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Dota 2 General - /d2g/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 745
Thread images: 190

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Latest patch: http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=570
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

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first for best team
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Will 6.89 save DotA?
no because you subhumans will be bitching about it just as hard
protip: 6.88 is the best patch we've ever had
sumail is pretty based desu
this nigger is so fucking ugly
im a high-6/low-7k USE huskar player and id say that a sidelane 1v1 jugg vs huskar favors jugg pretty hard
just run at him without drawing aggro and if he hits u hit him back, he cant trade with you at all before lv4 even with creeps because of pms and he cant really run because youll just zone him out of creeps and get boots befoer him and win the lane
lv1 passive gives up to 10% mres
Death ball though.
i just want to add that solo husk beats a lot of 1v1 matchups but jugg really isnt one of them
husks physical base dmg is mediocre and the atk spd isnt going to outpace his lack of ehp, and he cant even really trade because juggs just going to spin once u commit and without the spears dot husks dps is awful
on top of all that husk cant go late or even mid against jugg without a farm advantage or an oracle/dazzle/omni/etc..
kill yourself
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>two threads, both dead
cant wait for next patch where there will at most be ONE slight nerf to slark, and it will probably be an indirect nerf through echo sabre, but he will also be indirectly buffed through his competitors being nerfed through dragonlance/pike nerf
disruptor still exists tho
remove crit
Slark is never going to be nerfed, if there isn't a piss easy pubstomper for Peru to play there's less chance third worlders will queue, trigger whitey and force them to keep playing. Same with Invoker, can't nerf him otherwise you wouldn't have muh ebin skill ceiling.

Husk dos have the advantage of being able to gank your team to pieces if you look away even for a second though, doesn't matter if you can 1v1 him with Jugg, Huskar WILL successfully gank unless people have map awareness, with Jugg its not that easy.
jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you slark and invoker wont get nerfed because they dont need nerfs and huskar well i dont know what to tell you you've already gotten so many good tips on how to deal with huskar but yeah go lose some pub games anon no one wants you in here anymore
>Huskar WILL successfully gank unless people have map awareness, with Jugg its not that easy.

>guys my bracket is so SHIT so SHIT reee
>b-but its REALLY hard to kill people out of position as juggernaut in the early game
you really can't make this shit up
how come Mushi is the bad guy if the pinoys never bothered to try and talk to him?
le super star teams were a mistake
>slark and invoker wont get nerfed because they dont need nerfs

Nice wrong opinion retard go eat some mud like the third world animal you are I'll be here with a glass of milk AND clean water knowing you'll never have both

You need some kind of setup with Jugg for a kill unless you're running at a no boots CM or want to blow Omni, and throwing a stun for a free kill is something Peruvians for sure haven't mastered so yeah it's a lot easier with a free 50% slow and massive DoT
Does december 12 mean main client update or test client update + like a week of testing because valve doesnt test a single fucking thing?
>player has "boss" in player name
>is russian

Every single time
artour too
Unless there's a problem and the Monkey King arcana can't be bought from the store there won't be a delay, content updates are just ways to sell Arcanas at this point bundled with a bit of content update.

>Get a SEA player
>He talks like Pink guy
>eh bawwws mid lane is missing

SEA really like to use boss but I never see it on Russian names
zup Puppey, enjoying irrelevancy?
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is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land?
this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.
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>Some random Punjab (Yawar?) has to dye his hair fluorescent pink to get attention
>Puppey meanwhile setting up the board to sweep all Majors into TI7 into a successful Presidential campaign

Reminder EE wrote a 47 page blog whining about Puppey and Puppey hasn't even responded or acknowledged it. That's how true leaders carry themselves.
Batrider is the most horrible title I think. I mean the thing he rides looks like a giant tub of ketchub and not like a bat.
does that mean puppey is a corrupt politician
that's 1437 Puppan's vice president
Puppey has what's best for Estonia in mind, even if that isn't necessarily what's best for honeypot nations. He's a charasmatic 7 foot millionaire with connections with the Turkish mafia, there's o way he's not gonna be President at this point.

It's either Bulba or Yawar I'm sure of it
how can someone like you be that stupid?
How can you be so racist? Just because Ritsu and Bulba are both pooinloos doesn't mean they're identical, why post his picture anyways they hardly even look alike?
its DOOM
where da computer @?
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Slark has been nerfed enough, I don't understand how people are still having problems with him, legit.

I mean fuck Pounce used to do 280 damage and now it's down to 160.

When will you faggots stop crying and learn how to beat him, namely exploit his weak laning presence and shitty stats.

Bloodseeker is even viable right now, just rupture him every fight so he can't do shit on top of Thirst fucking his regen.

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How do I gain popularity in the /vg/ in game chat??

Nobody respects my opinion and calls me a noname.
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If I held the title of "The Doombringer" I'd make everyone including my mom call me that. Shit's metal as fuck.
Unless you mean horrible as in scary. Then yes.
>highly skilled player dominates a pub
>just grabbing a random video where someone does really well on a hero

He has a 49.65% winrate in 5k+ and it's not like he 'dominated' the Summit 6 either.
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When is valve going to make a fun/goofy hero?

im getting tired of muh monsters and edgy warriors
Because his design is PUBSTOMPER. Like how Tides' is INITIATION? Everything about the hero is designed to allow shitters to excel on the faults of others.

>Oh you shut me down in lane? If only I had low CD AOE jungle farming ability and a way to regen to full between camps
>Oh you stacked your disabled perfectly? Sorry needed another one because I have 3 (THREE!) escapes
>Oh look 3/5 the enemy team are retarded Peruvians that keep going into jungle without wards despite being picked off by Slark every time they do it

I know how to counter Slark; you throw your stuns and silences AFTER Dark Pact finishes or initiate at the same tiem with dust and silence. Sadly 85% of people can't fucking understand this and just lead with a stun, it gets pacted and Slark turns around with his pounce and HoT regen and murders them. He's not a problem in pro gaming because he's not good in pro games, he's an absolute holocaust in pubs though, where 99% of the game plays.
Someone complained no Bard hero
So Bard hero

Telviwayne the Bard
17 Str + 2.4 - 19 Agi +2.7 - 17 Int + 2.0
Melee Agility Support

Q - Inspiring Riff
Plays an encouraging song on his lute, disarming himself for 3 seconds but buffing all allies within 900 range for 6 seconds (including self)
8/10/12/14% movespeed
20/30/40/50 attack speed
5/10/15/20 hp regen

120 mana 18/16/14/12 second cooldown

W - Somber Tune
Target an enemy. Plays a sad song on a flute which purges an enemy of all positive buffs and applies a debuff. Self disarm 2 seconds, debuffs 3 seconds.
10/14/18/22% slow
Reduces all damage from target by 10/14/18/22%

120 mana 14/13/12/11 second cooldown

E - Dance of the Wind
Target ally. Plays a light tune on a violin to empower a target ally. Self disarms up to 6 seconds. Empowers ally up to 6 seconds.
+15/20/25/30% evasion
+3/6/9/12 armor

120 mana 20/17/14/11 second cooldown

R - Ballad of the Heroes
The Bard magically orchestrates all his instruments at once, creating a powerful song that grants empowers nearby allies. Self disarms up to 6/7/8 seconds and buffs for same amount. 900aoe.
+25/50/75 damage
30/45/60 movespeed

200/300/400 mana 60 second cooldown

Aghanim Scepter Upgrade
Ballad of the Heroes now applies the buffs and debuffs of the Bard's other spells at half strength in addition to its standard effects. Does not mass purge enemies.
tfw u want to shitpost in the /vg/ chat but don't want to show your main account because you don't trust dotards.
just say you're a girl
yeah that's the thing but his current incarnation is he isn't a DOOM bringer he's a PLS BUFF ME SO I CAN BE PICKED OR BANNED hero
>be straight desperate little virgin
>gay friend keeps insisting me to let him suck my dick

What do dotards
when's Valve going to release more cute girl heroes..
>shit stats
wht if he goes into invisible cloud mode for 5 seconds and takes half your stats for himself
He is a cancer to pubs
>He has a 49.65% winrate in 5k+
And a huge pick rate lets just ignore that, right?
So what's the point of your post?

Slark is not gonna get nerfed because people are too shit to beat him in pubs.

He doesn't even have a significant winrate across all brackets in pubs, his highest is in the <2k bracket at a 52.44% winrate, that's not even in the top 30 winrates of that bracket.
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>Bard hero
>Arcana is an '80s hair metal outfit
>Guitar replaces lute
>Slark is not gonna get nerfed

Yes he will retard, never post again because you clearly don't know a thing
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is it really possible for a dog to vomit this much?
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>wake up
>no patch
>io tether
>halberd + dmg reduction
>solar crest
his ult and the self disarming seem interesting
It's his pickrate that's the issue. He's such an easy hero. Free sustain, mobility and dewarding.
I'd very much support buffing him if it meant tossing out some of his free shit.

But I've no idea how to do so while still making him Slark.

He's frustrating to deal with, win or lose, because in a game where mobility and positioning are important and must always be considered, Slark says fuck you I have three escapes that are also nuke/disable/regen abilities.
sweet fucking jesus /d2g/
I got done carrying a game like a god damned boss by permasheeping as tinker
and I set about make a meal of spicy saltados
and an hour later here I was after a great meal and fondling my balls when I remembered I hadn't washed my hands and have hunan hands
and now my balls are on fire
fuck yourself you fucking little 2k mmr nigger
Io tether for the whole team
And halberd doesn't slow at range and reduce outgoing magic or pure damage.
And wind is supposed to have the flat +move speed bonus while Heroes gets the armor aura but I messed up.
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>We definitely haven’t forgotten about what we said. Like we said, it’s very important for us to have diversity and inclusiveness of all types, and that includes LGBT characters. There are definitely LGBT heroes [in Overwatch] — that’s multiple heroes.

How can DOTA even compete?
i'd like for these things to be added to the heroes/items than be put in a new hero
like io aghs to tether your team
also his ult could be put on centaur to replace stampede but the + dmg be replaced by % of centaurs str
also to put some numbers to it

level 1 huskar before items has 46.5 damage and burning spears does +30 to enemy, -15 to self
level 1 jugg with pms takes 20 instant + 30 over time per huskar right click after reductions, jugg meanwhile has 56 base damage and higher movespeed

if huskar tries to stand his ground and manfight, jugg will win handily thanks to PMS tipping it way in his favor
if huskar tries to turn and kite, he's going to take like 1.5-2 hits for every hit he lands on jugg and lose the trades
and when fighting to the death, jugg can let huskar stack up like 6+ instances of burning spears to the point it would be fatal, then just pop blade fury to negate it and finish off huskar

huskar basically stopped being a hero when his magic resist was removed and now he actually dies to shit like blade fury
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>wht if he goes into invisible cloud mode for 5 seconds and takes half your stats for himself

AOE / Targetted stuns, he takes 1 of each stat from you, but gets it back as 3 AGI so this doesn't really help his HP problem unless he's primarily up against physical DPS, he needs items for that.

Don't fucking blow all your disables on him while he's channelling pact like most retards do.

>And a huge pick rate lets just ignore that, right?

So what? You have more shitters playing him, but that doesn't make him OP.

I mean the highest pickrate hero is Pudge and he is doing better winrates than Slark across the board with a much higher skill cap.

No he won't, I'm gonna screen cap your post and post it after 6.89 / 7.00 comes out and I hope you're here so you feel bad about being wrong.

There's no evidence to suggest that Slark is overpowered other than literally 3k pub retards crying about him.
A full half of the female heroes in Dota are thick dicked breeding machines, Tresdin for example would fuck Sven as much as she'd fuck CM, that's true inclusiveness
Io doesn't need an Aghs
Centaur Aghs is fine and doesn't need to be changed

Also letting Io x2.6 heal an entire team is absolutely broken. If Io gets an Aghs it should grant him a fourth ability or affect Overcharge.
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>When will you faggots stop crying and learn how to beat him, namely exploit his weak laning presence and shitty stats.

how about you start by learning what his weakness is and how to beat him, because its not bloodseeker you retard
every slark knows how pitiful bloodseeker is against him

>oh dear I've been ruptured better press R and tp away
>can sneak up on BS invisible and kill him from full hp any time since he is just food
>thirst does nothing to stop slark from regenning up due to ult or shadow blade
>slark will never stay at low hp to let BS chase him down
>BS has an incredibly hard time ever trying to click rupture on a hero who always knows when he's seen, can sneak around invisible immune to dust and press R to become untargetable

if you want to learn how to beat slark, pick the right hero you moron
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hey guys can i ask you somthing.

how the hell do i deal with PA that keep spamming her dagger at me bullying me out of line , i know a magic wand is good in this case but sometime it isn't enough ,that fucking dagger need a nerf desu
Tresdina leads a fucking army against demons how's that blizzshill
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>teammate types "LUL" several times
>proceeds to feed and use these fucking twitch memes
>report him
>report feedback immediately after
hey guys can i ask you something.

how the hell do i deal with PA that keep spamming her dagger at me bullying me out of line , i know a magic wand is good in this case but sometime it isn't enough

ffs nerf that dagger
>if you want to learn how to beat slark, pick the right hero you moron

thank you for listing said hero, retard
nice cutoff exclamation mark, retard
i meant the normal stampede be replaced with the bards ult but instead of flat +XX dmg it is a +% of centaurs str, will let it be more than lmao run in/lmao run away ult
io aghs tethers will not be affected by overcharge, that would be too much, it will just let you tether extra allies, it is still a luxury item for io because the hero doesnt have any great farming steroids and is usually put way down on the farming priority
io also needs to get items to help it survive because its always the focus of the enemy team
>Implying Tresdin isn't a dyke
>Implying Lone Druid and Lycan aren't furries
>Implying Broodmother isn't a strong independent woman who don't need no man
>Implying Medusa isn't a trans woman
>Implying Arc Warden and Enigma can't reproduce asexually
>Implying Windranger isn't hiding a 9 incher in her pants
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how's your day fellow gulagites?
I just had pizza and milk for breakfast and now I'm gonna watch true sight
Again, Cebtaur ult is fine and fits the hero both logically and ability wise. +damage doesn't help Centaur at all defensively or honestly offensively. Turning Centaur ult into Sven Aghs is dumb.

And I wasn't saying Overcharging a team is dumb, I'm saying Io tethering to 4 teammates and popping a heal is dumb. And overpowered.

If Io gets an Aghs it should give him a new ability. Maybe one that makes him briefly invulnerable (but still able to be disabled)
its in the webm you doublenigger
The problem about slark, like with other pubstompers, is that he's countered by supports, not carries, and plebs never support

BS does well against slark like first 15minutes
>oh dear I've been ruptured better press R and tp away

Well good, that'll make winning the teamfight easier.

>can sneak up on BS invisible and kill him from full hp any time since he is just food

Depending on how you build Bloodseeker, which seems to be in a utility 3 role right now he is plenty durable and has means of escape. Even a Eul's sceptre lasts the duration of the leash.

>thirst does nothing to stop slark from regenning up due to ult or shadow blade

He gets revealed at <25% HP, thus stopping his regen whether he's shadow bladed or not. This makes it difficult for Slark to re-engage if he pops out of a fight at low HP, hoping to regen when fogged.

Over the course of his ult Slark regens 12% / 20% / 28% of his HP back, pending he's not taking damage from anything while in his ult (I wonder if BS has an ability that can do this)?

>slark will never stay at low hp to let BS chase him down

You are basing this on absolutely nothing, there's a bunch of factors that can get Slark low.

If you're talking about passive farming then that just slows him down because he keeps having to make sure he doesn't drop into thirst range while hurting himself with Dark Pact.

Running out of characters, will retort next post.
Stupid dotards, why you didn't tell me there was another thread????????
youre like , 2k mmr arent you?

opinion discarded
axe isn't a support
that's too general of a question
there are ways of dealing with PA dagger but some are better than others depending on the situation
also sometimes there's nothing you can do and you're better off jungling or whatever

there's a reason slark is constantly picked in 5k+
even with proper supporting, with sentries and whatnot, he is a nightmare to play against
Slark will never get himself in thirst range farming jungle unless he was already almost dead when he started.
t. 3k shitter who never farms jungle till 15+ mins
Can we get some att speed buffs on this bitch please?

Also proc % increase on E
>Well good, that'll make winning the teamfight easier.
so bloodseeker can't kill slark
but slark can kill bloodseeker
and slark can kill bloodseekers allies and bloodseeker can't stop him from doing it
and if slark just ults and clicks down BS's ally, and BS ults him after the fact, he can still safely tp away

>Even a Eul's sceptre lasts the duration of the leash.
won't save you from slark, who will just click you to death with force staff
won't even interrupts slarks TPs if he ults, goes invisible after purging dust or bkbs
>He gets revealed at <25% HP
>Over the course of his ult Slark regens 12% / 20% / 28% of his HP back
what a counter
you stop him from regenerating up below 25% with his passive, except he can just regenerate up with his active, or naturally regen from items/stats over the 25% mark
>You are basing this on absolutely nothing, there's a bunch of factors that can get Slark low.
slark won't stay low, because he regenerates from his ult. Slark spends 99% of the game at 100% HP because of his passive regen, so you'll never have the benefit of globally hunting him down like you would a wounded crystal maiden trying to limp her way home
io aghs tethering and healing will be like a more versatile version of aghs kotl healing
it really is good but its locked behind 4.2k on a hero that needs other items first just to survive and it has a hard time farming
i dont see it being that useful in fights because pros should be on the io anyway and forcing it to fuck off/break tether with multiple heroes
after fights it will be really useful but the same thing can be said for kotl aghs who farms way faster and can fight from further away
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every pro leet carry player knows that all other roles but him are supports

He has sub 50% winrate in 5k plus(or 50.6% if you look at this week only)

Slark is incredibly easy to play against if you have decent supports and don't roam off alone like a retard. He does fine till the time hits about 30minutes~ where enemy carry has farmed enough items to kill your whole team meanwhile slark has just been trying to tank up trying to eat through some 2k hp 30armor enemy core
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valvebro here
here's a tiny preview of a new item that is an upgrade to lotus orb
try to guess from else goes into its build recipe, because it does not include linkens
valvebro out
so you can pick BS to interrupt a slark jungling from level 1?

a) nobody jungles slark
b) once slark has level 6, he can jungle indefinitely without dropping below 25% hp, and even if he did, he just pops a tango or presses R
what happened to bounty lol

been away for a while and apparently he's a position 4/5 now?

why tho
>two days to go for fantasy team lock
>still no idea what teams are playing

cooool story volvo guess you dont want players getting more free points
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>every pro leet carry player knows that all other roles but him are supports

thats how you win more games
if you need to support worse players than yourself, you're going to lose
>One off
A real valvebro would have gotten the digits

>black lotus

Orchid builds into it

Gives three Black mana
nobody ever learned how to double hit shadow walk so they never harnessed his aggressive offlaning power, and do nothing but roam him from level 1 instead and the ganks never work because people just sentry mid, so BH goes like 0-2-1 and is level 3 at 8 minutes in and his sole contribution was delaying enemy bottle by 3 minutes
annoying little cunt to mids/supports/couriers
can go deep in the enemy part of the map to ward, really good at scouting
people realised he can do his job without having a lane
>BS has an incredibly hard time ever trying to click rupture on a hero who always knows when he's seen, can sneak around invisible immune to dust and press R to become untargetable

All of those points are pretty poor at best.

Slark's awareness about being seen is only relevant to knowing when someone invis is in sight range of him or when he's seen by a ward, it's not something he keeps track of during a teamfight.

Slark isn't immune to dust, he uses pact while invisible it will remove the dust, but break his invis anyway.

Catching him invis with other means of detection is game dependant based on his movements.

It's also important to note that BS has a massive AOE silence which goes through Shadow Dance, so if Slark wants to cop that as opposed to breaking off his leashed target on top of using a pact to remove it he's going to do about 450 pure damage to himself (Bloodraged Bloodrite + Pact).

>I have no actual retorts, I'll call him bad xD

Always a pleasure arguing on 4chan.
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I choose support over offlane any day if enemies have invis heroes since I rather be the ward slut and have a chance at winning instead of getting dumpstered
there are no dubs on /vg/
how bad @ postingundbrowsing are you to get outskilled in 4chan knowledge by a valve employee
no, we didn't really touch orchid because it already got an upgrade in bloodthorn
one more tip: it provides str
>Lycan will never cast Howl of the Night Pack
It just doesn't seem like a good fit for Io.
It doesn't help him not die and it doesn't help the carry he was drafted to be butt buddies with (directly at least)

If Io gets an Aghs it should buff Overcharge and/or make it less harmful for Io to use on himself. Would make carry Io viable actually. Sorta. Maybe.

I still would rather see it add a fourth ability. Maybe one that makes him and the unit he is tethered to invulnerable as a saving mechanism. Make him better at what he already does and more survivable.

Aghs should be an upgrade to what the hero already does. What Io does is help one teammate a lot, so any Aghs should make him better at that rather than just making him good at something else.
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oi cunts is there a discord or is that dead
one off from >>161555555 fake valvebro
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How do I get a gf that plays Dota?
learn to speak a shitskin language
Io will never gets aghs. He's already way too strong in the pro scene.
I exclusively play support at 6k MMR and I still hate playing against slark. You still need to spend a billion gold on sentries and having to right click a core severely limits a lot of what you can do. He also has the ability to punish player misplays to a greater degree than almost any other hero except perhaps storm. Slark isn't overpowered, but he is certainly not "incredibly easy to play against".

Standard slark farming pattern involves clearing 2-3 jungle camps every minute after you hit 6/7. You can definitely easily drop below 25% hp before level 11. While thirst doesn't stop you from jungling, it certainly slows you down.
>Slark's awareness about being seen is only relevant to knowing when someone invis is in sight range of him or when he's seen by a ward, it's not something he keeps track of during a teamfight.
it means you can't ever gank him

>It's also important to note that BS has a massive AOE silence which goes through Shadow Dance, so if Slark wants to cop that as opposed to breaking off his leashed target on top of using a pact to remove it he's going to do about 450 pure damage to himself (Bloodraged Bloodrite + Pact).
that must be the least threatening thing ever to a slark
a piddly amount of damage that will regenerate by the time his ult is over, a heavily telegraphed debuff that can be dispelled by dark pact and he can just walk out of it or pounce out of it at his leisure
So give him an aghs that's shit in most games but useful on rare occasions like LC's
>nerfing someone based on pickrate
i think not anon
>you still need to spend a billion gold on sentries

But that's the fun part, I feel like im making him my bitch when I can see him on map 24/7
>Standard slark farming pattern involves clearing 2-3 jungle camps every minute after you hit 6/7. You can definitely easily drop below 25% hp before level 11. While thirst doesn't stop you from jungling, it certainly slows you down.
git gud
buy an iron talon, kite the creeps

its possible to spam dark pact on creeps without breaking your ult regen at all, simply by hitting them at max range while running away and while they leash back to their camps

theres no need to facetank the whole creep while they sit immobile in their camp, when you can kill them at 90-95% efficiency while taking a fraction of the damage by partially or fully leashing them
It's kinda weird but i want to say this guys. Everytime I pee im thinking of force staff. I dont know why but i just do. Pic Related

BKB + Lotus, obviously. Makes you reflect all spells and effects cast on you while BKB'd. And refreshes the duration of avatar to 10 seconds when purchased. Screen cap this.
You won't. Dota 2 has the absolute lowest ratio of female players out of all relatively recent and popular video games.

Either go gay or drop the standard.
Frustrating to deal with doesn't mean it should be nerfed, half the heroes in dota are frustrating to play against and the other half IS frustrating to play with

And then you have techies which is both
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is that a roundabout way of saying that we're adding a new item called "bait" which will be included in black lotus recipe?
Force staff is a good item.

You should feel proud.
im sure most relationships cant handle both people sharing a competitive hobby
the competition lets u find out pretty quick how much of their bullshit ur willing to put up with
and then its either the relationship holding ur dota back or vice-versa
i.e. - they want to queue with u but theyre fucking awful and obnoxious but they wont acknowledge it and u dont have private match history anymore so u cant really avoid them and still play
>EE pounces that puss hard every night
not sure how to feel about this
Blademail nerf when?
I feel like that would basically just be spending 4K to refresh your bkb at the cost of losing you a lotus orb.
What's the point of reflecting spells if you can only reflect a couple. That's basically just a pseudo counter to Abyssal if true.
she has a little boy body like most asians
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>Dota 2 has the absolute lowest ratio of female players out of all relatively recent and popular video games

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bravo anon
because its a game that doesnt pander and is punishing
>and slark can kill bloodseekers allies and bloodseeker can't stop him from doing it

If Slark is ruptured during a teamfight he is pretty much useless due to how mobile he has to be to be effective, even when shadow dance rupture counter-acts if he's moving.

Plus >>161555708
>It's also important to note that BS has a massive AOE silence which goes through Shadow Dance, so if Slark wants to cop that as opposed to breaking off his leashed target on top of using a pact to remove it he's going to do about 450 pure damage to himself (Bloodraged Bloodrite + Pact).

>won't save you from slark, who will just click you to death with force staff

If you Eul's over the leash duration he'll have a tough time killing you unless he lands another pounce or has a basher / Skadi to slow you down.

BS will have the MS advantage from the Euls + any Thirst speed he's getting.

>you'll never have the benefit of globally hunting him down like you would a wounded crystal maiden trying to limp her way home

I don't know why you're stuck on the point that BS's purpose is to hunt / gank Slark, it's actually about BS's abilities hindering what Slark wants to do in a teamfight / smaller engagements.
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Because it's not a casual game. Whites and girls don't like that.
there needs to be an item that actually counters blademail

its retarded that you can spent a shit ton of gold on bkb or octarine and still get ruined by blademail on heroes like tinker

instead of dealing damage instantly, blademail should reflect projectile spikes that travel at 700 ms and can be disjointed
>teamfight breaks out
>rupture slark the second I see him
>he uses ult and tp's out
>win teamfight and take objectives
you know being able to survive ganks that way is neat, but if all you do in teamfights is soaking up one 50 sec cd spell and then bailing out, you're not much of a carry
>because still talking about slark because of that shitpost 2 hours ago
Its not marketing it

You go on net and see LoL/hots adds everywhere

If It werent for a friend I probably wouldn't even give dota a try since it has no marketing
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Boston Major empty seats

Uhh, Satanic has been around for quite a long time now.
And if you're a nuker, black king bar.
Gritty artstyle, inaccessible learning curve, hostile and immature community
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>Wake up
>/d2g/ starved the Reddit thread to death

Thanks guys

Try being the only one in your team doing anything, trying your best to win and succeding, but then end up losing because you can't kill enemies before they kill your team since blademail counters bkb xdxd
blademail is an item slot and 2k gold
why is it any more OP than blink, force, veil or euls?
most items in dota ARE strong, deal with it matey
>If Slark is ruptured during a teamfight he is pretty much useless due to how mobile he has to be to be effective, even when shadow dance rupture counter-acts if he's moving.

and again, you can't rupture him before he kills one of your allies
or bloodseeker himself, easily
and he can tp away with ease

you have a 0.4 cast animation single target spell that won't work if slark is invisible and can't be clicked or ults and can't be clicked, and even if you land it he can safely tp away and you can't interrupt it. Slark can just stroll up to you in shadow blade, right click you twice with echo, pounce, pop his ult before you can rupture him, kill you from full hp before his ult ends, then proceed killing your team unimpeded

slark can go aggressive against BS or defensive if he wants, slark can kill BS's allies or BS. BS can't kill slark, BS can't gank slark, BS can't interrupt slark's farm, BS can't do shit except sometimes force slark to temporarily retreat from a teamfight (AFTER GETTING A KILL)
>tfw Monkey King doesn't actually exist
>hostile and immature community

this is true for most games though
>enemy picks Timber
>girl voice: oh I got this guys
>picks Keeper
>never levels mana leak past 1
>puts all points into Illuminate, missing almost all of them
>timber runs a train on us
Because Dota punishes you if you do dumb things.
Pretending to hate reddit is the greatest lie in history of reddit.
if you're a tinker with aghanims, what good is bkb going to be when the enemy has 3+ blademails

>if I ever want to cast rockets at all, I am forced to use bkb
>bkb will then be on cooldown for 80 seconds while their blademails come right back up again

literally all you could do to survive is euls yourself after every single cast, and thats a shit ton of mana, makes you useless in fights and probably suicidal too since they can gank you when cyclone ends
because it doesnt need marketing

it being on top of the steam charts is more than enough publicity
>2k item
>counter enemy rightclicking carry

Wow, so balanced. Others have atleast some counterplay


Try being a gyro

enemies shouldn't be able to use bmail and just jump gyro
Here's what you do
>wait 4 seconds for blademail to wear off
>spam missiles for the next 12 seconds

You literally have to be hitting them for blademail to hurt you.
Just don't hit them.
Just wait.
You're tinker you have infinite bkb anyways.

And fuck you for picking Tinker you selfish asshole.
>people still going on about BS vs slark



>3.2 second black hole that can't be dispelled by dark pact and works through shadow dance
>10 cd means he can't outmaneuver you and catch you on cd
>he can't kill you before 40 armor lmao
>blademail blows him up so fast even during his ult
>he can't kill your allies without you blinking in, saving them and killing slark
>blademail call is double god damn effective with blademail since dark pact will deal 450 damage to himself
well then thats 6k gold committed from the enemy team
imagine how unfair it would be if spending 6k gold on something WOULDNT stop an enemy hero?
ignore the hero
take advantage over the fact that he went blademail and not something else
get more hp/armor + lifesteal to tank through it
what do you want anon? its not like blademail is something that deletes heroes from the game
it does have counterplay, otherwise it would be bought much more often
posts like this is why 2k trashcans should be excluded form this general
white flight my man
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>You're tinker you have infinite bkb anyways.
BKB's Avatar active is not rearmable.
they don't have to all use their blademails at the same time
just nuking yourself for 350 damage every time you press W means you'll be dead in like 3 casts after soul ring's effects
but the potential of getting buttblasted for 1050 is disgusting

and listen
you can't wait for their blademails to end when they have multiples
they can wait until they see rockets heading their way before they blademail

so you're guaranteed to take shit tons of damage unless you just spam euls on yourself
>You're tinker you have infinite bkb anyways.
bkb isn't rearmable
It's not about item choices, sure you can buy satanic and counter it

But a 2k item shouldn't require 6k item to be countered. There's this effect of surprise too where you see enemies suddenly have bmails that they didn't show and now you have to stop all you were doing and save up like 8k for satanic and buyback
am,void,storm are good too
theres no 6k item for tinker to counter blademails
maybe satanic SHOULD have "you take 0 damage from reflected sources during satanic's active"
then satanic tinker would be a thing
there's bkb

you might not be able to mindlessly spam rockets just like that but atleast you can teamfight
no way to kill slark
constantly purged time aids and no damage on his own means he'll wind up in chronos where slark just survives by tanking up
utterly reliant on killing a hero before his mana runs out, and cannot kill slark, so slark can just outlast him and pick him off as he's oom
You can totally wait.
There's nothing stoping you from waiting.

Fuck if they're sieging you can just pelt them from fountain.
You're complaining you can't do free damage to people from 1800 range. You know what the ONLY counterplay to that is? Blademail.
Either git gud and learn to play around it or leave.

Dota is a team game. Its not a 1v9 game. Any blademail used on you is a blademail not used on your teammates.
If you force out early blademail then your team can take advantage of that.
Oh wait they have no farm because you had a game to lose and vacuumed all the farm since you can't play around an item with 5-1 downtime.
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sik meme bruh
i hear you say this, but I honestly cant think of times when blademail has been a game winning item.
the only hero its core on is axe, and everyone else its situational on
I really think you're not realising how big of an impact it is to spend 2k~ gold in the midgame on something that isnt bkb, shadowblade, force, BoT or whatever carry item it is you want.
its also an extra slot, and you gotta be carefull with how you fill your item slots, if you get nothing but 2k~ midgame items then the game is gonna get HARD for you in the lategame unless you are doing really well and can casually schmack a BoT into your build
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never post here again
be zai
so what, 3 guys on the enemy team are standing there taking turns tanking rockets?
i mean, yeah it fucks the tinker, but what the fuck are they gonna do about the REST of the team?
tanking rockets isn't gonna win you the game
guess what

the boston major tickets are still on sale
if you did nothing but cast a single shot of missiles and then wait before casting the next one to see if enemies activate blademail

then you'd be casting 1 shot every like 6 seconds and taking 350-1050 damage per salvo anyway
if 2 people pop blademail on the first shot, and you take 700 damage, then you wait 5 seconds for blademail to end before casting again, the other guy pops blademail while its midair, you wait again, then bam the other guys are already off cooldown again in time for you to try it again lmao
Who said you must get it on a carry?

Speaking of which
Literally nothing worse than playing against spectre with radiance and blademail

now this is bait
3 guys on the enemy team are strolling highground to kill your barracks
if you cast march or try to spam them down with rockets, you fucking die

nice highground defense hero lmao
shh anon every dota 2 games happens in a vacuum and are always 1 hero vs 5
>and again, you can't rupture him before he kills one of your allies

If Slark has to used Shadow Dance early just to avoid Rupture then that makes him pretty vulnerable to dying from other members on your team and considering his shtick is to pick off someone weak quickly his life would be more valuable to take then most likely the support he's jumping on first.

>Slark can just stroll up to you in shadow blade, right click you twice with echo, pounce, pop his ult before you can rupture him, kill you from full hp before his ult ends, then proceed killing your team unimpeded

If any hero is just 'strolling up to you invisible' all the time then I don't really have a lot of faith in the bracket you're coming from.

There's several key areas where a sentry can be placed to either watch for invis ganks or for protection when pushing.

Once Slark is ruptured he either has to shadow dance and fuck off or die, which means more objectives for your team.

>BS can't kill slark,

He doesn't have to, he just have to put him in a much more vulnerable position to be killed.

BS can't gank slark,

I've already established that isn't the point of BS against Slark

BS can't interrupt slark's farm,

If Slark is forced to TP home as opposed to regularly just jumping back into fog to regen and continue farming then yes, his farm is quite easily interrupted.

Running out of characters, but Slark will rarely have any HP regen items in the early - mid game until Vanguard / Abyssal.
Great, you have three people devoting their full attention to tanking rockets. Maybe your team can do something about this during the massive downtime in their blademails they used to discourage a 280 damage nuke after resistances.

Here is that shit 2nd part of the documentary Valvo did.
In case any of you mongoloids didn't checked it yet.

It sure was smart for all of you losers to spend money in the battle pass shit in order to get to see this.
It's like I just didn't get to watch it just now literally for FREE, lol.

Also this fucking documentary is a joke, a fucking literal clownfest.
These fucking man-children are the reason why video-games will never be taken seriously a sport and yet you retards keep eating this shit up by the spoon.

Color me surprised really. All of this god damn Millennial trash is the utmost proof that this society is falling more and more into degeneracy without hope in sight.
they would still have to be out of position to get in there
also you could get euls on tinker
literally 2.8k gold to counter 6k gold
>yeah just buy blademails and tinker is useless
youre just the slark guy fishing for (you)s, arent you.
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I don't even want to imagine how slow new heroes to be implemented when all the heroes are ported in.
Level 1 or 2 should be enough mana leak to beat a timber... unless they're good or their team can back then up.
Oh gee whiz boss looks like these guys built items to counter me. Maybe I should build items to counter them? I have over 700gpm after all.

Naaah I'll just get a Dagon. Im sure playing 1v9 is fine, I don't need to adapt or change my play style based on what my opponents are doing.
>just to avoid Rupture
he's killing someone on your team, maybe bloodseeker or anyone else
slark can invisi in, hit someone, pounce, right click during ult, escape
>There's several key areas where a sentry can be placed to either watch for invis ganks

he KNOWS if you lay a sentry, he sees it, he backs off
the hero has fucking built in anti-sentry vision

you cannot counter slark by laying sentries to see him coming because he'll never get baited into a trap like a riki could, because he KNOWS if you see him

>>BS can't kill slark,
>He doesn't have to,
gee what a counterpick
you can't kill slark, but slark can kill you, and the best thing you can do is minorly inconvenience him
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so the mid, the hc and the offlaner all buy blademails and walk into march
and this somehow translates into a win for them
do dotards complain only about heroes they can't simply right click to death?
>muh slark with 3 escapes and free tarrasque so i can't simply jump on him
>muh waternigger morphing str so he always stays at 200 hp and i can't kill him
>muh timber with 60 armor takes no damage from my auto attack
the only exception i can remember is OD, but that's understandable since he often gets all those flashy rampages if he snowballs
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why are they devoting their full attention to "tanking rockets"
they can be right clicking your barracks
what are you going to do, rocket them? march? aghanims laser? all good ways for tinker to die instantly to blademails

>massive downtime in their blademails
the only reason they'd all pop blademails at the same time is if tinker was dumb enough to cast march or spam multiple rockets. Otherwise they'd just use their discretion and activate them one by one when rockets are incoming to ensure at least 350 reflected
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Question: Why Valve makes major in Boston if Americans don't play nor like this game?
Level 1 leak is anemic once Timber has mana regen.
The strength of leak is you can chakra, cast it, stun for 3 seconds, reapply leak as the stun wears off to chain stun for 6 seconds.

You think Timber gives a single goddamn shit you stunned him for 1 second with level 1 leak? No. q and w cost 70 mana.

Level 1 mana leak is useless against people who are recovering a lot of mana.
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yeah because big strengthy tank heroes can afford to lose 20% of their HP and regenerate it 10 seconds later while tinker is still dead

how does a teamfight like this go if the enemy team builds blademails?
heroes like axe, doom, alchemist, OD all have HP to spare and regenerate
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So what are Tinkers 4 teammates doing at this time?
Why are they pushing high ground and you have no answer to them?
You can still nuke the fuck out of them just get in fountain.

Hell. Buy a Hood. It's returning magic damage if it's hurting that bad get some magic resist.
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What's the Dota 2 equivalent of this?
>So what are Tinkers 4 teammates doing at this time?
losing a 4v5 game where tinker can't help them

>You can still nuke the fuck out of them just get in fountain.
yea like the fountain saved tinker in that webm
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>they still think blademail counters tinker

what if instead of building gold pinata glass cannon items
you just built damageless
and won teamfights for your team without suiciding???
>slark can invisi in, hit someone, pounce, right click during ult, escape
>>you cannot counter slark by laying sentries to see him coming because he'll never get baited into a trap like a riki could
>he KNOWS if you lay a sentry, he sees it, he backs off

Great, so now he's not ganking, initiating, or doing anything you just said because he has to 'back off' all the time.

I'd say that's a pretty good counter to me considering he's a snowballing carry who really wants to gank.

>gee what a counterpick
>you can't kill slark, but slark can kill you

His top counter on DotaBuff is IO, there's also Earth Spirit and Void.

These heroes don't kill him, but they sure make it a hell of a lot easier for your team to.

This is how things work for counters with a bunch of heroes like AA stopping ones reliant on regen.
If only Tinker had built defensive items that could also be used to help his teammates.
Alas, Tinker players are selfish assholes who want to farm the same items every game and do their combos for 70 minutes until the enemy team ganks him for 3000 gold and they push high ground and actually play Dota instead of Tinker.
>Great, so now he's not ganking, initiating, or doing anything you just said because he has to 'back off' all the time.
and ur gonna what, obs AND sentry every square inch of the map?
because slark sees your sentry at a choke point and sees you before you see him, sees you seeing him and turns around, then probes for a different angle of entering your jungle

slark is the single least gankable hero in the game, you cannot sneak up on him, you cannot get the drop on him, you can't stop him from ganking or initiating. All you could possibly do is 5 man down mid in a clump with gem, and then good luck winning a teamfight
neither one of those things are true you idiot

not surprising that some anime retard is an idiot though i guess
>slark can kill bloodseeker
>bloodseeker can't kill slark
>bloodseeker can't stop slark from killing his allies

>axe can kill slark
>slark can't kill axe
>axe can stop slark from killing his allies

what did he mean by this?
I walk a lonely road
The only road that I have ever known
6.89: Rod of Atos remade
Old Rod of Atos:
>Slows by 60% for 4 seconds, 10 cooldown
New Rod of Atos:
>Slows by 100% for 3.25 seconds, 14 cooldown, and prevents 100% of damage dealt to the caster by the target for the duration
ee just seems like the kind of guy who has erectile dysfunction
If it slowed attack speed too it'd be good.
As is, it's a slow that grants hp and Int.

Who wants this? No strength or agility heroes. They have their own slows and tank up items. What Int heroes exist that
1. Can afford it
2. Need a slow

Srsly make it slow attack speed by like 80 and it'd at least be worth the gold.
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>is actually just a massive overpowered buff

Use words correctly, dummy.
>tfw /d2g/ still hasn't realised the best way to deal with that little cunt named Slark is to simply ban him
dotard dick
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Aiushtha's daughter
I wish bans were guaranteed instead of 50/50

Seriously can't just be "ban first 3 heroes selected per team"
We gotta have RNG on our bans too?
What the fuck
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the nose knows
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>Ancient Apparition has been nominated for banning.
reminder that whining about your team and slark is the most reddit thing to do
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>build this on phoenix
>win at least 75% of dotes I play

Both of those are time honored gulag traditions you fucking newfag.
Anyone have the shitty MS paint of Axe watching his team feed first blood and blame him?
slark isn't even that good
sure he's a fine hero that even pros win with

but he has his problems/weaknesses
it's just that people draft poorly in pub games, people dont' play aggressively enough
and people feed in pubs
it wouldn't even work on phoenix egg
phoenix egg is a different unit than phoenix, it wouldn't prevent damage to your egg

also you already have
>fire spirits
>heaven's halberd
for that purpose
I don't know where it goes
But it's only me and I walk a--
Is Aghs core on Drow. I have been playing her a bit and have been getting it before 15 at around lvl 8.
thing is, noobs think that if slark slips away, he has accomplished something truly amazing and game winning!
however, when good players play against slark, they simply abuse the fact that all he did was to put his ult on cd and run away
now he cannot commit in fights
and you know what else slark can't do for shit?
hit towers
he HAS to kill
and when he HAS to do something, all you have to do is accomodate for it, unlike morph who can both look for pickoffs AND preassure towers
thats why slark is not OP
if he could take down towers with just echo pt and shadowblade, he would be OP
but he can't
so he isnt
You can bet that he'll still get nerfed to hell
Competitive balance doesn't matter, the frog balances for pub enjoyment. There's a reason Techies got utterly trashed when he already had a near nonexistent competitive pick rate
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slark will be untouched in the next patch, maybe an indirect nerf through echo sabre/shadowblade
yea. slap a bloodstone in there and you become a beast
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Will the next update be 6.89 or 7.0?
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>shadow blade nerf
fucking 2k mmr cunt
>tfw pubbies are all your prey and you masturbate every time you spawn camp them and let your guttural orgasm cream all over mic for your team
hopefully 7.0 and icefrog just goes full madman on the game
>Hero single handedly dismantles teams at TI
>non existant comp pick rate
He had a 7-2 winrate at TI5, and the games he lost he was played by Leviathan and CoL.
Sounds like his nerf was justified.
icefrog isnt real
Valve is lazy and doesn't want to move their shit to another country
my bade, I meant silveredge
like 13 to stats instead of 15, nittypick like that
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>icefrog is actually a slark picker
>people ACTUALLY believe this
>>Hero single handedly dismantles teams at TI
>during the leshrac patch of all things
>literally 9 picks throughout the entire tournament, as a situational hero much like huskar who excelled when drafted properly
Whoa drafts and counters, can't have that now can we. He was so broken he was totally picked every game!!!! There were only 9 games at TI right??
>NA dota
>not dead


can't even sell out for the fucking FINALS.

the theater seats 3500 people and they couldn't sell that many tickets for ANY of the days

Valves incompetent as shit, you know that for a fact
Then he has don't a shit job with him. he almost a
He was only really competitively good in combination with Tusk. He saw very, very little competitive play and was almost nowhere to be seen at TI. The techies bans against EG in the finals were something, but they were more out of fear of unknown strategies than anything. In later matches EG's techies turned out to be pretty damn lackluster on their own.
His land mines getting changed to how they are now would effectively nerf the tusk combo (and his laning) to not be complete bullshit, but the other changes are completely unwarranted for competitive balance. Not exploding on death AND being killable with quelling blade was total overkill and ruined any place he might have as a counter to punish 5-melee lineups. The nerf's only purpose was to cater to pubs and arteezy fanboys.

You're fucking delusional if you think he was legitimately overpowered with his 50% pub winrate, it was a change purely made to pander to the normal skill bracket.
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>the nuclear bomb wasn't OP, it just was used twice bro!
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prove it fag
>There's a reason Techies got utterly trashed when he already had a near nonexistent competitive pick rate

He actually had a strong showing when he was used at TI5.

Techies is a unique case.

Slark isn't gonna be touched.
Lich had a 100% winrate over his 5 games when he was picked at TI5
How has this horseshit not gotten nerfed yet wtf?
there are like 10 people in America who play this game, no way they should get a major AND TI
Because he was situationally strong in a proper draft, as niche heroes should be. PA had a similar turnout with a 75% winrate over 8 picks.

Are you not physically capable of reading and comprehending the fact that he was picked a grand total of 9 times over hundreds of games, or how the process of drafting works in general? Work your way out of 4k before you share your ignorant opinions.
nah he would be like dirty faceless old man in doujin who cums really hard with lots of semen while gasping hard
The faceless bald fat old man that cucks the MC?
>>list of MC got "cucked" by EE
we should rename tinker to kinker and change his ult from rearm to ream
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>tfw you will never be part of this
>ignorant opinions
>he thinks heroes are balanced based on pub performance


The only heroes who have been nerfed because of pubs have been SB way back when and Techies (which is like I said, a unique case).

The pub experience doesn't matter otherwise, that's why Abaddon, Necro and Omni were barely touched or even received buffs despite their high pub winrates because they didn't see any comp play.

Omni got his nerfs after some consistent comp picks and you could actually see that he could be pretty bullshit sometimes.

Your putting your ebin '4k knowledge' on a pedestal when it's just as shit as 3k opinions. 4k is literally the start of competency at playing this game.
What's a good anti-stealth support?
you should leave
This game needs more gnomes

Gerdhardt the Garden Gnome

Gerdhard is a Garden Gnome, and inanimate object. He has no idle animation and his walking animation is him just jumping. His attack Animation is him swirling around to hit enemies with his gardening implement.
Melee Intelligence Hero

Q - Gardening
>wave-cone AoE
>a wave that creates a field of flowers
>all enemies hit by the wave are damaged and slowed slightly
>allies on the field of flowers receive Health- and Manaregen
>Gerhardt moves faster on the field of flowers

W - Identical Production
>creates an illusion and stealthes and phases Gerhardt
>illusions do not act in any way
>lasts 30/40/50/60 seconds
>low cooldown
>if the illusion is destroyed or expires, it deals damage to enemies in an area

D - Replace
>instantly teleports to and destroys a target illusion
>range 2000/2000/3000/4000
>levels with "Identical Production"

E - Get off my lawn!
>when close to enemies, Gerhardt gains a stack of Anger every 1.5 seconds
>5 stacks maximum
>range 800
>when attacking an enemy, he deals extra damage for every stack
>if Gerhardt has more than 3 stacks, he also knocks the enemy back, increases with stacks

>instantly creates 4/5/6 illusions around Gerhardt that only live 5 seconds
>The Gnomes rush towards the center of the circle after creatin, trapping enemies
>Scepter upgrade: Makes the spell targettable at a range of 900
Dust and siege wards
So tl:dr long range stuns with low cast time

Gem is pretty horrible, because if its feed, you lose ALL the wards on the map.
Necro/omni/ect. were never really high impact or noticeable in a pub scenario. Tinker and Techies very much were, and both received heavy nerfs solely for the sake of pubs despite both having very low competitive pick rates at the time.
>you could actually see that he could be pretty bullshit sometimes
Confirmed for being in the normal or high skill bracket where nobody buys situational diffusal
>trying to justify being 4k
well thanks for admitting you're braindead
is this an account buyer?

>piece of shit lc is afk jungle
>say I will feed if she won't fight
>'go ahead'
>feed courier and myself while blocking jungle
>lc is pissed and confused but joins fights
>we win

Holy shit, stuff like this is only possible in this piece of shit game. Also, fatlods is broken, if you win a teamfight and stay alive you easily get 70 damage and melt towers.
>Techies gets destroyed so pubs can live in peace
>Now every annoying hero has the "what if Icefrog pulls another Techies" mark on their backs, even if they're bad in competitive
Techies was a mistake, even their gutting has brought constant pain.
Why do people get enjoyment from creating smurfs and stomping new players?

Do they also enjoy beating up 5-year-olds?
>sumail has Pakistani passport and no US citizenship
>drumpfkins voted for drumpf
>he will send him back to pakistan
>NA dota is dead

daym feels good to be european

Hope Sumail comes to Sweden after drumpf is in office
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>Monkey King Bar
>Monkey King hero soon

>Black King Bar
>no Black King hero

>Sumail going to Sweden and not Canada
You know EG is more Canadian than it is American, right?
I'm moving to paladins and quake champs
sumail is just as much of a meme as arteezy is
Sumail and his family are legal immigrants except Yawar who hasn't prove his worth.
>Necro/omni/ect. were never really high impact or noticeable in a pub scenario

They had close to 60% winrates across all brackets, even in 5k+ Omni has a 58.53% and Abaddon has 54.87, #1 and #3 respectively. Necro's winrate is the only one that's tanked over time.

They can't have a high winrate like that and not be high impact you moron.

Tinker was nerfed from his heavy competitive presence, primarily to do with his ability to farm ancients.

>Confirmed for being in the normal or high skill bracket where nobody buys situational diffusal

I'm 5.7 and I very much doubt you're going to share your MMR or even reply to this post now/

Thinking diffusal blade is the be-all-end-all item to Omni gets the true retard opinion award.

Let me know if you ever break 5k my man.
no they arent
If you watch that documentary whatever its called the EG manager says "Sumail is a huge problem because he has Pakistani passport and needs visa to every country we travel to"
Is weaver getting nerfed?
>tfw you curse the road instead of running
>doesnt like sex

what I meant is his family didn't do shady shit to go and live in America compared to the Mexicans crossing borders illegally to live here
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How convenient that you ignored the whole "noticeable" thing, which was my entire point.
When heroes noticeably have an impact on pub games, they're going to get gutted. Tinker, SB, and techies all followed this pattern, they "changed the game too much" or were "too frustrating to counter or play against"
Omni/abaddon excel in (low skill) brackets when played as supports, thus receiving much less attention

So what was your argument to begin with then, that techies was overpowered? Or are you just trying to save face at this point?
You've already proven you're sub-5k normal skill trash
It's the same as mexicans.
They came and never left.
What do I do if the opposing mid player walks up my side of the ramp and starts harassing me? Walk past him and take a lot of damage? Walk up his ramp?
Retreat through the river/jungle?
>prodotards start to slowly acquire progotards looks
This is them literally cucking you in the lane.

If you don't assert lane dominance or aggression they will just keep harassing you back and out because they're not afraid of you.

If they have the hero advantage you need rotations to gank them so they don't play so far forward so willingly.
what do you mean?
well pro go players are p much the only good looking esports so it is what it is
Attack move in a manner where their lane creeps hit them.
Unless its a super tanky hero like Dragon Knight, which in case you attack move under tower, because it hurts him too much to dive it
>peruvians report me for speaking english

kill yourself if you speak spanish
>not bilingual in 201x
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dont play with me like that
He was probably overnerfed but to say there was no reason from a professional standpoint is pretty ridiculous.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of pros wanted him nerfed like that just to not have to deal with him. He's amazingly obnoxious to play against.
>Not being a polyglot
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>will never, ever be able to get that beautiful desert terrain

fuck my life
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Techies, Timbersaw, Ogre Magi, Bristleback, Tusk Etc. Etc.
No, dota is worst in this regard since it's very team dependant, has average 40 minutes games and doesn't filler anything (no regionlock, no riot type babysitting).
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>tfw no loli hero
you deserved it
me on the left
You mixed WR and LC
Can't u just download the map and put it in the download folder in place of the default one
I am not complaining but that what 80% of all playerbase play and just now Valve started to wake up and do shit like battle cup. It's both game being very team dependant and complicated plus hands down approach from Valve that makes people go crazy all the time. There is no other game to my knowing that has same level of toxicity. I am not advocating for anything tho, I accept how it is.
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>have an alchemist
>lose 25 mmr
what did dota2 mean by this?
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Imagine a world where only white people played DotA
>play sd
>2stack on my team are complete shitters
>one is retarded and spends the entire game whining on mic, this faggot can't even move his hero while pressing G to speak
>other one is an obvious high school dropout who confuses "his" and "he's"
>they call me gook and do that chingchong shit that's supposed to be offensive but I'm not sure
>queue again and they're on the opposite team
>one of them plays mid sf, goes 1-16 and builds pipe
>other one goes 5-9 riki and sells his items at the end
Biblical. Justice.
Pretty sure it doesn't get better than this.
White people on Dota is a recent thing, unless you count CIS as white
>dota dies off 10 years ago

seems like a better world
>na t1 teams would be like Freedom or FDL
>euro and cis will win everything
>and I mean literally everything
pretty sure this is the dystopian 1985 where marty finds out biff is his dad
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i want OG truesight to see n0tail calling people faggots and other slurs behind the scenes
>20 minutes in
>Losing 2-23
>Can't surrender

Defend this Dotards.



Fourth attribute, old news, get out.
Who cares about esports? I dont wan't peruvians in my pubs
Slark buffs
you can comeback from that
grow a pair or play another game
what if tome of knowledge was first wisdom item
Nobody cares. Ded geim.

Opening virtual card decks is more popular than every Dota streamer combined.
All I really want is some Earth Spirit buffs, he's practically useless.
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I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Now I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
here's one >>161555554
>salty n' autistic cuts everywhere
>game is ded within a year

Nah, now if only Australians played!
Thats not enough

It has to be only western europeans.
Americans go as honorary europeans and are allowed to.
What's the difference between a 5k player and a 9k player?
when i analyze the problems of dota 2, i do not think dying to spells is one of them. wisdom is honestly not a necessary stat. we do not need to make it harder to kill certain heroes with spells. the idea has some merit, but it seems entirely unnecessary.
4k MMR points
One already won a TI and the other keeps going to Secret then EG and back again.
>being white AND playing dota 2

only yourself to blame
You can get 5k without any understanding of teamcompositions or strategy

You get to 5k by spamming strong mid heroes every single game and by playing them well with good positioning and individual skill.
How do you go from 5k to 9k?
make no mechanical mistakes

watch bsj (7.6k) and watch mow many fuckups he has per game and says "arteezy wouldnt have done that"
I dont know i only was/am at 5k.

But thats how i got 5k.

And i never watched a single competitive match of dota, so i dont know jackshit about strong drafts.
Is using WASD for your camera bad?
in spectator mode its fine
better understanding of macro game mostly: where enemies are, where they have wards, predict when they smoked, when it's a best time to smoke with your team, when you should tp to fight or splitpush and billion more specific situation
it comes only with experience and ability to learn
>this is the year Dota dies
>says the nervous riot shill for the sixth year in a row
Shadow amulet.
>increasing non-human smurf population rising
>valve shows this as increasing playerbase
there's 400k players max. It's dying
Meanwhile, riot hasn't shown player numbers in ages and the community backlash is getting stronger every year. At best both games are dying.
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>t-the bubble has f-finally burst I promise guys
1 riot buck has been deposited into you account

Mother fucker I hate Reddit without any hyperbole.
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>patch still isn't out yet
>Major starts in 2 days
>falling for classic reddit posts like "we're only pretending to hate reddit" or "muh secret club"
friendly reminder to not give redditor (you)s
>Sing can't even beat Waga anymore in viewers
what went right?
Thanks, senpai. I've been away from the Gulag for too long
>4 groups
>4 simultaneous games
Nice fucking LAN
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Sleep tight, Malcom
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>4 games at once
time to od on Dota
It's not sad desu.
Humans can concentrate on 4 games at once. Especially not if they're as complex as dota. It's like valve wants a small runtime.
This Major is pretty rushed. I'm more excited for the patch really, Boston is just a way to pass the time.
place your bet
>Boston major will be worse than Shanghai one
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So what are the odds that Valve delays the patch because they didn't finish it in time? Also how big would the shitposting be?
100% yes

>no 2gd
free third place?
worse because from a viewer perspective Shanghai was fucking amazing. The moment when Satan began casting and aliens started firing lasers made me lose my sides
Hey, you! Legion Commander picker. We need to talk

While this is specifically aimed at that guy in every game who picks Legion Commander because he doesn't want to support, these points are important for anyone who goes to the jungle.

Right! Let's get to this. You! Yes, specifically you reading this now thinking "Yea, but this doesn't apply to me". You are the bane of my DotA life. By all means go to the jungle but there are some extremely basic things that you need to understand about how laning works.

Win Lanes, Win Games If you go jungle then you have weakened every lane in the game. Sounds harsh but it's true. 1 less support = contested farm in safelane, no-one to rotate on mid & no-one to help offlane with saves and stacks. Your 1 act of selfishness puts a massive strain on the entire team. It can work but rest assured you are doing things the hard way.

LEAVE THE FUCKING PULL CAMPS ALONE You've already fucked the safelane. Leaving them only 1 tool to manage the lane. And now you're fucking farming it! You have 2,000,000,000 camps to farm. And all the regen you need. Please for the love of Roshan, leave the pull camps alone.

Movement Speed Matters Don't skip boots. You won't catch anyone for ult when you're 50 movement speed slower than everyone else. And if you're thinking "That's why I buy shadow blade" that brings me nicely to point...

DON'T FUCKING RUSH SHADOW BLADE If you want to do this shit in your normal games then fine. But don't bring that stupid nonsense into my ranked games. Because basically you are betting 3000 gold and the entire teams early game on the idea that the enemy team is stupid. And this is the paradox: If you want to go up in MMR then logic dictates that you will eventually be playing against people that are better than you. So if your build relies on people being dumb, you can't go up in MMR. Logic. Use it.
shanghai was amazing
jungle means more solo exp for the offlaner and dual exp for the safelaner and safelane support
delete this post now
you fucking antisemite
>jungle means more solo exp for the offlaner and dual exp for the safelaner and safelane support

This does nothing to mention that I can counter your 3000 gold item with 200 gold. Literally any other item is better. You want to initiate? Buy a Blink Dagger the best initiating item in the game. 1000 gold less + now to counter it I have to buy a Radiance for >5000 gold. That means 10 minutes of free killing for you.

Buy a Desolator. 200 gold more but at least then you're a fighting machine.

Fuck it! Buy a fucking Dagon! 200 gold less and you can kill "secure" all game. Buy anything, anything just please don't buy Shadow Blade.

First item ShadowBlade is probably the single most stupid thing that I regularly see in DotA matches. The amount of free MMR I get from people that think this is clever is insane. I am the type of player that will happily buy a gem 1st item if I see you with a claymore. It doesn't matter if I lose it eventually. If you die once to it + a couple of dewards. Then it has paid for itself. And your early game was ruined. Now we're 20+ minutes into the game and you have no idea what to do.

If you wan't to take Legion Commander to the jungle, fine. Buy all means do. But don't be an idiot.

Edit: Ok apparently starting the post by saying it's ok to pick Legion Commander & ending by saying it's ok to pick Legion Commander, isn't enough. So I'll type it out 1 more time in the hope that mankind isn't completely illiterate: It's OK to pick Legion Commander and go jungle. This post is asking you to not do things that hurt your team when you do
but they do. They want to save shekels so they make them bad on purpose
Good. Bunch of backstabbing bitches
the dota will be worse and there will be no hype, but there is no way the production will be worse
>no way the production will be worse
yeah i can't wait for that slacks - sheever - whatever other faggot panel and the amazing maut - ld grand finals
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4th place
Because it won't be as fun.
Honestly, the Shangai Major was great because of all the shit that went wrong. It was amazing, it wish that sort of crap happened more often.
A shit game like this deserves a shitty production, it's only fitting.
Jungle means offlaner will be starved for lasthit, all camps will be pulled, offlaner can't trade anymore, and the enemy team will dive.
It also makes the enemy mid's life easier ,since it means he can other gank the safe lane, or the jungle while getting to the safe lane.

Like, offlane versus carry is fine. Then they rotate over a hero, and you can't do anything or get lasthits anymore. And it sucks so fucking bad.
And if they aren't braindead, they will hit the tower and kill it. Meaning you now have to run back to T2 to don't get dived while they pull Large and Small camp
ah, so I'm in the right place!
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>tfw no one actually talks about the game or the meta anymore
>just about shitty esports and flagrant shitposting
top 10 NA
What exactly is there to talk about, you idiot.

The game is shit.
hol up
did they hire valves banana holder employee
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>axe is going to get nerfed
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who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
jake gyllenhaal
i'd rather have this than 2012-3 ironic XDD LE EPIC-posting
>Dota community has no hope for its own game
post the top 2 na meme about intelligence
we've always been pretty self-deprecating
This game is total crap.

I want it and it's shit community to die out.
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>Peruvian safelane Slark is LITERALLY not exaggeration 0-6 at 4 minutes

Dota is kill, /d2g/ is kill, why is everything I loved dead?
Kill yourself as well you literal crying man-child loser.
77k people are watching Kripp at the moment.

Just thought you should know.
>he still hasnt dropped out of school to be a meme-spamming professional dota player making fat stacks
the new casting """""talents""""" can die in a fire for all i care
this honestly, fuck valve and that sellout icefraud
we need Syndern to stop thinking he's a pro already and just have him stick to casting. Fogged is pretty decent and that one HoN caster seems to have potential.
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>77k people watching a Hearthstone player
Is Hearthstone really that entertaining of a game?

It just looks like a boring card game to me.
>hon caster
you mean breaky? nigga is shit and the only way he found himself to this scene is because he's friends with our God Emperor Peter
It is in fact a boring game 100% based on RNG.
But Millennials like it and enjoy throwing money at Blizzard for the stupid card packs.
A new expansion just came out so these said Millennials are watching their idol unpack 400 packs or some shit.
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he kind of sounds like Capitalist and has a decent voice imo but he clearly has no knowledge of the game at all
>tfw no jewish scene in dota2
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>New patch comes
>All of the current heroes including monkey kang movespeed is now by default 300

Does this change break Dota 2? Personally I would just be laughing my ass off at the prospect of CM being fast, Doom being able to chase and kill supports and Specter being able to destroy early game.

Pic unrelated
I prefer the one with the barbie horse game
kripp sold the fuck out

PoE kripp was best kripp
How about "no".
>10 to 14-5 bulldog
>14-5 to 18-9 chessie
>18-9 till bed sing
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deadest game in the world.jpg
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dae oldfag
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>mfw face when
Krip is making more money than these so called "E-Sport" players. Of course he sold out, anyone in his shoes would have done the same.
It's literally easy money off the pockets of 16 year old Millennials.
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>old waifu cover got replace with "we're out of beta"
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>Dota is such a shitty dead game that people in the general would rather discuss the superior Hearthstone game rather than their own game
good thread doterds
that man has always bled blue my friend
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>This man is 5k and doesn't use item hotkeys
what's your excuse?
Hearthstone is also another shit game, you retard.

Don't you find it surprising that most of these so called "experts" and "DOTA personalities" spend a lot of their time (and money) playing Hearthstone as well?

Shit attracts flies, its where they all gather. And seeing as the same pack of flies are always together, they must be digging some pretty good shit all the time.
hmmmmmm..... some really good shit indeed. Just like DOTA 2.
The entire viewership of twitch consists of 14 year old european kids, what do you expect? They can't buy the card packs yet because they already spent their pocket money on league skins
I'm not a trashcan
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>watch an account buyer
Brute forcing yourself on a flawed ladder system is not a achievement by any means, you retard.
That mongoloid has probably wasted 3 years of his timespan on hours playing this retarded game so that he could slowly but surely, by putting in more and more hours, get more points than what he would eventually lose.
Seriously, you can tell when acts this retarded in real life that they have absolutely no social interaction whatsoever in the real world and this is the result of spending countless hours playing a stupid computer game.
I'd rather have a life, thank you.
except it is his job now and meanwhile you are still a fucking loser with 3000 hours who will never get paid for dota
>pizza & milk
>getting married
>plenty of friends
>payed to shitpost
>better than 99.9% of dota players
really makes you think
is Sing our guy or not?
tfw team tilts whenever i pick techies

wat do

Great job, I wonder what his future is going to be in 5 years from now when no one gives a rats ass about this shit game anymore.
Maybe he will happily find a work at Subway or something, because he sure as hell won't even have his apartment fully payed like I do on the count of his "professional DOTA career".
Seriously, if you think any of these so-called "personalities" actually make some decent money, you're either really naive or truly stupid, kid. Get a fucking lesson and open your eyes to life already.
Also, I don't have 3k hours, and it was never my intention to make a living out of this shit game. All the time I have in it was spent playing with friends over the last 5 years now.
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stop picking him you fuck
yeah im not watching that stream, 6 decides which stream I watch
Who are you quoting?
>team gets mad when you grief them

Wow who could have possibly guessed that
I report all techies pickers

kill yourself
why are you so upset about other people and videogames

you have some serious issues man. that is not normal or healthy to get this triggered over the mention of a guy who is better and more successful than you
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Battletoads > Dota 2
slacks clicks his items and still got to 5k.
What's your excuse for using item hotkeys?
Once you go +100 over max possible calibration, you are into the territory where the players knows all the mechanics.
And execute them decently.
The only improvement from there is to get better.
And the more abstract the mechanic is(teamwork, ganking, dewarding, BKB mindgames, baiting, communication) the better it works out.

Assuming, of course the player is decent at core simple mechanics like last hits, animations and animation cancels
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>Love watching other people play Dota
>But I can't bring myself to queue up for a game of Dota
What do I do, dotards?
he's a shitskin manlet who gets triggered by alpha whites
pretty incredible to think that the little faggots i see every day are worth more than 90% of the world population
guys I miss PSG I hope he's finally happy ;_;
I am the polar opposite, i play all day, but i cant bring myself to watch a competitive match, because i think its boring as fuck to watch someone else play Dota.
Who says I am upset. I am just giving you idiots a insight on what reality is.
But overall, you still keep being so delusional as hell that it literally makes me laugh upon reading your "responses".

Sure, I'll take being tanned any day of the year to being pale white like a fucking shut-in social retard.
Enjoy your white supremacy and be sure to drink some of that bleach you shower with, fellow Ubermensch.
Also, you cannot call someone who is 1,75cm tall, a manlet. As I'm sure I'm taller than most of you virgin losers here anyway.
just keep watching then you retard how is this a hard decision?
Dota is a good but not fun to play gaem

I stopped playing few years ago TI4 was the peak of dota
>on of the worst carries in game, pro players call him shit and weak
>dotards 2 want to nerf him

Fucking 1k shitters.
No, production and delays won't kill the experience

That said
>last tournament on the 6.88whatever patch
>not doing double elimination to see who REALLY is the best at this time
Fucking stupid mistake.

Also, the next Major is the same fucking format and lasts the same amount of days, while its likely this one is partly rushed there is no reason but Valve being greedy that the Spring Major is the same shit
is it true that valve werent originally going to have the major in boston, and only moved it there as a last resort due to time constraints?
sure my dad said its true
Yes, but I wonder what country fucked that up so hard...
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Still will get his nerf thanks to reddit
iirc League does this too nerfing a lowbracket pubstomping hero. They don't care about what these Pros(1~5% of players total)opinion.
someone is goddamn triggered
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>he's under 6'2"
literally a goblin enjoy looking up at people your whole life
Everything that Valve does in on the knee, sort of speak.
They refuse to expand their employment because they know that they can be fat rich with the small work-force they have right now despite delivering broken content all the time on the count that Millennial 16 year old kids or, like you losers here, literal man-children with no life experience will keep on eating up their shit by the spoon.
The same applies to the organization of their so called "professional scene", to which they just contract some other company to handle the affairs and don't really bother getting involved unless it's to put the good old Valve brand on everything so that they can cash in even more.
Be sure to buy up that really cute! and comfy! tidehunter plushy, you autistic man-child. It doesn't matter that it was made in China and it costed 5 cents to make, you will still buy it for over 40 bucks and Valve knows this.
This is why they get away with every shit they do and don't really care about producing or setting up proper content to begin with.
So the plan was to have it in Europe? Nah fuck that, too expensive and we don't want to bother with the arrangement details, just host it somewhere fast, who gives a shit, yeah Boston will do, the idiots will still buy Battle Passes out the ass!
>using inches instead of centimeters

And people wanted pol flags here to detect Faggots LMAO
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>tfw 6'10" but played basketball and not lanky
inches are objectively a sign of intelligence

dumb Yuros use the metric system so their tiny brains can actually convert units
why are you so autistic, like you're here 24/7 speaking like a /v/tard because you don't know how to express yourself

if you hate valve for making money so much why do you post on /d2g/ and help them?
I am not the least bit triggered actually.
I'm just trying to "redpill" (hehehe, I really love these /pol/ memes) you idiots here.
That's really all there is to it.
did the resident lebanese subhuman finally snap
you're getting too recognizable anon
no one is gonna bother reading your posts if you don't step your game up
didnt even make it past the third line desu
moortuguese goblin, a rare specimen, we see it here trying to communicate by flinging its own excrement
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>tfw to intelligence to play Dota
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what if I choose to be Wise instead
To start things off, I'm by far really not autistic, but hey, great usage of the word there, I can clearly get the meme and have always supported it since I first saw people using it.
Also, I'm actually not here that often, seeing as I even have spent entire weeks without being able to post even if I wanted to on the count of those so called "autistic" (I hope I used the term correctly) janitors giving me one of those good ol' bans.
Besides, I don't really give a shit to begin with as most of the time I have about 6 or more threads on /a/ alone for example in which I am participating. This general has been dead for literally years.
And in the end, what exactly is a /v/tard? I have never been to /v/ or wished to participate in any discussions here actually. But hey, whatever rocks your meme, mememeister.
To capitalize now though, I don't have Valve for making money, they are extremely good at what they do, which is jewing you man-children day and night. To accomplish this, you have to be pretty capable and that alone is worthy of merit.
Though I fail to see how posting in this general, but again, whatever, memebro. You must clearly know something I do not, maybe something regarding to Valve actually controlling 4chan or that mysterious "Valvebro" that posts here, right?
im not gonna waste time reading whatever stupid shit you type out dude

get a hobby its starting to get pathetic
>tfw 2 acoustic too play dota to.
I don't really care at the end of the day.
The more I get to practice my WPM the better I can do my job to begin with.
Plus I love the stroke of the keys on my IBM Model M, so I literally do this without giving a shit.
read this kid

you do care, you're trying so fucking hard to impressive us

if you didn't care you'd stop typing, close the thread and do something you actually like. but your insecurity won't let you do that so you'll reply to this post saying how I'm wrong and stupid
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okay i laughed a little
>im not autistic
>displays all the signs of autism
It's actually funny because you people in these generals are such literal shit eaters that you would literally eat up all the shit I would threw at you.
wew he mad
a bit too obvious

a little subtlety goes a long way
penis in vagina ahaha
>tfw too intelligence to follow the meta
good thread lads
very good thread
this meme is stupid stop forcing it
I like this meme post more of it
You do realize that participating in the thread and replying to someone doesn't necessarily mean that you care about it's content or the response, right?
A prime example of this is this right now. I am replying to you wishing you would drop dead.
It would actually fill me with a faint happiness that if you and most of the people here would suddenly just die out solely because of your mental retardation.
I truly don't give a shit about any of you. How you claim I'm trying to impress anyone here just shows me how completely deluded you are.
I'm just here literally posting, and discussing the game to kill some time and have some laughs.
Laughs these, based on you idiots, but hey, whatever works heheheh
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excuse me but I'm the most intelligent hero in dota.
this meme is mediocre, post or dont post i dont care
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>Dota client is out of date
>Go check on the update page to see if there's anything there
>Find this
alright which one of you wrote this
>sven buys 1 item
>can now 2 shot any 6 slotted team

how is this hero balanced
that's not Pugna though
>slotted team
so everyone has boots and one guy has like a bottle or a wand?
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Where's the fun in smurfing? Played against a smurf storm spirit who was beating up on a bunch of 3k shitters. Ended the game 25-3
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What can you possibly do when your behavior score is so low you get matched with are raging subhumans every game that report for everything and anything?

I'm serious here this game is completely unplayable. I know it's hip and jive to ooga booga post but muting everyone and saying NOTHING still gets me reported. I literally cannot improve my good boy score.
isn't there an exploit with playing bot matches or something to raise your behavior score?
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New update dotards, what the fuck is this?
Group A

Digital Chaos

Group B

MVP Phoenix
Virtus Pro
Team NP

Group C

Evil Geniuses
LGD Gaming

Group D

Team Ad Finem
it's a beta lad
ti6 just ended there's lots going on behind the scenes give them some time
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>Singsing and Waga stream.
Has Dota 2 officially become Reddit the game now? Only reddit streamers on nowadays.
looks like a leftover warhammer set
ez for eg
The new treasure is fucking aids
t. d2g's opinion on everything
>GSL groups
Fuck this stupid major to hell
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>NP in the VP group
Group D is the group of death
look at his nails
we should make a d2g toxic stack to raise our scores
But there's no good teams there.
>Complexity and Faceless
>LGD who didn't qualify and got lucky
I'd be surprised if EG doesn't get top 3 from how easy that group is
Nah B. As bad as NP and MVPP seem, they can still get sneaky wins. Also Newbee hasn't play in international tournaments in awhile.
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Group A: Wings > LGD.FY > Wings.Unity > DC

Group B: VP > Newbee > MVP > NP

Group C: EG > LGD > Faceless > Col

Group D: Madara > OG > EHOME > EG.Vitality

You literally can not argue with this
>EG gets the eastiest group again
what did valve mean by this
they want arteezy to win a major and save na dota
he'll get one that buffs spirits, or that gives him an overcharge-related buff (probably not a level, but maybe makes it an aoe or improves the benefits from tether)
he's super strong in a smart boy's hands, but he can get an aghs buff without there being concerns about him being overpowered, as he won't be able to farm 4200 gold on top of his normal items every game.
>No Satyr Enchantress Arcana
>No pregnant Enchantress Arcana
why did they remove the report function
I'm 12 btw is the pinnacle of dota humour
I'm 12 btw
what are you talking about? i just got a report back for reporting a white supremacist mid lane feeder
>dota humour
that's been a meme since the internet began
that's not nerfnow
NP is better than Newbee and MVP confirmed
>having faith in envy
bless your soul sweet child
Explain this.

No seriously, explain it.

4 years ago the Cowboy Ursa set got removed and now you have this being accepted into the game.

Explain it, please.
Being this naive, nais.
what the fuck are these garbage sets
yeah fuck them for removing Alpine Ursa
yeah ee is unparalleled at throwing
When is the Boston majour starting
>tfw queuing in india
what am I in for?
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>be me
>don't spend a dime on Dota ever
>masses of retards fund my esports viewing experience
thanks Valve you're alright
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oye vey that set looks accurate enough
>literal hats
My fucking sides.
Lich is a good draft pick for fighting and uphill holding- which were all the games where he was picked. Techies did the same thing, but he was no fun to play against, so bread-it threw a bitch fit about him and got him removed from the game
I know EE is is unpredictable, but that's usually when he's under pressure

In the group stages he'll be trying his ass off to be in the upper bracket.
>Iron Talon Lycan
Are you me?
>play dotes
>teammates are retards
>see that they bought fall comp
>be amazed at how Valve can draw money out of these no-future cunts
>seriously, these guys have to be NEETs who dropped out of college or something how do they afford this
>We wish all competitors the best of luck, and look forward to welcoming attendees to the Wang Theatre for the Main Event Wednesday, December 7 – Saturday, December 10. For fans looking to go home with some Dota 2 swag, the Secret Shop will be open to all members of the public at the W Hotel next to the venue each day of the Main Event.
>Dota 2 swag

yeah like that brilliant performance at T6
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How do I end long ass games
I do love Overwatch.
lycan still cant get 1 good set

You either win early or play long enough to where you want to lose
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Which streamer is objectively the worst player? I'm voting for this guy, and draskyl for runner-up
I don't have ranked unlocked yet tho
>16min forcestaff
You already lose
Every offlaners need an early Iron Talon


Spend more time farming, less time jerking to loli porn. This GPM is pathetic with such a hero.
new Hero is out

SLARK OD BTFO!!!!!!!!!!

SLARK OD BTFO!!!!!!!!!!

SLARK OD BTFO!!!!!!!!!!

SLARK OD BTFO!!!!!!!!!!
i love this meme
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>wake up
>travels and tranquils
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>Watch True sight.
>Mushi the rape monster going crazy.
Guys I'm scared.
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>they want rtz to win a major to film him winning his first Valve event
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does winning Boston even matter?
I acually met my Gf playing dota, it was a fun game and we added each other, we live in the same city and everything
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Group D
Team Ad Finem

Literally the easiest group ever, Fuck yeah.

>Envy got the hardest.
Is this a mob in Ford's new narrative? season 2 plot thread?
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>both +10$
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rate my cliff jungler
2 feet silly :^)
What are those from?

>no scythe

It's shit dear
>be Gabe Newell
>your childhood friend who saved your life multiple times calls
>"Gabe bro wasup can you make my dota account 7k mmr lmao i need this"

your move
Of course not, business != childhood friends
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what's wrong with gingers?
buy more chests, goy

they are only rare, maybe you'll get them if you keep opening chests

buy, buy!
sure, and just for you I'll even give you a discount. It's gonna be 200$
Dota? You mean that shit game that makes us truckloads of dosh?
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Just reminds you how shitty this Major actually is
not everyone lives on a fixed income like you, wasting a few bucks on some meaningless pixels isn't a big deal to people who live in 1st world countries
this thread is so cringey
>judging how people spend their money
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Wait a second, where is Liquid in this major?
I was filling my preditions and couldn't find them.
"Are you sure this is a game we own? I've never heard of it"
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>tfw 3rd-worlder
>go onto the only place where people communicate with you /d2g/ because of autism
>dont even play the game anymore just go because im lonely
>people opening talking about how rich they are and wasting their money on pixels
>meanwhile I have to stress over each and every penny
>shitpost every chance they get to try to make them mad

life's not fair
It is though, you all post like anything you say matters here. Pretty much the outcasts of society throwing tantrums while no one bothers to even glance their way.
That's not the issue, retard.
I save my money so that I can take a month's vacation in Mozambique for example, while you idiots spend yours on literal shit digital pixels for a shit ass game. But hey, I guess that instant satisfaction they give you is worth it due to your low self-esteem, right? So by all means, spend away. Buy more!
This January I'll be in a beach in Bazaruto with having a negro fetch me coconut water and thinking of you losers here, while of course, laughing my ass off.
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>valve successfully jew'd everyone AGAIN
>type 4chan dot org in your browser address bar
>"wow Pretty much the outcasts of society throwing tantrums while no one bothers to even glance their way."

Who are you quoting?
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>only get 3 reports per month now
>cant report in the game
>cant see peoples past matches on their in game profile anymore
reddit needs to be deleted
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>It's hard for me to put my thoughts into words quickly. When playing Dota, I can recognise when a hero has moved out of position and that now is the time to gank, but organising my mouth to say “ATTACK NOW!” takes longer. I tend to communicate using the chat wheel, with pre-set phrases, and by pinging the map. I am thankful there is a system set up that allows me to talk to my team-mates without having to use voice chat.
delete your life
>I've met wonderful people with learning disabilities, and they don't deserve to be brought down to the level of those who choose to jungle Legion Commander.

/d2g/ BTFO
my dota shows me the splash screen with the logo then crashes.. anybody else?

ppd let's hang out sometime
buy another battle pass.
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>play dota
>have autism

i remember in dota 1 most people clicked their items

Being autistic does come with benefits, however. I can hyper-concentrate on a game when I am not interrupted. It's like the game becomes my world and I'm able to devote my entire attention to it. This is a common trade-off with autism: extreme-focus in exchange for multi-tasking.
Group A

Group B
[Spoiler]NP [/spoiler]

Group C

Group D
pls help
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I guess boards without flags really are the best, no one will really bully you all the time here
>enemy sniper and disruptor
>fucking russians scum fuck them
>me, cyka
>fuck them up on pudga and win game
>mad in chat

Mmmmmm, the smell of fresh batthert ))))))))).
no :V
>Yeah it pisses me off when people use the word autism as an insult/blanket statement. Plenty of actually autistic people in the world are probably leaps and bounds better at video games than the hot garbage that spews that crap anyways ;P.
so which third world shithole do you hail from my subhuman friend
What about bat's pet?
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pls don't bully
Jokes on YOU, often people with disabilities try harder, much harder than normal people and succeed more.
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fucking wrong.png
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yeah, who sane wuold bully spain huh?
No because I was smart enough not to spend a cent in this shit.
desu i have no problem with mudslimes who stay in their own country
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dumb frog poster
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>every game at least one gets a disconnect at the beginning
Cmon Valve...what the fuck?
im pretty polarizing eh?
buy a new battle pass
from left to right
>can't tell
>can't tell
>can't tell
>can't tell
>can't tell
>can't tell
>davion (dragon form)
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>new as fuck

How much support tax should I be taking as a p5?
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say sorry desu

Came here to post this.
woah is that soe nude

I want to believe
>aegis now refreshs cooldowns

whos broken

Ogre is Alch's bodyguard and Alch works with gold so a gambling-inspired riverboat bodyguard set makes sense.

Alpine Ursa is a cowboy bear. A bear that is also a cowboy. That makes no sense at all, it's literally SomethingAwful tier humor.
Great article, I have autism myself and even I share the same problems of not completely controlling my senses and reactions in certain games.
But yeah, there are some people that don't think about their use of words, but everytime I see someone calling me an autistic bastard, I smile, because they don't know if they are right, but I do.
I find travels really handy but they're not something I need in the early game it feels
Is it really just one or the other? Because tranquils in the early and mid game are handy for farming bc I don't have to tp or run back to the fountain for health.
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>pasting the first comment on the article

could you not even be bothered to scroll down
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hello /d2gay/
wk refresher

literally 6 deaths
>reincarnation 2
>aegis death
>reincarnation 3
>refresher 2
>reincarnation 4
fund it
he'll finally be pickable at least
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The major is going to have lots of funny content!!!!
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>the major is going to have lots of muted stream time
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these are all fucking awful

valve and the people who make this shit should be fucking ashamed

jesus christ they just put DUDE SPIKES LMAO and DUDE BUSY AS FUCK PATTERNS LMAO on literally everything

looks so fucking bad honestly
Soe is pure and has never even been naked.
"So Envy it says here you dropped Nichijou, Care to explain your shit taste?"
>I.. ugh *splurp* think it asdasdmmmmnn...........
please name the sets in game that are good
hard mode : unmarketable doesn't count
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>that invoker
what happened to color pallet
the bisho one for the one true king because it hides his face
-Dropped rapiers that have been picked up by an enemy now provide less damage than original rapiers(322 attack damage instead of 330).
i bet youre a huge faggot
Lycan wolf form and new wolves is worth it
No wonder nobody tries at third party tournaments anymore
we call them "honeypots"
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FREE $62,500
>prizepool is slightly less than 3mil
>valve is only hosting 2 majors this year

what did they mean by this
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>The last tournament before a big patch
Here's your (you)

Also, where's team secret guys?
>pick roaming hero
>literal entire enemy team tps in and spectre ults whenever I show up in a lane

how is roaming supposed to work even
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>where's team secret guys?
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nigger do you think none of us follow james on twitter

he never fucking tweets anything good
You get tranqs and then switch for boots of travel, or straight travel boots.. No need for both that late into the game, what the actual fuck
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Will Silencer be a wisdom hero or stay as intelligence?

This predicament is already making me feel anxious...
Thanks senpai
Scuse me

What is this wisdom meme?
no but his spell will be changed to glaives of intelligence
Shanghai bombed so hard, and Manila was Manila so tickets and shit were dirt cheap, that they probably didn't make as much as expected
how is spectre balanced

literally unkillable in lane and gets 1 item then presses r for free rampage every 2 minutes
Winning honeypot LANs can get an invite

>yfw Execration lose a 62$k prize for being lazy
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This nigga got the mii head no one use
Reminder that silencer has the best stat gains in the videogame of dota 2
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>no chibi dota GF
why fucking live?
What if every time it dropped Rapier lost 10 damage but gained 5 damage every time you kill an enemy hero?
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>VP are going to pound everyone's boipuccis into submission
Alch and WK are the only two good ones, Jesus H. Christ that Furion is awful.
that's a pretty sweet collection you got there
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>singshit is unironically losing to a brew
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Valve employee here. The biggest change in the next patch is that every ability that is just a nuke that deals flat damage now either has some added utility effect or partially scales in damage with something.
-Scream of pain deals a percentage of current HP as additional damage.
-Sonic wave deals additionally deals a percentage of the targets' recently taken damage.
-Dragon slave applies a very short slow.
-Laguna blade deals a multiple of intelligence as additional damage.
-Finger of death deals a percentage of max HP as additional damage.
-Assassinate deals a small percentage of missing HP as additional damage.
-Double Edge has a higher base cooldown, but the cooldown is reduced by the percentage of centaur's remaining HP.
Why the fuck is slark allowed 2 escapes? Plus shadow blade.
Because that's all he does.
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has sumail been playing blazblue?
sounds like really dumbshit that you idiots would implement thanks for the heads up!
Hey, Valvebro here, just a heads up. We think that you guys should really consider suicide.

We are currently experimenting with new ways to make you spend more money on our game but things aren't really going smoothly as they could be.

A certain someone keeps pushing the motion that we shouldn't delay Sun Wukong and that we should focus our resources on fixing the FPS issues that have been getting worse throughout each patch instead of just putting more Battle Pass Chests for you guys to spend money on.

More Infused Hero sets with excessive particles and incomplete game-breaking cosmetics for the Fall Battle Pass are what's on the table for discussion right now.

What do you guys think?
>be 2k
>all games normal skill
>win like 20 ranked in a row
>start queueing into high skill unranked with like high 3ks and shit

what the fuck is going on
How are the cumtubes?
Thinking bout getting one with it for christmas
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cm lewd.png
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>TFW you actually got good at dota
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The fnatic girl analyst is so ugly
i want to breed her

8/10 for me personally
Shes not that bad

what's her mmr?
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>tfw it will be another patch without a considerable Slark nerf
Don't you dare dotards.... :-)
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new meepo sword FeelsGoodMan
just pick disruptor
i fell for a girl and found out she's lesbian.
can you guys post something funny to take my mind off of things please
she's not actually a lesbian
she's just pretending to be one because you creep her out
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>5k MMR
>dont play dota for 6 days
>totally overwhelmed by the game and cant keep up anymore with the people at my MMR

pudge, od, timber, drow, and naga are the only cancer of this patch
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shes my waifu and shes cute stfu!7
Ryan? Don't be weird.
>he's not a tranny
she'll lick your feminine penis like there's no tomorrow
disgusting hero spammer pls go
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>he thinks slark is op

literally this
be 2k
I feel so fucking sorry for you frog poster
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what hero should i pick if i'm trying to prove my dick is the longest?
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>stupid dotards think defending Slark is cool and funny xd
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literally all the pros know slark is a shit hero
>be on win streak
>breaking 55% overall win
>suddenly 5 games in a row filled with actual griefers
>forced 50 isnt real guise I swear xD
how can forced 50 be real if you have 55% winrate
I tend to overcome it a lot, that's why.
By now I can kinda accurately tell when it's gonna kick in and when it does it's always pretty obvious.
like now with 5 games with actual griefers in a row for example
oh you're that faggot from earlier
hiding your post now don't bother responding
I didnt post here for a few days actually
Bisho / Doombro would be rolling in his grave if he saw the sets from this chest.
does bisho still come to d2g
SingSing got banned from twitch again lol
if he channel was banned the page would show up as "channel has been closed"
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if the hats are so bad why do they keep selling? checkmate dotards
>win game ez with jungle jakiro
I guess anything really can work in the trash tier
honeypot game desu
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>lgd gets invited when a SEA team can't make it
>even though chinks have a hard time getting visas too
>not secret
>not liquid
wait- neither Secret nor Liquid made it? I mean Secret I get, they're fucking NA trash... but Liquid? god damn dude
doing my goypendium predictions

how can you have 41minimum games and 60 as max during main event?
14 series BO3 = max 42
finale BO5 = max 5
max total 47

am I missing something obvious here?
>secret is NA trash
>2 koreans and 3 yuropoors
didn't secret already change their rosters or something i forgot
who was the last good player to play on Secret?

NA fucking wonder bab Artour Babaev.

I rest my case.
5 game loss streak... should I keep playing?

lgd shits on those teams though. how out of touch are you?
isn't that where you put the cum?
nah man, who the fuck cares about 1 million dollars
What if mana leak drained health instead?
it would be dotacrash when you get stunned and die at the same time
>tfw they are going to change slark
>tfw they are going to make him viable at a pro level, making him hard to use
>tfw pubbers are going to get mad
so did you have any good games today? ded time is blog time. i played one game w jakiro, it was a fucking stomp, I kicked ass, that was pretty much that. I don't think they understood the pushing power of his E. one game closer to 3k
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Group B
>MVP Phoenix
>Virtus Pro
>Team NP

g r o u p o f d e a t h
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if you make a new thread ill give you a kys
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New thread ready

>those hats
>three of the five regular sets have the same kind of design, glowing shoulder pads
>meepo's design isn't original either, taking "inspiration" from wraith kings 'Relic Sword'
>anime lycan
>ehhh alchemist

wew lad

putting as much effort into your cosmetics as the game itself eh volvo
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dude what
How to jungle jakiro dud i need this now
just got my first High Skill bracket using LC
Rod of Atos changed:

>Now also needs Oblivion Staff (4750 gold altogether), thus providing +6 Intelligence, +75% Mana regeneration, +15 Attack damage, and +10 Attack speed as well

>Cripple cooldown changed from 10 to 35
>Cripple duration changed from 4 to 10
>Cripple now provides +1 intelligence for targeting hero each time if it's cast on an enemy hero
>Cripple now purges targeted unit
>Cripple can now target allies

I want your opinions. Would this be OP or even worse than current rod?
Thread posts: 745
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