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/mmog/ - MMO General

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This general is for discussing new and upcoming MMOs, or MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals.


>Game databases

>Unlocalized MMOs

>Popular upcoming MMOs
Bless: http://bless.aeriagames.com/
Revelation Online: https://ro.my.com/en
Dark and Light: http://www.playdnl.com/
Albion Online: https://albiononline.com/en/home
Rust in peace.
is rusty hearts even still open?

also, how's bless coming along?
>aeria games
>500 trumps closed beta entrance with cash shop on day one of open beta
How do you think?
Dropped, goodbye catfu
Nah Aeria it's trying to do things right for the first time in their life.

I bet they'r doing a decent job look at Bless source for more info
what happened to the previous thread?
Never mind OP just didn't link it and I assumed it died before bump limit

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Oh, the op was missing the Previous Thread most generals have and I just forgot to put it in when copypasting.
how exactly do you do that? I turned all my settings to minimum and visibility as low as it will go and I still can't see shit
So, anyone still plays Aion?
There's a private server of it.

Visibility is for item effects.

There's a drop menu that says Not Processed, Translucent and Process Transparent

Not processed shows the skill as it is, translucent removes several effects but makes it visible enough to know where it is, process transparent removes the skill almost completely.
what is the leveling guide for dragon nest
oh my god you just changed my life
thank you so much

check the pasta in the OP
So are non-natural elemental classes inherently weaker than things like raven and crusader? I mean, a 15% damage difference already seems like a pretty big deal, but then add on the fact that elemental classes usually get self buffs which boost them even more it seems like it would just be an impassable wall for anyone else.
Opinions on the fresh server in archeage this december? I'm trying to convince some friends to play it with me as new players.
>p2w garbage
great post anon

Sorta, gearing elemental classes is a lot more expensive. Besides, elemental classes have to take care of more stats (element, main stat, crit, vit) and of course they have the same talisman/jade/heraldry limits.

There's also the fact that some bosses have pretty high elemental resist.

Basically everything around the classes balances them.
Aren't almost all asian mmos p2w either way?

I mean, it's something that doesn't bother me, the average joe is not going to spend 1000€ so it's unkillable, guild vs guild pvp is still fine.
But I mean every class element switches, there's not one that doesn't benefit. Every class still has the same problems.
im so fucking bored holy shit
Wakfu is doing promotions for S3 of its animation

I'm scared to dive back into it
They're doing a kickstarter again right?
If you want element on a non elemental class just ger a Element conversion jade, it will convert all your non elemental attacks into X element but it also has a penalty of -15% X element
I always try to play it but I only get to level 40 or so. In dofus is so easy and fast to get carried to 150+ that I got lazy to grind low levels the old way.
It takes less than 24 hours to get carried to 120 though.
Really? I might aswell look into it better.
Yes, just gotta find someone to carry you though. I can get to level 70 using my level 150 in a couple of hours. I stopped because I got bored.
I just said that every class element switches. I know what conversion gems are, I'm saying that they end up just making it so that anyone who has to use them is at an inherent disadvantage because there's no reason to ever not use them short of specific nests with high mitigations
For the guy asking about Remington's guild, it's called World of Twelve Maid Cafe. It's empty, or rather, everyone stopped playing. I'm on right now if you want an invite.
What are people playing currently? Bored as hell here and need something to play.
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Dragon Nest
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Picked up RuneScape again.
>Streaming anime.
Great taste tho
Didn't want to torrent it and wait for it to finish. Plus I don't want to batch download it just to drop it after 4 episodes.
I really should learn how to enable playback while torrenting though.

That's the point. Ask anyone how shit the game turned when ECJ where just introduced and the game buffs were stronger, being abused left to right. The non-elemental classes ended up replacing damage dealing elemental classes (every party was ECJ users, an Elestra and some healer thrown into the mix) and everything had to be given inflated HP to cope with them.

They were always meant to be optional and for planning of 8 man raid party composition.
theres no leveling guide there
what dungeons should i do at what lvl?
Just follow the quest chain. DN is a theme park MMO.
Where to level:
(1-10) Storyline quests until you have can leave your starting town
(10-16) Sigh Canyon (SEA): Valley of Morning (NA)
(16-24) DTMI Dark Tower Magic Institute (SEA): ACL Astral Coven Laboratory (NA)
Note: If this is giving you trouble, make sure you have the costume equipped from the level up rewards boxes. It will boost your damage and survivability. :)
(24-32) Flooded Downstream (SEA): Submerged Ruins (NA). Forsaken Islet Core (SEA): Black Sovereign Domain
(32-40) Gates to Death City (SEA): Dying City Gates (NA). Note - Desolation Point (NA) is another place.
(40-50) Closed Ice Valley (SEA): Land of Frost (NA) but some prefer Riverwort Village Ruins (SEA): Ruined Village (NA)
(50-60) Meteor Crash Site Boundaries (SEA): Crash Site Perimeter (NA)
(60-70) Wonderful Theme Park (SEA): Daredevil Fair (NA) (60-69) can be done 7 times for these levels – it can be accessed in Saint’s Haven. After that: Golden Meadow (SEA): Golden Grasslands (NA).
(70-75) Abyss of Heat (SEA): Blazing Caldera (NA)
(75-80) Wailing Wall (SEA): Wall of Laments (NA)
(80-90) Blue Wind Plains (SEA) Zephyra Plains (NA) Note about 80-90 leveling.
(90-93) Red Waste, Black Lake is good too.

Make sure to level your chronicle character to 93 first if you haven't for an easy +50% and to start getting DNP coupons early

Slow as hell, especially if you have an exp boost
>Black Lake
>The forced i-frames if you can't one shot bellydroid
No Vulcanus is faster

Yes it is, in fact is this one


Just open the reccommended pasta and the open the DN pasta
yeah I don't know what they were thinking when they wrote that
black lake is the worst
>every other time I launch DN I dc in the title menu
am I the only one?
If it gives and error and then closes itself then your files might be corrupted
yep it tells me "invalid request" quite literally every other time I boot the game up and when I relaunch it's fine

Guess I've been meaning to stop using the steam version anyways. Might as well just reinstall the standalone
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wakey wakey
>dat ass peek
I want to be those poochums

shame party are dead if your not in a guild that active to make farming 70 oranges easier
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do you think she does anal?
my wife
Anyone play Crush Online?

It's free on steam and I'm rather enjoying it, but being solo is a huge disadvantage due to the open pvp.
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>tfw had a dream about playing a mmo with open pvp and getting beat up all the time
Well, your dreams are but a download away!
You guys said Wakfu was dead? I've been running Gobball dungeon with randoms all day.
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>tfw that's my fetish
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What server? Every time I play no one is on.
It's probably because I play during shit hours. What time do you usually play? I'm on during 1AM-5AM and I want someone to play with.
Well I'm playing right now, maybe for 3 more hours?
Yeah, we can't play together.
I think I'll just uninstall it. Or maybe make a new account and multi-client.
Dofus looks fun if i can get adobe air to install.

I normaly go with the base mage class but as fun as the huppermage looks the elitrope looks even more fun.
What mmo would I try if I want to talk to women and hopefully get some landwhale/hikiko pussy? WoW seems to be popular with women for some reason.
Why the do are the male and female shadow look so difrent.
I get that its hard to seperate skeletons but if that was a problem they should have just ditched the spoooky scary idea.
ah theres the problem the chucklefucks at adobe droped linu support because there faggots
ah wait im retarded it was a keyring problem its installed now
please work
well now i have the opposite problem

i wanna play an elitrope but the male and female look so similar i cannot decide
>each class corresponds to a god
>15 classes
>world has 12 gods
"Aspects" of the same god.
Foggers and Osas, Srams and Rogues, Masqs and Sadidas, share gods. I don't even know what god Huppermages worship.
>Goblin old man loses all his grand children
>goes insane and mutates himself

Well that's a bit dark.
ah i see thanks anon

anyway im gonna have to do some research on exactly how these portals work i tried setting up attacks and ended up teleporting the scarecrow right to me
>he's playing elio
rip in piece
Even in Dofus it's a shit class.
well im starting to get the hang of it

would be a lot easier if i could set up an empty battle to experiment in

yeah i am thinking if this does not pick up i will switch
Originally there were only 12 classes.
Then because of wakfu they started adding stupid shit.
Just wait til you meet Kiwi in Lotus Marsh
ah i get it if i stand back 2 spaces the spell comes out of the portal and travels 2 spaces i cant just stand in front of the entrance portal and expect the spell to come flying out the other end

not a fan of systems where you assign points at level up
which 3 are the stupid shit
Makes me wonder how the script goes in the Nexon one was since I started over around the time you get to the second town.
Apples are up if anyone cares about that.
Elio and Huppermages.
Elios aren't supposed to exists since in the lore they're a myth.
Huppermages were shoehorned in.
I would care if you give me the game title.
If you played the game, you would know.
>Elios aren't supposed to exists since in the lore they're a myth.
well then thats fucking retarded
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DN NA. It's one of them weekend events.
That anon said it wrong, Elios are humans who worship the real Eliatropes.
Did you even watch the cartoon? They're Yugo, real Eliatrope. If they were just normal humans then they wouldn't be able to use portals.
>play wakfu
>my account isnt there
you fucking what
Go read the wakfu webpage, dumbo.
>Having appeared via a freak accident, Eliotropes are but mirror images of their creator, the King-God (which is Yugo)
They literally had to make this shit up so you could play Yugo without fucking up the lore. Don't try to play smartass with shit you don't know.
Is that Charti?
There's also Nye Nye, whose hell as Harori's catservant isn't even resolved.
Make sure you're logging in to the correct site. The asia servers don't use the same account as the english servers and vice-versa.
I meant my characters aren't there*
Did you pick the correct server?
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gee whizz you think?

upon creating a new character, I am greeted with this.

I had this error. Update your Java or use Wakfu's Java.
So I'm probably going to play EVE Online when it goes f2p later this month. What does everyone think of it?
Eve f2p is like Wakfu's f2p 2 years ago. You're going to be restricted from a lot of shit.
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>all this talk about Wakfu
>decide to redownload it
>log into old account
>make new character
>kicked to server select
>the character I made isn't on the select screen
>try to create again
>can't use the name I picked because it's "taken"
yeah i think im gonna go with the archer

I'm a forum moderator, I can assist you. Post your error message.

I'm currently at a place that has hardly any signal so sorry if I take a while to respond.

First whitelist dnlauncher.exe and dragonnest.exe from your antivirus and firewall, and then set them to run as administrator by default. The error you describe so far sounds like an issue with antivirus and descriptions.

Nexon versions makes her crazy, all the claims about her master are ridiculously exaggerated and even the other natives think she's faking everything. Basically the point of her character is that she constantly tries to blackmail you or get your favor by looking pityful. This was what happened to almost every reference to native traficking, slavery and colonialism of Lotus Marsh in the Nexon version.

>and descriptions

Meant to say permissions
Wake up
i can't
good night
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save me
Grab a brush and put on a little makeup
do people still play Aion and Tera?
recommend me a 3D mmo pls, something that is active.

also should i watch anime

Runescape while watching animemes.
Anyone remember playing Sacred Seasons 2? I liked that game a lot but you had to pay a lot of money to get anywhere.
Anyone know a game with a similar class system?
I use to play Tera but my toaster had it all laggy and the end game was pretty boring. I didn't care for the PVP so I never stuck for long.
fuck why is there nothing to play
Healers are for fags.
end urself
Is the recommendation list updated?
Tell me which mmo's to play. Whichever you're currently playing the most! :)
DN, revo if you're a chinamen. I think a few are playing ak and wakfu
im confused the quest says to use the class statue to teleport to the class temple but when i try i just get sent back to incarnum
>too afraid to put points into any of my skills in Dragon's Nest cause I don't want to fuck up
>already level 26

I just don't want to screw up.
What's your class?
how does the skill point system in dragons nest work

i wanna know if i can sympathise with your plight or you are a indescisive faggot
What's your 45 spec going to be?
Shooting Star
Was really looking forward to Revelation until I realized it's going to be another grind and gear treadmill like Aion.

I also don't care for the overwhelmingly asian setting.

Why did Archeage have to shit the bed?
What do you mean by that?

Just the general, If you fuck up your build you'll have to goy out. You do get a free skill reset scroll though but I don't want to waste it.
Shooting Star sucks.
Shooting Stars need the skills that eventually unlock Demolition.


Their core skills are Ammo Recharge and Splash.
It could be better it doesn't straight up suck like Defensio
I just wanted the class path that focused more on shooting shit and grenades.
Yeah that does it, I'll forever be mad with what Eye did for one of their awakening passives. You just get Lagan as a crucial side part.
>play wakfu
>enter another nation
>get pk'ed right off the bat
nice game
Got what you deserved you fucking illegal.
fuck it i will just walk to the temple acording to this map its not far
I just wanted to cut some trees.
ah wait i see its a subscribers only area yeah sure why not this games pretty fun
you should've been artillery

the dev's favorite.
>playing a xbow class
No thanks, bro. I'd rather play sniper
Crossbows are the best ranged weapons though.
Any MMOs where I can play a traditional evilguy character? Skeleton, lich, spooky-goast, necromancer etc.
But that's wrong. Archer's boots are the best ranged weapons
Anyone tried C9?

How is it?
So, I played wakfu asia years ago and with s3 soon, I want to play again. Can I restore my asia account if I forgot both login and pass? I know the email.
>check out Chronicles of Elyria
>check first guild forum thread
>founder already wants people to join Discord channel
I'm not sure if I'm just complaining for no reason, but doesn't it mean they will alienate guildless people?

Game looks promising, but:
>no mining
>no treasure hiding
>no mounted combat
But at least we got glowing pinecones, amirite?
Just make a new account. Phaeris got a server transfer to the other asian server. Everyone quit after that and moved to Remi/Nox.
are there any RO servers that aren't ridiculously dumbed down?

I played on a server a long time ago that had open world pvp except in towns, and there were only town warpers. i've been looking for awhile but found nothing
Anyone know if the chron flags can be synth'd?
Populated ones, no. A lot of people like the @commands for quick teleports. Just play these:
Talon for Pre-Renewal
Nova for Renewal
I want to try Dragon Nest. EU or NA?
NA tends to have earlier stuff when it comes to MMOs, which one should I pick for this one?
Na, specifically because EU is dead. Should be SEA or NA.
>TalonRO is still around
Holy shit. I used to play (bot) that years ago.
I hate pre-renewal servers and that's the most populated. I think the next in line only has 100 people in it.
Cool thanks, let's see it!
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Which MMO to play? I'm kind of lost after playing Tree of Savior last year and Peria is still G-d knows how long away. Partial to 2D or unique mechanics.
DFO for a beat 'em up. It has retro graphics. I personally prefer it over Elsword and DN.
Wakfu if you like strategy MMOs. You can't faceroll enemies of your level no matter how hard you try. Plays like FFTactics
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Half the general plays DN, so I assume it's in decent shape. Wakfu and RO seem to be surviving. And there's always Runescape.
Renewal fucking sucks.
Stop posting cat pictures. Thanks.
I was hoping you were here.
DFO, I hope you can get lucky :^)
You're face sucks.
Pre-renewal is bullshit. You can easily get max aspd and stunlock everyone. Or max cast speed and just spam jupiter thunder and blizzard. That's hardly fun during WoE.
Keep posting cat pictures. Thanks.
How populated is DN SEA? And do we have a guild there?
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Who wants to play RuneScape with me? I still need to learn how to fight Nox and higher bosses. Spider is still too hard since my equips sucks.
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>pve babby
Real populated, I think there's one where all the english users congregate. Check the op for server or something.
remember when runescape kept making shitty new tutorials for some reason.
>game it made for PvE
>cries about PvP balance

I bet you were one of those fags that tried to get Blizzard to balance Diablo 2 for PvP.
The guilds listed in the pastebin are only for NA, I think. The DN pastebin says that there aren't any SEA guilds but that may have changed now.
>half the game
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>I enjoy the game
>But only when I'm fighting a scripted npc knowing every action it will take and when
>he thinks ragnarok is a pve game
Fuckin' lol.
The whole RO community is only focused on one thing, and that's WoE.
Because a player spamming one ability is so different.
>spamming one ability
people spam one ability in fps games too
True but server to shoot for is Green/Westwood I think. Usually there's a few people that post about Sea from time to time that you could ask.
Well after 14 years there's nothing else to do.
Just get over it mate
Unless you wait until level 60 to unlock all of your main tree skills then you're going to waste points in the initial tree on worthless garbage that you'll never use. Even if you do wait you'll still likely have to throw in some points to inflate your point value.

Do literally whatever you want while leveling, and then when you hit 93 pop a free reset scroll and make an actual build, just like how everyone else does it. If you're not a gigantic fucking ignoramus you should be able to make a viable build at that point without even needing a guide (i.e. as long as you max your main skills nothing else really matters)
Except air raid on SS since that's one of their awakening passives for some goddamn reason.
and you retards wonder why nobody wants to re-make your shitty game
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there's tree of savior
kek gud one
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there's this one then, it's already popular af
Yeah the SS awakening is pretty bad. The two alfredo skills seem like they'd be damn near impossible to use in both PvE and PvP, and 2 of their passives are for absolute garbage you wouldn't even have picked up before.
I would advise just going GM instead. Splash is a shadow of what it once was and it still ends up being the only skill you'll really use. I find it to be really boring and stale
Tried their provided java, still nada.
>and you retards wonder why nobody wants to re-make your shitty game

There is no need to re-make anything. Things can be done way better. The probem is that MMOs are heavy monopolized, even if devs have good ideas in the end they have to pander to normies and game has to earn as much money as possible.

Tree of Savior is very example of this, if not crybaby normies the game would not be way better. Also it was rushed and the changed were made at fly w/o checking them, hence it's so inconsistent.
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>if not crybaby normies the game would not be way better
Man, you people actually believe the west has any impact on the development of Korean games?

Here in this image we have the majority of the Korean players of Maplestory begging for more oomph and more reason to play in parties with others, and the devs response being that of a super retard.
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Well fuck me then.

Anyway I have found that I enjoy more these single player games with online chat than any MMO.

Elona+ is a good one too. The only online portion of the game is showing off your house and collection.

Yes, sadly I don't have numpad on my laptop. The controlls are kinda fucked up without it.
Only on certain builds. I also don't have a numpad and I play fine without it.
>The only online portion of the game is showing off your house and collection.
And the chat, which are both RIP.
Really? Last time I tried it I had some problems with moving around without numpad. Guess I'll give it a try again after I'm done clearing D2 with my Amazon.
I was roleplaying as a farmer boy that goes on an adventure to make friends. In the end I had my pets doing everything for me.
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>In the end I had my pets doing everything for me.

Chikun army? Or by doing everything you mean...
You forgot masqueraiders.

eco-terrorists get out REEEE
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I remember playing on that Ragnarok server with nude sprites when I was younger.
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Whatever happened to this?
Can Wakfu players post their names, please? I wanna keep you on friends list just in case...
I might tonight if you're on the 'Murican server.
Are there crazies that try to play as the base class only?
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Oh well.
Good luck.
>download DN
>get in game
>chronicle a machina
>8 million skills

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I lasted 5mins, couldn't finish the first mission in that forest, Machina as well.

Someone played PSO2 and Vindictus and said let's make it shit.
PSO2 and Vindictus have the same awful slow start that DN does. What do you expect when you have no skills?
The problem with DN is that there are too many skills.

I got my machina to 50 in like 30 minutes with that chronicle shit and it was like put your skill points in!

Suddenly 50 god damn skills and I still had no idea how to really do anything but mash mouse buttons.
Well yeah, if you jump ahead 80 levels after never having used a character before, especially one like machina with a lot of inputs, you're not going to know what the fuck to do. It wouldn't be so hard if you had to actually go through the leveling process and got your skills gradually.

Should of chornicled something easier with less but bigger attacks if you've never played the game before.
Is Ultima Online Renaissance alive? I found some players in starting town, but nobody responded when I greeted them.
yeah seems a bit odd to criticize something when you did not have the proper level progression
I just wanted a good solo grind friendly action mmo with fun pvp.

Alas tera runs at 28fps on an i7/1070 and everything else is fucking 45 minute queues to do any content.

They really shouldn't be offering chronicle to new accounts then. Like why would I slow level instead of being boosted to 80?
>They really shouldn't be offering chronicle to new accounts then
i have to agree
Chronicle is meant for experienced players who generally know how to play the game. You should still make one if you're new, but you shouldn't be surprised if you're left confused and overwhelmed when you finish the intro for them.

Any mmo would be confusing as fuck if you were just given every skill you can have after never using a single one of them before.

That's just silly. There's no reason not to make one. Just make another character and start from level 1 to get adjusted to the game and how the skill system works.

chronicle characters are actually weaker in the long run anyways, they get jipped on costumes, inventory space, and level up boxes pretty bad
Is there any MMO's that offer challenging solo content preferably action combat?

Honestly I am still chasing that high I got from doing warlock green fire in MoP (WoW) so fun bashing my head against a boss solo for hours until I beat it.
>Like why would I slow level instead of being boosted to 80
isn't this whole conversation just one big reason as to why you would do that?

yeah but the 3 months you have to play to get to this point is annoying.
>only 3 months
What server do you guys play on for dragon nest? Is there still an active guild?
On NA there's only one server, and on SEA it's westwood.
There's a pastebin for DN in the recommendations pastebin
What I meant to ask was if everyone's on the NA server or if people are spread out.
There's no mention of guilds outside the NA server on the pastebin, but there's also mention of IP blocks.
I think only KDN has IP blocks and you probably need like a korean social security card or something knowing the gooks. Only (active) guilds are on NA, and they're (NEET at least, almost forgot NFA was a thing) actually quite active for what they are.

Probably not enough to do a raid every single day but dailies and 4mans are common.
Whats a game you really wanted to like but was unable to enjoy.
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Tree of Savior.

Computer was/is to shit to play it.
>Tree of Savior.

Isn't it too late for that? Last time I played was when the game was hacked so everyone had every skill on lv20. PvP in safe areas etc. Anything changed?
Could anyone confirm if they play on the NA server from the EU?
It's a pretty big download for me to just try it.
I wish world of tanks really was an mmo like they call themselves.
I can't enjoy it now that everyone did quit and that it's labeled as the P2W/Worst Marketing Design MMO ever created.
They just didn't know how to progress it. Ecosystem was cool, different countries were cool, but the whole wakfu/stasis and guilds/pvp thing was abandoned.
Exactly my point.
This, oh god this.

My and my friends jumped on archeage hard as fuck at release, had land together on a coast, had boats done. Suddenly crafting became 1000s of gold in fucking energy potions and RNG bullshit.

The energy system ruined it for me, way before the p2w got super annoying.
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Posting best MMO.
If you just get over it, you can make tons of progress now without fags coming along to dick you over while at sea or even with illegal farms.
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Kek grindan dem points.

Also to Anon who suggested Elona+ pic related
I don't enjoy playing a MMO somewhat empty and that everyone spits on, the motivation to keep playing isn't there.
Tera has good combat but the pvp is shit now.
IMC just stopped caring and dropped any plans of making performance good so they just add dailies on dailies with obligatory timegates like "wait here in this room for 5 minutes" to keep players busy
If you do all the dailies you SHOULD do it would takes like 5 hours if not more
Now they are also going full P2W too
You need to kill yourself or pay lots of real money for catching up
It's a shame that you let others dictate your enjoyment of things.
>2.05 FPS
Yesterday in GvG i played at 0.3 FPS for almost 5 minutes straight
how pay2win is dragon nest? im noticing stat boosting costumes and limited time equipment slots in the cash shop
Give me your honest opinion on Bless Online so far please.
From trailers and videos it looks enjoyable at least
You don't want to play Revelation though
The graphics are top-tier, however everything else is bland and uninspired. It's the reason why they had to do massive server mergers in Korea already, and also why they're supposedly doing a complete rework of the combat system.

I like how it looks, but it being down to 2-3 servers in its home country is telling. I'll maybe keep my eye on it, but I'm not going to spend any money to test it.
Crest/talisman slots might as well be irrelevant because you can only equip one of each type and you can already equip all of the ones you would want without them

The rare cash shop costumes are bretty gud and make a noticable difference, but they're more like late game gear upgrades than gamebreaking. You still have to be geared to make use of them.

Wish we (NA) could trade all the cash shop equipment like other servers can though.

Those slots are kinda useless because is not like you can repeat heraldry or talisman type. You can cover everything with the 8 you get.

Costumes are irrelevant compared to what you get with equipment. Like 90% of your total stats come from gear and 9% from levels. You won't get anywhere simply because you got a costume. Getting an armor and enhancing it to +8 is te best you can do and that's easily achieved.

ok guess ill give it a chance then, thanks
Does anyone know when we'll stop getting DNP coupons? I want to know if I'll be able to have enough time to get an Alice outfit set. Only have about 9k worth of coupons so far ;_;

No idea.

Halloween, sumer and christmas costumes only stay 30 days on the shop.
Well shit there's no way I'll get enough to buy the full package then. Might as well start buying pieces and then buy more the next time one of them comes around assuming we keep getting DNP

Fuck fashion
But you might get enough to buy the full Christmas package when that comes around.

Might be worth saving.
>Computer was/is to shit to play it.
Not even a super computer can run a silky smooth 5 fps in pvp in that game, you are not missing anything
Worst optimized game ever, if you manage to get 4 FPS in PvP it's already an achievement

I can confirm, I know people who high specs pcs and msi laptops and the game can barely run
is there any benefit to doing the main quest in dragon nest? im level 93 and not sure if i should finish my main quest, which is level 91 quests right now
reminder to look into archeage 3.0 freshstart servers
Why? It will all go to shit incredibly fast anyway. Zerg guilds will monopolize the trade routes and farm spots, bots will take all the land and remove every illegal farm. There is no reason to think they'll end up any better than the current servers.
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Gearing my chronicle character was a mistake. You get less inventory space, no free red dragon costumes, no free mount, no free jellies/stamps and costume pouches from 80 levels of level up boxes. They can't even compare to a standard character.

Fuck this. Now I'll have to spend hundreds of gold removing crests and talismans and transferring everything into server storage so I can switch.
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So join a big guild, get a good group going before hand, and stop being an autist that refuses to play with others in an MMO?

also almost none of those things happen anymore but hey, thatd make your shitpost less juicy i suppose
Being a performer is dangerous since shit like that happens. Gotta get more health first.

If you want to know the story, and some rewards and gold (I think story quests give like 8 gold each?).

You get a ton of inventory, havent you opened the gift boxes?

Also what red dragon costume? Nobody gets that and that's an armor. All characters get the Assassin costume, even Chronicle, it's in the gift box.
>tfw no legit sandbox mmo
I'm starting to seriously consider going back to Minecraft.
Installing DN NA now. What class should I use the chronicle thing for?
The red dragon wings/tail and a spirit you get for having a level 93 character. You get them on every character after the first from what I can tell.

You get a mail when you make them that's something like "Create a new character achievement!"
Destroyer is good for a beginner

Almost impossible to die with, good AoE damage, decent party support

you dont even really need to dodge shit, you can just superarmor through everything
not that guy

but I wanna try a destroyer and put a great sword skin on top of it
all of the hammers look like spiked dildos, anyways
>assassin costume
what the hell are you talking about? I've never even heard of that
Yes I do. It's great, localization issues aside.
Seven League
then Happy Bed
Oh, you died. Still. Any inputs should be Seven League followed by Happy Bed
I better check /rlg/ for this shit.
Why do people farm apples instead of essences? If you do 2 essences a day you already make more than an apple does, and at least that way you're not inflating the gold counts even more
Hey guys I have a request. Anyone knows any MMORPG with the feeling that vanilla WoW had?

As in, dificult but entertaining, a bit slow but not too much, the leveling wasn't suicide like korean mmos, good PvE, and also, F2P?

They'll tell you the same, enjoy. There's more tips to be found there though.

It's the one from the level up box that lasts 7 days. idk what NA called it.
yeah chronicle characters only get 2 boxes with those because they don't get the 1-80 boxes

normal characters end up with like 6 of them
vanilla wow private servers.

A few years ago I would have said rift, but they fucked up big time.

Assuming you use the discount coupons, most people aren't willing to top up in a game they just started playing
DNP gets junked and the end of the month because Eye hasn't gotten rid of all the Nexon in it.
what are you talking about? I'm saying that chronicle characters get fucked harder because they get much less time with free costumes than others do. They help you start doing things a lot faster so you can get nice and geared by the time you've used all of them up.
Chron characters also miss out on red ice stuff
Yep that's exactly what I said earlier. They're a fucking scam

Just keep the coupons instead of using them
Story and every quest, or maybe side quest, gives out garnets.
Does that work? You'd have to save for like two 'n' half months at that rate.
Why is it starting to cost so much fucking money to repair my armor in Dragon's Nest? I'm not even getting fucking hit.
Some anon discovered that the degradation rate for NA is real high for some reason.
yeah it's a real pain in the ass from like 32-80
you get jack shit in gold from dungeons and if you're grinding can't afford to repair your shit (which is needed like every 3 runs) and it turns into a RNG nightmare hoping you can get weapons from the reward boxes to not go bankrupt on repair fees

I really have no idea what happened to make it like this. It was never this bad before.
It has got to the point where I just let a piece of armor run out and then I replace it with a fresh one.
Just do side quests :^).
Really though, once the bonus xp from capped characters gets around two hundred it's smarter to do a mix of grinding and side quests to mitigate repairs if/when you need it. Weapons are still a pain the ass to try and get mid-grind though since everything is stupidly priced.
Selling accessories is better though. Repair fees were pretty bad, but I look at my money every now and then and I'm not going negative in my gains.
Is this how my Shooting Star is suppose to look like?

Doing quests now just means you won't get the garnet rewards later
and it sure as hell isn't more efficient to ever leave the dungeon entrance area when you have a high exp boost. Quests only get worse and worse as time goes on.
How come you have no skills in your 2nd and 3rd tree?
Trying out Neocron. Didn't know this was still alive.
A poor attempt at humor, anon.
try this instead so you're read for awakening
Is wax really that good?
When will they remove the fatigue thing for DN?
Why would they?
People barely bitch about it already. It's not like FP in DFO where half the people playing at launch quit because of it and that still stayed in
Because I want to grind non stop. It doesn't mean anything when I'm still able to run dungeons with 0 fatigue when I don't even get exp, gold or item drops.
>Thinking you don't get anything
Have you actually went down to zero?
You still get exp and drops, it's just like half what it was
and unless you are like all day long hard grinding with no exp boost, it's unlikely you'll use up the 800 daily, 500 weekly, and 300 daily from likes before 80

In KDN you don't even get to enter dungeons when you run out.
Then stop playing kdn/cdn/asiandn and acting as if it's dnna
I don't want to play NA though, it's behind.
well then don't fucking complain about FTG
It's not going to go away, ever.
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Someone new to the thread here, what game would you guys suggest?
I looked at the recommended list but half of them I haven't seen talked about very much or at all

Just want something to play with other people here
Would I appreciate the story more had I done one of the first characters instead of the Tinkerer? It seems I talk to a lot of villains in the story before they're killed.
Fine, I'll just play a non-shit game instead then.
So playing nothing at all?
Play Sea. Still be behind but act like you're on the level of JP and KR.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to play Elsword

I will play Aisha.
well, it's better than playing rena
you could still do better though, anon
Better than Elesis.
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cute boy
but why does he have long hair?
Because he wants cock.
don't we all?
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Good choice.
Do most people here play on the private server or official?
Is there a way to get more action bars on DN? I can't find an option to do so and I'm a few slots short.

You only get two, you can quickly switch them but I can't recall the default button. You can rebind it to another anyways (I use |, left to 1)

I think that's a personal preference.
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>not switching it with the pickup drops button and using F instead
So, no way to quick-use something that's on the secondary bar?
Quite limiting, but I guess I can manage.
>So, no way to quick-use something that's on the secondary bar
Yeah, it's called pressed the fucking swap button and the associated key.
Dont fucking use an autoleveler at all.
Void is the private server, the NFA there is more alive because of free shit but the server itself is way behind on updates.
They might be non-english players.

Try UO Forever. Last time I was there, the server is packed with english-speaking players.
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I don't get it.
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The first one is a play on the word for bread in Japanese, the second one is just lewd.
>bread in Japanese

The japanese word for bread is pan (actually a portuguese word, also used in spanish)

>Mfw i see the ridiculous number of ingredients for Time and space weapon and items.
fuck. i only have less than 20 complete healing potions and 50 blue bull potions. I died 2 to 5 due to hamel's last boss(ara's brother) and lanox's last boss.
It's easier to get heroic gear than henir, and after the revamp heroic armor is objectively better.
Well im playing at Void and i cant even enter heroic dungeons due to item lvl less than 140 and i dont even want to party with people since im a situational lagger and i dont want to ruin people's lives.

I'm sitting here wondering what class you are playing that needs so many buttons. Only classes that require this much are Clerics and Light Fury and it's mostly for buffs that last long enough to not worry about quickslot bar.
Me and my friend just applied to NEET on DN and would like to be approved character names are Stellarvore and Irisi
Mercenaries worth using?
well a tank doing topdeepswhile not caring

and the other I dunno
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>Start wakfu
>make new character
>pick colors and stuff
>notice the character I made was actually naked
>could see butt and textureless boobs
>suddenly covered in black boxes
>goes away if I choose another color

What an odd glitch.
That's Java. Takes a while to load resources.
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post ded
How's the cash shop in DN?
Is it p2w? Can you buy damage and stats? Or is it purely cosmetics?
Are they tradeable or is it like Nexon where you can't trade it and expires after 30 days?
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Wish I could have stayed nude

what's the least dead wakfu server
Remi and Nox are old servers. Remi is the international server while Nox is the NA server.
Pick Remi.

Or pick Ebola or whatever it's called. It's the Spanish server, it had a promotion when it launched so a lot of people switched.
But it's a Spanish server.

Just pick Remi.
So I should play SEA?
A while ago, there was a quest that sent you to prison in which you ended up in underwear.
And a certain costume made females topless, too bad they fixed it.
Spic here. I can tell you Elbor is fucking cancer, don't ever go. Nox is the murica server so you don't get much traffic either.
is phaeris dead then? i played that a while ago
Any Dark and Light gameplay?
When will CBT?
Yes, it's dead. It got a server transfer when the other servers went f2p so everyone switched ot Nox or Remi, but mostly Remi.
alright, guess im starting over then
What class you picking?
And what time do you usually play? I won't be able to get in for a couple more hours.
Don't know yet, I played Sram last time but I'll probably pick something else.
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Light Fury




Spirit Dancer
Is there a way to check ping before downloading the game?
If I stick with Dragon's Nest, I was thinking of making a Kali next cause they look cool.
Anyone know why gearmasters prefer chainsaw quackum cooldown over damage? It's cooldown is already so low, and you have your hands full just trying to keep everything active and off CD as is, and CD plates are only worth it if you can use them immediately after CD or they're for buff/debuff skills.

NA has more players from this thread and a guild, SEA has freedom when it comes to cash items and easier ways to obtain them, plus it wasn't Nexon'd. If you pick SEA go to Green/West. No one from this thread plays in Holy/Spring or Blitz.

And no, you can't get ping

I'll try SEA first.
dawn patrol , nox
Nevermind I am completely retarded. I for some reason really through the other option was damage and not useless mp recovery
>try to donload DN
>can't because mediafire says i reached my downloading limit this week
>don't want to download 50 different parts
>torrent is dead with 0 seeders
You know for a published game you would think they have their own download server.

The torrent had like 20 seeders today

And Mediafire killed the full client download today for no reason

They used to be with StarHub but some weeks ago but something went wrong and and had to temporary move it to MF, which is weird because patches are still in StarHub and they work
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whos more fun, dragoon or dark avenger
See >>160102093 if you want something new.
nice memes.
What memes, anon? It's a good game that's still in beta.
dark avenger has super flashy skills, but dragoon is a better class

no one plays dark avenger for a reason, its a wheelchair class
>no one plays dark avenger for a reason, its a wheelchair class
I heard he even gets killed off in Arch Heratic's story

isnt that sad

And that was on Arch Heretic level 50 quest, poor DA didn't get too far
Trying to play DN and I'm getting so many problems.
I finally downloaded the game and now when I try to sign up the page won't fucking load.
Managed to sign up.
Now the game keeps crashing.

Fuck this game.
Yeah I remember it being hell, just trying to reset my password took like 2 hours

the fuck are you doing
There's tons of people on Nox.
People afking in town aren't playing the game though.
Machina awakening when!
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Almost fap worthy
After Assassin and Lencea.

I hope one of the Awakening passives for Ruina makes you able to hold backward to not move so much with Overcharge.
>>I hope one of the Awakening passives for Ruina makes you able to hold backward to not move so much with Overcharge.

You mean the same problem gladdy had with frienzed charge?
Yes. It's really absurdly easy to fly past even mid-size bosses with Overcharge. I'm kind of surprised they made that mistake twice, but I don't know how recently Frenzied Charge EX got the adjustable distance effect.
I don't know how to build an engineer.
So, how do I reset my skills. I already fucked up.
Still level 10 though. Maybe I can reset it at 15?
>lvl 10
>fucked up
No you fucked up at 93 if you don't have your ultimates
You get a few free resets from the levelup box and after you do your first advancement.

I don't know anything about Shooting Star but I'm distrustful of that build since it puts 27 points in a starter skill.

Also it doesn't have Dash.
You're right those 26 points should be alley-op
But that's the best starter skill in the game.
I guess I'll follow this one instead
>Want to heal
>Hate melee
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>played Wakfu for like 4 hours today
>did nothing but mine and cut trees

You have reached the endgame.
hey I do that in rs
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Did you at least plant them back?
What are you even talking about. It's been ages since any game had melee healer.

Post screenies. I;m looking for a game to kill time.
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Yea, what kind of person do you think I am?
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Hits the autism just right
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Snap that looks comfy.
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It is comfy.
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Is it just me or the link died?

Dead on my end too.

I don't know what Aeria was thinking with this, Bless requires an entirely different kind of handling than the anime cutesy shit they love to destroy.
>play DNSEA
>voices are english
>sounds cringey
Just look for a voice mod.
Srams are the cutest.
But they're not Fecas.
>playing cleric
I too like to get pegged by Sorc
Saint is not melee.
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any experienced EVE players here? i'm looking at an article for the F2P version being released tomorrow and i'm not sure if it's worth checking out. it says you are restricted to "alpha state" as F2P but can upgrade to "omega state" which is the complete game by playing but i'm not sure how long it would take to upgrade without spending money

i played EVE for a few months like 10 years ago and haven't reactivated my account since. i think the article says i can play my old account for free in Omega state?

anyway i'm not super interested in EVE but if it's free and not P2W then i'll check out
Don't bother.

EVE is a game that requires extreme amounts of dedication and willingness to put up with lots of boredom and downtime to succeed in.

I can only imagine that it'd take the equivalent of a full time job to do the omega state thing without paying for it.
Anons playing DN, do you still have to do whole collections for best titles?
It's in-game gacha now, though I think most of the general 4man nests ones are pretty decent. 8man ones tend to be the best outside of the goddess ones.
When people say they can get to 93 in a day in DN are they talking about NA, SEA or both? Because I'm still level 22 after 4 hours.
Both? No idea about Sea but if you got enough capped characters you can pretty much get the equivalent to an exp scroll or two on NA on top of an exp scrolls.
Cash shop EXP scrolls.
I see. I remember back then we used to do these damn collections with shit like "die from a dog" to get these +final damage titles.

Because you can get free lv80, and there are two ways to lvl character. If you are new just stick to doing quests and slowly lvling up, you have to learn your skills.
Those are probably still around but I'm sure most everyone is going for Goddess Vessel as a title.
One more DN question, when does it get harder? I've been clearing rooms too quickly even on master.
Or is my class just makes it easy? Playing the little girl with the huge gun.
Are you at 90? No? Then it won't get hard. Unless you're horribly geared which will probably lead to you coming here to whine about things taking forever
Any upcoming MMOs you're looking forward to that's not Bless or Revelation Online?

I'm looking forward to Lineage Eternal, though the recent screenshots have turned me off a good bit. It looks waaay too much like Diablo 3 now.
Anything that will run on my toaster.
Lost Ark looks good.
Honestly, I almost fully migrated to mobile games now, since the Unreal 4 ones are literally mmos, but on mobile.
Still play elsword sometimes, sto very rarely and hope to get enough interest to play either rusty hearts, or DN.
Do you lose anything on death? I've been meaning to start a new MMO to check it out.
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How could they fug up this so much. it's only good for taking pictures of landscapes.

>Revelation Online

>Lineage Eternal
I may actually have fun with it.

>Lost Ark
This is most promising shit so far. And it has Bards.
Well RevOnline is 7 years old so there is that. For Lost Ark I hope they have plans to move it to the west that lancer guy looks so fun.
RevO is... not that bad for a chinese game desu.

As for Lost Ark even Step said he will be playing it, not any Bless/BDO etc.
>RevO is... not that bad for a chinese game desu.
RevO is also still a chinese game despite a cbt.
>Muh beta
Well it is the 1st test. Hopefully they show fixes in the CBT2 for RU
The game has always been under NCsoft. What the fuck is this? Doesn't blatantly say it's a PS, and isn't Gameforge legit? So confused.
Multiple games can have multiple publishers.
How is ToS now? Thinking of picking it back up.
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How come white people don't make mmos anymore?
Damn. Back to Dota it is then. Lack of MMOs to grind in is suffering.
It's shit.

Half the playerbase at any given time is bots, bots control all the key locations, IMC has been turning more and more to p2w and haven't done jackshit to fix the games problems, most glaringly it's performance issues...

Overall, it's just as bad as it was on release. They did fix the crippling lag, though that was less them and more the fact that 90% of the playerbase quit.
1 game published twice at the same time both on NA/EU doesn't sound right. It's like Nexon having their own World of Warcraft servers whilst making money from it.
Unless this is just a private server and I'm just a retard
Because MMOs are shit.
MOBAs are the new hotness.
Req. :
>Lot of ideas
>Lot of money
>Lot of time
Obt. :
>NOT your money back
>"Oh it's a <insert MMO> clone" label
>"It's ded" comments on release day

It's way cheaper and faster to make mobile games now, and people play it on PC, online too.

Make a bad mobile game, there's always some freak who's going to spend $999999 because he likes the artstyle and the cute girls.

Make a bad MMO you're finished.
It's not a private server. It's a legit publishing company. It's just not common and only usually happens with browser games.
Free to play happened
WoW convinced big league players that you can make tons of money off MMOs.

In typical mega-corporation style, they didn't bother thinking about WHY WoW or other MMOs were popular and instead bought out a bunch of already established MMO studios and forced them to produce WoW clones.

The WoW clones failed and mega-corps lost interest, leaving the Western MMO industry utterly trashed.
Hype for Dragon Nest 2?
So, a tooltip showed up while loading stages in Dragon Nest and it said I won't be able to enter dungeons if my fatigue runs out. Is that true for the SEA servers?
>just got to the end and it was a moble game
BRB killing myself.
Mobile games killed mmos.
Why would you release anything for pc, unless its steam, or consoles, unless you have a deal with sony like sega, when you can just release it for mobile.
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I can't wait to play this with my grandchildren.
You'll never have any nor play that game.
Nah I'll just buy wife. I'd rather have someone who was raised to be a wife than some entitled cunt telling me what to do with my money.

As for the game, you are fucking right ;w;
Im ready.

That game was cancelled and the people working on it formed a new studio called Hound 13 and turned it into another game called Project 100 (spoiler alert the gameplay looks like garbage).

They go around advertising this game like "BY THE FATHER OF DRAGON NEST" (one of those guys is the co-founder of Eyedentity) like Inafundme. It's pretty embarrassing.

You can tell it's the same game because it uses the same assets, even the one handed sword guy from the trailer still has Geraint's animations.

Do the Theme Park Goblin stages, you get like 10 levels there

Another thing is to ignore the quests and just go to the highest dungeons you can enter and do the story later.
Aren't areas locked behind the story?
Like the one after the airship quest at level 24. If you didn't do it then you can't get inside Saint whatcha-ma-call-it.

Wait, I just realized this video says Nov 13 2016, what the fuck?
>level 10
>fucked up
what the fuck
The only time your build can be fucked up is when your 93. That is the only time you should ever aim to reset your skills.

No, also that airship isn't locked either.
Only locked by level.
>have 450% exp boost from 5 capped characters and an exp scroll
>get one level and then some from every run until ~80
>do the 60-80 Gobarta stages for 2 levels per run to take you from 60-72
>get someone to boost you from 80-90/93
I get about 10 levels an hour if you average it all up.
>get someone to boost you from 80-90/93
Specifically, either a guild mate or sell someone a mentor slot to power level you to 90 (make sure you sell your other two slots for an extra 180-200 gold!) and then do 90-93 in a 4 man party. 1300 PWR (Daily and Weekly combined total) is enough to take you from 80-93 without running out if you do so.
What if you don't have any capped characters and an exp scroll?
Well, you should have at least one capped character from your chronicle. It'll take you a few days to get 93 with them if you only play with PWR. And once they get 93 they'll make you eligible for the chronicle event rewards that give you:
Reward 1: Four National Flags (USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand)
Reward 2: Class Change, Adventurer Bag(5 Slots) x 6, Extra Storage (5 Slots) x 6, Marketplace Pass(30 days) x 1, Scroll of Unlearning (1 day ticket) x 1, Resurrection Scroll x 20, Hero's Experience Scroll (200%) Lv.93 / 30 days x 1, Poochum Pet 30 days x 1

So you can send it all to 3 different characters. And from there you'll build up characters in no time. 250% boost and those kickass flags are enough to speed you through everything.
If I am playing a healer class in DN, can I still solo at all, or do healers do no damage?
The fuck is chronicle?

Healers have high damage output except Light Fury unless you are willing to juggle your SP with Abyss Walker skills
Alright, thanks. Going to make a physician once the game is downloaded.
How are destro and barb in pvp and pve nowaydays? I loved shouting at bosses.

Nope. There's two types of pvp, open-world in the abyss and wars which play a bit like moba matches. In the abyss, if you die you respawn back at the entrance to the abyss, which can be pretty far. In wars you respawn in the same zone, like a moba.
Only downside of dying to another player is you give them SP which they use to get stronger during wars.
Is this supposed to be badass? They look like two fucking plebs.
Fuck those videos are made to hype the shit out of you and create a desire to do the same yourself, I got the opposite feeling here.
Sadly most of good pvp matches are in kr and I can't read shit in runes. I had saved few clips with two moonlords doing crazy evades while throwing stuff at each other but can't find them.
I mean, it is a 40 cap vid
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Aion EU has per server at peak hour 3k. If you decide to play it, prepare your anus for the grind and no it's not p2w.
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>Good game
I'm having trouble finding up-to-date class guides for DN. I started yesterday, made a hammer dude and distributed points based on the one skill build I could find but I have no idea what to be doing now.
I haven't had much trouble getting through dungeons so far, but it bothers me not knowing if I'm missing something important.
it's called the NA forums
though I wonder how many more times it needs to be said that your skill build DOES NOT MATTER until 93
do whatever you want and reset when you hit cap, that's it
>being a fag
What game are you playing that are so great anon?
mobage is such trash and you could barely call them games.
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granblue is pretty fun
lots of cute waifus too
Gameplay looks like shit and if you have more than one waifu you should kill yourself. That's all these anime mobage like gran blue and fate one are. Just some goddamn waifu simulators for retards.
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>if you have more than one waifu you should kill yourself
oh my god it's an actual /a/utist!
The Unreal 4 ones look like mmos though
what happened to the elsword generals? also I'd like to recommend the GrandChase private servers for the paste bin.
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But it's truth. More than one waifu causes severe depression.
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>actually, legitimately having a waifu
Same as the general for every other game in here
it died
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You can have husbando m8.
Why aren't you in the Overwatch general if you're such a waifu hound?
But what caused it?
not enough users to sustain it
same as every other game in here
wow that's suprising the game seemed pretty popular 3 years ago.
>3 years ago.
Three years is a long time man
I know but still did they just fucked it up really bad?
>browser game
>5 loading times just to swap one weapon

It's a great game and the grind is almost endless, if it wasn't THAT annoying to play I'd be on it still.
oh god yeah the menus are awful
you have to open up the equipment screen, go to the equipped weapons page directly to unequip it, return to the equipment page, open the weapon that you want to equip's page and finally equip the weapon from there

It's just ridiculous.
I'm sorry you don't like the game, but that doesn't mean others don't.
I'll play it day and night if they make a legit mobile "port".
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Help. I took my theano cannon to +10 at last after 200 jellies and like 80 garnets, do I keep going?!
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Nah, just a tough life
only if your off-hand is +10 already and you wouldn't mind being reset back to 0 :^)
Ryoko best.
dear god is that actually possible?
Yup. Going past +10 resets if it fails instead of going down by one.
You're lucky it doesn't break like other KMMOs
It still does, but compared to something like vindictus you can actually trade the material that prevents it from doing so.

Basically there's no chance of it breaking if you're not retarded.
>using a desktop i bought in 2009
>still lags on lowest setting when playing dn
Well, that sucks.
So wait do you mean if it fails AT ALL it's guaranteed to be reset, or just if it fails and gets a roll that would have been a de-rank before, it resets instead?

both sound awful, but one is slightly less bad
Do you have mods? Remove grass and shit.
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What are some mmos?
I don't.
Does it work for SEA? And where can I find mods?
world of warcraft
>Finally put points into my engineering tree
>moves one shot shit on master level

So what is the point of the Tinkerer skills again?
Are there any titles better than the archbishop/manticore ones that aren't basically impossible to get like the gacha one??
Basically just so you can unlock the Engineer tree.
Outside of PvP; to make you spend 45 sp so you can unlock your specialization skills.

Also wax and passives.
Seems odd you can level them super high if they're fucking useless. Also, I thought it was just 20 points in Tinkerer?
Wax is shit though.
retard spotted
I remember an anon linked me a skill sheet with Wax and the air knock up skill maxed, I don't get why though.
Tell me when it's ever useful.
You can't because it's shit. It's small and doesn't even last long.
>move 50% faster with 50% uptime
>when is it ever useful
are you just bad at the game or something? Movement speed is nothing but a plus outside of dumb gimmicks like platforms and obstacle courses
tell me ur not a cuck u cant LMAO
>obstacle courses
Yeah, because wax can cover the whole area.
I don't even know what you're trying to say.
Maybe if you spoke in something other than memes.
Wax is shit. You're saying it's good because of movement speed but it doesn't cover enough ground to make it useful. You're limited to that one small area.
Anon wax gives you an 8.5 second buff whenever you touch that persists even if you leave it's AoE.

You don't have to stand in the wax to move faster.
Go play the game.
Tera upgrading system is the best
when did we start talking about your penis?
He is right you retard
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>tfw DOMO will never be as enjoyable as it was 8 years ago

kind of wish I could just play the game as blindly as I did before, without any concept of 'good mmos' and stuff like that.
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but I am
>200 jellies for a +10 theano
Senpai thats...
Dont listen to this anon even after +10 it only downgrades by 1
Action bump
>look up dragon nest
>5 million classes
Just make all of them
Any style you like the most?
not really. not a huge fan of pure supports, but as long as something is thematically fun, I tend to like it no matter what it is. I do like spears a lot so I think dragoon is what I'm going to be going for first, and shooting star's abilities seem pretty cool so that'll probably be my first alt
honestly looking like something from each of the major branches. maybe not cleric unless they're super broken or something.
Playstyle wise I can't help you, because that's up to you.

But for convenience, I would definitely try to make an AGI class first because they are much easier to build thanks to naturally having high crit.
Windwalker/tempest would probably be the best choice you could make at the moment, but really any archer is a good pick. Something like Gearmaster would be a good choice too.
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non action bump
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>I do like spears a lot
muh nigga
There's a spear class in DN. I never tried it and I prefer magical spears instead of physical.
gearmaster was on my radar too. pic related is throwing me off though--for clarity, is a precursor to shooting star, or are those both diverging branches of engineer? sorry for probably retarded question
>diverging branches of engineer
Yes. Once you're an engineer you can pick SS or GM.
awesome, forgot the pic related showing the diagram I meant, but the question was obvious. thanks familia
Blame Euroshits, they removed HERO mode and reimplemented it in the last update.

At this point not even Void knows if EU has the updated SD, Eltrion MK2 and HELL HERO files anymore.
>maybe not cleric unless they're super broken or something.
Clerics are the most fun
who rift here? been a few years but they're getting an expansion in 2 days
b2p expansion on a p2w game, rift is done, thanks trion.
In DNSEA where can I get free skill reset scrolls? I kinda messed up and turned in the quest and I got the scroll but it expires in 7 days.
I was making a GM but now I want to make an SS instead.
When do the enemies in Dragon's Nest stop being so weak? I'm level 40 and I'm falling asleep playing the game cause there is no tension of death.
You get a job change + reset at 93.
Once you hit 80 you will come back here and complain about enemies being damage sponges even with full epic gear.
Rather complain about the game being too hard than too easy. All this trash content you have to get your way through. I had more fun using just my basic class skills only.
>at 93
Well, that's dumb. I'll just remake my character.

One more question, can I delete my DWC character and make a new one if I don't like it?
Yes but you can only make 7 new character per day
That's fine, I doubt I'll ever run into a problem of wanting to make more than 7 characters per day since if I do make a new character I'll probably spend the whole day playing them.
No one Shroud of the Avatar here? :/
WAAAIT is this a sequal to RF Online that Codemasters used to own the IP for?
I want to ERP with other furries. What game should I play?
I'm not a pedophile though.
>ERP with other furries

shut up furry filth
Yiff in Tera
>NA forums
I might be retarded but I can't find any destroyer guides on there. Search is coming up empty.
Any recommendations for someone who enjoys sandboxy mmos or mmogs with a focus on community?
3.0 soon
find a different genre, those kinds of MMOs are dead
teach me to apple farm /mmog/
how do I make 100 alts if you only get like 20 character slots for free?
Make a new account.
but when?
awesome thanks anon, thumbs up!
Alright let's chill with the African Americans posts.
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This weeks patch notes for KR
>7th Elysion Dungeon, ‘Halted Memory of the Sun’
>Dungeon, PvP, Ereda result screen revamp
>Mailbox feature revamp
>Early game revamp ver.2
>Character Balance Revamp

get fucked RS
>African Americans
What did he mean by this?
your guess is as good as mine anon
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Remington > Nox > shit > Phaeris
Is this Void?
Phaeris > Remington > Nox > shit
>This weeks patch notes for KR
KR void?
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seamonkey pls
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There's no such thing a KR void, anon...
Go with what your dick tells you.
megumin NO
I like shields. That's my fetish.

My dick likes shields too.
I'm going to do it
I'm going to play Elsword

I will play Ara
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SEA is getting another patch this month, but minor changes
DN*SEA sorry
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Void is just Void, anon...
NA too
what did he mean by this?
He's referring to the empty pit of nothingness that we will all be sent to after this life is over.

There is only one void, and it's where we will all be soon.
>void doesn't let me install the game to an alternative drive
this is starting out perfect already
Sounds like my kind of void

Except I was able to without a problem. Let me guess, Win10?
Win 7 stripped down to shit
Windows 7 drive is nearly full while the other drives are completely empty and it for some reason refuses to install to other places.

but I evaded this issue by just changing some parameters, god bless linux passtrough.
What are the differences between barbarians and destroyers?

Also are they limited to axes/hammers? Can they use swords too?

NA or SEA?
what do i play if i love the gathering/professions in games like wakfu/runescape but hate the combat?
>Can they use swords too?
since almost all weapon skins for warrior are great swords, guess
Wakfu/runescape, don't fight.
In fact, I'm 90 thieving in /v/scape and have never fought seriously.
>play mabinogi for years
>no other mmo can satisfy me
>Try Arche age
>Shit is good
>eventually drop out because the only way to get things is by buying a ticket to use the market but can't because market is how you make money
>rougefarming is impossible
>owning land is as impossible
Help me guys I really like mmos but I'm a scrub and unlucky
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Get some friends to make up for your scrubby, unlucky shortcomings
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Where are the Wakfu players? Give me your ign if you're in Remi~
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I've been playing for ages, never really had anyone willing to stick with me for longer so got used to soloplay, except that I'm a shitter so eh.
Should I start something anew?
Should I go back to arche age?
Isn't combat mandatory in Wakfu?
I guess you have to level to get access to new areas but you can just get carried and fuck off later
As for /v/scape, nothing stops you at all
I like being a blacksmith is that possible?
You'd need resources, namely lumberjack and I think mining. There are branches for hammers, swords, bows... and something else, I forgot.
The downside is that most people don't need your weapons because they get good stuff from dungeons. Most of the time, those who level blacksmith do it for the lvl100 seal, which is used on a unique super-weapon.
Or so it used to be. I barely began playing again, and some things are different; I haven't tried crafting.

Doesn't seem pay to win at all from what I've read, gonna fire it up here soon if anyones interested.
It's always like that.
I wish games gave a bit more credit to fine craftsmanship.
They promised a crafting rework a year ago. But they've been understaffed for more than 2 years so who knows how long it'll take.
Indeed. It would be really fun if dungeons only ever drop materials.
Maybe if we ever have an actually massive MMO. Where the fuck is my Elder Tales goddammit
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>"top tier players" on NA Elsword quitting left and right because their main classes have been gutted recently
>TyroneSama celebrating one year of not playing Elsword for whatever retard reason

NA is such a circlejerk of pure randomness.
Just being able to make worth competitors would make economy a bit more fluent
>Drop sword is good, but crafted sword by a top tier blacksmith is just as good and may even be better
would justify materials and making of the item
To me, drop swords are ridiculous in the first place. But I can imagine everyone would complain about not having enough blacksmiths.
can't you like literally buy tier/raid gear now?
Are these wellsprings from the erosion shop any good? I remember you could get pretty strong stuff from mezz before but I'm not sure how these compare.
The endgame crafted items are better than dropped items.
Good to know, I never actually reached endgame.
What about 100+?
It's been a while but from what I've read you can buy entry level end game gear if you want, but you can't get relevant raid gear any other way than raiding, same with pvp. The big pay wall seems to be buying all the classes, theres like 8 or so you don't get as f2p and while you can be competitive without them they are nice to have im sure.
yeah I remember there being entry level blue gear in the cash shop that would get you going enough to let you hold your own in max level dungeons which 2bh I didn't have much of a problem with, but for whatever reason I thought I read that they were just selling full on raid gear now
Play monster hunter :^)
You can buy raid gear, just not the highest tier.
>7th Elysion Dungeon, ‘Halted Memory of the Sun’
Quite excited for the story after Solace wrecking everyone.

>Dungeon, PvP, Ereda result screen revamp
it actually looks neat.

>RS,VP,RF,VC,DC,GM,BH and MM got their skill effects nerfed.
good thing i jumped ship from GM to CrA for elesis and uses DE for add.
>all these acronyms
Its actually long if i write them completely. Just being lazy today.
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I want to fuck her
shit taste
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>tfw no Elesis hand to hold.
>no YR nerfs


Elesis is shit though.

You're shit.
>only Crimson avenger not being nerfed for the next update in KR.
it actually feels good.
>elesis is elswords sister
>has 'sis' in her name
I flipped my shit when I found out.
>ejection buster already got nerfed
>still complaining
she literally has 1 button
I'd play again, but there's that bit about non-patrons being unable to queue for specific dungeons, along with being able to outright buy gear.
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Is Dragon Nest alive? Asking for NA.
If you're not a savage and you actually learned to type the proper way, you would know that ESDF is the only answer.
It's dead, Jim.
6 people online in the guild right now, 6-8 seems to be the norm for weekday nights, 5 pages of parties.

You'll get a daily quest/mission party filled within a minute most likely. This is the gateway on ch1 right now and all of them are on "active" status.
so which little girl in elsword fights with fists and/or legs

we get like +10 people online in weekends
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Wind Sneaker has kicks, not to be used in PvE
TKN/Diadalos have fun with the bear if you go for Diad.

there are also 2 pages of PvP lobbies and all of them seem to have a game going for the most part. Probably around 50-60 people total in them
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Chiliarch (Lu) fists things
is that like a dual character or something
why is there a faggot next to her in the selection
You switch between them.
Muh Black butlero
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>mfw download progress
it will be done SOON.
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Play the private server

most asian mmo's are, yes in some shape or form.

but archeage has a system that puts others to shame in terms of p2w.

Mainly it has to do with pvp gear and regrading (improving your gear color through bullshit rng using items bought from the store)

If they get rid of the store bought rng regrade items and let the game market take over, it would be a whole lot better in terms of p2w.
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>XE combat system
>tfw you want to like Wakfu but Ankama is awful

I hate how they revamped perfectly fine classes. I miss Foggernaut Blockade spam, felt like you were doing something as a 'tank' by making people tanky or making yourself tanky while controlling the terrain. I also hate how it requires ridiculous levels to unlock actives/passives.
Anyone want to play Lunia with me?

Plays like a fighting game with combos and stuff. Spirit Gaming is the only Lunia private server and it has increased EXP rates.
So in DN, what are the actual stats that you get out of +13 legendary weapon/armor? How big of a difference is it really between having that and a unique?
are there nay support-ish classes
If they're anything like unique comas, every stat gets upgraded +'d compared to ebin's damage and crit
>Ice Dragon

Pretty sure there are support classes, it runs off basic archetypes and weapons.

>Guy with sword
>Priest girl
>Thief girl
>Dual Katana Anime Girl
>Dual Hammer Macho Guy
>Guy who kicks things
>Guy who shoots things

Here's the wiki - notice the combo lists.
>over 15000 points in raw stats
jesus fuck
That's why they're legends m8
Now that I tried it out, the concept and gameplay of this combination thing is actually quite fun.
Looks interesting. Guess it can be the next MMO I burn myself out on.
Her third job has actual combination combos.
>combat slime
oh boy I'm digging it already
So we jumpin on the PS?
I'm down to boogie, probably going to sleep and wake up in 7 hours though.
I've played Lunia when it was on Ijji, the end-game content is pretty fun to play together, you just roll mobs and get huge combos. Some had difficulty and actually required knowledge/strategy.

Most fun was during an event where it crammed like 100 people into an area and made everyone the same level against a huge horde of mobs. So you'd see all these abilities being used.
If that's the main hub, it seems pretty dead desu. Guess I'll go back to GW2.
>it seems pretty dead
Voidfags what is the best thing I should get with Apink cards?
Were you expecting to see orgrimmar or something? I mean it's spread across 6 different channels and it's like that on all of them. If just having a comfortably playable amount of people online isn't enough then you're really in the wrong general.
>wanting zones full of idling bots
I mean if that's how you have fun great
Lets see a lively screenshot of GW2

that isn't even the main party area of the main hub, someone post a cap from chanel 1 in SEA garden of time and space
there's also the other side where the marketplace, storage, and melin are

>that isn't even the main party area of the main hub, someone post a cap from chanel 1 in SEA garden of time and space
Translations are different, but I'm assuming you mean the area right outside the garden of eternity where you find all the nests and things.

Though on NA that area isn't really that full and most people stand around near Erwin or the gateway.
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Does anyone have a decent RO image folder they could upload? I'm looking for all the official art ever used in game, in promo, or on the official websites including all NPC portraits, GM portraits, high res location maps, the blog archives, loading/login screens, and artbook scans.
and here's the area I think that anon is talking about
Pretty empty on NA. SEA certainly still has a larger playerbase, but NA isn't dead at all.
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Still waiting for that populated GW2 screenshot
anybody here play skyforge? i've been feeling like playing it again but left when they introduced bonus chapel shit fearing it was going the way of allods. how is the game now?
And because I realise I worded that like ass, no I am not expecting anyone to have all those things. Anything helps though. Especially seeking the stuff from Yoyo, GoGo, and Grand Youkan.

in SEA in peak hours you can't even see the floor in that area and near the marketplace
Handful of us tried it a couple weeks ago. Still shit. Don't think anyone made it through the day.
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There aren't many times where I wish I was a SEAmonkey, but right now is one such time.
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I realise now I should have stated Ragnarok Online and not RO. These are lovely though, thank you for the link.
i ate a lot of nuts and i feel sick
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Heres some priestess butt.
I'm right there with you. Finishing off a box of 12 super cheesy breadsticks
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RO butt, also always appreciated.
but im a normal person
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what happened with phaeris in wakfu?
i had all my old characters on that server, but i can't log in there anymore.
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>tfw you've grown tired mmos but refuse to accept it

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Just start over at Remi :^)
I heard they did a server transfer and you have to send a ticket and stuff.
If you do decide to go to Remi, we got control of a dead guild.
yeah im starting over on remi but i was just curious to see what i had on my old account, and probably use whatever was on there to get a head start.
>tfw started on Nox
>level 28 or something
>have a Satisfaction Ring exotic (+1 AP, -50 HP) totally worth it

nooooo my sunken cost
>mfw just dropped one of those
nigga just come to Remi
Why are you people trying to get everyone here on that shitty server?
Because I miss you
Wakfu is a terrible game and you're all terrible assholes for playing it and pulling others into it.
At this point im raid logging on WoW and playing Runescape I'm up for anything.
>There are people that are happy elesis getting nerfs just because she's a mary sue in the story.
Just like what >>160211027 said, people there are very random.
Go play HabboHotel or something you fag.
What are you playing
No it isn't.
Wanted to try this game but with those numbers is sounds awful..
You're in a general for dead games.
What do you want?
>his game is dead
Someone's new to mmog
Last time I looked, wasn't there around 70 people in neet? Did everyone already move to another game?
Dude every single MMO general is dead except WoW.
Even "new" ones takes days to reach bump limit and when they do it's 35% of
>ded kek
I'm about to download DN, are people there friendly? I like a comfy community
Anyone know where I can find a mod for DN that removes grass and stuff for less lag?

that's actually a pretty high number considering Dragon Nest party limit is 4
There is no community.
>implying it's different for non-mmo games

lower setting graphics already do that
Of course there is. It's a small one but there is
File: DN 2016-11-15 00-39-08 Tue.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
DN 2016-11-15 00-39-08 Tue.png
2MB, 1920x1080px
posting Leica 1/2
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DN 2016-11-15 00-41-43 Tue.png
2MB, 1920x1080px

good games when
I still see the grass even on lowest setting though.
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583KB, 680x689px
You were thinking of playing a game and then decided not to because you found out the guild has low numbers
Then you state you know every general is dead 5 minutes later as if you didn't know that 5 minutes ago
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980KB, 1001x728px
Are you that retarded that I have to explain
Every general is dead =/= Every game is dead

A game can be populated as shit but it's general stall or not even existing.

Stop posting.
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We're not talking about games as a whole, no one was discussing the population of an entire game. We're talking about a general's guild numbers.
>There are 6 people online in the guild now sometimes 6-8
>We get like +10 people on weekends
You reply
>Wanted to try this game but with those numbers is sounds awful..

Get fucked retard
Yeah, depends on which server and whether you get sucked into a zerg guild or a quiet one.
And where do you guys play? I know that the two guilds are on NA, but people are mostly there or SEA?
just end this general desu
Depends? Neet's the active guild since nfa's dead for NA. SEA, I'm not sure. However, there's very little difference in terms of content for both of them so it's not particularly hard to get stuff answered here.

Not sure how many of us are from SEA outside of one or three anons.
Are you ACTUALLY retarded?!

I replied
>Wanted to try this game but with those numbers is sounds awful..
because >>160218125 picture is the main hub.

S t o p p o s t i n g .
>you can get 3x exp if you have a higher level character

pretty much guarantees you outlevel your friends if they're new, and my god they level fast, guy same level as me just skyrockets in EXP
You must suffer more.
Thanks, anon. I'll post my ign here when it finishes downloading, I hope someone from the guild can invite me.
new bread when
when you get new eyes
Read above you stupid fuck.

I'm retarded
>expecting all 70 members to be onlline at once, especially considering half of them are alts
and there are 100 members now
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>Al De Baran

Dear angel, can you hear my voice?
I am Anon-kun SuperNovice~
Help me out~ Please~ T_T
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