knowing functions, if/else statements helped me so much when trying to make more complicated dialogue trees and conversations that only happen if the player has a certain item or if a variable is with a certain range. Do you have any recommendations for logic as it pertains to games?
"bump... Now that's what I'm talking about!"
"Bump, huh... I could get behind that."
"Did you hear about 'bump?' no? Well you should!"
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>Team is falling away due to real life obligations
>Can barely find the motivation to work because of other projects
>Struggling to get basic things like battlers working

How can I escape this pit of despair?

Read a book called "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind". I'm about 3/4 of the way through it and it has improved my mindset incredibly. It sounds like hogwash at first but the more you read it and try the simple exercises, it really begins to make your mindset and eventually your life better.
Buy an onahole
What do you listen to while you're working on your project? I've been letting different podcasts and podcast-like YT vids play in the background lately. Before that, I'd play music. Does anyone prefer silence? Or just something else?

On a more project-related question, how do you guys handle pacing in your scenes? I find myself having to abuse Wait very often in order to ensure it doesn't all feel too rushed... are there any other strategies to deal with that issue? Or does anyone even care about things like that in a game with no voicing...
Having no voices makes it even more important to pace your scenes. I stole a few pages out of Golden Sun and SNES RPGs and used things like emoticons and character movement to pace scenes, so I wouldn't just be relying on Wait.


Not just in this special episode, either, but in the whole series:


My tips:

Golden Sun uses emoticon expressions. They're cheap, but they work.

Character and camera movement are useful. The camera can be panned to change the dynamic of the scene, and characters can move to express emotion, begin an action, or just keep the scene from being flat for five straight minutes. Stepping towards (or backing away from) a person is a powerful response. One simple command adds so much.

In short, yeah, you're gonna be using Wait a whole awful lot. Sometimes, you can replace Wait with on-screen action like a movement or emoticon.
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>listen to
my parents telling me to get a job

if you treat your game like a movie, it will come out like a movie. That's not a bad thing. It's all about feeling and you'll know when it's right, my man.
I usually sit in silence.
I can only listen to music while drawing - different parts of the brain, see?
If I'm typing, I just block out the music anyways. I have to concentrate or else I get to typing fast and the lyrics go in my ear and out my -- nigga bitch fuck nigga
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How do you feel about rhetorical questions that are ostensibly intended to spark constructive debate but are in reality just intended to bump a near-dead thread?
I usually engage in it for only a few reasons:
>self interest
>self improvement

Self interest first because I hope that someone will look at my post and deem it worthy enough a response for feedback. It exists in all posters who make a post in an attempt to create a dialogue and bring attention to themselves. The post, for some, is a way to validate themselves in a way that is satisfying and, perhaps, only available here.

Secondly, for self improvement. Sometimes by posting ideas or posing questions, another person will challenge or embolden my ideas in a way that helps me grow. Whether it be a scathing critic of an idea I have or an affirmation that my efforts are worth more than I know, I have a chance to become better than I was before.
Way better than shitposting or causing drama, which are also free bumps
anyone else just instantly lose all motivation and hope making their game when they see someone else's game and how amazing it looks and you know you'll never achieve that level of game making?
Think about this though:

Did those people who made those amazing games have the mindset that they will never make a good game? NO WAY.

Just believe in yourself, anon. It sounds cliche but it's true. The best people care about if they are doing the best they can do and work to be even better. It's all about focus. If you focus on how much better other people are than you, you will always be beneath them. Instead focus on making the best of what you can do. It's not about talent, it's about work ethic.
At least you posted best girl.
I doubt as of now I can do anything good with RTP tiles and a storyline that makes Final Fantasy seem basic
Maybe not now. Also if it's just you, it may be hard. There was a team working on Final Fantasy. But people have made games by themselves that were successful. Lisa and Undertale were made in RPG Maker. Anything is possible.

What I'm doing is making some small games that focus on few mechanics. Like one game where you have to bring one guy some ramen. All you do is go up to a stove and trigger an event that brings up some text, lets you choose what to cook and adds it to your inventory. But I decided that was too easy to code so I tried to make it more interesting. So that event will check if you have a certain type of ramen and it will not allow you to cook that ramen again. It doesn't change the main mission but it's a neat little aspect that took me a while to figure out but it makes players who are into checking every little thing happy.

I'm just a beginner when it comes to RPG maker though. I like making things as varied as possible. Like trying to code conversations that change. For example you ask someone where to find a certain person. The first time they tell you to ask someone else. The second time they say that you're annoying them. The third time they refuse to talk to you. And the fourth time they will battle you or something. That might be an entire game that you make based on that little experience. It is a good exercise in game logic and working with the program. A game doesn't have to be an epic adventure with 700 hours of game play. It CAN be that complicated but it can also be as simple as rock paper scissors.
Today's Song of the Day:

Nah, m8. I may never produce good/decent/passable/low quality art assets, but my gameplay is fun enough that I have no problems comparing.

For every great work an artist posts online, there's a hundred shitty ones that made them wonder if they should give up.
I get that feeling all the time, there are some real wizards out there that can make RPGMaker do things I had no idea it was capable of. I try not to dwell on it however, I'm sure they started making super basic games of their own at some point.
That reminds me of the Ancient Greek's model of the mind and theories about motivation.
Imagine a Charioteer(Logos|Reason) reigning in 2 horses that pull in opposite directions but together move you forward. One is Eros a.k.a desire or appetite. It'll lead you in circles seeking pleasure; but that's not to say you can't form an appetite to help others.
The other horse is Thumos, which is hard to translate because it can be broken down into a lot of English words with loaded connotations. It's like your self-respect. The part of you that wants to be recognized. It's pulling you in order to prove yourself.

Naturally on an anonymous board you'd expect Reason to reign in Thumos because it's meaningless for (you) to prove anything. And why should you? If you're compelled to boast or tell strangers on 4chan that you're offended -- despite being a faceless, nameless, nobody -- you're stupid and letting your Thumos overpower your reason.

But in your case, the charioteer has pulled back the reigns believing it's not worth the trip. Your Thumos obviously wants you to be great at it but it's being held back. That just leaves Eros to drive you, maybe if it's a porn game. But with Thumos going nowhere and acting as an anchor, Eros is going in circles around it, throwing a pity party.

The more I apply the chariot analogy to things, the more I see the genius of it.
>Socrates walks into a thread
Get the fucking hemlock, bros. We've got a dweeb to deal with.
>tfw still can't decide between a game riffing on Golden Sun, BoF3, or just smut, so much smut
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It only took me 30 minutes, but I fucking found it.

Neat analogy, broseph.
Do it, anon. Make the next The Last Sovereign.
You know what you have to do.
Listen to your inner Eros.
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I tried but it said my fetishes were shit
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>liking scat
Work on it anyway, because SOMEONE out there will like it.
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While it sounds pretty mundane it is absolutely true.
What is the worst part of working on a generic RPG and why is it trying to come up with a novel mechanic for each party member in battle and then implementing it
Why is my battleback not going all the way to the bottom of the screen, even though it's the same resolution as the game window?

This is giving me the shits
What happens if you use a picture with a larger resolution?
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Beause the game battlebacks are bigger than the resolution of the game window. Unless the native resolution is 1000 x 740 and I missed that.
>RPG Maker
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Even when I use a battleback the exact size of the window, it doesn't align it properly. Note the tallest mountain in the background and how close it is to the top

I don't understand whats going on here
Did you not read my post? The native battlebacks are larger than the native window. That means that you need to scale your battlebacks to larger than the window. Just compare the ratio of the native batttlebacks:native window and use that to scale them for your new resolution.
Sorry I misread your post, I still dont understand why it works like that, it seems silly.

Either way, it works now. Just made the graphic slightly taller than the window. Thanks dudes.
It's a meme you dip
That's false though.
Talent is what you can naturally learn by practice way faster than others.
If you have a talent for programming, you will learn how to use a programming language way faster than who isn't talented, not without practice of course, but way less time and effort.

It's Game Maker
>confusing natural talent with talent
More like talent(natural resource) and skill(built by practice)
No. If you watch a piano performance and the people say, "He's so talented!" they are not referring to the ease in which he learned to play. Whether the player is naturally talented or put in serious work, the end result is that he is now talented.

You''re understanding of the word is wrong, plain and simple.
Actually it's their understanding of the word.
The correct comment would be "He's so skilled!", just because most people don't understand what they are exactly saying, it doesn't mean the word means what they think.


While "skill" refers specifically to something achieved through practice

> 1.the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well:

>2.competent excellence in performance; expertness; dexterity:

>3.a craft, trade, or job requiring manual dexterity or special training in which a person has competence and experience:

>4.Obsolete. understanding; discernment.

>5.Obsolete. reason; cause.
So you just assume "natural talent" is a redundant statement then?

Let's pretend you're absolutely, 100% correct. Let's pretend there's no other definition of talent, that "natural talent" is a silly redundancy and a total misconception. Let's pretend for just a second.

What Boss Ross is referring to in that gift is that what people call "talent" at that piano performance, what you believe all those people are mistaking for skill, what people are referrring to when they say Bob Ross is a talented painter - Boss Ross is saying that THAT talent is only just a pursued interest, and that it's just a matter of being willing to practice.

Your own definition 2 coincides with this.
/rpgmg/ - Linguistics
It werks, and of course I got what he meant, but the sentence in itself isn't correct, since he would be saying you can achieve a "natural talent" by practice.
The actual meaning would be that you can get as skilled as him if you are willing to practice because whether you have the talent or not, you can still reach the same skill level in different time.
>Definition 1: a natural ability
>Definition 2: ability
There's a crucial difference between those two definitions of the same word.

>Definition of "talented": having talent or special ability
Notice that this coincides with the performing pianist, who has a special ability.

The trick is actually the evolution of language. I could sooner be arguing that "talent" is a type of currency and that your metaphoric definition is literally just one story in the Bible and silly to apply it elsewhere. As soon as people decided to call extremely skilled performers, or extremely skilled whatever, "talented" for their excellent work regardless of their natural ability, as soon as the term "talent" split from the metaphoric "natural talent," it achieved a new definition - definition 2.

Just as gasconader does not mean you are from Gascony. Just as decimate no longer means to take a tenth from. Just as irregardless means the samething as regardless. Just as inflammable means the same thing as flammable. Language is defined by what's understood, not by how it began.
>Language is defined by what's understood, not by how it began.
And that's why many words today lost their original meaning, because instead of reading a dictionary, people simply parrot what they hear, hence it evolves in a different thing by constantly mistaking the definition.

That's a thing, sure, skill should have been the right word here, there would be no real need for "natural talent" and "talent" since it's supposed to just mean a natural predisposition towards something.
Quit arguing about stuff and post progress.

I made an animated cursor and figured out how to get scrolling battle backgrounds today. It's all falling into place
Fighting the hardest story boss of my project as we speak.
Talking about that...
There is a healer enemy in this battle that keeps healing always the same monster except with the AoE healing skill, of course.
Why is that? I am using the standard Heal II skill of VX Ace, it should select a random target, shouldn't it?
Should have said that 50 years ago, before it gained its second definition.

>since it's supposed to just mean a natural predisposition towards something
Daily reminder that "inclination" is now its obsolete definition.

Either way, complaining about Bob Ross' use of "talent" is 2016 is simply wrong. Talent does not _only_ mean a natural gift given to you by the Lord God anymore. It has achieved multiple other definitions - including, I hope you realize, a vague yet specialized term for actors in Hollywood that has no relation to a God-given ability at all. You can blame that first critic who exaggerated his praise with "That guy is TALENTED!" if you want, but it has achieved that new definition. And it was an exaggeration, and probably meant to be at the time, but it stuck and evolved.

In the meanwhile, I'll sit over here still mad that our early English ancestors took norse "house farmer" (husbondi) for the word "husband" rather than the much more sensible norse "taken man" (eiginmathr).
My fault for wanting to take the quote too literally, I guess.
But using "talent" like that could fool someone into thinking that the talent itself doesn't exist, it's merely skill obtained by lots of practice.
That is... actually a totally fair assessment, and I agree entirely.
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VX Ace Game Over screen.jpg
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And just got Party Wiped too
>But using "talent" like that could fool someone into thinking that the talent itself doesn't exist, it's merely skill obtained by lots of practice.
Not the guy you are talking with but sadly I have to agree.
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Good night bump
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I have to wonder if he did mean natural talent. Blog post incoming. In high school, I was absolute trash at biology. I dreaded it and I hated it because I just couldn't pick it up as easily as I could math. I would try, but organelles and ecologies and everything else would just never stick to me.

And then in college, when I first heard about epigenetics, I became fascinated. I realized I needed to know more about biology as a whole to continue learning about epigenetics, so I returned to biology, now with an interest, and suddenly everything just clicks. I bought a molecular biology textbook just to continue personal study, and I just get everything it throws at me. Even when I open up a random chapter and start reading (Chaper 22: Cancer? Hell, let's go for it). If you were to ask me or anyone who knows me, we'd all say I have a natural talent for biology.

But I didn't before. The only thing that changed is that I have an interest in it now. I notice, just because of the huge discrepancy, that it isn't that my memory just sharpened or something like that. I tend to ask more questions that I wouldn't before. If I don't understand something ("Everyone talks about "the fully mapped human genome" like its one long list, but DNA is split between 23 pairs of chromosomes. Does that mean each chromosome contains the full genome in a different shape? Is the genome all the chromosomes lined up in some arbitrary order? Are the pairs included or excluded? What defines a full human genome?"), I start paying attention for the answers. Any new information I take goes towards answering curiosities or towards building a larger picture. Nothing gets left behind or forgotten.

And the only difference is pursued interest.

I noticed too this isn't true for drawing. I want to be good at it, but somehow I don't have that same obsessive drive for mastering it that I do with biology. I don't ask the same questions. Its like I'm back in high school biolgy.
Can enemy attacks change a variable with a skill? The only way I've found is to do it is add a common event effect to a skill, but since common events dont work in battle, it waits til the end to work.

Am I blind, or is there no way without funky scripts?
I don't use the in-game battle system, but you can call common events in the troop thing, and you can add them to skills. Despite what you just said, a common event tied to attack DOES work in battle. I remember using one for a "necromancer" type character that would prevent people from attacking him until all his skeletons were dead in one of my first games.

More likely than not, you did something wrong with it, like set a condition for the common event to work.
Ah, I see. Now that I tested some more, I found out I made a huge mistake in the common event itself so it didn't show. So I was right about being blind, but not in the way I thought ...
I should stop focusing on stuff that doesn't matter and work on my actual game.

...I made a title screen, though. It'll do for now!
>arrow isn't a little happy slime jumping up and down and while the arrow keeps the general slime shape it isn't immediately recognizable as one
you fucked up
S-sorry anon ;_;
Work work
Anyone else have the problem of coming up with lots of premises that you love, but have trouble fleshing them out?
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Thoughts on my Sandwitch?
You forgot the pickles
There is an oral sex joke here somewhere.

Look up "Design Document." There are some for games. It's basically a structured form of getting all the details of your game. Usually it's used to sell the game and get a better understanding of what the game will be, how it works, the mechanics, the story and everything else.
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I think what >>162622552
and >>162622694
are saying is that some people have a biological and social advantage that make doing something relatively easy. Including the opportunity to practice.

"It just takes practice" is oversimplifying things. Imagine it coming from an only child who has an abundance of time to themselves and only visits extended family on year end holidays.
Compared to someone with 5+ family with an obligation to go to every event, every birthday. 4 family reunions every year. Both sets of grandparents going on 90 with failing health. Just to list off a few. You really can't refuse to chauffeur doctor appointments, babysit, dog sit, house sit, unless you have a full time job. You're going to be busy supporting everyone else.

Even biology has influence over our mental and physical capabilities. Dopamine levels is a big factor in motivation levels. If you have an Ectomorphic body type, tall and skinny, you're going to have a low dopamine levels. Which leads to nearsightedness but also and a preference for linear thinking, since divergent thinking associated with creative writing requires dopamine.
That might explain why so many writers are endomorphs, short and squat, and why /lit/ is full of fat neckbeards.
And of course mesomorphs have natural talent for anything athletic. But that doesn't mean an ectomorph with training couldn't become an Olympic swimmer with training, they can. But like I said above, having the opportunity to do that is another variable.
Take the remote and hold it to the window.
You can't practice without opportunity, that much is obvious.

My point was separating Talent(natural predisposition towards something, fast learning etc.) and Skill level(the one you practice)
Since we make RPGs here...
It's like wanting to make a healer reach the same ATK as a DPS class. Said healer can, but only if said DPS stops grinding.
You can say that a LV.20 Healer is as skilled as a LV.5 DPS in dealing physical damage.
Now, the class is the Talent/Physical Predisposition/Natural Resource, the Level is the Skill you practiced by fighting.
I've read science articles about writer's block and the role of dopamine in creativity.

I'd just tell you to eat something. Caffeine releases dopamine but you want to hit a sweet spot with it or else you'll end up with racing thoughts and analysis paralysis. Dopamine helps you jump tracks, so to speak. You might be overly focused on an outline or dialogue and unwilling to restructure any of it. When you need to set it aside and consider how music and screen tones can help set a mood. You might find the thing you're trying to convey could be done with less words or no words at all.

This anon is right.>>162653282

I find that going for a walk usually helps me if I'm in a rut. I walk around a few blocks, usually in circles, and get away from my computer. I find that my legs go on autopilot and that leaves my head able to think about things. Sometimes If I'm trying to internalize a concept in programming or reflect on my goals, things start to click in my head. I understand how to use something or ideas come to me. Once I'm done with the walk I feel refreshed and motivated to either write down my ideas or pick up where I last left off. So try going for a walk.
C'mon anon. Release your game before the year ends. Someone told me you couldn't do it.
More npcs
Still 44 to go.
And walking sprites.
And sad/happy sprites.
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I keep forgetting to attach images for some reason.
so cute
You niggas are still going on about talent?

Here, Oikawa said it best.

You left me to die
Wew, sorry.
We should be getting a better defense already, you always dyin'.
Don't die again!
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I was busy finishing this!
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>talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish.
I hate to break it to you. Talent and instinct aren't an accurate translation here. He used the words Sainō and Sinso. Technique and Trust. See, it's a sports team anime. They keep saying you don't need to be the better player, you just need to be the better team.
So it's more like, "You can emit technique, but trust has to be reflected." And in that moment the one guy pointed to his teammate to signal he was going to pass the ball to him for the rebound shot or whatever the volleyball term for it is. And he did it.

It's kinda funny the way the translation is worded. Shying away from the word "teamwork" like the characters are ignorant of this concept and have to learn a lesson. You'd think it would be intuitive but apparently teamwork is a loanword in japan that they pronounce funny "Chimuwaku" and the closest thing to it in their own language is something meaning Collectivism. So maybe it isn't intuitive.

Don't be a nerd anon, I know. It's a nice mistranslation, is all.
no it's not. It butchered the parallelism.
He reflected teamwork, he reflected the ball.
Everyone should be taking notes. This is an important lesson in screenwriting.
I need this
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Please stay alive
How do I make dungeons interesting?
Put cool shit in them.

Also not too long unless your gameplay is super fun.

(even if your gameplay is super fun, there is such a thing as too long)
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Today's Song of the Day is in the interest of culture.

you are a god among men

also it's fucking adorable and I love it
That's pretty cool.
Would make for a very interesting battle music.
I want to play your game Anon-kun
It's not even in an even remotely demo-able state yet, Anon-chan.

I'm working on it every day lately, though, so it's coming along... well, the beginning of it is. A looong way to go yet.
Whoa bump.
Good save, my man.
Dormammu, I have come to bargain.
Has a decent traditional rpg been made using MV yet? I want to play one.
>it's 1:50AM but I'm making progress
Do your party members ever fight each other after they join anons?
you fight someone who eventually joins your party if that counts.
There are two guys who fight each other over a girl.
Nope, but the secret party member is an optional boss.
Also a recurring boss joins your party twice as guest
Don't make them simple mazes.
Require the player to find keys or solve puzzles to progress.

Im making one. Sit tight and wait.
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This is a good enough motivation, right?
Possibly the best ever.
are you implying that it's possible to HAVE other motivations?
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Good night bump
How long until the demo?
Thread Healer used Bump!
/rpgmg/ recovered 9 pages!
I think party betrayal is a classic and welcome trope, so of course.
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Does anyone have the FSM: Town of Beginnings DLC? Most of the more recent DLC is scarce as fuck on the internet.
Bump-a-doodle-doo! Rise and shine, /rpgmg/!
I'm not saying it again, sweetheart. Wake up!
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Got any spooky moments in your games?
How are you guys doing enterable beds? Neither putting the top of the bed below or above the character looks good. Does one has to use parallax to make it?
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>still no game about cute spider girls
Why is this allowed?
A-anon I...

Maybe make a custom tile that looks how you want?
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>MFW my current project will likely be 25-30 hours of gameplay given the way the story's been written
>MFW I'm about an hour of playtime into the development and I'm worried about it being sufficiently engaging to compel a player to see it through to its conclusion
>MFW if I finish the project (which I'm damn determined to do so) that there will literally be no one on the planet that actually plays it through to its conclusion and what will likely be years of work will be for nothing, like a tree falling in the woods kind of shit
>MFW I'm going to finish the project anyway
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I'll play your game Anon.

I really hope so
omg is she alright?

She's trying on the new jewelry she got for her birthday she's fine
I want the player to lose his sense of direction in a desert at some point, but disorienting the player in any way seems difficult with the static camera of rpgmaker.

What could I do?

Do what Yume Nikki does and have the screen scroll endlessly

Honestly, just making the map sufficiently huge, with no discernable differences between once place and another, the player generally won't know where the hell they are. Also, having the wind kick up and having the screen temporarily become increasingly blotted out by sand while the player is navigating, then only to die down moments later can add to the confusion.
Do what some Pokemon games do, clock-related puzzle. You have some rooms with multiple exits each. But only one exit goes to the next room, wrong exits put you back at the beginning.
I have a desert with 80x80 maps, some areas are just nothing, so it's easy to lose yourself, which was the point of the big maps

It's important not to go TOO far on getting the player lost. Make sure to have some discernable landmarks in the maps so the player can try to use them to figure out where the hell they are.
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The wait is unbearable Anon
Can't wait to make a ton of friends
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I was taking a shit and has an idea, maybe it's too simple/stupid but hey I'm just trying to help.

Added text on the map, basically my idea is to make the player get lost by fucking with his travel sense, you move one screen to the right, but you're actually skipping one screen, if you backtrack, you go back 1 screen. You could change the ratio in order to make it more annoying or less annoying, as in 2 screens normal and then a 1 screen jump, or 3 screen jumps, or whatever, but the idea is to fuck with their transitions so they get lost until they figure out the pattern (or end up solving the maze by luck and perseverance), and once they reach the edge of the map in the last screen they start all over from the opposite side of the map to feel like they're going in circles.

Your goal is to make them get lost in a huge map to reach triggers, once they step on all triggers they can leave the desert. Alternatively make the map smaller and every time they reach a trigger the map resets and they have to step on a different trigger depending on your story or whatever, less frustrating, less work and much faster, but you can make it so they have to do this like 20 times so they really want to get out of the fucking desert and feel like there's no end to it, but the story keeps progressing very little so they have to persevere.
I want to hug you
No, Anon, I want to hug YOU!
My suggestion would be to not do that, I've never had a WOOO LOOK HOW LOST YOU ARE segment in a video game not be the most boring and shit part of that game.

Come up with another way to present the notion of a hard to navigate desert rather than literally disorienting the player.
This was my thoughts too, BUT if it's done in a way that's engaging, it can still be cool. Like for instance, if the player is constantly bombarded with treasure and shit at every (mis)turn where they actually WANT to get more lost to uncover all the treasure, then maybe that'd actually be an enjoyable experience, or if the way forward is fairly obvious, or triggered by a timer after you've wandered around long enough might make it not so bad.

The real problem is that you don't want to just frustrate the player or make it seem like they're just at the mercy of poor level design. Really, if you want the player to be lost in a desert for plot purposes or something, then do it, but just make absolutely sure you're still maintaining a sense of progression, where the player gets that they're lost, but still knows that somehow they're making progress and lost just being shit on because being shit on for its own sake just isn't fun.
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Is it possible to make a skill that activates only when certain actor is in the party?
Like "protect girls" where a male character has % chance to take a hit for a female characters.
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So MV has been out for a year.
Who's made the best resources|edits and why?

Also, wtf happened to rpgmweb's restaff? They die?
>Who's made the best resources|edits and why?

>Also, wtf happened to rpgmweb's restaff? They die?
we can only pray that it is so.
Yeah, that's right you motherfucker, I'm gonna hug the shit out of you.

You better fucking watch it, too, or else you're gonna wake up one day to me smooching you, see how you fucking like it then
Here are the Town of Beginnings tiles: https://mega.nz/#!BFVRgDDS!vHICI-RNBj9r6WZDsBQgrBg11LY9mVN-4SCtyxsBOtQ

Anyone have a link to the Ancient Dungeons Jungle expansion?
Have you ever played Wizardry? Making maps of teleport mazes with rotating floors was half the fun
Better watch out before I gently hold your hands.
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Get a room, fags.
Think you're hot shit? You try that sort of fucked up shit on me and I'll create assets for your project

You want a piece of this, cakeboy?
Any plugin to add decoration to room?
Similar to Hero and Daughter RPG.

Like to let the player decorate a room themselves in game? You can do that with events pretty easily.
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How different would physics and technological progression be if pic related did not exist yet as a physical property of light? I'm asking because my game is pre-Flood.

>Muh bibles

Not sure you're going to find too many people who'll want to play a game like that
If you were to do that I would bake heart-shaped cookies for you .

There is no need to be upset Anon. I would hug you too.
You don't want a game set in the time period when God let the Earth do its own thing, and angels and humans were allowed to mingle and breed and produce superhuman offspring?

/v/ always complains no game ever draws upon Biblical mythos. Now /vg/ complains that a game does.

Dabbling in Abrahamic anything is always a bad idea. The idea of gods and demons and Satan is fine, but pulling directly from scripture is never a solid plan.
You literally know nothing about my game, yet you're making assumptions. It is loosely set in that time period. Without God, angels stepped up and are calling themselves Gods. People pray to them, and as far as a player of my game knows, those are real deities. People who deny them as deities are labeled heretics and killed. Angels have created pocket realms and transported people into them, and the game takes place in one of those. People who barter with gods for power find cursed deals, creating things akin to vampires, werewolves, and others without easily associable terms.

However, just because I'm not shoving it in people's faces that this game biblically-inspired doesn't mean I don't want vague hints and references.

I understand you seem to have some hate-boner for "muh bibles," but take that stick out of your ass. I asked a simple question so I can make a reference, not for your input about how you won't play a game that uses biblical mythos.

If you can't handle any kind of criticism, I wouldn't recommend talking to anyone about anything ever, kid.
Would you prefer I just went

>fedora posters

and ignored you?

If you can't handle people objecting to your game, then I'd seriously consider NOT imbuing it with religious content. What I'm saying is that many, many people who create works of anything, be they books, games, films, whatever, avoid scripture unless they have some kind of agenda, and for good reason. The only people you're going to draw the attention of are people who you've offended or the people who will be drooling over a third party validating their beliefs, and drive everyone else away. But seriously, if nothing else, you need thicker skin before you create something and disseminate it to the public because people are going to shit on it no matter what it is, and you need to be able to handle that.
>but pulling directly from scripture is never a solid plan

What the fuck are you talking about beings of song-light hiding their glory behind wings with a thousand crying faces is the coolest shit
Then I'll restate myself. There is almost no way for a player to realize the game is biblical-inspired. And apart from the time period, it does not pull directly from scripture. Your "muh bibles" criticism is thus premature.

If you're trying to work in physics that operates in a pre-flood mythos tit will be, but I honestly don't care. Have a great time, kid.
>implying rainbows didn't exist preflood.
This is why only priests were allowed to read the torah/bible.
>implying rainbows existed pre-flood

God hadn't invented them yet, retard.
Color doesn't exist at all, first off, as color reflecting off of objects is just a property of of light's composition, so slap that black and white filter on.
Not him but IIRC He did show them to the survivors in the ark, not necessarily meaning he created them in that moment, though it is possible.
I have VX Ace just sitting in my inventory, how does one find the motivation to begin a project? Let alone finish one. Sorry if this has been asked before.
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>Have a great time, kid.
Thanks, broseph. I'm trying.

But seriously though, is there any technology that was built up on the prism effect? We used it to uncover that white light is actually composed of multiple colors, and I think some modern tech still uses it to isolate specific colors from white light and some parts of polarization. Is it involved in lens for magnification though?

Well, I have to pick and choose. If I want the offspring of angels to work like greek demi-gods and giants and celestial beings like >>162783649, there has to be some degree of literal interpretation. Since I don't want to be constrained by a "young earth" timescale, I can still allow figurative interpretation too. This particular period is after human lifespans were restricted to around 120 years, but before the rainbow promise. I'm letting technology progress well beyond that time period too. I'd just like some degree of internal consistency.

lel, that's what I was afraid of. For convenience sake, let's pretend this only applies to light traveling through clear objects like prisms and water droplets. I'm particularly focused on magnification though. Is that the same principal as light dispersion? Just refracting and reflecting?
I may feel like a dum dum but what has this to do with the Flood?
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Pic related.

I guess technically speaking I could go at it with another angle, focusing on the dispersion of water droplets after rain and leave light dispersion alone entirely. I mean, even in the most literal translation of that passage, God still speaks of rainbows as if they were already a thing. It's just that he's "putting them in the clouds."
To bump or not to bump?
That is the question.

Same boat. I got XV Ace in a Humble Bundle sale for like $12. I had wanted it for so long and I finally got it. It seemed like a stroke of good luck. I used it for a bit but didn't really understand how to use it and gave up after a while.

Then MV came out and I bought it on sale. Same thing happened until I realized I had bought the previous version and didn't do anything with it. It was then that I realized that I didn't really understand how to USE the program. So I went and read the included manual with the game. Every single function, menu item and description. I really tried to internalize it. Once I did that I tried to make basic little scenes with people talking. Then little quests. Then started creating multiple people and larger maps.

Basically you start small and scale up. Make stuff that seems so easy it's not worth taking the time to do it. Seriously. Then you make it more and more complicated. As time goes on, you find yourself making whole games. One tip I'd suggest looking into is programming logic. i.e. If, Else statements. It helps when you want to figure out how a situation will play out logically.
>is there any technology that was built up on the prism effect
pink floyd

Seriously though, how are you composing all of the dialogue in your game? I'm starting to come up with ideas and I know how to write dialogue but I'm stuck as how to put it all together in a cohesive form. I'm contemplating branching dialogue but organizing it outside of the game is keeping me from going that route. Also I'm on linux if that makes a difference.
I can't tell if you're asking me or asking the thread, but I have a massive speech bank full of questions and answers divided up into certain classes (farmer, noble, etc.) that an NPC chooses from on a priority system influenced by emotion meters and inherited traits.

I think I'm the wrong person to ask that question to.

Interesting. I'm basically asking, how are you organizing all of that? Outside of game mechanics and folders, are you using a certain program to do it? Do you have one large word document or multiple seperate ones? Or do you use something like Cherry Tree to organize them?
Oh, for that in particular, I'm using excel. That way I can see the response type (row) for all the classes (columns) in one easy place.

I had considered doing that. I can see how it would be useful to use all the cells. Do you mind if I could see an example of what it looks like to organize your dialogue?
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Eh, I don't feel like finding it right now. My resources are all over the place ever since I started switching my project over from Ace to MV, and I haven't returned to dialogue yet, so I have no idea where that document is.

Which is to say it wasn't in the first two places I checked for you.

Don't be fooled by the "text" and "talk" documents. Those are just notes for how the dialogue bank event works or little snippets of things I may want to include somewhere.
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Here's a rough example of how it looked.
Ooohh. That's good. You sort the NPC responses vertically and can see them all at once. Do you do branching dialogue that way as well?
Dialogue with generic NPCs doesn't really branch. You choose options within a tree like [Chat] or [Ask], and then something more specific like [Quest] and it outputs an answer - or at least, it will when I get back to it. I finally got clickable buttons on screen to work with the mouse, so I'm probably going to have the choices show up as buttons rather than a Choices event.

In that same situation, an NPC references its class, location, education, etc. to generate its reply - which can be it's version of "I don't know" or "fuck off." And my excel reflects that with Quest XX Doesn't Know1, Quest XX Rumors1, Quest XX Knows Location, Quest XX Knows Y, and so on.
Does RMG maker allow to make systems based on rolls? like in FFT when you have a 70% chance to hit, or 15% chance to steal an item. Can I make things that are random and unpredictable?
Yeah, you can do Control Variable -> Set Between X and Y (so 1 and 100), and then a conditional right after that goes If [variable] is <= 75, then do X, Else do Y.
I think I understand what you're saying. I wondered how to do that myself. I'll hav eto look into doing that. I've ben looking into working around the choices event. 6 is nice but I'd like to have the option for more. I'm sure there is a script( or i could write one myself) to do that.

Yes. In combat specifically, you can create skills that do exactly that. You can name them "Steal" or anything else you'd like. In the options for that skill you can set parameters for likelyhood to hit, an effect (stun, heal, blind or custom effects), and many other things. I know it doesn't sound fun but read the manual a bit. It's actually pretty well written and you will learn a lot from it. I probably read it in about 3 days and played around with some of the concepts. Going back and forth between the manual and the game helps too.
What are some unique yet useful powers an rpg protagonist can have?
Really depends on what kind of game you are going for.
But basically you could give him anything you want, really.
From little things like being able to know where the next frog is to powerful dimension/time warping abilities.
>being able to know where the next frog is
I wish fucking Noctis had this power
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>That final frog collection mission
Only time I consulted a guide, that is a very good example on how to not design quests.
That gif will never not make me laugh.
sticks to snakes
I think the restaff hit a plateau with edits. Only a couple of them were capable of making something original.
More like rehash, amirite?
Either use a Common Event that is always running to check when to make said actor learn/forget the skill or use damage formulas to make the skill useless(doing 0 damage) if the condition isn't met
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Good night bump
I'm not sure sticking to snakes makes for a very useful power.
no literally turning sticks into snakes
Thread Healer used Bump!
/rpgmg/ recovered 9 pages!
Today's Song of the Day:

Summon Butterflies
And why would that be useful?
In Dungeon Crawl, the summoned butterflies occupy a tile, so you can create distance between you and your enemies.
Bumping is a hard job, but someone has to do it.
Fuck that's funny.
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hot. Keep working, brofam.
How much RNG is involved in your game?

I thought I would do randomly generated dungeons made up of pre-made rooms similar to what Isaac does, but then remembered how much I've complained about that kind of thing and changed my mind. On the one hand, randomly generated dungeons would improve replay value, but on the other they're almost always so plain.
Butterflies can tickle enemies to decrease defense
Little to none.
Some boss fights can turn bad if the RNG somehow keeps making the boss always kill the same character or get too many criticals.
Items drops are okay, the rarest item is a 2% drop, but you can still get one with enough money
Only for status effect attack by enemies.
Your status effect attacks always works even on boss but has lower duration.
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It took me a while but I finally found a color scheme for the walls and floors.
Now if only I knew where I was going with this.
How about make it a prison cell, she is a P.O.W.
you have to torture her in various ways so she spills the beans, sending rape monsters with BBC, starving her, forcing her to hear scratches on a blackboard or balloons rubbing, smell bombs, dirty water inflation, locusts and roaches, beholders, mimics, and anything that could scare her like clowns.

In the end it's revealed that you are her father.
Stop dying, goddamit.
Stay close to your anons
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Thank you for the suggestion, but I believe that I would never do that idea justice.
I said to stay close to your anons so they can bump you, Thread!
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I've been on a vaporwave binge all weekend.
Save me from this nothing I've become.
I'm not that good at pixel art or drawing, should i still try to create my own art style or go with rtp?
If your story is strong then the graphics can come later.
I'd say stick with default until you have most of the game's story and events done, then go back and fix it up.
I find making graphics more fun than actual story telling, and end up making a bunch of shit only to never use it.
If you go with RTP, you need a very interesting battle system and decent story to make people want to try it.
I'd play a game with those requirements, RTP stuff is cute, but I at least need amazing battles
Sounds like a good plan. I spend so much with practicing art yet i still haven't finished anything that i liked well enough
Alright, hear me out here.
What if I made a game where all the waifus in my chart are trapped in some place and must escape through puzzles and teaming up, but I change their designs up a little bit and call them something different.
How much would I need to change them to realistically make money off the project?
It would help if you would post these waifus.
I can't stop waffling about how I want to map interior walls. I keep changing my mind between 1 or two tiles tall, and whether I want to use ceiling tiles.
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So technically they'd be husbandos, but I like the word "waifus" better.
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Finished this portrait!
Galene, a fun-lovin' dummyfish, and the second main boss of the game!
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My friends!! It's been a wild ride, but I can finally say that the Tomb of Friends 2 demo is complete!!
I'd like to give each and every single one of you my warmest thanks for being part of this wonderfully comfy community!!
Even more thanks to the small group of people who actively cheered me on and spammed TOMB OF FRIENDS 2 WHEN, thanks so much to everyone!!
I hope you'll all enjoy the demo this weekend, when it will be released.
Lots of love to everyone,
Tomb Dude <3
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You have some good taste there but if you really want to make something like this then you need to cut down the number to maybe 9 or 10.
If you really want to make money off this then the best thing you can do is create original characters which may or may not be inspired by these. But I would totally play 999 husbando edition.

Very cute, I like her teeth.

Man I thought my day was already pretty good but now it's even better. Really looking forward to this.
Yes! Can't wait man, you're a hero.
It's beautiful. I love them hips.
>the pickle
I only hope that means your game will have a giant floating pickle.
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Yaaay! This will be a comfy weekend
Thanks, I'm using the old fuse them together method.
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thanks! i've had rpg maker for such a long time that i've never committed to making anything with, i just started last week, and and i've been having ok progress. here's some more ms paint drawings that may or may not be in the game.
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Is that Carl?
His name's Vance Vinny, but i did base him off Carl
>Page 10
Turns out MV has no appropriate enemies Ice and Snow levels.
Except maybe werewolves.
what's the easiest way to draw attention to my game?

just add borderline porno art and hope teens bite?
So, to the people who finished FF15 instead of working on their game
Did you enjoy the ending? What would you change?
Pander to furries. You may not like it, but they are the most obsessive pieces of shit.
well that's pretty much what i'm trying to do.
maybe request vinesauce to play your game
>Tomb of Friends 2 demo incoming

Guess I'll spend this evening playing the first one.
Post on forums and shit. Tumblr. Get some popular youtube "personality" to play it. >>162865897 if you have literally no shame or dignity.
>Go back on my first RPG maker project i made a year ago
>Filled with witty humour and have a good laugh

How was working on your old, maybe even shitty projects like?
I remember one of my fist projects where I discovered switches.
It was an absolute disaster.
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>you'll never make rpg maker this profitable
>don't upload videos for months
>talk about a game that hasn't been made for years
>sucker youtube orbiters for money

why even live?

I love the game, but those boys! I can't find the dang last secret friends and boys that I'm missin! Where's the boys!

Oh, and is there any way to befriend the music-playing guy who's just banging a bell? And the endlessly-dancing pal of his? I found the secret song(!) but this boy's secret still eludes me.
IIRC you can befriend one of these guys there.

I never finished a project, but I went back and played some of my biggest one again and was amazed at how funny it was. There was a little cringe and some weird old in-jokes that I don't understand anymore, but it was a good time. I was sad when I got to the end point of it.
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Which one do you prefer?

pear - 20lbs
They're all acceptable, but pear, spoon, and hourglass are best
I was freaking out over why an object that moves when you push it wasn't moving.
Turns out I set the movement for the player, not the event.
Pear and Hourglass, please
I'm going to be the asshole here and say the "charming personality" body type.

I really don't have a preference.
my gf's

Do you have one of these for, uhh, like, girls (male)?
Reminder that there is a special ring of hell for people who use final fantasy music in their rpgmaker games.
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So. I wanted to make a sokoban puzzle following this person's tutorial for vx ace.
I'm using mv but it's an event I figured there wouldn't be much of a difference.
But can someone point me to how to get the map id of the rock's event. Or the x and y.
Because I can't find it anywhere.
In MV it's moved to "Get Location Info" on page 3 of the events list
Wait, I might be an idiot. I'm working from memory.
Thank you, but I got that part. I was wondering how to get a variable equal to the map position of an event.
control variables > game data > actor ?
seconded, I need to see me some hot boys

also straight type reporting in *shoots self*
I can't make sprite art to save my life but I can draw. Is it still possible to make a game or will it just look like shit.
How many elements exist in your game, anon?

I have nine elements
Thunder, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Sound, Void.

Then there are physical attribute:
Slash, Thrust, Crush, Projectile

Every normal monster are weak to three element and one physical attribute.
Every character in your party are weak to two element and one physical attribute.

I need a Charge Turn Press plugin with "Once More" feature similar to persona.
I think OFF used hand-drawn battlers and characters, I don't know about the actual tiles though.
Of course. You don't need to use pixel art.
If it looks bad or not depends on you of course.
Post some of your art.
Yeah okay. I think I'm just worried about it looking out of place or choppy or something. I'm not entirely sure how I should go about making the environment / tiles.
Every mage can channel two forces that are in opposition. Fire and Ice, Light and Dark, and Life and Death are the ones seen in-game so far. They don't have to be traditional elements, though. They could also be things like Love and Hate.

I don't bother with elemental weakness and resistance. Instead, each element has a unique set of spells. For instance, Ice lets you slow an enemy or protect allies with a shield of frost. Fire is all about dealing damage. Life is all about healing. Etc.
Don't you mean Lightning?

You can draw the maps completely by hand and don't use the tilesystem at all. You may need some plugins but it is entirely possible.
Don't you mean Electricity?
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I'm very uncomfortable with lewd involving characters I already know from non-lewd stuff. I just can't imagine them doing lewd things.

I'm the exact opposite, if I like a character in something the first thing I do is look up smut and jerk it to them, sometimes before I even play the game/watch the show etc.
>get frustrated trying to program something
>slow down working on game
>story starts feeling dumber and dumber
>start wondering if it was ever any good or interesting
>interest in finishing project wanes before it ever really got off the ground

The holiday season is hard.
> Thunder
> Sound
You mean Plasma?
Anyway, I'll go with Lightning.

Not English speaker.
I always thought Thunder = Lightning
Thunder is the noise that follows lightning. So lightning makes more sense as an element.
Yay! I can't wait to play it. Even though it will probably make me feel like my slime collecting game is terrible in comparison
Good night, /rpgmg/. Let's make progress again tomorrow.
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>Finally got game files moved to new computer
>Now I can work on my game again!
>Man video games look really nice on this new rig....
>No progress
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Stop slacking off
I-I'm just looking for inspiration!
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Stop lying and work on your game
Meh, I think everyone is accustom to it. Old jrpg spell names and all that.
Alternative names might be Bolt (Lightning Bolt) or Volt (Voltage).
I think they thought "Lightning" is too similar to "Light", that would get confusing. And in early days when they censored religious overtones they didn't want to use the word "Holy".

It might also have something to do with character limits. A lot of things were limited to 8 letters, "Thunder" fit but "Lightning" didn't.

Could you image Final Fantasy using Lightning, Lightningra, Lightningraga?
>Could you image Final Fantasy using Lightning, Lightningra, Lightningraga?
Would be funny if they actually use that.
>Could you image Final Fantasy using Lightning, Lightningra, Lightningraga?

Then we'd be used to it by now and not care more about that than we do about any of their other stupid-sounding spell names.
Make sense that spell names should be a phenomiom of the element, and not the element itself.
Tornado | Air
Quake | Earth

Rather than having Ice, Ice2, Ice3. You could have spell names like: Frost, Hail, and Iceberg >gee, I wonder what weakness this "Titanic" boss has?
It is Love?
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No. Zantetsuken, duh.
How about Volt as element?
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Good night bump

Fire/Ice, Air/Earth. Thunder&Water are just slight alterations on preexisting forms, so I didn't put them in. Plus, Light&Dark.
>Want to make a story based RPG with lewd optional content
>Afraid that people who aren't interested in lewd would dismiss game as nothing but fap bait
>Afraid that people who play specifically for lewd would immediately lose interest when it isn't explicit enough

Good morning general, be sure to work hard on your game before the weekend hits.
Thunder is a powerful move in Pokemon and I don't see anyone complain about that
Man, faggots on /ic/ are unhelpful. I ask a simple question and they fuckin' lose their minds.

Y'all got any names of folk that would draw portraits? Generator parts are lousy for proper expressions and I'd sooner have something more in style of Ace or Tactics Ogre than the usual MV.
>Load DLC music in my project
>Now takes hours to save and load.
I bought an extra bump. You can have one if you want

Thanks for the link. I actually already managed to find it on some Russian site. Now I'm looking for the "Town of Seasons" set.

And no, I have been unable to track down the "Ancient Dungeons: Jungle" set.
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Today's Song of the Day:

Three physical attributes:
Piercing, Impact, and Cutting

Six Common Elements and One Unstable Element:

Flame, Wood, Water
Storm, Metal, Stone

Flame, Wood, and Water make their own strength/weakness circle.
Storm, Metal, and Stone also make their own circle.
These two circles do neutral damage to the opposite circle, so there's no such thing as an Air Bolt dealing extra damage to Water Monsters.

Shadow is a special case. It deals effective damage to all elements as well as itself, however it also takes effective damage vs every element.

I hope to make this fit into my story without making it feel too gamey.
That sounds like it works almost exactly the same as Fate/Grand Order's system. Careful about that shadow element, it might make things quite hard to balance.

>without making it feel too gamey

Well, it is a game, after all. In all seriousness it does sound fun, though.
>>gee, I wonder what weakness this "Titanic" boss has?
Question for those of you more experienced with this engine than I am. Is it possible to make a game that forgoes leveling up completely, and instead uses equipment and something along the lines of the FF8 junction system for character progression?
Yes, for junction you may need custom scripts/plugins though
I'm using Yanfly's Item Core to limit the items a character can have and using PH Warehouse to let them store it away, but the only items are stuff they find and this method ends up letting them have too many items.
Is their anyway I can change how they get items from the map or apply a negative effect to having too many items, like weighing them down?
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Another portrait wip, for yet another villain.
Sure. I mean, think about what your actually asking,

>I want stat variables that don't increase by leveling.
>I don't want leveling at all.

Then ask yourself what that actually means.

>Leveling is a mechanic tied to a variable increasing to a certain point, which then resets that meter and increases some other variables.

There is infinite ways of doing what you want. If you want to keep the RTP combat system, all you need to do is not have the enemies give experience. You can also have the damage formulas be on fixed numbers rather than the stat variables. You can make your own combat system that uses fixed numbers or derivatives of stats - or make your own variables to use for stats and have the combat formulas reference those instead.

Really, it's just a matter of breaking down what you're actually looking at. You can also have gameplay events trigger an increase of your stat variables (like going to the gym increasing Strength, or dueling with soldiers increasing Attack) - they are, after all, just variables.
I have a lot of free time.
Unfortunately, it's not the "at home" kind of free time.

I tell myself I could do more. But I'm limited to what I can accomplish in the car, waiting room, over the holidays at a relatives.
>yet another waifu
How about a notepad or something to sketch ideas?
I've been doing that for years. I just end up with a sketch book of ideas and drawings I'll never fully materialize because -idk, my life doesn't allow it unless I neglect everything else I have to maintain.
Well, then the only option is to redistribute your schedule such that you get more time to work on your own. It's hard and I know it, but I guess that's the only way.
Is there a good place for free SFX?
Guys, how would I go about making a menu inaccessible until a player interacts with an object, at which point they'd gain acces to it.

Want to make a simple tutorial about skill equipping(The yanfly one). Thinking of maybe even making it automated, though I dislike that kind of thing. Just a short note about entering the Skills and Learning a skill should be enough. Thing is, I don't want the player doing it before they open that chest, cause that'd just ruin the point.

I'm working with MV.
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Just use this button on the 3rd page of event commands.
I could be a wet blanket and skip Christmas. Its never just an afternoon with senpai. A holiday means a 3day weekend to a week of not doing anything I want to do.
I found new meaning in being called a doll

Oh, shit! Thanks anon. I guess I'm so damn sleepy I missed it.

Silly me. I'm going to bed and working on that cutscene tomorrow. Also, someone make a new thread.
How does family autocorrect to senpai, its not even English. It shouldn't be in the dictionary.
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I will never get to make my RPG. Too busy at work. It kills me.
>Also, someone make a new thread.
Way too soon
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Work on your game

I wanna but I'm closing at work, and since I have to open tomorrow I'll probably end up going home and going straight to bed.
Unless that's a sound-based attack, people are literally complaining about it in this very thread.
What was your simple question?
What's your budget?
First time I play around with RPG Maker.
I'm using MV now.

Any good tutorial without commentary?
With text and demonstration is fine.
English speakers talk really fast that I can't keep up.
I recognize that desperate-murder-fox, yet I can't remember from where. It's not with my doujins. Got a source?
Deus Vult?
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Maybe try searching for tutorials in your mother's tongue?

Uh, I don't have a name or something. It's from a 7 or 8 pages long comic. Gomenasai.
It's a short series - there's multiple comics. In the first, the murder-fox is cursing all the girls the mc gets involved with, so he seals her away, and he gets a phone call that his fiancee is recovering. In another, set in the past or future, I can't remember, she gets unsealed at a beach, and the guy's girlfriend starts getting ill.

I think she's passed down from generation to generation in a certain family.
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>Fox Daughter
Found it. Thanks broseidon.
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>second part still not translated
I never should have remembered. You never should have reminded me. ;_;
I just did. Learning the ropes again of VX Ace and RPG maker in general. Created a few scenes that I feel accomplished of for my first time in a long, long time.

Sure it's a very shit project but I'm surprised by the amount I've learned and the progress I've made in a short amount of time
The most reasonable thing would be to learn Moonrunes and translate it yourself.
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Dev Talk Time: Combat Formulas Pt. 2.

There are three possible ways to increase stats in a game. In the first, as a character gets stronger, it becomes easier to kill an enemy with equal stats. Thus, if it took 10 successful hits for lvl 5 characters to kill each other, it would take 9 or less for level 10 characters to kill each other. For convenience, we'll call this positive-sum progression. The next then is zero-sum progression - which is, it takes 10 successful hits to kill an equivalent enemy no matter if you both are lvl 5, 10, 25, or 200. Lastly, there is negative-sum, which is when it takes more successful hits to kill an enemy of equivalent stats as you progress. The cause of a positive-sum is having attack grow faster than defence, zero-sum has them equal, and negative-sum has faster defence or life than attack.

Now, that isn't to say a game is always locked with one type of progression. It is very easy to start with one and have it switch to another at intermittent parts. Nor is it always apparent, as most characters don't grow with a "balanced" array of stats.

So why does this matter? Besides stat growth being another aspect of gameplay any dev should be considering, the sum-nature matters significantly with games that allow players to allocate their own stat growth or allow training specific stats, like mine. What system you have skews how a player allocates points - for example, in a positive-sum system it is more worthwhile for a player to put their points into attack, limiting their freedom of choice.

So my problem, then:
While I find a zero-sum system to be ideal, it breaks way too easily when people skew stat distribution. In a zero-sum combat formula of Damage = a.Attack - d.Defence, stacking defence quickly makes you invulnerable unless your enemies are also dumping every last point into attack (difficult to anticipate and design around from a game-dev standpoint). So I defaulted to a positive-sum system: Damage = a.Attack - (d.Defence / 2). But as mentioned above, I found - rather frustratingly - that given the choice of adding 10 to attack or 10 to defence, adding 10 to attack is strictly better if fighting the alternative (pic related). Also, because all humans are fixed at 100 hp in my game, in this positive-sum system, by the time players reach max stats (100), they all basically one-shot each other empty handed. This also led to the potential of people ignoring defence as a combat stat, leading to a glass-cannon playthrough.

An alternative damage formula I thought of was Damage = a.Attack * (1 - b(.Defence / 100)), or having defence be the percent it reduced damage. Apart from the obvious (100 Defence = 100% damage reduction), the percent formula had the interesting effect of starting with a positive-sum progression system from 1 to 49, a zero-sum at 50, and then an increasingly stronger negative-sum effect at 51+, where it finally invalidates attack at 100.

There's tons of stuff I can still play around with, of course, and items have a huge place in the grand scheme of it, but right now I'm still trying to decide what kind of -sum system I want to use. On one hand, I'm fond of a negative-sum system at the very end game, perhaps with the above formula capping out at 75% damage reduction, where the best of the best can clash in an epic battle instead of Fencing's one-swing-win. I'd still like to have a zero-sum system that keeps pace throughout, perhaps with a softener formula like Damage = a.Attack / 2 - d.Defence / 2. I'm still considering.

End Dev Talk.
I agree that one hit kills for either you or the enemy would be no fun if both are of equal strength.
A lot of games suffer from balancing issues in general now that I think about it. If the game is too easy then it's no fun but if it's too hard then it's no fun either.
I only know for certain that as the player progresses he should become stronger, if at the end the player is just as weak/strong as he was in the beginning then there is something wrong.
When I played Ys I and II, you were basically maintaining a relative strength. You get to a new area, and the monsters didn't even take damage. You had to buy equipment to raise your Atk power past a threshold to do any thing.
And they had diminishing exp returns, so you could only get so strong at any point in the game.

I hate that kind of progress. Get to the new town, and the first thing you do is buy better equipment.
Never played Y1 or 2 but that sounds pretty bad.
It had a "bumping" combat system, right?

New equipment should make a difference but should not be obsolete in the blink of an eye.
I think Dragons Dogma handled equipment/character strength pretty good. I remember not being able to buy the strongest weapons from a merchant because I had no money, but I still managed to defeat quite strong enemies.
It also had an upgrade mechanic, so old weapons weren't necessarily obsolete the second you found a new one.
I think I prefer obtaining things through side-quests and secret bosses.
The difference being I earned it or was lucky. Otherwise it's an empty feeling knowing the game was engineered for me to have it.
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>mv uses javascript

s-should I just not bother learning Ruby then?
A programming language is a programming language. Having the skills and know-how of a programming language translates better into scripting the game than just an as-needed knowledge of javascript.
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Stop dying
Or what, you gonna shoot me?
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Only one way to find out.
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Ouch. Just found a game breaking bug in the demo. I'll release it as soon as someone helps me figure out how to fix it.

Basically, if you close a dialogue box by pressing X instead of Z you're locked out of opening the menu. forever. Can I prevent players from using X to skip dialogue boxes? I'm using VX Ace.

By X I mean X on the keyboard by the way, so the in-code "B" button.
>X instead of Z you're locked out of opening the menu
How does this even happen? Are you using some scripts?
I would also say that most people don't use these keys for advancing text.
I coded my own menu that opens up using X, but if you get locked out of the menu forever for this one little thing I can't just ignore this.
Uh, can't you use a different key then?
I... Guess.....
Go to the Window_Message script, line 372, and erase this part:
Input.trigger?(:B) ||
You're my favourite person. The demo will be up shortly.
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Good night bump
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It's out, everyone! Hurry up! Go play it!
Wait, no, fuck. I gotta fix something.
Ok done, have fun!!
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Hey, /rpgmg/! How do you go about drawing icons for your items and skills?

I dont. I use yanfly ones. Theyre pretty enough.
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Work's done!
Everything's right in place.
Is there an easier way to do it?
Looks messy and some text is overlapping, but overall looks nice.
You mean EVERYTHING is overlapping and out of place completely
Interfacing is hell
Would you guys tell me what you think of this character arc for one of my party members?

The game is kind of like some of the Dragon Quest games in that each town+dungeon has it's own little short story with it's own plot. There's an overarching plot too, but it kind of takes a backseat to the individual stories.

Early on in the game, you come across a town with a school that teaches children elementary level magic. There, you meet an effeminate little boy named Christian. He's the worst mage in the school and everyone picks on him for it, as well as the fact that he's a bit of a sissy and a coward.

You meet him during his latest instance of being bullied, and he is crying and upset. His twin sister tries to comfort him, but that just makes him angry and he runs off. Then the twin sister tells you that she heard a rumor about a magic stone in a nearby cave that can give someone incredible magic powers. After that, you go looking for Christian.

You find him, crying to himself in a corner somewhere, and convince him to go back home. But when you get there, you find a letter from his sister saying that she's gone into the cave to find the magic stone for her brother so he can be a great wizard. Christian tells you that the cave is dangerous and full of monsters, but he's too scared to go alone, so you accompany him and he joins your party.

Partway through the dungeon, he gets separated from the group and you catch up to him at the end, after he's navigated most of it all on his own, showing his bravery, and saves his sister from a boss monster.

You find out that the "magic stone" isn't magic at all, and just an ordinary rock. But he still wants to be a stronger mage, so he decides to join your party on your quest, so that he can one day be braver and stronger, so his sister can be proud of him.

Now, that's only part 1 of his character arc...

Continued next post...
A little ways on in the story, there's a scene where Christian tells a secret to one of your female party members. You don't get to hear what it is, but she's pretty surprised about it, and comforts him.

Later on, you come across a strange castle town. You notice that all the people in town seem to act like mindless drones... and then you realize that there are no men in this town at all, only beautiful women. Except of course, for the king of this town, who you come to find out has a magic scepter that he has used to turn all of the people of the kingdom into hypnotized, obedient, beautiful women.

Upon learning this, the party decides they're gonna overthrow the king and save the townsfolk. But as the rest of the party runs off to make a plan, Christian stays behind with that same female party member from before and whispers a secret plan of his own into her ear.

The party makes their way through the king's castle to face off with the evil bastard. But upon getting there, Christian approaches the king and says that he'll sell out the party if he swears to turn him into a girl, because in truth, he's always wanted to be a girl and always hated his twin sister because of it. So the king first uses his magic on Christian, turning him into a little girl who now goes by Christine, and she's totally brainwashed an obedient.

So she approaches the king as his slave... only to rip the staff out of his hands and snap it in two, freeing the people of the town from it's spell. In truth, Christian did want to be a girl, but he - now she, came up with a plan to get what she wanted AND save the town. She had your other party member cast a spell on her prior to storming the castle, which would prevent the mind controlling effects, allowing her to dupe the king AND get genderbent at the same time.

And so, for the rest of the game, Christine will be the little girl in your party. You can also go back and reconcile with her sister of course.

What do you think?
No medieval warfare?

>Totally brainwashed
>But not
You gotta figure this out before anything else
It was a ruse. She wasn't brainwashed at all.
Why would the king assume he/she is brainwashed? Did that happen with anyone else in the town when the scepter was used on them?
Of course... That's part of what it does... I said that it does...
Then how does our intergendered hero overcome the brainwashing effect?

Uh, considering it's magic and the kid is magic, the answer could probably safely be "magic."

Anyhoo, to the anon writing this, I think it could be a fun story arc, but I hope you'll treat the whole thing pretty nicely. Mostly just by not making a bunch of jokes where people still fuck up her name/pronouns/gender/etc.
> Mostly just by not making a bunch of jokes where people still fuck up her name/pronouns/gender/etc
Didn't Victim of Xen have a genderbended protag and the game ended up being exactly like that.
Nice. I'll have to play it tomorrow though, don't have the time today.
>Uh, considering it's magic and the kid is magic, the answer could probably safely be "magic."

I get that, but if the player just sees the character shrug it off, it seems like Axe Cop or Kingdom Hearts kind of writing where "It works because I say it does."

Something simple like "None of the townspeople can do magic, and a few of the townspeople mention a rumor that someone escaped, and that person might have been a magic-user" would help establish to the player that Chris' magical background helps to thwart the sceptre's brainwashing effect.

Or hell,
>"...You think I'd brainwashed by cheap magic like THAT?"
Just remember to inform the player why Chris becomes an exception to the established rule.

No idea, but that kind of joking is lazy and predictable as hell.
How do I befriend you?
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How do you even start making a game?

Do you just make up a story and work your way forward and backwards from there or what?

I remember in my early teens when RPGMaker 2k was the shit I started off reverse engineering other games, playing around with the triggers and variables, learned from a little more complex scripts like caterpillar party etc. Then started my own super grand RPG, made the first town and dungeon and added a metric fuckton of custom sprites and music but then realized I had nowhere to go from there. I figured just doing stuff and creating more as you went was pretty dumb.
What a great birthday present tomb dude! When will you finish the full game and let me throw money at it?
You need some big picture of the story already, you may add some stuff as you advance, but at least a solid plot
As someone who had (still have?) the exact same problem:

It's not easy for a lot of people to just start off, what helps for me is getting the basic storyboard for it, create your first scene and work away from there, making changes as you go if needed, the method isn't dumb at all. I'm pretty sure no video game in existence has had zero changes in terms of it's plot story, gameplay, etc. from start to finish.
As anon said, you need a solid plot and a practical idea. Simple plots can actually help you develop more, even if it's something like "Guy who has to smash things" if you put a little sauce in it, it can come up as something pretty good. You add something that thrives the character, for example, he's in the search for the giant jellyfish, and the whole thing goes in the sea, where you have to battle sea creatures and duel others in the search for the perfect jellyfish, and the final boss is the guy who is looking for a new form of electricity because he has to destroy the world with it (?). See, you have something (not so good, but it really has to be? You just need to make your game)

For me, the story is always first. I get an idea of the main quest, most importantly come up with the beginning and the ending. After that, I come up with the characters, and a variety of scenarios that could be used to move the story forward. Those can pretty much come in whatever order, and it's REALLY IMPORTANT not to flesh these out until you're actually making them, or else you'll get bored of making your game (a feeling of "I'm just transcribing this, it's boring" will arise). Like with the main story, all you need for each scenario before you make it is the basic idea, beginning, and end.

Then comes the gameplay.
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Done with her portraits!
Selkie, a smartypants who's responsible for building the battle robots used by the aliens.
She's not that powerful, physically speaking, and her magic is hardly anything worth bragging about, but she does have a certain secret ability that makes her somewhat dangerous.
>Doesn't wear any pants

So... is she going commando or not?
She wears a black leotard underneath that shirt
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>captcha clearly says "P5-8"
>anon types in "p4-8"
Cynical webcomic Dreamworks face is a bit of a turnoff, aethetically.
Isn't this just /tg/'s kobold?
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>DreamWorks face

Uh, are you sure dude?
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Yeah, wasn't the best likening, maybe
"typical smug, superior anime expression" is more apt.

Pic related.

Just looks more bored and annoyed to me, dude.
Doesn't stop it being a generic smug anime face.
It doesn't ruin the images completely, but it's a lazy, easy lift that detracts from your otherwise original and neat aesthetic.
Nah, brah. Cave Story
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Tell me something about your villains.
He's a secret animal rights activist conspiring to ruin the institute's reputation.
Pretty much the old "King and his sidekicks are inherently good guys, but there is a evil mastermind behind them" stuff.
In my case, a dead mage that wants to go back and change history where some guys killed him in the past.
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just got a copy of Celtx running. Does anyone else use this for making the outline/story of their game? I see a lot of benefit to using the screenplay format to write a game. Still looking for the perfect program but I'm liking this one.
You are the villain.
Some protestants that want to take their boss out of the company and destroy the shit out. You're there to kill their boss, but they just see you as enemy, since you're "one of them" (one of the zodiacs, their boss is Capricorn and the MC is Virgo).

She's not meant to be smug though.
She's just a smartass who's usually cynical or bored.
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You nigger say somethin' bad about that girl again and see what happens!
One of the first companions to join your group is a reformed villain. The main antagonist was an innocent person who's life she destroyed, and is not only out to kill her but anyone close to her since her change of heart.
No idea who she is, but I watch a lot of anime and have never seen her so she's probably from some generic moeshit. She's also kind of ugly.
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She's Mayaka Ibara from Hyouka you damn degenerate! An' it's a Kyoani show, 'course it's cutesy, it's their damn style.

Show's good tho'. If you're into character development and low key, realistic mystery solving. When I consider it, the main character Hotarou is perfectly representative of all of you lazy anons here. He likes to save energy instead of putting in effort to make progress.
I downloaded it when it was popular and found it to be a mostly boring slog. The fesrtival arc was nice, but the next episode opened with GEE WHILLIKERS DIDN'T MR. WHOGIVESASHIT LIKE HELICOPTERS?! Dropped it like a stone.

It ain't for everyone. Like you said, you found it a slog. I rather enjoyed it, slow pacing and all. Festival arc was the prime, but those later episodes had their charm as well.

One you dropped, with the helicopters, remains in my memory as one of more interesting ones not because of the mystery, but because Hotarou actually went out of his way to find out. For once, he was interested in something. It was a nice showcase of his growth.
That's cool. It failed to make to make me care, though. I was at my wit's end and needed a little more than that exact quote from Hotarou to keep watching. In retrospect, yeah, he asked the question, which is cool. Too late and too subtle for my taste, though.
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Happy birthday Anon!
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Could you elaborate on what this tool does?

>I watch a lot of anime and have never seen her so she's probably from some generic moeshit
Pic related.
I'd like to make the first half's main villain a "Is your cause just, or is that "just" what you tell yourself?" spewing kind of villain.
He is nearby all the time but chances are you won't ever see him.

One that'll show up for the most part is working on fucking up a series of important seals. He's evil in a way that he does not care for collateral and consequences his actions would bring about, but he does not go out of his way to kick puppies and such. Hell, he didn't even kill any of the main cast's family or friends. That being said, if he does fuck up the seals and manages to open a portal home, he will also fuck up a portion of a much larger protection that will only fuck things up more long term.

Not that main cast finds this out easily or even wholly. To really understand what'll happen, player'll have to go out of their way to explore and read shit.
Stay alive
I just started playing Tomb of Friends 2
I absolutely love it
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>Implying video games aren't art
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Oh, Hyouka. I watched the first couple episodes. It was a third rate mystery that repeatedly violated Knox's Decalogue so I dropped it.
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Quick, what should I do?
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Celtx is primarily used for movies and script writing. It can be used for other types of writing like novels but I don't think it works well for that. It's supposed to give directors and producers an idea of what a movie/play/show is about and what happens in it. Every movie/play/show has a script, and if it didn't it would be shit. Celtx has options for other types of projects as well.

Celtx can also be used for storyboarding. If you are an artist(or can make crude drawings) you can put them together to make your story. This is good if you have clear pictures in your mind of what you want to do in your game. You can put together images of maps, characters, or anything else to create an idea of what your game will LOOK like.

There is also an option to create sketches. In this case I used it as a chart for a family tree. You could also import other things and plan out parts of your game this way. Like you could get a picture of your map and plan out how you want to place events, NPCs, or plan a path for a cutscene. It's a great, simple visual aid for planning.

This is the most used aspect for most users. If you know anything about writing scripts(It's very simple and easy to learn) you can write out your scenes. Scenes are in movie terms, what is seen by the camera. So in the picture I have two scenes with three characters total. You first indicate whether it is interior or exterior. Then the location. Then the time(day, night, morning). After that, you can write a short description in the present tense for what is going on. You can describe what the scene looks like, important details, what characters are doing. Basically its a short, synopsis of the action going on. Then you can start writing the dialogue. Characters have their name in all caps and centered. Then their dialogue comes on the next line. Celtx has the TAB and ENTER keys mapped so that it is very quick to switch between the modes to create a scene, action, or dialogue.


As of now there is only a browser version of Celtx for free. I'm using the last developed desktop version. the linux version is no where to be found but you can find the Windows or Mac version pretty easy. I can give you the link of where I got it if you want. Or you can use the browser version. I don't think the browser version is as good, but I haven't used it so I'm not sure.

You can also export your script as a PDF if you want to print it or have it on other devices.
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So, I lost all my games progress, and all my RPG maker VX ace assets. Should i just move on to MV or is it worth it yet?
omelet end is the best one
I am sorry to hear that.
Don't you have any back ups somewhere?
I do, but they're on the hard drive that is physically stuck in my old computer (which has a dead mobo so i can't boot it up), and i can't get the screws out to bring it over to my new PC.
Only a few posts left
Does there exist a potentially lewd RPG where the protagonist is a shapeshifter?
Are you planning one?
I wanted to play one, because the prospect of having a protagonist that can change their appearance at will sounded pretty interesting.

If I did it I wouldn't be able to have lewds though.
It would certainly give opportunity for some interesting mechanics/stories especially for a lewd game.

We need a new thread!
Tomb of Friends 2 feels like a real sequel, it has everything that was good about the first one but with so many refinements and improvements.
I love it!
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That image is actually close to 1 of my dream games i want to make. NEET in a rundown house he obtained from his deceased aunt walks around his house taking pills and hallucinating monsters "random battles" and as he goes and gets more drugged up the monsters get crazier. Same inside house perspective as that.

Another dream game is a cartoony game about a drunk that loses everything and then decides to turn his life around but has to battle alcoholism monsters while gathering upgrade tokens used for different things like upgrading himself, His house or Job all with different benefits and depending on what you upgrade you can achieve 1 of like 8 endings.

Sadly I'll never actually get around to any of it.
Anon-kun please make a new thread.
We can't even get people to work on their games, what makes you think we can get them to make a new thread?
Where would we talk about not working on our games?
In any of the steam/discord/skype/whatever collab groups that have stopped working on their games, of course!
B-but this is our home...
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Whats the deal with MV missing Actor1_1 Actor1_2 battlers?
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